fontmaster user manual

A word processing system for the Commodore 64 By Marty Flickinger -- -

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User manual for Fontmaster word processor for Commodore 64 computers


Page 1: Fontmaster User Manual

A word processing system for the Commodore 64

By Marty Flickinger

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Page 2: Fontmaster User Manual


Syatea overview. • •

FONTS• Introduction ... Getting started . Commands. . . . . Font selections .

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FONTt1ASTER Introduction. Loading • . .

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Screen explanation .. Command summary . . . Command explanations.

• • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • •

FONTEDITOR Introduction. • • •

Creating new fonts. Editing fonts ... Fon t maintenance ..

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• • • •

App•ndiaea .

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• • • • • •

• • • • • •

• • • • • •

A. Troubleshooting FONTS+ .• ·• • • B. Troubleshooting FONTMASTER • • • C. Printer interfaces ..•. • • •

D. Compatible printers~ •.• • • • E. Printing passes .•.... • • •

F. Standard fonts •....• • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Coaaand auaaariea. • • • • • • • • • •

C(fftiGIT ( Cl 1984 xmt IJC.

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Congratulations on buvlng the Xetec FONTffiASTER svstem. The svstem uses o unique process In order to simulate dolsv-wheel qual ltv pr i nt from o dot-motrl:x: printer. With a Commodore 64, o 1541 disk drive, and the Included software and fonts, vou con write documents, chang ing tvpe-stvle onv time vou wont <even In the middle of o word!>. Sixteen f o nt:s ore Inc l uded on the disk, but with the FONTEDITOR proorom ( Included>, vou con chanoe them to vour I lkl n o or create vour own new font:s . Two modules are lnluded, both of which ol low vou to u:se the font:s with :special features I Ike :super:scrlpt:s, :subscripts, e:x:pon:slon, compre:s:slon, plea or el 1te pitch, boldfacing, under I lnlno, and Inversion.

FONTffiASTER requires a Xetec printer Inter ­face <or equivalent> and a printer that l:s compat 1 b le w 1 th the Gem 1 n 1 lOX or Epson printers <:see Appendix C for detol Is).

Your Fontmoster disk mav not be copied <not even f or or ch 1 vo I purposes). If at anv time vour disk becomes damaged or unreadable <during normal u:se), replacements mav be obtained from Xetec . We therefore recommend that v ou put user-created font:s and data fl le:s on o :separate dl:sk.

The flr:st module, FONTS+, ol lows p r 1 n t 1 n d 1 f fer en t fonts u::s 1 no f3AS I C

vou to PRINT

statements . AI I channels opened to vour <OPEN

A I I printer with o secondorv address of 10 4, 4,10) wl I I be printed us l no FONTS+,


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other secondarv addresses are handled bv the printer Interface.


To act 1 vote the FONTS+ modu I e, t vpe:

Eight should tvpe:


fonts w I I I be see the message

loaded, and then FONTS• actlvat•d.

OPEN 1,4,7 OPEN 2,4,10 PRINT#l, "Hello" PRINT#2,"There"

vou Now

H• I I o shou I d be p r I n ted I n dot rna t r 1 x, and Th•r• In the EnglIsh font using FONTS+. Now trv PRINT#2, "?2There" <The script '?' stands for the 'font' svmbo I, generated bv holding down the CTRL kev and pushing the left arrow kev--next to the number 1). Notice that this time Tt'•r• IS printed In a dl fferent font. That's what ?2 means- change to font #2. The eight fonts vou sow loading ot the beginning are ol I present and wa i ting to be used. AI I vou hove to do Is change to whichever font and print! Now trv changing In the middle of o word:


Once vou select o font, It remains the current font unt 1 I vou choose another.


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CO .... ANDS

You con do special thlnos bv fol lowlno the '7 ' with other commands besides 1 thru 8:

Co•••nd 7U 7B 7I 7P 7E 7C 7X 75 7t 7N 7. 7, 7> 7< 71. .. 8

Function Turn under! lnlno on or off Turn boldfoclno on or off Turn Inverse on or off Seltact Pica pitch <10 cpl) Se I 121 c t E I I t e p I t c h ( 112 c p I ) Turn compresstad modta on or off Tur n expondtad mode on or off Start sub-scrlptlno Start super-script lng Stop super/su b-scrtptlnQ Set to 6 I lnes/lnch Set to 8 I lnes/lnch 6 LP I , 8 LP I , Change

Epson tvpe printer Epson tvpe printer to font # 1 thru 8

These commands con be ustad without even pr 1 nt 1 no onv text. For exomp I e, to turn on under I lnlng, use PRINT#4,''7U'' Use 7U ogoln to shut 1 t of f .

Bv uslno CffiD <I.e. CffiD 12), vou con I 1st BASIC prooroms or disk directories uslno FONTS+. Also, FONTS+ hos a text screen dump which wl I I dump o screen of text In whatever font ond modes ore currentlv selected. To dump the screen, use SYS 51000 In the direct mode or In a BASIC prooram.

If vou happen to reset vour computer. or FONTS+ somehow becomes deactivated, SYS 49152 will restart 1t. Also, FONTS+ limits the I G:sngtt-, of <aoch lln<a It prints to 80 characters. If the f o I I ow I ng


vou hove o process to

w 1 de r p r Inter , expand the I

use I m I t :


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POKE 50942,Nl:POKE 50943,N2 number of column5*24.

where N1+256•N2=


Since vou have 16 fonts to choose from but vou can onlv have 8 loaded Into the computer at one time, vou wl I I probablv want to choo5e the 8 that vou u5e most often and set those as the 8 to be loaded when vou start FONTS+, To do this, LOAD and RUN the program co I I ed SELECT.


The FONTffiASTER word proce5sor Is a 'window' oriented proces5or which ha5 a ful I set of powerful text-edltlnQ comMand5, as wei I os the obi I ltv to print documents uslnQ dl fferent fonts and special effects. Since FONTffiASTER was written with this font copabl I ltv In mind, using the fonts and effects Is no more compl 1coted than tvplng words. If vou run Into dlfflcultv, consult the troubleshooting guide In appendix B.


To load the FONTffiASTER word processor, tvpe; LOAD "FONTMASTER",8,1 After about 45 seconds, the s c r een 5hou I d I oo k I 1 k e f 1 our e 1. AI I the data at the top of the screen wl I I be exp I o 1 ned I ate r , but for now, I e t 's t r v o simple example to show vou how easv FONTffiASTER Is to use.

