franklin d. roosevelt - th e great communicator series 2 ... · madison square garden address ....

Franklin D. Roosevelt - "The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945 Series 2: " You have nothing to fear but fear itself:" FOR and the New Deal File No. 1324-A 1940 October 28 New York City, NY- Madison Square Garden Address

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Page 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

Franklin D. Roosevelt - "The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945

Series 2: " You have nothing to fear but fear itself:" FOR and the New Deal

File No. 1324-A

1940 October 28

New York City, NY­Madison Square Garden Address

Page 2: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight




OCTOBER 28, 1940

Tonight 1 t ake up again the public duty -- t he t a r from

diSagreeable duty -· of ans•erina maJor c ampai gn f alsitiea tions

• ith fact s .

Last week i n Philadel phia , 1 nniled the fa.luhood about

some f anciful seer e t treaties , to dr y on the bar n door. I

nailed tha t fabehood and othe r f a lsehoods t he way 'llhen I was

a boy u p in Duteheu County, • ·e used t u nail up t he ski ns of

foxes and •·easel s .

Ton ight 1 am going t o nail up the fdsitiea tions th111.t

hav e t o do with our r elations with t he r es t of t he •orld ,

and wit h t he building up of our a r ay, navy and a ir def ense .

It i s a very d&n8erous thing to dist ort f acts a bout s uch t hings.

Page 3: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

- 2-

If repea t ed over and over again, it 1a ~ apt to crea t e a

sense of f ear and. doubt in the mi nds of some or the Amer ican

people .

I now brand as f a lse the stater.:r.ent being aade by Republican

caapaign or atora, day a fter day and. nisht af t er night, tha t the

reara~ing of America was s low, that it is hMstrlUlC and impeded ,

thllt it will never be a ble t o ~~eat. t h r eats f r om abroad.

Th&t par t icuhr aisstatecent "as invent ed about the tillle

o f t he Republican National Convention. Befor e that, the

responsible Republican leader s had been s ingi ng an entire ly

differ ent sona: . For almos t seven ye&r s t he Republi can leaders

1n the Congress kept on sa)""'ing that I wu placing too -uch

emphasis on nnt1onal defens e.

And now today these men of a:rea t vision have suddenly

discover ed tht~~t there 1S a wu on in ~rope and e.nother one

1n .Asi a . And so, now, al11ays ~: ith their eyes on the good old

ballot box, they a r e cha r ging tho.t we have placed t oo little

emphasis on na t i onal def ense .

Page 4: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

-3- (pjJ But, wtlike them, the pr inted paaes of the Congr eui onal

Record cannot be changed or suppressed a t election time . ~

bli.sed on t hat peraanent r ecord of their speeches and their

Totes, I aake this auertion -- that if the Republican leaders

had been in contr ol of the Congress of the United Sta t es

during the past seven years, the iaportant measures for our

defense tiou.ld not now be U.w; and the Army am Navy of

the United States y;ould still be in almost the same condition

in which I found tham 1n 1933.

I make these charges against the r esponsible political

leadership of t he Republican Party. There are :tlllions of

patriotic Republicans who bava at all times bun in ayapatby

with the effor ts or thi s Administration to a rm itself adequately

for defense .

To Washlnlton in the past fe•· •onths hnve come not t.o

or t hree or a dozen, but several hundr ed of t he beat bus iness

executives 1n t he United States -- Republicans and Deaocr ot• alike .

Page 5: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight



Hot holding company l awyer s or executives , but men experi enced

1n actual pr oduction -- production or ull the types o! uch:Lnes

anc! t ools and steel that have made thla nation the i ndustrial

lc.,der " f t.lta 'lforld .

I asked Ur . !Cnudsen and Yr. Stettinius ElJ\d Yr . Harrtr.urn

and Yr. Budd unt! tho lllli.DY others t o serve becttuse I believe

they a r e certainly a:aon~; the ablest men 1n the cowttry 1n

their own !hlc.ts . I do not kno·~ thdr politics. l do not care

about their poll t ics. All I kno" is that they 3.r e cooper a ting

one hundred per cent with thiS Administration in our etror t :!l

for nat1o:1al defense . /.nd this Govern:~~~ent is cooi)cro. tin&: 11:-ith

them - - one hundred per cent.

All or these men -- all or American i ndu s try and American

l.ab:>r -- :1re doing a:tgnificent and unsel!'1sh wor k . The progr ess

today proves it.

I shall h.&ve occo.sion in a L:ate r speech t~ tell mor e

about the wor k they are doing , Rood about t he pro~resa which

has been Qade in our defense .

Page 6: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


l'Jllen the Urst World fiar ended we were one ot the strongest

navnl and military pOT:ers ln the world. When this Administrati on

fir s t Cll.CD8 into office f i t'teen years later ~ we wer e one ot the

weakest .

As eur ly as 1933 the s t o r a was gathering in Eur ope and 1n

Asia . Year by yea r I reported the W&E'nlngs of da nger frl,)ra our

listening pos ts 1n for eign lands . But I wu only C'illed "an

e.lar .list" by the Republican leadership~ and by t he gr eat

.unjority of t~e Republican papers .

Year by yea r I asked for mor e and more defense appropriations.

In edcUt1on1 I a llocated hunC: reds of 101ll1ons of dollars tor

defense wor k troa r elief funds, ll'CNI Civilian Conservation

Corps f'WldS and fr0111 Public Yi'ork:~ fun<la -- ns was wtderstood

by the Cong'"" when the fund• were voted . --® Today our Navy is a t a peak of artlc1ency and right!.ng

strength. Ship tor ship, ttnd un !or un, i t 15 as powerful

anc! effi c i ent as a;;"~a~~~r sail ed t he seas in the history

.JI ,.,\11, 1 f'fhn~,(~n";;:.,_ ~/~--<Lt ;y,., r" ;/..-.. / of t he wor ld . OUr Ar"£Y and our air forces a r e now o.t the J>, 1 // (;4

" highest level they h!I.Y'J ever been 1n peacetime . But in the 1 , Jl}: • 1'


Page 7: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


U ght or existing dangers they or e not gr eat enough t or the

absolute safety of Amer ica .

'tihile t h is gr ellt, constructive 11ork wt~.s going forward ,

the Republican l eaders "'er e try lng to block our efforts t o11ard

nat1o:~o11l defense. They not only voted against t hese efforts;

but they stat ed tiae a nd again t !\l" Ough the year s that t hey

were unnecessary and extr avaaant, t ha t OW" ar;ted str~tn&th was

sutrieient t or any e illerseney .

1 propose n CNI t o indict t hou Republica n leader s out ot

their olffi uaouths -- these leader s who now dlspar aae our

defenses - - indict t"lea~ with 'flhat t hey themse lves said in the

days befor e t his election year , about how adequate our de t'enses

already were.

Listen t o this stater~ent for i ns t ance . I quote:

"The f act s a r e that we have ~largest 11.nd

111ost powerful Na.vy we ever had 1 except for t wo

. years afte r t he \'lorld .:a~,--a~ the greutest a ir

!'orcos we ever had and. a aa.c.tch t or any nati on" .

Page 8: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


Now who do you t hink 11:1de this at"teaent 1n J une 1938?

It was not I. I t was not e ven a a~eober of this Adminhtr~ttion .

t t was the r anlr:lng Republican member of the House COIUiittee

on For eign Af fairs , Republican leader , Haailt on Piah.

And now lis t en to ex- President Hoover speaking 1n t hat

' u me yea r of 193t . I quote:

11le shall be expendinl n1ne hW\d r ed 11.1llion

dollar s 1a0re than any nation on earth", he co.plt&lned .

11\le a r e leading 1n t he a.r!lls r ace" .

.A.nd now listen to Republic&\ leader Sena tor Vandenbora: ,

also speaking in l9J8. He said th:lt our defense expenditures

head already boucht us (e.nd I quote) "an 1nc0!!1par ably efficient

Navy"; snd he said f urther "1 rbe ln opposition to thiS

super-super Navy bill. I d o not believe it i s justified by

any conclusive desonstrati on or ne.tional necessity",

And no-;v listen to RepublicAn leader Serw.tor Tart - - the

rwmer-up t hb ye11.r for the Republi can Pres1dent1o.J. nominatio::t --

speaking in Febr uary 19'0 . I quote:

Page 9: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


"The increase of the Ar:uy and Navy over the

tre11endous appropri ations of the curr ent year

see:u to be W\llecessary it we a r e concerned

solely witn defense" .

Thera l :s the record; there 1S t he per manent crystal

clear r ecord . Until the pr esent political c&::~.pai&n o pened,

RepubliCIUl leaders, in Congress and out, shout8d fro• the ~

housetops t!la t our defenses •ere !ull:r adequate . ~

Today they c001plain that this Adminhtrtttion httS star ved

our arn~ed forces , that our Havy i s ane1111c, our Ar my puny, our

air for ces piteously weak.

This is a reaarkable sO!llersault ,

I wonder i f the election could ha ve something to do

with i t , If the Republican lend en were telling the truth

1n 1938/~ then - - out or their own 1110uths -- they

st'l11d of inconsistency t oday . It they a re !Jilt

telli ng the truth today 1 then they stand c onvicted of

inconsistency 1n 19)8.~

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- 9-

The simple truth is thftt the Republican Party played

politics with defense in 19)8 and 19)9 . They a r e playins:

polities with national security today.

The same group will still contr ol their party policy 1n

the Congreu . It i s the Congress which passes the laws or the

United St ates. The record or t hese Republican leaders shows

What a slL'I chance the causa or str ong defense fo'Ould hnve, 11'

they were in contr ol .

Not only in their statements but in their votes i s

nit ten their record or sabotage of t his Administration's

continual efforts t o increase our defenses t o • eat the dangers

that loomed ever ltlr ger upon the horizon.

For example , deeply concerned over whnt was happening

1n Europe, I &lked the Congress in J anuary, 1938, tor a no.val

expansion o! henty per cent - - forty-si.I. add itional shi ps

and nine hundr ed and ti!'ty new planes ,

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Vih&t did the Republican leader s do 11·hen they had this

chs.nce to increase our national defenn almost throe years ago?

You •ould t< trOll t..\-teir present barr age of verbal pyrotechnics,

that they rushed 1n to pass that bill, or that they even d.-ended

a larger expo.nsion of the Kavy.

But, ahl o11y friend s , they were not i n a Il!ltlonal campa ign

!or votes then.

In those days, t..l).ey were trying t o build up a different

kind o! political renee . v

I n those days, they tho~.~&ht t hat thrt way to "'in votes was

by representing this Adm1nJ.strat1on as extravagant 1n national

defense, indeed as hysterical and as Ja&nufacturing panic• and

invent inc: foreign danger s .

But now, 1n the serioill! days or 1940, all 1.:s chunsed l

Not only because they are ~ days; but because they are

election da7s u well.

On the radio those Republican orators swing through the

air with the greatest or ease; but the American people are not

voting tnb year ror the b.,t trapeu perror oer. ~

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- 11-

The plain tact is t h.:l.t 11·hen the naval expansion bill

was submitted to t he Congress the Republican lender s Jua~ped

1n to fight lt .

~o were they? Ther e was the pr esent Republican

candidate Cor Vice Presi dent , Senator lletrary. There wer e

Senator Vandenber g and Senator Nye . There was tho :un who

would be the Cha1run of tne HousG Co~~Dittee on Foreign

Al'!airs, Cont;ress!1Wl Fish.

The ! thing t hey d i d was to t r y to elilllinate the

batt leshi ps t r ow the bi ll. The Republicans 1n the House

voted sixty-seven to twenty aga inst building t hem; and 1n

the Senate the Republic!lns voted seven to four a gainst

building them.

The record is certainly clear that back in 19)8 the

Republican leaders wer e poslt.1ve tN<t we needed no 1a0r e

battleships. The naval ex~naion bill wu passed; but it

was passed by Democra tic votes 1n the Congr ess -- 1n spi te

of RepublicAn opposition .

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Again, in March, 1939, the Republican Senators voted

twelve t o four t he bill Cor one hund red and two

1111111on dollars to buy certain str ateeic defense uterials

... hieh we did not h•·n in the United Statu .

In t.lar ch, 1939, the Republicans 1n the Senate voted

e leven to eight against increasi ng the aut horized number of

planes in t he NaTy.

In June, 1939, Republicans 1n the House voted one

hundred and forty- tour t o eight 1n favor of reducing

appropr iations tor the Ar my Ai r Corps.

Now that ;~roves this one simpl e t act. I t proves that

1f the Republlco.n leader s had been in control 1n 1938 and

1939, these !lleasures to increase our Navy and our air forces

would h av e been defent ed overwhelmingly .

I say tb.ttt the Republican lender s played politics with

defense in 1938 and 1939. I say that t hey are playing

politics with our national security today,

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One 111or a example:

The Republiclll\ enmpaign orators a.nd leaders are all

ft01I yelling 1111e too" on h e lp to Br"ita ln. But last Fall they

h&d their chance to vote to give aid t o Britain and other

de;uocl'acies -- 3.nd they turned 1t down.

This chance came when I r eeOID:!Iend&d. that the Congreu

repeal the e111ba ra:o on t."'le shi~ent of ar~~aAents and aunition~

to nations a t war , and permit such sh1J)ment on a 11cash-and-

carry basis" , It is only because of the r epeal or the

emba.rgo l a"' tha t we have been able to sell planes and ships

and guns and aWllti on.s to victii:U ot aggr ession.

How did the Republicans vote on the r epeal or thls ( (-:~~

ember go? ~

In the Sena t e the Republicans vot&d fourteen to six

againSt it. In the House the Republicans voted one hW'Idred

and forty t o nineteen against it,

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The Act •as passed by De:~~ocratic votes but 1t u.s over

the opposition of the Republican leader a . And Just t o nwae

a few, the following Republ1ean loo.~ers"' voted against the

Act --Senators llclla ry, Va.ndenberj, Nye and Johnson; Congressmen

Mar tin, Barton and Fish.

NO'It', a t the eleventh hour, they have d iscovered what

we knew all along -- t hat ovel"seo.a success 1n warding ott

invasion by dicta torshi ;J forces ••ana aafety t o.> the United

States as well as t o t hose •~Her nations which still retain I

t heir indepe ndence;and the r estoro.Uon or sover eignty t o those

Sll&ller nations which have t empor&rily lost it. One or the

keya:tones of A.lll.er1can policy 1s t he recognition of the r1&ht

of s;so.U nati~ns t o survive and prosper.

Great Britain would neve r hllve received an ounce of

help f r om u s -- 1! the deci s i on had been left t o Martin,

Barton and Fish .

Let us eoae do,;n to one aore exampl e -- whieh took

jllSt two .ont!:J.s ago.

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In the Sana te there was an amendment t o per1111 t the

United States Gover lll!lent to prevent profiteering OT' unpatriotic

obstruction by any coT'poration in defense work. It permitted

the Govern.ent to t ake over, with r ea.sonable c011pensa.tion,

any manufacturins: plant .,-hich rerused t u cooper a te in national

defense. The Republican Sent~.tor3 voted against this Russell­

Overton Amendment on August 28, 194C., eight to sb.

The bUl was adopted all ris:ht -- by Deaoe:ratic votes.

But the opi)Osin& vote or those etcht Republican leaders

showed wh&t would happen 1f the national gover nment were

turned ower to their cont rol. Their vote sai d, in effect,

that they put money rights ahead of human lives -- to say

nothing of nAtional security .

You and I , and the overwhelming IDI!jority of Americans,

will never stand for that.

Outside the halls of Congreu e•tnent Republican

candidates bitJan t o turn new somersaults . At !'irst they

denounced the bill . Then when public opinion rose up to

deaand i t, they seiz.ed t:neir trapeu with the greatest of

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Thb r ecord. of Republican shlp - - a r ecor d of

timidity, wenkness and short-sightedness -- i s as bad in

inter nat1ona.l u 1n military art a ira .

It 1a the ume record of tillidity, weakness and. abort-

sight edneaa whi ch they showed 1n domesti c affair s when th~~

were in control befor e 1933. ---~

But the Republican leaders ' me:aor1es see:~ to have been

abort, i n this, as in other utters . And by the way -- wbo

was it said that an elephant never for gets?

It i s the r ecor d of tillliltity, weakness and short-

sightedness which governed t he policy of the contused ,

r eactionar y governa~ents 1n France and. England before the war .

Ttut.t fact was discovered too l ate i n France .

It ' d iscovered just in tlae 1n Great Britain.

Please God., aaay that spirit never prevail 1n our land .

For eight year s our .ain concern hAS been to i ook for

peace and the preservation or peace.

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In 1935, in the face of growing danger s thr oughout t he

-.·or ld, your Gover1111ent undertook to elblinate tho haurds

which in the past had led t o war.

By the Neutr ality Act of 1935, and by other steps:

f{e ll&de it possible t o prohibit berican citizens trom

traveling on vessels belonging to coWltries at war. Was

tha t right?

tJe made it clear that Americ:an investor s, who put their

:~oney into enter prises in for eign nations , could not c:all on

American warshi ps or soldier s to bai l out t heir investments .

"as that r ight?

fie it clear that 1re would not use America.n ar liled

forces to int e rvene in affairs of the sove r eign Republics

to the south o f us. Was that r ight?

we made it clur that ships rlying the American flag

could not ca rry munitions to a belligerent; and tha t they

must stay out of war zones . 1fas t hat right?

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In all these ways, we it clear to ever y Amer i can,

and to every f oreign nation, tha t we would avoi d becomi ng

entangled thr ough sooe episode beyond our bor der s .

These wer e measures to keep us a t peace . And thr oua:h

all the year s or •·ar since 1935, ther e has been no entanglement.

In July, 1937, Japan inveded China .

On JanUilry 3, 1938, I cdled the attention of the nation

to the danger or the whole world situation.

It was clear that rear 111ament was now a necessar y implement

or pe:1ce. I asked for la. r &e additions to Americ:~.n defenses .

I was called an alart:list -- and worse names than that .

In Kar ch, 1938, Gerun troops ru. rched into Vienna .

ln Sept e::aber , 1938, came the YW11ch c r isis . Gerun,

l"rench and Czech armi es were mobilized . Tho result was

only en abor tive a r mistice .

I sai d t hen: 11It h becoming incr easingly clear that

peace by fea r has no bia:her nor 1110re enduring quality than

peace by the sword" .

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-19- zB the twenty-one American ~ Three Jaontb:J later, a t,

Republic~ sol emnly agreed to :st and t ocet her t o defend the

1ndependenee of each one of u:J .

The declAr lltion at Lia'l was a great s tep towar d peace .

For unless t he Hemisphere i s sate, we ar e not sate.

Matter s grew s t eadi ly wor se in Europe. Czecho-Slovakia

was overrun by the Nazis . Gener a l war see:ned inevitable.

Yet even then Republicun leader s kept chanting,

"Ther e will be no war ".

A few •onths l a ter -- on the first or Sept e:4ber , 19J9, --

The steps which we had carefully planned fiere put into


American shi ps "ere kept !roa danger zones .

Allerican citiuns wer e helped to coate h011e .

Unlike 1914, there was no finAncial upheava l.

The Allleri clln Republ ics set up a t Panama a system or

p&tr olling the wa ters or the whole Western Hemhpher e .

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- 20-

I ask you to support a continuunce of this type ot

a!f1re t1ve1

r ealis tic t i a:ht for pea.ce. The a lternative b

to risk the future ot the countr y in the hancls of thou with

this r ecord or t1:a1d1ty1 ..reakness and ahort-sightednea~or

in the inexperienced hands of th.oae who 1n these perilous

days , are willing r ecklessly to irtply th:J.t our boys a r e

already on their way to t he trllnsports .

This a!!i r .. tive search tor peace calls for cleo.r

vis ion. I t is necessar y to aobilln resources, mi nds and

sk1lh1 and every acti'te force !or peace in the .,..orld .

Y.'e have steadily sought to k .. p 11obUi ud the creat est

force of all -- relialous ! aith 1 devotion to God .

