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FISH FILLETS NG (Next Generation): WALKTHROUGH. Copyright 2008 September 1 by William Running, all rights reserved. Reproducing or copying any material in this document is not allowed. Last update: 2008 November 5. Twenty-two levels solved. ======================= CONTENTS. ======================= I. Introduction. II. Conventions Used In This Guide. III. FishCode. IV. Links. V. Contact Info. VI. Levels: Walkthrough. 1.0: Fish House. 1.1: How It All Started. 1.2: Briefcase Message. 1.3: Rehearsal in Cellar. 1.4: Library Flotsam. 1.5: Plants on the Stairs. 1.6: A Mess in the Boiler Room. 1.7: Under the Reef. 1.8: Closed in the Closet. 2.0: Ship Wrecks. OPENED

2.1: Drowned Submarine. 2.2: Picnic Boat. 2.3: Great War. 2.4: The Ship of Captain Silver. 2.5: The Last Voyage. 2.6: Altitude: Minus 9000 Feet. 2.7: Bathyscaph. 2.8: Amphibious Tank. 2.9: Eight Vikings in a Boat. 2.10: Return from the Party. 2.11: The Gods Must Be Mad. OPENED 3.0: City in the Deep. OPENED 3.1: House With an Elevator. OPENED 3.2: Welcome to Our City. LOCKED 3.3: Independence Day. LOCKED 3.4: The Columns. LOCKED 3.5: Uneven Pavement. LOCKED 3.6: Mr. Cheop's House. LOCKED 3.7: A Bit of Music. LOCKED 3.8: Crab Freak Show. LOCKED 3.9: Another Elevator. LOCKED 3.10: And How It Was. LOCKED 4.0: Coral reef. OPENED 4.1: First Bizarre Things. OPENED 4.2: Labyrinth. LOCKED 4.3: Imprisoned. LOCKED 4.4: Closed Society. LOCKED 4.5: Sleeping Creatures. LOCKED 4.6: Cancan Crabs. LOCKED 4.7: One More Pearl; Please! LOCKED

4.8: Telepathic Devil. LOCKED 5.0: Dump. OPENED 5.1: The Deep Server. OPENED 5.2: Almost No Wall. LOCKED 5.3: Plumbman's Refute. LOCKED 5.4: Adventure With Pink Duckie. LOCKED 5.5: Shredded Stickman. LOCKED 5.6: Real Chaos. LOCKED 5.7: Outraged Greenpeace. LOCKED 6.0: Silver's Ship. OPENED 6.1: The First Mate's Cabin. 6.2: The Winter Mess Hall. 6.3: Fire! 6.4: Ship Kitchen. 6.5: Second Mate's Cabin. OPENED 6.6: Captain's Cabin. LOCKED 6.7: Silver's Hideout. LOCKED X.0: UFO. LOCKED .1: Power Plant. LOCKED .2: Strange Forces. LOCKED .3: Brm... Brm... LOCKED .4: Nothing But Steel. LOCKED .5: Guarded Corridor. LOCKED .6: Biological Experiments. LOCKED .7: The Real Propulsion. LOCKED X.0 Treasure Cave. LOCKED .1: Aztec Art Hall. LOCKED .2: Shiny Cave-In. LOCKED .3: Giant's Chest. LOCKED .4: The Hall of Ali-Baba. LOCKED

.5: The Deepest Cave. LOCKED .6: What Would King Arthur Say? LOCKED X.0 Secret Computer. LOCKED .1: Tetris. LOCKED .2: Emulator. LOCKED .3: Garden of War. LOCKED .4: Favorites. LOCKED .5: A Hardware Problem. LOCKED .6: Read Only. LOCKED ============================ = I. Introduction: ============================ = *** OVERVIEW: Fish Fillets NG is a Linux port of Fish Fillets, a clever puzzle game from Altar Interactive. Fundamentally simple in design yet diabolically complex in execution. You can ponder a situation for hours or even days until you throw your hands up in frustration. You'll want to give up and try another level -- if one is open -- or perhaps give up altogether and trash the game. But you won't be able to because you KNOW that the answer is right there in front of you. You just can't see the obvious. So you keep trying. And when you finally figure it out you want to bang your head against the wall for being so dumb. Never fear. If you

simply can't take it any more, the solution is right here. But don't be too quick to take the easy way out. If you really must resort to this guide, Just read enough to get you past the trouble spot. *** INSTRUCTIONS: I have not included instructions on how to play the game. There are excellent instructions that you can get when you download the game itself (See the Links section below). Also, the second level (Briefcase Message) is a tutorial that will explain everything you need to know. *** CHOOSING YOUR PATH: Occasionally, when you complete a level, a new path will branch off, giving you the option to take either path. You can then select any level you wish on any opened path; it's not necessary to proceed in the same order laid out in this guide. ============================ = II. Conventions Used In This Guide: ============================ = *** MOVING DISTANCE: I'll refer to one unit of distance as a "square". If you lightly tap the key to move a fish, it will advance one square