First, from 80


we want to move the right to 40 <this 15 going to be a

margin sma I I

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letter) so push C= ~ to dlsplav the parameter table. Now push the CRSR DOWN kev twice and hold the- kev unt1 I the 80 has chanoed to 40. Now push+ to oo back to the text screen. Before vou start tvplno, push SHIFT CTRL W to turn word-wrap on. WIth 1 t on, 1 f vou tvpe past the r I Qht maro In, the I ast word w 1 I I be moved to the next I Ina. Go ahead and tvpe a few I 1 nes of deep I v mean 1 nofu I text. Not 1 ce that the r IQht marQin Is not lined up. That Is the wav word-wrap works. Now push SHIFT CTRL J to not onlv word-wrap but Just 1 fv, too. Now tvpe some more I lnes, notlclnQ how the riQht marQins are I lnlnQ up now.

Now for some spa c 1 a I e f f e c t s. Push the Commodore kev and U <abbreviated C= U>. Not Ice theE In the box at the top Is now under I lned. That's because vou just turned under I lnlnQ on. Now tvpe a few words then push C= U aQaln. AI I the letters between the two Inverse U's wl I I be under I lned. BoldfaclnQ works the same wov. Subscr lpts and superscripts are a I lttle trickier. Do the fol lowlnQ to have Einstein's EzHC2 printed. Tvpe E=HC then C= + to turn superscr lpts on. Now tvpe a 2 then C= N to go back to normal text.

OK, enouoh tvplno, let's oat a printout of what we've oot In memorv. Push the HOmE kev to go to the beQinnlng of the fl le and tvpe C= R wh 1 c h w 1 I I p r 1 n t a rough d r a f t . < I f v ou oe t a Device not pre•ent error, vou need to hook up vour Interface correctlv.) Your printout probablv looks I Ike a bunch of oarbaoe. That's because vou are printing uslnQ font #l <see the 1 next to the box) but vou dont have a C= F 1. nL1mbe r,


font loaded there. To load one, When vou are asked for the

tvpe 1 and return. Then tvpe a

push font font


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nome <such os B•uh•u•> and hit return. After It's done loodtno, trv C= R oooln. Thts time, vou should oet 0 print-out that hos evervthtno under! lned properlv, etc. Go oheod ond trv some of the other special effects listed on the funct ton kev over lov. ffioke sure vou trv swltchtno to different fonts wl thin vour text. To do this, tvpe some text, then C= 2, fo I I owed bv some more text. The second oroup of letters wtll be pr tnted using font #2 <remember to load one there).


Wca wtll look ot each lettercad orcao In flgurca 1 and explain the function of caoch. The numbcars In thea oreo marked A lndlcotca the cursor's pogca, linea, and column, respcact lvcalv. The page number corresponds to thea octuol pooes of paper that wl I I bca oenerotcad. Graph 8 Is the scroll Indicator. Since the screen Is onlv 40 characters wide and vou wl I I most I lkcalv be cadltlng documents which orca wldcar, the scroll lndl cotor ot oil t lmes teal Is vou ot which fraction of the pooe vou ore looking. Go ahead and tvpe somca words untl I the screen starts to scroll <watch the Indicator, too). Htt o return and watch It move bock to the left. Area 0 dlsplovs the filename of whatever vou orca editing <tf It has one vet). Flogs G and . I ore the justification and Insertion flogs. Thcav con be turned on and off with simple commands. Flog H Is the Block ••rked floo which wt I I be useful when vou lcaarn thea block manipulation commands. Rreo E olwavs shows what percentooe of the free RAm vou hove used for vour data.

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The rest of the areas ot the top of the screen deal with fonts and their usage. Box C Is a orophlc Indicator of the special features being used. The '6' Indicates 6 I lnes per Inch. It mav be changed to '8'. The 'RE' represents text . I f , for exomp I e, under I 1 n 1 no Is turned on, the 'E' In the box becomes under I 1 ned. If vou turn bo I dfoc 1 no on, the 'E' becomes darker. The 'A' serves os o reference when, for example, super-scr lpt Is

turned on < the ' E' 1 s then fur the r up than the , A, ) .

Letter J Is the Indicator for characters per Inch. This value depends on what pitch Is selected (plea or el lte), and whether the text Is compressed, normal, or expanded. K shows wh 1 c h font I s cur rent I v se I e c ted < 1 t h r u 8 ) . L shows what font Is loaded there <If onv).

Line F Is the ruler and messooe I lne. Normal tv, the ruler Is dlsploved. The marks on the top s 1 de of the r u I e r 1 nd 1 cot 0 t ob stops. Occasional tv, this I 1ne Is used for dlsplovlng o message or asking a question. Subsequentlv, It will change bock to the ruler.


Following Is o brief explanation of the commands. For o more detol led description, see the next section, COMMAND EXPLANATIONS.

Cur•or right: moves the cursor to the rloht. When the end of a I 1 ne 1 s reo ched, 1 t w 1 I I move to the first of the next I 1ne. Cur•or left: moves the cursor to the left. When I t Qe t s to the f 1 r s t of o I 1 ne, I t w I I I move up to the lost of the previous I lne. Cur•or down: moves the cursor down to the next

FtlrusTER 7

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I I ne. I f the next I 1 ne 1 sn' t that I ono, the cursor wl I I be put at the last characte r. Cursor up: moves the cursor up to the previous I I ne . I f the I 1 ne t sn' t I ono enouoh to oo st ra 1 oht up, the cursor w 1 I I be put on the last character of the previous I 1ne. CTRL D: Same as cursor rloht. CTRL S: Some os cursor left. CTRL X: Some os cursor down. CTRL E: SaC\3 os cu rsor up. CTRL A: move the cursor to the first letter of the previous word In the text . CTRL F: move the cursor to the first lette r of the next word In the text. SHIFT CTRL S: move the curso r to the first letter SHIFT lette r CTRL <: CTRL >: CTRL W: text.

of the previous sentence. CTRL D: move the cursor to of the next sentence.

ffiove to beQinnlnQ of I 1ne. ffiove to end of I lne. Screen up. moves up 21

the f 1 r st

lnes In the

CTRL Z: Screen down. moves down 21 I lnes . SHFT CTRL Z: move to the bottom of the fl le. HOHE : move to the top of the fl le. CLR : Clear ol I text from memorv. RETURN: Put o cor rlaQe return In the text. SHFT RETURN : move the cursor to the beQ i nnlnQ of the next I lne. CTRL • : Set tab stop at the cursor position. CTRL - = Clear tob stop at the cursor position. SHFT CTRL - : Clear ol I tab stops. RUN/STOP : Tab kev. INST : Insert a space. CTRL I: Turn Insert mode on/off. SHFT CTRL I : Some as CTRL I. DEL : Delete a character to the left <rubout> . CTRL G: Gobble a character from the right . CTRL DEL: Delete entire I tne.


