
FLOWER PLEX VADE MECUM Homeopathic and Flower remedies Edited by Roy Martina, M.D., C.A., D. Ht.

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Homeopathic and Flower remedies

Edited by

Roy Martina, M.D., C.A., D. Ht.

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© Copyright 1991, Apex Energetics – Glendale, California

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the

prior permission of the publisher.

Reprints ended in September 2001

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- What are flower essences?

- What are the Flower Plex combinations?

- What makes these flower combinations unique?

- The dual action of the Flower Plex flower combinations


How to choose the appropriate formula:

1. According to name and description

2. Via the use of bioenergy assessment methods

3. Via bioenergy assessment using Flower Plex flower essences as a “pre-


- Protocol for using flower combinations as a pre-test for assessment


- Composition

- Primary application

- Other applications

- Meridians, Elements and Points

- Somatic Energy

- Chakras

- Bioenergy assessment

- Posology

- Additional Formulas

- Affirmations

- Flow diagrams

Flower Plex formulas

1. Spiritual Clarity

2. Energy Flow

3. Incident memory removal

4. Heart Chakra

5. Bioenergy protection

6. Inner Chi

7. Inner Voice

8. Female spirituality

9. Male spirituality

10. Etheric body

11. Sexuality

12. Kundalini Chi

13. Meditation

14. Cosmos

15. Groundedness

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16. Colour balance

17. New Hope

18. Positiveness

19. Acceptance

20. Closeness

21. Harmony

22. Softness

23. Sharing

24. Joy

25. Inner balance

26. Warmth

27. Relaxing thoughts

28. Emotional attachment

29. New Directions

30. Changing Patterns

31. Life changes

32. Adaptation

33. Overview

34. Clear thoughts

35. Bringing out in the open

36. Communication

37. Turning point

38. Psychic abilities

39. Harmony of mind and body

40. Balance of mind and body

41. Clear recollections

42. Motivation

43. Intuition

44. Creative energy

45. Influence

46. Pro-activeness

47. Taking charge

48. Perseverance

49. Anger energy elimination

50. Fear energy elimination

51. Urban harmony

52. Happy motherhood

53. Calm labour

54. New born tranquillity

55. New life serenity

56. The inner child

57. Inner peace

58. Peace of mind

59. Letting go

60. Feeling at ease

61. Forgiveness

62. True to self

63. Trust

64. Pride

65. Self esteem

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66. Comfort

67. Encouragement

68. Flexibility

69. First aid

70. Love within


- Special considerations

- Other methods of using Flower Plex combinations



I List of Flower Plex combinations:

In alphabetical order

In numerical order

II Somatic energy index of Flower Plex combinations

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Flower Plex flower combinations


Tincture of flower essences contains delicate energies from flowers. Flower essences

rebalance and regulate specific bioenergy disorders of the body/mind complex. They

are also highly effective and safe-to-use.

Flower essences work more in the field of delicate energies than the usual

homeopathic remedies that act primarily on the effects of toxins and the symptoms of

diseases. The effects of flower essences include changes in attitude and outlook on

life, new powers of observation, renewed motivation and a release of emotional

energy. Many people using these essences report an immediate change in energy and

a long-term response.

Flower essences were first introduced in 1934 by an English Homeopath and

Bacteriologist known as Edward Bach. Since then, hundreds of new essences have

been discovered with properties similar to the 38 original ones discovered by Bach.

These new flower essences have dramatically increased our chances of encouraging

personal development.


The Flower Plex formulas combine flower essences originating in the USA and

Europe, with homeopathic remedies extracted from the animal, plant and mineral

kingdom. These new preparations are unique and are the result of more than 10 years

of research by one Dutch doctor and researcher, Dr. Roy Martina.

These combinations are designed to play more of a support role rather than acting as a

treatment. They act in the following way:

-releasing blocked and suppressed energy

-removing or neutralising negative bioenergy patterns

-increasing, supporting and balancing human bioenergy

The Flower Plex flower combinations do not act directly on the function and structure

of the physical body. Instead they act by remodelling the bioenergy imprintings.


The Flower Plex flower combinations contain tinctures of flower essences that have

been energised or dynamised via successions - the same process that is used to

potentise homeopathic remedies. The potentisation process further promotes the

special energy qualities of flower tinctures. The potentized essences are then

combined with the appropriate homeopathic remedies in order to create specific

bioenergy effects.

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Both the new field of Psycho-neuro immunology and the ancient Chinese doctrine of

“Five elements” claim that unresolved emotional tissue can cause energy imbalances

in the physical body. However, a toxic bioaccumulation or toxic interference, which

can cause an energy imbalance, can also manifest itself as an alteration in the person’s

spiritual or emotional state (Figure 1). We should, therefore, act both on Somatic

energy and Psycho-energy in order to produce a permanent resolution of the cycle of

illness. This can be achieved by combining potentised flower essences, which affect

human Psycho-energy, with homoepathic components, which primarily affect human

Somatic energy.

Figure 1: The causal cycle of Psychosomatic energy

Figure 2: The dual action of Flower Plex formulas

These formulas provide the individual with the necessary bioenergy support to

produce the desired effect even without necessarily reaching the causal disorders.

Negative Psycho-energy


Toxic bioaccumulation or


Which cause….

Negative Somatic energy disorders

Potentised flowers PSYCHO-ENERGY

act on Psycho-energy disorders

and on negative energy patterns


Potentised homeo-energy ingredients act on

the somatic energy imbalances and on toxic



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However, it is still vital to identify and resolve the deeper underlying patterns and

problems in order to obtain more lasting results. For that purpose, one needs to

combine bioenergy tests with the appropriate psycho-awareness methods.

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How to use the Flower Plex flower combinations


1. According to name and description

The names, descriptions (see sections on “Primary Applications” and “Other

Applications”), “Additional Formulas”, and “Flow diagrams” will help you to select

the appropriate formula. The flow diagrams can be used to select the main remedy

when other Flower Plex combinations are also indicated with similar applications.

2. Via the use of Bioenergy assessment methods

Negative bioenergy resonances can be identified using well-known tests such as

Chinesiology, EAV or the Vegatest with Flower Plex remedies. The combination

formulas that balance the specific energy weaknesses can be tested by using

bioenergy efficacy and tolerance filters.

3. Via Energy assessment, using the Flower Plex flower essences as a “pretest”

The use of these combination formulas as a “pretest” for assessment purposes (using

Chinesiology or measuring instruments), is one of the most exciting discoveries made

by Dr. Martina. If a previously strong muscle becomes weak or the indicator gives a

low reading when the Flower Plex formula is introduced into the patient’s

electromagnetic field, this formula gives an indication of the type of bioenergy

imbalance. Any formula that balances this energy can then be recommended for use.

Name and description Bioenergy assessment


Efficacy and bioenergy


Flower Plex Remedy

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For example, if a strong muscle becomes weak when No. 48 “PERSEVERANCE” is

introduced into the patient’s electromagnetic field, this may mean that the patient:

1. feels disheartened

2. may feel defeated or not want to struggle on any more

3. may lack the energy to go on

4. has had a traumatic experience

However, instead of recommending “PERSERVERANCE” for internal use, the

appropriate support formula must be found. If, by leaving PERSEVERANCE in

circulation, No. 42 “MOTIVATION” strengthens the muscle or lowers the index

value, it will be a good support formula. Should the primary application of

MOTIVATION prove to be an aid to generating motivation and strength of will, it

will be the appropriate formula to recommend both for the structure and results of the

bioenergy tests.



1. Assess which vials from the Flower Plex test set weaken the muscle

(Chinesiology) or cause an indicator drop.

These are the assessment formulas that outline the important psycho-

energy patterns and resonances.

2. Add one of these Assessment Formulas to the well.

3. Then find the vials that strengthen the muscle or make the indicator rise.

4. Leave one of these balancing formulas in circulation. Remove just the

Assessment formula. Add the bioenergy efficacy filter (Ferrum Met. D12)

and test again. If the muscle is strong or the equipment gives a high

reading, this formula is effective as a support formula.

5. If the muscle becomes weak or the equipment gives a low reading, this

balancing formula is clearly not bioenergetically effective for use.

However, it may be used as follows:

a) Leave this formula in circulation. Take the bioenergy efficacy filter out

of circulation. Measure the flowers test set in order to establish which

vial strengthens the muscle or lowers the indicator reading (as in point


b) Test this balancing formula (as in point 4). Continue this process until

an effective formula has been identified.

6. Remove just the efficacy filter from circulation. Leave the Assessment

Formula there. Repeat steps 3 to 6 until an effective Support Formula

has been found.

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7. Test the Assessment formulas found in Point 1 using the method outlined

above in order to find the support formulas.

8. Remove all the Assessment and Support Formulas. Put the bioenergy

tolerance filter (Manganum D30) into circulation.

9. The muscle should now be weak and should give a low reading.

10. Put all the Support formulas into circulation together and retest.

11. If the muscle has strengthened itself or the reading has normalised, it can

be concluded that this combination has been tolerated and you can move

onto Point 13.

12. If the muscle remains weak or the reading has not been normalised, the

combination has not been bioenergetically tolerated. Put Manganum D30

into circulation and test the Support formulas one by one, until you find

the one that has been well tolerated. Then retest the combination without

this formula. Repeat the operation until you find the tolerated combination.

These are the Support formulas that should be recommended.

13. These bioenergetically tolerated support formulas can be recommended

using the appropriate means. See further on for the Posology.


If FEAR ENERGY ELIMINATION weakens the muscle or causes a drop in the

reading, it is an assessment formula. If SELF ESTEEM strengthens the muscle or

normalises the reading when FEAR ENERGY ELIMINATION is left in circulation,

Self esteem is a balancing formula.

If SELF ESTEEM strengthens the muscle when Ferrum Metallicum D12 is in the

well, this is bioenergetically effective.

If SELF ESTEEM also strengthens the muscle when Manganum is in circulation, it is

bioenergetically tolerated and is a good choice to recommend as a support formula.

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Find the assessment formula

Find the balance formulas

Test for bioenergy efficacy

Test both for bioenergy efficacy

Prescribe them as Support

Formulas with affirmations

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Guide to using Flower combinations

Each formula will be described in detail under the following subheadings:


This section lists the components and potencies of each “Homaccords” or multiple

potency formula. All the possibilities have been used in order to create the widest

range of bioenergy effects.

Several formulas use high potencies (200CH, 1M and higher) in order to increase

their efficacy at profound bioenergy levels.

The Flower Plex formulas are available in tablets and drops.

Primary application:

This outlines the most common application for which the remedy has been


Other applications:

This section outlines other important applications. It provides the doctor with a more

detailed understanding of each formula. Over the years we are certain to discover new

uses, as we will be able to examine them more closely as they are used.

Meridians, elements and points (according to bioenergy tests):

This section outlines the acupuncture meridians, which are often affected by the

psycho-energy blocks outlined in the description of the formula.

Some formulas have specific acupuncture points for helping to re-stabilise energy

balance. These meridians or points are included for the purposes of additional

treatment and are not intended to be definitive or conclusive.

This information was established using modern bioenergy assessment techniques and

may not correspond to traditional Oriental teachings.

Somatic energy:

This section outlines the areas most likely to be susceptible to somatic energy

disorders caused by negative psycho-energy impressions and patterns.

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The energy relationships with the various organs and systems are based on tests

carried out using the Vega method and they should not necessarily be correlated with

Western or Oriental clinical theories.


This section lists the Chakras that have more commonly been found to be blocked or

stressed and this can be established using the Vegatest method. The Chakras are

regarded as important centres that unite psycho-energy and somatic energy fields.

They are often associated with more profound problems and blockages in the body.

The Chakras are as follows:

7th Chakra – The Crown Chakra

6th Chakra – The Brow Chakra (or Third Eye Chakra)

5th Chakra – The Throat Chakra

4th Chakra – The Heart Chakra

3rd Chakra – The Solar Plexus Chakra

2nd Chakra – The Spleen Chakra

1st Chakra – The Root or Kundalini Chakra

Bioenergy assessment:

This section gives suggestions for doctors who use the energy test techniques. Any

bioenergy assessment technique can be used with these formulas, including

Chinesiology, the Vegatest, EAV test and the Nogier technique.

Even if the descriptions overlap, the headings “Primary Applications” and “Bioenergy

Assessments” with their meanings, should be used independently.

Please refer to the examples on page 5 for a more detailed explanation of the aims of

this section.


This section gives an indication of the recommended doses.

The formulas are administered by adding 10 drops to a beaker of water or

administering them directly under the tongue.

The Flower Plex floral combinations can be taken before retiring to bed, first thing in

the morning or during the day. They should be taken a minimum of 3-5 minutes from


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The following doses give the best results (always based on clinical data):

Standard dosage: 10 drops, 3-4 times a day

Frequent dosage: 10 drops, 6-8 times a day

Very frequent dosage: 10 drops, 8-10 times a day

Childrens’ dosage: 10 drops, 2-3 times a day

- Increase the dosage by administering the Flower Plex flower essences

more frequently.

- More than one combination can be taken at a time. However, it is usually

better not to take more than 3 or 4 combinations at a time.

- Flower Plex flowers can also be taken every half an hour in some chronic

or acute situations. (Check the guidelines for each formula).


particularly suitable for acute situations.

- The results can be improved if the individual reflects upon the problems

they are working through whilst taking the formula - it is best to do this

using visualisations and affirmations.

- Mothers could repeat the affirmations aloud whilst administering the dose

to their child. Older children can be encouraged to repeat the affirmations


- It is important for the patients to be fully connected with positive feelings,

positive emotions and the goals that they wish to reach.

In order to achieve maximum results, the patient should concentrate on

breathing and the body’s physiology.

Additional formulas:

This section includes other compatible and synergic formulas that can be used



This section contains suggestions for some very simple affirmations. Other

affirmations can, of course, be used.

The efficacy of the affirmations can be tested by using the efficacy filters (Ferrum

Met. D12).

For additional information on affirmations, see Chapter 5.

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Flow diagrams:

The flow diagrams used in this compendium are based on the numerous observations

made during clinical trials. As the energy block levels and cell memory are discovered

in reverse chronological order, the formulas are generally indicated in the “causal

chain” marked out in these flow diagrams. The flow diagrams can be particularly

helpful to doctors who do not use test protocols to select their formulas.

The following section provides detailed information on the individual Flower Plex


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Chaparral, Deerbrush, Golden Ear Drops, Cedar, Mountain Pennyroyal, Yarrow, Pink

Yarrow, Sagebrush, Crab Apple, Self Heal, Holly, Pine, Star Tulip.

Potencies: 3M, 7M, 15M, 30M, 60M

Asa foetida 3M, 7M, 15M, 40M, 60M

Lycopodium 3M, 7M, 15M, 40M, 60M

Other applications:

It provides bioenergy support for:

-releasing the negative energy absorbed from others

-clarifying one’s objectives and purifying one’s motivations

-catharsis (to be combined with fasting)

-cleansing from accumulated mental toxins

-cleansing of the doctor’s aura after having worked with the patients

-using with breathing and meditation exercises

-protecting one’s aura in crowded areas.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Kidneys and Bladder.

Somatic energy:

Pineal gland, Hypophysis, thyroid and endocrine axis.



No 1

Primary application:

General spiritual purification and cleansing; a new starting point, to strengthen the

doctor’s bioenergy.

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Bioenergy assessment:

-Accumulation of mental toxins

-Absorption of negative vibrational influences from others.


20 drops, twice a day, with one minute of meditation in the morning. Continue for as

long as required.

Additional formulas:

No. 18 – Positiveness, No. 51 – Urban harmony, No. 21 – Harmony, No. 5 –

Bioenergy protection, No. 14 – Cosmos, No. 43 – Intuition.


I attract positive energy and love. I am safe and protected; I am at one with everyone.

I offer love and kindness to everyone. I am pure of heart.

