ford tractor plows -


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Page 2: Ford Tractor Plows -

The bearborn Economy Plow Design features of chc Dmrbarn Emoml: Plow t b ~ u g h ~ u t its emire lerigd~.. The Economy k t -

are: F?lrgpd ~orr~t~mct ion, easy adiuitrncnt, rotas ace provided uribh mplaccabIc shins LC, ptO- intcrchxn&eaEiiliry of mud& m d a inw cost Imrq % cbrr life crf thc mirldtsoards.

?'he Ehyrbrn Ennnrny PEorr. i s easily ar- The fmme js mostrucied OF high car'brm t cm- mckd and breech4 fmn; 111e Ford 'Tracto;w.ith peed steel to withstand hardnsap and pcovide the standard $-pint l ~ ~ k u p . Ththlugh t& use surplur; stcen~th . and iigidiry l o r sacisfsctnry of Corsranc Drafc Control for rol1in.g land and operacjoi-a. l n r ~ w e d u~igl~rr rlso pm~ridc~ b~qtcc lrnplcrncnc Position &n~rrol for lmcl band, a mi- pcnctmcion, and rcaptinn thfaugb the tr;rnsfe~ 06 form f~~tr ,ow depth can hc maintain&.

atJ.Jition the fwr qpes of Economy bot- In this p [ m r y j n v m i a L fire cg[a& by tows cberc arc x v c n m k k w l 8.wrrnrn.5 h the

10~'. mt "Razor Blade" shares. This c j i m i n w ~ Deacbnrn line which nsay be used wieil the - cbc mpemw snd incunveni.mce of reslrarper>ing Etmomy Crrme T h o Emnomy frame is -5ily

worn S ~ A R ~ . ' B m l l e penerl.a~ioo propcrries have and iacxpnsil;elv ~mver ied ro accnrnmoda~t hem i n r w w ~ d sins= ~c ncw. iibire bas $u& lnCf, lz", 14" or haccnrns.

Page 3: Ford Tractor Plows -

NOTE: Arsmbf~ of t h Dearharm Ecmarny Ha

BESCR tPFlON pkitu i s b&e rerjnnsih8ify o j dht. Fofd Tfflctor omd D~'arbnr# Fdm Eqdripwe#t deder. The pdow shmtld be ddiupred cmrpleteiy u~e~rnhfed. Th i ~ i l n r ~ ~ h ~ ins i r#c f in~~ err pruvidcri i u caw I. The Plow frame with h m s sttwhd. a/ R L V ~ .

5HIPPING IMPOBMATIIPM NOTE TAP coalfer~ {see k ~ s r k A], F i p r e 1, am$

The Dearborn Economy Row i s shipped En rwo ih ~ O & ~ ~ F T , T (lee i u ~ e r i BJ ,-~r# bn~rd!~iI j v r $bi 4- bundlc~ which rantatn chr: pas [istcd hclaw. meml as shown *rnd are ~ o I d seprdtety. I e Lhmk the s h i p b l ~ t agaiost his list and Figure 1 dwem.b/~l ,%Tmud e w e h p {3jP Figfdr~ IF i~ ro be sure- e!jC prss w e tcseiverl. f+d r n ih plnro framr.

Page 4: Ford Tractor Plows -


TCOTT; FOP d h d 8 i# is pnssibh in mw5r fhr wei,qJd 0 +#t5ot b3' ihc me of cal&jcm ch!firide am. werer ia #be tkes, S@e the Fwd Trbaa I/ far tire- !M&;A~ @r#c~drrrrb'.

The following scep includc rhe assemb[y of cxtra quiprncnt m ~ ~ 1 1 ar thc bask ~Iuw.

I . Back ~l l e mcccrr up TO the plow fmmc so the lrrwcc l i n k (41 and (73, Eijiure 2, arc digned with t h ~ plow crass shaft (6) as shovin. . a. Turn tht adjustjn~ ctarsk (31, FigUr~: 2,

dip rite righr tractor I h k (7) w i ~ h the tiglw side oI ihe cross shaft (6~.

h. A t t a d the Snu~clinks (4) and I?, Figurn 2, ta each md of the cross shalt and secure. with the l I ~ c k pins prwidd.

c. Atrarh the rmctm rap ti& (51, Figure 2, to the top OF the A-frame with th pin (I) and linrh gin.

d. Attach the dm-ward end of ehemp Iink ( 5 ) , Figurn 2, to rhc luwet hale on, cRe tmcrQc rwker assmlbly with the pIn (2 ) and 5murg with lirtsh: pin,

