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Page 1: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of


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Published by: Photothek des Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut

Page 2: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of











PIALE cr CO. N. 1 Piat:zlt di Spagna


Page 3: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of







.10HX HENRY PARKER C. B., HON. :\1. A. OXON.) F. S. A.



PIALE & CO. N. 1 Piazza cli Spagna


Page 4: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of

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THIESE Photop'apiJs differ fl'om any others in this respect, that each ha:; been seleet'Od to illustrate so me historieal object, eithel' the Historical Topogl'aphy of Rome, 01' the Ilistory uf Al'chiteetul'e, of Sculpture, 01' of Dl'a\\' ing and that the date uf each is given aud whel'ever a scale is requi­red, a sixfoot rule has been placed against the wall before the. Photograph is takeu, on whieh each foot is paiuted altel'llatly black aud white, so that the size of the stones, tLe thickness of the bricks, and the width of the joints, cau be seen iu the Photo graph a~ weil as on the spot. Mauy oujectz of Listol'ieal intere:;t taken in thE!se Photographs have now been destroyed.

1\1. 1' ParkeI' has reeeived the followillg letter from Profes$or Ruskin recommendiug these photographs.

Deal' ::\1.1' Parker

Corpus Christi College Oxford Xovember 1873.

lt utterly amazes me to heal' that testimonies fl'om me ur any one else ean be needful 01' helpful, a~ to the usefuluess of these potogl>aphs of old Rom e, they aee the most pl'ecious contt>ibutions to the true hi story of Elll'ope which modern research and science haye Jet giv~n: I leam more El'om them in half au houl' than r could by a month's reading amI the modo is also sure. Eveu if people dont want them themselves, eve].y pel'son iuterested in history should aid in increasing the collection of them.

John IIelll'Y P,u'ker C. H. ete . ete.

Eve!' very affectionrrtely Y()llr~ ,Tültn Rll~kin

Page 5: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of


Muro Torto. Part oi the northern side of the Palace of Sylla (?), B.a. 70.

Porta Tiburtina (or S. Lorenzo), interior, Al'ch of Augustus, A.U.O. 750, B.a. 3, and the inner Arch of Honorius, A.D. 400, (destroyed in 1869). 20

Towers near the Porta Tibmtina rebuilt A.D. 1450. 24

Porta Maggiol'e, with the Aqueducts, Claudia, Anio Novus, and Fe-lice, over it. 30

Porta Maggiore, from the north-east, with Aqneducts, Claudia, and Anio Novus, shewing the Specus and the north side of the baker's tomb. 32

Amphitheatrum Castl'ense C.A.D. 100. 34

Porta Ostiensis, now di S. Paolo, Honorius, exterior, A.D. 403, partly rebuilt by King Theodoric. C.A.D. 500. 51

Porta Ostiensis, now di S. Paolo, Corridor with Parapet and Bat-tlements, Theodoric, A.D.500. 55

Palazzo de' Conservatori on the Capitol-Arms of the Roman Senate from the Tomb of Agrippina. 91

Palazzo de' Conservatori on the Capitol-Statue of a barbarian King a~~. ~

Palatine-View, shewing part of the Wall of Romulus (1), with walls of the Republic and of the Empire built upon it and against it. 106

Curious Caricaturc of the Crucifixion, found in one of the Guard Chambers on the Palatine, now in the Kil'cherian Museum. 107

Palace of the Cresars, Cippus 01' Altar with Inscription to an unknown god, probably uf the second century. 109

Palace of the Cresars-Officers' Chambers, with Decorations, c.A.D. 20, the front wall modern, with the corni ce and columns restol'ed to their places. 112

View of the Tabularium B.a. 78, in its pl'esent state. 121

Remains of the Sublician Bridge. 136

Page 6: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of


Parta Trigemina at the foot of the Aventine, modern Areh with re­mains of aneient Gateway.

Walls of Rome-Perspeetive vlew from the Pseudo-Aventine to the Tiber, with the Porta Ostiensis 01' S. Paolo and the pyramid of Caius Cestius.

Cloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus.

The Pulehrum littus with the exit of the Aqua Crabra 01' River Almo.

Bridge of Fabrieius, B.O. 20, now ealled Ponte dl Quattl'o Capi.

Medieval Torre di Piel' Leoni, forming a tete-de-Pon.t to the Bridge of Fabricius.

Theatre of Mareellus, B.C. 14. with the Palaee of the Orsini made in it, c. A.n. 1200.

Tomb of the Lateran Family (1)-A Cireular Tomb, with two square wings, on the bank of the foss between the Lateran and the Cre­lian, misealled the House of Verus.

Mausoleum of Hadriaa A.n. 130. Bronze eone whieh formed the sum-mit and two peaeoeks, now in the garden of the Vatican.

Acch of Janus Quadl'ifrons, rebuilt c. A.n. 200 (?).

Tomb of S. Helena, A.n. 330- View of the Exterior.

Vatiean Museum-Sareophagus of Porphyry of S. Helena, A.D. 330.

Vatiean Museum-Sareophagus of Porphyry of S. Constantia, A.D.


Chureh of S. Croce in Gerusalemme-View of the Cloister.

Medieval-Castle of the Alberteschi Family. Front View of the Loggia (Portieus) 01' Poreh, c. A.n. 1250.

Medieval-Tower of the Milizie (the Roman Militia), lower part, A.n. 1210, upper part, A.n. 1294 and 1380.

Medieval-Tower of S. Franeeseo di Paola, 01' house of the Cesarlni. c. A.n. 1350. '

Medieval-House of the Creseenzi, ealled of Cola di Rie~zi, A.n. 1354, built of antique fragments

Bridge, Nomentanus, c. A.n. ·550; F~rtifieat.ions of Pope Martin V., c. A.n. 1450, with furked battlements of the Guelphie party.

Mo~aie Pavement of the third eentury in blaek and white, diseovered III the year 1869 near the Trinita de' Pellegrini, representing Mer­eury with a Nymph in the centre, and heads of the foul' Seasons.

Venetian Palaee, 1468-1494-View of the Northern Court.























Chureh of S. Stephen in the Leonine City, 01' Borgo (S. Stefano dei Mori), c. A.n. 1200, doorway.

Porta Triumphalis of the Cresars (?), 01' entranee to the Portieo of Oetavia, now the Chureh of S. Angelo in Pe scheria.

Chureh of S. Pudentiana-Mosaie Pleture in the Apse.

Vatiean Museum-Chariot-raee in the Circus, c. A.n. 200, on a Sareophagus.

Vatiean Museum-Chariot-race with Meta, ete., on a Sarcophagus.

Vatiean Museum-Chariot-race and Horse-race, on a Sarcophagus.

Vatiean Museum-Biga with the two horses.

Vatican Museum-Fragment of a Sareophagus of a Miller, repre­senting a Horse-mill, c. A.n. 300.

Vatiean Museum-Tripod representing the Combat of Hercules with the sons of Hippodorus.

Vatican Museum-Stone Coffer, 01' Ossuarium, made as a Model of a small Temple, c. A.n. 350.

Vatiean Museum-Columns enriched with Shallow Seulpture of Ivy.

Meta Sudans, 01' fountain in front of the Colossel1m.

The Arch of Titus, A.n. 79.

Chureh of S. Cecilia in Trastevere-Front, with Portico, c. A.n. 1250, and Campanile, A.n. 1120.

Chureh of SS. Nereus and Achilleus-Marble Chair.

Tomb of brother Bal'tholomeus Cal'affa in the Chureh of the Priorato on the Aventine. ----

Sareophagus with shallow seulpture in the porch of S. Lorenzo f. m

Chureh of S. Sabina on the Aventine', interior. c. 1.n. 500.

Column of Antoninus Pius, A.n. 160, Base with Sculptul'e of a Mi­lital'Y Ftmeral Proeession, (now in the Garden of the Vatiean Museum).

Vatican Museum-Column of Antoninus Pius, A.n. 160, Base with Seulpture of a Military Funeral Proeession.

Vatiean Museum-Column of Antoninus Pius, A.n. 160, Base l'epre­senting the Apotheosis of Antoninus and Faustina.

Vatiean Museum-Sareophagus representing an early Chal'iot, with Figures of Men, Horses, and Dog, c. A.n. 200.






















329 ·


Page 7: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of


Vatican Museum-Colossal Head of the Emperor Augustus. 331

Vatican Museum-Sarcophagus with the Dool' of the Tomb, Genii . of Death, and the Portraits of the eleeeased, C A.D. 200. 332

Vatican Museum-Sarcophagus with the Door of the Tomb, the Por-traits of the eleceaseel, and two Muses, c. A D. 250. 333

Vatican ~Iuseum-Sarcophagus with the Portraits (lf the Family, in the Niches formed of Columns and Entablatures, c. A.D. 300. 334

Vatiean :vluseum-Sarcophagus representing a Sea-port, supposed to be the Port of Carthage; also the Heacl of Trajan, c. A.D. 200. 335

Vatican l\Iuseum-Sareophagus of Peperino, of P. Cornelius Scipio Barbatus, B.c.298, and Inscriptions of the Family of the Scipios at the back. 336

Vatican lIIuseum-Bas-relief representing an Argolic Buckler. 337

Vatican l\!useum-Sareophagus of Publius Nonius Zethus, f0und at Ostia, with Emblems of Trade of a :\1iller, c. A.D. 200, and the Statue of Esculapius on one side and of Tuceia Vestalis on the othe!', 338

Vatiean ]\lllseum-Sarcophagus representing the Circensian Games. 339

/ V:ltiean Museum-Sarcophagus of the first 01' second century, re­presenting the Combat of Theseus and the Athenians with the Amazons, found at Salone near the souree of the Aqua Virgo. 351

Tomb 0 Creeilia Metella, B.C. 60, with the fortifieations and Castle of the Gaetani, c. A.D. 1310. 361

Palaees of the Cresars. Chamber of the Station of the- Guard at the entranee with Paintings, and Gl'affiti by the Guards in thö first eentury. 370

The Vatican, Court-yard, and exteriC'1' of the Sistine C'hapel. 375 Chureh of S. Pudentiana-Campanile G. A.D. 1200. 388

Lateran Museum-Sarcophagus, c. A.D. 350, with the Saviour anel S. Pete!' with the Coe~. 443

Lateran Museum-Sarcophagus, c. A D. 350, with Miracles of the Saviour, and Buildings. 444

F10renee-Cloister of the Monastery of S. Mal'ia Novella. 508

Florence-Cloister and Tower of S. Maria Novella. 509

Florence-The Church of S. l\1aria Novella. 516

Florence-Gothic Window. 519

Aqueducts-TO!'!'e Fiseale, east side, with part of the Claudian Areade. 529


Aqueducts-Reservoir of the Claudian Aqueduct, at one of the angles near the Porta Furba, about three miles from Rome. 548

Catacomb f the Jews. Painting of a pacock A.D. 150. 561

Pa1ace of the Converteneli in the Piazza Scossacavalli, by Bramante Lazzari and Baldassare Peruzzi. 579

Church of Ara Cceli-View of the Front, anel the ascent to the Capito1, by Michael Angelo. 583

Altar or sareophagus with emblems of sacrifice of the second century, now in the Garden of the Prussian Embassy, on the Capitol. 588

Frascati-Palace of the Cardinal Duke of York of the Stuart family. 589

Church of S. Lorenzo f. m.-Nave, from the west, A.D. 1230, with antique Arch of Triumph, and Mosaics. 592

Church of S. Lorenzo f. m. Altar and Canopy. 593

Church of S. Lorenzo f. m. Antique columns in the north aisle of the choir. 594

Church of S. Lorenzo f. m. Cardinal's 01' Bishop's Throne, with Screen, anel Pavement of Cosmati ribbon Mosaic work, c. A. D. 1230. 596

Church of S. Lorenzo, f. m. Early Pagan Sareophagus, c. A.D. 200, representing a Nuptial eeremony, with Canopy, c. A.D. 1256, made into the Tomb of the Cardinal Fieschi. 597 --Tomb of Eurysaees the baker and his wife Aristia, elose the Porta Maggiore. 598

Catacomb of S. Pontianus-Head of Christ. Taken toith magnesian light. 607

Cataeomb of S. Pontianus-Baptism of Christ. Taken loith magnesian light. 608

Cataeomb of S. Pontianus-Painting of a Jewelled Cross. Taken toith magnesian light. 609

Catacomb of S. Pontianus -Painting of SS. Marcellinus, Poil ion, and Petrus, Taken with magnesian light. 610

Cataeomb of S. Domitillr.-Painting of Autumn, in a Cubicu1um. Taken with magnesian light. 618

Catacomb of S. Domitilla-Painting of Psyche and Cupid in a chapel. Taken with magnesian light. 619

Cataeomb of S. Agnes-Painting of the Blessed Virgin and Child. A.D. 772-775. Taken with magnesian light. 627

Cataeomb of S. Agnes-Painting of an Orante, with the Good She-pherd, c. A.D. 400 (?), 01' 772-775 (?).

Taken with magnesian light. 628

Page 8: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of


Temple of Marcus Antoninus, A. D. 170 (?)-, in the Piazza di Pietra.

Obelisk of the Sun, set up Ly Augustus in the Campus Martius, now in the Piazza di Monte Citorio.

Pyramid of Caius Cp-stius, near the Porta S. Paolo, c. A.D. 10.

Frascati Campanile of the Church of S. Rocco A.D. 1305

Palace of the Farnese Family, by Antonio da Sangallo, buHt with the stones fl'om the Colosseum, the cornice is by Michael Angelo.

Pantheon of Agrippa, now the Church of the Rotonda. Interior.

Ancona-Exterior of the Gathedral with the Cupola, Porches, and Apse.

Ancona-CathedraI. Western Porch.

Ravenna-Church of S. Vitale. Mosaic Picture, representing the Emperor Justinian with Maximianus, A.D. 550.

Ravenna--Church of S. Vitale Mosaic Picture, repre:;enting the Empress Theodora and Attendants, A.D. 550.

Ravenna-Church of S. Vitale Part of the Choir, shewing al'ches and capitals ornamented with Mosaics, A.D. 550.

Loreto-Chnrch and Monastery of the Santissima Casa.

Catacomb of the Jesus-Inscriptions with emblems. taken with magnesian light

Arch of Costantine-Details, A.D. 320.

Column of Trajan and the Basilica Ulpia, A.D. 110.

Column of Trajan-Details of Sculpture.

Column of Trajan-Details of Sculpture.

Capitoline Museum-Bas.·reliefs one representing an Archigalles 01' chief priest of Gybele, the other a Palmyran monument.

Capitoline Museum-Statue of Pancratiastes, 01' Ginnasiargus, found at the Villa of Hadrian at Tivoli.

Capitoline Museum-Statue called of King Pyrrhus 01' of Mars Cyprius, with rich work on the armour.

Aqueduct-General view of the Claudian arcade at Roma Vecchia

Capitoline Museum-Statue of Marcus Marcellus who conquered Syracuse.

Capitoline Museum-Tomb of Statilius Aper, Measurer ofBuildings, with his Portrait and a wild Boar (aper) to shew the origin of his name.

Capitoline Museum-Consular Fasces.

























CapitoIiue Museum-Sal'cophagus represeuting the Loves 0 f Diana and Endymion.

Capitoliue Museum-One of the Centaul's of Bigio MOl'ato, found by Cardinal FUl'ietti in the Villa of Hadrian at Tivoli.

Capitoline Museum-Sal'cophagus representing a Bas-relief of a Combat of Theseus and the Athenians with the Amazons.

. Capitoline Museum-Sarcophagus with a Bas-relief, representing the Ravishment of Proserpine.

Forum Romanum-Temples.

Lateran-Cloister, c. A.D. 1300; 'Yell, c. A.D. 850.

Arch of Drusus, south side, with the Aqueduct over it.

Church of Ara Cceli-Upper Cloister of Monastery, c. A.D. 1300.

Church of S. Lorenzo, f. m.-General View, with Porti co and Campanile.

The Mausoleum of Hadrian 01' Castle of S. Angel0, view from the bridge.

Churches of S. Maria in Monte Santo and S. Mal'ia dei Miracoli, at the eutrance to the Gorso.

Vatican Museum-Statue of Augustus fouud at Prima POl'ta.

Vatican Museum-Statue of Ariadne abandoned by Theseus.

Arch of the Silversmiths, A.D. 200, and Porch of the Church of S. Giol'gio in . Velabt,o, c. A.D. 1250.

Lateran-View of the fine- cloister A.D. 1300.

Latel'an-Details of the fine Cloister A.D. 1300.

Obelisk in the Piazza deI Popolo.

ChUl'ch of S. Lorenzo. Frescoes in the Porti co of the time of Pope Honorius m., A.D. 1216, as resto1'ed.

Church of S. Lorenzo-Paintings in the Portico.

Church of S. Lorenzo-Paintings in the Portico.

Ghurch of S. LOl'enzo-Paintiugs in the Portico.

Church of S. Lorenzo-Paintings in the Portico.

Catacomb of Generosa, Head of Christ. Taken with magnesian light.

Capitoline Museum-Statue of Diana, the Goddess of I-Iunting, A.D. 80.

Columbaria of the Servants of Augustl1S, A.D. 20, on the Via Ap. pia, in the Vigna Codini.




















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Page 9: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of


Columbaria of the servants of Augustus on the Via Appia with ci­nerary urns in their places.

Catacombs-S. Generosa. Locu1i 01' Graves cut in the rock, with the banes remaining in them, c. A.D. 500.

• Taken with magnesian light.

