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Everything you’ve always wanted to know about

back pain, and how to cure it.



Copyright © DORA PIERCE All rights reserved. No part of this guide may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or


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Legal & Disclaimer

The information contained in this book is not designed to replace or take the place of any form of medicine or professional medical advice. The information in this book has been provided for educational and entertainment purposes only.

The information contained in this book has been compiled from sources deemed reliable, and it is accurate to the best of the Author's knowledge; however, the Author cannot guarantee its accuracy and validity and cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions. Changes are periodically made to this book. You must consult your doctor or get professional medical advice before using any of the suggested remedies, techniques, or information in this book.

Upon using the information contained in this book, you agree to hold harmless the Author from and against any damages, costs, and expenses, including any legal fees potentially resulting from the application of any of the information provided by this guide. This disclaimer applies to any damages or injury caused by the use and application, whether directly or indirectly, of any advice or information presented, whether for breach of contract, tort, negligence, personal injury, criminal intent, or under any other cause of action.

You agree to accept all risks of using the information presented inside this book. You need to consult a professional medical practitioner in order to ensure you are both able and healthy enough to participate in this program.

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1. Introduction ____________________________________________ 7

2. Back Pain - Why Is It Bothering You? ______________________ 8

Ruptured Intervertebral Disc _________________________________________________ 9

Spinal Stenosis __________________________________________________________________ 10

Osteoarthritis ___________________________________________________________________ 10

Ankylosing Spondylitis ________________________________________________________ 11

Injury or Accident ______________________________________________________________ 12

Fibromyalgia ____________________________________________________________________ 12

Paget's disease __________________________________________________________________ 12

Other Conditions _______________________________________________________________ 13

3. Acute Vs. Chronic Back Pain _____________________________ 14

Acute Back Pain ________________________________________________________________ 15

Chronic Back Pain ______________________________________________________________ 16

4. Using Medication _______________________________________ 18

Acetaminophen _________________________________________________________________ 19

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) ________________________ 19

Narcotic Painkillers ____________________________________________________________ 20

Muscle-Relaxing Medications ________________________________________________ 21

Adjuvant Medicines ____________________________________________________________ 22

Anesthetics ______________________________________________________________________ 22

Steroids __________________________________________________________________________ 23

5. Using Massage/Exercise _________________________________ 25

Supine Hamstring Stretch _____________________________________________________ 26

Two-Knee Twist ________________________________________________________________ 27

Sphinx ____________________________________________________________________________ 28

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Pigeon ____________________________________________________________________________ 29

Thread the Needle _____________________________________________________________ 30

Legs up the Wall ________________________________________________________________ 31

Partial Crunches ________________________________________________________________ 32

Wall Sits __________________________________________________________________________ 33

Bird Dog__________________________________________________________________________ 34

Bridging __________________________________________________________________________ 35

6. Other At-Home Quick Remedies __________________________ 36

Inner Body Endorphins _______________________________________________________ 36

Get Enough Sleep _______________________________________________________________ 36

Exercise __________________________________________________________________________ 37

Cold and then Hot ______________________________________________________________ 37

Pepper Product _________________________________________________________________ 38

Ginger ____________________________________________________________________________ 39

7. Points to Remember ____________________________________ 40

Don’t stop moving ______________________________________________________________ 40

Exercise __________________________________________________________________________ 40

Confortable Mattress __________________________________________________________ 40

Posture ___________________________________________________________________________ 41

Sleep Well _______________________________________________________________________ 42

8. Quit These Habits to Fix Your Pain _______________________ 43

Not Exercising ___________________________________________________________________ 43

Bad Posture _____________________________________________________________________ 43

Lifting Incorrectly ______________________________________________________________ 44

Being Overweight ______________________________________________________________ 44

Smoking __________________________________________________________________________ 45

Calcium and vitamin D ________________________________________________________ 45

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Being Sedentary ________________________________________________________________ 46

9. Tips to Avoid Future Pain Episodes _______________________ 47

Tips for Preventing Back Pain _______________________________________________ 47

10. Fix Back Pain with Diet _______________________________ 49

Pineapple ________________________________________________________________________ 49

Beef _______________________________________________________________________________ 49

Turmeric _________________________________________________________________________ 50

Ginger ____________________________________________________________________________ 50

Berries ___________________________________________________________________________ 51

Fish _______________________________________________________________________________ 52

11. Conclusion ___________________________________________ 53

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1. Introduction

Back pain, one of the major musculoskeletal pain issues, has tormented people since people have developed the upright bipedal position from that of a quadruped.

