fresh air april 2012

 Vision Step into Life was founded in Australia 1995 but became a global brand when the first franchise was launched in New Zealand in 2009. That growth was further solidified with the launch of the second franchise in Auckland and the securing of a Master franchisor for New Zealand in 2012. We recently embarked on a journey to re-visit the SIL vision, mission and values and make sure that our vision truly represented the brands current focus and encapsulated the thoughts, feelings and aspirations of all those involved in the growing Step into Life brand. I am pleased to share with all Step into Life members the Step into Life company vision, mission and values (please see page 2). I would love to hear your feedback and experiences with Step into Life and if these experiences have been captured in our visions, mission and values. Please email me at [email protected] Ropes, aqua bags, agility ladders and new medicine balls. Have you ever trained with a battling rope? Well, you soon will be. Check out the video on the Step into Life Youtube channel demonstrating some of the exciting new rope training coming to all the Step into Life franchises. Get involved in the new revitalised training programs including the endurit™ program and give these great ropes and aqua bags a try – you’ll love it. Also new to all Step into Life franchises are agility ladders in cardiomax™ and handle medicine balls in toneup™, your trainers have received great training programs to get your heart rate up to a whole new level and your muscles even more toned – ENJOY! Train well and enjoy doing it outdoors. Regards Larry Cohen Director [email protected] Step into Life Yarraville Phone: 96898240 or 0414 487 501 Email: [email protected] April 2012, Issue 67 Aqua Bags Medicine Ball Quick Step Ladder Battling Ropes

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VisionStep into Life was founded in Australia1995 but became a global brand whenthe first franchise was launched in NewZealand in 2009. That growth wasfurther solidified with the launch of thesecond franchise in Auckland and thesecuring of a Master franchisor for New Zealand in 2012.

We recently embarked on a journey to re-visit the SILvision, mission and values and make sure that our visiontruly represented the brands current focus and

encapsulated the thoughts, feelings and aspirations of allthose involved in the growing Step into Life brand.

I am pleased to share with all Step into Life members theStep into Life company vision, mission and values (pleasesee page 2).

I would love to hear your feedback and experiences withStep into Life and if these experiences have been capturedin our visions, mission and values. Please email me [email protected] 

Ropes, aqua bags, agility ladders and new medicine balls.

Have you ever trained with a battling rope? Well, you soonwill be. Check out the video on the Step into Life Youtubechannel demonstratingsome of the exciting new rope training coming to all theStep into Life franchises.

Get involved in the new revitalised training programsincluding the endurit™ program and give these great ropesand aqua bags a try – you’ll love it.

Also new to all Step into Life franchises are agility laddersin cardiomax™ and handle medicine balls in toneup™, yourtrainers have received great training programs to get yourheart rate up to a whole new level and your muscles evenmore toned – ENJOY!

Train well and enjoy doing it outdoors.


Larry [email protected]

Step into Life YarravillePhone: 96898240 or 0414 487 501Email: [email protected]

April 2012, Issue 67

Aqua Bags

Medicine Ball

Quick Step Ladder

Battling Ropes

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VISIONTo be the world leaders in group outdoor personal training, recognised for building and inspiring fitter

and healthier communities.

MISSIONWe will continually apply our world class knowledge and leadership to improve the wellbeing of every

community through fun, fresh air, encouragement and inspiration in personal fitness.

Through each community we inspire, we will take one step closer to our vision.


We strive to gain a clear and realistic picture of each individual’s personal fitness goals, and then matchour proven programs to help them succeed. We do everything in our power to deliver the desired fitness

outcomes of every individual. 

PROMISES = PROGRESS We make a promise to every individual that through Step into Life they will have access to a range ofworld class fitness programs, tailored and delivered to help them each achieve their own long term

fitness goals. We are our word – we keep our promise – and proof is in the progress…in every action wetake that leads to the positive results we see every day.

COMMUNITY, COLLABORATION & COMMITMENT The success of our business is based on the strong connections and aligned vision we share with our

franchisees, members and local communities. We cherish, protect and develop those relationshipswherever and whenever we can.

FUN, FITNESS & RESULTS! We believe what we do matters. We are dedicated to promoting fitness in a fun, friendly and effective

way. We love to contribute to healthier, happier lives, and this is reflected in everything we do.