Flow diagram:

Comunicazione = Comunication

Autostima/incoraggiamento = Self esteem/encouragement

Perseveranza = Perseverance

Motivazione = Motivation

Sollievo = Comfort

Il bambino interiore = The inner child

Pace interiore = Inner peace

Gioia = Joy

Perdonare = Forgiveness

Autostima = Self esteem

Dire vertita a se stessi = True to self

Protez. Bioenergetica = Bioenergy protection

Equilibrio dei colori = Colour balance

Corpo eterico = Etheric body

Prendersi responsab. = Taking charge

Elim. Energia di rabbia = Anger energy elimination

Elim. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Flessibilita = Flexibility

Fiducia in = Love within

Lasciar andare = Letting go

Fiducia = Trust

Dire verita a se stessi = True to self

Cambiamento di modelli = Changing patterns

Nuove direzioni = New directions

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Cambiamenti di vita = Life changes

Adattamento = Adaptation

Chiarezza spirituale = Spiritual clarity

Spiritualita maschile/femminile = Male/female spirituality

Sessualita/Kundalini Chi = Sexuality/Kundalini Chi

Voce Interiore = Inner voice

Proprieta di fondamento = Groundedness

Armonia = Harmony

Calore = Warmth

Condivisione = Sharing

Equilibrio corpo-mente = Balance of mind and body

Armonia corpo-mente = Harmony of mind and body

Abilita psichiche = Psychic abilities

Intuizione = Intuition

Energia creativa = Creative energy

Cosmo = Cosmos

Portare alla luce = Bringing out in the open

Addolcimento = Softness

Calore = Warmth

Condivisione = Sharing

Pace della mente = Peace of mind

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Dandelion, Chamomile, Aspen, Garlic, Impatiens, Vervain, Yerba Santa, White

Chestnut, Sweet Chestnut, Apricot.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Taraxacum D4

Nux vomica D8, D10

Passiflora incarnata D4

Humulus lupulus D4

Zincum valerianicum D9, D12

Magnesium phosphoricum D8, D10

Other applications:

Provides support energy for:


-Energy imbalances linked to anxiety

-Recovery of somatic energies after shock.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

All meridians, particularly those linked to the tendons and muscles; primary effect on

the gall bladder and liver meridians.

Somatic energy:

Gall bladder, muscles, tendons and circulatory system.

Chakras: 1st, 2

nd and 3


Bioenergy assessment:

Tendency to restrict one’s energy flow; energy rigidity.



No 2

Primary application:

Releases the energy restricted by muscle tension.

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Standard: 10 drops, 3-4 times a day.

Additional formulas:

No. 68 - Flexibility, No. 32 – Adaptation, No. 27 – Relaxing thoughts.


I feel relaxed, I am letting go of any tension, I am letting go of any resistance.

Flow diagram:

A proprio agio = Feeling at ease

Cambiamenti di modello = Changing patterns

Cambiamenti della vita = Life changes

Punto decisivo = Turning point

Pace interiore = Inner peace

Il bambino interiore = The inner child

Fiducia in = Trust

Dire verita a se stessi = True to self

Pace della mente = Peace of mind

Abilita psichiche = Psychic abilities

Intuizione = Intuition

Protez. Bioenergetica/influenza = Bioenergy protection/influence

Equilibio dei colori = Colour balance

Corpo eterico

Obio di incidente = Etheric body/ Incident memory removal

Flusso energetico = Energy flow

Elim. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Elim. Energia di rabbia = Anger energy elimination

Perdonare = Forgiveness

Equilibrio interno = Inner balance

Prendersi responsab. = Taking charge

Perdita di tempo = Pro-activeness

Equilibrio corpo-mente = Balance of mind and body

Armonia mente-corpo = Harmony of mind and body

Pace della mente = Peace of mind

Armonia = Harmony

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Arnica, Cherry Plum, Clematis, Mariposa Lily, Rock Rose, Impatiens, English

Hawthorne, Star of Bethlehem, Bleeding heart, Self heal, Golden hear drops, Saint

John’s Wort.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Staphysagria 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Ignatia 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Hypericum D4, D6, D9, D12, D15, D20

Rue D4, D6, D9, D12, D15

Arnica Montana D6, D9, D12, D15, D30

Other applications:

Provides energy support for:

-Deficiency in regenerative energy fields due to destructive events

-Shock causing somatic energy disorders

-Blocks in the energy flow caused by scars

-Bioenergy shocks during childhood

-Emotional despair or feelings damaged by past incidents

-Loss of a loved one.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests): Bladder.

Somatic energy:

All organs, particularly the heart (circulation) and the Pineal gland.



No 3

Primary application:

For cancelling cell memory of recent or past bioenergy shocks.

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Bioenergy assessment:

-Need for tissue energy recovery

-Removal of memory and destructive energy impressions


Standard: 10 drops, 3-4 times a day.

Additional formulas:

No. 19 – Acceptance, No. 66 – Comfort, No. 10 – Etheric body, No. 56 – the Inner



I am letting go of the past. I am enthusiastic about my future, I am positive about the

course my life is taking. I am learning from my mistakes and experiences.

Flow diagram:

Supervisione = Overview

Portare all luce = Bringing out in the open

Comunicazione = Communication

Autostima = Self esteem

Flessibilita = Flexibility

Armonia urbana = Urban harmony

Intimita = Closeness

Perdonare = Forgiveness

Elim. Energia di rabbia = Anger energy elimination

Elim. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Oblio di incidente = Incident memory removal

Nuova speranza = New hope

Lasciar andare = Letting go

A proprio agio = Feeling at ease

Sollievo = Comfort

Fiducia in = Trust

Autostima = Self esteem

Il bambino interiore = The inner child

Tranquillita neonato = New born tranquillity

Parto sereno = Calm labour

Calore = Warmth

Condivisione = Sharing

Addolcimento = Softness

Intimita = Closeness

Autostima = Self esteem

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Aloe vera, English Hawthorne, Chicory, Bleeding heart, Borage, Holly, Yerba Santa,

Quince, California Wild Rose, Mariposa Lily.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Crataegus oxycantha gemmae 4CH, 6CH, 9CH

Strophanthus hispidus 4CH, 6CH, 9CH

Acidum phosphoricum 4CH, 6CH, 9CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-dealing with the lack or loss of love

-opening the heart to receiving and experiencing abundance

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Heart and Triple Heater.

Somatic energy:

Heart (circulation), brains and lungs.

Chakras: 4th and 5


Bioenergy assessment:

-Resistance to the giving and receiving of love

-Blockage in the 4th Chakra.



No 4

Primary application:

For softening, toning and opening the Heart Chakra; encourages the expression of

the heart.

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Standard: 10 drops, 3-4 times a day.

Additional formulas:

No. 18 – Positiveness, No. 20 – Closeness, No. 23 – Sharing, No. 22 – Softness.


I am a lovable person, I feel love for everyone. I accept love from others.

Flow diagram:

Cosmo = Cosmos

Portare alla luce = Bringing out in the open

Comunicazione = Communication

Chakra del Cuore = Heart charka

Adattamento = Adaptation

Flusso energetico = Energy flow

Sessualita = Sexuality

Proprieta di fondamento = Groundedness

Abilita psichiche = Psychic abilities

Voce interiore = Inner voice

Energia creativa = Creative energy

Intuizione = Intuition

Equilibrio interno = Inner balance

Cambiamenti di vita = Life changes

Cambiamento di modelli = Changing patterns

Spiritualita femminile = Female spirituality

Chi interno = Inner Chi

Chiarezza spirituale = Spiritual clarity

Pace interiore = Inner peace

Supervisione = Overview

Positivita = Positiveness

Kundalini Chi = Kundalini Chi

Meditazione = Meditation

Punto decisivo = Turning point

Il bambino interiore = The Inner child

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Dandelion, Aloe Vera, Buttercup, Goldenrod, Lavender, Morning Glory, Mountain

Pennyroyal, Nasturtium, Peppermint, Pink Yarrow, Yarrow, Self Heal, Yerba Santa,


Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Phosphorus 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Natrium muriaticum 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Ribes nigrum gemmae 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Taraxacum 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-protection when one feels vulnerable and exposed

-protection of the doctor from overwork

-Sensitive people who are prone to illness

-Stimulation of Wei-Chi defensive energy (Protection and defence energy)

-travelling in various time zones

-Sudden climate changes.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Bladder, stomach, lungs, Governor vessel, Conception vessel, Gall bladder.

Somatic energy:

Thymus, pancreas, Epiphysis and adrenal glands.


All of them, but particularly the 3rd and 7




No 5

Primary application:

For protecting the integrity of the bioenergy and auric fields from external


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Bioenergy assessment:

Weakening of the electromagnetic force field.


Standard: 10 drops, 3-4 times a day.

For doctors: 6 drops between each patient session.

Additional formulas:

No. 6 – Inner Chi, No. 63 – Trust, No. 21 – Harmony, No. 45 – Influence, No. 10 –

Etheric body.


I attract positive energy and love. I am protected and safe. I radiate a strong and

powerful energy.

Flow diagram:

Adattamento = Adaptation

Cambiamenti della vita = Life changes

Armonia Urbana = Urban harmony

Portare alla luce = Bringing out in the open

Oblio di incidente = Incident memory removal

Corpo eterico = Etheric body

Protez. Bioenergetica = Bioenergy protection

Equilibrio mente-corpo = Balance of mind and body

Armonia mente-corpo = Harmony of mind and body

Pace della mente = Peace of mind

Pace interiore = Inner peace

Calore = Warmth

Incorraggiamento = Encouragement

Fiducia = Trust

Dire verita a se stessi = True to self

Fiducia in = Love within

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Arnica, Aloe Vera, Hornbeam, Olive, Self Heal, Elm, Vervain, White Chestnut, Wild

iris, Zinnia, Nasturtium, Peppermint, Black-eyed Susan, Bleeding Heart, Borage.

Potencies: 3CH, 6CH, 9CH

Chinium arsenicosum 4CH, 6CH, 9CH

Alfalfa D4

Avena sativa D4

Acidum phosphoricum 4CH, 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Kali phosphoricum 4CH, 6CH, 9CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-increasing ones own energy defences

-stimulating the Kidney Yang

-overpowering inertia

-courage, trust and calmness in the face of challenges.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Kidneys (Yang aspect).

Somatic energy:

Adrenal glands, Thyroid and pancreas.

Chakras: 1st, 2

nd and 3


Bioenergy assessment:

Exhaustion of vital force, low vitality.



No 6

Primary application:

For increasing and revitalising vital force, particularly when one feels exhausted.

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Standard: 10 drops, 3-4 times a day.

In acute situations: 6 drops every hour.

Additional formulas:

No. 18 – Positiveness, No. 15 – Groundedness, No. 42 – Motivation, No. 44 –

Creative energy.


I am optimistic. I feel excited by life. My energy levels are high. I have limitless

energy, which is rising inside me. I feel protected.

Flow diagram:

Adattamento = Adaptation

Armonia urbana = Urban harmony

Flessibilita = Flexibility

Perseveranza = Perseverance

Energia creativa = Creative energy

Chi interno = Inner Chi

Protez. Bioenergetico = Bioenergy protection

Corpo eterico = Etheric body

Oblio di incidente = Incident memory removal

Perdonare = Forgiveness

Elim. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Cambiamenti di modelli = Changing patterns

Calore = Warmth

Condivisione = Sharing

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Calendula, Forget-Me-Not, Heather, Cerato, White Chestnut, Impatiens, Mullein,

Quaking Grass, Star Tulip, Lotus, Mugwort, Live Forever, Daffodil, Sunflower,

Larch, Wild Oat.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Coffea cruda 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH, 20CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-finding one’s own direction

-overcoming the tendency to ask others the way when one doubts one’s inner


-connecting with one’s own spiritual guides

-increasing Love within

-encouraging the respect of other people’s words and ideas.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Conception vessel.

Somatic energy:

All areas.

Chakras: 6th.

Bioenergy assessment:

Too much activity in the left brain which blocks contact with one’s creative and

instinctive side; lack of coordination; frequent colds.



No 7

Primary application:

For developing the ability to listen and trust in ones own inner knowledge.

Page 33: Flowerplex


Standard: 10 drops, 3-4 times a day.

Acute situation: 6 drops every hour.

Other formulas:

No. 43 – Intuition, No. 45 – Influence.


I hear my inner voice. I have patience. I trust in my intuition.

Flow diagram:

Nuova speranza = New hope

Fiducia = Trust

Nuove direzioni = New directions

Supervisione = Overview

Pensieri chiari = Clear thoughts

Prendersi le responsab. = Taking charge

Voce interiore = Inner voice

Portare alla luce = Bringing out in the open

Dire verita a se stessi = True to self

Chakra del Cuore = Heart chakra

Intuizione = Intuition

Pensieri di rilassamento = Relaxing thoughts

Pace interiore = Inner peace

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Moonstone, Almond, Maple, Fairy Lantern, Bleeding Heart, Chamomile, Goldenrod,

Platinum, Sticky Monkeyflower.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Pulsatilla 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Sepia 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Lachesis 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Agnus castus 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Staphysagria 9CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-the creative expression of one’s female aspect

-Lack of warmth and participation in sexuality.

-bioenergy disorders arising from relationship with one’s mother

-emotional-type bioenergy disorders from puberty

-Types of menstrual bioenergy disorders.

Note: can also be indicated for men.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Spleen, Triple Heater and Heart.

Somatic energy:

Uterus, ovaries, thyroid, Hypothalamus and Limbic system.

Chakras: 1st, 2

nd and 6




No 8

Primary application:

For removing blockages in female expression and endocrine bioenergy.

Page 35: Flowerplex

Bioenergy assessment:

-Endocrine bioenergy blockage.

-Disorders in the 1st and 2

nd Chakra.

-Stagnation and blockage of emotional bioenergies, restricting sexual awareness and



10 drops, 4-6 times a day.

More effective if taken on retiring to bed (20 drops at the same time).

Other formulas:

No. 11 – Sexuality, No. 31 – Life changes, No. 32 - Adaptation.


I am capable of expressing my desires. I am experiencing feelings of love. I balance

the male and female within me.

Flow diagram:

Sessualita = Sexuality

Condivisione = Sharing

Calore = warmth

Comunicazione = Communication

Fiducia = Trust

Fiducia in = Love within

Spiritualita femminile = Female spirituality

Dire verita a se stessi = True to self

Maternita felice = Happy motherhood

Parto sereno = Calm labour

Serenita di nuova vita = New born tranquillity

Condivisione = Sharing

Perdonare = Forgiveness

Addolicmento = Softness

Intimita = Closeness

Accettazione = Acceptance

Armonia = harmony

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Almond, Saguaro, Poison Oak, Maple, Goldenrod, Centaury, Agave, Crab Apple,

Fairy Lantern, Heather, Sunflower, Larch, Penstemon, Pink Monkeyflower, Tiger

Lily, Vine, Platinum.

Potencies: 4CH, 7CH, 9CH

Nux vomica 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Agnus castus 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Cantharis 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Staphysagria 9CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-creative expression of one’s male aspect

-Reducing excessive male power and controlling these tendencies

-Removing fear of Closeness and fear of showing emotions

-harmonising energy imbalances linked to the emotion of one’s relationship with

one’s father

-harmonising emotional-type energy imbalances arising from puberty.

Note: Can also be indicated for women.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Kidneys, Heart and Triple Heater.

Somatic energy:

Prostate, testicles, thyroid, Hypophysis, Hypothalamus and Limbic system.

Chakras: 1st and 2




No 9

Primary application:

Harmonising and balancing excessive male qualities.

Page 37: Flowerplex

Bioenergy assessment:

-monitor the bioenergy of the endocrine axis

-Disorders of the 1st and 2

nd Chakras.

-Stagnation and blockage of emotional bioenergies with restriction of sexual

awareness and development.


