font testing

Font testing By Kyle Parkinson

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Post on 26-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Font testing

Font testing

By Kyle Parkinson

Page 2: Font testing
Page 3: Font testing

It has a sketch effect to show that it is handwritten and has an authentic look to it. I like this font as it has a youthful approach to it and will attract kids attention straight away. It is modern and youthful to make the kids interested in it. They will impatiently look at the masthead and decide whether to read on.

It has a modern look to give it a good chance that it would attract the children's attention. It has a sophisticated look to it and will make the kids think they are good for reading it. It also has a sporty trim to it which would appeal to the children very well.

This is similar to Varsity as it is has a modern look to it and has they sporty trim. However it does have a faded and aged look to it which could be good as it looks good with the style but it also is bad as it looks old and the children may not want to read something old.

Page 4: Font testing

This is similar to varsity. It has a modern look to give it a good chance that it would attract the children's attention. It has a sophisticated look to it and will make the kids think they are good for reading it. It also has a sporty trim to it which would appeal to the children very well.

This is a very playful font as it is constructed out of paper and gives it a creative and joyful look to it. The students can retake to this as it gives them a similar approach to school as they do themselves.

This is similar to allstar but much thinner It has a modern look to give it a good chance that it would attract the children's attention. It has a sophisticated look to it and will make the kids think they are good for reading it. It also has a sporty trim to it which would appeal to the children very well.

Page 5: Font testing

I am going to use this font called Que Fonita. This in my opinion is

the best choice for my school magazine as it gives off a playful

vibe which the kids can relate to. It is also different on every letter

which is showing unique and a bold approach to the students.

Also It is showing a youthful and joyful approach to school and

gives the students something to base their schooling attitude on.