Capitoline Museum-Statue of Harpocl'ates, the God of Silence, and

a Hunter.

The Colosseum-Interior eastem side.

Fountain of the Triton in the Piazza Barberini, by Bernini.

Capitoline Museum-Colossal Statue in basalt, representing Hercules as a child, found at the edge of the Aventine near Monte Te­


Capitoline Museum-One of the Centaurs of Bigio Morato, found by Cardinal Furietti, in the Villa of Hadrian near Tivoli.

Tomb of Bibulus, B. o. 34, at the foot of the Capitol.

House of Nero and Thermae of Titus-Round part of the wall of the western front, towal'ds the Colosseum, on which the Thea­

tre 01' Stadium was built.

Church of S. Clement-Painting, c. A.D. 1080 in the Crypt 01' Sub-terranean Church. Taken with magnesian light.

Church of S. Clement-Painting in the Crypt, part of the Legend of S. Clement. Taken with magnesian light.

Church of .S. Clement-Painting, c. A.D. 1080, in the Crypt. Part of the legend of the Conversion of Sisinius.

Taken toith magnesian light

Church of S. Clement-Painting, A.D. 858-867, of a Madonna, in the south aisle of the Crypt, in thll Byzantine style, in a niche.

Taken with magnesian light.

Church of S. Clement-Painting, A.D. 1049-1055, in the Crypt.

Church of S. Crypt.

Taken with magnesian light.

Clement-Paintings, c. A .D. 867 (?) 01' 1050 (?), in the Taken with magnesian light.

Church of S. Clement-General View of the Interior.

Church of S. Clement, Apse and Arch of Thiumph.

Villa Medici on the Pincio, now the French Acad!"my.

Chureh of S. Peter's in the Vatican-Front, Obelisk, and Colonnade.

Medieval Palace built by Cardinal Hadrian of Corneto

Aqueducts-Arcade of Nero, A.D. 60 (1).






















? t

Obelisk at the Pantheum to shew the Hieroglyphics.

Porta deI Popo10, Exterior, A.D. 1562, buHt from a design of Mi­chael Angelo, and entrance to the English . ChapeI.

Aqueducts-Virgo, mouth at the Fountain of Trevi rebuilt A. D.

1735. '

The Colosseum, east side, from the Thermre of Titus.

Church of S. Urbanu -Painting of the c;·ucifixion.

General \'iew of Rome, from S. Pietro in Montorio.

l\Iedieval Palace, of the Cancelleria-Interior of the Court with duuble Arcade by Bramante, A.D. 1495. '


Medieval Palace of the Cancelleria by Bramallte, E t 1495. ~x erior, A. D.

Medieval Palace of the Cancelleria-by Bramante, E 1495. xterior, A. D.

<::hurch of S. Cesareo-Screen with Cotimati Mosaic-work aud panels of porphyry.

Church of S Clement- Painting in the subterranean church 'or crypt th.e He~d of the Saviour, and the figLlres of Beno de Rapiza: wlth Ins wife and son, c. A D. 1080

Taken with magnesian light.

Church of S'. Ce~areo; interior with the Altar decorations, Canopy and Mosalcs 111 the Apse over it, and the side Altars.

Church of S. Maria l\Iaggiore-Mosaics in the external Loggia at the east end, A.D. 1299.

Church of S. Maria Maggiore-Mosaics in the extel'l1al 'Loo-gia rio-ht-end. 0 , 0

AquedLlcts-Arcade of Trajan and Hadrian. General View of the most perfect part, at Cento Celle

Tomb of the first century on the Via Latina.

Tomb on the Via Latina, of the fir st century.

Aqueducts -Aqua Felice at the Porta Furba.

Qhurch or SS Gosmas !Jod lliu:nian-Mo~~ A.D. 526-530.

Church of SS. Cosmas and Damiau-:.\Iosaics, A.D. 526-530.

Chul'ch of S. Maria Maggiore. Side-chapel of Slxtus V, with his tomb.

Church of S. Clement-Paintings, c. A.D. 1080, in the Narthex of the subterl'anean Church. Taken with magnesian light.

























Page 10: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of


Catacombs of Priecilla-Painting of the Madonna addl'essed by a prophet, c. A.D. 523. Taken with magnesian light.

Catacombs of Priscilla Painting in a Cubiculum of seven men carrying a wine-eask c. A.D. 523. Taken with magnesian light.

Catacombs of Priscilla Painting in an Arco-solium, A.D. 523. Taken with rnagnesian light.

Catacombs uf Priscilla Painting in an Arco-solium, A.D. 523. Taken with magnesian light.

Illuminations of a Manuscript in the Library of S. Paul's f. m., c. A.D. 800. •

Church of S. Prassede, lnterior of the Nave, shewing the Altar, with its Canopy 01" Baldacchino, and the Mosaic Pictures, A. D. 820.

Church of S. Prassede-Mosaics. Central group of Apse, A.D. 820.

Lateran Museum-Bas-relief of the time of Augustus, with busts of the deceased.

Lateran Museum-The infancy of Bacchus of the first centUl'y a Nymph gives hirn drink.

Lateran Museum-Architectural Details.

Lateran Museum-Architectural Details, Cornice and Frieze of the Basilica Ulpia, c. A.D. 100.

Lateran Museum-Architectural Details, Cornice and Frieze of tlle Basilica Ulpia,' a Vase and Cupids.

Lateran Museum-Trajan, followed by the Lictors, with book in his hand.

Lateran Museum-Tomb of the First century,

Lateran Museum-The tomb of .the Aterii found at Cento Celle

Church of S. Prassede, Chapel of S. Zeno-l\Iosaics A. D. 820.

Aqueducts-Piscina of the Aqua Marcia, B.G. 145, at Tivoli.

Aqueducts-Anio Novus, the Sources at Subiaco.

Aqueducts-Anio Novus, A.D. 50, the Sources at Snbiaco.

Aqueducts-Anio Novus, A.D. 50, Sources at Subiaco.

Aqueducts-One of the ' Chambers of a Castellum Aqure of the 11ar-cia, B.C. 145, at Tivoli.

Aqueducts-Another chamber of the Castellum Aqure Marcire, B.G.

145, at Tivoli.

Aqueducts-Tivoli, Specus of the Aqua Marcia.

Aqueducts-Castellum Aqure Marcire, B.C. 145 I Yz miles from Tivoli.

























Aqueducts-Tivoli, Ponte di S. Antonio, for the Marcia, B.G. 145, aDd Anio Vetus A.D. 50, side view.

Aqueducts-Ponte di S. Antonio, a Bridge for the Aqueducts near Tivoli from above.

Aqueducts-Ponte Lupo, near Poli, from below, west side.

Aqueducts-Above Subiaco, Bridge of S. Francis over a Branch of the River Anio.

. Aqueducts-Near Subiaco, Sources of the Spring of the Fons Novus Antonianus.

Aqueducts-Between Subiaco and Vico Varo, Lake of. S. Lucia, one of th~ Sources of the Aqua Claudia.

Aqueducts-Below Subiaco, Lake called Aqua Serena, one of the Sources of the Aqua Marcia B.C. 145.

Aquedu'Jts-Below Subiaco, Part of the Lake called Aqua Serena, one of the Sources of the Aqua Marcia, B.G 145.

Aqueducts-Below Subiaco, Part of the Lake called Aqua Serena, one of the Sources of the Aqua Marcia, B.G. 145, with the Spe­cus faced with Opus Reticulatum.

Aqueducts-Hadrianus, A.D. 120, miscalled Alexandrinus, the Prin­cipal Reservoir of Piscina Limaria, at the Sources between Pan. tano and Gab!i, with the beginning of the Specus.

Aqueducts-Cascade of the River Anio uncier the Convent S. Cosi­mato, below Subiaco, and near Vico-Varo, with a View of the Castle called Sal'acenesco.

Temple of the Sibyl at Tivoli, and Cascade of the Rivel' Anio.

Aqueducts-Tivoli, Cascades of the Rivar Anio, and Temple of the Sibyl.

Aqueducts-Tivoli, Cascades of the River Anio.

Aqueducts-Tlvoli, Cascade of a Branch of the River Anio.

Ay'ueducts-Bridge near Arsoli, called Suetonico, on the ancient Via Valeria.

Aqueducts-Cottage over one of the Springs of the Augustan Branch, c. A.D. 10, of the Aqua Appia, near the Castle of Cervelletta on the old Via Prenestina.

Aqueducts-Tor Sapienza, near the Sources of the Aqua Appia.

Aqueducts-Bridge near Cantalupo, above Tivoli, with the unfinished modern Arcade of the Aqua Pia, 1869.





















Page 11: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of


Subiaco-General View.

Aqueducts -Above Subiaco, Anio Novus, A.D. 50.

Aqueducts-Subiaco, Gorge in the Mountains, where the three 10cks



were situated. 1556

Aqueducts-Subiaco, Cascade at the Papel' Mill on the site of a Pi-scina of the Anio Novus, A.D. 50. 1558

Subiaco, AI'ch of Pius V1., at the entrance to the town. 1559

Subiaco, Stone Arch 01' Postern of the old Castle. 1560

Subiaco, Doorway and Street called Pieh'a Sprcgata, in the old Towll. 1561

Subiaco, Part of the Cloister of the Monastery of S, Scholastica, alld a mal'ble weIl, work of Cosmati, A.D. 1235. 1563

Subiaco, Part of the Cloister of the i\Ior.astery of S. Scholastica, work of Cosmati, with the inscription, A.D. 1235. 1564

Vico'-Yaro, Construction, of large stones of eal'ly character, Opus QlIadl'atum, called by some Cyelopean. 1569

Tivoli, Chul'ch of S. Maria l\Iaggiol'e and of S. Fl'ancesco, of the tl'ansitional charactel', c. A.D. 1200. 1570

Tivoli, Fagade of a House of the Ghibellines, with a Gothic Windo\\' and a Roman Colonnade, c. A.D. 1350, 1571

Tivoli, View of the Villa d'Este by Pi 1'1'0 Ligol'io A.D. 1530, with the celebrated fountains. 1573

Tivoli, Water-works of the Villa d'Este. 1574

Tivoli, Fountain, Fish-pond, and Cascade of the Villa d'Este. 1575

Tivoli, Fountain in a Nimphreeum in the Villa d'Este. 1576

Collatia, now called Lunghezza, Medieval Castle, northel'll side. 1578

Ponte di Nono on the Road to Gabii, southern side. 1580

Gabii, Part of the Primitive Fortifications. 1582

Gabii, Temple of Juno, interior, of 'Opus QlIadratum. 1583

Gabii-Church of S. Primus, interior c. A.D. 800. 1585

Church of S. Maria degli Angeli, by Michael Angelo, made out of a large circular hall of the Thermae of Dioeletian. 1587

Church of S. Agnes-Interior, with the Canopy over the Altar 01'

Baldacchino, the Classical Columns and the Apse, with the 1\10-saie Pictures, A.D. 626. 1591

Chureh of S. Agnes-The gallery 01' tl'ifol'ium and thp. elel'estory. 1592

Church of S. Agnes-Mosaics Pictures A.D. 626.

Church of S. Constantia-Interior, c. A.D. 320.

Chureh of S. Constantia-Mosaics Pictllres on the vault of the aisle




A.D. 320, 1602

Church of S. Constantia-Mosaics Pictul'es on the vault of the aisie A.D. 320. 1605

Church of S. Constantia-Mosaic Pietures on the vault of the aisle A.D. 320. 1606

Church of S. Constantia-Mosaic Picture over a door c. A.D. 850. 1607

Chureh of S. Constantia-Mosaic Pictul'e over a door c. A.D. 850. 1608

Catacombs-S. Nel'eo, Fresco Painting of the Adoration of the l\1agi, A.D 523. Taken '1.Oith magnesian light. 1613

Catacomb- S. Nereo painted chamber A.D. 523. Taken '1.Oith magnesian light. 1615

Catacombs-S. Nel'eo, Fresco Painting of the Good Shepherd, A.D.

523. Taken '1.Oith magnesian light. 1616

Catacombs-S. Nereo, Tombstone, with Inscriptions, c. A.D. 320. Taken '1.Oith rnagnesian light. 1617

Aqueducts-Arcade of the Aqua Severiana, near the Torre di l\lezza Via, with the fortified Tomb. 1626

Tomb on the Via Claudia, called the Tomb of Nel'o. 1634

Statues of Castor and Marcus AUl'elius on the Capitol. 1649

Palazzo de' Conservatori on the Capitol.-The celebrated Colonna Rostrale of Caius Duillius. 1657

Palazzo de' Conservatori-The Etruscan \~lolf in bronze, found near the Lupercal. 1659

, Capitoline Museum. No. l.-Series of Busts of the Emperors and

Empresses. 1660

Capitoline Museum. No. 2.-Series of Busts of the Emperol's and Empresses. 1661

Capitc.line Museum. No. 3.-Series of Busts of the Emperol's and empresses. l662

Capitolin3 Museum. No. 4.-Series of Busts of the Emperors and Empresses. 1663

Capitoline Museum. No. 5.-Sel'ies of Busts of the Emperol's and EmprE'sses. 1604

Page 12: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of


Capitoline Museum. No. 6.-Series of Busts of the Emperors and Empresses. 1665

Capitoline Museum. No. 7.-Series of Busts of the Emperors and Empresses. 1666

Capitoline Museum.-General View of the Busts of the Emperors and Empresses, with the Statue of Agrippina. 1667

Capitoline Museum-Statue of Ocean? called Marforio found aganist the wall of the Mamertine Prison. 1668

Corni ce of the temple of Vespasian, now in the Tabularium. 1670

Cornice of the Temple of Concord, now in the Tabularium. 1671

Palazzo de' Conservatori in the Capitol-Bas-relief of a Door of a Temple, with Genii. 1672

Capitoline Museum-Statue of Cupid with his bow. 1674

Capitoline Museum-Statue of tbe dynig Gladiator. 1678

Capitoline ~Iuseum-Statue of a Faun of Rosso Antico, found in the Villa of Hadrian. 1679

Capitoline Museum-Statue in bronze, of Etruscan style, called of IIlarzio Pastore. 1681

CapitoIiue Museum-Bronze bust of Brutus. 1682

Capitoline Museum-Head of Arianna, crowned with ivy. 1685

Capitoline Museum-Bas-relief representing Marcus Aurelius in the Triumphal Quadr·iga. 1687

Capitoline Museum-Has-relief from the Arch of ~larcus AureIius iu the Forum. 1688

Capitoline Museum-Bas-relief l'epl'esenting :.\Iarcus Aurelius sacri-ficing. 1689

CapitoIine Museum-Has-relief of 1\!an;us Aurelius greanting peace to the Germans, from his Arch. 1690

Capitoline Museum-The celebrated Mosaic of the Foul' Doves. 1695

Church of S. Cecilia in Trastevere. Gothic baldaquin over the al-tar. 1704

Church of S. Cecilia in Trastevere-Figure of S. Cecilia by Stefano Maderno. 1705

Church of S. Cecilia in Trastevere-Apse of the time of Paschal 1.,

l A.D. 820, with his Monogram on the Arch. 1706

Oratory of S. Venantius in the Baptistery of S. John in Fonte, near the Lateran-Mosaics, A.D. 639-642. 1709


Oratory of S. Venalltius in the Rl.ptistery of S. John in Fonte, near the Lateran-l\1osaics, A.D. 639-642. 1710

Lateran Cloister-Twin shafts at an angle with twisted shafts, mo-saic ornaments, A D. 1300. 1714

Chureh of S. JOhll in FOllte-Mosaics in the Baptistery on the apse of the Chapel of S. Cyprian and Justina, c. A.D. 1250 (?J. 1725

ChUl'ch of S. John in the Lateran-Mosaic Pictul'e in the Apse-Head of Chl'ist, with Angels worshipping. 1749

Catacomb of SS. Satul'ninus and Thrason-Paintillg of the Head of the defunct, with a Bird and Flowers, c. A.D. 709.

Taken w~th magnesian light. 1752

Catacomb of the Jew's-Part of the plaee for washing the bodies at the elltrance. 1753

Columbaria of the first century neal' the Porta Latina, in tlte Vigna Codini . . Illscription. Taken with magnesian light. 1767

Columbaria near the Porta Latina in the Vigna Codini. Taken with magnesian light. 1769

Catacombs of SS. Saturninus aud Tbrason on the Via Salara, pain-ting of an Orante. Taken with magnesian light. 1774

Catacombs of SS. Saturnillus and Thrason on the Via Salara, pain-ting of an Orante. Taken with magnesian light. 1775

Catacomb of SS. Saturninus and Thrason on the Via Salara-Moses skiking the rock, A.D. 772-795.

Taken with magnesian light. 1776

Cataeomb of SS. Saturninus and Thl'ason on the Via Salara-Jonah under the ivy-bush, A.D. 772-795.

Taken with magnesian light. 1777

Cataeombs of SS. Saturninus and Thl'asor., on the Via Sahria, Fre-seo Painting of the Good Shepherd, and a Figure holding a SCl'oIl 01' Book, with the inseription, DORMITIO ...... (Silvestri (?).

Taken with magnesian light. 1778

Catacomb of the Gnostics, or worshippers of the Persian God Mi­thra- Fresco Paintmg of a Warrior kneeling, änd a woman crow­ned with laurel, and of a Man raising a dead Lamb and poin­ting to some Stars in the Heaven.

Taken with magnesian light. 1791

Catacomb cf the Gnostics-Fresco Painting of a \"arrior holding a lance, between a Genius and another Man.