Frequent: 6 – 10 drops, 4-6 times a day. More effective when taken before retiring to

bed (20 drops).

Other formulas:

No. 11 – Sexuality, No. 31 – Life Changes, No. 32 – Adaptation, No. 49 – Anger

energy elimination.


I experience feelings of love, I accept my partner. I balance the male and female

within me.

Flow diagram:

Prendersi le responsab. = Taking charge

Perdite di tempo = Pro-activeness

Cambiamento di modelli = Changing patterns

Fiducia = Trust

Condivisione = Sharing

Calore = Warmth

Spiritualita maschile = Male spirituality

Dire verita a se stessi = True to self

Lasciar andare = Letting go

Autostima = Self esteem

Prot. Bioenergetica = Bioenergy protection

Kundalini Chi = Kundalini Chi

Dire verita a se stessi = True to self

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Skullcap, Camphor, Arnica, Aloe Vera, Sweet Flag, Sugar Beet, Witch Hazel,

Chinese Wisteria, Thyme, Spruce, Green Jasper.

Potencies: 3M, 7M, 9M, 12M

Arnica montana 3M, 9M, 12M, 15M

Bellis perennis 3M, 9M, 12M, 15M

Ledum 6M, 9M, 12M, 15M

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-bioenergy injury or shock

-balancing tendencies to fixate on extreme physical or etheric perceptions.

-maintaining a link with one’s higher self.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Governor vessel, Bladder, Stomach, Conception vessel, Gall bladder.

Somatic energy:

Thymus and thyroid.

Chakras: from 1st to 7th.

Bioenergy assessment:

There are breaks and openings in the etheric body, which causes vulnerability when

faced with external forces.



No 10

Primary application:

Repairing breaks in the etheric body and the aura field.

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Acute situation: 6 drops every hour.

Chronic situation: 10 drops before meals.

Other formulas:

No. 5 – Bioenergy protection, No. 1 – Spiritual clarity, No. 45 – Influence.


My body can heal by itself. I feel complete and protected.

Flow diagram:

Adattamento = Adaptation

Chakra del Cuore = Heart chakra

Il bambino interiore = The inner child

Attaccamento = Emotional attachment

Oblio di incidente = Incident memory removal

Corpo eterico = Etheric body

Chi Interno = Inner chi

Flusso energetico = Energy flow

Lasciar andare = Letting go

Cosmo = Cosmos

Chiarezza spirituale = Spiritual clarity

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Basil, California Pitcher, Crab Apple, Dogwood, Fairy Lantern, Fuchsia, Hibiscus,

Manzanita, Mariposa Lily, Golden Ear Drops, Star of Bethlehem, Arnica, Sticky

Monkeyflower, Maple, Spice Bush.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Agnus castus D4, D6, D9

Staphysagria D9, D12

Cantharis 7CH, 9CH, 12CH

Sabal serrulata D9, D12

Nux vomica D12, D15

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-developing warmth and participation in sexuality

-eliminating fear and the rejection of Closeness

-clarifying confusion surrounding sexual orientation

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Liver, Kidneys and Spleen.

Somatic energy:

Endocrine system, Uterus and Prostate.

Chakras: 1st and 2


Bioenergy assessment:

-imbalance in the 1st and 2

nd Chakras.

-Impressions of an emotional shock.



No 11

Primary application:

Balancing sexual bioenergy in men and women, in order to integrate spirituality

and sexuality.

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Standard: 10 drops, 3-4 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 26 – Warmth, No. 63 – Trust, No. 9 – Male spirituality, No. 8 – Female



I am free to experience ecstasy. I feel good about expressing my sexuality. It is good

to experience Closeness.

Flow diagram:

Maternita felice = Happy motherhood

Chi interno = Inner chi

Dire verita a se stessi = True to self

Autostima = Self esteem

Armonia = Harmony

Spiritualita maschile-

Femminile = Male/female spirituality

Sessualita = Sexuality

Fiducia in = Love within

Autostima = Self esteem

Dire verita a se stessi = True to self

Kundalini Chi = Kundalini Chi

Elim. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

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Lilac, Dandelion, Dogwood, Fuchsia, Cayenne, Lotus, Peach, Spice Bush, Camphor,

Chestnut bud, Pimpernel, Lotus, Maple, Gold.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Agnus castus D4

Ginseng D4

Acidum phosphoricum D4

Cantharis D4, D6

Nux vomica D12

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-aiding spiritual growth.

Points on Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Kidneys 7, Bladder 60, Spleen/Pancreas 6, Conception vessel 3 (using 20 drops), used

at every other visit.

Somatic energy:

Limbic system.

Chakras: 2nd, 6

th and 7


Bioenergy assessment:

Stagnation of Kundalini energy.



No 12

Primary application:

Canalising and balancing the Kundalini energy responsible for vital force.

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Standard: 10 drops, 3-4 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 31 – Life changes, No. 1 – Spiritual clarity.


I attract positive spiritual energy. I feel positive energy around me. I let vital energy

move around inside me. I am ready to go to the next level.

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Sweet flag, Mango, Forget-Me-Not, Eyebright, Banana, Pimpernel, Green Rose,

Angelica, California Poppy, Hounds Tongue, Lavender, Lotus, Mugwort, White

Chestnut, Star Tulip, Fire Agate.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Coffea cruda 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Stramonium 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-inspired meditations

-increasing one’s awareness of beneficial spiritual forces

-balancing over-intensive meditative work.

Points on Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Bladder 62 and Small Intestine 3.

Somatic energy:

Limbic system.

Chakras: 5th, 6

th and 7


Bioenergy assessment:

-spiritual blockages

-the bioenergy of the Central Nervous System must be balanced

-Monitor via the 6th and 7

th Chakras.



No 13

Primary application:

Increasing receptiveness to meditation in order to balance spiritual awareness.

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10 drops, 3-4 times a day. Continue with 10 drops before bedtime.

Other formulas:

No. 38 – Psychic abilities, No. 35 – Bringing out in the open, No. 34 – Clear thoughts.


I feel at one with the universe. I feel a deep love for life.

Flow Diagram:

Meditazione = meditation

Armonia mente-corpo = Harmony of mind and body

Pensieri chiari = Clear thoughts

Lasciar andare = Letting go

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Orange, Cotton, Comfrey, Witch Hazel, Eyebright, Banana, Green Rose, Lotus,

Shooting star, Angelica, California Poppy, Forget-me-not, Canyon Dudleya, Garlic,

Mugwort, Aspen.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Corydalis 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Bellis perennis 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Belladonna 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-relaxing resistance to the spiritual realm

-moving the blocked spiritual development

-It should be used as a general spiritual elixir and when one wants to communicate

with one’s higher self.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Conception vessel 20 and Spleen 3.

Somatic energy:

Pineal gland, black substance.

Chakras: 7th.

Bioenergy assessment:

He is at the doors of higher awareness but he needs to be open and activated.



No 14

Primary application:

Aiding the opening of the seventh Chakra (the Crown Chakra), as well as the

Chakras above the seventh.

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20 drops before retiring to bed.

Other formulas:

No. 1 – Spiritual clarity, No. 38 – Psychic abilities.


I am in touch with my inner intuitions. I am widening my conscious awareness to

more than 5 senses. I am in touch with my highest spiritual essence.

Flow Diagram:

Cosmo = Cosmos

Portare alla luce = Bringing out in the open

Gioia = Joy

Intuizione = Intuition

Elim. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Il bambino interiore = The inner child

Supervisione = Overview

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California Wild Rose, Clematis, Honeysuckle, Corn, Rosemary, Yarrow, Shooting

star, Sweet Pea, Star Tulip, Banana.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Anacardium 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Cimicifuga 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Kali phosphoricum 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Staphysagria 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Sulphur 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Zincum metallicum 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-aiding newborns to adapt to the environment

-helping to establish a rapport between the environment and society

-protecting those who are too open and demonstrative.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Stomach 36, Liver 3 and Large Intestine 4 (using 20 drops).

Somatic energy:

Pineal gland.

Chakras: 1st and 7




No 15

Primary application:

Harmonising spirituality with the physical body and earthly reality; in order to

give basic foundations for life.

Page 49: Flowerplex

Bioenergy assessment:

-Lack of groundedness and practicality

-Exaggerated emphasis on spirituality

-An excess of higher Chakras.


Standard: 10 drops, 3-4 times a day.

In acute cases: 10 drops every hour.

Other formulas:

No. 1 – Spiritual clarity


I am safe and surrounded by warmth. If feel in tune with my surroundings. I integrate

my spirituality with my daily life.

Flow Diagram:

Proprieta di fondamento = Groundedness

Equilibrio corpo-mente = Balance of mind and body

Armonia urbana = Urban harmony

Fiducia = Trust

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Pear. Bells of Ireland, Tuberose, Thyme, Chinese, Wisteria, Sweet Flag.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Cistus Canadensis 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Limulus 12CH

Silicea 9CH, 12CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-regulating the energy of colours and light in the bioenergy field

-People with psychic healing capacity

-The use of other flower and vibrational essences.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Liver 3, Gall bladder 34, Stomach 36 and Yin Tang (using 10 drops).

Somatic energy:

Cerebral cortex (visual area).

Chakras: 4th, 5

th, 6

th and 7


Bioenergy assessment:

-The bioenergy field is highly sensitive.

-Delicate vibrational approaches are necessary to heal this; active bioenergy formulas,

phytotherapy and food supplements should be used with caution.



No 16

Primary application:

Balancing and harmonising the vibrational fields of sensitive people.

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Standard: 10 drops, 3-4 times a day.

In acute cases: 6 drops every hour.

Other formulas:

All the other flower essences.


I am a perfect channel for the creative energy of the universe. The light of God

surrounds me. A white light embraces me. Everything is wonderful. I am safe. I let

the light flow into the energy centres of my body.

Flow Diagram:

Equilibrio dei colori = Colour balance

Flusso di energia = Energy flow

Cambiamento di modelli = Changing patterns

Protez. Bioenergetica = Bioenergy protection

Corpo eterico = Etheric body

Oblio di incidente = Incident memory removal

Armonia urbana = Urban harmony

Armonia = Harmony

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Gorse, Scotch Broom, Grapefruit, Sweet Chestnut, English Hawthorne, Borage,

California Wild Rose, Mustard, Yerba Santa.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Aurum metallicum D12, D15, D20

Ignatia D15, D20

Anacardium D12

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-inner anxiety and absence of peace of mind

-feelings of being overburdened with obligations and responsibilities

-difficulties with finding solutions.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Kidneys and Heart. Points: Kidneys 3 and Heart 3 (by administering 20 drops).

Somatic energy:

Pineal gland, pancreas, liver, stomach, kidneys and heart.

Chakras: 6th and 7


Bioenergy assessment:

-the energy system is weak and blocked

-defence energy may be weakened.



No 17

Primary application:

Neutralising bioenergy disorders and stagnations due to profoundly negative

interpretations and feelings of despair.

Page 53: Flowerplex


Frequent: 6 drops, 4-8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 27 – Relaxing thoughts, No. 35 – Bringing out in the open, No. 18 – Positiveness


I see the light. I am patient. I have faith. I have faith in the vital processes.

Flow Diagram:

Nuova speranza = new hope

Chakra del Cuore = heart chakra

Addolcimento = Softness

Calore = Warmth

Positivita = Positiveness

Accettazione = Acceptance

Armonia mente-corpo = Harmony of mind and body

Sollievo = Comfort

Equilibrio dei colori = Balance of colours

Fiducia in = Love within

Pace della mente = Peace of mind

Fiducia = Trust

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Willow, Spiderwort, Lotus, Dill, Oregon Grape, Madia, Carob, Comfrey, German

Chamomile, Nectarine, Beech, Holly, Mountain Pennyroyal, Yarrow, Gold.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Psorinum 12CH

Naja tipudians 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Cuprum aceticum 8CH

Sabal serrulata 6CH, 12CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-negative interpretations of life

-feeling of being untreatable even when this is not the case

-Feelings of despair

-Inability to forgive.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Bladder, Kidneys, Spleen. Points: Bladder 23, Kidneys 7, Spleen 1.

Somatic energy:

All areas.

Chakras: All (particularly the 4th).

Bioenergy assessment:

-Negative thoughts that block the healing process (treat using Asa Foetida D60)

-Somatic energy disorders arising from negative thoughts

-The Metal Element (Five Elements) may be unbalanced.

-Denial and suppression of emotions.



No 18

Primary application:

Developing a method of positive thinking; eliminating the tendency to be critical

and uncertain.

Page 55: Flowerplex


Frequent: 6 drops, 6/8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 1 – Spiritual clarity, No. 63 – Trust, No. 67 – Encouragement, No. 65 – Self



I am very good at tackling life’s challenges. I confront situations with a positive

attitude. I trust in the Divine Guide. I see positive things in every new day.

Flow Diagram:

Gioia = Joy

Positivita = Positiveness

Elim. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Condivisione = Sharing

Nuova speranza = New hope

Il bambino interiore = The inner child

Fiducia = Trust

Positivita = Positiveness

Sollievo = Comfort

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Agrimony, Buttercup, Fuchsia, Penstemon, Scotch Broom, Zinnia, Aspen, Borage,

Larch, Mimulus, Scarlet Monkeyflower, Petunia.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Arsenicum album 7CH

Gelsemium 6CH, 9CH, 12CH,

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-accepting oneself and others as they are

-accepting one’s inner child

-accepting other people’s feelings

-developing a greater sense of one’s own value

-coming out of denial.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Liver and Conception vessel;

Points: Liver 2, Conception vessel 12 (by administering 20 drops).

Somatic energy:

Uterus, Liver and Pancreas.

Chakras: 1st and 3


Bioenergy assessment:

-the person is in a state of resistance, has difficulty in accepting things

-Emotional energy is often suppressed and inaccessible

-Possible self-sabotage



No 19

Primary application:

For blocks due to a lack of acceptance of unpleasant events or situations.

Page 57: Flowerplex

-May not have any faith in therapy

-The Earth Element (Five Elements) is unbalanced.


Very frequent: 6 drops, 6-8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 31 – Life changes, No. 22 – Softness.


I am getting rid of the anger from my life. I am letting go of any conflicts.

Flow Diagram:

Accettazione = Acceptance

Orgoglio = Pride

Elim. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Equilibrio interno = Inner balance

Perdonare = Forgiveness

Voce interiore = Inner voice

Pace interiorie = Inner peace

Elim. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Ricordi chiari = Clear memories

Fiducia in = Love within

Pace della mente = Peace of mind

Fiducia = Trust

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California Wild Rose, Golden Ear Drops, Manzanita, Mariposa Lily, Shooting Star,

Sunflower, Sweet Pea, Violet, Holly, Poison Oak.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Sepia 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Governor vessel and Conception vessel.

Somatic energy:


Chakras: 3rd and 6


Bioenergy assessment:

-tendency to withdraw into themselves

-energy potentials are blocked by the lack of harmony with society

-Check for an imbalance in the Wood Element (Five Elements)

-Suppression of feelings, tendency to isolate themselves from society.


Standard: 10 drops, 3-4 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 23 – Sharing, No. 64 – Pride, No. 26 – Warmth.



No 20

Primary application:

Encouraging harmony with the environment when there is a feeling of alienation.

Page 59: Flowerplex


I live and work in harmony with the people around me. I respect and understand

others. I am patient with others. I feel close to others.

Flow Diagram:

Intimita = Closeness

Condivisione= Sharing

Fiducia = Trust

Calore = Warmth

Autostima = Self esteem

Elim. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Comunicazione = Communication

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Avocado, Aloe Vera, Tuberose, Morning Glory, Star Tulip, Beech, Lavender, Pink

Yarrow, Walnut, Saint John’s Wort, Yarrow, Red Chestnut, Silver.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Pulsatilla 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Lycopodium 12CH

Kali carbonicum 12CH, 15CH

Sarsaparilla 15CH

Silicea 12CH

Phosphorus 12CH, 15CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-energy hypersensitivity to other people and their problems

-energy hypersensitivity to the environment

-energy hypersensitivity to spiritual energies

-energy hypersensitivity to emotions and psycho-energies

-imbalances in the sixth Chakra (Brow or Third Eye Chakra)

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Stomach 36, Liver 3 and Large Intestine 4 (by administering 20 drops).

