fma informative issue no #120 - arnis balite · fma informative staff member steven dowd was chosen...

Informative Issue No. 120 2014 2014

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Page 1: FMA Informative Issue No #120 - Arnis Balite · FMA Informative staff member Steven Dowd was chosen since he had been there before. It was greatly appreciated that who were interviewed

Informative Issue No. 120 2014


Page 2: FMA Informative Issue No #120 - Arnis Balite · FMA Informative staff member Steven Dowd was chosen since he had been there before. It was greatly appreciated that who were interviewed

Leaving Out of Los Angeles for the Philippines Arriving in the Philippines In Manila a Little Enjoyment – Mostly Work A Final Word

Each issue features practitioners of martial arts and other internal arts, other features include historical, theo-retical and technical articles; reflections, Filipino martial arts, healing arts, the culture of the Philippines and other related subjects. The authors, publisher and owner of this online magazine are not responsible for any injury, which may result from the instructions contained in this online magazine. Before embarking on any of the physical activates described in the magazine, the reader should consult his or her physician for advice regarding their individual suitability for per-forming such activity. The ideas and opinions expressed in the FMA Informative online magazine are those of the authors or instruc-tors being interviewed and are not necessarily the views of the publisher, editor or owner of the FMA Informative. The articles are the property of the author’s that wrote them and cannot be used without the permission of the author. The FMA Informative is for the promulgation and promotion of the Filipino martial arts and the Culture of the Philippines. NO issue can be printed and Sold for Monies, without the express permission of the Owner and Publisher of the FMA Informative.

The FMA Informative put out the word that they would be sending a representative to the Philippines for inter-views, and to make some observations on what is going on with practitioners as much as possible. Asking for volunteers for interviews the idea was to set up a schedule so to ensure good interviews and to talk to practi-tioners and such who were interested in sharing and the promulgation of the Filipino martial arts as a whole and specifically their art, for either an article or an issue dedicated to them. FMA Informative staff member Steven Dowd was chosen since he had been there before. It was greatly appreciated that who were interviewed we thank very much. For those who did not care to be interviewed well the FMA Informative regrets that they were too busy or outlets such as Face Book,, and Blogs etc are sufficient for them or maybe they are too well off to spend a little time to get publicity through an internet publication. Well this issue will let you know what our representative did while in the Philippines who he talked to etc. The Final summation is just an overall look on some of the things our representative noticed. If you believe it or if you do not believe it, well that is up to you the reader. And if it pisses you off, a suggestion is to print it out, go to the banyo (bathroom) sit and do your busi-ness and flush, get up and forget about it.

Page 3: FMA Informative Issue No #120 - Arnis Balite · FMA Informative staff member Steven Dowd was chosen since he had been there before. It was greatly appreciated that who were interviewed

Leaving Out of Los Angeles for the Philippines

Arrived in Los Angeles and had an early dinner with Punong Guro Marc Lawrence of the South Bay Filipino Martial Arts Club ( and his family, with still time to kill until the flight. Punong Guro Lawrence and Punong Guro Steven Dowd decided to do a little training. Punong Guro Lawrence already knew some of the concepts of Arnis Balite and wanted to get a bit more in depth on some of the aspects of Arnis Balite. First working with the baston, Punong Guro Dowd demonstrated and explained the principles behind the Togbot and Asot forms of Arnis Balite, and continued on with the theory of Huli Lusob. Working first with the baston, then the bolo and finally the knife, Punong Guro Lawrence quickly understood the concepts and principles and even added his thoughts and aspects.

family of his wife Vicky and then it was off to Legaspi for a couple in-terviews. Instead of taking the bus as was the usual mode of trans-portation taken, Vicky’s brother Ben drove Steven and Vicky to Le-gaspi. Upon arrival to Legaspi, after a nights’ sleep, and of course eating some famous Bicol Siopao Steven had dinner with Grand-master Roy Magdaraog of Magda-

raog Martial Arts and some of his instructors at the Mexita restaurant (suggestion: definitely try the tacos, other than that stay with

Arriving in the Philippines

Steven Dowd the repre-sentative for the FMA Informa-tive first visited with some of the