left, right, up, or down. *** BIG FISH / SMALL FISH: Generally speaking, the guide will try to be unambiguous about which fish to use for a particular action. If you are not told which fish to use you either don't have a choice or only one fish can accomplish the task at hand or it doesn't matter which fish you use. *** INFO, NOTES, TIPS, SPOILERS: - - Info is general information about the game. Info does not reveal anything about specific levels. Info is always safe to read. - - Notes are overviews of a level that do not reveal anything critical and do not offer specific suggestions to solve the puzzle. Notes are always safe to read. - - Tips offer hints and clues that point the way. They give a brief overview of tasks that need to be performed but do not reveal step-by-step instructions. The tips may be all you need to solve the rest on your own. Also, if you're trying for a Best Solution, note that my detailed solutions are almost always much longer. - - Spoilers give critical information ahead of time. For example, failure to perform a particular task early in a level may require that you repeat the entire level even though you did everything else perfectly. The spoiler lets

you know what that task is at the time you actually need to perform it. *** SAVING: You are only allowed one save point at a time during each level so be careful. It's easy to save when you're in a position with no option but to restart the level. The save points suggested in this walkthrough assure that you won't have to restart the level but you may wish to save more often or at different points. *** BEST SOLUTION: The goal of each level is to clear a path to escape to the next level. For the first several levels, I've given detailed solutions for those who need it. As the game progresses, I provide enough instruction to assure that you don't get stuck but keep things vague enough that you need to work out the details. But at all times, the walkthrough is only a guide to one of many paths to take. If you're trying for a Best Solution, don't rely too heavily on this guide. *** REPLAYING LEVELS: After you complete a level and then return to play it again, you'll be shown the Best Solution and your own score. You'll also be given the opportunity to see an animation of your own solution. If you're trying for a Best Solution, you'll have to modify my instructions or use them as inspiration to

devise an entirely different solution. ============================ = III. FishCode: ============================ = If you feel you have a better solution than the Best Solution and wish to submit it to Altar Games, they request you use the following format: - - BigFish: U,D,L,R. SmallFish: u,d,l,r. - - For example, my solution for Level 1.1 would be: r4, u8, r3, U1, L4, d6, r9, d2, l2, R4, U1, R5, r4, D1, R2. This is the perfect format for describing a Best Solution accurately and concisely but it is not suited to the purpose of this guide, which is substantially more verbal. ============================ = IV. Links. ============================ = *** SourceForge: SourceForge has the game download, the official manual in several languages, a Best Solution page, screenshots, and more. *** SourceForge project page: group_id=104032. *** FishFillets NG home page: *** Altar Games home page: My website: *** PremLiana (Download this guide in Rich Text format): shFillets_Walkthrough.rtf. *** PremLiana (Download the official manual in PDF, English only): shFillets_Manual.pdf. ============================ = V. Contact Info. ============================ = *** If you wish to drop me any comments or find any errors that need correction, there is a

BackTalk link on my homepage: *** Option Two: Send an email to me at: [email protected]. Due to the high probability of this address landing on spam lists, messages sent to it will probably get filtered into the trash. It is better to use the BackTalk link. *** I do NOT plan any updates that provide shorter solutions to the puzzles. The purpose of this guide is only to provide workable solutions, not Best Solutions. *** I do NOT plan any guides for the PC version of the game nor for Fish Fillets 2 (which is PC only). ============================ = VI. Levels: Walkthrough. ============================ = ................................................ 1.0 Fish House. This is the main trunk. As you solve various levels, new paths will branch out. ................................................ 1.1: How It All Started (54).

- - NOTE: If you need the guide to help solve this one, you should probably find another game to play. * BigFish pushes pipe to the left. SmallFish pushes chair to left. (ooh, tough one.) Escape to next level. 1.2: Briefcase Message (225). - - NOTE: This is a tutorial level so just listen to the fish and do as they tell you. Push the trunk to start the show. Once you reach the chamber beyond the pipe, sit back and watch. When they stop and wait by the exit path, escape to next level. 1.3: Rehearsal in Cellar (375). - - NOTE: The fish will give you tips for this level so heed their advice if you need help. If you want to figure it out on your own, don't read the dialog. This is the last level where they will give direct tips. After this they give subtle hints but no explicit directions. - - SPOILER: When you get to the exit, you may find that you are stuck because you didn't look far enough ahead. Don't read the first instruction if you want to try and figure it out on your own.

