for sea-going vessels. anb a. new orlean daily … · w. hrpp~lk pbon djs~o. i new gor...

SEA-GOING VESSELS. WII I"" .. SUNDAY, July s{ o.5 0000 A. i., FOR GALVESTON ANb I MATA Booard. 1'-U. S. M.11 Liln-Tbe t"..I Xl$ 6 ON . ho,.Lrw oo. 0o, sOI Ie.o HARBUG A MORGAN, 1o tbonllOlr..L, opp 1, the Bt Iaurpp La-dlru. . lhippo.. 'll. pl... pro0d. t1*m*lr.0Awith We"lo6 .oo bU.orlodioo. No ,onrform .IlbM.0Igo4. IyU To. W1o TKARBDAY Y A O 9,l Bo cod[ A.E.. F '0 BRAZOEsBANTIAOOidal- .,'oo-'Aoo Or .... end T.ood 00nl0oto ho.i,:;-lli h onewod mo g llouutooomoeoip NA A. V'hmn pon o000000,dr,w .AII,mvnpooo p oOIIU. I or p000*0, bl.".1iol IeI .trt,,Oo ,odC0OppIyto &ORa RGN tloRA o0t Jo1200., C+ i alR D y,o, . 00.I so ledr Aro"..t.oD o othOthcr. 000dlr0000 bT"12'.pn most pro.... llloollrul withtb" lanmllrlbill ol Ildnn. n other fr mwll ll Nt igne. _ 391_ `, OR PIILADELPIIA-ReSulaY LiJne oif .rO~te.- Doe A I p.0.k t brIg IOI05. ALII" ZOiNE, Symm)lmubl ter, hriiDP " Lrg Iwruo9 e b) .. I "..".g. d wjIs qul k h p dplob. 10, o 10000 om ,l o 0 0 ergp s Opply j,4 oeo. W. 5020500 CO., Bs 00p.0O..t. F OR PHILADELPHIA""Th5 fast sail-b idg OULpO$lIC. 000I' AS sur, ,"yIog .1 A.4 .otdPo~~RNwOdM"o.S.00 00, OW. W. 0Y0050?,N k d0. 8 .O0.p sweet. TOR BOTON.-Regular Line of bk-. ff klon comuer, bvingp 11- Wlll.. other eergoleg.d edul I onu yulrk d-pptW Fr IoJuea of repi~h eer.p' to OAO. W. IY0NbON L'O., 08 C2D saet. .torp OO.IID7 e e, astI .9,FI. ld ,AJIII.WC.8 FOR BOVTONOL. 0 fastRe i, , 0ulgAOO,2yOO{hip0MA1L N, LTb. M.pOo fr +ight or *Lu~uol,.,"pply onboad nt Vnb $uet orbU 10 j OI'N1SiLC 6Oonoto.. ua). W. Hrpp~lK PBON CO..g9 DjS~O. tr~et. F GOR LIVERPOOL.-TheA I fast new Il- 0 ot y p1.,Amerp WETEUTH Y I 1. J. D .02 ir.. ter, i. Iwrdxloj. "+d w.R hrr yuck pnpLk lo km twolnu the AA5A of 2eU b 0.0a ,ooog5d, 0IY oo Np. C. e06LRIT " CO. ig C~o Itr1. nluer on Ingvd. , Pal I 71 r ibrc I mlitiw 4PO to th jylO WNO~~LOVI2L~C~oO~ojO.0 OR LIVE-TOL--The sld fast sail- ing togAmrireu "bt1 MA$T w LBTlfYY C:plulY Scboi LWL h.,, o o jr. o 00.0 Obsglo 0000 f Ldt"I. oL. Put , ,hlroo.bo0 orn0or00eo0. Ago,2 Jytt OIFh"NLI JIPBLG, Il{Combo. l treat NoOR LVERPOOL,--The new Ami- 101 000. W.r.Hip WEY YNOO&C. C lwD.BotpOtt, ha Jo t. .r.ur pwtofDrrurloea Inrtl h"16 Im~olotuu dluyulrh. hor trelght of6W bales & up ly t jy113 OIPFN AY " WVY:i~t. 11. CompoDlV1 IVO1R BA4LE--The splendid fast sailing~i k.; ,ll LOWIL11 llorln I'll seen tborogghlv or" -Ak IW nd re, It 1. a Lttmore, with uew par., wWr, rlgulul,a For terms, apply wo 1e19 OLO. W. HYNSON k 00 , 82 C~mp stn. PIHkILADELPHIA AND NEW ORLEANS . AcKETS -(MERCHANT8'LIN fhic Linei"<ompoa .Ilhn!ollowto r anaal.,ts sail pna~ttl1l1y Bartl C:. W.YOOLT(EY(D"r)...........1.... Sant mratlt Th*. HABANNIND ND( ,i..........1y f....d..: .i.. n nlb ........ h..... C....p..U.t.. lb*. Bri` D.8.aROWF(( .w) ...................... :"kfim. .. Sb .. '.!. Sd. FA(frS .......... .. d BEFIC OFOL\, NEW RLEANS SAV GS Nh"a T!" rI!N-(U r N ! .lt Sb U.,. for tSN,*! sta ba UIhSL..liSbtd W.%Uol r!SUr, and InvariabSy.rou h hont Int.,r. bo Bt.tM. .Ufl) b. maern A,!!,. !,kth.! SB. and ritlalwayaW lo Ldvlad dP athp lapr L,..ha!gq.UwbnaiCSdSvdfNpNdN*Uf~w6lb~k5Waa iblefu~welyalbaPB...A,, Was, no lollllLLlttrl;Purel.r PcLkly t"ator as Oa bubd or Lhmm nntcalr r"Lolrr Blill. ofLaes I ttb Inr or of.n~ht~~ ,e.reon BUpr!SHd. dF. N. W'..Aaa TAAh.rbr bbS...,"itg- raoo B.Atio fU..Apl 6 . D . W C. IgQBpLCRT t O. MINCER, PA.prH. rr Apatat httadl~hia;J;AZZ$ A BTLBG, N. 6 Frt Wh~A. D. INAY k.... M!!hb q Tbo o(ce or tq 'DMt~eauol win I . ow lor shetaeaprlon o! oe ppuaiY -ermry .M16(Buada~aee"tad) from pb 8 .'Nok, sa 8a~arday oalyalial o o'looo. 1Gr. plo alppta.1( tbalaodais Ittr dl] l1mud by chMol 1Iaor- iaraflo. he hlll Dtl of tha Iiisu tate5 ofth Btair of Loa- eiaol, and of the y ofXaw Orlbua l naupon nrrt6" of ntN.on l11dond iliaoprld;R~a Y1Nt( Within the limibrb. b. oltl (SNrr Orlaaar MtorooodtntTbu per 11-t. of thY CreYdaW o qm l.ieedo c ran f a m t Bea .He All InUreetor Yrvll den".J from rhsr ovlaonMoT d rh. faea!"W ba 4."IW fud a...... fly am and ihaDeipito- No Ir-wio a n Plncll or tbdirrefy borrow an or ha (..d., orr"- Grrllcatesat dapu./t". lurfa l ared 1ts r t tob" asr<d pa. .,li. ru.d rraomaoti.In 9W dpo"I d (r aaiel~d tt", M. A. i~ D. I4I WHy. mOII WF. LT. IM'-. I, Cao hil. rl~rt, R. B.1nm6rr O.C. DooM) b H A. IF OiU WI W~lmea o~o1, N. Void. Thos. A U1rrr. Tha A. d~am, X.A. B1 fm d.. 13C D.D. WIL A.D. ZtLLIY(.. d. D. D.WIII~bt naan.. NT. 8.--CopIofth Lcl:M I..Bp. k a ul armb~oL taradnthl a~. _ _ btt9- DOOTOR HOOFLAND'8 CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, Da. C. M. JACKSON, PMiadatpbia, Pa., WIlLL arrarrvkLT was Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Chra*i or Nearuaa Debililt, DIoaawe. of tlhe Kidneys, .and al! disa s a riing from adisorded Liaer or Slaaach, Y Co)M l- tlaa. ta..d P1%, Blooad T thtl ttat, rallty at ti. amamala NYauaa, ttaaeb.aa thaga~t In, taid, Fabtnw or Wifght Iv tie bto aaeeh, Eoaa- a-alan, bbaLtng or Plibtalag at tIh Fib t baWe bbaaoma, Bimma'ag f tbe Hed, Harri.d sad iimuutt Nrenthmg, IIYLUII. et tee Henry Chmting trataablba ba.auinat. w ae ath Lrag Posture, Dia-a.. of YuTa a Cl. la WIb. N , b,. the "iaba ttr a Y Dali PFa a- a., ibabieaty oa Pauiln- la, Y.1ab u oi aa a l lb.Ski.s bd., Pua I. in. &A., . t-k, Ch.,, Wmlb, atcr., badd.a Fluab..of t ant ta.- a is the Pi..k, Cab. Oaut ImlWing. a Rail, ..d gait 'Cl,. PropriPta, is alt 1 aba .theat tao ath Pabltibo thi prttin- 9I0 adou w a f t a ooa -d. . .a.aiiauoto h. d-- r rbIbbI It taa raomaamdd. It, no.a aa tadwaarad eabla, Dtit ra t th.t.astaoodh t.Nt at.e 4n ,ear . trnal before the ramaaa ptpl., Yd ata aaabon aid ntdl la unriraild byay u laprapaatb .a..It l known baPhyba taaIayl faaa, naia 1. -11 abaa.4aof paathe aahf d atl uba Pyia.v adoridal.a'ipoa b ababtay I. llaaa~... 7a follba'ag bam your ownBaaa V respactfullyab baiaed rranag y aybaaay uIl daabtaaw y my'Matitabhia,' or Franaala W aa p auant, far Larmaaa .ad Fsaaimlt, l b. badaraaI, o eibl tbhbRA aaio tna Bar Fma,1 10 .isa d LtaahabWry., 1tttiab tn lta hiba-IlppiRa. PP bald Wba.aai aod riWl byJUNYWabbltT oC,., it6 Cl ,,r.lo,.. New 0,1-4. ad bO, ' blaaalbte m; NEW ORLEANS, OPELOUSAS and GREAT WISThRN LXPRA0S.-A DAILY EXPRESS I. an, t...- r ahrd .o 1I Opluutl. Rai. 0, .11 Aawhr Ollreul sod 'Lul LIf ..oA, ,oo1I1i.. IA eG, u..h Th Adams Es"." i. for nil tha p toclpal .Nice anrd Town. tothe Kurth And West, And At HOLDL5'0 STAGER AND EXPRESS WAGONS for Thibodaux, HauN.Ti~erille, D~srrrlol' ay P L'olrrnnnll, Snur.,lI., F,...ahl, G.1M ,M4, .. ,ll ,,Sutlirr W. o. OpelouI.. S..0cil., d lrlJ. V.1.01.1,. .00 Aondl. of every d,...l .. 0.14.11,11d and l pov epomptly. Not.., Ih01,, littl, .w., I. 'led e.rd all order. attended to pntllg I.,Fw dl ,.1.dd0p.0010.Ily. t EXPREASA oh..lC d(lSp5.11.1 M...,1. All 0Ior,,.dd or Od... .rom New 0rl,..,r I A.1.or1010,i l b dair ut the t Offl. 1bre P, M. the day previoru to IYYaLYre Islu Ieft at]oopSph Blrr'al1 i Uhl Levee lulrw ilt Nois prompt EXPRESS Ieave Ad.... 3 Co.'s ORS., Campstrel dlly at 1 A.VI. Returuing,.iIgri F,.Slm Hou10 ,Tli00A00,l1'.M.,?nd Bu; .. L.Ioorh al a P.M. RAILROAD AND CITY BAGGAGE EXPRIBS. 5'I. 55 ra.1.011 w1hthe above.,lhere ij. A. PEnRAIfor the trnnpporatian of Bgggage w q ao part f the cty of New Orlsur, w thap ,sebgen siivin theirnrmr do heck to the Espre+. Uen... t, .o t .. lo...u ,ggag.o deLiYvO.dI A. di-yll, .. 0 p,.....,. .d1.h. STARR S. JONES0, 0.6 8s Camp .GoIt. T. ARE GEORGS.-The FORT WILIAX L HIENRY RolGL, I.14,d IAth.A.bu., plaewill b0 open for ,llr Ier.CtL ofbartsI on th 64th of Jaolo nt. This 1. n new b1. ecl, rrnrt~d since Brpwwer last, hostedlt the .oath ed oftheLke, rmmm~dltely "it innrll tbr oloa of ion WII- ,0um Hsey, .od a'bull dih..'0 f1,,she Lr.. Ho... iltoa w 01, ofIlse L*ke I., mle.. The In h1.opuld Aurol hola te ad about 660,000. It il US srr to lyrh w the Lake se 4 deep, wrtb iog Ile .. et IIhie rar. Th11 ogn l.. lid out t.-tIeL hmat a1.. ...... w0, ,ith.-l1....p, atl. 001.I.,S..I ` OA.o 4.od.o,.. IllA.EGG.GdILAyth.lASI00lb IGyA.. dLr bonlp) loI 14 ,1, ., (ishol and d te etf . mnurt"u spring the dullalr o( ll and -,leds to of part of th, funliihll.g " full llp/ly of hotandcold ben h". Tn hr "I t n..r t " asery fon sod couveolan. that canbe Ilrlir d annd is lurnllhrad in a style not if~rfar t oo.'Ont-elass City ree lf ra l. ,r , witih cumpluw Ienalutlln, and netr of them -.. Itl, fhat .uric'u of rtnm. may be bcd orpnraw parlor, Smay be preferred. A Livery Slle l.00I)nloI1d with thehouG,, P0,0.,,r with an ,,,.od.....oI.oaIle ar, ,. TRANSPORTATION FROM CHARLES- ION., .b ,10120ON2511CRX ALA.-Untl 1h.... uo.e, 22 r.. ... 222.Ih21522Rm C2 rl2222, h. C., to 22.2tamxry, AIle~ ill V lan .i2 .1.f212t, 6 .sot.-lae.., 12.s bonnes, 2.ro1un., .121g*. ice, le. a., tattleu , ma tat e ndother light Irliotas. Si.cceSI..., j21 222.., $iSO-1222.212 5222*2s2, .. d.I,,y, dry , 2, 2 .1Lg. t, 5,1222, pest r-t ,root, g ns. eair 22 Ly, us dnnu tlgs, d~tee , , xmfbn e sad~pirit Hope Irnfasestet agr, cof- /.rrn elclr) eLIte.,.,, 2.22.22, .2212.2, dry hides, tie, 12. 242.a. Itrllllrreat nd Lool, mo. rahedw .urlly a ir er hr. ' ore , n 22.5.. l222,2 222.2. a g g mgm wbne Ie e.I, Ity~uor) emlkrarY m[ ro sad carg saw, it,, lira rytnla Lion rxlatlvs toship t of goo e, .IaChsrlolton, to thei2,.2or of Oeorg.2, T..2222 sad Ai25222tJ2 ., Iw b22l222s2 p; heatheno to fHWKI Y TONG, 1,8 4m Sm. swn treet D1YSPEPSIA POSITIVELY CURED.-DR. 2ECKWiI2''2ANTI.DYBPHPTIO PILLS, -ft" s {fist 0 tw...2ygvl.2 2 2C22222ilPd by222l 22222 from the most22221l2 2e 2 th eta 2e is now 2dmitted to be the2i;ET ANTI. DY221CT2IC 2212020 .2.22frof22d to2th2 public. Pnc2., n.. per Wt. f222.2 the2. I2,22 bees.. her. . 2 1d of, god be seta a x t1ey irep2t. p with th12 222 22,22s,22122o can. 22,22 t h22wen numbs 2(40)n"h222to2222. Th. 2222p22 P..2his h22,r ,.22222m, wlu hls r. li22on a phybici2, for 1,22r21TY e.d CIS'ICACY 2' THAI. 21Bg. It122 n2.52,2222 publish 22ni2222,., but be ha a,, be of them, tltlbiyl t the tron~ea Innglr g. to their ,irlw.. . from 2 2ch menu At12. 2e.2W. 2222, 2..hop o 2.l.2222.42p11 Its. aHe. 21G.o.,; 22.. W22. 22.22.22... 0. D. Rllo.2.%2 N.C.; 2222. 22...C 22~yr.542822.22222F1R2. 222,. 2... }LLe lvwD. D.,or North Laroil.2 Ho2. Jndge Po521 U B. Court; ,2u.,. 4 , rl2 ,+uc2,1 2 H2. W1. treater. 8. C.; 21. 12n,.. m .- Ca'm , 62,,2,2.112, G2.:.2222 52hn H12 d.r2.2,22at U.2.B.2122or.2.d eb .522221.r.1lar i.222s42. Fur ,.1.,2N2.Orl,.m b.y Jw..2 '.o.G. N. orl.on, .B..W he2* a,12,22,,. CL.s22,L" D., .ndby D..ggi.t. generaly 12... V 22a 222 22to,22th2 222122n net.1 2,. 22 JOHN 22CC V`Ii5 1. M. D.,P itersh. Va., to 1.hom .2ld.1...wl pl22.m .pply I UrlUE-'he Husineess heretofore conducted by the underaigoet under tbL Firm of1 BOGRT, WILLIAMS , l1 1111, ueal~u d fromu theLSrat o October under thearyls of O A. BLIIIAIT b CII. S. C. IIIOIRT, N-0'lInn.-I1. 5, 1144. IGIIONTORY;I7R. 14 L OR RENT-The convenient end well to-!4 ,e d Cfour.Dy BRICK STORE, NI. II C~mp Sbwl.P Youulooy gm. uuumu;;;tal. Apvvll t i1l IbI. W. NION a CO. N C.,p.b.t. A PECIAL SHOE NOTLCE.-City and J' CbIsIDn lehanttl. berabyilormDed 4h DAVID bYlO)i O..dkplCr.ylSDI* 41 rw,.IN s ocup tI~r newan depotpaiou.8tor (1 MMLZINTIHBLT op-~ positeook. A cadead have onhand sler~ .d .. pat snt rat eo BOT8,SHO~d AND BROGANS.I l of whichb isoffend..b tbh meat 5.ber.1Drm. fo124 DAVID TAYLOR CO. OUTS, SHOES AND HATS-.- WA enc~otrosesvino at the old 'tend ofI.. b Ds.~D&CC,rs4~rs6.b5OslSll* 4441r~ ald we I44IeaIC.ICOb51 BOOTB and SHOESo ~d HATBof all kinds, .hieb.ltgabbr ,,h tLes on and, caLsk our \t;o;vJp fnmnp l-tt . IOC trmssrtha( ill dO well to call ooa.. 1. CIpf.ANTATION 400 y rck, II uI urpAI ~ d I. h cbCity. .e NEW HA LL. VALENTINE A CO. ClASH STAPLE AND FANCY JD -Y GOODS I4HOUSL-J&MAD IlCRIERY a CO., Cpor.n nd. iobIDs No. 67 A arren hA *, New York, he,, Ino wD4111, and - rA4C401 d.1 huom -tun Need t"erwY ull auortm Of SH"KB, BOteS DilBES, OIOvESR.*1B. F Thha 05 U y inutile then toISIr swb.4b5 u ei i, NEW ORLEAN DAILY CRESCENT PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, SU DAY EXCEPTED, BY NIXON, ADAM & NO. 70 CAM STREET. VOLUME vim. MOINDAY MOBGxINGL 2a 1855. weaas 684. THE RIVER AND THE LAKE. ESULAR SATURDAY Weekly o,,.; e. r' oqh. .ob tk Bondoboo, Pool A bo. oS, Vehooooo.a~e.'I~otoIooLoooo poBO0 *l.,.LOnf1Gal,Cpt. I.aeph S4.WIIB011 Wn0pOOOO 000er Pont. A~ltmmd tpy CL-16a 1".pal nd Irit-r. nniol pleaeogar 1" mm~r LOUIRA, C pt . -W Khl, wll eooh.., .oA to e elo pe ALA'AoO to 7il 1 pIOO0 to boIB.olm 1,eb the f oui t pmade. . pp a him and CGlil Lntburqo the "msr Nateh. and will Rfye prorp( rt..tls N lPlIUbo bas~eer. Palr freight or pulI1IIJ o. h.rd4 o T. B. Book.t, SI/ CaOl'.e N.B. The LooIotliIl Oc41)En ih0t0eY o SOk.N Ald aod P.C. WosiMoo ad IIll Nkf r I fit for iayt onth Yaroo Iq-. JB9.f REGULAR ST. LOUIS SATUR-Lwi~. EDA70 o.- hesqlBdMd 9.000g. nemt .J. : JamsTakormaeb I., 00.0040bp Otl Atolodl.O 00dlI.o 5110 BBLI0 JBBIOFOAMA". 6 Coo, vc P , HA UBDAY, o1. ,o.,ooh'oloc . P. J Thl. beatla Mrol'dA a t lyu . ppmrord nyb" ea " plrtlwiar foe aabt, epeW ad comfor Peeeenan dodepend apl r~ t paol LAMB Uhe lme WOBT d. PACEllI R O~n WD HID WARPsd-I~~ SBELLS BUCIg9AN CO.,*111 ooo 0,Wtl O s. t BBK sr07nao roxlhI' 00 ROI B 7:! I~WARD-II tutbtlhu ln o tho Iboye B I~L LI CpI". WARD, . AI4SA?. 1th 0l, h HT OOBAT,l 001.. .. .0" AOFD 000 Bf0 0099,1 00 4 7 0 F URCHE4LAI Oth l IWH 'lib boitbArrotihe in46/ raotsppro rsa 0 stle in put lWg rr, I..,..e te OnDAYS .11F. M,,.oIs n FRIhDATB Illyat ho. W 4.oIFotoo 'O S LIN UeL L-SNooA o ooooLeIttt. A pb. of lb. cabin eaub" wem uld Ut""-rma Irednky ooolg. Slojoog ol BAY. T. LOUIS .PSO coLI Sin. L'OO lKE LAPOIIRCHE.A-TIY APBfWaaE.Daga NDT tOUBDAY' bays ENATOLD.&Y'B, Mo.o, .00 RIABBOBA' nl/ /m CON CRYW LO~llcl(d YOURD MOBILE, DAILB U. FjM JLL LINE---Sllmmld -IUL .d 6Nnbg t HAY T. 01y ad PASS 10 IBS 05AN, wate 00,er/funs d0010 toBe, gOB.. 90, C.eIh.d ~TURSDAT'H std BATDDAdT'H, IO*1, andx Yd' w TNURHDAY7.rruaiyr Toe apadfd lo* or soon fielLoasn n 18A . L a1~reu io" I.0 IkA:R,,oB a OIO700,OO L. MAI4. muir, It e~yn l for W md, with pl* . YImdmP aar Oa o!the hay+tesnn IillIr eke 1 oobhanutrql - _BUrn p'lyegbt. uggage a:KraW f9 g, meet b..t Ik depot by .1031 o~i:be l, n M. oor thyeam o oas~ that da". Irl1 R. EUSD E, Agmt., No. tBo nk PI . AKB SHORE PACKET STEAMER - BNBFBBNBBEIOXI. 0Brr B,410 A TrBJ~l le did IB pObBO p0r O TeO CKBrLE, bOB Vooo t, #a*Lwlskyo tol,.,to oPolsrtroo L l*Iaon r ooBr!t ES opf the anu fotiorc b01 DA. BA,... M.ra.o. MONDAY HiYOSINGS TIUEDAY........ B A. 1. ca.1 W DNUDAY EVENiING. TIIOBDAY .. BA. .b9A.oa.o FRIDA MORNING 0.01010 FRD .. ,; 4P.M. *** iYoAT MoAog,. WYBB.WbHDE IAB. I..,. 1 aORf, A10. A.d"PBb1B.0 e v I 1. 11.*1Hq, $:EDDBS. ABo.BLIOBHankI00.c RAaikoAD lo AVn N(G. j ~ It' 1.. AN&1DS1 T. N11k. J Psegee ess d babr fo W a b.hone;: Levu 111 iAIeWenateotdac OLA1 JAC 1111A, j . 7f Hsr"1aglames '.a5.5. @assrki N g o'doak P. a t 111rrUU ll(snt{04J o 11AZLWJ1D1OIT S.10 A Beeefal Tianwill 4yBP[EO6lg1m Svesygaund r afnrma 6 ='1 o'cto&A"Y anlhloSI 10AlmO.MI{ L..l. .ldieb1,751.g. l.p.,.......0I. Whil....... .. 0125. yr Th1lalall pl 1ll ptea 1,1011.. 1. AOIP.,41g. nrlIm aud t 11.3tax t n ru NEW O ER1RA4S, Joxlr ii PAW nXPREN. 1..,,.1 the Non Basin. ASRYIILNO PAISII.11,bi .11711.1,(101111f,1m.1 r1C1.1k.,. lI11.I1TEXPIIN7 t1 7P.M. 1;1Di.1, I,) 7.11. IIIII O.11kADt. P.M"; r.h. N. w ol le71.l,. P. Y. 4jl, n r..-Throm headed at an n e Isrmed'bt Utibns s.ations, TRAIdNC.MIaOm LUM nod o 11N1c.d all .M j .y To set j dluu and IOAILayt MAD A, rN sad (RW lew OAL71M0ad11 mrANY) tll .cor.,1111101111, A. M.NDA1.IA P.M. Tu014.1 I.1111111110.Ip. 10ITE 10hakI,0ll b cl.lI.lwl N.Yl Seasn Tetes lued.u aales ta mdeaN'prl... .1111 1017 W11,.11 .1,. II Zt'll11il, 1ll, II .11k II t REST CENTRAL E Vf PRE86 AN~D MA[LROI nmx Otm alplt ok v .ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Two Daily Thine from C.Iro to Chicago, em from Cairo toNavi York, Alr h'mn. Fair, TbirtyDonna.. lllI..111wilI And the sh0 Ch. p11 , P111101..17111111111 110. 