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CTRL =: Center current ltne. CTRL L: Look for text. SHFT CTRL L: Look OQoln for some text. CTRL R: Look for and replace text. SHFT CTRL R: Look ogotn and replace with some text. SHFT CTRL W: Turn word-wrap on/off. SHFT CTRL J: Switch between simple word- wrap and right J us ttf !cotton. CTRL J: Re - justlfv text from the cursor to the end of the paragraph . CTRL SPACE: Insert o 'sof t' space. SHFT -: Insert o hvphen. CTRL 8: mark one end of o text block where cursor Is. CTRL H: move text block from marker to this po 1 n t 1 n to bu f fer < I 1 m 1 t 2000 c ho r s ) . CTRL C: Cut text block from marker to this point out of ft le and put tt In the buffer. CTRL P: Paste text In buffer at this spot < 1 nser t 1 t). leave buffer unchanQed. CTRL 0: Overlov fol lowlnQ text wtth text from buffer. Leave buffer Inta c t. C= 8: <Commodore kev and B) Turn boldface on or off. C• U: Turn under! lnlng on/off. C• I: Turn Inverse mode on/off. C= E: Ell te pitch. C= P: Plea pitch . C= C: Turn compressed mode on/off. C= X: Turn expanded mode on/off. C= S: Start sub-scripts. C= t: Start super-scripts. C= N: Stop super/sub scripts. C= >: 6 I tnes per Inch. C= <: 8 I tnes per Inch. C= 1 .•• 8: Change to fonts l thru 8. C= 0: Turn dot-matrix mode on/off. C= F: Print final draft. Abort wtth- kev.


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C• A: Prtnt rough draft. Abort with~ kev. SHFT CTRL P: Parameter table. End with~ kev. C• ... : Parameter tob I e. +: Abort command C• UP/DOWN key: Change text color <down). SHFT C• UP/DOWN key: Change text color (up). C• LEFT/RIGHT key: Change screen color <down) . SHFT C• LEFT/RIGHT key: Change screen color <up>. Fl: Save text to disk. F3: Load text from disk. FS: Append text from disk to text In memorv . F7: Ve r 1 f v text from d 1 sk =text 1 n memo r v. F2: Erose text ft leon disk. F4: Rename text ft leon disk. F6: Clean up disk. F8: List dlrectorv of disk. C• Fl: Load a font Into memorv from disk. C• F3: Auto load alI fonts Into memorv needed for current text In memorv. C• SHFT Q: Qutt FONTffiASTER. tvped must beaT or the quit

The next letter will be aborted.


CTRL F: This command <move cursor to next word), Is useful for proofreading text word bv word <stnce vou usual tv can't see the ful I width of vour text at the some time).

INSERT HODE: This mode wtth the command CTRL <marked bv INST at the text Is tvped, it Is replacing other text.

can be turned on or I. With this mode top of the screen),

Inserted Instead

off on as of

CENTER: current

The center text command centers the I I ne I n o c cor dance w I t h the I 1 ne


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length at that time. I n other wo r d:s, I f vou :set the width to 80 chorocter:s/1 lne and center :someth 1 no, 1 t w 1 I I be centered on on 80 character l Ina. If the lenoth l:s then changed to 70. The po:s 1 t 1 on of the prev 1 ou:s I v centered I 1 ne w 1 I I ramo 1 n unchonoed. Sometimes this command con toke a few :seconds when a large fl le Is In memorv-be patient .

LOOK : After tvplnQ CTRL L, vou wl I I be asked what :sea r ch :string to loo k for. The :search w1 II begin at the cursor and w11 I cont lnue to the end of the fl le I f nece:s:sarv. If one Isn't found, the cursor wl I 1 be placed at the end of the fl le, and the message None found w1 I I be dlsplaved. After uslnQ thl:s command, vou mav look for the :same text oooln with SHIFTCTRLL. lfvouuseCTRLL, vouw l ll be asked for the new :search :string.

R, and

vou what

LOOK AND REPLACE: After tvplng CTRL tulll be asked for the :search :str lnQ to replace It with. Like the LOOK vou can look and replace the :some tvplng SHIFT CTRL R.

command, words bv

WORD-WRAP "ODE: This mode mav be turned on and off with the SHIFT CTRL W command. When off, tvpe as vou would on o tvpewrlter, endlnQ the I lne at vour discretion with o carriage return. WIth word-wrap on, when vou trv to t vpe post the r 1 ght morg 1 n, the I o:st word I :s brought down to the next I lne.


I I ke

JUSTIFICATION "ODE: If word-wrap I :s on, lnQ CTRL SHIFT J' WI I I turn on the justlfv word-wrap mode. This works just wtird-wrap except the r lght margins wl I I o I 1 oned.



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RE- JUSTIFY : When edltlno o paragraph , the right justlflcotton mov become disturbed (due to tnsrart Ions or de l et tons> . To re- Just I fv I t, move the cursor to the spot to s tart a t and t vpe CTRL J. A I I I 1 nes f rom tho t spot through the end of the paragraph wl I I be r lght Just 1 fled. <The end of o paragraph Is marked bv a carriage return or the end of thra ftle . )

HYPHENAT I ON : Occostonol l v the Jus tification routines wl I I hove a hard time making a I tne of text I 1ne up with the others < long words at t hra end of t h e I 1 ne are the maJor reason ) . I n these cases the rtght-Justtfted I lne mav look too ' stretched out'. To t mprove th 1 s, move thra cursor to the f 1 rst word on the next I 1 ne and hvphenate tt. To do so , move the cursor to the spot vou wont the hvphen Inserted and tvpe SH IFT - . Now go up to the previous I tnra and re-Just 1 fv wl th CTRL J. The hvpheno ted word should now be splIt onto both I tnes. <The SHIFT - command does the same thing as tvptng o - In the Insert mode).