Somatic energy:

Liver, pancreas, stomach, Gall bladder, adrenal glands and kidneys.

Chakras: 3rd, 5

th and 6




No 21

Primary application:

For hypersensitivity to emotional, environmental and psycho-spiritual factors; for

increasing bioenergy protection.

Page 61: Flowerplex

Bioenergy assessment:

-Person with an expanded or open energy field

-person with a poor regulation capacity

-Check Wood and Metal Elements.


Standard: 10 drops, 3-4 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 5 – Bioenergy protection, No. 10 – Etheric body, No. 51 – Urban Harmony.


I feel strong and resilient. I control my mental processes. I tackle depressing situations

with a positive attitude. My mind and body work well together.

Flow Diagram:

Adattamento = Adaptation

Armonia mente-corpo = Harmony of the mind and body

Armonia = Harmony

Gioia = Joy

Cambiamenti di vita = Life changes

Equilibrio corpo-mente = Balance of the mind and body

Condivisione = Sharing

Perseveranza = Perseverance

Dire verita a se stessi = True to self

Flessibilita = Flexibility

Calore = Warmth

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Calendula, Deer Brush, Dogwood, Pine, Quince, Star Tulip, Garlic, Goldenrod, Indian

Paintbrush, Cayenne, Corn, Dandelion, Indian Pink, Mallow, Mountain Pride, Pink

Yarrow, Zinnia, Larkspur.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Pulsatilla 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Silicea 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Sepia 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Lachesis 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-being more open and receptive

-balancing strength with kindness and graciousness.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Kidneys and Liver; Points: Kidneys 2, Liver 3.

Somatic energy:


Chakras: 4th.

Bioenergy assessment:

“Hardened” emotions and protection from feelings that restrict the expression of

sensitivity and kindness.



No 22

Primary application:

Softening and eliminating bitterness and “hardened” emotions; for encouraging

kindness and friendliness in dealings with others.

Page 63: Flowerplex


Frequent: 6 drops, 6/8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 25 – Sharing, No. 4 – Heart Chakra.


I freely express my love. I love. I break down my emotional barriers. It is good to give

and receive love.

Flow Diagram:

Addolcimento = Softness

Accettazione = Acceptance

A proprio agio = Feeling at ease

Lasciar andare = Letting go

Supervisione = Overview

Calore = Warmth

Fiducia in = Love within

Condivisione = Sharing

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Calendula, Centaury, Cherry Plum, Holly, Mallow, Pink Monkeyflower, Tiger Lily,

Star Thistle, Violet, Water Violet, Oregon Grape, Quaking Grass, Mimulus, Sticky


Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Gelsemium 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Ignatia 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Staphysagria 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Carbo animalis 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Bufo rana 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Ambra grisea 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-the capacity to give and receive

-becoming part of a group without being afraid of losing one’s identity

-developing social warmth.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Bladder 60, Kidneys 3.

Somatic energy:

Liver and Kidneys.

Chakras: 3rd and 7




No 23

Primary application:

Encouraging openness towards others, instead of fear; for developing warmth

towards others.

Page 65: Flowerplex

Bioenergy assessment:

Difficulty in giving and receiving.


Very frequent: 6 drops, 6/8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 36 – Communication, No. 4 – Heart Chakra, No. 20 – Closeness, No. 26 –



I am someone who gives. I am ready to give and receive love. I feel at one with


Flow Diagram:

Condivisione = Sharing

Comunicazione = Communication

Addolcimento = Softness

Elimin. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Intimita = Closeness

Il bambino interiore = The inner Child

Elimin. Energia di rabbia = Anger energy elimination

Calore = Warmth

Perdonare = Forgiveness

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Zinnia, Mustard, Larkspur, Borage, Star Thistle, Sticky Monkeyflower, Sagebush,

Quince, Nasturtium.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Coffea cruda 6CH, 9CH

Crocus sativa 9CH

Causticum 9CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-treating exhaustion

-people who tend to work too much

-learning to relax and play

-getting in touch with one’s inner child

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Heart 3, Conception Vessel 22 (by administering 20 drops).

Somatic energy:

Heart and adrenal glands.

Chakras: 4th.

Bioenergy assessment:

-people who are too serious or who work too hard

-They need to relax and have fun

-energy blocks as a result of incapacity to relax.



No 24

Primary application:

For restoring happiness and joy when a person is too serious; for restoring vital


Page 67: Flowerplex


6 drops, 4/5 times a day, while visualising and thinking about happy situations.

Other formulas:

No. 68 – Flexibility, No. 6 – Inner Chi, No. 27 – Relaxing thoughts.


I feel younger. Life is exciting. I am very happy to be alive.

Flow Diagram:

Gioia = Joy

Serenita di nuova vita = New life serenity

Flessibilita = Flexibility

Armonia = Harmony

Il bambino interiore = The inner Child

Gioia = Joy

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Dill, Impatiens, Lavender, Chamomile, Coffea, Morning Glory, White Chestnut, Wild

Oat, Red Chestnut, Aspen, Agrimony.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Coffea D10

Zincum metallicum D10

Rhus toxicodendron D12

Ignatia D6, D9, D12

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-the tendency to continually change therapist

-Impatient temperament (Type “A” personality)

-the tendency to be “up for anything”

-Incapacity to be spiritually open and find inner peace

-incorrect lifestyle with hyperstimulated and nervous bioenergy

-Energy from excessive consumption of stimulants (coffee etc.)

-Vital force drained by above tendencies.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Master of the Heart 6, Liver 8, Kidneys 7, Bladder 23.

Somatic energy:

Heart, Kidneys, Liver.

Chakras: 4th and 5




No 25

Primary application:

For harmonising restless and scattered energy.

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Bioenergy assessment:

-monitor for possible bioenergy disorders of the Central Nervous System (heavy

metals, pesticides, chemical substances)

-monitor for weak digestive bioenergy.


Very frequent: 6 drops every hour.

Other formulas:

No. 30 – Changing patterns, No. 34 – Clear thoughts, No. 21 – Harmony, No. 58 –

Peace of mind, No. 1 – Spiritual clarity


I am letting go. I am eliminating all tensions. I am relaxing my body and mind.

Flow Diagram:

Punto decisivo = Turning point

Equilibio interno = Inner balance

Nuove direzioni = New directions

Lasciar andare = Letting go

Pace interna = Inner peace

Cambiamento di modelli = Changing patterns

Dire verita a se stessi = True to self

Equilibrio interno = Inner balance

Autostima = Self esteem

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Calendula, Cayenne, Hibiscus, Mallow, Rosemary, Sticky Monkeyflower, Agrimony,

Poison Oak, Aloe Vera, Basil, Bleeding Heart, Violet, Tiger Lily, White Chestnut.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Sepia 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Gelsemium 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Melilotus 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-overcoming the fear of sexual relations

-removing the tendency to not let go in interpersonal relationships.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Stomach 36, Triple Heater 3 (by administering 20 drops).

Somatic energy:

Heart, Thymus and Lungs.

Chakras: 3rd 4

th and 5


Bioenergy assessment:

-difficulty in giving and receiving

-Hurt and lack of trust as a result of negative experiences.



No 26

Primary application:

Increasing the capacity to give and receive warmth, love and moral support.

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6 drops, 4 times a day, as well as before retiring to bed.

Other formulas:

No. 61 – Forgiveness, No. 3 – Incident memory removal, No. 63 - Trust.


I can express my feelings and my desires. I am ready to receive love from others. I

help others and they help me.

Flow Diagram:

Calore = Warmth

Fiducia in = Love within

Condivisione = Sharing

Fiducia = Trust

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Chamomile, Elm, Morning Glory, Vervain, White Chestnut, Calendula, Lavender,

Star of Bethlehem, Impatiens, Indian Pink, Pink Yarrow, Yarrow, Dandelion.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Ignatia 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Hyoscyamus 3CH, 6CH, 9CH

Passiflora 3CH, 6CH, 9CH

Valeriana D4

Hypericum D4

Chamomile D4

Ficus carica gemmae D4

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-Tendency to work constantly


-Impatience, frustration and nervous bioenergy.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Triple Heater, Stomach and Liver;

Points: Large intestine 4

Somatic energy:

Stomach, Liver, Large intestine, endocrine glands.

Chakras: 6th.



No 27

Primary application:

Generally calming and relaxing when the person is overworked.

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Bioenergy assessment:

-Situation of overwork due to too much stress

-Need for a holiday, massage, relaxation etc.


Frequent: 6 drops, 6/8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 58 – Peace of mind, No. 62 – True to self, No. 47 – Taking charge, No. 24 - Joy.


I feel calm. I am letting go of all my tension and I am creating inner peace and

tranquillity. I am putting aside time for rest and relaxation.

Flow Diagram:

Punto di rilassamento = Relaxation point

Elimin. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Pace interiore = Inner peace

Lasciar andare = Letting go

Fiducia = Trust

Pace della mente = Peace of mind

Armonia mente-corpo = Harmony of mind and body

A proprio agio = Feeling at ease

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Arnica, Honeysuckle, Bleeding heart, Chicory, Red Chestnut, Sagebrush. Trillum,

Walnut, California Wild Rose, Dandelion, Dogwood, Yerba Santa, Chamomile,

Chestnut bud, White Chestnut, Fuchsia.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Chamomile 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Pulsatilla 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Arnica Montana 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Oxytropis 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Palladium 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-dealing with pain, anguish and hurt feelings

-accepting the end of a relationship or the loss of a loved one

-dealing with the reality that follows a loss

-eliminating the tendency to live in past relationships.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):


Somatic energy:


Chakras: 3rd.



No 28

Primary application:

For alleviating exaggerated Emotional attachment; for dealing with an emotional


Page 75: Flowerplex

Bioenergy assessment:

-imbalance in defence energy due to an emotional blockage condition

-bioenergy disorder due to a loss

-depression due to suppression of emotional energy


Very frequent: 6 drops, 6/8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 4 – Heart Chakra, No. 36 – Communication, No. 66 - Comfort.


True happiness is inside me. I feel enthusiastic about my future. I am complete within


Flow Diagram:

Attaccamento = Emotional attachment

Cambiamento di modelli = Changing patterns

Motivazione = Motivation

Nuove direzioni = New directions

Elmin. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Supervisione = Overview

Cambiamenti di vita = Life changes

Flessibilita = Flexibility

Dire verita a se stessi = True to self

Parto sereno = Calm labour

Autostima = Self esteem

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Fairy Lantern, Honeysuckle, Cayenne, Lotus, California Wild Rose, Blackberry,

Walnut, Clematis.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Lillium tigrinum 12CH, 15CH

Lycopodium 12CH, 15CH

Sepia 9CH, 12CH, 15CH, 20CH

Capsicum 9CH, 12CH, 15CH, 20CH

Acidum phosphoricum 15CH, 20CH

Helleborus 15CH, 20CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-moving smoothly forwards through life’s changes

-Eliminating the tendency to dream with your eyes open and be too sentimental.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Spleen and Stomach;

Points: combine Governor Vessel 20, Liver 3, Stomach 36 and Large Intestine 4.

Somatic energy:

Spleen and Liver.

Chakras: 3rd and 4




No 29

Primary application:

For forgetting the past; for increasing interest in current and future possibilities.

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Bioenergy assessment:

-tendency to hold on to past experiences (both negative and positive)

-defence energy is weak as they tend to live in the past

-Monitor Earth Element (Five Elements).


Very frequent: 3 drops, 6/8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 31 – Life changes, No. 32 – Adaptation, No. 30 – Changing patterns.


I am enthusiastic about my future. I know how to deal with any situation. I look to the


Flow Diagram:

Nuove direzioni = New directions

Flessibilita = Flexibility

Lasciar andare = Letting go

Armonia mente-corpo = Harmony of mind and body

Accettazione = Acceptance

Attaccamento = Emotional attachment

Nuova speranza = New hope

Autostima = Self esteem

Pace della mente = Peace of mind

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Agrimony, Arnica, Chestnut Bud, Cayenne, California Poppy, Chamomile, Chaparral,

Lavender, Morning Glory, Sagebrush, Self Heal, Sunflower, Star Tulip, Walnut,


Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Nux vomica D6, D9, D12, D15

Sepia D6, D9, D12

Passiflora D4

Caladium D4

Plantago D4

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-developing new patterns

-making changes

-giving up smoking, drinking etc.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Spleen, Stomach, Liver and Bladder.

Somatic energy:

Pancreas, Liver and Thyroid.

Chakras: 3rd and 4




No 30

Primary application:

For bioenergy support to free oneself of habits and repetitive patterns.

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Bioenergy assessment:

-there is a feeling or situation of habit

-check for possible overuse of vitamins, medicines etc.

-Monitor the Earth Element (Five Elements)

-Check for pancreatic stress energy.


Standard: 10 drops, 3/4 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 42 – Motivation, No. 29 – New directions.


I am in control of my mind and body. I am taking care of my mind and body. I have

the energy to start all over again.

Flow Diagram:

Cambiamento di modelli = Changing patterns

Nuove direzioni = new directions

Adattamento = adaptation

Autostima = self esteem

Nuova speranza = new hope

Armonia urbana = urban harmony

Flessibilita = flexibility

Accettazione = acceptance

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Mallow, Walnut, Petunia, Cayenne, Cotton, Live Forever, Black Helleborus, Henna,

Beech, Khat, Buttercup, California Wild Rose, Heather, Honeysuckle, Penstemon,

Sage, Willow, Poison Oak, Herkimer, Diamond.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH, 18CH, 24CH, 30CH

Sepia 12CH, 15CH, 18CH, 20CH, 24CH, 30CH

Arsenicum album 12CH, 15CH, 18CH, 20CH, 24CH, 30CH

Lachesis 12CH, 15CH, 18CH, 20CH, 24CH, 30CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-Eliminating bitterness towards life or a sense of guilt

-eliminating the tendency to live in the past

-accepting changes to one’s physical body and poor health, accepting the aging


Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Kidneys; Points: Kidneys 22 and Kidneys 3 (administering 20 drops).

Somatic energy:

Endocrine system.

Chakras: 5th and 6


Bioenergy assessment:

-need to harmonise all the mind/body energy

-life changes are not easy and don’t run smoothly



No 31

Primary application:

For integrating and understanding past and present experiences; for activating

positive changes.

Page 81: Flowerplex

-Monitor the Water Element (Five Elements).


Standard: 10 drops, 3/4 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 19 – Acceptance, No. 61 – Forgiveness, No. 41 – Clear recollections and other

methods for harmonising mind and body.


I am looking for the positive things in my life. I am removing anger from my life. I

am freeing myself from the past.

Flow Diagram:

Cambiamenti di vita = life changes

Attaccamento = Emotional attachment

Elimin. Energi di paura = fear energy elimination

Nuove direzioni = new directions

Dire verita a se stessi = true to self

Autostima = self esteem

Fiducia in = Love within

Fiducia = trust

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Corn, Indian Pink, Pink Yarrow, Yarrow, Sweet corn, Poison Oak, Shooting Star, Star

Tulip, Violet, Oregon Grape, Nectarine, Walnut, Honeysuckle.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Nux vomica D9, D12, D15

Sulphur D9, D12

Adrenal cortex 7CH

Epiphysis 7CH

Pancreas 7CH

Ribes nigrum gemmae D4, D5, D6, D8, D10

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-changes in surroundings (new school, new neighbours, marriage, moving house etc.)