6o1,310.. N for Cairo, raonrenlg i f the Illiuolo Cm ir ato Rilroadfar point -th lip' .1,11j.t. Dhp 11, M... 11.1ell0,AImp1.,0,. .p,1I1 Ad,.l h ago i At C lrnro. isd lh,,oi 0 C1,ol l . o1,ustl r lllsse 0,17Yi 7 1011101.h for sit the (wars u:ieI. via etrdy xygan F.W and Raw4 a New ork, BTAIOn, 1111010l CLIYLOn cad wuoinW to. Al.., fromt Colo.( u the [sew lbany and Salem Re1IroWl, nLueraCncnuAAWplts lte a ho iT 7OLIYn rA77y 741.111 11111wh t11 101h41o D 0 0 AorMan- , I, Quelrq N. Ltoga Bprws* and tha Whits MouUiu. Eko~ZIU rllll7100,1,ll 17 7 orbls CaYm is l No. y 7 .114 treltt, ,11k oIppaI the 81 . Howlew~lsns . E pplrro. B107P.Tlset lllimilluglI Rilmo. -aSZUNDAYS ony one E -pnu The6 UE , r. IPII,d otte 1,1411, .1y l07118.1, and 311011f1rther hoist pn1 IJager trainswd Ifear the pier Et /ot of DeasEuhip hefllto-s, UU 11NRFRK EXPRESS; at6 AM~ lri Dunkirk. BUFFALO, EXPRESS,1 at1,1 M. for BAuf I. O MAIL, at 8:16 A. N, fr Daakirk and Sue o, Nod iEtermUd;A , Inioss. P.,emgen bythis trainwill reman aver eight at telo, - NH, 0,lAN PhSENO,.1, .. 1.. M~ (fr5m the foot of Chamber swetY ) v Piermont, for T' g oeI ed ad intnrmedl~l atalinu. WAu PASb" 1iLR, .t a P. M.,I for Peilbblgh and Otilsille, and in.eMNSdi .10e boe n t ,s b .ldHT 1XPR 15 L: 30P. 35. .r D 00,irk and 1..lo, EMIORANT as 6 l'" M,. for a uakirk sa Buffet., and m.\rm~disot steuooa. WAY EeXPRrss, at 1:3u P. M.,. for Dunkirk and Buffalo, and wwr.r moadlI itr eluro.w ThewEspran ad d o coneest a Elmlnwith the Elmira and Nis Burn Felts Rulro dor r N'nsa Fella; Rt Bu7 to and Dmkak ta i h i LLae Shore RJlonl for :averlied, n. Stemmer. 'tni D trnrl, Leh~a ., eta., nd with lint llsn lplentid Steamers fo furset ortso tryst i 'D.C. (rOCALLLOMI QasenllSupminntrsdnr Y Ith iRUA O TH U L E~b~tcECT rien TO THE DS limem between Waabhnyma and Wheeling out,y hour., auunmog time "twe. wa Wshhgwa saad Clnciorn PI hm Ihruugh Tirkew and Bagg rys Check toW bad I. Wmhingtan. THLE BALTMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD, hevisg gn.0y improvd IN We.,..r conn.e,iore. sow offerr the f flan inausemanert totnvolrrl b~lrll Wuhmggtioa 11 11n, and B jd~po nloas ofthe Waet, theNmtswesl mS the 8auN we.S. Tba conueeiou batweetr the trains fromu Weshinefos and the tries bound West from "Innolra. I IrFnlmpplht mad- at t Wash- ington JOlirauon (islelq celled ih Relay "ar sme ropes f rom Unlliuor.. Tha II bs oly change oleR1 nauired h I.W Wli s to sad We Ut,)o rives Baggage is ohaekad hrohg m heerol a P the Wuhin 0'. Rationr, d rerhlaked and tre,.rraa there w Rh the passesg ) rltbuut chrrgte brI,- holding through twkaw f rr poiseI beloon. W. rollaaacll t mina lea e Wash uerm daily as8 I A. M. ""d P. M. OaSucdsya a WeLrter braronby At W it.. , dtroot onnntlos rose with the taib of tae Cm-- ,,,1Ohkio HrlLroad, r.auitag Iron 8*Uve, ontheO o, mar wheel- ing,through Cambridge. ZasUPI11 sad Nearkl, to luobob. Theca nu nalromcer t Naw.rll with the cars of the Newark, ;,.4d an Smdnsky Railrod, for Sandusky Toledok(ol, Detri Chcago at 1167: the ~h C. O, Railroad trins connect withthefast train. of th. Little Miami R~draed w~ Xaoi., Clnrlm.IL. uilalle, eta. At Xroi, ton Little Iluni Railroad) como~cao. is f rmrd wih the t aln thunb UR tuowU lndlrI. ., Ten,Hants, lmhyetwt ,ht. ca~oa RoFL 11a1a, -. 'ha.* 10 Yasrengen Holdin throlyh tickets fm NmphiVicke'urg Nat- rhC, Now Orllanm la..*hih are oM at Washwgtm, ara tnnmfe-d at Ciurraa to the ng Ml S amor mthre Obw- TWIN.ol far Brace- I "tle, Catrs and gM Lorry are cold by th( ri, For Clavolaud, adrlCluralld ioToedo, DMo(it,,Cicygelel tirtetr an dd cobra the Ohio 1. navigable betwaeWPbalinlsnb WI&,it a (tary wUIII where " WllllrUO. with the OIIwolrmd so at..., Iw ~lroad is ate. Tnvelars asr ruqueutrd to notice that while this is the onl rants aIcrdinl through tickets ad checks I. W asinlgon..i I. m the sh~ortest ruonrel*yp and di r~et w nearly an the leading points in the gnat tttest. Taedin as from washtllwn to Ciori...ti is hot 66 roles, befog .ban lO mmlH horter th~ an other'ouw,. rasa e, T. Gool Ttcear raouW sar.. -T rolubu, 1 d D-wuft W 60 CcrnW 18 pui 1l i y+RiltZnd UB66, by etoalnn IIo Ctnelonu 1, ire; dldnapoll, {It 803 Cl~ere,"ad {19161 Toadu,{16 eU" rrolr.) Ir ?UiCUianggs 86,16 nod tg as;St. uis,{9 Po {";Mmphu, {96;New Or- t t o F .er r rn Harsr's errya, sfutlnaburp, Berklls 9pringn Cumb~rlnad 11.41.d iap rage Ptadmout, Osklud ad Fairmount. pasaeugr: may leave Ws hi Rtc o t 6. M 1)I P. M. Forth IV I f , llr way Uliow b~tralBul'lor .red g' take 6A, YIPL [ roiu rom Wmild.-m. For the items to ad from B.Itimorl,Aoolpoll c tn., aoe leerir adv*ltlumeat. g7 For furlhrr s tiuiw hroolh ai~1.. pply to OS. H.YAUa0N8,;thageululatat W a bwgtm u JOHN iH.DONE, jrg tf Baltimore nod Ohlo nWI..d B tiwore. f{RII-WEEKLY LINE: OF LaTAUI FROM LITO CIT m h KW R LA ad g JAKSO RILROAD.. There U wow a,b.,.h-don this Roots a Tri Weekly Lt .(Stages In tvlug Amite 1() r.T S. odnI. doadl and rrtday onthv ar- r' .1 ofther Puraeller 'raoIrm Newor lesono and raaLlng CI inttn the ome 1-It f 15 t 7 o'lockr. Ietnrolug.. will loan Cilnwn evoq I Tod, Thandlb Rd Bawrdey ar{ 'stlar in Ina noroin an Pon{ .~g t Amitea Cityi. time for the a..1,, trsn for lNew Y Urleane. By this raote peu....rI will pustram~er011anslo~im- ton the alme day, This rOmU u e $ it by Raill.d aod ca ll"1 b S stag. Thu Binge Road 1. over haeuttll i undulating eo~stryrbrd- wgagm~so tom the l AStsO fe 5 ysnss Mniler57151 ,oehhu ," Beg )1 for the rroumtuio. of Cotte n can k has bee 1. I cad atthe -MI.. of the New Orloll and Jackon~ps. Railroad No An6 Onmodalot trert, and will belaot to the Railroad a ory Monday, ii WrdndlaydFriday sit o'clooi in th+m,rning, ndvvyrytrU. tian wrill bo 001 0 the proper drllnery of Letters and Prt.n beriveDollars. Itn husseta hi soee",hak setmad Safest route from CIlnton wo Naw Crlsanl ago F. K.If IMER Amit City. ;AZERAC B RANDMB.-The ea ubscrlDtar0, O bell 11e s ii sw anS Imfunrr is this city of the celebrated sACABRA~lf I . steeen nand.fdull enpplyof the Iow. sod 0 55 gr ardes "well as the ldullvin(rr nl ' h as1796, a 798 1801 and 1806, and invit the Rtwrpjon of the tarll, ww rlla I. mnfL( nthebov Nl4V asmdOaninearlla _ I(tf Wt I/id J eee(i..t II BOLUTION-- T he copartnership hereto. f ronaststk u mder the rm ofLAWRASON C LUBANKI re bisdayydianlvr d mNel consent. R NOIADNEBANE, Jr~hevfog pnrrhued ON lnsr.! f Ooo car h~ots ah-hyaharsge wl Io11es mroAOWRif am of 7. RICHARD N. EIIBAN, Jr. New OrleansFPbrsas 1, 1551. 1. 8 HE undersigned wril continue a Qlen-RRAL tug 1 C(ON56786IO Awn FATORAOE UIINO Sa uocm tnilsl mder Ina asyle of RICHARD 0.E E &IBWLD h,. &tCO iil r 'r E LOlB--15000 boxes in store, for sale by~ L Je44 II ~BARR~i A no 61 Co..'.. at BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ASHBRIDGE, J. H. & 0d.•, Commission and .For erding Mrchaht, N St. Chrkn itr'. BELL, WILLIAM, Tent, Awning and Water- p. oo I 4taLtbli.•htusL rlr oh .oL altl Nm mo bad an madsto order, No. 9 Or aler, eor. S r. C*Mr'rrnrei 17 SENSO N2 JOSEPH, House and Sign Painter, camp = =4ii t. prtall al. Cuppor and B AYLY, G. M. & CO., Wholesale Grocers sr D•,t a WinL, Liquor anld Salpl. Gcod, O .t,..2 Homwaad 29 Commoro ,0e. l .l BENEDICT, W. T., Broker and Publio Weigher, 66 Poy4dm •Le .9 RROWN, THOS., Carpenter and Joiner, 125 4 ltP |r. trhu ltlt tha tob rrlltdl a d thepakli•for pan1•1,o4 lao•tllmaoetltoaoeoftbeirpstronete, niii CURRY & PERSON, Cotton Fators and -OS•O ,,N •,sP,+ (0.,25 F2c0tor4.,domm. - C• OK, PAUL & Co., Provision Dealers, 40 SWIGHT;,, EDMUND P., Attorney naiod: td . 0erc 4, N Tw 2la02LR1.0 A*. d6,t. iUELAGRA B.YEN. A. & , Com.,emisron Mer- Eh, PiT,.h m p ElP, DeAlr.,: Ui., . ioo Mg hodel•oen OLBEAB, A RUFUS, Writing nnd Book- k e0l'•,50.ktOkmil t9,, 01e la C22l . D11el22..o . I JOlYNB S& 1NTOlPSC Dagnuer*seo H 4LEY, E. M. & Co., Commission and For- UBANK, B. N. J., & Co., General Com- i m--nmeM rohata, No .n Ca mlptrl, y T• ATON & HENDERSON, Wholesale Groors, -64 New 4n. nd 16 Tboupiw lolalL•. pI ELT & REED, Dealers in Boots, Shoes and ILL, ALEXIANDER, Importer and Dealer YDiT W&lrehe , R ,0 PIMI, Cutlery, PayAr.i2s.,, to,*elsi., o. 9 Camp lekL 2 a2 OIOLMES & CLAUSS, Grocers and Dealers 1 2o W,,2.2r7 PodM.2, Non, J N1 4"Le ad 14 Tho.pft-mu .et"L 93,111 ART, E. J. & CO., Dealers in Groceries, ._.n. i,.,,Ch mbWPap.r,,,2., 2107 T,0Chom42,n .26 TARYRIS, NORTON & CO., Wholesale Oro- SeaN, 4N T.OgpqitW2 .~ 1t,N3e5 ,wh.. .15 _ABDTcAG, J. X H & Co., Cotto, iFators d.ad2aee. 42 0122 .22222. .9 eRetail T•R~"UD,pJOHN &` CO.JS, Dealers iho eina, II 9Oitl4,lgrt heywatc.- i aaC l /letter. ' ,1 NYDE & GOODRIOH, Jewelry, Guns, Pf!s IZLtoe, R Gt EO,, o ,. Orl a s,., n ,ola... n l TAIDR, W. L. & 00C., Wholesale Grocers L ANDIS, JOSEPH & -00., Commission Mer- 10• . iand D Plie Wum llPlrodut, inO. 1 Tt to2 i 2ols. ORGAN, J. C., Books and Stationery, Ei- JIA l02.022'222, 32J222. .horpIm. . 42 SNUNBOAE, A. & CO. Men'ua + d Bo's OClothian ,IlI.B 22 & CO., Dealers in Clothing and .. b,4hold 1n2ai, No,,. 124 Pe•dl2u .tlt.. ,10 pTAYN-+& 00.o., Wholesale Grocere, No. 2? DpAAN, T. 0. & o00., Cotting, wholesale .3. 2l2,2•l2o..1 ,o l ell. 4 L EILL!, P. & E., Dealers in Silks and fr AVAGI, J. M..&& Co., Commission lHe tril a i .S N.O. - l,2 4 o. w. . .. w. W .aw. - . sia err. RHAW, G. W. & CO., Commission and Jor- WTRINGER, F. & CO., Fashionable Cloting, SMITH-, . B., Wholesale and Retail Dealer , .TROUD, JOHN & CO., Marble Warehoose, 2 N. 144 Comm2a2 2 ar, bat Cao2ude, 2ad B..n., 219 ly .EAMAN, H. D. & CO., Commission, For- 5 sd, 1 an, W.22'.. Plodu4 Me.,t, and 2D4,e. 0l Mle R.2,A2•eh.b, et,, 804 P .2d.22. 219 SICKLII. & CO., Drgop, Medicines, Surgical LJ 2.22222,25 "2., 1hol2.22.2d 2.t22,N2.. 5s a.4 502.2., SLARK, DAY & STAUFFER, Hardware, 2 In, e4 ., No.4 C.2i .tret. Aaelrt rof P'g.' Saw Mil2.. 10 AHERIMAN'S Trusses, Abdominal lupptorters, at , Ccorner b . ., C 2• Orie2 l.•t•. oppi. . t. Ch.0ei ,IZER, GEO, W., New Orleans Agrioultural 222a., e,,.or,,stof Ma2 sm,.andPoydrul.t,0 i11 TODD, S. M.& CO., Wholesale and Retail Deldert in Pdloa 0, Paint MIlI, Win4oOLau, 5rot0el and C .olo.f al dl k.22,2 a2m1. ltro.l .19 7 ODD & CO., Carpetings, wholsale and re- t ,a,22,ll, luppiy 112 yl 2 nhand, No. 1 210 Cla'L ,r2,, 4t r•lAYLOR & HART, Dealers in Hardware, 11.. C22rl22,. 001,.22. 2r,2 . r 222.2.L 22 ITOIGTS, J EANRENAUD & CO., Commission V M,.,22-I.,21 C122222,2.2,2,. all VOORHIES, GRIOGS & Co., Commission 2 .d Forward20( Me02 h•, t, 2 Tchoupitoull latest. s9 WRIGHT, W. S. & CO., Commission and Por ward ag .. rnhl,80 rehoupituluntrvetl. 81 ASIIJBURN'S Daguerreotypes, 120 Canal re..t, (up ,2ira ) Pictures .t en m 2 21 2 kind2 of eather. .12 WATEiMAN & B& O., J., Importer, and 2 D.L2,. ai2 2•'w2r2,2Ctlery, el., or. 1fgalnl ,nd Cor moon treot.. e1l ty JOSEPH HUFTY, 20 CAMP STREET, 20 Importer, Wholesale and Retail healer in TONE WATUCES, JEWELRY, RICU 2NANCY AND STAPLE GOODS. INo. 25 CaOompstree, under the Cilp Hlte, New Orlemau Rsep.plully iuwI thenol ootiou o Wholea.le and R.0505 Delson lan pureyh. to asVERY LARGE STOCK OF GOODS..hloh i. frebly lmfhSld.o suol haall Y . ralo fd 5.the. yer. BHELLCO iItv. mitation 6l and t~tS WCmbo( narry slyly BRUSHES.Of very deerlptiono at hi own l3nofatura, and at th loweCt Northers. fsny pri. TOILET A PICLFSS,, as Pe.loumeryHslrOlilooir Pi0.,Posm FINE FAlNSPt5KS, P"sket RooksWork BoSe, Portabl. D.s.s, ogsthsr wlLh an mdI,.nairiety o Portnmodmae.,ta., of .v.ey Syie,and atunusally lolpisnor. SUNS,PISTOLS, Slo,,,l Colt'. nod W-mno. Resoldo Pistols, &iaere, Rawn, L~r Pr......n l lh h' Reels and Tackle, w .veSy variety, to a.ll th moat dLtrminioednoagl. WATCH ES JEWELRT, ate. Th. .tosS is lhis lin, sonostiag of th, T.T. Coope.,pl.I. Tobias and real Josph JohnSo mS,,mnnte,,tlt. a fleen to sou .f B5ir Ka nrrl~lih Lever. vthab r with " Iar~ a of ,nletrr noS~~lih~n,0.Sg.0~si~h~.,alos of Soa end EasterS Jtrnol, B5dnssr,sc-io.,lhnro Ssaonloolnctd gmlos, bpSP. hSvIS b'S, tor muno gps. .OuIn5 in gI.. Wholmu, ,sll rnpueur rls~isr1lyfrsnoh,55.1t isdosumno.,i Sn SlOrep0 IOE.svp ry aI. Hmnwlod u dpr o, .r W monsy refu.bI,0 RT Watahes, Jewelry, ode.. .ally ltypwad and rrrannldd mle Bm Nla am (DANlEL EDWARDS, (Suooemsor to Twi. BILL A EDWABDO,) Nu. 28, 80aod 32N. Ieve and 17 T,.,Sh.,IIN, d, Ful ... W,,k.ysuulrer 11 every dytE.W an tlC.ppr5 Tlo. h6et Ircn and Bran orkr. Heie nor ready to ociraot for the ,,.inag f 80,m Tr.I, CIrlifyg and EBaporali~ P.B.,ii0,.B; ] ice oOea, and I.)Blllp PPprltniYI. b Bh r hDY h A geaern l ortmca(f Bteam Oaugve Blsm Whtlelo, Bran (cL, CLIIL, VANE, etL.,LLouALtxly o0 Is8d. f4 wnould cal .theattalliona ofpiele theIh Suam wli hich I,,he InLo.IIEall operatio n Lb. tepl,.,tiL,,.l ol. L. C. Kcun. 9. T JIrr8,iE. . .ontall ooADoaelwu, Or ghodQ Lweae, w. t H.Staetboulr, A. 7lhwlon t Co. and L. E. ah tll al hiarir; bw hom ha napenlully rslar for 1u11 pnrella. lan. m']Y Ipt Sj` AS! GiAS! GAB! GABS-The subscriber Bk hsv nohuined the requfel e purmikalo rom the 0. Com- pa•, buq. toannouce that hd 1asno pro ard to ftvnh ad put np t,^B FIXI'URES inte molt approved tyleaud at moderate rstee. SOrderlosa b.lift athb"olda etad;" whe Brea Founoary, No. IS at. Chbarlelsruet H.GULLD. dll y _I OU IE Ln uulwu. all (I L M. TANEY, Wholesale Dealer in For- eignnod Dolnrlllo )ilrlt Liyyuo a, No. 80 OIriar etrnet, laawOrleaul, Ivanpie anot .Wy on , head, i .aolhipeig order, N., York d P6Wadalpholn Ale, rorter rnd lhmpge .tob the nr. rel orkd,,,d, r labbylaa, pncknd i. boson 3.Drk , tbdlp ych,. Apo0. p dporla Srotl 0 Ala aid Loidon Po Aar. ae Plelupt ud pnrticulartaolli0a paid to all order received. le7 1y NOTICE TO CARPENTERS AND BUILD- -RS.--PATENT SAWED WATHELBOAlRDIN,. both ,uu h nd raelu, from th very beat H sart Timbar, foarr Lt $14 per gA[orrougb, nd 69L 4r M.hor thedrnaud, iu lotlto.u , pur.b. ra. LU4SElttawed to order. Al.,. seond-haud slide-alve ENUIN.E aboutl horspower for sale t th f.1 96'. STA~R FILANINR NILLS.N-r Uui.. F. JONTE & A. PARKER, Wholesale add It. )l L .fl.MEMin MEATS, Old Frruch Meke, Stela frio1.. fadoiI. 8oardiihg hods 114*ob-t-and y.1 p.plied ., thBEF, MUTION, P0L VEAL, KID,POULTRY. 118F1S on the trolwet notice inany quatll nd dt the beat golity. Alc ooSNEDBLEFnd 'ONqU14. JALT PoIur ad ev.r, pO,...tld. w .heir loo.. .1 tar kettrces. "r Au .. 1c.u promptly attended to m t 1UkHL YOUR IIA1R-RIWLLELIION.-Te C eiptfor mIL. .L hip cel.ledt CompLD .0 d, (Iyi i docod inoLi.Ontrydl s by LIYul-lbr m y vergq a th. UnitLd 8uR+O r CN Dd,. la UNI DLLLLR. The !ROLL LLON rill 1 ror wave the hur I. the orw larulllul miroar. Any an~ tovingmffthe war, ad ncothlooin hILir can ILILLILI it into t6r moat baantllh1. bythe I.UlMir rnlC1.. Tbuingred-w ill hors overr 19 aa.W, and nib tit- receipt anyw ono n" ant It eq..Ug glod la IL IL,.LL.,L NpoD IhoIl, rt par oLlr. ILprIfIerr.r... ppcayle ofImllrri~w randy msfor , ll be Hens Pra of pcwtaya, iaeend olf DL rlLIL, with 11.lollfILILII LI ILr LiLLLILEILIorrL, ILd lull dino.L.,Lfor s. Bad al.l .L.r pOLLe ,t LADW . A. IRKEILI WarONT L N Lnul,,ro..OhiL S1jSUP -& CHILDS.-Pairnt, OliW, Winauw FBL eto,.I LrCb .Dd A,,.i, ZINC PAINTS. Don, No Wr e O.Now TmdL le ifa ~aeinl IN K INSURANCE. Lonala n Muztual lumurauao u Y,of Mw OrleemS. p~nm~~h 2 fdbwing~l tlt rt.ttttos A....33153 p 53.3.333ke y2.r..db13133t M33c,i863 OH rM ad..RS .... . .................. ...... 411,420 On Mids.RILka...;...p...y ...... ........ .. 116,142 nPH 0. River ?.t.......... s ................... 4/4 / a L.. P.*s2u... ., ... . y ...... ....... 44J043) U~rntp p.l..e I...............b 33.. .. 30.133 3 7wrpns..4 ia w*3 3 o*3t.* 7333.* 4 34.5333 Wood prmlrms for A. yo .............. :. ... J.. 944991 8 Ams.333d43o.low. d.,3gth.*.mp~td,3l3ot For F3n Loft............. ........ 90.11044 V.,dri s1.i...L...................... . lA3 4 Vs. 033Len..3 ........ ...... ... 1412 lii sx-i53).37 t &533334*,3 p3woti'.,...3 ....fif 33 1 "d tt r'ct econ'oa 1.etta h..r "c--"" imhiited 1. 