Page 5: Ford Tractor Plows -

h. .kdi;w I ~ F mnltm- ~ C E be+ 4 width nb nrt nl~.rtrml and r i ~ l n m the c>i bnlt nrit : up crcess ph] h~-arw7t:* a n d 4 I J, 1 I ~ ; I . ~ I @ 3, ' w ~ r e ! ~ .

with the lccckn iw!,:d rrr ~ikt '4rGMJrkL

Page 6: Ford Tractor Plows -

t / r

To adj

. Adjust thc jnintcra (41, F i ~ u r c 4. with rhe ing hit (S), Pigace 5, w r i l rlie idling polnt l i g h ~ [ ~ ~ t m u ~ h i n ~ thi c;dluIt~~ bb[d- landsidc 11): isncrtmnrc rhan inch below (6)- Fignre 3. 1.0wet edge af btrc sliding landsldc (9)

and m ~ r e ~ i d h rile locknur. iust the f4). Fi~us9 4, iocrsen,

4. Ateach thc rollling landsidc ammhlp to the rear bot~om M LSO~I~OWS; a. Bait the rtsllir ~ i d f a m (61, Figurt?

5, rra thc rear uurccrm sCiding. Iandsidc (9) with 2h.c plow h l t s [ 3 ) ;and ( 4 ) loosely. T)Q not rigErwn at this tirnrr.

R. Raiw rhe plow with rho Fowl .Tr,~cor Hvdca.ulic Touch h n t r d lcver until rh'e m s borrmi assetrak!y is clear uf thc grnund.

d. Tighten the aurs cm the h d t s (3) and (41, Figwe 5, sccurcly and ilower rlte plow [o ctle g;round,

e: Adjust tkr suapa (L,, I JF i c jU51 cnurhm rhe mlliag land5it.k [I) and re- mrc with the carriage I ~ o l r {I], rockwasher ,and nut,

Page 7: Ford Tractor Plows -



TIE Hm can .readily be converted co accmmrn[,datc alE widths and 9 ~ 5 of h o r n s ; in ihe Rearhorn tine rlrcrn~gl~ dlr ww rcrf mandaril pa rrs.


To d a n g c from a ;12*' frame TO ;I 10" frame, atmch r h e right "A"' f c m rncmhc (15, F i p m fi, to rhe Ael~ side of the rig-It€ beam ( 4 ) and use the brace @I*, chc. rod spacer (3)* and the tie cod h1t (7)*. Attach the lcft "A" frmc m m h r (21, on rhe I eft side of [he bean1 [GI.


13)) Figure 4, BEEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . $iasa46

(59. F ~ ~ U C C Sr Spac~r, Tit Rnd . . . . . tlfi5144

{74, F i p r c 4 Bolr, Tie Rod . . . . .$105100


To change from a ICY/ Iramc ro a 12" frame. ilrrnch the right "A" frame member (I), Figurn 7, tn sthe Befr side oh rht r i ~ h t h a m (4 ) and use thc: bracc (3)*, rhe fie rod spaccr I?)*, and the rie cod bit (7)*. Xitach she ielrr "A" frame member (2). on the right sidc nf the h a m (61.

To c h q f From [he '14" of IW f~arnc to a EXfr Itarmc, the left "A" framc m m k r (2), Figre 8, =ill ]lave re he repkncd wi tb [El*: ,Figum 7, in addEtion to rhe shove clrarage.

(21, Figure 7, "A'' Fmme AT-, Left cf10.1372

(3)) F i p r e 7, Brace . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . ,*111514?

(51, Ft~ure 7, Sparer. Tie R d . . . . . ,2105143

[Y), Figure 7, Bolt. Tie Rob . . . . . .*lu5lOZ

Page 8: Ford Tractor Plows -


Tn change frnm r me to a 14'' frmnw attach rl~c riplld '"h" frrrrnc mcmher (I) , Pipurr 8. to tlw i i ~ l r t sidc of r h e right beah (4) a n d use thc htatc~ I?;)*. ehc ric md spacer ( 5 ) * , and tl~c t i c mr! [?I*. Alraeh tEc lcfr "A" frame rncrnbcr ( '1, or1 thc lcfr side of the b (f>').

To chnnyc P. 12" frame to a 14"' fmme rhv I m m b a 11). Frpre 7 , tanll h a w rn rw r q - r a r m wirh Fikwrc . 8, in addir~irm III theahitre ~fiU1~tt~.

