franconia villager vol 1 no 2 april 1955

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  • 8/9/2019 Franconia Villager Vol 1 No 2 April 1955


  • 8/9/2019 Franconia Villager Vol 1 No 2 April 1955


    IN. l-2O9 Free Pickup & Delivery


    THE OBSERVATION POSTSo far, we have had threefires in the m,artmen tshere at Franconia, Allth ree fires have been inth e kitchen and all threehave started in the sameiden tical manner.

    Oil was left to boil onth e range with the se ttingon Hi. The oil caughtfire and WATER was used totr y to put out the fire.As a resu lt, the firesspread enough to har thekitchens in all three cases.

    Luckily, no one was in juredin any of the fires, although someone could easilyhave been badly burned.Fortunately too, the firedid nt sp read to any cfthe other rooms in theapartments.

    Since many of us are un-Sfam il iar with th e electricranges we now use , ole asebe doubly carefu l whencooking. And has beenpoin ted out, be CERTAiN

    you do& t heat fa t or oilwith the se tting on H I .Never leave a pot of fator oil on the range without your constant attenti on , no matte r what th ese tting , would be a goodru le to follow . Withsmall children in thehome ta king a good dealof your a ttention , itwould be a good id ea forthose perso ns to do aslittle deep fat fry in gas possib le .

    Let CARE be th e motto fo rall of us in our apartments. CAREFULNESS meansSAFETY and ECONOMY fo rall of us.

    (In case oil or fat shouldcatch fire, throwing handfulsof salt, or sim ilar substances,on it in order to smother itwould be a good procedure tofo llow. An immediate callshould be made to the super orto Herbert Charles atMU 2-1133.)

    FLushing 3-8632 - 7066

    Licensed Teachers N. Y. C Board of Education

    Regents Specinlists

    MEADOWSFRENCH CLEANERS, Inc.Cleaners - Dyers - Toilers44-39 KISSENA 8WD.


    1FranIonia ViIlaerIS YOUR PAPER.



  • 8/9/2019 Franconia Villager Vol 1 No 2 April 1955


    ear Mr Goodfriend:Belated congratulation onyour wonderful first i sue ofour wspaper,I would like to submit a cottapertaining to electricity conservation that all Pranconiane shouldkeep in mind: TURIN OT IltE JUICEWREN NOT IS USE This was usedduring the war by a large corporation that I worked for, All employees found the rhyme amusingand it was very azocesaful,Sincerely,Frances Reuse 1K-CDear Sir:I have some suggestions whichI feel would make Francoriia Vi!lage a cleaner, better place tolive in ,First, some or a ll the benchesin front of bidga. should be removed, I have fourzl people whodo not live here using them as aablic parking place.Second, all deliveries shouldbe made through the basement, Mybell rings many tines, Just to letin strangers who are not comingto see me,Third, peopie should curb theirdogs I have seen them mess ailover our shnibs and then as isthe habit of dogskick up thedirt with their hind legs.Fourth, sand should be reriovedfrom sand boxes It is unsanitary.Both children and dogs uriitein it,Thank you for the wonderfulfirst edition you turned outGood luck I I shall try to helpin evey possibleSincerely yours,Golde Larko EAB

    The new bulletin boardsare probably up in all build.ings by th e time this is beingread, For the present, cinunioations for these boardsare limited to those issuedoy the Board of Directors,be various cctittees, ndteina f a lost and fotuidature, All notices to beposted must be cleared throughMike Zipris, chairmen of th eManagement Cittee,

    ATiENTION ADULTSIJThe Adult Group of theRecreation Committee is planning, in the very near future,to hold an open meeting andget-together fo r all adults,21 and over, interested inrecreational activities andsports. Your suggestions onactivities will be welcomedfrom the floor.Watch fo r date in noticesto be posted in you! lobby.

    c4)ConhinMed from page 1be brought to th e attention ofth e co.op as a whole for proper thought end action.Manny Eagler, chairian ofth e so-cafled House Cztunitteeand coordinator of these se1fgoverning meetings, reportsthat many floors have alreadyheld meetings and that a goodbeginning has been made toward!organization on a coop - widebasIs, Mrs, Susser, C Bidgrep, reports that this buIlding has every f loor accountedfor, Now, how about th e restof you folks? Be assured thatyo wifl find many topics ofinterest and importance to beraised at your f loor meeting.Why delay? Make arran ementsfor your meeting TODAY