1aF. 2..42 ...................... . 15'.3 N. kwka 3.. ..... t...,.......3........ .... set" N *,ib119 .. h53 ....... .... . 3 .3 }d :111$10 3 .os~~iipq 8TAT 0k' L7333731,? 1Ns33&3 . }s..,- 33r*h 03 S).3 3 o3 .w0.303.5.. 8. *35mmb3rid, that an the 14th 4sM6.' 1844, 141..* th h.s.ridr,.Joutl . othb P. I.Cnd rUkS RIS ($..44, .0wlyU p ~redOh rl.lptlp , Prftid.S44od H.P. cy~r, 8.r taryof the U.61- M ww 1!-. 0p9 f NrwOrlsgrho being day a mha..cordr8 to law, o dapp* Sad my, tbat tkd bor acoaor~r. 2.tand tmi, .d .2onrt t,4.crt$ trw Ithv4524. at th. ridComppay. C IAB 8t~ausB . raid* M H.P. J).NV3KN, 8wmato Rod .2kt984Wkok.o$,Skbhif day Of uch,184f C. V. 03314. 8.5224 J13 tUs.* t3. P.p..f0t13. P5 Or.5.. T.Bs.3 of hurh 3 4ak .j d 3lnd* o tptyp.* "33 t te 3t&dpnansf430I f sy$ .. dggllkns 3 133.. f3. .. hick *ip ..1331s.3s.ill h. k 453o u 3.3).. 0th.5 dpsf Js. T).Csmppy..28t.3..., . n .1.lot H. p pild.f (k."3.. .2a riven% and I mleddamyp by 4n, Ita euwrt 82125 $f Pn2n~m O~d$,mathwtemaer ofCamp 1154 Nat.W .tntL CHAR3B 31G33S.P*..aid* A. CABRD.UVioiP53A.3. 3. ?.3ANV3lB,3.30.ry. NNw 11wa.Mamh 944515._ IBONSTEE. LC033.P, $ls..).53. Uh.0331*hr3t, C.3330.m, P. 3)333) ~ T35. BNp... J .L, W.A.134. A.LM3-3oaP. Joh. ro., X.H.Po2Koy, a.Q.Cum9+a!. A. B.3..53, IC, s. P. A.Dd.glhl s.8:. (153*. 0.13. h..p, '. W. )lt.)hh.* A .T..3.4 34473103, 8..3C30s.3 Pus.k WW3. W.S. T ip333oa.. '.tle Mr=; C.03"y, 0.7. Hs..s..a.. 0a. W.Ds.bp.. U.Brim. F.7..8,. . A. 13305s, 'I.ThomlkB1, 4.A Poiitck D.P.Log... nifly OARTAD.. aD.Ir .. fit tir UZANIFOEOl1hm P"B1 fl sR AMP WblE, [Wtj.j o 4rA#S HMN . At lk t41 wtW81SA8CMA9 lF IY. ns~ m0tt.m.YMsi(ra l *onlyr Fire, Ziver and Xariumnsu1aaea. PROVINCIAL INBUkAN 3 OCOMPAN OP TORONrO, o..v v1PrfA i.L . ,. IOO O6O~rqp~U Lrn.4.OokmuMpIr. A.YOI[Riot UANUCH O1WVL.No.flQC$..EowOd.. y+7atfotikonrartro k s N :y A- Home iutul InsuraPo e'1Cmpuny o@ 9.999449.u.. rJ.HE fllowing Bcute~dnt of b"61 rof h4Cep it p rhh i eIhritwBtter1a~ m..Yoftheir a tKSr D.....9.19N9.. .... 9 mo.t9of u9rmi599990949071"t D.....9o ..... 914.1600 1.9'9oo494..nms391.979*9.j39.418A. 9w,1404 (100 V..9',orPr.94sm...T.lo. 9..d.......959.14 9 L..P..4.99h. 999.,549......4....:.)fn{ I 9orPnm9399 o. Mrrrukt.......... 111,5!119 LIuur~minmrorit(taott*rm Wu N16Drr, . ....... .......... ......... d93 k..... 9,994.. 059999wmimms..... .............. ... ,1741 Xew~um~ddRrnmimdlar~erdiei$ObD~okDrl00.. , 00 01ir9rLL ............... k............. !.47{ On ..9 .d9ri ... 9..... 0............ . ,U 3 d0 o "t e, Lo 9.99995.9~e499 "..9........3.51,/t1 90 orfles p oprr - orihdo s t 949. 9999115995 919999199999arm,* 939 , 799.999= 9ill .. .b99.9s9r 933fr roia D9.9N..9..99..........s...9..94...s..... 9{,.11 34 No.199.................904..99 Drf.,VredwYY .110a" fr Prrmm.:. "nw:rUwua.:.....0704 !9999...... .. 9..................... 9 47 99 TN.I.. o.1.ef ........ .9.... 179.. .b.9..... I 9.sro.999..53s.599s9.F o ..99 9915499 f 01 y99 41.... "9 90 ,.,.MY1 b law, do d.p... t t9. *999.44om9sayp.y. JAB 9.0T99 1 9444999,r 4dueh Ir~rltYn. Cibd of . III C.V.J09599s3.99. k9 C. rcm~,h O 11I~b IauJ,~?M _~_ of lS~: iawlV,(dplltlatufproY bt"Lol*1n wfo Wk*999954sT..99wa~.9k9.999499991s99949.T~D f9993.4.9 999h*999995999 9 .99999999k.,. .I49.9 d90~,99dL,9 99919 99 *9nt01.1$ 99.t~omp47ewtY 19.,,d9?T.9e...9,99.49. l 9 .f /hd Brb 9999.9.9 I m or g999399kD....99.,3914, r.q99.93 33 999.9 JOHN 99o.15...p4999*S 391999oli~ 99.3A.1.p.4s. c H W999.999999997.~ t lp N 0008 .9399. ze'7 3s9,s9.919599 9.L. y97, W, L.L999.3, OL.C W.1 9 9 9 , JA . 9 9 s5 M 9 9 9. 9 9 9 . .9.9 s 9, +ABonrd Lloyd, Joh1 H.O1"y i)U la A. , -YID Sh PeeH, 7ohrinta H.11 Robert hrtnL o Ilr J.). T.. AI furrllr.." 1 W. H . Anle Wo. 90999 Hoy, 7.99599tO b. J.9 W. Y 79.99999.9, JA.D99999iy ]oho 99..99r.9 U. "Iln. Iat H. c./u, W. HLYoord Frkloh ll .ltnmlb R.V* f.CrI..r. , WO. T99pkood. 19999.49949r19.J. 999".9 L.D.C. Wod, 9.9S. 999. 1990 Crescent Mutual insurance Company ;NI f'no-.,mity ity ,.I0066l*sluf o theirChte ,t4 e 14ooo1bmlt ol.4olloolo9 k6JlI!0l , 04 Amoont olrmouo olmrr r~ u~I~l( o ]0 0,0108 186 ................. 7.141, 561 04 Vrl uN.oomoouminotRL.k.7ol. lf16. L .50..11460 Totelemotof promtur........ ........... .. 1,08+9 9 Vt1:Pnmtmn o Fit 1. Riak ............-- 49%ttl s 4rio.d............. S51.4040 Liver do... .......... .. ,111 - Lev d l"............... 1.04014-4 0, 698 1..oepremium o,60044001010316016 $.144.019 06 RBiorn p,0mi01.......01 .... ........ 90,18419- 196,011 I1 I0.le.odp.10101001l,066001100010d040011040000. 191.4091. Louo..oal40600004h.004046000104 OnMarla l o............. ..... ... '-I n, 10t00 0o01.,041 . 146..............001100 On000000.......0.........."... E0,00000 164,141 06 0.I60000000.,560016,rnn16.D0,10b..60" 91614899- 11,181 0 NtrLompy.C0,r.p.0701000 lo40.1010 100644jdil10ld0,0Mlort00606100 p447 100000.400 theL neat ... oo.d...................... 141671900 Leaneod oooBank bmllother lto!0,l.l"l0 P,,,o16041 ... 9616000 Blll Roe.ivable bai.. Nolte for Pram ........... 168.984 9 1,.6044d tIo .. tf.04,66,0amau.04,l0 O,000,06l.... 6.00616 DCmfar 00mi0060040,6oloo.0 C 1..............0 . 68,8 Ca0000hud .................. . ... 001,866006t f Tot.l O. ............. ....................... 1849,1 The B60d oflToo60l 0.,. re64nd to60100,60600.0 p0 ,140.in66h. on the 6,0140000 of 004006100100, vies 50 .. . ... 7 00106.................... Isrc................~s~so(Is..................... 961,910 861..p................. I 1 . .1 to the hodlde. theroeoor their 6egal ,06440040000.. 00604d 6006, IMo.0y,0t h 4th hA40l.g,14. Th.Trmo60,.0o. 01l4601600ad a 41004600 ta6 p.,oo.o4 th0 .l.,.ood premiums othoCom0y~lforth4Ylea!6ndi~ 6he 10th Ju4 e1,1,er ohlI,00000I0.1will 460.6164 0s1d aft0r0t.e400h pept- 40r.0rt. T000. A. ADA410,00...4.oe 010. J0N44., V0.a,..ido.t. O*.IOAUOOUOalooo~rt00k~ OITOK 00010,110 oo.00oo~. 00 W0 . 1 W..Robio0114, JI P.boos, 7.W.Z1.000i,, J.l.B910l0, M..Ao.,dooo, eo j idOIHod,4, 1p. 0404, ' A.C.Tomoul, 6. 0. 0. Norton. 00. W.0O, C"o,0 .1. . .Bud<Ie 7.C. B. fta, . . l1 W. 0. Vre4odoOoo, Joh,,410Sal 36.,Clnolly. 1.H.40.K1d . J. W.1000ow-, 1,, Bael R. B. admn, C. IPllo , Iml.Jamilne.- 00l 1. .0.01... L DB.0osd., Merchants' Mutual InsuranceCompny cOC'OTAL SBcCRIBI......... ..... ... . L0 MKo~gt t 0.74,.,mil P.u Wiim . .u, 0000116rd. 8. 0001C0.-A464,..0o,0040 Cady ]oh. PembertLon~.00 B. O. 00g 60 l. . 0,Bi.d 0.40.64400.0 Amo.. 4 41, 1146. m 4t 60l 44lpl9.0lllb, pre6 oared 0000 to ... .00to 614 p04. Uh6II l0 0l4A400b00v l Tire Stake. orC o11.e, No. Jos Guam alml JONN PLMBZTT ht Prwtdw4, No.ICoo-dp06."lo.tbsB rd o Di0.0...d W0 he 1t0 War, Mr Job. renters" was Wtbnd Provident, and A. lohribbu 00.torv. 6 .0.0 1~EMOVAL--The subeoriber baying pur- .baa, d the 0Ir.Stak o DRonE, CHeaauem'Se, .t. fo T"R . Wtekee A Co.. 49Mvguiae stret, h,.V-te the Arud. e..-ad !rm b1 ~m. formr ted, i S. R. B. rb o H EMOVAL-G. W. HYNoON & Co. hbas re. inw7.4000. s 00eo110Uc4U m0 0 014 OFFICIAL JOURNAL. ATONRALTY OF NEW ORLkANS. Oity of New Or nO tRT6. feosfoed, That the contract at present •Oistiog PYadee pro. teem. doed ofAastaat A Q-- 'P l Sdh 7 5. r.LUIOe P estd Boaec.t' e l . Approved J i •h1i 1,.865. 1ted ( JOHNL. LWISa.,. [ No. sl231 e 3w Wbo0tu ectp of eeev ern bee hu bytes westable wassteful tnsalerole 1 t laid of r sodqr 01hs the ewatUoomid John M)onl h d•i- qtsb y ub j y .onsu je tb the ezpen a o n dben h po AOd by thes Oms'uVaendU of y city of ~eceto _ std eeota. " teahpa 4 red wa tlr d r ateeeedawt n attieg lafre:. 2.Tatrttr• enodrto utiet, eweue o the god of tie estate, o the prposess to whish t d dto old Ie l perpetrat wernehip, oetihag o u St of 'b- eief atofasaaiesu 1 aldesabl, satdlediug wa wstefal •quenetotodg e b •s is nono&as.l bu Iti sh od , the eteodthg ty of BNe ori e o . to hasg e •s to to u.tsdltthe pndeee slle om•esr, who salch willt enbahae the vabue of the oerty, and yeld te aety w Sthe;at a epeeteo•e• shwso that eorporate 3hbode as wasteful and laesoist landlords sod lessors of property, ate that the estate of said John Melnogh Oet leewd- taiybel g Mreatlys oseinud by thsexpeesesao it n essege- see so •• g e it Is out cf the aontrol of ,tldivdeal lroprletote dlreOtly iterateted lthe pro.tsesl•aue it may yield. 4 That Iste•e• to heiss all abes and Paste, aund mue edately to enterlsponthemeed s tefthe bqoqtey the slestlte, Oe aLapes•sonal, tld at the ee,.let oeta, ed a s tet seprt•t•teadble amefirly evenled betwe• thie ity of Baelimoesad tb tl _f New dri•nus - r in . n. That slier d4shehal altU tailms foe legacIes sad tligal te p wrtlitao of te rt rpt of epsa, the hare aic ng to thesty of New Ol.wsheshtnat oes Dn In proem of sleast gLabtoaaetloasaad to hiehes 6. Tietthe proceeds of eah petyn u a It ema- turled, Isiondd he ntpveed the boad. of the. it en N Oclsas. ad ihoe oMdsi dewoted scrd.lyt te hact- hI. sace.Iesfrtie eedloas.: 7. That alt thee slavesbeleglgteb toethe cshould he placed Mthe haade of thee1 lo.ato oelty,'to 8 by them dledto thesol•oib8, ar. 8..'hati cpy of these rbtstdatldoe(wih e dselsls- toeylotbedewth s of the tlcetea-ti Ieaitid tlb best dlepostloen, ofhlapstate) beatar.eestd by Mayer to the honoonble li iyood a ^ nill Conn si goe~stiab sit Igedt to the partition o owo potetalte eat hodisidy sito. a. Tth egsee s and ectesoaeam of ties MeteDs. nogh eatcats bhe slaooecd with a copyof rereset tltoee ai l'e~ sepcilay equeatied to report a ii to thie hody the p ba t a fbliptthpartltieafcrssaga and also to she tach ether sanfggsiloni esathey, icy seeot k a' egriuIluyomm~te~hs rgo~e;t t rtio heosb).pproprloted feec thapurpose ofd4 eg the in. oldeatat epenasswhlch may beiaearesd by gused of Aldeemeanln the icislof Nesacdeceaaenspesao idiRmse, and that th oceptoltee -warent d the ran davcrefecsehpects whole billliaybe apr e byh Pessideat uf this Board. .I b Cli~ieed] B. L. TA~ President Boad ofAciaiant Almeceece. [Sigmed) JOHN CULBBfRTE ON, Presidentpro. tom. Board .f Aldersen. Apprve3 July ii, 1865. ly23 ~sigeedj JOHN L. LEWIS, Meyer. ' : [ 1.o. 2808 ] Resolved, That the Chief of tIe Pie Department, with tit approval of the Joint oommlitees ofithe Coo- mon Council onFireN, beauthorized t sell dertain old suction engines'now in possession of the city, and that the moneys for the same be paid to the Treasurer of the oity.. . [Signed] E. L. TRACY, President Board ofAssistant Al ermen. 'lSigned] JOHN CULBERTSON, President pro tem. Board of Aldsereen.e Approved July 21, 8000. 'jy3 [Signed] JOHN L LEWIS, Mayor. ft [ No.2309 ] Resolesd, That PatrickNestor be, and he is hereby required to replace thebridge leading across Claiborona Coanal at Second street to the Draining Machine; said bridge hoaving been removed by him for his own con- ventence incleaning said canal; andif not replaced within five days after due notice has been given by the Street Commissioner, he he prosecuted according to law. [Signed) E. L. TRACY. President Board of Assistant Aldermen. [Signed] JOHN CULBERTSOON, President pro tem. Board of Aldermen. Approved July 2t, 185. . jyd3 [Signed] JOHN L. LEWIS, Mayor. [ No. 2310 J Resolved, That the adjudication of the contract for I, cleaning the streets of the Third Ward to John Bjford, for tihe sum of twenty thousand eight hundred dltar, for one year, be andishereby approved, and that his securities, Win. Titterton andA. S. Buforl, arehereby accepted. [Stgned] E. L. TRACY, p President Board of Asetstanot Aldermen. [Signed] JOHN CULBERTSON, President pro tem. Board of Aldermen. Approvsd July 21, 1855. jy23 [Signed] JOHNL. LEWIS, MLayor. 2i.211 bl tangb n od, That the Aso. 1I eeioved, That the Assistant City Attorney be in. otrueted to cancel two judgments recorded against N. Fltzsimmons o ne in the Second, the other in the Third Justice s Court, should he find that the propery for taxes on which said judgments was obtained,did not belong to, the said N. Pitzstmmons. [Signed] E. L. TRACY, President Board of Assistant Aldermen. [Signed] JOHN CULBERTSON, President pro. tem. Board of Aldermen. Approved July 21 1852. jy2S [Signed] JOHNL. LEWIS, Mayor. [ No. 2312 ] Resolved, That the Comptroller be andheis hereby authorzerd to warrant on the Treasurer in favor of E. D. White for fifty dollarsn, ameuntdeposited by him agreeablyto law govereing the purchase of contracts,t said purchase of contract having been rejected by the Common Council. [ tigaed EL. L. TRACY, President Board of Assistant Aldermen. [Stgned] JOHNCULBIERTSON, President pro. tem. Boeard of Aldermen. Approved July 21,1866. jy28 [ aigned] JOHN L. LEWIS, Mayorm. [ No 2313] - Rsoltred, that the Comptroller warrant on the Trean- surer for the payment of the following bills: Merchants' lnsurance Compny, premium ofinsurance I on a Fire Engine from Ceincinati.. e$80 00 Policy.............................. 1 50--t$81 0 James Lindsay, bill repairs and wo:Lk done to First Dtsclat Lock-p ......................... 112 00 St. Hernandez, Constable Fifth Justice's Court,bill costs approved by E. T. Parker, City Attorney.......... .... 12 0....... 0 31. Hernandez, Constable Fifth Jus- tice's Court,approved by D. C. La- batt AssistanC t City Attorney ...... 0 00--149 0 H. t. Long, 2460O bbls oyster shells at Inc.... 24l 00 H. Wellhalset, shoeing and for repairs to prison wagon Second District............ 12 30 E. Macpherson, bills of Mledicines, Girl's House of Refuge........ ........ $7 35 Boys' House ot Refute............ 2 38- 29 73 J. Liado, bill medicines, Insane Asylum, from January ito May 1 1855........... $4780 Second District PuloeStation, for 1l54 .............................. 9 30 Second DistrictPolice Station from January 1, 1855, to May 5,01855......77 75--14 85 Luzenbterg's Hospital, professional services, maintaiuance small-pox patients to July 1, 1855 .... 0...................22....... . 1,t55 00 Jacob McPherson, Salary asAssistant Porter, for June,155 ................ 02...... 45 00 Barriot Upson, bill sundries forcleaning Malg- azine Market a nd streets............... 4 60 Philip Clark, rent of lot onDryades street, for First District Pound, for Jne 1855......... 10 00 IIarnion, Latham & Co.. two year's snbscrip- tion to" Creole," Mayor's office,from Dec'r. 17,1853, to De'r. t7, 1•5 ...... ............. 10 00 Henry Strong, wbinlgtowels for offices it CityvHall lfor June, 185 ................... 6 30 J. Fremeaux, Lieutenant SecondDistrict Police Station, bill sundries for May 23 05 do do June,...... 14 0 Hirsof slave for Mayand June,....... 50 00-- 7 15 S. Meilleu Soperintendent tnsaneesylum, Keeping insane for June., 155...... 24 904 Salary as Superinlendet 0 oor June, 155..................... ........ 6046 00 , 3 Bill sundries for Jne1S . ....... 17 0-1•2 34 J Luclbe, hill ice for Jae, 1805, City Hall... 4" 72 Suprne •to111 ebosts in sue of oily of New Orlt9" praying for the opening of Philipa•on'd•tl slreet, vs Oillmoroe tal, 72 1U Charles Vlbplffonrecpatis done to Magaznei street Maz•le el. P....o ... ........... 00 Wtdow J. L.-Ra•lit, pFt, cot- tier Derbigny atd`$i ,pufrblic Pound,forJune, .:... 2000 H. G.Pearson, salary a•• t" tee on Streets and . nO Ms••I tt 1 July t, t Sat $5. ... 0. .... i..C 8207 p.Seuzeneau, foro •-•olts ofThbrdDisrbihl a ','i. .. O ..... 25000 Cocoon di Arms~ a~adr} .'1 m ionrnl: NaordllessOloo, t sd,, Dtstrict, May 30,18 ......... ' o Hoard of Aldermen, Juse1,'tbb0... 2520 Police Station, Second Dtstriot, Jun•• 1, 185 ........................ 3300 CityHall, May 31,258 ... 4... 00 Eoliee Jst, May 1, 1805.......... 1 n Becordeds Ofcoe, Second Dltrictt.t,,•. - May 10,1J552. . . . t"Rtoorthera Oit, First Oltetrct,WO, 31, 1520....... . .......... $tl f$ Surveyor's Ofcir, May t, 1!$5 ... 2260 Street Commiss'oner'a OEoe, way 3t, 1, 0........................... 21 00 Pole. Stution. Seig`District, May 56,1 6 5 $............. .. 10 35 Wbar~ter's 06ier First Dfilr;ectl. May3l I ..................... $16 Comptroller'n Oce, June 1,1853... 61675 Trmouoru 0t6., euee I. 1-55. 40 7a Comrlttee 06 Srra and Inaediag, Jane 1,185 ................... 