(2?, Figure R, " A " Frame .kr).., Lefc ,k1043?3 (35, F i g ~ ~ r c N, ntmtc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . t l M 3 3 1

(51, Figure 8. Sp~cer, Tic Rnd . . . . .$104304 (71, i;igere K, I ? r r l ~ , Tie Rud . . . . . . . -2105 1114


Tn champ frnm a [-I" frame KO a 16" fmmc nrrach thc sight "A" f r m m h n k (I), Figt~m

From* PsswmMcd lor 16" flalfanrf

9, to the right 5ide of the riahr bcnm ( 4 ) and uxc rhr brrrrr (311. the tic mi qpcLgr {5)*, 1Iid the tic rod i d [ I?)? Attach rhv lclr "A" tnm hmnhcr ( 2 ) . rm thc riehc sidr nf hrlm (61-


(2). Fikwre 9, -'A I,L.F~ # I ~ 3 7 3 (31, F ~ K U ~ , ~ , Eta.,,, ............. pltW%33 (51, F i p r e 9, Spacer* Tic Rad. . . . . . $ 1 n5141 [7 ) ,F i~urer , %lc,Tie Rnd . . . . . .#! Ln5lM


fn wmc arras soti coodidam -it c t t idf ic tq

p l m 6 i n ~ * ath three The Pk*tkm m3w L,c~rronl ptmv ma-, bc rmdilv cmv~rrrtl tn a tlrr~r-l*a~rkrr wirh nandard l-loa' p s n s


Page 9: Ford Tractor Plows -

To add a third hotcorn to thr: 14'' plow as shnwn in F i p r c 10, rtmmvr: tthC reac bCLrr~lrn add r ~ l l h g landxide fmm che heam (3) and attach it ;to the third heam (45. firtach the third h t e m (7 ) to the m t r t (3), P i p r e 1U, Atc,acB~ rbe k r n

~ r o rlle h m 131 wirh the brwm ( 1 ) and ( 5 ) as shown in Fiwrc 10. IJsc a sp-r (6) betrrmn t h h m (3) m d elre brace

-born pl.ow frame ~0 thrm-bwmm f rmc , the spacer (61, F i p w It), i s also used, krwwn the brace ( 1 ) acld r1.1e beam (51.

The morle.l 10-61 Ih ird R a m Cgnwrsinn Kit is far rhc 10'" frsmc. Thc mods! 10-62 is f4t .the

12" frame and 10.63 for [Ire IdJ' frame, The Erd- lowing bnttnrn awrnhlim s.e awilahle for thc ahm rfinversi~jr Kirs.

3 I d e l I a - I a Scotch Bottom JQ" &f&lcl 10.nG4 Ji~~narn,r. Evtt t~rn 11" Model 10-41 Sod and C[ay [i~rrurtr 12" .hf:odcl lu-20 Slat Brlttnm 12" hindel 10-22 Genera! I'utpoe CliiIl ed

Thttc>m 12" ;h.fadd rDsl.G6 .Econrarny Emtom 1.4'' &fnr[rl 10-EfiR Emnomy Cornbjnatim

14ortoni r ,hfoclel 10-36 General h~rlmse Eatbarn 14*' hfrldd 10:'176 Stuhhre Rortorn 14"


I t i s dcsirahlc thsr t h e gnrrecc ~ h z r c and mni-d- Iward ccasrl1,inasion i s used far itle jokb 3 t hand. Cuml~inacitms of rc~uBar and lrlnq sbnrcs in differcoc sizes arid rcs rhc ;riF-nrcrui\d rr r ilicy OC the Economg. ' P I I ~ - , .Study thc chxn mn p q c 7 r lang a-irh-FiRivcp 1 1 , 12 nnid 1 3 Cnr i&r. rn;ctIon on share UHLT.

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Page 12: Ford Tractor Plows -

mriir . In righr tm mdrrrakLy lrght snik where exceph ia l l y good covering and pulvctizing i rcquircd.

The 1W' kmch buetnm shown En Eip!rt 18 has a g d t mri~rr laminilred m e 1 moldkoasd and msr steel sbara, This type of httnm is bssigncd to stand t h ~ ' furtcrw .Vice t,n edge, rarher t h a invert it, It is wdl xdapscd to far( plowing where rlie

lard is eo be lelr mtgli rhrn~tglr the w i n ~ ~ r , or fnc m,mtrnl of wind and watcr crnsim..

