frank quinlan - mental health council of australia - changes to the disability support pension

Mentally healthy people, mentally healthy communities Mental Health and the future of welfare The Future of Welfare Conference Frank Quinlan, CEO, Melbourne, October 2014 @frankgquinlan #futureofwelfare

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Frank Quinlan delivered the presentation at the 2014 Future of Welfare Conference. The 2014 Future of Welfare Conference examined the welfare system and the policy and reform directions for welfare in Australia. The two day event looked at the concept of social welfare, the evolution of thinking worldwide around welfare, and also the current realities and policy directions in Australia. For more information about the event, please visit:


Page 1: Frank Quinlan - Mental Health Council of Australia - Changes to the Disability Support Pension

Mentally healthy people,

mentally healthy communities

Mental Health and

the future of


The Future of Welfare Conference

Frank Quinlan, CEO, Melbourne, October 2014

@frankgquinlan #futureofwelfare

Page 2: Frank Quinlan - Mental Health Council of Australia - Changes to the Disability Support Pension
Page 3: Frank Quinlan - Mental Health Council of Australia - Changes to the Disability Support Pension

Today’s conversation…

• Current reforms (especially McClure) are

impacting mental health

• Key considerations for mental health


• Some reasons to despair

• Some reasons to hope

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Page 5: Frank Quinlan - Mental Health Council of Australia - Changes to the Disability Support Pension

Current reforms impacting mental health…

• 2014 Budget

• National Mental Health Commission

Review of Mental Health Programs and


• NDIS roll out

• Federation Whitepaper

• McClure review of welfare

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2014 Budget…

• Mental health programs largely isolated

• Impacts on consumers

• Changes to DSP and NewStart

• Proposed GP co-payment

• Senate and policy “hair trigger”

• Ongoing fiscal constraint

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NMHC Review of programs and services…

• Scope

• Shared ownership

• Change management

• Fiscal constraint

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NDIS roll out…

• Early days of a staged rollout, with a

rushed beginning

• Captures many state and

Commonwealth programs in its net

• Bi-lateral agreements were negotiated

without input from NGO and other

relevant parties

• Continues to represent a fundamental

shift in our approach to services

Page 9: Frank Quinlan - Mental Health Council of Australia - Changes to the Disability Support Pension

Federation whitepaper…

• Commonwealth state relations are at the

core of many service issues

• Mental health is a good example of

programs caught at the cusp

• Commonwealth state relations remain


• Commonwealth government will be

starting to build its pre-election platform

Page 10: Frank Quinlan - Mental Health Council of Australia - Changes to the Disability Support Pension

McClure review of welfare…

• Inadequate payments, poverty traps,

perverse incentives make the review


• Identified factors other than payments –

supports, capacity, opportunity

• Links to other reviews and processes are


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McClure review of welfare…

• Yes, simplify the system, but…

• No, forget about “permanency”

• Pay adequate allowances

• Yes, but look more broadly than the youth

focussed NZ Investment Model

• Yes, but mutual obligation activities should

support recovery

• Yes, but focus job services on longer term


• Yes, wrap services around people

• Yes, support employers

Page 12: Frank Quinlan - Mental Health Council of Australia - Changes to the Disability Support Pension

7 Point Plan for Mental Health Reform

• Agree on what we want to achieve

• Be clear on who is responsible for what

• Increase consumer and carer participation and choice

• Match services to need

• Get the incentives right to drive better outcomes

• Invest at the right time to achieve greatest benefit

• Keep government and services accountable

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Some reasons to despair…

• Characterisation of mental illness as an

episodic disorder

• The shift from a rights based approach to

an economic approach – including the

privatisation of support

• “Obsessive Hope Disorder”

• National leadership

• Commonwealth State relations

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Some reasons hope…

• Momentum for change

• Mental as…

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Some reasons hope…

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Some reasons hope…

• Momentum for change

• Mental as…

• Recognition of the greater importance of

prevention and early intervention

• Recognition of the value of integration

• Recognition of the economic impact of

mental illness

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Page 21: Frank Quinlan - Mental Health Council of Australia - Changes to the Disability Support Pension

Mentally healthy people,

mentally healthy communities

Mental Health and

the future of


The Future of Welfare Conference

Frank Quinlan, CEO, Melbourne, October 2014

@frankgquinlan #futureofwelfare