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Freedom at Your Fingertips With EFT! Patzia Gonzalez-Baz D-CEP; EFT-Cert 1 2008

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Freedom at Your Fingertips

With EFT!

Patzia Gonzalez-Baz

D-CEP; EFT-Cert 1


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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! © Patzia Gonzalez-Baz 2008 Published by Newmarket, Ontario Canada

All Rights Reserved in all media, including future media.

You are allowed to give this manual away to whomever you want to provided it remains in its original PDF format, and the author�s information and all links, are included. You are not allowed to charge a fee for this manual, but you are allowed to give it away as a bonus or gift or part of a membership site. However, you cannot change the content in any way nor claim the content as your own.

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Freedom at Your Fingertips With EFT! I�m very happy that you want to learn these powerful healing techniques. Please read this

disclaimer first, and then you�ll immediately be guided on how to use these wonderful tools. Disclaimer Emotional Freedom Techniques® �EFT�self-help provides a wonderful and amazing tool. But, be aware that when using EFT, emotions, physical sensations or unresolved memories may surface. Previously vivid or traumatic memories may fade, which could adversely impact the ability to provide detailed legal testimony regarding a traumatic incident. These procedures, while seemingly simple, are quite powerful and should only be used for relatively uncomplicated issues. They are NOT a substitute for professional help. Anyone suffering from diagnosed psychiatric disorders, taking psychoactive medication or that is under ongoing treatment with a counsellor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or outpatient department, should ALWAYS consult with their care provider before starting any new form of treatment, including EFT® (Emotional Freedom Techniques). Emotional material may continue to surface after a session. This may indicate other issues that need to be addressed. A significant number of people have used EFT (over 300 000) and 85% percent feel noticeably better. Nevertheless, there is a small percentage of people who need to see a trained Energy Psychotherapist ( �Practitioners�) to get the shift they are looking for, as their problem may be complex and

with many layers. Energy Psychotherapy Techniques, of which EFT is one of the best known, are not a substitute for medical treatment. This EFT oriented publication is provided as a good faith effort to expand the use of EFT in the world. It represents the ideas of Patzia Gonzalez-Baz and does not necessarily represent those of Gary Craig or EFT. Complete understanding of EFT and the EFT training videos are available at By continuing to read this document and utilizing these techniques, you agree to all of the above; and you agree that you are using these techniques under your own responsibility. Have fun exploring EFT! Patzia González-Baz,

Diplomate-Comprehensive Energy Psychology

Clinical Member, OSP; EFT-Cert 1

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


TABLE OF CONTENTS Disclaimer ���������������������������.. 3 Introduction by Patzia González-Baz......................................................... 5 What is Energy Psychotherapy�.���������������. 7 Originators �������������������������.. 9 Emotional Freedom Technique® (EFT®) �..��������..�� 10 EFT for Physical Symptoms ������������������ 17 Articles: Resentments Relieved 22 years after a poor Birthing Experience� 20 EFT for Love Pain����������������������� 22 Burn on a Finger ����������������������� 23 Persistent EFT for Osteoarthritis ���������������.. 24 Neck & Shoulder Pain ��������������������.. 25 EFT for Panic Attacks ��������������������� 27 About the Author����������������������� 29

When grapes turn to wine They long for our ability to change.

When stars wheel

Around the North Pole, They are longing for our growing consciousness.

Wine got drunk with us,

Not the other way. The body developed out of us, not we from it.

We are bees,

And our body is a honeycomb. We made the body,

Cell by cell we made it.

Mevlana Rumi Mathnawi I- 1811- 18131

1 Version by Robert Bly, from The Rumi Collection, edited by Kabir Helminski.

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Freedom at Your Fingertips

With EFT!


Patzia González-Baz, D-CEP, EFT-Cert 1

Do you tend to feel anxious and stressed? Do you feel impatient? Frustrated? Are you afraid of spiders, of heights, or of flying? Want to get rid of negative and limiting beliefs, habits or behaviours? It can be so easy and simple!

Welcome! What would you say if I told you that I know a deceptively simple method that can make emotional stress � like fear, anxiety, anger, worry, � disappear in minutes most of the time? And all you had to do was tap or rub some points on your face, body and hands for several minutes?

You might find it hard to believe, but these techniques work, and are easy to learn. As a matter of fact, children learn them easily and love to use them. I think they are the most important psychotherapeutic discovery in the last 100 years. I am speaking of Energy Psychotherapy in general, and more specifically of Emotional Freedom Techniques® or EFT®.

EFT uses the energy pathways of the body, also known as meridians and through tapping or holding or rubbing certain points on the face, body and wrists they have been shown to be helpful in treating phobias, anxiety, stress, anger, sadness, grief and loss; leaving you feeling relaxed, calm and more centered, among many other benefits. You can discover your strengths, breathe again, sleep through the night, achieve your desired weight and more. EFT has also been called an �emotional form of acupuncture, but without

the needles.�

And the best part is that it requires no struggling against yourself! Awesome! It does require persistence, though.

Once you learn the Basic Recipe in EFT you have in your own two hands the possibility of smoothing out all the energetic disturbances that create negative and unwanted emotions like anxiety, disquiet, disturbances, nervousness, worry, concern, unease, apprehension, discomfort; did I leave anything out? Usually we cover up all the aforementioned emotions with food, mood swings, rage, phobias, procrastination just to name a few of a wide range of possibilities.

Can it really be this easy? In a nutshell? I have taught these protocols to hundreds of people, and they have been effective in the vast majority of cases. I use EFT constantly, and I�m still amazed sometimes at just how effective it is, and how much can be achieved with this simple technique as a self-help method and in a psychotherapy process. The

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


technique is simple and can be used almost anywhere. I use it all the time. I�ve sat at red

lights; in airport and hospital waiting areas; and just about anywhere, tapping away for whatever frustration, irritation or anxiety has arisen in the moment. And I�ve tapped, for

deeper issues too, by myself, with my therapist and also with my clients in therapy.

I�ve released childhood fears of not being good enough, anger, and frustration as well as disappointment over certain family matters. My clients have: stopped smoking, lost weight, cleared old resentment that showed up as bodily tension, cleared phobias, found the strength to leave abusive relationships, increased self-esteem, lowered anxiety and, found freedom from panic attacks and much more.

I�ve also been able to move through a challenging relationship loss, emigrate and

adapt to a new country emerging stronger and more confident as I�ve used EFT, �tapping away� for any issues as they arose.

