florio graphy

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Post on 12-Oct-2015




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Florio Graphy


Floriography**********Communicating with flowers became the height of fashion under Queen Victoria, when nineteenth century publishers produced dozens of dictionaries explaining "floriography" as "The Language of Flowers." Lovers used the guidebooks to gather nosegays, bouquets and tussie-mussies --from the medieval tussie (knot of flowers) and mussie (moist moss used to keep flowers fresh). The Victorians also created special holders for these bouquets so that a lady could carry her flowers with her, just as she would her purse. Acacia- Secret loveAster - Symbol of love Astilbe - I'll be waiting Azalea - First love Bachelor Button - Blessedness Basil - Best wishes Bay Leaves - Faithfulness Bluebell - Constancy Caladium - Great joy & delight Calla Lily - Magnificent Beauty Camellia (Red) - Excellence Camellia (White) - Loveliness Carnation (Pink) - I'll never forget youCarnation (Red) - Alas! My poor heart Carnation (Striped) - Sorry I can't be with you Clematis - Beauty Crocus - Young love Daffodil - You are the only one Daisy - Innocence Dogwood - Love undiminished by adversity Fern - Fascination Forget-me-not - True Love Gardenia - You are lovely Geranium - Friendship Gladioli - Love at first sight Heather - Our dreams will come true Hyacinth - Playful Hydrangea - Understanding Iris - Message Ivy - Marriage Jonquil - Desire affections to be returnedLavender - Devoted love Lilac - Enchantment Lily - Purity Lotus - Estranged love Magnolia -DignityMorning Glory - Affection Mum - Truth Orchid - You are beautiful Pansy - Thoughts of you Pennyroyal - Warmth of feeling Peony - Bashful love Periwinkle - Happy memories Petunia - Never despair Phlox - Our souls are united Poppy - Hopeless love Rose (Pink) - Happiness Rose (Red) - Passionate love Rose (Yellow) - Friendship love Rosemary - Love from the sender Snapdragon - Presumptuous Spider Flower - Elope with me Stephanotis - Happiness in marriage Sunflower - Adoration Sweet Pea - Lasting Pleasure Sweet William - Gallantry Thyme - Courage Tulips - Declaration of love Violets - Modesty Wisteria - I cling to thee Zinnia - Absent loveWhat each flower enumerated, signifies, when sent to a friend or lover. Almond, flowering - Concealed love. Althea, Frutex - I am deeply in love. Amaranth - Immortality, or piety. Anemone - Fading hope. Arbor-Vitae - Unchanging friendship. Auricula, Scarlet - Pride. You are proud. Bachelor's button - Hope in love. Balm - I long for your society. Balsamine - Impatience; or, pray come. Bay Leaf - I change but in dying. Box - I believe in your constancy. Buttercup - Riches. You are rich. Calla Ethiopica - Magnificent beauty. Carnation - Pride and Beauty. Camelia Japonica - Surpassing excellence. Cedar - Think of me. China Aster - Caprice. Cypress - Despair, and without hope. Dahlia - Dignity - I will sustain it. Daisy - Youthful beauty. Dandelion - Coquetry, I accuse you of. Eglantine - I wound to heal. Forget-me-not - True love for ever. Fox-glove - Insincerity. You are false. Geranium - Gentility and elegance. Gilly-Flower - Thou art fair. Golden Rod - Encouragement. You will succeed. Grass - Submission. Heart's Ease - Love in idleness. Heliotrope - Devotion. Let us pray for each other. Hellebore - Calumny. You have listened. Hollyhock - Ambition. I seek glory. Honeysuckle - Dost thou love me ? Houstonia - Content ever with thee. Hyacinth, Purple - Sorrow. I am sad. Hydrangea - Heartlessness. Ivy - Wedded Love. We are happy. Jasmine, White - I desire a return of my affection. Larkspur - Haughtiness. Laurel - Ambition. I will win. Laurustinus - A token. Pray remember. Lavender - Acknowledgment. Lilac - Fastidiousness. Lily, White - Purity and beauty. Magnolia - You are beautiful. Marigold - Jealousy, I have cause. Mignionette - I live for thee. Moss - Patience, or pray wait. Oak-Leaf - Courage. I will endure. Passion-Flower - Piety. Trust in God. Periwinkle - Memory. Never forget. Pink - Household love. I am at home. Poppy - Forgetfulness. Primrose - Neglected merit. Rose - Love, or I love you. Rue - Disdain. Go: never return. Saffron - Marriage - when ? Snow-drop - Faithful in adversity. Thyme - Thriftiness. I am diligent. Tulip - Beautiful eyes. Look on me. Violet - I dream of thee. Willow - Forsaken - never more. Wheat - Prosperity - I wish thee. Yew - Penitence. I am sorry.