Your Govern~~~ent 1s worki ng at all times with r epr esentttt ives

of the Catholic, Protestt~.nt, and Jewish faiths . 'f.'ithout t hese

spiritual for ces we cannot sake or u1nta1n peace) A ..... / 1• ;/

hir1. ';/ ~t,..:..n., <a~ '-Jt/L ,,;- ~-..,~/

-n;:;r--'1 r" r-: '"/ .

Page 22: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

- 21-

This \s e ideal so well expressed in a l&tt,!to ••

tree His Holiness t Pope at Chr1St11111s ti.dle 1 /.ear. He

said: 11We havd been deep moved by t he •-thought contained

in your note. +:1-~t in t s our of world-wide pain 11.nd

misgiving the Chief Kagistr at of t gr eat North American

Federation, under the sp 1 or the Holy i ght or Chr1st~uu,

should. Mve t aken h a pr oe11nent place the ·n.nguard of

those who wo pr omote peace and. sener ously uceor the

v1etim.s the war , bespeaks a providentia l help t~hieh we

wledge with gra t eful j oy and increased confid ce" .

-<~~ 81:n~•-..ard~ hadows h-. 1

£\--\..< ,.,_f.-;; ;( f "'-"</ ' ~/\ ove .. the ta1t.'>t and hope or hUIIWlklnd .

?ie - - who walk in the ways of peace and freedoa and

llgh.t -- have seen the trasedi es enacted in one f r ee ll\nd

after another .

irre hllve not been blind to the causes , or to the

consequences, of thflse tragedies .

Page 23: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


fie guard ourselves ag~:~inst all evils -- spiritual aa

we ll as aaterial - - which a:1y beut us . ~e guar d agains t

the forces of anti-Christian aggr ess i on, which may attack us

froo without, and the force s of i gnorance and fear which

IIAY corrupt us from within.

\", e shall continue to go forward 1n tirlll f a ith. Yie

shall continue to go forwar d 1n peace .

............. !!::3Ji7~ A'1 , ""-./, -7

Page 24: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


Ced1.on SQ.~»r• O&rdea,ICw Yo:rt ~tob.r 18, 1940, 10.00 T .t.:.

nt. Ci:.<Ia)Jl , ocr~mta t::..:;J:. liiDn:.s Al:D C:S::r:t.E::<>i :

1:o eet'\n&i en can :eoulblv be c~lete w1tt:out thh rree t

t>arden meet1nr . (.\ppluu••l

borowha . . ut , 11111 you lalow , I bo.Yfl hnd anauloua day teo laeaUfll

ti•r•e or rour tirf'l durlo, ti•fl dlly I """" had to be in touet: with

t'·• Le:;ar~ent or Sttota, wt t• tc.e S.crt-Uin o! St.:r.te, Col-dell Pull,

(""l•u•e) "bee~u11• ULtcrt.~t•b 1t __._ tbat another •r M•

brolen out on tile ot!.er aldl or the oeean en1 I l!llr:1 gulh a~ra t~at

all or rou wtll t'eel t'•• ~ IOtTOI'I i n zour h-.rt.a thl!.t I reel --

peopl e . that tl.ey sl,ould tw.'fe been 1nvol'fl'd i n eontllct .

~nic;ht 1t h the HCOnd tit>., I t.lllkft up (ll!l"!ln) ~

the vublle dut,- -- t!-.. re..r tra. dilliO""able ~t7 -· or an .. ertnc

•jor oe&;:pa1f11 r.ta1!'1cat1ou wtt~ teete . ( .. ,p:Lauae)

e bout ac:aa tanclt'ul .-crat treoatiaa , I nt~tlad ne uo to dr}· on the

bco.rn door . (Le.upter) I naile.l tiAt. tel .. !\004 am! other r•llehooda

t.!:":o 11Ay When I wme o boy up in Outehe .. Count)' we used to up

tte ektne or rcxe• on' ••1111. (Lilurhter ) And I think it ,..a a

ldnfll!llln or mtne , about thirty y•r11 . who ln•ent.ed the word,

'!' I fill f"Ol~~t: to oa.U u~o thl t'lolelf"toa.tlou tbtit taan

Page 25: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

lnn.Ui " D. ltoo••"•U Llh!'ary

1b1• h •;pt -.4• by the fhtt• 8oUM •hlXIUt.t r Ire. • t Mid not" ·~ a 1 t " • .... e l U.p prer--r ........ •h•n th~y I


· -· ~

Page 26: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

~g do with our rel.a~lou wttb the re1t or ~he 1011rld, (ead) with tte

bu1141ng up or our Arrq, !!!:!!:. h'f'J and~ air deren... It:.!, (h) a

,..ry Unprou1 thing tor tn:l1tad St.atee to c!istort tect1 ebout.

(euch) things { . ) like becauu (It).!.!. r epee.ted o·ur end OTer

e,seln , it 11 lebo) apt to cr•te a eenee or tear (and ) !....!!n.!!...2

doubt in t he min~• or eatr.e (or the) Ar'.er1cen people .

~ I now brand aa falee the etetecent belnR mede by

Republican ceqM~lgn ore tore {booa) , Uy etter day and n1Wtt erter

n1&ht., U;at tl:e re&n::..tng or Aberle. -• alow, t!'la~ it 11 b.CUtJ"\UI.C

1.114 lupede4 , that 1t '-"Jll nenr be able to :eet three.te rro. abroed .

'Mlat particular mhatt~t..o.t (•• invented) hll a hhtorv ,

I~ ce.ce Into the world leet J"une . Juet about the t111111 or tho Repub~

Uce.n r:•tioi'IBl Convention . (J.,IIup,h~e:r ) Beto:re , the r eaponeible

Republ1C4ll lee.dera hc.d. been ein~inc an ent.1roly dU'rorent eons . FOr

.uy1PC tttl.t I -~~ plectnc too IIIUCh •p.'laeia on national detet~ll •

.Ud n011 tocil.)' t.te .. aec or q .. t Tlston, .!1!!::. M•• aud.denly

c11eo01'ered ~bat t!!.ere 11 a ... r~ J:uro~ ani! anotter one in t.ela .

!lut , unlike t!!.1111, t ho printed pe.a.e of the Consrnaion.o.l

o\.Dd bll11d on ~he.t pcru..ncnt rtcord or t~tr apeecbes and their •otee,

Page 27: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

control ot u,o Conc;reu o!' the U~lted Su.toa au.rln11 t.ho past aoYen

(and) !.....!::!!!...he 11.aurtloo t~t t~o Arlll)' aM !!&.yY ot the trnlt.a Stat ..

woul<l etlll .,_ ln aJLoat th11 llllnO eondlt.lon lo '11'1\l:b I toiUI.d the 1:1

19:53. (:..pplauao)

~· 1~(!:.n:o) ~(the .. ) ~ctare-aatlflbllt

the reapcaalblo polttlcal loadareb.lO) or U:.o Rapubllce.o P&rty . ~

theroerot~1l11ona --~..!!!!..!!,li.l~ -- otpatr1otlcRepubl1-

cans who hon at lll,l timoa been in ay"'...,Jlath)' with the ettortt ot thie

Ad::JinlstnlUoo to W'L. tuctr Lo!eqUiltdy tor purpo11es or detenee .


or thr« or • doz.en but ,.,.erc.l hundred or tho beet bualneaa oxoou-

tina lu the Unit ed !it.(.tes -- Republ1c11na 11.11<1 De::ocrats al1Jr::o , Not

J>Oldlna ccx..pell.)' (lawyers or) oxecut1Yoe or l•'?'er~ (but) I 111:1 bllctns

~ r;en o:~::perlenced in aet\111.1 pr~:.zeUon -- p..--oduction ot all t'l.e

typea ot •chlnee o.nd tools and at"l IUid eugthlns else t».t ban

llll;do tbh .wuon ttle h•der or the wo::-ld.

!.!,!. I h!!!. naked n-. Knudson end ::r. Stettlnlua 11od !'r.

&rri:Jilo.n And u- . Budd and t he many othera to Mrve !8!!!,,£c!f~

bece.uee 1 cortalnlz boUe'fe E!!,l thoy ure (certai nly) anon& t~a ablnt

r.eo h tho (cou.ott7l ~ in their own fields . (Appl auM) 1 do not

lr;:now t l:olr polltlca. 1 c.o not about their politico. !ApJ'lll.uM)

.".J.l I lmow h the.t the:r au coo~r.tlo.e: one hundred per cent wit~ th1s

Ad:lln1atrut1on in our ertorta tor national Aetenao . (Applau .. ) And,

Page 28: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

A.U ot t beH mea -- all ot /IDtrlcaa lnduatry aDd AaerJcan

labor -- l!!.!z. lire!!!. dol~~.& zrap1tJceat a nd 111l .. lthb work. ~the

progre11!!!... today pl'OYII it, (Applt.u .. )

I 1bllll b11n occaalon (in a later apeeeh ) on 'iledn.udar or

Frl~ar or Saturday ot thla ."!!.!.!. to tall cora about tha work t hey are

dol~ , that they a r11 tumlne: _0}1~1 lt.Ud about the progre" (which) !!:!!l

'.lhen the O:oJ"ld 1fe.r , I ~n t'le !'lr at 'Jorld Var (ended) ~

£!!!, we were nrattz wae.k, but by the ~ ot 1t •e ••zoe t ha atr O!!AIIt,

th1a ~ln.latration t l rat Cl>.JOIJ iDto ottlee nttur. ya&ra latar , we ware

ona otth•••Dat.

'"'' early a a that r111r or 1933 the sto~ (wa• p thet"Jns ) ln

3\u"opa •a.a e;othet"lne lllld 1t we.• (l!the rlns in Ada . Year by yMr I

Hport lld t he warnloe:a or 4tlngel' tr«:~ our llatenln& po1t1 in rorelp1

laMa. Dut I ms only called •an olal'lll.l l t" by tbe Republican lMder­

lhlp, ud by the sr•t ujorlty or the Republican (;.pera) newspaper•

ot the COWitry . {Bool)

Year by year I lsbd tor 1110re a.nd 1110re det aa1e approprte-

Uons . Ia e.dd.itlot~ , I •llooa.tad. hundradl or IRilllons ot dollar• tor

datanae work trca rallet rwub , {t'rQ:l) !h!, (C1.,.1l1an Coaur ntton corp•

t\l.nds) c .c . c . helped, (aQd tree Public ~torlu f'w:lda ) tbe Public Worka

!1.!!2.!! -- a s was underatood by the Conueaa when thfl (tunda wel'e Yohd)

lllOUYWill "otedby tb.l!ll,

Today our !:evy 11 at • ~k or a ttleleney al14 t11ht1nc

atrenath. Ship ror lh1p, (a .Qd) ~n tor -.!:~, 1t 11 ae powarM Md

ett1c1e nt •• o.ey a l nsle nii!Y t hat 6'fer •Ued. the ••• tA (the) b.latol")'

Page 29: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


.6.nly and ~r 11r toT<~ .. n• now at the hlgbeat lenl ~ t.h.,. bl.u eur

Men In pee.cet1a. But in the U&ht or exht11J6 daneau they are not

e;rea t enou,h ror the e.beoluta ~atety or llr..eri ca ~·

\th1le thh great , con~truethe .ar k waa golna tor116r4 :.;.

.mat happeoed.? -- the Republlcea. leadere were 4att:~.1teb e.nd Nrond

t!!radnntura or doubt tryit~e to block our •ttorta tCWI!lrd fllltlOne.l

det111 ... 'nley 110t otlly Yoted apinlt then attort a; but th.,. at.t.ed

tt.:.e and ~in thro~ the y•ra 'they were 111\Deeea•ry, (&DIS)

tl:at they were , thllt our ar.d strength ... autr1cient tor

I propose now to 1n41ct theee Rt~JJUblican l eedere out or

thir Ol'ffl 111outha (appleu~t ) -- these leader a who now dieparage our de-

ten"a - - indict t hal wi\h ... hat t hey th-=t#llus llllid ia. tbe d~l before

thll ele-ction ye&r, a bout bow ldlq_Ulite our deten11ea a lreed:y ... re .

Lis ten to thh (etat-...nt) tor lne~ce: (I quote : )

"T!!.e t acte are ~bat •• Mft (th• and e.oa~ po-..,rtul 'ia"J' •• .,.w had, axc•"lt for two y•r• arter ~he trorlcl 'oiu , .net) tba cr•tut etr roreas .. ln'er ba4 • Dtoteb tor &nJ netlou. •

!:ow, llho do you. (tblr.k) ~O!ldl (tbh} ~ •t.t .. pt

(in 1un• 19'38?) a little. onr t110 pMI.ra •eo? It ••• not I . It •• not

...-o11 a m~:~ber or t hll A41=.1nlltrt.t1oP. It waa the r anki ng RlpubUcan

Hamilton Plah. (Bona)

Alta now Uaten to t~• onlY 1h1M ax-:PreetdaPt or thl !1!!1tad

~ (HOOTar apeca.t_lDc ill tbat -.ce )'~or 1939. I quota:) . ~

Page 30: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

-·-in t hat - y•r. t110 y• r• aso:

"7/e ahllll be expendtns nine hwu1"4 1111lllon dollar• 1110r1 than • llf ~nation on •rth, •

(be COI:I!>llin~.)

And DOW lhten to RepubUcen leader Senator Tal1deabere:, (booa}

alao apt.aktq: (in 1938) ~- l'e .. td U.l:lt our dafenae u ­

pend1tur .. 1\ad e.lre~~dy (bou6ht) brow;ht 1.11 (and I quote) ~an l.lncom­

parabb e:!'f1c1ent Navy"; and he eotd rurther, ~r rhe in oppoaitlon

to th1 a au~r-~per t:ny btlJ , {Liou&bter) I do not bali.,., it b

justified by aD.J concluah'e 4-.onatnUo~:~ ot Mtlonel neceaa1tJ."

..n4 (nwJ !!:!.!!!.. lhter. to !!':!..:. Rr,:ubllcan l eader Sen.-tor

TW<tt -- the runnw-up (thh yeot.r) tor U:a Republican rrntde11t11 1

n01111nat1oll thh vHr add: (apt~aklna ln Flbi'\J,ary, 19.0. I quota : )

\1hy 1u1t thill put Februarr . 1940. he add :

"':be lnnr••• of the A:r.ty and ::aT)' over the tr-neoua approprtaUona of the current ,.-.r ..... to be UA!le<:llll&l')' if we are co:~cerned aohly wtt.b• (L&upter and •»lauaa)

":tere h t he r ecord ~i {there ls)tbe percanent ecyetal

elao.r record. Until the pr6aent politlcal eiU!Iplligr. opened , RepubUc.n

l eaders , in (consreu) and out or the Cowue , shouted frCl!l the house-

'l'o41.)' tbe)' (eca.plai.rll procle.kt t bat this A4alobtrU10J:l hae

atarYed our •n.e4 torees, tl;o.t our Kny la anm~ic , (lau,ght~) our lt.n:::¥

puoy , (la.ur) our air tore .. ptt~ual)' ••k.

('l'bil ) Yes , 1t 1a • roeflrlcl.ble -er-.ult .

I wonder it u.e election could bs.Ye acmet ttna to do •ltb H .

(Laugllur) And thh -• what they would han collad "lode" •hen I

Page 31: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

11101 at school: It ~he Republie&ll hadeJ"I WIJ"e telllq the truth 111

1938 aDd 1939, the11 - - out or t}'.eiJ" own ~utba - - t!'ler eta!ld con-

'f'icted ct inCOIItbtenoy to4ay. [,\~l&uee) And, 111 we uaed to eo.y,

peT cont~. it they ue (11ot) tdlln.& the tJ"uth tOI!.e.y, {then) tl:ey

eteDd convic ted or lnconelateney In 193-8 lund 1939) ,

~. t he almpla tJ"uth 11 t hat the RepuhUean Pt<rty , through

th l..aderabip, played polltiu wtth datenn, tl'e detenee or the

1Ja1ted Statu, 1n 1938 o.nd 1939 . ~they are pla)'i tli poUt.loa With

.!.!!.!. 11Mtlonal s.eurlty ~toby. (Applall.M)

('f'lle} !!!!! lft'.e 0'0\IP (will) ~ at1ll ce11~ro1 t heir

party (policy) l.n (the) Cont:;reiS at tt.e ne,;t eee.slo~. It 11 the con­

tr•ee {11!\le~) :l!!,1 pu.ue the laws or the untted States. 1'!11 Ttl(lord

or {then) ~Hepubllelln l Mdere eho1fs what a s lh> cl\lll:o~ee the cau11

or atrons detenae \I'OUld have, It they war e In control .

r:ot onl~· in their etattrt'lenta but In thol r votea 11 W1'1ttla

thtlr record or eebotat'l or thh Ac!ainlttretton•a continual ettorta

an(. la.reer upon the t10rl~a.

i'or ~ple, cleeply concll'C.e(. O'rer 11'1at -• hepp-atnc In

l:urol)el, I aakecl. tile ::onu••• Ia J'lnllllry, 19"....8, ror a nanl cu:pe.nllon

ot benty per cent - - tol't )'- th ad41tlonnl ahtpe (Aile!) , niDI hundred

o.ndtlrtynn .

~'bat did tt:e Republican leu.ders do Mien they hilt!. thll chance

to o= nutto!ll.l. defense ol:loat thrlt year! ago? You 110uld

think troa t~etr preaent be..rnate ot •erbel p-,rrotech.Dlca, (!bter)

tltat they :n:.a!l~ In to Pll•• tMt bill, or t " thl1 .,.ea d-.r:odecl. •

ler pt" expl.r11s1on (or) ~ th• Nuy.

Page 32: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

But. , &h i r:q fl'teoh, t!:ey were DOt 1n a M.Uoaal oe.cpe. tp

tor YOUI , (~u&bUr)

of poll tical fence .

indeed ae hyeterl cal (and) , ae ranutact.urlq pe.ntu an<1 hYenti:P.&

torelp 4aoaers.

But. now, 111 the serioue da7s of 19f.O, all 1a c~dl l'ot

To u~e the old , old exa.=ple t.h11t. 11 al.a;ys poo4: On the

ra41o these Republic•n or111tora l'lltne through the W1 th the e:r•t­

eet or eaee; ( lt~Ui;Jlter ) but the Al:lertean people are not votha thle

yee.r tor the la>i!t. t"'peze pertol':ller . (La.u£btar and a ppla u11)

The pl.aio tact 1e that -':len (the) .!.!!!!. (npe.nllon)

bill ~lng aboyt ... subciUed to the Co~r .. a, the Rapub­

U~n lMders j~pec!. in to ti&bt. tt..

r.:o 'IIIOtl'll Uley? '!'hera •• the pres~t P.e;.ublte&n C&D41date

ror Vtca President, senator ::el:&ry. (8ooe) 7here -.ra Senator Van-

d~nbera end Selllltor !lye. £:!:!! tbere -• the .,_n who woul.S be the

Chain-an or the l'ou.~~e CCD" on l<'oreten /.tte.trs , Conuee-.n

711h. {Boos)

The tlret thine: the)' .Sid w.e to try to eli.minate the battle-

1h1p1 trom t he bill . 'l"hu Republle•n.e in the r.ouae voted eht)'-MYIID

to h~&nty hull.sta& tt..; a.nd in t he S.ll8te , wl'ler. the Rewbll­

c&na l'..t.d a e~eb .!IOII.ller n~ber, the RapllbliellJia TOted aeYan to tour

Page 33: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

-·-&&*ln" build11!f: th•.

!'he record 1s (certa1n17) l!!rt'eeUr eleu that Mek tn 1938

(the Republican lMdere) !l!!l. nl'e poe1UYe tn their OWn III.!Dda tbat we

needed. no ra.ore b6ttleah1>~•· The .QII.ftl Upe.n.sion bill, ~. we

paelled; but it lUl.lf pea•ed by O.OoraUo Totes i n the Con(uaa - - in

spite of.!!!..!. Republican!. (oppoe1t1on) .

You aee , I ILIII tllktna by the book . A€ft1n, in lUcb, 1939,

hWidr~ end two million dollue t.o bll)' certain at.J'atee;tc {clefen .. )

!!!. U tln'14h (which) !l!!!, we {414 not) n11eded tlul.t- do not ha'l'e h1

(the United St,.ua) thh country.