SOFT SPACES : When vou tvpe o space In vour text, that Is called a ' hard' space because no matter how vour text Is re-arranged, thev will alwavs be presen t. 'Soft' spaces , however , are the spa ces Inserted to stretch out a I lne so that It will be right -J ustified. Thev are not permanent, meaning that If the text Is changed o II tt le and re-Just 1 f ted, the ' soft' spaces might be removed and new ones mav be Inserted e l sewhere . Someti mes vou mav want to touch up a line that was Just 1 f ted < 1 f, for example, soft spaces were added In o place that doesn't look rtoht to vou). You can


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manual tv delete some soft spaces and put them where vou I Ike. When deletlno spaces, remember that a oap between two words Is mode of hard spaces <ol I on the left of the oop) and then the soft spaces. If vou del ete the hard spaces and then later re-;ustlfv It, vou mov wind up with no spaces betw~~n the two words. To Insert o soft spaces, use th~ <TAL SPACE command.

BLOCK CO""ANDS : FONTmASTER has four block manipulat ion commands: CUT, PASTE, ffiOVE, and OVERLAY. The CUT and ffiOVE commands move ol I text between two specified points Into o 2K bu f fer . <Cut a I so removes the text bet ween the two points--move just copies lt. > The wov to spectfv the end points Is with the <TAL B command . move the cursor to one end of the block and tvpe CTRL 8. You should see the letter 8 at the top of the screen, which Indicates that one end has been marked. Now move the cursor to the other end and tvpe either CTRL C to cut and move the text or <TAL m to just move tt. If vou mtstokenlv mark the Incorrect spot wl th the CTRL 8, just move to the correct pI ace and mark 1 t w 1 th CTRL 8, the first wl I I be forgotten.

. Once text has been moved Into the buffer with the CUT or mOVE commands It wl I I remain there untl I somethlno else IS CUT or ffiOVEd . The PASTE command Inserts the text In the buffer at the cursor. The OVERLAY command slmplv replaces the fol lowlno text at the cursor with the text 1 n the buffer. These two commands ore the equivalent of tvplno the text with the Insert mode on <PASTE>. and w t th the Insert mode off <OVERLAY>. Notice also that these commands leave the text In the buffer Intact,

FOilliASTER 13

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meaning that one~ vou hove moved text Into the buffer, vou con PASTE It or OVERLAY It In monv places.

DISK CO""ANDS: FONTffiASTEA has 10 disk commands, ol I of which ore accessed with the function kevs. most of the disk commands wt I I ask vou <on the ruler I lne) for one or two f 1 lenomes. You mov, 1 n response, t vpe o fl lenome of up to 16 letters, or vou mov tvpe Justo return to speclfv the some fl lenome as lost tIme. In oth'H words, 1 f vou save :some text as Forbleferb, If vou verlfv It, vou con Just tvpe return for the fl lenome <forbleferb wt I I be assumed>. Also, onv ttme vou ore o:sked for o fl lenome, vou con htt the abort kev <the left arrow> and the dtsk command wl I I not toke place.

SAVE end LOAD: These two commands work Just I Ike their counterparts In BASIC. SAVE saves the whole document, wht le LOAD erases ol I old text and lood:s the specif ied ft le.

APPEND: Thl:s command Is :simi lor to LOAD, exc.-ept the specified file I:S ' tacked on ' to the end of the existing text. You mov append text as monv times as vou I Ike, providing there Is stt I I some free space.

VERIFY: This command compares the text In memorv and the parameters <see Parameter table) to the disk file specified. It Is o good Ideo to use this command after o SAVE. If the compare Is good, OK wt I I be printed. Otherwise, o Verify error wl I I be d lsplaved.

ERASE: This command erases the specified fl le from the data disk. <This l:s non - reversible


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so be core f u I ! >

RENAHE : This command wl I I ask vou fl lenomes, on old and a new. None of Is changed , just Its nome.

for the

two data

CLEAN DISK : After sovlno ond deletlnQ fl les, wasted space mov accumulate on the disk. Use this comma nd to render this usable. <Note that, olthouoh t h ev o re used bv FONTffiASTER, onv relative fl les on di s k wl I I be destroved bv thi s command!)

manv dat a

space no t the

DISK DIRECTORY : This command WI I I c l ea r sc r een and list the dl rectorv of the d 1 s k . I f 1 t wont a I I f 1 t on the ·S c r een, wl I I be asked to push o kev to advance to next portion. When complete, the scr e en revert to the normal edltlno screen.

t h e da t a

vou the

w I I I

FONT LOAD : The C= Fl command I s used to load o slnQie font Into memorv. First, vou wl I I be asked the font number to food to (1 t h ru 8). Nex t, vou wl I I be asked the nome of the font.

AUTO FONT LOAD : This comman d Is used to l oad ol I the fonts needed for the present do c umen t. If a fl le was Just loaded that used the Bauhaus and Enol Ish f onts , th is command wou l d a ut omat 1 cal t v load those t wo tn t h e corre ct font numbers.

FONT COHHANDS : The fol lowlno comma nds contro l fonts and spectal effects used In pr ln t l no.

C= U: C= I : C• E: Cc P :


Turns under I lnt n o on or off Turns Inverse on or off <white on block> Selects El tte pitch (12 char/ I nch ) Selects Pica pitch (10 char/Inch >


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. C= C: Turns compressed mode on/off C= X: Turns expanded mode on/off C= S : Start sub-scripts C= •= Start super-scripts C= N: Stop super- or sub-scripts C= > : Select 6 I lnes/lnch C= < : Select 8 I lnes/lnch C= 1 thru 8: Select new font for print lng

C= 0 : This command turns the dot-motr IX mode on or off . When It's on , the font nome at the top of the screen wl I I be replaced with DOT MATRIX and onv printing done to the pr i nter WI I I be done In dot-matrix. This Is for the pu r pose of getting o rough copv of vour text In o short amount of time.

C= R: Print Rough draft. This command starts printing at the curso r and p r ints the rest of the documen t I 1ne bv I lne. You mov a b o r t this command with t he left-arrow kev.

C• F : Print Final draft. Thi s command star ts p rln t lnQ a t the begi nning of the fl le and p r ints the rest of the documen t , breok lnQ the text Into pages and p r int i ng tit l es and paQe numbers <If selected> . This command mav a l so be aborted with the left-arrow kev.