* (This instruction contains the spoiler.) Big Fish lifts plate. Small Fish pushes cup/snail until Big Fish can lift snail into hole. Small Fish hides in safe spot on floor so plate can be released. Small Fish lifts plate and releases it (Both fish are now on top of the plate). Push snail onto floor, then push cup against wall (There is now room for the candle to be dropped into place). Save. * Entering the second chamber: Push pipe off ledge. Release hatchet. Push hatchet. Both fish swim into second chamber. Save. * Small Fish swims under hatchet. Big Fish pushes can under hatchet. Small Fish pushes hatchet onto can and then maneuvers can/hatchet to far right. Push on handle so handle drops onto can and then use hatchet to push honey off ledge. Push can back to the left. Push hatchet until handle drops onto honey. Push jam far enough that Small Fish can enter next chamber. BigFish can now push into next chamber. Save. * (Ignore the small pipe and shell.) Big Fish lifts pipe so Small Fish can swim into safe spot to the right. Big Fish releases pipe and then pushes it left so Small Fish can escape. Save.

* Push book to left. Lift book and push it onto ledge. Small Fish lifts book high (only get under it far enough to lift it). Big Fish swims high and pushes it onto next ledge. Book can now be pushed into hole to the left. Small Fish swims to candle. Big Fish pushes pipe onto book and follows to candle. * Push candle off ledge, then push it again. Escape to next level. 1.4: Library Flotsam (111). - - NOTE: This level is very easy but it demonstrates that there is frequently a lot of movable stuff that you can simply ignore (though it won't always be so obvious what that stuff is). * SmallFish pushes red book to the left and then swims up to, uh, the little smiley thingy. BigFish pushes pipe off its perch, then pushes it to the left, then swims up the right side of the central wall and into the space at the top and waits in the safe spot at the top of the central wall. SmallFish pushes little smiley thingy two squares to drop it to the floor. Escape to the next level. - - INFO: The "Ship Wrecks" path (2.0) is now available.

- - INFO: The guide will continue along the main trunk but you can also explore the new area if you want. 1.5: Plants on the Stairs (163). - - NOTE: It is difficult to give a brief description that guarantees you're in a good place to save so use your own judgement on saving midway. While somewhat tricky, this is a short level so you can always quickly recover your position. - - TIP: You need to get the shell into the hole near the plant. Don't move the shell further to the right than necessary. * SmallFish lifts shellfish up the stairs to a point just beyond the overhang and then lifts it off the stairs (Shellfish should now be touching the edge of the overhang with SmallFish pressing the underside of the overhang). BigFish swims under shellfish, allowing SmallFish to release it. BigFish raises up, moves forward, then lifts shellfish so bottom of shellfish is level with top of overhang. SmallFish swims under shellfish, which allows BigFish to move slightly right. SmallFish can now push shellfish off BigFish, toward the overhang. BigFish can now lift shellfish back level with the overhang so the SmallFish can push it onto the overhang and into the hole. Push the plant left and then back

right, over the shellfish and off the ledge. Escape to the next level. - - INFO: The "City in the Deep" path (3.0) is now available. 1.6: A Mess in the Boiler Room (193). - - TIP: Use the broom to hold the pipe while you sweep the debris. * SmallFish pushes log one square to the right. Push broom to the right, off the ledge, then push it all the way left and off the ledge to the floor. Finally, push broom to the right and then position SmallFish somewhere above the pipe. Save. * Now BigFish can swim left to release the pipe and then push the broom, sweeping all objects off the edge. Stop. Position BigFish to hold the pipe so SmallFish can push the broom off the edge. Return SmallFish back over the pipe so BigFish can release the pipe again. Escape to the next level. 1.7: Under the Reef (169). - - TIP: You need to get a snail under the mattress. * Push the mattress just far enough so you can

drop both snails onto it. Now push one snail to the left and off the mattress. Position SmallFish under the mattress just far enough to lift it so BigFish can push it onto the snail. You now have one snail under the mattress and one on top. Save. - - TIP: You need to get a snail into the hole under the reef. * Push the snails/mattress to the left until the mattress and top snail are touching (but not pushing) the shell. SmallFish can now lift the mattress, allowing BigFish to push the snail over the shell. SmallFish can now release the mattress and then push the shell until the snail drops into the hole. Then push the mattress to the right, off the ledge. Continue pushing the shell just until it drops off the ledge to the left. Save. * SmallFish lifts the occupied shell up against the reef. BigFish can now push the remaining shell far enough to clear the reef. Make sure BigFish leaves first as you escape to the next level. - - INFO: The "Coral reef" path (4.0) is now available.