-relaxing resistance to positive changes

-stimulating the Yang kidney.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Kidneys and Bladder:

Points: combine Kidneys 3, Bladder 23, Governor vessel 4 and Conception vessel 3

(by administering 20 drops).

Somatic energy:

Adrenal glands.

Chakras: 2nd.



No 32

Primary application:

Increasing one’s capacity to adapt to new surroundings and situations.

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Bioenergy assessment:

-Rigidity of the energy system (inability to regulate and compensate adequately)

-blockage of the 3rd Chakra

-monitor for geoenergy stress


Frequent: 6 drops, 6/10 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 68 – Flexibility, No. 51 – Urban harmony, No. 29 – New directions


I am enthusiastic about my future. I can easily deal with any situation. I can find

happiness within me.

Flow Diagram:

Addattamento = adaptation

Chi interno = inner chi

Protez. Bioenergetica = bioenergy protection

Intimita = closeness

Flusso energetico = energy flow

Influenza = Influence

Nuove direzioni = new directions

Armonia urbana = urban harmony

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Filaree, Quaking grass, Peppermint, Rabbit Brush, Madia, Redwood, Shasta Daisy-

Trillium, Self heal, Scotch brown, Mountain pride, Mountain pennyroyal, Mullein,


Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Arsenicum album 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Sepia 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-feelings of being burdened with responsibility

-obsession with details

-preoccupying oneself too much with the mundane problems in life

-difficulty in being a team player.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Lungs and Large intestine;

Points: combine Lungs 7, Large Intestine 4 and Lungs 1

(by administering 20 drops).

Somatic energy:


Chakras: 6th.



No 33

Primary application:

For keeping things in perspective in stressful situations.

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Bioenergy assessment:

-general need to put problems and worries in the appropriate context

-Depression due to an overload of information

-need to create space for feelings

-Overuse of the analytical and logical part of the brain (left brain).


Frequent: 6 drops, 6/8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 43 – Intuition, No. 31 – Life changes, No. 34 – Clear thoughts, No. 59 – Letting

go, No. 27 – Relaxing thoughts.


I am widening my outlook on life. I am increasing my field of vision. I am free of any

worries. I see the whole picture.

Flow Diagram:

Supervisione = Overview

Pensieri di rilassamento = relaxing thoughts

Pace della mente = peace of mind

Portare alla luce = Bringing out in the open

A proprio agio = feeling at ease

Fiducia = trust

Accettazione = acceptance

Pensieri chiari = clear thoughts

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Fig, Hornbeam, Olive, Peppermint, Rabbitbrush, Nasturtium, Grapefruit, Clematis,

Dill, Madia, Wild oat, St. John’s wort, Sagebrush, Manzanita, Sweet clover.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Zincum metallicum 15CH

Acidum phosphoricum 4CH, 6CH, 12CH, 15CH

Meliotus 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Selenium 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Senecio aureus 6CH, 9CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:


-having clear thoughts

-seeing projects through to completion

-having a clear idea of one’s needs and desires.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Stomach and Heart; Points: Stomach 36 and Heart 7 (by administering 20 drops).

Somatic energy:

Cerebral cortex.

Chakras: 5th.



No 34

Primary application:

For neutralising bioenergy disorders which reduce clarity, awareness and


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Bioenergy assessment:

-lack of clarity

-tendency to become distracted

-mental blocks sometimes due to overwork

-possible tendency to “withdraw”

-Monitor Water Element (Five Elements).


Very frequent: 10 drops, 8/10 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 33 – Overview, No. 41 – Clear recollections, No. 42 - Motivation.


I can concentrate my mind on any situation. I can see things clearly.

Flow Diagram:

Pensieri chiari – clear thoughts

Supervisione = overview

Pace della mente = peace of mind

Portare alla luce = Bringing out in the open

Pace interiore = inner peace

Equilibrio interiore = inner balance

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Live forever, Henna, Harvest Brodiaea, Angelica, Shasta Daisy, Black-eyed Susan,

Blackberry, Cayenne, Fuchsia, Golden ear drops, Scarlet Monkeyflower, Agrimony,

Honeysuckle, Chestnut bud, Poison Oak.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Nux moschata 9CH, 12CH

Acidum phosphoricum 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Zincum metallicum 12CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-Cathartic release of suppressed energy


-Translating thoughts into action.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Conception vessel 22, Yin Tang and Governor vessel 20.

Somatic energy:

Pituitary gland.

Chakras: 6th.

Bioenergy assessment:

-suppressed emotional energy

-need for cathartic release

-Monitor 6th and 7

th Chakras

-Monitor Fire Element (Five Elements).



No 35

Primary application:

For confronting and bringing suppressed and hidden emotions out into the open.

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Frequent: 6 drops, 6/8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 43- Intuition, No. 19 - Acceptance.


I trust my inner feelings. I have an inner vision. I am in touch with my inner life.

Flow Diagram:

Portare alla luce = bringing out into the open

Intuizione = Intuition

A proprio agio = feeling at ease

Prendersi la responsabilita = taking charge

Supervisione = overview

Fiducia = trust

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Celandine, Koenign Van Daenmark, Rosa Baniscia Lot, Manzanita, Buttercup,

Calendula, Deerbrush, Dogwood, Larch, Quaking Grass, Mullein, Scarlet

Monkeyflower, Trumpet Vine, Violet, Garlic, Mariposa Lily.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Pulsatilla 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Gelsemium 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-releasing blockages of the Throat Chakra (5th)

-having clarity of thoughts and feelings.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):


Somatic energy:


Chakras: 5th.

Bioenergy assessment:

-blockages in communicative expression

-unexpressed feelings of frustration

-fear of expressing feelings.



No 36

Primary application:

For the confident expression of feelings and inner beliefs.

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Frequent: 6 drops, 6/8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 58 – Peace of mind, No. 30 – Changing patterns, No. 23 - Sharing.


I have faith in myself. I have the right to have my own opinions. I respect the opinions

of others. I communicate freely and without hesitation.

Flow Diagram:

Comunicazione = communication

Prendersi la responsabilita = taking charge

Dire verita … = true to self

Portare alla luce = bringing out in the open

Autostima = self esteem

Elimin. … = fear energy elimination

Perseveranza = perseverance

Fiducia = trust

Flusso di energia = energy flow

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California Pitcher plant, California Wild rose, Crab apple, Chamomile, golden rod,

Impatiens, Manzanita, Mariposa Lily, Rockwater, American pawpaw, Pearl.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Thyroidinum 7CH

Iodum 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Nux vomica D4

Argentum nitricum D6, D9, D12

Fucus D4

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-tendency to use food as compensation for past or present negative interpretations

-energy imbalances due to poor dietary habits

-tendency to eat when frustrated.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Spleen, Stomach and Large intestine.

Somatic energy:

Thyroid and endocrine glands.

Chakras: 5th.

Bioenergy assessment:

-difficulty in eating when the body really needs to eat

-use of food to compensate for emotional needs and pain.



No 37

Primary application:

For greater clarity on the role of food in one’s life.

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Very frequent: 6 drops, 8/10 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 18 – Positiveness, No. 42 – Motivation, No. 48 – Perseverance, No. 30 –

Changing patterns.


I am taking care of myself. I am in control of my desires. I feel loved. I am letting go

of pain and frustration.

Flow Diagram:

Punto decisivo = turning point

Pace interiore = inner peace

Cambiamento di modelli = changing patterns

Lasciar andare = letting go

Nuove decisioni = new decisions

Fiducia in = Love within

Equilibrio corpo-mente = balance of mind and body

Autostima = self esteem

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Daffodil, Macartney Rose, Harvest Brodiaea, French Marigold, Mango, Lotus, Date

palm, Mugwort, Queen Anne’s Lace, Papaya, Self Heal, California poppy, Green

Rose, Eyebright, Star Tulip, Azurke.

Potencies: 3M, 7M, 12M, 15M, 21M

Aconite 15CH

Nux moschata 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Phosphorus 12CH, 15CH, 30CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-fear of one’s psychic gifts

-blockages in one’s personal growth

-feelings of fear about previous psychic occurrences.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Lungs 1 and Yin Tang (by administering 10 drops).

Somatic energy:

Pineal gland.

Chakras: All.

Bioenergy assessment:

-Lack of motivation to be healthy

-extremely profound suppressed vital problems



No 38

Primary application:

For promoting trust in one’s own psychic abilities.

Page 95: Flowerplex

-monitor the 6th and 7

th Chakras for possible blockages

-monitor the D400 Epiphysis

-Monitor resonance using The Inner Child.


Very frequent: 6 drops, 8/10 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 43 – Intuition, No. 35 – bringing out into the open, No. 5 – Bioenergy protection,

No. 7 - Inner voice.


I am sound of mind, body and spirit. I trust in my inner feelings. I am open to new

positive information. I am receiving new information.

Flow Diagram:

Abilita psichiche = Psychic abilities

Motivazione = motivation

Dire verita… = true to self

Pace interiore = inner peace

Fiducia = trust

Condivisione = sharing

Fiducia in = Love within

Portare all luce = bringing out into the open

Intuitzioni = intuitions

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Arnica, Fuchsia, Lavender, Pomegranate, Wild Rose, Dandelion, Self Heal, Yerba

Santa, Golden Seal, Beech, Nectarine, Orange, Peony, Crab Apple, Yarrow,

Turquoise, Silver.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Aurum metallicum 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Kali phosphoricum 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Ferrum metallicum 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Natrum muriaticum 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Echinacea D4, D6, D9

Arnica D6, D9, D12

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for eliminating:

-bioenergy emotional shock.

-inability to find clear answers.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Gall bladder 2, Conception vessel 12 (by administering 20 drops).

Somatic energy:

Endocrine system.

Chakras: All.

Bioenergy assessment:

-somatic energy disorders which originate within the psychoenergy field

-excessive effect of emotions on defence energy



No 39

Primary application:

For relaxing the psycho-emotional energies that cause somatic energy disorders.

Page 97: Flowerplex


Very frequent: 6 drops, 8/10 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 59 – Letting go, No. 2 – Energy Flow, No. 18 – Positiveness, No. 31 – Life



I am in control of my mind. I have a sound personality. I am focussing on thoughts

about health. I am creating a healthy body.

Flow Diagram:

Armonia mente-corpo = Harmony of mind and body

Chi interno = Inner Chi

Equilibrio corpo-mente = Balance of body and mind

A proprio agio = Feeling at ease

Pace interiore = Inner peace

Armonia = Harmony

Gioia = Joy

Pace della mente = peace of mind

Equilibrio interiore = inner balance

Armonia mente-corpo = harmony of mind and body

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Agrimony, Dandelion, Black-Eyed Susan, Fuchsia, Golden Ear Drops, Larch, Pink

Monkeyflower, Scarlet Monkeyflower, Sticky Monkeyflower, Yerba Santa, Stinging


Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Natrum muriaticum 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Echinacea D4, D6, D9

Dandelion D4, D6, D9

Hydrastis D4, D6, D9

Myristica sebifera D4

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for eliminating:

-energy from suppressed anger

-energy blocked by blocked or denied feelings.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Stomach 36 and Conception Vessel 12.

Somatic energy:

Autonomous nervous system.

Chakras: 3rd and 4






Primary application:

For eliminating suppressed emotional energy that inhibits defence energy.

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Bioenergy assessment:

-Somatic energy blockages due to suppressed feelings


Frequent: 6 drops, 6/8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 39 – Harmony of mind and body, No. 2 – Energy Flow, No. 35 – Bringing out

into the open, No. 49 – Anger energy elimination.


Having true feelings is safe and not dangerous. I am safe when I express my true

feelings. I face up to my feelings and painful memories. I am free. I forgive myself.

Flow Diagram:

Equilibrio corpo-mente = Balance of body and mind

Armonia mente-corpo = Harmony of mind and body

Armonia urbana = urban harmony

Elimin. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

A proprio agio = feeling at ease

Equilibrio interiore = inner balance

Elimin. Energia di rabbia = Anger energy elimination

Dire verita …… = True to self

Armonia = harmony

Nuove direzioni = new directions

Sollievo = comfort

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Sweet clover, Peppermint, Buttercup, Grapefruit, Forget-me-not, Comfrey.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Kali bromatum D8, D10

Lac caninum D8, D10

Anacardium D6, D8, D12

Phosphorus D10, D12

Acidum phosphoricum D6, D8, D10

Agnus castus D4, D6

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-clarifying confused and unorganised mental energy.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Governor Vessel 20, Gall bladder 20, Bladder 10, Stomach 5

(by administering 20 drops).

Somatic energy:

Cerebral cortex.

Chakras: 4th.

Bioenergy assessment:

-mental energy overload or interference

-suppression and denial of emotions

-excessive pressure, mental bioenergy stagnation



No 41

Primary application:

For improving the assimilation, storage and recall of information.

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-possible traumatic events that hinder the memory.


Very frequent: 6 drops, 8/10 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 34 – Clear thoughts, No. 58 – Peace of mind, No. 31 – Life changes.


I remember everything that I choose to remember. My mind and my memory are as

clear as crystal. I eliminate anxiety and worry.

Flow Diagram:

Ricordi chiari = clear recollections

Accettazione = acceptance

Portare alla luce = bringing out into the open

Cambiamenti di vita = life changes

A proprio agio = feeling at ease

Supervisione = overview

Pensieri chiari = clear thoughts

Pace della mente = peace of mind

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Blackberry, Cayenne, Tansy, Hornbeam, Walnut, Peppermint, Mountain Pride,

Scleranthus, Wild oat, Scotch Broom, Peach.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Iodum 9CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-putting ideas into practice

-keeping motivated despite any difficulties

-developing a more positive attitude to life.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Kidneys, Bladder, Lungs and Large intestine.

Somatic energy:

All areas.

Chakras: All.

Bioenergy assessment:

-lack of enthusiasm

-the person has been struggling for a long time and wants to give up

-loss of trust in their therapist and treatment

-Monitor the Water and Metal Elements (Five Elements).



No 42

Primary application:

For generating motivation and strength of will, in order to overcome inactivity.

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Very frequent: 6 drops, 8/10 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 67 – Encouragement, No. 17 – New hope, No. 48 - Perseverance.


I am interested and ready to get on with it! I can achieve my goals. I establish my

goals and achieve them.

Flow Diagram:

Motivazione = motivation

Incoraggiamento = encouragement

Cambiamento di modelli = changing patterns

Perdite di tempo = Pro-activeness

Energia creative = creative energy

Prendersi la responsabilita = taking charge

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Pansy, Madia, French Lavender, Lotus, Blackberry, Shasta Daisy, Iris, Star Tulip,

Chestnut bud, Lapislazuli, Gold, Diamond.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Phosphorus 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-activating spiritual inspiration

-having trust in one’s inner feelings

-summarising several ideas in one.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Gall bladder 2, Governor vessel 20 and Yin Tang.

Somatic energy:

Endocrine system.

Chakras: 5th and 6


Bioenergy assessment:

-Blockage of the 6th and 7

th Chakras

-Defence energy is blocked as intuitions are not being followed.


Frequent: 6 drops, 6/8 times a day.



No 43

Primary application:

For eliminating any obstacles to following one’s intuition.

Page 105: Flowerplex

Other formulas:

No. 35 – Bringing out in the open, No. 40 – Balance of body and mind.


I face up to life’s challenges with patience and faith. I know how and when to do it. I

follow my intuitions.

Flow Diagram:

Intuizione = Intuition

Portare alla luce = bringing out in the open

Voce interiore = inner voice

Dire verita……. = true to self

Chakra del cuore = Heart chakra

A proprio agio = Feeling at ease

Fiducia = Trust

Chiarezza spirituale = spiritual clarity

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Blue Flag, Rosemary, Comfrey, Aloe vera, Blackberry, Indian paintbrush,

Nasturtium, Hornbeam, Iris, Pomegranate, Zinnia, Shasta Daisy, Pear, Bloodroot.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Acidum phosphoricum 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for overcoming:

-mental energy exhaustion

-Inertia, feeling of impotence

-conflicts between career and family.