Back pain is as much a part of the human condition as the common cold. Actually, 8 out of 10 grown-ups will encounter an intense episode of back pain sooner or later in their lifetime. Back pain is the second most common reason for missed workdays because of disease and the most

common reason for inability.

Luckily, most episodes of back pain resolve with time: roughly half of patients will encounter back pain help inside of two weeks and 90% inside of three months.

A wide range of structures in the back and neck are equipped for creating pain. There are the vast nerve roots that go to the legs and littler nerves that innervate (supply the nerves to) the spine

itself. The huge combined back muscles might be strained, and the bones, ligaments and joints might be harmed.

Much of the time, the back will heal itself and staying active and proceeding with your typical exercises will ordinarily advance healing. Be that as it may, in extreme and persevering cases it

is critical to look for medicinal advice so that a right conclusion can be come to and suitable treatment given, as treatment might rely on upon the fundamental reason sometimes.

This guide is therefore written to cover all aspects of back pain mainly the types and reasons of back pain and how you can fix such pain with diet, exercise, medication and changing your own


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Section A: Overview

2. Back Pain - Why Is It Bothering You?

Back pain can be a manifestation of joint inflammation or numerous different conditions. Anything that puts weight on your back muscles or nerves can bring about pain. Any sickness or harm to your spine additionally can bring about pain. The reason for most intense back pain is obscure, yet presumably is because of minor strains, sprains and abuse. Passionate anxiety might add to the pain, particularly since it moderates the rate of recuperation.

By and large, back pain will enhance in a couple of weeks or months, although a few individuals encounter long haul pain or pain that continues returning in episodes

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Some of the reasons for back pain are:

Ruptured Intervertebral Disc This might be the most painful, yet least demanding condition to recognize. A cracked or herniated disk is one that lumps into the spinal trench, pushing on the nerve roots . This causes the nerve roots to wind up bothered. A disk can burst in the wake of bowing over and lifting, or it might happen for no evident reason. A cracked disk might bring about back pain and muscle fits, yet a more common manifestation is sciatic pain. This is serious pain spreading down one leg and regularly into the foot. In some cases it is the main side effect of a cracked disk.

A ruptured disc usually can be detected by a physical examination alone. Sometimes a procedure such as a myelogram, computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is needed to confirm the diagnosis and determine if surgery is necessary.

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Spinal Stenosis In spinal stenosis, the spinal canal gets to be contracted. This crushes the back nerves and puts weight on them. It is this weight causes the back pain. Deadness, pain and shortcoming in the legs likewise can happen. The most common manifestation of spinal stenosis is pain that intensifies while walking and dies down when taking a seat.

Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is only one type of joint pain that can bring about back pain. It separates the ligament (delicate, versatile material) that pads the spinal joints and different joints in the body. Back pain can turn out to be more serious when osteoarthritis influences the hips or the knees. Osteoarthritis likewise can straightforwardly influence the spine, bringing about muscles, tendons, or ligaments to end up strained, which can prompt back and/or neck pain.

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Ankylosing Spondylitis Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of joint pain causes the joints in the spine to end up firm and swollen. In time, hardened joints can intertwine (become together). The most common side effects are pain and solidness in the rump and lower back (especially in the morning) that proceed for over three months.

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Injury or Accident Numerous back wounds are brought on by a startling turn or sudden movement. This as a rule results in muscle strain. With either a harm or mishap, serious muscle fits generally last 48 to 72 hours. They by and large are trailed by days or weeks of less-serious pain. It for the most part takes two to four weeks to recuperate totally from a gentle back damage. It could take from six to 12 weeks if there are strained ligaments or if the strain is more serious. Serious back harm from a fall or mischance might require hospitalization and a more extended recuperation period.

Fibromyalgia Individuals with fibromyalgia feel pain and solidness in muscles and tendons, particularly in the neck and upper back. The pain can keep going for quite a long time, months or years. The manifestations might vanish independent from anyone else. This condition regularly is identified with rest issues, poor molding or an old harm.

Paget's disease Paget's disease is a kind of turmoil in which the calcium in the bone spreads unevenly. The bones most commonly influenced are in the lower back, pelvis, tailbone, skull and long bones of the legs. Back pain might be a manifestation, however regularly there are no undeniable side effects. Paget's disease as a rule is found on a X-ray or bone scan accomplished for reasons other than pain.