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Step into Life ProgramsThe ultimate outdoor training session for building maximum fitness, burningcalories and increasing endurance. This session ensures massive cardio varietyusing different terrain, intervals, games, buddy cardio and cross training -catering for the first time exerciser to the super fit and marathon runner.

The ideal outdoor full body strengthening and sculpting session. Using a vastarray of tools like the great outdoors, dumbbells, resistance bands, fit balls, yourown body weight and more to work all muscle groups and create the ultimatefirm body.

The empowering outdoor cardio and strength session combining boxing, kickingand self-defence techniques. Punch, kick and jab your way through a fun andhighly motivating session that will calorie burn, build strength and leave you witha healthy sense of achievement – no previous experience required.

The ultimate session to improve your core strength, posture and musclebalance. A fit ball used outdoors and combined with dumbbells and crosstraining, makes this a fun and exhilarating workout guaranteed to raise a sweat -no previous experience required.

A dynamic strengthening and stretching session enhancing muscle tone, corestrength and flexibility. Inspired by pilates and yoga, this session will tone yourbody, provide postural strength, injury prevention, flexibility, balance, clear themind and relieve stress.

Test your limits! An inspiring cross training session using boot camp style drillsto mould you into shape. The outdoors provides the perfect environment to useweighted bars, ropes, medicine balls and buddy drills to maximise fitnessimprovement, while strengthening and toning your body. Work as a team andleave feeling pumped!

Experience the ultimate group outdoor motivation and reach new targets withour fun run training program. Feel the exhilaration of crossing the finish line withyour trainer and fellow members supporting you all the way - you'll be surprisedwhat you can achieve, and what fun it can be!

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Go to to view more great specials!

Bring a Buddy WEEK 16th April to 21st April 


Give a friend or family the best gift ever - The gift of great health.That means that any of your friends, colleagues, family and

acquaintances can train at anyStep into Life venue for FREE!

And if they tell us that you referred them we will put YOU into a drawfor

a chance to win 2 Gold Class Movie tickets - just for referring them!We’re not finished yet………

For every person that you refer and who joinsYou will receive a $50 Step into Life Merchandise Voucher

Plus a $25 Step into Life Any Store Gift Card.

Remember: any of your friends, colleagues, familyand acquaintances can train at a

Step into Life venue for FREE during the Open Week!16th April to 21st April 2012

Buddy’s can go to your venue or check

Timetable Changes / 

NewsMonday 6amboxkick





Tuesday 6.30pmcardiomax(W)

Wednesday 6amtoneup(W)


Thursday 6.30pmcardiomax(W)

Friday 6amcardiomax(W)

Saturday 7amcardiomax(YG)



Step into Life Yarraville locations

(YG) Yarraville Gardens-Somerville Rd(W) Wembley Primary School- Hawkhurst st

Details for sessions during Easter and Anzac day viaemail.

Merchandise Look great in one of these styles  Cotton Training ClubSpecial!

Only $10.00 eachLadies ¾ raglan t-shirt


Ladies cap sleeve t-shirt


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Local News

8 weeks of running training before the big event-R4K2012

Congratulations to our 20 Sil members that participatedin the 2012 Run for the Kids. Over 1.65 million wasraised making it a fundraising record breaker for theevent.

Training ClubAchieving your goals at Step into Life

New MembersWelcome!

Harley KairnMelinda PhillipsLina DimitrijovskaSilvana DimitrijovskaNick Dimitrijovski

Member BirthdaysHappy Birthday!

Robyn Cowling 21/4Simon Lutton-30/4Lesa Thomson 23/4Ainsley Bainger 17/4Sasha Torsi 25/4Blair Porteous 17/4Wendy Southerden 28/4Lisa Debaere 17/4Declon O'Farrell 4/4

How close are you to your next TrainingClub milestone?

Goal setting is a key element to gainingfitness, weight loss and improved healthbenefits. At all Step into Life sessions weadd training points to your training clubtally (you can see your total on yourfortnightly performance report).

Points gained are a measure of your

commitment to your training.Ask your Trainer to help you set sometime lines for your goals.

Awards achieved in -50 points- Delphine Williams, Amy Vaicys,200 points- Letitia Brooks1000points- Rachel Carroll,Clare Schultz, Maryanne Parks

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Member Profile

Who is Emily Mogic?

