form and survey builder training

Form & Survey Builder Basics

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Post on 20-Jan-2017




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Form & Survey BuilderBasics

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Surveys is a tool that is broken up into two components in Taskstream:

First you must specify data to be collected which occurs in Form & Survey Builder component.

Next, you must push the survey out by distributing them to recipients using the Launch and Manage Surveys component.

To begin the process, click TS Coordinator on the top navigation bar and scroll down to the Surveys area and Click Form & Survey Builder

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Enter the title for your new form and enter a meaningful description or purpose for the form and click the Create New button.

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The next screen is where you'll start entering the building blocks of our form by clicking the Insert New Form Element link on the right.

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In doing so, this will take you to a screen that allows you to Select the element type or importing an already existing form element(s) from a previous form.

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• Section Header or Subsection Header: dividers that organize form elements into meaningful sections • Open Ended (text/comment area): present a query that the responder will answer by entering text. • Open Ended - 2 column format (text/comment area): present a query that the responder will answer by entering two columns of text (for example, to compare two concepts). • Choice – one answer (radio buttons or pull-down): present a query with a set of response options from which the responder will select a single answer • Choice – multiple answers (check boxes): present a query with a set of response options from which the responder may select multiple answers • Rating Scale (single or multiple criteria can be rated): present a query with a scaled range of values from which the responder must choose.

What are the different element types?

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Once you've made your selection, you'll click Continue.

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Enter the required details and click the Save & Return to Form button

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You can then repeat the steps as many times as needed by clicking Insert New Form Element link again on the right.

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…but this time clicking the Launch and Manage Surveys link…

…at which point you will be prompted to enter a survey name

Once the form is completed and saved, you can then click the TS Coordinator button and return to the Surveys area again

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There are 5 steps to this process which can be easily tracked by looking at the numbered tabs:

1. Selecting a Survey2. Setup/Style3. Recipients4. Preferences5. Launch

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On the next screen, in the case that you hadn't just created one by clicking the Go to Form & Survey Builder button you can create a new form.

Or, you already built one, you can use an existing form/survey by using the drop down menus. Once you've made your selection, you can click Save & Continue.

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The next screen allows you to customize the look and enter any message you wish to include in the survey by adding a banner, survey title, footer, introductory message and closing message.

Once you are finished, click Save & Continue.

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Once you are finished customizing the look of our survey you can then tailor the email message that will prompt your recipients to fill out the survey.

Once you are finished you can click Apply Changes.

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The next screen allows you to add your survey recipients and will you show you any crucial statistics

You'll notice that there are several buttons that allow you to add recipients using various methods:

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You may add fellow Taskstream users as recipients by clicking the Add Taskstream Subscribers button which opens up the Member Locator.

If you prefer, you may also use recipients from a previous survey or even by importing an external Text File or you can manually add email addresses.

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Before launching the survey, you must designate preferences connected to reminder, close date.

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At the bottom of the same screen, you are required to enable or disable anonymity and then click Save & Continue.

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The last step is to Launch your survey.

The setup details ensures that all steps have been completed and you can finally click the Launch Survey button.

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Once you click the Launch Survey button, you will be asked to confirm by clicking OK!

As a final step, the system will state that you have successfully launched your survey as seen below:

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