fresh fruit and vegetable prices, 1960 - agecon...


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    UPOATA 1981 t









    UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT Of AGRiCULTURE Agricultural Marketing SCtrvice

    fruit and Vegetable Division

    Washington, D. C. May 1961

    Indexed bv subiect .!n mast~ index


    Introduction ...... ~ ....................... . 7Bble l.--Wholesale prices of specified fruits and vegetables at New York City and Chicago, each month by market, origin and description, 1960 ,....... 5

    Berries BlaCkberries ............................ 5

    Dlueoorrles ............................. 5 Cranberries 5 Raspberries Strawberries ........................... 5


    Ci trus Fruit.. Limes 0.............. 6

    other Fruits Apples ~ .v.................. 6 Avocados 7 Cherries 7 Peaches 8 Pears 10 Prunes t, Fresh .......... \I b. 10

    Miscellaneous Melons Cantaloup~ 10 Honeydew melons 110 Watermelons 11


    Artichokes, Globe type II Asparagus .e.~............................ 11 Deans, Lima .......................... r.. 12 Deans, Snap lZ Dect~ .................................., 13 Broccoli ~ ~ t 13 Brussels Sprouts ...................... .;" 13 Cabbage .................................. 1) Carrots ~ Ibu Cauli!lowel- , . ~ 15 Celery , IS Corn, Circon _ , 15 Cucumbc!rs ,......... 16 Eggpl~nt 16 Bnd!ve-Chicory ,..; ~ _':

  • - 3 -




    Prepared by Leo G. Heflin, Fruit and Vegetable DiVision, Market News Branch, Agricultural Marketing Service


    The prices listed in this report represent sales in wholesale lots of fresh fruits and ve~etables at New York City, Chicago, and at important shipping pOints where market news field stations were located during 1960. The report also includes monthly average auction prices for important fresh fruits, compiled by the Statistical and Historical Research Branch, Agricultural Marketing Service, from information contained in the New York Daily Fruit Reporter and the Chicago Daily Fruit and Vegetabla Reporter.

    The wholesale prices for private sales at New York City and Chicago are simple averages of representative prices for each 'l'uesday in the month. The local market reporters estimate volume of sale at different price levels, taking into consideration quality, condition and. other factors. These wholesale prices in most cases represent private sales in quantities of less than carload lots. They generally represent sales made by the first seller on the wholesale market. In a few instances, prices representing sales in carlots or sales at auction are report~d, but these are indicated in the body of the report. PRICES ARE FOR STOCK OF GENERALLY GOOD MERCHANTABLE QUALITY AND CONDITION - UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. Grades are shown where quoted by grade.

    The prices reported for important shipping points or shipping areas are simp:ie averages of the mid-points of the daily range throughout the year as reported by the local market news offices. They refer to sales in straight or mixed carloads Ol' truckloa.ds, unless otherwise noted. An average shipping point price for a month generally is shown only when there were quotations for six or more days during that month.

    "Sales f.o.b." refer to transactions in which the buyer assumes responsibility for the commodity at shipping point. "Delivered sales, shipping point basis", refer to transactions in which the seller assumes responsibility for delivery to the market. PriceS for the latter group of transactions are adjusted to a shipping point basis by making appropriate deductions for transportation and protective ser

  • - 4 -

    Major changes were made this year in the loadings per carlot in connection with the transportation reports, compiled for fruits and vegetables to reflect current loading practices. These higher loading factors were used in computing the estimated value per carlot and are reflected in higher values per carlot. A summary of these changes is provided on page 4 of the reports on "Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Unloads in Eastern and in Western Cities for the Calendar Y'9ar 1960". (AMS 427 and 428)

    The estimated value per carlot ts computed by multiplying the monthly prices at New York City and Chicago for various commodities shown in this report by the number of packages per carlot for respective commodities and weighting these computed carlot values by the monthly unloads adjusted to carlot equivalents.

    The 1ndicies of Wholesale Value per Carlot were computed from the wholesale value information described in the preceding paragraphs. These have been recomputed on a new base of the 1957-59 average for the corresponding month equal to 100 as contrasted to the pre-war 1935-39 base used previously. This continues the same type of seasonal adjustment as for the old series.

  • - 5 -

    Table 1.__Wholesale prices of specified fruits and vegetables at New York City and Chicago, oach month by market, origin, and description, 1960 !I

    }tbrket, Origin and description Jan. Feb.

    Mar. Apr. May Juno July Aug. Sept s Oct. Nov. Dec. Dollars Per Unit

    Illackberries New York.

    Calif. , N.J.,

    Per A-pint .............. Per pint eo.

    .ZS .Z5 .4z .Z5

    Blueberries New York.

    Cultivated l pint--Md., ......................... N.C., ................. ~ ...... N.J., ......................... Mich.,

    Chicago' Cultivated, I!int--

    Ill. , ....... ,; ................. Mich., N.C., ......................... N.J., .........................

    .60 .Z5 .34 .30













    .zS .1~7

    Cranberries New York: -34-1 lb film baas. carton--

    Mass. , early varieties ......... Lute Howe ............... 4.50

    N.. J., early varieties ........ Lute Howe .............. 4.50

    N.Y., L.I., early varioties Chillago:

    Z -I-lb. film 002 9 1 carton--Mass., early varioties 0

    Late Howe ................ Wis. , Searle ................. 3.06

    4.75 ~.3S




    3.S5 3.S7 3.75 3.75 3.50




    3.75 3.50

    3.ZS 3.60 3.60

    Rasl!berries New York:

    Calif., Reds, i-pint ........... N.J., Reds, pint .............

    Chicago. Cali!., Reds, lZ, i-pint troy .. Ill. , Reds, IS, i-pint cups .. Mich., Reds, lZ-pint crate ....

    .65 .4S .6z

    4.33 5.11



    3.6z Z.OO! 3.4z



    .40 .33 .40 .So

    Strawberries New York:

    Pint---C;;UC., Various varieties ......

    Fla. , Missionary and No. 90 .. La., Various varieties

    S!!!.!:!--Del. , Various varieties Md., Various varieties N.J., Various varieties N' .. l'.,L.I., Var1.ous varieties ....

    Hudson Vly. Var. varie N.C., Various varieties Va. Various varietios . .....

    Chicago. 16-guart crate--

    Ark. , Blakomore ............... Ill. , Various varieties Ind., Various varieties Ky., Various varieties Mich., Various varieties Tonn., Illakemore ..............

    .76 .44 .60 .In











    4.5S 5.75 !i.75 6.00


    .44 .4z


    .50fqc .35

    .44fqc .50 575

    5.09 6.17

    .46 .50 .41 .53 1.OZ

    ! - Fair qualit7. !qc Fair quality and condition.-

    Prices sho"", are simple avorages of represen ta tive prices Cor TUesday of each week during the Month.!/ 0iNit&i1"a:"'~1i.i~""i;fii~

    UPOP-,TA 1981 J~

  • - 6 -

    Table 1.--Continued


    Market, Origin and I IJan. Feb. descrip tion Mar. Apr. : May June July Aug.: , - - - Dollars ~er Unit



    ---C;;lir. , Various varieties ..... .50 .44 .3Z .311 .35 .)5i::-~la. t Missionary and No. 90 .. .56 .118 .lIz .116

    La. , Various varieties .28 .23Texas, Various varieties ..... .40 .39


    ~New York. Fla. , Persian, sj.zcs,yare 10-lb.

    !lat .................... 1.44 2.33 3.)8 5.81 11.)2 1.40 1.02 .9) Chicago:

    Calif. , Persian, yare sizes, 10-lb. !lat ....................

    Fla. , Persian, yare sizes, 10-lb.

    !lat .................... 1.51) z.56. ).45 5.75 4.6) 1.44 1.15 1.Z5


    Now York: Eastern box or bushel basket 21-in. up unless stated__

    N.J., Starrs, 3/4-bu.bskt 2.25Delicious, ccll-pk, ctn. 80-125s

    5.75Twenty Ounce 3.50 ).50Red Dollclous

    N.Y., Cortland 1.63


    Early Mcln tosh

    4.19Fall Pippins z.19

    Mclnt~sh i.91 1.88 3.z5Mclntosh,ctn.cell pack, 100-1205 controlled atmosphere ).88 6.00 6.Z5McIntosh,ctn.cell pack, 80-1205 Miltons 2.88Miltons, 21-1n. min Red Delicious ........... ).00z.88 2.8) 3.17 ).50 0.1. Grecn.in9 2.;' 2..00 z.oc R.I. Green!nq )-1n. up ).06Transparent, 2--1n. up 1.50Veolthy ............... ..

    z.56Vllllom Rcds 4.32VoIr River z.OOVoir River, 3-1n. up 2.50VolC Rtcer, Z 3/4-1n. ~p.

    If.II., Mcintosh,ctns, cell pock 96~lZOs ,controlled otft}osphoro McIntosh,ctns, cell pock, lZOs, controiled h tmosphero McIntosh,ctM, cell pock, 140s, contronod atmosphere _ 7.00

    Po., Ilolllc!oUJI, eel I. poek,etn. 56-I'JOt! ................ .

    21 For oron'lo", 'Irul'0fru! t, and lemon prleos BeQ Table 2.1,1 For V""torn StoU,.. SOc Tablo 2.


    UPDATA1981 ,.

    Sept. : Oct. Nov. Dcc.

    .39 .)5 ,)4

    1.59 1.67 2.63 3.50


    1.78 1.6z 2.~ ).00


    4.50 2.0e z.oo 2.z8 z.29 4.12 3.25

    2.1.14 2.56 3.02 2.70


    ).)2 3.67 ).65 2.1) 1.50 5.00 ).7Z ).62 3.7l



  • - 7 -Table l.--Continued


    Market, Origin and description

    J,)n. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. sept.: \)ct. Nov. De::.

    - - - Dollars Per Unit -Ap~les--Continued ~

    New York: Cont'd Eastern box. or bushel basket TI-in. til! unless stated--

    Pa. , Red Inliciuus, tray pack, CXFF 7Z-1Z5s ........... 5.Z5 5.2Z Red Delicious, tray pack, Extra t'oncy 88-113s .... 5.50 5.50

    Mass McIntosh,ctns. cell pack, 100-lZ05 ............... 11.06 3.78

    Maino, Mclntosb,ctns. cell pack, 100-120s ............... 11.09 3.78

    Vt., Mclntosh,ctns. cell pack,. 100-1205 ............... 11.06 3.75

    Chicago: Bushel basket l 2~-in. unless stated--

    Ill., Delicious .............. 4.25 3.75 Duchess, 2~-in. up ..... 3.3B Golden Delicious ....... 3.48 3.40 Jonathan, 2~';'in. up .... 11.50 4.06 Ladi, Z~-in. up ........ 4.50 Trausparcnt. 2;-1n. up.. 11.38 3.Z5


    Wealthy, 2!-in. up ..... Wi11 i ....s Red ........... liillow Tlii.g ........... Delicious .............

    11.18 4.:33

    3.00 5.6z


    3.20 3.:;7 3.58 Duchess, 24-tn. up ..... 3.50 2.65 Golden Delicious ....... 3.Z5 3.06 3.58 3.50 Jonathan, Z~-ir). up .... 3.32 Jonathan, 2:-1n, , lo-il-lb. Iilm bags .............. 3.10 3.40 3.3Z Jonathan, Zl-in., lZ-3-lb. rUm ba!Js. from controlled atmosphere ........... Jonathan. Zl-in. up ....

    4.08 4.40 4.78 4.75 3.30 3.43 3.55

    McIntosh .... ,.. .......... Z.Z5f 3.04 z.55 3.17 3.7.1 ~lclntosh, Z;-in. up .... 3.8z N.W. Greening .......... 2.70 Z.75 Red Delicious ....... " .. 4.06 4.34 4.38 Transparent. 2~-in. up .. 3.00 3.25 liealthy, 2~-ln. up ...... z.66 Z.58 Wolf River .............. Z.38 Z.Z5

    N.Y., Hclntosh, ctn.,lOO-lhos, cell pack ...... " ....... h.l2 4.30 4.50 5.00

    W.Va N.W. Greening .......... 3.90 Wis., 11.'01. Greening .......... 3.10 2.75

    Wealthy ................ z.88 Z.35 Dudleys ................ z.45

    Avocados New York:

    Various var1et.k!s end sizes--Colif .. flat ................... 2.50 Z.05 z.04 Z.ZZ z.44 3.10 3.60 3.Z0 3.67 .\.00 4.75 4.31 Fla., flat ................... 1.6Il Z.18 2.46 1.,8z 4.6z 3.92 3.Z5

    Chicogo: Various varieties end sizos--

    Colif.. flat ................... z.hz 1.94 1.85 1.8, z.16 Z.58 ).111 3.5Z 4.06 4.94 4.80 3.90 Fla. , flat ................... 1.68 2.20 Z.lZ 2.60 4.44 3.31 3.00

    Now York: Cherries '2/

    lZ-!I"ort basket--N.J., ii.Y.,

    Red Red

    Sour ." ............. Sou~ ............".. 3.50 3.88 Z.50!qc 3.011

    lJIack Sweet ............ 4.00 4.25

    - Fair q\\alily. !qc - ~'air quaIl ty and condi tion. 2/ - For 'de'; tern Stutes 900 'hlble Z.