    1%t L Xeite,4TO ThEEDITOR

  • 8/9/2019 Franconia Villager Vol 1 No 2 April 1955


  • 8/9/2019 Franconia Villager Vol 1 No 2 April 1955


    Continued from prei ioi&c page ABOUT YOUR COMPMINTSWell, we know that the majorityof shareholders are fair and reasonable, we answered, but we feel thatthey wo&t stand for a raise due tothe iegligenoe ad lackadaisical

    attitwle of tnis small minority.alternative that we thought ofand which many people we spoke tare in accord is a system of finesand, perhaps, even evictions. It isa stern measure but the only fairone.When you put it that way, ourfriend exclaimed, I have to agreewith you.We made our point to our friend.

    Mow about YOU? I J, S.AflOIJT OUR SANDBOXVarious opinions have been expressed concerning the sand boxes inthe playground area both favor

    able as weil as critical.The reasons for installing andmaintaining the sand boxes are obvious they keep the childrenoccupied and amused. The peopleopposed to the sand boxes arguethat the surrounding areas aredirty, the children bring the sandinto the buildings and apartments,and they could be dangerous.An example of this last reasonwas witnessed not long ago whenone child threw sand into the eyesof another. Th e child wa s in extreme pain and had to be rushed tothe hospital. Fortunately noserious consequences resulted, butthey might well have.Opinions, pro and con, would bewelcomed, You can voice your su ggestions or ideas through this newspaper or through your House Captainvia your floor representative.

    The Maintenance and Construction Coiittee reportsthat it has consolidated th eugestions of th e cooperatorsfr the lrroroved maintenancehe grounds and buildingsand that this list has beenturned over to Herbert Charles,ur managing agent, or estiiates and processing. Due tothe extent of the work, theeeresults have been slow inforthcoming. However, realprogress is expected soon,All further suggestions fo rmaIntenance and management

    should be forwarded directlyto Mike Zipris, 3E, C Bldg.Although the notice Invitingmore women volunteers was posted , there has boon little response. The few women who havevolunteered have offered valuable help.Cooperators comp la in ts oflast month have been listedend are being broken dowry intovarious categories and classifications, Some the builderwill be required to take careof and the maintenace staffth e rest, The list is so voluminous that it is takinglonger than was expected

    APOLOGESrThe two members of th e Board

    of Directors who inconveniencedany o oerators on Palm Sundayby their monopolizing of theelevator wish to apo logize forthis seeming inconsiderateness,They were inspecting said elevator to insure that it wasoperating and being maintainedproperly (in other words, thatwe are getting what we are paying for) and Sunday is th e onlyday they have ava ilable fo rthis task,


  • 8/9/2019 Franconia Villager Vol 1 No 2 April 1955


    DIRECTORS 00111SThe Legal arid Accounting Committee has set the wheels in motionfor a reques t to have the assessedevelua tion of the house reducedThis in itiative we lke_theBoard of Dreetors is reviewingthe contract we have with thewashing machine cc, to see if we canve some money..Evidence of one ofthe Boarde dec isions, Keep of fGrae& signs, will soon flower alongwith the trees, grass, cigarette urnsat three waste paper receptacles,,Lets use these aids properly by instructiug our children to make useof tnem.,,,In the absence of thechatrman, Berrd Levy, the last 3meetings have been chaired completelyaI very competently by Tory Ardizzoneour Vjce-Preaident.The Board unanimously approved ourjoining the Conference of Presidents


    oetives, Thismeans we shall now be able to profitfrom the experiences of the otherco-ops and to join with them in moneysevirig activities.The lists of repairs which we wereall requested to submit have not asye t been examined by the builders witha view to detezining those whichwill and will not be done,.Themeeting of March 23 was disrupted bythe disorderly and boIsterous behavio r of four boys from our project.The directo rs had to recess the meeting to investigate. The parents willbe effe ctiv ely notified .