Thankyou to Em for joining us as a members benefitsbusiness. She is offering a Mothers day portrait specialfor Sil members. Details in the members benefitssection. 

Hi there, You heard from my better half, Cheryl, lastmonth and how we kicked off our SIL journey over 2years ago in a bid to get off the couch for a hike in the

Peruvian Andes. Well that hike was a killer at altitudeand six months wasn’t really enough for me to undo allthe years of inactivity. I’m afraid that I required morethan one emergency donkey ride over those 5 days onthe Salkantay Trek. Keen to get off the beaten track, Ichose an ambitious challenge and I couldn’t say Ienjoyed reaching Machu Picchu, but still I got thereone way or another and it just made me determined tokeep getting better. (We did find out when we were inPeru that Salkantay translated to “Savage” mountain,so the next trek I book may be a little betterresearched!)

Now I’m writing this having just completed the 14.5kmRun for the Kids. My fitness is in a much better placewith a couple of sprint triathlons under the belt also. Ilove that Tess always keeps me going and goal setting.This year I’ve set myself the goal of running 500km. I’mon track to beat that so far with 154km. Running usedto be the thing I hated the most, but slowly I’mbeginning to enjoy my runs more and more.

Besides all that outdoor fun, a few of you would have

seen some of my photography recently. Did you knowthat the word “photography” comes from the Greekwords for “light” (phõtos) and “representation by meansof lines” or “drawing” (graphé)… so together they mean“drawing with light”. I can’t tell you how many timesI’ve annoyed Cheryl in the car when we are drivingalong and the light is so beautiful in that moment, thatwe’ve got to pull over and I’ve got to grab my camerato take a picture. (Case in point… check out thisvideo It may seemstrange, but I really do see the world in a series ofpictures!

So adding to my 500km running goal for the year, I’vegot my sights set on a family effort for the NoosaOlympic distance Tri in October and having justlaunched my own photography business I’m busyputting on the last bells and whistles. Life is superhectic like everyone else these days, but exercise isnon-negotiable. It’s something we’ve just got to find thetime for. Thankfully that’s made so much easier with apartner that shares those goals and picks me up whenI’m down and a trainer that pats you on the back whenyou reach a goal and then says with a big smile“What’s next on your list Em?”

EventsWhat is happening? I’d love to join in!Coming this year...

Run for the Kids-April 1stOpen week-April 16th-21stFamily session- River run/walk/jog- Anzac


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Health & FitnessThe balancing actYou’ve toiled in corporate jobs, worked at home to keepyour family’s sanity and health in place, tended to thetoddlers and family alike. Now it’s time to shift your focus toYOU.

How many times have you stopped during the hustle andbustle of the day and thought about yourself? After all,you’re the head of the home department and you rock atyour job. But to maintain calm in a stressful lifestyle, you gotto be thinking about your fitness and as the basis to good

balance in your life.

Here are a few tips to help you stay fit and manage thebalancing act:

1. Get moving: Go out in nature and spend at least 35-40minutes a day. If you pick a time at dawn, it’s even better.Most of us have a tendency to excuse ourselves fromexercising during evenings and after work. Enjoy a walk, arun or a ride on your bicycle to boost your fitness levels.

2. Choose high intensity: Walking at a moderate speedwill not be as effective as doing so faster at a higher

intensity. When possible, pick higher intensity workouts asthey do a much better job at keeping you fit.

3. Replace negative impression about yourself withself-supporting ones: Be kind to yourself. As amother/farther, sister/brother, wife/husband and aunt/uncle,you’ve been lovingly giving away too much. On the flip side,this could lead to emotional instability with repressedfeelings of anger, self-doubt and sadness building up.Always be self-supportive and think positively about yourbody image. Don’t think “My bum is so big”. Replace it with“I did so well at the group training this morning and I amimproving each day!” Love yourself first.

4. Exercise socially: Research proves that even exercisehaters enjoy working out in a group than alone. If you finddoing it solo too boring to initiate, there are a plethora ofoptions available for you to choose from. In a group, youcan enjoy lasting friendships, the good company of upliftingpeople and training with a motivational trainer.

5. Don’t just focus your calorie-intake: Not all calories aremade equal and our bodies react differently to those high intrans-fat than those from natural foods. Look at nutrition

holistically rather than getting obsessive about your calorie-intake. Choose healthier options as an overall shift.