Steven’s Brother-in -law Ben

Star Tavern - Stonehouse Rey - Manager

Steeven Bartender

Room Attendent Jeson

Parking Arnel

Restaurant Steeven - BartenderRyan and Rolando -

Cooks, Mae, Rose and Tintin - Waitresses

Front Desk Lala,Amy,Gracia, and Tina

Grandmaster Roger Bataller of Bicol Arnis Repelon

Filipino cuisine). They discussed a new issue about Magdaraog which will be about how to train and ob-tain inner strength and power. The next day Steven was able to interview Grandmaster Roger Bataller of Bicol Arnis Re-pelon. Who is a practitioner with the confidence and professionalism

which makes him greatly respect-ed throughout the region. It was hoped to interview AMKA (American Maharlika Kuntaw Association) instructor Michael Tuscano and the new chapter President, however due to their schedule they did not have the time.

Grandmaster Roy Magdaraog of Magdaraog Martial Arts and some of his instructors

In Manila a Little Enjoyment – Mostly Work

Only spending a few days in Legaspi it was back to Manila to obtain hopefully more interviews for the FMA Informative. Finally getting to Manila, (the roads had a lot of work being done), and checking into the Stonehouse Bed & Breakfast in Quezon City, Phil-ippines, since the demolishment of the Denarra Hotel, this is where the FMA Informative representatives stay when visiting Manila, Philip-pines. A little plug about the Stonehouse Bed & Breakfast; great place, great prices for rooms, friendly staff, the highest recom-mendation if you are coming to the Philippines and need a place to stay. (

Page 4: FMA Informative Issue No #120 - Arnis Balite · FMA Informative staff member Steven Dowd was chosen since he had been there before. It was greatly appreciated that who were interviewed

tive all about the 2nd FMA Hall of Fame who received recognition, pictures, how it was put together etc. The FMA Informative looks forward to it and knows the issue will be an excellent one. In talking to Professor So-teco, Steven found that he is still moving ahead with Arnis Profes-sional and the program constantly strives to bring the best in educa-tion to teachers that will teach and promulgate the Filipino martial arts in their schools and other practitioners that want to bring the basic overall education to others. Ok now Steven insists to mention a man that is by the side of Punong Lakan Nicolas. This man is his photographer, illustra-

Steven met up with Arvin Logarta (his brother from another mother) of PMA Supplies ( and the Philip-pine representative for Over Board “the leader in waterproof bags & cases and Solar Force flashlights ( Having a simple dinner and then of course bibinka (A Must Have). Now the work begins, with Punong Lakan Garitony Nicho-las of MAMFMA. On February 25th Punong Lakan Garitony “Pet Nicolas” Nicholas came by and a surprise with him was Professor Armando Soteco which I have not seen for quite a few years. He was doing well and is still promoting and carrying on with his program of Professional Arnis. Punong Lakan Nicolas and I talked about his adventures in promoting the Filipino martial arts And of course his 2nd FMA Hall of Fame which will recognize many of the well deserving martial artists of today. It is always a great pleasure talking with Pet Nicolas and catching up with what he has been up to. He is a very busy man for sure, Steven was just happy he could make some time in his schedule to sit down and catch up on things. Punong Guro Nicolas will be sending the FMA Informa-

Grandmaster Jay Jumawan and his son master Jayson

Robert Trinidad of the FMA Forum

Interviewing Hyungki Cho the student of Grandmaster Aycocho from Korea

Maestro Ronaldo Baxafra and his wife Dayang Jessielyn “Jemn” Baxafra of the Baxafra Armor International with their

assistant instructor Joemicco Solomon

Romeo Solatorio

It was really great to see two friends that I have known for many years. Pet Nicolas and Professor Soteco

Arvin Logarta (my brother from another mother) and of course bibinka

tor etc, a very quiet guy but very talented Mr. Romeo Solatrio. The 26th Maestro Ronal-do Baxafra and his wife Dayang Jessielyn “Jemn” Baxafra of the Baxafra Armor International with their assistant instructor Joemicco Solomon came by for an interview. The issue will be on a part of an advance form called Estraellita. There are 5 parts to the form which the issue will show 2 of the parts. What will be different is instead of just demonstrating the form as most people see a form by an individual the form will be demon-strated with an opponent, so the reader can actually see the forms techniques against an opponent. 27 February have the

pleasure to see a very old friend, Grandmaster Frank Aycocho. I have known him since 1996 when he was in the Middle East working. Grandmaster Aycocho use to be associated with the International Kuntaw Federation, but moved on to create his own style with other martial arts that he has trained in.