    Good New for Flumbers, .,Thosetenants who have permanently connected th eir pne to theplumtrg will be in te re sted to learnthey are doing it illegally, Thesetenant w41 be requirel t, iinect them for fear of possiblefiooding. Our inomxance doe notcover tbis ev entuality, Thosetenants wbo have washing machineswill not be charged for their use,Servic chsrges for appliances asof April 1:Elec tricbeen Freezers: a

    Air Conditioners:

    l.5O a month6 cu, ft. andunder-41.50 amonth

    b. over 6 on, ft.2.5O a montha, 3/4 toa-43.OO a monthb. 1 ton--43,50 a montho, over I tonnot peritted

    These figures are based on Consolidated Ediso& s estimates, The chargeswill be sent to the tent affected,

    A reso lu tion to replace the singleswitches, in the kitchens having twolig hts, to a double switch was passed.The cost of installation will eventually be balanced by future savingson electricity .

    Good news fo r the fun-minded,,,,The plans for the room arecompleted and will be submittedto the FHA for approval.

    TONYS SHOE REPAIRExpert Work Reasonable Prices

    44-1 KISSENA BLVD.

    INdependence 3-8808 Free Delive ryMENORAHKosher Meat Market, Inc.Strictly Kosher

    Fancy Meats and Poultry41-85 MAIN STREET

    For CentRed Cold Storage Call FL . 3-4818


    On the Corner of Cherry Ave. and Kissena Blvd.


  • 8/9/2019 Franconia Villager Vol 1 No 2 April 1955


    PECREAJION COMMITTEE ON THE BALLThis committee has its fnge ievery pie that is , the esot ionaie. There is s much doing tc keep

    s all happy, we hardlp nnw where tobegin. Let us stat wIth thankinga ll those who hie started tc -,t tevariou s groups in to act a.The Teen-Agers have the Rump ioopen to them every nigh t from o10:30 In the bUg Parents areurged to hav e the TeenAges do horework before coming down th ere . Wedont want any failures ifl our group.Paren tsfour of them are dow thereeach night. Wotut ace more of youoffe r your erviee as chape rone?We need you badly. TeenAgers aredivided into three groups (1 l1 3;13 15 ; l520)-watcb bulle tIn boardfor your meeting tim e. Boys ballteam is in motion, Meets every 5unday morning from 10 a,me Cub Scoutsmeet on Wed, and Fri. Dens have beenorganized and den mothers have beenmost cooperativ e. They can use afather or tw o-$or future ou tings.ir1s in in termediate group have a1ready startedby playing squash..,,so re plane c.ming up fo r them, Therecould be-more ac tv itIee fo r th isgroup if we had more mothers wIllIngto offe r their se rvices. Even theirsery group has been sta rted, Itaeets tw ice a week outdoors and thekids love it- so do the mothersOn,a ll that free tim e, Ruth Woich saysshe cant wait unti l the new baby(all of one month old) can at tend.Cong ratulations on the new addition,Ruth,

    oct, H t 213Coor rataes3t rehol erierars

    ee in 4 teresctr I 2 cooperat e have reofj ee trodc fr i Congressurd ee sw York Sta te Legs1ature :bP , h4h3 Introduced oy CongressmanLe er Hoitznan- T)is il1 wo Id rea th % premium now required fo rmortgage insurance to %, It is es -tfn ated that thIs reduct ion may saveeach shareholde r in a 213 coops much as $2.00 a month.

    Letters urging favorable act ionon H.P I3 should be sent to :REP , BRENT SPENCE, CHAThMAN, HOUSE!HtNKING & CURRENCY COMMIrPEE , WASHINGTON, D.C.Assembly 1022 - Introduced by Assemblyman Louia Wallach---Tbis measurecalls fo r a muchneeded investiga tion of FPAfinanced cooperatives,to include such utters as windfallprofIt s and the posefti lity of refunds of excessive costs and charges.Communications requesting a favorable report on Ae, 1022 should goto : ASSEMBLYMAN WILLIAM H, WAC)NZIE,CHAIP)AAN, COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS,THE CAPITOL, ALBANTI, N. Y.

    Both of the se measures have thestrong support of the two citywideorganizations of 213 Cooperatives.Tour own personal le tte rs and tel.grams are urgently required to bringabout passage o f this le gis latio n.ARE YOU ATTENDING YOUR


    Franconia ViIIagrIS YOUR PAPER


    20th anniversa ry reprint / francon ia viflage coopera tive NOS /j an . 197S

  • 8/9/2019 Franconia Villager Vol 1 No 2 April 1955


  • 8/9/2019 Franconia Villager Vol 1 No 2 April 1955


    The editors and staff ofth e Fanconia V illager ext rdto all coopera to rs sin cerewish es for a haopy Easte r andPassover HolIday.We hope th at ttis pap er swhat you want it o be, Ifth ere are & iripr em at s r. 444au i,OflS : see nade (s ince tLs It yourraper) ple ase do& he ita ato let us know abou P