PARAMETER TABLE : ffiost of FONTffiASTER's param­eters can be viewed or changed bv dlsplavlng this table . C::: .-<or SHIFT C= P> clears the screen and cal Is up this t able. To change a parameter, move the curso r to the cor r ect I lne <with the up/down kevs> and hold down • or -to se l ect the desired numbe r or option. When done, use the abort kev (left arrow> to Qet back to the text screen.


Page 19: Fontmaster User Manual

Data device •: The dtsk on whtch vou loaded FONTffiRSTER Is the 'Svstem' device. When vou load a font, that disk dr lve will be accessed. Bv default, this same dr tve Is used for the 'data' device. In this configuration, vou wt II have to swt tch disks to access fonts or text ft les. If, however, vou have another disk dr tve, set the 'data' device number to this second dr lve. Fonts wl I I then be loaded f rom the f 1 r s t d r 1 ve, and text f 1 I es f rom the second.

Left •argin : Specifies how manv :spaces should precede each I tne.

Chars/1 ina: Specifies the maximum I lne length. (Right margtn=left margin+ chars/line.)

Lines/page: Number of each page of paper.

I lnes of text printed on ffiust be less than 66 If

vou want a title or page numbers.

Top border: Number of blank I lnes to leave at the top of each page before starting I lnes of text.

Paper length: length < tn In ches) of each sheet of paper.

Line feeds: Set to 0 for

Used for mult lple nor ma I spa c 1 no.

I I ne spac 1 ng.

Pause?: Pause between sheets of paper?

First page?: Pr tnt page number on f 1rst page?

First page •: Page number to start WI t h.

number lng


Page 20: Fontmaster User Manual

Peg• nu•b•r poe. : These two parameters spe c tfv where< tf onvwhere> to pr tnt the pooe numbers. The ftr st sets the posttton to the top of the pooe, the bot tom , or of f < nowhere > . The second specifies to pr in t It at the left maro 1 n, the center , the r 1 oht moro 1 n , or a I t e r not 1 no. The I at t e r 1 s u s ed for sheets that wt II be folded tnto a book <so that ol I pooe numbers ore on the outer edoe of the paper>.

Tit I• poo e opt 1 on POQe.

po8ltion: This works position, except that

puts the title on the

the some as the t he ' o I t e r no t a '

Inner ed~e of the

Ep8on typ•7 : If vou have o Gem 1 n 1 compat 1 b Ia printer, vou should leave It NO . Users with Epson compatible printers should change this to YES. If th 1 s quest 1 on 1 s answe red YES, the I lnes/lnch Indicator <6 or 8> wl I I be Inverse os o r em 1 nde r .

• ooluan•, plx•l•/ool : These two pa r amete rs estobl Ish the maximum number of pixels wh i ch vou r printer can p r int on one I tne <In the quod dens1tv graphlcs ,mode). For most print­ers, adjust onlv the # of columns.

Title: This Is the title of t he document ts to be pr int ed on each pa~e <If ' on ' >. maximum lenoth Is 32 letters.

wh 1 ch The

TITLE AND PAGE •: The remotnlnQ 5 pa rameters o r e dedicat ed to the title ond poge numbers on I v. For examp I e, vou con se I ec t tha t the title be pr in ted In a different font than the text or that It should be comp ressed , etc.


Page 21: Fontmaster User Manual





A- Cursor location B-Scroll Indicator



"--- J '--K L

C- Print featur0s currentlv b01no us0d D - Fl lename of text E - Percentaoe of RAm <memorv> used F - Ruler (also messaQe I lne) G- Word wrap/Justification flao H- 'Block marked' flao I - Insert mode flao J - Characters per Inch K - Number of the current font L - Nome of the current font

Figure 1


Page 22: Fontmaster User Manual


FONTEDITOR Is a proorom which at lows vou to c reate and modlfv vour own fonts. To start the proorom, tvpe LOAD ''FONTEDITOR''•8 and then RU N. After a brief pause, the fol low l no menu shou I d oppeo r :


Chang i ng the •eteotlon f i te : If vou tvpe S and return, vou s hould see a I 1st of at I the oval labia fonts on the rloht side of the screen, and the eloht choices contained In the selection fl le <the fonts that ore l oaded outomotlcal tv when vou start FONTS + > on the left. Select the fonts vou will use most often and assign t hose as vour chol ces. I f vou don't wont to hove eloht loaded, vou con set some of them to •none- . In fact, dotno s o WI I I speed the loodlnQ of FONTS+ .

Note oonoerning font oho l oe •e: both FONTS+ and FONTmRSTER treat font # 8 In a special wov. I t Is Just ltke all the others unless vou ore pr lntlng lower case text In the 0 I I t e p I t c h, I n wh I c h c ose no spa c 0 I s I e f t between consecutive letters. Note that this results In a spoctno of about 13 CPI, not 12. The reason for dotno this Is so that certain fonts <such as SCR I PT > con hove the 1 r I e t t e r Joined . Therefore , font 8 Is reollv dedi coted to SCRIPT or other ' connected' fonts.


Page 23: Fontmaster User Manual


Select choice 1 from the moln vou w1 I I be guided through the transforming on Ideo Into o font.

menu, process

and of

First of ol I, vou wl I I be asked If vou wont to start with o blank or another font. Normallv, vou would tvpe 8 to start with blank characters. Some t 1 mes, however , 1 t Is eo:s I e r to create o font If vou toke another one and modlfv it. In thl:s case, tvpe F, and then tvpe the name of the font when vou ore o:sked.

Next, the ed 1 t :screen w 1 I I be d 1 sp I oved. The 9 bv 16 gr ld Is o blown-up Image of the dots In each character <most dot-matrix text Is Sx7 or 7x9). This grid l:s what vou wl I I use to create or modlfv characters of o font bv turn 1 f"'g 1 f"'d 1 v 1 duo I dot :s on or of f . Be I ow the grid Is o n~ar-actual- size repl lea of whatever Is on the grid above. At the top of the screef"' are the words ASCII: and CHAR:. Next to these ore the ASCI I value of the character vou ore working on, ond what the char a c t e r norma I I v wou I d be, respect I ve I v. I n other wards, If vou were In the middle of creating o font, the CHAR: might be dl:splovlng P <LC> (meaning a lower case P). If vou wont to create o standard font, vou :should create something here that looks I Ike a P.

