flintloque - dogs (ostaria & finklestein)

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  • 8/10/2019 Flintloque - Dogs (Ostaria & Finklestein)

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    The Dogs of ValonSoldiers of the Ostaria Empireand Finklestein Confederation

    Welcome to the Composite Insert for the Dogs of Valon in the 4th Age.This insert covers all of the current Dog soldiers and their units,weapons, mounts and so on for the Flintloque and Slaughterloo gamesystems from Alternative Armies.

    The layout of this insert is simple. It begins with a short background tothe soldiers in the insert, this is followed with a series of tables andinformation for their use in Flintloque the Skirmish and then statisticsalong with uniform guides for their use in Slaughterloo.

    Please direct any questions and or all requests for further information [email protected] we will be happy to assist you.


    The Empire of Ostariastarias route to the Mordredian Wars lay in the actions of one Dog - theEmperor Klffenhund. A series of diplomatic blunders dragged the unfortunateDog Empire into a war, which only their Emperor wanted.

    At the dawning of the Grand Alliance the Krautian League came under increas-ing pressure from the Confederation of Finklestein and the Elves of Mordred, theformer Elven Empress, Morgana, fled the country and found new sanctuary withthe Yapzburg Dynasty of the starian Empire. Arriving on starian soil via adangerous and treacherous sea route, she was given haven within the PalatialCapital of Palzburg, and came under the protection of the Emperor Klffenhund,head of this ancient monarchy. The secret of Morganas whereabouts was wellkept. Indeed, Mordred had already drawn up a new plan of attack for a new

    campaign in Krautia before his spies and agents in the Krautian Royal Courtslearnt that she was now in the domain of the Yapzburg. Discovering that hisquarry had evaded him infuriated Mordred, and he demanded that staria handMorgana over to him or suffer the consequences. Klffenhund laughed at thesethreats, believing his Empire invulnerable.

    But his Chief Diplomat, Mutturnich, knew otherwise, and began a series of talkswith Ferach ambassadors in order to avoid war.

    Even though many of the tiny Border States between staria, Krautia and theConfederation of Finklestein had already joined the Ferach-allied Confederation,a good number of small States, Duchies and Principalities remained neutral. Thestarians, wary of the rise of Ferach power in the vicinity, were torn betweenrespecting the independent status of these States and annexing them to form a

    buffer zone against any threat of Elven invasion. If necessary, a buffer zonewould provide a battlefield on which to fight the Elves, keeping the ravages ofwar away from central starian soil, and preserving the starian status quo.

    The Battle of steritch was a comprehensive defeat of the starian Army. Theconfused columns of the Dogs became entangled with each other as they advancedinto close range of the Ferach Artillerie. Dogmatically, Klffenhund halted themto re-dress their ranks as if the troops were taking part in some sort of militarytattoo. The shocked Elven gunners took advantage of this great gift, and pouredCaseshotte and Grapeshotte into the huddled masses of hastily reforming Dogsoldiers to devastating effect. For what seemed an eternity, the Yapzburgmonarch rode up and down the lines, barking orders at his dying men, he him-self miraculously unharmed. The Ferach Cavalry charged into the now disinte-grating force before it, and the rout of the Dogs began in earnest. Klffenhundwas nearly captured (to the delight of some of his Officers) but a determinedrearguard action led by the gigantic Digby Von Klausewitz stemmed the near

    unstoppable deluge of the ferocious Elven Cavalry, spearheaded by the LEsprit deGarde. Buying valuable time for the starians, Digby and the Frei Corps vonChum held the Enemy long enough for Klffenhund to make good his escapewith the tattered remnants of his force. Returning to Palzburg, Klffenhund

    immediately sued for peace.

    The Ferach continued to push against the weakened Empire but the invasion ofthe Witchlands consumed a huge amount of Ferach military power and allowedthe Yapsburg dynasty time to recover their strength.

