forest & stream club log book

!"#$ !"#$ The FOREST & STREAM HUNTING & FISHING CLUB !"#$ East Liverpool, Ohio 1882 – 1891

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This is a verbatim transcription of the log book of record of the Forest & Stream Hunting and Fishing Club of East Liverpool, Ohio. The scribe was William "Jack" Curry and the transcription is by his granddaughter, Jane Louise Curry.The Club held annual summer campouts of three weeks to a month's duration during the years 1882 to 1891 at various rural venues, including Gaston's Mills, Dobson's Mills and Camp St. George at Madison Square, Ohio.


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    East Liverpool, Ohio 1882 1891

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    Title Page Note

    The Club photo on the title page was obtained from the Dale Thompson scrapbook, which is preserved in the ELO Historical Society archives. Mr. Thompson also supplied the following numbered list of the men (and camp dog) in the photo that are keyed to the numbers he penned on the photo. 1. William Hill (water boy) 10. Sydney Gwinne (cook) 2. Jack Curry 11. James Ackley 3. Frank Croxall 12. George B. Harvey 4. Will Harker 13. Thomas H. Arbuckle 5. George Thomas 14. Hal N. Harker 6. Ed Bell 15. R. W. Taylor 7. Meridan Hill 16. Charles R. Thomas 8. A. H. Clark (father of Jay Clark) 17. Ed McHenry 9. Atwood W. Thomas 18. Hugh S. Jolly (camp helper/dog)

    Thompson notes that the photo was taken in July 1882 at the Forest and Stream Club camp at Dobsons Mill, (originally Robinsons Mill) on the Loudon Farm, West Fork of Beaver Creek, and south of the Morgan Monument. This citation is in error since the Clubs 1882 camping season was staged at Gastons Mill. Based on Jack Currys carefully documented daily attendance records, it appears the photo was taken on Saturday, July 12, 1884. Thompson wrote, Jack Curry was boss of the camp. He is holding the secretary and log book of the camp. Sydney Gwinne, the cook, was from the Hilbert House on Second Street. It was on this camping expedition that he startled the members, in the middle of the night, by having an attack of the snakes caused by his obtaining an overdose of alcoholic liquor from some unknown source. The East Liverpool Forest & Stream Hunting & Fishing Club was active between 1882 and 1891. In 1882 the camp was staged at Gaston's Mills, the general area now well preserved as part of Little Beaver State Park. In the years of 1883, '84 and '85, the camp was located on the Loudon farm at Dobson's Mill on the south side of the West Branch of the Little Beaver near the Morgan Surrender Monument. During the four summers of 1887, 88, 90 and 91 the camp site was moved to Camp St. George Madison Square also on the Little Beaver somewhere near West Point, OH in Madison Township. A Google Map of these general locations can be found at


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    Transcription Note

    Jane Louise Curry, East Liverpool native and noted childrens author, laboriously transcribed the Forest and Stream Hunting and Fishing Club of East Liverpool, Ohio as a labor of love from the original record book that had been penned by her grandfather, Jack Curry, who was both camp boss and secretary. Jane wishes to note that she lightly edited the record in places to make it readable but most misspellings and grammars errors were retained. The record book surfaced over a hundred years after its first writing in a box of musty papers stored in the basement of Jacks son, Matthew (Mac) Andrews Curry who then conveyed it to his niece, Jane. She worked on the transcription in her spare time over many years, finally publishing this digital record in 2007. The original record book is now in the possession of the East Liverpool Historical Society.



    !"#$ Forest and Stream Club. [Year joined] 1882 F.H. Croxall - Married G.W.Hallam - Single Died June 4th '82 E.P. McHenry - Single Geo. Thomas - Single Married May 1887 W.J. Curry - Single M.S. Hill - Single Married June 1887 D.F. McHenry - Single Married Oct. 15th 1884 A.W. Thomas - Single A.H. Clark - Married R.W. Tayler - Married John Johnston - Single W.W. Harker - Married 1883 Geo. Goodwin - Single 1884 Hal N. Harker - Single Ed F. Bell - Single George B. Harvey - Single Married/86 John J. West - Single 1889 G.B. Peterson - Single Wm. Vodrey James Ackley Thos. Arbuckle Geo. E. West John Vodrey John Bock Chas. Macrum

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    East Liverpool, Ohio. March 20th '82 G. W. Hallam, A.W. Thomas, Ed McHenry, W.J. Curry and Charley Hendrix went out camping in July 1881 and reported such a good time that they and others had a meeting on the above named date and organized a club. W.W. Harker in the Chair. Motion that we Elect a pres & Secy. and Treas. Carried. M.S. Hill was the choice for Presid. & F.H. Croxall for Secy. and Treas. R.W. Tayler and G.W. Hallam were appointed to draft some rules and regulations. And F.H. Croxall and Hallam were appointed to correspond with a Club in New Lisbon relative to buying their outfit.

    April 10th 1882 Club Met by Call of the Secy. And it was decided to purchase the outfit of the Twelve Sleepers of New Lisbon, And Croxall, Hallam were appointed to go after the same. Each Member, then ten in number was assessed $10 Ten Dollars Each. The amount to be paid for outfit $75.

    East Liverpool, Ohio. July 3rd 1882 G.W. Hallam and F.H. Croxall went to New Lisbon in the Latter part of April and brought the outfit home, which was in good shape. Since our last Meeting one of our members, Mr. G.W. Hallam, died on June 4th 1882. He looked forward to our camping with great expectations of a Grand Time. But our expectations are often blasted. The Club, one and all, do feel the loss of George, our most Genial Friend and Companion, and will feel the loss of our friend deeply both in camp and in home circles. A.H. Clark in Chair Motion that the name of the club be the one suggested early in May by George W. Hallam. The Forest and Stream Hunting and Fishing Club. Carried. Motion that the Club go to McBain's grove or Gaston's Mills, and that Jack Curry and Al Thomas be appointed to secure the same. Also that we go into camp July 17th 1882. Carried. Moved that the Club bear the expenses of Transportation, Ground, Cook, Visitors, and all General expenses. Carried. Motion that no one can become a Member without the unanimous consent of the Club. One dissenting voice bring[s] a black ball.

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    Gaston's Mills. July 17th, 1882 The Forest and Stream Hunting and Fishing Club went into camp on Monday, July 17th, '82. Load started from Frank Croxall's at seven o'clock a.m. Tommie and Jack went with the wagon, but hardly got out of town when the tire came off the left hind wheel, and of course they had to stop and tinker for an hour or so before they could proceed further on their journey. They had quite a time with the wagon but managed to arrive safe in the grove, at Two and a half P.M. Geo. Thomas arrived about the same time the load did, or a few moments later. Our cook Luther Hall had arrived in camp several hours before any of the Club and had almost given up hope of our coming. But upon our arrival he went to work getting the cooking utensils together, and preparing some thing to eat. Jack, Tommie and George T. went to work to rig up the tents and while in the act M.S. Hill drove into camp and he also took a hand. I mean at the work. After we got the tents set up temporarily, Luther had a nice lunch prepared which we were ready for. Especially Tommie, Curry and Mr. McHenry, who had nothing to eat since five o'clock a.m. After supper Mr. Mc. started home, and as the boys were very tired they strolled around the grove for a little season. Then-- M.S. Hill took himself off in the neighborhood of the venerable city of Clarkson to see his-- well we won't give him a way so soon after arrival, but he did not get back the same night. The Thomas Brothers and Curry amused themselves as best they could until about ten o'clock P.M. then turned in, for the night. Willie Hill also. The Old Band was in camp in the same grove. They came over and serenaded our camp about twelve o'clock and brought a lot of Fox Fire over to show us. it was very pretty and we three went over to their camp in our bare feet to Inspect it. Then returned to our virtuous couches and slept the happy hours away.

    Gaston's Mills July 18th '82 Curry went hunting early in the morning and brought first blood, a squirrel. One P.M. Geo Thomas and Hill went hunting for Copperheads, score one for George the sleeper.

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    Croxall Eddie and Bobie arrived in camp this afternoon at one P.M. The day was spent in fixing up the tents, stove, tables and Etc., and considerable fun mixed in. We forgot to mention Hill came back to camp about about Nine a.m. We had all retired when we heard some one yelling at the top of their voice and we thought some more recruits were coming it was about one o'clock. Curry and George Thomas took a torch and started in the direction of the road and found Sheriff Hostetter and Dave Gailey trying to make their way to camp. Luther got up prepared a lunch for them, then we played Eucher until about 3 a.m. and then turned in.

    Gaston's Mills July 19th '82 Six and a half a.m. M.S. Hill went home. Seven A.M. Ed Bell and his Sunday School Class arrived in the grove for a day's sport and by all appearances I guess they had it. They ate dinner with us. Geo. West came by the class, and drove the load out. 2 P.M. Fine large game of Base Ball. The class went home much improved morally. The crowd started home, also Geo. Thomas and Curry. Before West got his team out of the grove his off horse balked and all the boys piled out, and West was unable to get them started. And Curry after a little time started them and drove out of the grove. West again took up the ribbons and tried to start but it was no go. So Curry drove them for a mile or so. All the boys walking behind. Then West said he would rather drive home, or break the Horses necks or his own. Well they went along for several miles allright but finally stopped and West was willing to give up the ribbons and did so. Ed Bell was scared out of his wits, and when Jack was whipping the horses his Class of boys would say "Give him hell, Curry."