15 00 Polle Stati,, oj-b Diltrict, Mlay 16, 8". ................. . 8 03, ~ 8 Chief of Poli•o, Jane ,. 180....... 14 17 WorLk-house, J.ane 1, ........ 15 40-36 65 Payp Rllof Orplmas' foe Jrna1•96.. 231 60 PayRBolllfO' e•er's I D p a utmg.jf l-ne, t + ........................ s.. a 40 Pay Roll of eity Wok.hboutr for June 18616 beingfoe aalares of t* folio~ ing Under-Wardens,Whose ecarl- tLE sae.ool acc••ed: W,J. Hoe, onaznh "' .... 0 60 S. " Crozat,onue mothi`ol........... o0*, J B.FaLmoner, o0 m .at.... 6.. 60' .. A. 1E. 80ow, twenty days ......... 3a3 8 -- Peth Coyle, bill for hauling 7 spanr at tly ecla.. l .... :..... . %So- Anntin k Goodwin, bill of ifty copper lanterr ind tin ampeforame .................... y370 83 Watermau & Brother, bill halrdwY-forsBL- ,ev s ne MAtt from Janasry 6S6, Io Su ,,1 . .p.:..... . 1!6 11, D. Eeno Who ge. fourth Distret bill sundries forJune. 1655 11 00 R;W Orlens Pieayan , for publishing.oece- in•g ofCounell from Mayng 12, t10,to May 17,1855, including job wor.and advernting, 5218 70 New Oreans Pieuyne: subsereption forelgtyMeere from May 16, 1864-- thirlten eoies at-41........;...... 156•0 13 extra eopies atrve cents........ 20 13 etjtef for Board of Aldermen.... 106 00 27 copies be Assisnat Board of Aldermen ....................... 3040-06 166 Reo•tee, That the SUrveyor be and heals hereby re- aiested to have an awning made to the north cf of Washington Market. Beroelst, fhat the polieM regulations regarding laven and free nsus orf eolor be printed, ied a copy d6liered toeach police oftfiee. [66usd] +. L.. T4CT,. Preeidet Board of Aniamt Adi. [8igned] JON CUL63B56o0, Pret• dent pr tems. Bord A dermen. AprovadJuly 21,66 (Sgnued! JOHR L. LUWI6, ytior. A true copy. Tfeo. Tatxa, Srcy. ir . [ No. 2tlm ] Reaolvrd, Tnhat the Cmpuroller sell at p5blie nor- tion,, after ten days notice toin the olicial joUltal, to the bigheht bidder, thu redge boeat, with the machinery. to., bnlongiagto the city, and now Iiaig near the flas- ,oat basin. p05140usd OmXAD Beeddenpm.- tom.*l~ a il Pzowtderal ~ilA en, Appepre July 86 186. . jyli [SiSed] SOUI L. LW , sor, COSIPTROLLER'S OFIOG, Ctvb oe Nw •OotA.s,4uly1, 1866 . otoiee Is hereby given that on Mto•aty. 5th bu st.; I will adjudieate, at my oece, at12 'cloeloM.tlthe aoee drdge boit, etc.' . o BUYS , jyiS . 14 lt , . tio' . 'Cit oif Ntw O~eanr1 Mo 6 R160L615 Thatehe Oomptibllrrbosus d 41n hereby atithorn sd a c zaquto ad to n g ilee a dea b a iu t ad- ertte ena t in the oeolal jouceal, ta• o 4•n•e .nU thi ntothnrette o r dlamame Kb. 1d.•.peperd hMa ceb, 1004,9 ms coonap wlt not pay sty thoCity ntlesa eutruadid unlreanchrty os at•nd from the emLiperiro, faaormlami ith A reafrred to. President HoaradA'sda6ltolaau. hpprrundAprtlt,16. Sig a eld] JOHN, L. WtWIB,Mayor Th. sttaothn ou the ndmesr ad the oily s tVdd publint rcpeotfnlly nalled to mfnrstotg r miylO 1 N04w rtrus.. PDistDrOi Pdnd. AS brobught to. o, Fis Dhioet PO on Dr• - W odes ttet, nearTritojWalk, s tras0-- i onedset brownMare tMuat Sat 18 hands tgb, with a rope oon the0 noklame In the oiLgthinbdleg. One whites Pemale Goat, with yellow spots, One whrite mnae Gbat.withyblelowrnk. Os. enoat H~ors, aboat 14) hands btlgtos lgbi bind E foot white, large joint on'the let knee. AM•o an tncnmbwo•on icatonnt& onur pieedos o Lumber. t oe o0d iro'tanunOe. Whieh, if net. ilatmd withInton day• the ax- peoee theeon paid, will be oid at petic nlotioo at ase pounid, on MOIDAY, the 28 14t. at lO n4 oekA. M. AUG. 8. PHBELPS, Skeet tomamlneaone. New Orleans, July 11, 181. - L a ate conduit au Depot des Zpavee da Prmler Dis- itrirot, rue Drades, pres de in promenade Trltobnt oomme eopvee- UnDo Male bran flnce, d'enviroa 13 maJns deo haut, syant one cords au aou, estrople doe I jamnbdmr1te de derriere. Une ChObrreo blan•m•o, yant dertahes jaunes. Unoe Cunere blanuhe, i10ou janme. Un Chevl •dean, 'envtron14mainos et ddehiede hen, i1 pled droit de dg•len sbhe, ia jointure o geno guohe large. Aunee comma embur• sur in vote pubtltqe, Q•utre pieces de Rioe. on vies Canonn far. 'ile no seont ne reolauoee dens dix Jots, a lo de- penoes payees, ie aeront vendusn a l'eneeaepublique. an .dlt depot, LUNDi, Le 23 dn couret, a 30 bohnem A M. AUG. S.P LPp Commlmawo de Rume. Noovelle Orleans, 11 Jolllet, 1815. Ipj 1023 Sacond District Pound. W AS brought t the Second Distriot Poumd, corner of St. Ann andDerbigny streets. to estmys-- Two white, yellow and black Female Goats. Oneyellow and white semale Goat, ear eropped, with- outhorns. Onewhite MailGoat, both earscropped. , Whlioh, if not claimedwithin ten dsys, andthne thereon paid, will be sold st public auction, at tsd ato on FRIDAY, the 7thinst., at 0I o'clock A. M-. - AUG. S. PHELPS, Street 1 ommineo. New Orleansao, J ly 10,1855 L a eate conduit no Depot •ea Epaveo du Seconedle- 1 tr0101 l'enooignure des rue lSte. Anneet Derblgny, oomme epaves- Deux ,nneres, blanoches, jauone et nolres. Ute Chorrs jaune 0t blanohe, lea orellles ecourtes, eene cornea, Tn Bouo blanc, lee orelllee ecourteea. Si lea dits aoiman noe sent pas reclamee daoqdi joeer et lee depoenes payees, it enront veodna a L'eno ere pub. liRn, as dit depot, YENDREDI, Ia 27 d courant, a 10l beures A. M. AUO. S. PHELPS, Oomnmiselre doe Rue. Nouvelle Orleanolo,1 Jullet, 1888. jy7 23 27 Police J•il, Second District.' WT AS brought to the City Policer Jail on toe 3d day Sof July, the light negro boy JACOK ; lsS feet 7 Inohes high, about 840 years old. ysae he belodge to MNI. Iigand'e brickyard, at Penracola, Fa. Theowner Is re- quested to call and tclaim ald selarve according to law. B, PLANICHAD, Keeper City Police Jail. NewOrlearns, Jly 10.,1855. jyll I• V OUmHi s, oiiOoo & UO., No 16Tohoo- ppbar street E r. b"b n .w Irrul"- p0Hre Ctaouum 8und Lemonds Mid. ) FlOUR a O SlII. Lo 01,00. ( . I .0an and LemonA nIlH.) LAID OIL-ISO bU. CmoOIIO'. To0io',HuS', Kogl.', Wbht .o d th -6,ud".. PERK-OH HI. Sb..r .,d Prime. BEE-I40 bbHI . d hol bbl John H. Davi,' ell- ,FHilJ MWat 505005 4uvur,1 o0~ 0.01 .00 To~ro g0I b 00100 0000~1. HISOO-00OI,9 . i JohH . 11k1I0'o. . o. TkoootJne ohu S8o'0. .olJok n It. 01.a' ehiO,, 8051I CurId. WHISKY-H0 I bbl OI.,H, O.o'. Ha Hodm,.' .od Coo..llo 80AP- '0 boos Ow,. Shllltbo'a lo pad I' .,. 0h b,,ic0I.or 0b MenneOn 0 1. STAR CoIDLKS-IOSO boS..and halS boo.0.,H o. .,l H., v BUITanR AND00IKNRE-IWO pkg. A. W. 500.0' Wak0rn DLII . CATLD WIK WINAOS bb boo,.I 0 0 oolo b'. H I.0H0 B000'- CATL I IN `ti100Y Loa of Lun~wortrD e aburted BPlui- * in., 10ny47.-..I Wo0S1d DIy. j.1 1,0 ' LOlR I D A YELLOW PINE LUMBER YARDS.-TIe u.doH0.I d 00., lo 000i1i0m H t10,1 old an D..I boown O.bliHihb Ioo *0,..I Iooobkog, 00. o .luoo yard OX. 01Od Suluo, I0000'0g h C0000 o0Ib.,Co..a.l Wk, 00000 Vd.1k and .0050.51 leet., .. d SLPaler vests, h,ra they tee on. euotly an bhan :g~ral b 0 .onmOutoI 00 eilr'ibg0000riKly .5 nd P4 ,arch, arro.w aon wHidb, dnosb, todld and groolie 010,0 Pin. C W.I L 5 1 %l.,I Olp5 0000 000000000 wid., dOloHO) tH00I.d 0,0groIve nI god 01,, poo ..leogH Aioolo.0d, I500n 00 0YHllow 4 Teweo l, O,.i.O[d dIobo Wkol .. 11 nrdi o.11'7 po. op. 'I IhI.h.d0.0oifiylR,00liI00I00d.0010Or .. kl0 io0 1HWuLH .1110,..I lo e Bone Rod.rd oom.I. A d R..hy1100511011".0d. an ,.l B Or.. maln k . r Lumber at Lhelr ffiib on Peeerrel anddlarJ rurr By,. Wut Piond.,bdr oU.o tod e, m. 4 o . PhiN'0lph.10 ,,.ri11 , 0 1 I York Botin,Aup Wet?. l~ltO , Le na.Crrpua Ch'il 05 b otter port .longbe hlaauc al 4uf -a,, nary A ur brad. 7fiyere ottm plrpo~rd to ulpply olden or the 4glrk . d obar Rarop..n muknrn. Tt Thr1r Lu 1isk l all~l neat'; piledopinshedsbd loi b eli aup.Y r l n.11 tin'! wll aarud ad -ng forlolrnrldloi ueur. n 10 16yk, NICOL A OD.. _Q.._ ry, Co.u. .. d r l .1--el.t;;U' N. w D Ra+In. LAR A& H WSUANDILE3, WilISkY,ecO:; 100 bblO bbls Rawt L ord. ao tl, eosu Ca:.d Nm.. sAod-o do cask C le or a~ndRb d Soo ht do do o do 9W b~ o~lR. W~y hrd * do Rodo weak) Di bbl, Id,. Whbd.( 900 do lltch~r W bLky 9G0 bo~r Pearl SWrrb. 80 bblCb-GN pl. aodo Atmho. . 60 do OW kfoonosb.L W hi~ky.` llo yy err wad rlpnih Back. Dor..tis.';Bnoh.%i erTll by IJU5LH LAN DI 5 CO.& 101, 13lbbll, rSrt 01.! IVHoSlsKY- 80 bbls Ra w, SICote IRos ean 11 ~~m1d r OSEPH1 LANDIIB t CO.. $3 Tlwdoitool.l.t. JJACN--100 casks Clar and Ribbed Sides, W do. kcaidlan, choir Ciotm a L-d, Cu We b jy1T rORLH LIND19 " CO. Y'laay - n." -- L%~ 1 OW~ PEAS-SW bagse Oarolins seed in store. lot' w. 7 BABRLI A Co.,NO. 41cows= Wal 1e~ ?onwRA no nu-air .ne-o f the meny amusing aneodotes of e man of Roa- nihe, we do not biu., Mleqhlg weas ear inpaint e e ws tr vering through a pet o V•flni in whichub i unacqu•lated,;. m m he srtppad dof tue It nlgt e lt ann eeese forks of the r~. T n*l4n•n wee M a ue gentleman, and no B t onaethefbre. . lies in the Old Doan5a. KooSwng whe his distinaguished gUast was, he desvmed dunng t he evenig to draw him into eeavemslio, bau fed in all his etr Bur t B l the manting, when Mr. Rsndolph was ready toseleef)lleal f 4 w hnnid. ladlord, still nssose s hewesese convesetlno with him, began •d Mlon: "WH e wa e you traling, Mr. e=n- "i," M a rid .N eh, with a took of di- "Dol owe yen afything somas,, "S*o." "Well, I'm going jut when lr e- do you "Yee.." The landlord by this time got wevwhet exei. ted, d Mr. Randolph drove of. But to the lSlO!e'eanrprise, ina en inowaes theservmat :me or•so for bhifePaser which of theforks ." t..Ro npt being out of hearing.dia• 'taae, he epoJe o ot.p of hie oioe: "Mr. Itandoph, on. dont pye se one cent; just take which roadyQu pltegsee vhsFsFwn nD WI 1 e fOd the fol- rowisg fish iPn a latee a llhtberfine Boston T•tuript: "At this csi of 4S h year, when numerous species of the pieostory tribe resort in indefnite nmbes to their usual haunts to de- posit their spawn, the wster at the foot of she large dam at Lawrence, on the ItMerimsa river, prelets a ourious and interestng' spectacle. losaleulable sawrms of lamprey eels,. sbd and alewives have gathered at thi point, for the purpose of repairing to the upper tributaries, hut the fslls being eighteen feet in height, the force of the mzniatie cataract Is sfech that thamt prgeeem is eoettually stayed. They at- tempt all e•saef wage to elr theb falling masl of waters, only to be duae yt: •.twrepeet ta , vaino ex 1 perlment. When the darn we in pro- green of constrtio, ith uiatory habits of ti.e Thl were c tid'e rs and a large, eutstan- tial fish coase, built of heavy timber, was ereteda thesoutberly sad, tthet y might readily 'follow their insintle nsatre; but they wore thwarted by-there ingtilde, so that not evenm sain; that e•deedigly nimble fish, isable to stem the current. Millios of fish, chit* leelprqirtisherefore, aesumt•late in p ' Mp av1e four istic of our oommon harbor eel•t•hles teh is ,noted 2i e ,y btlaek quantities at taierreks, and sent abroad to i fastidiouhs peiat A DoG ToeY.-A friend in ftiashrg, who signs himself "On, e who.reades pays for the erCLed:' (nth n entitled toe arunsg atp ol tt dfollowing Mr. tO .Hopkins, late of Soltid ag, who led in Jeeary last, had a smaed'asprightly terrier, named "i,". of whisc lewasvery fend. After the 4aof his pasiar, Nlggrew meianohO•'. NotI the f~soi- do seeed to amusm him. He coLd `tbe enaticed from the side of his baitrees, but eeald follow her bont everywhere, grave sad sdate, as though au•ualy thinking of •h•dldll mister. One day a closet containing be ia ter's cloth ing was opened. No soo~ r did NE isooverth garments, thah he friked•tisuh•t a frantic with delight, evidetlyezspeltngi~M meeter to appear.. When the poor animal discovered his error, he testified his disappointret by piteous and mournfl howlige. ln May rlbupoor g grew, more melancholy h ever.4All attempts to inda•blt to leave" th were unavailing, until one day hie went t9 visit the grave of her'husband. Tha folloo, and on arriviogat the ound comtnienced 4 g and moaning, testifying his grief In the 1 affecting manner. Prom that time he.could ot be enticed to leave the grave, but stayed day and night till he starved to death. He was found there, stretched on the earth, cold andstif- [Danevili ser. To offset the above and show thetheman be- ings have some feelings as well as brutes, we give place to the following, which we And in the Pittsabrg Dispatch of the 10th: A German, named George-Shank, aged bout ffty, for many years hetler,. for Dr. FIg, in Waynesboro', committed saicide last Satuday morning, by hanging. The only cause for the act seems to have been distressat the death of a favorite horse belonging to the Doctor. Dur- ing the siokness of the animal, Shank was heard to say " When Fox dies I want to die," and after its death, when removing from the body the halter, he said, " the halter will do me a service some day." airY Ranxoto.---htary nedmond was the daughter of a patriot somewhat distinguished among his neighbors in Philadelphia. Many of her relatives were loyalists; and ehewas play fully called among them " the black-eyed re- bel " She was aooustomed to miast several women whose husbands werein the Ainerican army, to procure intelligence. The dispatches were usually sent from their friends by a boy, who carried them stitched in the beck of his coat. He came into the city bringing provis- ions to market. One morning, when there was some reason to fear he was suspected, and his movements watched by the enemy, Mary un- dertook to get the papers in safety from.him. She eant, as usual, to the market, and in a pret lte4game of romps, threw her shawl over the 'boy's head, and thus secured the prise. She hastened with the papers to her anxious friends, who read them by stealth, after the windows had been carefully closed. When the news came of Burgoyne's surrender, end the Whig women were secretly rejoicing, the sprightly girl, not daring to give vent orenly toher exultation, put her head up the chimney and gave a shout for Gates. It is said that in consequence of thelate mas- acsre, the Allied Gevernmeots will issue the fol- lowing proclamation, ifsatisfaction is refused by Russia : "Colonel - , of the Russian army having committed a cold-blooded, cowardly and brutal murder on the persoise of three offi- cers and sixteen seamen of her Britannic Ms- jesty's navy, who, under a flag of trace, had, unarmed, entrusted themselves to his honor and that of the hoble profession of arms, which he has disgraced by the cowardly act of an assas- sinand pirate. Colonel - ishereby placed without the pale of the law of nations, which he has so disgracefully violated, and it is hereby ordered and directed, to all whom it may con- cern,that upon hiscapture by any French or British naval or military authority, he, the said Colonel - shall, on being identifled, be im- mediately hanged by the neok until he is dead, and then the usual reward for the apprehension of a common murderer (.C50) be paid over to his captors." The 'volcanic repeating pistol" is the name of a newly-invented firo-armin New Haven. It carries a Minie or conical ball, in a rifle barrel, and will put it through, it is said, a three-inch plankat a distance of ninety rode. The receir- ing tube will hold ten ball-cartridges, and can be deposited i*twe seconds of time. The pistol may be discharged thirty times in fifty seconds. It is so contrived that itis not liable to acci- dental discharge. There is no priming, no caps and no recoil. The powder and ball are in- closed in the same metallic cover. The exansting air-pumps used in opnnection with Mr. Richardson's atmoepherio'telegraph apparatus, are to be twenty feet in leigth, and of a oalibre or area equal to fifty times that of the tube, so that one hundred feet of the tubs will be vacuated by each stroke of the pumpe- probably about twelve thousand feet per minute, or one hundred and thirty miles per hour. Four times this velocity may be obtalned, how- ever, it required. Thetube is furnished with an ingenious arrangemento nmechalism at each station where it is required to open the packago orates.