Energy Psychotherapy Techniques �and especially EFT�have become a part of my life. At times I forget these incredible tools, but I�m fortunate to have my loved ones remind me

to tap, breathe, get centered and turn once again to the Presence that Sustains us all. Only a few in a hundred people fail to get results with EFT® if it is applied properly, perhaps even less than that. In my experience there is very little risk involved in using Energy Psychotherapy Self-Help protocols. Nevertheless, it is important to apply common sense. If you have been through trauma, it is best to seek help from a certified Energy Psychotherapy Practitioner or a qualified EFT practitioner. The same goes if there are parts of your life that you don�t remember, or if you tend to experience dissociation. Be

aware that a trained practitioner may be able to give you a session over the phone or through the internet. Those who practice these protocols either for personal or professional purposes must accept responsibility for what they do. While Energy Psychotherapy methods have produced remarkable clinical results, they are still considered to be in an experimental stage. It has been reported that these protocols frequently produce favourable changes in medical conditions: but I don�t recommend you use them for medical purposes. It is

recommended that you avoid using EFT, or other Energy Psychotherapy Methods to diagnose or treat medical or mental conditions of any kind. Consult your health care provider with any concern you may have regarding your health or mental state. ""EFT is a very flexible self-improvement tool that can be used for just about everything. I am using my version of it here and have had extraordinary results and urge you to contact me for more. The original version and complete training can be found at"

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


What is Energy Psychotherapy?

If your thought is a rose, You are a rose garden.

If your thought is a thorn, You are fuel for the bath stove.


Energy Psychotherapy is a relatively new set of techniques that combine Eastern approaches to the mind and body with Western psychotherapy. They started appearing during the late 1980's and early 1990's to treat a wide range of psychological and spiritual problems, from phobias, trauma, limiting beliefs, unfinished business, and obsolete experiences to assisting people to find their creativity and optimum development. We are all in debt to Roger Callahan, Ph.D., a clinical Psychologist in California who was seeking for a better way to work with phobias and traumas, due to the lack of success with Traditional Clinical Psychotherapy methods. Dr. Callahan developed Thought Field Therapy on the following (simplified) theory:

If a person suffers emotional distress while thinking about a problem, or remembering it, their thought field has disturbances within it. This thought field is an expression of the energy body. Disturbances held within that energy system are responsible for the appearance of negative emotions. If the disturbance is removed from the thought field, the negative emotion is dissolved. This means the person is then able to recall and discuss their emotion without the usually accompanying distress.

EFT founder, Gary Craig simplifies this into what he calls the DISCOVERY STATEMENT:

The cause of ALL Negative Emotions

is a Disruption in the Body�s Energy System

Gary Craig says: �Now, let's examine the discovery statement in more detail. First, notice what it does not say. It does not say that a negative emotion is caused by the memory of a past traumatic experience. This is important to recognize because that presumed connection of traumatic memories to negative emotions is a mainstay in conventional psychotherapy.� We�re used to figuring out causal relationships: distressing memory = negative emotion;

and we try out all kind of convoluted theories to get a square peg into a round hole. For example: �I attract only commitment phobic men, it must be because my Dad�� the same kind of logic would lead to me to believe that truly it is the Sun that revolves around the Earth, and that the Earth is flat! Every day when I wake up I see the sun is rising from the East and it sets in the West, and my house is still in the same spot. Therefore, it surely must be the sun that goes around the Earth! OK, is this starting to sound weird? But this is the same logic we bring to many of our problems: "I'm so shy; it must be because my mom was always scolding me! Just thinking about it makes me want to cry and gives me palpitations." Does thinking

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


about the way your mom scolded you in front of your friends on your 16 birthday cause palpitations?

What we say in EFT is that instead of the memory or thought (your mom scolding you) causing the negative emotion (wanting to cry and having palpitations), or situation (being shy), according to the discovery statement, the process is more like this: A thought, memory [my mom scolded me in front of my friends on my 16th birthday] or

belief [I can never make money] triggers a disruption in the body�s energy

system = physical symptoms [palpitations] or psychological pain [sadness & being shy] the negative emotion.

So instead of erasing memories, undoing thoughts, battling resistance, etc., the energy based therapies, of which EFT is a prime example, directly intervene in the intermediate step - when the disruption in the energy system has been balanced and relieved, the person experiences no psychological further pain or negative emotions from the original memory, belief or thought and can now function in a more healthy way. For instance, if you are afraid of spiders and panic whenever you see one; after following the appropriate self-help protocol you will no longer have tense muscles, heart palpitations, lumps in your throat or a feeling of a knot in your stomach when you see a spider. Negative emotions of fear, panic, anger, helplessness, and confusion, are replaced by inner peace. You will still have the memory, but it won�t be a distressing one. As a result of your memory no longer having an emotional charge, it often becomes much clearer and open to new insight. By negative emotions we mean emotions that affect you in a negative way. Let�s say that a young lady has a particularly bad experience with her first boyfriend, and ends up with a belief that ALL men are unfaithful liars. Now, in all truth, some men might be unfaithful liars, but it is unreasonable to think that all men will act in such a manner. Once the emotional charge in the energy system is neutralized, this young lady will be able to make a rational distinction between the unsavoury men out there, and the nice and good men also available. All of this can be achieved using the natural resources of the body�s energy system. You may find that sometimes the disruption in the energy system gets re-balanced quickly; and at times you may need the help of a qualified Energy Psychotherapy/ EFT practitioner. Some issues may be too traumatic for you to do self-work on; some events and issues you can do on your own. These techniques work directly on the body to produce psychological change, bypassing the process of talking extensively about past traumas or unresolved issues, which may reinforce the negative experience. Instead, they make use of verbal statements to reframe problems or use visualization; accompanied by very specific routines employing breathing, tapping, or holding certain points on the body. It is for this reason that EFT seems to be so effective in bringing such profound and lasting effects. As you �tap away,� or layer upon layer of fear, anger, confusion, doubt, guilt, and