In t.:arch, 1939, the Republ1CC~JU~ 1n the sen.ate TOt..S eleTen

to elaht epbst lncreastns the au thorized n1111ber or planea 1D the

In J une , 19:59 , 1n the ~use Yoted Dl\llt hundred

•nd for ty-four to eight in ft~Yor ot red.uclna: !.!!!. ap!)roprtat1011a tor

the ~ Air Corpa . (Booe)

!:ow thoilt pro"'' thh one -'-~1•; It prtwee tbet it

the RepubllctlD lMders lad beea 1n control in the C?!lfU"ISS h 1~

air toreea WOuld hlln bllll de!Mtac!. O'l'll'whek;1ngly .

I say that {the rtepubUcop) ~ leoden pl.Oye4 polltle•

with 41t'lnae 1D l 9:SS o.nd (1939. ) I eo.y tl'let tt:ey are pl 1Y1118 poUUc•

wltb our llolltiona.l 11curit y today .

(One 1110r1 euaple:) 'l'u.rD &DOtbv ~:

'lbe Republican CCIII!JIIol &ZI ore.tcre ud leeoer• ne ell now

yell1D8 "=- too• (leutJ!ter)-- &Dd eneelo.llr I mow in the put. r ..

Page 34: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

Uya tbq era UY11lf5 "'J:::e too" on help to Brl~ln . (S.ppleule) But

l &lt tall, tbh tall 1940, the7 bad tbdr ebel\ee to 1'0te t o 61"fe

Thh el'.e.nee ei.M 'lltlan I raeou.ended that t~ CO.II.f$%'eal

r ••l the er.;btlrgo on t he •hlpm~nt or ~enta a nd 11'.11Z11t1one to

nation• o t war, Wid permtt l lleh eh1p:~ent on a "'ettah-e.nd- ellrry batia .~

(It h only beeauae or t he re~l of the •barco law t he. t we ba1'e baen

able to eell p}b.nea G.Dd ah lp• a:ld run. and r.;un1t1ona to 1'1Ctima ot •&­

sr-ae ton. )

~ bowr l.!ld the RepubUeena 1'0te on the re~l or (tbU)

.!1!!! •bnrt:o?

In the Senate the Republicans 'tOted. fourteen to a 1x s .. lael.

lt. ~in t ho ?."ouee , t hh tlu the 1'Cted oae hundred

and ror ty to ni neteen a satn• t 1\ . (Boo• )

!!!, tbe wee paNed by Iletxlcl'!l tlc votu (appleu~e ) blolt

it ,.. 01'er t ba oppodt1on ot th,.. Republi(.IO.n l eaders. And juat to

~ • r-, the follow1n.t RepubliCAn lea.dera, conp. l:illnv othera ,

1'0\.ed ap.lnat tha Aet -- ~anatora t·enu•y , VIUW!enber e:, ! :)a a.nd Jobnaon;

no.r • lt, a ))!!"fe<:tlr b•loltitul ~>llltere.ttoo - COnqeUI'Wlll l"'tln,

Be.rtoA and fiah, (J .... uatater and applau.e . )

d 1ctutorah1 p toreea llle&.n• llllfety (to) .£!.the Unlted StateD. (A.ppJ..uae)

(aa well •• to thoae ) It ~~:eana uleo 1n4epelldenee , O"Jnt1nued tndeR!nd­

ence , to thoae s:~&ller nu.ttona wblch • till retain their lnde~ei\Ce ,

(Jo.ppleuee) ..nd ~ (tbe l l' .. toretlon or .o..erelgDtJ t o tho ..

caller aatl ona which ba1'e tcpcn-.rUy lo•t 11. . (A.pplau~e) 2..1'.!

Page 35: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

-u -

~. 0111 of \he bynoaee ot /,mll'Jc..a policy 18 tb.e ot

thtl rl£ht or -u nation• to IIU""t'in ao4 proeper. (;.ppliUM)

SO, ,. can well 111 that (Cr .. t) Britain e.Dd 1 lot ot other

It the deels101!. bad been lett to !.'Drt1n, &lrton ClD.d !'J ih.

And , rt~llY . let (ue l !!. C<¥1 dOion to (one 1m0n eUI:Iple -­

Which took pl ace juat) ~-ll£....!:~heppene<l tYQ moothl eco .

In the seo&te there wee lUI &r:e!!od~Dent to ~rmH the 1JD1te4

b)' ·~ corporat.ton Ia detnee ~o:ork. It pen:1tted t~ Oo't'er~nt to

which retu .. d to coope:rete In 01.t1ona1 defense . (Appaue) ~the

Republican Senat.ou Yoted ago.ln"t t~11 Ru11nll- OT1rton Ameu4r:tent on

Au.euet 28, l940 , eleM to th.

'lbe bill wae adopted all rl&ht - - by Der:lOerattc 'IOtel .

( .. pplauee) But the oppoelnc vote or thoM dght P.ePlJbllcan lo&der•

to their CO!ltrol. ~ tbelr YOtl 1114, lo etteet, that they pu.t

!DOney rif:hh at:•d or b.-a lhll -- to ..,,. nothUg of JUltlOII'Il eeouru.,..

You and I, 11.11d t b.e Ot'lnlbel=lng :~ajorlty ot A::c.rlc&DI , •Ill

n....-er atend tor ttxtt . (ApplluH)

Let•a ,.;o : Out1141 t hl hall• or Conueea enlnent RlpubUoan

candidates began t o turn new .ac:•uaul te . At first they de nounced

{the) .!!!!.!. b i ll about ma.lcln£ corroratl.ona do aQIIetbtne. to .l!l&.tch thl

obUe;e.tton or h\lalln 111'111. Yla. at rtrst thez denounced tb bill, but, whan public oplllion roae up to demand it , they Hiud their

trape:.e With the sreateet or .... . aDd l"'Yeraed. thcHl1'11 tn a ld .... 1r.

Page 36: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

- 12-

Tbh rcco~ or Republican htld.rthlp -- a :record of t~ldUy,

21, w•la!.eaa (e.nd) , ~ ehort.- e lctitHDeae - - 11 e.e bad 1Q 1nt.ern&U OG&l

•• to a l.lltary atraJ.ra.

It 1e: the~ record of timidity, 2! weaknue (a.Dd}. !!_

thort- Bightedneaa 'llhlch they ahowed In dcc .. ue e.ff'a1re when they

Wdrl in control b efore 1933, (Applllllll)

111. thil , aa tn!!!!!!.. aatter1. And by the 'lrfl.)t -- who we 1t •td

that a.D elephant nner for&ete? (Lit.ugbtttr aDd applause)

.t.ort- e l gb.tedlltu (wt:tch) !h!..!. (OYerned the policy or the contuM4,

reecUonar)' £(11'1n"m:Ch In J'r' and P.Jll:land befONI t~a \ICI.r,

'i'!\&t "KCHI dhconr~ too late In !'ranee .

It -• dllcoverld juat In tl..lrA In (Creo.t Britain) ~nd.


{rlect.M) ~ 004, h•Y that l)'lrlt neur preY&11 In ow

land) that, !'.U111J5 dheonn4 tt.. we won ' t forget 1t either . {Applouee)

~· llas bMn to look tor pe&ce and thoe pruarn.UOD of pMcl.


~ 1u 19~, In the race ot srowtq 41.:~;~:era throu&hout tte

world , your Oonraneot und.ertool: t.o eUr.ine.t e ( the) ~ hat.ard.l

whlch ln the po.&t bed. lod. ~ (to) ~ wer.

By t he lleutru.l1ty Act. ot 1113~, and. by other ot.ep1:

W'e tll59 it. pouible to prohibit ~r1ce.n etth.ens troll. tra•­

elin& on ••ea:•h beloa.;io.e to countries a t .... r . Waa that r141Jltf (Y•• -­apple.ue:e)

Page 37: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

- 13-

He z:ade it olMr thet Aalrle&n ill"'eet or s , wbo put their

r1£ht? (lea -- applt.Uao)

\Iu madu it clear tlo11t "' would no~ 1111 A:rar tean anr.ed fOl'CII

tp i ntervene i n arratre ot the aoYerolgn republic• to the 110uth or ue.

\:e fZde 1t cl ... r ttat e!:l.l~• rlrln.. t!.e A:-mrican tDc ccul4

to e 'fery toretsn l'lbUQII tM!t " woul' t1'o1d beccmln,g ntell,&led throUOI

.cne episode boyoDd our bord.era.

('L'he'le) 'I'hoee weu ~suree to keep u s at pee.eo. And thrOU£h

all tho yeore (ot war) alnco 1!13~ , t;,ere hal been no eotanaJ.enent!.!!!

on JautQII.l7' :5 , Hl38, 1 O&lled the ot1.ectton or tho D&Uon t o

tho deut::n ot t~e whole world aU.Ullt.lon .

It Moe clear tblr.t l'Kl'CUIItnt woe now , untortllllatoll, 1 n~eo-

deteoaoa. Yus, ! lrlllll ce.llM an elamht -- end ~rae oa&ll than that,

{lJt.~hr) I bll"rC le.mod by now to teh lt on the chi n . (Anlau .. )

In Larch, li38, oerr...n troope r:..arer:.od into VlonDII .

In , li~ , - the f'\1:11ch cr1a1a . (Booa) Oen:-.t.n ,

Page 38: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

-u -

Pr«lch an4 Czech anuu wera 1110btUzad. Tbe reeuH •• only an

abort.ha &1'1:Ust.1ca.

I •td t~n : "It 11 biCCI'!ir.a tncr•st~· claer U:at.

by teer hae no hi (110r) !'.!:. ~r• •Muri n& qual tty t'".an poau 'oy

Tll:'ea r.10ntha l a t er , It LU.a , ~. the t ... enty- QII!I Ameriellll

Republiu , tneladins our awn. ~larmly &qeed to sta.nd t.Of;ethar to

defend t ndei)Mder.:ce ot ae.cb ona of u . (Appl&uH)

(The) !1!!.!. dacla.ra.Uon a t LU:a •s 11 s:raat aup to.z4

!!etters, ..o t.ure in Zu.rotl! craw etee.41ly wor " (ill EUropa) .

Cucho..Sl<mlkia •• onrrull by t.he na~ia . (Boos) General • r aaer.:a4


Yet even then, in t ha 111'1J•ltlr of lS39 , the Republ1cton lKdera

kept chl!nting, "There will ba no w r ."

J.. few conth.a h.ter • • on the f1rat ot Se>:t e:tber , 1939 - -

put into atteet. .

"""''rica.n ah1pa were kapt tn. dlano;ar zonea .

~. un.l i ka 1 914 , t here wa.e no financial uphe&"nn l , (Applo.uae)

V &l"l eoon i n u fl" Wl&kl tha ol.J:Iorican Republi ca eat up a t

hiiW:!IIID. a ·~·•ten ot potroll111fi; tt.e •tere ot the whole W11tarn Heot -

apber• .~·-

I ( .. lk JOU.) &e Uki!B the .\::ll'iC&II people t o aupport a COli•

tin-• of t!!ia type ot atttftltti"fe , r-.J.htie tl&bt for poMCI . (A.pplau•l

Page 39: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

- 1!>-

wbo in these perilou:s day• are willing l'tckluely t o !.=pl y tbl.t our

boy• are e.lreedy on t heir _..Y to the tronaporta . (Beet)

But , on our e1dl, thll o.ft1lT.ltlth'e se arch tcr pMOe calli

tor elee.r v1e1oo . It 11 necessary to nob111ze reeourcea, ~

We hbl'e 1tee.U1Y .o~ht to keep PD~1lh:ed the e:r•test toree

ot ell -- rel1&~cua t\ait.~ , d..,ouon to God . (Applause)

of the Catbollc, Protutant, e.l\4 J'ewlll.b tal the . (.\.,pbu84) 'l!ithout

the•• (ep1r1tual forces we cannot a:aJce or ~:~a1nta1n peace, and au

th.ree or tbea work with 111 toward t hat gre11t end ) three , all three or

thll.'l, without t~ec~ workins wU'I us t01111J.rd thllt rree.t end , thinse would

not be clee.r or lUI OII.IY .

~dowe., ~ (bowe"Ur ) are • Ull heuy D'l'er the tait.b

and 1!!!. hope of un.kl nd. ,

'1e -- 11t!o '11Blk in the .,., of peace eDd f'reedoD and 14;ht --

.;,. N11'e not been blind to tM cause• , or ( to) the con.e-

tfe &1.18~ ou.r11lvee 06,<U1nat 1.11 8'1'111 - - ap1:r1tualae "dl

•• •terl al -- ¥hicb mo.y be .. t. ue . l'l'e pr-4 ~aiPet. t be torcu ot

ant.1-Chr18tb.n &&£l'es•1ou, wblch lllliY ue fl'QII Wl'Cbout, and tba

torcea or lgnor=ca and reo.r whlch r:ay corrupt u. rrom w1tb1n.

·,;, {ela.ll continua to) co tor..rd (in) ~tina ta1tb. ~

.. aball continue to to ton.rd tn, ~ca.

Page 40: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

UOTIOI, tllool'ollorir...--,..uofthoh'UIHIIt , "'bt

;:'~;;~~~ ~!;;"'.!;:~~~.'-r<Mtl, ~-York,~

lltiU1 ••ln .. 1.<1 edl~hn• of •II , .. 111p<I ... U "''l"'&rl~ 1673 on ~"" nr"'" M ·•~ ... ~!~ :nA~ 10•().) P,\1,, t.~.r. , Ooto~•• !8, U4Q. 1'1111 """"" nl•••• of •bf ttn Ol' tbt ddr•u doo •wllu to nd!o M~.CU.'\Otro AA<I 1141• •-ntator o.

1Nr1itl.l.l.Y S...rn•r7t.o tho I'T<tol<hllt

t. .. :••ki,IIIIl"'•l;III• , Imdle<lthofllloM-•tooor. - hnolr..l '"••t tr~,.•.!u, ~;> ••'1 ,. tt>A krll door. I l'l&lhd ~1\t.t hlulo.ood ud o~~.r hlulloodf tM n.:r """" I no ~.!:! :::,/:..~~~~"' Co~~:~~:r . -,._,.,,to noll .., t.ll• o~lno or

tonl"))t I o.a .,.1.., 1.<1 nail ~I the ro.\liflo•Uono u-._t ~""to oJo with o...- rol~·-lor:o ~·!U. tM r ut or U.. ..,rl4, ooo4 wl.t.ll tho lo.oll<!ln;r 110 of o•r .... ~. ,..'1)' "*" Ur doren" . It h • nr:r ,.., """""" 'hi"' t., <l•tort ruu •*t o110h till~•· rrupe•te<ln·•,r •·•lo, \+ lo•l .. ..,t to orcou o , ....... rr..r•...t<l<>llbtlntMaJ.,;o::,of-ort~~otAMrlo., ,..,h.

I - br ..... •I foloo tloo UH-•t. MI.,. •de to,. tepul>­H- ..... l?lorltor&, ..,...,rt,.r..,.uool•ht•I"Ural•)lt, tl>•t

U.. reUIOiar of Al:lor1o.a "'" d001, t.loU 1\ II lo•lt~""' ~··• U.t H wtll1141¥$r""' to,..., UHno r .... ...--.

'l'hoot po.r t!ftln .Uuu~nt •• I,...MM Uon t.llo tt-orU.....,pol>lln .. "'llatl-lCooo...,ntl•n, hfor•t'-ot , tlle rupo .. tllh Uf'"'!>lle<.~ lu.4on,.,..- oiOC\"1.., ""tlnol7 dlttu•t ..... - . ror •I-• UY<>II :roaro tM ..., .. lilt~ ... hahn l&tii,C011;'1'•ukopt""&&'f1Jltt.llo.tJ•opholnctoo-h "'flwool&ono,tlo"'"l dot,., ...

Atl~"""todo.y t!IUOMIIOf ,rOOt rlllon ha-I...Will>l y dlloo•oro~ tllat th>r" 11 a.,... on In 'IW'Ope ...w, t~~otMr 01\41 111 .\ola . Ar.';oc,llo•:,-.l""':<'w\"htholr o:"'•""thoroo+l old Milot 1>o1 , tbo,. au ah..-ctn~ tll.o.t- han pluo<l t.oo Uttlo apllo.oh on .... u~oool dor~""•·

.. ~ ..... uu til•, U. rrlnt.M po.cuot t MCot1£NIIIo""l -..d u-!IDOt H ~ 0/f' o~~ppr•11H n ol"tloo tt ... ....,. MIHOIIt.ll•t .... .....,.llt.....,..r<lottlwlr .,...Mo•MtMir ftt.,. , J .to tllh uoertlon • • • ht tr "'" -•••IIU••• IMMr o ~oo.• ~ In -~rol or Uu Conr:rou or t'w tllllt.M. Stotu WLoc r.a.. ""'t _._,, l:.lloo lnfoUaot -•-• for .,,.. <lot ... .

::~:.":!..u.~~:·: l:' .. ~::t~ a:.·~ .. -:rr.:',:-.... r:~~r ,_ __ &l&l~l.

Page 41: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

I ..U t»• c!\a.'"C"~ oonh:.n U.. "~•U•l• pOlt\10&1 l .. VI'llllltpottll••~teMO I'II"Y· T!. ........ uaoa•ot potrioU a.,,..bllo.,..•u .... at allti'IIOI""" ta .,....uu• ';!;!',!~ .. !!:ort.oottlt.l•~•lvti';UIOD\Oamlt•lra~Mc~...,.t•lr

oro Jall:tiiS\0~ t:1t!le pan r ... ....,tu llo" OWMo not two ortiii'M or o~ua , 'out Mnral.llwut...,ot t llo'ontW•IMn I~IIHitl"• In ~~~ .. tkited :.tatoo •• lo.pu'otlou l u1 O...Ootw.U llltko. Uot lt.ol~lllg COIIJ>U.J' au,..n or CKO<:Uti.,.G, blot l:lltn U;>fl'ilncl<l ta •otcW prod~et1o~ - · pro~""tlon or eU the t no-o or M ehlcol

~!c~!:O!~ ::: =~;~;.t!lat bUI -~ thU n.t.Uon Ult lnd~>atl'tal

l aUMLT,Ktl\l:i- .. <ll:J'. :;uttt.a\Uiall:ll.'l'. llf,nl.llu 1.d l:r. IN.o4 la4 t H IWI.1 o\.l:UI "' ..,,..,~ *""" 1 bou .... tlt.e111'1Un&talyU~C~Qttbo ll>lon- tatllooo""tl71• tHtr- - rtdd.l. 1 ""DOt b,.. t:.,lr .oollllu, t do DOt""" ebo<ot tHir- llOllttu • .All t Jai<>O. h t !llot tit<.7 I""" COO~fttl"': - 'olll04rod pol' e - t \<It!> till• AA-<111Ut ... uoa tu """ etto"' hlr•t1o,..1 ur ....... A.n1 d<l: Oo.,...,,.,., I• eoo~,...u,.wtu.

ti•••• OIIIIuladn.i(llo'CUit •

.UlottbotM..-:.-· allor..., • •. I-...IDII ... t1'7uol,....rlcu llllor • • '" <11>111& -ltlou" llll4 """'HUb Nllltc , 1'be Jf'OCZ"' .. ~pro, .. I\,

1 tllaU ba'fl oco:oo• t= 111 • latlr •~.U t o hll .or. l'oollttlt.loool'll: thoya"dolll!", aft41bollt t lt.opro1;r.hwtllcll Ml boon •d• ta.,\lrd~ten ...

