flipping’faculty’development’’ for’more’effec7ve’one9offs’ · 2014-04-23 · •...

Flipping Faculty Development for More Effec7ve OneOffs April 23, 2014

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Page 1: Flipping’Faculty’Development’’ for’More’Effec7ve’One9Offs’ · 2014-04-23 · • 1pm&–2pm& • Research&has&confirmed&thatteamJbased& learning&enhances&studentperformance,&yet

Flipping  Faculty  Development    for  More  Effec7ve  One-­‐Offs  

April  23,  2014  

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•  Instruc3onal  Design/Educa3onal  Technology/Assurance  of  Learning    

•  Currently  at  Daniels  College  of  Business  @  University  of  Denver  

•  I’ve  dabbled  –  K-­‐12;  Sloan-­‐C;  Community  College;  Public  University;  Non-­‐profit  

•  [email protected]  

Jenn  Light  

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To  meet  the  demand  for  faculty  development  of  teaching  and  learning  skills,  

we  must  find  an  approach  for  facilita3ng  one-­‐offs  that  encourages  long-­‐term  remembrance,  cri3cal  thinking,  and  meaningful  applica3on  of  skill  and  knowledge.    

Flipping  faculty  development  provides  those  benefits  by  requiring  advanced  prepara3on,  live  tutoring  and  hands-­‐on  prac3ce,  and  post-­‐session  homework.  

Abstract:  preZy  ambi3ous!  

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•  I’m  assuming  that  you  folks  are  in  the  profession  of  faculty  development,  or  at  least  interested  in  that  field.    

•  You  have  experience  with  faculty  development  training,  as  a  facilitator  or  par3cipant.  

•  You  can  make  fun  of  yourself  and  your  profession.  (We  faculty  development  folks  can  get  preZy  wacky  some3mes!)  

Givens  –  give  or  take  

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•  One-­‐offs  •  Flipping  one-­‐offs  •  Posi3ve  transfer  of  training  •  Examples  •  Invita3ons  •  Q&A  

Agenda  –  give  or  take  

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•  Occur  one-­‐3me;  not  ongoing  series  

•  Usually  conducted  by  experts,  guest  speaker,  or  panel  format  

•  Generally  1-­‐  2  hours;    some3mes  ½  day  

•  Usually  in-­‐person;  increasingly  provided  online  as  webinars  

Audience  available  under  a  CC  BY-­‐NC  2.0.  Faruk  Ates.  

SMBC  available  under  a  CC  BY  2.0.  Sydney  Missionary  Bible  College.    

SMART  Level  1  available  under  CC  BY-­‐NC-­‐SA  2.0.  Rebecca  Morrison.  

What  are  one-­‐offs?  

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•  Using  Camtasia  for  Screencas3ng  •  Wri3ng  your  Cover  LeZer  or  Vitae  •  ITV  Training  -­‐  Type  A  rooms  (interac3ve  television)  

•  Blackboard  Course  Content  Move  (or  anything  related  to  using  the  LMS)  

•  Crea3ng  a  syllabus  •  Wri3ng    a  Teaching  Philosophy  Statement  •  Slide  Show  Presenta3on  Best  Prac3ces  

Typical  examples  of  faculty  development  one-­‐offs  run  by  Centers  of  Teaching  and  Learning  

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Exercise:  In  remembrance  of  a  one-­‐off  

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•  Come  from  mul3ple  departments  and  special3es;  May  be  tailored  for  a  specific  department  

•  Par3cipants  may  volunteer  or  be  required  to  come  

•  Are  “regulars”  •  The  subject  may  or  may  not  

interest  them  •  In  any  one-­‐off,  par3cipants  have  

varying  skill-­‐levels  and  knowledge-­‐levels  

•  Their  goal  is  to  acquire  knowledge,  or  just  to  pass  the  class  

Tradi3onal  one-­‐off  par3cipants  

Friday  Night  Crew  available  under  CC  BY  2.0.  Mark,  Vicki,  Ellaura  and  Mason.  