Taken with magnesian light. 1192

Page 13: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of


Catacomb of the Gnostics-Fresco Painting nnder an Arcosolillm. Taken with magnesian light. 1793

Catacomb of Calixtlls-Inscription of Pope Damaslls A.D. 380, over the Altar in the Chapel of the Popes 1795

Catacomb of Calixtus-Greek Inscription on the Tomb of Pope Ell-tychianus. Taken with magnesian light. 1796

Catacomb of Calixtus-Greek Inscription on the Tomb of Pope A'n-teros. Taken with magnesian light. 1797

Catacomb of Calixtus-Gl'eek Inscl'iption on the Tomb of Fabianus. Taken with magnesian light. 1798

Catacomb of Calixtus-Inscl'iption on the Tomb of S. Cornelius, Pope and Martyr. Taken toith magnesien light. 1799

Catacomb of Calixtus-Fresco of an Ol'ante said to be S. Cecilia, A.D. 820, oui' Saviour and S. Urban. 1800

Taken with magnesian light.

Catacomb of Calixtlls-Painting in the Chapel of the Sacraments said to be Christ and the Wooman of Samaria.

Taken with magnesian light: 1801

Catacomb of CaIixtus-Fresco in the Cubiculum, 01' Chapel, of the Sacraments, repl'esenting Jonah thl'own by the sailors into the sea. Taken toith magnesian light. 1803

Catacomb of Calixtus-Fresco in the Cubiculum, 01' Chapel, of the Sacraments, represent.iug seven figures upon a tricliniar bed.

Taken toith magnesian light. 1804

Catacomb of Calixtus-Fresco in the ClIbiculum, 01' Chapel, of the Sacraments . Taken with magnesian light. 1805

Catacomb of Calixtus-Fresco in the Cubiculllm, 01' Chape1, of the Sacraments. Taken with magnesian light. 1806

Catacomb of Calixtus-Sarcophaglls, representiug Geuii, the Resur­rectiou of Lazarlls, aud Daniel in the Lion's Den.

Taken with magnesian light. 1807

Catacomb of Calixtlls-Fresco Painting, on a Vault of a Cubiculum, of one of the Seasons. Taken with magnesian light. 1808

Catacomb of Calixtus-Fresco Painting ol one of the Se'lsons, on a Yault of a Cubiculum. Taken with magnesian light. 1809

Catacomb of Calixtus-The Cover of the largest marble Sarcophagus discovered in the Catacombs, said tu be that of Pope Zephyrinus, A.D. 218. Taken with magnesian light. 1810

Catacomb of Calixtus-Inscription of Pope Damasus in tue Chapel of S. Eusebius. Taken toith magnesian light. 1811

Catacomb of SS. Nerells and Achilleus-A Christian Sarcophagus, at the entrance to the Catacomb, {rom a piaster cast. c. A.D. 400 the original is in the Lateran Museum.


Taken with magnesian light. 1815

Catacomb of SS. Nereus and Achilleus-Fresco of an Orante and sheep. Taken with magnesian light. 1816

Catacomb of S. Domitilla-Well with water for Baptism. Taken with magnesian light. 1819

Catacomb of Prretextatus-Inscription of Pope Damasus, A.D. 380. Taken with magnesian light. 1821

Catacomb of Prretextatus-Fresco Painting on a Cubiculum, repre­sentiug the Cultivation of the Vi ne c. A.D. 300.

Taken with magnesian light. 1822

Ostia-Roman bridge on the Via Ostiensis, two miles from Rome. 1823

** Ostia-l\ledieval Wall of the Town built by Nicolas V. A.D. 1450;

and Julius H. A.D. 1510. 1824

Ostia-View of the Castle of Sangallo (Pope Julius H.) 1825

Ostia-Via Romana, with Tombs on both sides. 1826

Ostia-Sarcophagus and Tombs on the right side of the Via Romana, A.D. 138-217. 1827

Ostia-·Remains of the Temple of Vulcanus, known as the Temple of Jupiter A.D. 118-210. 1828

Ostia-Temple of VuIcanus. In terior.

Ostia--Temple of Vulcanus. North-west Side.

Ostia-Temple of Vulcanus. Al'chitectural Details.

Ostia-Temple of Vulcanus. Details of the Cornice.




1832 Ostia-House of the .First Century. 1833

Ostia-~1ithrreum, 01' Sacrarium of Mithra. The Altar with In-scription A.D. 138-161. . 1834

Ostia-Mosaic Pavement in the Thermre. 1835

Ostia-Mosaic Pavement in the Thermre, representing the walls and gate of a city. 1836

Ostia-l\1osaic Pavement of the Mithrreum, with the Inscription. 1837

A guide book illustrating the following photographs of Ostia, hasbe en published by Pietro Brocard and is sold at M." Phelps.



Page 14: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of


Ostia-Columbaria on the Via Laurentina of the time of the Emperor Claudius A.D. 41-45. 1838

Ostia-Inscription of the Hypogreum of Folius Mela, his Family and Servants (Via Laurentina), first century.

Ostia-Via Laurentina. Inscription of the Hypogreum of C. Julius Amethystus, of the time of Hadrian.

Ostia-Corn Magazine on the bank of the Tiber, near the Thermre (first century}.

Ostia-lVlosaic Pavement of the smalleI' Thermre, representing athle­tic sports.

Ostia-Mosaic Pavement of the smaller Thermre, representing athle-tic sports. 4

0stia-Mosaic Pavement cf the smaller Thetmre.

Ostia-Mosaic Pavement oi the ~mallel' Thermre, with the Protome (Nymphs) of the Ocean and ;,\pl'eifls riding marine monsters.

Ostia-J\losaic Pavement uf tlte smaller Thermre, representing Pt'otome (Nymphs) of the Ocean and Tri tons .

Ostia-Recent Excavations in a House uf the second century­

Ostia-View in the Museum.

Ostia-·Antique Fragments in tlte i\J useum.

Ostia-Alltique Fragments in the Museum.

Ostia-Inscriptiou and Fragments in the 11 useum.

Ostia-Cippus aud Insct'jptions in the Museum.

Ostia-Inscription of Julius Philargyrius in the Museum.

Ostia-Cippus and Inscriptions i.n the Museum.

Ostia-Inscriptions in the Museum.

Ostia-Inscriptions in the :Museum.


Church of S. Chrisogono in Trastevere-Interior A.D. 1210.

Church of S. Chrisogono in Trastevel'e-i\Iosaic Picture of the Ma-




















donna c. A D. 1210, with SS. CHRYS(ogO)~YS and IACOBVS. 1860

Thermre of Titus-Sculpture representing Apollo, on a Panel in basso rilievo (fit'st century), standing Oll a fine antique base. 1867

Therrnre of Titus-Panel representing Ceres (first century) standiug on a fiue autique base. 1868

Thermre of Titus-Panel representing a Priest (first ceutury), stan-ding Oll a fine antique base. 1869

-7 '-..

Aqueducts at the Porta Tiburtina, now di S. Lorenzo-Interior, with the Inscription of Augustus, B.C. 4. of Caracalla, A.D. 212, and of Titus, A D. 79, on the Arch for the Aqua Julia, Tepula,


and Marcia and the specus of them in the wall . 1870

Church of S. Maria in Trastevere-Exterior, with the Campanile, and the Fountain in front. 1877

Tusculum-The Amphitheatre. General View of the Cunei, 01' Cor-ridors c. A.D. 100. 18S9

Tusculum-Side View of the Cunei or Corridors, in the Amphi-theatre c. A.D. 100. '

Tusculum-Geneml View of the House of Cicero, as rebuilt by Trajan.

Tusculum-House of Cicero, west side, shewing the construction of different periods.

Tusculum-House of Cicero? Interior of piscina.

Tusculum--Acropolis, Exterior Angle, north side Shewing Clitrs cut into Ancient Fortifications, B.C. 1000 (?) (LlVII hist 1. 1.)

Tusculum-Acropolis, Interior of the Gate, north side A.D. 100.

Tusculum-Acropolis, south side A.D. 100.

Tusculum-View in the Theatre with details of the Steps and Seats for the spectators.

Tusculum-General View of the Theatre, on two plates; on the right the Cavea, 01' place for the audience; ou the left the Stage, 01' Scena, and Orchestra. A.B.

Chnrch of S. Maria in Trastevere-Doorway, with fine Sculpture, buit I.>y Cardinal ~1arcus Syticus A.D. 1625.

Church of S. :Maria in Trastevere-Tomb of Cardinal d'Alen~on,











A.D. 1403. 1911

Church of S. Stefano Rotondo-Mosaic on the Vault of a Chapel, behind the Altar. 1925

Church of S. Maria in Domnica-Mosaic in the Apse 1926

Church of S. Piett'o in Vincoli-View of the Cloister, with the WeH by Michrel Angelo. 1928

Church of S. Pietro in Vincoli-The celebrated Moses of l\1ichrel Angelo. 1932

Scnlpture-A Vase in the Garden of the Villa 0ampana ornamen-ted with bas-reliefs. 1943

Page 15: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of


Church of the Redemptorists, on the Crelian-Mosaic Piebre repre­senting Christ bebveen two Slaves, one black, the other white, ovel' the Door, the work of Deodatus Gosmati.

Church of S. Paul f. m. -Paschal Candlestick ornamented with Sculp-ture


2018 '---

Church ofS. Paul f. m.-View ofthe Cloister, Cent. XIII.; interior. 2019

Church of S. Paul f. m.-Mosaics from the ancient Church. 2031

Church of S. Maria Maggiol'e-Mosaic picture A.D. 445. 2038

Church (}f S. Maria Maggiore-Mosaic picture A D. 445. 2043

Church of S. Maria Maggiore-Mosaic picture A.D. 445. 2052

Church of S. Mal'ia Maggiore-Mosaic p;ctul'e AD. 445. 2056

Tomb of Sulpicius Maximus, on the southern side of the POl'ta Sa-laria, excavated in 1871. 2070

Church of S. Clement-Tomb of Cardinal A. I. Venerius, A.D. 1479. 2073 . Painted Tombs on the Via Latina, two miles from Rome-Stucco

Ornaments of the second centul'y, Taken with magnesian light. 2091

Painted Tombs on the Via Latina-Stucco Ornaments of the second century, Mythological Subjects.

Taken with magnesian light. 2092

Painted Tombs on the Via Latina-Stucco Ornaments of the spcond century, Mythological Subjects. Taken with magnesian light. 2093

Paillted Tomhs on the Via Latina-Stucco Ornements of the second century, Mythological Subjects.

Taken with magnesian light. 2094

Painted Tombs on the Via Latina-Stucco Ornaments Qf the second century, Mythological Subjects.

Taken with magnesian light. 2095

Painted Tombs on the Via Latina-Stucco Ornaments, representing Mythological Subjects. Taken with magnesian lighti 2098

Painted Tombs on the Via Latina-Stucco Ornaments, represf'nting Mythological Subjects. The Three Graces.

Taken with magnesian light 2099

Painted Tombs on the Via Latina-Stucco Ornaments, representing Mythological Subjects. Taken with magnesian light. 2100

Painted Tombs on the Via Latina-Stucco Ornaments, representing Mythological Subjects. Taken with magnesian light. 2101

Painted Tombs on the Via Latina-Stucco Ornaments, representing 1I1ytl10logical S'ubjects Taken with magnesian light.

Catacombs SS. Peter and Mareellil1us Fresco painting of a female orante with two members of her family A.D. 772 (?)'.

Taken toith magnesian li"ght.




Catacombs of SS. Peter and Mar;'ellinus A.D. 772-An Agape 01' Co m­memorative Love Feast, with the names over the heads of the figures. Taken uith magnesian light. :2117

Catacombs of SS. P"ter and l\brrellinus, A D. 772-Fresco painting. Taken with magnesian light. 2119

Chul'ch of S. Maria :'Ilag·giol'e-·East Front, w;th tlte Column.

Monte Casino-View from S. Germano.

Monte Casino-Castle over S. Germano.

Monte Casino-View of the :\Ionastery shewing the opus QuadratuIl,l in the wall of the ancient AI'X, of Etrusci/-n character .

Monte Casino-View of the Amphitheatl'e, on the exterior, shewing the Opus Reticulatum and a doorway.

Nap1es-View of Castel dell' Ovo, from the balcony of the Hotel de Rome.

Nap1es-Piazza deI Plebiscito, with the Chul'ch of S. Francesco di Paolo, a copy of the Pantheon at Rome.

Nap1es-Dool' of the Church of S. Gennaro, fifteenth century.

Naples-Gothic window of the XIV Century in the Church of S. Chiara.

Naples-Arcade of the Aqueduct calJed Pouti Rossi.

Nap1es-·View of the Ponti Rossi, Shewing the Opus Lateritium be-10nging to the Aqua Julia.

Naples _. View of the Ospizio de' Poveri di S. Gennaro, taken from the entrance.

Naples-General View of the entrance to the Catacombs, with Fre­scoes on the walls.

Nap1es-Oenel'al View of the entl'ance to the Catacombs.

Naples-Fresco paintings 111 the Catacombs, representing SS. Desi­derius aud Agatias.

Taken with magnesian light.

Naples-Fresco painting in the Catacombs, represEJlting a peacock, vases, and fiowers. Takenwith magnesian light.

Pompeii-The Porta Navalis.


















Page 16: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of

Pompeii-Al'eade of the Hotel, of the first eentury, on Ihe left of the Yia de' Sepolcri. 2155

Pompeii-Tomb of the Ghirlande, in thc: Via de' Sepolcri. 2156

Pompeii-A Fountain decol'ated with Mosaics in the Via di 1\1el'-cu rio. 2157

Pompeii-House of :i\1. Arrius Diomedes, with view of the garden. 2158

Pompeii-View of the Tombs in the Via de' Sepoleri. 2160

Pompeii-Tomb, and early Opus Retieulatum, with m'll'ble dOOI' in-serted. 2161

Pompeii-Inscription on the Tomb of the wife of T. Terentius, erec-ted by hIrn to her memory, in the Via de'Sepolcei. 2162

Pompeii-Gate and Stl'eet of Hel'culaneum. 2164

Ivmpeii-House of Meleag:'o, in the Via di J\'[el'cul'io, Atrium Ca-voodium (with Colonnades). 2166

Pompeii-House of Pansa-Atrium Cavoodium, wit1j Colonnade. .2168

Pompeii-Shop of SaHust(?). The Kitchen. 2169

Pompeii-Fresco painting of Diana and Acteon, in the House of Sal-lust(?). 2170

Pompeii-House of the Faun. · 2173'

Pompeii-Amphoroo against a wall of a coul'tyard in the House of the Faun. 2174

Pompeii-Fresco Painting of Hermaphrodites in the House of Ado-nis, in the Via di :\lereurio. 2176

Pompeii-Fresco painting in the House of Venus and Adonis, in the Via di l\lercurio. 2177

Pompeii-Fresco painting l'epresenting Dacchus (?), or a Faun (1), asleep in a grove, in the House of Acteon, in the Via di :\ler-eurio. 2178

Pompeii-Fresco painting in the House of Sirieus, in the Via deI Lupanare. 2179

Pompeii-Freseo painting in the IIouse of Sirieus. 2180

Pompeii-House of il1eleagro, with the Fountain. 2181

Pompeii-Fresco painting representing the Port of Stabia. 2182

Pompeii-Fountain deecorated with Mosaics, in a small house. 2183

Pompeii-Shop of a Mosaicist, in the Via deli' Abbondanza. 2184

Pompeii-Fountain in the middle of the court of a palace, in the Via di :i\Iel'cul'io. 2185


Pompeii-Freseo painting in the House of Ariadne, in the Via della Fortuna. 2186

Pompeii-Fresco painting in the Pantheon, in the Forum Civile. 2189

Pompeii-A vel'Y fine Fountain deeomted with l\losaics, in the Via di Augusto. 2191

Pompeii-House of Al'iadne, in the Via della Fol'tuna-Ärea., Foun-tain, and Colonnade. 2192

Pompeii-General View of the Via dell'Abbondanza (1nsula IX), 2193

Pompeii-Dool' of the House of the priestess Eumachia with 1n-seription. 2194

Pompeii-Temple of Venus. 2198

Pompeii-Conskuction in front of the Temple of Justice, with early Opus Reticulatum. 2199

Pompeii-General View of the Forum. 2200

Pompe:i-View of the Temple of Justice, right-and side, with the raised platform and the Arch. 2201

Pompeii-Tragieal Theatre, and Basiliea of the Temple of Ju-stice. 2203

Pompeji-Forum Civile, and View of the Vesuvius. 2204

Pompeii-Basiliea of Jupiter. 2205

Pompeii-General View of the Regio 1. 2206

Pompeii-Great Hall for Publie Baths. 2207

Pompeii X. View of the Via dell'Abbondanza. 2209

Pompeii-Warehouse with Amphoroo for oil in Regio IX. and Brick Wall of the fil'st century, 2210

Pompeii-House and Garden of M. Lucretius with statues. 2212

Fresco paintings in the Oratory of Santi Quattro Coronati A.D. 847-855. 2215

Fresco painting in the Oi'atory of Santi Quattro Coronati A.D. 847-855. 2217

Fresco painting in the Ol'atory of Santi Quattl'o COl'onati A.D. 847-855. 22 I 8

Palatine-1nterior of the Basilica Jovis 01' Pentapylon Jovis Arbi-tl'atoris (?), from the summit ' of the Tribune. 2225

Palatine-Fl'esco Paintings, with gilt gl'ound, on the vault of a chambel' in a house of the time of Augustus, called the bath ehambpr of Livia afterwards built over in the time of Domitian.