,.,n t he tirt:t orld :.,r tn~tl\.,. ,..,.. ont or tllo ltroll£'01't ...,,_1 111~ 10IUh l")' poorf l'l In t ho WOrld. 1.11flll ~hi I .I.(\;1111H\I"'t1011

~~~~ Into ottice tiftHn )"'""" llhr- , .,. ,..,.. o"' o~ the

.t.IMrlr u ua:;:; 'the at<>m ,.., ,.tlltri DG 110 J:~..,poo &lllltn Ula . YKr-'oy,....rlzw;oo:-t<lll tU.,..notql"f~rt..,.nu ltneDI~pOslll.a!'oroi!J>~d~, 1<1\t .. loo.lJ'Mlli!I. •&D. al.&ratOK•bytht...,..bllc.:<nl.a&:ltrllbt' ,Uid'o7t.MIV"'t •Jor1trnf t killlp..>bllcu(ll,.n.

r ... ..,.,..,.I .. o~~:w rorno1'1uMIM>" .. , ... "P,..Oilr'll\t.,...., lle~l\1"" , I &Uocot t<l lla=d"da"r"lllloo•of*'ll•ntor .. ro. .. wort: r.-roH• f h111411, t""'CI¥tlla11Co.....,,..,.•U ""' Corpe l'Wlh - '""" i>-.obllo JQr'r.a toa.!& .. • ..... ..Wratood byU>e~ .. ,.,..,tblotwt.4::r. ...... W1..t.

':'O<IA7 ...,. r...,. h .. t • ~ or ofttohnq a1111 flc!lttq lt,..llf;'ll, IIIII~ tor oblp , •:oi =--u~ hr '"""• It h u pooo.rtul a/llllffict~n\ ••"117 t~t .,...,r •ll ... till IMI 111 till tll8\01'7 or t ilt world. Our .t...'""'3 .nd ..-.. ~ 'lir foNn IN now u til• hlji)IU \ l 0¥11 th")' ....._.,.,nor b .. r. In\IIW, ~tIn \111 ll"'tof nllti"'Jd<>I'>C<~ntho;rii"'IIOt&NflleMUdlfortbl

abiOl UUMfU)'Ot....,..el'IU ,

lblll\bll~t , con.UNO\I'fl-rlr.Q.IfPIII&fO"":rd., till Mtpublto:&D t ... o.on """' \ 1'7lllfl to 'ol.ook wr uN'oru to..:rd. Qe\1~4ete-. 7'h.,.DOtOIIlJ'I'O\ ...... IDI\thaHtfhotU; -....t t lllyntte.l tt .. ...,lap.U.tbro~ tb~ roan t l>l.t t ll•7 ... ,......._., ... ryarnl.ntM-npr.t , t..otOIU'..-.Isl"*"'ll.,..a

wtfletMttor~-"'l'<""7 ·

I pn>po .. - to lft!IIC\ I.MM ...... 11 ... U.Url 001.\ Of tbltr- _..u.. - \11.1:)1 u..ottn- - ""'*""".,.... dtfcu.• ·- la41n o• O'ltll _, t il., t.a..-l.a• Mid ta till <IU~.,.to ... tt~tl 'floJoCtioa ~,.-, _...,.,.,,..,....'"r-•

ll...ail:r ...... .

Page 42: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

• ""'--hf:Uili'<; Ui'\~·· "'""' tJI..~t...S

-tJII""'tl'lll >:a"7W~< <-"'"r lol, .s~~P' tor tw:o ,....natt.crt.!»Qorld'<Gl",andtlio>"'"ten&lr torc..a..., .. ...-rll:lda..,.;la•Whfor""

--do,..,.. t.hlllk!Oidc thil Uol~tin....,_Ulet It _, not J, I\ -.s no~ ucn & ........ , ot Udl .w:dniatrUlon, n -. thll ranld.n(: R..)Ait!lican .. ab<.r of tllo;. llouc c-it w. on forvl&n Uh1n, Jlapllbliean l...aoS<lr, IIMUton riah • .

l.nd ,...,... list.<ln to ~x·Pn.dd.nt llooY..r IJ>'IIkllll tn that IIQI!yUrctli~. lQue>t.\11

•'IQ thall b<. C~!lfe nine hllnl!.l'\.d .Ulion dollaranc,..;tl~'lan)'n&Uononu.rt.ll•, hoco:'l)lati>Od • ..... &TC>l~<ldi.!>clllil'l~~ .... .t•"·

l.rd """' lill.<:n to 1\<lpWUo.:.n l.Udft $Cno.t.or Vuda!b<:r(, Wo tn l~$e. 11o N!<l t.!~·t..,.,. d.t~,., c~..Ut,,,.,..

hl4al.......,.boucht.a{IU>dlq""l-o) "OII 1-..n.bltoott1ela~t ... .,..., andhoadd.l'l<rt..'1..r•Irt ... 1oop;><M~i\1011tot.h11 I'IIK",._.......,., .. ..,.M11. Ilionotb...lh..._l\hj•Ufilld~

&IV" -lui"" c~o;.:>,..t.r~ouon or :au~ ~~<.ou•u.r.

And - Ust..n 1.0 !kpllbUc:.a l~a4...r knatoor 111.."\ - u.c rwroo~t!ll.&)"'&!'torl.halt.:pobllnnl'r<.ll!"""I.Uln<llllmUon ­


"1'hcinl:t'f'ULOft""jr;qcMlf&"70"'"1' tl>o tr..o..nclcWI!IP;r<>¢a t1 ...... ottl, .. nrn.nt J".I1' •- tobo:tur.n..·c~••~rJ1t"'- nr. concLrro..d IOl~·d.Uid .(,""'-" •

Th<,.. 11 UIL f\.COnll tl'-1"-' h t.,. P..'"*"'n~ ~rpt&l clOf.r l"l~ord. Until t!w Jll'••~n~ :>ol\Uc<.t ~~11:71 op~>IIC<I, 1\~p.lbltcan lu~n, tn Co~~Q"<.u :llld out, l!'lo\11.<.4 rrca tho!

ho"'CI.oopJ thr.tourdcf~n..; '"""' Ml:f<.rt(<zuAt<. ,

To<l&;r tht)' co.:(>l~tn thu Udl ~trt.tlon 11M 1~ our&niiOC!toreiHI,t.b:ltour llo.~is~ .... :do,our~polfJ,CI:T atrtorc..~p1\0<lWilJ't"'ak.

I --s..r U t llo. d .<.ctbm codd ~g..._ -Uilnc w do wU~ it, If tho. L~UCID. 1...>"""',.. """'- 1.<!111nc ;.Joe; U...U. ill 11~, \llom - o-.:~ o! - .-u. - U..)" 1~ c~n'fickd. otll'le-ht....::r~·· l!\b.)"an.notl.<.llincth~t"'Uit.c>dq, UocnU.:;<at.&ndconrlckd.otl_,.hUrocylJ\1~.


pol1Uc• wlth cltt-. ln 19~ and u~'· n..r "" plqlnc polUlcawlthn.Uonal~tcl>rit)' t.od&)',

n.. ..... cr<>UllwlllatUleontrol t hdrJMOrtrpoHcrln \.Ill Oo~n. lt h m. Cono:nu '1!1\icll J!U"' t.hl 1- ot t ho! United Statu. 1M I"'IO::Ord of thnc Rtp\lbl101n ltacltrt thon ..t.&taaliacl>ance tho c•"*•otltn~"'dcflna•-.ollldhl.n, lt t.IM)"WII"'incont.Nl.

llot 0111:1' ln &l.a14Mnt& bllt in U..S.r wtft 11 wrU1.a11 NCOrd of A.botap or thU /o4111l!.Utr.Uon'• eoau~ etfln'tl to 1ncn..uo """.S.f<.IIIU t11 - t u... ~n U..t looal4 - r lupr """" U.. hart-.


1n ~aropo, I ...- u.. Conu<"u 1n ,_,., use, for • 111ftl IICpllllion of -v Jl'ld' cu>t- to~lz lllddlUotl&l ahl"" Mil 111M lnn!rl4 and t1£t;r"'-wpl-..

Page 43: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

• ""'"'~ 414 t.l .. '-•F'•I>ll•• IHden .., •• tho)' M4 thh

..,,._ to t ... ,.. .... _. ... tto .. t <kf••• &l,.ot Ur H J•n ro ~t , .., ~• do lilt rn.,. their 1nua\ •••..:• ot wrkl JJ"teehalu, UIU tiM)"rM- 10. t.o,.u U.t .. lll , 01' Uto\t tt.Jy•--.w!M • hrc•••IP*ulonot~ .. .. .,.,..

tn tl10•• i!Ap, thq•n tr)'i¥ to b<IIU ~p 1 tlift or Mt UM et poUtlcd ten ... .

ta thooe d&yo, tM:r U10\l(llt Ulat th• "Y to 10'101 .... u o ... 'o)' r~.,.ltntlllr, t hl' ......UniHro.Uon u utr•"'~..,, h n&ti on&l dtf1111~. I O>dt $<1 •• 1\yoterloal ond n _....rut""lllll pMiu anti l n,..,otlnt;foretcn ducen,

Oa ~~~~ r•~lo d>eow .u,..bH...,. oNt.oro o•hr thn>..,P the dr wtUI t he c r .. t u t ot •• ..,,loll~ U.. hoori•••I"'Ofl • ••• ...,., 'OO'tll!ll; t loh :roar tor u.~ MH tr'?"U 1•• to,...r .

n- ~1&1• ru~ h U.t ,.,,.. t~ n ... l eqaa.loe bill •• .-t~K to U.. C""•ru !...._ I:Oop•lt- hdtro ,_0 U tofltJitlt.

1\M ~no u.,.~ ':'!wrt .,.., "'"' rre-t .. ,...11-••<UUtttor VlHt r .. t-t,l•,..t•u:...:..ry. 'faa,......_.~..,. s.. ... tor ~7<' · '""'ro "' .... ....,. .,., -u 1M l:he ~~0:.':"""' or t!w ::o~ .. :.e.,.nt.., on ror .. too Arhtro, eo .. ,..,,_,

n.. fl r at thlro:: •.luy <IU •• to tr~· to t H• I,.W t~• Mttlcohlpo tnuo th" ~111 . TM ~op\lblloiHI Ill ~M llouu ...,t•d .tny-u-..n t'> twnt;y t tdMt ,.,IUin~ >.11->.:1 ~·l 111 thQ s. .... t o U;o ~op\lblio""' • oto<l ~ucn t<> row ·~•lnot INIIdlol( tl•••·

Tho ••eor d h cerulnl;yol.....- tho.t Ho~ In ItS& U.e b l"'bllo..,}Khn,....., po•lt!..,.tbotwoA"'"MfiiO..,rollot.ttio­d•IP• · iMM.ftl '""""" l.,.blll•tP"UIMi butH.,..o P"Uo<l II)' o-.t.nUo ""~~• Ia tJoo Controu -· Ia oplto or io.op\lblt.,. Of>poolU-. ,

liiOI&l'<lh, l i-311, tlwllof .. bllo•ul•t.,....,.o~.otnted ehn• to el~l ..ral>ut ll>Croul..,- U.o •••U~oo.-11" '""""• or pluon lntbo C...y.

tn J.....,, U3~ . lWP"'hll ouo ht.,.llo\loa \'OtiO<I oao ll'-'l\dl' .. ofllitort1 -ro..,.to•l o:'>t lntnarot r• d"o lnc;opprovr lo· tlono tor tM I<"""'Alr Corpoo

~ ... •.h• t P'"'"" u,u 0110 lhoplt rut . It pr .,..u thc.t It thoo Ropul>lloM lodoro M.d l>Hn lr. Hntrol In l t38 aM lt3~, t.\Ut ., ........ t<> I:'IC I'OII~ 0\lt L .. )' ....-.1 ow tlr f<>I'MI -uU 1\t.nlleon<ler .. tKo.-. ..... o)Li~l)'o

I Ill' ~.ot U.. ;l<op~hlt01>1 t ... Mro ph,.. polltlu 11'1.tb c~er ...... h• u~ ...,,: 1-»J . J ~ U.u tllo:r "" pl*Tl"' polUi u dt./0 0\0t Mtl-.1 UOW"lt7 too<lqo

n .. &.pftllua curpot"' ontoon.,.. 1-..u1 Jr4 lll l - ~lllD£ ""a. too•- Mlp too llrttol•• ht hn PUl U.7 11u1 ~lr ..., .. too"" ~ .. 1ho •1• 14 llrl\dn •IIIII otloor '-•• • lto ·· ...,<IU..7\..,....It.,_,

Page 44: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

-v-ftU CIW>Dco- - I ~~~~~~ t!w.t tiM~­

ftpoil.l tiM -.bu*' 011 1.11~ llllli'WI:l ot ·-·.ad -UlOIII ~ IIIIUOIII It - r, U:<l P>r.H llloCI:I .ar.t~t 01111 1 •c111b~· .,.,..,. 1111111~. It u oo:J.r to.U.\IH ot till npo.ol ot tllo •Mr., 1- thot -bon -.... al>l~ ~ N ll pl"""' Alld IIIIIP llld ...... """".-ucltlolll to Ylct!AO ot &nnMIOII,

Hou <11<1 tho llu;oul>licon• '"""' on th~ Z'\lp«ll ot till• -bn~,

1ft tb<l SoD~t~ tb .. H~))IIIIUO ... I \"0\u< t0111"\C~~ t o 11:0: 041if1 1U~ u . In U11 H<>uoa tl!" lkp1.1l1Uo~u Y<>to<l "'"' bun<lro\! M4 forty1<1 11\M t OOII apl lll\ 1\ ,

Th~ A<:1 -· pao-..1 \I)' n-c,~t!C 1'01UI bo.<t It ..... OYOT thloppo•lUOI> otti'AiloJr..bli..., t.d~T•. An4Jultto-• t<", uo toll.,..U& _.,public"' l ad-n ..,_.,. -.,tu t t ho .bt -· -. ...... l;c.""'ry, """~""':>..rc, !:roo 1M I~; Oc><!U••-" ~Ant•, 11artoa. LDI ru11.

-,attbO .. L.oY.o:lltlliiOI&r, 1to..rlwlw<ll-"'nod-t - Dlw..U UoAc ·· t.'IOt .,,.,........,_. -- ta• t.IIYutoo; 1>r <llctlt<>nlltp tore. • -• •r~tr 1<1 , .,. ta~n.-t $tat.,., .. ~u u ~ U~o&. -u~r 11111- ,.,dl .uu ftti!JI tllotlr1><4•J)cn:.d.,., .. lln4,..., "'non.tloaot • .,..._lf:C17~Uoow

-.llor •Uono lltl.lch hn"' t .. .)On.rilr ~" U, 0... at tb ki11\0MI ot Al!lorlcaJI poltcr 11 11•~ .._~1'1"" ot ,..., zotpt ot -...llMtio,.. to a..niN~protpvr.

a ...... t Bl'lt<~ln 010ul~ n,ur hc.Yo r.o~IYII<I u. .,.....,. or lk,olp tra•u• - - tttlu <le>ehto~ tiA<Ibwn l Qn tollarUn, k rton .. n~ Filii ,

W "'""""'d.'*" t o or.<~..or~uQIIph -- ,.,lcll took jllltt.,*>atho•.e>·

I.o. tb~ :;.:,.~,~ ",."" ll:lf ""~nt to ~~<omit u w Ulllt.Oltta1<1100Y1;1T.&.r.t 1<1pr .. J\ollt pNfl1..ortncoriUipe.trlot1c oliolt!"Witl""l>)",....ycor;or<tl""la6.t·"""'•""· I\\04 OOY~IT.-..1 to 1"11:~ 07 r, VIU. """-bl.. ~HOII, ur _;&t,..t~riiiC pl..:;t ~ld1 r 4t\131;0d. to ooop..r~~t~ 1.1 ll.ltlolllll . t ..... .o, 'fllg .,_pu':IUCNO s.. ... ~r• .-ot"" 116'1JII.1 tllU ~~~.t.~ ... u. 0\'IIMOII ---.r:t 011 AIJCI&ft 118, 1940, l .. t to Ulto

"i'!MIIIU,.•o.ctoJ)'t..4o.llr1P,t •• -,~ ... tteYOhl • .. tiJMO:;JP>IIZ:SYDliOf tbo..o>~IEflt ..... bltc..,_l-.,n ~..tnt W<>td<l 11.:1~~ It tbo 111t10DCJ. IP""rut~.c\ .... ro tu......, oY~r 1<1 u ... tr ocw::tral. ~lr ..,,~ 101<1, 11 .. rr~ct, t lllt111o7put .......,1ri!PU"""to4ofb..- lt"NI•• to M;f DOUI\qotiNit\<»'..llaocurlt1.

Wl\l .., ... /:~.:'\!; :::,~h.o OYun.tlwlall& lllll jOJ'U1 Of ...... rl01111 ,

OIIU\4~ the bllll iOfCo"CffU OIJI II•nt llupu.blteon o.n<ltbtu " ""' to tui'Q """ _r.....,tu . At tu·u U><>1 <iooD0\1110"4 t bob!U. Tbonubo.>lo)"J.lllloophlotl I'OIO "J)to <l-dlt,tbo:1 ..,h tb .. lr11"3J)olzo.> \/ltbtlioiVMt~Kot ..... ,...a.-.. ... r ...S tb- l"''l lll •l<l· • l r,

TIIU J"'OCCN ot )L..pubUCIII l-Hblp •• 1 .....,rd. of Ual<ll\J,~ta i!MIIbor1.·~1dlt..-.,•• ··IIU•" I" 1&1~11-IUl.llaUIU.,. II'tiiNo

Page 45: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

0 n u \liD- ...,,""of ti.Ahtnr, - .. ...s an­

•llt>'MIIDN...,ICIItloQJ'_u..._.uootrtotr-IIIIKII~ ..... t•eoatMlbo~"19:5:).

a.t tiM a...-.blle"' l.Md..r-' -"" -to llo.Y~ be.., lllort, 11 tbh, u ill otMr .. u<>rl . ADd b)' \llo...., ··-""' lt Ml4 tMt .... ~l~pll&l:.t t .. n .. r f'Qrp..Ut

a to tbo......, r..eo\"4 of ti.Al<Utr. -.kc.o•• u4 ellon­l l&Mo4""u ""tell to¥e....._4 til~ policY of 11'111 ooat\1...,4, '""'UIOII&I')'O)'I'Orna.>Mt1nFrar.eo-"4l:r~bol'o...,tl\•""r.

T'hat r•et•ra• c:i~~eo""l"<l<l wo lnh 111 rtw>oo.

Pl.<.•• Got, a>Ttb.o.t~1tltli"'""'' ........ u l•ourl.all4.

ftlr .. l&l>t roan ou -a COM<>r'll l:lu "-<<Il lO 1oo11: ror -oiUid.Uiopi"'..,,.,..UoaorJO&Co,

llll'JM,ta~r..,.ot.,-LIIC&u.Qorttll.:o,.....vttll<> •rl4, _.. Goft~U d•noolt to W.I.W_...U til.. loua~ to111o:a 1.1 tk JIUt<l. 1<.4 to -r.

l:f :~ooortraUtr ACI ot 1t:.3, dol bJ' ota.r "~pa:

"-to U pontbh to prolllbU -ric• UU&<.IIt trorr. t~-...ltllf: oa Y~oNJ.t '1»1011(;1"'11: to 00".111\rii.OI U ..... 'olu t M.t ri&IIU

~~ ""4o it d &r tll ;t W..•rlc•.n ln..,tton, tlbo put thoir M""7 lllto "11torpr1._., In tor.!~ Mtlonc, oou.ld r.ot o~.ll 011

::r::~ ~;.,~~P• or ..,l41~r• to hU out tllwlr tnut\MnU .

o.·o Mol..> n tMt ·~ ""~lJ DOt " " A•>wrleu ~ torou to t .. t."""~ t• ~rt,lr~ or 111., ""'* rottl" lii<J)\C'ollct t.o U1o> tOutlt ot lUi. t:u \.ll~t rt,b<1

~ 'e ,..<!-. 1 ~ cl...,. t1n t AI ;>11 :'l.:JIJI.S the NL>rt.,.. n.._ -u .... tc......,.oo:ll:.itiorutoe""llt.,.r ... t;...StMttlo.q .. n-.~ovtotvuzo. ... e . t:uu.,.trt.!lt1

b &11 u. .. -z•. ,. .. -. H 11-eer ~ ~•.-n- -rt-, aa4 to ~YOtr torotp l'iofltiOA, tbn wu .W,ot OYOU ""-1Jo& ell.t,.qlofol 111..,\ldl - ept~ ~)'OM 0<1r 11101\le",

TII .. G .. ro._,.,.,..., to b.q lUll po.Me. AM t1:1._,11f) eUta..,-. .. r eof»erd,.el9:::;,,tlwrabe.t-DOellt""&l-...,t .

la1Ul1,1931,1•panlllft4oo1CIIIM .

011701DIIII.I')'3, 1~, IteU....ath~t•ttloiiUOliOftlla~~&tiOII tothe~rol th<>>rtlol~li0rl4ott"'tloll.

It "'" cl,.Gr tll~t ,....m&~~<mt .,., I!!Ot.t 1 II<XIYt•rr l.olpl"""'nt Ofli«'\W• I ulc.A:'orlnrt!Vt4·11tloutol.roortt<~n<let•lll"l'

I ""' oo.u~~ .,. o.hmht - - ....t vorH -• t llu tbott .

In lololrcll, 1t38, Oe=u uoope ........t.H Lllto Vlo11.1111..


r ... vll &ad CIIM!II enuu •~ra -"1UM<I. n.. """"' ... OtJ.ruatoonl ... ar.UtU cc.

Iat•UM;to: •nu-tcci.M,..Il.aalJ'clo.uU...t PM" b)' foar !rul,.. llld>o-r 110r en -tt114 cr-1U7 thaa -•obrt..,_Z"'O.•.

Page 46: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

:tu-n -~ lat.c-r, at L!M, ~hit ~nt.,- ..,_rlcan lepobllca -ol~ auHd to ai.And t.orUM:r l.o dll'end U.. lno:Wpe.-..:eotudl-oru.

on.. declaruioa u Lt.- tiU a P'Q\ pee.:.. hr\lllltuUII!Ia=.iapll<:,..bWt,-aNOnot.aa!t.

J:lt.t.tra,...atca<lil;ttolrninl:.~~r<~pe. Ca.c~lo"llda

.,..O",..orNntvt.htllnlt. Gen.,.&l -.rH.....t i"..,itable .

Ytt. ..,.,n I.Mn tltp~~bl1c&nlta4trt klpt ~j11nUn1, "11w,..ld.Uix-no-.... •


'n'IO A...,.rlcan lk~"<f.lliea a• t. 'w;lat. ,.,..,_. 1 IJSU. ot peti'Olli.ncU..watc .... cttll• oo!lcltron .. rnllubphon.

l uk)'<l'\l~n~rttccnt1m.anc..otUlltt.)'i*ot trn .... u .,., ...,.uauc!'i"'lt !l>r,._ae ... n... a=.ttrnau.,..ll torillrt.lwl\ltu...,o!the.,.,...,t.:r/lntho Mndtl ottho .. ntll thll NCOJ"d cf t.Lioldi~· , -.L/IOu WKII110rW1Chh~n or ln U. llll.xpcrlcneed ~&n<.'a o! thoul ...t>Q Jn th"" ptrUCue <lay~, 11"9W1llln;;:,..-.:lltta~·t.. U...•l)"t:,.tow-boTI &:"'\!

ll~cnu.,.lr"'t.)"t.oW"<. t,·orllpo:·u.

fhlaat~n>~t.J...., .... !"Ch tor,~<·ttc• oallt fer elM>" rlaion. It 1A ,_U S&fT l.o ~HO<J I' I~\IZ"CU0 Ql!ldl and lklllt, aw.~,..,...,...,t1....,!o"'•for!"-&ew ln\1" .

:r.ha-.oa~to:o..,tltl.ol<o.-.;p.,bil1s..clt.'>e....,.tut. forM ot all - n.1~WI tat:Jo, clo.""Uon 1.o Ood.

You.r~r:n...tu...,r1:l"Catlll~111th.-..prr;Kn­'"'u""''ott!lo.C&thol1c,J>;t, .. 'l4.....,_, . ntlla14 t.....,t<.a;:4rlt..-lfol"<::t•eanrot.W.ooor:.lnt.a!DI'"'"'•atd•ll ~.,.,..or t."lwl .. rkw1\ll ns too.n1 Ultt """"' tnd.

~. ~r, tn: a\111 bot"Y-r W flith­hopootll<l:l&lllcim.


Ull>t -'*"""" n ~~~ trae-.o.llu,Mtt.tcl1nono.t"J",eland 10ftor a:ootlw,.r.

lie ha-.... not b.>cn blln<J t.o ~:~~; OI O>hl, or t.o U. <:on­IOII,I>tfiCct, otu.u.,t:r,.pu.,,,

Uoopard:Ot.t..-.clvur.pintt.:.lni h-tplri\w.l al •U .. •t.trl&l-whlc~ u:, bo.t~t •· A.,:IIUII a,ai.,.t. W tore11 Ofl.ll\1.-C\Tl~U""""""u:on, \6iioll-.,ett.eek\ll h'Cio 111Uoooot,endlhorto...,.,.or1~""-~fu.r•lh1cl"o-.,.eorn~Pt .. rr-. -.rit.'li~.

"" -.1>'111 CQ."II.1nel te If' to,......,. ~~~ fir. fli\.11. L th&llcont.l..r.,.to~t~ta,

Page 47: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


October 28 , 1940

CAU'l'tON: The following addresa of the Pre!dd.ent , to be delhered in ~adison Square Garden , New York, 1.1.1~T BE HELD I N CONP'I DE!lCE until released. .

! lOT!: Release to ed1tlorus or all newspe.periJ appearlnt) on the streets NOT :EARLIER THA!1 10:00 P.U ., E. S .T . , October 28, 1940 . Tbe same release or the text or the ac11reas alao applies to rad.1o announcers aDd nel'fa co:t. entators.


STEPHX.i.l E.JU.Y Secr et.d.ry t o the Pr~dd;ent.

Page 48: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight




OCTOBII 21, 1940

naUM tbat tabehood. ILOd other td&ehood• tbe ••1 •b.n. l •••

a boJ up 1ll Du.teheaa Cou.ntJ, we u ... d t o nal l up Ule &klll& ot

