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  • 8/10/2019 Formatted -- Optimizing VI Performance


  • 8/10/2019 Formatted -- Optimizing VI Performance


    Optimizing VI Performance

    Dan Hedges

  • 8/10/2019 Formatted -- Optimizing VI Performance



    Understanding and Locating Performance Problems Understanding areas in LabVIEW that affect performance

    Memory copies

    UI redraws

    Library selection

    Property Node usage

    Thread friction

    Reentrant VI usage

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    Steps to Improving Performance

    1. Make your VI work2. Run the VI Performance Profiler

    3. Improve performance of key areas

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    Why Should You Profile Your VIs?

    The 80/20 rule of software performance 80% of the execution time is spent in 20% of the code

    Performance improvements are most effective in the

    20% Guessing which 20% is difficult

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    Profiling Demonstration

    Select Tools>>Advanced>>Profile VIs

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    Common Causes of Performance Problems

    Incorrect coding Bad algorithm

    Improper library calls

    Unnecessary repetition

    Recalculating a value rather than storing it for reuse on each iteration

    Incorrect timing

    Too early

    Too late

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    Memory Management

    The most common and mysterious reason for poor

    performance of VIs

    LabVIEW handles memory management automatically You do not need to code when to allocate or deallocate


    You have less control over when memory operations occur

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    Execution Data, Continued

    Functions that read can be scheduled to run beforefunctions that modify

    LabVIEWs scheduling is good, not perfect

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    Building Arrays and Strings

    Functions that tend to cause memory reallocation Build Array

    Concatenate Strings

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    Bad Use of the Build Array Function

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    Better Use of the Build Array Function

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    Good Use of the Build Array Function

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    Best Use of the Build Array Function

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    Type Conversions

    Make programming easier Explicit bullets

    Implicit dots

    Require extra time and memory Limit conversions by using consistent data types

    Only limit conversions that are executed often

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    Avoid Coercion Dots

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    Avoid Coercion Dots

    Results from profiling the previous two VIs:

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    Slow Libraries

    The easy way is rarely the efficient way Higher level VIs do many things that may not berequired

    DAQ Easy I/O performs reconfiguration on each call

    File primitives Write characters to file will perform many operations

    Open file, Seek file, Write block of characters, Close file

    Can be 70 times slower than the write primitive alone

    Neither are bad to use until you put them in a tight loop

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    Math Efficiency

    LabVIEW compiler generates more efficient code inprimitives than chained operations

    Math primitives with an array input are faster than

    performing the array multiply using a loop

    Is faster

    than ->

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    UI Updating

    Drawing to the screen is the most overlookedperformance bottleneck

    Expensive math or driver calls are more obvious than

    expensive drawing Like memory management, LabVIEW tries to optimize UI

    drawing but it can not perform miracles

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    UI Thread

    Front panel updates occur in the UI thread Execution takes place in other threads

    Shared data must be protected, so LabVIEW creates

    an extra copy, called a transfer buffer

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    Panel and Diagram Data

    Front panel controls and indicators need their own copy ofthe data to display, called operate data

    This VI uses about 8 KB of data if the panel is open, andabout 4 KB otherwise

    On multithreaded systems, an additional 4 KB of transferdata is used

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    When Do Controls Keep Copies of Data?

    Controls and indicators keep operate data when thefront panel is in memory

    The front panel is kept in memory in the following

    situations: The front panel is open

    The VI has not been saved

    The block diagram uses property nodes

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    When Do Controls Keep Copies of Data?

    Local variables read from and write to the operate data Controls and indicators that have local variable

    references also keep a copy of their operate data

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    UI Management

    Only update indicators as often as you need More than 10 times per second is excessive

    Understand indicator data copies

    Data is copied from the wire to the transfer buffer each timeyou update the indicator

    Data is then copied to the indicator on each update

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    Indicator Updating

    If an indicator is placed in a loop, you should use atimed loop or throttle the update rate

    Indicators can be updated at the expiration of a timer after a

    particular number of iterations

    SubVI indicators should not be placed into a loop

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    Property Node Effect on Performance

    Control and Indicator Property nodes are slow Control properties require a thread swap to the UI thread to


    Property Nodes can not run in parallel

    Many will force UI updates on completion of that node

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    Property Nodes

    Chaining together properties Cause multiple thread swaps

    Cause multiple UI updates

    It is better to run the VI in the UI thread so it does not haveto swap threads on each property node

    Property nodes in an un-throttled loop are bad

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    Defer Panel Updates

    When performing multiple control property changes ona graph, use Defer Panel Updates

    Disables UI refresh until the property changes are complete

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    Control References

    There are performance tradeoffs to using controlreferences

    Property nodes using control references have the same

    performance issues as regular property nodes

    The value property has the performance characteristics of a

    Property Node, not a terminal

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    SubVI Calls

    SubVI calls are relatively expensive Use subroutine priority if you have determined that a subVI

    is the hot spot and the subVI is called rapidly

    Calling a subVI in a different execution system can bereally expensive

    However, calling a subVI does not inherently cause a

    new memory copy

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    Interfacing to External Code

    Look for red Call Library Nodes or Code InterfaceNodes

    Red nodes cause thread-swap every time they execute,

    yellow do not

    Active X controls

    Automation servers created via Automation Open can be

    called without swaps (if the server supports it)

    Controls always are called with thread swaps

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    Reentrant VIs

    Using reentrant VIs in two different casesAllows a subVI to preserve state between calls

    Allows a subVI to be called in parallel

    Understanding reentrant VIs is very important if youneed good performance

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    1. Make your VI work2. Run the VI Performance Profiler

    3. Improve performance of key areas

    Memory copies

    UI redraws

    Library selection

    Property Node usage

    Thread friction Reentrant VI usage

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    Additional Resources

    LabVIEW Performance and Memory Management Note Refer to the NI Developer Zone at enter AN114 in

    the Search textbox

    The Need for Speed,vol 7, number 4, and LabVIEW 6i

    Performance Improvements, vol 8, number 1 Refer to the LabVIEW Technical Resource Web site at