fonterra csr magazine...2 sharing skills to protect children from harm children patiently,...

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Page 1: Fonterra CSR Magazine...2 Sharing skills to protect children from harm children patiently, accounting for a wide range of prior knowledge and experience. Eventually each group of children

Fonterra CSRMagazine

Page 2: Fonterra CSR Magazine...2 Sharing skills to protect children from harm children patiently, accounting for a wide range of prior knowledge and experience. Eventually each group of children

GoinG to the Countryside

Donating laptops at a local Yutian school

In the early morning of September 21, 2017, Fonterra staff members went to Gaojiazhuang Primary School located near our Yutian 3 farm. They brought along 20 laptops to provide assistance for children in their studies. Both Min Qin, Vice President of External Affairs and Communications, and Shrerk Wang, the Production Manager at Yutian 3, encouraged the children to study harder and drink more milk. Shrerk even extended an invitation for the children to visit the farm.

Weishan Gao, the IT Supervisor for our Yutian Hub, also gave a lecture on some information technology basics. A considerable number of children have a basic understanding of the internet, and because of its development, the knowledge gap between rural and urban children is gradually narrowing.

Extra teaching for primary school students in Yutian

The Fonterra volunteer teaching program is expanding to Yutian county in Hebei Province. On 14 November, sixth grade students at Gaojiazhuang Primary School arrived at the computer classroom jubilantly, as they had not been in the class for a long time due to a shortage of teachers. They had a guest teacher for the day: Weishan Gao, our IT supervisor at the Yutian Hub.

First, Weishan introduced the basics of using a computer, and then guided the children on how to use MS Word to make a curriculum table. Weishan instructed


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Sharing skills to protect children from harm

children patiently, accounting for a wide range of prior knowledge and experience. Eventually each group of children completed their tasks.

Going forward, Weishan will periodically give children computer application classes. In addition, the school's natural science course will be taught by one of our Fonterra volunteer teachers.

On 28 November, Jiajun Ai, a lab technician at Yutian 2, went to Gaojiangzhuang to teach a natural science class for fifth grade students.

Jiajun showed the students how to use the microscope in the class. She first explained the names of the key components and then showcased the functions of the microscope. She also brought some slides for the students so that they could observe the microscope in action. The students were amazed!

All of Jiajun’s efforts paid off! She did a lot preparation beforehand. She went over the textbooks on natural science for Grade 4, 5, 6 and she also consulted with her classmate who is a teacher for tips on how to make the students listen attentively and understand quickly. The students provided feedback that they liked the class very much.

The schoolmaster Congyin Gao really appreciated Fonterra’s effort: "We are touched by your behaviour and the positive energy you delivered! I’d like to say a big thank you on behalf of all the teachers and students!"

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Passionate Ying farms staff teaching English to local primary students

Most boarders at Jiupu Primary School in the Xingzhai township (Ying county, Shanxi province) are either stay-at-home children, disabled or orphans. They’re extremely busy with an exam-oriented curriculum every day. Aiming to help these children broaden their horizons and improve their communication skills, the Fonterra Ying farms team

recruited six colleagues who can speak English fluently to go to the school every Wednesday to take English classes.

The aim is to teach the children basic English that can be used in their daily lives and enhance their communication and presentation skills through a fun, easy style of teaching.

On December 20, the volunteer photographer Zhou Xinjie escorted five farm volunteer teachers to Jiupu Primary School for the first class. After one week of diligent preparation, the volunteer teachers showcased their various tips and techniques to the children. They introduced the Christmas story to the children via illustrative pictures, amusing games and interactive questions and also handed out Christmas gifts. The whole class atmosphere was joyful, making the children more interested in learning English.

On 1 December, two certified lecturers from the Girls’ Protection organization were invited by Fonterra to Yutian County in Hebei Province, where they gave lectures on self-protection to more than 200 students from Gaojiazhuang Primary School and Tianxing Primary School.

On the way to Yutian, the two lecturers were discussing what kind of methods and languages would be easiest for the students to understand and engage with. The two certified lecturers were very experienced, and they used the easiest and simplest language possible so that the children could understand clearly, nevertheless avoiding sensitive words which stirred enthusiasm amongst the students. The children actively participated in the simulation games, and all raised their hands high to answer questions.

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CarinG for the urban disadvantaGed

Anchor shines on McHappy Day

Many of you will know that McDonald's is one of our key accounts, and we’ve partnered with the company to supply Anmum infant formula to Ronald McDonald House in Hunan province. For the annual McHappy Day fundraiser, our Brands Team sponsored events in Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu. This year it was a fitness event for the whole family, with participants able to jog or walk based on their ability. Each goody bag distributed to every participant included a pack of Anchor Hi-calcium milk and Anchor kids milk, and we also set up booths at the event venues. Our QSR team sponsored the registration fee for all participants from Fonterra.