Five Elements (according to bioenergy tests):


Somatic energy:

Autonomous nervous system.

Chakras: 4th, 5

th, 6

th and 7


Bioenergy assessment:

-In the event of overwork, rest and leisure time are required

-blockage in the energy flow due to stagnation of energy in the 4th, 5

th, 6

th and 7




Frequent: 6 drops, 6/8 times a day.





Primary application:

For activating and revitalising creative vital forces.

Page 107: Flowerplex

Other formulas:

No. 42 – Motivation, No. 18 – Positiveness, No. 34 – Clear thoughts, No. 6 – Inner

Chi, No. 27 – Relaxing thoughts.


I use my imagination in a positive way. I have boundless energy to create whatever I


Flow Diagram:

Energia creativa = creative energy

Perdite di tempo = Pro-activeness

Flessibilita = flexibility

Abilita psichiche = psychic abilities

Dire verita….. = true to self

Incoraggiamento = encouragement

Portare alla luce = bringing out into the open

Equilibrio interno = inner balance

Perserveranza = perseverance

Equilibrio interno = inner balance

Intuizione = intuition

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Black pennyroyal, Red Chestnut, Corn, Centaury, Cerato, Garlic, Pink Yarrow,

Yarrow, Walnut, Indian Pink, Self Heal, Sagebrush, Mountain pennyroyal, Violet.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Hyoscyamus 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Lachesis 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Staphysagria 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Silicea 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Pulsatilla 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-protecting oneself from the energy influence of others

-learning to be assertive and saying “NO”

-not being the dominant partner in a relationship

-protecting oneself from the negativity of others

-eliminating over-preoccupation with the welfare of others.

Meridians and Elements (according to bioenergy tests):

Kidneys and Bladder; Water Element.

Somatic energy:

Pancreas and stomach.

Chakras: 3rd.



No 45

Primary application:

For developing more autonomy when one is influenced by the needs, feelings and

opinions of others.

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Bioenergy assessment:

-suppression of one’s individuality in order to serve the needs of others

-absorption and putting into practice of others’ thoughts.


Very frequent: 6 drops, 6/10 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 5 – Bioenergy protection, No. 65 – Self esteem.


I believe in myself. I feel optimistic and enthusiastic. I do what I believe is right for


Flow Diagram:

Influenza = Influence

Autostima = self esteem

Armonia urbana = urban harmony

Dire verita = true to self

Armonia = harmony

A proprio agio = feeling at ease

Pace della mente = peace of mind

Pace interiore = inner peace

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Khat, Cayenne, Clematis, Mountain Pennyroyal, Pink Yarrow, Walnut, Hornbeam,

Honeysuckle, Blackberry, Scleranthus, Tansy, Larch, White Chestnut, Luffa, Olive.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Bryonia 9CH, 12CH

Baryta carbonica 9CH, 12CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-putting ideas into practice

-overcoming inertia, and lack of energy and Love within.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Kidneys, Triple Heater and Lungs.

Somatic energy:

Thyroid, Adrenal glands and Thymus; Defence energy.

Chakras: 2nd, 4

th and 5


Bioenergy assessment:

-Tendency to procrastinate instead of acting on and dealing with problems

-Self-sabotage through lack of action.


Frequent: 6 drops, 6/8 times a day.



No 46

Primary application:

For eliminating the tendency to procrastinate.

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Other formulas:

No. 6 – Inner Chi, No. 18 – Positiveness, No. 30 – Changing patterns, No. 44 –

Creative energy, No. 42 – Motivation, No. 48 – Perseverance.


I remove all resistance to acting straightaway. I am punctual. I am someone who

obtains results. I have an inherent sense of time.

Flow Diagram:

Elimin. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Autostima = Self esteem

Perdite di tempo = Pro-activeness

Flessibilita = Flexibility

Intimita = Closeness

Incoraggiamento = encouragement

Nuova speranza = New hope

Fiducia = Trust

Perseveranza = Perseverance

Prendersi la responsabilita = taking charge

Armonia urbana = urban harmony

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Elm, Larkspur, Mountain pride, Walnut, Oak, Red clover, Sunflower, Tiger Lily,


Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Nux vomica 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Gelsemium 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-controlling the tendency to dominate others

-engaging in team work

-remaining calm in the event of group panic

-balancing the excesses of one’s personality

-taking control of one’s life.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Kidneys (Yang aspect);

Points: Bladder 23, Governor vessel 4 and Kidneys 3; use the Shu/Mu points.

Somatic energy:

Adrenal glands, pancreas, liver.

Chakras: 4th.

Bioenergy assessment:

-disharmony in one’s work with others

-monitor the 3rd Chakra.



No 47

Primary application:

For developing and increasing the attribute of supremacy with happiness and


Page 113: Flowerplex


Very frequent: 6 drops, 6/8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 34 – Clear thoughts, No. 20 – Closeness, No. 68 – Flexibility, No. 24 - Joy.


I live and work in harmony with anyone around me. I deal with responsibilities with

dynamic supremacy. I am a dynamic person.

Flow Diagram:

Prendersi le responsabilita = taking charge

Perdite di temp = Pro-activeness

Influenza = Influence

Perseveranza = Perseverance

Elimin. Energia di rabbia = Anger energy elimination

Pace interiore = inner peace

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Onion, Mullein, Loosestrife, Green Rose, Luffa, Borage, Gentian, Larch, Pentsemon,

Scotch Broom.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Apis mellifica D12, D15

Natrium muriaticum D12, D15

Mercurius solubilis D12, D15

Helleborus D12, D15

Pulsatilla D12, D15

Sepia D12, D15

Platina D12, D15

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for overcoming:

-the tendency to abandon things

-discouragement after a “demotion”

-lack of faith

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Kidneys (Yang aspect) and Lungs.

Somatic energy:

Adrenal glands, pancreas, liver.

Chakras: 1st, 2

nd and 3




No 48

Primary application:

For activating perseverance, for overcoming discouragement and loss of Love


Page 115: Flowerplex

Bioenergy assessment:

-discouragement, ready to give up

-stagnation of energy due to depression

-lack of energy following persistence on projects currently underway

-Negative outlook on the future.


Very frequent: 6 drops, 8/10 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 42 – Motivation, No 67 - Encouragement.


I’m not giving up. It can be done. I can do it. I am moving forward.

Flow Diagram:

Perseveranza = Perseverance

Motivazione = Motivation

Pensieri chiari = Clear thoughts

Perdite di tempo = Pro-activeness

Portare alla luce = Bringing out into the open

Fiducia = Trust

Equilibrio interno = Inner balance

Pace della mente = Peace of mind

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Chamomile, Willow, Beech, Rabbitbrush, Quaking Grass, Garlic, Dogwood,

Impatiens, Tiger Lily, Vine, Larkspur, Star Thistle, Sagebrush, Calendula, Chicory,

Holly, Watermelon, German Chamomile.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Nux vomica D6, D8, D12, D15, D20

Natrium muriaticum 12CH

Hepar 15CH, 20CH, 30CH, 60CH

Vesica fellea 15CH, 20CH, 30CH, 60CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-being more friendly towards others

-eliminating the tendency to be resentful and overcritical

-harmonising liver fire.

Five elements (according to bioenergy tests):

Wood element (Liver and Gall bladder), use the Shu/Mu points.

Somatic energy:

Liver, Gall bladder, muscles and tendons.

Chakras: 2nd.

Bioenergy assessment:

Bioenergy stagnation and energy blockage due to:



No 49

Primary application:

For eliminating anger energy and impatience.

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-suppressed anger, past or present

-conflicts with oneself or with others

-Dissatisfaction with one’s life or direction in life

-Imbalance in the Wood element


Standard: 10 drops, 3/4 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 61 – Forgiveness, No. 24 – Joy, No. 13 - Meditation.


There is something positive in every situation. It is not anyone’s fault. I am

eliminating anger and resentment. I am patient.

Flow Diagram:

Elimin. Energia di rabbia = Anger energy elimination

Perdonare = Forgiveness

Elimin. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Lasciar andare = Letting go

Pace interiore = Inner peace

Fiducia in = Love within

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Aspen, Loquat, Cherry plum, Mimulus, Mountain Pride, Red Chestnut, Violet, Sticky

Monkeyflower, Rock Rose, Blackberry, Watermelon, Luffa, Garlic, Poison Oak.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Arsenicum album 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH, 20CH

Lilium tigrinum 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH, 20CH

Gelsemium 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH, 20CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-coping with examinations

-dealing with nightmares


Five elements (according to bioenergy tests):

Water element (Kidneys and Bladder).

Somatic energy:

Thymus and adrenal glands.

Chakras: 1st and 2


Bioenergy assessment:

-unconscious and conscious fears blocking the energy paths and defence energy

-Monitor the Water Element (Five Elements).



No 50

Primary application:

For eliminating energy linked to fear.

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Very frequent: 6 drops, 8/10 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 18 – Positiveness, No. 19 - Acceptance.


I am free of any fear. I am safe. I have faith.

Flow Diagram:

Elimin. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Elimin. Energia di rabbia = Anger energy elimination

Pensieri di rilassamento = Relaxing thoughts

Pace interiore = Inner peace

Il bambino interiore = The Inner Child

Perdite di tempo = Pro-activeness

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Sweet corn, Yarrow, Sweet Pea, Shooting Star, Scotch Broom, Red clover, Mountain

pride, Mallow, Indian Pink, Golden rod, Dandelion, California Wild Rose, Corn.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Phosphorus 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-strengthening one’s electromagnetic field against environmental influences such as

electromagnetic and noise pollution

-overcoming the tendency to create barriers in interpersonal relationships

-Feelings of social changes.

Meridians and Elements (according to bioenergy tests):

Stomach and Spleen (Earth Element).

Somatic energy:

Adrenal glands and Thymus.

Chakras: 3rd.

Bioenergy assessment:

Environmental stress factors blocking the healing process

-Check for electromagnetic field disorders

-Greater social adaptation is required

-Monitor the Water and Earth Elements (Five Elements).



No 51

Primary application:

For bioenergy support and protection from the disharmony and chaos of the city.

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Standard: 10 drops, 3/4 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 45 – Influence, No. 42 – Motivation, No. 5 – Bioenergy protection.


I am free from any tension. I function well in any environment.

Flow Diagram:

Armonia urbana = Urban harmony

Pensieri di rilassamento = Relaxing thoughts

Influenza = Influence

Portare alla luce = Bringing out into the open

Supervision = Overview

Pensieri chiari = Clear thoughts

Accettazione = Acceptance

Pace interiore = Inner peace

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Angelica, California Wild Rose, Forget-Me-Not, Manzanita, Crab Apple, Mariposa

Lily, Mugwort, Mullein, Pink Yarrow, Pomegranate, Walnut, Shooting Star, Star

Tulip, Pine.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Calcarea carbonicum D6, D9, D12

Calcarea fluoricum D6, D9, D12

Calcarea phosphoricum 6CH, D9, D12

Lycopodium D6, D9, D12

Solidago D6, D9, D12

Pulsatilla D6, D9, D12

Sabina D4

Mercurius corrosivius D12

Cuprum aceticum D8, D10

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-entering into a close relationship with the spirit of the child

-dealing with the difficult feelings experienced during pregnancy, both before and

after the birth (such as feeling ugly and ungainly)

-Improving communication with the child

-listening to the guidance of one’s Higher Self.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Spleen 9 (by administering 20 drops).

Somatic energy:

The endocrine system.



No 52

Primary applications:

For encouraging the acceptance of change and new responsibilities during

pregnancy. For the protection and spiritual guidance of the unborn child.

Page 123: Flowerplex

Chakras: 4th and 5


Bioenergy assessment:

For Newborns:

-there is an emotional bioenergy disorder that develops during gestation (miasmas).

For the new mother:

-there are mixed feelings towards pregnancy or the baby.

For women who are not pregnant:

-Mixed feelings about pregnancy

-suppressed desire for motherhood

-feeling of blame for a previous miscarriage

-having had a caesarean instead of a natural birth.

For men:

-Desire to be a father

-mixed emotions about pregnancy and children

-has emotional impressions about his own gestation period.


Standard: 10 drops, 3/4 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 53 – Calm labour, No. 50 – Fear energy elimination.


I have a strong emotional and spiritual relationship with the child inside me. My child

will be born at the right time and in the right time. I am two in one, we are safe!

Flow Diagram:

Maternita felice = Happy motherhood

Il bambino interiore = The Inner Child

Pace interiore = inner peace

Elimin. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Tranquillita del neonato = Newborn tranquillity

Adattamento = Adaptation

Parto sereno = Calm labour

Serenita della nuova vita = new life serenity

Fiducia = Trust

Condivisione = Sharing

Fiducia in = Love within

Neonato = newborn

Madre = mother

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Saint John’s Wort, Mariposa Lily, Red Clover, Squash, Aspen, Impatiens, Mimulus,

Chamomile, Clematis, Cherry Plum, Rock Rose, Vervain, Arnica, Star of Bethlehem,

Sweet Chestnut, Walnut, Hornbeam, Olive, Elm, Self Heal.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Rhus toxicodendron D6, D9, D12

Bellis perennis D6, D9, D12

Rue D6, D9, D12

Millefolium D4, D7, D9

Hypericum D4

Passiflora D4, D6, D9, D12

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-the bioenergy of the child during labour

-eliminating fear energy before and during labour; also useful for anyone who is

assisting at the birth (Partner, other children etc.).

-reducing the bioenergy damage both in the mother and child

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Bladder 60, Spleen 6, Stomach 36, (by administering 20 drops).

If necessary, combine with: Feeling at ease (No. 60) and First aid (No. 69).

Somatic energy:

Uterus and cervix.

Chakras: 1st.



No 53

Primary application:

For the psychospiritual and bioenergy support of the mother before and during


Page 125: Flowerplex

Bioenergy assessment:

Recent labour:

-general need for bioenergy balance.

For those who have not recently given birth:

-negative emotional impressions arising from the period of their own labour/birth.

-negative impressions at very profound levels, if the vial is positive after initial use

and after purification of the external level of disharmony.


Standard: 10 drops, 3/4 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 52 – Happy motherhood, No. 55 – New life serenity, No. 54 – Newborn

tranquillity, No. 3 – Incident memory removal, No. 31 – Life changes.


Childbirth is a natural and wonderful process, which is perfectly planned. I am

eliminating all fears, doubts and anxieties. I will have an easy and wonderful labour. I

am close to my child. My child and I are ready to experience the miracle and joy of


Flow Diagram:

Parto sereno = Calm labour

Serenita di nuova vita = New life serenity

Tranquillita dei neonato = Newborn tranquillity

Serenita di nuova vita = New life serenity

Condivisione = Sharing

Adattamento = Adaptation

Calore = Warmth

Fiducia in = Love within

Fiducia = Trust

A proprio agio = feeling at ease

Pace della mente = Peace of mind

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Golden ear drops, Arnica, Mariposa Lily, Loquat, Shooting Star, Manzanita, Zinnia,

Red Clover, Poison oak, Chamomile, Chicory, Star of Bethlehem, Oregon Grape,


Potencies: 3M, 7M, 15M, 30M, 60M

Arnica Montana 3M, 7M. 15M. 30M. 60M

Hypericum 3M, 7M. 15M, 30M, 60M

Staphysagria 3M, 7M, 15M, 30M, 60M

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-balancing the bioenergy of newborns

-increasing the close bond with the mother

-energy stresses due to a non-natural or premature birth.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Large intestine 4, Liver 3 and Stomach 36.

Somatic energy:

Liver and nervous system.

Chakras: 1st.

Bioenergy assessment:

-the child or newborn needs to be cleansed and harmonised after the birth

-in adults, this is a profound energy level.