Taken with magnesian-Zight. 2227

Palatine-View of the Tahlinum, 01' Vietol'ia Germ~l1ica, so called from astatue of a Victol'Y with German Trophies found there. 2229

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Palatine-View of the Basilica Jovis. 2230

Palatine-Opus Quadratum under the Temple, said to be of Jupiter Victor, of the time of Römulus(1). 2231

Palatine-Details of the Tufa \Vall of Romulus, and of the steps of Cacus (?) leading to the Circus Maximus 2233

Palatine-Construction of the Wall of Romulus on the steps.-Scala Caci m. 2234

Palatine-View of the remuins of the Great Hall of Domitian. 2236

Palatine-Fragments of SculptUI e, and View of the Expdra of the Palace of Caligula. 2238

Palatine-View of the Podium of the Temple of Jupitel' Feretrius A.U.C. 4. m 2239

Palatine- Fresco paintings in aChamber of the House of Hoden-sius and Augustus (1), 01' of the Fathel' of Tibel'ius (?), l'epl'esen-ting Polyphpmus and Galatea. 2240

Palatine~Freseo painting in a Cbamber of the House of Augustns(1), l'epresenting l\[ercury saving To , kept by Argo. 2241

Palatine-Fresco painting in the House of Augustus m, represen-ting vases, figures, ete. 2244

Palatine-Side View of aChamber in the House of Augustus (1), with paintings. 2245

Palatine-Fresco painting in aChamber of the House of Augüstus (1), representing fiowers, fl'uits, etc 2246

Palatine-Fresco painting in aChamber of the House of Augustus(1), representing a portiro with three statues and a candlestick. 22-17

Palatine-General Yiew of tbe Cubicula, 01' small chambers, iu the House of HOl'tensius, inhabited by Augustus (1). 2250

Palatine-View of the Basilica of C;onstantiqe, taken from the Pa-lace of the Cresars. ;2251

Palatine-·View of the Chvus Victorire, under the Palace of Trajan and Hadrian. 2253

Palatine-:\Iarble Sarcophagus of the fourth century wit.h Genii, and over it a Cinel'ary Um with the Inscriptioll. 2254

Palatine-View of the Arcades, 01' üf a Trans'3nna, in the House of Hadl'ian. 2255

Palatine-View 01' the Al'cades of Opus Lateritium in the Clivus Victorire, near the modern Museum. 2256

Columbal'ia, called also loculi, and some Inscriptions in situ. 2262

Church of Ara Cooli-Tomb of Cardinal J. B. Savelli, A.D. 1520, by Sansovino.

Chm'ch of Ara Cooli-Tomb of Pandulphus Savelli, A.D. 1306 on a



pagan sarcophagus. 2268

Church of Ara Cooli-Tomb of Cardinal L. de Lebretta, A.D. m5,-of the royal family of France. 2269

Church of Ara Cooli-Fresco of tbe Deatb of the S. Bernard, by the celebrated Pinturicchio. 2'.270

Church of Ara Cooli-Fresco of Christ and S. Bernard, by Pintu-ricchio. 2271

Church of Ara Cooli-Altar Frontal of Marble, pierced to shew the Relics, A.D. 1377, now in the Monastery. 2272

Church of Ara Cooli-Porticus 01' Double CIoister, c. A.D. 1250. 2273

Church of Ara Cooli-View in the Cloister. 2274

Church of S. Maria deI Popolo-A Marble Monument in the Sacri-sty with a Fresco of the Madonna, Cent. XV. 2278

Church of S. Maria deI Popolo-Fresco Painting of the Madonna in the Sacristy, fifteenth century. 2279

Church of S. Maria deI Popolo-Tomb of Cardinal Ascanius Sforza . A.D. 1505, by Sansovino. ' 2280

Church of S. Mal'ia deI Popolo-Statue of Jonah, by Lorenzetti, from a drawing of RaphaeI.

Church of S. Maria deI Popolo-Statue of the Prophet Elias, by Lorenzetti.

Church of S. Lorenzo in Lucina-Campanile, A.D •. 1196.

General View from the Piazza della Trinita de Monti, shewing the two streflts, the Via Gregoriana and the Via Sistina.

Church of S. Silvestro in Capite-Campanile built by Pope In no­cent III. A.D. 1198-1216.





2287 Forum Romanum-General View of the remains of the Basilica Julia. 2289

Palatine-Marble Base of the third century. 2290

Palatine-Base of the fourth century. 2291

Palatine-General View of the fragments found, now in ·the Mu-seum tllere, right side.

Palatine-General View of the fragments found, now in the Museum there, left side.

Palatine-View across the Basiliea Jovis m, with the Transenna and a Column, of the Aisle shewing also the Apse.





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Palatine-View of the Victoria Germanica. 2297

Palatine-View of the Templum Jovis Victoris, taken from the Circus, to shew the staircase where the inscription of Gn. Do-

mitius nalvinus was placed. 2298

Palatine-View in the Exedra in the Stadium, with frescoes. 230 1

Palatine-Fresco Painting in the Exedra of the Stadium. 2302

Forum Romanum-View of the building called the Sehola Xanti, or Shops of the Seribes, with the Colonnade of the Temple, ealled of the Dei Consenti, over it. 2325

Forum of Trajan-General View of the remains of the Basilica Ulpia. 2327

Via Appia m. IV. and V.-Tomb of C. Rabirius Libectus, of Posthu-mius Hermodorus, of Rabiria Demaris, and Usia Prima sac. Isidis (Pl'iestess of Isis) (first eentury). 2332

Via Appia-Two Tombs, one of which has a bas-relief, in whieh al'e l'epresented foul' of the persons buried ; the other of peperino, with ornaments, C. B.a. 200. 2334

Via Appia m. IV. and V.-Tomb of the Seeondi and Seeondini, with a bust of T. Claudius Seeundus, C. A.D. 100. 2335

Via Appia-A chemist laboratory. 2355

Marino-Stone Quarries of Peperino (lapis Albanus), not now used. 2356

Aqueducts-Soul'ces and subterranean Speeus of the Aqua Aurelia, in the park of Prinee Colonna, near :i\lal'ino. 2358

Aqueducts-Soul'ces and subterl'anean Specus of the Aqua Aurelia, in the park of Prinee Colonna, near :i\lal'ino. 2359

Aquedllets-Sources and subtelTanean Speeus of the Aqua Aurelia, in the park of Prinee Colonna, near Marino. 2360

Aqueduets-Sourees and subterranean Specus of the Aqua Aurclia, in the park of Prinee Colonna, near Marino. 2361

Aqueduets-Medieval Tower of the Colonnesi, bnilt over the Specus of the Aqua Aurelia, under Marino. 2363

l\larino-Panoramie Viev. 2364

Albano-Ruins of the Villa of Domitian, A.D. 90. 2367

Via Appia-Tomb near Albano, in imitation of an Etruscan Tomb, and misealled that of the Horatii and _Curiatii. 2368

Albano and Arieia-View of the fine bridge by Giuseppe Bertolini. 2370

Arieia-View of the Chureh dell'Assunta, by Bernini, A.D. 1664. 2371

Arieia-Medieval Gate, view of the Interior. 2372

CivitaLavinia-Fountain by Bernini. 2376

nivita Lavinia-Walls, Towe and Gate rebuilt by the Colonnas in

. the fifteanth century. 2377

Civita Lavinia-Fountain made out of a Sarcophaguiil of the third century. 2378

Civita Lavinia-Medieval House with Corbel-table. 2381

Civita Lavinia--Medieval House with Arehes across the street. 2382

Civita Lavinia-Gate with Opera Saraeenesca. 2383

Ci vita Lavinia-Medieval Walls and Fortifications and Antiqne Pa-vement. 2384

Civita Lavinia-Medieval Chul'ch. 2487

Volterra- Cathedral and Baptistery. 3288

Volterl'a-View 'of the Palazzo Publico. 2389

Volterra-Fagade of the Cathedral. 2390

Volterra-View of the Gate called Porta dell'Arco. 2391

Volterra-View of the Porta delI' Areo, from the Interior; the Jambs Etrusean, the Areh Roman. 2392

Volterra-Etrusean Wall under So.. C!liara, B.a. 700 (?). 2395

Volterra-View of the Palaee uf Justiee, A.D. 1300 (?).

Volterra-Door of the Baptistery, A.D. 1300 (?).

Volterra-View of the Palazzo Publieo, A.D. 1300 (?).

S. Gemignano-Market-hall.

S. Gemignano-Torre deI Diavolo.

S. Gemignano-Gate of the Castle, from within.

S. Gemignano-View taken from the Castle.


Galleria Lapidaria

Vatic-an Museum (l9)-Front of the Sareophagus of T. Paconius Ca­lendus and his wife Oetavia Salvia - On either side are the por­traits of the deeeased.

Vatiean Museum Atimetus and shop hont.

(l79)-Left hand side of the Tomb of L. Cornelius L. Cornelius Epaphras euttlers, representing a










Page 19: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of

Vatiean Museum (191)-Large sareophagus found at Roma Veeehia. In the eentre is the door of the tomb with the figures of a husband and wife.

Vatiean Museum (192)-Funeral Cippus (inferior style) representing a soldier: the stiek he holds in his left hand shows that he was a Centurion.

Vatiean Museum (230)-Fragment of the Colossal statue of Claudius found at Piperno (the aneient Pivernum). The head is in the Braeeio Nuovo.

Vatiean Museum (219)-Sareophagus representing Tritons Nymphs . and GeIlii. ~

Vatiean Museum (12)-General view oftheMuseo'Cbiaramonti formed by Pius VII in part of the great eorridor of Bramante. (These statues were arranged by Canova)

Vatiean Museum (13)-Statue representing Winter, found at Ostia,

Vatiean Museum (l21)-Statue of Clio the Muse of History. The head . is antique but replaced. The Tibia and the seroll she holds in

her hands, have also been restored.

Vatiean Museum (122)-Statue of Diana.

Vatiean Museum (l44)-Head of Dionysius, 01' the Bearded Baeehus, one of the finest he~ds of this god.

Vatiean Museum (l76)-Fragment of aStatue, believed to be one of the daughters of Niobe, found in tbe Villa Hadriana at Tivoli. (Greek Style.)

-Vatiean Museum (l79)-Two Sareophagi one over the other one re-











presenting the fable of Aleeste, the other the feasts of Baeehus. 2423

Vatiean Museum (181)-Statue of Diana Triformis. . 2424

Vatiean Museum -(197)-Colossal Bust of Pallas, found at " Tor Pa-terna, " near . the aneient Laurentum, in the beginning of ih.e last eentury. (Greek Style.) 2425

Vatiean Museum (230)-Cinerary Urn of Lueeia Telesina, riehly 01'-

namented. It was formerly in the Villa of Julius III. 2426

Vatiean Museum (244)-Colossal Mask of Oeeanus, probably the mouth of a Fountain, a very good work of Greeo-Roman style. 2427

Vatiean Museum (352)-Statue of Venus Anadyome, representing the Goddess after the Bath. (Greek Style.) The at'ms are mo-dern. 2428

Vatiean. Museum (356)-Half Figure of a barbarian Prisoner, of Pa-vonazetto, with the Head 'of White Marble. . 2429

Vatiean Museum (372)-Fragment of a Greek Bas-relief of very ·good style, similar to th~t of the Frieze of the Pat,thenon in Athen:;.

Vatiean Museum (400)-Colossal Statue of Tiberius, repl'esentfld as Jupiter, found at Veii.

Vatiean Museum (416)-Head of the young Augustus, found at Ostia by MI'. Fagan, the English Consul, in the beginning of the pre­sent eentury.

Vatiean Museum (421 )-Small Statue of Flora.

Vatiean Museum (441)-In the centre, the Head of Aleibiadesj to the right (442), a Female Head fount! at S. Balbina on the Aven­tiDe; to the left (440), the Head of Jttpiter, found in the same plaee.

Vatiean Museum (495)-Statue of Gupid in the aet of drawing his bow.

Vatiean Museum (5 13) -Three Busts. Cajus ::\iarius, a fem ale and the head of Venus.

Vatiean Museum (544) -Statue of Sileuus, the Tutot, of Baeehus, found in 1791, in the Via delle Cese neal' Arieia, where the Villa of P. M. Regulus (who died in thc time of Nero) is sup­posed to have stood.

Vatiean Museum (546) -Statue of S~bina, the ·wife of Hadrian, re­presented as Venus Vietrix, eopied fl'om the original of ArkesiIilOs, which was placed in Rome in the Temple of Venus in the Forum of Julius Cresal'.

Vatiean ::\luseum (547)-Colossal Bust of Isis, from the Quirinal











Gat'dens. 2439

Vatiean Museum (548) - Statue of Diana Lueifera, 01' Diana Luna, a good deal restol'ed. 2440

Vatiean Museum (562)-Two Busts; one of Aristotle (563), the other of an unknown person. 2441

Vatican Museum (580)-Statue of a Prrefiea, supposed to be one of those hired women who sold their tears to mourn at the fun erals of the rieh. / 2442

Vatiean Museum (589)-Statue of Mereul'Y, found neal' the Monte di Pieta. 2443

Vatiean Mu'seum (606)-Head of Neptune, found at Ostia by Mr . . Fagan. 2444

. Vatiean Museum (686)-Statue repl'esenting the Vestal Virgin Tueeia. 2445

Vatiean Museum (645)-View of the twenty-seventh Compartment of the Museo Chiaramonti.

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Vatican Museum (691)~View of the nin~teenth Compal'tment of the Museo Chiaramonti. 2447

Braccio Nuovo.

Vatican Museum (5)-Statue of a Caryatid. 2~48

Vatican Museum (8) -Statue of Commodus. 2549

Vatican Museum' (9)-Colossal Head of a Dacian Slave, found neal' the Forum of Trajan. 2450

Vatican Museum (l1)-Statue of Silenus with the infant Baccbus. 2451

Vatican Museum (17)-Bust of a Man, resemblin <; the portrait of Didius Julianus, from the Galleria Ruspoli. 2452

Vatican Museum (20)-Statue of Esculapiu~, the God of Medicine, found in the Garden of the Nuns &n the Quil'inal. 2453

Vatican Museum (20)-Statue of the Emperor Nerva. 2454

Vatican Museum (23)-Statue of Modesty. 2455

Vatican Museum (26)-Statue of Titus, found in 1828, in tbe Vi-neyard near tbe Baptistery of the Lateran, witb that of his daughter Julia. (See No. 2474.) 2456

Vatican Museum (34)-A Hippocampus, 01' Marine-horse, witb a Nereid on his back. 2457

Vatican Museum (35)-A Hippocampus, 01' Marine-horse, with a Nereid on his back. 2458

Vatican Museum (36) -Statue of a Faun reclining, found at Acqua Traversa, in the Villa supposed to be that of Lucius Verus. 2459

Vatican Museum (41)-Statue of a young Faun playing on a Pipe . . 2460

Vatican Museum (44)-Statue of a wounded Amazon, similar to tbat in thfl Capitoline Museum, and marked with the same name, Sosikles. 2461

Vatican Museum (47)-Statue of a Caryatid, from the Villa of Sixtus V. 2462

Vatican Museum (50)-Statue of Diana, found near the Via Aurelia, outside the Porta Cavalleggeri. 2463

Vaticam Museum (62)-Statue of Demosthenes, from tlle Villa Mon-dragone, above Frascati, ne ar the Villa of Cicero. 2464

Vatican Museum (67)-Statue of the Apoxyomenos 01' Atblete, found in the Vicolo delle Palme in Trastevere, in 1849. 2465

Vatican Museum (71)-Statue of a wounded Amazon. 2466

Vatican Museum (831-Statue of Ceres, found at Ostia in 1856 among tbe ruins 01' the Emporium of Septimius. Severus. 2467


Vatican Museum (86)-Statue of Fortune, found at Ostia in thc beginning of the present century. 2468

Vatican Museum (92)-Statue of Venus Anadyomene, of Greek marble. 2469

Vatican Museum (93) -Colossal head of IIledusa, of the time of Ha-drian, found among the ruins of the Temple of Venus and Rome. . 2470

Vatican Museum (96)-Bust of Marcus Antoninus, found in a cave 01' cellar at Tor Sapienza, outside the Porta Maggiore. 2471

Vatican Museum (106)-Bust of M. E. Lepidus found in a cave or cellar at Tor Sapienza, outside the Porta Maggiore. 2472

Vatican Museum (109)- Group representing the Nile found in the time of Leo X., near the Church of S. Maria sopra Minerva (with the Statue of the Tiber taken to Paris, and not resto-red to the Vatican). 2473

Vatican Museum (lll)-Statue of Julia, daughter of Titus, found at the Lateran with that of her father, now placed opposite. 4274

Vatican Museum (l12)-Head of Juno Regina given by Cardinal . Pontini to Pope Gregory XVI. 2475

Vatican Museum (1l4)-Statue of IIlinerva, the celebrated Pallas (calIed tbe Giustiniani). 2476

Vatican Museum (l18)-Head of a Dacian prisoner from tbe ruins of the Port of Trajan. 2477

Vatican Museum (120)-The Faun of Praxiteles, in Greek marble, from the Galleria Ruspoli. 2478

Vatican Museum (121)-Head of the Emperor Commodus, found in the excavations at Ostia. 2479

Vatican Museum (123) ...... Statue of Lucius Verus. 2480

Vatican Museum (126)-Statue of the Discobolus , an imitation of the celebrated Doriphoros of PolycJetus. 2481

Vatban Museum (l27)-Colossal Head of a Dacian prisoller from a statue in the Forum of Trajan. 2482

Vatican Museum (l29)-Statue of tbe Emperor Domitian, formerly in the Giustiniani Gallery . 2483

Vatican Museum (132)-Statue of Mel'cury restored first witb the Head of Hadrian, and afterwards with a Head by Canova. 2484

Vatican Museum (3) (Vestibolo Quadrato)-The celebrated Torso, called the Belvedere, from the place where it stands; it is' said to be a fragment of a seated statue of Hereules. 2485

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Vatican Museum (5) Vestibolo Rotondo)-Fragment of aStatue, be­lieved to have been much admired by Raphael.