    ThAere are ut & fan eoings for th ose eke would I ieto serv on the staf fV illager. If yo r ah o pticipate, please c ntact Ped Ito r, 20 C B1dg, sttiugability or capacity inyou would Ilk> to erri atme make clear, bow we , ttatALL coopera tors arc inriteto con trib u te m ate rIal toTitiIR paper.We hope that all re aderow ill help in th e atteep Prsecure more 1tds, These mvfor th e cost of printlrg th ispaper. When you secure th econtact of a potertial adverUser, just send his name andwhereabouts right along to AlBader, ou r business manager .He w ill see to it that yourconta ct is re ached by a menber of our business staff,Thank you for your kindresponse to our efforts.L,G,

    QUIET PLE ASE!(W eli, within reajon anyhow)It has co me to our attention thatsom e families are & t exactly pursuirig the Good Neigh bor polIcy insofar as king undue noise if l th eirapartments is concerned, We wouldike to remind these people th at,

    I unfortunately, our walls and floorsare fr from eoundproof and that aIi tie noise carr ies a long way,On the other hand, complainantsehoul realize that th eir neighborscannot walk around on tip-toe andspaak i hushed voices ail day andi. g t, they sbould&t be expected touP mufflers on their guests whileenterta in ing; they cannot sti fle afuture Benny Go odm an orTechaikowskyir he ir family as long as he practicee us rzw eic at reasonable hours,

    ets be fair and considerate,neighbors, and well be muc h happierjfl the end, Je S.


    Local poli ce prec in c t shouldbe flooded with compla in ts thatour are a be patroll ed properlyso that young hoodlums of th eare a might be dete rred fromatt ackin g our youngsters. Suchan in cident occurred on KissenaBlvd. a few days ago,


    SUP CO VERS & DRAPERIESMy Ow Cornce & D ape are o Dsr

    Apt. 1K (Be rwick) 4469 KISSEN A BLVD.5. KARLE FL 34066


    Buy with Confidence44 35A KSSENA BLVD.

    F,r Porsy Cakes Phene IN. 1-1 510>r- lurtr & {>em Eci usely

    KEW GARDENS SAKE SHOPSpa let Ograian Cekes Made o Order

    44 43 KISSENA SIVO

  • 8/9/2019 Franconia Villager Vol 1 No 2 April 1955


    IEEE AG& ifliJ(YHI teensi Since th e lastcolumn was written thingsnave been hatpening fast andfuriously,The 12O year old age grouphas decided to call themselves th e Franconia Teensters.The following were elected:President-Harvey Weinger;VIce-President-Les Krasnagor;and Secretary-Treasurer-Barbara Custer. Mbershipdues are fIfty cents a monthto be collected a t th e meeting held once a month.A vote of thanks to PaulWeinberg, our first temporcry president , who devotedmuch time and effort to organize our club,The recre tion activities havebegun and th e children are enying theme If you haventa)ready rarticipated in them,come down sometime, TheBe cation room is in th ebasem n t ofL-69 KissenaBlvd There IS B ping-pongtab e, donated by Mr, and rs , In addition we danceto our favorite pops onrca rd ,We ih to thank th e Boardof Director9 for the use ofthig room and their rromisedhelp In obtaining anotheregress from this room, Un-

    til we get this second doorwe must limit our capacityof th e room to twentyfivepersons, Our members plussponsors fill the room tocapacity, Therefore, Teensters, please do not inviteanyone who does&t l ive inPranconla so that we do notvIolate the fire laws Inthe future we hope to Invita other teenagers. U ntil such t ime, PLEASE C0OPERATE, See you in th enext issue.Your Roving ReporterMeg

    fad j%ce Ths ?Factory Representative for


    Budget Plan AvailableDOROTHY HUUHAN


    Franconia TatterCongitulationa to Mr. & Mrs.Lipper (5E B Bldg.) on themarriage of their daughter.

    Congragulationa to Marvin Taylor,son of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Taylor (NABldg.) on his graduation at Syracuse Univrity, A prorising future is In store fo r Marvin andit is hoped that th Ed D, degreehe received wIll also be out topractical use here at *Tranconja


  • 8/9/2019 Franconia Villager Vol 1 No 2 April 1955



    JEENSVIEW: Only 3% incre aseverorYna]. lLL. estirnatesReceived Qieens member ofCommerce annual award for excellence in design and civ icvalu e. Has been inter ra cia lsince the begin nin g.

