frequently asked questions_about_microdermabrasion

Frequently Asked Questions about Microdermabrasion Here we have answered to few common questions asked about Microdermabrasion What is Microdermabrasion? Microdermabrasion is an effective non-chemical, non-invasive, non-surgical method to get rid of fine wrinkles, acne scars and sunspots by exfoliating the top layers of the skin. Why choose Microdermabrasion? Than any other invasive procedures Microdermabrasion takes less time. There is no recovery period, no discomfort and you can resume normal activities immediately. How soon will I see results? Your skin will have a fresh pink glow immediately after your first treatment and will be obviously softer with a smoother texture. It will look healthier and feel smoother and softer. Improvements continue throughout your treatment program. What results can I expect? After your treatment, depending upon the area treated you will notice an improvement in your skin's appearance. You will notice that the skin imperfections such as stretch marks, acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles and age spots will be reduced. How Much Does Microdermabrasion Cost? The cost of Microdermabrasion treatment depends upon where it is performed and the area treated. For the best result, more than one session is required. How many treatments are required?

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Frequently asked questions_about_microdermabrasion

Frequently Asked Questions about Microdermabrasion

Here we have answered to few common questions asked about Microdermabrasion

What is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is an effective non-chemical, non-invasive, non-surgical method to

get rid of fine wrinkles, acne scars and sunspots by exfoliating the top layers of the skin.

Why choose Microdermabrasion?

Than any other invasive procedures Microdermabrasion takes less time. There is no

recovery period, no discomfort and you can resume normal activities immediately.

How soon will I see results?

Your skin will have a fresh pink glow immediately after your first treatment and will be

obviously softer with a smoother texture. It will look healthier and feel smoother and

softer. Improvements continue throughout your treatment program.

What results can I expect?

After your treatment, depending upon the area treated you will notice an improvement

in your skin's appearance. You will notice that the skin imperfections such as stretch

marks, acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles and age spots will be reduced.

How Much Does Microdermabrasion Cost?

The cost of Microdermabrasion treatment depends upon where it is performed and the

area treated. For the best result, more than one session is required.

How many treatments are required?

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3-6 treatment is recommended for the best results. Treatments usually take 20-30

minutes depending on treatment goals

Contact Details Azure Med Spa 2840 Legacy Dr Ste.200 Frisco, TX, US – 75034 PH: 972-294-6992