The 12.':' Gcncral chiElcd hnttnm shnwrs an Figure 19 is mmde of ~s~rwrtaely hrd, chilkd cast ;.roo. JE lirs a ntoderately quirk rurnio.g rnddhsacd which r-ists vvcgc, givc3 cxrdlcnt rawrihg actrd pr~ivetizari~it. XFrc $!lases ate chi.!l.ed iron and the moCdhrd has a scplace- ahlc chi[[& shin. This bcltcrrm is fur m e in bjgbiy rtbrarsixe mils piol~ere excessive --ear i.s a pmhl,mi.

The Dear&

Page 13: Ford Tractor Plows -

conditions found nn the eeneral fmm where robeinn crf emps is ptacticgd. I t wi!l met-t aver- age plowing requiremenu s tare plowing nf ~;ta[k land, stubhlc Iar ~c scrd nr a!d ground, it has L slow tu.rnrng m u l d k t d made nf : choice of chilled or

.. . $of, : rype c ed steel &arcs. This her....,, ,, i ~ r usc i., J L L U . ~ sod and j s designed to uperare ar r m ~ o n a b l y high ground s p e d .


s such a nd, tam . . - - - -

~~ l i f t ccn I cenrm +-m :r i

The 12" Sod and Clay burtarn sbnu-n in Yip uec 211 is s mnbified geneml pllepose h t c o n ~ wit11 zt soft. center type Innlinatcd s ~ c c l mr~ld- board; 2nd a chnicc n6 chit led o r sofr center type m;xrlP~iri?ed steel sl\;lrcj. This bottom is

4 4 for use in sfid, and such tight clay" soils whcrc a slnw rt~rning rnolillsoslsrd i s mquifid.

The 14'' Slat Mddh.fird bo~rorri of rhe rype 5h0m-R in F i p r c 22 is desi~ncd for areas where S C O U ~ E R _ S is ; ~ n exwemdy *rims problem. IL is r r s d in sticky cl*y +and suibs, hlack land b- tom and clay sui.[s. ~ h . r slats ptwide less mold- hoiud srrrfice 10 which [lie soiE ran stick. In . h p c chc slat hntmm i s sirnil= rr, thc stuhhlc Iror~arci. 71re m o l d h t d llild shareare both mn,ade of mlc wntcr qpc Famjnaecd s~ccl .

The IrC" lihlbbtc httm shown jn F i p t c 23 is used i n moderately light tolight soils. requiring

F ; @ m 22 an smcptiwallv stmng shtrre. It h u i quick turning rn01dbuLd which smuts, pulverizes and

Ths b-rharn TdA SJuf kblcfbnurd 5 d h m c o q r g wclt. '1%~ rnnldhqtard i s rnqde nf snft a n - ler Irrrnii~il~ed .steel aad rilere is + c.hoice of soft

The 14" Gcncrsl Pllrpnsc bnttnm s h m t it1 Fig- cc.ntcr type carhhlrjrcri s ~ c c l or chilled shares. ure 21 is d.e~ignrd to dn wnrk under thc =tying

Page 14: Ford Tractor Plows -

wheel s inch tw .., c-*-.

im whi [uwwcr

- 8 I

Thr: Dc-arbnrn h ~ m y Plow i s mSly opcratcd from ah tractor se4?r. This i n m s noa ordy not- mnl plowing opcmtions wch s$ shan~jng rhe plowing .depth clr r d i n ~ thc plow to tknspart pusition ~ I I L rilring the bor~lrms foe m~king n scratch Fvrrrrw or frecinfi tho plow whm nb structimt~ arc hit. The rracror ipdrtgs lor the l%inch, 12- inch and 14- n-bnttrsm plow 5fmw3d he 48 k c h ~ for t h ~ I.IUJLL whcr!s w.d 5 2 imcP~ts f tx thc rear wheels. reel s p r c i n ~ for clre 36-iarhF mn-br r tm hnu[d bc 52 in&& for the imt wheels ma 36 iclcl~es for rbe renr wheels. k e he tractor nanual for whccl spaceng . prn- . rerlure. T h e speed of operat le plowing will vary with cnnditicln~. H rhc rccnrnmcndcd mgiae opetaring s,.,,, ,,,tber average ~ n d i - tinms k 1 7 4 ~ r-p.m. in wand p a r or about 4 rapah. The plnwing dcpth c a n k varicd nvcf

pvidc Limits depending uprm mil mvcr a d thr job ro be: done. The Economy PIOW i s 30 designed rhrt thenem- 5ary ~ d j ~ ~ h n ~ n t s fc)r prCSJlw nnpcrarion arc h[ld to a miaimurn. Thc fnllowing infermatinn on livhricacim nnd adjustments shmld bc adbtrd tn far bc5e m1sI is.