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Other Conditions At times, back pain can be brought on by a harm or infection, for example,

• A slipped disk – when one of the disks in the spine is harmed and pushes on the nerves • Sciatica – disturbance or pressure of the sciatic nerve, which causes pain, deadness and

shivering that goes down one leg • Whiplash – neck damage brought about by a sudden effect • Solidified shoulder – aggravation around the shoulder that causes pain and solidness • Bacterial infection in the bone, spinal discs, or spinal cord. • Spinal tumors, which are growths on the bones and ligaments of the spine, on the spinal

cord, or on nerve roots.

Normally, more youthful people (30 to 60 year olds) will probably encounter back pain from the disk space itself (e.g. lumbar disk herniation or degenerative disk infection). More established grown-ups (e.g. 60 year olds or more) have a tendency to experience the ill effects of degeneration of the joints in the back (e.g. feature joint osteoarthritis).

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3. Acute Vs. Chronic Back Pain

Episodes of back pain might be acute, sub-acute, or chronic relying upon the length of time. The pain might be portrayed as a dull throb, shooting or puncturing pain, or a copying sensation. The pain might emanate into the arms and hands and additionally the legs or feet, and might incorporate paresthesia (shivering with no clear cause) shortcoming or deadness in the legs and arms.

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Back pain can be divided into three major categories Back pain might be grouped by different strategies to help its analysis and administration. The length of time of back pain is considered in three classifications, taking after the normal example of recuperating of connective tissue.

• Acute pain endures up to 12 weeks, • Sub-acute pain alludes to the second 50% of the acute period (6 to 12 weeks) • Chronic pain will be pain which holds on past 12 weeks.

Acute Back Pain Acute back pain is experienced for six weeks or less. It feels like an extreme, sharp pain or dull throb. The pain is commonly from a damage or injury, in spite of the fact that the lion's share of cases has no known reason. Acute pain can likewise be the consequence of a spine issue, for example, ankylosing spondylitis or herniated disk. Side effects might incorporate restricted spinal adaptability and/or scope of movement, and the failure to stand straight.

Individuals enduring with acute low back pain might lessen or even stay away from exercises in light of the fact that they fear their pain will increment, or the damage will deteriorate.

Such individuals might be not able work, they are less gainful, and their pain might meddle with rest. Indeed, even typical day by day undertakings get to be troublesome on account of the restricted scope of spinal development and pain.

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Chronic Back Pain Chronic back pain might feel like a profound, throbbing, dull or blazing sort pain that generally endures longer than three months. The pain is regularly in the low back and/or goes down the legs. A patient with chronic low back pain discovers it is more regrettable while sitting too long in one position, driving, spending long stretches twisting over, lifting, bowing or pulling, or notwithstanding staying unmoving (i.e. not practicing consistently).

This sort of chronic pain is because of an unmistakably identifiable reason. Certain basic spine conditions (for instance, degenerative disk ailment, spinal stenosis and spondylolisthesis) can bring about continuous pain until effectively treated. These conditions are because of a diagnosable anatomical issue.

In the event that the pain created by these sorts of conditions has not died down following a couple of weeks or months of conservative (non-operative) medications, then spine surgery might for the most part be considered as a treatment alternative.

Confinements of chronic low back pain are like acute low back pain. These pain sufferers experience issues lifting protests and moving about. Their own lives, work and social lives are unfavorably influenced. Pain is constant; absence of rest adds to an awesome feeling of exhaustion. Feelings are strained from living with a chronic condition, with not a single end to be seen. Depression is common, as pain might influence the individual's ability to maintain social connections because of shirking of specific exercises.

When Acute Pain Becomes Chronic It is critical for a patient to have an understanding of the difference between acute pain and chronic pain. With acute pain, the pain is a symptom of injured or diseased tissue. When the injury has finished healing, the correlating pain will subside. Not all pain that persists will turn into chronic pain. Different people experience chronic pain very differently. Likewise, the effectiveness of a particular treatment for chronic pain will often differ from person to person. For example, a particular medication or injection for a herniated disc may provide effective pain relief for some people but not for others. One problem is that not all patients with similar conditions develop chronic pain, and it is not understood why some people will develop chronic pain. Also, a condition that appears relatively minor can lead to severe chronic pain, and a serious condition can be barely painful at all.

