focussed approach


Post on 18-Oct-2014




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Page 2: Focussed approach

iPhone study proves what Yoga knew !

“It was surprising to learn that people’s mind wander so often- and that mind wandering almost never increases and almost always decreases happiness”- Prof. Daniel Gilbert- Harvard University

Focus on job at hand to be happy : don’t let your mind wander ! Live in the present !!

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What is living in present ?

It means that your awareness is completely centered around here and now

It means that when you are living in present ; you are living where life is happening

“ The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future , but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly ” – Buddha

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Why living in present will change your life .

Improves your emotional well being Impacts your physical health positively Increases you acceptance to life the way

it is . You forgive yourselves for the mistakes

that you have made.

“ If you wonder what might be and wonder what might have been, you will ignore what is ”

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Start living and stop conceptualizing.

Living in past or future makes you loose your personal power to create.

To make the changes that you want in life , the best time is to do it NOW.For this….

You got to accept the life as it is . You mind is the only thing keeping

you from living in the present !!! “There is no distance on this earth as far away as


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Why is it difficult to live in present?

We constantly talk to our self We do not hear what anyone has to say We have nothing to think about other

than the thoughts and are never in relationship with reality .

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Ways to start living in the present.

Don’t try to quite your mind ..simply witness your thoughts; don’t judge them

You are not your thoughts …do not identify and believe the noise , you are much more then your thoughts …a force that moves through the mind , spirit and body.

Breathe, you’re alive…practice conscious breathing ( it’s co-creative !)to bring your mind back to present.

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Ways to start living in the present (cont’d)

Music for meditation…helps clear your mind and restore peace

Practice mindfulness…focus on any activity that you do , bring in your full attention whether making tea, tying shoelace, speaking to your prospect.

Fully appreciate the moments of today…soak in as much of today as you possibly can; the sights, the sounds, the emotions , the triumph and the sorrow

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Ways to start living in the present (cont’d)

Love your job! If you survive the work week constantly waiting for the next weekend “to get here” you are wasting 75% of your life (5 out of 7 days). There are two solutions 1. Find a new job that you actually enjoy 2. Find something that you actually appreciate about your current career and focus on that rather than the negatives .

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Don’t dwell on past accomplishments . Stop worrying about tomorrow ;

tomorrow will happen anyway. Think beyond old solutions to the


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Remember !

You can live only one moment at a time ; you might as well make it the “present”

Thank you.