1'ollll#lt l - 1101nc to DaU up the t al&lrlc&U ooa ~t

Page 49: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

It up .. ud onr &Del O'ltr ep1n, 1l 11 alao ap~ to e raate a

.. n .. of t'"r and doubl ill tba al.ndl of - ot t hl .Uerlu .D.

I no• bra..:! a• t.ha tha n auaftlt bal"' aada bJ Blpubl1eaa

e-palp otatou, -''7 dttr 4ay ' "' nl&ht 1tt1r nl,bt, the

tta.rainc ot' -..riel • •• 110'1, \hal it 11 a..:! lAP4dtd,

UIU u a1U M'l'ar be abla to .. It, thrtUI tro. abtol4.

!!Mt PlrtlCl\l.ll.r •1"ta~nt "" ilwnttcl l bout tbt t W.

ot the Aepublle&A l a t1onal Corrnnt1on. htore tb.r.t , the

ruponllble Republican b aden hc.d bean llncl.q an antltel.T

cUtte rent 10"1• ror alm.olt la1'tn yean t ha R1pu.bl1ean l.adan

ill tba Collin" kept o n ••Ylll4 tbn I • •• placiftc t oo .ueb

.. pbaail Oil nat10Ml .Satan ...

.lad - today these .. n of treat 1'111CIIII ha1'1 •~tlll7

d1S«rt'lrtd tbat there h a .. r on 11'1 Kuropa aDil anotbar OQ&

ill l.sll.. 1..1:111 ao, - . al• a,y• wltb tbdr eyaa on tba &ood old

~Uot bos, t.bey a re t n.t • • hna too little

u pbaa11 onnl t1'lnal.Saranu.

Page 50: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


Page 51: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

~1. lu) ......., lAwJ"•n • -'d1•••• -.1. - .,...,_.,

1A aeW.l ,.-odul.~- • .-odut1o. ot &1.1 U.. tnoe• ot •ddMG

11o111c1 tool• Nld n .. l ttuot n••• ...,, t.hl• .. uo. tat. 1114 .. uw

l.Md1r ot world •

..S I!'. Judd aDd tbo ..., otbou \0 ""' l!.ocouo I boU...

th11 on co.-toial7 -.. tbo ablolt .. " 1n tho aoual..-1 1a

tbelr - t11Ua. I do -t Dow theb pol.1t1ol. I do .ot avo

-~.-ell .... cfllt •• u .l!. UL11 &da.la1atraUu 1o _. ottoru

t• •tloaU dot~&~a. ...S thll OO'Ptl'-t 11 wU.h

u--- bllllllroll,... e•t•

Ul ot tblll - - 1U ot -.rle&ll 1DdUI.1'7 ....... .-leu

I lhlll bl'l'l occu1o-. 1A a late .- ,..,_.b to toll ..,.. tbe _..~~; the)" vo •otac. allll abooat U.. ,...._ *1*

1:11.1 bt«<IMIII1aOV41tftlll .

Page 52: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


nw• t he tira& World war IIIIINd •• Mra - or \be

M.•al Ulll. &l.l.I.U17 ,_. ... ill \bot llba11. U1.11 A411.1aleWaU.oa

t1ret.- 1.11t.o ott1ca t1n- ,..,...,, "-•- of U..

Ada. taar bJJMr lra,artedU.. .. m1At•otdaae;ertl'oooO\a'

11Uto.1111& pona 1a rorai.p laad.a. Bu.t I ., .. oal;r aalled •u

•Jorit.Jo! t.ha&,. ,. ...... .

t .. r b7 , .. , 1 att:.O for -• and -ora approprllltloaa.

14 llll.d1Uoa, I allooa&M hWld.r.cla or &1.ll10JU or doU..r a tor

dtt·-..a -11: r..- rallat J'l.Dta , troa Ch'1U.•a c-.a"auoa

Corp Ulll. rro. l"'lbl1o Worlu twlda - u ••• ,..,antood.

b7 t.u eo..,nu ~ U.. t'IIDda ..... wot.•.

at.,...t.b. Sb..lp tor lb1p, and an tor ... , U. h u P"•rt\&1

ane arnei-t. •• .., U..t. nu ..u.. ua. -• 1A ua. ~c.or,.

of U.. world. Ou.r .....,. aDd ow- aJ.r torcu ua- at. the

b..I.IIJMit. lnal t.btoJ ••• anr ...__ 1A peacet.~. .,t. 111 U..

Page 53: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

•.ttlal-t tor ..., -rc-r•

I pro,a.• - \o 1ad6.t u..t•• .. fl&bl.U .. lea4an o.t ot

-n. tacu an tAU " """' tba l.ut"t ...

.o•t ~artlll I•YJ " "''r bad, u capt. tor teo

Page 54: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

1t "'' aot. I. 1t "'' DOt. _... • --..r ot tll1t .ldalzdUraUaa.

1t . .. the rank1Jtc lepubliean ._Mr ot lobe lou• c-.tu-

OD 1ore1p UtaJ.rt, hpublJ.e&n 1Hfotl', J'

-rau ot 19}9. Iq\ltll"

••• Ul ltad.l.Dc 1A \ha.,... ru••·

tho tpuklzlc ill 19)8. Be .. id t.h.&t. Olll' d.ttea ..'a&

.lJid. •• Uat.• to lapllblleaa had.• r a-tor t a tt. - the

....-r-up \hit :r"• r tor the bpuhlieaa rntid~Ual -laat.lOD -

lp&Ui.q 1a J'ebrury 19~. I qUIIIt.•l

Page 55: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

t r_,.,O'P app¥"opr1U10NI ot tbe evzr•t J.U


IOhlJ• .. •.

1'blrl b U.. riCOrdi ~fl 11 tJle pe~\ CFJI\el

c1 .. r tHord. vatu tM ~'~''' .. ' ,.uueu. -;N01P opeiMOid,

••pll)ll1c&ll 1H4en, 1a C:O..Cren Qll out., 1boutM n- tM

bOiiUI\oPI \bit 0\11' d.lfiCUIII ••NI t'll.ll1 ad.~l&l\1 .

1'odaJ cM.plain tbl\ tldl A4a1a11tnUOD. ba1 l k-"1111.

OW' ltaed. tore .. , that our la•J 1• an~o, 0\11' .lr.t PUD¥o OW"

a.1r torou pit.eoualJ .... lt.


1 ..-er 1L the llHUOD 00\ M,. -U11Jte \o d.o

• 1\ll 1t. u \.ba .. JRolbl..I.CiaA lleoodl tl .. ,. t.ell1al Ul• t.Mlt.b

1a 19,. aod 19)9, u-a - out ot U..1r 0111n -Ull - U11J

l kal.t OOft"filtM of UlcODiii\IMJ' todiJ'• 1! tbiJ ltl riOt

te111a& t.rv.u:a todq, tbln \biJ 1Und Dorl'l'iotM or

1noon111teacy 1n l9J.8 1nd 19)9.

Page 56: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

11M I~U \IMl\!1. .1.1 UN.\ U.. h)l,lbl..I.C ... hrt.J' p~

,oU\.1.11 w.l.\b dcr ... c 1a 19). &lid 19)9, ft.,- v. plaJ'1ai

,oUUu w.l.\h a&1..1.oaal '"""UT tod.•T·

the - •~ •lll lUll I:Oiltro1 t~U putT ,oUq ia

tM eo...;nu. It s.. ~ Coa&n•• • bJ.eb ,. ... , U&c la•• or ~

IJil.l.t• " ''''· !be neoN or t.M•• h pu.lll.l.e ... l_,wn ~·

..._, • dia ca..- u... ecuw or •tr-a 4cr- WO\Ild U ••• 1t

U..,. "~'' .l.a e.~\.rol,

n.I.Uen t bdr re·coN oC .. ot tbh Ada1nlltr •tlcm'•

ooat1Du.a1•tCor tl t o t.Deruaw 0\ll' clwtwn••• to ... t t h1 I!:ID(UI

th•t lOOMod .., ... U.r11r 11J10D t.bW bori-.

ror ~~. l!"pl;r COMim.l!. Vf'lr .ta&t "' Uppwal.wc

b lll&ropw, J: •••• U.. Coq:r• .. 1a J.-q, 19)1, Cor a _,al

UJI'IIl.'l<NI ot t .. at7 per e .. t - tort7-1U Mdltl~ ab.lpa

Page 57: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

by repr .. tnUq \bit AdalnittnUon u utrnttfllt 1n MtlOMl

ikttnt•, illlcl.t-.1 •• b;rtltrlctl aad •• -~•ct11rlac ptaiea • lid

ilw•Ua.c l'ordp. dancau. - · ttl U.. .HIJ.lml d&J't ol' 1940, all lt cb&q-.11


Oa U.. n41o Ulott• ll•pllllllcal1~\0(1 ••ia.c thr<N&h tbt

dr with \tMo lrtU .. t ol' MltJ bu.t thto Y•rlcM PfOpl• art not

,.oull& thb 7••r l'or tb•b .. t tnpue ptrl'o,.. • •

Page 58: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

n.. pU la t ad 1• that ,._ ~ aa,.l. _,...1-. bl.l..l.

wu at'-1tt114 to Ul• toacre l& tlw lep11blic .. leM.11re ,_,..

Wbo 11ere tbe:r1 fWICit. 1111 tb.e pr•••t hpllbl1C1.111

caad14aU !Of' •tee Pret14•t• S.aator kkr7· fbere ••"

aa•tor • ..s•toer& aad s-llx' lt:re . n e" na the ... -.

ne Urat thin& Uae:r d14 • •• to u:r to ~te t bol

beUUtbJ.PI f r oa the bill. The lerubUC&AI 1A the IIQ~;Ue

1'0t e4 11:ct7-•e,.en t.o uent:r ,,.tut W 1l.d1AI ~~ and 1a

tbe 6-U t he hjNblieiAI 1'oted. • .., .. t o f ov a&UMt

hruhlillaA l.!Mdtr• ••r• pe~ei\1'n \bat •• ...Oed. .., ..,r•

be.Ut..Mli,.. TU ro .. al. up.u~doa bUl. ••• pai1114J bu.t 1t

WU pe.ue4 b:rC.:ao<:rtt1C'I'OtU1tl tb11Cont.r1111 --1A lp1U

of 111P~>bUc.n oppodtiollo.

Page 59: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

,laM. 1a Ur.l .. ..,..

row tM.t J)ro"'' .. tbt. o•• 1t..pl1 flo\. It pr.,•• tnt

1t \b1 l1pllbllcu lMd•n bold MID t.. eont. rol t.. 19"'..,

Page 60: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


- , ·- too• 011 btlp w .lrrU.t.ill. •t. Fall th.,-

~ n.u e.baae• e.a.e e- l rec~tod tllaot. tbe c-ere ..

Page 61: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


n. .f.ct "' ,.,.., b7 n.o.rat.l.c -t.•• •t. 1\ nt o::rrw

tbe op,od U.oa ot the a.pllltUoaa lHden. A.o Jut \o ._

• r .. , lbo to:U.0.1Ac hPilbl1cua lMden "'ohd aaU..t tM

loot - &tNton ¥cl&1"7o 'f&ndonbera, lye an4 loNuoaJ CoD&r••­

..._rU.a, IAr\oll &Dd Flab •.

1Jo9, I t ~ t~mth boW', tllq U 'l'l dbCO'I'II' .. ..-t

- beot' aU alOft& - U...t O'UU-.. 1\M:OIII 111 _.,.Lire o U

U.at1oa bJ' 4J.ctat.outliJ) rorc u --.. Mtt t.Y \.0 tM uatt. ..

l tatu u • •ll 11 to \hott ..U..r nat~ wblch tUU "Uoia

\lltiriJidtpe..S-•aDI! tba roatoraUOG otacrnnipttto\ho"

aaaller aaUcmt .tlleb baTt t .. ,ourU,)' lott u. OM ot \bt

lr.eya\QIIolt ot -'-rica~~ policy b tbol " oopitlOD ot tM r1abt

or ...u -uoa. to nrTl•• .., ,....,_.

or .. t lr1t.a111 wol&lll _,.,r .... , rect1n4 aa -• ot

M b r ... u - u Uuo 4K1daa bad Me l en to auu .. ,

..,.~ &Dd f'1eb.

Let u c,.. dOOill \o 01'11 ..,.., tz.aaple -· 'llblc b took pl.aee

Ju t ho .Oiltb.t ap.

Page 62: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


•111 D"tr tt.aad. tor ~bat.

(NU14t the !u· ot COqteU .a-t hpubl1e &a

ean41da\elbe&Ut.O t\l111.Dni-Ut~U. Att1Ut t h t 7

Page 63: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

UI\I ..... UOMl 11 1ll. aUU&rJ attdrt.

U 11 tbl ••- recor-4 ot Ua!.dlt:r, •.-G• n IDS 1bort•

• • •1tlli4tb.ltiLDill pb.IJit.AI'flrtora•UT

It 1.1 U• l aM r..::ord o t Ua!.dl\7, wel.lQaell ....S lhort-

rll.cU-r:r &O't'ln'YIIDU Y 1'r&MI I.Dd lft&.l&n4 Mfor• -r.

n.ei(.ct • •• 41aCO"Wirl4 ~ l&tl 1a f'r&M•·

Page 64: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


la lt,, 1a u. rae• ot ar-t.c ....... , thl'~ 1;M

• H.Ld, 70VI ao.•r-t w.tartook to al.lltlMta tba baMrlla

•blob. 111 ttr.a ,.,., bad 1M to nr.

I)' lautral1t7 loot or 19)'• aAII by other etepat

•• lt poulbl• to protr.1b1t AaerleaD o1Useea rr-.

t!'aTell.ztc «l "'•aa•l.s beloa&iq to e-trl•• at • u. • a•

•• &M• 1t clear Aaerleata ill'l' .. torJ, 1lbo ,.., U!.• U

_,. la\0 aatuprla .. 111 tordp M t101l&1 eolll4 aot call -

Uulo&ll .. ulllpl or aoldltn t o beU out!' 111uat.aata .

Wu tbe.t r1P,tf

•• Mode 1t Ula\ •• a0\IJ.4 oot ua Marlu.a a.....t

tore•• to latan-· 111 &tta.ln or the - • ralp ••PQill.l.el

t.o -u. or tu. .., U..t rlp.U

•• ude 1t clear t.Mt ahlpe tl)'U., \M Aaerlull. tlaa

eo lll4 DOt oa ny mm!Uoou to • Hlli&•r•tJ u4 ua.y

•ut •ta¥ out or •u soaea. •a• rl&htf

Page 65: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

I• all \be.e ...,a, " ... , U a l.M.r \0 ft!W7 .... rs.-,

&lid to "'I"J' toreip ~~&Uoa.- Uuot "~ u·o14 ~

•111~ tb!'o• •- •piaod• M70ftd 0111' boHara,

"lb•••••n-••=•• to ll:••puat.,..u. Alllll \br-oucb

all t.b• ,..,, ot qr •be• 1935.-• baa ba.a - -taftll-t.

ta .1\llJ', 19)7, J apaa 1a9a4ed ChJA&.

o. ,_..,. '· 1u•. 1 ealled u. au.nuoa or UY -u-

totb••r ott.bao.tl61•worltla1t.a•t1•.

11. • •• el.M.I' l.bat , ............... -a Illite •• ....,. :lap1-t

ot paae•. I uked tor lara• adC1UOI'Ia to .... r1CI&D. ,,, ......

1 •o11 C&l.1ed I ll oll.arai&t - Mel .Or&• na.&l tb&zl t!M.t.

1a IUreh, 19)t, 0.~ noop• .. rell.tod. Uto 1'1...,. .

Ia, 19)1, e ... tb• -.un.leb erhll.,

Fraaeh a lld Caaeb araloll ••r• -bUll.ed.


I .. u t"-• •n 1a ~ bcr .. a1D&l1 elaar tbat

paac• b7 r •• ,. bu - bJ.&htr - _ ... •lldll.rl.n& lll\10lllt7 Ulu

'""b)' Uw ·~I'd.·.

Page 66: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

_,,_ 'hrM -Uu lat.""• a t. 1.~, the ,_..,_ ~r1n.•

lafl'bl1n aol-.1¥ •li'Hd. t.o aUM t.oaau-r t.o da!...S \M

iftdapeM-ao! "cboaa ot ..u.

n. 4eclanUon at L~ ••• a &rMt. atap \On.ft ,

Por ..,_.,, tile a..Upben h aata, .. .,, aot Nta.

l athn P'" at.H41l7 .oraa 1a atuope. CI IICbo-81-e.kS&

"' .war,. b7 t.M .... u. ~r&l nr ,_.,. U....U.ahla .

ttt. .,_ U.. .. public• :U.Oara llapt ebuU. .. ,

.... r.Lca ab.1pa .. n kept rr- d&lte•r aOMa.

AMdcaa dU&eDII "'' bel,.O t.o - ~.

t.ll:l.11b 191.4, tlw~ ... - f1MM1al .... u.

!be Marien aapu.bl1ca aat. ~ U P.- a 17a t- ot

,.trolliliC t.ha a atan ot aboll ll"ttn 1-l.tpbara.

Page 67: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

1 .. , JOU. \o a-.p,or\ a eonU•-• ot \b1• \ J,. ot

attl,...U"• nalUUo tt,p\o tor peue. Tba altar-tl" U

to r1all tba• ot \lll e-\1'7 U Ual u.-11 ot Uloae • Ula

Udl I'ICOrd Of t1a1d1\J', ..o-11 &ad 111«\•1~....._1 0!'

ta ~ .. r11110ad baadl ot u.o•• wbo ta \ball .,..u-

4171 , a re w1ll1111 reoiLl11111' \o 1.-111' \bat 0 \11' bo71 ..,..

alrNilJ oa \hell' 11.7 to tlla traAiporU.

ft1A artu...u•.,. ,...,.eh tor "'"'' ..U. tor olMI'

<rS.loll. 1t U .. c .. ....,. to -b~e r e.ou.rc11, .t.dl aaol.

•~•. and. ""'' a o\l<re tot'ee tor pe•oe S... \bot worlAI.

•• ba<re "•14117 10\l&bt \0 k"p aobUi11cl t~ ~teat

tore• ot all - re11110111 taUb, cl...,otloll \0 Qod.

T- a-e ...... \ 1.1 work1al: a\ ..U. U.1 e U lll npreaut.a\i<ree

ot \be C.\boli, , Pro\eet.ut, Nld tdtU. tbeae

• pll'itual tore•• •• Of.II;QO\ -'• or -1.ata1a pe&ce.

Page 68: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


rro. lit aou..u u.. Po,. at Olt'b'-• u .. laat. ,..,. ..

uUa .. , U•• b.- dHpl.J' -lllll bJ t.a. ~bofalllt. coat.aUM.

aJ.aal•U.. UHo Olt.t •ctnut.a or U.. arut lorUI '-d•aa

J'e<lau.U•, ...sar t.M .,.u ot t.ha aoq npt or c:uut-..t,

abo'al4 M•• u.trea neta a proal.Mat. pl.t.ea ia ttw ·~ ot

taoaa 11110 ~ ,.,_t. pUCI ud a-ro•l.T .uo1cor U..

•leu .. or Uroa aar, .,.,,. .. , a pr0'11'1d•U•l. balp, wbleh "

acU.O.led&• •Uh ll'l hl'ul J07 aad 1AerHalllll coatid-a• .

lizlca Bia Holtn.u wota ~~ •oriJ, t.lla lhadO'I'I ha•a

.s .. ~ O'fl.r t.ll.a ti.!Ch aM bope or~.

Wa -~ -u izlt!M 1 171 ot ,.,ce ..- tr...S•aM

~t- U•• •- Ula t.ra.:••Uaa -~ 1a- tr .. l.ulll

Page 69: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

......... -·el• ... ,.d .. t .u .. u.. - . ,u-s.t-.1 ..

wdl •• Mterltol - -.!Uc:b N.1 b .. et .... • • ,..,.. •aai.a.t

tb• torcet ot at~U-Chi'Utlan aurettion, wliJ.cb •1 an .. e ll: •

trOll eU.bout, anc1 Ule tore•• ot s., aCid wliJ.ob.

MJCOrruptiU t r-wUlUa.

•• ahall ctats.- to ao torwn-.1 1a tin tdth.

Page 70: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

Page 3, f ourth paragraph:

Jlake read 11speak1ne; in thnt Sllme year ot 193§n

li...\LI 111939- "

Pilige 3, 12t h parngrapa, ~nd sente'\ee:

Knke read "were tell1rlt the tntth 1n 19J8, :hen --•

•were telling the truth in 1938 a'ld 1939, then --•

Same po. r agr apb, last sentence:

!fake rend "c:;mvlcted or inconsistency 1n 1938,"

r.Lillil'41l..L'.INU 11and 1939· "

Step.1en Early, Secret.Jry to the President

Page 71: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

• ~W'311J'RI:IUICI!'



-1·• M¥4 ... ill~ l•o ' "• ~\M ....,., .. \a UtU -pollll'l · I

/ ..... ~. ·""""" t.. ,~ .. . ,-- .A~.u.. • apecte ot t•U• '"~"'"~11 .110"' ul pr....,.t INoatrW lUll! ... - ., neu

a.d:a <rt , ..... ·- --J.o.E._ --·'-.!:1 ~iiP·~-n]1- ,..,,. •• .11 .. , '" tu-ttt-

Page 72: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

attaoko 11po11 thio "-Uplwre. ~Sr npe.t .. .,.,..., ODd

'"' -' "" or:-ln, U 1o1

opt to o!',. .. otfuro.n4doubt btthoo

.. tad.ooro-oru.......,.i-P"'Plo.[~·~



"""b't or -..tu •• •low& t ... ttiot:j u,u a b ~~'ii]-truq

"'" ~-. tlw.t it •Ul "'""" "oblo to •ot t hr .. u ,..,. abroo.d . (

1, ,......, ~~~.,t. · e 11.4J,,. ·11

,A .. ,, , ~ nDr'O bt ... ute<l. I111'0UI tht.JI II Mtloul l"urity .

n.t JNorUoo.lar .?"" or_r.lo~ wu 1ta._t.d tlw

UM .t ""'" "-l>Hou ~u-1 ~.-u-. .:.roro tbo.t, U.O roopo..dlalo


Page 73: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

~u i'~bt.¥o~hoo.,....,! tloo.t thwo h& ...,. 011

..o .... ~ .. d.. 'f.,.,li ... ~""'i....rA..v....l Ia ..,.op. ud ..,..tMr 0110 la &&1&, """'oo,' -.

1,u..,. ...- _,.t:l"« J.,_..._, ,.


••. Wlllt. ~. U... ,..,.,..,.. ,.,.. of U.. Cootnulo•l

.. at.rol of tM Con.vtu ot thoiJI:IIU<I tt.t .. <l>~rlnr; tho put .. ...,,.

"·~ .t ~-,. ...... • boport&nt ,....,.,,_r our c~or..,., -w,.,- N ln·; &1>11 i J

U.o U,.O..,. lloyY of tho> U.ltool Stal.,. -w 0\111 "' 111 Yoo <loplon~lo

Page 74: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

~ .....,... ... u ..cHi" I• .. , tlut Mil -rl_ ... 1• Wt-.1 prod.!OCUCR

- pro4•oUio.r. ot all ~~t:uLa ""'l \ool• ut ••Ml 111111 ••• •4•

thh eow:.trr tlw IRduu:rl.lll lN.S..o· ,r tlr.• "orl<l. [ ~Nll:r a'U..M<III'

l aMed J <>rowe<~ U••"lr wo::~ """' c_...._



.r . ....0 ........... I hlt••• U..<' '"""' tlllt ••·1 .. 1 -• Ia U.e _,U7 Ia

Page 75: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

