foundation learning support hertfordshire local authority training for fl leads 9 december 2010 sue...

FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORT Hertfordshire Local Authority Training for FL leads 9 December 2010 Sue Owen-Evans

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Page 1: FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORT Hertfordshire Local Authority Training for FL leads 9 December 2010 Sue Owen-Evans

FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORTHertfordshire Local Authority

Training for FL leads9 December 2010

Sue Owen-Evans

Page 2: FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORT Hertfordshire Local Authority Training for FL leads 9 December 2010 Sue Owen-Evans
Page 3: FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORT Hertfordshire Local Authority Training for FL leads 9 December 2010 Sue Owen-Evans

Who is Foundation Learning for ?

Learners working

predominantly at entry level or

level 1

This could include those;• not yet ready to achieve

the Level 2 threshold• with ‘spiky profiles’• at risk of disengagement• who would previously

have been on Key Stage 4 Engagement or E2E (Entry to Employment) programmes

• with learning difficulties and/or disabilities

• who are returning to learn.

Page 4: FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORT Hertfordshire Local Authority Training for FL leads 9 December 2010 Sue Owen-Evans

How is a Foundation Learning programme structured?

Initial engagement

Information, advice and guidance

Adapted from QDCA Provider Delivery Guidance August 2009

Level 2 learning


Employment/ supported employment

Independent living

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Four key principles of Foundation Learning



ProgressionRecognition of


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Personal Progress units and qualifications at Entry 1

Designed to recognise achievements at Entry 1 which includes pre-Entry or P level learning

Highly flexible, learner referenced and context free Internally assessed and externally moderated or

verified Require a transcript written by the internal assessor

(teacher/tutor) to describe actual achievement Cover main areas of learning including

communication, number, ICT, skills for independence, for use in the community and in the workplace

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Achievement continuum within Entry 1

Encounter and early awareness


Supported participation

Active involvement


al p



nDevelopment and exploration




Horizontal progression

Page 8: FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORT Hertfordshire Local Authority Training for FL leads 9 December 2010 Sue Owen-Evans

Activity: Reviewing your current offer

What are you currently offering to learners at Level 1 and below that broadly aligns to the Foundation Learning framework?

What needs modifying?

What opportunities and challenges does this present?

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What qualifications can be used?The Foundation Learning Qualifications Catalogue

More information relating to FL qualifications is on the

Register of Regulated Qualifications:


Lists the following information about FL qualifications:• credit value• performance points• age of learner suitable for (Pre-16,16-18,19+)

NDAQ was replaced by Register of Regulated qualifications end of October 2010

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How does the Qualifications and Credit Framework(QCF) support Foundation

Learning delivery?


1 – 12 credits 13 – 36 credits 37 plus credits





Adapted from QCDA

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Nesting of units within qualifications


e.g. NOCN Level 1 Award in Skills Towards Enabling Progression (Step Up)

6 credits


e.g. NOCN Level 1 Diploma in Skills Towards Enabling Progression

39 credits


e.g. NOCN Level 1 Certificate in Skills Towards Enabling Progression

21 credits

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Page 13: FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORT Hertfordshire Local Authority Training for FL leads 9 December 2010 Sue Owen-Evans

Designing personalised programmes

1. Initial assessment

2. Identify skills, knowledge and understanding needed to progress to planned destination

3. Plan personalised programme

4. Select appropriate QCF approved qualifications to recognise relevant achievements

LSIS FL Support Programme 2010

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Developing Personalised programmes


Learner’s needs, interestsand


Individual goals and targets

Individual learning plan

Length and size of programme

Level of QCF unitsand


Mix and balance of three curriculum



Page 15: FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORT Hertfordshire Local Authority Training for FL leads 9 December 2010 Sue Owen-Evans

Meeting the needs of different groups of learners

Personal and social development

3 x Functional Skills

Vocational/ subject learning

Motivating disengaged learners

Page 16: FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORT Hertfordshire Local Authority Training for FL leads 9 December 2010 Sue Owen-Evans

Meeting the needs of different groups of learners

Personal and social development

3 x Functional Skills

Vocational/ subject learning

Overcoming barriers to learning

Page 17: FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORT Hertfordshire Local Authority Training for FL leads 9 December 2010 Sue Owen-Evans

Activity: Learner case studies

Select one of the case studies.

Discuss the skills and knowledge that the learner will require in order to progress on to their chosen destination.

What would a Foundation Learning Programme need to offer as a result?

What implications are emerging?

