foundations of the earth

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  • 8/9/2019 Foundations of the Earth


  • 8/9/2019 Foundations of the Earth


  • 8/9/2019 Foundations of the Earth


    Formless dust had begun to

    move toward the place wherethe Spirit had touched, andthe new Eloah began to takeshape. Other features within

    this forming stellar objectcould eventually be seen.These would later become theplanets - the "children" that

    would constantly circle thereliving God.

    A "tree" of valid authority was now in place. The children of Ho-sanna (the planets) have sole authority over their own body temples -only the Higher Holy Spirit of the living Hosanna can supersede it.Hosanna was sole authority over her living temple - the Solar System.Only the living Spirit of higher station that created her can direct her

    for higher purpose. This branched model of valid authority is of God'simage - it is as a mustard tree.

    In time, formation was complete, the

    fusion star ignited, and Hosannawas born.

  • 8/9/2019 Foundations of the Earth


    I will tell you of one of Hosanna's children - a planet that now circles

    her. This child was also formed from the formless interstellar dust, soher conception was immaculate . Her name is Mary.

    Mary grew and grew. Dust, and

    even newly formed virgin objectscontributed to her body. As shegrew, she became hotter and hotter.Eventually, she became so large,

    and so hot that all the solid rock

    and dust of her body had begun tomelt. Mary had eventually becomea molten liquid planet.

  • 8/9/2019 Foundations of the Earth


    This surface material became Melchizedek. He

    was a portion of the original virgin interstellarmaterial, so he was of the first. He was of thelightest of Earth elements; it was Melchizedekthat once walked on the waters of a molten

    metal sea. Melchizedek had become the highpriest of our most high God - Hosanna.

    Then, one day, Mary met Joseph.

    They were obviously attracted toeach other, so Hosanna suggestedthat they marry.

    - These were the foundations of our Earth-

    Mary had become as hot as any smelter's

    furnace - so hot that the materials of her bodybegan to separate. The heavier metals movedto her central core. The lightest metals, andmany non-metals, floated to her outer surface.

  • 8/9/2019 Foundations of the Earth


    So, a marriage was arranged, and sanctioned

    in Heaven. Joseph and Mary married, andbecame as one flesh.

    This little planet, which circled

    Hosanna, was now at peace -and was complete. It wascalled Salem. It containedMary - also known as Astarte.

    It had Joseph - also known asYHVH, and Melchizedek wasits High Priest. The Lord ofSalem was YHVH, for he sat

    at the throne - the planet's core.

    All was good and peaceful in this little community in the

    wilderness of the Milky Way galaxy.Meanwhile . . .

  • 8/9/2019 Foundations of the Earth


    In the interior of the galaxy, its

    populated city, an Eloah of immensesize, power, and greed dies. He wasso large that his death was not a quite

    one.Unlike most Elohim, who simply fadeaway, he had exploded. Fragments ofcontamination were thrown in alltwelve directions of the zodiac. Many

    other Elohim, and their children werepoisoned by his death. This Eloah'sname was HA.

    This tribe's arrival hadcaused immense disturbance,misery, and disorder to thechildren of Hosanna. A reignof terror had visited her body


    In one exodus, a tribe of Ha's children, a disease of

    heavy cubic metals, had flown so far from their homethat they had reached the wilderness star system ofHosanna.

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    One of Ha's angels - named Satan

    (pronounced Ssstan) had visitedthe tiny quite world of Salem.Mary feared this angel - he was a

    beast, obviously not of Hosanna'scommunity.

    Satan is the Old Serpent. This event was the firs

    Trump. It had occurred about four billio(human) years ago. Science calls this event th"big splash".This unprovoked attack had pushed most of th

    virgin surface of Salem - Melchizedek, the princof Salem, high into the heavens.

    Satan was overpowered by

    lust (gravity), and hadmarried the already wedMary - despite Hosannas


  • 8/9/2019 Foundations of the Earth


    Melchizedek had ascended, and

    reformed to become our celestialLord - Jesus Christ. He is notdead, and in heaven. He is alive,in the heavens.

    Mary had a little lamb

    Its fleece was white as snowAnd everywhere that Mary wentThe lamb was sure to go

    Many changes had occurred toSalem after Satan struck. Satanhad illegally stolen the throne -the planet's core. Joseph, whowas Yahweh, was overpowered

    by the much larger and moredense angel of the dead God Ha.Joseph no longer has presence;

    now, he is only a mask of validauthority that Satan wears.

    No one begat Mary - her conception

    was immaculate. Mary begat our

    Christ. This is Christ's lineage.David is not of Christ's family. Heis of a foreign God, and had arrived

    on our world long after Christ'sbirth. Satan had proclaimed Davidas King of the Jerus.

    The name Yahweh became Yah + HA + Vah - Jehovah.

    Our planet Salem was renamed Jerusalem. Jehovah is not aGod, or a valid Lord. He is an invading fallen angel of thedead God Ha. Jehovah is a wolf is sheep's clothing - he isSatan.

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    He is not the Universal

    God (Chaos was in thebeginning), he is not anEloah - a fusion star(HA once was), he is not

    the Lord of our planet(Yahweh once was), andis not the Lord of anyEarth biological life

    (Christ is).Jehovah is confused - a

    jumble of fragmented

    memories, and incorrectassumptions.