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•  Frustrated  faculty  members  who  need  advanced  learning  opportuni3es  

•  Frustrated  faculty  members  who  are  confused  in  the  one-­‐offs,  and  can’t  get  personalized  help  during  the  session  

•  These  folks  try  to  learn  on  their  own  or  seek  opportuni3es  elsewhere  

Tradi3onal  one-­‐off  non-­‐par3cipants  

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Blackboard:  Using  Assignment  and  Plagiarism  Detec3on  Tools  available  under  CC  BY-­‐NC-­‐SA  2.0.  Center  for  the  Advancement  of  Teaching.0  

One-­‐offs  for  skill-­‐building  

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Seminar  available  under  CC  BY-­‐NC-­‐SA  2.0.  Center  for  the  Advancement  of  Teaching.  

One-­‐offs  for  knowledge  crea3on  

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Full  House  available  under  available  under  CC  BY-­‐NC-­‐SA  2.0.  Center  for  the  Advancement  of  Teaching.  

Food  helps  to  aZract  par3cipants  

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FaCTS  2010    available  under  available  under  CC  BY-­‐NC-­‐SA  2.0.  Center  for  the  Advancement  of  Teaching.  

Lots  of  food  helps  to  aZract  lots  of  par3cipants  

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If  you  don’t  offer  food,  likely  no  one  will  come  

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Challenges  of    one-­‐offs  

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Who  has  3me  to  do  more  faculty  development?  

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Challenges  of  tradi3onal  faculty  development  one-­‐offs  

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1.  Time  

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2.  Not  personalized  

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3.  Basics  only  

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4.  No  follow-­‐through  

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How  do  we  overcome  the  challenges?  

1.  Time  

2.  Personalized  training  

3.  Basics  only  

4.  No  Follow-­‐Through  

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What  is  a  flipped  classroom?  

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1.  Provide  an  opportunity  for  students  to  gain  first  exposure  prior  to  class,  using  technology.  

2.  Provide  an  incen3ve  for  students  to  prepare  for  class.  

3.  Provide  a  mechanism  to  assess  student  understanding.  

4.  Provide  in-­‐class  ac3vi3es  that  focus  on  higher  level  cogni3ve  ac3vi3es.  

Elements:  hZp://co.vanderbilt.edu/guides-­‐sub-­‐pages/flipping-­‐the-­‐classroom/  

What  are  the  elements  of  flipped  learning?  

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1.  Provide  an  opportunity  for  students  to  gain  first  exposure  prior  to  class,  using  technology.  

Elements:  hZp://co.vanderbilt.edu/guides-­‐sub-­‐pages/flipping-­‐the-­‐classroom/  

Laptop  desks  in  the  computer  science  building  available  under  a  CC  BY  2.0.  James.  


What  are  the  elements  of  flipped  learning?  

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2.  Provide  an  incen3ve  for  students  to  prepare  for  class.    

Elements:  hZp://co.vanderbilt.edu/guides-­‐sub-­‐pages/flipping-­‐the-­‐classroom/  

What  are  the  elements  of  flipped  learning?  

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3.  Provide  a  mechanism  to  assess  student  understanding.  

Elements:  hZp://co.vanderbilt.edu/guides-­‐sub-­‐pages/flipping-­‐the-­‐classroom/  

What  are  the  elements  of  flipped  learning?  

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4.  Provide    in-­‐class  ac3vi3es  that  focus  on  higher  level  cogni3ve  ac3vi3es.  

Elements:  hZp://co.vanderbilt.edu/guides-­‐sub-­‐pages/flipping-­‐the-­‐classroom/  

What  are  the  elements  of  flipped  learning?  

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Why  should  we  use  a  flipped  classroom  method  in  faculty  development?  

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Remember  this  exercise?  In  remembrance  of  a  one-­‐off  

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We  must  find  an  approach  for  facilita3ng  one-­‐offs  that  encourage  long-­‐term  remembrance,  cri3cal  thinking,  and  meaningful  applica3on  of  skill  and  knowledge.    

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Let’s  find  a  way  to  facilitate  Posi3ve  Transfer  of  Training  

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How  do  we  overcome  the  challenges?  

1.  Time  

2.  Personalized  training  

3.  Basics  only  

4.  No  Follow-­‐Through  

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Tradi7onal  •  Large  group  instruc3on  •  One  pace  for  all  •  One  3me  •  Passively  engaged  

Flipped  •  Individual/small  group  

instruc3on  (The  Basics;  Personalized)  

•  Individualized  pacing  (Personalized;  Time)  

•  Ongoing  (Time)  •  Act  (Follow-­‐through;  The  

Basics)  •  Lively  engaged  (Bonus!  

They’re  learning  and  applying!)  