    FOREST PARK: Plan s to installvending mhines for extra in -cane. Considering proposalsfrom two fin ns for machinesto dispense milk, frozen foods,ice cream, butter, eggs.CLEARVIEW GARDENS: Dogs wereexcluded from Clearview by arecent vote of the Board ofD irecto rs.

    BELL PARK GARDENS: In surancerenewals are being so lic itedon a sealed bid com petitivebasis . Expect to sav e 20-30% on fire and liabilityin surance.

    KINGSVIEW: Demolition of sitein Downtown Brooklyn scheduled to start on or beforeApril 1st. A & S store display featu res 16 fo ot picture windows of KingaviewA pts

    AMALGAMATED: One of the oldeit coops in th e city. Surived th e depreslo n by gng ir for straiglwt rentato keep maximum occupan cy.V isitors from all over theworld study their methods ofoperation.

    KNOLLS: Section I droppedits managing agent and employed a resident manager .Board of D irectors reporttn at the change means bettercooperation between tenantowners and managnent, alsohas cu t costs considerably.MW1UAL HOUSING: Brickw orkon first building alm ostfinis hed .

    Franronia VillagerPublish ed by PranconiaVillage Cooperattve, Inc.

    Len Goodfrjend... . .. .EdjtorJerry Suaser)Mike Lamer IAl Zimberg ......Assoe. Ed.Dave Kra m er)Iz S ta rrSe7mour ShermanPauline W einstein ...R eportersFlo rence HechtMarianne GellorAl Bader,....,siuess ManagerGeorge H echt... . . . .A dvertisingHannah AbremsBoa Himmel .,Buain ess Sta ffSusan LindenSuzanne GoursePaul Weinberg j. a# ArtLee BrazinskyCele Goidweit 3 ........ CopyPh i]. Glicksman )Ira Krarnpf Hank Noble j.,,.,Circu1ation

    Please addre ss all oonic atlons to Apt. 2C, C Bldg.a order to iform our Sto ckholders of oilre lotr- o Co ovs cad Co cc weoo id scer&y oppreccte ee pt ci cr y srwSurn or publco tior s whch coo corrsdCt Ic esthr our rea ders . We shall be giod to ccnocote.

    H 2 th anniversary reprin t/ franconia village cooperative NOTES /ja n . 1975

  • 8/9/2019 Franconia Villager Vol 1 No 2 April 1955


    AlIt toi7ikf?epite

    Q1ESTIO? OF THE DAYWhat do you most

    strongly suggest for the improvement of ranoonia?Qiestion submitted by Mr.Goodfriend (C)Mr. H. Schlossberg (C>1 feel that th e mostimportant need of ther&nconia cooperative isgreater participation byeach cooperator in cooperative conmiittees and organizational functions,14r Zipris i,C)To ac t in a coorat iVamanner at all times, whichmeans not to do anythingwhich will disturb or baznthe other cooperators. Always think of your neighbor.Mr, Zorn (C)Get everyone together inone room impress on theaepeople that the costs of th ecooperative are shared, thatnothing is free, Living hereFL.*,hin 3O99

    is like living in your ownhouse where you pay your owncosts. Also realize that ifyour neighbor does any wrongsthe money es from every-ones pocket. Its all forone and one fo r all,Al igel (A)The control of the young-Uer teenagers. Their destruction will take a toll on allof us, Remerer we all payfo r the damage caused by few,Mrs. Wiener (B)

    I think everything isjust about right. Of coursenothing is p erfe ct, ?or instance, th e walks are quitecluttered with ibbish, People should realize a cleanplace is a healthy one,*If you want your questionsanswered p lease p lace themin the 2W letter box inthe C Building, Thank you,Paul Weinberg

    Malicious breaking of win-dows, lamps, etc. on our property by youngsters and othertypes of vandalism carried outwill cost YOU money. PLEASE,control your children,0 dati Prompfly D,hv,r,d

    PARADISE FOOD CENTERFood from Paradke

    Fresh Frwts & Vegetables0

    43-67 KSSENA BLVD.

    T. N. 3OI W

    KND BROS.Ko,her Meat & Poultry Market

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