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Section B: Fix your Pain

4. Using Medication

There are various over-the-counter (non-prescription) and physician endorsed medicines that can be useful in easing pain and tending to related side effects while an episode of back pain is improving. Cautious regard for pain administration is a basic part of a patient's recuperation, as acute or chronic low back pain can prompt melancholy, trouble dozing, and trouble practicing and extending, all of which thus can worsen and drag out a painful back condition.

Pain relievers are generally available in three forms: oral, topical, and injection. • Oral pain medications. There are many forms of pain medications that are taken by

mouth - pill or liquid form - and they each work differently and have unique benefits and potential risks. Some are available only by prescription.

• Topical pain medications. These products are applied to the skin and are intended to reduce localized pain, such as pain from a sore muscle or from an arthritic joint. Most are available without a prescription. Brands of several popular topical pain relievers include Icy Hot, Arthricare, Zostrix (capsaicin), Aspercreme, Ben Gay, and many store brands.

• Injections. Pain relieving medication and/or anti-inflammatory medications can be injected directly to the source of the pain.

Medications for back pain relief include:

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Acetaminophen It is reasonable to initiate treatment with acetaminophen (Tylenol). Acetaminophen is widely available, effective for many, safe in recommended doses, and cheap. There are very few side effects. One concern is consistent use of greater than 4,000 milligrams a day can lead to liver toxicity.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) These drugs are most effective in treating pain that affects the bones or muscles, and therefore are effective for back pain relief. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications are also widely available without prescription and effective for the treatment of back pain. NSAIDs provide an additional anti-inflammatory component that acetaminophen does not provide.

NSAIDs include medications such as ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) and naproxen (Alleve). For short-term use (less than seven days), these medications are pretty safe. However, there is the possibility of serious side effects with long-term use, such as kidney failure and stomach

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ulceration and bleeding. NSAIDs can also worsen pre-existing conditions, such as high blood pressure and heart failure.

These medications work best when taken on a regular basis. The idea is that the medication builds up in the system and work to block the inflammatory process. Decreasing the inflammation will help decrease the pain. There are a number of potential risks and side effects, such as cardiovascular and gastrointestinal risks, associated with each specific non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. Please talk with your doctor to decide which medication would be best for your specific condition.

Narcotic Painkillers These medications are ordinarily endorsed by a specialist, and incorporate codeine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, and morphine. There are numerous common symptoms with opiate medicines, including blockage, sedation, disarray, sickness, diminished breaths, urinary maintenance, and unfavorably susceptible responses. Additionally, each of these solutions can be propensity framing and in this way it is essential to utilize these medications for a brief time-frame period and treat the basic reason.

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Muscle-Relaxing Medications These meds are coordinated at the muscles as opposed to the focal sensory system all in all. Some commonly endorsed muscle relaxants are carisoprodol (Soma, Vanadom) and cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril). There is a danger of framing a habit with these medicines also, so utilize them just under the nearby supervision of your specialist.

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Adjuvant Medicines Adjuvant medicines are those not ordinarily recommended as pain relievers but rather which may be endorsed in blend with different medications as a back pain treatment. For back issues, they are frequently recommended for pain that is identified with the nerves. Adjuvant solutions can incorporate antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and beta blockers (commonly used to treat hypertension).

Anesthetics These medicines give back pain alleviation by hindering an influenced nerve encompassing the spinal line. Over-the-counter creams may be utilized to anesthetize the region, or nearby sedatives, for example, lidocaine and procaine hydrochloride (Novocaine) might be regulated.

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Steroids These calming pharmaceuticals can treat back pain created by irritation. In spite of the fact that protected when taken for brief timeframes, reactions and intricacies can happen when steroids are taken for more than two weeks. Symptoms can incorporate diminished creation of the hormone cortisol, which can prompt more contaminations, weight pick up, and swelling. Different intricacies from steroids may incorporate higher glucose levels in diabetics, and osteoporosis.

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Remember that any drug might interact with another drug you are taking or even with a vitamin or other supplement. Always talk to your doctor before starting any new medications to treat back pain, and always follow your doctor's prescription orders for taking your medications.

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5. Using Massage/Exercise

You may feel like resting, but moving is good for your back. Exercises for lower back pain can strengthen back, stomach, and leg muscles. They help support your spine, relieving back pain. Always ask your health care professional before doing any exercise for back pain. Depending on the cause and intensity of your pain, some exercises may not be recommended and can be harmful.

