four steps of an effective & sustainable social media strategy · effective & sustainable...

Four Steps of an EFFECTIVE & SUSTAINABLE Social Media Strategy Pecchia Communicaons LLC | 4. 2. 3. 1. PERFORM AUDIENCE ANALYSIS Understanding who your target audiences are and what plaorms they’re on is the essenal first step toward developing a strategy. Defining your key audiences requires you to look at the social media acvity of your best customers and those most like them in terms of age, gender and interests, to determine what kind of content they want or need. DEVELOP A BLUEPRINT Consider what kind of content you already have accessible. Photos? Videos? Blogs? Adversements? Ask yourself what you’re reasonably able to develop, given the demands of your business. Then, map out your posts using a content calendar. Use variety. IDENTIFY MECHANICS Managing a business page requires organizaon, communicaon and consistency. You should idenfy who will do the posng, the process and frequency of posts and the ways to manage it all. Will you use a spreadsheet in Google drive or social media scheduling tools? Keeping a consistent voice is important, so if mulple people are posng, communicaon and collaboraon is key. REVIEW AND ANALYZE What is your return on investment? Are your posts driving leads? Tracking your posts’ engagement enables you to formally assess what is working and what isn’t. It allows you to consider different factors that lead to strong performance, such as the type of content, the day/me of the post and the difference across plaorms.

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Page 1: Four Steps of an EFFECTIVE & SUSTAINABLE Social Media Strategy · EFFECTIVE & SUSTAINABLE Social Media Strategy Pecchia Communications LLC | 4. 2. 3. 1. PERFORM AUDIENCE ANALYSIS


Socia l Media Strategy

Pecchia Communications LLC |




1.PERFORM AUDIENCE ANALYSISUnderstanding who your target audiences are and what p latforms they ’re on is the essential first step toward developing a strategy. Defining your key audiences requires you to look at the soc ia l media activity of your best customers and those most l ike them in terms of age, gender and interests , to determine what k ind of content they want or need.

DEVELOP A BLUEPRINTConsider what k ind of content you a lready have access ib le . Photos? Videos? Blogs? Advertisements? Ask yoursel f what you’re reasonably able to develop, g iven the demands of your bus iness . Then, map out your posts us ing a content ca lendar. Use var iety.

IDENTIFY MECHANICSManaging a bus iness page requires organization, communication and consistency. You should identify who wi l l do the posting, the process and frequency of posts and the ways to manage i t a l l . Wi l l you use a spreadsheet in Google dr ive or soc ia l media schedul ing tools? Keeping a consistent voice is important , so i f multiple people are posting, communication and col laboration is key.

REVIEW AND ANALYZEWhat is your return on investment? Are your posts dr iv ing leads? Tracking your posts ’ engagement enables you to formal ly assess what i s working and what isn’t . I t a l lows you to consider d ifferent factors that lead to strong performance, such as the type of content , the day/time of the post and the d ifference across p latforms.