    The Ostarian Army

    Klffenhunds Army is a very large and powerful entity, but suffers at the handsof its poor Commanders. The Emperor epitomises the old dog that hasnt learnt asingle new trick, and with more like him in the army than anyone would care toadmit, things dont look rosy for the starians. The natural strength of the Dogsgives them an advantage in Melee combat, and because of this they favour attacks

    by column whenever possible. The main Infantry Units are supported by superbLight Infantry and the devastating short-range firepower of the Grenadier

    Battalions. Now that the forces of the Elves are on the retreat from theWitchlands, Klffenhund is certain that victory and revenge for past defeatscannot be far away. However, his keen interest in this matter hinders its

    potential success, as he insists that his Officers and Generals win the war hisway. Unless they disobey his orders, further humiliation is only a few paw-stepsaway...

  • 8/10/2019 Flintloque - Dogs (Ostaria & Finklestein)


    2007 2

    The Dogs of FinklesteinPerhaps the greatest allies of the Elves can be found among the member States,Duchies and Principalities of the Confederation of Finklestein. A mixture ofDwarves, Ogres and Dogs inhabit this vast area, and the Ferach Emperor hascalled upon all of them to serve in the fight against his enemies. They haveanswered this call to arms in droves, swelling the ranks of the Ferach force.

    There are so many tiny states and other oddities that make up the Confederationthat to recount them all would be impossible. We speak of the Dog states thatfield small forces under the banner of the Dogs of Finklestein and then of thelarger Dog states such as the Saxhunde Dutche and the ruined Dogs ofPudigrochumsberg.

    If you want to use any Dogs in your Confederation Army, then use the statisticsand points values given for the starian Army. However, Confederation Dogscannot have starian only Units such as the Frei Corp Von Chum or SpecialCharacters from the starian Army. The only exceptions to this are the namedforces of the bigger Dog states in the Confederation such as the Saxhundes orPudigrochumsberg.

    The Dutchie of Saxhunde

    Since before the rise of Black Powder the Dog Kingdom of Saxehnde had anuneasy alliance with the Dwarves of Krautia. The Kingdom was small but had areputation for producing fierce and large soldiers. They kept many potentialenemies at bay, with their paws begging for mercy. When Mordreds Armiesdestroyed the Krautians at the first Battle of Yenna the King of Saxhnde, FidoAugustus, sued for peace with the Ferach Elves. An uneasy peace was agreed, the

    Tyrant knew the value of such fearsome warriors.

    Soon newly equipped formations of brave and well-trained Dog Soldiers wereposted to all fronts to fight for Mordred. With the treaty of Prozaken theEmperor Mordred granted the Elector or Gross Mutten of Saxhnde, the styleand title of King in return for the able assistance of the soldiers of Saxhnde inhis endless wars. The destruction of the Krautian Army at the Battle of Yenasecured the alliance in the mind of Fido Augustus the now official King ofSaxhnde. The Army of Saxhnde has fought well in the Witchlands but hasspent most of its time in Kartffelberg and in suppressing Dark Elf uprisings.

    While Elven Marshals command the troops of Saxhnde it is mainly left to DogGenerals to lead their troops from the front. Many Saxhnde s are in the icywastes of the Witchlands with Prince Schwarzenbarch even now.

    The Ruins of Pudigrochumsberg

    A blackened and burned land is all that remains of the once thriving kingdom ofPudigrochumsberg the victims of the starian Emperor Klaffenhnds madness.In an attempt to gain popularity during the Ferach Revolution the Emperordecided to test his newly uniformed in white and musket armed Dog soldiersagainst this prosperous nation. The few ready corps of troops that the HoundianKing Bonio of Pudigrochumsberg could bring to battle were scooped up and

    binned after a few weeks of campaigning.Klffenhund the head of the Yapsburgdynasty would accept no surrender andordered the sacking of every city in their

    land and sowed salt into the fields. KingBonio and several regiments escaped andsought refuge with the Elves becoming asmall force sworn to destroy the starians at anyopportunity. Some Pudigroan soldierswith Finklesteiner assistance fight onin their ravaged country in attempts todislodge the starians unfortunate enoughto be assigned garrison duty inPudigrochumsberg.


    the SkirmishWhen playing as the Dogs of Ostaria orfrom the Confederation you will need acopy of the Flintloque rulebook.

    In order to make this easier for you here are some tables that apply to the Dogs ofValon taken from Flintloque.

    When outfitting yoursoldiers remember thatwhen paying the points fortheir weapons you musttake note of where theycome from. For example astandard weapon be it mus-ket, pistol of carbine coststhe same for any soldier toown but a Ferach or High

    Elf Musket costs 5 pointsfor a Ferach Elf to own but9 points for any non Elfwhither Ferach allied, Alli-ance or Undead and so on.