The best way to deal with back pain is to stay active and continue doing regular exercise.

Staying active means continuing with regular day-to-day activities to avoid becoming sedentary. Examples include walking to the shops rather than taking the car, getting off the bus one stop early, gardening and taking the dog for a walk.

Why it works: Stretching of any kind, whether static (you hold the pose) or dynamic (you move through a complete range of motion), can help improve flexibility and decrease back-pain risk and symptoms.

For the sedentary nine-to-five worker exercise is key for relieving lower back pain as well as reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes. If you are sedentary, then add some cardiovascular exercises along with the exercises in this chapter.

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1. Supine Hamstring Stretch

Laying on your back, bend your right knee into your chest and place a strap or rolled-up towel around the ball of your foot. Straighten your leg toward the ceiling. Press out through both heels. If the lower back feels strained, bend the left knee and place the foot on the ground. Hold for 4-6 minutes and then switch to the left let for 4-6 minutes.

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2. Two-Knee Twist

Lying on your back, bend your knees into your chest and bring your arms out at a T. As you exhale lower your knees to ground on the right. Keep both shoulders pressing down firmly. If the left shoulder lifts, lower your knees further away from the right arm. Hold for 2-3 minutes each side.

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3. Sphinx

Lying on your stomach, prop yourself up on your forearms. Align your elbows directly under your shoulders. Press firmly through your palms and the tops of your feet. Press your pubic bone forward. You will feel sensations in your lower back, but breathe through it. You are allowing blood flow into the lower back for healing. Hold for 1-3 minutes.

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4. Pigeon

From all-fours, bring your right knee behind your right wrist with your lower leg at a diagonal toward your left hip. Square off your hips toward the ground. Bend forward. Widen the elbows and place one hand on top of the other as a pillow for your forehead. Hold 2-3 minutes and then switch to the left side for 2-3 minutes.

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5. Thread the Needle

Lying on your back, bend both knees with the feet flat on the ground. Bend the right knee like a figure four, with the outer left ankle to the right thigh. Lift the left foot into the air, bringing the left calf parallel to the ground. Thread your right hand between the openings of the legs and interlace your hands behind your left thigh. Hold 2-3 minutes and then repeat on the other side.

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6. Legs up the Wall

Scoot your buttocks all the way into the wall and swing your feet up the wall. This pose is excellent for relaxing the muscles of the lower back and drains stagnant fluid from the feet and ankles. Do these pose after a challenging workout and always after traveling by plane. Hold for 5-10 minutes.

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7. Partial Crunches

Lie with knees bent and feet flat over the floor. Cross arms over your chest or put hands behind your neck. Tighten stomach muscles and raise your shoulders off the floor. Breathe out as you raise your shoulders. Don't lead with your elbows or use arms to pull your neck off the floor. Hold for a second, and then slowly lower back down. Repeat 8 to 12 times. Proper form prevents excessive stress on your low back. Your feet, tailbone, and lower back should remain in contact with the mat at all times.

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8. Wall Sits

Stand 10-12 inches from the wall, and then lean back until your back is flat against the wall. Slowly slide down until your knees are slightly bent, pressing your lower back into the wall. Hold for a count of 10, and then carefully slide back up the wall. Repeat 8-12 times.

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9. Bird Dog

Start on your hands and knees and tighten your stomach muscles. Lift and extend one leg behind you. Keep hips level. Hold for 5 seconds, and then switch the other leg. Repeat 8 to 12 times for each leg, and try to lengthen the time you hold each lift. Try lifting and extending your opposite arm for each repetition. This exercise is a great way to learn how to stabilize the low back during movement of the arms and legs. While doing this exercise don't let the lower back muscles sag. Only raise the limbs to heights where the low back position can be maintained.

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10. Bridging

Lie on your back with knees bent and just your heels on the floor. Push your heels into the floor, squeeze your buttocks and lift your hips off the floor until shoulder, hip and knees are in a straight line. Hold about 6 seconds, and then slowly lower hips to the floor and rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 8 to 12 times. Avoid arching your lower back as your hips move upward. Avoid overarching by tightening your abdominal muscles prior and throughout the lift.

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6. Other At-Home Quick Remedies

Mild to moderate back pain can often be successfully treated at home. Whether due to a sprain or arthritis, there are several ways to combat the pain.