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Page 1: FOR SEA-GOING VESSELS. ANb A. NEW ORLEAN DAILY … · W. Hrpp~lK PBON tr~et.CO..g9 DjS~O. I new GOR LIVERPOOL.-TheA fast Il-0 ot y .02 p1.,Amerp WETEUTH Y I J. D 1. ir.. lo ter, i


Booard. 1'-U. S. M.11 Liln-Tbe t"..IXl$ 6 ON . ho,.Lrw oo. 0o, sOI Ie.o

HARBUG A MORGAN, 1o tbonllOlr..L,opp 1, the Bt Iaurpp La-dlru.

. lhippo.. 'll. pl... pro0d. t1*m*lr.0Awith We "lo6 .oobU.orlodioo. No ,onrform .IlbM.0Igo4. IyU

To. W1o TKARBDAY Y A O 9,l Bo cod[ A.E..F '0 BRAZOEsBANTIAOOidal-

.,'oo-'Aoo Or .... end T.ood 00nl0otoho.i,:;-lli h onewod mo g llouutooomoeoip NAA. V'hmn pon o000000,dr,w .AII,mvnpooo p oOIIU. Ior p000*0, bl.".1iol IeI .trt,,Oo ,odC0OppIyto

&ORa RGN tloRA o0t Jo1 200.,

C+ ialR

D y,o, .00.I so ledr Aro"..t.oD o othOthcr. 000dlr0000

bT"12'.pn most pro.... llloollrul with tb" lanmllrl bill ol

Ildnn. n other fr m wll ll Nt igne. _ 391_

`, OR PIILADELPIIA-ReSulaY LiJneoif .rO~te.- Doe A I p.0.k t brIg IOI05. ALII"

ZOiNE, Symm)lmubl ter, hriiDP " Lrg Iwruo9 e b) .. I "..".g. d

wjIs qul k h p dplob. 10, o 10000 om ,l o 0 0 ergp s Opplyj,4 oeo. W. 5020500 CO., Bs 00p.0O..t.

F OR PHILADELPHIA""Th5 fast sail-bidg OULpO$lIC. 000I' AS sur, ,"yIog .1 A.4

.otdPo~~RNwOdM"o.S.00 00,OW. W. 0Y0050?,N k d0. 8 .O0.p sweet.

TOR BOTON.-Regular Line of bk-. ffklon comuer, bvingp 11- Wlll.. other eergoleg.d edul I onu

yulrk d-pptW Fr IoJuea of repi~h eer.p' toOAO. W. IY0NbON L'O., 08 C2D saet.

.torp OO.IID7 e e, astI .9, FI. ld ,AJIII.WC.8


i, ,0ulgAOO,2yOO{hip0MA1L

N, LTb. M.pOo

fr +ight or *Lu~uol,.,"pply onboad nt Vnb $uet orbU1 0

j OI'N1SiLC 6Oonoto..

ua). W. Hrpp~lK PBON CO..g9 DjS~O. tr~et.

F GOR LIVERPOOL.-TheA I fast new Il-0oty

p1.,Amerp WETEUTH Y I 1. J. D .02 ir..ter, i. Iwrdxloj. "+d w.R hrr yuck pnpLk lo km twolnu the

AA5A of 2eU b 0.0a ,ooog5d, 0IY ooNp. C. e06LRIT " CO. ig C~o Itr1.

nluer on Ingvd. , Pal I 71 r ibrc I mlitiw 4PO to th

jylO WNO~~LOVI2L~C~oO~ojO.0

OR LIVE-TOL--The sld fast sail- ingtogAmrireu "bt1 MA$T w LBTlfYY C:plulYScboi LWL h.,, o o jr. o 00.0 Obsglo 0000 f Ldt"I.

oL. Put , ,hlroo.bo0 orn0or00eo0. Ago,2Jytt OIFh"NLI JIPBLG, Il{Combo. l treat

NoOR LVERPOOL,--The new Ami-

101 000. W.r.Hip WEY YNOO&C. C lwD.BotpOtt,ha Jo t. .r.ur pwt of Drr urlo ea Inrtl h"16 Im~olotuudluyulrh. hor trelght of 6W bales & up ly t

jy113 OIPFN AY " WVY:i~t. 11. CompoDlV1

IVO1R BA4LE--The splendid fast sailing~ik.; ,ll LOWIL11 llorln I'll seen tborogghlv or" -Ak

IW nd re, It 1. a Lttmore, with uew par., wWr, rlgulul,aFor terms, apply wo1e19 OLO. W. HYNSON k 00 , 82 C~mp stn.


fhic Linei"<ompoa .Ilhn!ollowto r anaal.,ts sail pna~ttl1l1y

Bartl C:. W.YOOLT(EY(D"r)...........1.... Sant mratltTh*. HABANNIND ND( ,i..........1y f....d..: .i.. nnlb ........h..... C....p..U.t.. lb*.

Bri` D. 8.aROWF(( .w) ...................... :"kfim. ..Sb .. '.!. Sd. FA(frS .......... .. d

BEFIC OFOL\, NEW RLEANS SAV GSNh"a T!" rI!N-(U r N ! .lt Sb U.,. for tSN,*! sta baUIhSL..liSbtd W.%Uol r!SUr, and InvariabSy.rou h hont

Int.,r. bo Bt.tM. .Ufl) b. maern A,!!,. !,kth.! SB.and ritlalwayaW lo Ldvlad dP athp laprL,..ha!gq.UwbnaiCSdSvdfNpNdN*Uf~w6lb~k5Waa

iblefu~welyalbaPB...A,, Was, nolollllLLlttrl;Purel.r PcLkly t"ator as Oa bubd or Lhmmnntcalr r"Lolrr Blill. of La es I ttb Inr or of.n~ht~~

,e.reon BUpr!SHd. dF. N. W'..Aaa TAAh.rbr bbS...,"itg-raoo B.Atio fU..Apl 6 . D .

W C. IgQBpLCRT t O. MINCER, PA.prH.rr Apatat httadl~hia;J;AZZ$ A BTLBG, N. 6 Frt


k.... M!!hb qTbo o(ce or tq 'DMt~eauol win I . ow lor she taeaprlon o! oe

ppuaiY -ermry .M16(Buada~aee"tad) from pb 8 .'Nok, sa

8a~arday oalyalial o o'looo.

1Gr. plo alppta.1( tbalaodais Ittr dl] l1mud by chMol 1Iaor-iaraflo. he hlll Dtl of tha Iiisu tate5 of th Btair of Loa-eiaol, and of the y of Xaw Orlbua

l naupon nrrt6" of ntN.on l11dond iliaoprld;R~a Y1Nt(Within the limibrb. b. oltl (SNrr Orlaaar MtorooodtntTbu per 11-t.of thY CreYdaW o qm l.ieedo c ran f a m t Bea .He

All InUreetor Yrvll den".J from rhsr ovlaonMoT d rh. faea!"Wba 4."IW fud a...... fly am and iha Deipito-

No Ir-wio a n Plncll or tbdirrefy borrow an or ha (..d., or r"-

Grrllcatesat dapu./t". lurfa l ared 1t s r t to b" asr<d pa..,li. ru.d rraomaoti.In 9W dpo"I d (r aaiel~d tt",

M. A. i~ D. I4I WHy. mOIIWF. LT. IM'-. I, Cao hil. rl~rt, R. B.1nm6rrO. C. DooM) b H A. IF OiUWI W~lmea o~o1, N. Void. Thos. A U1rrr.Tha A. d~am, X.A. B1 fm d.. 13C D. D. WIL

A. D. ZtLLIY(.. d.

D. D. WIII~bt naan..NT. 8.--CopI of th Lcl:M I..Bp. k a ul armb~oL

taradnthl a~. _ _ btt9-


Da. C. M. JACKSON, PMiadatpbia, Pa.,WIlLL arrarrvkLT was

Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,Chra*i or Nearuaa Debililt, DIoaawe. of tlhe Kidneys,

.and al! disa s a riing from adisorded Liaer or Slaaach,

Y Co)M l-tlaa. ta..d P1%, Blooad T thtl

ttat, rallty at ti. amamalaNYauaa, ttaaeb.aa thaga~t In, taid,

Fabtnw or Wifght Iv tie bto aaeeh, Eoaa-a-alan, bbaLtng or Plibtalag at tIh Fib t baWe

bbaaoma, Bimma'ag f tbe Hed, Harri.d sadiimuutt Nrenthmg, IIYLUII. et tee Henry Chmting

trataablba ba.auinat. w ae ath Lrag Posture, Dia-a.. ofYuTa a Cl. la WIb. N , b,. the "iaba ttr a Y

Dali PFa a- a., ibabieaty oa Pauiln-la, Y.1ab u oi aa a l lb. Ski. s bd., PuaI. in. &A., . t-k, Ch.,, Wmlb, atcr.,

badd.a Fluab.. of t ant ta.-a is the Pi..k, Cab.Oaut ImlWing. aRail, ..d gait

'Cl,. PropriPta, is alt1

aba .theat tao ath Pabltibo thi prttin-9I0 adou w a f t a ooa -d. .

.a.aiiauo to h. d-- r rbIbbI It taa raomaamdd.It, no.a aa tad waarad eabla, Dtit ra t th.t.astaoodh t.Nt at.e

4n ,ear . trnal before the ramaaa ptpl., Yd ata aaabon aid ntdlla unriraild byay u laprapaatb .a..It l known baPhyba taaIaylfaaa, naia 1. -11 aba a.4aof paathe aahf d atl uba Pyia.vadoridal.a'ipoa b ababtay I. llaaa~... 7a follba'ag

bam your own Baaa V respactfullyab baiaed rranag y aybaaayuIl daabtaaw y my'Matitabhia,' or Franaala W aa p auant, farLarmaaa .ad Fsaaimlt, l b. badaraaI, o eibl tbhbRA aaio tna Bar

Fma,11 0

.isa d LtaahabWry., 1tttiab tn lta hiba-IlppiRa.PP bald Wba.aai aod riWl byJ UNY WabbltT oC,., it6

Cl ,,r.lo,.. New 0,1-4. ad bO, ' blaaalbte m;


r ahrd .o 1I Opluutl. Rai. 0, .11 Aawhr Ollreul sod 'LulLIf ..oA, ,oo1I1i.. IA eG, u..h Th Adams Es"." i.for nil tha p toclpal .Nice anrd Town. to the Kurth And West, And At

HOLDL5'0 STAGER AND EXPRESS WAGONSfor Thibodaux, HauN. Ti~erille, D~srrrlol' ay P L'olrrnnnll,Snur.,lI., F,...ahl, G.1M ,M4, .. ,ll ,,Sutlirr W. o.OpelouI..

S..0cil., d lrlJ. V.1.01.1,. .00 Aondl. of every d,...l ..0.14.11,11d and l pov epomptly. Not.., Ih01,, littl, .w., I.

'led e.rd all order. attended to pntllgI.,Fw dl ,.1.dd0p.0010.Ily.t EXPREASA oh..lC d(lSp5.11.1 M...,1.All 0Ior,,.dd or Od... .rom New 0rl,..,r I A.1.or1010,i l

b dair ut the t Offl. 1bre P, M. the day previoru to IYYaLYreIslu Ieft at ]oopSph Blrr'al1 i Uhl Levee lulrw ilt Nois prompt

EXPRESS Ieave Ad.... 3 Co.'s ORS., Camp strel dlly at 1A. VI. Returuing,.iIgri F,.Slm Hou10 ,Tli00A00, l1'.M.,?ndBu; .. L.Ioorh al a P.M.

RAILROAD AND CITY BAGGAGE EXPRIBS.5'I. 55 ra.1.011 w1h the above.,lhere ij. A. PEnRAIfor the

trnnpporatian of Bgggage w q ao part f the cty of New Orlsur, wthap ,sebgen siivin theirnrmr do heck to the Espre+. Uen...t, .o t .. lo...u ,ggag.o deLiYvO.dI A. di-yll, .. 0 p,.....,.

.d1.h. STARR S. JONES0, 0.6 8s Camp .GoIt.

T. ARE GEORGS.-The FORT WILIAXL HIENRY RolGL, I.14,d IAth.A.bu., plaewill b0 open for

,llr Ier.CtL of bartsI on th 64th of Jaolo nt.This 1. n new b1. ecl, rrnrt~d since Brpwwer last, hostedlt the

.oath ed of the Lke, rmmm~dltely "it innrll tbr oloa of ion WII-,0um Hsey, .od a'bull dih..'0 f1,,she Lr.. Ho... iltoa

w 01, of Ilse L*ke I., mle.. The In h1.opuld Aurol hola te adabout 660,000. It il US srr to lyrh w the Lake se 4 deep, wrtb

iog Ile IIhie rar. Th11 ogn l.. lid out t.-tIeL hmata1.. ...... w0, ,ith.-l1....p, atl. 001.I.,S..I ` OA.o 4.od.o,..

IllA.EGG.Gd ILAyth.lASI00lb IGyA.. dLr bonlp) loI 14 ,1, .,

(ishol and d te etf . mnurt"u spring the dullalr o( ll and -,leds

to of part of th, funliihll.g " full llp/ly of hot and coldben h". T n hr "I t n..r t " as ery fon sod couveolan. that can beIlrlir d annd is lurnllhrad in a style not if~rfar t oo.' Ont-elass City

re e lf ra l. ,r , witih cumpluw Ienalutlln, and netrof them -.. Itl, fhat .uric'u of rtnm. may be bcd or pn raw parlor,Smay be preferred. A Livery Slle l.00I)nloI1d with the houG,,P0,0.,,r with an ,,,.od.....oI.oaIle ar, ,.

TRANSPORTATION FROM CHARLES-ION., .b ,10120ON2511CRX ALA.-Untl 1h.... uo.e,

22 r.. ...222.Ih21522Rm C2 rl2222, h. C., to 22.2tamxry, AIle~ ill

V lan .i2 .1.f212t, 6 .sot.-lae.., 12.s bonnes, 2.ro1un.,.121g*. ice, le. a., tattleu , ma tat e nd other light Irliotas.

Si.cce SI..., j21 222.., $iSO-1222.212 5222 *2s2, .. d.I,,y,dry , 2, 2 .1Lg. t, 5,1222, pest r-t ,root, g ns. eair 22 Ly, usdnnu tlgs, d~tee , , xmfbn e sad~pirit Hope Irn fa sestet agr, cof-/.rrn elclr) eLIte.,.,, 2.22.22, .2212.2, dry hides, tie, 12. 242.a.Itrllllrreat nd Lool, mo. rahedw .urlly a ir er hr. ' ore , n22.5.. l222,2 222.2. a g g mgmwbne Ie e.I, Ity~uor) emlkrarY m [ ro sad carg saw, it,,lira ry tnla Lion rxlatlvs to ship t of goo e, .Ia Chsrlolton, to

the i2,.2or of Oeorg.2, T..2222 sad Ai25222tJ2 ., Iw b22l222s2p; heatheno to fHWKI Y TONG,

1,8 4m Sm. swn treet


tw...2ygvl.2 2 2C22222ilPd by222l 22222 from the most22221l22e 2 th eta 2e is now 2dmitted to be the2i;ET ANTI.

DY221CT2IC 2212020 .2.22frof22d to2th2 public. Pnc2., n..per Wt. f222.2 the2. I2,22 bees.. her. . 2 1d of, god be setaa x t1ey ire p2t. p with th12 222 22,22s,22122o can.22,22

th22wen numbs 2(40)n"h222to2222. Th. 2222p22 P..2his

h22,r ,.22222m, wlu hls r. li22on a phybici2, for 1,22r21TY e.dCIS'ICACY 2' THAI. 21Bg. It122 n2.52,2222 publish 22ni2222,.,but be ha a,, be of them, tltlbiyl t the tron~ea Innglr g. totheir ,irlw.. . from 2 2ch menu At12. 2e.2W. 2222, 2..hop o2.l.2222.42p11 Its. aHe. 21G.o.,; 22.. W22. 22.22.22... 0.D. Rllo.2.%2 N. C.; 2222. 22...C 22~yr.542822.22222F1R2. 222,. 2...}LLe lvwD. D., or North Laroil.2 Ho2. Jndge Po521 U B. Court;

,2u.,. 4,rl2 ,+uc2,1 2 H2. W1. treater. 8. C.; 21. 12n,.. m .-

Ca'm , 62,,2,2.112, G2.:.2222 52hn H12 d.r2.2,22at U. 2.B.2122or.2.deb .522221.r.1lar i.222s42.

Fur ,.1.,2 N2.Orl,.m b.y Jw..2 '.o.G. N. orl.on, .B..W he2*a,12,22,,. CL.s22,L" D. B2..h.A., .ndby D..ggi.t. generaly

12... V 22a 222 22to,22 th2 222122n net.1 2,. 22 JOHN 22CCV`Ii5 1. M. D., P itersh. Va., to 1.hom .2ld.1...wl pl22.m .pply

I UrlUE-'he Husineess heretofore conductedby the underaigoet under tbL Firm of1 BOGRT, WILLIAMS

, l1 1111, ueal~u d fromu the LSrat o October under the aryls of OA. BLIIIAIT b CII. S. C. IIIOIRT,

N-0'lInn.-I1. 5, 1144. IGIIONTORY;I7R. 14

L OR RENT-The convenient end well to-!4,e d Cfour.Dy BRICK STORE, NI. II C~mp Sbwl.P

Youulooy gm. uuumu;;;tal. Apvvll ti1l IbI. W. NION a CO. N C.,p.b.t.

A PECIAL SHOE NOTLCE.-City andJ' CbIsIDn lehanttl. berabyilormDed 4h DAVID

bYlO)i O..dkplCr.ylSDI* 41 rw,.IN s ocuptI~r newan depotpaiou.8tor (1 MMLZINTIHBLT op-~positeook. A cadead have on hand sler~ .d .. pat snt

rat eo BOT8,SHO~d AND BROGANS.I l of whichb isoffend..btbh meat 5.ber.1Drm. fo124 DAVID TAYLOR CO.

OUTS, SHOES AND HATS-.-WA enc~otrosesvino at the old 'tend of I.. b

Ds.~D&CC,rs4~rs6.b5OslSll* 4441r~ald we I44IeaIC.ICOb51 BOOTB and SHOESo ~dHATBof all kinds, .hieb.ltgabbr ,,h tLes on and, caLsk our\t;o;vJp fnmnp l-tt . IOC trmssrtha( ill dO well to call ooa..

1. CIpf.ANTATION 400 y rck, II uI urpAI ~ d I. h cbCity..e NEW HA LL. VALENTINE A CO.


No. 67 A arren hA *, New York, he,, Ino wD4111, and - rA4C401d.1 huom -tun Need t"erwY ull auortm Of SH"KB,


F Thha 05 U y inutile then toISIr swb.4b5 u ei i,


VOLUME vim. MOINDAY MOBGxINGL 2a 1855. weaas 684.


o,,.; e. r' oqh. .ob tk Bondoboo, Pool

A bo. oS, Vehooooo. a~e.'I~otoIooLoooo poBO0

*l.,.LOnf1Gal,Cpt. I.aeph S4.WIIB011 Wn0pOOOO 000er Pont.

A~ltmm d tpy CL-16a 1".pal nd Irit-r. nniol pleaeogar

1" mm~r LOUIRA, C pt . -W Khl, wll eooh.., .oA to e elo peALA'AoO to 7il 1 pIOO0 to boIB.olm 1,eb the f oui t pmade. . pp a

him and CGlil Lntburq o the "msr Nateh. and will Rfye prorp(rt..tls N lPlIUbo bas~eer. Palr freight or pulI 1IIJ o.h.rd4 o T. B. Book.t, SI/ CaOl'.e

N. B. The LooIotliIl Oc41)En ih0t0eY o SOk.N Ald aod P. C.WosiMoo ad IIll Nkf r I fit for iay t on th Yaroo Iq-. JB9.f

REGULAR ST. LOUIS SATUR-Lwi~.EDA70 o.- hesqlBdMd 9.000g.

nemt .J. : Jams TakormaebI., 00.0040bp Otl Atolodl.O 00dlI.o

5110 BBLI0 JBBIOFOAMA". 6 Coo, vc P ,

HA UBDAY, o1. ,o.,ooh'oloc .P. JThl. beatla Mrol' dA a t lyu .ppmrord nyb" ea " plrtlwiar

foe aabt, epeW ad comfor Peeeenan dodepend apl r~ t paolLAMB Uhe lme WOBT d. PACEllI

R O~n WD HID WARPsd-I~~SBELLS BUCIg9AN CO.,*111 ooo 0,Wtl O s. t

BBK sr07nao roxlhI' 00

ROI B 7:! I~WARD-IItutbtlhu ln o tho Iboye

B I~L LI CpI".


. AI4SA?. 1th 0l, hHT OOBAT,l 001..

.. .0"

AOFD 000 Bf0 0099,1 00 4 7 0


'lib boitb Arrotihe in 46/ raotsppro rsa 0 stle in put lWg rr,

I..,..e te OnDAYS .11F. M,,.oIs n FRIhDATBIllyat ho. W 4.oIFotoo

'O S LIN UeL L-SNooA o ooooLeIttt.A pb. of lb. cabin eau b" wem uld Ut""-rma Irednky ooolg.

Slojoog ol BAY. T. LOUIS .PSO coLI Sin.



nl/ /m CON CRYW LO~llcl(d


FjM JLL LINE---Sllmmld -IUL .d

6Nnbg t HAY T. 01y ad PASS 10 IBS05AN, wate 00,er/funs d0010 toBe, gOB.. 90, C.eIh.d~TURSDAT'H std BATDDAdT'H, IO*1, andx Yd' w

TNURHDAY7.rruaiyrToe apadfd lo* or soon fielLoasn n 18A . L a1~reuio" I.0 IkA:R,,oB a OIO700,OO L. MAI4.

muir, It e~yn l for W md, with pl* . YImdmP aar

Oa o!the hay+ tesnn Iill Ir eke 1 oobhanutrql - _BUrn

p' lyegbt. uggage a:KraW f9 g, meet b..t Ik depot by.1031 o~i:be l, n M. oor thyeam o oas~ that da".

Irl1 R. EUSD E, Agmt., No. tBo nk PI .