Tlic three Pubticnrion fittings o n the Draburn Emnomy Prow are Inmwd #5 fo!]ow$: h e OD each ~ w d t e c bar in^, md ant on thc d l i n ~ lrrldside beating. J.trhrjc;rre rime firrings dailv with a rmrcnr grcasr pjun and s good grade kf pcisurc Fun bveasc. Under extremely dwsy wna dirions &me wlce daily. Aher mcR day's a1,czatieo cnrcr all pound r n ~ a f i i n ~ parts with ail or other turt l~t&umrive=

Page 15: Ford Tractor Plows -

WibsA d Cwr: 1*~ ddjurt the p!w frnlnc {fir n.rd~ It t a t rur 1 a ~ ~ 1 - n nnll ~ i ~ ~ i i m ' t h c hex nutr rrn tlic adir~rrira~ n r m ~h shnwu in tl t "Is", Frg11n- Lq. ' l ' l i i ~ n~lj~15tra1cn1 o f I ~ P r w etrr i I in r11c "A" franlG.

IC Inscn ar in .S!iil *

Tn dwrcarc. rhr wiiErk n l CU~. 1- rhe nnrride rnur anrl tirhrrm iluv rnrhdic nm. To- - , rlnt a-idrlr nf i bur- I . r r l m tlnp ins;& nm d ti~hn rhe r r ~ m i d r mt.

M A V ~ ~ I R tht drawbae $4 inch lritctdly r h n n p tlrtu witlrfr r r f cur ahor~r. one inr:l~. t h ~ r rr3turwbm n i tlln i~iljurlring nuti chnnp*rrl rhr p r r l r h i ~ i cur: n h n ~ ~ t !.:,, inrh. 'c'his adiu~rnrrrt ~ l iw pliw dk-t

ths pitrll o l rhc p!ama

f m: p l w ~ idc tilt is rdiminf k turn- IILL: ICPC~~RK -L [$). f i r ~ l r r *%. 'whlq-.h f jm'* fir I h ~ . r f j ihr: t r x r r r n rrplht t~luwl e~lr 1 I ~ Y L . f 4 \. l7 t i . s i c m ~ w * , . : q t r,,.. ltm~d I ~ T V

' p ? t r z . am1 In r k p!crm- st 3 3 ) .wR;L:Iu. ~.!1111

~ m r r h i n ~ 1. lam!. anling nar a Iaanl, inaknrly: a Y r.11, tt ~ U I P O ~ )I, or in fnn, inp rr,rrrrr+. i~t t l rr

Page 16: Ford Tractor Plows -

wnditions, rilcislg the wing of the plnw up will ~ ~ I < P @ B W pcnctrariw.

: Pnr utt 25.

an^ mraditiwrr the mp 4 Le set a~ ir-9 s i m r r c ~ r

[el~.gtlr, I d r rerilairt sot1 conditions i t map be Uengrhmed tn rabtain the dc*r~d. pitch od rhe butL~rrl$, however, rhe pJow mwc: be mlevelcd.

ReIIEng Lomd$Ede: TO adjibst the .rolling landsidc 6 I). Fdgurc 25, loclscn thc two plnw bolt?; which attach i t to the sliding 1knds;ide. Turn [lie adjrtst- ing b o I ~ unail 1I1.e r o l l i a ~ ~ : Inndside is iror more than 'M inch k[alw the lawllr edgc nf the slidinl; bnd: the IOC~FSUE, Ti~hccn r.he I ~ w r e l y.

ride an1 711LS 011

..,, r I.. €~:4uffem: bT~.111a41F, .lJC LL,dIIIIIP; 51Jult~r shnuld Rt sc1 rimatell chti above rhe near- PSL p( be pLow a. Sex rlae cctu[.ter just dcep enough m cut r h c kwh. Nutchcd ..ctou.Lte;f blacks ate .&<I sepepatarely nr~d are rocommended Tor plowing Zn rrarhy and stony pr,und. The hc~siznntal wning {rf . h e coulcet LElade is irswaBty

about 3,$ in& ro rhe [left of the wsldlmrd sllia. I . o o m the nut (21, F i y r e 25? w d sct thc muI.- tcr stcm with a plnw .wrench ns shown in ttie inserr '"''v ", 25. Tighreo die eye boIc nut (2 ) swurdy.