  • 8/10/2019 Flintloque - Dogs (Ostaria & Finklestein)


    2007 3

    SlaughterlooWhen playing games of Slaughterloo then use the statistics and guides providedhere for your units. All Dog units unless specified can be used by either Ostariaor any of the Finlklestein Dog states. Also if a Finklestein specific nation or

    unit then they cannot be used by Ostarian players.

    The rank-and-file of the starian Army, these Dogsoldiers are solid and reliable.

    If used correctly, they can give any of Mordreds troops a run for their moneyand they often do.The starian Line Infantry are classed as Regular Infan-

    try armed with Standard Muskets.The Infantry uniform consists of a white tunic, sky blue or white

    trousers, a black shako, and black shoes. Facing colours (cuffs, collars, etc.) varywith each different Infantry Unit, and popular colours are yellow, red and blue.Equipment is black and equipment straps are white leather.

    The Grenadiers now operate in battalions of their own, as a powerful fightingforce in their own right. Armed with the lethal Dog Grenadier Blunderbuss,these Units are capable of destroying an enemy with ease at close range.

    The starian Grenadiers are Regular Infantry armedwith Dog Grenadier Blunderbusses.

    The Grenadier uniform consists of a white tunic, sky blue trousers, ablack fur mitre, and black or brown shoes. Facing colours (cuffs, collars, etc.)

    vary with each different Grenadier Unit, and popular colours are yellow, red andblue. Equipment is black and equipment straps are white leather.

    The starian Chasseurs can be used as both Light Infantry and Line Infantry.Dog Commanders do get a choice between using them as Light Infantry or LineInfantry. Their statistics are the same whatever Infantry type they are used for.

    The starian Chasseurs are Regular or Light Infantryarmed with StandardMuskets.

    The Chasseur uniform consists of a white tunic, white trousers, ablack helmet with gold metal fittings, and black or brown shoes. Facing colours(cuffs, collars, etc.) vary with each different Chasseur Unit, and popular coloursare yellow, red and blue. Equipment is black and equipment straps are whiteleather.

    Its a dogs life in the Landwehr of the starian Empire, armed with an assort-ment of poorer quality muskets, blunderbusses and even pikes and pitchforks, ifunlucky, the hundreds of militia battalions serve with little distinction and a lotof death. Compared to the same troops of other races they are not have badthough and useful to plug holes in the lines.

    The starian Militia are Militia Infantry armed withStandard Muskets.

    The Militia uniform consists of a dark blue or green tunic, darkbreeches, felt caps or black peaked caps with gold insignia, and black shoes withgold buckles. Facing colour for Officers (cuffs, collars, etc.) are red. Equipment is

    black and brown, with equipment straps being of white leather.F

    The Frei Corps von Chum, of which the famous Digby von Klausewitz is theirColonel, are starias best Light Infantry. From disreputable beginnings in thePudigochumsberg campaign, the Frei Corps von Chum are now a superb fightingforce.

    The Frei Corps are Light Infantry armed with starianRepeating Air Rifles.

    The Frei Corps uniform consists of a white tunic, white trousers, ablack helmet with gold metal fittings, and black boots. Cuffs, collars, etc. are red.Equipment is black or brown and equipment straps are white leather.

    The normal light Infantry of the Jgers is of good quality. Very used to fightingin the thick woods of the Schwartz Gateaux forest these troops are used to scoutout the enemy and to whine at butchers doors until given a bone.

    When at least 50% of the Unit is in wooded ter-rain they gain a +1 to their Melee Value.

    The starian Jgers are Light Infantry armed withStandard Muskets.

    The uniform consists of a green tunic, white or green trousers, a blackhat with different coloured plumes, and black or brown shoes. Facing colours(cuffs, collars, etc.) vary with each different Jger battalion and popular coloursare yellow, red and blue. Equipment is black and equipment straps are blackleather.

    Mounted on very large and podgy horses, the massive Cuirassiers are a powerfulstrike force in the arsenal of the Dogs.

    The Cuirassiers are Heavy Cavalry.