1.8: Closed in the Closet (100). - - TIP: SmallFish will leave by the lower route, BigFish by the upper route. * Push the toilet paper one square so it clears the toilet but still supports the pipe. SmallFish lifts the toilet (from the point closest to the seat), allowing BigFish to rest in the depression below the front of the toilet. SmallFish can now drop the toilet back into place. BigFish is in a position to lift it, allowing SmallFish to swim all the way down to the safe space at the bottom. BigFish can now release the toilet. Save. - - TIP: Don't move BigFish too far. You need to move the toilet left. * BigFish continues pushing the toilet paper. Once BigFish is past the toilet but still supporting the pipe, STOP. SmallFish can now lift the toilet one square, allowing BigFish to push it onto the floor (Don't let the pipe drop). SmallFish can now access to the lower channel while BigFish escapes via the upper route. - - INFO: The "Fish House" path is complete and the "Dump" path (5.0) is now available. - - INFO: The guide will return to the first side branch that was opened but you can continue along any route available to you.

................................................ 2.0 Ship Wrecks. ................................................ 2.1: Drowned Submarine (83). - - TIP: You need to get the mirror out of the way. SmallFish will use the nut as a tool to clear the path. * SmallFish pushes the torpedo to the right, under the hole, and then swims back past it, to the right. BigFish pushes the mirror into the hole, onto the torpedo, and then lifts the pipe, which allows SmallFish to swim under it, to the nut (or whatever it is). SmallFish pushes the nut past the mirror, which in turn pushes the torpedo into the hole. Continue pushing the nut until the bottle drops into the hole. Escape to the next level. 2.2: Picnic Boat (254). - - NOTE: I'll number the six areas (between the small stones along the floor) from left to right , though you'll lay down the glasses from right to left. Each wine glass takes up one square of space. - - TIP: The wine glasses must be placed in strategic positions to support the pipe as it is

pushed to the left wall. You'll need one glass in section six, one in section five, two in section four, one in section three, none in section two, and three in section one. * Push the top row of glasses one square to the left, and then push the bottom row one square, dropping the first glass to the floor (so it's at the right side of area six, against the stone that supports the pipe). Push the pipe six squares. Save. * Drop the second glass into section five, onto the square just left of the pipe (second square from the right). Push the pipe four squares. Save. * Drop the third glass into section four, against the stone to the right. Push the pipe six squares. Save. * Drop the fourth glass into section four, against the stone to the left. Push the pipe FOUR squares ONLY. Save. * Drop the fifth glass into section three, against the stone to the left. Push the pipe seven squares. Save. * Drop the sixth glass into section one, against

the stone to the right. Drop the seventh glass immediately next to it (second square from the stone). Push the pipe SEVEN squares ONLY. Save. * The eighth and final glass goes into section one, against the stone to the left. Push the pipe against the wall. Save. * Have one fish lift the central platform so the other fish can support it from one square along its edge. The first fish can now swim free, allowing the other to release the platform. Escape to the next level. 2.3: Great War (257). - - TIP: You need to get one torpedo out of the upper area altogether. * SmallFish pushes the torpedo on top of the scrap metal two squares right so it drops onto lower portion of the scrap, next push scrap all the way to right, then push torpedo out and off the edge. Now head to top of screen (careful not to exit) and push snail into hole. Push snail into center hole and slide remaining torpedo all the way left, into hole. Head down to the lower chamber. Save. - - TIP: SmallFish needs to push the moose

head toward the door. * BigFish pushes moose head one square and then raises the pipe to the ceiling, allowing SmallFish to swim to right of moose head. SmallFish pushes moose head one square, which allows BigFish to safely drop the pipe by swimming down one square (remain positioned under the pipe). SmallFish can now push the moose head out of the way, allowing BigFish to release the pipe. Swim to upper chamber. Save. * SmallFish swims to left, near torpedo. BigFish pushes scrap metal to snail so SmallFish can push it back to right, allowing BigFish access to exit. Escape to the next level. 2.4: The Ship of Captain Silver (93). - - TIP: You'll pass the stetson back and forth several times. Eventually you need to put it on the octopus. * SmallFish swims up and left to release cap. BigFish swims up so SmallFish can hold stetson, then pushes pipe to right, then resumes holding stetson. SmallFish pushes shell into its hole, then waits in that area. BigFish releases stetson, then pushes snail to right. SmallFish raises stetson three squares,

then moves to edge of it so BigFish can push it onto octopus. Escape to the next level. - - INFO: The "Silver's Ship" path (6.0) is now available. 2.5: The Last Voyage (119). - - NOTE: I'll refer to the, er, residents as Vikings and number them left to right. - - TIP: You'll use Viking five to move Viking four. You'll use the skull to get Viking five out of the way. - - TIP: You'll use the snail and shield to move the battle-ax. - - TIP: You'll use the axe to push the Vikings. * SmallFish pushes the skull two squares to the left so it drops and then pushes Viking five (under the skull) two squares to the left, which also moves Viking four one square. Use the skull to push Viking five back to the right. BigFish pushes the shield to the right until it drops on Viking three. SmallFish pushes the shell against the shield, moving the battle-ax to the left. BigFish pushes the battle-ax so it drops and then pushes the axe right until Viking two drops. SmallFish can now push the axe and then clear the shield from the exit. Escape to the next level.