Vatican Museum (10) (Sala di Meleagro )-Statue of\.Meleager, found outside the Porta Portese, formerly in the Palazzo Pichilli, ne ar that of tho Farnesi, afterwards bought for th~ ~luseum by Pope

Clement XIV.



Vatican Museum (24)-Colossal Bust of Trajan, found at Ostia. 2488

Cortile Ottagono dei Museo Pio-Clementino.

Vatican Museum (28)-Large Sarcophagus found in 1777 in making the foundations for the Sacristy of the Basilica Vaticana, repre-senting the Feast of Bacchus . 2489

Vatican Museum (20)-Sarcophagus of Sextus Varius Marcellus, fa-ther of the Emperor Reliogabalus, with an inscription in Greek and Latin, found near Velletri in 1764. 2490

Vatican Museum (32) (Gabinetto di Canova)-Statue of Perseus, the liberator of Andromeda, by Canova. 2491

Vatican Museum (33)-One of the Gladiators (Creugas) of Canova, bought by Pius VIII. at the beginning of his Pontificate. 2492

Vatican Museum (34)-One of the Gladiators (Damoscenus) byCanova, bought by Pius VIII. at the beginning of his Pontificate. 2493

Vatican Museum (39)-Large Sarcophagus represel1ting the victory of some Roman generalover Bal'barians. 2494

Vatican Museum (49)-Large Sarcophagus dedicated by P. lElius Myron to his wife and two sons. 2495

Vatican Museum (53) (Gabinetto di Mercurio)-Statue of NIercury, called for a long time the Belvedere Antinous. 2496

Vatican Museum (55) (Gabinetto di Mercurio)-Bas-relief represen-ting a procession in honour of Isis. 2497

Vatican Museum (56) (Gabinetto di Mercurio)-Statue of Priapus, found in the time of Pius VI. among the ruins of Castmm No­vum, near Civita Vecchia.

Vatican Museum (58)-Sarcophagus, not of very good style, on which is represented the portrait of the deceased amidst the foul' Sea­


Vatican Museum (69)-Sarcophagus repl'esenting a combat of Greeks and Amazons.

Vatican Museum (74) (Gabinetto deI Laoconte)-The ce1ebrated group of the Laocoon, found in 1506 on the Esquiline, near the Thermre of Titus, exactly on tbe spot called the "Sette Sale."





Vatic~n Museum (91)-Sarcophagus represe'!lting Nereids cltrried by TrItons,

Vatican Museum (92) (Gabinetto delI' ApoIlo)-Statu,e of Apollo, called the Belvedel'e, because formerly pIaced in that Gallery.

Sala degli Animali-Museo Pio-Clementino.

Vatican Museum (107)-A Stag attaked by a Round.

vat~c~n Museum (l13)-Mosaic picture found in the Villa of Ha­rlan, representing goats in a meadow.


2502 '



25D5 Vatican Museum (1l6)-Two Grey hounds, one licking the ear of the

other, 2506

Vatic~n Museum (124)-Group representiog the Mithriac sacrifice wlth the emblems. '

Vlttica~ Mus~um (125)-A Mosaic found in the Villa of Hadrian replesentmg the combat of a lion and a bull. '

Vatican M~seu~ (129)-Equestrian Statue o~ Commodus fl'om tne excavatlOns m the Villa Mattei.

Vatican M~seum (173)-A Stag attaked by a Hound which has lea­ped on Its back.

Vatican Museum (222)-A Monkey with a cocoa-nut in its paw,

Vatican Museum (228)-Group of a Triton in the act of carryig off a Nymph. .

Vatican Museum (232)-Co10ssal head of the M' ta f 11

. mo ur, rom the co ectlOn of Cavaeeppi.

Galleria delle Statue-Museo Pio-Clementino.

Vatican M~seum (I )-Genaral View of the Gallery of the Statues formed In part of the palace of Innocent VIII.

Vatican Museum (2)-View of the back part of the G 11 Statues. a ery of the

Vatican Museum (248)-Statue of Claudius Albinus.

Vatican Mus:um (249)-A Ba~-relief said to be by Michael Angelo, representmg Cosmo I. Duke of Tuscany in the act of . . the C't f p' b Improvlllg

. I Y 0 ls.a y driving away the Vices and introducing the Vlrtues and SClences.

Vatican Museum (250)-Half figure of Cupid, found at Cento-Celle nHear. the Via La.bicana, and sold by the Scotch painter Gavi~

amrlton to Pope element XIV.














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Vatican Museum (252)-Fragment of the front of a Sarcophagu~, representing the Rape of Proserpine. . 2519

Vatican Museum (253)-Half figure of a Triton, found near Tivoli (Tibur). 2520

Vatican Museum (254)-Statue of a Bacchante in the act of dan-


Vatican Museum (255)-Statue of Paris seated, formerly in the Pa­

lazzo Altemps.

Vatican Museum (257)-Fragment of the fl'ont of a Sarcopha,gus, representing the fable of Diana and Endymion.

Vatican Museum (258)-Half figure of Bacchus (in the Greek style).

Vatican Museum (260)-Bas-relief of Greek art, representing .iEscu­lapius and Hygeia with .the two Dioscuri.

Vatlcan Museum (261)-Statue of Penelope represented sitting on a

maS5 of stones.

Vatican Museum (261)-Statue of the Emperor Caligula,. found among other fragments in the Basilica of Otricoli.

Vatican Musum (264)~Statue of Apollo the Sa~roktonos of Praxi­telt;'s, that is, "killer of lizards," found in 1777 on the Palatine, among the ruins of the supposed palace of Augustus.

Vatican Museum (265)- The celebrated Statue of an Amazon, for­merly in the Palazzo Mattei, and for this reason called by the Archooologists "Amazon Matteiana."

Vatican Museum (266)-Fragment of the feont of a Saecophagus, probably representing the Triumph of Bacchus.

Vatican Museum (267)-Statue of a Drunken Faun, intended to form

part of a fountain.

Vaiican Museum (269)-Greek Bas-relief, representing a scene of

leave-taking before death.

Vß.tican Museum (271 )-Statue of Posidippus, seated, found in the time of Sixtus VIl. on tue Viminal near the Church {)f S. Lo­renzo in Panisperna, where the Thermoo o~ Olimpiades are said

to have stood.

Vatican Museum (278)-Colossal bust of Nero with the agonistic
















Vatican Museum (29?)-Colossal bust of Menelaus, found in 1777 in the Villa Hadriana by Gavin Hamilton. 2535

Yutican Museum (307)-Colussal Head of Saturn. 2536

Vatican Museum (308)-Part of the second division of the "Sala . d~i Busti," 01' the .Gallery of the Statues.

. Vatican -~useum ~325)-:-C?10ssal Statue of Jupitel' seated, called by the Archooologists "GlOve Verospi," from the palace where it formerly stood. . .

Vatican Museum (346)-Mask of Jupit~r Ammon.

Vatican Museum , (359)-Statue of Livia Drusilla the fourth wife of Atigustus, found in the Basilica of Otricoli.

Vatican Museum (390)---:-Seated Statue of Menander found in the time of Sixtus V. near the Chul'ch of S. Lorenzo' Panisperm. on the Viminal.

Vatican Museum (393)-Statue of Dido recumbent, meditating on suicide.

Vatican Museum (398)-Statue of Opimius Macrinus, the successol' of Caracalla

-Vatican Museum (899)-Group of .iEsculapius and Hygeia, found in . . the Forum of Prooneste, now Palestrina.

Vatican Musenm (405)-Statue of one of the Danaid~, tIie Daughters of Danaus, from the Forum at Prooneste.











Vatican Museum ('416)-Ras-relief representing a sacrifice. . 2546

Vatican Museum (418)-Bas-relief representing a feast of Bacchus. 2547.

Vatican Museum (419)-One of the very fine Candelabra called the "Candelabri Barberini" because formerly in the Barberini Pa- ' lace.

Vatican Museum (42O)-One of the very fine Candelabra.

Vatic~n Museum (416)-Fragment of a Bas-relief, in the centre Arladne abandoned by Theseus, on one aide Bacchus, and .a Bac­chante on the other.




Yatican Museum (419)-Torso of aStatue probably representing -Bacchus. . 2551

Vatican Museum (.:.I20) -Sbtue of Lucius Verus.

Vatican Museum (417)-Statue of Mercury.

J\l[useo Pio-Clementino.-Gabinetto.

Vatican Museum (427) - Statue of a Bacchante.

Vatican Museum (420)-Statue representing Venus after a Bath.

Vatican Museum (430)-Vellus after the Bath. Statue found at Sa-lone, neal' the Via Prrenestina.






Page 23: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of


Vatican Museum (.431)-Statue of Diana Lucifera, (the head does not belong -to it).

Vatican Museum (435)-Statue representing one of th~ Priests of Mithra, found in a Cave of Pozzolana, outside the Porta Portese.

Vatican Museum (442)-Statue of Ganymede with th~ Eagle, found in a Farm called "Quadraro," outside the Porta S. Giovanni.

Vatican Museum (443.)-St.atue of Apollo, found at Cento Celle on the Via Labicana.

- Museo Pio-Clementino.-Loggia scopprta.

Vatican Museum (449)-Bas-relief of early date and bad style, re­presenting the WoÜ, with the infants Romulus and Remus, found in the cave of the Pal&.tine, called the Lupercal.

Vatican Museum (457)-Bas-relief of early work and bad style, re­presenting Mars and Rea Silvia.

Vatican Museum (463)-Two Bas-reliefs, the upper one belonging to an Etl'Uscan Cinerary Urn, the other being part of a Roman. Sal'cophagus representing Bacchus and HercuIes seated in the same car.

Vatican Museum (467)--'-Bas-relief representing Neptune in the AFchaic style.

Vß.tican Museum (482)-Bas-relief of a Donation to the Nymphs.

Museo -Pio-Clementino.-Sala delle Muse.

Vatican Museum (491 )-Statue of Silenus, found in a Farm called "Torragnola," on the Via Prenestina.

Vatican Museum (493)-Bas-relief representing the Birth of Bacchus. (Greek Style).

Vatican Museum (501)-Bas-relief from a Sarcophagus, representing a Combat of the Centaurs and Zapithi.

Vatican Museum (502)-Bas-relief from a Sarcophagus, representing a Combat of Fauns with Centaurs.

Vatican Museum (511)~Statue of Erato dancing, from the Villa Ti­bUl;tina of Cassius.

Vatican Museum (516)-Three Statues; that in the midd1e., Apollo with the Harp (01' Musagetes), found in 1774 near Tiyoli; on either side, the Statues of Terpsicore and Calliope.

Vatican Museum (520)-Statue of the Muse Euterpe, from the Pa­lazzo Lancellotti.

















-I I I

Vatican Museum (499)-Statue of Melpomene, the Muse of Tragedy, . from the Villa Tiburtina of Cassius."

Vatican Museum (503)-Statue of Thalia, the Muse of Comedy, from the Villa Tiburtina ' of Cassius.

Yatican Museum (504)-St3.tue of Urania, the Muse '0f Astronomy, presented . to Pius VII. by Prince Lancellotti.

Vatican Museum (505)""":'Three of the Muses; in the centre Urania; on one side Clio, and Thalia on the other.

Vatican Museum (508)-Polymnia, the Muse of Memory, Rehthoric and Music, from the Villa Tiburtina of Cassius.

Vatican Museum (4g9)-Head of Epicurus, found at Roma Vecchia, outside the. Porta Maggiore. .

Vatican Museum (528)-Head of Bias, one of the Seven Sages of Gree~e, found in -the Villa Tibul'tina of Cassius.

Vatican Museum (517)-Head, 'believed to be that of Themisto­cles.

Vatican Museum (531 )-Head of Periander, one- of the Seven Sages of Greece, from the Villa Tiburtina' of Cassius.

Vatican Museum (512)-Head of Epimenides, who is said to !lave slept fol' forty years continually.

Vatican Museum. (519)-Head of Zeno the Ep_icurean.

Vatican Museum (521)-Head of Euripides.

Vatican Museum (525) -Head of Pericles, with Greek ' Inscription,



2574 -











from the Villa Tiburtina of Cassius. 2585

Vatican Museum (523)-Head of Apasia of Miletus, from Castro­novu, near Civita Vecchia. 2586

Vatican Museum (530)-Statue of Lycurgus, .found at Cento Celle . . 2587

llfuseo Pio-Clementino.-Sala Rotrmda.

Vatican Moseum (537)-Bust of the Muse of Tl'agedy, from the en­trance to the Theatre in the Villa of Hadrian.

Vatican Museum {538)-Bust of the Muse of Comedy, from the en­trance to the Theatre in the Villa of Hadrian.

Vatican Museum (439)-Colossal Bust of Jnpiter, from the Thermre of Otricoli.

Vatican Museum (540)-Colossal Statue of Antinous, found in 1793 by Gavin HamiIton.





.... -

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Vatican Museum (542)-Colossal statue of Ceres, which was found mutilated. 2592

Vatican Museum (543)-Colos~a.l Bust of Hadrian. 25~3 "

" Vatican Museum (544r-Colossai Statue of Hercules, of gilt bronze, found i"n 1864 in making the foundations for the Palazzo Pio, near the Campo di Fiore, where the Theatre of Pompey formerly stood. "2594

Vatican Museum (545)-Colossal Head of Antinous, found in the Villa Hadriana. 2595

_ Vatican Museum (546)-ljolössal Statue of J uno Regina, found in the last century" among the ruins or the Thermre of Olympiades, on the Viminal. . " "-"" 2996 -"

Vl.tican Museum (547)-Colossal Head of Greek style, representing a marine god, found in the Terra di Lavoro, near Pozzuoli. 2597

Vatican Museum (54:8)-Statue of Nerva. 2598

Vatican Museum (549)-Ciolossal Bust of Jupiter Serapis, found on the Vi? Appia. _ . 2599

Vatican Museum (550)-Colossal Statue of Claudius, represented as Jupitel', fund at Civita Lavinia (the ancient Lanuvium) in the ~ year 1865. .2600

, Vatican Museum (551)-ColQssal Head of Claudius, crQwned with

oak-Ieaves, found at Otricoli. 2601

Vatican Museum (552)"':""Colossal Statue of Juno Sospita, called "La-nuvina," as represented on many coins. 2602

Vatican Museum (553)--=-Coloss:d Bust of Plotina, the wife of Trajan. 2603

Vatican Museum (555)-Colossal Head of Julia Pia, or Julia Donna, the s.econd wife of Septimius Severus. " 2604

Vatican Museum (555)-Colossal Statue of the Genius of Augustus. 2605

V_atican Museum (556)-Colossal Bust of Pertinax, of Greek marble. 2606

Museo Pio-Clementino.-·Sala a Croce " Greca.

Vatican Museum (557)-Viewofthe HaU caUed "a Croce Greca," by Michel Angelo Simonetti. 2607

Vatican Museum (558)-Mosaic in the centre of the Hall called "a Croce Greca." 2608

Yatican Museum (574)-Statue of the Venus of Guido, an imitation of that of Praxiteles. 2609

Vatican Museum (605)~Alto-rilievo representing a Gallic or German prisoner, the head and the shoulders restored. 2610


Museo Pio-Clementino.-Sala della Biga.

Vatican Museum (618)~Statue of the Discobolus. 26 Il

Mt.seo Pio-Clementino.-Sala de> Vasi e Ca:ndelabri.

Vatican Museum (I)-General View of the Gallery called of the - "Vasi e Candelabri," built by the architect Michel Angelo Si-

morietti under Pius VI. 2612

Vatican Museum (20)-Sarcophagus of a youth. 2613

Vatican Museum (21) -Marble Vase with Bas-relief. representing Lycurgus, king of Thrace, in the act of violating the sacred feasts of Bacchus. 2614

V~tican Museum (74)-Group representing a Satyr extracting a thorn " from the foot of a Faun. 2615

Vatican Museum (81)-Statue of Diana of Ephesus,symbolizing the fru;tfulness of nature. 2616

Vatican Museum (90)-Basin of a fountain supported by three Si-leni, found at Roma Vecchia. 2617

Vatican Museum (106)-Basin of an ancient Fountain. 2618

Vatican Museum (1l2)-Sarcophagus representing the fable of Lao-damia and Protesilaus, believed to be the only representation of this subject, found on the Via Latina. 2619

Vatican Museum (l41)-Statue of Bacchus, found at Tor Marancio, between the Via "Appia and the Via Ostiensis. 2620

Vatican Museum (143)-Statue of Sleep, found in the Villa of Cas-sius, at Tivoli. . 2621

Vatican Museum (146)-Group of a Faun with the infant Bacchus on his shoulders, mu~h restored, found near the Lateran. 2622

Vatican Museum (180)-Statue of Mercury as a child, in the act of enjoining silenee. 2623

Vatiean Museum (185)-Base, with Bas-reliefs representing a sculptor taking the portrait " of a woman. . 2624

Vatican Museum (l66)-Candelabrum formed of palm-leaves. 26:25

Vatican Museum (l73)-Sarcophagus representing Bacchus finding Aria.dne in the Island of Naxos. 2626

Vatican Museum (l77)-Statue of an old Fisherman, from a Comedy of Menander. 2627

Vatican Museum (l79)~Antiqlle Vase, representing aleast of Bac-chus. 26;28.