Interviewed Hyungki Cho the student of Grandmaster Ayco-cho from Korea who has been training with Grandmaster Ayco-cho for over a year, Hyungki is working in Manila for IBM for the next 4 years. So the interview is on the aspects of what Hyungki has learned and developed from learn-ing at the Aycocho Martial Arts Center. Had the opportunity to have dinner with a very good friend

Robert Trinidad of the FMA Fo-rum (, which is coming up on its 10th anniversa-ry. It is always great to see Robert and just talk about anything and everything. He is a very busy guy with his work, so it is fortunate that he makes time to visit with the FMA Informative, both of us get

to relax. 28th of Feb-ruary last day of the month, Grandmaster Jay Jumawan dropped by from his busy schedule to be inter-viewed. He did not have much time due to his schedule; however we discussed Silag-an (one block / one strike), should be an

Page 5: FMA Informative Issue No #120 - Arnis Balite · FMA Informative staff member Steven Dowd was chosen since he had been there before. It was greatly appreciated that who were interviewed

interesting article. This evening dropped into X.O. “Exotic Custom Knives and Tools” visited with the owner Nino Lopez and his crew. They have an event coming up that is expected to be really worth participating in. Ok had breakfast with a very good friend Felipe ‘Bot’ Jo-cano, discussed many things and a couple future issues that the FMA Informative will put out if Bot has the time.

Felipe ‘Bot’ Jocano

Grandmaster Manny Dacanay of Lapunti Arnis de Abanico Grandmaster Bong Abenir and Guro Chris Dalida of Abenir Kalis

X.O. “Exotic Custom Knives and Tools” Arvin Logarta, Nino Lopez and his crew

Then it was off to the MAMFMA gym for the 2nd FMA Hall of Fame meeting that Punong Lakan Nicholas was holding in preparation for the upcoming event. Many friends from the past and new ones were there:

Mr. Rennie Ross ng YawYan Kampilan Steven Dowd - Arnis Balite Engr. Jose Dion Diaz - PIGSSAI Mr. Dannie San Joaquin Mr. Roberto Labaniego Ms. Patty Caballero Mr. Sunshine Facto - Sinag Filipino Martial Arts Mr. Jaime Francisco Mr. Ronnie Royce Base - Laraw Kali Pamuok Filipinomartialarts

Mr. Juned Memon Ms. Mikeli Mapua Mr. Ken Magno Mr. Kenji Himura Mr. Maan Vergara Mr. Arnold Ramos Ms. Arce Santos Mr. Romeo Solatorio Mr. Henry Espera - Rapido Realismo Kali Mr. Reynaldo Lumbog Senson Ms. Michiko Akeizha Nicolas-De Guzman Mr. Anthony De Guzman Ms. Jemn Nuñez Baxafra Mr. Jimmy Ibrahim Mr. Artemio Amato Ms. Ivy Clark Teodoro Senson So got to talk about many things and hopefully future articles for the FMA informative. From there went with Grandmaster Bong Abenir and Guro Chris Dalida of Abenir Kalis to the FMA Center located Pasig City to visit with Grandmaster Manny Dacanay of Lapunti Arnis de Abanico and owner of the FMA center, to discuss the operation and future of the FMA Center. Very nice facility and with what is offered now and in the near future definitely a place someone would want to go to train. Discussing the styles / systems that are taught at the FMA Center and what the idea is behind the centers operation, this also will become an FMA Informative issue so others will be aware of the op-portunity offered to train and gain knowledge by visiting the FMA Center. Sunday morning started off great, had breakfast with Perry Gil S. Mallari who is a columnist at FMA Pulse, Sports Editor and Col-umnist at The Manila Times. Perry is a martial artist and a journalist and Fight Times Editor. Seems like we talked forever; lots of stories from the past mostly from me of Perry Gil S. Mallari

course; so he was a patient listen-er. Also talked to Perry about one of the two arts he trains in which is plainly called Escrima which he learned from Manong Ignacio Mabait, which is simple, direct and very effective. This afternoon met with Joy Lim which you might have noticed in the FMA Informative newspaper in various articles. And her instructor Grandmaster Cri-santo R. Pasindo which you may have noticed several issue’s on the tournaments that he has held. However today we talked about his style - Pasindo Arnis which he says is a “mixed modern and traditional Arnis.”