2.6: Altitude: Minus 9000 feet (307). - - NOTE: I'll refer to the seat on the left (with its back on the left) as the BackLeft seat. The two seats on the right will be the BackRight and the BackDown seats. - - TIP: Maneuver BackDown so it rests on the seat of BackRight. - - TIP: Maneuver BackLeft so it rests on the backrest of BackDown (To do this, get SmallFish under the seats and BigFish to the far left). * SmallFish moves to the top so BigFish can push the pipe TWO squares. Push BackRight to the right so it drops. SmallFish lifts BackDown so BigFish can push BackRight under it (BackDown is now on the seat of BackRight, not its backrest). Push both seats until they drop once to the next ledge down. Save. * Push BackLeft to the right two squares so BigFish can get to the the left of it. SmallFish pushes BackLeft one square left and then rests on the floor between the seats. BigFish pushes BackLeft and BackRight toward the center as far as possible without pushing them off the ledge. (The backrest of BackDown is now one square above and to the right of the seat of

BackLeft.) BigFish now returns to the left of BackLeft. Save. * SmallFish lifts BackLeft two squares so BigFish can push BackLeft onto BackDown. (BackRight is now one ledge up from the lowest level, BackDown is on the seat of BackRight, BackLeft is on the backrest of BackDown, the eye is on the seat of BackLeft.) Save. - - TIP: Now for the tricky part. Somersault the seats over each other until you have BackDown on the backrest of BackRight with the eye on the seat of BackDown (They'll be on the main floor, one step down from the ledge with the pipe). * Push all seats to the right side of the ledge. Lift BackDown (along with BackLeft and the eye) onto the backrest of BackRight, then continue to push them to the right until they drop. Push BackDown (and BackLeft) against BackRight once so SmallFish can lift BackRight. BigFish can then push BackRight to the right until it drops off BackDown, onto the floor. Push BackRight to the left as far as possible without nudging BackDown off the ledge. (You may not need to push it that far but I played this level too many times to try for a better score.) Save.

* SmallFish lifts BackDown so BigFish can push Backleft and BackDown once, onto the seat of BackRight. BigFish moves to the right, SmallFish pushes BackDown one square right and then lifts BackLeft, BigFish pushes BackRight and BackDown to the left until the seat of BackDown is centered directly below the eye. Push BackLeft to the left until it drops to the floor. (The eye is now on the seat of BackDown and BackDown is on the seat of BackRight.) Save. * BigFish pushes the eye and BackDown (at the same time) to the right so SmallFish can get underneath and lift BackDown. BigFish continues to push the eye and BackDown onto the backrest of BackRight. Save. - - TIP: The rest should be obvious. * SmallFish pushes BackRight to the right while BigFish keeps BackDown and the eye balanced on top. Push until the eye is up against the pipe. SmallFish then moves to the ceiling, near the pipe so BigFish can lift BackDown until the eye touches the ceiling. SmallFish pushes the eye over the pipe, into the hole. BigFish releases the seat and then pushes the pipe until it drops into the second hole. Escape to

the next level. 2.7: Bathyscaph (82). - - TIP: The microscope, telescope, and alarm clock are irrelevant to the solution but you will need to get them out of the way. - - TIP: The first pipe fits into the depression of the snails back. The other pipe goes all the way into the slot at the far right. The handset of the blue phone must rest on the upper portion of the snail so you can slide the second pipe. - - TIP: There are multiple options to accomplish this. I didn't compare all the possible routes to determine the shortest path (which is obvious when you check my score) so I'll just outline the basics. You don't necessarily have to follow these steps in the order given below. It won't be difficult to figure out the details using your own moves. * BigFish pushes the blue phone to the snail without dislodging the handset. Push the base of the yellow phone off the ledge, push the handset onto it, and then push the yellow phone against the blue phone. (I hooked the microscope onto the ledge and pushed the alarm clock and telescope to the far left.) Push the phones, nudging the snail one square. Save.