    ~ 'i.~'~iar~\ ~

    UPDATA 1981---~

  • - 8 -

    Table 1.--Continuad


    ~larket, Origin and :Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. , May June Julydescrip tion Aug. Sept. : Oct. Nove Dec. - - - Dollars Per Unit

    Cherries--Continued 11Chicago: 16-quart. era to--

    Mich., Red Sour varieties 4.81 5.00Dlaek Sweet varieties 8.;6

    Nelo( York: ~ostly U.S. No. 1 or better Z-in. up unless stated liZ-bushel basket-~a Cardinal Z.l;

    Coronet ................ z.z8 Dixired ;3.17Duko or Georgia 7.7;Freestone Z.;oHiland z.811 Keystone z.z; Z.70Maygold ;3.15Redcap z.8Z Redhaven 2.00

    Md., Dixired 1.78foS.C., Cardinal ............... .

    D1xigem 1.80fcDixired 1.87 Z.OOle Redhaven z.o;

    ;3/4-bushel basket--Ga. , Coronet ................. ;3.Z5 4.00

    Dixigem .................. ;3.;0Dixired ......... .......~ 11.08 Elberta ................ " ;3.1Z ;3.1;Keystonl!t 4.00Pearson Elberta Z.50 Redcap ;3.Z5Redhavon 4.00 Southland ;3.;0Sunhigh ;3.00

    !Ltd., Blake .................... . J.8;Elberta ................ . Z.;30 ;3.Z5J.H. Hales, 2~-in. up 11.;0

    N.C., Coronet II.6z Dixigem ................ . ;3.75Elberta z.7;Keystone ................ 4.00 Redhaven ,. ;3.00Sunhigh, Z~-in. up 4.;0

    N.J., Blake ;3.;38Olske, Z~-in. up 4.6zBrackett z.7;Brackett, Z!-in. up ~ 4.;3ZCoronet ;3.;0 3.;0Dixired ;3.00J. H. Hales, Zt-in. up ;3.6z .'t.;oJerseylsnd 3.;38Newday z.1I4 Redcrest, Z~-in. up ;3.Z; 4.50Redhaven ).;0 ;3.z;Rio 080 Gem, Zk-in. up 4.81 4.;OfqcRio Oso Gem, 2~-in. up ;3.7;Sunhigh ................ . z.411Triogom v z.;O

    Pa.. Elberta, 2;-1n. up 2.7; ;3.;0J.H. Halos, Z!-in. up ;3.;0 4.00Redhavon z.44 Southland 2.17

    ~I - For Western States see Table Z.

    r - Fair quality. 10 - Fai~ condition. Iqe - Fair quality and condition

    UPDATA 1981

  • Tnble l.--Continued

    - 9 -


    ~tarke t. Origin ar:d Jan. Feb. Mar. June

    descrlption _ _ _ Dollars Per Unit -

    Peaches 3/--Continucd Nev York:--Cont'd

    Hostly U.S. 110. 1 or better Z-in. up, unless stoted 3/4-bushel basket--

    S.C.. Beauty Gem Dlake Dixigem .............. . Dixired 3.00 Early Elberta Elberta ~ J.lI. Hales, 2.!-in. up Keystono Redhavon J Rio Oso Gem Southland Sullivan Elberta .~ Triogcm

    Dushel basket--Ga., Erly-red-Fre Z.62

    Pearson Hiley Redcap 3.Z5fc

    Mich., Redskin. Z!-in. up Rio 050 Oem, Z~-in. up.

    S.C., Durbank Elberta Coronet " Keystone ~ Pearson Elberta Pearson Hiley Sullivan Elberta

    Chica'Jo: ~y U.S. No.1 or batter

    Z-in. up. unless stntud lIZ-bushel basket-

    Ala Cardinal J.12 an., Deauty Gem z.15

    Cardinal 3.38 Coronet Z.15 Dixlgem .................... '.,,"" 7.00 Dixired z.85 Freestone z.)8 Hiland Z.95 Keystono Redcap Southland

    3/~-bushel basket--

    Ark., Redhaven Ga., Deauty Gem

    Coronet Dixigcm ....................... " Dixired .............. . 3.z6 Elberta Keystone .......................... .. Redcap 3.50 Redhaven

    Mich., Elberta Redhaven, Z!-in. up

    N.C., Keystone Redhaven

    N.J., Jcrsoylond Redhaven ........ ................. .. Sunrise .......................... -.' Triogem

    Pa. , Elberta S.C., Coronet

    Dixigem Dixired Z.38 Elberta Keystone

    ~/ for Wostern States sec Table Z. fc Fair condi ti.on.






    3.51l 3.68

    3.50 3.13 3.45


    3.50 3.75fc 3.00 3.13!c 3.87 3.Z5!c


    z.8Z 3.75 z.65 3.75

    3.05 3.6z


    ).38 3.88 Z.OO z.oo 3.18

    3.75 3.75 3.75 3.00 3.75

    ,Aug. Sept., Oct. Nov It Dec.

    3.75 3.63

    3.00 3.95

    3.Z5 3.80

    5.15 6.00



    3.33 k.Z5

    3.38 z.88 3.Z5


    UPDATA 1981

  • - 10 -

    Table l.--Continued


    Market, Origin and Jan. Feb.descr1ption ~!ar. Apr. May Juno July Aug Sept.: Ocr.: Nov. D:>c.

    - - - Dollars Per Unit

    Peaches 31--Continued Chicago:--Cont'd

    Mostly U.S. No. 1 Of' better 2-in. up, unless stated Bushel Laskot-

    Alo., Elberta 3.75Southland 3.50

    Ga.! Keystone 3.1Z Southland 4.1Z

    Ill., Blborta z.88 Redhaven 4.15

    Ind. , Elberta 3.6zRedhavon z.l5

    Mich., Elberta 0 3.Z9Redhaven 3.02S.c., Elberta 3.45

    Va., Elberta 3.06

    ~"2/New York: Bushel bosket, unloss stated-_

    N. Y., Cartlett 4.00 5.15Clapp Favorite 3.76 4.Z5 4.00Iqc -Bose 5.Z5Kieffer ( z.6z Z.74lIZ-bushel basket-_

    N.Y., Clapp FavoAitc 1.84 Seckel 3.1ZChicago:

    ~l baskot--

    Mich., Bartlett, Zi-in. min 3.75 3.4z 4.75Clapp Favoritc.Z~-in.mln. _ 3.00 3.37

    Dosc, Z;-1n. min 3.75 3.6z

    Plums-Prunes, Fresh "2/No. York: lIZ-bushel basket-

    rdaho, Italian type, U.S. No.1 4.61 5.00N.Y., HudAon Vly., Burbank 1.75Fellenbcrg Z.50Stanleys 1.88 3.Z5ltalian 3.18

    Md., Stanlcys 3.50Wash., Italian type,Wash.No.1 4.5SChicago:

    ~ushel basket__ Idaho. Italian type

    ".38 5."z"'ash., Italian type. "'ash. No. 1 4.s0".68


    CantaloupsNo... York.

    Jumbo era to--Ariz., 36-"58 7.38

    368 .................. . 6.38 8.Z5 Z7s .................. . 5.6z 8.00

    Cali!., 36-45s ............... . 775)6s .................. . 6.58 8.00 6.80 7.88 lZ.00 8.06Z7s 5.69 7.06 6.30 7.29 10.Z5 8.00

    Medca, 36-458 ............... . 18.1Z 13.10 15.31 14.05 10.00Ehicogo:

    Jumbo cra to--Ariz., 36s .................. . 6.1Z 6.Z5

    Z7s .................. . 5.00 6.38

    For "'estern States see Table 2. !q'c - Fair quality and condItion.

    "%i*~3'W.'" UPDATA 1981


  • - 11 -

    Table. l.--Continued


    Market, Origin and descrip tion

    Jan. Feb. Mar. : :

    Apr. : May Juno July Aug. Sept.: Oct. Nov. Dec.

    ~llars'Per Unit

    Cont'd Jumbo cro to--

    Cali!. , 36-115s ................ Chic"9 0 '

    36s ..................~ Z7s ..................

    Texas, 36s ...... ~~ ........... Mexico, 36-115s ................ 17.00



    lZ.80 1).75 lZ.55

    7.50 5.88 11.88 6.00 8 .50

    7.116 6.6z

    6.~z .5.88

    6.69 6.00

    9.6z 7.50

    Honerdcw" lIew York:

    Standard crate, 2" - Us--Cali!. , .......................

    Pony crate, lZ" ....... Texas, ....................... Chile, nats, 7-lZs .......... Mexico, jumbo nats, 9s

    Standard nats, 9s Chicago:

    Standard crate, 9s - 12s--Calif. , ....................... Texas, ......................

    3.75 7.12

    5.,6 7 .50 5.75

    11.56 II.Z5 11.65


    11.36 11.88

    11.58 11.11


    3.8.5 3.65 3.80







    Va termelons !few York:

    L.C.L. sales, Charleston OralS, unless otherwiso stated! Per Pound-

    Fla 23-1b. avo c z4-z8-lb. avo ......... 28-32-1b. avo .........

    Ga., tll-Za-lb. avo ......... z8-3Z-lb. avo .......

    lI.C., z8-3Z-lb. avo ....... s.c., zlI-z8-1b. avo .........

    Z8-3Z-lb. avo ......... Va., 28-3Z-lb. avo ......... Del. , Z8-3Z-lb. avo ......... Md., 28-32-lb. avo ......... Mexico, Peacock, 11l-18-lb. aVe

    !!!cago: Street Sales l Charleston Grals, unless othe....1:!1c' stated l Per Pound--

    Fla., ZIi-32-lb. DV ......... Ind. , Z6-28-lb. avo ......... Mo., z6-z8-1b. avo ......... lofexico, Peacock, 10-26-1b. av Texas, 211-30-lb. avo .........

    .1125 .0850 .0611z































    Artichokos l Globe tue lie... York:

    Cali!. , 7-in. box, var" sizes 5.62 5.33fqcll.9O z.411 2.88 2.25!qc 11.00 3.88 390 11.00

    Chicago: Cali!. , 7-in. box, var. sizes lI.zo 4.Z5! 11.511 2.31 2.08 2.75 5.00 5.21 3.811 3.115 3.(,7

    ASj!araljus lIew York1

    PlrDlDid crate--CaU!., lZ-bcbs. , extra select.

    lZ-bchs., select ...... 12-bchs. , jumbo ....... loose, Jumbo .........

    Z3.00 18.00 3500 )0.00

    906 9.72


    6.25 5.67

    6.29 900 loose, largo........... 19.50 11.30 5.111

    rqc - ~lr quality and cond! tion.


    UPDATA 1981

  • I

    Table 1.--Cont1nue~

    Market, Origin and Jan.description

    Nev York. Cont'd !2ramid crate__

    N.J., l2-bcbs., large l2-bchs., ve.t'y large ... 12-bchs., medium .......

    Pas, 12-bchs., jumbo Texas. 12-bcbs., small

    Chicsgol !2ramid era.te __

    Calif., lZ-bchs., extra select 12-bchs., select ....... lZ-bchs., extra fancy... loose, :large .........

    Ill. , Apple boxes, 36,.3/1I-1b. bobs ...... ......~ 30-1-lb. bch., Nearby U-l-lb. bch., Joliet Wstrict ............. 24-1-11>. bch., Nearby 12-l-lb. beb., ottawa District C'

    N.J., Bunched, large ........ Bunched, mad.-1ge. ....

    New York. Bushel hamEer--

    N.J., ..... ......... .......~ ~ N. Y. ~L.I.,

    .b e Va

    .~o .Chicsgo.

    Bushel hamEer--

    Mich., 12-qt. basket .........

    New York: Bushel !!!!!!I!er--

    Fla. , Contender ............. !l.88 Harvester ............. Valentine .. "' ........ 5.38

    Md., Valentine ............. N.C., Valentine ............. N'.J., Contender ............

    Valentine ............ Harvester .............

    N.Y.,L.I. , Valentine ........ N. Y. ,.(Other) Valentine ....... S.C. Valentine ............ Va., Harvester ..............

    Valentine ............. Chicsgo.

    Bushel ha!!!Eer--Fla., Contender ............. 4.75

    Valentine a 5.)1Harvester ............

    Ill., Valentine ............. u.., Valentine ............. Md., Valentine ............. Mic!l. , Valentine ............ Mfss., Volentine ............. N.C., Valentine, ............. N.J., Valenti.... ............. S.C., Valentine ............. Va., Valentine .............

    tqc -. Fair qual1 ty and condition.



    20.00 15.00 111.25


    ;.. t!7

    6.50 6.50

    - 12 -


    : I 8 :Mar. Apr. Hay June : July Aug. : I I I "!ept. : Oct. Nov. Dec. I Ilallars Per Unit -


    6.38 6.2:5 5.12 7.50

    11.68 595 3.73 6.115

    11.00 ~.62 2.38 5.811

    10.62 9.50 8.60 8.88

    5.30 5.30 5.20 5.22



    11.50 11.75 5.00


    2.27 3.25 2.75

    1.8z 6.12 5.88

    Beans! LU:"

    Z.75 z.1I11 ;:.9Z 3.1I,? 3.12

    11.00 5.00

    BeansZ Snal!-Cireen

    1.91 1..111 1.75

    6.00 11.33 3.lUqc 11.005.50 4.16 II.Z56.00 11.33 ".67 11.30 11.002.50

    !l,oo Z.65 z.68

    2.08 Z,311 Z.OO 3.50

    Z.56 Z.Z5 z.1I6 2.1111 Z.69

    3.75 2.00tqc 3.Z5

    3.00 5.00 ;:1.17

    s.n 11.110 5.50 3.885.72 11.40 11.00 11.10 3.845.00 3.9Z3.08 3.02 290 3.31 2.87

    3.00 3.67z.80 3.Z5 2.75

    2.50 3.z8 3.38 3.38 !l.75 3.25 3.00 3.75

    3.38 2.8z 3.Z5

    11.011 4.18 Z.75

    , :~"iiiil.f'et1:t' UPDATA 1981

  • - 13 -

    Table l.--Continued


    Market, Origin Bnd deseril!tion Jan. Feb. Mar.

