foreign policy & hitler 1

World War II – Unit 8 - Term II Ch 20.1/.2/.4 Ch 21 #10

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  • 1. World War II Unit 8 - Term II Ch 20.1/.2/.4 Ch 21 #10

2. Film/Interview History v Hollywood Check on Canvas - History v Hollywood No Doubling up on Topics No Saving Pvt Ryan or Holocaust Movies Sign up by April 30th Film/Interview Due: May 13th 3. During the Great Depression & Axis Powers (Rise of Totalitarianism) Ch 20.1 4. FDRs Strategy in the 1930s - American Foreign Policy 1) Stay out of European Problems - Economic Troubles at Home : GD - Costs of the Great War(Lives & $) 2) Western Hemisphere Nations Good Neighbor Policy FDR stated U.S. should not interfere w/internal affairs of Latin Am. Neighbors - would we keep our word? 5. Three Great Challenges developed in our Foreign Policy 1) ITALY - chaos after WWI: no jobs/poor economy Benito Mussolini burst onto the scene A) Challenged the Italians to rebuild - their economy & prestige B) Ruthless tactics allowed him to gain control of the Govt.(armed thugs/streets) - made people want a strong leader Black Shirts destroyed political opposition C) Brought energy & discipline back to Italy 6. Scale Model of Rome / Empire 7. Fascist Political Parties established in Italy & Germany Fascism what is it? Preaches that the Nation and the Race were more important than the Individual Citizens gave up Rights In order to be: Strong & Safe 8. German Govt. after WWI The Weimar Republic 1918-1934 - emerged after Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated the throne at the end of the war - President Paul Von Hindenburg Gen. Ludendorff hated the new Govt. (should have never signed the shameful treaty) 9. 2) Hitlers Germany Germany was almost destroyed following the Great War & In 1929 hit by the Depression - Adolf Hitler: Builds the Nazi party - Learns from Mussolini (hero) - Wants a strong & united Germany Brown Shirts-S.A roam the Streets - Finds Scapegoats to Blame (Jews / Comm. / Weimar Rep. / Treaty of V) - Attempts to Dominate the World - Hitler gains from support of Gen. Ludendorff 10. Hitler Packet Read Packet - Canvas Answer Questions on a separate sheet of paper 1. Evaluation #1 10 2. Hitlers Book #1-5 Turn In Tomorrow Quiz on Hitler When Completed 11. Treaty of Versailles 12. Post-WW1 Hitler stayed in German army acted as a mole and spied on various communist organizations One group he spied on German Workers Party In 1919 they became: National Socialist (Nazi) with Hitler as the leader Munich /Beer Hall Putsch - Ludendorff (1923) The failure of the Beer Hall Putsch demonstrates that power needs to be taken through legal means 13. Hitler on trial high treason A political circus sympathetic judge, minimal sentence Landsberg Prison Mein Kampf Lebensraum Biological/ Racial anti-Semitism 14. NAZI focus shifted to propaganda and electoral success and winning the support of big business First power, then politics The Germany Flights 15. Seats won in the Reichstag 1932 saw a (NAZI) plurality (no majority) But the most Rohms Brown Shirts S.A in the streets Ludendorff Regrets his support 16. Pres. Paul Von Hindenburg - felt Hitler would be good for Gr. (if controlled) Eliminate the riots on the streets Appoints Hitler Chancellor(1933) to help lead the coalition Govt. 1934 Hindenburg Dies Hitler declares himself Fuehrer(supreme leader) - Quickly moves to eliminate all opposition - By 1936 : Axis Powers are formed w/Italy 17. The Reichstag Fire Suited Hitlers Needs 18. Hitler & Hindenburg 19. massive state propaganda program Nuremberg Rallies Joseph Goebbels, as Min. of Truth and Enlightenment, created the Big Lie Unacceptable ideas were stamped out the Burning of the Books 20. Letter from Ludendorff to Hindenburg in 1933 By appointing Hitler Chancellor of the Reich, you have handed over our sacred German Fatherland to one of the greatest demagogues of