Before you attempt to treat your pain at home, you should be cautious. Seek medical attention for moderate to severe pain caused by injury. Some types of back pain can require surgery or other interventions to resolve.

These remedies are most helpful for mild to moderate pain caused by overuse, lack of use or improper training. They can also help with back pain associated with aging and conditions like arthritis but you also need to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Inner Body Endorphins

Endorphins are hormones made naturally in the body; they can be just as strong as any manufactured pain medication. When endorphins are released in your body, they help block pain signals from registering with your brain. Endorphins also help alleviate anxiety, stress, and depression, which are all associated with chronic back pain and often make the pain worse.

Try the following activities to release these feel-good messengers:

• Aerobic exercise

• Massage therapy

• Meditation

Get Enough Sleep

Pain is a leading cause of insomnia difficulty with falling asleep and/or staying asleep. Approximately two-thirds of people with chronic back pain suffer from some type of sleep disorder. Paradoxically, inadequate sleep can make your back pain worse. This vicious cycle makes it ineffective to treat just the pain. If you have sleep problems, you need to get the sleep problems addressed too.

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The muscles in your abs and back play a critical role in supporting your lower spine. These muscles don't get a good workout during the course of a normal daythey need to be specifically targeted through exercise.

There are many simple exercises that can be performed in 20 to 30 minutes as part of a daily routine.

Cold and then Hot

Don't underestimate the impact of regularly applying cold packs and/or hot packs to help reduce your lower back pain and spur the healing process.

Cold therapy Cold application has two primary benefits:

1. It reduces inflammation, which is usually a culprit in any type of back pain.

2. It acts as a local anesthetic by slowing down nerve impulses, which keeps the nerves from spasming and causing pain.

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Heat therapy Heat application has two primary benefits:

1. It stimulates blood flow, which brings healing nutrients to the affected area of the low back.

2. It inhibits the pain messages being sent to the brain.

Pepper Product

Your drugstore carries liniments that contain capsaicin, the heat-producing substance in hot peppers. Applied to your skin, capsaicin depletes nerve endings of a neurochemical called substance P. Researchers have found that substance P is essential for transmitting pain sensations to the brain, so when there’s less substance P in circulation, the pain meter is turned down a bit.

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Ginger Ginger root, which is used to cure vomiting, can also be used in the treatment of back pain. The anti-inflammatory compounds in ginger can give you relief from a backache.


Apply some ginger paste on the affected area, followed by eucalyptus oil.

Cut thin slices of fresh ginger root and put them in a pan of boiling water. Simmer and boil it on low heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature and strain it. Add honey and then drink it. You can drink this ginger tea two or three times a day for a few days or until you see improvement.

You can also make an herbal tea with one-half teaspoon of black pepper corns, one-half teaspoon of cloves and one teaspoon of ginger powder.

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7. Points to Remember

Whatever the cause of back pain or a stiff back, the advice is generally the same: carry on with your normal lifestyle, keep active and take painkillers to relieve the symptoms. See more specific advice below.

Don’t stop moving Studies maintain that limited movement of muscles and joints is more effective for treating simple back pain than passive methods such as rest and drugs. Restricting your activity is important, but as the pain eases, you should move your muscles and joints past the point of the initial restriction. Simple exercises can help this process, but it is important to consult your health care provider or a back specialist for the exercise program that is right for you.

Exercise Often, when your back is in pain, the last thing you want to do is exercise. But certain exercise regimens can greatly reduce back pain. Swimming and yoga are low-impact and will also help in the goal of a lower BMI. Moderate exercise (two to three hours per week) reduces back pain by 20 percent overall.

Confortable Mattress A soft, sagging mattress may contribute to the development of back problems or worsen an existing problem. If a new mattress is not in your budget, however, a three-quarter-inch-thick piece of plywood placed between the mattress and the box spring may help somewhat.

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Posture Look for the posture that places the least stress on your back. To do it, stand straight with your weight evenly balanced on both feet. Tilt your pelvis forward, then back, exaggerating the movement. Then settle into the position that feels most comfortable. Now “work your way up” your back, focusing on one area at a time. First concentrate on the area near your waist, then your chest area, and finally your neck and shoulders. Try to feel which position is least stressful and most comfortable. This is the position to maintain when you’re standing, walking, and beginning or ending any exercise.