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    Gaston's Mills July 20th 1882 This day was set apart for a big time. Curry and George Thomas started from town with two loads of Girls-- and arrived in camp at 7 a.m. Curry had Eight Ladies and Thomas 5. They drove from town to camp in 55 minutes. The crowd had a very loud time and all seemed to enjoy themselves highly. One lady in Curry's load was of a nervous temperament and by the fast ride was pretty well worked up, by the time they arrived in camp. Several trips were made to Clarkson and about Four o'clock it was Discovered that we had a very sick horse. Dr. Curry and other Eminent Veterinary surgeons lent their skill and knowledge to give the animal relief Tobacco in the Plug. Onions in a limited quantity were prescribed and given under difficulty, as the beast could not swallow well, and had to be made take by main force. This seemed to do no good so we bled, gave Whisky and Pepper, without relief. Then we sent for Sp. of Nitre and this gave almost Immediate relief as any present can testify. The horse was not strong enough to make the trip home however, we do not as yet know whether it was the kickiness [?] or the remedies which caused the sickness but we took Frank Milligan's horse and hitched it to Geo Thomas' carriage. And as it was but a colt it was thought best for Frank McHenry to drive home. We started home at nine o'clock P.M. Curry went to Thomas' stable and took Georges rig, then went and told Mr. Dickey the condition of his horse. So Dickey hitched up and came out after it. They arrived at midnight and found the horse in pretty good condition so we got things fixed up and Dickey started home with the sick one. The day was spent in all kinds of sport. Base Ball, Shooting, Boating, Pig-in-the-Parlor, and Etc.

    Gaston's Mills July 21st '82 Mary Milligan came into camp on horse back Early in the morning. Allie Knowles and Mary Thomas spent the day and went across the creek to see the Pink Cat. Owned by a charming Country lass by the name of Mary Ellen.

    July 22nd '82 Tayler, Thomas, Hill, Croxall, Surles came to camp. Bower the photo man was out but failed to get a good Picture.

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    Sunday July 23rd '82 Croxall, Hill, Ed and Curry started for Sunday School but the skiff dipped and wet the S---- of their pants and they were obliged to come back in camp and lay in the sun to dry. Hill went fishing. The above four after they were all dry went to church, armed to the teeth. They were going to shoot the Divine if he advanced any arbitrary arguments. He alluded to the camp of the Israelites and Every Man put his hand on his Revolver. During intermission Curry and Croxall were buying chickens from a prominent member of the Church. 3 P.M. Ed McHenry shot a ground hog. Willie Hill and Mr. Gaston swam a race. M.S. Hill and Curry went ground hog hunting. Taylor Surles, Geo. Thomas went fishing. Some of the boys went to see Mary Ellen but she was not at home.

    Gaston's Mills July 24th '82 Croxall went hunting shot one squirrel and a flicker. Saw the Cat. We caught two turtle this morning. Ed McHenry went hunting no game.

    July 25th Every body asleep -- Luther cooking. Afternoon Willie and Bob, the cubs had a fight-- Ed McHenry came near shooting Bob. Frank McHenry and Croxall across the creek hauling hay doodles Some of the boys went home to see Ball game.

    July 26th '82

    Not much done. All were in town but two or three. Spent the day fishing and Etc.

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    Gaston's Mills July 27th '82 Big Day. Another day for the Ladies, and friends of the club. Boat riding, fishing, Ball Playing. Miss Williams had her arm bruised in playing ball. Turtle soup for dinner. All seemed to enjoy themselves. Willie Hill caught the largest fish. All bade the Visitors an affectionate good bye. And after the visitors had departed we sang to Mary Ellen. And had some dramatic performances. Romio and Juliet. Croxall was Romio-- Curry as Juliet. Wilson met with a mishap-- but think he will get over it. He was dealt with according to the custom of an allnight visitor.

    Gaston's Mills July 28th '82 Rained all Day. Clark and Willie fished all day. Hill and Tommie caught large soft-shell turtle. A part of the crowd went to Clarkson to serenade about midnight. And so those who would not go with us we swore we would duck in the creek on our return. They took us at our word and when we were out of hearing they came down to the Dam and took the skiff and vacated camp going over to a Barn on the opposite side of the creek to sleep on the new-mown hay. Upon our arrival at the dam we took in the state of things pulled our shoes, rolled up our pants and waded the stream. And found the camp Empty. Cook and all gone. Two of the Boys Jack and Harve McH swam the creek in hunt of the skiff but to no avail. And we put our heads together to put up a job on some of them. Croxall and Geo Thomas Expected to go home in the morning, so we worked for about two hours to get a wheel off their buggy. We succeeded and hid the nut of the spindle and kept them in camp until afternoon of the following day.

    July 29th '82 Croxall, Geo Thomas, Clark, the two boys and Luther came over from the barn and wore a tired looking set. They got in camp at 4 a.m. You can bet Clark will remember that night's repose and also the shade of his cuffs.

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    Croxall and Thomas went home this afternoon as soon as we gave them the wheel and nut.

    July 30th '82 Sunday Ed Mc and Curry went to church. Several out from town.

    July 31st '82 Broke camp all returning homa again and not sorry that we spent the foregoing days in the woods.

    Gaston's Mills July 17th List of Visitors -- No one on the 17th July 18th '82 July 18th Sheriff Hostetter David Gailey July 19th '82 Tom Milligan Ted Lodge Wm Morton Chas Hawkins Tom Fredrick July 19th Walter Hill James Irwin Chas McCrum Willie Murphy Alf Kelley J. Chamberlain Ed Bell George E. West July 20th 1882

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    Mary Croxall Maggie Vaughan Lizzie West Mary Campbell Mary Thomas Allie Knowles Annie Croxall Dell Kerr Mrs. Sterling Annie Reynolds Miss Richards Mrs. Heilman Mary Milligan Ella Thomas July 20th Geo West Jack West Frank Mulligan Geo Harvey July 31st '82 July 21st Allie Knowles Mary Thomas July 23rd '82 Walter Hill Harry Surles July 23rd Chas Gill Jack Burgus Geo Goodwin L.M. Thomas July 25th '82 Mr. Hartford Mrs. Jessie Croxall Mrs. R. Thomas July 25th Hattie Brunt Dora McHenry Hattie Thomas Littie [Lettie?] Campbell Harvey McHenry July 27th 1882 Mrs Sterling Mary Milligan

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    Lida Campbell Mrs. Edsell Dell Kerr Miss Campbell of Pitts. Miss Richards Anna Reynolds of Pitts. Anna Croxall Mary Thomas Allie Knowles Lizzie West Jennie Bell Birdie Williams of Wheeling Ella Thomas Mary West Mrs. S.H. Porter Miss Freeman Sadie Vaughn Jack West S.H. Porter Ed Bell James Dickey Driver Mr. Welch " Lawyer Wilson Geo B. Harvey Frank Milligan Rev. L V Milligan

    July 28th '82 Harvey McHenry John Milligan Mr Conkill

    July 29th '82 Walter Hill Willie Brunt Hartford

    Total number Visitors was 88. End of the Forest and Stream Hunting and Fishing Club for 1882.


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    East Liverpool, Ohio July 21st '83 At a meeting of this vernerable body of Influential men on Saturday July 21st, 83 at the call of Pres. It was the unanimous voice of the meeting to pitch our tents at Dobson's Mills West Beaver one of the prettiest groves in Columbiana County. After ample arrangements were made for the cooking Department and the services of Mr. Sidney Guinn were secured as cook we adj. to meet on July 25th. Motion that we go to Dobsons Mills July 26th. Carried July 25th '83 Club met at YMCA and had a little chat then adj. to Thomas's Pottery to load our traps. After it was loaded we adj. to meet at 7 o'clock a.m. July 26th. July 26th 1883 Forest and Stream started from E.L. at seven o'clock a.m. Thomas, Jack Curry, Sidney and Jolley started with the load, Guinn and Jolley on top, Curry Thomas in buggy. Before we reached the foot of Baum's Hill the load swayed to one side and they were compelled to reload a new start was made and this time they got as far as the watering trough on Seldom-Seen Hill. And the load came off again and to avoid the trouble of the previous year's experience, they secured the services of another team, making two loads of the one. And then they proceeded to their Journey's end without difficulty. Arriving at Dobson's Mills at Two and a half o'clock P.M. We went to work and set up the tent. R.W. Tayler, Hill, Clark and Willie arrived about an hour before the loads. Then we rigged Sidney's Palace Car and stove, up in good style. Then he went to work on the supper which was appreciated by every one that partook thereof. The ones who arrived before the loads spent the time fishing. They had good luck for the first time. The weather to day is a little cool but not to much to be pleasant. No. of fish caught---------10 Curry shot first squirrel.