Exxr cou[tcr setting5 sary grrdy with soil ton- ditinns. Thc prupc sating lor a given hdd crrn k.derermined by rhe adjwrment which prnducm a sharp7 dean, v c c t i d furrrnv wall.

Couifer Beartngs: Thc aultas have m e type bracing% wirh whim im nlale outer cane5 and chilled grey iron inncr mat in^ csnl=s. Adjuw the nur; on thcbnlt (i), Eigure 35. IO rake up e x m s play and sealre wirh lwknuc.

Joinder: The joinser (6). Figure 25, should b~ se[ wirh he p i n t lightly ruwhing r k bekhlree hladc. Jainterr shoirld be ser rn n r c f mm anc to tlicw'iracba dccp for hcttrr t r ~ s h covetage T o adjug, [ m s c n thr. set smew on [Ire jointer arm d l a r as & o w in che insert "S', Figurc 25.

Page 17: Ford Tractor Plows -


'Mming hv .. Ixnds is a ~ M I I ~ w I wli~.mbv rlw krld i s plnrvcd ill sections nr . i r r jp , 'Stst kdloa-ing npc.r;lrin~js arc perfordricrl ci~liun plo t~ ing h y lxnrls. I'igrso 26 shnws r prnrcdtnrc inr l.zying our thp fitdd.

Hedlmd Fvmwa; Hmrllaorl iurmus s;hauld ht mar krcli u ~ t s h a p m l n C rrp ;l. field. n i s is;

X Y k mRin$ hdllnnd frrrrcm*~, rhc pluw stmuld bs t i l i d l i r r h e I r k m-ith the levcling ,crank [wij, l:r,cu:urc 25. Tlrr headland iur.rsrw should hc rrllrl~i.c.l rnward rhc srcn i < r hr plowed. Allow arllwjuo~c room for turning bctrvrcn fence and hsadinrrrl i r ~ rrarrrrx.

Openjng m Lond: Tilr rlae plow to thc left in the samc rnlnslcr wllcn plnu.img ;t hcqtll;rn.~~F h1.r- Idrv. h m r r r t h ~ p l i ! ~ inrn rh;e wri +n%l iBriw r r w illc hlr1r.l. Fbik;ng e : a r c ~ pnjn~5. mir a t r k n p w t e ~ ( 1 i r l clsr ilcld and a smylncl l.prrvrqrr.

r'lw t m m and iii I ine rr, ith the fin[., arlrl itrir-in4 in 1;ne with tlic IWO p o i ~ i r ~ i% he'lpful ill plow in^ fi straight lurmw. [Scr FZpre 27.) I;c>rnl$err- rlic hack IU.~~'QW i~nrl r1ill.e~ 1 , tv t l . the plnw xr 111c start crf tEac next r n ~ l n c E .

Enflerins ~ v m r r t %Tbm mrretin,~ a ~ U ~ T T P R ; ir is irnprritnt rn haw the rmctnr in t pirim w than rhl: prow t~i l l rakc a IulI mr. 'l lir. plm ~Y~rruld b c I w w w l hv mnxing rhc Fnrd 'I'~;I.L~CI~ I lydraull ic Pcrkavh b;l;irr timl Lever ~ornv;? rt1 .qq the tcitr rvhccl~ rrrrw 1Frr1 hcadlnll-(1 furrnnr. I l r ivc : wich rhe tight l f i , , ~ i t rvlrficl irf thc trrcn2r r l rbvo En the furrow w ~ l l r i> iasitre clle pmpcr ~c-iclrh nd SUP.