Page 18: FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORT Hertfordshire Local Authority Training for FL leads 9 December 2010 Sue Owen-Evans

Common PSD Unit: Level 1 Developing Self

Learning outcomes

The learner will

Assessment criteria

The learner can:

1. Take an active role on their self-development

1.1 Describe personal strengths or abilities

1.2 Select an area for self development

1.3 Explain why this area is important for their self development

2. Be able to plan for their self development

2.1 Prepare a plan for their identified area of self development

2.2 List activities, targets and timelines for their self development

2.3 Plan how to review progress towards achieving their targets

2.4 Work through the agreed plan

3. Review their self-development and plan for the future

3.1 Review their self development plan

3.2 Suggest improvements and amendments to the plan

3.3 Explain how they will continue with their self development in the future

Page 19: FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORT Hertfordshire Local Authority Training for FL leads 9 December 2010 Sue Owen-Evans

Meeting the needs of learners with spiky profiles

Level Unit Unit Unit Unit Total Credits

Level 2 Preparing for work placement 1 credit

Learning from work placement 2 credits


Level 1 Working in a team 3 credits

Career progression3 credits

Searching for a job1 credit

Managing your health at work 1 credit


Entry Level 3

Interview skills1 credit

Self assessment 1 credit


Total 13**

Example: Edexcel Level 1 BTEC Certificate in Workskills

* A minimum of 8 credits are required at level 1 or above.** 13 credits are required in total to achieve the BTEC certificate

19LSIS FL Support Programme 2010

Page 20: FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORT Hertfordshire Local Authority Training for FL leads 9 December 2010 Sue Owen-Evans

Activity: Designing a programme

Think of a group of students that would benefit from being placed on a Foundation Learning Programme.

How would you use either the NOCN Step-Up qualification at Entry 3 or the Level 1 BTEC in WorkSkills to design an engaging and appropriate programme that would secure progression for their next steps?

What key learning points are emerging?

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Page 22: FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORT Hertfordshire Local Authority Training for FL leads 9 December 2010 Sue Owen-Evans

Foundation Learning at Key Stage 4

English MathsHumanitySciences Options P PSHECitzREPE

Model 1


Functional Skills Vocational / Subject PSD

Model 2

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Implementing FL within the mainstream curriculum

Personal and social development

3 x Functional Skills

Vocational/ subject learningPSHE





E3 and L1 part of option system

All learners, cross curricular

One approach adopted by a group of Manchester schools

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Implementing FL within an extended Key Stage 4

Year 9 Year 10 Year 11Underpinning Functional Skills

Vocational /Subject ‘Tasters’ with evidence of achievement

PSD Units

Functional Skills (at appropriate levels)

Vocational/Subject qualification (award(s)/certificate size)

PSD qualification

Functional Skills mop –up

Vocational /Subject qualification continued (diploma size/or new qualification)

Employability qual (supported by work experience/ placement)

Aspects delivered as part of the KS4 Curriculum supported by some discrete delivery via option system

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Approaches to delivery

Individual Provider

Holistic in-house delivery


Some or all aspects sub-contracted

Partnership Delivery

Complementary approaches and programmes; shared offer

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Working together in partnership

Foundation Learning Partners

Community and voluntary groups


Local authority

Youth offending teams

WBL Providers

FE College

Youth service


Supported employment agencies


Page 27: FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORT Hertfordshire Local Authority Training for FL leads 9 December 2010 Sue Owen-Evans

Activity: Reflection and review

Discuss the opportunities and challenges that each of the approaches to delivery present.

What role can SAPGs play in supporting centres to deliver Foundation Learning?

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Page 29: FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORT Hertfordshire Local Authority Training for FL leads 9 December 2010 Sue Owen-Evans

Planning for progression


(e.g. in Retail)

Slide adapted from LSIS FL Support Programme

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Activity: Securing 14-19 coherence

On your table discuss the following: Within your local context what are the primary destination

routes for Foundation Learners Post-16? For each destination route you have identified what are the

entry requirements? What impact will these entry requirements have on the way

that you construct Foundation Learning Programmes Pre-16? What will you need to do to secure successful transition and

progression Post-16? E.g. How will you avoid learners stalling or repeating learning that has already been achieved

Record the outcomes of your discussions on the flipchart paper provided.

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Key documents and websites


My development activities, guidance on delivery, key policy documents, information on funding, CPD resources, case studies, videos

Foundation Learning Qualifications Catalogue


Delivering Foundation Learning: guidance and case studies

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Page 34: FOUNDATION LEARNING SUPPORT Hertfordshire Local Authority Training for FL leads 9 December 2010 Sue Owen-Evans

Some implications to consider

The need to engage with this agenda and to forward plan – start small, think big!

Raise awareness at senior and middle management level of Foundation Learning and where it interfaces with other provision e.g. functional skills.

Review your current Entry and Level 1 provision, what is appropriate and what needs amending?

Consider how as an SAPG you can work collaboratively, building on existing vocational/alternative education provision to enhance the Foundation Learning offer.

The need to focus on destination led planning; look holistically at progression 14-19 and begin the dialogue early about transition for FL learners post-16.

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Activity: A final pause for thought

What two immediate, practical steps are you going to take as a result of attending this training today?

What further support/ information would be helpful?