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    Dobson's Mills July 27th '83 Early in morning Clark, Hill and Willie went Hunting. Will shot squirrel. The day passed off very pleasantly. We all worked hard to get things rigged up proper, and succeeded first straight. Went cat-fishing at night. It rained hard almost the entire night. The tent turned the water nicely. Saturday July 28th '83 This morning Curry and Louisarie [?] went to New Lisbon for provisions and to get shaved. Croxall took very sick and had to return home in the evening. Caught a large turtle but it got away. The Club gave a concert for the benefit of country visitors, fourteen in number. Fish caught by Club - 22. All retired at nine and a half P.M.

    Dobson's Mills July 29th '83Sunday Ed McHenry and Jack Curry went to Sunday School at West Beaver Church. The day was kept pretty well with the exception of Will Harker and George Thomas going fishing, which is arbitrary to rules and therefore we take no account of their luck. And of course the fish were thrown away. Col. Hill and Wife spent the afternoon and took dinner with us. Monday July 30th '83 Curry and Hill went hunting and had a nice forenoon's sport. They came in camp with nine head of squirrel, one pheasant, one Weasel. Clark was to go with them but he did not feel like getting up at five A.M. so they went without him. And when he seen their luck he was sorry for not going.

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    Ed McH, Taylor, Harker, Geo Thomas, Chas Thomas went home at seven a.m. Fish caught by Club 18 Game shot 11 head

    Dobson's Mills July 31st '83 Clark, Curry, Hill, Jolley and Willie were out hunting. Jolley was the only man to bring blood. One squirrel. Afternoon Curry and Jolley took the rig and went on the hunt of spring chickens. purchased 3 (three) pair. Fish caught by Club - Eight Wednesday August 1st 1883 Hill, Jolley and Willie went hunting but they were not successful. Jolley shot red squirrel in afternoon. Fish caught by Club -- Then. 10 Jack Curry and Clark started for E.L. this evening. Curry expects to bring out a crowd tomorrow if the weather permits and all are willing.

    Dobson's Mills Aug 2nd '83 This day was set apart for a crowd to come from Town, but it set in raining Early in the morning and kept it up until noon. Curry arrived in camp at Two P.M. with news that the crowd will be out tomorrow. He also brought with him, in as good Health as could be expected, Sidney Guinn's coon. The coon was mourning the absence of Sidney, while Sidney was losing flesh through anxiety for the coon. His heart leaped with Joy to Embrace his little coon once more. "Go way from there now, you Sanddiggers. That am a bad coon." Willie Hill shot a red squirrel. Atwood while shooting at a red squirrel, as he supposed, but he must have put the curve on, for low and behold down came a flying squirrel.

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    Clark arrived in camp this Eve-- sorry that he had missed one night in the woods. Fish caught by Club five 5.

    Dobson's Mills Aug 3rd '83 The boys all went to work and cleaned up the grove nicely in the morning and at Ten o'clock the crowd from Town arrived, 12 in number. After they had been recd. by Club we proceeded over the ravine in the other grove to play Base ball -- M.S. Hill was umpire, and the Girls had him bought off. We got Ed McHenry terribly rattled and he would kick like a mule on Hill's rulings. After the game of Ball, Pitching Quoits, Boat riding, fishing and Etc. were Indulged in. Sidney -- was busily engaged in preparing dinner. And Curry took some of the ladies up to his palace cars to get them a lemonade. Sidney called him to one side and told him to take the Guests away, that he could not get dinner when the guests were mingling in the palace car. At Half past twelve o'clock we all sat down to dinner and all fared Sumptuously. Sidney prepared a very nice dinner indeed. After dinner Vashti Blythe and Jack Curry, Dora McHenry and Jack West went horseback riding to West Point four miles down the creek from camp. Jack West could not keep in sight of the rest of the party. He is not an expert at riding. They went to the blacksmith's shop to get a shoe drove. The smith started to work and when he had the foot trimmed he left it and started to shoe a horse for the mail carrier. Curry told him first come first served. And he replied that [it] was Uncle Sams mail and he would shoe his horse first. Then they went in the shop took his horse, and told the Smith to go ahead and shoe Uncle Sam's horse, but he could not shoe ours as we was just as good as two U.S. [mail carriers]. They then started back to camp, the girls and Curry running races and leaving West to poke his way back as best he could. The girls rode very well indeed but both took severe headache from the heat of the sun. After they arrived in camp, Mary Thomas and Mattie Wallace mounted the fiery steeds and took a little ride. All appeared to enjoy themselves very much indeed. Sat down to supper at six

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    P.M. and the crowd started home amediately after supper as Ed Bell was afraid to drive home after dark. The Club bid them an affectionate fare-well and Invited them to return at any convenient Season. Fish Caught Ten 10 Saturday Aug 4th '83 Atwood and Jack went to New Lisbon for gasoline and to the barber shop. All the others went fishing. Fish Caught Eight 8 Sunday Aug 5th '83 Ed and Jack went to church at Lebanon - in the morning and heard a very good discourse according to reports. Some of our visitors today were not very agreeable to Club as they were some-what Intoxicated and that is something entirely foreign to the Club. Even Sidney was with them. Harker, G. Thomas and Clark broke the rules of the Club and went fishing. M.S. Hill and Willie went home at two o'clock P.M. for good as they are to start for L. Shat on Monday morning. Monday Aug 6th 83 Harker - G Thomas, went home in the morning. Clark Tommie and Jolley went fishing this fore-noon but had no luck Afternoon James Moore and Clark went fishing and caught five 5 Tuesday Aug 7th 83. All the boys went fishing but Curry he took a horse-back ride for his health, and pitched Quoits with Sidney. At and Ed - shot a large turtle and bought another, so the prospects are good for turtle soup. Read a letter from Croxall, regretting that he could not be with us during our stay in the woods.

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    At Ten o'clock P.M. we started out serenadeing. Jolley was asleep and we left him in camp. We went down the creek about 1 1/2 miles and serenaded Mr. Adams, Jim Moore's Fatherinlaw. Sidney sang with great affect a song entitled O Whare is Jim Moore gone. We strolled accross two or three fields through the high grass and their was a very heavy dew and we were wet to the knees. We were lossed to perfection and after roaming for about half an hour we found ourselves in good Style. Clark and Johnnie began to squeel and Sidney said they were rattled and they told him that if he would go to camp till they would change their shoes they would go out again. Upon our arrival we found Hall [?] Harker and Will Starr, we took them and went up the creek about two miles to Mr. Steuarts. We scared Sidney almost to death-- when crossing the creek, he thought he was going to meet his savior. We then Came to Sqr Robinsons then so to camp and Turned in at Two o'clock. Fish Caught five 5 Turtle " Two 2 Wednesday August 8th 83 Ed McHenry has gone to New Lisbon. Hal[?] Harker is out hunting and all the rest escepting Curry are fishing. Curry and Sidney are pitching quoits. Starr and Curry went home this Eve. Out serenading throug the country. Sidney played off sick and did not go. Fish caught by Club Ten 10 Some folks from Lisbon were in camp to day.

    Dobson's Mills Aug 9th 83 Some Fishing other hunting.

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    Curry and Fenton arrived in camp with two carriage loads of girls also John Milligan and girl. Had an Immence time, but the boys were used up from Serenadeing the two previous Nights. Started home at six o'clock. Fenton stayed in camp and Ed Mc-- Drove his rig home. We arrived at the livery stable at eight o'clock. Curry came back to camp the same night arrived at one o'clock. found the camp wide awake Hal Harker was on the Rampaige "Clark Low about that old grey Mare" Fish Caught fifteen 15 Croxall arrived in Camp this eve. Unexpectedly

    Dobson's Mills Aug 10th 83 Heuse [?] back to camp passing several farm houses and giveing them a farewell blast. At Eleven o'clock All turned in to their virtious couches Thirteen men in Eleven bunks. Harker Curry and Goodwin had a scheme. Harker brought 15 packages of Jackson Crackers, 2 ounces of Assfeotida and some asbestas paint. After all were in the land of Knod, we got a barrel and set our battery to work. It did not take long to arouse the Camp and to hear the boys growl was rich. After we got away with our fire-crackers. We Started our Assfoetida and tar. Just to kill the smell of powder and FEET. The smoke became so Dense that they were compelled to vacate the tent or at least put there heads outside. Some of the boys fell asleep while in this Condition and they caught cold. The aforesaid Perpetraitors went up to the palace car, and gave Sidney a blast of the Artilery. Then we heard something remark "Go on awa from thar" After the smoke had all passed away, all went to sleep and Slept until five o'clock in the Morning. fish caught 15

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    Saturday Aug 11th 83. After Breakfast we all went to work pulled our stakes and packed our outfit up, and placed them in a room in Sqr Robinsons house we secured his spring wagon to bring, them home who had no rigs of their own. We all left the grove at Ten o'clock. And we hope all 15 live and meete again in camp in 1884.

    Roll Call.