Differences  between  tradi3onal  and  flipped  faculty  development  

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1.  Provide  an  opportunity  for  faculty  to  gain  first  exposure  prior  to  class,  using  technology.  

2.  Provide  an  incen3ve  for  faculty  to  prepare  for  one-­‐off.  

3.  Provide  a  mechanism  to  assess  faculty  understanding.  

4.  Provide  in-­‐class  ac3vi3es  that  focus  on  higher  level  cogni3ve  ac3vi3es.  (ac3ve  learning)  

Elements:  hZp://co.vanderbilt.edu/guides-­‐sub-­‐pages/flipping-­‐the-­‐classroom/  

How  do  the  elements  of  a  flipped  classroom  apply  to  flipped  faculty  development?  

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•  1pm  –  2pm  •  Research  has  confirmed  that  team-­‐based  learning  enhances  

student  performance,  yet  many  students  entering  college  have  liZle  to  no  experience  with  teamwork.    

•  This  Guest  Lecturer  will  share  strategies  that  can  help  bridge  this  gap  and  increase  student  success.  She  will  introduce  four  key  areas  necessary  for  successfully  integra3ng  team-­‐based  learning  into  the  classroom;  1)  building  and  sustaining  successful  teams,  2)  crea3ng  team-­‐based  learning  modules,  3)  integra3ng  team-­‐based  learning  into  the  curriculum,  and  4)  incorpora3ng  technology  into  the  team-­‐based  assignments.    

•  This  event  is  eligible  for  1  Con3nuing  Educa3on  credit*    

Example:  Team-­‐Based  Learning:  Integra3ng  into  Your  Lecture  

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•  1pm  –  2pm  •  Research  has  confirmed  that  team-­‐based  learning  enhances  student  performance,  yet  many  students  entering  college  have  liZle  to  no  experience  with  teamwork.    •  This  Guest  Lecturer  will  share  strategies  that  can  help  bridge  this  gap  and  increase  student  success.  She  will  introduce  four  key  areas  necessary  for  successfully  integra3ng  team-­‐based  learning  into  the  classroom;  1)  building  and  sustaining  successful  teams,  2)  crea3ng  team-­‐based  learning  modules,  3)  integra3ng  team-­‐based  learning  into  the  curriculum,  and  4)  incorpora3ng  technology  into  the  team-­‐based  assignments.    •  This  event  is  eligible  for  1  Con3nuing  Educa3on  credit*    

1. Provide  an  opportunity  for  students  to  gain  first  exposure  prior  to  class,  using  technology.  

2. Provide  an  incen3ve  for  students  to  prepare  for  class.  

3. Provide  a  mechanism  to  assess  student  understanding.  

4. Provide  in-­‐class  ac3vi3es  that  focus  on  higher  level  cogni3ve  ac3vi3es.  (ac3ve  learning)  

Flip  It!  

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•  1:00  PM  -­‐  2:30  PM  •  This  workshop  introduces  Camtasia  Studio  8,  a  popular  sooware  for  producing  higher-­‐end  screencasts.  During  this  hands-­‐on  workshop  you  will  learn  and  prac3ce  some  of  its  basics  edi3ng  features.    

•  Tour  the  main  parts  of  the  editor  and  3meline  •  Add  annota3ons  (callouts,  arrows,  highlights)    •  Work  with  anima3ons  (zoom  in/out,  smarrocus,  restore)  and  video  effects  (freeze  region,  extend  frame,  hotspots)  

Example:  Using  Camtasia  for  Screencas3ng  

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•  1:00  PM  -­‐  2:30  PM  •  This  workshop  introduces  Camtasia  

Studio  8,  a  popular  sooware  for  producing  higher-­‐end  screencasts.  During  this  hands-­‐on  workshop  you  will  learn  and  prac3ce  some  of  its  basics  edi3ng  features.    

•  Tour  the  main  parts  of  the  editor  and  3meline  

•  Add  annota3ons  (callouts,  arrows,  highlights)    

•  Work  with  anima3ons  (zoom  in/out,  smarrocus,  restore)  and  video  effects  (freeze  region,  extend  frame,  hotspots)  

Flip  It!  1. Provide  an  opportunity  for  students  to  gain  first  exposure  prior  to  class,  using  technology.  