In the middle of the screen Is o I 1st of the commaf"'ds vou cof"' use In the edit mode. The cursor kevs are used t8 move a cursor <the checkerboard pattern) around on the grid. Use S to turn on a dot and R to turn I t of f . Changing the dots Is experimental onlv. The pattern Isn't changed In memorv untl I vou push the func t 1 on kev Fl, at wh 1 ch tIme whatever Is on the grid Is stored as the finished product. Whl le vou are experimenting, pushing the P kev


Page 24: Fontmaster User Manual

wl t t cou~e three characters. to be printed on the printer Just t Ike vou hove drown on the Qrld. When It took~ rloht, store It In memorv with the Fl kev. You con use the Fl kev more than once on the ~orne character If vou chonoe vou r m 1 nd as to how 1 t shout d took. Just remember to pu~h 1 t ot t eo~t once before movlno on to the next character or the lmaoe vou created w1 I I be lo~t. When vou hit Fl, the next character 1~ put on the or ld for edltlno. You con Jump to a different character 1 f vou don't wont to oo 1 n sequential order bv tvplng J followed bv the kev whose letter vou want to work on. Al~o.

the • and - kev:s :step forward and backward one character at o time.

When vou ore done ed1t1no <or creotlnQ), tvpe Q. You wl I I be asked what vou wont to nome the font vou Just created. Enter 1 t, or If vou didn't create onvthlng worth sovlnQ, Just enter X. If you choose to save 1 t, 1 t wl I I be verified to make sure It ~oved OK.

t f the nome vou o 1 ve to vour font 1 s the nome of one olreodv on t h e disk, vou wl I I be told so and o~ked If vou wont to replace the old font with this one. If vou reply no, you w I I I ooo 1 n be asked for a nome. I f you t r v to over-write o font that wos ~uppl led with the dl~k, vou w1 I I get on error me:ssooe because thev ore protected. Just save vour revised version under o different name.


menu selection #2 <Edit a font>, :s 1 m 1 I or to c reo t 1 ng o font , except start with o defined font (not a Also, when vou ore done modlfvtnQ It,

Is verv vou must

b I onk). VOU Will


Page 25: Fontmaster User Manual

b~ asked If vou wont to r~ -sove It or not. If not, vou w 1 I I I ose whot vou mode. If vou do wont to r~-sove It , th~ old v~rslon WI I I b~ ~ros~d ond r~ploc~d <unl~ss It Is o suppl l~d. prot~c t~d font, 1 n wh 1 ch cos~ vou w I I I b~ osk~d for o n~w nom~ for th~ n~w v~rslon-- th~ o I d one w I I I r ~mo 1 n) .


list oil Selecting m~nu cholc~ #3 wl I I fonts pr~s~nt on th~ disk curr~ntlv disk drive. Cholc~ #4 allows vou to unwonted fonts to free disk space. protected fonts suppl l~d with th~ disk b~ erased.

1 n th~


Again, cannot

m~nu cholc~ # 6 ~xlts the editor and cl~ons up the d 1 s k .

APPENDIX A FONTS• Troubteahooting 9uide

SVt1PTOt1S ?file not fOllld er ror

FONTS• .on' t rm

l>evl ce not present error Nothlno print~ on the printer


POSSIBLE CAUSES lORD "FONTS•",8, 1 typed Incorrectly fue of the 8 font select Ions does not exist ,1 left off lORD stote.ent llleoal copies .on't rm lnterfo(e not corre(tlv conne(ted Albbon (able not plugoed Into printer Printer not sele(ted (not on- line) Printer not turned on Pr inter Is lncOIPQtlble <<he<k Appendix C) Pr inter lnterfo(e not setup right (Appendix 8>


Page 26: Fontmaster User Manual

TBit Is belllQ pr lnted QS oorbooe lines of font text ore double-SPQced lines of text too close or over l~lno lines of text too for aport Printing only In dot-~atrlx

? c~ not 10rk1ng SYS 49l5e doesn't 10rk or locks up CQIPUter Screen~ (SYS SHXXll doesn't 10rk

Uslno font I that no font has been loocled to SN.It off lllto line-feed on prInter UsB ?< or ?< c~ 1 f vou hove on ~-tvpe Use?. or ?, If you hove o Gellnl-t~ printer F<IITS+ not oct I voted-use SYS 491~ Not usiiY.} sacondory oddrsss 10 Push CTfll • <not F> to get the font ca.ond RJITS+ not In 1010rv ony 10re, lood agoln F<IITS+ ol tered or erased, lood OOQin


SYt'IPTOttS RIHRTffi 100' t lood or roo

Devl ce not present error lll'len pr tnt lng Devl ce not presant error lll'len using Fl-F8

Nothing prints on the printer

Printing Is In dot-~atrlx Text Is belno printed QS oorbooe lines of font text ore double-spaced lines of text too for aport

lines of text too c losa together Stronoe s!Jibols pr lnted < ~ -~•ii x"'xtOU f£ .1 l:J

POSSIBLE CAUSES ,1 left off LOAD c~ Illegal copies 100' t roo Interface not correctly connected Disk drive disconnected or shut off Devl ce I setup In por01. tttle does not exl:st Ribbon cable not plugoed Into printer Printer not selected <not on-llnel Printer not turned on Dot 10tr II lOde on-use C= D Us1no font I that no font has been loaded to Shut off auto line-feed on printer Shut off printer llJto line-feed lrong printer type ('Ep:son type?') lrong printer type Printer l:s lncOIPQtlble <check ~II CJ Printer Interface not setup right (Rppendlx B>

Printed text Is distorted ( Dl~tartlon Text file Is onlv portlolly printed out Charocter In font 18 too close together RITRTffi ca.lnds not 10rk IIY;l

l lrong printer tvpe ('Epson type?')