all time. I prophesy to you this evil man will plunge our Reich into the abyss and will inflict immeasurable woe on our nation. Future generations will curse you in your grave for this action. The Hitler Youth Reading 10 Bullets in your notes 21. The Road to World War Pre WWII Notes #11 Ch 20.2 / 1st part 22. Hitler Makes Demands Pre - WWII Re-Builds Military against Treaty of Versailles Armies occupy the Rhineland - 1936 Forms the Anschluss (Union w/Austria) - 1936 Enters the Sudetenland (Western Czech.) - 1938 European Leaders Did Nothing to Stop Hitler - Why? 1) Family Affair 2) Lebensraum 3) Who could want another war? 23. Germany Enters the Rhineland March 7, 1936 24. The Austrian Anschluss, 1936 25. The Problem of the Sudetenland 26. German Troops Parade in Streets of a Czechoslovakian Town, ca. 1938 27. Appeasement European Leaders give into Hitlers demands in order to avoid another war Felt they could preserve peace if they gave into Hitler Lines in the Sand 28. Munich Pact of 1938 Europes Leaders gave Hitler the Sudetenland Br. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain Hitler Promised to Make : NO NEW TERRITORIAL DEMANDS IN EUROPE Appeasement in Action 29. The Great Peace/Piece of Paper -peace in our time: Chamberlain 30. Hitler tore up the Paper 1) Took the Rest of Czech. - 1939 2) Signed a Nonaggression Pact with Stalin - Gr. & Soviet Union(his mortal enemy) 3) Germany & Soviets Invades Poland Sept. 1, 1939 - Blitzkrieg is unleashed in Europe Br. & Fr. have an alliance with Poland When will they attack Germany? 31. The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact of 1939 Foreign Ministers von Ribbentrop & Molotov 32. Invasion of Poland 33. 1. Why is Poland in a vunerable position? 2. Why is Great Britain in a stronger position? 34. Call to Arms -video - 5 minute video clip: Topic Appeasement followed by Japan / Pearl Harbor - #12 then Pre-WWII Quiz 40 pts T & F 35. 38 World War II Before America Enters Ch 20.2 The War Begins - p. 690 Hitler Crushes Europe Read & Complete in Notebook - # 13 The Fall of France -- Class Participation Discussion / 30pts The Miracle at Dunkirk The Battle of Britain Britain Remains Defiant p. 693 8 Bullet Points in Notebook for each(24 total) **look for Key Terms & Events** 36. April 9, 1940 WAR Hitler unleashes Blitzkrieg against Norway & Denmark 37. May 10 Netherlands & Belgium & Lux. 38. 41 The Maginot Line Defensive Fortifications Between France & Germany Allied Troops after the Invasion of Belgium? 39. 42 Massive defensive fortifications on the border 40. 43 41. 44 42. 45 43. 46 44. 47 Hitler attacks where the defenses are weakest The Ardennes Forest/neutral Belgium 45. Ardennes : largely undefended - the Germans Smashed Through 46. 49 47. Dunkirk -338,000 Fr. & Br Troops evacuated by 850 British Ships of all types / military & Civilian May 28 June 4, 1940 Hitler Delayed Attack? 48. June 22, 1940 Hitler personally accepts French surrender in Paris 49. 52 Hitler Sightseeing in Paris 50. 53 51. The French Underground Charles de Gaulle Free French Resistance Forces 52. Winston Churchill New P.M. / Parliament Their Finest Hour June 4, 1940 / 1 min Britain Will Never Surrender Hitler is a monster of wickedness, insatiable in his lust for blood and plunder. They Must Break Us in this Island or Lose the War 53. Operation Sea lion Invasion Plan of Great Britain 54. The Battle of Britain summer 1940 - Air war to win control of the sky British Spitfire RAFLuftwaffe 55. The Blitz Night time raids with heavy bombers on civilian population 56. October 12, 1940 Hitler Cancels Operation Sea lion 57. Churchill pleads for American support in the War Give us the tools, and we will finish the job 58. 61 Short film for review France/Maginot Line & The Battle of Britain Canvas: America - Before the War - did we supply the tools Churchill needed? Ch 20.1 & 20.4 Due Lend-Lease Reuben James (p. 705)