2. Provide  an  incen3ve  for  students  to  prepare  for  class.  

3. Provide  a  mechanism  to  assess  student  understanding.  

4. Provide  in-­‐class  ac3vi3es  that  focus  on  higher  level  cogni3ve  ac3vi3es.  (ac3ve  learning)  

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•  11:30  AM  -­‐  12:15  PM  •  Classroom  assessment  techniques  provide  faculty  with  

feedback  on  what,  how  much,  and  how  well  their  students  are  learning.  Instructors  can  use  this  feedback  to  modify  their  teaching  to  improve  student  learning.  Students  can  use  it  to  learn  more  effec3vely.    

•  In  this  online  mini-­‐workshop  session,  par3cipants  will  learn  how  to  implement  the  “minute  paper,”  “muddiest  point,”  “think-­‐pair-­‐share,”  and  other  quick  ways  to  assess  and  enhance  learning.    

•  Time  for  ques3ons  and  discussion  will  follow  at  the  end.  

Example:  Classroom  Assessment  Techniques  

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•  11:30  AM  -­‐  12:15  PM  •  Classroom  assessment  techniques  provide  

faculty  with  feedback  on  what,  how  much,  and  how  well  their  students  are  learning.  Instructors  can  use  this  feedback  to  modify  their  teaching  to  improve  student  learning.  Students  can  use  it  to  learn  more  effec3vely.    

•  In  this  online  mini-­‐workshop  session,  par3cipants  will  learn  how  to  implement  the  “minute  paper,”  “muddiest  point,”  “think-­‐pair-­‐share,”  and  other  quick  ways  to  assess  and  enhance  learning.    

•  Time  for  ques3ons  and  discussion  will  follow  at  the  end.  

Flip  It!  1. Provide  an  opportunity  for  students  to  gain  first  exposure  prior  to  class,  using  technology.  

2. Provide  an  incen3ve  for  students  to  prepare  for  class.  

3. Provide  a  mechanism  to  assess  student  understanding.  

4. Provide  in-­‐class  ac3vi3es  that  focus  on  higher  level  cogni3ve  ac3vi3es.  (ac3ve  learning)  

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•  12:00pm  –  1:30pm  •  Discover  ways  in  which  cogni3ve  science  research  supports  visual  language  principles  in  the  design  of  effec3ve  educa3onal  materials  such  as  PowerPoints.  

Example:  Crea3ng  Great  PPts  and  the  Theory  Behind  It  

Page 46: Flipping’Faculty’Development’’ for’More’Effec7ve’One9Offs’ · 2014-04-23 · • 1pm&–2pm& • Research&has&confirmed&thatteamJbased& learning&enhances&studentperformance,&yet

•  12:00pm  –  1:30pm  •  Discover  ways  in  which  cogni3ve  science  research  supports  visual  language  principles  in  the  design  of  effec3ve  educa3onal  materials  such  as  PowerPoints.  

Flip  It!  1. Provide  an  opportunity  for  students  to  gain  first  exposure  prior  to  class,  using  technology.  

2. Provide  an  incen3ve  for  students  to  prepare  for  class.  

3. Provide  a  mechanism  to  assess  student  understanding.  

4. Provide  in-­‐class  ac3vi3es  that  focus  on  higher  level  cogni3ve  ac3vi3es.  (ac3ve  learning)  

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•  This  is  new  for  most  faculty,  so  remind,  remind,  remind.  •  Your  website/announcement  should  explain  the  “flip”  and  contain  a  link  to  the  resource  material.  •  Explain  the  importance  and  mo3va3on  for  the  pre-­‐class  ac3vi3es.  •  Send  reminder  emails  with  a  link  to  the  content.  •  Prepare  an  ac3vity  for  the  live  session  that  allows  unprepared    par3cipants  to  par3cipate.  

Invi3ng  par3cipants  to  your  flipped  faculty  development  one-­‐off  

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1.  Type  an  idea  in  the  chat  box  of  a  flipped  one-­‐off  that  is  of  interest  to  you.    –  You  might  facilitate  it  –  You  might  aZend  it  –  You  might  help  design  it  

2.  You  can  do  it  alone.  3.  Or,  you  don’t  need  to  wait  for  someone  else  to  

do  it,  and  you  don’t  have  to  do  it  alone.    4.  What’s  the  next  step?  Who  would  you  contact  

in  order  to  start  the  process?  

Your  Challenge  

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Ques3ons  and  Answers