h bor • 11"1 <IOill(; •o>lftoent Ul4 IUIUlrhll H rk , fM PNUUI

co <IUo pt"CCftl it.f l ol>oll )t,a,. oe•olon in o htor opHoh to ull

tt._ ........ ~o.. "'.ft..h.._·J~.e.J._ ;:;;-;:;-v-:::.~~t'-YII• -~~~ ' f-

W.. U.. tt.rot ....,,1.4 Mr __,.,. ,...,. - ot U.e n,,.,~ut


••0'-~· <>t 4anr- r......,. Uot ... w, ,...h ht ro ... tp

jr. ( J. • 1•1• At -)loll.-! u. &lanoin ~ tM '"""'loll- 1""'-ohlp.

Page 76: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

'I'~ ou.r ~..,. a .. , • .,._. or ettltl•IIJ'..,. ttpu,.

.. - M,_M.i.v.J.7 •--·~-

U.UM co Ulle nu_, ror 1 •~••

'"!bt~UU'IIdou ... •••~lar•niLIOI.

~ j ,.l t-,U.~, _. f'OI'•rtul :ilo..-y,.. ....... !lad, U.t"P\ rcr \wo .,.

Page 77: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


-'- 2 --~"-"''"' '

llow-clo:rov.Uolllk-•U.h out-•* n ..... ...,, I .

III••UU..~ ... reiefenH•pe•••UWN•..:'.i,.b:~ •• (...,..Jq_IIOt.)

... 1~•1>~ efflai•Jrt Hv"j -~ / .1_ ~ /.l.,t,.._., II• • •· ..t';• .. ..,1 'lui ) .fl ... j 71\.,..J,.t-1f"-• "-fot /I ... / ? If.,_.,(. ... . , I ·'<J<t\ ..., AIJ .... I

tlt•l" C." d"' · r'~' '""'"·-li..ttM .... q} l ._ .... r~.,:,.eAu(J .,_., , {..1 "', v :~ -o- · ~ (.!-, ... uaa...ww ., . ,.~, .. r..,l.,.

.1 ---~~· ' -~ ~. : ·: : ~··' ~

~- A , ,,, .,...

--- t;'.,._,,,_,_._,, And ...,.. llote ~ lilJ' , LolMG~ •• thtt t lM u .. """d of t!l.

~pulollo&n Puty, •P"l<lrll: U. ltU , ..rtw tht 011tlouU: o f tht .,,...

Page 78: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

~,;.- ,d,..., r:: 71., ,.__- ,., - -lh\101 k,~,<R h.~· ~Uh ,..,, ror \lit a.-

po.tbllo.~ l'l•.,.l hl\\1-.1. QO!I.I,.U- ~,.L.-( _; r.t.N&J"T 1940; -

"_.....,. it-..-._,..._ •laly ritllUt .., • . •

t l& ~L• ,..,ozoo~; "fMN U 1t.. 0~1&1. al...- .--cl. th:.dl

. ' u. 111'-)'-o-~.;a o)MM<l.,f•u u.or-t ... , • .-ru- •~...a•- 1.o

-... • t M4 b711M ew..- ot Wlp ... ~u, ....;)<bllou ~ • .s_.

_.,,_..nor-. t.t:111. ....... ~ u ·-••· -.,zrq -· ..... u..

torH• pl t-..17 ...... 'f~u u • r-..A'lt. _,~~ ~IIIIer

Page 79: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

~ .. ,_ ~u.. x.,..:.u(.;} b~to ~­

G-._-...u a usa aM.JtUt

-\-· ... ""',;;;-'.'3-- _,;::,...~ ....... • /'~.; t. ..... ..... ~ ... -re t~~aa.o~~ .. to...&~V ..,...t1 ~o1rif

I<.-~--~-f="t,:;~~ .. ·~z::17b-.:. .. o ~~::~ r, .. r: I U..iJ"...,.rd ot oloot .... \lon,~lrr-rdot ......,

/I 4,""" uMU.t• o t W o o.cbol.llh tratt.,.•• oontt ...... l ottorh to bo•- .. ""'"

Page 80: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

.u b C I .. 1/ !...

~; I&IJ t I ''$Jen' pUI •

~. ~ h U • CoDCHN wlliU ,.. ••• U• ~or

Page 81: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


J!..-.• ll4»--a1,. hi>DI!NilU4fH\7 ""• ,.._.,

fllln Q1 u.• :.t;noo.-11-..:~ 1-.n .:·=. ~~!•! .. ~o ,;,..""/1-,_.. ....

I IWihU• 011r IWUO<IOJ. clef•u~? J Yoll wl..u tbllll< ~ t iMtlr pr<IH Dt

,'u....~ ...._ IMirN.,.of••rbool~tKblC• , tbottboq~\o~n


~\, 11.111 ~ :-n ... d.>o, \<o•J ... ..,. 110\ II I •U<>al -JIIJ~a

ror "'•• u ..... t-:.. tl:o:o• ""'f",'loo7 -u l:"J'I""' to bootW..., • ~I !'rena\

dllll ot polt<l o&l t~•~ 'M""• .-:t•1 l~l' .... -. t~•.,..,~tM Ia t..til"l "il

"" ~o~ot w.c!>lri;;J.;t.. t-• lolQ'•/ IA:f t!IOII(:IIt tlwlt u.e ••r to """

<oct•• - · t.y "-Jr• -tl"<: t!IU ·A>IuiU,..UOII U .. , ............ ln~IJ.<. I»s

Page 82: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

tOif Yt .. mat .... ~, ~DOtor .,_J.t.ry. •re h110.tor TWoaber,

1;.J.o.L.,.,,.; - a..tor .,.-,~he ... --1<1 be U. c:Mt~or u. -. ••

c-.tttM.., ~.-.lp At', C.O.•- _,._ rio~

_,..... .; ,.r. .... ~ .. t..o<Mro o•t&t•l.J'~-POlotthelr p&r"Y

htheCon.t;r.ollj"""'M:r•,..•~UIIa .. ll\,.._of\llotrpu'J' Llr.Coauu • •

!,.., .. - . /-, 'fllo)re;.;.U..k\DIIotYOtOI~ ..... -. LiUOIIto t~ louU<II.qo: u...;- Ia Cko a-to \1M ~11-• ftto<i T to 4

~-t. 1loo1Uia, t.k-. ~ n. r-r<l ~~~~~"'(:!u,n Mol< Ia lt~ tllo ,__.,., ...,..\ll.t.ou 1 .... ,..--. - _, .. ,....,. .. _., lootUo.a.t,. . ,... """' ~ DOftl ._.toa b:l.ll

1 ,.,...,.j"'' U , p-o.too<l MoutH ot -~rat.lo

;f,..··~I-·-L ""'••Uthoeo.I\I",... ... - UopitootQp\obll...,oppooHIOD.

- ' {!n Hoton to -t Senato r 'londonberc had. to o_,- 1., tho dol>

oa tlat 11111. I quotoo ~ riM Ia oppotltl011to t llh\OIIpor-oupor•

loo<o)' 11111 . I .S.. not belt• ... \t lo jlloUtlo<l 117 -r -bolft

•-otr.u ... or -t'-1 -ui'J'J

Page 83: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


I-I:!Ooa"-''ieit• ~o-boreDAJleo releti~~t~:to.....,.,.

othrHt•••l>l ll£ _ > t ~~

~..S rcrt)'-tCW' to o.lelr.t in t a Tar, ~t r.o:ao:1"" - IVJ.'!"CFI &tl,.. rer


It ad. h pt'OTU U.t it U .... J)~"hCWI 14&Jirl ,_ I& CCIIIUOl Cf ti=e

CaHM .JUt" ............ ~...:..~\~ ~~. J"/v ,.-.-._..o;:-:_ ov

Page 84: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

l MJ' t! •"-~~- lM4tn pa;,H JOlitlu wtUr.

Ht••• 111 19M- l9:w. :.:.;-. ~ ~~~~,. poUtlu .. u lr. OW'

,-.11.1 .. ·- t- 011 Mlp t-0 .lrlw.l&. &-u. OIDI .. ~ ..

\'''Mll•Jyi'Je~ ;.:---~~7 11ad.llt11Noet~lt--rr-C: to &h• Ill& to llrlt.IIIA _ _ _,it) ,.,_....,,i.(""',

._rt;._.i.., •• -. . ..t • ..<o 'hU Oll.t.Me -fb"• t llty 'lfOf;~ca IQ' rM-IIIlatiOiil t o

H~ tbot .... r:!'.,..~f;t,;;~~ ~;1-;..11\IOII " W lllf:.,.eat • t1011• -.. J k

~ ,JII',t. ~J! -=:.:::.~ll'lo"IM'J Wtlt" . I •"-• nu rM-.IUI OI! ~~-.. It

•·--'-·~~">'-• "'T"'7 .. , dMr tlat....,. •bou'~ 1.. ~._..,._. Ot..llll -~~U..,.letl.Aol

-tl-ot<lllkli!CitWGnott lll'lt.lllll:.!o-"l'.oo.U~:tMa.r.llblleau

'lfOU 011 IW H~ ot t.bla -.,.tptft{ wll.l 01 -.tortablt l1HU• .... ~~.

E·~--tr -'old!- .... - &h1.A& U4 t l JINMI.~ 1lr. t M ik>w.H

\Ia laopllbll- ""'""'-- .II.JmdtoM All4 t•ty w 11111t-&plut~ .,.:/ ,

Page 85: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


toHowtnc Jlop>obll.O&ll h adou wt.._ ~1not U.o Aot - - s...&tou ll<iliary,

...-.. V&nd"'kr~'Jo"""'~l Oonr;r••- ..._rUa, ..,._&ad Flob,

l tn .. a.o-.en-•ottlofr~tf'l'olltMri.Dc or""po.trioUo obot.N•tloa

....; ""f ~ , .. "-· ~ ..- .. ,.....u .. A tt ;-oait"" tM a.. ...... '"""" hte ..... wtu.

Page 86: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

Page 87: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

dill """''- .\ or Mw.I•IMI ....... uMJ t~hM 1a a t .. -a1r •

..... 1 ••• ettood ..- .. ..,ord or iCOopat;h oq 1-•r.~~tp ot ttalGUr,

Page 88: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


If tloot r.ot -• dboo_.,.., - l•u l o h-.

~ fi:.u..poat~n .. ot_l_<l_r..,.,

it ... lllheo"'" b> " • tn o.. .. t !lritai.ll.

f .,1-•• Ood,:t~~/ oplrh .,.. "'"' prudl 111 o .. r 4101.

leolt.olllt ...... u .... -.J.trollt>lo-..,.l• ttwpo.ot.~

~ ."".f,~,r,L,;lfl<n_ .._.,.LG DW t'"!;f fir tl,. a ... trtolttr An or ltsti\ • .{.- u

poullllo to proll.l.bit 1mnlo- o1thou rr- tro"li~~t 011 •••••h Mloll&int

Page 89: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

~· t 'B · 7P .... thJ !<.f~blie..,• -•1•• .... to M•o "'"" ahon, 1D.

p ll thla , u lnot.hcr ""Uer a . Aadb)' UIO'"'*'J •• 'Itlo"u lt u ldthit.t.,.

tltpi!AIIt.,..,.r for;:,.to"

Page 90: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight





'FH . ..;.l 11 )J; - tt:R>IIII'1) U.. r-r• ~-..a dilDo >-, '""'" llo.l !"- - opt*•·

1a ~. 1,:1?,!:, 1-;;."'::· 97,.~'-'. ~~~·~-'# ... r.,~l.oll hDD\ J'OI\ ...:.K.A,7f:.tQIIo1'7!: 1k.?lullMtho.UecUo11 ~ ot u,. .. <lo" to tbo ~•r r:L Uoo -l• world •ttii&Uoa. Ji, -•

Page 91: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


tho.t 1t t hoo ,.don• O!\ t lot •at oun or &outll. """'•1M - •• to tall

l•toU..oontrol ot•M.,..,,......,_,.~It.-l<'o"lt.abl,Jpron w ...... --l Oll: wtodp~ ................ , ... the X.publi•

ot U.. "•~In, tloe .,_bltu fill C.U'<l~l•, ..,.. ov - hto

~ -t!to o60tl>, l:hoo lteput>Uo .r ~on U. -hpMro

UU""' \~)' tiM k &h o ~oral -.r 10-..l lnfdt.&bho Yot - ~- 'ft-,

_,..._ .._m .... • ~::~1-..!!:...,~~ .. •lll .... -...•.

Page 92: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


..1orl- eUtz.u....., MliN<I 10- ._, Clallh 19lol, ••roo .,_., 110 n-~al ~..-ftJ. .Cft;;; -neaa

...0 - · •• ...&-J <o. <'o K .. $! • >' S£ ¢j , t i ~Ont \

..,. .....,...,~ ...U ~r ;:ntd~ j)oMOO. /}.f .. ~

~1:.U. ~A~- uo lnh~ ~o • trc. 1t1a co.u .....

Page 93: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

\wm tho• .,..,. t.o ~""' 1Do~l"'rlenoe4 ~•r>dt ot wtt.ll "" r"ord at

I { • aU -- t.o U.O.o, - in ttl& .. r.erUou.o ~·· • .., &11llA, ~ J

Page 94: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


.. · •..-..1 lio' u • .[.-...J~r;)tt oo~uinod h :r'""" not• 1n ...,hh u,.

Page 95: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


illA.<tU;tt;., .. ~~ ...... t-.. ~.,U...t u.... .. u UW.C• ·~1- !Iepper~

Page 96: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

( ....... " /' .

Page 97: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

• ........

4htortt.ot•ollooo••U.tlo.l .... &~\Ut__lllllll~

--·f-a~M-la'fl$fl, .... ] ·to- '&CI"'IIi0rii1U9D .. ~I'-

4Hl&:Nor\lle1r•U••IU!~lr ... PM'Monru4

Page 98: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

• ... Lire or"""" .. , u-, ••• u 1• lll.••rwc •• UC~KM, **' H

• Ill .... r ' ' ollh to aM\ ~nou ti"'OI n-. h_.,.rc- """' ..._ tiler

Aid - \oSq UIIH - oL pW.\ 9'111001. lio&91 """'4•17 ol.l.oonr"M

-rl; ... r:;.{ ~ c Uou , .,.. lo o ...- oa Ia .....,,.. .... ~ .. r . .. Ia ....... Aid M, - .

tlllt.l w loo.1't pl&oH too UUlo ...,.. .. , oa •t~M.l Get .. ,.,

-•• h ...... or •~~WH••"- at oleolltoa U a o, & ,..,. riU tl.a.4

-· f-... nt~ crt \Mlr opo-• ... tlltolr •u~ .u.t -.-.: t.M',.rtOO.r<l-'\

Page 99: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

• J't'U'Io U.o ~rt•• --tOr OU'ilotM .. ~ .01 _._ t.w;

ud tllol Uot .\nv' Old •• .,. ot tlto ODJ.t"' ltUN _,, OUU H 1~-( ~

" \~ IOO..UUoa l o wb.tob I fi)IUIII U•• 1.a ltU.

Mon ol IMU ,...,, JOlkY 1a tM ~. •• ... ,u.o o r n o ~'J

••"-• t bef M tJ:r.o .UOrtl7 or Ulo -,\o.'UJ' ~

(~, uoo .uua.o or pat rlouo logoltll-• * " llno n dl tla•

' ...... •£• Uh ~tbl lDI:I.I>IIr:l.ll lM<Iw or"" -or14o

_,..-1~ - '''"-

'""' ...... U•lr pOlj.Uu • .u.l I II;- lo tUI u.., an ooo,. ... u .. f <.

'1 .i J J 1--· u ""I

Page 100: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

.Ulot tJooHa• - Ulor.-..r1•oh4u'rt .. d.IM¥'1on lobol' -

"-'1' --- · •• Uoo tlnol Sorl4 11oo.r uo:I.K ........ OM or Ulo '"'~ -n1

•rt troo ... 1~t tiUII!.o , ,..,. OOC: t uol& u 4 troo MUo WorD ti!Ato, -

tt .s .!!J!f! uAwf'IM4 Q Silo oaacroo•• .... n.o ,... .. "" " ....

Page 101: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


pat , '~"' o..,- u.e4 etr.&l:ll "' tii!Ue lut I'OI'UJ' ---T·G' I k:Nw ~h,..Ue , &DIS , U • apl a U•-ill ne rnrl, 1 tOLd t~

1 propgH ..... to llld1ot U..w •,.auo._. l""''" n t or U.tir

..::::::--- -N - Uo- hl4 ... •-- tie~.._ ••4•t-H • laod.lct ,_

tboo WorW •r, - tb• pMt Ht ur ~·• • • '""

Page 102: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

• •• •• J , lt •• ..n •- • ••w ot llii.O MaatotAU.., U - Ulo

f'UII::Uc a.pauoaa .. .._,. or u.o 11111u1 c-J.u .. ~~•h•,

lptOitb&l._ ............ .. _,., ... , • •

tl>h J'91.r tor U11 Jt,oll"bllal.l. l'ft-.14•U&l oOIIJ.MUO& - l!>eUiAt; la

? r."tnaJ7lhOo lq,aohl

......... ,propnouo•oru.o owr.t ,...,.•_w


Page 103: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

.lind no- U stan t o e:z- PreUden t. B-u 1!1"11111& ln

t b.Jt ., .. yn r ot19)9. I quot a 1

"ll'• 1hall be txp.enclt nc nt ne h UI'Idr •illlon

d1.1llan con t.m.n en¥ 1\1.tionon e~>rtb" , hi

Page 104: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

J I, n..-. h tll• reool'll.; U..r• Ia tb~t.,.nal ehv I'H<It'd.

>I-:::'; Ut.0 el.Ktl0a 601114. ..,, tQoottiiiiiC to 60 dtlr. u.

'boo ,,,.a ' "'n '' U•l U• ••U•q Pvlt pl..,..., pOUUu

wl\ll ur .. , h 19$8 t ad lt3to ft., ve Ploo'Llre polUtu wtUo aat!O..l

-•nrto4q. ( ..;~ j>•f""' t{ ;....tdl ,;,. .,. CIt _.,

.<I lr :h Ia ~z:: .. : .. : tolo :..(,1M ~~-;t U• 1Jo.11o4 S'lo.IH -

f l Ult Pntl<l-] {!_ "- f..Oa lO..C aJPill'l tllloU UIU IMra ,.,., lie 1-

.ort H I- IM .11•""-tl~ u d \lie ~:3 n. "oo"' or t.ll-

Page 105: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

~.~, I (3 . / 7 lt tMRepubUeanlec.dua .. e re tdl11'1C the truUI

11'1 19)1 end l9)9, then - - out of tnelr 01rn .outha -- tlley

lUnd COIIY1ett4 ot 1neonl ist.ene)' today. Jt they are not

t elUnr: t M tr~o~th today, then they 1~nl1 COl'IY1ctt4 or

Page 106: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


h t, abl w trlMU, .._, ..... &01 h • .. tlo<>M.l • ._ .... n>r

E t llan ~.t-ar .,.,.. t • t•NnM 1a .-lll1UI111C 1111 • ·-101111••~

b t-• 4qol , lbeJ 1"-1 tliU iM..., to ela .,.., .. -· ''

Page 107: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

1.-ln4 •• .,_nu1.u.l u4 •• MJ~ill'ltt .... l.QI jllll&lu .., to p. 4-.s:.r• •


Gq U•.r Mw •- • -sotU•nlar .....,.tlOpo .. 1 U•t.r -ot

lllot ow 1 1M p11.11..a r.ct• h 1414 ,,. U 11M noo~ lj. I I,•.

0.. Ulo ....,10 ~ Ml'l.QI t houp 1lll •HII t.ll• •"'''" ot

Page 108: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

hM.trl WU pOilU YI ' l>lt W .-.4 ... RO .ON "IUhlt>lpl• 'ftll Mftl

GJ~•t• nu . .. ,.-~ " ' n .. , ,. .... ~t;.,.,., •• u •

.. totela Ulol ~-e..•u ,. .... )11 •pl"' ot a.;oo~ouaa oppo•HiOc.

LT •• ., •• &lid .u. ~ '""-" _1 .. ,.hUll& .. ~

MJotr .aer•••nlliJ

A..., AJ.roo., ••

Page 109: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

I f. \a. DaltM SU.tu ecw.~.]talt:ll •• t iM , """ • •-..,

;t;:; 1., •• too• oa 11.11» to Brit&ta. 111 u..- hU l lle7- • .,w

,.,Jdl; ... ,t •. .. ,.IA,,,; ,~ to -.In ooJ4 to B~th.llt • u d thoof t~>n~ed u 4-,

ftlaollaMOJ,- j I • •. ) If I ... e.

JIA ,-~ Uoa ••e.rtp oa IIIIo fllli,_a t ot a.,.._h qd -.iUDM \0

~"'"-~ .. uo-;)U/111. ~ ,. .. u - ... ,_, oa a •a..---...q

ktu•.~-. u.u NOD-110a ' •-• u.,.. aJ.IU' Uat •..- _...,.

l.!Oa •• Ia •• au.a t..l ,U. _....,re ... tal vl .. , .. 'OleUM ot

Page 110: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

E -.111 boo .........torulll<t liltMilJic r ... _or u....._] /'f 6

la tM s.n..~.e t.lot lliiSnll>ll- "''" t••'-- to .u

~~pl.nn tt •. In W Rouo U.. ~liowuoYOWod.-/~

Mdtonrw.u.!.L'"<:*iJUotU •

... .,..<1-rllCJ' la l:uropl, tor t.lwiHite~Uunt.ode.rtl.o "'dl

ont.oW~ontorhelpand-,..~~ i ~ v f'f}At U.. ol.rnnt.h M..r, W;r hut dli<H1\'11Nd .W.t q ~ .,.,....._....

aU a1q -!.bet - nce.u ......,_ tn......U. ott ~•.ton


Page 111: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


'!. tr. ll-Jd 'IJ-~ ~ .•d t. b1 <l14W.WII"fhlp ,...,.. ...,.. - W•t7 ~ UloM ..Uu nau-

~t. .u 40'117 • 7'fU a,co diu 1:ha7 .-...,.. •~t.t:r

11,-tMi.r "t .. u....w, _ _,._ u. u.u~p ~~

...... -l]!•~ •p..,!;

llll"r-u.l.-.dan-ollllllpt...,..e,_ -4//•- ..... . ·,.,.. ft~ J ~ ... •I 1-)).,.,il.;..... t;.. .. ,.:fr" •~-1. ,

l.ot. " " c ... &:-.. t<>- _..,. ~u- .,.lch \.0011: place

tlw I>Ul ,... adop\ad <all rtc"\ 1>7 O.OOrU14 YOWl.

arn ~!;:..~lb-. •l&:ht ~llc ... laadtre ~-.bat. wollld

Page 112: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

eonuol, tll.l.r""t.;Mld, ... t , \l•utherpv.t-7 r i.Jht.

aheadot"-n ~"/~~ ; ,::~~=.! ,<H<<...;r., .

• W""'"ret.endtorU...t..

J,., / .• ,, ; ' u.. la ot c-cnu ~) Ulldld.a~• be~~M

\0 wra ,_ ........ n1u . .lt ru., u.,. ....._,_,. u.. I>Ul. n-

I hue ctt.ed''&., r.oord. ot AepllblloUI lMder:.:; .. ,,..C.. ~ ..)

- ,...- h~ .....,- . Ua1d1t7, wakneu- thort.-lieht.edMI"'ill 11'1-...t.l-.J. ... AA ...........

a1H\&r7 U''G..- UU &IOd ~

li.cbtedneaa lll:ald:l U.7 ill .s-eUo &ttalre -.['llll•