    1883 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 No Meals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R.W. Tayler 2 3 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------F.H. Croxall 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 1 0 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.H. Clark 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geo. Thomas 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 3 1 1 2 1 0 0 1 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ed McHenry 0 0 1 3 2 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 1 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W.J. Curry 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.W. Thomas 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Johnston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W.W. Harker / / / / / 0 0 0 0 / / / / / 0 / /14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W.S. Hill 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D.F. McHenry 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --

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    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Geo. Goodwin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 ========================================================= Hugh Jolley + Boy 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Willis Hill " 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sidney Guinn 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 363 17 days in the woods

    Dobsons Mills July 26th 83

    List of Visitors Henry Smith Herbert Bloor James Collins Herastus Martail John Hodson Aug 6th 83 John Hodson James Moore Chas Thomas Aug 7th 83 Hal N. Harker James Moore Will Starr Aug 8th 83 Hal N. Harker Will Starr Tom Smith

    Dobson's Mills Aug 9th 83

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    Miss Armstrong Mattie Wallace Ida Wallace Bell McHenry Jennie Bell Hattie Curry Mary Curry Tom Smith John Milligan J.E. Fenlow Hal N. Harker Harvey McHenry Zack Irwin Geo B. Harvey Mr Cowan New Lisbon Aug 10th 83 Dave Gailey Mr Pritchard Tom Smith Tom Fenton Hal N. Harker Geo B. Harvey Harvey McHenry Zack Irwin Mr Cowan N.L. Chal Peterson Dave Harker John Milligan

    Dobson's Mills Aug 11th 83 Zack Irwin Geo Harvey Harvey McHenry Chal Peterson Dave Harker John Milligan Total Number Visitors 78

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    Ending of the Forest and Stream Hunting and Fishing Club Camp of 1883

    !"#$Roll Call 1884 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ed Bell 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hal Harker 2 3 3 2 0 1 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.N. Clark 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R.W. Tayler 0 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 3 2 0 32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F.N. Croxall 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 0 2 2 0 29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M.S. Hill 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geo Goodwin 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geo Thomas 2 2 0 1 3 3 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geo Harvey 2 3 3 2 0 1 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 3 0 0 37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Johnston 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack West 2 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ed McHenry 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 18

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    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frank McHenry 2 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W.W. Harker 0 1 1 0 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.W. Thomas 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W.J. Curry 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 1 57 ================================================================= Jolley, Boy 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sid, Cook 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill, Boy 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total number of meals 669 Twenty-two days in camp.

    Dobsons Mills July 7th '84. - "Monday" Started from East Liverpool at 6-30 a.m. and arrived in camp 10-30 a.m. - all O.K. Set up the tents by noon, and took dinner at 2-PM. Some want hunting Some fishing and some pitched quoits. Croxall was to bring in ten head, about 6-30 P.M. he came in with three red Squirrels. O he is a hunter of the old stripe. We took supper at 6 P.M. and by the way the boys handled their knives and forks, there are no sick persons in camp. Great war dance at 9 P.M. participated in by Hallard, Croxall, Atwood and Curry. Camp fire lit at 8 o'clock P.M. Gailey and Hostetter drove in camp at 5 P.M. and presented the camp with a large snapping turtle. Robinson did not have the things over in the grove when we came, and four or five of the boys went over and helped bring the rig over every thing was in good shape.

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    Even Sidney is in good condition and feeling as trim as a young coon. We stoped at a farm hous coming out and tryed to buy a little puppy-dog but the lady said she would not sell it for love nor money and then we offered her fifteen dollars for it. Sidney mad a mash[?] coming out, he takes the cake. George and Atwood Thomas had a break-down at the Glassgo Church and were compelled to borrow a buggy in order to reach the end of their journey so they borrowed a buggy from a preacher and and then they came into camp a flying, as it was feeling her oats. We fixed up our bunks and prepared to partake of a little sleep but the night seemed to be by some providence or by some schemeers to be the night espacially Interesting to the new members. After Croxall, Curry, and Frak McH. had deviled the boys for some time they turned on the a-bove named Disturbers of sleep and as yet it has not been satisfactorially desided as to whether they got away with the new boy's or whether they were gotten away with. Croxall "mashed" in a horn[?]; we kept the fun going until the wee-small-hours of the morn. Fish caught 10 Squirrel Shot 10 Visitors Dave Gailey and Hostetter, New Lisbon. Meals (5) " Harve McHenry and Jack Allison

    Dobsons Mills Tuesday July 8th '84 The morning came in brightness and Hallard, M.S., Curry, Clark, Bill, Harve and Frank McHenry went hunting. We, or the greater part of the above went out at 5 A.M. and had the finest days sport in the hunting line, ever experianced in our camp. Curry, Clark and Bell got back to camp at 7 A.M. and after break fast Croxall started for home, Driving Pastorial. All the boys are out hunting and fishing this afternoon except Curry he is in Camp to see that the Sand diggers do not run away with little Ah Sid. Squirrel Stewed for breakfast Squirrel Fryed for Dinner Squirrel for supper cooked in both ways with a little phesent on Toast. R.W. Tayler came in to camp from Saleinsville, where he had been at the preliminary trial of .. for the murder of Miss Phillips. P.S. W.W. Harker came in camp and he had some of the nessicerris to make a night of it. What he had not in stock Curry had and so the began to make the night heidious. While Deacon McHenry and W. Harker were getting the illuminateing and

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    fumigating ingredients in proper shape, Curry was out bombarding the tents with his artillery of five 2 pound guns, the sulphur illumed. and the snuff and cyenne pepper Fumed and Clark he growled. Then Hill got up and shot off a 10 pound gun. Tayler Made a speach, and then Hal Harker wanted the crowd to get up and duck the purpetrators in the creek. but all quieted down about half Past two, and we slept from that until morning. Squirrels Shot 26 Rabbits " 1 Ph " 4 ______ Fish Caught 15 Turtles " 2 No Visitors E.L.O. Harvey McHenry Meals McDonald 3

    Dobsons Mills July 9th '84 Wednsday Took breakfast at 7-30. Will Harker and McDonald started home after B-- Tayler, Tom and West put the streamer up down in the field and it floats to the brezzes nicely. Hill and Clark took Charles buggy and went fishing down the creek. Bell, Harvey, Harker and Curry went hunting this morning and all brought home game but the latter, he treed a squirrel and while waiting for it to show up, went to sleep and did not wake up until he heard the dinner horn. Tayler and Sidney, Tom and Clark pitched a game of Quoits Sids side took the Cake In the eve we were talking about the duties of Night Watchman and Curry and McHenry said they had been on the night be-fore so Ed Bell was appointed watchman for the first watch from 10- until 2- At ten o'clock we all turned in and Ed took to a ball bat for partner and commenced to walk the woods "O watchman tell us of the night" He woke Harvey up for the second watch Harvey got up and went out of the tent and waited for a little while and then returned to bed, as it did not take Ed long to go to sleep after his watch; although it took him some little time to get his night gown fixed while he was watching the Indians and wild animals. The boys sowed his gown up. Harvey, McHenry and Harker went hunting this afternoon.

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    No Fish 8 " Squirrel 16 " Turtle 3 Harvey McHenry Meals Visitors McDonald E.L.O. (3) Ed Bell shot a ground Hog. M.S. Hill Shot four skunks. A.H. Clark shot an owl.

    Dobsons Mills July 10th '84 - Thursday Harker started for West Point to take the hack for Wellsville but he got there to late to catch the hack and had to return to camp, but he took the hack for Salineville in the evening. Clark Bell and Hill out hunting. Tayler, Curry and Tom in camp cleaning up the grounds. James Moore came into camp this morning from Salineville Afternoon Clark and Bell out hunting Tayler and Moore fishing. Geo Thomas is getting fleshy it is strange that one so poor[ly] as he should pick up so Quick he has had to move the buttons on his pants several times, Also move the buckles on his belt. Game of Ball across Creek good sport. Geo and Chas Thomas came in camp at 7- P.M. Concert to commence at 8 P.M. No. Fish 6 " Turtle 1 Visitors James Moore, Salineville " Squirrel 8 Chas. Thomas E.L.O. " Rabbits 1 Meals (3)

    Dobsons Mills July 11th '84 - Friday -Women's Day-

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    Sidney Puts his head through the opening of our tent and calls out Get up Gene-men dis am de day we are to Mingle wid de guests As we are out of squirrel, some of the boys are out hunting for the purpose of getting some for the guests. The guests all arrived before two o'clock and they all look natural, smileing and as pretty as peaches. (Taffy) Knee drill to be held in parlor but at two o'clock to be led by Blood washed Bob and Hay-makeing Sal - a glorious meeting is Expected. The devil to be tackeled By prissy George, and Pot Wrassler Sid. "Glory" After the arrival of the girls and married folks the fun began. All kinds of amusements were in demand and participated in by all. Sidney the Cook is getting dinner and He says-- Go-on-away-from thar- No monkeying around de palace car-- Curry and Tom acting as Steuarts got dinner and we sat the ladies down to dinner at one o'clock. The ladies praised sidneys dinner and this pleased Sidney very much and he told them that was only a lunch to what we generally had. After dinner we had a game of Base Ball, Curry and Al Thomas chose off sides. And at the end of the Second Inning the game stood 4-2 in favor of Curry. Quoits were Indulged in by Mary Thomas and Tayler, Bell McHenry and Ed Bell. The former were victorious. Vashti Blythe, Jack West and Jessie Manley, Curry played three games of Quoits and the latter wone two of the three. Atwood has up to his hour, favored us with several soloes on the cornet Tayler tryed two divorce cases and parted asunder that which Badgr Joined together At 6 o'clock supper was served up in an asthetic manner, and after supper the crowd made preperations for there Imediate departure. They started at 7-15 P.M. We parted withe guests with a sad farewell and a hearty invitation to return in the near futur. As some one had remarked it lends prestage to the camp to have the ladies come out. W.W. Harker, Tayler, Hill and Curry escourted the guests as far as the bars and then ran a race coming back towards Camp--