Illegal line or PQ90 ruaber dlsploved


C= R c~ stort:s pr1nt1no ot the cursor This Is nor10l for font 8 In the Elite pitch Releose shift lock F 1 rst PQ90 I or Llnes/PQ98 changed In por01


Page 27: Fontmaster User Manual

Cursor locked ~

No text con be Inserted Auto font lood kev does nothing File only portlollv appended

Lines cut off short lhen printed

'lord too long' error 'Block too Iorge' error fb>rt key doesn't stop pr1nt1no rl~t 010\1

table, oo to top of file to correct. S. c~ (Center, Justify, etcl con take

o fee seconds 1 f vou ore near the top of o loroe doto file--be patient

No free 1e10ry left-look ot Xfree Indicator All necessary fonts hove been loodld ol reodv • Not~ free :space to~ entire file Check I coluan:s, plxel:slcol entries In poraa-

eter table lord Is too 11de to be fit 11th1n the 10ro1n:s CUT or ROVE block conr~t exceed 2000 letters Text Is 91PtYIOO fr01 printer lnterfoca buffer

APPENDIX C Printer Interface•

Anv pr 1 nter 1 nter face that connects the Commodore serial port <where the disk drive plvQs In) too parol lei printer con be used prov 1 ded that:

l ) I t has o sw I t c h tho t w I I I I o c k I t

Xetec GPI: Switch 3 off Xetec SPI or SPI/B: Switch 4 off Cordco B: Switch 3 vp Cordco +G: Switch 7 off

2) or vslng secondorv address S sends -In the transparent mode.


Into a



Page 28: Fontmaster User Manual

APPENDIX D Criteria for coapatlble printer•

The fol lowtno codes must be supported by any printer that Is expected to be used as on output device for the FONTffiASTER system. Any codes not supported wt I I result tn a loss of some, 1 f not a I I, of the system's font features.

ESC 3 n <27,5l,n>: Chonoe the :stze to n/144 i n. <or n/216 1 f

I 1 ne Ep:son

feed tvpe>

ESC J n <27,74,n): Send a one- time- only I tne feed of n/144 <or n/216> Inches.

ESC L n1 n2 ••• <27 75 n1 n2 ... >: Pr tnt double density oraphtc:s <n1•n2•2S6 col)

ESC z n1 n2 ••• <27 76 n1 n2 ... ): Pr tnt Quad den:sttv oraphtc:s <n1•n2•2S6 col) <If this command t:s not recognized bv a printer, the compre:s:scad mode can't be used. >

APPENDIX E Nuaber of printing pa••e•

The number of posses reQuired to pr tnt a tne depends upon what :special features ore

used In tt. To get a rough Idea, use the f o I I ow 1 ng for mu I a. Star t w 1 t h 2 and odd 2 posses for each of the fol lowtno features used: Super :scripts, bold :super :scr tpt:s, sub


Page 29: Fontmaster User Manual

scripts, bold sub scripts, ond bold text. 1 pass for under I lntnQ. As vou con see, number of posses Increases Qutcklv as vou on the features. You m I Qht . consIder tradeoff os vou use the features.

Add the

pI I e this


APPENDIX F Standard font•

ffiCDEFGHI JK~TlMiJXYZ 1234567890+-\"'•@(J abcdefQh I j k I rrnopqrstLM.UXVZ I"#$%&' ( ) : ; =<>, . I?

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890+-\"'•@(] ab::defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ! "#$"'.&'<>:;=<>,.I?

W¥tl"l&tta11 4KU:f0il Jt\l~ltJ~Z 12345«>7~-'\"'*8( I ~f~IJ•Imn~~s~y.z 1"~'()~;=<>,.17


..Gel>S?<#7i'J 'J!V... 12S4567S'<X>+- \ "'•@ []

~.1kJ~v,)/:Jq>f-~WWX4l I'"#$"'-&, ( ) : ; = < > •• I?

ABCDEFGHIJKLNNOPQRSTUVUXYZ 1234567890+-\~*@[J ~bcdef ghi jk lmnopqrst uvuxyz ! N#$"&' ( J: ;=< >,. /7

.rl.EH::DU g}J:J: ;,( J {UL'Wf' QJI.a"f !J I) ~J,;~ '17. ·t. ;:J ::J!.J.::S-6'/.EW iJ ... -\. _, .. f!! £ :J ZJb.Cdi!f~l j .J~< J lll.tW,::J!j.f'~·t!.J'ILIX&,P:! ! ''#t/.Z.' {): ; =0, . /!

~tcp ABCDO=C+IIJKL~UV\VX'::!Z 123"T~78?0+-'."'•@[ J

dx:d:!Fgl i jl< I mnorxtrstl.NUJX\,)Z I''#$~' (): ; =<>, . /7

Bold ABCOEFGHI lbcdlfgh i jk lanopqr•tuvwxyz !"..,c&' <):; =<>, .11


Page 30: Fontmaster User Manual






f1 A ial


.~DEFGVli J~TIJ(JWX'r2 123~5~~+-\~*@(J

~~r~Vi t j ~ r ~-I" UVIAl~ I ""$?".,& ' ( ) • . = < > /'"> ' 'f • J ' • •

MCDEP'IHI~l~XYZ 1~348S71S~\A01tl

abo~•"IJh I Jk l_,opqr·~hiV~ ! "'~ 11 I{ ~I I w0 # • ,,

fBIIErEii ~ ~~TLJWJXYZ 1al4557B~+-\~•@[J

i3bcdefgh i J k I m q:qrstuvwx 'dz I "t:t!LY,& ' ( ) •• :a < > /7 . . ' ' . . ABCOEFGH i .;I<~UV\YX':'Z 1!~~567090+-\-w@tl nbc:cJc:Fgh i jl< l~nnopqrStUV\IX~Z !".S~'():;=<>,./?

A8CIEFCIII 1234567890•-,~•8[]

a•c•f!lh i jk lmn•IIIII"'Stuvwzv: ... #S"&'()··-c• /? . . '- .. . .