L-in9 Furrow: After hnishinE. s furm-w w h rhc r m s w)wl_c t m c r rlw Iri.sriTand bumoa.. ral-F E ~ I C plm by r~m1rr3in~ [TIC 1:ord Tri~i-[or l ! ~ drmric Tnuch Cnrarrrrl Leqtr m rlhe roll irf ilrc


clua'rjrant. I Iw ~ ~ i r n slini~lcl nor be sesrrcd i l , r l r . i l

I lie ]?[ow Es rlmr,

Plnlshhg a Can& tW';'licn the unfinished lnntt 37 n:rrmurer r h r a 111c 111crrn rcrtcB. [ chc ptnrv nit11 rhc Ic.ioling crank, The l r f r frsnr. n tirrll r hn~~l<l ins dr is~m mnca r r lie furran- ual! ar dr0u n in r t and R. Figslre ZX, 'J'lik w11l I'mvrr a narmlra !drip ~.! l ich may hr rrrnnJy finished olr cl>e rc1urt.l trip by srceri~1.c rlic ti,1;111 frilnt irhcrl nmr rtrc!l. [>cc? C: nrlrl D, .[?igure 2s). K C ~ ~ C L ~ ' ~ I rhr. ~I~OVY as nc~'C1cd.

PInirhing Our Fidd: Hcntl rands sre pl w c d afrm rlau lairds I r a ~ e hwm pfir*\xttl. Place ~h plnw 'n w r r r k i c ~ pwiCci<,n ant! plum almg thc h a ! . '. l ~ n r ! I~srrorn. turninp- r irr- wiiF ,~aruarc rFlc plluwtql p r t ~ ~ m t ! . R e p p a ~ t F3i.x qgp?rarnfT,l ~ n ~ i l t h r hmc!- l , i r i r l a a i r p1nn.d.

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,a 8 , ~ l~:!s33,-. ,. t r '


RECTANGULAR PLOWING To Icarw rhc d c d furrow :enbr?r of the held, an opening furrow ir; 1 arowarl thc ficld. Continue followjag rbrs furrow until clw area is plowed (Sce diaparn A, Figrrae 29). One disadvantaged rl~isareallcrd i~ that turns nlucr h made an &P p[awd ~ c o u n d .

To I: m thc crrntcr of the held, ihe h m t 5 t ~ p 13 LV irlam a hack fucrnw in the cmEer of thr. f i t ld (see diagwm BT .Figure 271, Plow d o n g this hck Burrow until the arm is L a ~ p enough cn plmr arourpd tile rectande Turns i l r rhis it~erhod a r e made on ur 1 g~ound.

Many farmerr prefer t t ~ plou- CHI E R ~ conroclr fat sniI mnservation reamrls. When plnupisg cer-


mrnd land, i t i s pxssiblg, d~~eifig s d b e d p r c p - rxriot~, ro tuim t h mil .in surch a r ag 10

h i l d up the t m a c e trapan .(see Fil 1 and 31). The hri mupled, matiefiurri~aac Ford Trarror will Iearbor~ )A' is es~cptinccal~~ f d H ~ E ,

The Fold i - m n r ITydmuljc .r .~ucll ,mirzol clirninztm lever ntggir~g wllc~t crn%G.ring ~ r a s s c d wzrercvilys.


I. Lubricarc rhe EII'CI mutter hcming htt ing and rhc rnlling [andside hcing daily with a p d grade of pwTmrc gun g w e ,

2. Keep rhe plcrw bottnms cquippd wit11 sharp sharm.

3 K e ~ p all nuts and bolts righcerlecl sctxrtly.

Page 20: Ford Tractor Plows -

4. LTM ro~~cll-rrp p inc whcrc n ~ ~ r s s a q nn fir. In& on gmnine Ford Tractor and Dear- painted surfsccs to prevent rust aild rimiin- horn Farm, Equipmtnt rcplaccrntnt parts, ttein appeal ' rlie irn

5, A f ~ w each days' npcrarinn covet alL ground SAFETY PROCWURE

enb*gin~ PB Or prf Mew farm i rnpImnt accidenrs can be prevented %.en rive. lowing rhese sim

6 . Starc ehe plow ia a c l a n dry place b m e c n operaring wxmn:, and cmt BU gmufld en- g+ng sitfaces with a good rug prwentive,

7. Xorrs Ford Tractor snr born Farm

sar ar~d nl Fartr~ Equipment replace- rnmc parts: paces a re l a l ~ n u f a c ~ ~ c e c l and h57per.tcd tr, m u r e high qtraljty and accurate

r~;rut in~

ride m I isor permit any kctnr rh chc npcratrsr.

ways thc irnplmmt rcr the ground mtfd rum off n:he eragiac when thc tmaor.

" "-ap dl nub and bib tightcnrd murely.

ep & tractnr ke1.r; where they are nor arailddt I<, rl>i[dm.