* Push the lower pipe off the ledge, into the groove in the snail's back. Release the upper pipe. Push the handset of the yellow phone, which pushes the handset of the blue phone onto the snail. Push once more so the blue handset pushes against the pipe, nudging the snail so its head is under the shelf between the two slots. You can now slide the second pipe across the handset, pipe, and shelf, into the slot. Escape to the next level. 2.8: Amphibious Tank (428). - - TIP: First get the warhead(?) onto the shelf to its right. Use the ladder to maneuver the mechanical claw onto the top shelf and then use the claw to slide the pipe aside, releasing the torpedoes. (I'm sure there's a much shorter way to do this than my way.) * SmallFish pushes the claw left until it can be lifted into the notch, allowing BigFish to push the steel cylinder and warhead(?) to the right. Release the claw and push it left (just far enough that you will be able to lift it up to the top shelf). Push the warhead right, onto the shelf. SmallFish lifts the claw and BigFish pushes the ladder into the open "hand." BigFish moves under the base of the claw and takes possession of it so SmallFish can swim to the left of the ladder. BigFish lifts the claw and

ladder as high as possible so SmallFish can push them right (The lower finger of the claw is now secured on the upper ledge). Save. * Push the ladder off the claw. Lift the claw again and push it onto the ladder. Push the ladder once so the claw drops and catches on the ladder. Push the claw and ladder again. BigFish lifts the claw from the base so SmallFish can lift it further from above. BigFish pushes the ladder back left, under the base of the claw. Push the claw to the right so it drops and catches on the larger ledge. BigFish lifts it from the base so SmallFish can take possession from above and lift again. Push the ladder right again and then push the claw onto the larger shelf. Push the claw to just right of center on the ledge. BigFish lifts the claw by the lower finger so SmallFish can get under the base. BigFish can now push the claw against the elbow of the pipe, sliding it aside and releasing the small L-shaped pipe, two steel cylinders, and three torpedoes. Save. - - TIP: Put the claw on the shelf with the ladder so you can get the three torpedoes into the central depression on the floor, which will allow you to slide the two steel cylinders and the warhead into the small slots near the exit.

* Push the claw off the ledge and then lift it back up and push it left until it drops down next to the ladder (so the base is on the ledge). BigFish pushes the torpedoes and cylinders off the L-pipe (keep the cylinders on top of the torpedoes). Push them back left to dislodge the L-pipe and then push all torpedoes and cylinders to the right, onto the floor. BigFish can now circle left to push the torpedoes, cylinders, and warhead into position to fill all gaps in the floor. Escape to the next level. 2.9: Eight Vikings in a Boat (359). - - TIP: Get both shields to the left of the mast (both pipes will be on the floor). * Push the lower shield twice. Push the top shield and let the pipe drop. SmallFish can now push the top shield onto the lower one. Lift the, uh, dog? and maneuver it over pipe nudging the top shield. Lift the dog onto the shield and push it against the mast, push the lower shield back left, then push the second shield left. Push them as far as possible without dropping them. Save. - - TIP: Use the shields to maneuver the, uh, hair? onto the Vikings so you can push three Vikings left.

* SmallFish lifts a shield so BigFish can push it onto the other. Push both left again. SmallFish waits on the floor while BigFish pushes the top one until it drops. SmallFish can now lift the left shield, while BigFish pushes it left again. Repeat until the shield is on the top ledge. Save. * Push the hair left, lift it until SmallFish can move right and release it. SmallFish can now push the hair onto the shield. BigFish lifts shield and hair so SmallFish can push the hair to the right edge of the shield. BigFish releases both. Push the other shield left as far as possible without dropping it. Push the hair onto it until it drops once so the flat portion rests on the shield. Now maneuver the shield to the right, pushing the Vikings right as necessary, until the lower curl of the hair can be pushed off the shield and dropped into the gap over the pipe. Get the hair out of the way so BigFish can push the remaining Vikings right. Escape to the next level. 2.10: Return from the Party (297). - - NOTE: I'll start by numbering the areas under the pipe, even though you can't use them. So the first working area is section three, just to the right of the pipe. (My reason for this will become obvious once you start moving the

pipe.) - - TIP: You'll need two glasses in section three, none in section four, two in section five, none in section six, two in section seven. - - TIP: To conserve glasses, you'll need to use some glasses twice (Lay down a glass, move the pipe, then move the glass to a new position). Do this in sections five and seven. - - TIP: (Sort of a spoiler but not really.) It should be obvious that you will need a glass to prop up the platform since SmallFish can't hold it up and BigFish won't be able to swim out from under it without help. * Sections one and two are covered by the pipe so place two glasses in the two squares at the far left of section three (just to the right of the pipe). Push the pipe eleven squares so the left elbow is on the second glass. Drop a glass next to the pipe, in the second square from the left edge of section five. Push the pipe two squares. Save. * Push the glass that is now under the pipe to the left. Place the next glass to the far right of section five. Place two more to the far left of section seven. Drop another glass in section seven, just left of the final ledge (three squares beyond the slot). Move the pipe nineteen