A8003~~HILXJM~OROHCTUVWXYS l~~a\880+-/~*~][

~::>be!:erl.t t:NI IIU'loqp-:taj UVI..7K'{:S: ! "%\a~.a' ) ( : ; = > < , • \ ~

Vtl::xr3.:i9Hif)fll.lN~NI'IXAZ 1Z£~L860+ - \.,....*@ J [ gq::>peJ61.Hj:51t urucdb..IS';l. nN"\X..<z 6 .. #S"~'S, ) ( : b > < ' ·I(.

et:;£op· • t s E~x~II¥AOO¢FJeo:J.&3...1A~8t'Foo:Wr~ oc.nvJ\ee • •• ,_,...,. ....,.,.,T~I U..l....l+J"'II...r't.J,(,-~O±x ~+


Page 31: Fontmaster User Manual


" Abort ke1,1, 16 Append , 14

8 Block marked floo, 6 , 13 Boldface, 3, 5 , 9 Borders, 17

c Center, 10 Clean disk , 15 cmD , 3 Co I ors , 10 Commands


Compress, 3 , 7, 9 Creotlno fonts, 21 Current font , 3, 7, 9 Cut, 13

0 Device not p r esent, 5 Dl rectorv, 15 Disk commands , 14 Dot -mot r I x mode, 9, 16, 24

E Edit fonts, 22 Elite, 3, 7 , 9 Epson t1,1pe, 3, Erose, 14 Expansion, 3,


7 9 •

Page 32: Fontmaster User Manual


'· 2 Fl lenames, 6, 14 F I no I d r a f t , 1 6 Font #8, 20, 24 Font I oad 1 no, 1 5 Fonts, 27, 28 Font svmbol, 2

G GP I, 25

H Hordware, 1 Hvphenatlon, 12

I I nse r t mode, 6, 8, 1 0 Inter face, 1, 23, 24, 25 Inverse, 3, 9

3 Justification 5, 6, 9, 11

L L I m 1 t < I 1 ne I eng t h) , 3, 1 8 L 1 ne feeds, 1 7 Lines per Inch, 9 Load command, 14 Loading


Look, 11

" ffia r Q I n:s, 1 7 ffiOVG, 13


Page 33: Fontmaster User Manual

0 OPEN, 1 Ov<H lav, 13


Paoe number :s, 1 7, 18 Parameter table, 16 Pas:se:s, 26 Paste , 13 Plea, 3, 7 , 9 Pitch, 7, 9 Pr 1 nters, 1, 23, 24, 26 PrInter 1 nt er face, 1, 23-25

Q Qu 1 t, 10

R Rename, 15 Replace, 11 restart FONTS+, 3 Rough draft, 10, 16 Ru I e r I 1 ne , 7

s Save, 14 Sc reen dtaoram, 19 Screen dump, 3 Screen explanation , 6 Secondarv address, 1, 24, 25 SELEC T, 4 Sele.: tton ft Soft :spaces, SP I , 25

I e, 12


Subscripts , 3, 5 , 9 Superscripts, 3, 5 , 9


Page 34: Fontmaster User Manual

T Tob stops, 8 Title, 18 Troubleshoottno



Under I lnlng, 3, 5, 9

v Ve r 1 f v, 14

w Wo r d w r op , 5 , 9 , 1 1



Page 35: Fontmaster User Manual


(:: or CTRL S 1l' or CTRL E -o- or CTRL I


HOVEHENT Right Left Up Dovn Line beginning Line end 1/p 1 screen Dovn 1 screen Top of file Bottoa of file Word left Word right Sentence left Sentence right Start of next line

BLOCK COHHANDS CTRL B !ark block end CTRL K !OYe ted to buffer CTRt. C Cut text to buffer CTRL P Paste text at cursor CTRL 0 Overlay text at cursor

C= B C= 0 C= I C= E C= p C= C C= I C= S C= t C= II C= >

C= < C= 1-8

FONT COHHANDS Boldface on/off Onder line- Inverse on/off Elite pitch Pica pitch Coepress oo/off Expand oo/ off Subscripts Superscripts fortal text & Lines/ incb 8 Lines/inch Change font t



Insert a space Delete (ruboutl Delete line Gobble Tllb Center line Put CR in text Erase all text Insert soft space Look for text Look again Looi/replace text Look/rep lace again


Insert aode on/off Set tab stop

CTRL-SHFT CTRL -C= up/dovn C= left/right

Clear tab stop Clear all tab stops Change text color Cbange screen color

FORHATTING SHFT CTRL II llord-vrap on/off SHR-mll. J llrap/justify lOde CTRL J Re-fortat

F1 F3 P.)

F7 F2 F4 F6 F8 C= Fl C= F3

DISK COHHANDS Save Load Append Verify Erase Renaae Clean-lip Directory Foot load Auto foot load


Page 36: Fontmaster User Manual


Coprrigbt <cl 1984 by Xetec, Inc. &11 rights resemd. This publiC4tion uy not be copied, reproduced, tnnslated, or reduced to ucbine readable fon, in llbole or in part, vitbout tbe prior vrit ten pen.i66ion of letec, Inc.

Tbe progrus included on the FomASTER disk are coprrigbted by letec, Inc. Tbe distribution and sale of this product are intended for tbe use of tbe original purchaser only and for use only on the coaputer syste1 specified. Uiviul users of this progru are hereby licensed only to read the progru froa its lediua into l810ry of a coaputer solely for tbe purpose . of executing the progru. Copying, dupliC4ting, sellillg, or otbervi&e distributing this product without the vri tten coo&e~~t of Xetec, is a violation of the lav.


Xetec, Inc. reserves the right to correct and/or· iaprove this aanual and the related disk at any tiae vitbout.. notice and witbou~ the responsibility of, providing these ·updates to prior purchasers of the progru. For a 001inal fee, letec will proYide updated vers.ions to prior purchasers in exchange for their copy.


Xetec warrants that the f(ITJIASTER disk is free froa defects in uterial and vorllaansbip, assuling noraal use, for a period of ninety (901 days frot date of purcllase. If a defect occurs during this period, send your di&k to letec along vi th a dated proof of ~&e vbere it will be replaced free of charge. After this period, you uy obtain a repllOBIIellt for a defective disk for a 1101inal fee.

lleither Xetec nor any dealer distributing this product 1akes any varranty, expressed or iJtJlied, with respect to the FOITIIASTER diAl, its Mrcbantability or fitii86S for any purpose. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to deteraine tbnui tabi lity of this product for a particular purpose.

In no case wi ll Xetec, Inc. be held liable for errors contained herein or for direct, i ndirect, incidental, or consequential dauges connected vith tbe use or appliC4tion of this aanual, disk, or other related iteas. Tbis stateaent of lilited warranty replaces all other ·.; . . guarantees and warranties, vbether expressed or iaplied, and including., but not liai ted to, warranties of aercbantability and fitness for any purpose. Xetec, does not assuae any other warranty or liability, nor does it authorize any person or party to aS&Uie any other warranty or liability in connection with the sale of its products.

letec, Inc. J)lO Anlold Rd. Salina, IS &7401 (9131 827-0&85