Colleagues from many of our sites were actively signing up and joining together with their children to take part.

The Anchor supply station which provided Anchor milk to participants was very popular, and the Anchor game booth stirred up a frenzy onsite, with consistently long queues. Anchor was a shining star everywhere!

A race to raise funds

On Saturday November 18, Shanghai turned to winter overnight. On a freezing morning with a strong wind, Wendy Luo, Angela Yuan and eight other colleagues got up even earlier than a working day, as they had to meet at 7am at Jing’an Park. Today they would form two teams and compete with groups from more than 150 other enterprises in a bid to win charity funds for people in need.

On the day, Brandon Wang and Chuck Bao led two teams consisting of four ladies respectively, and had to travel to 10 landmarks in Jing’an District via the metro, bus or on foot and fulfil tasks at each site according to the rules of the challenge. Although both teams narrowly missed out on a top-three finish, they still played a big part in raising RMB 180,000 in charity funds together with the other teams, which will be used for autistic children from underprivileged families, seniors who have contributed to the development of Jing’an District and children with critical illnesses.

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supportinG dairy talent

Alumni on campus at NWAFU

A Fonterra team visited Northwest A&F University (NWAFU) on September 26. Directly under Ministry of Education, NWAFU is one of the key national universities of the 985 Project and 211 Project. It’s also the first batch of the ‘Double First Class’ universities and is an important source of Fonterra talent. Many key staff in our Farms and Manufacturing team are graduates of NWAFU. This time two alumni, Henry Jiang and Hazel Du, returned to NWAFU and were joined by Min Qin, our VP of External Affairs. Their mission was to present the Fonterra Scholarship and share about their working experience at Fonterra so as to promote

Doctoral R&D Centre of Shanxi Agricultural University unveiled at Ying Hub

On August 18, the Doctora l R&D C e n t r e a t S h a n x i A g r i c u l t u r a l Univers i ty was off ic ia l ly unvei led a t Y i n g H u b . I t s i g n a l l e d t h e i n a u g u r a t i o n o f j o i n t r e s e a r c h a n d t a l e n t d e v e l o p m e n t f o r t h e da i ry indus t ry by two centenn ia l organizations, which is significant in promoting the development of China's dairy industry and related industries. Fonterra will be providing livestock and personnel support for research, and actively participate in the research of cow breeding together with masters and doctoral students at Shanxi Agricultural University. It’s hoped that this will produce cutting-edge research outcomes to benefit the dairy industry.


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Fonterra Scholarship awarded at Hebei Agricultural University

Founded in 1902, Hebei Agricultural University was the first school to offer higher agricultural education in China. Fonterra has offer scholarship programme for the school since 2015.

On December 19, the 2017 Fonterra Scholarship presentation was held in the centennial school, with 20 students studying food science and animal husbandry science receiving the awards. After the ceremony, Kate Hao, Senior CSR Manager for Fonterra Greater China introduced Fonterra briefly and explained why Fonterra set up the scholarship, as well as outlining the prospects in the dairy industry and the skills required to join the workforce.

Training program in New Zealand

A delegation with 12 senior managers, technicians and experts from across the dairy industry travelled to New Zealand on November 13 to take a look at our operations as part of our long-standing co-operation with the China National Research Institute of Food & Fermentation Industries body (CNRIFFI). As a dairy leader in China, contributing to the development of China’s domestic industry is one of our core responsibilities.

During the past four years more than 60 managerial and technical personnel, industry experts, and government representatives have taken part in this kind of exchange.

Fonterra and attract the top talent to work on our farms. Henry took advantage of promoting some job opportunities at the Ying Hub. He was keen to hire someone so he elaborated on the working environment, career development and the benefits in detail.


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relayinG for love

Winners for Staff Scholarship announced

The Staff Scholarship has been tailored for low income s ta ff w i th the a im of prov id ing bet ter educational support for their children. A total of 14 staff from Ying got the Scholarship this year after stringent screening for personal and family income, property and staff performance.

This year 17 applications were submitted but three were not able to qualify, either because of family income being too high or because applications were for their siblings rather than children. Though they were unable to receive the scholarship, the three farm workers spoke highly of the openness and fairness of the evaluation process.