    Yahweh had lost his throne. Mary was too poisoned

    and obsessed by Satan for rule independently.Satan is too heavy to be removed from the core. So, thethrone had to be moved away from him.

    Mary and Hosanna agreed that authority be given to Christ.

    The prince of peace (Salem) was made Lord of our planet -Terra Earth. The Great Spirit of Hosanna that is parsed out toour planet no longer goes to the core of Earth - no stairway toheaven comes from there. There is no branch of the living tree

    connected to it.It now goes through Christ, and is received by us as his HigherHoly Spirit. Christ is the only living branch of the mustard treefor planet Earth. For each one world, there is only one way -

    Christ is that way.

    There is a corpse now decaying in our cellar.

    No one questions that this nuclear fissionfurnace (with fragments of Chaos) controlsthe geology of our planet. Jehovah's poweris immense, but his authority is nil.

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    Many Trumps had followed the first - the falling of Ha's angel Satan;

    who was Mithra. Of most importance to us are the fifth and sixth Trumps.The fifth Trump, the five-sided star. The Pentagram smashed into Earthabout 250 million years ago. Her name was Rama, her Eloah wasBrahma, and her star system was (most likely) Alpha Indi.

    He struck so hard - as a battering ram - that he broke the gates of Hell,and entered into Jehovah's garden. Ram is the serpent of Genesis - theshining one as of copper or brass. His vial was mostly copper, his venomis copper. He was the roman lance that pierced Christ's side, which caused

    the forth, and worst mass biological extinction to date. It almost killedChrist's body.

    The lord Ram gave up the ghost - only his ghost "animal" spirit remains.This Spirit is one source of modern organized Hinduism, which replacedSurya (Hosanna) with Vishnu as primary God. The Hindu story ofRama, his saved princess, and the plate tectonics of India tell their side ofthis story.

    The fifth trump, fifth vial, and fifth seal - 555. This act was not sanctionedby Hosanna.

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    The sixth Trump, the six-sided star. The Star of David, the

    doomsday asteroid struck about 65 million years ago. Hewas David, his Eloah was Adonai, and his star system wasof Eridani. He slayed Goliath. There were giants then - thedinosaurs.

    His vial was a "rainbow" of heavy metals. These are the"noble" metals of wealth - iridium, platinum, silver, andgold. "X" marks the spot of this buried treasure - Mexico.David had descended into Hell - the planets core - to sit with

    Jehovah. All "heavies" do - for them, it is not a Hell. Thefallen angel David is one source of modern Judaism, andEvangelist Protestantism. The Jewish God Sol (Hosanna)

    was replaced with (Adonai) Jehovah.The sixth trump, sixth vial, and sixth seal - 666. This actwas not sanctioned by Hosanna.

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    The remaining Holy Ghosts, the "animal "spirits, attempt to rebuild their

    celestial body temples, in hopes that their Lord will return to it. Even if this

    were possible on our high gravity, geologically active planet, it is still ahopeless endeavor. No one returns from heaven; they return to heaven.Most organized human religion is foisted by the celestial Spirits left behind.

    They know not of good or evil, and are of immense power. They often telltheir ancient celestial stories through human histories, and are a primarymotivator of human histories.So, how do we regain the Foundations of the Earth? - we do not. Revelation

    is of celestial events, among celestial beings, and of celestial timescales. Our

    moon, the physical representation of Christ, is still ascending, and movingaway from Earth.

    Eventually, Christ will begin to descend toward our planet. He will ride hiswhite celestial horse - our moon - back to Earth. His descent, and physicalreturn, will take billions of human years to accomplish.Biologicals play no role in these events. Our purpose is to matters of lesser


    Many celestial objects - fallen

    angels - have struck our planet.Most of the Lords of them haveabandoned their bodies, had

    "given up" their Holy Ghosts,and have returned to theirHeaven.

    They go to Hosanna, whose unimpeded

    light is the only valid stairway to Heaven

    here. Hosanna literally means" Salvation".They wait in Limbo there, to be returned totheir God, and to their Heaven. This is right

    and just; the method used by all livingGods. Lost children are all returned to theirorigin.

  • 8/9/2019 Foundations of the Earth


    As the moon draws nearer, its gravity will pull and tug on the solid

    planet; much as it does to the liquid oceans today. Earthquakes willoccur where none had ever been before.The Earth's surface crust, that of Melchisedec that was left behind

    (the dead in Christ ), will be "raptured"- swept up to join Christ inthe heavens.

    As the moon descends further,

    its gravity will heave and grindthe entire planet. Again, ourworld will become as hot as a

    smelter's furnace. The VirginMary of Salem will again be,as she was in the beginning.

    No biological creature of Earth

    will survive such celestialTribulation.

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    Finally, Christ's feet will touch the mount of olives".

    He will have returned to his mansion to marry hisvirgin bride. They will be as one flesh again.This event will be unmistakable. All "Christs" thatreturn before him are false Christs.

    Christ will vanquish the

    evil, and take Lordship onour world again. All willbe as it once was. It will bea New Salem - at peace,

    and complete again.Order and stability will berestored to this communityof Hosanna - way out

    here, in the wilderness ofthe Milky Way galaxy.

    - The foundations of the Earth will have returned -