BNBFBBNBBEIOXI. 0Brr B,410 ATrBJ~l le did IB pObBO p0r O TeO CKBrLE, bOB Vooo t,

#a*Lwlskyo tol,.,to oPolsrtroo L l*Iaon r ooBr!t ES opfthe anu fotiorc

b01 DA. BA,... M.ra.o. MONDAY HiYOSINGSTIUEDAY........ B A. 1. ca.1 W DNUDAY EVENiING.TIIOBDAY .. BA. .b9A.oa.o FRIDA MORNING 0.01010FRD .. ,; 4P.M. *** iYoAT MoAog,.

WYBB.WbHDE IAB. I..,. 1 aORf, A10. A.d"PBb1B.0

e v I 1. 11.*1Hq, $:EDDBS. ABo.BLIOBHankI00.c

RAaikoAD lo AVn N(G. j

~ It'

1.. AN&1DS1 T.

N11k. JPsegee ess d babr fo W a b.hone;: Levu 111

iAIeWenateotdac OLA1 JAC 1111A, j. 7f Hsr"1aglames '.a5.5. @assrki N g o'doak P. a t

111rrUU ll(snt{04J o 11AZLWJ1D1OIT S.10

A Beeefal Tian will 4yBP[EO6lg1m Svesygaund r afnrma 6 ='1

o'cto&A"Y anlhloSI 10AlmO.MI{ L..l.

.ldieb1,751.g. l.p.,.......0I. Whil....... .. 0125.yr Th1lalall pl 1ll ptea 1,1011.. 1. AOIP.,41g.nrlIm aud t 11.3tax t n ru

NEW O ER1RA4S, Joxlrii PAW nXPREN. 1..,,.1

the Non Basin.ASRYIILNO PAISII.11,bi .11711.1,(101111f,1m.1 r1C1.1k.,.

lI11.I1TEXPIIN7 t1 7P.M. 1;1Di.1, I,) 7.11.IIIII O.11kADt. P.M"; r.h. N. w ol le71.l,. P. Y. 4jl,n r..-Throm headed at an n e Isrmed'bt Utibns

s.ations, TRAIdNC.MIaOm LUM nod o 11N1c.d all .M

j .y To set j dluu and IOAILayt MAD A, rN sad

(RW lew OAL71M0ad11 mrANY) tll .cor.,1111101111,A. M.NDA1.IA P.M. Tu014.1 I.1111111110.Ip.

10ITE 10hakI,0ll b cl.lI.lwl N.Yl

Seasn Tetes lued.u aales ta mdeaN'prl...

.1111 1017 W11,.11 .1,. II Zt'll11il, 1ll, II .11k II



Two Daily Thine from C.Iro to Chicago, em from Cairo to NaviYork, Alr h'mn. Fair, TbirtyDonna..

lllI..111wilI And the sh0 Ch. p11 , P111101..17111111111110. 6o1,310.. N

for Cairo, raonrenlg i f the Illiuolo Cm ir ato Rilroadfar point -thlip' .1,11j.t. Dhp 11, M... 11.1ell0,AImp1.,0,. .p,1I1

I~ ore

Ad,.l h ago i

At C lrnro. isd lh,,oi 0 C1,ol l . o1,ustl r lllsse 0,17Yi 7 1011101.h

for sit the (wars u:ieI. via etrdy xygan F.W and Raw4 a

New ork, BTAIOn, 1111010l CLI YLOn cad wuoinW to.

Al.., fromt Colo.( u the [sew lbany and Salem Re1IroWl, nLueraCncnuAAWplts lte a ho

iT 7OLIYn rA77y 741.111 11111wh t11 101h41o D 0 0 AorMan-

, I, Quelrq N. Ltoga Bprws* and tha Whits MouUiu.

Eko~ZIU rllll7100,1,ll 17 7

orbls CaYm is l No. y 7 .114 treltt, ,11k oIppaI the 81 .Howlew~lsns .E pplrro.

B107P.Tlset lllimilluglI Rilmo.

-a SZUNDAYS ony one E -pnu The6 UE , r.IPII,d otte 1,1411, .1y l07118.1, and 311011f1rther hoist pn1IJager trainswd Ifear the pier Et /ot of DeasEuhip hefllto-s,UU 11NRFRK EXPRESS; at 6 AM~ lri Dunkirk.BUFFALO, EXPRESS,1 at1,1 M. for BAuf I. OMAIL, at 8:16 A. N, fr Daakirk and Sue o, Nod iEtermUd;A ,

Inioss. P.,emgen bythis trainwill reman aver eight at telo,

- NH, 0,lAN PhSENO,.1, .. 1.. M~ (fr5m the foot of ChamberswetY ) v Piermont, for T' g oeI ed ad intnrmedl~l atalinu.

WAu PASb" 1iLR, .t a P. M.,I for Peilbblgh and Otilsille,and in.eMNSdi .10e boe n t ,s b.ldHT 1XPR 15 L: 30P. 35. .r D 00,irk and 1..lo,EMIORANT as 6 l'" M,. for a uakirk sa Buffet., and m.\rm~disot

steuooa.WAY EeXPRrss, at 1:3u P. M.,. for Dunkirk and Buffalo, and wwr.r

moadlI itr eluro.wThew Espran ad d o coneest a Elmln with the Elmira and Nis

Burn Felts Rulro dor r N'nsa Fella; Rt Bu7 to and Dmkak ta i hi LLae Shore RJlonl for :averlied, n. Stemmer. 'tni D trnrl,

Leh~a ., eta., nd with lint llsn lplentid Steamers fo fur set ortso

tryst i 'D.C. (rOCALLLOMI QasenllSupminntrsdnr

Y Ith iRUA O TH U L E~b~tcECT rienTO THE DS

limem between Waabhnyma and Wheeling out ,y hour., auunmogtime "twe. wa Wshhgwa saad Clnciorn PI hm

I hruugh Tirkew and Bagg rys Check to W bad I. Wmhingtan.THLE BALTMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD,hevisg gn.0y improvd IN We.,..r conn.e,iore. sow offerr thef flan inausemanert to tnvolrrl b~lrll Wuhmggtioa 11 11 n, and Bjd~po nloas of the Waet, the Nmtswesl mS the 8auN we.S.

Tba conueeiou batweetr the trains fromu Weshinefos and the triesbound West from "Innolra. I IrF nlmpplht mad- at t Wash-ington JOlirauon (islelq celled ih Relay "ar sme ropes f romUnlliuor.. Tha II bs oly change oleR1 nauired h I.W Wli sto sad We Ut,)o rives Baggage is ohaekad hrohg m heerol a Pthe Wuhin 0'. Rationr, d rerhlaked and tre,.rraa there w Rhthe passesg ) rltbuut chrrgte brI,- holding through twkaw f rrpoiseI beloon. W. rollaaacll t mina lea e Wash uerm daily as 8 IA. M. ""d P. M. Oa Sucdsya a WeLrter br ar on by

At W it.. , dtroot onnntlos rose with the taib of tae Cm--,,,1Ohkio HrlLroad, r.auitag Iron 8*Uve, on the O o, mar wheel-ing, through Cambridge. ZasUPI11 sad Nearkl, to luobob. Thecanu nalromcer t Naw.rll with the cars of the Newark, ;,.4d anSmdnsky Railrod, for Sandusky Toledok(ol, Detri Chcago at

1167: the ~h C. O, Railroad trins connect with the fast train.of th. Little Miami R~draed w~ Xaoi., Clnrlm.IL. uilalle, eta.At Xroi, ton Little Iluni Railroad) como~cao. is f rmrd wih thet aln thunb UR tuowU lndlrI. ., Ten, Hants, lmhyetwt , RoFL 11a1a, -. 'ha.* 10

Yasrengen Holdin throlyh tickets fm NmphiVicke'urg Nat-rhC, Now Orllanm la..*hih are oM at Washwgtm, ara tnnmfe-dat Ciurraa to the ng Ml S amor m thre Obw- TWIN.ol far Brace- I"tle, Catrs and gM Lorry are cold by th( ri,

For Clavolaud, adrlCluralld ioToedo, DMo(it,,Cicygeleltirtetr an dd cobra the Ohio 1. navigable betwae WPbalinlsnbWI&,it a (tary wUIII where " WllllrUO. with the OIIwolrmd soat..., Iw ~lroad is ate.Tnvelars asr ruqueutrd to notice that while this is the onl rants

aIcrdinl through tickets ad checks I. W asinlgon..i I. m thesh~ortest ruonrel*yp and di r~et w nearly an the leading points in thegnat tttest. Tae din as from washtllwn to Ciori...ti is hot 66roles, befog .ban lO mmlH horter th~ an other'ouw,.rasa e, T. Gool Ttcear raou W sar.. -T rolubu, 1 d D-wuft W 60 CcrnW 18 pui 1l

i y+RiltZnd UB 66, by etoalnn IIo Ctnelonu 1, ire; dldnapoll,{It 803 Cl~ere,"ad {19161 Toadu,{16 eU" rrolr.) Ir ?UiCUianggs

86,16 nod tg as;St. uis,{9 Po {";Mmphu, {96;New Or- t

t o F .er r rn Harsr's errya, sfutlnaburp, Berklls 9pringnCumb~rlnad 11.41.d iap rage Ptadmout, Osklud ad Fairmount.pasaeugr: may leave Ws hi Rtc o t 6. M 1)I P. M. Forth IV If , llr way Uliow b~tral Bul'lor .red g' take 6A, YIPL

[ roiu rom Wmild.-m.For the items to ad from B.Itimorl,Aoolpoll c tn., aoe leeriradv*ltlumeat.

g7 For furlhrr s tiuiw hroolh ai~1.. pply to OS.H. YAUa0N8,;thageululatat W a bwgtm u


jrg tf Baltimore nod Ohlo nWI..d B ti wore.


CIT m h KW R LA ad g JAKSO RILROAD..There U wow a,b.,.h-don this Roots a Tri Weekly Lt .(Stages

In tvlug Amite 1() r.T S. odnI. doadl and rrtday on thv ar-r' .1 of ther Puraeller 'raoIrm Newor lesono and raaLlng CI inttnthe ome 1-It f 15 t 7 o'lockr. Ietnrolug.. will loan Cilnwn evoqI Tod, Thandlb Rd Bawrdey ar{ 'stlar in Ina noroin an

Pon{ .~g t Amitea Cityi. time for the a..1,, trsn for lNewY Urleane. By this raote peu....rI will pustram~er011anslo~im-

ton the alme day, This rOmU u e $ it by Raill.d aod ca ll"1 bS stag. Thu Binge Road 1. over haeuttll i undulating eo~stryrbrd-

wgagm~so tom the l AStsO fe 5 ysnss Mniler57151 ,oehhu," Beg )1 for the rroumtuio. of Cotte n can k has bee

1. I cad at the -MI.. of the New Orloll and Jackon~ps. Railroad No An6Onmodalot trert, and will belaot to the Railroad a ory Monday,

ii WrdndlaydFriday sit o'clooi in th+m,rning, ndvvyrytrU.tian wrill bo 001 0 the proper drllnery of Letters and Prt.nbe riveDollars. Itn husseta hi soee",hak

set mad Safest route from CIlnton wo Naw Crlsanlago F. K. If IMER Amit City.

;AZERAC B RANDMB.-The ea ubscrlDtar0,O bell 11e s ii sw anS Imfunrr is this city of the celebrated

sACABRA~lf I .steeen nand. fdull enpplyof theIow. sod 0 55 gr ardes "well as the ldullvin(rr nl ' h as 1796,a 798 1801 and 1806, and invit the Rtwrpjon of the tarll, ww rlla

I. mnfL( nthebov Nl4V asmdOaninearlla

_ I(tf Wt I/id J eee(i..t

II BOLUTION-- T he copartnership hereto.f ronaststk u mder the rm of LAWRASON C LUBANKI

re bis dayydianlvr d mNel consent.R NOIADNEBANE, Jr~hevfog pnrrhued ON lnsr.! f Ooo

car h~ots ah-hyaharsge wl Io11es mroAOWRif am of

7. RICHARD N. EIIBAN, Jr.New OrleansFPbrsas 1, 1551. 1.

8 HE undersigned wril continue a Qlen-RRALtug 1 C(ON56786IO Awn FATORAOE UIINO Sa uocm

tnilsl mder Ina asyle of RICHARD 0.E E &IBWLD h,. &tCO iil r

'r E LOlB--15000 boxes in store, for sale by~L Je44 II ~BARR~i A no 61 Co..'.. at


ASHBRIDGE, J. H. & 0d.•, Commission and

.For erding Mrchaht, N St. Chrkn itr'.BELL, WILLIAM, Tent, Awning and Water-p. oo I 4taLtbli.•htusL rlr oh .oL altl Nm mo bad an

madsto order, No. 9 Or aler, eor. S r. C*Mr'rrnrei 17

SENSON2 JOSEPH, House and Sign Painter,camp = =4ii t. prtall al. Cuppor and

B AYLY, G. M. & CO., Wholesale Grocers

sr D•,t a WinL, Liquor anld Salpl. Gcod, O

.t,..2 Homwaad 29 Commoro ,0e. l .l

BENEDICT, W. T., Broker and Publio

Weigher, 66 Poy4dm •Le .9

RROWN, THOS., Carpenter and Joiner, 125

4 ltP |r. trhu ltlt tha to b rrlltdl a d the pakli•for

pan1•1,o4 lao•tllmaoetltoaoeoftbeirpstronete, niii

CURRY & PERSON, Cotton Fators and

-OS•O ,,N •,sP,+ (0.,25 F2c0tor4.,domm. -C• OK, PAUL & Co., Provision Dealers, 40

SWIGHT;,, EDMUND P., Attorney naiod:td . 0erc 4, N Tw 2la02LR1.0 A*. d6,t.

iUELAGRA B.YEN. A. & , Com.,emisron Mer-Eh, PiT,.h m p ElP, DeAlr.,: Ui., .ioo Mg hodel•oen

OLBEAB, A RUFUS, Writing nnd Book-k e0l'•,50.ktOkmil t9,, 01e la C22l . D11el22..o .

I JOlYNB S& 1NTOlPSC Dagnuer*seo

H 4LEY, E. M. & Co., Commission and For-

UBANK, B. N. J., & Co., General Com-i m--nmeM rohata, No .n Ca mlptrl, y

T• ATON & HENDERSON, Wholesale Groors,-64 New 4n. nd 16 Tboupiw lolalL•. pI

ELT & REED, Dealers in Boots, Shoes and

ILL, ALEXIANDER, Importer and DealerYDiT W&lrehe , R ,0 PIMI, Cutlery, PayAr.i2s.,,

to,*elsi., o. 9 Camp lekL 2 a2

OIOLMES & CLAUSS, Grocers and Dealers1 2o W,,2.2r7 PodM.2, Non, J N1 4"Le ad 14"L 93,111

ART, E. J. & CO., Dealers in Groceries,._.n. i,.,,Ch mbWPap.r,,,2., 2107 T,0Chom42,n .26

TARYRIS, NORTON & CO., Wholesale Oro-SeaN, 4N T. OgpqitW2 .~ 1t,N3e5 ,wh.. .15

_ABDTcAG, J. X H & Co., Cotto, iFatorsd.ad2aee. 42 0122 .22222. .9

eRetailT•R~"UD,pJOHN &` CO.JS, Dealers iho eina,

II 9Oitl4,lgrt heywatc.- i aaC l /letter. ' ,1

NYDE & GOODRIOH, Jewelry, Guns, Pf!sIZLtoe, R Gt EO,, o ,. Orl a s,., n ,ola... n lTAIDR, W. L. & 00C., Wholesale GrocersL ANDIS, JOSEPH & -00., Commission Mer-

10• .iand D Plie Wum • llPlrodut, inO. 1 Tt to2i


ORGAN, J. C., Books and Stationery, Ei-JIA l02.022'222, 32J222. .horpIm. .42

SNUNBOAE, A. & CO. Men'ua+

d Bo's OClothian

,IlI.B2 2 & CO., Dealers in Clothing and

..b,4hold 1n2ai, No,,. 124 Pe•dl2u .tlt.. ,10

pTAYN-+& 00.o., Wholesale Grocere, No. 2?

DpAAN, T. 0. & o00., Cotting, wholesale.3. 2l2,2•l2o..1 ,o l ell. 4

L EILL!, P. & E., Dealers in Silks and

fr AVAGI, J. M..&& Co., Commission lHe

tril a i .S N.O. - l,2 4

o. w. . ..w. W .aw. - . sia err.RHAW, G. W. & CO., Commission and Jor-

WTRINGER, F. & CO., Fashionable Cloting,

SMITH-, . B., Wholesale and Retail Dealer

, .TROUD, JOHN & CO., Marble Warehoose,2 N. 144 Comm2a2 2 ar, bat Cao2ude, 2ad B..n., 219 ly

.EAMAN, H. D. & CO., Commission, For-5 sd, 1 an, W.22'.. Plodu4 Me.,t, and 2D4,e. 0l MleR.2,A2•eh.b, et,, 804

P.2d.22. 219

SICKLII. & CO., Drgop, Medicines, SurgicalLJ 2.22222,25 "2., 1hol2.22.2d 2.t22,N2.. 5s a.4 502.2.,

SLARK, DAY & STAUFFER, Hardware,2 In, e4 ., No.4 C.2i .tret. Aaelrt rof P'g.' Saw Mil2.. 10

AHERIMAN'S Trusses, Abdominal lupptorters,at , Ccorner b .. , C 2• Orie2 l.•t•. oppi. . t. Ch.0ei

,IZER, GEO, W., New Orleans Agrioultural22 2a., e,,.or,,stof Ma2 sm,.andPoydrul.t,0 i11

TODD, S. M. & CO., Wholesale and RetailDeldert in Pdloa 0, Paint MIlI, Win4o OLau, 5rot0el and

C .olo.f al dl k.22, 2 a2m1. ltro.l .19

7 ODD & CO., Carpetings, wholsale and re-t ,a,22,ll, luppiy 112 yl 2 n hand, No. 1 210 Cla'L ,r2,, 4t

r•lAYLOR & HART, Dealers in Hardware,11.. C22rl22,. 001,.22. 2r,2 .r 222.2.L 22

ITOIGTS, J EANRENAUD & CO., CommissionV M,.,22-I.,21 C122222,2.2,2,. all

VOORHIES, GRIOGS & Co., Commission2 .d Forward20( Me02 h•, t, 2 Tchoupitoull latest. s9

WRIGHT, W. S. & CO., Commission andPor ward ag ..rnhl,80 rehoupituluntrvetl. 81ASIIJBURN'S Daguerreotypes, 120 Canalre..t, (up ,2ira ) Pictures .t en m 2 21 2 kind2 of eather. .12

WATEiMAN & B& O., J., Importer, and2 D.L2,. ai2 2•'w2r2,2Ctlery, el., or. 1fgalnl ,nd Cor

moon treot.. e1l tyJOSEPH HUFTY,

20 CAMP STREET, 20Importer, Wholesale and Retail healer in


INo. 25 CaOompstree, under the Cilp Hlte, New OrlemauRsep.plully iuwI thenol ootiou o Wholea.le and R.0505 Delson lanpureyh. to asVERY LARGE STOCK OF GOODS..hloh i. freblylmfhSld.o suol haall Y . ralo fd 5.the. yer.BHELLCO iItv. mitation 6l and t~tS W Cmbo( narry slyly

BRUSHES.Of very deerlptiono at hi own l3nofatura, and at thloweCt Northers. fsny pri.

TOILET A PICLFSS,, as Pe.loumeryHslrOlilooir Pi0.,Posm

FINE FAlNSPt5KS, P"sket RooksWork BoSe, Portabl. D.s.s,ogsthsr wlLh an mdI,.nairiety o Portnmodmae.,ta., of .v.eySyie and,and at unusally lolpisnor.

SUNS, PISTOLS, Slo,,,l Colt'. nod W-mno. Resoldo Pistols,&iaere, Rawn, L~r Pr......n l lh h' Reels and Tackle, w.veSy variety, to a.ll th moat dLtrminioednoagl.

W ATCH ES JEWELRT, ate.Th. .tosS is lhis lin, sonostiag of th, T.T. Coope.,pl.I. Tobias

and real Josph JohnSo mS,,mnnte,,tlt. a fleen to sou .f B5irKa nrrl~lih Lever. vthab r with " Iar~ a of ,nletrrnoS~~lih~n,0.Sg.0~si~h~.,alos of Soa end EasterS

Jtrnol, B5dnssr,sc-io.,lhnro Ssaonloolnctd gmlos, bpSP.hSvIS b'S, tor muno gps. .OuIn5 in gI.. Wholmu,

,sll rnpueur rls~isr1lyfrsnoh, 55.1t isdosumno., i SnSlOrep0

IOE.svp ry aI. Hmnwlod u dpr o, .r W monsy refu.bI,0RT Watahes, Jewelry, ode.. .ally ltypwad and rrrannlddmle BmNla am

(DANlEL EDWARDS, (Suooemsor to Twi.BILL A EDWABDO,) Nu. 28, 80 aod 32N. Ieve and 17

T,.,Sh.,IIN, d, Ful ... W,,k.ysuulrer 11 every dytE.W an tlC.ppr5Tlo. h6et Ircn and Bran orkr. He ie nor ready to ociraot for the,,.inag f 80,m Tr.I, CIrlifyg and EBaporali~ P.B.,ii0,.B;] ice oOea, and I.)Blllp PPprltniYI. b Bh r hDY hA geaern l ortmca( f Bteam Oaugve Blsm Whtlelo, Bran(cL, CLIIL, VANE, etL.,LLouALtxly o0 Is8d.

f4 wnould cal .the attalliona of piele theIh Suam wli hichI,,he InLo.IIEall operatio n Lb. tepl,.,tiL,,.l ol. L. C.Kcun. 9. T JIrr8,iE. . .ontall ooADoaelwu, Or

ghodQ Lweae, w. t H. Staetboulr, A. 7lhwlon t Co. and L. E.ah tll al hiarir; bw hom ha napenlully rslar for 1u11 pnrella.

lan. m']Y Ipt

Sj` AS! GiAS! GAB! GABS-The subscriberBk hsv nohuined the requfel e purmikalo rom the 0. Com-pa•, buq. toannouce that hd 1a sno pro ard to ftvnh ad put npt,^B F IXI'URES in te molt approved tyleaud at moderate rstee.SOrderlosa b. lift at hb"olda etad;" whe Brea Founoary, No. ISat. Chbarlelsruet H. GULLD. dll y

_I OU IE Ln uulwu. all (IL M. TANEY, Wholesale Dealer in For-eign nod Dolnrlllo )ilrlt Liyyuo a, No. 80 OIriar etrnet,

laawOrleaul, Ivanpie anot .Wy on , head, i .aolhipeig order, N.,York d P6Wadalpholn Ale, rorter rnd lhmpge .tob the nr.rel orkd,,,d, r la bbylaa, pncknd i. boson 3.Drk , tbdlp ych,.