6. Build downtime in your schedule: Go on a date, shopwith friends or catch up with family. Don’t ignore the power ofa short break during a busy day. If you have a date with yourpartner or a night out with friends marked in your schedule,you will have something extra and positive to look forward to.

7. Consider hiring help: Take a closer look at your dailyerrands and think the list through. Do you think you’ll bebetter off hiring a kid to mow your lawn? Or get a nanny tohelp you with the toddler? Don’t be harsh on yourself by

doing everything. If you don’t like the price tag on services,why not barter them instead? Cook and prepare meals for afriend in exchange for their babysitting or negotiatehousehold chores with other members in the house.

We can sometimes get stuck with the philosophy of “givebefore take” and tend to neglect our own needs in the face ofneeds of others. Think “win-win” instead. So do not take upevery little task in the house and at work or try to become aperfectionist as this may hamper your overall well-being andhappiness.

Always remember, “Good enough is the new perfect.” – 

Becky Beaupre Gillespie and remember that balance is thekey.

Give a mother/farther, sister/brother or friend a boost thismonth by bringing them with you to your next Step into Lifesession or by surprising them with a Step into Life gift card. AStep into Life gift card is a perfect idea for this Mother’s daywhich is just around the corner!

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Terri’s storyStep into Life Oakleigh Victoria

It all began in July 2010. I weighed myself one day and wasdisgusted. I was 120kg. Not my heaviest mind you. A fewyears earlier I was 127kg and was even more disgusted. Idid the Tony Ferguson program lost 27kg, stopped followingthe program and put back 20kg of the 27kg lost. Hence mysecond starting weight of 120kg. So I began my own weightloss program. I took the clothes that were hanging on myexercise bike off and actually started to use the bike for whatit was meant for – exercise. I began to eat better, especiallyat work. I work at a supermarket so impulse snacking isquite easy. There’s a lot to choose from when you want aquick bite to eat.

One day in March 2011, I brought my car in for a servicenear Brandon Park shopping centre. I lived in Huntingdale atthe time. I decided to walk home. It was a 6km walk, which Iworked out later with the car. Nearly home, walking alongPrinces Hwy on the opposite side of the road to the footyoval, I noticed some people and a bunch of fit balls. So Idecided to cross the road and go check it out. I walkedaround the oval having a look at what they were doing. Itlooked like fun. I took down the number and gave it a callwhen I got home and left a message. I got a call back fromKoula and while having a chat I found out that we went to

the same high school and she knew my brother. Smallworld! We had a talk about what I’d already been doing andwhat I wanted to achieve. I decided to do a free trial sessionthe following Monday morning. That was March 28, 2011.And that’s where my Step into Life Oakleigh story begins.

My first session was “the bridge”. My muscles didn’t knowwhat hit them. But I went back for more. 3 sessions perweek. 2 cardiomax™ and 1 toneup™, which I still do today. Iwas around 106kg when I started Step into Life. Part of myexcess baggage was gone so now it was time to shed evenmore. At the start of the Biggest Loser challenge this year, Iweighed in at 91.4kg – I’m still not quite sure if the scales

were correct that day – so over 14kg lighter and the smallestI’ve been in my adult life.

My time with Step into Life has been awesome. I’ve metsome wonderful people and done some amazing things.Like just the other day, I jogged all the way around the ovalwithout stopping. First time ever. It was great, even thoughfor a moment I thought I may have needed an ambulance.But that feeling didn’t last long. I enjoy all training sessions – cardiomax™ and toneup™ and even endurit™ which I didfor the first time the other day in 36 degree heat andsurvived.

I’ve had a few minor injuries during my time. But withKoula’s help I’ve been able to work through them, recoverand continue my training. Koula knows what I can and can’t

do and when I can and can’t do them, but pushes andencourages me that bit more each session, which makesme push that bit harder.

I really enjoy hitting the training milestones. Each clubtraining club t-shirt gets smaller and smaller. My first t-shirtwas an XXL, 200 was an XL and 500 was an L. I’m nowlooking forward to achieving my 1000 club training points,along with all the sweat –rain, hail or shine. Bring on themedium t-shirt!