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    Visitors Parties Present on this occasion were As follows. Miss Vashti Blythe. Mrs W W Harker. " Jennie Bell. " L.M. Thomas. " Jessie Manley. " R.W. Tayler. " Mary Thomas. " R Thomas. " Georgie Harker. Mr Vance. " Bell McHenry. " L.M. Thomas. " Lizzie West. " Chas Thomas. " Ella Thomas. " James Moon " Mame Curry. " Jack Allison Driver E.L.O. Meals (38) Squirrel 3 Fish 6

    Dobsons Mills July 12 '84 - Saturday Geo Thomas, Tayler, Clark and Bell out Hunting now look out for a big haul of game. They came back without a head of game. Thomas he shot several but he could not carry them in the weather was so warm or else the all run in a hollow log after they were killed. Bell Came in with presizely the same story. James Moore was put on watch last night at 10 o'clock and held the position until 2 A.M. this morning And he said to himself several times as he was walking his rounds armed to the teeth with two Shot guns one revolver 2 boxes Jackson crackers and a Ball bat. "This is all D____ foolishness Then there came a queere sound and More gave the command to halt but found to his surprise that it was but Bull frog Jumping in the Creek. At two AM he woke Wm Harker to take second watch but Wm had at that particular moment a violent toothache and was unable to watch so he told More to retire and say nothing to the boys about it in the morning. Moor retired without any more Coaxing. Goodwin and Hal Harker came into camp at 6-30 PM Ed McHenry and Chall Peterson arrived at 10-30. P.M Croxall and Harry Surls came in at 12 o'clock

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    Harvey and Johnston came at Eleven thirty. The camp was kept awake about all night. Now Will Harker what was you trying to do with that egg. W. Harker and Croxall tied Curry and Geo Thomas together while they were asleep and when Thomas would kick Curry would squeel We had no watchman this eve. that accounts for the above named trick. As the hour was late when Johnston came in we put off initiation until some more conveniant time. but don't forget-it John it will come. Chal Peterson ELO Fish 3 Harry Surles Visitors James Moore Salineville Chas Thomas ELO Meals (8)

    Dobsons Mills July 13th 84. - Sunday We slept 19 persons in our tent last night Hal Harker, Tomie, Croxall and Curry went up to Bethel Church to hear Mr Milligan preach but when Sunday School was over it was almost 12 o'clock so they concluded not to stay for church. Wm Hyatt and Family drove in camp at 9.a.m. H. Bower and family came in at 10-30 ". We had our pictures taken in three different ways. All who were in camp was in the first one, and the other two were the Club only. No fishing was done today at all Visitors E Mrs H Bower. Wm Hyatt. E . Mamie Bower. Mrs " Hyatt. . L Louie Bower. Nellie Hyatt. L . Mr H Bower. Laura May . O " Harry Surles. Minnie Wynn O . " Chal Peterson {-James Moore} Salenville Chas Thomas Meals (18)

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    Croxall, W Harker and Harry Surls went home in afternoon.

    Dobsons Mills July 14th '84 - Monday Clark, Hill, Hal Harker, Harvey all went hunting in morning. Tayler and Geo Thomas. Curry and Bell all went to New Lisbon for provisions and Eats. Curry took Thomas and Bell in to the probate judges office and Introduced them to a Young lady and when we were ready to go Bell kicked the door and shut Curry in. Jack says hold on Bell don't shut me in, and Bell said Why you told us to before we came in. Mr Milligan came in camp about 8 A.M. And while the boys were at Lisbon Tom and Ed Smith came in. The boys returned from Lisbon at one o'clock. we were eating dinner at that time, Turtle Soup and Chicken was the Layout Mr Milligan seemed to enjoy it hugely. In the afternoon we all went down and put a half day's work in on the Dam-- Hauling Clay and tamping it down in order to stop the leaks so that we might have more water for boating purposes, as well as more for Mr. Dobson to run his mill After working for three or four hours Geo Thomas, Geo Harvey, John Johnston, Jack Curry and R.W. Tayler also Jolley started up to Camp in the skiff we did not keep her trimed very well and all at once Thomas gave her a lunge to one side and down she went and ducked the hole business when they came out of the water they looked like a lot of drownded rats. The evening was spent playing Eucher and Whist. Sidney, Harker, Tom, Curry, Clark gave an open air concert and sang the Clubs Ditty. and several other fine selections from Masscott, Olivetl[?] and Pin-a-fore. Rev Milligan E. Visitors Tom Smith L. Chal Peterson O. James Moore Salineville Ed Smith Cannons Mills Meals (6) Atwood and Jack C went down to Bough's for oats and apples and Invited the young folks up to see us, on Thursday July 17th

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    Dobsons Mills July 15th 1884 Johnston, Harvey, Bell and Clark out hunting. Hal Harker is lame and Curry has the pleurasy Johnston and Hal Harker went home at two o'clock, Harvey, Bell and Clark and Hill are out hunting this afternoon: R.W. Tayler and At Thomas Vvs Sidney and Curry in a game of Quoits. R.W.'s side win three games out of four. 1-30 P.M. Tom and Jack rattle Bell and Geo Thomas on a game of Eucher. Sent Jolley and Hill after chickens and The woman said she could not spare any more and Jolley told her that we had visitors and would like to get some chickens if it were possible, she said no. Jolley then told her that all the farmers chickens were dieing off on our side of the creek. She then concluded she would rather spare two pare than run the risk of them dieing. Good Scheme to get Chickens R.W. Tayler and Geo Thomas gone home this eve-- at 5-30 P.M. Squirrel Shot 10 Ph 1 Turtle 1 Fish 1

    Dobsons Mills July 18th '84 - Wednsday Hill, Clark, Bell, Harvey, out hunting Tommie took Curry to West Point at 7.A.M. every body out of camp except for the boys and Sidney. F.H. Croxall came in camp at one P.M. At run into a tree. Pastorial I mean, and brok the buggy a little. A.H. Clark returned home in the evening. Jolley got a little miffed and started home but when darkness came in so did Jolley. There was nothing particular took place to day--

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    Fish caught 6 Squirrel Shot 10

    Dobsons Mills July 17 / '84 - Thursday Womans Day Started from town at 6-40 and arrived in camp at 9 0clock A.M. "Hill had his other pants on" Quoits in demand. We set dinner at 12-o'clock and Gave the girls Turtle soup and told them it was chicken and they never knew the difference, gave them turtle meat for squirrel and they took that in also. Some remarked that was the best cooked squirrel they ever ate. Some are out fishing, and skiff riding. game of Quoits in progress at the present writing Vashti, and F. McH. Hill and Mary Milligan Ed McH. is building a swing Swing finished and works very well and is a source of a great deal of enjoyment Game of ball across the creek at four o'clock which was a success. M.S. Hill got his hand cut badly between the thumb and fore finger; Dora McHenry cut her finger also, both the wounds were dressed up with Surgical Skill and at time of writing are doing well. Atwood has been walking home to day caused by his accident yesterday. Jack Curry and Vashti Blythe, Ed Bell and Mary Thomas; played a game of quoits Score 24-25. latters game The Misses Boughs drove to our camp and spent the afternoon. West and Vashti left our camp at four o'clock bound for Whitacers Mills

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    Atwood "Levy" The Cornetist favored us with some splendid music. Frank McHenry Mary Milligan, Vashti and Curry walked from the Dam up to the bridge on the other side of the creek and gathered some peculiar Berries and flowers Ed Bell, Harvey, Frank McH. Ed McH. have left for home, this Eve Ed Bell for good and Harvey thinks he may return Camp is smaller to night than it has been since we came out. Supper served at six o'clock and all seemed to enjoy it very much. and The meals were very good as good as a most anyone sets down to. For dinner we had Turtle soup, Fryed chicken and Fryed squirrel fryed Turtle for meats, and all manner of trimmings. Supper a cold supper Boild Ham cold Chicken, squirrel, and Ect with Ice cream and pie for desert. A big Game of Pig-in-the-Parlor in front of the tent. after supper. Croxall was hunting, he shot one squirrel but [it] lodged on a small Branch and he had not time to bring it [to] Camp as he had a call in another direction. Sidney says he dont care to see the boys go home; but he hates to see evening come when girls have to leave. he likes to mingle with the Guests. and see them enjoy them selves. They left the grove about 7-30 P.M. All were pleased with their days sport in camp and expressing a desire to come back. Clark arrived in camp at 7 o'clock Parties Present on this occasion-- Miss Vashti Blythe. E. " Jennie Bell. L. " Mary Milligan. O. " Ella Thomas. " - Bough. West Point " - Bough. " Dora McHenry. E. " Mary Thomas. L. " Bell McHenry. O. " Maggie Kenney. No Meals (17)

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    Squirrel 5 [?] 1 Rabbits 1 Pigeon 1 Chicken Hawks 2 ________________________________________________________ Hill and some of the boys started a fire after the crowd had departed and when in the act they heard a hissing nois, and then ran and the snake as they supposed, it was ran after them. On Friday Morning they found the Chaser Carcass of a Copper Head.