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


all the other suppressed memories and feelings that have been buried under the surface for so long, often come to the surface. And the emotional impact that they had on you becomes apparent. For many people, a few sessions of EFT clear up a lifetime of anguish. As the original energy patterns are dissolved, a shift occurs, you are freed from the past, and new energies begin to flow. In general, after a session, clients say they feel lighter than ever before. Each of these routines takes just a few minutes to perform. Psychotherapists and doctors accustomed to long healing time for their clients are often startled at how quickly long-standing traumas and phobias can be resolved by EFT. Yes, I know it defies much of what we believe. The only way to find out if what I am saying is true is to try it out. It�s easy to learn, it�s free, and you can do it anywhere with your own

healing hands. Of course, for deeper issues, a skilled and experienced practitioner is needed to guide the process and bring the most positive results. There are also many energy healing modalities that do not use psychological processes � such as qi gong, acupuncture, reiki, aromatherapy, reflexology, therapeutic touch, flower remedies and so forth � and these are not called �energy Psychotherapy� treatments. The

term �Energy Psychotherapy� refers only those therapies that use psychological

interventions and energetic interventions together in a particular treatment format. Originators: Energy Psychotherapy is based on the pioneering work of Roger Callahan, who introduced the tapping techniques for psychological problems. He called his work: Thought Field Therapy (TFT) because you need to be �tuned in� to the distressing thought field as you

tap. TFT requires extensive and expensive diagnostic training and specific rules about the order for tapping the main meridian points Following Callahan, others developed various forms of this work. These include Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Technique� (EFT); Tapas Fleming�s Tapas Acupressure Technique� (TAT); Larry Nims' Be Set Free Fast� (BSFF); and the Seemorg Matrix�

work of Asha Nahoma Clinton. Each of these intentionally utilizes one of the human energy systems -such as the meridian system, the chakra system or the biofield system � during psychological treatment. We�ll be concentrating only on EFT in this Introduction to

Energy Psychotherapy methods. Gary Craig, is a Chemical Engineer from Stanford, an Ordained Minister and NLP Master Practitioner who studied with Dr. Callahan. He came up with the brilliant idea to streamline the process. He decided to just tap all the Meridian entry or exit points in one sequence. In this way, all 14 main meridians were automatically covered in each round of tapping, rather than trying to match an order and sequence of some of the points to specific problems, which he calls the concept of total redundancy. Gary then developed Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT®, as a "one stop protocol" that covers a multitude of problems, creating a technique that EVERYONE can learn to use very easily and very quickly. EFT does not require special diagnostic training, or even any knowledge of the body's energy system whatever. I am deeply grateful for Gary's pioneering soul, and his sharing his work so freely and so lovingly. May God bless him!

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


EFT: EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUES® LEARNING EFT® EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It is the best known of the new Energy Psychotherapy modalities and extremely simple, and very easy to learn. The effects caused by these techniques are amazing - you should have a profound response if you follow the instructions carefully. If you do not achieve a result using this e-book, you may need a more focussed approach. I would suggest that you allow yourself to seek out an EFT workshop2, practitioner, or buy the basic EFT Practitioner's video tape set form Gary Craig ( ). Choosing A Target Start by tuning into yourself right now. Is something bothering you? Is a memory haunting you? (Please NOT your worst memory!) Are you worried about something or feeling anxious? Maybe you�re putting off writing an article or giving a talk� whatever you come

up with, write it down on a piece of paper. EFT needs a �target�. Imagine Robin Hood at an

archery contest. He�d probably win the archery prize! He�d be sure to hit the target bull�s

eye! But what if Robin Hood had his eyes blindfolded and was spinning around shooting arrows. Well, you�d probably want to get out of the way, but he wouldn�t be very effective in

hitting the target either! The same applies to EFT, it is most effective when you set up an appropriate �target� and you are aiming at a particular negative emotion, traumatic memory

or specific problem. So, to begin, select a specific issue to work on. �My mother doesn�t love me,� or �all men are liars,� are TOO general and do not give your energy system a SPECIFIC target. So let�s say, for the sake of an example that your distressing memory is:

"My mother left me waiting hours in the car when I was 9 while she chatted with her acting teacher.� (Scared and abandoned).

Write down what your problem is, when the energy disturbance has been cleared, many people forget they had that problem or that it bothered them so much. And then they think maybe this technique really didn't do much. So writing it down is a good reminder!

2 Patzia holds EFT Basics for Beginners Workshops 10 months out of the year. Please

contact her at [email protected]

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Suds For All Energy Protocols You want to be able to monitor your progress. For this effect, we use a SUDs level. SUDs stands for �Subjective Units of Disturbance� and that disturbance is rated on a scale of 0 to

10. Using our example, how distressed do you feel when you say �my mother used to leave me alone waiting hours in the car while she chatted with her friends� on a scale of 0 to 10,

where 0 is no longer a problem and 10 is the worst possible! Write your SUDs rating down! This is very important! At the end of the session, use the same scale and rate the problem again. Compare your before and after rating. The intention is to bring the SUDs rating down to 0 or 1 with the use of EFT.

Points & Tapping EFT uses a single point from each of the 14 major meridians, which are generally at the start or the end of a meridian, plus an extra point. Here they are: 0 = Crown, at the top of the head. (C) 1 = Start of the Eyebrow - Where your eyebrow touches the bridge of your nose. (EB) 2 = Corner of the Eye - On the bone, in the outer corner of your eye. (OE) 3 = Under the Eye - On the bone just below your eye, in line with your pupil if you look straight ahead. (UE) 4 = Under the Nose - Between you nose and your upper lip. (UN) 5 = Under the lower Lip - In the indentation between your chin and your lower lip. (UL) 6 = Collarbone - With a couple of fingers from each hand, find the little indentation on the under-side of your collarbone on each side of your body that�s about two

inches to the right and left of the notch at the base of your neck. (CB)

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


7 = Under Arm - a tender spot between two ribs on each side of your body about three to four inches below your armpit. (UA)

8 = Rib/ Liver � on the ribs underneath the breast, in line with the nipples. (L)

Four points are on fingers and two points are on the hand. All four finger points are at the base of the nail; please see above drawing for correct finger point location. 9 = Thumb (T); 10 = Index Finger (IF); 11 = Middle Finger (MF); 12 = Little Finger (LF). Note: There is no tapping point on the ring finger; the point for this meridian is the Gamut point below. 13 = Karate Chop Point - on the side of your hand, (K) 14 = Gamut Point - just behind and between the knuckles of your ring and little finger. (G) Now practice finding and tapping, touching, or rubbing the points so they become familiar, and you can find them easily. Mostly in EFT we tap the points in order from the top down. Some people prefer to rub the points, and some prefer to touch a point and inhale and exhale. It is really up to you which style you use. You can tap either with two fingers of your dominant hand, or for the points on your face and body you can use two fingers of each hand. You can tap down one side of the face and body, or you can crossover from one side to the other. Give yourself more or less 5 to 7 taps per point; you don't have to count them. You will be repeating a "reminder phrase" as you tap at each point. The Basic Recipe: EFT is very simple, but does have some basic ingredients, I'm sure you will find it easy to memorize. It consists of a setup, and then the tapping sequence.