Consistent Love - Fonterra Volunteer Teaching Programme

Hunan TV reality show Let the World Hear has demonst ra ted the d i f f i cu l t cond i t ions a t rura l schools, including traff ic inconveniences, poor t e a c h i n g f a c i l i t i e s a n d l i v i n g c o n d i t i o n s , i n addi t ion to d isobedient and d i f f icu l t ch i ldren. These were all obstacles for volunteer teachers Feng Wang and Guoqing Cai, who already have children of their own! This year,

Fonterra and Shanxi Agricultural University jointly launched a volunteer teaching programme during the summer vacation, involving six outstanding students from Shanxi Agricultural University.

After selection and evaluation, six qualified students from Shanxi Agricultural University, including a Fonterra Scholarship winner, were dispatched to three villages near our farms in Ying County. As volunteer teachers, they would help children from these villages to have a happy and meaningful summer vacation. More than 70 pupils joined the program. Many children had established remarkable relationships with volunteer teachers during the period, and at the end of the course, lots of kids were reluctant to say goodbye to the teachers, with some children even bursting into tears.


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Making it happen through collective support

Different teams had all given strong support right from the program planning stage. The GR team had helped communicate with county and township government off ic ia ls and the s i te se lect ion process, HR co-ordinated the insurance arrangement for volunteer teachers, our Admin team gave full its assistance on logistics while our Procurement arranged the shuttle bus service; and H&S team even gave each volunteer

teacher a reflective vest for the commute between villages and farms.

When our Beijing office staff heard about the program, they were all keen to get involved and do something for the kids. The female staff found some time during their lunch break to make many beautiful hairpins for the children.

Learning English whilst having fun

When hear ing tha t a s ta f f vo lun teer was be ing rec ru i ted fo r Eng l i sh c lasses fo r ch i ld ren f rom surrounding villages, Zeo Wang, a technical assistant at our Ying Hub volunteered herself as an English teacher! Zoe was real ly excel lent and engaging when she was giving lessons to children. She had prepared different kinds of teaching materials, including pictures of animals and plants. Instead of standing and speaking at the blackboard, she stepped into the middle of classroom and walked beside the kids and interacted with them. All the children were actively raising or answering questions and reading loudly - they fully enjoyed learning English.

Sharing nutrition tips

Zhimin Li from our Milk Quality team at our Waterfront site also graduated from Shanxi Agricultural University. As an ‘elder sister’ she was keen to do something for these volunteer teachers and support the villagers nearby.

She made thorough preparations before giving the children lectures. When she learned that many of the

rural children love junk foods to snack on - which are low in nutritional value with many additives - she printed out several copies of Dietary Pagoda and showed it to them, explaining what is good and what we should and shouldn’t eat. The children listened very carefully, with some even taking notes.

Let’s look back of the details of the programme and see what the university students experienced as volunteer teachers.


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speCial Column: fonterra volunteer teaChinG proGram

Shuangshi Liu, volunteer teacher at Anying village

Have been with the children for one week. The number of children coming for c lasses is gradual ly growing, and i t makes me and X iao Dong very happy, at least th is is good recognition from them. But sometimes I feel very upset, because the more children, the higher the possibi l i ty for incidents, such as a squabble between two kids, or someone’s pen being broken by a naughty boy, or a kid accidentally falling and injuring

themselves, or a kid feeling uncomfortable in class. We have encountered all these problems, and also solved them, therefore both Xiao Dong and I think we’re capable teachers.

These children are of different ages, and some children can read and express themselves, while some cannot. This poses an obstacle for us. Every time when I finish the teaching materials, I'll read them myself. If I feel bored, then they must feel the same way. If I don’t, it doesn't mean that they will find it interesting. So observing and understanding them is very important. Our class might not fit everyone, but at least it should fit the most. Therefore we have to think of how to combine interesting and boring things together. For example, when explaining a poem, we can ask them to paint a picture based on their understanding of the poem, because indeed every poem is a beautiful picture, and children are fond of painting. This has been validated as a good way to remember the poem! Sometimes the poem is very long, so they can remember and recite by this way. I felt pleased about this!

The more children, the less discipline. We merged several small tables into a big one so that the children can discuss questions together, but it also gives them a chance to talk to each other more. Sometimes we lost our temper and yelled at them. Sometimes yelling works, sometimes it doesn't. Though children don't follow the discipline of the class, they follow the discipline of


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games. When the classroom is very noisy, I l ike to play with them the "123, we are a l l wooden peop le" game - i t works well . Children are very serious about games and the number countdown, so i t ’s a lso a good way to call their attention.