Apo0. p dporla Srotl 0 Ala aid Loidon Po Plelupt ud pnrticulartaolli0a paid to all order received.le7 1y


,uu h nd raelu, from th very beat H sart Timbar, foarr Lt $14per gA[orrougb, nd 69L 4r M.hor thedrnaud, iu lotlto.u , pur.b.ra. LU4SElttawed to order. Al.,. seond-haud slide-alve

ENUIN .E aboutl horspower for sale t thf.1 96'. STA~R FILANINR NILLS.N-r Uui..

F. JONTE & A. PARKER, Wholesaleadd It. )l L .fl.MEMin MEATS, Old Frruch Meke, Stela

frio1.. fadoiI. 8oardiihg hods 114*ob-t-and y.1 p.plied., thBEF, MUTION, P0L VEAL, KID, POULTRY. 118F1Son the trolwet notice in any quatll nd dt the beat golity.

Alc ooSNED BLEFnd 'ONqU14. JALT PoIur ad ev.r,pO,...tld. w .heir loo.. .1 tar kettrces."r Au .. 1c.u promptly attended to m t

1UkHL YOUR IIA1R-RIWLLELIION.-TeC eiptfor mIL. .L hip cel.ledt CompLD .0 d, (Iyi i docodinoLi.Ontrydl s by LIYul-lbr m y vergq a th.UnitLd 8uR+O r CN Dd,. la UNI DLLLLR. The !ROLL LLONrill 1 ror wave the hur I. the orw larulllul miroar. Any an~

tovingmffthe war, ad ncothlooin hILir can ILILLILI itinto t6r moat baantllh1. by the I.Ul Mir rnlC1.. Tbu ingred-w ill

hors overr 19 aa.W, and nib tit- receipt anyw ono n" ant It eq..Ugglod la IL IL,.LL.,L NpoD IhoIl, rt par oLlr. ILprIfIerr.r...ppcayle of Imllrri~w randy msfor , ll be Hens Pra of pcwtaya, iae endolf DL rlLIL, with 11.lollfILILII LI ILr LiLLLILEILIorrL, ILd lulldino.L.,Lfor s. Bad al.l .L.r pOLLe ,t

LADW . A. IRKEILI WarONT L N Lnul,,ro..OhiL

S1jSUP -& CHILDS.-Pairnt, OliW, WinauwFBL eto,.I LrCb .Dd A,,.i, ZINC PAINTS. Don, No

Wr e O. Now TmdL le ifa ~aeinl IN K

INSURANCE.Lonala n Muztual lumurauao u Y, of

Mw OrleemS.p~nm~~h 2 fdbwing~l tlt rt.ttttos

A....33153 p 53.3.333ke y2.r..db13133t M33c,i863OH rM ad..RS .... . .................. ...... 411,420On Mids. RILka...;...p...y ...... ........ .. 116,142 nPH0. River ?.t.......... s ................... 4/4 / a

L.. P.*s2u... ., ... . y ...... ....... 44J043)U~rntp p.l..e I...............b 33.. .. 30.133 3

7wrpns..4 ia w*3 3 o*3t.* 7333.* 4 34 .5333

Wood prmlrms for A. yo .............. :. ... J.. 944991 8

Ams.333d43o.low. d.,3gth.*.mp~td,3l3otFor F3n Loft............. ........ 90.11044

V.,dri s1.i...L...................... . lA3 4Vs. 033Len..3 ........ ...... ... 1412

lii sx-i53).37 t &533334*,3 p3woti'.,...3 .... fif 33 1"d tt r'ct econ'oa 1.etta h..r "c--""

imhiited 1. 1aF. 2..42 ...................... . 15'.3

N. kwka 3.. ..... t...,.......3........ .... set" N*,ib119 ..h53 ....... .... . 3 .3 }d :111$10 3

.os~~iipq 8TAT 0k' L7333731,? 1Ns33&3 .

}s..,-33r*h 03 S).3 3 o3 .w0.303.5..

8. *35mmb3rid, that an the 14th 4sM6.' 1844, 141..* th

h.s.ridr,.Joutl . othb P. I.Cnd rUkS RIS ($..44,

.0wlyU p ~redOh rl.lptlp , Prftid.S44od H. P. cy~r, 8.r

taryof the U.61- M ww 1!-. 0p9 f NrwOrlsgrho

being day a mha..cordr8 to law, o dapp* Sad my, tbat tkd bor

acoaor~r. 2.tand tmi, .d .2onrt t,4.crt$ trw Ithv 4524. at

th. ridComppay. C IAB 8t~ausB . raid* M

H. P. J).NV3KN,.53l.er8wmato Rod .2kt984Wkok.o$,Skbhif day Of uch,184f

C. V. 03314.8.5224 J13 tUs.* t3. P.p..f0t13. P5 Or.5..

T.Bs.3 of hurh3

4ak .j d 3lnd* o tptyp.* "33t te 3t&dpnansf430I f sy$ ..dggllkns 3 133.. f3... hick *ip ..1331s.3s.ill h. k 453o u 3.3).. 0th.5 dpsf Js.

T).Csmppy..28t.3...,.n .1.lot H. p pild.f (k."3.. .2a

riven% and I mleddamyp by 4n, Ita euwrt 82125 $f Pn2n~mO~d$,mathwtemaer of Camp 1154 Nat.W .tntL

CHAR3B 31G33S.P*..aid*A. CABRD.UVioiP53A.3.

3. ?.3ANV3lB,3.30.ry.NNw 11wa.Mamh 944515._

IBONSTEE.LC033.P, $ls..).53. Uh.0331*hr3t,C.3330.m, P. 3)333) ~ T35. BNp...

J.L, W. A.134. A.LM3-3oaP.Joh. ro., X.H.Po2Koy, a.Q.Cum9+a!.A. B.3..53, IC, s. P. A.Dd.glhls.8:. (153*. 0.13. h..p, '. W. )lt.)hh.*A .T..3.4 34473103, 8..3C30s.3Pus.k WW3. W.S.

Tip333oa.. '.tle Mr=;

C. 03"y, 0.7. Hs..s..a.. 0a. W.Ds.bp..U.Brim. F.7..8,. . A. 13305s,'I.ThomlkB1, 4.A Poiitck D.P.Log... nifly

OARTAD.. aD.Ir .. fittirUZANIFOEOl1hm P"B1 fl sR AMP WblE,

[Wtj.j o 4rA#SHMN


At lk t41 wtW81SA8CMA9 lFIY. ns~ m0tt.m.YMsi(ra l *onlyr

Fire, Ziver and Xariumnsu1aaea.PROVINCIAL INBUkAN 3 OCOMPAN

OP TORONrO, o..vv1PrfA i.L . ,. IOO O6O~rqp~U

Lrn.4.OokmuMpIr. A.YOI[RiotUANUCH O1WVL.No.flQC$..EowOd..


k s N :y A-

Home iutul InsuraPo e'1Cmpuny [email protected]..

rJ.HE fllowing Bcute~dntof b"61 rof h4Cep it

p rhh i eIhritwBtter1a~m..Y of their a tKSr

D.....9.19N9.. .... 9mo.t9of u9rmi599990949071"t D.....9o ..... 914.1600

1.9'9oo494..nms391.979*9.j39.418A. 9w,1404 (100V..9',orPr.94sm...T.lo. 9..d.......959.14 9L..P..4.99h. 999.,549......4....:.)fn{ I9orPnm9399 o. Mrrrukt.......... 111,5!119

LIuur~minmrorit(taott*rm Wu N16Drr,. ....... .... ...... .........d93 k..... 9,994..059999wmimms..... .............. ... ,1741

Xew~um~ddRrnmimdlar~erdiei$ObD~okDrl00.. , 00

01ir9rLL ...............k............. !.47{On ..9 .d9ri ... 9..... 0............ . ,U 3 d0 o

"t e, Lo 9.99995.9~e499 "..9........3.51,/t1 90orfles p oprr -orihdo s t

949. 9999115995 919999199999arm,* 939 , 799.999=

9ill .. .b99.9s9r 933fr roiaD9.9N..9..99..........s...9..94...s..... 9{,.11 34No.199.................904..99

Drf.,VredwYY .110a" fr Prrmm.:. "nw:rUwua.:.....0704!9999...... .. 9..................... 9 47 99

TN.I.. o.1.ef ........ .9.... 179.. .b.9..... I

9.sro.999..53s.599s9.F o ..99 9915499 f 01 y99 41.... "9 90 ,.,.MY1 b law, do d.p... t t9.

*999.44om9sayp.y. JAB 9.0T99 1 9444999,r4dueh Ir~rltYn. Cibd of . IIIC.V.J09599s3.99. k9

C. rcm~,h O 11I~b IauJ,~?M _~_ of lS~:

iawlV,(dplltlatufproY bt"Lol*1n wfo

Wk*999954sT..99wa~.9k9.999499991s99949.T~D f9993.4.9999h*999995999

9.99999999k.,. .I49.9 d90~,99dL,9 99919 99 *9nt01.1$

99.t~omp47ewtY 19.,,d9?T.9e...9,99.49. l 9 .f /hd Brb9999.9.9 I m or g999399kD....99.,3914, r.q99.93 33 999.9JOHN 99o.15...p4999*S

391999oli~ 99.3A.1.p.4s.

c H W999.999999997.~ t lpN 0008 .9399. ze'7

3s9,s9.919599 9.L. y97, W, L.L999.3,

OL.C W.1 9 9 9 , JA . 9 9 s5 M 9 9 9. 9 9 9 . .9.9 s 9,

+ABonrd Lloyd, Joh1 H.O1"y i)U la A. ,-YID Sh PeeH, 7ohrinta H.11 Robert hrtnL o Ilr

J.). T.. AI furrllr.." 1 W. H . Anle Wo.

90999 Hoy, 7.99599tO b. J.9 W. Y

79.99999.9, JA.D99999iy ]oho 99..99r.9

U. "Iln. Iat H. c./u, W. HLYoord

Frkloh ll .ltnmlb R.V* f.CrI..r. ,

WO. T99pkood. 19999.49949r19. J. 999".9L.D.C. Wod, 9.9S. 999. 1990

Crescent Mutual insurance Company;NI f'no-.,mity ity ,.I0066l*sluf o theirChte ,t4 e

14ooo1bmlt ol.4olloolo9 k6JlI!0l,


Amoont olrmouo olmrr r~ u~I~l(

o ]0 0,0108 186 ................. 7.141, 561 04

Vrl uN.oomoouminotRL.k.7ol. lf16. L .50..11460

Totelemotof promtur........ ........... .. 1,08+9 9

Vt1: Pnmtmn o Fit 1. Riak ............--49%ttl s4rio.d............. S51.4040

Liver do... .......... .. ,111 -Lev d l"............... 1.04014-4 0, 698

1..oepremium o,60044001010316016 $.144.019 06RBiorn p,0mi01.......01 .... ........ 90,18419- 196,011 I1

I0.le.odp.10101001l,066001100010d040011040000. 191.4091.Louo..oal40600004h.004046000104

OnMarla l o............. ..... ... '-I n, 10t000o01.,041 . 146..............001100On000000.......0.........."... E0,00000

164,141 060.I60000000.,560016,rnn16.D0,10b..60" 91614899- 11,181 0

NtrLompy.C0,r.p.0701000 lo40.1010100644jdil10ld0,0Mlort00606100 p447 100000.400

theL neat ...oo.d...................... 141671900Leaneod oooBank bmllother lto!0,l.l"l0 P,,,o16041 ... 9616000Blll Roe.ivable bai.. Nolte for Pram ........... 168.984 91,.6044d tIo .. tf.04,66,0amau.04,l0 O,000,06l.... 6.00616DCmfar 00mi0060040,6oloo.0 C 1..............0 . 68,8Ca0000hud .................. . ... 001,866006t f

Tot.l O. ............. ....................... 1849,1The B60d oflToo60l 0.,. re64nd to60100,60600.0 p0

,140.in66h. on the 6,0140000 of 004006100100, vies50 .. . .. . 7 00106....................

Isrc................~s~so(Is..................... 961,910861..p................. I 1 . .1to the hodlde. theroeoor their 6egal ,06440040000.. 00604d 6006,IMo.0y,0t

h 4th hA40l.g,14.

Th.Trmo60,.0o. 01l4601600ad a 41004600 ta6 p.,oo.o4 th0.l.,.ood premiums otho Com0y~lforth4Ylea!6ndi~ 6he 10th Ju4e1,1,er ohlI,00000I0.1will 460.6164 0s1d aft0r0t.e400h pept-40r.0rt. T000. A. ADA410,00...4.oe

010. J0N44., V0.a,..ido.t.O*.IOAUOOUOalooo~rt00k~ OITOK00010,110 oo.00oo~. 00 W0

. 1 W..Robio0114, JI P. boos,7.W.Z1.000i,, J.l.B910l0, M..Ao.,dooo,


idOIHod,4, 1p. 0404, ' A.C.Tomoul,6. 0. 0. Norton. 00. W.0O, C"o,0 .1.

. .Bud<Ie 7.C. B. fta, . . l1W. 0. Vre4odoOoo, Joh,,410Sal 36.,Clnolly.1.H.40.K1d . J. W.1000ow-, 1,, BaelR. B. admn, C. IPllo , Iml.Jamilne.-

00l 1. .0.01... L DB.0osd.,

Merchants' Mutual InsuranceCompnycOC'OTAL SBcCRIBI......... ..... ... .

L0 MKo~gt t 0.74,.,mil P.uWiim ..u, 0000116rd.

8. 0001C0.-A464,..0o,0040 Cady ]oh. PembertLon~.00

B. O. 00g 60 l. .0,Bi.d

0.40.64400.0 Amo.. 4 41, 1146. m 4t 60l 44lpl9.0lllb, pre6oared 0000 to ... .00to 614 p04. Uh6II l0 0l4A400b00v lTire Stake.orC o11.e, No. Jos Guam alml

JONN PLMBZTT ht Prwtdw4,

No.ICoo-dp06."lo.tbsB rd o Di0.0...d W0 he 1t0War, Mr Job. renters" was Wtbnd Provident, and A. lohribbu00.torv. 6 .0.0

1~EMOVAL--The subeoriber baying pur-.baa, d the 0Ir.Stak o DRonE, CHeaauem'Se, .t. fo

T"R . Wtekee A Co.. 49 Mvguiae stret, h,.V-te the Arud.e..-ad !rm b1 ~m. formr ted, i S. R. B. rb o

H EMOVAL-G. W. HYNoON & Co. hbas re.inw7.4000. s 00eo110Uc4U m0 0 014


Oity of New Or nO tRT6.

feosfoed, That the contract at present •Oistiog

PYadee pro. teem. doed ofAastaat A Q--

'P l Sdh 7 5. r.LUIOeP estd Boaec.t' e l .Approved J i •h1i 1,.865.

1ted ( JOHN L. LWISa.,.

[ No. sl231 e 3wW bo0tu ectp of eeev ern bee hu bytes westable

wassteful tnsalerole1

t laid of r

sodqr 01hs the ewatUoomid John M)onl h d•i-

qtsb y ub j y .onsu je tb the ezpen a o n dben

h po AOd by thes Oms'uVaendU of y city of~eceto

_ std eeota." teahpa 4 red wa tlr d r ateeeedawt n attieg

lafre:.2.Tatrttr• enodrto utiet, eweue o the god of

tie estate, o the prposess to whish t d dto oldIe l perpetrat wernehip, oetihag o u St of 'b-

eief atofasaaiesu 1 aldesabl, satdlediug wa wstefal•quenetotodg

eb •s is nono&as.l bu Iti sh od ,

the eteodthg ty of BNe ori e o .to hasg e •s toto u.tsdltthe pndeee slle om•esr, who salch willtenbahae the vabue of the oerty, and yeld te aety w

Sthe;at a epeeteo•e• shwso that eorporate 3hbode aswasteful and laesoist landlords sod lessors of property,ate that the estate of said John Melnogh Oet leewd-taiybel g Mreatlys oseinud by thsexpeesesao it n essege-

see so •• g e it Is out cf the aontrol of ,tldivdeallroprletote dlreOtly iterateted lthe pro.tsesl•aueit may yield.4 That Iste•e• to heiss all abes and Paste, aund

mue edately to enterlsponthemeed s tefthebqoqtey the slestlte, Oe aLapes•sonal, tld at the

ee,.let oeta, ed a s tet seprt•t•teadble amefirlyevenled betwe• thie ity of Baelimoesad tb tl _f Newdri•nus - r in .n. That slier d4shehal altU tailms foe legacIes sad

tligal te p wrtlitao of te rt rpt of epsa, thehare aic ng to thesty of New Ol.wsheshtnat oes

Dn In proem of sleast gLabtoaaetloasaad to hiehes6. Tietthe proceeds of eah petyn u a It ema-

turled, Isiondd he ntpveed the boad. of the. it en NOclsas. ad ihoe oMdsi dewoted scrd.lyt te hact-hI. sace.Iesfrtie eedloas.:

7. That alt thee slavesbeleglgteb toethe cshouldhe placed Mthe haade of thee1 lo.atooelty,'to 8 by them • dled to thesol•oib8, ar.8..'hati cpy of these rbtstdatldoe(wih e dselsls-

toeylotbedewth s of the tlcetea-ti Ieaitid tlb bestdlepostloen, ofhlapstate) beatar.eestd by Mayer tothe honoonble li iyood a ^ nill Conn si

goe~stiab sit Igedt to the partition o owopotetalte eat hodisidy sito.

a. Tth egsee s and ectesoaeam of ties MeteDs.nogh eatcats bhe slaooecd with a copy of reresettltoee ai l'e~ sepcilay equeatied to report a ii to thiehody the p ba t a fbliptthpartltieafcrssaga and alsoto she tach ether sanfggsiloni esathey, icy seeot k

a' egriuIluyomm~te~hs rgo~e;t t rtioheosb).pproprloted feec tha purpose ofd4 eg the in.oldeatat epenasswhlch may beiaearesd by gused ofAldeemeanln the icislof Nesacdeceaaenspesao idiRmse,and that th oceptoltee -warent d the randavcrefecsehpects whole billliaybe apr e byhPessideat uf this Board. .I b

Cli~ieed] B. L. TA~President Boad ofAciaiant Almeceece.

[Sigmed) JOHN CULBBfRTE ON,Presidentpro. tom. Board .f Aldersen.

Apprve3 July ii, 1865.ly23 ~sigeedj JOHN L. LEWIS, Meyer.

' : [ 1.o. 2808 ]Resolved, That the Chief of tIe Pie Department,

with tit approval of the Joint oommlitees ofithe Coo-mon Council on FireN, be authorized t sell dertain oldsuction engines'now in possession of the city, andthat the moneys for the same be paid to the Treasurerof the oity.. .

[Signed] E. L. TRACY,President Board of Assistant Al ermen.

'lSigned] JOHN CULBERTSON,President pro tem. Board of Aldsereen.e

Approved July 21, 8000.'jy3 [Signed] JOHN L LEWIS, Mayor. ft

[ No.2309 ]Resolesd, That Patrick Nestor be, and he is hereby

required to replace the bridge leading across ClaiboronaCoanal at Second street to the Draining Machine; saidbridge hoaving been removed by him for his own con-ventence in cleaning said canal; and if not replacedwithin five days after due notice has been given bythe Street Commissioner, he he prosecuted accordingto law.

[Signed) E. L. TRACY.President Board of Assistant Aldermen.

[Signed] JOHN CULBERTSOON,President pro tem. Board of Aldermen.

Approved July 2t, 185. .jyd3 [Signed] JOHN L. LEWIS, Mayor.

[ No. 2310 JResolved, That the adjudication of the contract for I,

cleaning the streets of the Third Ward to John Bjford,for tihe sum of twenty thousand eight hundred dltar,for one year, be and is hereby approved, and that hissecurities, Win. Titterton and A. S. Buforl, are herebyaccepted.

[Stgned] E. L. TRACY, pPresident Board of Asetstanot Aldermen.

[Signed] JOHN CULBERTSON,President pro tem. Board of Aldermen.

Approvsd July 21, 1855.jy23 [Signed] JOHN L. LEWIS, MLayor.

2i.211 bl tangb nod, That the Aso. 1Ieeioved, That the Assistant City Attorney be in.otrueted to cancel two judgments recorded against N.Fltzsimmons

one in the Second, the other in the

Third Justice s Court, should he find that the properyfor taxes on which said judgments was obtained, didnot belong to, the said N. Pitzstmmons.

[Signed] E. L. TRACY,President Board of Assistant Aldermen.

[Signed] JOHN CULBERTSON,President pro. tem. Board of Aldermen.

Approved July 21 1852.jy2S [Signed] JOHN L. LEWIS, Mayor.

[ No. 2312 ]Resolved, That the Comptroller be and he is hereby

authorzerd to warrant on the Treasurer in favor of E.D. White for fifty dollarsn, ameunt deposited by himagreeably to law govereing the purchase of contracts,tsaid purchase of contract having been rejected by theCommon Council.

[ tigaed EL. L. TRACY,President Board of Assistant Aldermen.

[Stgned] JOHN CULBIERTSON,President pro. tem. Boeard of Aldermen.

Approved July 21,1866.jy28 [ aigned] JOHN L. LEWIS, Mayorm.