~~~'t':t-:tt,tlr.;;~ toe-nate Md us~ JG,, _... n c.

t.Jjbtt Aepllbllean lH~n' -1u •- w lr.t.n been tbort,

1n thh, u 1n ot.Mr Mtt.ere. And bJ' \111 •'7 - .,o " '' H Mid

Page 113: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

n h U. - record ot Uaidhy, . ...... IUid .bort-­

,c,~....._.;.' til~n w!l1cll IOYU!IK tiM polic:r or ""',..,, co ... rn-

- rranoe .. ot~~betorottbewv.

~·""'-'-~-.,;l'i-.u . f

<11~ u.. b> o.-~ Brlttob>.

n- God, •Y U.~ ~1rit ,....r ~ lAov l.Nod.

In US~ 1" W t tceot VOWill,lclanltrt

th.roacl>ou~ tbe •orldf~rt.ook w cllaino.tto U.. ha.....U •:7 11M led t&wraau.o..t troublA -j••r ~I.M Jlll&tl:r

1y UM •o:n.lh:r Aet ot 1935, w1wr ttcpt l

• - a pou1blA w proMl>1t ._rk&ll du .. ,.. rr-

\n¥11.1Jic oa n.•la bel~ 1.0 -trUt u ...-. 1t.:., --:tt;l,;tAt7"

loatr1oan WVtbl.j)t or t<>l.dJ.trt 1.0 btU M~ lmttt.ftU. (J

~·< -- Uc.l.MJ'U>t1. .. wooal0no1. ,_..tcan.....ot

I •--lr...,. ...... _f,... ·~(... t-• ~u. --1#1 ~ .... w w -taot ...

Page 114: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

,, f J

W 1tHf71IU•t .. 110\lo>,, ~t •••-.11. llt'OI4 .....,_ ·~ -·

Ia ~II!J', l a7, J•po.a torn4M Clll• t:-h& • <111Met...._

_,...,, •• le .... ,..t .. eol]

, ... d.uc• ot Uo• •boh .. d4 •tt .. uoo. r"' I\.1(,1.4JI'<"'1 vv.·~· I

ltw• olMl' Ui.UrM....,..,\ • ...,"',&oalJ&•....'.,t .. ot

,.~ J uteo tor t.rc• o.UJ.tttu too M.N1Mt •.r, .....

Page 115: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

('I y "'-1- n. K.u.p .... te .te, .. . ... ..ot ur•·rf'H <~nla.-~

~n~e~nept-peeH. _

Page 116: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


f)!~ :~~:·~ -~~ .ho. .J... {..... p 4 c.-.v ~

~rl ~ '11/.t c~. 9-1--; j 1\u..- -· "'? "tf' ...... ,.w_lJ·~ ~l~~j ...... :"J '~~, .-.).

'-"""~ •. ~-.. i-"'-" r-')ot.Of.t. ""'- ~ t..l-cJ '

Page 117: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

lfr I ~I.O\bt\nnopon.of,

b~r.,lo~lod.o bnlt.al_.t;nd. rr ba.,. tt.aadf&1U7 II\ t.o l<Hp .abil1~od~

torpnOI! \beoror - ... lt.,;l'"" -

Page 118: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


1Udo OW. llan bun .s.tpl;r -.."Ad br U.. - w.o.,.~ con \.allied .. ~ in 1"11>' no~§.mtcll tiM 'l'lrHot Quoitt.a.aroll cle•tr. t.o

- h-..pltad toW v-t ~uoa~o~-.._ l- eract1

doqaent. pPAIIioa • • • • lnd ,_,r., ill 1<.1.1 llnr oL world-

Page 119: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight


~""'"'" " -'

tONH or -~1-chrt•tl.&ft ...... 1on1

W1111oh .,. u.\&(01<,.. rr.

_,tno.t, MOl the foro .. or l.Dio..- and flf&l' wll.lell MJ' e~

Page 120: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

STATEMENTS FI LE v ~ 10 $ ,nee

CJ.:niCIIo n. tollgwtn~ ..w,..u or U• h'ul-t , to M doltttor.-1. \11 W.dloon S~u.,... .......... ,_Tor~ . llllST e! lf'!Ul ~untllrolHoH. - --

a.Tio ,..huo toodltlonotoU •woJI"peri'""P"Ill'l"' on tloo otrMU 111./T ~ ..... uEoo TIUJilOoOJ P, ll:. , t .S ,r ., Ootobor U , U40. TM """" n leuo o4' tho t cot or tM o«rou oho IPIJIIUtOrod.\OIUH\0\InO*Ti lU\dl\lft-ntOtoro,

) I .,.,.. ,........, •• t>lu t"'" n·~"'~"t .,.\ .,. •M b7 hpllb­u.- .._,.,. arato•""l.tlot..· oft •r deir ....... ,..,., •!'tor alrht, ~-·

"'-) ::,r;~~~ :! .. ~~-=~'":·..:':;,':~~.~~..:..--~=.·~ ~· ;holt ~rt!OIII<t.t .Uutu..or; "\. _...__,. uou( tloo

U M ot u. • .,.,...':>u~ ... ~ -·U-1 Coc•>o:•lo.l.< .. lttor t tt.t, u.. "'III'O'IIIbh""i'u'>!le,_.,Joo4ora""d ...... olll(lllf!IUI•Ur.l7 <llrf,rtM ooo~ . ;·or ..t.,.,.t .. ""!"-""'"till ....,..bllou h.-!>ro n7

~t\.. ·1/'>=:; ,. • J

1a tl'l• CNI~ou hp~ - oo)'l."'; U...t I -• plwi"C t.oo­...-oh•»•o~uo,.td~t:n:o,

All4""w u•loyth.u~notrr.atri ol~ttoo\Hid..,lr dhtu•or~d U.11.t th.,ro \1 • n.r' oft In ~po OAd MIUMr oM h Aolo . Ad. oc, ocrt·, oJ•~:-• "I'll t llo!r ~~·on t•u root old ballot bo~, tho~ ..-~ oh.,.r;lnr ·h.o~ "" h.., . ., plawd l.oo little capl'.ull on no.~hno.l dot~Mo.

Jut, W'lllke • - . th prlnteot.ror.uotlhoC~"'ruolo"'l - • d oanaot b. cha..'lf;H .r l"ffl"'•uH u o i K Uon u,..,.__ J.r>d MudonU.o.ti"',.__Mr.oordot t!.lropHollll&nd tiMir 1'CitU, I thh oncrti""' ·- thd H' U.o 11op11llllnn l"'"ro trot.• li>Hn Ia ...... ~...,1 o! u. Co~~~;ruo ot thl Unit"' Stotu tw"lllf: U..put .. ..,.,.,..,..,,t.!lol.apnt.ll!lt-•"'"r.rov 4>t .u.s _,., aot - 11e h"' ...,_. U.t u... -,. o.W .. ..,. o r ... u.aool ~:~·:;:t~ .. ~~.""(" olnoot U. o-. oo"'IUoa ta lftt.hll I

~ '?