Reciting poems or singing a song just learnt before the class will lay good foundation for the following classes. So we always review what we have learnt at the beginning of every class, such as Engl ish j ingles, Di Zi Gui (standard for being a good student), or a song we’ve learnt. Apart from encouraging better discipline in class, it helps them remember.

Once at class when I took pictures I captured a boy: he looked up with the clear eyes full of innocence, aloof from the whole world but sheer desire. He said that his father had left for work, and only returned once a year. When his father came back, people all over the world were reunited, the whole world was brightly lit, and fireworks illuminated the sky. He loves sports, and when Xiao Dong picked up a basketball at PE class, I saw his eyes light up. He spoke in a low voice, and I was unable to hear what he said when he answered questions, so I always said I can't hear you! I encourage to speak loud enough so that his voice echoed in the classroom, and shared with him the importance of being able to express yourself.

Many children have a common problem. Many of them are confined to the rules and regulations they learn at such a young age. They just follow the conventions, which slowly erodes the ability to think innovatively. At the handcraft class, I found most of the elder children only made the product as I did, while younger children could do more amazing things. Creativity will not be cultivated through a short period of time, but I still hope they can learn something interesting and innovative with every lesson that we designed with full attention.

Through my teaching experience, I have learned: f irst, when explaining something to the students, use simple words which are easy to understand, while also being concise and to the point - this saves time for everyone. Secondly, teachers must be adamant. Since we have decided to make every


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Jie Cui, volunteer teacher at Nanzhan village

O u r t e a c h i n g w o r k h a s b e e n successfully completed, and I have gained a lot of experience during the summer vacation.

Before teaching, I prepared a lot of materials at home. I learnt that the children in the classes would be be tween the ages o f s i x to ten, so I made sure the teaching mater ia ls were ta i lo red fo r the age range. I a lso brought f rom home a few extracurricular books: Chinese Idioms, Three Hundred Tang Poems, Three Character Classics, Fables, as well as a large number of materials for handcraft, in addition to some fun mathematical problems and knowledge of health and safety. At that time I thought I had prepared sufficiently.

But when we actually came to class and met the children, we found that these materials were far from enough, because the age gap among the children was too big. Some children seemed to have just learned to speak, and they could barely speak clearly about what they want to do, while some children can't write and may not understand what we are talking about. The materials prepared previously didn’t work for younger children and only had limited effectiveness for the older children. A few litt le children were especially naughty, often disrupting classroom discipline while some were even crying. When we had just managed to calm down one, another began to make trouble too. It felt like a mess at the beginning. Fortunately, all these problems were gradually solved, and we were able to get along well with the children.

There is an awesome boy named Haoyu Liu. He joined classes from the first day through until the last day. One day when we were having hand dance class, he felt a sudden pain in his stomach, but instead of going home he chose to sit down and observe. This really encouraged us and showed how he loves our classes. Liu listened in every class with full attention. In the last week, he brought his two elder sisters who were in the county school for junior

class interesting, we must stick to it and think of more ways to make it more enjoyable for the children. If a lecture is boring, the children’s engagement will be much less than before.

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Wanxin Wen, teacher at Daxitou village

On the morning of the 24th, it rained heavily. We came to Daxitou village w h e r e w e w e r e a b o u t t o l i v e f o r t h e n e x t m o n t h . A f t e r a w e e k o f observat ion, there was someth ing abou t t he c l ass t ha t I wan ted t o say. The most popular classes were Chinese idioms and handcraft. The chi ldren gave me a big surprise in the handcraft class. I did not expect that they were al l g i f ted wi th their h a n d s . I n t h e p r o c e s s o f d o i n g handwork, everyone was very serious and the work of every child had its own unique style and characteristics. You could tell that they were very happy and satisfied. They were also proud to show me what they had done. No matter how good it was, at least they did it themselves with their own hands. Additionally, I thought students would get bored and not like idioms, however, to my surprise, children were also very interested in Chinese idioms. But one of the problems was that they did not know how to effectively listen to the lectures and how to grasp the key points. It was also difficult for them to understand the meaning of the idioms, the stories behind them and how to use idioms accurately. Students only memorized the meaning of idioms but did not master them thoroughly or how to comprehend it. This was the most severe problem. I tried my best to change this situation in order to let them learn to master instead of just memorizing, which was the previous learning

high study for classes.

In this village only a few parents sent and picked up their children at school, so we had little chance to meet with them. Once when we escorted a very young child back home, and his parents gave us lots of freshly picked tomatoes. We were surprised and moved - this showed good recognition from the parents!