Page 6: FMA Informative Issue No #120 - Arnis Balite · FMA Informative staff member Steven Dowd was chosen since he had been there before. It was greatly appreciated that who were interviewed

In talking to Joy Lim she is going to be joining the FMA Infor-mative team and will have an Edi-torial section called, “Discovering FMA”. Since she is a beginning student, she will tell the readers on her experiences while learning the Filipino martial arts and other observations she makes through-out her journey, also talking about the Philippine culture. The FMA Informative welcomes her aboard. Joy brought some Empanada from the red Ribbon to eat. It was really good, have not had that for a while that is for sure. Starting off the week meet-ing and interviewing, Grandmaster Leopoldo O. Alcatora of LSAI one

of the oldest students of Grand-master Ben Lima and Master Jerson B. Monderondo student of Grandmaster Alcatora also teach-ing LSAI with Combat Judo vari-ation system. Grandmaster who is 76 years young has not lost a step and moves smoothly and with precision not wasting movements but getting to the point. Of course Master Monderondo is still young and energetic.

OK today was an inter-view with Punong Guro Alexan-der Librando “Guro Alex”. This is a young practitioner that has trained with many Grandmasters and Masters and has taken what he has learned, combined it and put together the art he calls Suntumog Kali Filipino Martial Arts, which

is comprised of Pa-nuntukan, Dumog, and Kali. There is no sticks involved a fully bladed art. Unlike some others he does not claim Grand-master-hood, but is happy to build upon

Grandmaster Leopoldo O. Alcatora and Master Jerson B. Monderondo

Joy Lim and Grandmaster Crisanto R. Pasindo

Punong Guro Alexander LibrandoGrandmaster Henry E. Espera and

Batikan Guro Isagani C. Abon

Grandmaster Jerry Evangelisan of Mangangayam Kali Arnis Eskrima,

and Guro Ferdinand G. Lastrilla

his art and gain experience, maybe in the future. Grandmaster Jerry Evange-lisan of Mangangayam Kali Arnis Eskrima, one of his instructors Guro Ferdinand G. Lastrilla out of Angeles City, Philippines and Shannon C. Collins who is train-ing with Grandmaster Evangelisan and a student of Guro Lastrilla in Angeles City. Shannon did a very

good interview with Grandmaster Evangelisan (Click Here) It was great seeing my friend of many years always look forward to seeing him when I visit the Philippines, if he has the time. We talked about training women in his art. Not women’s self defense or awareness, but the actual style of Mangangayam. Today interviewed Grand-master Henry E. Espera of Rapid Realismo Kali a very quite and reserved man. This is the first time

I had a chance to talk with him since 2005, when I interviewed him for the FMAdigest. His style is unique for it is short and sweet and to the point. Coming along with him was his senior student and my friend Batikan Guro Isagani C. Abon. Who has not changed much, has the go get-um attitude ready to speak on the subject of Rapid Realismo Kali with the excitement and passion of a practitioner really dedicated to the art and its Grandmaster. Grandmaster Samuel “Bambit” Dulay of Modern Arnis “Tapi Tapi” a long

time friend dropped by this afternoon to relax and shoot the breeze. Talked about many things including the 7th FMA Festival which was coming up in Olangapo City, Philip-pines, he was rumoring that the next FMA Festival maybe held outside the Philippines. So we shall have to wait and see if that happens. Anyway, hope many practitioners to the advantage to attend the event, if not you missed many great instructors, a lot of knowledge and generally a great time. Along with him was one of his students and a female practi-tioner Carolyn Dean from England who was looking forward to the

FMA Festival. Well this week is wrapping up; today Emmanuel Querubin of Sikaran ( and his wife Gloria came by to have lunch. Emmy is the official historian for Sikaran under Grand-master Milton Geronimo. He lives in Oakland, CA. and is here in the Philippines taking care of person-al business and some business of Sikaran and gathering some sto-ries and articles for his magazine the Sikaran Taliba. Of course we had some interesting discussions, about Sikaran, the Filipino martial Shannon C. Collins, Grandmaster