    Dobsons Mills July 18th '84. - Friday Croxall and Curry went to New Lisbon to take a buggy up to get fixed. started at 7 and was back at 10 A.M. Hill, Clark, and Willie went hunting. Saw several Liverpool boys in Lisbon. Met Chas Gill in Lisbon and he came to camp and took dinner. Visitors from the Surrounding Country Miss Nettie McCord L.W. Conner " Etta Johnston. E.S. Patterson " Ella Johnston. Londan McCord " Amy Johnston F.G. Hogue. " Sarah Robinson. Elmer McCord. " Qilla [?] Patterson. W.G. Roley. " Florence McCord Chas Robinson W.S. Burbeck John W. Roly William Londan Robert Robertson About 7-30 the above named young folks came in to see us And they enjoyed themselves very well. boat riding and then the Choir Sidney, Curry, A. Thomas, Croxall, Hill, and Clark rendered some very fine music. It struck the visitors so favorably that their applause sas heard in New Lisbon After the concert was over we got the ladies and had a game of Pig-in-the- parlor.

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    it was quite lively for about half an hour. Then we played a game they called Tilda McCrankey something like Virginia Reel. Then we got hem all in line and marched hem in the parlor tent and registered their names on our book. Curry and Croxall when they were driving into camp from New Lisbon they were singing Palms of Victory and Jolley said that old Mr Dobson told him that they-- Cry and Crof [??]-- were full ["loaded"?]: so when Jolley made the report in camp the above named became very corragious and started down to the dam to whip the D--- old cuss or else make him take it back, Then sent for the old feloow to come up to the dam and when he arrived they began rolling up their sleeves for a nock-out. but Croxall said Mr D-- Do you think this pond here could be drained-- so as to catch the fish in it. and Ect Then the old man gave his opinion on the matter, and they tackled him about the report and he said it was a fabrication; as this is not an unusual thing for Jolley to do, I mean to fib-- they let the old Gent off easy; but both claimed they could whip him if he was twice as old as he is, and he is only eighty-two now. Croxall and Sidney danced three or four rounds when the visitors was here and also after they left. It was Immence espacily to see Colonel Guinn dance. After the folks departed Croxall, Curry. Had a knock-out match the score was even and when they found that they were evenly matched they proseeded to knock the ballance of the club out of time. Retired at 10-30 and told Sidney to wake us up at 4-30 am so we could go hunting. Visitors Chas Gill - Meals (1) E.L.O Fish Caught 8 Squirrel Shot 4

    Dobson Mills July 19th / '84 - Saturday Croxall, Clark, Curry and Hill went hunting, in the morning. Hill shot a white squirrel it was a very pretty little squirrel white as snow.

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    Curry came in camp with a large Ground Hog. Wm Harker came in camp first before dinner and at 3 P.M. Harker Atwood and Curry went to New Lisbon to get Clarks buggy, And to leave Harkers for Repair. Miss Emma Steuart West Beaver Visitors " Minnie Stephenson Wellsville Mr. John D. Ramsey New Lisbon Hill, Croxall, and Clark started down the creek to fish for Cat-fish and I suppose they will bring in enough to stock the camp for a week. They have returned with fifteen little succors West and Ed McHenry Came in to camp at 11-30 P.M. Fish Caught 15 White Squirrel 1 Ground-Hog 1

    Dobsons Mills July 20th 84. - Sunday Breakfast at 8-30 A.M. After breakfast we began to prepare to go to church. Will Harker, Croxall, Ed McHenry and West Curry and Hill all went up to Bethel. Yjey arrived for the closing services of sabbath school. Church began at 11-30-- sermon preached by Rev McClure Text. "No Man liveth to himself" Got back to camp at 1-30- Geo Thomas and Mr Bock came in camp at 11 o'clock. Partook of dinner at 2-30-- and at 3-30 Croxall and West went to church at Pleasant Grove Church. Wm. Harker started home at 5 o'clock-- Geo Thomas and Mr Bock started home at 7 o'clock, Just after supper. The day was spent in a very orderly manner and was Kept with as much reverence as though we had been at home. Visitor Mr Bock Meals (2) (New York)

    Dobsons Mills July 21st / '84 - Monday Sidney woke up the camp at 3 o'clock A.M. this morning, Ed McH-- and West

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    started for home at 4 o'clock A-M- and the rest of us went to sleep and did-not rise until 7 o'clock. Croxall and Curry went over to see Mr Steuart, about Leasing the grove for five years. And they think it will be all O.K. Mr S- would not make any bargain this morning, but said he would be down to see us some time during the week, as he wished to see Mr Londan first. Clark and Hill are out fishing also Tommie he is fishing across from camp-- Croxall and Curry laid up in the Hamocks to read and both took a journey into Dream land and did not wake until dinner was called at 1-30. Hill, Tom, Adolph, Croxall went fishing leaving only Curry in camp he spent his time reading until Tommie came in and while Tom and he was talking Johnston came in camp. "Hill had no luck at fishing" Tom is the fisherman to day-- Croxall and Clark to hear from. heard from nothing. Croxall ate too many onions for supper and was quite sick during the night. Hill and Clark and Johnston down the creek fighing after supper and did not return until 10-30 P.M.-- and they had such good luck to, they brought in three little succors and then came in camp talking about Speckled trout and salmon-- "I guess they were B--- salmon." Retired at 11 o'clock. ------ Fish Caught 20 Squirrel - 2

    Dobsons Mills July 22nd, '84 - Tuesday Clark and Johnston went hunting across the creek. Croxall and Atwood went fishing. Curry and Hill went hunting taking Clarks horse and buggy and drove in to the left of Bethel Church and found a very fine place to hunt. Jolley and Willie, out catching frogs. After dinner Croxall and Curry started home by way of Salineville and after

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    waiting on the Hack for two hours could not go as the Hack was full, then and the driver wanted to know if they could not wait until Thursday, they told him they would just wait their as they were not in a hurry. Fish Caught 12 Squirrel 3 Visitors Squire Robinson Meals (21) Turtle 1 Rev McClellan Thos Arbuckle Frogs 18 Frank Milligan T.F. Anderson

    Dobsons Mills July 23rd / '84 - Wednsday The days sport commenced early we had Thos Arbuckle and Frank Milligan and concluded to give them a little time so after spending the evening pleasantly together we all turned in at 10-30. Curry and Hill stayed out for a little time to arrange matters. They fixed up a volcano of powder. Then they went to bed also. And all was very quiet on the patomic until 12-30. Curry rolled Quietly off his bunk crawled out of the tent like as unto a snake. Fired off a round of the Minute gun and then lit a round of red fire in the tent. This did not Smoke enough. So Hill and He started off the volcano. Then annother blast of red fire and wound up with 2 or three ounces of assfoetida which made a very fragrant smell: some promenaded through the grove, while the smoke was clearing away. Arbuckle did not get to sleep from that until daylight. He was expecting another round. Croxall and Curry started home at 7-A-M- and arrived in town at 10.a.m. and found upon their arrival that Clarks Baby was very sick and Curry went around to see him and They said to send someone out for Clark and Croxall and Tayler came. Curry, Harvey and Bell and Ed McHenry got up quite a crowd to come out on tomorrow their were 24 girls and three married couples to come. but owing to the sad Bereavement that befell our Brother member we deemed it proper not to come on Thursday. so we went around and told the girls and all who had Intended to come. We have a very nice layout prepared for Thursday Barbacued lamb. Stewed squirrel, Fryed chickens (Spring C) frogs on toast with various other meats too numerous to mention. Tayler and Croxall arrived in camp at 4-30 and Clark started home at five.

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    Fish caught 20 Squirrel 4 Frogs 18 Visitors Thos Arbuckle (6) Frank Milligan

    Dobson's Mills July 24th 84 - Thursday Curry, Harvey, Peterson and Frank Curry arrived in camp at 9 o'clock without the guests. As they drove past Fishers' they stoped to tell Minnie Miller and she thought we were going out so thyey told her we would not go to day. Steuart McCord Mrs Alvin McCord West Herman McCord Miss Mary McCord Beaver Jerry McCord Hallie McCord Alvin McCord They also stoped at Blythes to inform Miss Vashti. and found her ready and awaiting. Croxall started for town at 10 o'clock in the rig the boys came out in and expects to get a crowd up for Saturday. Went Blackbird hunting at night and caught one poor robbin. Hill, Harvey, Peterson and Frank Curry out hunting in the evening no game except one ground hog shot by Frank. Fish 5 Chal Peterson Meals Groud hog 1 Visitors Frank Curry 4 Rained in afternoon and Eve. First rain.

    Dobson's Mills July 25th / '84 It was raining in the morning when we got up and continued on until noon. Curry and Tayler went to New Lisbon in the rain in an open spring wagon. Curry went for provisions and Tayler went on to Salem, O. Hill, Harvey and Peterson went hunting.