    Apr. May June July Aug. Sept.: Oct. Nov. Dec.

    Dollars Per Unit

    ~ New York:

    nunehed-'N:c.: Z!-doz.,1-3/h bu. crate.

    Z-doz., l-l/h-bu. crate. N.J." per bunch ............. S.C., Zi-doz.,1-3/5-bu. crate.

    J-doz 1-3/5-bu. crate. Texas, 3-doz l-3/4-bu. crate. 3.04

    3i-doz.,Z/3-W.G.A.ert 3.88 50-lb. sack, topped ....

    Chicago: Dunchetl-~36-beh. crates ......

    Ill. , bushel basket ........ crates, 18-behs. crates, Zh-bchs. crates, ZO-behs.

    Ky., crates, 30-bchs. N.J., c:.rates, 30-br.hs. s.c., crates, 36-bchs. Texas, crates, 36-bchs. Z.88

    crates, hZ-bchs. 3.56 50-lb. sack, topped ....

    Z.91 3.56

    z.69 3.30

    3.00 3.8z

    z.64 3.39


    z.88 3.65 Z.Z5


    Z.92 :;.ZO 1.9Z

    3.00 .0850 3.Z5 3.15

    h.38 Z.70


    3.50 Z.38 2.9:!



    1.11 z.50 1.50 3.00 Z.50














    3.h3 3.81

    Z.75 3.96


    2.8z 3.10

    Broccoli New York:

    Ariz. , Cali!. , N.J.,Pa.,Texas, Va.,

    Chicago. Cali!. , Texas,

    Ih-bchs., lh-bchs., lZ-bchs. , l2-behs. ,1b-bchs. ,l2-bchs. ,

    lh-bchs. , Ih-bchs.,

    i-crate 4.50 i-crate 3.67 hI5-bu. crt hI5-bu. crt kiz-crate 3.88 15-bu. crt

    i-crate 3.85 i-crate : 3.6z

    3.75 3.56


    3.69 3.00

    3.48 3.39


    3.01 2.77

    z.ho 2.96


    Z.75 2.15




    h.oo 3.00 3.17


    z.88 3.06


    h.oo 3.00 3.00


    h.08 2.00


    3.62 2.3,Z.9


    3.2h 1.96 2.55




    Brussels SErouts New York.

    Cali!., Z5-1b. drum 3.51 N.Y.,L.I., per quart .......... .20

    per pint ............ .15 Chicago:-c;;rn., Z5-1b. drum .......... 3.h9


    h.z5 5.50






    3.50 .Zl .15


    3.6z .20 .lh


    New York: Cabbage

    Denish tZEe--N.J., Cantaloup cra1;{!. ........

    l-3/5-bu. box N.Y.,L.I., Cantaloup crate ...

    1-3/5-bu. box ....... N.Y. ,(Other) 50-lb. sack 3.12

    Domestic Round type 1-3/~-bushel crate, unless stated--

    Calif., cartons ................ Z.9h Del., ....................... Fla. , ......... ~ ........... 290 Ga., ....................... N.C., ...................... N.J., Cantaloup crate ........

    1-3/,S-bu. bor N. Y. ,L. I., Cantaloup crate ...

    l-3/5-bu. box S.C., ..................... 1"exas, ................... 295 Va., ......................









    2.16 2.62



    h.59 h.88 3.50

    h.55 3.90 3.h5











    l.oh l.oh l.oh l.oh


    1.00 1.00 1.00 1.12

    1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

    .98 1.12

    .98 1.17 1.17

    .98 1.12 .98






    1.25 1.55

    2.75 1.87

  • - 11l -Table 1.--ConU.lued


    Mari:et. Origin and ,1Jan. Feb.desc~letion Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept., Oct. Nov. Dec. - Dollars Per Unit -Cabba~e--ContinuedCbicago,

    Denish tll!e-Ill Cantaloup crate ......... 50-lb sack ............. 1.30

    Domestic Round tyee 1.11l l-3/~-bus~~1 crate l unless stated-_

    Ariz. , ........................ 3.00cartons e ~. !J.38Calif.. cartons ................. ).OZ Z.65 Z.ZO Z.9~ 4.Z7 z.65 Z.15 Z.78 Fla. , ..................... Z.58 Z.Z5 Z.9619Z 1.9!J Z.7ZGEi., ........................ 3.75 z.6z ).94Ill 1-)/5-bu. crate ........ 1.50 1.)Z 1.19Cantaloup crate ......... 1.00 1.03 99 1.75 1.50 1.Z5 1.50Ky., 1-3/4-bu. crate ......... 1.Z5 1.3Z

    Miss. , ....................... 1.18 3.68 z.ooMo. , 1-)/5-bu. crate ... "..... 1.9Z50-lb. sack ............. Z.OON.C., l-3/11-bu. crate ......... 1.88N.J., l-)/II_bu. crate ......... Z.38

    Ohio, 1-)IS-bu. crate ......... Z.OO 1.60 1.55S.C D It ).911Tenn., ......................... Z.lZSO-lb. sack .............

    Texas, l-)/II-bu. crate ......... Z.78 Z.5Z Z.OO Z.39 Z.ZO50-lb. sack ............. Z.OO 2:.38197Va., 1-3/~-bu. crate ......... Z.lZ\iis. , c"ntaloup crate ......... 1.Z5SO-lb. sack ............. Z.79 Z.lZ 1.88 1.50 1.75 .95 .85 1.0) .85

    New York: ~ Bunched crate - ~-dozen-_t

    Calif. , ........................ 5.8S 3.z8 II.Z3 4.~0 11.69Toeeed l woshed-48_1_lb. film 4.58 3.88 11.113 5.0:

  • - 15

    T.lble l.--Continued


    Market, Origin and descriI!t1on

    Jan. Feb. : :

    Mar I Apr. : May June July Aug. Sept. : Oct. Nov. Dec.

    - Dollars Per Unit

    Cauliflower No.. York.

    Cali'::., Ii.G.A. crate 18. 11. 5.00 lI.z5 7.00 Cartons, Us-fUm vrpd. .. 3.95 II.Z5 11.07 3.lIz 11.110 3.25 z.50 3.08 3.tiS

    Dol. 1-315-bu. crate, 9s ...... 1.Z5qc -Fla. , Catllkill crato, lZs ...... z.6z N.J., 1-315-bu. box, 8-10s ..... 1.56 N.Y., Cartons, lZs ............. z.6o z.zo z.06 1.63

    Catskill carte, 1Zs """"" " Z.56 Z.Z3 Z.lZ 1.88! N.Y.,L.I., l-l/Z-bu. crt 8s 1.6z

    Long Island type crt" U ... 1.77 z.16 z.1I5 Z.ZZ Texas, Long Island type crt., lZs. 11.00 11.01 1I.38 11.75

    Chicago. Ariz., Long Island typ~ cr~ lZs. Z.88 Calif. , V.G.A. crate, l8s ........ 11.00 11.95 11.70 11.38 5.00 11.10

    cartons, lZs-fUm wrpd. .. 3.118 3.711 3.511 3.56 3.88 3.lZ 3.51 3.011 3.68 z.6z 3.15 3.81 Vood Uats, !1lm, wrpd.lZs 390 3.10 3.65 Vood !lots, film, wrpd.l6s 3.10

    ColO., cartons, film, wrpd. 12s 3.Z5 Mich., Long Island type crt. lZs

    jacket pack .............. Z.31l 1.99 Z.50 Cartons, 12s, film "rpd Z.75

    N.Y.,L.I., Long Island type crt. lZs .................... 3.07 3.18

    Texas, Long Island type crt.. 1Zs 3.68 3.116 3.75 3.6S

    Colery New York:

    16-inch crate--Cali!. , Pascal type, Z-'Zi-doz 11.5''6 5.111 11.66 3.61 11.95 11.96 5.11 5.13 11.75 3.7Z 3.67 3.56 Fla., Pascal type, Z-II-doz. 2.911 3.12 2.90 2.6z 3.23 3.56 Z.25!qc Z.70 2.:31

    Golden Heart, 2-II-doz 3.112 N.J., Pascal type, 2i-lI-doz 3.00 3.00

    Golden Heart, 3-6-doz 3.50 2.75 N.Y., (Orange Co.) Pascal type,

    2-3-doz ............. 2.72 2.73 3.06 1.67 (Vest.Sect. ) Pascal type,

    2-3-doz .............. z.8z 2.97 z.55 Z.56 (Vest.Sect.) Golden Heart,

    3-ti-doz. ............. 3.50 3.75 Ch1cago:


  • - - - -

    - 16 -Table 1.---Continued


    Market, Origin and Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. sept.: Ot;t. No .... Dec.description : :

    - - Dollars Per Unit

    Cucumbers liev York.

    Bushel basket--Cuba, (Repacks) U.S. lio. 1 a, 7.6z 7.19 10.60 1).75 Del. , ......................... Z.OO

    Fla., U.S. No. 1 .............. 7.88 6.50 1l.67 lZ.oo 5.110 :J.50 7.Z5 11.51 II.Z5

    Md ......................... ).75 z.)8 z.85 '1ich., ......................... 3.88 N.C. , ............. .......... ).38 1.Z5fqc~ N.J. , ....................... ).DO Z.Z5 z.IIz Z.OO L. Y. ,L.I ..................... Z.Z5 Z.7) Z.3) 1.50!qc N. Y., ('''est. Sect.) ........ "' ... 3.00 3.011 S.C. , ....................... ).)5 ).15 11.12 b.Z5 Va" ....................... ).lZ 4.67 ).50

    Ch1cago: Bushel basket--c;;t;, (Repacks) U.S. Nn. 1 ..... 6.75 7.12 9.12 10.75

    Fla., U.S. No. 1 6.75 lZ.08 10.75 5.50 b.60 b.II5 b.19 Ill. , ......................... b.)8 3.00 z.O) 2.)8 La., ........................ ).50 ).00 ).Z5 b.88 5.Z5 Mich. , .................... Z.95 3.b6 ).Z5 N.C., ..................... ).05 ).Z5 !i.J., ...................... b.50 ).50



    ).88 )9Z b.oo 5.16 5. 75 e Va., ......................... ,.OOf 3.Z5

    !l!gplant New York:

    Bushel basket;- Fla ......................... 4.88 6.1Z 6.55 3.50 ).)5 Z.76 z.6z b.oo 11.70 ).50 N.J. , .................... z.69 1.11 1."10 Z.1J5 Z.OO

    Va., ....... ~ .......... Z.50

    Chicago: !lushel basket-

    p'la., ....................... 10.06 6.Z5 6.zz ).85 Z.78 ).lZ ).08 1J.Z5 ).06 Ill., ........................ Z9

    8 z.8z Z.15 1.)b 1.Z)

    !.a., ........................ Z.lO 2.87


    New York: 1-1/2-bushel crate--

    Fla., .............. ......... Z.OO Z.5b 1.81 Z.Zl ).ZO z.09 1.98~ N.J., ........................ z.6z Z.OO 1.)1 1.Z5 Z.50 Z.Z5 1.17fqc

    Escarole Ne... York.

    1-1/2-bushel crate--Fla., ......................... 1.84 z.15 1.67 1.59 Z.)7 Z.lZ 1.68 !i.J., ......................... 1.)8 1.25 1.Z5 1.00 1.19 1.50 1.17fqc

    Chicag.,: Fla., 1-l/9-bu. erato ......... 1.911 z.50 1.91 1.75 Z.55 172 1.97 1.90 Ill., z4-qt. 1.05 .90basket ..........'. Ohio, 16-qt. basket ........... 1.10 .7Z .89 1.10 1.00 Texas, l-1/9-bu. crste ........ Z.71 Z.58

    Kale Kev York:

    N.J., Centaloup crate ........... .9b .87 .88 I!-bu. crate ........... .88 .8z ..' ~ .811

    N. Y.,L.I., Centalou\l crate ..... .75 .80 .8Z .80 .97 .87 .90 .88 Va., bushel basket .......' .... 1.)0 1.)8 1.76 1.b8 1.12 1.Z0

    ~ New York.

    Iceber~ tzpe - zb heads. carton l unleas stated-Ariz ...................... 4.1Z 3.99!qc z.80 )97 3.17 3.Z5 5.)8 ).59 3.69 call!., ...... ".... 11.00 ).88 ,.05 z.88 ).50 ).Z5 ).)Z ).77 b.b5 ).6) 3.59

    !qc - Fair quality and condition ! - Fair qua 11 ty


    i.~PDATA 1981 -

  • - 17 -

    Table 1.--Continued


    Market, Origin and : : :Jan.

    , Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. , Sept. : Oct. Nov. Dec.description : : : :

    - Dollars Per Unit


    New York: Cont'd.

    Icebe!:.ll tll!e - z4 heads I cartons I unless stated--

    N.J., I-lIZ-bu. crate. z4s . ... 1.63 1.16rqc 3.Z5 z.25

    N. Y. ,L.I., Eastern Iceberg crt.,

    18s .................... .88 1.19fqc 1.lZtqc (Oswego Sect.) ........... 2.00 Z.Z5 1.38tqc

    Texas, ......................... 11.38 Dill Boston tree - 211 heads l Eastern crate--

    Fla., ......................... 3.38 3.38 3.50 3.35 Z.lZfqc Z.75 11.00 N.C., ..................... 1.82 N.J., ......... ............ 1.117 .92 .88tqc 2.00fqcl.6z 1.62 N.Y., (Orange Co.)