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Page 22: Ford Tractor Plows -

- . . Bratkrg Tap Link, R,H. "A" Framt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

............. Rrii<kkt. Tap Ltak, L.H.. ''A" Ftamc [FOE aw or 12" frrarafi]. ~ r s c k r c T u i ~ i n l i ; L.11. '"A" Fmme j€ar 14" 0 s 16" framcc). . . . . . . . . . . . . - Spatrr; T<.>p Link Bracket ........................................... Lmawr, Ljnch Fin .....................................-........-.... Rnlt v i m - l R r 3ld" Her. Hd: ........................................ 5psccr .~ ic h d (far 10" Irilrnss) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S;~s~er,~l'Lr Rod 1( fax 12" framrs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ....................... Spctr, PIE Rod {for 14" irarncs) .....................-.......-......- Sp~ 'e t~" l ' i~T t r r r l {E*,i lUr Btame%) ...................................... Tie R d Ifor 16" f rums) ...........................................

........................................... Tie btd {fvr 12" I'r-] ........................................... T;*: Ftd (IOL idff .... brnmcsj .......................................... Tic H o d (f Shpfr, Gh end only] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pin, .Link .......................................... Arm, Adiusung . . ................................ll. ~rurbbe~'tra56Shart miarl i-il .....................................

....................................................... R e . q .%OH

&mi, ]Lane ..................................... . , ............... R r i ~ , F k h n {fnr l W r f r m g ] ........................................ Bract, Rm {far 1T lcamrr;] .........................................

........................................ B r a , Rmm (for 1 P d m m c 9 )

Brart, Dtam Ifor lbn f~~rmtx) ...... - .................................. &at, h u k r srem ................................................... EvrhCr, Gulrcr S r m ..........................................-...

..................................... ~&dri.dc, Fmnt Batmm (Shurt] Landsidt. Rmr B ~ r n (Lung) ...................................... 2% ............................................................ Dracc,,MaIdbaurdtaFklmi .......................................... ..................................... Shi+ Ar;runhly wfb~ lm u d nuts

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sham AwrnMy 12' Reeular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stixfe hsti~h!y 14" I i c ~ ~ t l . ; ~ r er I Z Y h u g

h k 1 1 1 16'' Rc~uGar or I d V ~ J C L E . . . - . . . . . . . . . . ...... Share A r ~ m b l p 14.U L~icrg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . Mmrd!warrl &y. 12'' ............................-.-.. ............................................. h i o l d b r d I#'

. h i a l r l h n ~ d Arsy. 16" ................................................ .............................................. hndsid.c.%ssy., RollIog

lbfnde3 10.179 bnamy Frarnehy. I@' Mabrl 10-IW F4iln0my Framt Asy. 12" Mqlrlcl 143.191 E.mnomy F r m A q . 14" > I d c l r0-182 fgrrnt~~xy F r m e Ass!. l f l .,h~mdel 1D.174 kuI.rc1 h s y . t5j$" Plainmsc) ,%tdrl bO-t 75 CtiuiruP~t , 4 5 5 ~ . 6:141hd h-utched EK) hfcrdtl 10- 176 Gnu lrcr A.SS;. I El!' Wt;n Disc) hTodt1 W 1 7 7 C t ~ ~ l r h A y . ( 1 ~ " ~ ~ ~ r h t d i)k] ?&del la.178 Joint= AT. (for l.545tF or IS+' P l i n m ~ a t r k d D b ) 3Iadcl . F ? I w ~ J . E I & r m hsry. IT' Frant M o d d lCLl65 Emnnmy h~b~tarn AkW. 12'' Rear Jilaclcl. 10466 Fmirrorily Dartom &iY. 14" Front Modd lwIGT J.Lmwrnr :Remom hy- 1-P Rear A: I(;R ECOI i n Rattarn Aay, IdR Fmnt >?i . t N Slkn~ i ~ ; 1 - Y RCW ,bIurfcl 10-172 Emnomy Uo:tarn R J S ~ . 16" F1t.m~ ,\l.nith;l ~ K J ' &,t~rn - 4 5 5 ~ . 16- Rear

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I - ~ r j ~ ~ l f i * \(r>!.ppg&t'~* 1~eFVlV7 Y , , !. K . . . . - . . . nit rcrvlrcrl :c I i 4 r,-*.ard to F F ~ T

1 I ' 7 ! Pi... f ' - a . + . . , I 5 1 q f l T " , ' "' I?- - -I L : FI"f* ,

t 6.h T , q x T,: I i l r ... .,, P.. : !iiolrp-*rlrai in hrarc

1 I t 3 , , I lar

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