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Focus on what matters SuccessFactors Headlines: Get instant workforce insights in plain language

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Post on 14-Apr-2018




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Focus on what matters

SuccessFactors Headlines: Get instant

workforce insights in plain language

Put the power of analytics in the hands of business managers

People managers need more guidance, not more data. The amount of complex workforce data generated is growing all the time, and so is the choice and sophistication of the analytical tools available. The trouble is, many managers just don’t have the time or skills to find the needles of insight in the haystack of data. In today’s real-time business world, speed and simplicity are vital – and that’s where SuccessFactors Headlines can help.

THe real problem iS THe uSabiliTy oF SopHiSTicaTed analyTicS

– Conventional thinking assumes this pattern…

– However, reality is much different…



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Breadth and sophistication of possible analytical tasks

Breadth and sophistication of possible analytical tasks

Source: SAP Elev8 Research, June 2012

Read why ›

Read why ›

Instantly turn your complex workforce data into actionable insights

SuccessFactors Headlines gives HR and business managers real-time insight into the performance of their workforce. Headlines cuts through the clutter of talent data and instantly identifies hotspots requiring managerial attention. It then delivers alerts in common business language, stripping away obscure analytical terms to tell managers exactly what they need to know.

Making TalenT MeTrics counTread The whiTe paper >

“sImPlIcIty Is the ultImate soPhIstIcatIon.”

leonardo da Vinci

Get your own personal data analyst – and insight into what’s critical to you

SuccessFactors Headlines changes the game by revolutionizing how data is communicated in companies. It’s the first workforce analytics application to provide managers with a personalized “automated data analyst.” It continually mines an organization’s data, identifies hotspots that require attention and pushes personalized alerts to managers in common business language via mobile devices, email, and the Web.

“thIs Is really awesome, really dIfferent, and Is exactly the stuff

we want to be able to do. there Is a lot of Power In beInG sImPle. usInG

headlInes wIll helP us focus manaGers on the thInGs that matter and also

reduce busIness rIsk from mIstaken or InconsIstent data InterPretatIon.”

roberT Gibby phd, Senior manaGer, Hr reSearcH & analyTicS, THe procTer & Gamble company

Focus on resolution and action, not data analysis

Managers can rely on Headlines to immediately alert them when something needs action – but it doesn’t stop there. Headlines also identifies what could be contributing to the alert, related situations, and what managers can do to correct them. As a result, managers can focus their time on discussing potential resolutions and allocating resources rather than spending time inside analytics applications searching and interpreting tables, charts, and metrics.

leverage successfactors’ years of workforce analytics best practices coMprehensive: Comprehensive workforce metrics library, plus industry benchmark data.

personalized: Custom configuration personalizes the metrics delivered to managers.

predicTive: Analytics help predict future workforce hotspots and risks.

BuilT-in sTraTegy: One-click access from a headline to additional insight and recommendations.

choice oF access: Access to collaboration tools such as e-mail and Jam on any device (Web, mobile, iPad, etc.).

“I love thIs! bIG steP forward! It addresses the bIG Problems wIth

usInG workforce InformatIon. we have all of thIs cool data, but

what does It mean, what Is It tellInG me? manaGers have stats, but

thIs now ProvIdes them wIth the ‘so what’. you don’t need to be an hr Guru or analyst – actIonable

InsIGhts about the workforce are served uP, sImPle and easy.”

daVid crumley, Vp, Global HriS and conTinuouS improVemenT,

coca cola enTerpriSeS, inc.

find out more about what successFactors headlines can do for you

Telephone: 800-809-9920E-mail: [email protected]:

SucceSSFactoRS SucceSS

“lIfe Is really sImPle, but we

InsIst on makInG It comPlIcated.”


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