    ............. .92 .9ltqc 2.25 3.00

    Romaine tll!e--

    Fla. , 1-1/9-bu. crate ......... 1.75 3.50 2.88 2.50 2.1Ziqc 2.Z0 11.00

    N.C., 1-l/9-bu. crate ......... Z.25 N.J., 1-1/9-bu. crate .......... 1.22 1.07 .9l1fqc .8Z!qc 1.751i!c 1.25 1.00!

    bushel basket ........... .88 1.05 .8lt"c .82fqc N. Y., (Orange Co.) 1-1/9-bu.crt. 1.85 1.50tqc 1.13fqc


    ~r~ type - 211 heads I carton--

    Arh;., ......................... 4.62 11.18 2.88 3.38 2.30 2.25 2.62 3.)2 3.02 7,.62 Calif., ......................... 522 3.66 3.00 2.38 2.66 2.88 297 2.96 3.116 3.00 3.62 Colo., ....................... 3.25 2.88

    Mushroom"" New York.

    Extra Fancl and Special--I'D., &-';;l1art basket .......... 1.30 1.32 1.30 '1.29 1.110 1.60 1.78 1.83 1.62 1.51 1.35 1.48

    Chicago' Ill. , I-pound carton .......... .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65

    Onions, Dry

    New York:

    50-lb. sack--

    Ariz,,;, Yellow Bermuda, med .... 2.53 2.55

    Yellow Bemuda, 1ge. .... Z.25

    Ylftl10w Granex, med. ..... 2.53 2.55

    Yellow Granex, 1ge. ..... 2.25

    Calif., Yellows, med .......... Z.:;D 2.55

    Yellow Grano, 1ge. ...... 2.311

    Yellowa, Ige. ............ 2.50 2.59

    Colo., Yellows, 1ge .......... 2.811 z.68 2.58 Idaho, Yello"s, 1ge. ......... 2.511 2.50 2.53 2.75 2.62 2.59 2.60 Ida.-Ore. , Yellows, 1ge. ....... 2.84 2.70 Mich., Yellow Globe, med. ...... 1.72 1.53 1.60 1.68 N.J., Yello" Globe, med. ...... 2.36 1.75 N.M.ex.,Yellow, Ige ............ 2.62 N.Y. ,L.I., Yellows, Ige. '....... 2.50 2.38 2.16 2.15 N.Y., (Orango Co.) Yellow Globe,

    medium .................. 1.10 .89 .80 .70fqc 1.75 1.61 90 .80 .81 .96 (West. Sect.) Yellow Globe, medium .......... 1.119 1.;3Z 1.111 1.115 1.26 1.2'> 1.24 1.34

    Texas, Yellow Oranex, mad. ..... 2.59 2.119 2.59 2.56 Yellow Granex, Ige. ..... 2.211 2.110 2.00 Yellow Grano, med. ...... 2.50 2.50 2.25 2.110 Yellow Grano, 19o,. ...... 2.88 2.64 2.36 2.44 2.60 Yellow Demuda, mod 2.118 2.59 2.56 Il

    Wash. , Yellows, 19o ........... 2.38 2.58


    50-lb. sack--

    Ariz.., Yellow Granex, mod. ..... 2.16 2.25

    Yello" Grano, med. ...... Z.25

    CaliI.,Yellow Granex, 1ge. .... 2.17 1.50 ~

    Yollow Grano, 19o. ...... 2.62 2.18 2.10 1.85 Whl.tes, med. ............ 2.69 2.00

    Colo. , Spanish type, 3~in. " 19r.2.20 2.16 2.05 2.00 2.21 2.)0 2.15 2.011 2.06 Ide.-Oro. , Yellow Spanish, Igr 2.30 2.25

    t'qc - Fair quali t:v and condition. I - Fair quality.

    ~ ,~i:ailaaaa....n'~Ii~i".t ,~,

    UPDATA 1981__J

  • - 18 -Table l.--Continued


    Market, Origin and descril!tion Jan. Feb. : Mar. : Apr. May : June July : :

    Dollars Por Unit

    Aug. sept.: Oct. Nov. Dec.

    Chicaoo; Cont'd .. 50-lb. sack--

    Idaho, Spanish type.3-in. r. 19r. 2.24 Yellows, mod. ...........

    Med'Western. Yellow Globe, mod 1.26 N.Y., Yellow Globe, mod. ........... Texas, Yellow Grano, 1ge. ............

    Yello.... Granux, mod. ..... Yellow Granale, 1ge. ..... Whites, mod. ............ Whites, 19o. ............ Yellow Spanish, Igo. ....



    Onions. Drl--Continued

    2.20 2.25

    1.24 1.12

    2.57 2.21 2.17 2.18 1.92 2.10 1.92 1.96 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.42 2.35


    2.08 2.25


    1.75 1.80 2.02 2.15



    1.45 1.50








    Now York: Dushe1 basket--

    Ariz., .................................................. Coli!. , e Colo., ...................... ~. Idaho, ........................ N.Y.,L.I., ..................... N.Y., (Madison Co.) ........................ Mexico, ....................... 6.67

    Chicago. Bushel basket--

    Cali!. , ........................ Colo ........................ Idaho, ........................ Me,,,ico, ........................ 6.17






    3.75 5.04




    2.58!qc 3.91 3.83

    4.00 3.00

    3.85 4.05


    3.88 5.44

    2.75 4.6,

    4.00 4.50

    3.87 4.50

    3.88 4.15

    5.00 3.40 4.85

    5.00 11.50







    New York. Dushe1 basket--Cali!. ....onder tl::l!0--

    Cali!. , 3D-lb. bu. carton ...... Fla. , .................................................. 7.75 N.C., ...................... N.J., ........................ Texas, ..................................................

    Chicago. Bushel basket--

  • - 19 -Table 1.--Continued


    Origin andMarket, descril!tion

    Jan. Feb. , S Mar. S Apr.I S May, June July Aug. ,

    Sept.' Oct. S

    Nov. Dec.

    - Dollars Per Unit

    Potatoes--Continued New Yorks Cent'd.

    U.S. No. 11 size AI 50-lb. sack, washed - unless stated--

    N.J., Chippewas ~ Katahdin 1.0Z 1.06 1.0Z 1.18 N. Y. ,L.I., Cobbler, unwashed .... 1.10 1.00

    Chippewas ~ Katahdin, unwashed ............... 1.511 1.54 1.77 Z.08 1.01 1.10 1.08 1.Z;I 1.z8

    S.C., Cobbler.............................. ~ Z.OO Sebago ................... Z.;l8

    Va., Cobbler, unwashed ........ 1.67 1.Z0 Pungo, unwashed .......... 1.ZZ 1.15

    Wash. , Long White ............... ;1.;10 Russet Burbenk ...................... ;1.;18 ;1.19 Z.96 ;1.00

    ChicolioS Carlot Sales U.S. No.

    Ala 11 size AI 100-lb. sack, washed--Round Red .............. ;I.Z5 ;I.6z 6.00

    Ariz. , Round Red ................. 5.70 1I.?5 ;1.70 Call!., Long White ......"........ 5.15 5.07 11.116 5.;16 5.80

    Round Red .............. ". Idaho, Russet Bul"benk .......... 5.511 Ids.-Orog. , Round Rcd .......... 5.51

    6.06 6.;16 7.Z5 lI.zo 5.50

    ;1.60 5.0Z 5.13 5.05

    Minn.-N.Dak., Red Ri ver Vly.,

    Texas, Wash

    Round Red ................ z.88 Round Red .............. Long White ..............

    Z.75 ;1.;18 ,.81 ;1.90 11.00 ;1.;18


    z.85 z.60 z.66 Z.61

    Russet Burbank ...................... 5.71 5.16 11.70 4.65 Street Sales U.S. No.

    Ala 11 size AI 100-1b. socke washed--Round Red .............. 405 ;1.91 5.4z

    Ariz Round Red ................ 5.10 11.10 5.3;1 Ca1if.,Long White ............... 5.65

    Round Red ............... 5.50 5.70 5.53 11.118 4.81 11.;18

    5.71 6.18


    Idaho, Russet Burbank ................ 5.88 5.86 6.38 6.74 7,46 7.50 5.65 5.37 5.48 5.;19 Maino, Katahdin, !iO-lb. sack .... 1.50 1.75 Mich., Russet Burbank 5.z8 5.65 5.75 Minn.-N.Dak., Red River Vly.,

    Tems, Round Red Round Red

    ................ ;I.;lz

    ............... ;I.Zl ;1.71 lI.zll 4.zo

    S.55 ;1.97 ;1.60 ;I.oz ).13 ;1.04

    Wash., Wis. ,

    Russet Burbenk ........... Russet Gem .............

    5.70 5.61 ;1.68

    5.04 ;1;19

    5.06 4.15

    Round Red ~ ............... ;1.58 ;I.:n Z.57 Z.70 Round White .............. ;1.15 ;I.Z1 ;1.85 11.10 1I.1Z z.88 Z.51 z.6Ii Z.79

    U.S. No. Fla. ,

    Russet 'Burbank ........... 4.6z I! size AI 50-lb. sack. washed__ Round Red ............... ;1.16






    ;1.60 z.88

    11.07 ;1.96

    Radishes New Yorkl

    neskets--FTa':"; Red, ;lOs, 6-oz. film begs,

    topped ................... 1.1Z 1.z4 Red, ;lOs, 8-oz. film bags, topped ................... 1.z6 1.60 1.118 1.50 1.;10 1.1;1 1.18

    N.J., POl' bunch II .011;10 .0;150 .0381 .0;160 .01144 .01lZ5 .O;l9z Chicagol

    Baskets-Fi'B:;" Red, ;lOs, 6-01'. film bags,

    topped ................... 1.111 195 1.1Z 1.39 1.S8 Red, ;lOs,8-oz. tilm bags, topped ...... ~ ....... 1.:31 z.06 1.;14 1.65 1.77 1.07 1.z4

    Ind., Red, ;lOs, 8-oz. film begs, topped it 1.4z 1.5z '1.;17 1.41 1.85 1.50

    Ohioi Red, 30s,6-oz. ,tUm b"gs,

    Ill. , topped ................... Bunched, crt,.. t lI:ed 2:58 .. 1.1Z 1.;14 1.75 1.;11 1.0Z 1.45 1.Z0 1.44 1.65 1.ZZ

  • - 20 -

    Table 1.--Continued


    Market, Origin and Jan. Mar. May Oct.descri!! tion Feb. Apr. June July Aug. Sept. : Nov. Dec.

    - Dollars Per Unit

    Radishes--Continued Chicu90: Cont'd.

    Baskets-I'll.':" Dunched, crts. Red, Zos 1.88 1.65 1.65 1.59 1.h6 1.80

    Ind Dunched, crts. Red, Zos 1.25 Dunched, c:rts. Red, Z5s 1.30

    ~ Now York. S-eound carton--

    Mich., Extra Lancy .............. 1.0Z 9Z .9h 1.19 N.J., Per bunch ................ .0595 .01188 .oh83 Pa., Per bunch ................ .0655 .011,50

    Chicago. 5-I!0und carton-

    11'1, Nearby, crts. (approx. 35-1b.) .. ".""." ... " .. "." . 2.50 z.50 Nearby, crts. (opprox.

    30-lb.) ................ 2.50 2.252.1111

    Mich., Special longs ............ .72 .86 .88 1.01

    outdoor, crts. (opprox.

    ZO-lb.) ............... 1.116

    Wash., ZO-lb. Hots "."" .. ".,,""" " 2.38 S!!inoch

    New York SaVOl tll!e - bushel basket, unless stated-

    Colo. , ...................... 2.62 2.118 ).50 3.75N.J., .......................... 1.06 .80 .84 1.30 1.50 1.00fN.Y.,L.I., ..................... 1.38 2.00 1. 56rqc 1.69 1. OafN.Y., '9 1.311 z.19Pac .......................... 1.38S.C., 1.32""""""""""""""""""""""""" " TexBB t ........................... 1.95 z.13 Z.2Z 2.08 Z.37Va., .......................... 1.38 1.58 2.20Chicago:

    Dushol basket-_ Cali!., Flat type, 16-in. crt ... 3.06 Colo., CUrly .................... 3.00 2.B3Ill., Flat . Semi-Flo t tYro Z.lZ 1.79 1.25 1.81 2.h3 Z.12 1.31 1.52 2.00Ind., Flat" Semi-Flat type .... 1.03 1.83 1.88Mich. , Flat" Semi-Flat type .... 1.75 1.50 1.25 195 1.hzTexas, Semi-Flat typo .......... Z.18 1.81 1.8Z 2.65Savoy type ............... Z.OO Wash., Curly, 20-lb. crete ...... 2.50 2.35

    Sweet!!otatoea Now York.

