flood - situation as of 15/12/2019 - copernicus ems · 2020-06-21 · 0 0.15 0.3 0.6 km dax -...

! ! Étang de l'Estey Dax Seyresse L'Adour Centre Hospitalier Heliport 655000 655000 4840000 4840000 ! ( Comunidad Foral de Navarra Aragon Cataluna Aquitaine Bay of Biscay Detail 02 Detail 03 ^ France Bay of Biscay Mediterranean Sea English Channel Cartographic Information ± Legend Dax - FRANCE Flood - Situation as of 15/12/2019 Map Information Relevant date records (UTC) Data sources Disclaimer Crisis Information General Information Placenames ! Built-Up Area Hydrography Transportation Land Use - Land Cover

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Page 1: Flood - Situation as of 15/12/2019 - Copernicus EMS · 2020-06-21 · 0 0.15 0.3 0.6 km Dax - FRANCE Flood - Situation as of 15/12/2019 Delineation - Detail map 02 Event 13/12/2019



Étang del'Estey





















GLIDE number: N/A


Na va rra

Huesca L leida

L a ndes

Lot-et-Ga ronne

Pyrenees-Atla ntiques


Ha ute-Ga ronne


Ha utes-Pyrenees

T a rn-et-Ga ronne

ComunidadForal deNavarra Aragon




Bay ofBiscay

Da x


Ara gon

Ga ronne

L e ga vede Pa u,L esGa ves R eunis

AdourDetail 02

Detail 03


BelgiumGerma ny

Ita ly

S pa in

S witzerla nd


FranceBay ofBiscay


EnglishChannel Pa ris

Cartographic Information1:8000

±Grid: WGS 1984 UT M Z one 30N ma p coordina te system

Full color A1, 200 dpi resolution

Another round of ba d wea ther swept Fra nce’s Atla ntic coa st, ca using floods in the south-west of the country. Powerful winds hit the French west coa st sta rting on T uesda y evening(10 December) a nd ba ttering the entire Atla ntic coa st with hea vy ra in through Frida y (13December). Meteo Fra nce issued flood a lerts a nd wa rned the popula tion on da ngerous tida llevels. Five depa rtments in the south-western pa rt of the country ha ve been put on ora ngea lert for ra in-flooding.T he present ma p shows the flood first estima te product in the a rea of Da x (Fra nce). T hethema tic la yer ha s been derived from post-event sa tellite ima ge using a semi-a utoma tica pproa ch. T he estima ted geometric a ccura cy (R MS E) is 10 m or better, from na tivepositiona l a ccura cy of the ba ckground sa tellite ima ge.

Products ela bora ted in this Copernicus EMS R a pid Ma pping a ctivity a re rea lized to the bestof our a bility, within a very short time fra me, optimising the a va ila ble da ta a nd informa tion. Allgeogra phic informa tion ha s limita tions due to sca le, resolution, da te a nd interpreta tion of theorigina l sources. No lia bility concerning the contents or the use thereof is a ssumed by theproducer a nd by the Europea n Union.Plea se be a wa re tha t the thema tic a ccura cy might be lower in urba n a nd forested a rea s dueto inherent limita tions of the S AR a na lysis technique.Delivery forma ts a re L a yered Geospa tia l PDF, GeoJPEG a nd vector (ES R I sha pefiles,Google Ea rth KML, GeoJ S ON).Ma p produced by e-GEOS relea sed by e-GEOS (ODO).For the la test version of this ma p a nd rela ted products visithttp://emergency.copernicus.eu/EMS R 416jrc-ems-ra pidma [email protected] .eu© Europea n UnionFor full Copyright notice visit http://emergency.copernicus.eu/ma pping/ems/cite-copernicus-ems-ma pping-porta l

LegendT ick ma rks: WGS 84 geogra phica l coordina te system

Product N.: 02DAX , v1Activa tion ID: EMS R 416

Pre-event ima ge: S entinel-2B (2019) (a cquired on 10/12/2019 a t 11:03 UT C, GS D 10.0 m,a pprox. 3% cloud covera ge in AoI) provided under COPER NICUS by the Europea n Uniona nd ES A.Post-event ima ge: S entinel-2A (2019) (a cquired on 15/12/2019 a t 11:04 UT C, GS D 10.0 m,a pprox. 0% cloud covera ge in AoI) provided under COPER NICUS by the Europea n Uniona nd ES A.Ba se vector la yers: OpenS treetMa p © OpenS treetMa p contributors, Wikima pia .org,GeoNa mes 2015, Corine L a nd Cover (CLC) 2012, Globa l Administra tive Area s (2012),refined by the producer.Inset ma ps:J R C 2013, EuroBounda ryMa p 2017 © EuroGeogra phics, Na tura l Ea rth 2012,CCM R iver DB © EUJ R C2007, GeoNa mes 2013.Popula tion da ta : GHS Popula tion Grid © Europea n Commission, 2015http://da ta .europa .eu/89h/jrc-ghsl-ghs_ pop_ gpw4_ globe_ r2015a .Digita l Eleva tion Model: S R T M (90 m) (NAS A/US GS ).

0 0.3 0.60.15km

Dax - FRANCEFlood - Situation as of 15/12/2019

Delinea tion - Deta il ma p 02

Event S itua tion a s of13/12/2019 20:00 15/12/2019 11:04Activa tion Ma p production13/12/2019 20:08 16/12/2019


Int. Cha rter ca ll ID: N/A

Map Information

Relevant date records (UTC)

Data sources


Crisis InformationFlooded Area (15/12/2019 11:04 UT C)

General InformationArea of Interest

Placenames! Pla cena me

Built-Up AreaR esidentia l

HydrographyR iverS trea mL a keR iver

TransportationPrima ry R oa dS econda ry R oa dLoca l R oa dLong-dista nce ra ilwa yAirfield runwa yHelipa d

Land Use - Land CoverFea tures a va ila ble in the vector pa cka ge