No 54

Primary application:

For eliminating impressions of energy shock left by one’s own birth.

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Newborns: 4 drops, twice a day

Adults: 10 drops, 3/4 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 19 – Acceptance, No. 28 – Emotional attachment, No. 58 – Peace of mind.


My baby and I are one person. I am eliminating all negative energy from my labour.

Flow Diagram:

Tranquillita del neonato = Newborn tranquillity

Rilascio occasionale & Adattamento = Occasional release and adaptation

Oblio di incidente = Incident memory removal

Pace della mente & Fiducia = Peace of mind and Trust

Elimin. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Fiducia & Fiducia in = Trust & Love within

Pace interiore = Inner peace

Elimin. Energia di rabbia = Anger energy elimination

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Mustard, Hornbeam, Red Chestnut, Pine, Star, Walnut, Wild Rose, Aloe Vera, Star

Thistle, Quince, Nasturtium, Mariposa Lily, Zinnia, Arnica.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Sepia D6, D9, D12

Kali carbonicum D6, D9, D12

Viburnum opulus D6, D9, D12

Cinnamonum D6, D9, D12

Millefolium D6, D9, D12

Arnica Montana D6, D9, D12

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-bioenergy balancing after giving birth

-reducing the post-partum energy drop

-improving the bonding process between mother and baby

-increasing endocrine bioenergy

-energy impression that remains after a pregnancy has not gone full-term.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Stomach 36, Large Intestine 4 and Spleen 6 (by administering 20 drops).

Somatic energy:

Endocrine system.

Chakras: 2nd, 3

rd and 4




No 55

Primary application:

For balancing the mother’s bioenergy after giving birth.

Page 129: Flowerplex

Bioenergy assessment:

Recent labour:

-general need for energy balance.

For those who have not recently given birth:

-may indicate a profound cell memory linked to emotions, or energy exhaustion after

giving birth.

Women (or men) without children:

-the negative post-partum impressions of the mother are still affecting bioenergy.


-vibrational impressions absorbed from the mother after birth.


Standard: 10 drops, 3/4 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 61 – Forgiveness, No. 6 – Inner Chi, No 31 – Life changes, No. 67 –



My child and I have an emotional and spiritual bond.

Flow Diagram:

Serenita di nuova vita = new life serenity

Adattamento, Rilascio occasionale & cambiamenti della vita = Adaptation,

Occasional release & Life changes

Condivisione = Sharing

Fiducia in = Love within

Pace della mente = peace of mind

Fiducia = Trust

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Golden ear drops, Dogwood, Arnica, Poison Oak, Mariposa Lily, Saguaro, Pink

Yarrow, Yerba Santa, Zinnia, Star of Bethlehem, Black-eyed Susan, Pine, Pink

Monkeyflower, Banana.

Potencies: 9CH, 12CH, 15CH, 30CH, 60CH, 90CH, 120CH

Arnica Montana 12CH, 15CH, 30CH, 100CH, 120CH

Ignatia 15CH, 30CH, 60CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-being rejected as a child

-sense of guilt that comes from childhood

-Divorce in the family, or abuse within it

-difficulties with mother/child bonding

-bioenergy disorder due to a non-natural or premature birth.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Heart, Liver and Kidneys; Points: Heart 3, Liver 3 and Kidneys 3.

Somatic energy:

Limbic system.

Chakras: 4th and 5




No 56

Primary application:

For eliminating psychoenergy tensions arising from events that occurred during

childhood; for putting one in touch with one’s inner child.

Page 131: Flowerplex

Bioenergy assessment:

-Negative emotional/etheric memory of childhood, which is causing a blockage in

energy flow

-indication of having reached a profound energy level

-Monitor the 1st and 7

th Chakras

-Monitor the Water and Fire Elements (Five Elements)


Standard to very frequent: 3 drops, 3/10 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 61 – Forgiveness, No. 19 – Acceptance, No. 18 - Positiveness.


I forgive my parents. I know that they weren’t aware of the effect that they were

having on me. Now I am a much stronger person thanks to my childhood experiences.

I am free from grudges. I am recapturing my inner child.

Flow Diagram:

Il bambino interiore = The Inner Child

Portare alla luce = Bringing out into the open

Addolcimento = Softness

Intuizione = Intuition

Calore = Warmth

Energia creativa = Creative energy

Gioia = Joy

Nuove creazioni = New creations

Page 132: Flowerplex



Agrimony, Basil, Calendula, Deerbrush, Pomegranate, Quaking Grass, Quince, Dill,

Saguaro, Scleranthus, Self heal, Sunflower, Wild oat, Pine, Tammy, Hyssop, Holly,

Scarlet Monkeyflower, Emerald, Quartz.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Ignatia 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Pulsatilla 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-releasing feelings of guilt, jealousy and ambivalence

-feeling confident about making decisions.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Hear 7 and Liver 2 (by administering 20 drops).

Somatic energy:

Autonomous nervous system.

Chakras: 4th.

Bioenergy assessment:

-energy block due to inner conflicts, ambivalence, jealousy or feelings of guilt

-various reasons

-Monitor Wood Element (Five Elements)



No 57

Primary application:

Provides support for resolving inner conflicts.

Page 133: Flowerplex


Standard to very frequent: 3 drops, 3/10 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 18 – Positiveness, No. 34 – Clear thoughts.


I am resolving all my inner conflicts. I am freeing myself of any feelings of guilt. I

feel happy inside. I have nothing to feel ashamed of. I am following my higher guide

and I am making wise decisions.

Flow Diagram:

Pace interiore = Inner peace

Elimin. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Orgoglio = Pride

Fiducia = Trust

Intimita = Closeness

Equilibrio interno = Inner balance

Page 134: Flowerplex



Bottle Brush, Comfrey, Date palm, Apricot, Peach, Aspen, Chamomile, Saint John’s

Wort, Mimus, Garlic, Filaree, Elm.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Gelsemium 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Passiflora D4

Scutellaria D4, D6

Coffea D12, D15

Spamonium 12CH

Sepia 9CH

Pulsatilla 12CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for eliminating:

-fear impressions of unknown origin or with no origin

-“Excess” or suppressed “nervous type” energy

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Yin Tang, Conception vessel 12, Stomach 36 (by administering 20 drops).

Somatic energy:

Autonomous Nervous system, endocrine glands.

Chakras: 4th.



No 58

Primary application:

For eliminating energy disharmonies caused by anxiety.

Page 135: Flowerplex

Bioenergy assessment:

-Energy blockage due to over-worry

-Monitor Water and Earth Elements.


Very frequent: 6 drops, 8/10 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 27 – Relaxing thoughts, No. 50 – Fear energy elimination.


I am free of fear. I take on any challenges. I feel at peace. Nothing can happen to me.

Flow Diagram:

Lasciar andare = Letting go

Comunicazione = Communication

Pace della mente = Peace of mind

Portare alla luce =Bringing out into the open

A proprio agio = Feeling at ease

Fiducia in = Love within

Intuizione = Intuition

Pensieri di rilassamento = Relaxing thoughts

Fiducia = Trust

Pace Interiore = Inner peace

Voce interiore = Inner voice

Page 136: Flowerplex



Crab apple, Filaree, Heather, Red Chestnut, Rock water, Vervain, White chestnut,

Agrimony, Nasturtium.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Arsenicum album 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Sepia 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Silicea 9CH

Lachesis 9CH

Spamonium 9CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for eliminating:


-recurrent thoughts and worries.

Five Elements (according to bioenergy tests):

Earth Element (Stomach and Spleen).

Somatic energy:

Stomach and pancreas.

Chakras: 4th.



No 59

Primary application:

For eliminating the tendency to worry and become obsessed with oneself and

others; bioenergy support for “letting go”.

Page 137: Flowerplex

Bioenergy assessment:

-Loss of energy due to worries

-blockage in the healing process

-Monitor Earth Element (Five Elements)

-Control with Asa foetida D60.


Frequent to very frequent: 3 drops, 6/10 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 68 – Flexibility, No. 28 – Emotional attachment, No. 33 - Overview.


I am overcoming my fears. I have no worries. What will be, will be. I am doing my

best and I am satisfied with the results.

Flow Diagram:

Attaccamento = Emotional attachment

Portare alla luce = Bringing out into the open

Lasciar andare = Letting go

Pace della mente = peace of mind

Elimin. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Voce interiore = Inner voice

A proprio agio = Feeling at ease

Sollievo = Comfort

Pace interiore = Inner peace

Fiducia = Trust

Equilibrio interno = Inner balance

Page 138: Flowerplex



Coffea, Impatiens, Dill, Chamomile, Filaree, Garlic, Watermelon, Yerba Santa, Red

clover, Scarlet Monkeyflower, Oregon Grape, Golden ear drops, Mallow, Mariposa

Lily, Indian Pink, Golden rod, Poison oak.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Passiflora D4

Zincum valerianicum D9

Zincum metallicum D10

Hypericum D4

Scutellaria D4

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-increasing the ability to focus one’s mental energy

-eliminating suppressed or repressed energy

-reducing the sensitivity of the child’s protective bioenergy field

-balancing the bioenergy disharmonies in the nervous system linked with sensitivity

to foods and the environment.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Liver 2, Large Intestine 4, Kidneys 3 (by administering 20 drops).

Somatic energy:

Liver and brain.

Chakras: 2nd.



No 60

Primary application:

For balancing children and adults who have excessive energy.

Page 139: Flowerplex

Bioenergy assessment:

-check for bioenergy sensitivity (particularly to lead and mercury)

-suppressed emotional energy

-exaggerated expectations on the part of the parents, too much pressure on the child

-conflicts or difficulties in communicating with parents

-bioenergy imbalance in the brain.


Standard to very frequent: 2 drops, 8/10 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 21 – Harmony, No. 34 – Clear thoughts, No. 58 – Peace of mind, No. 57 – Inner



I am letting go of all my tensions. I am feeling at ease. I am calm.

Flow Diagram:

Perdonare = forgiveness

Equilibrio interno = Inner balance

A proprio agio = Feeling at ease

Pace della mente = Peace of mind

Elimin. Energia di rabbia = Anger energy elimination

Il bambino interiore = The Inner child

Pensieri di rilassamento = Relaxing thoughts

Elimin. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Sollievo = Comfort

Pace interiore = Inner peace

Armonia = Harmony

Page 140: Flowerplex



Beech, Golden Ear drops, Hyssop, Holly, Arnica, Willow, Pine, Crab Apple,

Deerbrush, Mullein, Pink Monkeyflower.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Arnica Montana 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Ignatia 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-becoming aware of other people’s point of view

-eliminating emotional energy associated with grudges

-purifying the heart.

Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Stomach, Spleen and Liver.

Somatic energy:

Gall bladder and Liver.

Chakras: 4th and 5


Bioenergy assessment:

-Emotional attachment to the pain and grudges of the past

-Blocked and stagnant energy due to unresolved problems

-Monitor the 4th and 5

th Chakras.



No 61

Primary application:

For forgiving oneself and others.

Page 141: Flowerplex


Frequent: 6 drops, 6/8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 28 – Emotional attachment, No. 4 – The Heart Chakra, No. 66 - Comfort.


I am cleansing my heart of fear. I know that there is something positive in every

situation. I forgive anyone who has treated me badly.

Flow Diagram:

Perdonare = Forgiveness

Elimin. Energia di rabbia = Anger energy elimination

Il bambino interiore = The Inner Child

Orgoglio = Pride

Elimin. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Accettazione = Acceptance

Pace interiore = Inner peace

Gioia = Joy

Page 142: Flowerplex



Agrimony, Centaury, Goldenrod, Mullein, Sagebrush, Walnut, Pine, Cerato, Self


Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Indigo D6, D9, D12, D20, D3O

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-recognising inner torment or conflict

-helping others by being true to oneself

-ending an unhealthy relationship.

Elements and Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Earth Element (Spleen and Stomach);

Points: initial point and final point of the Spleen meridian;

For men, apply on the right side, and for women apply on the left side (administering

20 drops).

Somatic energy:

Spleen, Thymus and pituitary gland.

Chakras: 4th and 5




No 62

Primary application:

For self-awareness and honesty with oneself, for understanding one’s motivations.

Page 143: Flowerplex

Bioenergy assessment:

-Not listening to one’s own needs

-check for energetic self-aggression

-Stagnation of defence energy.


Frequent: 10 drops, 6/8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 65 – Self esteem, No. 33 – Overview, No. 7 – Inner voice.


I have faith in myself. I am as I wish to be. I do what I need to do.

Flow Diagram:

Dire verita a se stessi = True to self

Influenza = Influence

Cambiamento di modelli = Changing patterns

Armonia = Harmony

Motivazione = Motivation

Autostima = Self esteem

Fiducia in = Love within

Perdite di tempo = Pro-activeness

Page 144: Flowerplex



Angelica, Mullein, Mariposa Lily, Oregon Grape, Saint John’s Wort, Self Heal,

Mountain Pride, Lotus, Deer Brush, Holly.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Lachesis 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Moschus 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Mercurius 9CH

Hyoscyamus 6CH, 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-trusting in the good intentions of others

-trusting one’s abilities to self-heal

-developing positive inner values.

Five Elements (according to bioenergy tests):

Metal Element (Lungs and Large Intestine).

Somatic energy:

Thymus, adrenal glands and Spleen.

Chakras: 4th, 5

th and 6




No 63

Primary application:

For developing trust in oneself and others.

Page 145: Flowerplex

Bioenergy assessment:

Need to have faith in oneself and others.


Frequent: 6 drops, 6/8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 61 – Forgiveness, No. 19 – Acceptance, No. 7 – Inner voice.


My body heals by itself. I have faith in myself. I have faith in the innate intelligence

of my body.

Flow Diagram:

Fiducia = Trust

Perdonare = Forgiveness

Calore = Warmth

Intimita = Closeness

Sollievo = Comfort

Comunicazione = Communication

Condivisione = Sharing

Lasciar andare = Letting go

Pensieri chiari = Clear thoughts

Addolcimento & Armonia = Soothing & Harmony

Pace della mente = Peace of mind

Cambiamento della vita = Life change

Page 146: Flowerplex



Violet, Water violet, Sweet pea, Mallow, Sunflower, Shooting star, Trillium, Tiger

Lily, Poison Oak, Platinum.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Palladium 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Platina 9CH, 12CH, 15CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-an arrogant personality

-bioenergy inconsistencies from the menopause.

Five Elements (according to bioenergy tests):

Wood Element (Liver and Gall bladder).

Somatic energy:

Liver and pituitary gland.

Chakras: 4th.

Bioenergy assessment:

-feels distanced from others and superior to others

-Blockage of the 3rd Chakra, imbalance in the energy flow of the meridians

-Monitor the Metal and Earth Elements.


Standard: 10 drops, 3/4 times a day.



No 64

Primary application:

For feelings of pride, superiority or separation.

Page 147: Flowerplex

Other formulas:

No. 20 – Closeness.


I live and work in harmony with anyone around me. I am dedicated to helping others.

I am humble. We are all equal in the eyes of God.

Flow Diagram:

Orgoglio = Pride

Dire verita.. – True to self

Portare alla luce = Bringing out into the open

Lasciar andare = letting go

Influenza = Influence

Intimita = Closeness

Page 148: Flowerplex



Saguaro, Jasmine, Prickly pear cactus, Buttercup, Centaury, Cerato, Larch, Mallow,

Sunflower, Trumpet vine, American pawpaw.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Gelsemium 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Pulsatilla 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Lac caninum 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Lycopodium 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-being aware of one’s own worth and helping others to be aware of their own worth

-tackling the fear of new situations, exams etc.


-increasing vitality of speech.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Stomach 36, Liver 3, Large intestine 11 and Spleen 6 (administering 20 drops).

Somatic energy:


Chakras: 5th.



No 65

Primary application:

For encouraging self-respect, faith in oneself and self-expression.