    Dusha1 basket--N.C., Porto Ricen type ......... 3.45 3.31 3.)8 3.42 3.84 4.62 5.75 4.83 3.78 3.50 h.oo h.65 N.J., Orango Jersey type ....... 2.34 2.Z5 2.20 Z.18 2.13 2.50 1.75 2.115 Z.82

    Porto Rican typo ......... 2.88 3.Z5 3.00 Yel10.. Jorsey typo ....... 2.812.75 z.63 z.45 :L.75fqc 3.12 3.12 3.02 2.62 Oklahoma type ............ 3.92 5. 47 ).12 3.Z5 3.38

    Va., Nemagold .................. 2.05 1.80 4.50 3.20 2.31 1.69 1.95 2.hll Porte Rican type ......... 2.58 3.6z 2.95 2.95 2.98 3.25Oklehome typo ............ 11.50 4.011

    Chicago: 50-I!0und erate--

    La., Porto Rican typo, curod 3.61 3.h9 3.44 3.59 ).9Z 5.18 5.50 5.62 5.26 Porto Rican type, uncured. 6.25 11.63 h.05 lI.z5 4.68

    N.J., Orenge Jersey, Ilu.-bskt,

    cured .................... 2.65 2.50 2.50 2.50

    Tonn., Porto Rican typo, bu.llskt.

    cured .................... 11.25

    Toxas, Porto Rican type, cured 4.69

    !qc - Fair quality and condition. f - Fair quality

    , MW,.Iil!:i!r"'IIliiilKWi,IilWZ'ltiii'ii UPDATA 1981

  • - 21 -

    Table l.--Continued


    Market, Origin and descri!! tion

    Jon. Feb. Mar. s Apr.s : May

    June July Aug. Sept.: Oct. Nov. Dec.

    - Dollars Per Unit

    New Yorlt - Auction Avcraae: Green! Riees and TUrnin2-

    Calif.,6x6 " 19r., lug box 5,,6 lL l!lr., 60-lb. crt ..

    Fla., 6::6 60-lb. crt. 11.28 6x6 lU!ls ................ 5.20

    Pa. , 6:

  • - ZZ -

    Table Z.--Auction prices of specified citrus and deciduous fruits in Nev York City and Chicago, each month, by market, origin, and descriptions, 1960. Weighted average, all grades ond sizes !!


    Market, Origin and t t :descl'il!tion Jan. Feb. tar. Apr. , May June July , Aug. , Sept., Oct. Nov. Dec.

    Dollars Per Uni t


    lIew York: Various Va rie ties-_

    Ariz. lIz-box carton 1.:n 1.89 z.04 1.40 Colif. lIz-box carton Z.36 z.85 z.63 Z.77 3.96 5.1ZFla. 1-315-bu. box 3.06 ).18 z.3Z 3.07 ).64 Z.75 3.11 3.39 3.67415-bu. box Z.lZ z.14 z.16 Z.31 Z.76 z.83 1.55 3.011 Z.57 z.40

    Chicago, Various Varieties-_

    Ariz. lIz-box carton 1.70 1.88 Z.OZ 1.69Colif. l/Z-bol< carton z.67 z.35 z.14 z.Zl z.84 3.0ZFla. l-3/5-bu. box 3.10 Z.Z) 3.50

    liZ-box carton Z.96 3.13 Z.90 4/5-bu. box ......... Z.:33 Z.Zl z.z8 Z.Z7 Z.7l Z.77 Z.87 z.67 Z.58Tex. liZ-box carton 1.67 1.66 1.35 1.Z7 1.84

    ~ lIev York.

    Ariz. liZ-box carton 3.30 3.01 4.55 4.49 5.06 3.51ColiI. liZ-box carton 3.31 3.48 3.z8 3.33 3.18 3.35 3.43 ).98 3.9Z 3.6z 4.91 3.93 Chicallo'

    Ariz. lIZ-box carton 3.Z3 3.19 11.65 4.31 4.z6 3.Z0ColiI. lIZ-box carton 3.40 3.74 3.33 3.13 3.Z9 3.59 4.13 4.19 4.57 4.49 5.11 4.Z7


    II",", York. Ariz. liZ-box ca rton 3.4z 3.68 Z.75 4.34Coli!. Navel lIZ-box ctn 3.7Z 3.87 4.30 4.01 5.03

    4.oz 3.51 5.70 4.08Valencia l/z-bx ctn. 3.78 4.47 3.67' 4.07 3.96 4.33 4.64 5.36 3.81Fla. Various Varieties,

    l-315-bu. box 3.94 4.31 4.00 4.96 5.81 5.83 5.704/5-bu. box z.86 Z.81 z.6z Z.35 Z.89 3.44 3.86 3.86 3.58 3.35 3.5ZPineapple 1-3/5-bu.bx 4.66 4.Z9 4/5-bu. bx z.67 Z.95 Z.55 3.10Temple 4/5-bu. box z.66 Z.97 4.zo 4.05 3.67 3.z6

    Chicapo, Ariz. liZ-box carton 3.04 3.Z5 3.18 Z.98 3.6z Z.73 4.81 3.6zColif. Navel l/z-b~. ctn 3.50 3.7Z 4.01 4.04 5.113 4.Z3Valencia I/z-bx ctn. Z.95 3.73 4.13 3.9Z 11.011 3.85 4.56 4.80 11.9) 393Fla. Various Varieties,

    1-3/5-bu. box 3.80 4.06Z99 5.43 3.91 3.014/5-bu. box Z.54 z.65 Z73 Z.36 Z.75 3.50 Z.79 3.15Temple 4/5-bu. box z.49 Z91 Z96 3.49 3.41 liZ-box ca rton ... 1.79 Z.41 z.zo 1.91

    Tex. Various Varieties,




    II"", York. Dozes. all ~'radeg and sizes__

    Colif. Golden Delicious .... 4.15Oreg. Delicious ~ 4.Z1 3.64 Z.73 Golden Delicious ... Ii.lIz 3.60 Yello,", Newtown 590 6.ozWosh. Arkansas Black Ii.05 4.53 5.19 Daltcious 1:./ 5.16 5.z6 5.1li Ii.68 5.85 5.58 6.33 5.70 5.53 5.78

    11 CoIIIPUed by Statistical and /listorical Research Branch, .AMI"il Includes Red Strains

    :,~iWJliii"'" UPDATA 1981

  • - Z3 -

    Table Z.~-Continued


    M9rket, Origin and description ~ Jan. "eb. !tir. Apr. !>\ly June July Aug. Sept.: Oct.: Nov. : Dec.

    - Dollars Per Unit -


    New York: Cont"d Boxes,sl! grades Bnd sizes--

    Wash. Golden Delicious 3.88 4.96 5.67 5.94 4.88 4.41 Rome Beauty 3.94 Z.36 Z.89 4.Z3 Pca rue U, .... ' 3.Z0 Winesap ~ Ye11~~ Newtown

    4.05 5.00

    4.38 4.114

    5.33 5.63

    6.z4 3.61


    Chicago: Boxes, all grades and sizes-

    \)reg_ , Delicious Z/

    Wash., Golden Delicious , Delicious Z/ Golden DelIcious

    399 4.56

    5.Z3 6.71

    5.30 5.71

    5.51 5.Z3

    Jonathan 1l.4z 11.16 3.31 Rome Beauty Winesap

    3.115 3.5Z

    4.40 3.91 3.15



    New York: Per lug--Calif. Royal

    Til ton - 3.74

    z.44 3.60 Perfection 3.38

    Chicago: Per lug--Cali!. Royal



    New York: l?-pound lug--

    Cali!. Bing Burbank Chapman Lambert 5.54 Republican lI.zo Tartarian .......... . 5.51 5.56

    Oreg. Bing lambert ............ .

    6.98 7.12 7.37

    Wash. RepUblican Bing 6.95

    6.14 7.116

    Lambert - 5.78 7.83 ~epublican 4.86

    Chicagol 12-pound lug--

    Cali!. Bing 8.10 6.74 Burbank ".,." 5.0Z Chap:!DBn ............. . 4.70 Lambert 6.10 Republican 4.05 Tnrtarian 5.49 6.61

    Oreg. Bing 6.1Z 5.55 lambert '! 6.63

    Wash. Ding f 6.73 Lambert 7.08 Republican 4.74

    New Yorkl Table Stock--por lun--

    Calt!. Almeria 5.61 11.04 4.03 Black Beauty Black Rose _

    1:/ Includes R&d Strains. v.*%i.,tqi*i1l~~itfiiijtifl,,? '-<

    UPDATA 1981 _11

  • Table Z.--Continued - Z.. -


    ~rket, Origin and descril!tion Jan. Feb. ~r. Apr. ~y ; June July Aug. Sept.: Oct. Nov ... Dec.

    - Dollars Per Unit _


    New York: Cont'd !-able Stock--I!er lua--

    Cali!. Call1eria ........... 6.:31 5.38 5.10 5.05 5.17Cardinal ........... 10.50 7.35 h.58 3.37Cornichon .......... 1.87 1.6z 3.18Emperor ........... 1l.08 3.88 3.8Z Z.97 3.Z5 Z.91 3.17 3.Z5Khandamr .......... - h.z8 3.ZZlady Finger ........ - 3.3Z~laga ............. Z.05 Z.Z9 3.Z1 3.08Muscat ........... 3.09 3.07 z.8z 3.15Olivette .......... 3.llh 3.10 196Perlette ........... . 11.98 6.50 5.h5 z.87Queen ........... h.lO- 3.59 z.58Red Malage ......... h.n 3.88 3.Z0Ribier .......... 9.1h 10.h5 5.10 5.19 b.18 3.68 h.15 3.0ZThompson Seedless .. 6.oz 5.09 3.ho 3.51 3.53 Z.35 1.z6Tokay .... "' ...... 3.39 Z.81 1.:37

    Chicaao, Table Stock--eer lUll--

    Cali!. Almeria ............ 6.Z5 3.98 3.66Black Beauty ....... 3."'31l.16Black Rose ........

    399Calaeria ..........,. - 3.8z 3.9Z h.38 h.87Cardinal ........... 7.56 h.oo 3.8zCornichon ....... z.1l3 Z.17Emperor ............ 3.91 3.67 3.68 3.35 3.06 3.05 3.10 3.Z0Khandamr .......... Il.ho 3.Z0lady Finger ........ Z.53 3.00~lage ........ Z.38 1.77 Z.lOMuscat ............ 3.ob 3.h9 3.08 3.15Olivette ...........

    398 3.36 z.61lPerlette .. " ....... " 11.89 5.60 h.05 z.boRed ~laga ......... - 3.87 3.6zRibier ............ 7.3Z h.785.97 3.59 3.75Thompson Seedless .. 3.36 Z.855.68 h.77 3.z6 3.hh 3.15 Z.OZTokay "" ... " ...... " " Z.91 z.6z Nectarines

    New York. Per crate--

    Cali.!. Grand River ........ 3.68 h.oo ';John. River "" ... " .. " Z.37 Z.71Kirkman ............ 3.ZlQuetta ............. Sunrise .......... h.09


    Chicaao , Per crate--

    Cali!. Grand River to ........ 3.53John River ......... z.63Quetta ............. z.h6 Z.55Sunrise ............ 3.Z7

    ~ New York:

    Per box'-_----c;rrt. Albright .......... 1.7hCling .............. z.40 1.65Levi. Cling ........ 1.39 Z.llMcDevitt, ...........

    Percoca .......... 1.68 Z.17 1.79 Red Dird .......... 1.15Wiley .............. - 1.69 Z.Ol Z.36

    UPDATA 1981

  • - z5

    table Z.--Continued

    D!IlXlOtlS FRUI'l'S_-CON'1'INl!ED

    ~rket. Origin and description Jan.

    : Feb. ~r. Apr. : ~y

    ___ Dollars Per Unit -

    June July Aug. : :

    Sept.: Oct. Nov. Dec.


    New York' Cont'd Sanger lug--

    CaU!. Cling ............. Gold Dust .......... Elberta ........... !hIe ............... Merrill G



    z.l11 z.78 1.99




    Chicapo' Per bOlt--

    Cal!!. Elberta ......... Sanger lug--

    Calif. B11lzing Gold .I~. Cardinal ........... Gold Dust .......... Elberta ............ !hIe ................. Merrill Gem ........ Redhaven .......... Robin .............. mo 0..0 Gem

    7.81 3.87 3.111 3.zh 30 98

    3.Z9 Z.86 z.98


    z.h3 Z.77


    1.117 Z.Z3

    1..57 Z.38


    Nev York: All grades. Eer box--

    Calif. Bartlett ........ ., .. Bosc ............... Comice ......... D'Anjou .......... Forelle .......... Ibrdy ............. Winter Ne1is .......

    Orog. Bartlett ........... Bose .............. Comice ............. D'Anjou .......... Winter NeIls .......

    Wash. Bartlett .......... Bosc ............... Comice ............. D'Anjou ............. Flemish .Beauty .....




    5.61 11.119 5.1111

    3.89 b.99 4.116 3.65


    h.99 11.61 5.30

    3.56 5.07 5.z4


    5.011 3.115 h.75



    3.95 11.11



    5.59 h.80



    6.01 5.96 6.19 5.51 6.89 5.311




    b.90 11.69

    7.07 5.1111 6.80 5.60


    6.zz 5.77 5.611 5.06

    5.69 4.oz 5.Z5 5.1b 3.80

    7.50 5.8Z 6.5h 11.86

    6.65 5.85 5.67 5.6h

    11.90 3.9"

    5.Z3 z.95

    h.II9 6.111 3.38

    Z.z7 11.69 5.58 5.09 5.56



    ChiChila, All sradesa Eer box--

    Calif. Bartlett nosc ...............

    Oreg. Bartlett ......... Bose Beurr.e Easter' D'Anjou Flemish Beauty

    Wash. Bosc .............. D'Anjou ..........