squares so the right elbow is one square beyond the glass (directly below the final ledge). Save. * Push the glass that is near the right elbow one square and then push the pipe to the far right. Move the tray to the left and position the remaining glass under the left edge of the hole that the platform rests in. BigFish lifts the platform three squares. SmallFish pushes the tray, swimming under the glass, and then lifts it so BigFish can push it onto the upper floor. BigFish swims to the right edge of the platform and SmallFish pushes it onto the glass. Escape to the next level. 2.11: The Gods Must Be Mad (xxx). - - NOTE: If you've been playing with the subtitles off, turn them on and pay close attention to the subtle clues the fish give at the beginning of the level. - - SPOILER: This level is a departure from previous ones in its objective. When you finally make it to the exit, it may be very confusing to discover that you can't leave. That's because you need to take one of the gods out of the room. They leave it to you to decide which one to take but I don't know if that means it's possible to get either one out. Unused items in

this level are: The ping pong paddle, domino, and pipe connector. - - TIP: (The spoiler is revealed throughout this level's walkthrough. Sorry, it's unavoidable.) Get golf club into the central area. Get BigFish in the space with the gods so you can stack them. * Lift the golf club onto the top portion of the small stone above the yellow god. SmallFish lifts Yellow until his head is level with the top of the stone the golf club is on. BigFish swims into the space between the gods and takes over supporting Yellow so SmallFish can push the club across Yellow to the larger stone on the left. BigFish can now release Yellow. Save. * Push Yellow to the left far enough to allow BigFish into the space to his right (SmallFish needs to lift the club). SmallFish pushes Blue left one square and waits in the hole in the floor. BigFish pushes Yellow left until the left side (the god's right side) is even with the left edge of the hole. SmallFish can now lift Yellow into the notch in the lower left of the stone above so BigFish can push him onto Blue. Maneuver Yellow onto the larger, center stone (The fish will need to trade positions). Save.

- - TIP: Get Yellow to the right, into the central area, on top of the club and with the bowling pin in the notch in the upper left side (his right shoulder). Use this combo to push the upper pipe out of the way. * For this part, you'll have to move the club around to whatever position is most convenient at the moment. Push the T pipe to drop the bowling pin into the center right notch of Yellow (his "lap"), then push it onto his left knee. Get him next to the club and then push him with the club so the pin falls onto the club. Now get Yellow onto the club and push the pin back onto his knee. SmallFish pushes Yellow out from under the pin and lifts the pin so BigFish can push Yellow back right far enough to drop the pin into the notch on the left (his right shoulder). You should now have Yellow in the central area, on top of the club, with the pin on his shoulder. Save. * Position Yellow so that, when SmallFish lifts him, BigFish can push him and the pin against the upper pipe. You can now get rid of the pin. SmallFish waits in the space under the ping pong paddle while BigFish lifts Yellow. SmallFish pushes Yellow onto the lower pipe and then onto the upper one.

................................................ 3.0 City in the Deep. ................................................ 3.1: House With an Elevator (xxx). Check for bugs. - - TIP: * 3.2: Welcome to Our City (xxx). - - TIP: * 3.3: Independence Day (xxx). - - TIP: * 3.4: The Columns (xxx). - - TIP: * 3.5: Uneven Pavement (xxx). - - TIP: *

3.6: Mr. Cheops' House (xxx). - - TIP: * 3.7: A Bit of Music (xxx). - - TIP: * 3.8: Crab Freak Show (xxx). - - TIP: * 3.9: Another Elevator (xxx). - - TIP: * 3.10: And How It Was (xxx). - - TIP: * ................................................ 4.0 Coral reef. ................................................ 4.1: First Bizarre Things (xxx).

- - TIP: * 4.2: Labyrinth (xxx). - - TIP: * 4.3: Imprisoned (xxx). - - TIP: * 4.4: Closed Society (xxx). - - TIP: * 4.5: Sleeping Creatures (xxx). - - TIP: * 4.6: Cancan Crabs (xxx). - - TIP: * 4.7: One More Pearl, Please! (xxx).

- - TIP: * 4.8: Telepathic Devil (xxx). - - TIP: * ................................................ 5.0 Dump. ................................................ 5.1: The Deep Server (xxx). - - TIP: * 5.2: Almost No Wall (xxx). - - TIP: * 5.3: Plumbman's Refute (xxx). - - TIP: * 5.4: Adventure With Pink Duckie (xxx). - - TIP:

* 5.5: Shredded Stickman (xxx). - - TIP: * 5.6: Real Chaos (xxx). - - TIP: * 5.7: Outraged Greenpeace (xxx). - - TIP: * ................................................ 6.0 Silver's Ship. ................................................ 6.1: The First Mate's Cabin (168). * Push the skull off the ledge. Use the small pipe to push the skull again and then push the pipe onto the skull (Don't push the skeleton more than necessary). Lift the big pipe so SmallFish can enter the next compartment, then let it drop. Push the octopus to the right and push the chest into the alcove. Get out.

