french 1 food webquest

Introduction: The Task: Mangeons un Repas A Webquest Oh là là! Chef Jacques needs your help… and quick! There is a new restaurant opening on the third floor of the Eiffel Tower at the end of the month, and the head chef, Jacques, cannot come up with any good ideas about what to serve when the American Ambassador and other governmental representatives of the United States come to eat at the restaurant on opening night. Jacques is convinced you can help him! Since you

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Page 1: French 1 food webquest


The Task:

Mangeons un Repas Français

A WebquestOh là là! Chef Jacques needs your help… and quick! There is a new restaurant opening on the third floor of the Eiffel Tower at the end of the month, and the head chef, Jacques, cannot come up with any good ideas about what to serve when the American Ambassador and other governmental representatives of the United States come to eat at the restaurant on opening night. Jacques is convinced you can help him! Since you yourselves are Americans, what kinds of French foods would you want to try if you had the opportunity to eat at the restaurant? Be careful when choosing though… French meals are a little bigger than what you may be used to!

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The Process:

Chef Jacques is putting together a special meal at a new restaurant called Voilà! on the third floor of the Eiffel Tower for the United States Ambassador and other governmental officials of the United States. You and your classmates have been charged with selecting the food that will be served at this special meal. Caution: You must choose foods which accurately represent each part of a French meal:* l’entrée* le plat principal* le fromage * le dessert* le vinWorking in teams of three, you will choose French foods to represent each of the five groups listed above, and then each team will prepare a presentation for Chef Jacques in order to convince him that your team has worked both diligently and carefully to select the best foods for him to prepare and serve at the dinner. The goal of your presentation is to be as creative as possible. They sky’s the limit! You may present your meal idea however you’d like to. However, you must present in French, and you must address each of the questions listed in the “process” section of this Webquest. Remember: the Chef is looking for creative, innovative ideas.

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1.) We need to learn about the different courses involved in a typical French meal. What kinds of foods are usually served as entrées?

2.) What about the main dish, or le plat principal en français? Which main dishes are the most popular in France? Check out this website for some delicious, popular French recipes! Once you find some recipes that look appealing, jot down two or three you can choose from to use in your presentation.

3.) France is very popular for all of its fine cheeses. Cheese is often served after the main dish and before dessert. But which cheeses are most common in Paris? Visit this website to find some answers. When you get to the website, click on the “search for French cheeses” link on the left hand side of the page under the news tab. Next, click on the section of the map labeled “Île-de-France.” L’Île-de-France is the region of France in which Paris is located. Finally, after scrolling through some of the cheese varieties, jot down three cheeses you would like to try, the strength of those cheeses, and the type of milk the cheeses are made from. Finally, visit to discover the top 10 most popular cheeses in France. Compare the list on this website to the cheeses you wrote down, and use both lists to help you choose the three cheeses you’d like to have served at Voilà! on opening night.

4.) The dessert is probably the most famous, sought-after part of a French meal, and the choices are limitless! Visit and for more information. At the first website, read a few of the dessert descriptions to get an idea about what looks most scrumptious to you. Then visit the second website which describes the characteristics of a French dessert BEFORE making your dessert choice. After all, a good dessert is the key to a good meal.

5.) French people typically like to drink wine with their meal. However, wines come from many regions throughout France; thus there are plenty of options to choose from. For example, there are white wines, red wines, rose wines, dry wines, and sweet wines. To learn more before making your wine choice, visit:

6.) How are the three French meal courses served, and how is the table set? Go to to find the answers to these questions. Think about some differences between how a typical American meal is served and how a French meal is served. You may also visit and take a look at some of the menus to help give you an idea about how you’d like your meal to look. CAUTION: Do NOT copy items directly from the menu! The objective of this assignment is to be creative.7.) After you’ve gathered all the necessary information, design your presentation! Don’t forget

to be creative! Visit for some tips about how to create extraordinary, innovative presentations.