Page 121: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

r I




Page 122: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

U•te11tothta~tw w-. ~

~"~:.~t~r ~~ • ..,er~~~ • -,~ J~~~ ~~":'~. 'br,.,.dorou -... Z... W. ot.r t' -

r· .,.. - r. r• • -,~·- ...,..,.._ ~~or '""'•,.... r>lo~r~u~ ... U -• u-.. .,.rt:hlc; ~pu.-~lle&.n __....,. ot tht Moult C-ittee ""ronlQIIJ'tdu , t.publlou tzu.~r, K..,.l.'t"" l'l.t.. \-

AI>dllow ttot.o,t,Yin<-Prcitdont.~~ --l't:l.l'ot'-1~- , "l,

-... .. ~aUI>o~nd.illl'nl.llOh'.llldre4101lllon

~~:: ~0:~~ .... ~\ro:~:: .... ::.::ru.~.~ &lao •peat~ ~r:!" .::':'~.!!"':.~~~~~:...::!;.."!"'"'•~ w •t~ ~t , .. f-- · ....,.) "-'11lloNIIII!>"¥ .rnci ... t ....,.., &JIII~u.IJ.h"-.,.,r"Irl-..!.a01'1-..ltlutotlo1• ...,.,.._...,..,. ~.,-bitt .·'\t<!IIDOtkll ..... lth,.lt1nMib7

LV -elu: .. :.-r:•:~.:::::.::·:~ .. rah -- u.. """'"''"""P ~for\¥ hpubHMn Pr .. !.d.e11t.a1 _!,.doe~\.!(... ~· e r t , n • 1 i#ioho 1 \ 1 ·

"thel""r-oiU..~IIol'ld,...,.,,. . .rthe u-..SOV.•a>prol)l"lttiouotUwo ... r....,t,..u ._ .. t .. ~unn•oeuar,ott ... ,.._ul'll4d oolelywi.tlld•t•n••";,

t Mro h tho reoo~ u..-+o tile J'4not.t .. nt or.r•tal ot .. r rocord . UMU tht ~nu.-nt !>OHtlul """1'•1&a opoM<I.,

=:!!;:''t~:~:;·d!~.~-~~r:·~-;..:~ tn:.. Uvo

t~ t.hor ~ tbt thh .L<Iilo~:"nro.Uoll llao ot.rncl

:':~ ~=.r:~.~~!..:: Ha_:.lo ~te._~r .1."'1 P""1o ""''

,I -~ ol.eU• .:~.~Ln !-~Qt. u do Wltlo 1~.-'f''~i; a,;;bH-., _..., "'llia& tilt tl"'oth \11 1118 - l:l», tho" - -t of -u.o -- thq ota.d -'0"\ ot '""""'tot....., ~oda,y.->f''-7.,... -tolllll(tl>otnt:ltoday, -- ~oi.&:OI 1otodot . 1-h~oDC)'1al:l~ , ,

"" tM '"'"le U.,.th 11 U..• 1M ie,...blhiUI ~tp.loy..S I, I" poUUoo w!.t.~ dvfcn-tn 1:1$8 ll.nd 1~,.,. . thg oro plto¥11111 p>\IUu w!.Ol . no.tlo,.~C"'lt~\~"·· · -. 'l.,' ~

n.JI.- c r""'n ~ otlll -.ntrol U.Olr po.l"t)' ~ ~~~

~~"ft::.o~. ';h~· ..;::~·:r~:J.~~~::: f~!~:-.:r_ the "<'Ciotodil\ no.c tl>o oau .. or otrqdotolllo_,.l.dllot.¥0, lt tb67wrol oj.<>ntrol;

lot or:ly ln t lwolr .t&W.11t1 ""t la """'' t. wrht.a U.Olr rooord ot Mbotap ot Wo Adal11htn.Uon• 1 -th1Yol effort• to l,..,,., ... _ , dot-•• to - ta. d~ro tll'tl.-..,.,rl.ut<'('J'j'tllohorh•-

Por ~u:oplo, """"'17 •-'"'" _, ~t-. ~IliAC l ii.....,.,IutodtMC«<,:nooo ln.,...,...,.,lJJI, tor o -l upoMJ.• of -C)' per -• - tor1.; - ob •doUU-1 aMpo top1t 111- ......,...., ODd nrv ,_ ,1 .......

Page 123: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

l I


;"...~: !::•~ow u::l~! .. :!:~:.~":;• .!:r~ ~~.:f.:!co~ Utotthqr ... t.dlatopoutho~lllll,o.rU..ttl••r•-~"­al.rtoru,.,.d""~~ .. ,...,..

ht ,&hl OQI'ri<U>do , u..,. ... nDOtloo,,.lp ....... to·~CS>

tnt-oJayt , UtiO)'wretr)'l.ll!'tolnoiUIIpo41fhrent tlMotpolitlul r.nco .

In tho.., doya, tl>oythoYrht U.ot tllonytowin~tu-• by r~ru•ttnr: thlo A<t::lnlotntlon u t~tru,.,r;Uit In .. tlo,.l dtftuo, ln4nd u llyHorlod ,.. u Mn1.LI'UtYrl~ po.nlco u.d lntutlnr.rc ... l&n duiiTi o

llt4 only:: ... :"~;!~~~~:, ~~ttt!~:~ ~;~~..S! ~~~~,·:;-~-..\:.-~.

0. till No~loUt .... ,.opl>bll_o.,.t«o .. ,,.. UmovC>tho

:!;:,::~"~~ ,.:;•;:;·u~ :::~~~.:-.~~:~op~• .,.. ~ n. )ohJ ... r •• ~ t. • .._._ ._., ... ~;,. • ..,,·~ bill \I ~

... o....._IHM t.o -.... to,..,...u l...,. • .,,.11_ l•olen ,_.... Ia toft,.t!t .

. ............ tll.,.• n.r .......... , .. - .... i"'ltll .... tor Vloo ,-•••1-t , s,::ator &.e!:O.rr.-..':'!Mn •uo s-tor , .. .., ...... ~ ....S ~,,... • ..,. ~T'• 'Tbro ..,, ,.,. ,... "'" W!hlld M tho C"olr..:. or t 'le :;o,...., :-"th on ror •IPII ur.t~•. ~.......:ru-..



Tll<l rlrot tttln~ ·.l"~ 41cl ,,., to '•:· to ollal nuo t t..

!;!!!~~~ ~~..:~;1!>~~~i ... !'~.~~~r~~~:.;;:,~:..~~ .. ~~~:.·,::~ / \ ~ ,.~·l tl>t :topu!>llo..,o vot"'<< ~uen to ro .. r ... \not bull dill( tl>to. 1\

Thoto'OOr<llo ~r olout:.tkotlnlil~ lll!'o'(, ~ ..,,., pa~ltln~tllo.t • ,..,.,~M. no-nl>onl .. -attlpt. n.,,.....,IU}Alldonblll opoouM1 1wtU••P"•ood b)' ~ra•lo ..-~u In u.._ eo.., ~ •• h qlto er. J.o,pYI>H--.t

..,.,....-. -"1-. i'f""'

•) \ \... ,_,..h, Ia !'oreh. tnt, U... "~p..tlll- 1-I.On ..,t.d

E:2~~::; :;!:! :~.~;!{~~~.~~ ~'!!1!:. ~ Cw~;-

ln.,.rell, l~ll, tlu&o>t-.. bllo•olou,.. a..oto ... tocl th••'ll to ohM ., bcr.uinr U!.< •~~l>orh••<l ,_, ot !ll .,...a Ill HA I:<IW)··

h JI.O\•, 1!13;1, ll.~llbltM~O Ill tiM llo~ .. YOtM On ~UIIdro<l .-1 torty-tou:r to ol!'lt 111 to1'01' or •~<l .. olroc;,t.#P•oprlt• Uo~• tor o~t ~tu:l Jdr CorJ'"0

!low ·~,,.t I"'"'" ·" U>ia "'"' olll(lh ruu a proY<>• tkot

~~~~:::~::s!;:;::~~~~~~~::~!~~ .. ~;.~; .. :~i . I,; • '\..,

1 100)' •J.ot -. ......,._.,_ lo-...n llht" pol!Uoo w!.U. dehnoo Ia UU ... ~ ~J . t ..._ .. U..t u.~:· •re ph)'l~ pollUu o!U. OIItMt1--.J.o.,,.,...ltrto.s.;r,

·~ ~ (\.'f~~

_ ,..111:;.:-::::~:: ·:-t! .... ~r~::tt = :::-1-!t;~· Wth1rc!,ln•1•t.o~lto.i••""Ol:•r

._"" ... ---t y·r-='.::~\ l ).> -.'ii

Page 124: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

":'kio ~o ~ L""* I ...,_...,. U.,t U,. Coapw .. rcpo.t tlloo ..._l"'J>- u.~ lllol:;a.ct or ........... u- -tu....­"""u ...... ~~.t..,r,lll:<lp.r.Ut ...,..lllllpwa.'oo• " .. lllo-v:d-

... r:::;~7:::?uo~t=uN:"W::'.;.. E IJi"' loiOib:t.rePla>:t . U14- . .....,~ .. ,-.

•"""'414lJIO Rcpui>Licani '1'0\GOftl.ho>...,_lot~• ~

111 ~~~- Son:,u. th~ IWpll.llltONII Y<lt~c toul"t- to I IX

::~~:n~';., !~n!~:.O::O=ti~~ ~10111111 ~"d one hun~ oo'ftwACit WUipot.llliod ll1~1\1.tii'I'Ot~ ...... l" ltW1001'0T

tho o~flttor. or tto Jtov~lll!call lcd•.lT~ • .1.114 Jil-t to -

~~--=: ~~!~c!:~;:~!!!~~;:;~z;u;:~~- ~ ~rtlll~ -=~ ~ ~~~~ bour, tW/ :~~~= :;..~ \ l • a.. all llloDtl -- \Mt ...,._, • .,,..u ....: .. M I• .......:ILDcotT !Dfti$.K 111 d1C1.a\Ol'<ll>ll> !'oTC ... I ....-..... a!'~t7 W'tlle ~Ut-4

~~:~.:..:.:.:.e~~ ~!.;~,:!'::' .:~~~:!!!1:~ .. ~X.':"!~":.,;':!: ~:~e~~"~.!;!,!!.-i-,t;.,:'r!!;, or ;a::~n;~,~~~::l~:::~ ~~:..4·~~m or

llclptrollut -- ltthl d""hlo~M.II-D le tt tolllil"'lll, k tc47U.b., ,.._.. 1~

~)~~~!~~-:(£ d-.,_.~""'"-'~ • ..:,-"",.,;."""''"'"' ,.wo"''"'bliiiF"'HF

~~~~d:::~:~;~~~:::::r~;E~:: ;r::!~::~e ~ t boCo ... ....cftt to~go'f. r,Wltll ~lll·•~tloa,

- -etur\f16 ~Dt .... !ell ..... t\1. ... 4 to _1"-... t.i 1Jl Wti<>U>l ... , .. .._, 'l'I> .. R.. ... 1lliC:Vi~UITift\<Aae'11Ut U.It ...... ll• O....t\Oa :rt.oa~stle,l'MO,<otl!lltto •lx· --,

n..lltll -::aladopc.,-t~:Ulrlf11t --111~nUe<><>t"'~ ._., u.-~ o-.postq ..,u <>t u.o.., , tdn ._,.auua 1...,.,..., fliooo'WOIInt-..ldh.lpp..~~lttbYIIOtl""".lf'(IYI"'~""N w.n;ood o.,.r w t~.<.l r c...:trol. \ w.t, Ml<l, ta ~rr~~t, \llottlo<.rputaow.Jrlc!IU\b...Xe>'NI••tOIIIJ' fiiCII.htaaor ... uOO'U..-.rlty,

y.,.~ =41, <>:><~ tlw o~ ..,l.Aiqou.I'><'Y or-..rtcu•, vUlD.wnrn,.m te>rtbe.t , \,

OutUQ. t~~ h<l.ll~ ot l)<)n~)'>o• >l·~t Mo.JNblleo.ll

:~1:!':\::fu~ ·~~~~~~~""oo:~~:~~:i .. 1~ ~::'..!~~ "--IG 1t , til~)' ""h..<l tll .. tr tr~ii":.O. " U ll thg Q'Ml"a\ e>t .,,..,, -.1>4 """'re..4 t b.......,l"'• h > al~·!llr. \.

Tl>lAI'OCordot il<.pul>ltou~rllltp --ll~l'<lat t tatdn)'.' vca~awu ....,. 'lllon· old>t"*'..u -- h 111 •• 111 llll...,.'ltl_,..lU IGalllt~llrt'll.l" •

Page 125: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

tt 1• U..- ...,on. or U&idltr,'-.. - 'aloor1.-:!:!~!":..-:,:I"~~"';! ~Lit doMam .rr..t" ,_ Ul"7

"'' tM ao.,..louc"" 1-n· -rt ... - t<> u .. ~ ••

=~~ !:t!'!:;.,·:..~~,~~~·ro::~..,. --~ alt;I>M•~•!'.l:.!)'O~:~~:::" ;r~!~!:l::~ :.::, W'aloort• r..'lotlOIIIll'J'fP"'..,.,"utn Pranoo.,..,_~'"ro...,tlloollllr.

TMt J'JI.ot '"'' d l ""a-.. 4 too hU I~ hlmoe ,

It -:;• dUeo>":'~~".'' In'_.~~~.-~~ J'ohonoo Cio4_.1 ' '" ' ~ I u ! ~ v .~ l.) o:m laM.

p..uv _. ~~ ;~~~:.:.:.~(;·~~~..._to lOoc tcr

'--.ta 190:1, U. U... or pw-IJtC deapre tiM

:~!!· ~~~ Oo,.":~t1~.:.S.n;:::, "' .. ~~rile

~ "".J.o H ;:w:> .. 1llle to FOIIntt ""->'lOlA CUia...U fro4

:~:"!~'~' "'J{:' b l><>1""CU.. to ""'""'"!~• ot .,.,., lola•

-~ 1110.4J it Clllr t htlt A/tOriOtoQ l11'f1U\OU, uho lJU\ tllolr -·r ll'lto~ntwrprt-..s tr, ror.;IIIJIM.UOII•, oo.ol.J.DOt olllloft

:;;r:~ ~~:~~"l;dtwra to bUl out tll~lr tnYut...,nu.

•-lna<l¥ ltel~.rthat n\IOul<IDOt IIM-rt~:uarn<HI ro"'"' to tnt~"""a h> , of til.~ ~~~., Kupubltn to tlw 1011U1 or 11.1 . !:aa 1.ll.~t r4;, '-

'."a .,dol tt cl""r tllu atpa r17uc u ... ,... .. ,.,.. n_.a ooool4not"UTY-Iti<>Ditoa"'-11~.C~-r.z~t;Wtbattllq -•tn.:.:t011tor,.....:o:~oeo1. t'utloat riP t'

111 Ul tlloao ~. ,..- U clA-Ir to ~""'1'7 .-rtc..,, llDII lO ._.._..,. tcn>lp llflllOII, U,n .. -u IYOU ...._,_,. ... t...,.).<ooiU.1'0U(:I:l-.. e J11.o6ooMl'l'ro<IOIIrllo .... U ,

Ul tll.u ,.._~!~:~~:.:. ~tw"'r..":..:'.:::; :~:..~\1 Y\.-1.-~ \1J1"i,h,:~: 19~? , h_~ 111'11<1.>4Chl""'

0:..1M......,.-J, l');lEI, 10111111111 th• I UWitiOIIOr\11.<.111\IOn

LO th~ <1~: .. ~: ::::~,·:~:,::·-~~••1'7 Wl-nt

or Jllo<lh • ' I ·~ ror lar~ a<l11tlolu \0 """rleat~ dot~nha,

. ~'l' ~ale~ ~r,;:. -~: ~::::: ~=\~~-­:=-!. -:'~~~..r:a::l::~-~~~::.w..::~=!·~a. ......

1"'14\lt..B! •nu-1 .. t..e,.,.,1JI&l7•t.utl:llllt -~ ~ t ..... ~ ... u,p...r lfor,., ... _..rtac ~H7 U.... ,...-..~'ty tloo-rd".

Page 126: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Th e Great Communicator Series 2 ... · Madison Square Garden Address . SPEECB OF THE PRESIDENT MADISO N S QUARE GARDEN liD\ YORK CITY OCTOBER 2 8, 1940 Tonight

li I

,_ t'hr" .ont!'lll Uter, et Lt""" • •Uit t "OCIQ'-ono AAerlc;n

l':t~>Wb!1ct aol -tl¥acreed to st.N:.d tocU.hfr to4etend the 1Mwpetlde1_t• ot' "c>t one or us. \

~khrat1(1r)atLt...-..,ecr.ttlttpto.ardpeace. F'orw-.le.n UltlltlllhpheretsS~~u, aarenotMta.

lh 1 JOi.n~ ·c~'r''"' stP<JU~ -.o"'' 1111 •NV"· C:::echo-Slovakla

eu OYtrrw. b)' tho lhozh,\ Generd '"" ~~~11-J 1novit11ble.

Yet tl'l':'l th~n R~p.~'JUc-n ltOO<lrt kept c!lentinc, •T'Iv:trtdllbono~r .. r . •


1\»erlc.n ahipa "ere ke11t fro. d•wcer zones.

Aaertc .. n citltr.~s eerc. holptod to eo.e ho.e.

~, U_n.Ultt 1914, -..'ure """' no nfl4t.nt1r.l .'-

.... The Aooert"'"" Re~bl1c:~ Itt 1op at f'lo,_ 11 .yH- ot ~tl'(;lllJI( tbt .~t•t;~ ot the 'llbole l'utern HN1aphtre. • .r;_

•fftr...tlv!.~!IT~u~ ;'t~'tio: ~:~!~~""t~. O~r.;!:~1e: i~ to rltil: Ult t'Ut\ln or the country in the tiWIOs or t.hon eit..'l ttlh r eco1'4 or t11ddtcy , weu .. uu •nc.' tl\<.>rt.•,i.;htedneu or •/

j.or' the 1no~pnltnc4<J h:illas,of t!.oao aho In t.'luo perllout da,yo, dlUn,. Neitlnsl,y to l,apJ.y tiU~ :>~.~r toto 11ro 1/.lr .. dy on way to t!:o tr3nsporea. \

r.t1all.fflr..,.t1vo soureh tor pt~oroel.lhfor e l ear

:~~t~~; or~\.!!;'~6~:~~· f~~e:o~!~i:~~~~!~(~\~!•t :t~~ 1/.nd

lo h&wo st.,:r.O:~J.)' sousht to 1\00,) .1o::1Us-.J tho ll'" test torco of oll ~- roUctous !'r.lth, Jo,otlun to Oo.l.. \

Your Govor:ueDt 11 •orlia••l .. t dL llJ.>OI with rcproton-

~~!!:•:,:r,~:., C:t.wl!~!:~~;:~t2s:!"~:.~ !Mh~i ~r':'n'~l.u:- -rll: dth u:s to&rd t~t rc .. t 0!\4,

hi>po or ~".!i::t;~' vre s\111 no .. ,. .)wtr t."'• ratt.h alll!.

ro -- ;.:> l.l<c in t.<.o w~;ya of pct>.et ~ tre<tdo. Uld llftht --,m.YO' t<:t tr~ogl'llln tnlletod In Oil<' fro& l and after onoU!or.

l"ohll,onotbce,bl!nd to lhoer;uau , or ¥ t.,.,e.,n-14lu•neoa , ol' thou trog~lc1 •

.tll u lajl~:rt~ir~-0~~:~~v;;~ "~~!~~tu:~1 ;;~~~.;d ;:!r~!~'~~· .urcea of tnti-Chrhtl:m ~<cgr<>sJllo,,, •nl~h 111.1 H t 111ck u1 Ira. • t~h<.out, .. nd tho foreu or t..,,nr(I;ICt •nd. f 1111.r ,..nld1 IU1 corrupt uaft~wlth!ll.

~•- l l C'll'lt.~L.I: if,;v~n·;.!6~~1lrd ..._ fir• fl.lth, ..... ,.,