Page 149: Flowerplex

Bioenergy assessment:

-Lack of faith in oneself

-fear of change.


Frequent to very frequent: 6 drops, 6/10 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 18 - Positiveness.


I believe in myself. I am full of optimism and enthusiasm. I can see my faith growing

in leaps and bounds.

Flow Diagram:

Autostima = Self esteem

Comunicazione = Communication

Addolcimento = Softness

Orgoglio = Pride

Positivita & Adattamento = Positiveness and adaptation

Armonia = Harmony

Autostima = Self esteem

Elimin. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Page 150: Flowerplex



Eucalyptus, Bleeding heart, Pine, Arnica, Borage, Dandelion, Fuchsia, Golden ear

drops, Star of Bethlehem, Yerba santa.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Natrum muriaticum 9CH, 12CH, 20CH

Ignatia 9CH, 15CH, 20CH

Acidum phosphoricum 9CH, 15CH, 20CH

Cocculus 9CH, 15CH, 20CH

Lachesis 9CH, 15CH, 20CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-dealing with sadness

-treating suppressed pain; releasing tears that have been held back

-leaving a relationship that has ended

-stabilising oneself after a shock such as a death or loss.

Five Elements (according to bioenergy tests):

Wood (Liver and Gall bladder) and Metal (Lungs and Large intestine).

Somatic energy:

Thymus, Spleen, adrenal glands and defence energy.

Chakras: 4th.



No 66

Primary application:

For eliminating bioenergy disorders due to pain or loss.

Page 151: Flowerplex

Bioenergy assessment:

-the somatic energy organs and general wellbeing are affected by feelings of loss

-need to heal emotional wounds.


Frequent: 6 drops, 6/8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No 28 – Emotional attachment, No. 19 – Acceptance, No. 31 – Life changes.


I can deal well with life’s pain. I understand and accept the processes of life.

Flow Diagram:

Perdonare = Forgiveness

Calore = Warmth

Sollievo = Comfort

Attaccamento = Emotional attachment

Elimin. Energia di rabbia = Anger energy elimination

Nuove direzioni = New directions

Condivisione = Sharing

Pace interiore = Inner peace

Equilibrio interno = Inner balance

Armonia = Harmony

Pace della mente = Peace of mind

Page 152: Flowerplex



Borage, California wild rose, Hornbeam, Olive, Gentian, Gorse, Mustard, Oak, Scotch

Broom, Yerba Santa, Larch, Wild oat, Elm, English Hawthorne.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Sepia 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Zincum metallicum 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Aurum metallicum 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-feelings of inadequacy

-tiredness and lack of energy.

Five Elements (according to bioenergy tests):

Water Element (Kidneys and Bladder).

Somatic energy:

Kidneys, prostate gland, bladder and spleen.

Chakras: 4th.

Bioenergy assessment:

-state of general discouragement; reduction in motivation

-Defence energy is low.


Very frequent: 6 drops, 8/10 times a day.



No 67

Primary application:

For activating energy and trust when one is discouraged or unsure.

Page 153: Flowerplex

Other formulas:

No. 18 – Positiveness, No. 1 – Spiritual clarity.


I love life. I know life is good to me even at bad times. I am patient. I have faith.

There is a lesson to be learnt from every experience.

Flow Diagram:

Incoraggiamento = Encouragement

Elimin. Energia di paura = Fear energy elimination

Motivazione = Motivation

Fiducia = Trust

Autostima = Self esteem

Perseveranza = Perseverance

Pace della mente = Peace of mind

Page 154: Flowerplex



Redwood, Dogwood, Quaking grass, Rockwater, Willow, Cayenne, Morning glory,

Sagebrush, Walnut, Pine, Star Tulip, Vervain, Vine.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Arsenicum album 12CH, 15CH

Sepia 12CH, 15CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for eliminating:

-the tendency to be hard on oneself

-the tendency to blame oneself

-the tendency to be self-destructive

-the tendency to work too much

-difficulty with working in a group.

Five Elements (according to bioenergy tests):

Wood Element (Liver and Gall bladder).

Somatic energy:


Chakras: 3rd.

Bioenergy assessment:

-general rigidity in the structure of thoughts and outlook

-Monitor Earth and Water Elements.



No 68

Primary application:

For eliminating strictness with oneself; for forgiving oneself and being more

indulgent with oneself.

Page 155: Flowerplex


Frequent: 6 drops, 6/8 times a day.

Other formulas:

No. 30 – Changing patterns, No. 35 – Bringing out into the open.


I live and work in harmony with anyone around me. I am kind to myself. I forgive

myself. I am indulgent with myself.

Flow Diagram:

Flessibilita = Flexibility

Nuove direzioni = New directions

Armonia = Harmony

Cambiamento di modelli = Changing patterns

Lasciar andare = letting go

Adattamento = Adaptation

Page 156: Flowerplex



Arnica, Cherry plum, Impatiens, Star of Bethlehem, Clematis, Rock rose, Calendula,

Self heal, Saint John’s Wort, Chamomile, Crab apple, Indian pink, Red clover,

Yarrow, Angelica.

Potencies: 3CH, 6CH

Arnica Montana D4

Echinacea D4

Hypericum D4

Ruta graveolans D4

Belladonna D4

Hamamelis D4

Bellis perennis D4

Lachesis D10

Ledum D4

Lactic Acid D6

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-situations of extreme stress for bioenergy

-restabilising after a bioenergy shock

-remaining focussed in emergencies

-protecting oneself during dissociative states of energy bodies

-coping with exams.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

Bladder 62, Stomach 36 and Large Intestine 4 (administering 20 drops).



No 69

Primary application:

For bioenergy support in acute conditions.

Page 157: Flowerplex

Somatic energy:

Brain, autonomous nervous system, Endocrine system.

Chakras: All.

Bioenergy assessment:

-Recent emotional events have upset bioenergy regulation

-need for somatic energy renewal of tissues and stabilisation after a recent bioenergy



Frequent to very frequent: 8 drops, 6/10 times a day.

Acute situations: 8 drops every hour.

Other formulas:

No. 3 – Incident memory removal, No. 47 – Taking charge, No. 32 – Adaptation, No.

58 – Peace of mind.


I am in control of my body. My body always heals itself. I am calm and focussed.

Flow Diagram:

Pronto soccorso = First aid

Oblio di incidente = Incident memory removal

Flusso di energia = Energy flow

Armonia = harmony

Page 158: Flowerplex



Self heal, Papaya, French lavender, Skullcap, Lotus, Daffodil, Macartney rose, Live

Forever, Azurke, Herkimer Diamond, Gold, Lapislazuli, Green Jasper.

Potencies: 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Thuya 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Phosphorus 6CH, 9CH, 12CH

Other applications:

Provides bioenergy support for:

-developing a greater capacity to work with healing energy

-having faith and recognising one’s own healing abilities

-being intuitive and creative in the healing process.

Points on the Meridians (according to bioenergy tests):

External points on the Bladder meridian.

Somatic energy:

Pineal gland.

Chakras: All.

Bioenergy assessment:

-need to cultivate one’s own healing energy capacity

-can indicate an incomplete state of self-healing.


Standard: 10/20 drops, 3/4 times a day.



No 70

Primary application:

For increasing healing capacity.

Page 159: Flowerplex

Other formulas:

No. 38 – Pyschic abilities, No. 43 Intuition, No. 35 – Bringing out into the open.


My mind and my body work together to heal me. I have faith in God and in my own

abilities. I am a channel for divine energy.

Flow Diagram:

Fiducia in = Love within

Voce interiore = Inner voice

Chakra del cuore = Heart chakra

Equilibrio interiore = Inner balance

Condivisione = Sharing

Pace interiore = Inner peace

Abilita psichiche = Psychic abilities

Fiducia = Trust

Page 160: Flowerplex

Additional notes on Flower Plex remedies


1. When the remedies: HAPPY MOTHERHOOD, CALM

LABOUR or NEW LIFE SERENITY prove to be assessment

floral essences for a man, one needs to take the following

possibilities into account: emotional disorders during his time

in the womb, a vibrational pattern passed on to him by his

mother, or (the most likely cause) a problem with his mother.

2. When the product FEMALE SPIRITUALITY is found to be

the assessment remedy for a man, this can indicate a blockage

in his relationship with this mother. When it proves to be a

support remedy, this can indicate the need for balancing his

endocrine energy and his emotional field.

3. When HAPPY MOTHERHOOD proves to be an assessment

test for a woman who has never been pregnant, it can indicate

that she has suppressed feelings or conflicting emotions about

pregnancy. For example: the desire or repressed desire to be a

mother, fear of becoming pregnant or feeling of guilt.

4. When CALM LABOUR (one vial for women who are about to

give birth) proves to be a diagnosis vial, it can indicate a

psychological block during her birth or while she was giving

birth. This also applies to NEW LIFE SERENITY: if this is the

result for a newborn child, it can indicate a traumatic birth.

Page 161: Flowerplex


■ These combinations can be also be used for helping a patient to develop new

abilities. For example, a person who finds it difficult to share with others or to

give to others can take: SHARING, FLEXIBILITY, CLOSENESS and/or

CHANGING PATTERNS. In contrast, a person who finds it difficult to



■ Flower combinations can also be used for preparing the person for a task or

event. For example, someone who has to move house and feels hyperstressed


CHANGING PATTERNS. When someone is planning a speech, they can

prepare one or two weeks in advance by taking SELF ESTEEM, FEELING


■ The therapist can use these combinations to increase intuition: BRINGING



■ To increase and protect the therapist’s energies when he is carrying out a test

or manual work, he can use: BIOENERGY PROTECTION, SPIRITUAL


is very sensitive. Highly sensitive therapists can use: BIOENERGY


Page 162: Flowerplex


Making affirmations also means establishing positiveness. Affirmations are

positive statements which establish and reinforce the patterns desired.

Most people are used to stating the negative. However, in order to improve a

situation, one needs to learn to state the positive at a conscious level. As the

subconscious interprets our thoughts and our words literally, affirmations that are

repeated frequently can be manifested as a person’s reality. As the affirmations

reach deeper levels, the desired conditions occur.

Affirmations are more effective at achieving the desired aim when they are said

with conviction. They won’t achieve a great deal if they are mumbled

mechanically whilst the person is thinking about something else.

Mental visualisation of the desired change or end result will complete or increase

the effect of the affirmation and help to prevent the mind from wandering while it

is being repeated.

Active affirmations that begin with “I am”, “I have”, or “I feel” are the most


For example:

“I am a happy person”.

“I feel happy”

“I am very talented”.

Affirmations are most effective when they are expressed in the present tense. It is

also best to avoid modal verbs. The affirmation “I want to be successful” states

that the person wants something, but he has not got it. “I am successful” would be

more effective.

In order to help the therapist, a complete series of affirmations specifically for

each remedy will be published.

Page 163: Flowerplex


Page 164: Flowerplex

List of Flower Plex combinations

In alphabetical order

Formula No.

Acceptance 19

Adaptation 32

Anger energy elimination 49

Balance of mind and body 40

Bioenergy protection 5

Bringing out in the open

Calm labour 53

Changing Patterns 30

Clear recollections 41

Clear thoughts 34

Closeness 20

Comfort 66

Colour balance 16

Communication 36

Cosmos 14

Creative energy 44

Emotional attachment 28

Encouragement 67

Energy Flow 2

Etheric body 10

Fear energy elimination 50

Feeling at ease 60

Female spirituality 8

First aid 69

Flexibility 68

Forgiveness 61

Groundedness 15

Happy motherhood 52

Harmony 21

Harmony of mind and body 39

Heart Chakra 4

Incident memory removal 3

Influence 45

Inner balance 25

Inner Chi 6

The Inner Child 56

Page 165: Flowerplex

Inner peace 57

Inner Voice 7

Intuition 43

Joy 24

Kundalini Chi 12

Letting go 59

Life changes 31

Love within 70

Meditation 13

Male spirituality 9

Motivation 42

Newborn tranquillity 54

New Directions 29

New Hope 17

New life serenity 55

Overview 33

Peace of mind 58

Perseverance 48

Positiveness 18

Pride 64

Pro-activeness 46

Psychic abilities 38

Relaxing thoughts 27

Self esteem 65

Sexuality 11

Sharing 23

Softness 22

Spiritual Clarity 1

Taking charge 47

True to self 62

Trust 63

Turning point 37

Urban harmony 51

Warmth 26

Page 166: Flowerplex

In numerical order

No. Formula

1. Spiritual Clarity

2. Energy Flow

3. Incident memory removal

4. Heart Chakra

5. Bioenergy protection

6. Inner Chi

7. Inner Voice

8. Female spirituality

9. Male spirituality

10. Etheric body

11. Sexuality

12. Kundalini Chi

13. Meditation

14. Cosmos

15. Groundedness

16. Colour balance

17. New Hope

18. Positiveness

19. Acceptance

20. Closeness

21. Harmony

22. Softness

23. Sharing

24. Joy

25. Inner balance

26. Warmth

27. Relaxing thoughts

28. Emotional attachment

29. New Directions

30. Changing Patterns

31. Life changes

32. Adaptation

33. Overview

34. Clear thoughts

35. Bringing out in the open

36. Communication

37. Turning point

38. Psychic abilities

39. Harmony of mind and body

40. Balance of mind and body

41. Clear recollections

42. Motivation

43. Intuition

44. Creative energy

45. Influence

Page 167: Flowerplex

46. Pro-activeness

47. Taking charge

48. Perseverance

49. Anger energy elimination

50. Fear energy elimination

51. Urban harmony

52. Happy motherhood

53. Calm labour

54. New born tranquillity

55. New life serenity

56. The inner child

57. Inner peace

58. Peace of mind

59. Letting go

60. Feeling at ease

61. Forgiveness

62. True to self

63. Trust

64. Pride

65. Self esteem

66. Comfort

67. Encouragement

68. Flexibility

69. First aid

70. Love within

Page 168: Flowerplex

Somatic energy index of Flower Plex combinations

Organs/Systems Formula No.

Adrenal glands Inner Chi 6

Adaptation 32

Energy Flow 2

Bioenergy protection 5

Urban harmony 51

Pro-activeness 46

Perseverance 48

Harmony 21

Autonomous Nervous System Balance of body/mind 40

Inner peace 57

Peace of mind 58

First aid 69

Creative energy 44

Bladder Encouragement 67

Feeling at ease 60

Brain Harmony of mind/body 39

Balance of body/mind 40

Clear thoughts 34

Feeling at ease 60

Relaxing thoughts 27

Clear recollections 41

First aid 69

Heart Chakra 4

Cerebral cortex Clear thoughts 34

Clear recollections 41

Colour balance 16

Uterine cervix Letting go 59

Calm labour 53

Circulation Energy flow 2

First aid 69

Page 169: Flowerplex

Organs/Systems Formula No.

Colon Relaxing thoughts 27

Inner peace 57

Taking charge 47

Connective tissue Incident memory removal 3

Inner peace 57

Joy 24

Harmony 21

Positiveness 18

Motivation 42

Love within 70

Meditation 13

Kundalini chi 12

Endocrine system Turning point 37

Life changes 31

Sexuality 11

Harmony of body/mind 39

Peace of mind 58

Joy 24

Relaxing thoughts 27

Intuition 43

Happy motherhood 52

New life serenity 55

Epiphysis (pineal gland) Incident memory removal 3

Bioenergy protection 5

New hope 17

Communication 36

Gall bladder Anger energy elimination 49

Forgiveness 61

Energy flow 2

Harmony 21

Biliary calculi Energy flow 2

Harmony 21

Page 170: Flowerplex

Organs/Systems Formula No.

Heart Incident memory removal 3

Joy 24

Heart Chakra 4

New hope 17

Acceptance 19

Inner balance 25

Hypophysis (pituitary gland) Female spirituality 8

Male spirituality 9

Bringing out into the open 35

True to self 62

Pride 64