Recently I’ve been told by people that I’m “skin & bones”and “tiny” which I’m far from, but absolutely love the

compliments. It makes me more motivated. Step into Lifehas changed my life. I’m the fittest and healthiest I’ve beenin over 15 years and I intend to continue this lifestyle formany years to come.

Terri Bertazzon, member at Step into Life Oakleigh,

Princes Hwy Reserve.

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Step into Life Byron Shire, NSWFirst ever endurit™ recruits

Step into Life Rose Bay, NSWSummer Series Race 3

Step into Life SA In a combined endurit™ session with Golden Grove,

Mawson Lakes, Salisbury & West Lakes

Step into Life SA In a combined endurit™ session with Golden Grove,

Mawson Lakes, Salisbury & West Lakes

Step into Life Bassendean, WAcoreball™ and boxkick™ sessions

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Healthy RecipeAt Last - Guilt Free Eating!

Asian Style beef &egg salad

Serves: 2 Prep: 10 mins Cooking: 10 mins

Ingredients• 2 eggs

• ½ bunch water cress

• 150g lean rump steak

• 1 lebanese cucumber, halved, seeded and sliced

• 100g grape tomatoes, halved

• 100g snow peas, sliced

• 2 green onions, finely sliced

• 1/8 cup coriander leaves, roughly chopped

• 1 Tbs lime juice + 1 tsp peanut oil + 1 tsp fish sauce + 1 tspfinely chopped red chilli + 1 tsp brown sugar

1. Wash and dry the watercress, pick sprigs and discard thick

stems. Spray oil on non stick pan and cook steak overmedium heat for 3 min each side. Set aside for 5 min andslice thinly.

2. Make a bed of water cress on serving plates. Top withcucumber, tomatoes, onion, snow peas and steak. Drizzlewith the combined dressing ingredients.

3. Heat about 5cms water in large saucepan. Bring to a simmer.Carefully crack eggs into a cup, then slide into the water. Cookfor 4 min until the whites have set.

4. Place an egg on top of each salad and sprinkle with coriander.

5. Serve immediately.

MJ Nutrition – Matt O’Neill – Exchanges per serve

3 1.25 0 0 0 0.5

Nutrients per serve1024J (243cals), 26.1g Protein, 10g Fat, 3.1g SaturatedFat, 12.2g Carbs, 10g Sugars, 5.9g Fibre, 359mg Sodium

Source: Modified

Steps to Jumpstart yourMetabolism!

Tired of conflicting diet advice? Re-wire your appetite andre-ignite your metabolism through Matt O’Neills MetabolicJumpstart. This 4 week program provides you with acomplete metabolically matched diet plan, report &program.

For only $49.95 you will receive:

• Body shape assessment and health risk profile

• Personal calorie burning times for specific foods• Menu plan sample with meals and correct portions

• Nutrition targets for kj, calories, fat, protein and carb• Daily food group exchanges

• Mix & match guide• Motivational Pack posted to you with 8 daily targets,

fridge cards, fact sheets and special offers

• Access to My Jumpstart Online with audio guides,weekly checklists, faq’s and discussion posts

Enhance your results with your FREE MJ Plus + program

(worth $120 per year) when you sign up through a Stepinto Life trainer for the duration of your membership, andreceive:

• Weekly motivational emails and articles• Motivation Planner

• MJ Recipes• Tip Sheets

• Expert interviews – from hormones to intolerances• Downloads – tools and templates• Ongoing support & expert advice from Matt O’ Neill

• Access to seminars online• Supermarket foods – MJ Exchanges

For more information talk to your trainer.

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Refer a friend and we’ll give youanything you want!

…At Step into Life ® we value your patronageand the people you refer to our program. 

Thank you for giving a gift of good health and fitness toyour friends and family by referring them to Step into Life.

In return for your support, we would like to give you a giftyou’ve always wanted. Yes, anything you want - provided itcan be purchased from a store which takes an eftpos


With our new Step into Life “Any Store” Gift card, you canuse your referral gift card from us to purchase almostanything.

Refer a friend today to your trainer or another Step into Lifefranchise location, and for each friend who joins as a resultof your referral, you will receive a Step into Life Any StoreGift Card to the value of $25. 

Become a TrainerGet qualified 

Step into Life has a fantastic opportunity for you to become aqualified Personal Trainer.