    3.Z5 5.13




    5.85 5.95 6.oz b.5Z 5.U


    6.97 5.b9 6.Zl





    b.17 5.07





    Nev Yorkl Puerto Rico, crate ........... 5.80 5.53 11.83 6.z11 5.75 11.95 b.b7 11.83 6.15 7.53 6.09 5.70


    Ney York: Per crate--

    Cal!!. Beauty ............ Decky S.ith ........ 7.79 11.86 z.6;1 :3.0Z


    UPDATA 1981 -

  • , 26 !able 2.--COntinued


    Msrkot, Origin and description

    'New Yorks Cont'd Pel" crate__

    Cal1E. Burbl)nk ........... Buru:osa ............. Duarte .fII Eldorado ....... ,.. Formosa ......... Gevlota ......... Giant .......... Kelsey .......... late Duarte ...... Late Santa Rosa .. Late Tragedy ._ ... President ........ Santa Rosa ............ Sharkey ............ Star Rosa .. ct.Sugar ...........


  • ,Z7 -

    Table 3.-.....verage price" of :;;;"'lcified fruits and vegetables at leading shipping points, each month by description of sale, 1960

    (Shipping point prices in this table are simple averages of the mid-points of the daily zange and are only for months during which market news

    stations were in operation in the specified districts) ,

    Shipping point and description of sale

    Jan. Feb. Mar. July Aug. Se~t.; Oct.: Nov. Dec.

    ___ Dollars Per Unit

    Raspberries Michigaa'

    Benton Harbor Cash market growers' sales 24 pint cratel unless stated--

    Black 5.10 Red " 5.74 Red, 2-lZ pint carton Black, 2-12 pint carton

    5.74 5.10

    Strawberries Arkansas:

    Auction sales--priceli to growers-Bald Knob Area--16-9.usrt crate-

    Tenn., Beauty U.S. No.1 U.S. Combination

    5.20 4.35

    U. S. No.2 3.08 Blakemore U.S. No. 1 4.60

    U.S. Combination 3.99 U.S., No.2 3.Z2

    Marshall Area--16-9uart crate-Tenn. Beauty U.S. No.1

    U.S. Combination 4.79 4.30

    Blakemore U.S. No.1 4.18 U.S. Combination 3.80 U.S. No. 2 2.78

    Northwest Area--Blakemore-16-qusrt crate U.S. No.1

    U.S. Combination 4.;8 4.19

    Ungl~ded 3.6Z Z4-qusrt crate U.S. No.1 6.69

    U.S. Combination 5.96 Ungl~ded 5.56

    California : California Districts-Sales f.o.b. shippinl! point-

    University ~~rs. 12-pt. tray 3.09 2.96 3.12 Delaware:

    laurel Area--Auction salas--price to growers-

    Various Vars. 16-qt crate 4.78 4.06 Florida: ~on sales--price to growers-

    Plant City--Missionary & No. 90, per pint .4z .37 .33 .z4

    Indiana: ~ Knob District--

    Sales f.o.b. shippin~-Various varieties 16-~t crt 4.15

    Kentucky: Sales f.o.b. shipping point-South Central Area--16-qt crt-

    Tennessee Beauty - 4.67 Pocahontas, u.s. No.1 - 4.67

    Louisiana , Sales f.o.b. cash track--Hammond-Various varieties, U.S. No.1

    lZ-pint flat 24-pint crate

    Marylandl Eastern Shore--Auction sales--price to growers-Various varieties-.l6.qt crate--

    Salisbury Area 3.65 Pittsville Area 4.13 Princess A.nn( .,Area. 4.zo


    UPDATA 1981

  • - z8 -Table 3.--Continued


    Shipping point and :Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. : Sept. ~t. Nov. Dec.description of sale

    - - Dollars Per Unit


    Michill!!n: Benton IiIrbor Cash _rket arowers' 581e5-

    16::!1uert crate--Early J:ewn ............... 6.oz

    Empire ................... 4.99

    Paymaster ............... 4.83

    Pocahontas ............... 4.12

    Premier ................. 5.14

    P."d Glo", ................. 4.96

    Robinson ................. 4.96 4.56

    Sparkles ................. 4.59

    Surecrop ...........' ...... 5.03

    Tennessee Beauty 5.14 iI,

    All!ena District--

    Robinson .............. 4.77

    New JerseXJ Sou~h Ne", Jersel Points--Auction sa1es-_price to prow-ers Various Varieties--16-guart crate

    Ced,. rvill e Area ............ 5.z8 4.8Z

    &.mmonton Area ....... ,. ...... 6.3Z 4.70

    Vineland Area .............. 5.4z 4.81

    North Carolina I Auction sa1es--Er1ce to growers-

    Zli-I!int crate--Chadbourn

    A1brittons ................. 5.z4 lQonmore ................... 4.z6

    lia1lace ~ttons ................ h.58

    South Carolina I Charleston Area--Boles f.o.b. shil!Eina EOint--

    Various Varieties, 24-pt. crate 4.6z Virginia :

    Eastern Shore__ Auction sa1es--l!rice to srowers--

    Various -varieties I 16-qt. crate

    Exmore ... ~ ............... 5.43

    Onley 4.40"" .. ,,""""""""""""""" "


    Gral!efruit TeX!\s: W;;laco-Lo",er Rio Grande Vallez--

    Sales f.o.b. shil!l!inn l!0int--

    Cartons--MostlZ RubZ Reds-

    3Z 8. larger ............... 1.65 1.54 1.39 1.44 Z.77 Z,07 1.9Z 35s 1.57 1.46 1.38 1.44,,",,""""""""""""""""""" " 36s z.66 1.84 1.13"""""""""""""""""",,""" " 409 1.1l0 1.40 1.4z 1.54 z.35 1.66 1.49"""""""""""""""""""""" " 48s .................... 1.30 1.3Z 1.55 1.74 1.80 1.46 1.31 56s 8. smaller ........... 1.19 1.26 1.54 1.74

    ~ California'

    Bouth 8. Central Districts-_ Seles t.o.b. shil!l!ing l1oint-

    Carton9--Extre-choice-959 ............... 3,z9 3.70 3.50 3.0Z z.85 z.89 3.44 3.88 II.Z8 II.3Z 4.z6 Z.76 115s ............... 3.z9 3.70 3.50 3.0z Z.85 Z.9Z 3.44 3.88 4.z8 4.33 4.48 3.Z3 140-1659 3.06 3.03 z.8z z.66 Z.74 Z.90 3.Z7 3.61 4.z4 4.Z1 4.6z 3.72"""""""""""""""" " 195-Z35S .............. 2.58 Z.38 Z.38 z.48 Z.13 Z.12 Z.8Z 3.;12 3.19 3.48 4.33 3.7Z


    UPDATA 1981

  • - z9

    table 3.--Continued


    Shipping point and JWle July Aug. I:Sept. Oct.

    I , Nov. Dec.Jan. ~ Feb. ~ K3r. : APr.; K3ydescription oI sale

    Dollars Per Unit


    CaliIornia I Cont'd South & Central Di5trict5-

    Oarton5--Choice-Z.50 Z.lIz Z.lIo Z.36 Z.311 Z.59 Z.75 ;l!.!>11 z.,l 1.9595s ...................... 2.50

    1159 Z.50 Z.50 z.lIz Z.lIo Z.36 Z.311 Z.59 Z.75 Z.,11 ~,9Z Z.Zl

    1110-1659 ................ Z.38 Z.38 Z.38 Z.35 Z.lIo Z.36 Z.311 Z.!i9 Z.75 2.511 z.811 Z.1I8 0

    Z.50 Z.36 Z.30 z.zlI Z.Z5 z.06 z.68 z.60.................195-Z35s OrangesCaliIornie,1

    Central District--Sales I.o.b. shieeins eoint-

    Navel_-Certon__Extra-Choice-11.85 3.08

    56s & larller ........ II.U 11.00 1I.0Z ~. 11.85 3.Z27Z9 ..................... Z.97 3.15 3.118 3.66

    88-1139 ................. Z.55 z.90 3.30 4.78 4.88 3.91138-1635 ................ Z.51 z.68 Z.91 - 3.IIZ1809 ...................

    Choice- 4.39 Z.33 """56s& larger ............ 3.0Z 3.Z8 3.34 4.39 Z.54

    7Zs .................. Z.5Z z.76 Z.95 4.33 3.1288-1135 ................ 2.Z0 z.1I5 Z.78 4.31 3.60138-163S ................. z.lll Z.Z5 Z.37 180s ................... - 3.14


    56s & larger ............ 3.85 4.30 5.16 7Z5 ................... 3.77 4.30 5.16 88-113s ............... 3.111 3.117 3.88 l38-163s ................ z.67 Z.511 z.60 180s ........... Z.oo 1.90 1.89 .~.'>

    Choice-56&"& larger ............ 3.19 3.6z 11.00

    3.6z 4.00 88-113s ............... Z.71 3.10 3.Zl

    7Zs ...................... 3.11 138-1635 ............... z.Z7 z.17 z.z6 1805 ................... 1.811 1.65 1.711

    Southern District--

    Sales t.o.b. shieeing eoint-

    Navel_-carton__Extra-choice__ 11.711 3.08

    56s k larger h.u 11.00 4.08 11.53 4.711 3.ZZ7Zs .................... Z.')7 3.1~ 3.6z 11.115 4.76 3.6688-113s .......... Z.55 Z.90 3.5Q 3.70 k.88 3.91138-163s ................ Z.51 z.68 3.11 z.65 180s ............... 1.95 3.4z

    Choice-- II.Z7 Z.33

    56s& larger ........... 3.0Z 3.z8 3.37 3.53 4.Z7 Z.54

    7Zs Z.5Z Z.76 3.0Z 3.50 n 4.Z7 3.U88-1135 .............. Z.ZO z.45 z.88 3.07 4.Z5 3.60138-1635 ............. Z.ll1 Z.Z5 Z.50 Z.38 3.14180s .............. .... 1.75 ~ Valencia--Csrton--Extra-Choice-

    56s & largeT u 11.00 3.B5 4.30 5.18 1I.9Z lI.n. 5.Z9 5.39 5.117

    725 ................... 3.75 3.77 11.30 5.18 4.9Z 4.7Z 5.Z9 539 5.47 11.883.86 3.93 3.93 11.50 4.7688-1135 .c u 3.50 3.15 3.47 z.67 Z.5~ Z.61 Z.76 z.96 3.10 3.36 3.63 Z.OO 1.~O 1.89 1.911 z.04 Z.09 z.z6 Z.55

    138-1639 ................ 3.Z5 180s ..................


    ~& larger ........... 3.50 3.19 3.6z 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.97 4.00 4.06

    3.Z5 311 3.6z 11.00 3.75 3.50 3.97 4.00 11.06728 ..................... 3.18 3.110 3.65 3.81 3.89 98-11::s ................ ).00 Z.71 3.10 3.Z1

    Z.75 Z.Z7 Z.17 z.zlI Z.3Z z.6z z.58 Z.75 Z.981)8-1635 0 z.161.811 1.65 1.74 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.96180s ....................

  • table 3.--Continued

    Shipping point and description of sale ; Jan.

    ~ Weslaco-Lower Rio Grande Valley-_ Sales f.o.b. Shipping point--

    Carton-Mostly Hamlins-88s & larger Z.ll 100s & larger 100-108s lz6s 1)85 & smaller

    Valencia--cartonR__ 88s k larger 2.15 100-1OSs 1.98 1265 ~ 1.84 ~38s & smaller 1.8b

    Delaware: Dover & Nearby Points__ Sales t.o.b. shipping point--U. S. Fancy & U.S. Extra Fancy-_

    Carton, tray pack---Golden Delicious 1508 & 19r. Red Delicious Red Rome

    Bushel llasket--U.S. No. 1 24 in. up. Lodi William Reds

    Michigan: Denton Harbor__ cash market growers' sales-_ Bushel baSket, U.S. No. 1-

    2-1/2 in. up. unless stated--

    Chenango Cortland Delicious Duchess

    z4 in. up Grimes Golden Z~ in. up Graham Spy ft Jonathan z; in. up Lodiz4 in. up Maiden Blush Z; in. up ~Intosh "

    2i in. up

  • - 31 Ta',le J.--Continued


    Shipping point and desclt'lp tion of sale Jan. Feb.

    Mar. z

    Apr. : : May June July Aug. Sept. : Oct. Nov. Dec.