Evangelisan and Jenna Baja

Grandmaster Samuel “Bambit” Dulay of Modern Arnis and Carolyn Dean from England

Emmanuel and Gloria Querubin

arts etc. Grandmaster Dulay also dropped by and the discussion got very interesting. Grandmas-ter Geronimo’s birthday is March 10th, but was celebrated on the 9th of March. Well finally got together

with Peachie Baron-Saguin of Kalis Ilustrisimo for a little break-fast. She is a very busy lady as Ex-ecutive Producer for TV shows such as “Cook Eat Right”, with Chef Redj Baron which broadcasts

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every Sunday 9 - 10:30 am on UNTV and Rise N Shine, with hosts Louela de Corbova and Jenny Fajardo which is a daily morning show 8 - 9 am on UNTV. So her week is filled up with work. And then on Sunday mornings, at Luneta Park teaching and training Kalis Ilustrisimo, so Saturday is her only free day. So I was very happy just to be able to at least visit with Peachie a little. We talked about her upcoming seminars in the United States, Canada, Spain, and Germany. Senior Students Arnold Narzo and Peachie Baron Saguin of Grandmaster Tony Diego will be teaching at the seminars, due to Grandmaster Diego not being able to travel at the time of the events. Also had a visit from Gigi and Gerry, Ka Abner Anievas sister and brother in-law. Unfortunately Ka Abner is still in Hong Kong and not coming to the Philippines until later on in the year. A really great guy, someday we will get together. Sunday some think a day of rest, but far from it. First went to Sto. Cristo Elementary school in Bago Bantay, Que-zon City to teach at the Arnis Professional class, was invited by Professor Soteco. While there met with Dr. Susan Merca-do, Dean of Physical Education Department at Pamamtagan

ng Lumpsod ng Manila. The class I taught was given to high school teachers of various high schools throughout Manila. The subject was the concepts of Arnis, pertaining to the different systems and styles of Filipino martial arts. The class started at 12 noon and lasted until 2 pm.

First was the lecture in discussing the different styles of the Filipi-no martial arts, mostly the most known arts such as Kalis Ilustri-simo, Modern Arnis, Doce Pares, Kobaton, and a few others. The concepts and principles, breaking the arts down to the very basics, the participants thought this was going to be easy and they would just sit and listen and learn. But far from it for the next thing they knew is they were up and expe-riencing some of the basics for a better understanding. Professor Soteco was an extremely good host to me and the FMA Informative is very thankful to him for everything he did, a most pleasant experience. Next it was off to the Que-

Peachie Baron-Saguin of Kalis Ilustrisimo

Gigi and Gerry, Ka Abner Anievas sister and brother in-law.

Professor Amando Soteco: Arnis Professional Coordinator, Dr. Susan Mercadd: Dean of Pysical

education Department, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, Professor Jessie Lipaton: Faculty member,

Philippine Military Academy,

zon memorial circle amphitheater, for the Arnis Pasindo Eskrima Tournament – MASA 2014 “Mahalin Ang Sariling Atin Arnis” (9th Invitational Arnis Championship). The event started at 8am and was suppose to be over by 5 pm but went later due to more par-ticipants attending than

expected. There was, 180 partici-

Professor Soteco and Dr. Alejandro Dagdag President PT-SPERD (NCEP) - Sports science

pants, a very good turnout. Many Grandmasters and Masters were there in attendance. At the end in the closing ceremo-ny Grandmaster Jerry Dela Cruz,

with a very interesting interview with Leopoldo C. Lasaleta Jr. - Training Director and Joseph Ed-gar R. Roquid - Assistant Training Director of Sayoc Fighting Interna-

Grandmaster Frank Aycocho and the FMA Informative representa-tive gave closing remarks and the awards were then given out to the winners of the event. The leaders of the tournament: Paclibar Bicol Kali (Coach Master Ranielo Loren-zo) Overall Champion. PUP Arnis (Coach Luz Arroyo) First Runner Up. KAMAO-Ateneo (Coach Ryan Gialogo, Assistant Coach Aloy Diaz) Second Runner up. Well the FMA Informative last week kicked off great, started

