
Argumentative Writing With freedom comes great responsibility. Do you agree? What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher, a doctor, a lawyer, or a businessman? In some countries this question is not even applicable. The word choice or choose has no use at all. We are very fortunate to live in a country where we are allowed to make our own choices and decisions, but we are not taking responsibility for our actions. We are mistreating the freedom that we have and even just the simplest law that our parents, schools, government has enforced for us to obey are being violated. With freedom comes great responsibility. This saying has been heard by generations of kids and has been said by generations of parents. Unfortunately people today don't seem to be responsible about almost any thing they do. We as human beings have been given free will by God, and if we make choices based on our own free will we must be willing to take the responsibility for the effects that our decisions has on ourselves, on the people around us, and on the society itself.

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Post on 22-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Fredom

Argumentative Writing

With freedom comes great responsibility. Do you agree?

What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher, a doctor, a lawyer, or a businessman? In

some countries this question is not even applicable. The word choice or choose has no use at all.

We are very fortunate to live in a country where we are allowed to make our own choices and

decisions, but we are not taking responsibility for our actions. We are mistreating the freedom

that we have and even just the simplest law that our parents, schools, government has enforced

for us to obey are being violated. With freedom comes great responsibility. This saying has been

heard by generations of kids and has been said by generations of parents. Unfortunately people

today don't seem to be responsible about almost any thing they do.

We as human beings have been given free will by God, and if we make choices based on our

own free will we must be willing to take the responsibility for the effects that our decisions has

on ourselves, on the people around us, and on the society itself. Freedom, I believe, is the way in

which people live or behave without others annoying or interfering in his or her affairs. People

should benefit from freedom, equality and justice. Absolute freedom is sometimes very

dangerous and may destroy the basic principles of the society

We are given the privilege to express what we feel, but it seems that we just say anything we

want, without thinking if the words we say are considerate and necessary. We always disregard

the fact that being allowed to state our opinions freely is also an obligation. Sometimes, even the

adults themselves cannot control the words they use. Sooner or later, our freedom will be taken

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away from us because of our own carelessness. We go beyond limitations and forget that we

have responsibilities. We are given free will by God to control our future, but we keep on

abusing this concession we have. Whenever we are given the freedom to speak what is in our

mind, disrespectful and inappropriate words are what we hear. We are given the freedom of

press, to publicize what we know, but we exaggerate and publish inappropriate subjects. We feel

bad if we can’t speak freely, but we don’t put this privilege to proper use.

Freedom means responsibility. We may choose to live the life as we wish, but we must take

responsibility it entails. There is a price for every freedom and there is always something to be

given up for liberty. We are free to do whatever we want, but we must be ready, to face the

consequences of our actions. As Arnold Tonybee rightly said, “As human beings, we are

endowed with the freedom of choice, and we cannot shuffle off our responsibility upon the

shoulders of God or nature. We must shoulder it ourselves. A lot of people believe that freedom

means doing whatever you want, whenever you want. This is a dangerous belief because your

freedom stops as soon as you hurt other people. Because of this there are regulations which

prevent people from doing things which are harmful to other people. For example, you are free to

listen to music whenever you want but as soon as you annoy other people you must stop


Word Count: 553 words

Sadaf Khan