We are inviting Step into Life members that would like tolearn about becoming a Personal Trainer to contact our stateoffices. We will tell you how easy it is for you to become aqualified Personal Trainer.

Every member that decides to go ahead with a PersonalTrainer qualification will have access to course discounts atvarious providers.

Contact your state office on 1300 134 136 for moreinformation.

…Due to customer demand we have Franchiseterritories available throughout Australia and New


If you know anyone with an interest in health and fitness thatwould love to run a fitness Franchise business, please letthem know about this exciting opportunity.

$1000 referral bonus for any one you refer that becomes aStep into Life Franchisee.

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Members BenefitsDiscounts & Offers …Please support our national and local traders,and take advantage of the discounts they offer.Simply, show your Step into Life membership keyring to the staff of participating outlets.

SUBSCRIBE & SAVE OVER 43%Treat yourself and your partner, mate or even yourneighbour and subscribe to Men's Health and Women'sHealth magazine for JUST $26 every quarter by automaticcredit card payment. You'll SAVE a massive $85 off the fullprice in the first year. Plus both of these fantastic magazineswill be delivered direct to you FREE. Also, this offer is RISKFREE - you can cancel at anytime, no questions asked! 

SAVE yourselfover 43%

Members Benefits

Discounts & Offers

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Members BenefitsDiscounts & Offers 

Welcome to our newest membersbenefit business- Emily Mogic with aspecial offer for us.

t 03 9314 5527m 0418 354 353e [email protected]

Declon is offering a $100 discount for members off his quote for Sil members

Fit Footwear241 Bay StPort MelbourneVIC, 3207 Ph: (03) 9645 4454 7 % discount to Sil Yarraville membersProfessional fittings for runners.

10% off for Sil members

Do you have a business that services our localcommunity and would like advertising in this

space in our monthly newsletter for free???Contact Tess on 0414 487 501

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Franchise Directory

NSWAlburyBaulkham HillsBlakehurstByron ShireCollaroyCoogeeDrummoyneEarlwoodEnmoreEnfieldGlebeGlenbrook

GlenhavenGlenmore ParkHunters Hill KellyvilleKingsfordManlyMaroubraMirandaMosmanMona ValeNewcastleNew LambtonNowra

PymbleQueanbeyan Queens ParkRose BayRushcutter’s BaySans SouciSth HighlandsSt ClairSt Ives NEW MNG. Surry Hills SutherlandTerrigalThornton/Dungog

Turramurra NEW Warners BayW. Pennant HillsWilloughby

QLDBroadbeachBuderimCurrumbin NEWEverton ParkForest LakesIpswich CentralKawanaLabradorLockyer ValleyMackay NEW MNG. MorningsideRockhampton

Runaway BayWilstonWynnum NEW 

SAAberfoyle ParkCampbelltownBlackwoodBrightonFulham GardensGawlerGolden GroveKensington

GardensMawson LakesMitchell ParkMt BarkerMt GambierModburyNorthgateNorth HavenNovar GardensProspectSalisburySeafordWest Lakes

Hallett CoveUnley/Goodwood

WAAlexander HeightsBassendean Canning ValeCarineCarramarCockburn CentralEast Victoria Park NEW EdgewaterEllenbrookHigh WycombeHillarys NEW Iluka

KingsleyMadeley MyareeNorth Perth South PerthSorrento NEWSwan ViewQuinns RocksWanneroo WillettonWembley


AspendaleBalwynBeaumarisBendigo NEW BentleighBerwick NEW Box HillBrightonCamberwellCarltonCaroline SpringsCaulfieldCheltenham

ChelseaCraigieburnCranbourneCroydonDiamond CreekDoncasterDrouin EssendonElwoodFrankston 

Glen IrisGlen WaverleyGreensborough HamptonHawthornHeidelbergIvanhoeKewKeysboroughLilydaleMalvern EastMitchamMoonee Ponds

MordiallocMornington Mt WaverleyMurrumbeenaMt ElizaNarre WarrenOakleighOcean GrovePakenhamPrahranReservoirRichmondRingwood

RowvilleSaleSt KildaSunburyTemplestoweThornburyTorquayVermont SouthWantirnaWheelers HillWilliamstownWodongaYarraville

New ZealandAucklandBrowns BayBotany NEW