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    Visitors Mary Milligan Miss Vaughn Thos Milligan The above drove in camp about twelve o'clock. Chal Peterson Dave Gaily Frank Curry Wm Hostetter No Meals (12) Judge Amblin Mr Bilingley The above came in camp a 7-30 P.M. And they with the camp boys spent the evening playing Quoits and Whist. Sidney played Dave Gaily three games of Quoits and Sidney took the Cake, beating 2 out of three. Tayler, Hill and Curry gave the New Lisbon boys a send-off at 2-30 A.M. Sat. Morn. and they appreciated it very much. Squirrel Shot 7--

    Dobsons Mills. Saturday July 26th 84 -Womens Day- We did not get up this morning until 7 o'clock. Frank Croxall came out to camp with the load and arrived at 8 o'clock Coming out in one hour and forty-five minutes-- very fast time indeed.. Oliver and Bell came in with their load at 9 o'clock. First Hack came in at 9-30 A.M. Second Hack at 10 o'clock. After the first three loads came in we started up the fun. Vashti Blythe and Hill played Dell Kerr and J. Curry at Quoits. Then we played Matilda Crankey for quite a while and they had a splendid time at the game. Skiff riding. Quoits, Horse Shoes, and all manner of amusements were the go until dinner and then We had dinner at 1-30 P.M. and all done Justice to it. We

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    sat Twenty one ladies down to dinner at once and about the same number of men at the second table. After dinner the fun began again and was kept up all afternoon. Vashti, Dell, J. Curry and E. McHenry went boat riding and had a good time in fact a splendid time, they rode up the slew. and Etc. In the forenoon Vashti, Cora, Dell, and Jack Curry went to Robinsons for some vegitables, and while picking beans Curry was stung five times with bees and had to run and put his head in a pine tree to get rid of the bees. Maggie Kenney and Dora McHenry waited on the second table and did it with as much skill as the oldes waiters would have done. Game of Base ball. Peterson and Atwood chose off-- Score-- Peterson 5 Atwood 7. Curry was umpire and Ed McHenry was the kicker. Tayler, Hill, Ella Thomas and Cora Holroyd went boat riding and after some very entertaining puns and witticisms the girls began spatteling each other and before they got the little matter settled they were both as wet as drowned rats. they stood in the sun to dry their cloths but they were not very successful as far as drying their chloths was concrned A big game of Pig-in-the-parlor which we enjoyed very much Then we played a game of Happy is the Miller. And wound up with a huge game of Hilda McCrankey, which we played hard and long. Served supper at 6-30 and after we got all served the crowd started in home in good spirits and to the best of our knolledge not in the least sorry that they came to spend a day in the camp of the Forest and Stream Club. Almost all the girls got out to camp although some were left as the List that Curry mad out was lost and it was not Intentional that they were left out. The Girls could not help mingling at the palace car-- Curry Hill, Atwood, Tayler waited on the table. Visitors Miss Anna Kountz Miss Dell Kerr Mr Dave Gailey " Vashti Blythe " Wm Hostetter " Nell Manley " Billingsly

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    " Allie Knowles Judge Ambler " Jessie Manley Chal Peterson " Ella Thomas Frank Curry " Minnie Miller John Oliver " Mary Thomas Dave Wallace " Cora Holroyd Harry Cartwright " Lizzie West Mr Steuart " Lottie Vaughn Walter Hill " Mary Milligan Joseph Ewing " Maggie Kenney Willie Manly Driver " Dora McHenry John Bucheit " Mrs Annie Paul " Annie Croxall Meals (61) Miss Ella Fredrick " Lou Fredrick Squirrel 2 " Jennie Oliver " Maggie Johnston At nine o'clock started serenadeing went to Mr Steuart's and sang several songs out side and then we were invited in and we sang some songs and Hymns. inside Wm Harker at the organ. Sidney sang several songs by request. Started from Steuarts at 11-15 P.M. and stoped at Robinsons and serenaded them while we were singing at the Robinsons it began to rain. and we were compelled to fly for camp. While crossing the creek on our return Sidney got wet the skiff diped and Sidney cryed out Save me for goodness sake. Oh, Oh, Oh, get me out quick Oh. Oh. All turned in our little beds and slept until seven, In fact some did not rise until nine. Sidney was our Colonel on our march to night and he commanded his troops well on this occasion. only he is as much afraid of water and Is unable to controle himself while in the boat.

    Dobsons Mills July 27th / '84 - Sunday It rained terribly hard this morning for three or four hours, as hard a rain as ever fell on our canvas and as we did not have the large tent ditched the water ran through it in torrents. No one went to Church to day as it was wet in the forenoon--

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    Our palace Car was almost ridelled of grub last night after we served up the last meal. we had nothing left but tomatoes and Salt. we of coarse had to replenish our stock before breakfast this morning. Tayler started home at six o'clock this Evening. Harry Cartwright Visitors Dave Wallace Mamie Vance Chal Peterson Frank Curry Walter Hill Mr Vance Mr M

    Dobsons Mills July 28th. 84 - Monday After three weeks good social fun in the woods we are reluctant to leave the dear old spot, to go to our respective homes and ocupations but our time is up and we must go. Oh, Halla Lulia Visitors Chal Peterson Frank Curry Meals 3 Walter Hill Number of meals set up to visitors during our camp was Two Hundred and Ten (210) No of visitors was One Hundred fifty-five (155)-- Total number of meals to Visitors and Club was Eight Hundred seventy-nine (879) We arose from our bunks at five o'clock this morning for the last time in 1884 and commenced to pack up our outfit to be stowed away for another year at Squire Robinsons. This was a very good season for camping and all the club enjoyed it very much indeed at least those who were so fortunate as to be in camp every day; Hill Atwood and Curry are the only ones who were in camp every day. Started over and packed away one load of our goods. and returned to camp. Then Hill, Harker, and the wagon started for E.L.O. at 10 o'clock with Sidney and the boys Ed McH. At, Chal Peterson and Curry took the other load over and got everything stowed away in good shape, and when they were finished up it was Just Eleven o'clock A.M. They sat in the grove, played eucher and caught a snake and Curry put it in a bottle to bring home.

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    They got tired waiting for the Carriage to come for them. and after building the fence up, they started to meet the rig; but when they arrived at the forks of the road they became suddenly fatigued and stoped to rest. They were a bright looking crowd Curry with his bottled snake, Atwood with a satchel throwed over his back and Peterson with his wardrobe packed in a flour sack, Ed was sick and he looked like a way-worne pilgrim ready to pass in his cheques-- so while waiting under a massive Sycamore tree as became pilgrims of bygone day's or tramps of a more recent date, they waited paitently until a road waggon came along. and they all mounted this chariot and prseeded on their journey as far as West Beaver Church and in their rush for the wagon Curry forgot his snake and left it to dye, by the road side. They then sholdered their baggage and walked down to Mr Bough's and took dinner after dinner they were invited in the parlor and spent a very pleasant time together singing and playing and at 3-15 the carriage came in sight. while they were in the midtz of a grand Hallalula meeting. A-men-- they shouted as with one accord and mounted the chariot. but none hung on behing. They arrived home at 6-30 P.M. Total number of meals 8.79 " " " " 2.10 To Visitors " " " Visitors 155 " " Fish Caught 133 " " Squirrel Shot 107 Head " " Ph 5 " " " Rabits 3 " " " Groudhogs 4 " " Chicken Hacks 2 " " Turtle 10 " " Frogs 36 " " Pigeons 1 " ______ Total number heads 302 Thus endeth the encampment of the Forest and Stream Hunting and Fishing Club for 1884

    Camp of Eighty-Five

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    R.W. Tayler C.N. Harker A.H. Clark W.W. Harker F.H. Croxall G.W. Thomas M.S. Hill D.W. THomas John Johnston Jerry Simms, substitute for D.F. McHenry John Bock, " " E.P. McHenry G.B. Harvey Ed F. Bell J.J. West Geo. Goodwin W.J. Curry Went into Camp on July 6th 1885 at Camp De Dobson - West Beaver Ohio

    Camp De Dobson Roll Call. July 6th, '85 No. July 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Meals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R.W.Tayler /0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H.N. Harker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /0 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.H. Clark 0 0 0 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 0 0 1 3 3 3 1 45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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    W.W. Harker 2 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 3 3 3 1 32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F.H. Croxall 0 3 3 1 0 1 3 1 3 1 2 0 1 3 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G.W. Thomas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M.S. Hill 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 62 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.W. Thomas 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Johnston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jerry Sims D.F. McHenry /0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Bock E.P. McHenry 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 1 60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G.B. Harvey 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W.J. Curry 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ed Bell 0 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John West 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geo. Goodwin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 ========================================================= Hugh Jolley 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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    Sidney Guinn 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________ 565

    Dobson's Mills July 6th 1885 Load left home at 7:20 A.M. Sidney on Deck. Geo Harvey and Willis Knowles started at 5:30 A.M. and arrived in camp at 8 o'clock. Al Thomas and Jack Curry arrived in Dickies carriage at 10.30 a.m. John Bock and Wm. Harker at 11.30 - Harvey McHenry with Sid, Hugh, and Tom. at 3 o'clock P.M. Sims and Croxall a 9.15 P.M. Tayler and Judge Speer at 9 A.M. M.S. Hill and Walter arrived at one P.M. Sidney Guinn was very sick and had to repair to his bunk. some of the boys took turn in staying up with him, and he swares he will Never touch the accursed stuff again. Harvey McHenry's horse - very sick and we Done every thing imaginable for him, he got releaf at 4 a.m. Ask Bock what he Done. We mean the horse. Curry is doing the cooking today. John Bock shot a red squirrel. We had a big time at night or at least done a great deal of talking. Sims and Bock were afraid to go to bed for fear of being put through several of the camp Degrees. Visitors Willis Knowles. 2 Harve McHenry 2 Tom Jolley 2 Judge Speer 1

    July 7th. 85.