[ No 2313 ] -Rsoltred, that the Comptroller warrant on the Trean-

surer for the payment of the following bills:Merchants' lnsurance Compny, premium ofinsurance Ion a Fire Engine from Ceincinati.. e$80 00

Policy.............................. 1 50--t$81 0James Lindsay, bill repairs and wo:Lk done to

First Dtsclat Lock-p ......................... 112 00St. Hernandez, Constable Fifth Justice's

Court, bill costs approved by E. T. Parker,City Attorney.......... .... 12 0....... 0

31. Hernandez, Constable Fifth Jus-tice's Court, approved by D. C. La-batt AssistanC t City Attorney ...... 0 00--149 0

H. t. Long, 2460O bbls oyster shells at Inc.... 24l 00H. Wellhalset, shoeing and for repairs

to prison wagon Second District............ 12 30E. Macpherson, bills of Mledicines, Girl's

House of Refuge........ ........ $7 35Boys' House ot Refute............ 2 38- 29 73

J. Liado, bill medicines, Insane Asylum, fromJanuary i to May 1 1855........... $47 80Second District Puloe Station, for1l54 .............................. 9 30

Second District Police Station fromJanuary 1, 1855, to May 5,01855......77 75--14 85

Luzenbterg's Hospital, professional services,maintaiuance small-pox patients to July 1,1855 ....0...................22....... . 1,t55 00

Jacob McPherson, Salary as Assistant Porter,for June,155 ................ 02...... 45 00

Barriot Upson, bill sundries forcleaning Malg-azine Market a nd streets............... 4 60

Philip Clark, rent of lot on Dryades street, forFirst District Pound, for Jne 1855......... 10 00

IIarnion, Latham & Co.. two year's snbscrip-tion to" Creole," Mayor's office, from Dec'r.17,1853, to De'r. t7, 1•5 ...... ............. 10 00

Henry Strong, wbinlg towels for offices itCityvHall lfor June, 185 ................... 6 30J. Fremeaux, Lieutenant Second District

Police Station, bill sundries for May 23 05do do June,...... 14 0

Hirsof slave for Mayand June,....... 50 00-- 7 15S. Meilleu Soperintendent tnsaneesylum,Keeping insane for June., 155...... 24 904Salary as Superinlendet

0 oor June,

155..................... ........ 6046 00 , 3Bill sundries for Jne1S . .......17 0-1•2 34

J Luclbe, hill ice for Jae, 1805, City Hall... 4" 72Suprne •to111 ebosts in sue of oily of

New Orlt9" praying for the opening ofPhilipa•on'd•tl slreet, vs Oillmoroe tal, 72 1U

Charles Vlbplffonrecpatis done to Magazneistreet Maz•le el. P....o ... ........... 00

Wtdow J. L.-Ra•lit, pFt, cot-tier Derbigny atd`$i ,pufrblicPound,forJune, .:... 2000

H. G. Pearson, salary a•• t"tee on Streets and . nO Ms••I tt1 July t, t Sat $5. ...0. .... i..C 8207

p. Seuzeneau, foro •-•oltsofThbrdDisrbihl a ','i. ..O ..... 25000

Cocoon di Arms~ a~adr} .'1m ionrnl: NaordllessOloo,


Dtstrict, May 30,18 ......... ' oHoard of Aldermen, Juse1,'tbb0... 2520Police Station, Second Dtstriot, Jun••

1, 185 ........................ 33 00City Hall, May 31,258 ... 4... 00Eoliee Jst, May 1, 1805.......... 1 nBecordeds Ofcoe, Second Dltrictt.t,,•.

- May 10,1J552. . . .t"Rtoorthera Oit, First Oltetrct,WO,

31, 1520....... . .......... $tl f$

Surveyor's Ofcir, May t, 1!$5 ... 2260Street Commiss'oner'a OEoe, way3t, 1, 0........................... 21 00

Pole. Stution. Seig`District, May56,1 6 5 $............. .. 10 35

Wbar~ter's 06ier First Dfilr;ectl.May3l I ..................... $16Comptroller'n Oce, June 1,1853... 61675

Trmouoru 0t6., euee I. 1-55. 40 7aComrlttee 06 Srra and Inaediag,

Jane 1,185 ................... 15 00Polle Stati,, oj-b Diltrict, Mlay

16, 8". ................. . 8 03, ~ 8Chief of Poli•o, Jane ,. 180....... 14 17WorLk-house, J.ane 1, • ........ 15 40-36 65

Payp Rllof Orplmas' foe Jrna1•96.. 231 60Pay RBolllfO' e•er's


• p

autmg.jfl-ne, t + ........................ s.. a 40

Pay Roll of eity Wok.hboutr for June18616 being foe aalares of t* folio~ing Under-Wardens, Whose ecarl-tLE sae.ool acc••ed:W,J. Hoe, onaznh "' .... 0 60S. " Crozat,onue mothi`ol........... o0*,J B.FaLmoner, o0 m .at.... 6.. 60' ..A. 1E. 80ow, twenty days ......... 3a3 8 --Peth Coyle, bill for hauling 7 spanr at tly

ecla.. l .... :..... . %So-Anntin k Goodwin, bill of ifty copper lanterrind tin ampefor ame .................... y370 83Watermau & Brother, bill halrdwY-forsBL-

,ev s ne MAtt from Janasry 6S6, IoSu ,,1 . .p.:..... . 1!6

11, D. Eeno Who ge. fourth Distret billsundries forJune. 1655 11 00R;W Orlens Pieayan•, for publishing.oece-

in•g of Counell from Mayng 12, t10,to May17,1855, including job wor.and advernting, 5218 70New Oreans Pieuyne: subsereption

forelgtyMeere from May 16, 1864--thirlten eoies at-41........;...... 156•013 extra eopies atrve cents........ 20

13 etjtef for Board of Aldermen.... 106 0027 copies be Assisnat Board ofAldermen ....................... 3040-06 166

Reo•tee, That the SUrveyor be and heals hereby re-aiested to have an awning made to the north cf ofWashington Market.

Beroelst, fhat the polieM regulations regardinglaven and free nsus orf eolor be printed, ied a copyd6liered to each police oftfiee.

[66usd] +. L.. T4CT,.Preeidet Board of Aniamt Adi.

[8igned] JON CUL63B56o0,Pret• dent pr tems. Bord A dermen.AprovadJuly 21,66

(Sgnued! JOHR L. LUWI6, ytior.A true copy. Tfeo. Tatxa, Srcy. ir .

[ No. 2tlm ]Reaolvrd, Tnhat the Cmpuroller sell at p5blie nor-

tion,, after ten days notice toin the olicial joUltal, to thebigheht bidder, thu redge boeat, with the machinery.

to., bnlongiag to the city, and now Iiaig near the flas-,oat basin.

p05140usd OmXADBeeddenpm.- tom.*l~ a il

Pzowtderal ~ilA en,Appepre July 86 186. .jyli [SiSed] SOUI L. LW , sor,

COSIPTROLLER'S OFIOG,Ctvb oe Nw •OotA.s,4uly1, 1866 .

otoiee Is hereby given that on Mto•aty. 5th bu st.; Iwill adjudieate, at my oece, at 12 'cloeloM.tlthe aoeedrdge boit, etc.' .o BUYS ,jyiS . 14 lt , . tio' .

'Cit oif Ntw O~eanr1 Mo 6R160L615 Thatehe Oomptibllrr bosus

d 41n hereby

atithorn sd a c zaquto ad to n g ilee a dea b a iu t ad-ertte ena t in the oeolal jouceal, ta• o 4•n•e.nU thi ntothnrette o r dlamame Kb. 1d.•.peperdhMa ceb, 1004,9 ms coonap wlt not pay sty

tho City ntlesa eutruadid unlreanchrty os at•ndfrom the emLiperiro, faaormlami ith Areafrred to.

President HoaradA'sda6ltolaau.

hpprrundAprtlt,16.Siga eld] JOHN, L. WtWIB, Mayor

Th. sttaothn ou the ndmesr ad the oily s tVddpublin t rcpeotfnlly nalled to mfnrstotg r

miylO 1 N04w rtrus..

PDistDrOi Pdnd.AS brobught to. o, Fis Dhioet PO on Dr• -

W odes ttet, nearTritojWalk, s tras0--i onedset brown Mare tMuat Sat 18 hands tgb, witha rope oon the0 noklame In the oiLgthinbd leg.

One whites Pemale Goat, with yellow spots,One whrite mnae Gbat.withyblelowrnk.Os. enoat H~ors, aboat 14) hands btlgtos lgbi bind E

foot white, large joint on'the let knee.AM•o an tncnmbwo•on icatonnt&

onur pieedos o Lumber. toe o0d iro'tanunOe.

Whieh, if net. ilatmd withIn ton day• the ax-peoee theeon paid, will be oid at petic nlotioo

• at

ase pounid, on MOIDAY, the 28 14t. at lO n4 oekA. M.AUG. 8. PHBELPS, Skeet tomamlneaone.

New Orleans, July 11, 181. -

L a ate conduit au Depot des Zpavee da Prmler Dis-


rue Drades,

pres de in promenade

Trltobntoomme eopvee-UnDo Male bran flnce, d'enviroa 13 maJns deo haut,syant one cords au aou, estrople doe I jamnb dmr1te de

derriere.Une ChObrreo blan•m•o, yant dertahes jaunes.Unoe Cunere blanuhe, i10ou janme.Un Chevl •dean, 'envtron 14 mainos et ddehiede hen,

i1 pled droit de dg•len sbhe, ia jointure o genoguohe large.Aunee comma embur• sur in vote pubtltqe,Q•utre pieces de Rioe.on vies Canonn far.'ile no seont ne reolauoee dens dix Jots, a lo de-

penoes payees, ie aeront vendusn a l' .dlt depot, LUNDi, Le 23 dn couret, a 30 bohnemA M. AUG. S.P LPp

Commlmawo de Rume.Noovelle Orleans, 11 Jolllet, 1815. Ipj 1023

Sacond District Pound.W AS brought t the Second Distriot Poumd, corner

of St. Ann and Derbigny streets. to estmys--Two white, yellow and black Female Goats.One yellow and white semale Goat, ear eropped, with-

out horns.One white MailGoat, both ears cropped. ,Whlioh, if not claimedwithin ten dsys, andth ne

thereon paid, will be sold st public auction, at tsd atoon FRIDAY, the 7th inst., at 0I o'clock A. M-.

-AUG. S. PHELPS, Street 1 ommineo.New Orleansao, J ly 10,1855

L a eate conduit no Depot •ea Epaveo du Seconedle-

1 tr0101 l'enooignure des rue lSte. Anne et Derblgny,oomme epaves-

Deux ,nneres, blanoches, jauone et nolres.Ute Chorrs jaune 0t blanohe, lea orellles ecourtes,

eene cornea,Tn Bouo blanc, lee orelllee ecourteea.Si lea dits aoiman noe sent pas reclamee daoqdi joeer

et lee depoenes payees, it enront veodna a L'eno ere pub.liRn, as dit depot, YENDREDI, Ia 27 d courant, a 10lbeures A. M. AUO. S. PHELPS,

Oomnmiselre doe Rue.Nouvelle Orleanolo,1 Jullet, 1888. jy7 23 27

Police J•il, Second District.'WT AS brought to the City Policer Jail on toe 3d daySof July, the light negro boy JACOK ; lsS feet 7

Inohes high, about 840 years old. ysae he belodge to MNI.Iigand'e brickyard, at Penracola, Fa. The owner Is re-quested to call and tclaim ald selarve according to law.

B, PLANICHAD, Keeper City Police Jail.New Orlearns, Jly 10.,1855. jyll I•

V OUmHi s, oiiOoo & UO., No 16Tohoo-pp bar street E r. b"b n .w Irr ul"- p0Hre Ctaouum 8und Lemonds Mid. )FlOUR a O SlII. Lo 01,00. ( .I .0an and LemonA nIlH.)

LAID OIL-ISO bU. CmoOIIO'. To0io', HuS', Kogl.', Wbht.o d th -6,ud"..

PERK-OH HI. Sb..r .,d Prime.BEE-I40 bbHI . d hol bbl John H. Davi,' ell- ,FHilJ MWat

505005 4uvur,1 o0~ 0.01 .00 To~ro g0I b 00100 0000~1.HISOO-00OI,9 .i JohH . 11k1I0'o. . o. TkoootJne ohu S8o'0.


It. 01.a' ehiO,, 8051I CurId.WHISKY-H0 I bbl OI.,H, O.o'. Ha Hodm,.' .od Coo..llo

80AP- '0 boos Ow,. Shllltbo'a Osid..

lo pad I' .,. 0h b,,ic0I.or 0b MenneOn 0 1.STAR CoIDLKS-IOSO boS..and halS boo.0.,H o. .,l H., v

BUITanR AND 00IKNRE-IWO pkg. A. W. 500.0' Wak0rn

DLII .CATLD WIK WINAOS bb boo,.I 0 0 oolo b'.

HI.0H0 B000'-CATL I IN ̀ti100Y Loa of Lun~wortrD e aburted BPlui-

* in., 10ny47.-..I Wo0S1d DIy. j.1 1,0

' LOlR I D A YELLOW PINE LUMBERYARDS.-TIe u.doH0.I d 00., lo 000i1i0m H t10,1 old an

D..I boown O.bliHihb Ioo 00.1. *0,..I Iooobkog, 00.

o .luoo yard OX. 01Od Suluo, I0000'0g h C0000 o0 Ib.,Co..a.lWk, 00000 Vd.1k and .0050.51 leet., .. d Paler vests, h, ra they tee on. euotly an bhan :g~ral b

0 .onmOutoI 00 eilr'ibg0000riKly.5 nd P4 ,arch, arro.w aon wHidb, dnosb, todld and groolie

010,0 Pin. C W.I L 5 1%l.,I Olp5 0000 000000000 wid., dOloHO) tH00I.d 0,0groIve

nI god 01,, poo ..leogH Aioolo.0d, I500n 00 0YHllow

4 Teweo l, O,.i.O[d dIobo Wkol ..11 nrdi o.11'7 po. op.

'I IhI.h.d0.0oifiylR,00liI00I00d.0010Or ..kl0 io0 1HW uLH

.1110,..I lo e Bone Rod.rd oom.I. A d R..hy1100511011".0d. an ,.l

B Or.. maln k .r Lumber at Lhelr ffiib on Peeerrel and dlarJrurr By,. Wut Piond., bdr oU.o tod e, m. 4 o . PhiN'0lph.10

,,.ri11 , 0 1 I York Bo tin, Aup Wet?. l~ltO , Le na.CrrpuaCh'il 05 b otter port .long be hlaauc al 4uf -a,, nary Aur brad. 7fiy ere ottm plrpo~rd to ulpply olden or the 4glrk. d obar Rarop..n muknrn.Tt Thr1r Lu 1isk l all~l neat'; piled op in shedsbd loi

b eli aup.Y r l n.11 tin'! wll aarud ad -n g for lolrnrldloi ueur. n

10 16yk, NICOL A OD..

_Q.._ ry, Co.u. ..d r l .1--el.t;; U' N. w D Ra+In.

LAR A& H WSUANDILE3, WilISkY,ecO:;100 bblO bbls Rawt L tl, eosu Ca:.d Nm..sAod-o do cask C le or a~ndRb dSoo ht do do o do9W b~ o~lR. W~y

hrd * do Rodo weak)

Di bbl, Id,. Whbd.(900 do lltch~r W bLky9G0 bo~r Pearl SWrrb.80 bblCb-GN do Atmho. .60 do OW kf oonosb.L W hi~ky.`

llo yy err wad rlpnih Back. Dor..tis.';Bnoh.%i erTll

by IJU5LH LAN DI 5 CO.& 101, 13lbbll, rSrt 01.!

IVHoSlsKY- 80 bbls Ra w, SICote IRos ean11 ~~m1d r OSEPH1 LANDIIB t CO.. $3 Tlwdoitool.l.t.

JJACN--100 casks Clar and Ribbed Sides,W do. kcaidlan, choir Ciotm a L-d, Cu We b

jy1T rORLH LIND19 " CO. Y'laay - n." -- L%~1 OW~ PEAS-SW bagse Oarolins seed in store.

lot' w. 7 BABRLI A Co.,NO. 41cows= Wal 1e~

?onw RA no nu-air .ne-o f the menyamusing aneodotes of e man of Roa-nihe, we do not biu., Mleqhlg weas earin paint e

e ws tr vering through a pet o V•flniin whichub i unacqu•lated,;. m m hesrtppad dof tue It nlgt e lt ann eeeseforks of the r~. T n*l4n•n wee M a uegentleman, and no B t onaethefbre. .lies in the Old Doan5a. KooSwng whe hisdistinaguished gUast was, he desvmed dunngthe evenig to draw him into eeavemslio, baufed in all his etr Bur t B l the manting,when Mr. Rsndolph was ready toseleef)lleal

f 4 w hnnid. ladlord, still nssose s heweseseconvesetlno with him, began •d Mlon:"WH e wa e you traling, Mr. e=n-

"i," M a rid . N eh, with a took of di-

"Dol owe yen afything somas,,"S*o.""Well, I'm going jut when lr e- do you

"Yee.."The landlord by this time got wevwhet exei.ted, d Mr. Randolph drove of. But to the

lSlO!e'eanrprise, ina en inowaes theservmat:me or•so for bhifePaser which of the forks

." t..Ro npt being out of hearing.dia•'taae, he epoJe o ot.p of hie oioe: "Mr.Itandoph, on. dont pye se one cent; just takewhich roadyQu pltegsee

vhsFsFwn nD WI 1 e fOd the fol-rowisg fish iPn a latee a llhtberfine Boston

T•tuript: "At this csi of 4S h year, whennumerous species of the pieostory tribe resortin indefnite nmbes to their usual haunts to de-posit their spawn, the wster at the foot of shelarge dam at Lawrence, on the ItMerimsa river,prelets a ourious and interestng' spectacle.losaleulable sawrms of lamprey eels,. sbd andalewives have gathered at thi point, for thepurpose of repairing to the upper tributaries,hut the fslls being eighteen feet in height, theforce of the mzniatie cataract Is sfech thatthamt prgeeem is eoettually stayed. They at-tempt all e•saef wage to elr theb falling maslof waters, only to be duae yt: •.twrepeet ta ,vaino ex1perlment. When the darn we in pro-green of constrtio, ith uiatory habits ofti.e Thl were c tid'e rs and a large, eutstan-tial fish coase, built of heavy timber, wasereteda thesoutberly sad, tthet y mightreadily 'follow their insintle nsatre; butthey wore thwarted by-there ingtilde, so thatnot evenm sain; that e•deedigly nimble fish,isable to stem the current. Millios of fish,chit* leelprqirtisherefore, aesumt•late in

p ' Mp av1e four

istic of our oommon harbor eel•t•hles teh is,noted 2i e ,y btlaekquantities at taierreks, and sent

abroad to i fastidiouhs peiat

A DoG ToeY.-A friend in ftiashrg, whosigns himself "On, e who.reades pays for the

erCLed:' (nth n entitled toearunsg atp ol tt dfollowing

Mr. tO .Hopkins, late of Soltid ag, wholed in Jeeary last, had a smaed'asprightlyterrier, named "i,". of whisc lewasveryfend. After the 4aof his pasiar, NlggrewmeianohO•'. NotI the f~soi- do

seeed to amusm him. He coLd `tbe enaticedfrom the side of his baitrees, but eeald followher bont everywhere, grave sad sdate, asthough au•ualy thinking of •h•dldll mister.One day a closet containing be ia ter's clothing was opened. No soo~ r did NE isooverthgarments, thah he friked•tisuh•t a franticwith delight, evidetlyezspeltngi~M meeter toappear.. When the poor animal discovered hiserror, he testified his disappointret by piteousand mournfl howlige.

ln May rlbupoor g grew, more melancholyh ever.4All attempts to inda•blt to leave"

th were unavailing, until one day hiewent t9 visit the grave of her'husband.

Tha folloo, and on arriviogat the oundcomtnienced 4 g and moaning, testifying hisgrief In the 1 affecting manner. Prom thattime he.could ot be enticed to leave the grave,but stayed day and night till he starved todeath. He was found there, stretched on theearth, cold andstif- [Danevili ser.

To offset the above and show thetheman be-ings have some feelings as well as brutes, wegive place to the following, which we And in thePittsabrg Dispatch of the 10th:

A German, named George-Shank, aged boutffty, for many years hetler,. for Dr. FIg, inWaynesboro', committed saicide last Satudaymorning, by hanging. The only cause for theact seems to have been distressat the death ofa favorite horse belonging to the Doctor. Dur-ing the siokness of the animal, Shank washeard to say " When Fox dies I want to die,"and after its death, when removing from thebody the halter, he said, " the halter will dome a service some day."

airY Ranxoto.---htary nedmond was thedaughter of a patriot somewhat distinguishedamong his neighbors in Philadelphia. Many ofher relatives were loyalists; and ehewas playfully called among them " the black-eyed re-bel " She was aooustomed to miast severalwomen whose husbands werein the Ainericanarmy, to procure intelligence. The dispatcheswere usually sent from their friends by a boy,who carried them stitched in the beck of hiscoat. He came into the city bringing provis-ions to market. One morning, when there wassome reason to fear he was suspected, and hismovements watched by the enemy, Mary un-dertook to get the papers in safety from.him.She eant, as usual, to the market, and in apret lte4game of romps, threw her shawlover the 'boy's head, and thus secured theprise. She hastened with the papers to heranxious friends, who read them by stealth, afterthe windows had been carefully closed. Whenthe news came of Burgoyne's surrender, endthe Whig women were secretly rejoicing, thesprightly girl, not daring to give vent orenlyto her exultation, put her head up the chimneyand gave a shout for Gates.

It is said that in consequence of thelate mas-acsre, the Allied Gevernmeots will issue the fol-

lowing proclamation, if satisfaction is refusedby Russia : "Colonel - , of the Russianarmy having committed a cold-blooded, cowardlyand brutal murder on the persoise of three offi-cers and sixteen seamen of her Britannic Ms-jesty's navy, who, under a flag of trace, had,unarmed, entrusted themselves to his honor andthat of the hoble profession of arms, which hehas disgraced by the cowardly act of an assas-sin and pirate. Colonel - is hereby placedwithout the pale of the law of nations, whichhe has so disgracefully violated, and it is herebyordered and directed, to all whom it may con-cern, that upon his capture by any French orBritish naval or military authority, he, the saidColonel - shall, on being identifled, be im-mediately hanged by the neok until he is dead,and then the usual reward for the apprehensionof a common murderer (.C50) be paid over to hiscaptors."

The 'volcanic repeating pistol" is the nameof a newly-invented firo-armin New Haven. Itcarries a Minie or conical ball, in a rifle barrel,and will put it through, it is said, a three-inchplank at a distance of ninety rode. The receir-ing tube will hold ten ball-cartridges, and canbe deposited i*twe seconds of time. The pistolmay be discharged thirty times in fifty seconds.It is so contrived that it is not liable to acci-dental discharge. There is no priming, no capsand no recoil. The powder and ball are in-closed in the same metallic cover.

The exansting air-pumps used in opnnectionwith Mr. Richardson's atmoepherio'telegraphapparatus, are to be twenty feet in leigth, andof a oalibre or area equal to fifty times that ofthe tube, so that one hundred feet of the tubswill be vacuated by each stroke of the pumpe-probably about twelve thousand feet per minute,or one hundred and thirty miles per hour.Four times this velocity may be obtalned, how-ever, it required. The tube is furnished withan ingenious arrangemento nmechalism at eachstation where it is required to open the packagoorates.