The Setup There is a more technical concept behind the 'setup': psychological reversion (PR), which is a fancy way to say we self-sabotage, we create inner, unconscious blocks to success. A part of us says: "I want to get over this issue", another part does not. It's the reverse of what the person says they want. Somebody might say they want to lose weight, but find out she doesn't lose any. There is usually an unconscious reason that wants to protect us that we are unaware of, we might feel unworthy, insecure, undeserving, not sure that it is possible to overcome this, or we might be afraid that we won't know who we are if we change. With the Setup, which consists of an affirmation, we make sure that your energy system is properly aligned before trying to remove its disruptions. When psychological reversal is present, EFT will not work. It is, quite literally, the cause of self-sabotage. On average, it is

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


present 40% of the time. It only takes a couple of seconds to correct, so we do it all the time, just in case it's present. The Setup has two parts:

a) an affirmation you repeat three times while you b) tap on the karate chop spot.

Since the cause of Psychological Reversal involves negative thinking (I don't deserve, I'm not good enough, I won't be safe, I'm not worthy, etc) to correct it we first state what is, and then we include a neutralizing affirmation Even though I __________________ (insert problem statement) I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself. i.e.: Even though my mom left me alone in the car for hours when I was 9 while she chatted with her acting teacher, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself. Even though I felt scared that she would never come back, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself. Here are some examples to give you some ideas of the variety of issues you can use it for:

- Even if I�m afraid of spiders� - Even if I�m so worried about� - Even if I have this craving for chocolates/ alcohol/ cigarettes� - Even if I�m afraid I�m going to fail my Driving test� - Even if I feel ridiculous because I�m afraid of mice� - Even though I have these nightmares� - Even if my throat hurts when my husband gets angry at me� - Even if I get impatient and frustrated when my students don�t understand my

carefully prepared class� - Even though I have this anger towards my father/ mother/ spouse� - Even though I have this pain in my neck�

�I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.

OK, I can hear you protesting right now: �But I don�t accept or love myself.� If you can

possibly say it, with all your objections it would be good. If you definitely cannot state that you love and accept yourself, maybe you could say:

- �I choose to feel calm and at peace. - �God loves and accepts me totally and completely. - �I am open to change. - � I am a good person.

I worked in therapy with an addict client once who used the following opening statement very successfully: Even though I really don�t accept myself, I�m willing to believe that on

some level I do love and accept myself totally and completely. Sometimes people object to stating the "negative part" and just want to do the 'positive' affirmation. That will NOT correct psychological reversal; this �negative� statement states what is happening right now, it acknowledges the problem. Carl Rogers used to say that

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


you cannot change what you don't accept. It doesn't matter if you consciously believe the affirmation or not, it works anyway. OK, you have identified the problem, belief, memory or thought you want to work with and wrote it down, you measured the intensity from 0 to 10 and wrote the intensity down. So now let�s put it together: tap the Karate chop spot while repeating the opening statement three times:

Even though I __________________ (insert problem statement) I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.

Really get into the intensity of the emotion. Really focus on that statement as you tap, and say it vehemently, with a lot of emotion (even if you feel a little self conscious and silly at first � it happens to all of us!) Of course, if you are in a public place, you can repeat it mentally, but as if you were saying out loud with lots of intensity. The Sequence For the actual tapping, choose a word or part of the statement as a reminder phrase, so that you stay focused on your problem. Your energy field changes in any given situation or circumstance, if your mind is wandering all over the place and you are not focused on your

issue, your energy won�t be re-balanced regarding this issue. Using our example it might be:

- alone in the car, - this fear of Mom never coming back - this fear of spiders - this craving for chocolates/ alcohol/

cigarettes Start at the top of the head and repeat your reminder phrase as you tap each point five to seven times. Start at the Crown Point on the top of the head, and tap all the way down to your fingertips, karate chop point and gamut point. Incidentally, you can tap with one hand, with both hands, on one side of the body, on both sides simultaneously, swap over hands or change sides at any time during the tapping. Repeat the reminder phrase once as you tap on each point.

Some people ask if this will install the

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


negative or unwanted feeling into them, they would rather only repeat the positive. We do this to acknowledge what is. These negative feelings, beliefs, behaviours exist and are causing a disruption in the body�s energy system. When we try to just push them away they resist and become stronger creating an energy blockage. When we acknowledge them and accept ourselves, and tap, energy can flow and become balanced. So first we have to acknowledge what is before we can install the positive changes we desire. We repeat the reminder phrase to keep us focused. As Rumi, the 13th Century Sufi mystic says:

Your thinking is like a Camel driver, and you are the camel:

it drives you in every direction under it�s bitter control

3. By repeating the phrase we stop our mind from wandering off and thinking about lunch, the weather, the wash, picking kids up from school� you get the idea. You want to keep focused on the situation, feeling, belief, emotion you are tapping about. Do two or three rounds with your reminder phrase or phrases; it�ll take only a couple of

minutes. Some people use a shorter version which excludes the points on the hands. I like tapping all points; feel free to experiment and find out what works best for you. Test Your Changes Take a new SUDs rating after your tapping. Remember on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is neutral and 10 the worst you could possibly imagine, how distressed are you now when you think about your issue?

There are three possibilities: a) it feels the same or has gone down very little; b) it went down a lot or disappeared; c) the problem feels worse. If it feels the same, you probably have an opening statement that is too general; for example:

�Even if I�m 20 pounds overweight, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.�

What would the risk be if you lost weight? I remember a client saying. �I would have to

admit I�m unhappy in my marriage.� So the real opening statement would then be:

�Even if I�m unhappy in my marriage (and I don�t want to acknowledge it), I deeply and

profoundly love and accept myself.�

3 Mathnawi I 2497, translated by Kabir and Camille Helminski.

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


That would probably bring up different SUDs and all sorts of aspects to it! Sometimes, the problem can go from as high as 10 to as low as 0 in a single treatment. More often though, you start with 8 or 9, and after a round of tapping, the severity is reduced to a 4 or a 5. This means that the treatment is beginning to work but there's more to be done. Resist the temptation to start tapping on another aspect of the problem. Write down any other aspects that surfaced so you can work on them later, but keep focussed on your initial issue till the SUDs are down to 1 or 0. Sometimes it gets worse, which means you have probably hit on a bigger problem than you bargained for, and would be better off contacting a qualified Energy Psychotherapy counsellor or a Psychotherapist or EFT Practitioner. Subsequent Treatment Rounds If the original set up statement was something along the lines of, "Even though I have this _________ (this problem)", you have tapped a first round on "this problem", and upon checking with yourself, this problem is not as severe anymore but still noticeable, change the Opening Statement to:

"Even though I still have some of (the problem), I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself."