6.2: The Winter Mess Hall (66). * Push the small table left to get out from under. Then push it back right and lift it onto the large table. Push the tables to where you can lift the small one into the gap, allowing SmallFish to slide the snowman across it and onto the small ledge. Release the table and exit. 6.3: Fire! (xxx). - - TIP: Take the shortest path. You only need to move one object. * Just lift the top right cannon so BigFish can escape and then follow. 6.4: Ship Kitchen (xxx). - - TIP: Use the blue pot and the table to get the yard (the broken post with a sail lying above SmallFish) and golden goblet over to the hole. Use the yard and goblet to hold up the upturned tables so you can use the scroll to get those tables out of the way. - - NOTE: The Best Solution for this level is 618. My solution is 985. * First, push the red chair to the right (You can do this later but you may as well do it now). Push the yard seven squares to the left. Push

the goblet off the table and then push the table onto the yard. Push the table to the right until it drops and hangs on the yard. Push the yard/table to the right far enough that SmallFish can get underneath them and push the table to the right. Push it far enough to leave room to push the blue pot onto the floor. (You'll have the yard on the ledge, the table off to the right, and the blue pot on the floor between them.) Save. * Push the yard onto the pot and then push the golden goblet onto the yard. Use the yard to push the table until it drops into the hole and then push the yard on top of the table and against the pipe. Lift the table onto the ledge. Slide the yard and goblet up against the wall, under the hole. Save. * Push the upturned tables until one drops into the hole. Lift the other table across the one that dropped until it drops off on the right. SmallFish uses the table/yard/goblet to lift the dropped table, allowing BigFish to stabilize it there by hooking it with the upper table. Push the scroll onto the upper table and then onto the lower table. BigFish can now lift the tables onto the ledge and escape from the little chamber. Save.

- - Tip: Use the mast to get the table out of the way so BigFish can get below. * BigFish lifts the table. SmallFish holds it up so BigFish can push the mast under it. The table can now be pushed to the left. SmallFish holds up the yard so BigFish can get into the space between the upturned elbows of the pipe and push it far enough to the right to access the lower chamber. Save. - - Tip: Use the spar (the broken post without a sail), sword, and upturned bed to move the chair. * Use the sword to push the spar one square to the left. Now push the sword and bed back four squares to the right. Move away, allowing the spar to fall onto the headboard. Lift the sword over the bed and push it onto the spar. Use the bed to push the spar onto the small ledge and then push the bed back to the right five squares. Push the sword until the hilt drops off the spar and then use the spar to push the sword all the way left. Make sure SmallFish is to the left of the chair and then bring the bed back and lift the spar/sword, which raises the chair. Save. SmallFish supports the chair so BigFish can

release the bed. Push the bed away and slide the spar left and then support the sword so SmallFish can slide the chair right. SmallFish swims above the chair and then BigFish uses the sword to push the chair onto the small ledge. SmallFish can now push the sword all the way out to the right and then lift the chair out of the area. . 6.5: Second Mate's Cabin (xxx). - - TIP: * Push the pipe to the bottom. SmallFish will use the lantern to push the octopus out of the way. Push the skull onto the treasure chest with BigFish to get the chest out of the way. After you push the skull down, BigFish will push the octopus again. 6.6: Captain's Cabin (xxx). - - TIP: * 6.7: Silver's Hideout (xxx). - - TIP: *

................................................ X.0 UFO. ................................................ .1: Power Plant (xxx). - - TIP: * .2: Strange Forces (xxx). - - TIP: * .3: Brm... Brm.... (xxx). - - TIP: * .4: Nothing But Steel (xxx). - - TIP: * .5: Guarded Corridor (xxx). - - TIP: *

.6: Biological Experiments (xxx). - - TIP: * .7: The Real Propulsion (xxx). - - TIP: * ................................................ X.0. Treasure Cave. ................................................ .1: Aztec Art Hall (xxx). - - TIP: * .2: Shiny Cave-In (xxx). - - TIP: * .3: Giant's Chest (xxx). - - TIP: * .4: The Hall of Ali-Baba (xxx).

- - TIP: * .5: The Deepest Cave (xxx). - - TIP: * .6: What Would King Arthur Say? (xxx). - - TIP: * ................................................ X.0 Secret Computer. ................................................ .1: Tetris (xxx). - - TIP: * .2: Emulator (xxx). - - TIP: * .3: Garden of War (xxx). - - TIP:

* .4: Favorites (xxx). Check for bugs. - - TIP: * .5: A Hardware Problem (xxx). - - TIP: * .6: Read Only (xxx). - - TIP: * .