food borne diseases - cookery 10

Food Borne Diseases

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Food Borne


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Remember the FBI3 Food Borne Illness Infection Intoxication

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How are they differ to each other ?How can you Acquire the FBI3 ? Food borne illness


to people by FOOD.

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Food borne infection Results fromEATING FOOD containingHARMFUL micro-ORGANISMS.

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Food borne intoxicationResults fromEATING FOOD containingTOXINS from BACTERIA ,molds or certain plants or animals .

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The foodborne bacteria that cause infection are: Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes,

Campylobacter jejuni, Vibrio

parahaemolyticus, Vibrio vulnificus,

and Yersinia enterocolitica.

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Salmonella spp

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Campylobacter jejuni

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Vibrio parahaemolyticus

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Vibrio vulnificus( seawater monster)

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Yersinia enterocolitica

The portal of entry is the gastrointestinal tract. The organism is acquired usually by insufficiently cooked pork or contaminated water, meat, or milk.

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How thus it looks like ?Research on the features of the following bacteria that causes infection ,through the


Group 1 Salmonella spp., 1. Print it Listeria monocytogenes, 2. Cover each picture with plastic cover . Campylobacter jejuni, 3. Pass it on August 24,2016 Wednesday Group 2 4. Rubrics . On time and neat – 10 points Vibrio parahaemolyticus, On time but not presentable – 9 points Vibrio vulnificus, Late but presentable – 8 points and Yersinia enterocolitica Didn’t participate in group – 5 points

Didn’t comply – 3 points

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Lets see what diseases can we acquire if ….

The most common viral agents that cause foodborne disease are:

Hepatitis A, nor virus, and rotavirus.

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What are the parasites that can reside inside of us ???

The most common foodborne parasites are: Trichinella spiralis, Anisakis simplex, Giaria duodenalis, Toxoplasma gondii, Cryptosporidium parvum, and Cyclospora cayetanensis.

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Let take a short quiz before we continue … Instruction : Write your answer on your paper . Don’t try to copy from your classmate , you might get the wrong answer too.

1 to 3 What is the meaning of FBI3 ?4-9 Explain each FBI ? 2 points each .10-11. Identify two bacteria that causes infection?12-13. Identify two causes of food borne diseases ?14-15.Give two parasites that can reside inside the body ?

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Lets continue … Intoxication …

The foodborne bacteria that cause intoxication are: Clostridium botulinum, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens, and Bacillus cereus.

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Chemicals that can cause an intoxication includes:

cleaning products, sanitizers, pesticides and metals (lead, copper, brass, zinc, antimony, and cadmium)

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Seafood toxins includes… ciguatera toxin, scombroid toxin, shellfish toxins, and systemic fish toxins.

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Plants and mushrooms can also cause an intoxication.

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Another time to remember… QUIZ Write your answer on a sheet of paper.

1.What are the four factors that can cause intoxication ? In each factor give at least 3 examples that are given from the discussion. 12 points

2. In your own opinion ? How can you avoid intoxication ? Give me an reliable answer . 8 points

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Common Causes of Outbreaks of Food Borne Illness are :1. Failure to refrigerate food.2. Failure to heat or cook food.3. Infected employees / workers because of poor personal hygiene practices

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4.Foods prepared a day or more before they are served5. Raw , contaminated ingredients incorporated into foods that receive no further cooking.

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6. Cross contamination of cooked food through improperly cleaned equipment.7. Failure to reheat food to temperature that kills bacteria.8. Prolonged exposure to temperature favorable to bacterial growth.

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Your Turn to Speak … Awareness for KITCHEN and ELECTRICAL HAZARDS

Instruction : Every student must memorize 3 awareness . We will be playing UNO , Isa , one .. Where in we will count up to 17 using the three language. If the number stops on your designated number you should stand and recite the awareness .

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Awareness in the Kitchen and Electrical Hazard :1.Use Caution when working around hot oil .2.Get trained in the proper use of and

maintenance of deep fryer .3.Observe all safety procedures and wear all

protective equipment provided for use while preparing hot items .

4.Use gloves, scrapers, and other cleaning tools with handle

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Awareness in the Kitchen and Electrical Hazard :

5.Use the correct grease level and cooking temperatures for deep fryer .6. Keep stove surfaces clean to prevent grease flare-ups .7. Avoid reaching over or climbing on top of fryers and other hot surfaces , Clean vents when oil is cool. 8. Keep floor surfaces clean and dry to prevent slipping or falling onto hot surfaces.

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Awareness in the Kitchen and Electrical Hazard :9. Wear slip-resistant shoes . Floors should be cleaned often with grease-cutting solutions .10.Do not work closely to hot fryers when the floor is wet .11. Do not spill water or ice into hot oil as this may cause a flare-up.12. Do not overfill or pour excessive amount of frozen fries into deep fryer at one time .

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Awareness in the Kitchen and Electrical Hazard :13. Over filling causes excessive splashing and bubbling over of hot oil.14. Do not pour excess ice from fry packages into the fryer .15. Do not overheat the oil; use only manufacturers recommended cooking temperatures .16. Do not move or strain hot oil containers ; wait until the oil is cool! 17. Extinguish hot oil/grease fires by using a class K fire distinguisher .

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End of Discussion

-----Check up ---- Can you write your learnings ? Send it to my fb account ROSSEL C. NAVARRO # dated august 23,2016 /Learnings acquired/ state your learnings and realizations and how can you used it appropriately to COOKERY class.