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.. Vatican Museum (183)-.Head of Saturn, between two ·Statues.

Vatican Museum (l95)-St,J.tue of a qüld with a Swan, found at Roma Vecchia.

Vatican Museum (l94)-Statue of a Child with a Swan, found at Roma Vecchia.

Vatican Museum (198)-Vase, with Bas-relief representing Neptune




2632 between two Sea-monsters.

Vatican Museum (200)- Statue of Apollo, err~neusly restored as Diana.

Vatican Museum (204)":'-Sarcophagus representing the Death of ~he Niobides, slain by Diana and Apollo to punish the presumptlOn of their mother Niobe:

Vatican Museum (208)-Statue of a Roman Youth, believed to be Marcellus, the nephew of Augustus.

Vatican Museum (222)-Statue of a Spartan Virgin.

Vatican Museum (232)-Statue of an Actor with a mask on his face, found at Pneneste.

Yatican Museum (269)-Sal'cophag·us, with Bas-reliefs representing Castol' and Pollux carrying off the daughters of Lysippus, (a ve!'y rare subject).

Vatican Museum (253)-Sarcöphagus representing the Fable of Diana and Endymion.

Vatican Museum (256)-Vase, with Bas-reliefs representing the Ge­nii- of Bacchlls.

Church of S. Clement':""Fresco Painting of .the Descent of Christ into Hades, c. A.D. 800.

Church of S. Clement-Fresco Painting of the Descent of Christ into Hades, c. A.D. 890.

Church of S. Clement-Fresco Painting of Workmen dragging a column, c. A.D. ' 1080.

Columbaria in the Tornb of Hylas, with Inscription.

Columbaria and Fresco Painting in the Tomb of Hylas.











2650 2652


Columbaria-Inscriptions and Fragments, from the Tomb of Hylas. 2654

Columbaria-Decorations in the Tomb of Hylas. 2655

Vatican Museum, Galleria de' Candelabl'i-Group of Ganymede ra-2656 vished by the Eagle of Jupiter.

Vatican Moseum, Sala degli animali-Group of Victory sacrificing a ~. ~


. J.


Vatican Mu~eum, Sala della Biga-Sarcophagus of a Youth represen-ting the Circensian games. 2658

Vatican Museum, Galleria de' Candelabri-Cinerary Urn, with the in-scription. 2659

Porta S. Sebastiano and Via Appia. View. 2660

Columbaria in the Vigna Codini-Cinerary U:,n bearing the inscrip-tion of HER)iETIS . llENEMERE::-ITI. SOTERIS • CONIVGI • FECIT, and under it other inscriptions. 2666

Narni-Gothic Window of two lights, with trefuil Heades and a sexfoiI above, resembling the Early English style. 2667

Spoleto-Construction of Polygonal Masonry under the Wall of the Church, which is Roman. 2668

Ancona-Ar'ch of Trajan in the Port. 2669

Ancona-Cathedral, wetit end, with the fine Porch. 2670

Ancona-Cathedral, end of south transept, and south side of nave. 2671

Ancona-Figures of Saints on early incised 81abs, in the crypt of the Cathedral. 2672

Ancona-Altar tomb, with three crosses on the slope of the cover and one on the side, and an inscription in Greek, (sixth century) in the crypt of the Cathedral. 2673

Ancona-.Cathedral-Curious small iigure of aBishop standing with his croziE'r and mitre, in the crypt. 2674

Ancona-Cathedral-Panel of Sculptul'e of the thirteen century, in the crypt. 2675

Ar:cona-Cathedral~Curious incised slabs of grotesquc animals, in the crypt. 2676

Ancona-Cathedral_ Very fine Sarcophagus of the fourth centUl'y in the criypt with Scnlpture of Christ and ten Apostles, with two small iigures of the donors kneeling at the feet cf Christ. 2677

Ancona-Cathedral-Panel of Sculpture of the Madonna, with the infant Christ and two saints, in the crypt. 2678

Ancona-Church of S. Mary near the Port. A good Romanesque west front, with rich Doorway and Panelling. 2679 -Loreto Cathedral-Sculpture of the translation of the Santissima Casa by angels throught the air. 2680

LOl'eto Cathedral·-East end of the apse, with machiculis. Part of the fortifications of Sixtus V, who rebuilt the church. 2681

Benevento-Cathedral-·West front of fine Romanesque style, with arcades. 2683

~ -

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Benevento-Cathedral-Rich bronze Doors at the west end (c. XII), said to have been m'\de at Constantinnple.

Benevento-Cathedral-Interior of the Nave.

Benevento-Cathedral-Ambo and Paschal candlestick, made by Ai­

volaus A.D. 1311.

Benevento-Church of S. Sofia-West Door, with a group of

Sculpture in the Tympanum.

Benevento-S. Sofia-Carved Oapitals in the eloister.

Benevento-S. Sofia-View in the eloister.

Beneyento-Fragments of an Egyptian Obelisk and other sculptures,

in the court yard of the Prefecture.

Benevento-Two Roman Sarcophagi and fragments of sculptures.

Benevento-Roman Inscriptions and fragments of sculptures.

Benevento-Medieval Castle, with fine machicoulis and Gothic win-


Benevento .-Arch of Trajan, with the inscription and fine sculptu­

res of his triumph after the Dacian war.

Villa Pamphili-Front View of the Palace of tbe seventeenth cen­

tury, by Algardi.

Illuminations from a MS. c. A.D. 800, formerly in tbe Library of S. Paul f. m., now in the r,lonastery of S. Calix!us.

Illuminations from a MS. in the Libl'ary of S. Paul f. m., c. A.D. 800.

Illuminations from a MS. in the Libr~ry of S Paul, c. A.D.800.

Illuminations from a MS. in the Library of S. Paul, c. A.D. 800.

Illuminations from a MS. in the Library of S. Paul, c. A.D. 800.

Illuminatians from a MS. in the Library of S. Paul, c. A.D. 800.

Illuminations from a MS in the Library of S. Paul, c. A.D. 800.

Illuminations from a MS. in the Library of S. Paul, c. A.D. 800.

Illuminations from a MS. in the Library of S. Paul, c. A.D. 800.

Forum Romanum-Basilica Julia and other Excavations in the Fo-

rum. Forum Romanum-Great Hall of the Lavacrum Publicum of Helio­

gabalus, elose to the Arch of Titus.

Forum Romanum-Temple of the Sun, built by Heliogabalus ovel'

the ruins of the Temple of Orcus.

Medieval Palace of the Borghese Family-View of the Court yard ,

by Lun~hi, Ä..D. 1590.



2686 -~ 2688 ---' 2689 -2690



















Medieval Court yard of the Borghese Palace, by Lunghi, A.D. 1590. 2739

Capitoline Museum-Gro'lp of C~pid and PsychE'.

Capitoline Museum-The celebrated Venus of the Capitol.

Capitoline Museum-The celebrated Venus of th C 't I . e apl 0 •

Capitoline Museum-Bas-relief representing Perseus delivering An­dromeda from the Sea-monster.

Capitoline Museum-Bas-relief representing End . I' . h

. D ymlOn s eepmg w!th lS og.

Capitoline Museum-Statue of Innocence.


Villa Albani-General View of the Palace.

Villa Albani-View of the Gardens.

Villa Albani-View of one of the Side Entrances.

Villa Albani (2)-Statue of Ceres h Id' , 0 mg wheat-ears and poppies, emblems of her divinity.

Villa Albani (3) -Statue of Isis.

Villa Albani (4)-·Statue of Venus Genitrix.

Villa Albani (9) -Bas-relief representing Rome se~ted on the spolls of the conquered nations.

Vill.a Alban~ (16)-:-Statue of a Canephol'a of GI'eek marble found m 1761 m a vmeyard near Frascati,

Villa Alb~ni (19)-Stat lle of a Caryatid, bearing the names of Kriton and NLColaus, Atnenian sClllptors of the first Empire.

Villa Albani (20)-Bas-relief on the base of the Caryat'd r C I repre-sen mg apaneus, who is believed by Winckelmann to have been one of the seven heroes of the expedition angainst Thebes.

Villa Albani (24)-Statue of a Canephora of Greek marble.

Villa Albani (34)-Statue of Venus.

Villa Albani (39)-Statue uf a Muse in the act of singing.

Villa Albani (44)-Statue of an Athlete of Greek marble.

Villa Albani (46)-Statue of M. Junius Brutus.

Villa Albani (54)-Statue of Tiberius, tbe successor of Augustus.

Villa Albani (59)-Statue of Luciusj Ver'us the colleag1l6 of Mal'Cus AllgllstuS. '
























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Villa Albani (64)-Statue of the Emperor Trajan.

Villa Albani (77)-Statue of Antoninus Pius, one of the best por­tl'aits of tha.t Emperor.

Villa Albani (82)-Statue of Hadrian, of very good style.

Villa Albani (87)-Statne of Augustus. It is peculiar, as representing the Emperor seated on a thl'one in a military dress.

Villa Albani (9Z)-Bnst of Lucius Verus.

Villa Albani (93)-Statue of Juno.

Villa Albani (96)-Bust of Marcus Aurelius.

Villa Albani (l03)-Statne of a Bacchante in the act of dancing.

Vilia Albani (105) -Bust of an unknown Person, probably a philo-









sopher. 2774

Villa Albani (l06)-Group of a Faun and the infant Bacchus. 2775

Villa Albani (1l2)-The only Bust existing of Numa, dressed as a Priest. 2776

Villa Albani (l13)-Statue of Apollo, crowned with Laurel, as God of Poett'y. 2m

Villa Albani (1l9)-Bnst of an unkown Person, said to be the por-trait of Corinne. 2778

Villa Albani (l44)-Statue of Bacchus, one of the most ancient re-presentations of that Di,·inity. • 2779

Villa Albani (l49, I50)-Bas-relief representing a Mithraic Sacrifice; undeor it a Nymph on a Sea-monsü,e. 2780

Villa Albani (l54)-Bas-relief of a Military Figure by the side of a horge. 2781

Villa Albani (l57)-Bas-relief representing the Cyclop Polyphemus seated, while a Cupid at the back induces hirn to sing. 2782

Villa Albani (l61, 162)-Bas-relief representing Diogenes in his Tub conversing with Alexander the Great; under it a Nymph on a Sea-monster. 2783

Villa Albani (l69)-Bas-relief of Bacchus, the Conqueror of the 1n-dies, addressed by a Female figure representing the East. 2784

Villa Albani (l85)-Group of Leda and the Swan. 2785

Villa Albani (204)-Group of Theseus and the Minotaur, of Greek marble. 2786

Villa Albani (205)-Bas-relief representing Orestes and Pylades re-cognised by the Priestess 1phigenia. 2787


Villa Albani (214. 215)-Bas-relief with beautiful Ornaments; under it Cybele and Atys. 2788

Villa Albani (316)-Statue of an unknuwn Person. _ 2789

Villa Albani (318)-Stätue of Geta, the second son of Septimius Se-verus. 2790

Villa Albani (335)-Statue of an Hermaphrodite. 2791

Villr. Albani (336)-Fragment, ornamented with Sculptures and Bas-reliefs. 2792

Villa Albani (426)-Statue of Jupiter Serapis, seated, with the Eagle. 2793

Villa Albani (476)-Colossal Bust of Titus. 2794

Villa Albani (489)-Colossal Bust of Trajan. 2795

Villa Albani (612)-Statuc of Apollo. 2796

Villa Albani (620)-Statue of Diana the Hunh'ess.. 2797

Villa Albani (6Z8)-Statue of a Caryatid. 2798

Villa Albani (64l)-Statue of 11al'ysas punished by Apollo. 2799

Villa Albani (643)-Comic Statue of a Shepherd. 2800

Villa Albani (644)-Bas-relief with Foliage and two Genii partly restored. 2801

Villa Albani (658)-Stat).le of Diana of Ephesus. 2802

Villa Albani (676)-Bust of Jupiter Serapis. 2803

Villa Albani (684)-Disc of the Zodiac held by Atlas. 2304

Villa Albani (605)-Statue of a Nymph, which has served to deco-rate a Fountain. 2805

Villa Albaui (696)-Mosaic Pictul'e I'epresenting the Delivering of Hermione from the Monster. 2806

Villa Albani (72l)-Bust of Homer. 2807

Vil1a Albani (733)-Statue of Venus. 2808

Villa Albani (741)-Statue of Hercoles, of Greek marble. 2809

Villa Albani (749)-Statue of Sapho, the celebrated Poetess 2810

Villa Albani (757)-Statue of Bacchus. 2811

Villa Albani (885)-Fragment of Bas-relief representing the Death of the sons of Niobe. 2812

Vilh Albani (889)-Bas-relief repre:>enting the Perilonification of a Mountain. 2813

Villa Albani (891)-Bas-relief representing a Genius of Death in front of a Tomb. 2814

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Villa Albaui (902)-Bas-relief representing a Comic Actor near a Table, to whom a Youth is presenting a Mask.

Villa Albani (90k)-Statue of Apollo, seated .

Villa Albani (928)-A pretty little Statue representing a Faun.

Villa Albani (933)-Bronze Statue of Hel'cules

Villa Albani (949)-Bronze Statue of Pallas.

Villa Albani (951)-Hermes of Isocrates, Greek Orator.

Villa Albani (952)-Bronze Statue of Apollo Sauroctonos.

Villa Albani (953)-Hermes of Quintus Hortensius, one of the best Roman Orators.

Villa Albani (954)-Small Statue of a Faun, similar to No. 928.

Villa Albani (964)-Fragment of aStatue AJ:sop.

Villa Albani (967)-Bas-relief represeuting two Nymphs dancing.












Villa Albani (970)-Statue of Minerva, of archaic style. ~

Villa Albani (977, 978)-Bas-relief representing the Contest of Apollo with Hereules for the Tripod of Delphi; under it an Etruscan Cinerary Urn of Alabaster, with a Figure reclining on the cover. 2827

Villa Albani (980)-Bar-relief of Leucothea and Bacchus. ~

Villa Albani (983)-Statue of a Priest, of old style. 2829

Villa Albani (985)-Bas-relief representing Pollux dismounted from his Horse to fight with kynceus.

Villa Albani (989)-Statue of a Priestess, of archaic style.

Villa Albani (991)-Bas-reÜef representing a Priestess befOl'e a Di­vinity.

Villa Albani (994)-The celebrated Antinous crowned with Lotus flowers. A et B

Villa Albani (997)-A Female Satyr playng a pipe.

Villa Albani (l007)-Bas-relief of Greek marble, l'epresenting a Bacchante.

Villa Albani (l008)-Bas-relief of Greek marble, representing Her­cules in the Gardens of the Hesperides.

Villa Albani (1009)-Bas-relief representing Doodalus making the wings for Icarus.

Villa Albani (lOlO)-Bas-relief representing a Sacrifice.

Villa Albani (lOIl)-Bas-relief reprasenting Ganymede and the Ea-










2839 gle.

Villa Albani (JOU)-Staue of Palla, of Greek mal'ble.

Villa Albani (1013) -Bas-t'elief of Antinous represented as one of the Castors,

Villa Albani (1014)-Bas-relief representing a Sacrifice.

Villa Albani (1018)-Bas-relief representing M. Aurelins, Faustina and Roma.

Villa Albani (l019)-Statue of Jupiter.

Villa Albani (1020)-Bas-relief of two Female Figures going to fulfil a religious cElremony.

Villa Albani (1031)-Bas-relief supposed to represent Antiope with Zethus and Amphioo.

Villa Albani (1033)-Hermes of Sappho the poetess.

Villa Albani (l034)-Hermes of Theophrastus.

Villa Albani (1040)-Hermes of Socrates.












Lateran Museum-Mosaic Pavement, representing Gladiators. 2852

Lateran Museum-A Greek Fuueral, bas-relief, representing a leave-taking between a soldier and his wife. 2853

Lateran Museum-Boxers, in high-relief, called Dares and Entellus, found near the Al'ch of Gallienus. 2854

Lateran Museum-Front of a Sarcophagus of the third century. 2855

Lateran Museum-A Bas-relief, representing a Chariot-race with the Meta, the Cal'ceres, and the Obelisk.

Lateran Museum-Front of a Sal'cophagus, representing the History of Mars and Rhooa Sylvia, and of Diana and Endymion.

Lateran Museum-Front of a Sarcophagus, representing the Fable of Venus and Adonis.

Lateran Museum-Composite Cap-ital, with foliage of the Greek Acanthus.

Lateran Museum-Fragments of Friezes, Capita1s, etc.

Lateran Museum-Cümposite Capital, with foliage of the Greek Acanthus. Ovel' it the cinerat'y Urn of Pomponia Priscilla.

Lateran Museum-Fragments of Friezes, Capitals, and other archit­ectural details.