    - Dollars Per Unit ~Rfles--Contin~e~

    Mich12ao: Cont'd :Jen ton Harbor West Michi2"n Points Sales f.o.b. shiEEin!! point U.S, ;;0. 11 2-1/2 in. ue! unless stated

    ''ushel basket and Easterrl crate-_ Jonathan, 2-l/4-in. up ....... 2.37 3.26 3.13 3.21 3.30 McIlltosh, .................... 2.13 2.110

    2-1/II-in. up ....... Red Delicious ................ 2.53 3.85 11.10 11.25 Red Rome ..................... 2.59 3.00 ).11 3.28 Red Stayman .................. 2.52 2.63 2.75 Stayman ...................... Turley-Winesap .............. 2.56

    2..40 ;.66

    Bushel carton--

    Jonathan, 2-1/II-in. up a 3.30 Red Stayman .................. 2.39 3.08

    Carton! tral Eacl< U.S. Extra Fancl &. U.S. Fancl--

    Delicious, 1385 " Igr. ....... 3.31 Red Delicious, 1509 k 19r. ... 3.85 3.110 3.91 4.311 11.35 3.59 11.49 3.65 11.60 Red Rome, 125s &. 19!:". ........ 3.113 3.31 3.110

    Ca.rtons! U.S. Fane.>!:l 2-1/II-in. uE film balls From controlled atmosEhere stora5!e--

    Golden Delicous .............. 4.110 Jonathan ..................... 11.12 McIntosh ..................... 3.118 Red Rome ..................... 11.05

    New Jersey: South ~ Central Now Jersol Points Delivered soles shieEinU eoint basis and sales L.o.b. inspection and acceptance arrival

    Tray eacl, - Extra Fancy !< Fnncl! 1385 !< Igr.--

    Golden De11cous .............. 4.2~ Red Delicious ................ 11.59 11.88 5.12 11.76 5.33 Red Rome ..................... 3.26 3.10 2.7B Rod Staymnn .................. 3.19 Stayman ...................... 3.116

    New York: Rochester l Western and Central Points Solos f.o.b. sh1eEin!! Eoint and delivered sales 9hiEeing Eoint basis U.S. No. 11 2-1/4-1n. up

    l2-3-1b. film bags--

    Cortland ...................... 2.113 2.61 2.55 Golden Delicious ............. 3.25 3.23 3.25 McIntosh ..................... 2.2B 2.211 2.711 2.88 3.06 3.05

    controlled atmosphere storage ............. 3.26 3.;32 3.30

    Northern Spy ................... 3.011 3.00 3.00 11.19 11.22 Red Delicious ................ 339 3.52 3.52 11.25 4.20 lI.lB

    controlled atmosphere storage ............. 11.00 11.19

    Red Rome 0 2.76 2.75 2.13 Wealthy ....................... 2.26

    B-5-lb. tilm bags--

    Cortland ..................... 2.25 2.65 2.67 2.78 2.7l McIntosh ..................... 2.26 2.26 2.82 2.92 Red flome ...................... 2.75 2.25 2.25 Wealthy ...................... 2.26

    10_II_lb. Hlm bags--

    Cortland ..................... 2.36 Jonathan ..................... 3.25 McIntosh ...................... 2.311 2.;32 2.88 3.06 Red Romo ..................... 2.Bl 2.77 2.70 z.1I6

    ..:iVM~ff..l.t'Krf"';1 UPDATA 1981

  • - 3z -Table 3.--Continued


    Shipping pOint and description of sale Jan. Feb.

    : :

    Mar. : :

    Apr. May June July Aug. I

    sept.: Oct. Nov. Dec.

    Dollars Per Unit -AEE les--Continued


  • - 33 -Table 3.--Continued


    Shipping point and dcscri!!tion of sale

    Jan. Feb. : :

    Mar. : :

    Apr. : :

    May June July Aug. :

    Sept.: Oct. Nov. Dec.

    Dollars, Per Unit

    Celifornia: Cont'd Oekerfield L Kern CO. I Points Sales f.o.b. shi!!l!inll !!oint ~rtd sales to local buzors

    U.S. No. 11 z8-lb. luq--Lady Finger ................... Olivette ...................... Red Malaga .................... Ribler ..................... Thompson Seedless ............


    z.88 4.56 ).51

    3.44 3.44 Z.71 3.46 Z.38

    Z93 Z.93

    Z90 Z.58

    Z.59 Z.58

    Z.75 3.08

    Coachella Vallez I Indio Sales f.o.b. shi!!!!in~ !!oint

    Dlack Beauty Seedless, IS-lb. lug ............. 5.72 3.4z Z4-lb. display lug ..... 7.40 4.60

    Cardinal, 18-lb. lug .......... 4.15 Z4-lb. display lug ..... 5.19

    Perlette, 18-lb. lug .......... 6.2,7 3.89 ZII-lb. display lug 8.12 5.00

    Thompson Seedless, l8-lb. lug 3.16 ZII-lb. display lug ..... 4.34

    Fresno & Central California Points Sales f.o.b. shi!!!!ing point

    U.S. No. I, z8-lb. lUll--Almeria ....................... 3"z6 3.09 3.10 Calmeria ...................... ;:J.Z6 3.09 3.10 Cardinal ................ ~ ..... Z.38 Emperor ....................... Z.37 z.44 z.II11 Z.33 Z.35 z.oo 1.88 Z.05 HaUas ....................... z.88 Z.5l Khandahar ..................... 3.50 Lady Finger ................... 3.06 z.66 Olivette ...................... 3.50 3.lZ Red Malaga .................... Z.70 Hibier ........................ 3.47 z.86 Z.57 Z.58 Rish !labo ..................... Z.94 3.04 Thompson Seedless 0 Z.35 Z.5Z z.46 White r.alagQ ....... ".......... Z.3Z

    Lodi District Sales !.o.b. shi!!!!i"\! !!oint

    U.S. No. I, z8-lb. lU2--Tokay ......................... Z98 1.98 1.67

    Mlchiqan: Denton Harbor Cash market growers' sales


    ~ table, crt. 8-Z qt. bskt. 3.67 3.37 Ii-qt. basket ............ .63 .55

    Mich. , No. z, lZ-qt. bskt. .... 1.lZ .83 Nectarines

    California I San Joo9uin Vallez Points Sales r.o.b. shiEe ing !!oint

    Z-lozer lU21 CU!! I!ack--Early LeGrand, 80-88s ......... 1.81

    70s & 19r ...... z.z6 Regulor LeGrand 80-88a ....... 1.89 Z.OZ

    70s & 19r. ..... Z.ZZ Z.34 Late LeGrend, 80-88s ......... Z.511 Z.98

    70s & 19r. ..... z.65 Z.98 Early Sun Grand, 969 .......... 3.IIz z.30

    80-88s ......... 3.93 z.80 70s .. 19". ..... 4.113 3.3Z

    Regular Sun Grand, 96s ........ 193 80-88s ........ z.lil

    70s & 19r, ..... Z9Z

  • - 31l -

    Table 3.--Continued


    Shipping point and descriptio" of sale Jan. Feb. Mar.

    : : Apr.

    I : May June July Aug. I Sept.: Oct. Nov. Dec.

    Dollars Per Unit

    Nectarines--Continuad California: Cont'd

    San Joaquin Valley Points Sales f.o.b. shipping point

    Z-layer lug, cup pack--Gold Kings, 80-885

    70s.lgr Grand River, 965 Princess, BSs ~ 19r Red Grands, 80-885 1.89 1.88

    70s & 19r z.z8 Z.lZ Sunrise, 1085 Z.Zl

    96s z.60 88s & 19r 3.lll

    Alabama: --chiTton County Points

    Sales [.o.b. shipping point U.S. No. 1 or better, 2-io. up. Unless stated

    lIZ-bushel basket--

    Cardinal Z.58 Coronet 1.89 Dixired ...................... . z.1l8 Hiland ,. z.88 Keystone 1.98 Redcap z.48 Southland 195

    3/4-bushel basket-cardinal ..................... . 3.07 Coronot z.6B Dixired Z.99 Early Elberta z.69 Elberta .~ Z.31 Z.08 Keystone Z.41 Z9l Redcap 3.10.Southland z.6z Sullivan Elberta z.4z

    &~shel baske t- cardinal ..................... . ll.z5 Coronot 3.70 Dixired 0. 4.Z5 Early Elberta J\" , 3.35 Elberta Z.78 Keystone 3.71 Redcap 4.z5 Southland 3.16 Sullivan Elberta Z93

    Arkansas I Clarksville Area Sales f.o.b. shipping pOint U.S. No.1. Z-in. up, unless stated

    Dushel baskot--Dixirod Z.88 Elberta Fair Beauty Z.94 July Elberta z.86 Red Elberta, z.80 Redhaven 3.z8

    Nashville Area Salos r.o.b. Shipping paint U.S. No.1, Z-in. uPf unless stated

    lIZ-bushel basket--

    Dixired ' 1.9Z PUlr Beauty ~ 1.93

    Dushel basket--DixigC1Jl ".................... 2.97

    Dixired 3.17 Elberta z. 95 Fnir Beauty 3.1Z 3.00 July Elberta 2.93 Red Elberta z.85 Rodhavon ~.ZO

    ______ ~______~____ __________________________2_.~8_4_____________________________________~S~U~l~l~l~v~a~n~E~I~b~c~r~t~o~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~.~.~.~.__ ~~.

    k1 t;4Wf9allf....i,.i~_i),;

    UPDATA 1981 II ~ ft.'

  • - 35 -

    Table 3.--Continued


    I I I Snipping point' and May June July. AugSept. I Oct. Nov... Dec.: Jan. ~:.Feb. Mar. Apir.description of sale

    _ Dollars Per Unit

    Peaenes--Continued Ca lifornia.

    San Joasuin Vallez Points--Sales r.o.b. snipping point-

    Z-lazer lUll I CUE-Esck unless stated--Blazing Gold 96s ..... 2.05

    BO-BBs oo Z.53

    70s lit 19r. 3.03

    Cardinal 96 .. ...... 1.B9

    BO-B8s ... 2.37

    70s I!t 19r. 2.96

    Dixired 96s ...... 1.84 80-88s ... Z.35 70s I!t 19r. 2.85

    Early Elberta 70s lit 19r. 1.68

    Pen. Dx. 65S lit 19r. 1.32

    Elberta 70s I!t 19r. 1.66 l.h9

    Pch. Dx. 65s I!t 19r. 1.22 1.12,

    FIiY Elberta 70s lit 19r. 1.77 1.59 Pen. Dx. 65S lit 19... l.zh 1.16

    Fiesta 70s lit 19r. Z.30

    Forty-Niner 60s & Igr. z.z6

    70s & 19r 1.8z 1.65

    Gold Dust 9603 1.3"

    80-88s 2.35OO' 70s & Igr. z.90

    1.72 1.56

    Itpch. Ilx. 65S 8< 19r.

    J. H. !hIes 70" lit 19r. 1.16

    John G. 70s 8< 19r. z.z8

    Kirkman Gem 70s lit 19r. z.z8 z.44

    Merrill Deauty 80-88s oo z.l2

    70s lit 19r. z.6z

    Merrill Gem 80-8Bs oo. Z.34

    i'Os lit 19r. z.84

    Harrill Gem!ree 96s ...... 2.10

    80-88s oo. 2.60 70s 8< Igr. 3.10

    Harricle 70s 8< 19r. 1.77

    Pageant 70s 8< 19r. 3.35

    Red Globe 60s lit 19r. 2.52

    70s 8< 19r. 2.12

    Redllsven 80-88s 2.09

    70s lit 19r. 2.59 1.70

    Pch. Ox. 70s lit Igr. 1.60

    1.85Rio 090 Gem 70s 8< 19r. 1.18Pen. Bx. 65s 8< 19 r

    Delaware I

    Dover lit Nearbl Points--

    Sales t.o.b. snippinll point_-

    U.S. No. 1 - Busnel basket--

    Elberta z in. up. 2.70


    Macon lit Georllia Points--

    Sales t.o.b. shipping poin~--

    U.S. No. I 8< U.S. Extra No. 1 2 in. ul! unless stated lIZ-bu. basket--

    Cardinal ................... 3.35


    Dixired ................... 2.64 Coronet, ...................

    Hiland .................... 3.96

    Maygold ................... 4.50

    Redcap 2.58 \1.

    ~/4-bushel basket--

    Beauty Gem ................ 2.55

    Coronet ................ ".... 2.47


    July Elberta .............. 2.09 Dixired ...................

    Keystone .................. 2.25 2.77

    UPDATA 1981

  • Table ~.-~ontlnued


    Shipping paint and descri tion of sale May June

    - Dollars Per Unit _

    Peaches-~ontinuedGeOrgia. Cont'd J/~-bU9hel basket__

    Red Elberta Redhaven ,,""""""""""" Southland Sullivan Elberta

    Bushel basket__

    Coronet"""""" " ,,"""" " z.68July Elberta Keystone" """ """"" ,, " Southland ~ Sullivan Elberta

    Michigan, Vest MiChigan Points__ Sales f.o.b. shipping pOint__ U. S. No.1 - Z in. up - Bushel basket__

    Elberta Fairhaven Iilleheven ................ . Redhaven

    Benton Iilrbor__ Cash market growers' sales--

    U.S. No. I - Z in. up unless stated __ Buihel basket__

    Ambergem Early Elberta Elberta "eo_"""""""" ,,"

    zl in. up ....... .. Fairhaven """""""""""""""""

    zl in. up Iilleheven ................ .

    zi in. up J. H. lilIes Z~ in. up K'alehoven e

    zi in. up Redhaven "".""""""""""",,.,,"

    zi in. up Redskin

    ~i~~:~;::::::::: Rio 0&0 Gem Zt in. up Sunday Elberta

    New Jersezl South & Centrsl N. J. Points__ Delivered sales shippinp point and aales t.o.b. inspection and acceptance arrlval__ Z in. up unl&ss stated-_

    )('-Bushel basket-_ Blake

    zi in. up Brackett ""

    zi in. up .......... . Elberta

    z4 .~. up Goldgem . GOldeneast Halehaven Jer~eylBnd

    zi in. up ...... Midw'ay Nevdoy Redcrest

    z4 In. up ........ . Redhaven

    z i in. up Rio Oso Gem

    July Aug. I I

    Sept., Oct. Nov. Dec.

    Z.SI 7..78 Z.S7 z.04 ~.S6 ~.:31 z.~4

    z.49 z.6z

    z.67 Z.83

    Z.SO z.63 Z.~~ z.S6

    S.ZO 3.111 3.zz

    Z.68 Z.89

    3.38 3.76 ~.70 3.95

    z.90 3.Z3 Z.17 z.40 3.0Z Z.09

    z.76 Z5l Z.Z7 z.ZO

    z.69 Z.81

    Z.30 Z.3~ z.4z

    3.08 z.60 ,.