    The Cuirassier uniform consists of a white tunic, white trousers, ablack helmet with gold metal fittings, and black boots. Cuffs, collars, etc. varywith Unit, and popular colours are red, blue and green. The Cuirass is black.Other equipment is black or brown and equipment straps are white leather.

    The Light Cavalry of the starian Army. Their role as scouts in the campaigns ofstaria has helped the starians avoid most of Mordreds pursuing divisions afterthe many defeats the Empire has suffered.

    The Hussars are Light Cavalry.The Hussar uniform varies widely with each Unit, and colour combi-

    nations are being devised all the time. Most variations centre around combina-tions of dark blue and light blue jackets and breeches. Shakos are black, as aretheir boots.

    The Cavalry of the Dogs is made up of heavy horses, long blades alongside thickcuirasses and the thunder of squadrons of hooves. While most of those who facethese Cavalry remember the flash of swords, the Cavalry of both staria and theFinklestein Dutchies have many thousands of Light Lancers in their ranks.

    The Lancers are Light Cavalry.The Lancer uniform consists of a white tunic, green trousers, a black

    shako with white and green plume, black boots. Cuffs, collars and fittings aredark yellow. Equipment is brown and equipment straps are white leather.

    The starian Artillery is not the best in the world, but it can still do its job wellenough to keep the enemy wary of coming too close.

    The Artillery crews are classed as Artillery.The Artillery uniform consists of a brown or blue tunic, red facings

    grey breeches. Equipment is black or brown and equipment straps are white.

    Mutternichs reforms changed all aspects of the Dogs use of cannon and amongthe most important changes made, apart from forming gun batteries, was the in-troduction of the mountain gun or the grasshopper as it is fondly called. Havinga habit of leaping into the air upon firing, as it has short legs not wheels, it can

    be carried by its crew and requires no limber or horses.The Artillery crews are classed as Mountain Guns (Artillery).

    The Grasshopper Artillery uniform consists of a light green tunic withtan facings and white breeches. Equipment is black and equipment straps arewhite. Often the guns are given names and mottos on their barrels.

    Drilled and equipped in the Ferach style, the Line Regiments of Saxhnde are

    reliable soldiers if not as nimble as their Elven brothers in arms. Armed withthe standard Ferach musket and bayonet.The Saxhnde Line Infantry are classed as Regular In-

    fantry armed with Ferach Muskets.The Infantry uniform consists of a white tunic, white breeches, a

    black shako with gold, black shoes. Facing colours (cuffs, collars, etc.) are lightor dark blue. Equipment is black with equipment straps being of brown leather.

    Foremost among the soldiers of these Dogs are the Saxhnde Guard Grenadiers.Chosen from the largest and fiercest dogs in the land, these troops are bold in theattack and dogged in defence! The huge bearskin caps and massive muttonchopsof these hairy hounds can be seen in the forefront of many a fight.

    The Saxhnde Grenadiers Infantry are classed as RegularInfantry armed with Ferach Muskets.

    The Infantry uniform consists of a bright red coat, white breeches, ablack bearskin with white cords and a red plume, black shoes. Facing colours

    (cuffs, collars, etc.) are yellow. Equipment is black with equipment straps beingof white leather.

    While only being a few regiments in size and often parcelled out by companiesthe Light Infantry of Saxhnde is very effective.

    The Saxhnde Voltiguer Infantry are classed as LightInfantry armed with Dog Rifles.

    The Light Infantry uniform consists of a blue coat, black breeches, ablack shako with white cords and a bright green plume, black shoes. Facing col-ours (cuffs, collars, etc.) are bright green. Equipment is black with equipmentstraps being of white leather, all metal work is of silver.

    Veterans of many campaigns and extensive soldiering have made the remainingregiments of line that King Bonio possesses very effective fighters.

    The Pudigrochumsberg Line Infantry are classed as Reg-ular Infantry armed with Ferach Muskets.

    The Infantry uniform consists of a dark orange tunic, grey breeches, ablack shako with silver and an Orange plume, black shoes. Facing colours (cuffs,collars, etc.) are bottle green. Equipment is black with equipment straps being ofwhite leather.

  • 8/10/2019 Flintloque - Dogs (Ostaria & Finklestein)


    2007 4


    Statistics TablesFor

    Dog Soldiers

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