fitman webinar 2015 06 socio-economic impact assessment methodology

Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (SEIA) FITMAN Webinar Vegard Engen, IT Innovation Centre [email protected] 16 th June 2015 16/06/2015 (C) 2015 University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre 1

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Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (SEIA)

FITMAN Webinar

Vegard Engen, IT Innovation [email protected]

16th June 2015

16/06/2015 (C) 2015 University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre 1

SEIA methodology

Aims of the socio-economic impact assessment

• Analyse and measure potential social and economic impacts of new technologies and business models

– On the respective enterprise, its customers, suppliers and wider society

– For each trial in FITMAN scale up to industry level

• Identify the potential long-term costs and benefits

– For the different stakeholders

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SEIA Scope

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FoF roadmap (mega trends):• Employment• Environmental impact• Economic growth

People’s way of lifeTheir environmentHealth and wellbeingTheir community

PublicationsOutreachAwareness creationRecommendations


Three step SEIA methodology

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Three step SEIA methodology: step 1

(C) 2015 University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre 5

1: Outline the socio-economics of the manufacturing sub-sector


Status quo, example stats

• Bringing in stats, e.g., from EuroStat [1], such as:– Number of enterprises and turnover

– Organisation sizes

– Employment figures (broken down for organisation sizes, for example)

• Information on the effect on the environment.– The sources for this would depend on the respective

industry that is analysed.

– Could be academic literature, government reports, etc.


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Three step SEIA methodology: step 2

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2: Case study with new technology


Example value network

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Example costs & benefits definition

Actor Type Cost / benefit Related Performance Indicator (PI)

Actor 1 Benefit Reduced project management


PI1: Average lead-time to perform,

record and analyse test results.

Actor 2 Cost Cost of system implementation None

Actor 3 Benefit Reduced resource usage PI2: Average amount of resource used

before and after change


Society Benefit Reduced paper usage PI3: Average number of pages used in

the test results recording, archival, etc.

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Three step SEIA methodology: step 3

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3: potential long-term benefits of technology take-up by the manufacturing sub-sector


FoF 2020 roadmap mega trends

• Employment: Effect of technology on individual

employees, staffing requirements of enterprise, health & safety, conditions of work, job satisfaction and staff training.

• Environment: Direct or indirect effects of technology on

the environment (e.g. improved energy efficiency, reduced waste, improved product development leading to more environmentally friendly products).

• Economic Growth: Economic impact of the technologies

for the whole manufacturing ecosystem (the enterprise itself, its suppliers, the wider manufacturing industry and the economy as a whole).

16/06/2015 (C) 2015 University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre 11

Application of SEIA methodology

• Applied by 6 different partners in FITMAN• Successfully applied to 10 use case trials in the

FITMAN project• Key challenges:

– getting data from the organisation that is being analysed. In FITMAN, all organisations were external; thus confidentiality was an issue.

– getting business-related measurements for quantifying impacts of the use of new technologies.

(C) 2015 University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre 12

Actual results cannot be shared here

due to confidentiality




• Vegard Engen

[email protected]



16/06/2015 (C) 2015 University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre 13