    3.30 3.z6 ).89

  • - 37 -

    Table 3,.--Continued


    Shipping point and . : : . . Jan. Feb. Har. , Apr. May June Julydescription of sale

    _ Dollars Per Unit

    Peaches-Continued New Jersey' Cont'd

    South & Central N. J. Points-3/4-Bushel basket--Rio Oso Gem 24 in. up Summercrest Summerqueen SWlhigh

    zl in. up Trlogem

    South Carolina: Spa rtanburg --. Bales f.o.b. shipping point--U"S. No.1 or better - Z in. up unless sta ted-

    3/4-Bu3hel basket--

    Blake 2.95 Burbank Elberta 2.43

    2.16 Dixigem Coronet

    2.41 Dixired 2.06 Elberta Keystone 2.67

    2.78Redhaven Redskin Southland 2.59 Sullivan Elberta 2.20 Sunhigh z.67 Triogem 2.51

    Bushel basket--Burbank Elberta 2.94 Dixigem 2.70 -95 Dixired 2.50 Elberta 2.68 Keystone 3.15 Redhaven 3.33 Southland 2.91 Sullivan Elberta 2.68 Triogem 3.16

    Washington. . Yakima Valley--

    Sales t.o.b. shieE1ER point-Wash. No. 1 wrapped-

    Elberta 72s & 19r. box J. H. fhle 72s & 19r. box

    6Ss & 19r. lugs 6ss & 19r. lug, cup pack

    West Virginia: Martinsburg--

    Appalachian District(Md"Po., Va. ,W. Va.) Sales I.o.b. shipping point--

    U.S. No.1 - 2 In. up unless stated-

    3/4-bushel basket--

    Elberta Q 2* in. up J. H. Holes 2i in. up Redskin Southland Sullivan Elberta Sunhigh

    21 in. up Triogem

    Bushel basket--Elberta

    24 in. up Ihlemven .

    z4 in. up


    ,.68 2.06 2.42 2.37 2.59 2.30



    1.32 1.42 Z.2S 2.31

    2.13 2.35 :3.12 2.61 2.55 2.18 2.53 2.62 2.5:3

    2.SS 2.89 2.91 2.80

    Sept.: Oct. Nov Dec.

    1.35 1.38 2.18 2.20

    ~'Wi;'if1tl1&,,,'~1:ii8',.'*ii;, ,.

    UPDATA 1981 II ~,,~

  • - 38 table 3.--Continued


    Shipping point and i

    Jan. I :description of sale Feb. ; Mar. ; Apr. : May June JUly: Aug. ,Sept. I Oct. Nov. Dec.

    Dollars Per Unit _

    Peaches--ContinuedWeBt Virginia' Cont'd

    14-Bushel basket__

    J. H. 18les Z in. up ..

    4.10Z in. up .. ).49Redhaven ~ ).14Sunhigh 2.98Triogem z.86


    Yaki... Valley__

    Sales f.o.b. shipping point-

    Boxes - wrapped__ Bartlett U.S. No. 1 var.

    sizes 0 4.44 4.)9Comb. EXtra Fancy

    & Fancy l65s & 19r. _

    4.50 4.50EXtra Fancy, film

    liner 165s & 19r.

    5.00 5.1ZFancy,film liner

    1659 & Igr .....

    4.00 4.14Comb. Extra Fancy &

    Fancy, 14-1b lug,

    loose Z 1/8 in & 19r. 1.60 1.46D'Anjous U.S. No.1 Var sizes 4.46 4.59 4.69 4.)5 4.)6 4.)8EXtra Fancy, film liner 1509 & 19r. 4.75 4.96

    Fancy, film liner 4.75 4.84 150s & 19r.....

    ).80 ).79 ).81

    Calitornia , ~ San Joa!luin Vallez Points__ Sales t.o.b. Shipping point-_

    U.S. No. 1 - li-basket crate-_

    Ace ) X li .......... 4.0)4 X 4 ..."...... ).61Beauty 4 X 5 ............. ).71

    5X5 .............. ).ZlBecky Smi th 4 x4 ......... ).524 X 5 ........ Z.95Burmosa ~ x4 .............

    4 X 5 .......... 4.16 ).66Duarte II X 4 .............. 4 X5 ........... ).))

    Early Heart 4 X 4 ...... 2.8) 4.084 X 5 ......... ).58Eldorado 4 X 4 ......... ).774 X 5 ........... ).09 ).)1lrelsey ) X 4 a." 4.5) 4.594 X 4 .......... 4.0) 4.11!aroda 4 X 4 ......... 4.oz4 X 5 .......... ).5Z!a.te Duarte 4 X 4 ........ 4 X 5 ........ ).7) ).z4Lete Sante Rosa 4 X 4 ..... ,. 4.5) 4.674 X 5 .....

    Nubiana 3 X 4 ........... 4.02 4.17 4.05 4.184 X 4 ............ 3.5) ).69President 4 X 4 ........... 4.)1Ii X f; ........... ).82Queen Anne ) X 4 .......... 4.29 4.Z94 X 4 ........ ).7Z ).80Sante Rosa 4 X 4 ....... 4.85 4.174 X 5 ......... 4.35 4.67Tragedy 5 X 5 .......... 4.465 X 6 ........... ).96Wickson ) X 4 ........... 4.)04 X 4 ............ 3.77

    rfrf~;f~ ..~ UPDATA 1981 "

  • - 39

    table 3.--Continued


    Shipping point and description of sale

    Jan. Feb.; Mar. Apr. ; May I June: July Oct. Nov. Dec.

    Dollars P"r Unit

    Pluas--Continued California I Cont 'd

    San Joaquin Valley Points-Sales f.o.b. shipping point-

    U.S. No. 1 Ace

    - Lugs - cup pack-968 Z.94 80-888 3.44 70s & lor 4.01

    laroda 965 z.80 80-88s 3.z6 70s & 19r 3.88

    Mariposa 96s 80-88s

    3.18 3.68

    70s ~ 19r 4.18 Nubiana 968 ~" z.68

    80-88s 3.18 70s & Igr

    Queen Anne 965 3.75 Z.75 z.6z

    80-88s 3.Z5 3.1Z 70s & 19r 3.86 4.ot,

    Prunes, Fresh Idaho I --W;;;tern Idaho and Malheur Co Orego'!,-

    Sales t.o.b. shipping point--U.S. No. I--

    Italian type i bu. basket fnced 3.46 Washingtonl

    Yakima Valley--Sales t.o.b. shipping point-

    Italian tYpe - Wash. No. I-I bushel basket faced 3.59 lZ-lb lUG, loose 0 1.51

    Cantaloups Arizona. --a;r.;,; f.o.b. shipping point--

    Top ice extra - Vine ripened - Jbo. crt-Phoenix & Central Arizona Points--

    Z3s 4.1Z Z7s 3.78 4.56 36s 4.z8 5.1Z 45s 4.06 4.71

    Yu.a District--Z7s 368 458

    California , Sales t.o.b. shippinQ point-Top ice extra - Vine ripened-

    Juabo crate unless stated-Blythe District--

    Z3s 2.92-Z7s 36s .. ~ ........... 3.71 4.4z 4.5s 4.z8

    Itl Centro - I!!!peria1 Valley-2.38 59Z 3.6z 275 6.83 3.97 368 8.Z5 ~.56 ~58 7.75 4.16


    UPDATA 1981

  • -110 _

    Table 3--Continued


    Shipping pOint and Jan. I June : Julydescription of sale :

    - - - Dollars Per Unit _

    Cantnloups--ContinuedCalifornia: Cont'd

    Bales f.o.b. shipping point-

    Top ice extra - Vine ripened-

    Jumbo crate unless stated--

    West Side District-

    233 0 3.30 Z7s 3.S9365 4.4S 455 G O 4.36

    Delano-Wheeler Ridpe Distrlct--Z7s 368 0 455 a ~

    Dela'WsreJ leurel--Auction sales---B-;shel bb"lket al 1.14

    Loose,each .10 Maryland.

    Salisbury--Auction sales-

    Bushel basket ~ 1.90 Loose. each .10

    ~!.I!!!!.: Benton Ierbor--

    Cash market growers' sales-

    Iervest Queen, open bushel bu. carton

    ~ney Rock, open bushel NeW' Jersey:

    Auction sales--price to growers--Glassboro__

    Honeybest, rlato lZs Pride 01 Wisconsin, bu.

    basket & flat lZs Vineland--

    Honeybest, flats lZs

    HoneydewsCalifornia I

    Fresno-San Joaquin valley District__ Bales f.c.b. shipping point-_

    Jumbo crate 6-35 Z.IZ Standard flat crate 9-lZs z.6z

    Fresno-Sacramento Valloy District__ Bales f.o.b. shipping point-

    Jumbo crate 6-88 Z.OS Standard .!lat crate 9-lZs Z.53

    Miscellaneous Melons California:

    Fresno-Ban Joaquin Valley Points__ Salesl.o.b. shipping point--

    Flat crate--All sizes--Casabas 0.0 Cranshaws Persians Santa Claus

    WatermelonsArizona I ~ix ~ Central Atizone Points__

    Sales l.o.b. shipping point _ per ton__ Peacock lS-ZZ-lb. average

    lZ-16-lb. average





    Z.4l Z.lS 1.6S


    1.75 Z.lO

    Z.95 3.lZ 3.111 Z.95

    :Sept.: Oct. Nov. Dee.: :


    Z.61 z.48 1.90


    I.S5 Z.13

    1.SO Z.lO

    Z.54 Z.32 z.6z Z.75 z.6z Z.75 Z.511 Z.3Z

    cilti~; "i';"f UPDATA 1981 ,

  • - In

    table 3.--Continued


    Fresno-San JOa~in VaiiSt Points

    Shipping pOint and description of sale Jan. Feh. Mir. Apr. Iohy

    Juna July Aug.

    Sept.: Oct. Nov. : Dec - Dollars Per Unit - - -

    Watermelons--Continued california'

    Sales f.o.b. shieeina eoint - Per ton--BlIthe. District--

    Klondike & Peacock, 18-22 lb. avo ............... 38.93

    E1 Centro-1meerial Vallel--Peacock, 18-20 lb. avo 53.86

    IinHs6ur~-firnu firstric--Klondike, Peacock & Stripes,

    l6-22-lb. av. ........ 30.09 20.33 Turlock District--

    Klondike, Peacock & Stripes, 16-22 lb. avo 20.00

    Manteca District--Klondike, Peacock & Stripes

    16-22 lb. avo ........ 20.17 Wheeler Ridge Section-Bakersfieldz Calif.

    Klondike & Peacock 16-20 lb av- :33.36 Perris ValleI Points--(Riverside Countl POints z Calif.) Hemet Section--.

    Klondike type 18-22 lb. avo 25.00 30.00 12-15 lb. avo 18.67

    laksview Section--Klondike type 18-24 lb. avo 25.00 29.29 Stripes, 18-20 lb. avo .... 25.00 29.29

    Elsinore Section--Klondike type, 18-20 lb. av 25.00 29.17

    16-18 lb. avo 21.88 l2-lb. avo ... - 17.56

    Del~. Iaurel--Auction sales--Per ton--

    Ice box melons, bushel .95 Charleston GraI-

    l2-lb. & up .13 .06 .08 0 l5-lb. & up ." ........ .17 .11 .14 20-lb. & up .......... .28 .18 .26 25-lb. & up ........... .36 .23 .39 30-lb. & up ......... .43 .30 .59 35-lb. & up ........... .37 .69~ 40-lb. I!r. up ............ .4b. .83

    Congo-l5-1b. I!r. up ............. .12 .12 20-1b. I!r. up ........... .21 .23 25-1b. & up ............ .26 .30 30-lb. & up .33 .44 0.0 35-lb. & up ............. .40 .44 40-1b. I!r. urI .......... .43 .45

    Garrisonia-15-1b. &up .......... .11 20-1b. I!r. up ............ .21 25-lb. & up .......... .24 30-lb. & up ............ .33 35-1b. I!r. up .......... .38

    Black Diamond-30-lb. &r. up .31

    Florida , ~ess South Florida Through North Florida Sections--

    Bal.. " t.o.b. Cash track and Sales f .O.b~._Accel2tance final--Charleston GraI-

    Cars--Per CWT--U.S. No. 1 20-lb. avo & 19r ........ 4.11 19-1b. avo I.t smlr ....... 3.30 1.34 .67 20-25'-lb.av. ......... 3.22 1.40 .67 26-1b. avo & 19r .4 ....... 3.01 1.47 .67

  • _ 4z _

    Table 3.--Continued

    Shipping point and description o!.sale Jan.

    Florida: Cont' d --prc;gressing South Florida through

    North Florida Sections Sales I.o.b. cash track and Sales f.o.b. acceptance final Charleston Gray--

    Truclts! Per CWT--U.S. No. 1-lO-lb. aVe & 19r l~-lb. aVe ~ smlr ZO-Z5-1b. avo Z6-lb. av. I!t 19r............ ..

    Cars, Per CWT--Uninspected__ ZO-lb. avo I!t 19r IS-lb. avo I!t smlr ZO-Z5-lb. avo ................ . Z6-lb. avo I!t 19r............. .

    Trucks, Per CWT--Uninspected__ ZO-lb. avo I!t 19r IS-lb. avo I!t slmr ZO-Z5-lb. avo ................ . Z6-lb. avo I!t Igr

    Georgia. ~ Central Georgia Points

    Sales .teo.b. cash tracl; and Sales !.o.b. acceptance final Charleston Gray--

    Cars, Per CWT--U.S. No. 1 __ l;;'-lb. BV. &. smlr ZO-Z5-1b. av. 26-11,). BV. & 19r.

    Trucks, Per CWT--U.S. No. 1-19-1b. avo & smlr ZO-Z5-lb. avo ................ . 2.6-lb. avo I!t 19r. ........... ..