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Sleep Well You need to keep in mind proper spine alignment not just when watching TV or sitting at your desk at work. The position you sleep in can go a long way in keeping lower back pain at bay. The best position is on your side, in a relaxed fetal position with your knees bent. Place a pillow between your legs, so that as you sleep, the top leg does not slide forward, causing a twist in your lower back. Consider also using a small pillow under your neck, so that your spine stays in alignment as much as possible.

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Section C: Staying pain-free

8. Quit These Habits to Fix Your Pain

Back pain sends more patients to doctors than any condition other than the common cold. It's the fifth most common reason for hospitalizations and the third most common cause of surgery. There are many possible causes of back pain, which means there are also many non-invasive solutions. And it turns out that some seemingly insignificant everyday habits can take a big toll on your back over time.

If you're battling back pain now or if you want to take steps to prevent an achy back make an effort to avoid these seven bad habits:

Not Exercising The failure to perform any exercise, particularly abdominal strengthening exercises, may lead to poor posture and increased low back pain. Good exercises for back pain prevention include Pilates or other trunk or "core" strengthening activities that can increase stability in the back muscles. Cardiovascular exercises such as swimming, walking, and bicycling are also recommended, along with movements that improve flexibility.

Bad Posture Poor posture can add strain to muscles and put stress on the spine. The stress of poor posture can actually change the anatomical characteristics of the spine. To avoid back injuries, try to stand with your knees slightly bent, and place one foot forward to take pressure off the lower back and reduce back strain. When sitting, advises sitting with your hips slightly higher than your knees.

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Lifting Incorrectly Often back injuries occur when we try to lift heavy objects and do so incorrectly. Bend your knees and use the power of your legs, keeping the weight close to the body and also be sure to avoid twisting.

Being Overweight Keep your weight under control for back pain prevention. Being overweight, especially in the mid-section, shifts your entire center of gravity forward and puts additional strain on your back muscles. Try to stay within 10 pounds of your ideal weight to avoid experiencing unnecessary back pain. Exercise and a healthy diet can help move you toward this goal.

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Smoking Nicotine restricts blood flow to the discs that cushion your vertebrae and increases the rate of degenerative change, Shin says. Cigarette smoking also reduces calcium absorption and prevents new bone growth, leaving smokers with double the risk of an osteoporotic fracture compared with non-smokers.

Calcium and vitamin D These nutrients are essential for bone strength. If you don't get enough calcium and vitamin D in your daily diet, discuss the possibility of supplements with your doctor.

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Being Sedentary Limiting activity as a means of pain management when you're experiencing back pain can be counterproductive. Activity increases blood flow to the affected area, decreasing inflammation and reducing muscle tension.

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9. Tips to Avoid Future Pain Episodes

Keeping your back strong and supple is the best way to avoid getting back pain. Regular exercise, maintaining good posture and lifting correctly will all help.

Tips for Preventing Back Pain

Get more exercise If your back is hurting, you may think the best way to get relief is to limit exercise and to rest. Studies show that frequent changes in position and regular physical activity can help ease inflammation and muscle tension faster in the back.

Maintain a healthy weight Extra pounds, especially in your midsection, can make back pain worse by shifting your center of gravity and putting strain on your lower back. Staying within 10 pounds of your ideal weight may help control back pain as well as all the other health benefits.

Quit smoking Nicotine in smoke restricts the flow of nutrient-containing blood to spinal discs, so smokers are especially vulnerable to back pain.

Sleeping position If you’re prone to back pain, talk with our physical therapists about the best sleeping position. What is most important is to be in a comfortable position that you can sleep in to achieve the most rest. Sleeping on your side with your knees pulled up slightly toward your chest with a pillow between the knees is best during the first 15-30 minutes in bed. Prefer to sleep on your back? Put one pillow under your knees and another under your lower back. Try to avoid sleeping on your front.

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Improve your posture Find a good chair to sit on. Avoid soft couches or chairs that put you in a slouched position. Find a chair that will allow you to keep your feet flat on the floor when you sit. With standing, try to alternate your positions and walk around if possible. Have one foot forward when standing and switch this every 10 minutes.

Watch how you lift Don’t bend over from the waist to lift heavy objects. Bend your knees and squat, pulling in your stomach muscles and holding the object close to your body as you stand up. Don’t twist your body while lifting. If you can, push rather than pull heavy objects.

Use supportive shoes A good pair of shoes, with cushion can reduce pressure on your back. Avoid using high heels as they shift your center of gravity and strain your lower back.