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    Tayler and Speer took their departure for New Lisbon at 7-30 a.m. Harve McHenry and Tom Jolley started home at 9 o'clock Sidney no better, very shakey and simptoms seem to Indikate nervous Debility or better known as Jim Jams or snakes in the boots. Bock came in camp carrying a poor diminutive little bird and claimed he had shot a Quail, but we can only give him credit for a wood-pecker he has become, in his own mind an old hunter and in all a great sportsman, his favorite game ground squirrel and chirpy birds, while Ed Bell's ambition runs into larger game Groundhog for Intstance. Hill, Harker, fishing and they will come in Camp with a string of little succors about two inches long claiming them to be mountain trout, salmon and pearch. Geo Harvey caught a Twelve pound Bass, largest bass ever caught in west beaver creek. Gospell All gatherd in the tent in evening. Curry was quite unwell. Croxall made a very eloquent address! about ten o'clock, Then we all turned in except Croxall, he was teasing Wm. Harker and about ten and a half p.m. they heard a rather strange conversation going on in Sidney's tent and upon Investigation found Sid standing with a double barreled shotgun ready to shoot the undertaker. "You go away from thar with you you son of a b____ with crape around your mouth, or I'll shoot you, don't try to burry a man before he's dead." He saw ghosts, men, women and snakes, while Hill, Croxall, Bock and Haker wressled with him. At and Bell went to New Lisbon for the Doctor, who arrived at 3 a.m. and took Charge of the wild man; he prescribed and admionistered some medicine and got the patient to sleeping. Then all went to bed except Bell and Bock they stayed up with the doctor, Curry being sick was not waked up at all during the racket. but he woke up about five a.m. and got up - was surprised to learn of the condition of affairs. Curry went to work and prepared a sumptous breakfast and then things began to appear a little brighter, for about two a.m. we thought we would be amused with a Cullard funeral the next day. Fish Caught 20 Bock Woodpecker 1 Visitors Knowles 3 Judge Speer 1 July 8th 85

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    Sidney much better and wanting to know all about the proseedings of the night. he says he saw thos ghosts and things as planely as he saw us at the present time. He took Hill for Knap the wholesale liquor man, Bock for the Bock beer man, and informed him that he carried the kees of three or four coolers and could furnish him with any kind of beer he could wish for, took Croxall for John the Beer man, Will Harker for Chas. Caldwell, At for Wattie Cook, Bell for Mrs. Biddle and Jolley he called Tusey Farmer. he scared Jolley almost into the treemous. Hill sent him in the tent for his pants, and when Jolley took them Into sidneys palace car he got a glimps of Quinns wild Eye, throwed Hills pants down grabbed up his gum boots and started toward the Creek, with his hair standing on end and hollowing Take him off, save me save me. for goodness sake, save me. Doctor left camp about Eight o'clock and left Directions how to treat sidney. Croxall and Curry are cooks. Knowles and Hill were to have washed the dishes in the morning but Hill played off and Curry turned in and helped Knowles out. Harker and Bock washed dishes at dinner, At and Bell at supper. Bell, Croxall, Knowles and Jolley in batheing at sundown while the others sit on the bank and took in the fun. As soon as one was ready to go out and dress, one of the others would throw mud on him and then he would have to go in again to wash. They would run each other through the corn field and it was a very laughible sight for the lookers on. Fish 15 Visitors Knowles 3 Chas Castillon 0 Ed Moore 0 Thos Arbuckle 2 Tom Milligan 2 Tom Fredrick 2 D. Moore 1 July 9th 1895 Sidney convalescent, prospects look better for a cook. Curry prepared breakfast Croxall went home, Knowles took him to New Lisbon, to catch the train. Sidney able to wash the breakfast dishes, and now we expect to enjoy ourselves a great deal better, as we won't be troubled by the duties of the kitchen. Hill out fishing. Sidney prepared dinner today and went old fashioned to stand round, and take dinner, then get up and take a good rest before going hunting and fishing. Hill, Harker, Clark and At out fishing. Concert began at 8 o'clock, after which we turned in.

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    At mooved Bocks bunk and Bock took the buggy whip and Cowed him down and made him return the bunk make the bed, say his prayers and go to sleep. Rained hard at 12 o'clock. Sidney called to come and tie down the tent for fear it would float away. Knowles 3 Arbuckle 3 July 10th 1885 All out hunting and fishing, except Curry. Several big games of Quoits. Sidney all O.K. Curry went to West Point for the mail. Visitors Willis Knowles 3 Thos Arbuckle 3 July 11th 1885 Every person in good health and enjoying themselves. Croxall and Harker came in camp at Four o'clock. Curry and Atwood went to West Point. Croxall and Harker brought out ock's violin, set of Bones and Tamborine - And we have organised an Orchestra-- Bock Violin, Harker Organ, Croxall Bones, Curry Tamborine, At Mouth Organ-- gave a concert at Eight o'clock, which sounded very pretty: exseedingly sweet and harmonious music. Started for a Danc at McCords Barn, about two miles from Camp and had a splendid time. there was a large Crowd and they all treated us very nicely. Croxall and Bell and Willis Knowles Danced several sats. Bell Made Quite a mash on Miss Pinky We all wore our plug hats and created quite an excitement, espacily among the girls; they told ud they would be down to camp on monday. When the last set was announced we bgathered all our boys to-gether all but Bell, he was setting up the Cream to a young lady, at the time, we found a set and had what is known as a stag dance. which ammused the country folks a great deal. Then walked home, or the camp rather, and it was Just One o'clock: after two or three tunes by our orchestra to ammuse Hill and Clark for they did not go to the dance, and we wanted them to go to sleep dreaming that a band of Angels was hovering around their peasfull bunks. Harker emptyed some Valerian on Curry's and Atwoods pillows and of all the bad smells you ever smelt this is one

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    of the most sickening. Fishes 10 Bisitors Willis Knowles 3 Thos Arbuckle 3 July 12th 1885 All got up! had some sacred music by orchestra. Bell and Hill, Croxall and Harker and Curry all got ready and went to Church, the above four in buggies and Curry on horseback. Good sermon. Text ran thusly "Were there not ten chused where are the nine." Hill and Bock out skiff riding Croxall and Bell at U.P. Church. Harker undertook to stink out the camp by spreading Valerian through on Currys and Atwoods bunks and to keep from being detected in the scheme, put the box in his pocket and upon getting it out of the pocket it spread alover his hands and also on his see-a-succor coat, and when at church this morning attracted the probossesses of all the congregation. he happened to be sitting beside a very nice looking girl, she would turn up her nose and look at Harker then at the floor, then she took out her handkerchief and held her nose during all the rest of the sermon; Harker was terribly embarrassed and all the boys have been runing on him all day calling him old Stink. Conversation by Croxall Bell and Hill as to the beautie of the Liverpool girls. Bell claims that Liverpool has the nicest and yet the homeliest lot of girls in the state of Ohio. Croxall claims their is not a beautiful lady in the town, while Hill claims that Ellen Starkey is best formed lady in the town and says that she is veluptious. Bock and Curry overheard the aforesaid, while reading and they kicked they claim that the aforesaid three gents, are not good judges of beauty, or form, they claim B&C that Liverpool posesses a great many pretty faces as well as perfect forms, as dose any town in the U.S. Mooved and secconed by Croxall that his wife be excepted from the aforesaid

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    conversation. After this conversation was booked Hill, Bell and Croxall began to kick, and say that Bock and Curry failed to hear correctly, but Col. Guinn being present ruled that the Clerk reported the conversation correctly and said also that these Gents were afraid of the consequences when the ladies should gain axcess to these records. This did not seem staisfactory to the trio and they became boistrous demanding the records to be changed. Judge Guinn took the bench and the trial began. First came Croxall he filed his own case which Guinn did not like, stateing that a case of no more importance than the prisoners, who could not afford to hire a lawyer he would desiide that the records would stand as written by the clerk of Courts, except a motion that the defendent made and seconed himself would be recorded, as has been done, according to the laws of Judge Guinn's court. Bell Case then came up the court posponed the hearing until Monday and the prisoner be Jailed in default of bail. for an appearance at 8 o'clock P.M. Monday. In Hills cae the Judge fined him for contempt of court. Then the defendent bribed the Judge by giving him unlawful bribes. The Clerk and sherriff testify against the prisoner and the judge reverses his verdict and the records stands as written. We all turned in except Curry who was keeping Harker in hot water, pretending to put pinch bugs in his bunk. Harker would Jump