*** Don’t forget to find pictures of your meal choices and to use information from your research in your presentation to explain to Jacques why you made the choices you did!*** To get back to the Webquest after clicking on these links to visit websites, simply leave the Webquest open, and close the internet page after you’ve gathered the necessary information.

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Evaluation: Objective:StudentsWill…

F D C B A Score

Work co-operatively in groups.

Contributes to grouponly whenprompted.

ContributesTo groupwith occasionalprompting; participates in needed changes with occasional prompting.

Contributes to group withoutprompting;shows sensitivity to the feelings of others; willingly makes needed changes.

Works toward group goals most of the time; usually sensitive toward feelings of others; sometimes helps group identify and make necessary changes.

Consistently and actively works toward group goals; is sensitive toward feelings of others; helps group identify and make necessary changes.

Commun-icate in French

Occasionally speaks French when doing research and working with others; does not present meal idea in


Speaks French when doing research and working with others with some prompting; uses some French during presentation of meal idea.

Speaks French when doing research and working with others, rarely resorting to English; uses French most of the time during presentation of meal idea.

Actively speaks French when doing research and working with others; sometimes encourages others to use French; uses French during presentation of meal idea.

Consistently and actively speaks French when doing research and working with others; always encourages others to speak French; uses French during presentation of meal idea.

Questions Did not use resources provided to answer questions in

Used resources provided, but didn’t focus on the

Had trouble with provided resources; therefore

Had trouble with provided resources, but still answered all questions in

Worked well finding answers to questions using

Page 5: French 1 food webquest

“process” section; not on task.

assignment enough to answer all questions in “process” section.

unable to answer all questions in the “process” section.

“process” section.

provided resources; successfully answered all questions in “process” section.

Demon-strates an

under-standing of the French


Selects none of the correct foods for l’entrée, le plat principal, le fromage, le dessert, and le vin; no effort identified; class time wasted.

Selects none of the correct foods for l’entrée, le plat principal, le fromage, le dessert, and le vin; some effort identified; utilized all class time.

Selects some foods accurately for each category: l’entrée, le plat principal, le fromage, le dessert, and le vin. However, several errors in selection are present.

Selects most foods accurately for each category: l’entrée, le plat principal, le fromage, le dessert, and le vin. However, some errors in selection are present.

Accurately selects all foods for each category: l’entrée, le plat principal, le fromage, le dessert, and le vin.

Creativity Meal presentation is unorganized; listing of rote facts; no pictures; rationale for meal choices not explained.

Meal presentation is unorganized; mixture of facts and innovative ideas; no pictures; rationale for meal choices only vaguely explained.

Meal presented in an innovative manner; however, presentation is unorganized; very few pictures; rationale for meal choices is at times unclear.

Meal presented in a clear, innovative manner; incorporates some pictures; rationale for meal choices is explained, but not thoroughly.

Meal presented in a clear, innovative manner; incorporates many pictures; thoroughly explains rationale for meal choices.


Page 6: French 1 food webquest

Congratulations! You have now completed your specific menus for the opening night of Voilà! Chef Jacques will be reviewing your presentations and making his decision very soon. Now that you’ve learned more about a typical French meal and the vocabulary that goes along with describing it, I’d like you to take some time to reflect on the assignment. Please write a 1-2 page reflection that

addresses the following questions: What did you like about the Webquest? What didn’t you like about it? What would you change about the assignment to make it more meaningful to you?


Teacher Page:

Introduction: My goal for students upon completing this Webquest is for them to understand the different courses involved in a typical French meal as well as the French vocabulary that goes along with describing the meal. I would like students to be able to point out differences between a typical French meal and a typical American meal, and I would like them to practice using their creative minds to develop and present projects to their classmates using both French they have learned previously and new French vocabulary that they learned while completing the Webquest. Finally, I would like students to gain practice reading French menus so that if they one day decide to study abroad in France, they will have some idea about what they’d like to order at a restaurant.