And the reminder phrase can be: �Remaining (problem)�. For example:

- remaining "alone in the car" - this remaining fear of Mom never coming back - this remaining fear of spiders - this remaining craving for chocolates/ alcohol/ cigarettes

When the SUDs rating has gone down to a 1 or 2, a new round can be done with the opening statement of,

"I�m willing to completely overcome this problem now and I deeply and completely love and accept myself".

And that's it! Of course, the real test for how effective EFT is will be the changes you see in your life. With some sessions, you may feel immediate and significant shifts � a weight that suddenly lifts from your shoulders, or a dramatic easing of pain or tension. Other times the changes might be much more subtle. One day, you may realize that you simply haven�t thought about a problem for weeks, when it used to be on your mind every day. You may find yourself in the midst of doing something that you would never have dreamed possible

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


a day earlier, and now you�re doing it easily without a second thought. All of these changes

contribute to your living a happier life. Most of the time, the treatment holds; when part of it comes back, it doesn't mean EFT didn't work, sometimes a different aspect of the problem surfaces and requires further tapping, or you found a core problem that requires assistance from a trained Practitioner. EFT for physical symptoms:

Your biography becomes your biology. Carolyn Myss

It's important to mention again that EFT is not a substitute for medical care. If you have physical symptoms, or have been diagnosed with an illness, please consult your family physician.

It is undeniable that negative emotions contribute to physical ailments. To the extent that EFT neutralizes these negative emotions; the physical symptoms appear to subside. If I were to ask you the following question: "If you were to live your life all over again, what people or events would you rather not have to repeat?" I'm sure you could find more than one example, and it could probably qualify as unfinished business. You might have a few of these unfinished situations, or a lot of them, but they constitute an energy drain on your system. It takes energy to keep these issues tucked away in the hopes that they will disappear. I've got bad news for you: they will not go away, they just fester under the radar. Actually, you are

using your Body Visa Card and have gotten yourself into a body credit card debt which keeps growing. Your immune system just does not have enough energy to fight invaders and illness in an optimum fashion. When we use EFT to "pay off" this body credit card debt, your body suddenly has more energy to deal with your illnesses and with invaders. In this case, we work with the emotional components of illness. Please understand that your physician is the person qualified to treat your illness, with EFT, you are making more energy available to do so. When you and I work with whatever illness you have; I will probably ask you: "If there were an emotional component to this illness, what might that be?" Also, when I�m dealing with somebody that has what appears to be an intensely emotional issue that I know in just bringing it up that they�re going to have a lot of emotional pain and

tears, just from an emotional point of view, I will often ask them before we ever start on that particular emotional issue: "Do you have any physical discomforts?� and many times

they mention they have a stiffness in their neck, a headache, a constriction in their throat, or they can't breathe deeply. We then measure the discomfort of that physical symptom from 0 to 10, and seem to ignore the emotional issue; and then we do the �setup� and the �rounds� with the physical symptom. Many times what happens is that the symptom starts shifting places, it starts

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


moving. First it was on my neck, now it's on my elbow, then on the wrist, then on the shoulder on the other side of the body, and so on. We call this Chasing the Pain. As we deal with a physical manifestation, in my experience, we are actually addressing and taking care of the emotional issue behind it. And we may or may not take it to 0, but we do something to it. It has now shifted in some fashion, it has changed its nature, and it has changed location. It may have gotten out of the way so that a bigger issue is coming up (and that may be why the suds go up). It's like we took care of what was on the surface, and here comes the boil. When we're all done, I'll ask about the emotional issue, the one that was very intense, and often, not always but often, I�ll get a response like �Well, it wasn�t that big an issue, I had a

miscarriage.� And somehow we�re done with it. When we're not, this work has taken the intensity out of the issue, and now it is easier to work with. Use EFT to deal with any medical or dental procedures that creates strong anxiety or fear. Again, start by focusing on, �Even though I am extremely anxious whenever I think of:

having my teeth cleaned, going for a mammogram, having a pelvic exam, etc, I love and accept myself and know that I deserve good health.� Tap as many rounds as you need

until you feel relaxed. . Self- Help EFT or With a Practitioner?

Sometimes, having a friend can change the chemistry in somebody's brain.

Steve Lopez

EFT is an incredible self-help tool! It's right at your fingertips at any given time, but many times people tell me that it "doesn't work" as well on their own, and that they "give up" easily without getting to the core of the situation, or without addressing all aspects. Many times the person who self-taps won't be tapping on core issues because they don't know how to find them. Or, at some level, they really don't want to bring those issues up. The core issues will then stay repressed or unattended. It takes somebody outside them who has the skills to do the detective work to uncover these core issues, so they can be tapped on. For this, a therapist can be very, very important in the process. A therapist is also a good guide into the unknown and a good support to shine the light in the darkest corners. When we tap alone, we really don't go as deep, and we have huge psychological "blind spots". The practitioner serves as a mirror so the client is able to see those blind spots and successfully deal with them. Carl Rogers, many years ago, spoke of the healing that comes from being in an empathic relationship; where the client is met with unconditional positive regard; where one person is in a state of incongruence (disturbed energy field) and another in a state of more

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


congruence (balanced energy field). And to this we add tapping! Wow! Dynamite combination! When you work with a practitioner, both your energy fields connect, and a bridge is made between the unconscious of both people. When the client then taps, s/he taps with the increased energy from the practitioner. It's also why the practitioner "Borrows Benefits" There may be some complicated issues where the help of an EFT practitioner would be invaluable. Even if you do know the core issue, there's a synergy when you work with someone else, there's a lot more energy to help you bring your energy system back into balance. At times people do tell me, it doesn't work when I do it on my own; there really is something to connecting your energy field with someone else with the intention of healing.

Remember, appearances are deceiving, but will not deceive someone who is facing you.

Although EFT works best when it is specific, here are some generic tapping sequences that you can add to your tapping: EFT and Inner Power using Marianne Williamson's Quote

My deepest fear is not that I am inadequate. My deepest fear is that I am powerful beyond measure. It is my light, not my darkness that most frightens me. I ask myself, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?" Actually, who am I not to be? I am a child of God. My playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around me. I am meant to shine, as children do. I was born to make manifest the glory of God that is within me. It is not just in some people; it is in everyone. And as I let my own light shine, I unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As I am liberated from my own fear, my presence automatically liberates others.

