flex cable feasibility study : context / objectives

MISTRAL & ASTRAL Sensors Flex feasibility study Gilles CLAUS (on behalf of PICSEL-ALICE team of IPHC-Strasbourg)

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MISTRAL & ASTRAL Sensors Flex feasibility study Gilles CLAUS (on behalf of PICSEL-ALICE team of IPHC-Strasbourg). 270 mm. > 15 mm. Flex cable feasibility study : Context / Objectives. Goal of this study  Based on STAR-PXL flex cable (proven technology) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Flex cable feasibility study : Context / Objectives

MISTRAL & ASTRAL SensorsFlex feasibility study

Gilles CLAUS (on behalf of PICSEL-ALICE team of IPHC-Strasbourg)

Page 2: Flex cable feasibility study : Context / Objectives

IPHC [email protected] 2 / 7ALICE ITS upgrade - Mini week 10-12 March 2014

Goal of this study Based on STAR-PXL flex cable (proven technology) Estimate minimum achievable cable width Calculate voltage drop along the power bus Calculate material budget

Design decisions for evaluation Cable length for 9 chips ( 15 mm x 30 mm ) 9 x 30 mm = 270 mm Cable width 15 mm + Bonding area ? mm (pads, bonding wire loop, decoupling capacitors) Cable design done on FR4 by C.Illinger

GND & VDD traces 7 mm width – 30 µm Aluminium

Flex cable feasibility study : Context / Objectives

270 mm

> 15


Page 3: Flex cable feasibility study : Context / Objectives

IPHC [email protected] 3 / 7ALICE ITS upgrade - Mini week 10-12 March 2014

Minimum cable width : Study done by M.Goffe & IPHC µTechnique Team (M.Imhoff & Co)

50 µm thick sensors Wedge bonding Minimum bonding pads distance : Chip Flex

500 µm Loop too short 800 µm Acceptable value for bonding reliability

Result ~ 1 mm Cable width ~ 16 mm Better result achievable ?

Flex cable feasibility study : Minimum cable width

500 µm

500 µm

800 µm

Page 4: Flex cable feasibility study : Context / Objectives

IPHC [email protected] 4 / 7ALICE ITS upgrade - Mini week 10-12 March 2014

One segment

ΔU / segment 2 ΔU / segment 1

9 x I 2 x I I8 x I

ΔU / segment 9

Chip No 9 Chip No 3 Chip No 2 Chip No 1

Calculation hypothesis

Common GND & VDD traces for analogue & digital Aluminium traces : 7 mm width – 30 µm thick – ρ Al = 26.10-9 ohm.m Sensors : 15 x 30 mm² - Power supply = 1,8 V MISTRAL : Pd = 200 mW/cm² I = 0,5 A/Chip - ASTRAL : Pd = 85 mW/cm² I = 0,21 A/Chip

Voltage drop MUST be <= 200 mV

Distance between two sensors = “One segment” ρ Al = 26.10-9 ohm.m – Trace 7 mm width - 30 µm thick R = 3,7 m ohm

Total voltage drop ΔV1 = R x I, ΔV2 = R x 2 x I … ΔV9 = R x 9 x I Arithmetic serie Voltage drop = Sum of the serie = 9 x ( ΔV1 + ΔV9) / 2 = 9 x (RI + 9RI) / 2 = 45 x R x I Chip

MISTRAL (Pd = 200 mW/cm² I = 0,5 A/Chip)

ΔV = 45 x R x I Chip = 45 x 0,0037 x 0,5 = 83 mV Total (Vdd, gnd) = 166 mV

ASTRAL (Pd = 85 mW/cm² I = 0,21 A/Chip)

ΔV = 45 x R x I Chip = 45 x 0,0037 x 0,21 = 35 mV Total (Vdd, gnd) = 70 mV

Flex cable feasibility study : Voltage drop

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IPHC [email protected] 5 / 7ALICE ITS upgrade - Mini week 10-12 March 2014


Voltage drop calculation done in DC

This true ONLY if there is enough decoupling capacitors / chip on the flex

If it’s not the case There is an AC component I power bus = I dc + I ac

At which freauency ?

Clock and harmonics Input 40 MHz – Serializer 600 MHz – 1,2 GHz (1,2 Gb/s – 2,4 Gb/s) AC component if unbalanced currents (should be minimized with differential architecture - LVDS)

At frames frequency : T r.o = 20,8 µs F = 100 KHz No risk with skin effect BUT Low frequency requires high capacity value

What’s about skin effect ?

Gianluca’s Talk yesterday Aluminium 12 µm @ 50 MHz < 1 / 2 Trace thickness (35 µs)

Which effect is more critical : Traces inductance / Skin effect ?

Is there simulations ?

Chip current profile ?

Flex cable feasibility study : Voltage drop

Page 6: Flex cable feasibility study : Context / Objectives

IPHC [email protected] 6 / 7ALICE ITS upgrade - Mini week 10-12 March 2014

Radiation length

Kapton flex 50 µm Xo = 34,2 cm X = 0,0146 % Xo

2 x Aluminium 30 µm X0 = 8,897 cm X = 2 x 0,037 % Xo = 0,074 % Xo

2 x Adhesive 25 µm Xo = 33,8 cm X = 2 x 0,0074 % Xo = 0,0148 % Xo

Total X = 0,1 % Xo

Total thickness = 160 µm

Al 30 µmAdhesive 25 µm

Kapton 50 µm

Adhesive 25 µm

Al 30 µm

Flex cable feasibility study : Material budget

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IPHC [email protected] 7 / 7ALICE ITS upgrade - Mini week 10-12 March 2014


Does it makes sense to continue this study ?

Now it’s a design in a CAD tools Nothing has been produced

Is there manpower to pursue this study ?

Power distribution – Voltage drop

Definition of minimum decoupling capacitors value / chip

Skin effect / Traces inductance

Chip current profile

Flex cable feasibility study : Conclusion

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Page 10: Flex cable feasibility study : Context / Objectives

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