***To complete this assignment, students will work in groups of three, pretending they are trying to prepare a meal for Chef Jacques for a special dinner he is serving at a restaurant called Voilà! on the third floor of the Eiffel Tower. To do this, students will look at a variety of online resources to learn more about the following meal courses: l’entrée, le plat principal, le fromage, le dessert, et le vin. After they have obtained the necessary information and answered the questions in the “process” section of this Webquest, students will then work in

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groups of three to design a creative presentation to convince the chef that he should serve their meal at the opening night of his restaurant.

Learners: This Webquest is designed for 8th graders who have already been exposed to one year of French. As such, students should be able to use verbs expressing “likes” and “dislikes” such as “aimer” and “détester” to describe foods that may or may not sound appetizing to them. Students should also be able to recognize the names of simple foods they’ve studied the previous year, such as “steak-frites,” “fromage,” “coca,” “glace,” and “poisson.”

Curriculum Standards: From the 5 C’s:- Communication: Communicate in languages other than English.A.) Interact using extended spoken, signed or written communication by providing and obtaining information.

B.) Express a wide range of feelings and emotions, and discuss and support opinions.

J.) Present original work and cultural material.-Cultures: Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures.

D.) Analyze, discuss, and report on significant contributions from the target culture. -Comparisons: Develop insight into the nature of language and culture. C.) Compare and contrast practices and perspectives of the target culture and students’ own culture. D.) Compare and contrast products and perspectives of the target culture and student’s own culture.

Process: 1.) We need to learn about the different courses involved in a typical French

meal. What kinds of foods are usually served as entrées?

2.) What about the main dish, or le plat principal en français? Which main dishes are the most popular in France? Check out this website for some delicious, popular French recipes! Once you find some recipes that look appealing, jot down two or three you can choose from to use in your presentation.

3.) France is very popular for all of its fine cheeses. Cheese is often served after the main dish and before dessert. But which cheeses are most common in Paris? Visit this website to find some answers.

Page 8: French 1 food webquest When you get to the website, click on the “search for French cheeses” link on the left hand side of the page under the news tab. Next, click on the section of the map labeled “Île-de-France.” L’Île-de-France” is the region of France in which Paris is located. Finally, after scrolling through some of the cheese varieties, jot down three cheeses you would like to try, the strength of those cheeses, and the type of milk the cheeses are made from. Finally, visit to discover the top 10 most popular cheeses in France. Compare the list on this website to the cheeses you wrote down, and use both lists to help you choose three cheeses you’d like to have served at Voilà! on opening night.

4.) The dessert is probably the most famous, sought-after part of a French meal, and the choices are limitless! Visit and for more information. At the first website, read a few of the dessert descriptions to get an idea about what looks most scrumptious to you. Then visit the second website which describes characteristics of a French dessert BEFORE making your dessert choice. After all, a good dessert is the key to a good meal.

5.) French people typically like to drink wine with their meal. However, wines come from many regions throughout France; thus there are plenty of options to choose from. For example, there are white wines, red wines, rose wines, dry wines, and sweet wines. To learn more before making your wine choice, visit:

6.) How are the three French meal courses served, and how is the table set? Go to to find the answers to these questions. Think about some differences between how a typical American meal is served and how a French meal is served. You may also visit and take a look at some of the menus to help give you an idea about how you’d like your meal to look. CAUTION: Do NOT copy items directly from the menu! The objective of this assignment is to be creative.

7.) After you’ve gathered all the necessary information, design your presentation! Don’t forget to be creative! Visit for some tips about how to create extraordinary, innovative presentations.

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*** Don’t forget to find pictures of your meal choices and to use information from your research in your presentation to explain to Jaques why you made the choices you did!*** To get back to the Webquest after clicking on these links to visit websites, simply leave the Webquest open, and close the internet page after you’ve gathered the necessary information.

Resources: Other than the World Wide Web and programs such as PowerPoint and Microsoft Word, resources for this project will include whatever materials students may need to design their creative presentations. Examples include but are not limited to: poster board, markers, colored pencils, plastic food models, and stencils.

Evaluation: (See the Student Page of this Webquest.)