Lateran I.1useum-Ionic Capital with a Cornice over it. 2863

Lateran Museum-Fragments of Friezes, Capitals, and other archit-ectural details. 2864

Page 29: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of


Lateran Museum-Composite Capital of Roman style. 2865

Lateran Museum-Fragments of Friezes, Capitals, and other archit-ectural details. 2866

Lateran Museum-Statue of .LEsculapius, the god of medicine. 2867

Lateran Museum-Statue of Antinous. 2868

Lateran Museum-Fragment ft'om a Sarcophagus, representing a group of Athletes. 2869

Lateran Museum-Statue of Mars. 2870

Lateran Museum-A repetition of the Faun of Praxiteles. 2871

Lateran Museum-Half-Front of a Sarcophagus. 2872

Lateran Museum-Group of a Satyr playing with a Child. 2873

Lateran Museum-A beautiful Torso from aStatue of the Emperor Tiberius, crowned with wreaths of oak -Ieaves. 2874

Lateran Museum-Statue of a Fann dancing, found in the Via S. Lucia in Selce. 2875

Lateran Museum-Statue of Sophocles found at Tel'racina. 2876

Lateran :Museum-Bas-relief, representing a Shop for 1\Iasks. 2877

Lateran Museum-Statue of Neptune from Porto, the legs and arms restored. 2878

Lateran Museum-Fragments. 2879

Lateran Museum-Fl'agment of GI. Sal'cophagus, Cornice, etc. _ 2880

Lateran Museum-A Candelabrum with a beautiful triangular base, found in the Forum. 2881

Lateran Museum-Door-post, with foliage. Three Figures in Bas-~hl 28~

Lateran Musenm-Bas-relief belonging to the Tomb of the Atel'ii. 2883

Lateran Museum-A pretty Group of a Cupid on a Dolphin, very much restored. 2884

Lateran Museum-Bas-relief, representing the Labours of Hercules. 2885

Lateran Museum-Marble Sarcophagus, representing Feasts of Bac-chus. 2886

Lateran MUi>dum-Marble Sarcophagu~, representing the Vintage. 2887

Lateran Museum-Sal'cophagus, representing the Hunting of thil Caledonian Boar. 2888

Lateran Museum-Sarcophagus, representing the Hunting of the Caledonian Boar. 288~


Lateran 1\luseum-Sculpture-Sarcophagus found on the Via Latina, repl'esenting the· Triumph of Bacchus, seated on an Elephant. 2890

Lateran Museum-ScuIEture-Sarcophagus of P. Crecilius Vallianus. 2891

Lateran-~Iuseum-Unfinished Statue of a Captive Bal'barian, found in the Via de Corouari, still pl'eserviug the sculptor's points to guide the workman in pl'eparing the. marble. 2892

Lateranl\Iuseum-Fragments of Sarcophagi, Bas-reliefs, and Statues. 2893

Lateran Museum-Sarcophagus of Titus Flavius Verus, with the Inscriptiou of thc .LEdes Veri 2894

Lateran Museum-Mosaic Picture fouud at Ostia, in a niehe neat' the Mithrreum, rl'lpresenting the god Silenus, with the usual attt'ibutes. 2895

L~teran l\1useum-Fresco Painting found at Ostia, representing Sa­turn devourillg his Sons, while Rhrea pt'esents hirn the stone with which he was ueeeived. The other two figures represent Uranus and Hygeia. 2896

Lateran Museum-Fresco from Ostia, representing a Funeral Feast (calIed circumpotatio) with five persons with their names written above. 2897

Lateran Museum-Fresco from Ostia, l'epresenting the Ra~e of Pro-serpine. 2898


Lateran- Wiew of the Christian Museum. 2899

Lateran 1\1 useum-Sarcophagus of the fourth century, for two persons, of whom the Busts are sculptured in the shell in the centre. 2900

Lateran Museum-Statue of the fourth cencllry, smalleI' than life . , repr<,sentlt1g the Good Shepherd, with a Lamb 'on His shouldet·. 2901

Lateran Museum-Sarcophagus of the fourth 01' fiifth century, in the centre of which are the Busts of the two defllncts. 2902

Lataran l\1useum-View of the Sarcophagus (No. 2902), with two "mall Statues of the Good Shepherd on either side, and other fragments over them. . 2903

Lateran M~seum-Sarcophagus of the fourth 01' fifth century, re-presentlt1g so me of the Mil'acles of Chl'ist, and an Orante. 2904


Page 30: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of


Lateran Musellm-Sarcophaglls of good style the fifth centllt'y, in shallow, SClllpture, representing the histOl'Y of Jonah, the Fishing, the Shepherd, the Resurrection of Lazarus, S. Peter striking the rock and taken prisoner, and Noah in the Ark. 2905

Lateran Moseum-Sarcophagus of the fourth centUl'Y, representing several miraculous events in the life of Christ, and His triumphal entl'ance into Jel'll~alem. 2906

Lateran Museum-Sarcophagus of the fourth century, representing several subjects of the Old and New Testaments mixed together. 2907

Lateran Museum-Bas-relief, representing the three JeIVs in the bUl'n-ing fiery furnace, and ]';oah in the Ark. 2908

Lateran Museum-Sa~'cophagus of the fourth century, fignres in high-relief under arch"s, alternately round and triangular , in which Christ is represented in the centre, prophesying Peter's denial of Him before the Apostles. 2909

Lateran Museum-Cover of a S.1rcophagus of the fourth century re­presenting two of the ApostIes, and Lamb~ holding crowns in their mouths. 2910

Lateran Museum-Sarcophagus of the fourth century, in the centre of which are the two Portraits of the defunct. 2911

Lateran Museum-Bas-relief, fourth centul'y.-On the Sarcophagus are represented the sacl'ifice of Abraham, Adam and Eve, and some mil'acles of Christ. 2912

Lateran Museum-High-relief, foul'th century.-On the_Sarcophagus some miracles of Christ, the preaching and impl'isonment of S. Peter. 2913

Lateran Museum-An unfinished Sal'cophagus, the Busts of the de-funts are in the centre. :3914

Lateran Museum-On the Sarcophagus the entrance of Christ into Jerusalem, the punishment of Man, and some of Christ's miracles. 291,)

Lateran Museum-Sarcophagus, with its covel', fourth century, re­pl'esenting Christ prophesying Petn"s denial of Hirn, and other subjects of the Bible; the figures under small arches, round and tdangular alternately, with fluted colonettes. 2916

Lateran Museum-Sarcophagus, third century, with allegorical sub-jects of the Vintage and Pasturage. 2917

Lateran 1\1useum-Left side of the Sarcophagus (]';o. 2917). 2918

Lateran Museum-Sarcophagus, fourth century. 2919

Lateran ?\·luseum-A cover of a Sarcophagu8, with so me miracles of Christ, and Daniel killing the Serpent. 2920

Lateran Museum--Sal'cophagus, foul'th century.

Lateran Museum-Sarcophagus, foul'th century.

Late:'au Museum-Sa.lCophagus, fourth eentury, in bold-relief.

Lateran Museum-S;ucophagus representing Chl'ist ol'dering the Ap-





ostles tc feed His Lambs. 2924

Lateran Muspum-T)lis cover, prepared fol' a Female, as aftel'wards been used for SABINVS, who lived forty-four years. 2925

Lateran Muspum-Three fragments of Sarccphagi. 2926

Lateran Museum-Sarcophagus of the fcurth century, a very fine and rich example. 2927

Lateran Museum-Copy of a F~esco Painting, from the Cataeomb of SS. Satul'Ilinui and Thrason; the Good Shepherd, and a figure with a scroH in his hand, bearing the words, DORMITIO SILVESTRI. 292R

Lateran ~fuseum-A Sarcophagus, on which are represented the mo.., Ilcgram of Constantine-the imprisonment of S. Paul-Job-and the vocation of the people. Over it a Sculpturp, fourth century, representing a Supper. 2929

Lateran Museum-S:m;ophaglls with the symbolical monogram, and the my~tel'ier of the _Passion. A small Sarcophagus, in which ia represented the Codex of the Old and New Testaments, and a Supper. 2930

Lateran l\Iuseum-Sarcophagus representing the miracles of Christ, and three scenes in the life of S. Peter. 2931

Lateran Museum-On a ft'agment of a cover of a Sarcophagus, the otfering of the Magi; a side of a Sarcophagus with the departure of Elijah. 2932

Lateran Museum-Fragm}nt of a Sarcophagus, repl'esenting a pas-toral scene 2933

Lateran Museum-Fl'agment of a Sarcophagus in which are repres-entf'd the sacrifice of Abraham, and some miracles of Christ, 2934

Latet'an Museum-Fragment of a Sarcophagus, representing S. Peter and Moses striking the rock, with two persons drinking at the stream (emblematic of his preaching); and the imprisonment of S. Peter. 2935

Lateran :\Iuseum-Inscription on the right-hand side of the Chair of the Siatue of S, Hyppolitus. 2936

Lateran Museum-InsC'ription on the left-hand side of the Chair of thp Statue of S. Hippolitlls. 2931

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Lateran Museum-Sarcophagus of Julia Jllliana. The work is shallo,,,, and bad. The defllnct is represE::nted in the Ark of Noah. 2938


Lateran Mllsellm-Christian Inscl'iptiollS, Nos. 1 to 15 in the Gal-lery. (Tav. 1.) 2939

Lateran Mllsellm-Christisn Inscri ptions in Gallery. (Tav. II.) 2940

Lateran Museum-Christian Inscriptions, Nos 1 to 7, in the Gallery. (Tav. m.) 2941

Lateran Museum-Cbristian In~criptions of the {ourth centurJ, Nos. to 33 in the Gallery. (Tav. IV.) 2942


Lateran Musellm-Christiall Inscriptions of the fOUl'th centllry, Nos.l to 31, in the Gallery. (Tav. V.) 2943

Lateran Museum-Christian Inscriptions of the fOlll'th and fifth cen-turies, Nos. 1 to 35, in tbe Gall.,ry. (Tav. VI.) 2944

Lateran Muscum-Chritian Inscriptions of the fift.h and sixtJ:r cen-turies, Nos . 1 to 21, in the Gallery. (Tav. VII.) 2945

Lateran Museum-Christian Inscl'iptions from various Catacombs, Nos. 1 to 28 in the Gallery. (Tav. VrrL)

Lateran Museum-C'hristian Inscriptions f1'om various places, ~os 1


to 41, in the Gallery. (Ta v • IX.) 2947

Lateran Museum-Christian Inscriptions from various places, Nos. 8 to 33, in the Gallery. (Tav. X.) 2948

Lateran Mu':!eum-Chqistian Insc1'iptions from val'ious places, l'\os. 12 to 30, in the Gallery. (Tav. XL) 2949

Lateran Museum-Cl11'istian Inscl'iptions from val'ious places, Nos. 4 to 31, in the Gallel'Y' (Tav. XII.) 2950

Lateran Museum-Christian Inscriptions from val"ious places, Nos 9 to 38, in the Gallery. (Tal'. XIlI.) 2951

Lateran Museum-Christian Inscril'tions of the third centurJ, with figure. and emblems inr.ised in the stone, Nos. 1 to 40, in the Gallery. (Tav. XIV. A) 2952

Lateran Museum-Christian Inscl'iptions ofthe third and fourth cen­tnries with figures an(1 emblems incised, Nos. 16 to 50, in the Galler.". (Tal'. XIV. B) 2953

Lateran Museum-Christian Inscriptions of the third and fourth cen­turies, with figul'e~ and emblems incised, Nos. 19 to 65, in the Gallel'Y. (Tav. XV.)

Lateran Museum-Christian Inscl'iptious of the third and fourth cen­turies, with figures and emblems incised, Nos. 14 to 46 in the Gallery. (Tal'. XVI.)

Lateran Museum-Christian Inscriptions, Nos. 1 to 29 in the Gal­lery (Tav. XIX.)

Lateran Museum-Inscl'iptions and Emblems, Nos. 11 to 26, in the Vestibule. (Tal'. VI.)

Lateran Museum-Inscriptions on the Wall of the Staircase, Nos. to 10. -The Forum Romanum in 1872.








Sculpture-One side of one of tbe Mal'ble Walls of tbe Comitium. 2960

Sculpture-One side of the second Wall of the Comitinm in frag-mpnts, as it was found, before it was put together. 29f)]

Sculpture-Other fl'agments of the Mal'ble Wall of the Comitium, as found. 296;2

Fountain in tbe Piazza J'artamg:l., near the Ghetto.

Statue rppresenting the young Hercules, found in the Campo Verano in the spring of 1872.

Statue representing Tellus, 01' the Earth, seated, found in the spring


of IR72 in the Campo Verano. 29M

Gip:antic Cornice, found at the l\1accao, uear the Prretorian Camp, in 1873. 2967

Base of a hl'ge Column of tbe {ourth centul'Y, time of the Emperor Constantius. 2971

Palatine-Part of the Palaee of thp time of Trajan. 2912

Palatinfl-Part of the Palace of Tiberius against tbe west cliff, near tbe middle of the Palatine HilI. 2974

Fragments of Cornices and Bases of the second century, found iu tbe Palazzo Fiano, and now in the courtY!\l'd of the same palace 2976

Fragments of cornices, with elegant foliage of the second century, found in the Palazzo Fiano, and now in the courtyal'd of the same palace. 2077

Fragment of Sculpture on a Base found in the Pahzzo Fiano, and now in the court yard of the same palace. 2978

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Base of a Pilaster, with foliage of the second century, found in the Palazzo Fiano, and now in the court yard of the same palace. 2979

Sarcophagus of the seeo~d centLll'y, with figures of actors and masks, now in the garden of the Villa Celimontana, formerly called Villa M attei. 2980

Tombs-Fresco Painting of a female figure holding a cl'own, the Genius of Death (?), in the Pyramid of Caius Cestius, B.a. 30 (1), outside the POl'ta S. Paolo.

Taken with rnagnesian light. 29H2

Tombs-Freseo Painting of the Genius of Death holding a crown, in the Pyr:olmid of Caius Cestins, B.a. 30 (1), outside the Porta S. Paolo. Taken with magnesian lighti 2983

Ctypt of S. Peter iu the Vatican (34)-A fine picture of the foul't-eenth century, represellting the Madonna and Child with two Angels. Taken with magnesian light. 2984

Crypt of S. Petel' (8)-A fine Door-post of 1IIarble, used in the Cha-pel of Jobn VII. , A..D. 706, with animal, birds, and foliage.

4,,~i r- Taken with magnesian light. 2985

Crypt of S, Peter (8)-A fine Door-post of Marble used in the Chap'el of Jo11n VII., A.D. 706, with birds, foliage, and figures.

Taken with magnesian light.

Crypt of S. Peter (8)-A fine Door-post used in the Chapel of John VII., A.D. 706, with birds, foliage, and figures.

Taken with magnesian light.

Crypt of S. P"tel'-Fresco Painting of the old Basilica of S. Petei', before it was de~troyed in 1570 under Paul V.

Taken with magnesian light.

Crypt of S. Peter (67)-Ciboriurh of the Holy Lance (time of 1n­nocent VIII., A.D, 1490), two AngeIs adoring the Holy Relie.

Taken with magnesian light.

Cl'ypt of S. Peter (22)-Sculpture from the Tornb of Cardinal Be-rardus Herulus, of Karni, A.D. 1479.

Taken with magnesian light.

Crypt of S. Peter (53)-Sculptul'e in white rnarble repl'esenting S. John the EVBngelist.

Taken with magnesian light.

Crypt of S. Petpr (l56)-Antique Sarcophagus of red granite used for the body of Pope Hadrian IV., A.D. 1159, the only English Pope (Breakspear). Taken with magnesian light.

Crypt of S. Peter (37)-A Bas-relief made at the end of the sixteenth century, under Pope Sixtus V.

Taken with mrtgnesian light.




2989 -2990




Crypt of S. Peter (18) -Cross of white marble, formerlyon the gable of the fl'ont of the old B:.tsilica.


Taken with magnes:an light. 2994

Crypt of S. Peter (16)-The celebl'ated Statue of S. Peter, with decoration of Cosmati-wol'k, fOI mel'ly unde!' the pOI,tieo of the old Basilica. Taken with magnesian light. ~

Crypt of S. Peter (221)-Bas-relief from the Ciborium of Pius H., A.D, 1460, Two angels holding the head of S, Andl'ew.

Taken with magnesian light. ~996

Crypt of S, Petel' (231)-The celebrated Sarcophagus of Junius Bas-· ~l!l'efe('t of Roma, five tirnes ConSlll, deceased A,D. 359.

Taken with magnesian light.

Construction-Brickwork of the Pantheon, B.a. 26 2998

Construction-BI'ickwork of the Palace of Caligula A,D. 40. 2999

Constl'uction-Brickwork of the Al'ches of Nel'o on the Ccelian, neur S, Stefano Rotondo, A.D. 60. The best pe,'iod of const)·uction. 3000

Construction-Brickwol'k at tlle Pl'retorian Camp, Tiberius, A.D, 20, 3002

Obelisk in the Garden of the Villa Celimontana (l\Iattei). 3003

Aggel' of Servius Tullius-View of pal't of the "Mons Justitioo,. destroyed neal' the Railway Station in 1873, with remains of houses built upon it, and into iL. 3004

Aggel' of Servius Tullius, shewing a pOl'tion of his wall betweell the Railway Station and S. Maria Maggiore. 3005

Castle of S. Angelo-Fresco Painting on the left side of an external Loggia-the ~lausoleum of Hadrian, as it appeared in the six-teenth century, 3006

Castle of S, Angelo-Fresco Painting by Siciolante, (da Sermoneta, A.D. 1504), l'epresenting Alexander the Great visiting the Temple of Iel'usalem. 3008

Castle of S. Angelo-Fresco Painting by Siciolante, A,D, 1504, re. presenting the triumph of Alexander the Great. 3009

Castle of S. Angelo-Fresco Painting by Siciolante, A,D, 1504, re-presenting King Pyrrhu~ on the Elephant, 30 10

Castle of S. Angelo-FrE'sco Painting by Siciolante', A.D. 1504, re-prespnting a- battle-ilcene. 3011

Castle of S. Augelo-Fresco Painting by Siciolante, A.D. 1504, re-presenting Alexander the Great with the Jewisk high-priest. 3012

Castle S. AngeJo~Fresco Painting by Pierino deI Vago, A.D. 1540; St. Mirhool, pt(·. 3013

Page 33: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of


('a$tl~ of S. Angelo-Fresco Painting by Pierino deI Vago, A.D. 1540; Kll1g Pyrrhus, etc.