In general, I ’ve gained a lot from the teaching program. First of all, my patience has been fortified and my ability to get along with children has been developed. I became very proud of helping the children to broaden their horizons. In the last day, there were many children wanting my phone number and QQ number for future contact and communication. One of the girls asked me: will you come back next year? I told her I may or may not come; then she said: can you come the next year? I was very touched, and finally I told her that I would try my best to be back the next year.

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pat tern. This new learn ing model would help children greatly in their future study. Though it was difficult to solve this problem, I was trying to guide them.For example, I helped them deepen thei r understanding by asking questions or reproducing stories scenes.

In future I would leave more time to answer questions about homework, because some students only attended morning classes and did homework at home in the afternoon. Some parents also wanted us to help students do more on their homework. Thus, I would try my best to meet the requirements from parents and students.

On top of teaching, there were many touching moments. There were four brothers and sisters in our class.As the eldest sister, Haiye Li naturally had a sense of responsibility and therefore she coached her brothers and sisters to study and do homework every day. Although sometimes she reproached them, it was also a kind of care and love to make them do better. She was a good sister and a good student. In order to create a good learning environment, she cleaned the blackboard after every class. Meanwhile, she was actively involved in cleaning up and setting a good example for her brothers and sisters. There was another very smart and studious boy called Hecheng Zhao. He read many extra-curricular books and listened very carefully in classes. But he was forced to tutorial school several days later, so was his younger sister - who was reluctant to go.

The villagers of Daxitou were very enthusiastic. There was a girl named Ni Li in the class. Her grandma saw that another teacher Yang Liu and I were standing to teach every day, so she thought that we would be very tired and made a cushion for each of us. I was really touched when she gave me the mat that she sewed stitch-by-stitch. I was filled with warmth that the villagers cared for us so much.

Time flies. We kept thinking about what we should teach the following day. The six of us have endless conversations, and we were really happy. I think I will definitely miss this period of time because we live together, we work hard together and teach together.


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seleCted media CoveraGe


N ur tu re peop le , nu r t u re ourselves - The unforgettable “Graduation Ceremony” by the volunteer teachers20 August 2017

On the morning of the August 18, with l ight rain, about 20 chi ldren came to the village school of Anying, Ying county to take part in the Graduation C e r e m o n y a n d b i d f a r e w e l l t o volunteer teachers Shuangshi Liu and Fucheng Dong.

Among the 20 children, the youngest was 4 years old from kindergarten and the oldest 12 - in Grade 6 in primary school. For today’s ceremony, children were all dressed up, girls were made up with delicate braid, and boys in clean and neat clothes. The shabby rural school is full of a festive atmosphere. “Boys and Gir ls, today is our last class. I have been staying together with you in the past month, and I hate

to part with you. I will remember your face, smile and every moment we have shared together. The happiness and even the tears are the most precious memories of my life.” In this month, teachers have fel t a deep engagement with children. Shuangshi Liu cried as she spoke, so did the children. The classroom was fi l led with sentiment.

At the end of the speech, the teachers presented the notebooks, hairpins and toy cows, which were prepared by Fonterra, to the chi ldren. The children were wild with joy. They all took pictures with teachers and asked for the signatures of the teachers. However, J ingfe i Wang, 11 years

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old, sat in her seat despondently. “Why don’t you ask your teacher for signatures?”she was asked. “I don’t want to go, I am in bad mood,” she responded. “I don’t want to part with the teachers.”She was crying as she spoke.

When it came to the experience of the volunteer teaching, Shuangshi Liu sighed with emotion. She laughed with tears. "Once two boys got into a fight, so I went to stop it and one of the boys bit me.There was a child who was so naughty that when I advised him, he did not heed me and made me cry." To her, the most heart-warming was that there was a child named Jianghua Feng, who bought two lollipops each day, one for her and the other for himself.

Before leaving, a parent came in and gave us a slip of note.“This is a message on behalf of all parents to the teachers. They worked hard, cautiously and conscientiously, and

the ch i l d ren l oved them. A l l t he parents offer their thanks."

Shuangshi Liu and Fucheng Dong were sophomores at the School of Animal Science and Technology of Shanxi Agricultural University. This summer, t hey s i gned up f o r t he Rural Volunteer Teaching Program joint ly conducted by Fonterra and Shanxi Agricultural University. This project was officially launched at the end of July. Six selected students from Shanxi Agricultural University j o i n e d t h i s o n e - m o n t h p r o j e c t , going to the vi l lages of Nanzhan, Daxitou and Anying in Ying County for volunteer teaching. The courses covered handcraft, painting, music, sinology, encyclopedia, PE and other subjects, which were welcomed by local villagers, and about 70 primary school students benefited from this program.