Keep your wallet in your front pocket Don’t put your wallet in the back pocket of your pants. Sitting on a wallet shifts your balance when sitting causing discomfort and back pain.

Avoid heavy bags If you use a briefcase or handbag, make sure you have only what you need to lighten the load. Use a bag that can strap over the opposite shoulder, so the weight is more evenly distributed. When carrying a heavy bag or case without straps, switch hands frequently to avoid putting all the stress on one side of the body.

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Section D: Bonus Chapter!

10. Fix Back Pain with Diet

Looking for a natural way to relieve back pain? You may want to tweak your diet. A growing body of research suggests that small dietary changes can add up to big benefits for back health. A number of foods have powerful anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties that may be as effective as some prescription medicines for kyphosis and other types of back pain.

Pineapple Pineapple contains a host of very powerful anti-inflammatory enzymes that help the body heal. When choosing this food make sure you buy it fresh. The natural enzymes are not present in canned pineapple. Make sure you buy organic. Chemical pesticides can reduce the nutrient value of the food and contribute to chronic disease.

Beef Beef has had a bad rap because of saturated fats. You must understand that not all beef is created equally. Corn fed beef (which is what most people buy in the grocery store) is very high in saturated fat and toxic chemicals. Cows on feed lots typically eat chemically laden corn. How

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can you expect to get healthy when eating such an unhealthy animal? Look for Grass Fed Beef. When grass fed, beef is very healthy, contains very little saturated fat, and is rich in nutrients. Grass fed beef is rich in CLA, a powerful fat that helps the body metabolize fat and lose weight. This can greatly be helpful in healing back pain.

Turmeric It is a natural spice commonly used in Eastern cuisine. It contains a very powerful anti-inflammatory compound called curcumin. Liberal use of this spice in cooking can be of great benefit for those with chronic pain. The anti-inflammatory and pain reducing effects of curcumin have been well studied making this natural compound one of nature’s strongest aids for pain especially spinal pain.

Ginger Ginger is a root that has traditionally been used to help relieve nausea, indigestion, and heart irregularities. It has been well researched and is a powerful anti-inflammatory food. It works by blocking the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX). This is the same mechanism of action as commonly prescribed pain medications use. Therefore ginger is mostly preferred for use in foods to relieve pain of all kinds that includes the common back pain.

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Berries Strawberries, raspberries, blue berries, acai berries, cranberries, and blackberries contain powerful phytonutrient antioxidants that help the body control inflammation and enhance the immune system’s ability to aid in healing. Make sure you are buying organic to avoid chemical residues and pesticides. Hence berries must be taken in much to relieve you of back pain.

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Fish Fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. New research shows that the use of EPA and DHA (natural compounds found in fish) reduces pain and inflammation more effectively than prescription NSAID pain medications. Because of polluted waters, these fish can be high in toxic metals like mercury. Hence fish can also be taken in diet to relieve back pain and strengthen the muscles and bones of the back.

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11. Conclusion

Pain in the low back and neck is common. Low back pain affects up to 80% of all people at some time during life, and neck pain affects up to 50% of the population. In the overwhelming majority of people, back pain does not signal a serious disease or suggest that one should avoid normal daily activities. On the contrary, scientific studies show that healing is promoted by staying active, returning to work, and exercising at an appropriate and increasing intensity.

Back pain and its consequences are not isolated physical problems but are associated with other conditions such as social, psychological, and workplace-related factors. These factors, e.g., stress, worry, and anxiety along with the patient’s own perceptions of and ability to manage the problem can have a decisive impact on the transition from acute to more chronic pain. The obvious role of psychosocial factors in this respect suggests that such factors should be considered an integral part of back pain in relation to preventive efforts, in the initial phase of treatment, and later during rehabilitation.

With the proper selection of pain medication and a positive response, you can then start more active rehabilitation and avoid the development of a more chronic low back condition. You should remember that the point of a medication isn't to cure your low back condition; it is to give you pain relief so that you can more easily (and with less pain) address the underlying cause of your back pain. That may involve physical therapy, stretching, swimming, or exercise. Your doctor will work with you to develop a treatment plan that works with your life and helps you address the low back pain.

Last of all, you need to go for certain exercises that will keep your back intact and also not make you suffer more pain and keep it maintained. You should have good eating habits and diet and avoid foods that might complicate the issue of pain. This guide has covered all aspects of back pain and how to relieve and avoid it in future.