Marianne Williamson Part 1: Karate Chop: "Even though I am afraid that I am powerful beyond measure, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Karate Chop: "Even though I am afraid that I am powerful beyond measure, I deeply and completely love and accept myself, as I am, and the fact that I am afraid of being powerful beyond measure." Karate Chop: "Even though I am afraid that I am powerful beyond measure, I choose to release this belief, its roots, its origins and all it does for me." At each point repeat the following phrase: "This being afraid of my power." Part 2: Karate Chop: "Even if I'm most frightened by my light, I deeply and completely love and accept myself." Karate Chop: "Even if I'm most frightened by my light, I deeply and completely love and accept myself, just as I am, and the fact that I am more afraid of my light than of my darkness." Karate Chop: "Even if I'm most frightened by my light, I choose to release this belief, its roots, its origins and all it does for me." At each point repeat the following phrase: "This being afraid of my inner light." Part 3: Karate Chop: "Even though I shrink so other people won't feel insecure around me, I choose to remember I am a child of God and was born to manifest God's glory." Repeat three times. At each point repeat the following phrase: "I release my fear", for one round. Then the next round "I manifest God's glory". Finish by tapping while you sing: This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!

Articles by Patzia:

Resentments relieved 22 years after a poor birthing experience

When "Connie" came for her session today, she had just read an article on Gary Craig's newsletter about a difficult labor (Severe labor pains, giving birth at home) and was all agitated. She too had wanted to have a homebirth when her eldest son was born 22 years ago and ended up with a caesarean. She "was over it" but had been disappointed and wished she had known EFT back then so she could have had a homebirth, like the woman in the article.

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


I asked her to "tell me the story" about that delivery, and to stop as soon as she felt any intensity, and it was actually two stories: 1) "The doctor and the due date"; and 2) "The caesarean". We started with the first one. Connie had been seeing a Naturopathic doctor who would deliver the baby, and had agreed to a home birth. Connie had very irregular cycles and she and the doctor had not agreed on the date of conception or on the due date. The doctor insisted that a woman could not know when she had conceived, they had to set the date with a chart starting with her last period. Connie insisted she knew exactly when she had gotten pregnant, and the dates didn't coincide with what the doctor said. Connie found out she was NOT over it! And had an intensity of 10!

Even though the @@@#### doctor discounted my intuition about the baby's due date�

Even though I'm angry at that @@@#### doctor for insisting he knew better than I did when I had gotten pregnant�

Even though I had to be nice and submissive because he was in authority� Even though I would like to swak him one for being so insensitive and not believing

me�. Even though he said it was impossible to know when I had gotten pregnant, and I

did know� We did several rounds of tapping until her intensity dropped to 0. Connie had a very happy, uneventful pregnancy. She was blissful and could remember thinking that pregnancy was the best state ever. Her doctor kept insisting on the "official" due date, and she kept insisting that it would really be two weeks later, because she really did know when she had gotten pregnant. So it was a terrible surprise when her doctor called one evening and told her he was leaving on vacation three days later. In his mind, she was overdue, and he had scheduled his vacations because none of his patients had delivery dates for the next two weeks. If she didn't have the baby in the next three days, she would have to look for another doctor to deliver her.

Even if I was frozen and couldn't process what he was saying� Even if I still can't believe he would do that to me� Even if I was scared out of my wits�

She went into labor right then and there, and her husband called the doctor back to let him know.

Even if I started having contractions out of fear� Even if I was terrified of the doctor's leaving on vacation and having to find a new

doctor� Even if I was afraid of doing it all on my own�

The doctor said to call him again when contractions were 2 minutes apart; but her contractions stayed erratic.

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Even if I had erratic contractions and was scared of the doctor's going on vacation�

Even if I felt I had to be "good" and have this baby so he (the doctor) wouldn't abandon me�

After 24 hours of irregular contractions and no dilation, the doctor suggested inducing labor.

Even though I knew I had to birth this baby before the doctor left, and time was running out�

Even though I wanted a home birth and was being sent to the hospital for an induction�

Connie remembers walking up and down the corridor with the IV� and still no dilation.

She was then told that her baby was having fetal distress and she needed a caesarean�

Even though I was afraid my baby would die because of the fetal distress� Even though I was scared in the operating room� Even though I was angry because they tied my hands down and I couldn't move

them� Even if I felt betrayed by my body because it hadn't dilated� Even if I felt inadequate as a woman, because I couldn't birth my baby normally�

And then, the baby was born; they untied her hands and let her hold him and see that he was beautiful and perfect! Even though I didn't have a homebirth, I was so happy to have a healthy, normal baby. Connie told me she felt like a weight had lifted from her shoulders. She had avoided talking about the subject of her son's birth, or would make jokes. We can't change what happened; she told me that a year later the doctor had apologized and had acknowledged that many women do truly know when they got pregnant. He now pays more attention to what women tell him. She could talk about the doctor with no emotional intensity.

EFT for Love Pain

I had an interesting case of a woman experiencing "love pain". "Sophia" was divorced two years ago. Sophia's husband was caught being unfaithful, not for the first time, and she decided it was time to leave. After two years, she still feels the deep pain of separation, and her family has tried to get them back together. She is feeling ambivalent and unsure. She also feels that if she really stops feeling guilty about leaving him, it will be as if all the good things in their marriage never existed and she will lose him forever.

We started our session with an intention for healing, and started with the Tell the Story Technique, stopping to tap every time her emotional intensity increased. We made sure she was clear that it was important for her to stop the story every time she felt any intensity.

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


We tapped on:

Even though I felt devastated by his infidelity� Even though my family thinks I imagined it and they side with him� Even though I am deeply hurt because my sister prefers going out to dinner with

him than with me� Even though my mother says a wife should be forgiving and overlook men's "little

indiscretions"� Even though I feel guilty because I left him� Even though I feel guilty because my son and my daughter want me to make up

with him and I can't� Even though I feel guilty because I thought we had a happy marriage and he was

having an affair�

A lot of anger came up at this point (Sophia was taught women should never get angry) so we tapped on:

Even though it's not ok for me to be angry, I do feel angry� Even though I'm angry because my adult children want me to get back together

with their dad� Even though I'm angry because he kept the house� Even though I'm angry that the law didn't order spousal support� Even though I wish I could move to another country and not see him again� Even though this betrayal anger is choking me�

After tapping several rounds on the anger, she continued the story, and a deep sadness came up:

Even though I have this divorce sadness� Even though I'm sad because I miss him� Even though I'm not supposed to miss him anymore, it's been 2 years� Even though I'm sad because I hoped we would always be married� Even though I'm sad that he fell out of love with me� Even though I trusted him�

Sophia had been doing a lot of affirmations to push away the sadness and her negative thoughts. She was trying to be "very positive" and see the good side of things and was surprised that she had all this anger and sadness inside her. She also still felt connected to her ex husband, and asked if the tapping would erase all the good times; she didn't want to lose him completely! We tapped on:

Even though I'm afraid that if I let go of my guilt, anger and sadness I will lose him completely, I choose to keep all my good memories.