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tional. They are not associated with Tuhon Christopher C. Sayoc, Sr., however learned and trained under Grandmaster Baltazar “Bo” Sayoc Sr. who was the Founder of Sayoc Kali. Unfortunately upon passing, no documentation was ever received by the Filipino group of Sayoc Fighting International. But they carry on what they had learned and grow and prosper in the Philippines. Today interviewed Senior Grandmaster Nepthali “Tally” Barcellano of Stilla Mongoose style. This practitioner is seasoned and does not mess around and gets to the point, after the interview, he demonstrated the basic technique familiar with his style. It will defi-nitely give you a jolt, and make you think twice once experienced. Then Grandmaster Pepito Sabal-berino talked. His style has a most unusual name “Power of the Brave Fighter,” more like a statement. It is a combination of Arnis and Kickboxing and was put togeth-er after his training with senior

Grandmaster Ondo Caburnay, Senior Grandmaster Vincent Sanchez, and Grand-

master Frank Aycocho. Ok, no one showed up for their scheduled interviews today, guess they were busy, shy, scared, or to important in their own minds. So luckily got to have lunch with Emmanuel Querubin of Sikaran at the SM North Edsa Mall, and got to know some very interesting de-velopments happening in Sikaran and some other facts and gossip in

the Filipino martial arts. Had dinner with Arvin Log-arta at a place we found by accident called the Hermanos Taco shop, Mexican food that tasted pretty good, in fact the best yet in the Philippines, that I have tasted. Last night and going out for a last hooray with Arvin, tomorrow leaving to go home and start writing and putting things together for future FMA Informative issues and articles.

Grandmaster Pepito Sabalberino: Arnis and Kickboxing and Senior Grandmaster Nepthali

“Tally” Barcellano of Stilla Mongoose

Leopoldo C. Lasaleta Jr. and Joseph Edgar R. Roquid of Sayoc Fighting International

A Final Word Well overall, had a great time in meeting many practitioners, made new friends, saw some old ones. As I said last year throw a peso in the air a hundred Grand-masters will fall from the sky, though this year I notice that there are many, many Senior Grandmas-ters also. You would think that rank makes the practitioner. The old tradition that practitioners are loyal to their roots is true in some and well a joke for others. For some think that the more they add the better they will be, or should I say the better chance of making that pera (mon-ey). And of course be the one in charge “The Grandpooba” Some practitioners still mention the Arnis Bill, but not much, it is a thought of the past. Tournaments, Tournaments, Tour-naments; is the fashion. However, each group has their own set of rules, and of course each believes

that theirs is the best. Now there is no lacking for competitors, ex-ample the tournament that Ste-ven Dowd went to they expected around 70 to 80 participants and whoa 180 showed up to partici-pate. Seminars and the routine Sunday training at Luneta Park is the norm. And there are many Filipino practitioners to choose from depending on what part of the park you go to and what time you go. Actually there are not many schools, for only a few can afford the rent, so practitioners have meeting places, arrange with others to use their facilities etc. And the foreigners come in droves to get the experience and see who they can meet and get a picture with. And of course the Filipino practitioners are loving it, for some it means money, for others a way to see if they can get dedicated students that will even-

tually go back to their country and spread the art and hopefully bring the Filipino practitioner from the Philippines to their area for semi-nars etc. So there are many reputa-ble, great, awesome practitioners in the Philippine. It is just what does the student or practitioner that is visiting the country want. And if they the student/out of country practitioner is smart enough to realize who is good and who is full of bull-hoot. So that is why the FMA Informative visits the Philippines and tries to interview as many practitioners as possible and hopes to always get enough information on who they interview to put forth issues and articles. So first timers, students, practitioners can know and decide what they want and who would they like to train them.

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School Submission The schools listed teach Filipino martial arts, either as the main curriculum or an added curriculum. If you have a school that teaches Filipino martial arts, or you are an instructor that teaches, but does not have a school, list the school or style so individuals who wish to experience, learn and gain knowledge have the opportunity.Be Professional; keep your contact information current. - Click Here

Event Submission Submit your event whether - Seminar, Workshop, Training Camp, tournament, or Gathering - Click Here

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