Castle of S· Angelo-Fresco Paintings and Stuccoes by Giulio Ro­mano, A.D. 1541; Mythologieal subjeets .

Castle of S. Augelo-Freseo Pailltings and Stuccoes b, Giulio Ro-mauo, A.D. 1540; l\lythological subjeets. •

Castle of S. Angelo-Freseo Paintings and Stuccoes by Giulio Ro­mano, A.D. 1540; Mythologieal subjects.

Castle of S. Angelo-Freseo Paintings and Stuecoes by Giulio Ro­mano. A.D. 1540; 1IIythologieal subjets.

Castle of S. Angelo-Freseo Painting aud Stllceoell by Giulio Ro-

mano, ..... D. 1540; Mythological subjeds.

Castle of S. Angelo - Fl'eseo Paintin o' and Stuecoes bv '" . GlUlio Ro-muno, A.D. 1540; Mythologieal subjeets.

Castle of S. Angelo-Fl'eseo Paintillg and Stuceoes by Giulio Ro-mano, A.D. 1540; 11ythvlogical subjeets.

Castle of S. Angplo-Fresco Painting and Stuecoes by Giulio Ro-

mano, A.D. 1540; Mythologieal subjects.

Castle of S. Angelo-Fl'esco Painting by Piel'ino deI Vago, A.D. 1540;










Mythologieal subjects. 3023

C,\stle of S. Angelo-Frescü Paintings by Pierino elel Vago, A.D. 1540;

My~o~~~~. ~ ("lstle of S. Angelo- Freseo Paint;ngs by Pierino deI Vago, ..... D. 1540;

Mythologieal subjeet~. 3025

C!inreh of S. Paul f. m.-View of the Interior, and the Mosaie over the Arch of Triumph. 3026

Out of Rome-Mausoleum of the ti~e of Badrian, called the " Tor-rone" two miles from Fl'aseati, with pa!'t of a Castle 01' thp Savelli of the fifteentll century. :3027

(;Iotta-Fel'rata-Tower anel part of the fortified Monastery of the fifte enth eentury 3028

Aqueduets-Sol~rces of the Aqna Tepnla, the arch maele, B.C. 126, on the hill of Marino, nndel' Grotta-Fe~'l"ata . :3029

Albano--Ol'iginal Viadnet of the Via Appia, ne ar Ariceia, B. C. 312. 3032

l-'alazznola (Alba Longa)-Seal'ped cliff, with a Tomb of a Roman Consul cut upon it. 30:3:3

Civita Lavinia (Lanuvium)-Part of the wall of the Citadel of the time of the Empire, with a distant view of the searped rliffs and earth-wOdi.s of the older City. 3037



Tivoli (Tibur)-Temple of the Sybil and of Vesta. 3039

Tivoli (Tibur)-The Caseades from the opposite HilI. 3040

Villa 01' Farm of Horace-Villages of Licenza and~Civitella. 3043

Villa 01' Farm of Borace, in the Sabine Bills, near Vico-Varo-View of the HilI called "Rocca Giovane." 3044

Vieo-Varo-View of the Church called the "Tempietto." . 3046

. Vieo-Varo-View from the River Anio. 3049

Aqueducts-Aqua Marcia Pia.-Stone Specus on arches, between Vieo-Varo and Tivoli 3051

Aqueducts-Claudia and Anio Novus, A.D. 50.-Reservoir of Nero over the Areh oi Dolabella on the Crelian. 3052

Temple of Fortuna Virilis, B.C. 90, and A.D. 10, fl'om the north­west-the Columns of the Portico walled up with a Medieval wall, to make the Church of S. Maria iEegyptiac:-t. 3053

Church of'S Thomas in formis on the Crelian, as rebuilt in the twelfth century. 3054

Thermre of Tl'ajall-Fresco Painting found in 1872 near·the Chnrch of SS. Martin and Silvester. A dancing figure. 3057

Thermre of Trajan-Fresco Painting of a dancer found in 1872 ne ar the Church of SS. Martin and Silvester. 3058

Thel'mre of Trajan-Fresco Painting found in 1872 near the Church of SS. Martin and Silvester. 3059

Church of S. Pudentiana-Doorway as restored in 1872. 3060

Church of S. Pudentiana-Seulpture, in the Gaetani Chapel, behind the altar. 3061

Chureh of S. Pudenthna~Mosaie Picture of the sixteenth centur)', in the Gaetani Chape!. 3062

Chureh of S. Paul alle tre Fontane. Mosaic of the sixteenth century, representing the Ascension of the Virgin above, with foul' Saints below. 3064

Church of S. Paul alle tre Fontane. Mosaic Pavement from~Ostia, c. A.D. 250, representing tbe Jour Seasons. 3065

Lueca-Front of the Duomo, A.D. 1204, Pisan style, with the small arcacles anel detached eolonettes. 3067

L~l!ca-Bas-selief with Iuscription, und er the Portico of the Duomo. Cent. XII. Representing the legend of S. Martin, with allegorieal figures of six of the months under arehes in panels. 3068


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Lucca-Bas-relief with Inscription, over the principal Dool' of the Duomo. Cent. XII. 3069

Lucca-Base of the . Campanile, with part of the Apse of the ChUl'ch of S. FrediauJ, A.D. 1151. 3070

Lucca-Church of S. Frediano. View of the Apse and Campanile. Cent. XII., built of old materials. 3071

Lucca-Ghurch of S. Frediano. View of the Fagade with Mosaics. Cent . . XII.,:"-XIII. 307;2

Lucca-Church of S. Christopher. Principal DOOI', with fine mould-ings and capitals. Cent XII. 3073

Lucca-Church of S. Jtilia. Cent. XII. View of the Fagade. 3074

Lucca-Church of S. John. Principal Door, with fine SculptUl'e. Cent. XII: 3075

Lucca-Church of S. Michael. View of the left Side, with double Arcade and Tower, A.D. 1188. 3076

Lucca-Church of S. Giusto. Cent. XII. Front view. 3077

Lucca-Chapel of the Madonna della. Rosa, A..D. 1280-1304 m. Side view. 3079

Lucca-Church called the "Oratory," curious Bas-relief over the Door. 3080

Pisa-General View of the Baptistery, A.D. 1153, and 1278 and Front of the Cathedral, thirteenth cent. 3081

Pisa-Church of S. Paul. View of the Side and Transept. 3085

Pisa-Church of S. Paul (Duomo Vecchio). View shewing the con­struction, and the junction of three periods, A.D. 1156, 1230 (?), and 1300 (1). 3086

Pisa-Medieval Tower of the Fortifications near the Church of S. Paul, part of the \Vall of the City with fine bold machlcoulis. 3087

Pisa-Leaning Tower, A.D. 1174-1350, and Cathedral. The Pisan style of the twelfth and thirteeuth centbries. 3088

Florence-Church of S. Maria Novella. View from the south. 3089

Initial Letter Fand the commencement of the Preface to the entire Bible, by St. Jerome, "FRATER AMBROSIUS. " 3090

Title-page of the Book of Genesis, "INCIPIT LIBER BRESIT, ID EST GEKESEOS. " 3091

Commencemünt of the Book of Exodus, " HAEC SUNT NOMIKA. » 3092

Itl umination at· the commencement of tIle Book of Leviticus. Moses placing the Ark withi!1 the Tent 01' Tabernacle, guarded' by Che­rubim, below which isthe seven-branched Candlestick, with Moses


offering up a burnt sacrifice before the childl'en of Israel. 3093

Commencement of the Book of Leviticus, ,'VOCAVIT ATTE:l1 MOYSEK .ET LOCUTUS EST." 3094

Commencement of the Book of Numbel's , " LOCUTUS QUE DNs AD },fOYSEN IN DESERTO SI:\AI IN TABERNACULO FOEQETIS." 3995

Illumination at commencement of the Book of Deuferonomy. Moses l'eceiving the Tabies of the Law from the hand of God ·on Mo.unt Sinai, and describing the same to the children of Israel. 3096


IlIuminated Page at the beginning of the Book of Joshua. Moses marshalling the Israelites to pass over Jordan, over wh ich the Ark has all'eady been borne; the twelve stones borne on men's shoulders, and the destruction of the walls of Jericho. 3098

Commellcement of the Book of Joshua, "ET FACTU EST POST MORTE MOYSI SERvl Dr\I .. -"Now after the death of Moses, . the servant oE the Lord, it cam~ to pass." 3099

Illllminated Page at the commencement of the third (first) Book of Kings. Solomon anointed by Zadok and Nathan. The wistlom

. of Solomon, seated on his thl'one giving judgment between the two women. 3100

Commencement oi the third (first) Book of Kings, " ET REX DAVID . SEr\UERAT"-"Now king David was old and steicken in yeal's." 3101

Illumination at the beginning of thB second Book oi Samuel (01'

second Book of Kings). D&vid teal'ing his clothes on hearing of the death of Saul, and slaughter of the messenger, who accused himself of Saul's death. 3102

Commencement of the fourth (second) Book of Kings, "PRAEVARI­CATUS EST AUT MOAB 1:\ ISRAEL POST QUA MORTUUS EST ACAB CE­CIDITQ. OHOZIAS PER CAr\CELLOS CAENAGULI QUOD HABEBAT "-" Then ';,Ioab rebelled against Israel after the death of Ahab, and Ahaz-iäh fell down through a lattice in his upper chamber." 3103

lllumination at the commencement of the Apocryphal Book of judith. The story of Judith and Holofernes, in three compartements. Ju­dith attended by hel' maid leaving Bethulia; brought before Ho-lofernes; and cutting off his head. 3104

·Commencement of the Psalter, "BEATUS VIa QUINON ABIIT IN COK-"ILIO IMPIORUM "-" B1essed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly." · 3105

Page 35: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of


Commeneement of the Book of t1lP Pl'ophet'ies of Jeremiach, "VERBA HIEREMIAK FILII HILLiCHIAK DE SACERVOTIBUs"-"The words of Jeremiah, the sun of Hilkiah, of the priests:'

Commencement of the Book of Daniel, "A~NO TERTIO RE~NI .IOAC~IDI REGIS IUDAE"-"In the thil'd yea!' of the reign of Jeholaklm lung

of Judah

Illumination at the beo-innino- of the Gospel of S. ~latthew' The b '" I ' Evangelist writing, his symbolieal angel in the upper ang e of

the drawing. On a large rainbow-like sCl'oll is inscribed. "~ ~IAT­THEUS AGE~S HOMINEM GENERALiTER IMPLET"-"Matthew, fUI' the most part, fi11s up the story of the Actions (ot' Christ) as a


Illumination at the beginning of the Gospel of S. Mark. The Evan­gelist seated writing, with his symbolical Lion in th: ~loud~; on a similar scl'ol1, dividing the design into two parts, Ins mscl'l~ed: "MARcus UT ALTA FRE~IIT VOX PER DESERTA LEO);IS"-"Mark ralses his voice aloud like a lion in the wilderness." (ch. i. ver. 3.) ,

Illumination at the beginning of the Gospel uf S. Luke, who, with symbolieal Bull, is I'ep!'esented writing on a long roll from a book on a stand before hirn. The seroll is inscribed: "JURA SA­CERDOTIS LUCA~ TE~ET ORA JUVENCI" -" Luke holds the laws of the pl'iests in the mouth of abullock," in allusion to the priestly office of Christ set forth in his Gospel.

Commeneement of the Gospel of S. r::.uke, "QM QUIDE~I MULTI co­NAT! SUNT"-"Forasmuch as many have taken in hand (01' bave endeavoured)."

Illumination at the commencement of the Gospel of S. Johll. The Evangelist seated, about to write in a book at tha dictatiull of his symbolieal eagle, also holding an open book in the elouds. The long rainbow-llke scroll is inscribed: "MORK YOLA1\S AQUILK VERBO PETIT ASTRA IOHA1\1\Es"-"In the mannei' of a flying eagle, Jobn seeks the jltars for THE WORD," in allu~ion to tbe doctl'inal cl.aractel' of his Gospel.

Commendement of the Gospel 01' S. John, "b; PRINCIPIO ERA VKRBA"­"In the beginning was THE WOORD."

Illumination at the beginnig of the Acts of the Apostles. Above is the Aseension of Christ, "ASCE1\DlT XPS IN ALTUM" -"Christ ascendete on high." Below is the Gift of Tongues. The Twelve Apostles seated in a circle,within a walled and battlemented en­elosure each with a flame of fire ()n his head; the Virgin in the centre with only a .plain uimbus roun,d her head.










Tlm'rn:ife of the Antonines and of Caracalla began by that Empe-1'01' ancl finished by his SUCCeSSOI' Heliogabalus. One of the bath chambers excavated in 1873.

Thel'mre of Caracalla-Wall of tlle private house of Hadrian at tbe nOl'th cast cornel' (11OW 20 feet below the sudace) , excavated in 1873.

Thel'mare of Caracalla-Remains of atempie? behind the Chul'ch of SS. Nel'eus and Achilleus ; 01' of a tomb? on the side of the Via Arpia and torso of a Gl'eek statue, found in the Veneyard of Sig. Pietro Brocard in 1873.

Th9rmre of Caracalla-POl'ticus in front of the Thet'mre with bath chambers under the lower arches, 110W in the vineyard of Sig. Brocard.

Kircherian Museum-Vase of the fourth centUl'y with the offerings of the Magi in shallow s?ulpture and good foliage like capitals A.B.

Kircherian Museum -Sal'cophagus of the fout'th century 'l'spresenting tbe last supper of our Lord.

Primitive fOl'tifications-Scarped cliff of an ancient for,tress of the northel'l1 side of the Vatican.

Primitive fOl'tifieations-Scarped cliil' of the Vatican fortress nol'­thern side.

Statue of Pasquino in the Piazza di Pasquillo at the back of the PalazzQ Braschi.

Palace of the Caesars- View thl'ough the Al'ch of Titus.

Via Appia-General view with the tombs.

Via Appia-General view with the tombs.

The Pantheon-View of the Portico with the Obelisk and the in­scriy,tions.

Vatican Museum (86) Statue of a female of elegant style with the attributes. of Higeia 01' the goddes of health.

Vatican Museum (120) Statue of a Greek woman found in tha Villa of Hadl'ian. The 1eft hand is restored.

Vatican Museum-Statue of Nemesis.

Vatican Museum (533) Statue of Minel'va with the shield.

Vatican Museum (681) Statue of Diana restored with the symbols of Minerva.

Vatican Muscum (582) Statue of Apollo, said to be an imitation of thc celebrated original of Scopes.





















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Mausoleum of Hadrian now Castle of S. Angelo, the south side with the medieval batlements and the figure of the Angel. :3135

Colosseum-Inscription on a base at the nOl'th end. 3136

Colosseum-Inscription on a tablet at the south end. 3137

Colosseum-Arch at the north west end, restored perhaps in thE' time of the Gordians A.D. 220. 238. 3138

Arch of Constantine-Panels of sculpture on the east side the two round panels are from the Arch of Tl'ajan A.D. CXI. the long flat 'panel represents the Forum Romanum in the time of Constan-tine A.D. 326. A.B 3139

Church of Ara-Creli-Ambo with Cosmati wurk. 3140

Church of Ara-Cceli-Ambo with Cosmati work. 3141

Church of Ara-Cceli-Panels of ribbon mosaics from the Ambo. 3142

Church of Ara-Cceli-Mosaic pavemellt of Opus Alexandrinum. 3143

Church of Ara-Cceli-OctagouaI panels of the mosaic pavement. 3144

Forum Romanum-Temple of Concord, marble venering in the north west corner A.D. XI. 3145

Forum Romanum-Temple of Concord. South west corner with the entrancc to a subterranean passage undel' the platform B.C.

303? 216. 01' 144? 3146

Forum Romanum-Pavement of the Clivus Capitolinus B.C. 174 with remains of the gate of Saturn. 3147

Forum Romanum-West side of the podium of the temple of Saturn A.D. XII, with the doorway of the steps to the Aet'arium B.C. 494. 3148

Forum Romanum-ViaSacra. Fodium of the temple of Vesta B.C. 794. excavated in 1874. 3149

Temple of Fortuna Virilis-Details. The cell of tufa B.C. 90. the portico of marble A.D. XVI. 3150

Forum of Al1gustus-Cornice 01' Corbel table of the east wall A.D. XIX. 3151

Pyramidal Tomb of Cajus Cestius A.D. 10 from the English burial ground. 3152

Forum of Augustus-Exterior of the wall B.C. 19. 3153

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Page 38: Fotokatalog Photographic Catalogue Catalogo fotograficofotokat/Fotokataloge/Parker_1873_1_l.pdfCloaea Maxima--Interior near the Areh of Janus. The Pulehrum littus with the exit of