Even though I'm afraid tapping will be like a magic wand that erases my life history, and I'll be left with a gaping hole, all my experiences really happened and I choose to remember them joyfully and peacefully.

Even though my husband and I are no longer together, I choose to give him a place in my heart as my first husband and the father of my children.

I choose to feel calm, centered and at peace.

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


After this last round, Sophia felt a lot lighter, and she could now "Tell the Story" in a very matter of fact way. She also said she was now ready to start dating!

Burn on a finger Recently I bought one of those printers, scanners and copiers that do everything. I was making some copies and the paper got jammed. I opened the back door to pull the paper out and touched the roller, and it burned my finger! I was surprised at the heat and the pain in my finger. I immediately started tapping: Even though I have this burning pain in my right index finger� I did a couple of rounds and then did Even though I still have some burning pain in my index finger� and tapped on this remaining burn pain. One round later, my finger was tingling, but not painful. So I tapped on even though I have this tingling in my index finger� After two rounds, my finger was good as new! No burn, no pain, no pink skin! I am still amazed when this happens, and grateful for this knowledge.

Persistent EFT for osteoarthritis � clever approaches to the problem

Stella (not her real name) came to see me in September 2008 because she had osteoarthritis in her right knee, and swelling due to a Baker's cyst (a benign swelling found behind the knee joint); and she had quite a bit of pain. Her family doctor told her all that the only thing that could be done was to take analgesics for the pain, and ice on the knee. She could also have a steroid shot in the knee. Stella was taking the analgesics, and her stomach was feeling terrible. She wanted to know if she could get relief with EFT. I told her we could work on the emotional components of her pain and arthritis and that it might or might not be a one minute miracle. We've been having sessions once a week since mid September 8and are now in mid November), her pain was at a 9 and her leg was quite swollen from the knee down to her ankle when we started. Some of the phrases we have tapped on include:

- Even if I have this burning pain in my right knee� - Even if I was dismayed to hear I had develop osteoarthritis� - Even if I have osteoarthritis� - Even if the doctor smiled as she gave me the diagnosis� - Even if the doctor told me this will never be cured� - Even if the doctor doesn't want to be bothered by my symptoms� - Even if my knee is sore when I wake up in the morning� - Even if I can't sit crossed legged anymore�

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


We were not getting much relief, when she happened to mentioned that when she called her mother, to share what the doctor had said, her mother was ecstatic!

- Even if my mother was happy that I developed osteoarthritis� - Even if I can hear the glee in her voice� - Even if I'm scared I'm going to end up as crippled by arthritis as she is� - Even if I swore I wouldn't be like her, and now I have her disease�

We also tapped on her "worst" mother memory. At the end of the session, Stella's pain had gone down to a 6, and her leg was still swollen. By now, I was intrigued on why we were making so little progress. The next session, I invited Stella to close her eyes and imagine she was going inside her knee. She drank an "invisible shrinking potion" (she's a Harry Potter fan) and went into the knee accompanied by Professor Dumbledore as backup support. She described the inside of her knee as a cavern that was very red, with a pipe that was tied up in a knot and leaking some liquid goo that was just lying there.

- Even if the cavern looks very red�. - Even if the pipe is tied up in a knot� - Even if the pipe is dripping liquid goo� - Even if this liquid goo is just lying there�

Then I asked what emotion she felt as she looked around. She said she felt she was choking, and there was sadness. We tapped for the choking and the sadness, and what came up was a memory of her dad saying goodbye to her and telling her that he and her mom were getting a divorce, and she had never cried and kept it all in. Stella had been 7 at the time, she didn't have anyone to talk to and felt she had to be brave. We tapped on:

- Even if Daddy is saying goodbye, I was such a good girl. - Even if I was so sad, and confused and lonely� - Even if I didn't want Daddy to leave� - Even if Daddy looks so sad� - He's holding his hat in his hands� - Even if I was brave, I now choose to express my sadness. - Even if I was choked up, I can now express how I feel�

Stella was connecting for the first time to all the feelings she had buried about the experience, and expressing them as we did round after round.

- Even if I am so incredibly sad� - Even if I feel so hurt� - Even if I feel so lonely� - Even if I feel that I did something to cause this�

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


After this session, the pain went down to 0, and the swelling was reduced by 80%. Also, she said that the inside of her knee now looked pink and shiny. There was a lot less goo on the floor, and the pipe looked straight and normal. We have continued working on that event, and included her relationship with her mother during her parents divorce. Stella can now go up and down the stairs without pain, and she can sit cross legged for short periods. She still has some swelling on her knee; the Baker's cyst has not completely disappeared, there has been a huge improvement and we're still tapping! Does she still have osteoarthritis? Yes, but let's say that although she has the disease, she does not �at the moment�have the illness.

Neck and Shoulder pain disappear after tapping on, "I have to protect myself"� chocolate addiction fades as a side-benefit

"Mary" came to see me because she had been having a lot of pain in her left shoulder and neck. She had seen her doctor, an acupuncturist, a massage therapist and it all helped but the pain kept coming back after a few hours. She was willing to try "this weird technique" to see if it helped her at all. Mary's pain and discomfort were at an 8. We did the following setups:

- Even though nothing has worked, and maybe this won't work either� - Even though I have this pain in my neck and my left shoulder� - Even though I have this pain in the muscles of my neck and left shoulder� - Even though the ligaments in my neck and left shoulder are in pain� - Even if it hurts to sleep on my left side, and it's my favorite side to sleep on�

She came down only to a 7, and I was a bit surprised it hadn't gone down more. I then posed the question: "If this pain had an emotional component what would it be?" Immediately Mary replied: "I have to protect myself!" She was quite surprised, but didn't have a clue as to what she was protecting herself from. We did a couple of rounds on

- Even though I have this protecting shoulder and neck pain, I deeply and completely love and accept myself and I choose to receive the message this pain is holding for me.

We then did two rounds using "this protecting shoulder pain" for the first round, and "this message for me" for the second round. When I asked if something had come up for her, Mary looked at me and said her mother had kicked her out of the house when she was 16 and she didn't know how to protect herself. She was very scared. Mary started crying, and I held her hand and tapped the hand points. When she was able to talk again, we switched to the "Tell the Story" Technique, stopping almost every other sentence as this "long-forgotten" memory (she's in her late 50's) came spilling out while we tapped and tapped and tapped.

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


We tapped for her mother's anger, she was shouting, Mary was "frozen and speechless," calling her Dad to come pick her up, packing a suitcase. Mary remembered feeling scared that her Mom would hit her so she hunched her shoulder to defend herself, we tapped on that.

- Even though Mom said I was useless� - Even though Mom said she was done with taking care of me� - Even though I couldn't defend myself against Mom's anger, I did the best I could. - Even though Mom didn't want me there, Dad was willing to come get me and care

for me. This session "daisy-chained" into several related aspects: her father had come to pick her up after driving 24 hours to get to the city Mary and her mother lived in. He was so upset, he was driving like a maniac on the way back and Mary was afraid to say anything. We tapped on her father's angry face, driving way over the speed limit. She couldn't protect herself there either and didn't know if she had made her Dad angry. Mary's Dad had to find a school for her in the middle of the school year, she didn't have any friends. We tapped for her "inner teenager"

- Even though I was scared and confused, I was an awesome teen. - Even though I hated my mom and missed my mom, I was cool

Finally, she was at a 0 for her neck and shoulder, and for that specific event with all its aspects. We ended the session with a quote from Deepak Chopra:

- I choose to be a pioneer of the future and release being a prisoner of the past. Mary called me a week later to tell me her neck and shoulder were fine, she felt great, and to her surprise a long standing chocolate addiction had disappeared! She'd been eating a chocolate bar every day for the past 20 years, and though she had a box of Mars bars in her closet, after a couple of days she noticed she hadn't eaten any and she had lost the craving! Article by Rebecca Marina:

EFT for panic attacks As a veteran of traumatic panic attacks I am always looking for new information and creative ways to use EFT on this debilitating condition. I have learned to use EFT to keep mine under control. I have done some research and thought you might find this useful for yourself or your clients. Symptoms of panic attacks are:

a feeling of intense fear

sense of doom, feeling of unreality Physical symptoms such as:

a racing or pounding heartbeat difficulty breathing choking sweating shaking

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


flushing chest pains dizziness light-headiness nausea fear of losing control

tingling or numbness in the hands.

fear of dying of a heart attack or stroke

fear of something horrible about to happen

fear that this time it is for REAL Now the problem with panic attacks is the more you have them, the more you FEAR you will have them, therefore ... the more you will have them. The greatest fear to recognize is the FEAR of the panic attack. It is this fear that can keep you prisoner in your home, just waiting for that next attack to come. This fear can keep you from making plans to enjoy your life. If you really think about it - no one has ever died from a panic attack. I have talked to lots of folks who wound up in the emergency room (including myself) only to discover that the symptoms subside, and there you are with your bare face hanging out and the medical world looking at you like some kind of weak hypochondriac. Also, if there is something really wrong with your heart, it will usually show up on medical testing. You can even get your arteries measured for "clogging" now with non-invasive methods. Make yourself feel better and get yourself medically checked out. When I went to the emergency room with a panic attack thinking seriously I was having a heart attack - they did every test in the book on me and announced that my heart was strong as a racehorse. One answer is to try EFT with some variations to address several of the underlying issues. FEAR OF THE FEAR:

- Even though I have this fear of the fear� - Even though I think this time I will die� - Even though I don't understand this fear of the fear� - Even though I sit and wait for this fear� - Even though I think I will scream� - Even though I need to run away, escape�


- Even though I have this fear of the fear, I know fear can't kill me. - Even though I think I will die, I know a panic attack can't kill me.


- Even though my heart is pounding� - Even though my heart is racing, it probably needs a good workout. - Even though I have these crazy physical symptoms that don't make any sense�

Of course there are REAL heart problems but most people who have panic attacks would have been dead long ago if their heart really had problems.

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© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Important note: It is the Sympathetic Nervous System that causes the body to go into the fight or flight mode in the first place. It is the Parasympathetic Nervous System that returns the body to normal. By doing EFT for that and inviting the Parasympathetic Nervous System to return us to normal, we can get quicker results.

- Even though my sympathetic nervous system thinks I am in danger, I love and understand its need to protect me.

- I ask and allow my parasympathetic nervous system to take over and return me to normal. I ask all systems of the body to assist my parasympathetic nervous system in returning me to normal.

One more method is to try and put yourself into a panic attack just so you can tap on it. Go ahead, try it ... you can't do it can you? A powerful technique is to go looking for the panic and fear - dare it to come out when you are ready. Aren't you tired of it sneaking up on you when you are NOT expecting it? I tried this all day and couldn't get even a speck of panic or fear. I hope this was helpful to you, please feel free to pass this along to anyone you think it may help.

Rebecca Marina's website is:

Page 30: Freedom at Your Fingertips

© 2008 Patzia Gonzalez-Baz tel: 905-235-0547; email: [email protected]; Freedom at Your Fingertips with EFT! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


About the author:

Patzia Gonzalez-Baz is a highly experienced Gestalt Psychotherapist, a Diplomate in Comprehensive Energy Psychology (D-CEP) and an Advanced EFT practitioner (EFT-Cert 1). Over the past 30 years, Patzia has been a student of life, Spirituality and Inner Growth. This wonderful journey has led her to many places and many inner and outer discoveries; allowing her to develop a strong intuition and spiritual connection that lets her connect energetically with others in a loving, respectful and humble way. Patzia has lived in many places in Mexico, in Europe and has recently relocated to Ontario, Canada. She is fluent in

Spanish and in English. Apart from Energy Psychotherapy (EFT, TAT, Allergy Antidotes, BSFF, EDxTM, levels 1 & 2), she is also trained in Family Constellations, Gestalt and Client Centered Therapy, and in the Enneagram. Patzia works with clients from Mexico, Canada and any place accessible by Skype, in person and by phone. 10 times a year, Patzia conducts an "EFT Basics for Beginners Workshop". She also conducts a monthly "EFT Healing Circle", and once a month, she conducts a free "Group TAT" Teleconference. Details are available at her website. To contact her regarding individual or couples therapy services, and educational workshops, call (905) 235 0547, or send an email to: [email protected] Website: