fish · goods beet...

VOLUIIE . XXVIII Adv ertisem ents. Tb 11 S11bscrlbcr hu again adllod to loill lllrJ.:o and varied St.oc:lc,. few or llle IIOW· oet Jl!,.diug Alod.icincs and Sun-- dries, u follow• : G reen's August Flower, Buscboo'a Oe rmKn Syrup, 'Vanwr'a Safe Cure. C..ner 11 Little Liver Pills, W i.ttar '• &lam of W ild Cher ry, W yeth' • L iquid M•lt Extr"ct., ll awline, Mo tll cr Orarca' Wo rm Liebig'• Extr act of M eat, . Soap, Pear's Sha,·ing Stich. White Emunel (for tilling (for c:leanijing pnrp OSOII, ) :\lotti.I!On's Family Syriu;;cs. Lime Fruit .T uicn. Lcruon 5.vrnp, lt.npbc rry Sytnp, ])r. Wil01on'• 1l e1 Line Uillcrs Jo lu\l!on's A noJyuo L iui1ucnt T" m)'r l nclien (fur COtitinu:ss) Enos (fur -.·o rmK) ll nir Dy•·, Tricu)'ho1ous Tcuberrv Tooth Powde r, J::no's 1-'mit :11 oruy's Fluid Mngncala lkcf, It -on ftJIU Wine. No•lllrnp.i: Lym.Lit's Vrg•'llthl<' do do Quiuino \\' iuo H cllo ::;g'a As th mr\ l: .,uol'<ly du C.& tanh Snuff. E li rir, ll op ll •tten Dr. W alker' il Vin <'l; l' l.ltttoiM I !ollowny's Cu• u P utmnn's Vvrn gxt mdor l' nw. lrr rtb > -op d:. Ly muu'8 E11111l oiun s .. ..... .;u ... P utlh' l ... Enwloi U II Jo Clw•ry l't t.,lal I'icrco'a Go iJtn :\J ct b cte l l>bCtl H 1 y Jo Ptug .. tiH• Pull(•ts do N1111l\l lnjecLOrs Waterproof Nursing Apr ons do Spoogo do Bi l,. (for ch ildrrn teething.) Ftllows' Cow pound Syrup teedman'a P owuct-s HubLer for i:'eetlers -Do"llinnge Tubing. Aytr'a llair Vigo r, Day Rnm All en's Hai• · R e!l.tlror, Child' a .Adul,'a Tru811et, inurJ 'a Li nimPOL Cai•ert' a c .. rt.olic Soa p, .t'ullc r'11 Easrtlo W ri::h t 'a Uofermcnt.t.-d Wi no Burdock Blood Bitt.ers Kl",.ler's Cod Liver Oil and ){al t. ol Srrucc:, All en'• Lung Dalaa m Jud10n'11 Go'd l'aint, Judson's OoJtllnk Citrate of Cayenne Peppermint LoungCII, Ginger Savory and l' 'ood L ime Juiot', CannP<I Oysten;, Dcaiccated Neave'a Food Wood ill'e Baking Powder Y orkah i re Reli wh , W oroo.atershiro SH Dtiod Sa, ory, D1 iod Sago, D ried Tllyrue in Uritd M' Pickatooe'e Wathing Cry•tal Rotb & Cot. Rat Pute, Wax Tap ers Tooth Bru 11hre, Shaving Brubb es, Drealug Combe, 'F. T. Comw Riwruell'11 Liute J uico Glycerine do. Toilet Vinega , Coametiquee A*-d'• Plate Powder Conoentrst.W Lye, &ented Soar- Mind Paint.-in 1 lb Tine Umber, Sieflna, Bath Pip e 'Red and Y ellow Oc hre, Ouk St..tiJ.• , Beat Engliab Copal Vaniab-1 Tina Satinwood Stain, Walqut. Stain, Mahogany do. RoeowOO'i do. -,u-'0- BRIARPIPES,AMBF.RS, PERFUM· .1-.BY, Hair& Olotboe .HRQSHKS. t1r Preacriptloct oarefnlly c:onlpoaoded ana lh pare ctrup. , W. H. GU ARDIAN, .. y FIRE & LTFE AssumnceC'mpa,ny lJONDON. 1• NUMBER 29 HAR BOR GRACE, JULY 16, 1887 . J L (l II I New Advertisements. For Sale and llclail) ot TUOM PSON'S lft:Jical Otacc T HE SUBSCRIBERS WOULD CALL the attention of the :,iet·cbnuts of Newfoundland to their stock of FISH NETTIICS ' fo t· !I.e auson o f ! SSG and 1857. - --o---. Xow on ha nJ, mndc up specially for th e Is land Fisheries, and with particular rc•gard to their rc<JUii'Ciucuts, SEINES -FOi l- \Vo "'e prl'pared to furnuh any of t!:.J ul.tovo Sdoca of any w•gtA and deptJ1, ruAdo f roru the -SHEPARD COLD MEDAL TWIN E .- ThiAT•ine protlnCOII to"e ther with tho greal1!nmgl/; requi&l 1<'1 IIJitlul.<tnd ro 0 'flo e110 1\rn tno uut.uJ in a m •,n n o r nppror:ed by folUJrmeu,· are ready (or lUll; WIL L UA.''ii)LII t:Al!ILY, ASU 110 00 00 FI.!IUISG. TRAPS of "ny size or atyl e, madE to ordPr at abort. notice. I STANDARD- HERRING NETS. A II sitl't t-csdy for tl r fi\'ery. For gilliog 6Mb, lho CoUon uoqut:ttiooably aurpiLIICI any other kind, and ,is tho nuut proli.lo.ble to SHEET-NETTING for , maki!Jg or nlJl&lring Tt'tJli, or lWI ca n l>o supplied, in any size moab aud twine, at ouc11 of ordot·. COTTON LINES ' We can furnish Cott..ln Lino, TunED or WI:ITB of a superior quality, to Of'llon-. Write for nrdeling. W e 1\ro tb11 olde&t anrt l11rso8t tnrtnuJ"'\tlll'ere oi 6ah netting in the Uoitod Slate& 1 t itt our rfl' o rt learn tlte t e<Juirewcuta of tho 6ahorwen, ami produco tho goods beet Rdupt..-:1 t.o th uir wotntA. \Vo epin our, own Y 11rot and are the only manufacturers of the :SivporJ Gold JI«ial1'111illu which ltaa received tlu J.iyht1l ILID<ITd wherever exhiLit ed, intlndi 1 w U.o London In l.emationAI Fiahe ti<!S ExltiLiLio n, whero we the on ly G<JIJ alodal awarded lo •••tlOriority of Twinra ftnJ Net ti ng. . DhiOnfactnm•• from lhe rnw onr cn11t.omors e n on tho qualit:r ol O\l r good•, and t.., a111ored o f wt.OU( pouibu prka. C..u fil,l orders by wire .t aha..rt notice and will give tl tem carefu l atl.ention. ESTABLISHED . •. 1842. CAPITAL, ... i350,00G. Miilla at Boaloo, C'11nton tmd AM E RICAN NET & TWINE CO. , 43 Street, BOSTON, Mass, U.S. A.. . . tirPreJ>are for the Cold W eather by ordering . . your BE DDING rrom, \PS· o J a I w -, have the . larges t and best Stock. of LEG I SLATI VE COUNCIL .. o -- (C:W.ti.(ct.) 'hUIIIDAT, liJay 6tb. : roc Uau.. _..... Hou. C OLONIAL In ' mowing the eecoud of tllia. bill, aaltl, · ita principle Wtl tbo aamo at lhat a!6nued lu AD net or th o l..egialatoro puaed io I 880, the chief dllfercnco being in pol at of detail; tb!. meuaro prot<lding for tho of lbroo comml•iooere, wblle t be acl o! 18110 provided fat fin. lt propoaea to autbori&O tbo Goforomculto borrow a cor- cain aum or UIODtT. for tbo contlructioo of a branch lino or ra•l•tJ from llarbor Junction lO l'laoeQtJL Wbal bu been te rmed a nilway policy !. a matter upon wbicb oouaiderablo d ilc:u•ion bu talr.oo place. in both braocbea of our l1gialature, paat aix orae•en yeara, and there ia uotbi ng new or uolrnowu to l.ou. UICin· beOI regard i••ll tbe apptiCAtiou or a principle iolrotlucc:d before tho Legi•laturoae\ · en yurt I J!O. for tloia rea10n it waa uuooceaaary for biw to mAke any remarke upon tbe aubjtcL. 'fbe dNirabillty of CODI Iruel- ing tho propo11ed braoet. lioo Ia approHu of by men in promioeut rcprcHDtati•·e posi- tioua wbo c:onaidcr that largu bcnelh w11l hereaflOr 11ccruo from it to tloc poo11lo of l'lnccutia Uay, Furtu11o !Jay aud tb o weat- e ru pa rt or t bu Jtlaod geucrally. n. witbou t •yiug that tbe lioe already iu op- e111t ioo betw.,eu St. Jobu 'a aud Hmrbor vracu •ill deri•o greAt adflotago frour operat ion of 1"- branch u a !coder, lead- ihg to au augutentMioo of ita traffic. As •o 1uauy iotcreata •ill . be bcouBilcu by it, owinJ; to t ho l>Opulationallvioj: at tl ou wcllwar d, it caouoL fnil lo lo productive of u;ueb j!OOd . ll oo. pcutltwon will, o! courae, uou tbeir beat in Jealioj! wi tu th is meaaure. to ita bear· ill):l U tJOn the C9UIJirJ f\l lari!U, Allol UJWn th•t acction or it '" "!lich it muro "'l'ec:J"Ilf rcfcra. llo bl!J;J;Cd lC tnO Y<I tbat tbc bill bu uow read a occuud timo. lion . A. llAt:\'H, Lcforc lO tloe ui.H:UUIOO of Ul" bill, eloouhl llku to be iofur med wheth er the. ho11 Colo11ial &!cro- tacy lu.a ftuy Anlwcr to 111>ke to tho uot ic:e he (llr. II ) h• llli•en yu:eNiay to Alk , if at tile t i111o of th u preunl Heeeiv.,r General bci1111 appulutou au waa entered iutu by the hon. •be Premier to Clluat ruct t he PIAte n\1&- Hililwny ; •ud if 110 to lay n ccpy of thal Dl:reewent tbo of tbu IJo o. COLOII I.tL SCCIItTARr replit'd tlo at no •grcement b.ta bern entered iu to ll.:twven tb o booorabl u th e l' rcmiar au<.! the Geoc n.l for tl oc oLj •-cL atat.ctl. At reifi\Na ... , iuterchange ur tJriuto • iowa o( upiu· iona that way or moy uot hue paoud bu· tweeu tboao h •u uot lois pro· vincc to apeak, nor wu it ft quuat iou t bat comes bef o re t he tu ita ltJ;illa· ti•e cat.acity. With tbd p.riuto viuwa aou 1traira of 11eutlcrueu we I1UC uotloiog what· 10evur to do. lion. A. W. IIAnvr.\'-Tb e auawt r of the ll ou Colouial ticcrc tary to hl4 (Mr. ll .'s) queatioo wu very much "' be had expected would be. lie bad tbonght wheu bo il t b" t tho r epl y mi11ht auo him frau• making llAtewcuta orblcb ho thould uow tal.:o tl oo r..Apooai)lilil! of placing be- fore t bc council, which bo-wu not tn a poai· tioo to prove befor e a coorL of law, but which, be fe lt very tore, will recOmmend lllowaolvet to t.ho mioda of hon. gentlemen aa beariug tbo iruprt" of truth · Tbie hill .,o ue oow uked L<> aaent to, Ia one or t he era felL importaoc:e. and "'c<>nld not lot tbd mo tion p1111 without espre.;11g tho •iewa tbat he [tdd a pon i t, more upcciaJ. ly becaoao IJo bad. witb 1he ncopti oo or one provlout oocaaioo, aloraya been a eLroog and earoc at a upporteror every ralloray ntra- aure lbu bad beeo IM tbe ••cot of tbia bou. ee. It 11111 t herefore bo tbougbt that t.!Jo tllnd l•o wu now abou t to take " aa a auddeo change from hia former p<-aitioo, bot Ito cooh l poiurto tho fact hutee r- ed the lame couree tbnt loo h eld fr om tbe time a railwAy policy ora.s 6retaubmlttcd to ou r l..elfltlaturo; cont ending uuw, u be did tloou, tbal to atlemptto builu rai lro:.d lu thia colouy ou Go, ·eromeot acc:ouul waa 11kio to a crluoinal aelr and thalthOM wl.o would force aueh a courae upon tho colony were 6t tubj otll for tho Peoitentia ry or tbo l,uoatic Aeylum. llo b!\d ne•er ceaaod to loold lheee vitwa, while lluing faith In tho tl6cacy or raTiw11yt wbeu buill by tho atimulut of a ltonromcot aubaidy witblu tho rncana of tho colony, and de- 'pendcnl t he working of t ho' line. li e ehould like hefo ro proceeding rortloer, to uau re the laou (;oloulal Secretory t bAl any ron llrlra that 1nay fall from hint io dealing •ith thia meAI Utl', wbich to r o- fice t upuo th e Go1•eroment or th eir auppo rt- era, aro not m11d0 tbrqogh en111ity or ill will Uut lo diaeuulog th o act ion of the oxecutln duriug tho put year, he pligbt fee l oblif(ed to uae laugua11c tbal woulrl re- flect upon th em, but wltlouut ahy ill f etlinsr it way anw to Imply. lie wu no patty mao, nor iu any w•y oppoced to tbe GDf· e roment, but he wu -dec;ld•dly aud Jeter• mlnedty DJ.lpoaed to !hfl prlnciplo of tbia bill whiab they hne lal•t beforo the l:rre for We ba.,e beoc aaaur· ed by the boo. Colonial Secretary, tbat t ho prlnclvle of tbl a mea.aore ielo' acc:ortl wit!., and a ton8rmation of, tbo priuclplo ad- opted by the l..elllalalura or 18&). lu year ao act etnbtldylolllbt priocliplo of Go•· ernmeot bulldloa a ra1lway ••• pUlled, bul aublfqoeu(ly epbmltted to a j olol co miD It- tee of l-oth bcruau of tho l..ealtlllare, , .. ble!J, arttr looa a11d caraful coaaideratioo during ao enUre year, npatlialed it, aad a bill wu ..-dIn 1881 tile pdnelple or tbe Gonmcen& auderultiOJt aaob a wo,t, and baaed apoo tertllt eod oondjtloDI eatlreiT oppoeed 1.0 tbott audtr• tbe bill 11ow before Dl, Notblor coalil lartbtr "- lila or lnten· tlolli of &11t orf1iaaaa.ra ol Cite proHdare ill 1881 Urao aach a poeltloa u IIW propottel to ••• Ltplatara J,o.4ut .. d llle aupt rUeD lo ooueotloo •iutare. Oe I lie,_., ........ ., au .... opn ud abo" baud. iloe ... , .. •eeN& tbtpa!llra. Tbt.a ............. , froo•. eoerdoo uled towarda reloctaot of tho Lel{lalature, to MOUre t ho adoptioo of lbt cooreo wae propo.ed. Every mtiD· beT oftloth brabebre acted I.Wepudeotly to &Wbe.tof bilkDO•Itdp ability, lu tbe e •• top· lllf'beaTflr Uio (pt.eHI'- ol cho col· ooy. I& waa o_p Goveroment111euuro, aqme or tho mombera of tbo Ezocutin votiog agaloet IL. What waa t bo reeull or the i'Diicy tbeu p ropo11ed r'JDo !DOll eapablt body or gootleuoto that could bo folflld io tho colooy ... appointed rrom both bouaoa. wbo frequently met io COOiuhatio_o opoo h f4r oloo or teo moutbe, and oCteo at sreat pe1110oal iocounoieoce and nerifico of limo, aod what •utbe outcoroe or thdir dallbna. tlon1? AI lbe be11iooiog of tloe year 18Sl j betaiiiMI It ,.. made b7 three or tbo attention or tho jlonM to thia fact, tlemeo , membera or t bl.e cou4CII are oo., which tDI\Y in8ueoce 01 10101 wbal 1u ant IOI(iYO tboir t.o a bill to con- otber c:ontn.ctthat wo may make. Ulal littlo tQIDIUalO it. On tbt 28rd March. 1888, tl>e or bu beeo duoo to do .. lope agri- followiug warda ••re IJI9keo H culture aloor: &.he-li ne of road now in OI>Cira· AtlCruey Geaenl WaMwb pre- lion. '!'be Ralhny bu not &forded the ·aeal, actlug l're!OIIIj 1 "rtmeot. people tho no· -ry facUititt 'lbey contained llla ( r. U .' a th ei r produce to aot to epeak of euetly but lo more cxpreaivo laoguago agricultursl d"olnpment. 'l'ho lioe be- tban be could U1C: twuo here aod llubtlr Grace baa boeu Tho boo. Atturooy OeoonJ'a worda were little or no ttimulua to tbe people, to euler aa followa. Yi& :- oo t he puranlt of agr icultQro. 1 do ooc 11 Wbat doca tb1l moao? It mcana 10 Ia: the beueflta hllvo been ct'euo of tweoty- liYO pu dot upoo tho ca ifell by tbc accommotlalloo of pi'Dengtl'll taxation or laat year. It ia roaaiblo and frelc;:bl. but tbo line jbU not lncreued uot, I tbink, probmble, that esaggemto the wealth of tile through whkh ll tbeao No ouo knowa better thau puau 'l'ho tlitftcultyleee In the the bon. s:ontloroao what tho increaao of tax- way or accepting tho n!liDlntiona befo ro atiou frou1d be upon tbo trade aud co 111 tbo ch•ir Ia a. to the ac tin reaumption mercc of this country, especiallr when ue of r.ii••I work daring tho p.-na cooaidc:ra tbo preaoot dopreued 1 ituatiou or auruaner. Tho term l!heo to tb o ltaU- ou 'r allaiu, aod tbo doubtful futur o of ou r way Compaoy to complelO Ita c:ontmet trCL<.le rula•iooa, 10 far u they tlej)Clld upou haa not l'- all'alra arc now tho futhcricL Tho bou, gootlomau koowr in cluu.:c of tho Uankruptcy C ourt in bow a Jittlu add ition to burdona would Engla11d, and any uegotlat ioua with t ho abakc tuauy of on r finot to their fuunda- comP"n• would han tn be under anthnrity tiona, aud ... hnt am•ll loaet mil!bt lmpenl from tho Cou rt , aud it would be quite ro-· their aubili ty. u., knowa t hat at preaoo11 eible fur (lo o Go,·ernmeuL to &CC:<!pl t heso tho aro ahuoat tbe aolo rciOurco rnoluttoua aou pr:sctic::Uiy do oothins; ror of the country; and tbmt tbo wbolo Jaliauco tile ncsttwelvo wootha. Upon tho expi ry of tho !l$hon.oe n js upon tbo proapec\ or or th e uilway con tract, which will taka their auppllea. Ho ltoowe bow placa iu a fuw :no otba, Yery oleo and 'ftry aeuaith ·o our trado 11 ,1iko I be trade or o•ery queatlooa of law will ari:lft between other watiou. 1 t biok this company r.nd tho colony. Queetions t bot ou r tr"' tl• llu borne aucb a atrain iu tho powe r or tho Govorurneot to tbu put t hat iL ia perilous to iucreaao it put nn ond tn Lho ccmp4117'• cbart er. Uo· fur tbe•, uul eas a clear way to futur<l fore tfi'Cfr lillbilitiea accn c, is It w1ao I a.slt 1nccu!l is apparent. If pulling 00 000 for us to como in wittV an expreaion of etraio would reliOYo a moro eerioue ono, upon all poiolll to concede our l abould bo re ady to impose it; but wo call· poaiti on nnd uegotinto wit h people \fho not lbu t ou r oyu to the fact til at the bulk are in ddnult? lf wo contempi .. Lod en- of tho popult>uoo will not be bonelittod by turin:: Into irnmcdhtc n egotiation• with tho r 4 ilw"y at t ho oullet, but will buo 10 them, I II.'IY it orould be bisthly imprudent bear t ho burden of usaliou, ue•ertbeleu, fo r us to pl:>co In, their l _•and• aud We cannot o!To rd, for tbe uko of allording them th o pow.:r or o:ttortu•st LOrms employ 111 ent to ccm""ratiYc:lw few of tho fr om liS whi ch otloorwiae they would I.e un- ,.. ' to obtllin. M we woulu do by population, to lay to be:l"Y 1\ bnrlle11 upon , .. tlo ere wu oat ooe member or either bh\och io fuor or buiJdiDjl a milo Of r ailroad iu tho lalaod at Go,eroment nptnlo. No condemnation •u too atroog for ooo aod all of th•m to apply to any auch proceduru, aud tile Ltogialnturo in tlJAl year pronouucad it iu t'•o 11101t dtcideu t erms, and bto fore auy U>UJiure uclllillg n·Jtu tho con· atructioo of tho railway W31 paaac:d in 1 I, tho Act of tbc prniona )' tar railway conltrucllon by tbo Goferomeut., waa unan iuloualy aud from the Statuto' Uook. Now be avpealod tq tho Jl o u. (;olo11ial ::iucrctllry, and a ll tho hou mcnlbera of tllia houao, to aay Lhen: caul j be " wore cmphMic coudcruull· tion of tbo principle of the Uill now be· fo re ua, t bao tbat uuiteu aud ac· tloo of t bp Lei; ialaturo iu 11S!SI. And ro· 1oeobor. too, it Will at a time wl oeo t he c•r· cumatl\ucea or tho colony were iu a Oountb· ing condltiou : tba li1ncriea wero tho pooplo proeper out, 1nouuy wu circullllcd ood ablu-bodicu p3Upora wcro few. If lbat JIOiicy were decreed 1uicidal •hen our c'n ditlou wu Oourialung. bow much more ao ruutt it now be when all tho ioterceta io the colony aro ftnd tuc people are Ueeiu11 from a la nd io wbich t hey fail to fin:! CID)JIO)'UJOIII? Some of tho lDOi l capnblo moo iu tl11 : colony, who spent nearly a year iu couaidcriug tloe queltiou or nul way bu ild· came to tile concluaion t hi\L to do ao with tho of tbe colony would be dJautr OUI tO it; aou •hen 11exl the fill)• w"y qur-ation wu mootod. the GO\'l.lrnmlut aud l >rOCcctlccl npon an eutin:- ly ditrereut princi ple. tho tuuauro we are oo w callc:d upon to 3pprovo of was baaed upon tho aamo foundlltioll aa lbc Act Of 188 0, UAIOely, tbO principle or an open, not 1 Goveromc111, contract, it would tako a great deal of to conTinco him ,.,., tho an ti comretent bod, who then prounuuced to condemnatio n of Ulc colony bu>loiug railwnya on ita own ac· wero ic their judgtoeol. li e ahould briou to tho notice or bun mcmbera worde lpoh u by hon meDt\:era or tho Gonrumeot withlu the past tb irlouo o.oot he, eon•ey a deuun- ciatioo ol tloo railw:>y policy, and eaptc:inlly t he principle contained tn thia bill tloao aoy Ierma !Je could uao. l'bo Hun. Acti ng Premier, t bo lion tho aucl oumbera ol auri'Ortora of the Oovetoment do· claimed I RAi111t it iu no uocortain t onea, and be would Y en t uro to •Y their utter- a nces at the time coo reyod a aincere ex. preuioo of what tbey felt and beliered to be r iwllt; aod if unlliu s ed by C4!tlaiu eon . •iderationa tboy would tpealt tbo •mo atoti- monta to-day. h ia to uk wloy tlay do not do 10, 11nd, in r epl y to th11 query, tbc hiatory of thia bill may bo quot- ed. After tbc wu prorowued, ' in Ma!' laat. certain ntj;Otiatiooa were open. ed between uoc or toro of tho Go•eromdM aod of lhc: oppoahion of tbat t ime, and a baraaio waa made between t bem. On ono of early daye of the prucn t aeuioo, th e bon. tbc Colouial Secre ta ry mia· quoted loim ( Mr. II.) i11 atating tbM ho 118· aerted that th o <;Pihtractiuo or tho l' laceo . tl a IUilrotd wua brlbo to lbe liberal He (Mr. IIJ did not know at tho nor bad he tho remol oet conception tb o buildiosr of that road bad betn an ac tual part of tho bargain entered into, and be bad, lhtrcloro, repotliatod tLo imputation of ba•ing uaed tbe warda ib tho acnae at. tribut ed to bim. Hi! could not be- lie ftd that gen•.le1 oeo, who had ao emln.nt· ly dhouncc:d rai lt oad building at Govern-. meat upeoao, laat aouioo, could . within a fo• thort montha, buo awo&llowed all th eir protottatiooa and coneeoted lO a conrao •bicb they lleclared to b' fallacioua, ruio- oua Md uojuati.6tblo. Jl owovor, t hey did euler into a bargain to build tba Placentia Railroad, aod tl waa kepl rr om t he k uoor· ledge of oinc-Lentba of tbe Go•ern rueot, and efln from certain membtra of tbo OX• ocutl•e itaelf. Ooe orh to geotlomen, mem- bera of tho exec:utlt"c, m2do the compacl wttb mcwbera of the oppoaitioo , ' aecret con>pmcl, of wLich tb o bulk of t heir rarty and aupporltn wore kept in complete lguorauco Ho Jld no t believe tuftl tlto bon. A1ro o r tltc boo, Colo11ial Secre- tary, both toemben of 1l111 eueulifO, would ban deli.,tred the tpeechea tb ey •nado hero tbc 'I ho uperiellce of tl•o ) ).'\Il l ruolntiou• tho /eople aro four ycara i• eufficiout proof or thftt !net e ryi111: out for rRilwny work, an that thoy Tho han. moutbor .,. anta 10 take n l nq:o muat•tnrve 1111le" they get il. A de,lnm- uu o>ber or ou r 1\WnJ from tho liahcry lion of the auch M thi t, plainly and put tl oe m to r ail wo rk . Tullt hu th11t wo nre r cndy on nuy ter m• been done any tiruo during the hut four to u e;;othto. woulll be an exhibition of yeara. and II 000,000 hu been a pool weaku .... tlJilt muat CXJ>?&O the colony to t ho on rai lwa 1 a 11 d d ock work; and with what certllicty of their po,. tion boing taken "d· c:lfect u 11 on tho tiehormen of cruut ry ? \' Mingo 1 thoreforo am roluctautly lt l1 tr ue tbnt benefits hllve been compelled l<> conclude th11t it ia ioupoui blo u 1 o u a J ew in tho diatricl of tit. J obu'a 31111 that11 bill ahouiJ bo to thu hottAo iu diatriot of Concoj lliuo lla 1 ; buL il is wbich th e country wou ld agree to and yhicb a very r emark able fi\Cl tbaL it ill ill thoae wou!d pro\ i.le for tho reaumptioo or mil· very diat ricta tbat the grcateat deatitutiou way work duri cg tl1<1 a ummer.'' uow prnail1. The fact abowa or wbat li• t h.• Thcac (1111i-l tho hoo. mon•ber, Mr . lh.r· beneticial tlfecla upon t bo coocli - ny) are warda o r w11dour, aud wM tlon of tho people, employment upon tho in March, I SSG, baa It'D timu more tho nulway baa, ftnd bow inlldcquate 11 r emedy Ioree or truth In May, 1887. fie (Mr. II .) railwa1 labour ia for a llato 11 1 gre 11 t d e- •oulu hero direct llou memory of hou gQII• preaaion In tbo country. Wo took up the t lcmcn back to reUiolrke delivered lo thia rl\llway "'• t ime when t bc fi1beriea, tb ougb 1 01110 limo a go by tho boo. tho abondaoL io tl oeir produce, were In Sbtri!J, aud eodo.-.ed at tho time by li lrraelr, t htir normal conuitioo, and •hen wo con- u to the d<HoornliziuJC effect raihray work eluded lbal , t hey could aurtaiu tho po puli\· woulu hne upon our people; a.nd, al- tioA for &Otllc timo. lt wu anticipated th ough. prob•bly,th e hoo. Attoruoy thot the people woulu in th e beginning or hat! nn er read a apeecb ol ou111, we lind railway operarlooa be drnwn into tho p ro· hirn tho aame aentiu>tnla. In whu ercutiou or otber induatriea, aud t hat 111 a way ia tho lhilway Company In a di!Tereu& little t ime thoro would be a pra-pect of im· position fro m that in wb lcb it aklod wloen of luwbe rera and farm era which t. ho fi rat I•• officer of tJ,e Go•erumeo tapoko would tend to iucreuo oat only •be popu-· lho10 warda? li e (.llr. 11.) b:lving quoted latioo, buL \he r efonuo. It wu not. ., 1 . 10 fnlly from ilia ap«c:h, thought It fair pee led tb:lL in 10 abo rt a limo tho lO IUJd lbat a Cll\uao Inward tho OnU of h, would fail aa t hey bne tto.. o, but that to 10mo utoot, modifiet tbo f orce of tho tb ey hue 11> 11 continued aolliciently Attorney Ganor al'a atriotu rCII aa to the I'll\· productive to ena!JIO th o nahermeu to pay c:cutil\ Hail way, ,PrDt'ldtd tllo country bad without aeri ous difUe ulty. money to a pond lna:ead or btiniC l•r-•t It waa well tbaL many woulu for ICUDI : and t l1o qoietioo . bet weep tho derifc no beMfit fr om t be nil way: but it Newfoundland ltailway (;ompany and tho wutbooght that"I t hll impoaitiooor 1 ti 11 ht- Go vernment been finally aot at rell: ly iocreued burdcoe on tbe peopl e, per- buL tho conditions tbat at that time deter· •oanoo hdnn tllgo would accrue to the co 110 mintd tu o Attornoy General to oppoeo tho try . !Jut now, acc ording to the abowlug l' lnccnt il\ Rftilroad are aH intectilicd to·d"1· of tbe boc geotlumau himaelf, tbe baa Tha t aoulclahow that be wu oot in fu or turu<td oat far dill'eroutly. Nothlug baa 1 o of bullJitig a GoYCrnmeot or any railway, 81·· uddened 101 iu my vi c we upon railway ccpt by admuluing IL with an aunual au b. toattera u tho atl\leanoot wbl.:h the ho u. tidy. and that principtd be (Mr. 11 ) would grotleman baa gi , eo ua of tbo condition of euuorao it tb o muoa of the colony .. auld t he fl•henn<n nf our coun try . 1- ' or IIIMIY alford it. Now lot ua como to tho opiuiona yura to como tbc tupa1e r11 mull be our of tbt hon. the Speaker of the Anerubly, tiabermen, aod th oy will bne to bear lbo deli,ored 'Upon tho :Jltt Uarch, IS!IU : llurden or any iucrcued npenditurc; aod "A Ralloray to Placentia would d11ubtlou lbll boo . · gontlcmau repretonted their bo a groat boon to that dlatrict, and to condition 111 hopei ... , cannot expecL t hat Jiatricta imlllediately adj olnin< St. Jolon's, they wilt be able to bear aoy!Hiuier bur- wbicb aro re p,.onted l.y hon. 11entleme•t dec than they do no.. . The !labermou orpo&ito aou .. hleh hue already r icoi' ed eo muat pay t hetascuntil a vopulation u.ueb. h would donbtleaa a ap againal 111. llut tbc bon uew An to thou dlatricta, and tho return It no•• l bal tb e groorth of tho l umboriog of tuoao • halcyon day•' when men of certain tnduat ry muaL be very alo or, and he muat diatrlctahvou t ua certain auruuolent felietly, at reo tbwt tbo peo ple wben l h6 rtgardlea of the mo rrow, and aa to filbcr let are ao decliulug, pay a aubtidy tbu righta ol othlr It b a which they abouhl b"'c impoaed upon tbem n1alter or dotp but It cauootbo onr. at a t ime tl>e llaberiu were in a more looked, that thOM diatncta wbic:b are no.,.. be..lthy condition. I tbiok that ( arn 10 loudl1 for tho retampt loo of wben l aa1 tbal t he oon tuat railway work. which mun• wort iu tl•o l tallway wu lO the colony iA equiu- t buir owu mld. t, are tboao winch hlfe at - lent to tho ''king of th o whole of tltu II all- rea.ty r ec:dnd ao Uluch. It i1 to tu Fieh ory Awaru. I merely mention thia H11d, u I bav" already pointed out, that f11 in for tho purpo111 of ahowina t ha t apltt of all tho aoormoua. and uceptlonal, tho tinancial cou<.lition or t he colonJ baa anu u nupeoted expenditure of ouraid., chao,:ted ainto .,e comtut ltailwa1 work, CApital in theu WO&' workt of wbroh ::it. and lb t e cradtt or tb., coluny bu been Jo hn't h11 nailed, lo tpit<t or hro,_;l u • all'ect y. 'fb oao cauua C<J · operat- penditu ro for tile relief of tbe poor; lu ing wltb fal " 6aberiea and bad ti01ea apile of o•erd111wo account fori:Jpeolal fm. •null bavo a • o: ry dau etrecl tho rronl"\oow, for 11\uitary purpotc:a ami other a'-ndin11 of tho colony, it we uucon1idered chnrgea, ::IL Jobn'a l::aalaud uodertako work ontir.:ly beyoni.l our anunL Wm hu pll..d op a debt Oftor the OY er- In a ll our bnuortaltinga we molt hue ro drawo a ceou ut ior he rQ&I'la,ofeomeSI6,000 gatd not on ly to t he abillly or our people (forty -tl ve thoutaod dol lara) Uoea lbe hoa. lO pay t11e tuu, ,... rnoe t ml10 ban now propoM •• lllroutd re· reaa•d to lhe ereuit of lll• aumo tht'lo expe11uituree, the bulk of wblela bocauee upon tiJ&t uepeodeln a lar11e Ill••· baa boteLof<ll'e eomt to Ul from rureiau eure the aubcea of llur buain e" aud t111du capital, which lnoto ltttl 110 1-' operationa. h onnuot bo dtoltd that tbe or Goverumeo& II.Wilitt? A ad doM IN llue alreatlr in exltteoce glYea ,·erylhtle M rloualy propott tbal wo ·uould uc lt , ia no doubt er IOttlt oounnl· ouraelvH aod ro-terily for tlll.t ut,oplaa ea eooe o a lacao number or our people, bot urprlae, by ,..a•lnl tbla 11ew rall•a1 un- lta beoe6te jlo not exteud be1ood tbaL. It tkrwkilllf upoa our o•• monoya t If Ia Ia •a debit to titA oolooy with nry liule to of tbe..o ad\' .. ldio .. expeodll•'" · ahow by way or crtdh. I han takeo tho wblclo , (or aa, were eaperl•eu .. l, trouble to look at 101111 llaarea fur11ial••d by ani wW<IIa ahould haM , .. ,11, 111 •let!-. Mr. ij . ...... for dot pnrpoM or pthrlng • wit bout (Q0Ut!1. &lid without prioa,' - I'll'• fro• thew I he to tl1t Uou•pany fro•u aurne tlteM railway ettlat'Priln a& - ttrll r ile opentlcct or tbe II" Now, whit re· coal, wlaat Ia to lie tltt,_l, t•• to tbt t!am of frei!lbl to '" II ) '---' th Ita Mel tre1 :Wy ""'1 ba• a trilll"• :a111ooa& --'well. ( .. r. - .... - 1 _ , v -. ,,._, wort!• of 6M ............. IIOWM .. Fer the ;.. the Compan7 rNtlftd 1111 Utla bill ap crt iUOII r, tilt canf ... of tla.-1"• to oat of a11p "" ladldlrin olf, wlaola I& 1e tit a raaDiar of tiM !lee. le I• Ita ''"' ' "" (11'ochaot1oo . With nprd Wet at taoftM Sbow .Rooma, Duckworth St.; factory, Road, .St. John'• '' Worn ,.. lAcWai-. Mil ... r •• ,IJ, op1111, ud laootltiJ dlaea;itcl bJ beti bftltObte ; •o priY..q wu to, uo II they bad beoo C:Ojtni:zut tbal berore t be amalgamatiou took place tbo bon tl•o Premier bad bound hlmaelf, o.ud pledged tbo GOY• ernroeot, of which he waa tbo bead, to bulltJ tbia Plaeeutlll Rallway. Uo aalt· td ror Ute corretpoodancc cootaiulog t ho t rrnu, bo t It Ia noL forlhcomm11. 'l'bia, howoftr, be would •or t. tha' but for lbt Premier'• letter, lbe COllttull or which be !&ad beard from many aourcu, aad tbo way •bit matter wu aubmluod to tho lo· nr bouH, tbe preaauro u10d to further the aolu:me, tbla bill woolll ae'er bavo aoco tbe llgbt or day. 'fbut bu tbe maio t.ody of tbt ,aupporte ra or tl!o Oo ... eroment in an- pitH. been eoereed to Ullut co a lllt-re, wbleb, if lela to tilt dictatre or tb.U owa and NUOD, I bey oner woald bate •aotloaed. Hwu rNCiahaed publicly tlaroaJboul tbo co81try that out of cbe obltf I&MMI•• that actuated the Thor· baro oo oo10lol loto power ,.. to ctulJtll &tid reltrte lbt eatnn,rao• u,.edltora of llltlr and ruo Uae a..ero-nl .,.. Nalld -c•rolal P'laalpiH AU wUd· ea& nttrpriefe •era &o be -hewlld, npelldltaro red.-1 ao" tooa-y ... Ill be tlat orar of till da1. Opoe •ola ptfaclpl• we ••ro tol" tbt Ooftrolll .. t •• to lae worked, bat all "" roYIIIICI ap,. a otrtalo cla1 I• Jaly ,_. •bn &be bupla refcrrect to waa •lode, aad tallanl t'enlopmeat alo"¥ tbt bloh-llala CoeMII. Railway, aotltl re .. rdt h haYI•I a :.a...,.todllow ..... , la1 apoa f11&ure oporrelloct, I no!d otll · .

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Page 1: FISH · goods beet Rdupt..-:1 t.o thuir wotntA. \Vo epin our, own Y 11rot and are the only manufacturers


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Tb11 S11bscrlbcr hu again adllod to loill lllrJ.:o and varied St.oc:lc,. few or llle IIOW·

oet Jl!,.diug P.ten~ Alod.icincs and Sun-­dries, u follow• :

G reen's August Flower, Buscboo'a Oe rmKn Syrup, 'Vanwr'a Safe Cure. C..ner11 Little Liver Pills, W i.ttar'• &lam of W ild Cher ry, W yeth'• L iquid M•lt Extr"ct., llawline, M o tllc r Orarca' W orm Exlenniot~lor. Liebig'• Extract of M eat, . Pt'~tr'a Soap, Pear's Sha,·ing Stich. White Emunel (for tilling ~th,) Bco~ino (for c:leanijing pnrpOSOII,) :\lotti.I!On's Family Syriu;;cs. Lime Fruit .T uicn. Lcruon 5.vrnp, lt.npbcrry Sytnp, ])r. Wil01on'• 1le1 Line Uillcrs J o lu\l!on's A noJyuo L iui1ucnt T "m)'r l nclien (fur COtitinu:ss) Enos ~cJic::ut-d ~u~r (fur -.·o rmK) Guard'~ ll nir Dy•·, Tricu)'ho1ous Tcuberrv Tooth Powder, J::no's 1-'mit &I~ :11 oruy's Fluid Mngncala lkcf, It-on ftJIU Wine. No•lllrnp.i: Lym.Lit's Vrg•'llthl<' Disco,·or~

do do Quiuino \\' iuo H cllo::;g'a A s th mr\ l:.,uol'<ly

du C.& tanh Snuff. D><lfy'~ E lirir, llop ll•tten Dr. W alker'il Vin<'l;• l' l.ltttoiM I !ollowny's C~ru Cu• u P utmnn's Vvrn gxtmdor h !•~<tin~'• ! rt~··ct l'nw.lrr ~ rtb >-op d:. Ly muu'8 E11111loiun A~ crs s .. n~-..... .;u ... P utlh' l ... EnwloiUII

Jo Clw•ry l't•,·t.,lal I'ic rco'a GoiJtn :\Jctb cte l l>bCtl H 1 y

Jo Ptug .. tiH• Pull(•ts do N1111l\l lnjecLOrs

Waterproof Nursing Aprons do Spoogo Du~s do Bil,. (for childrrn teething.)

Ftllows' Cow pound Syrup teedman'a Tcc~hin~t P owuct-s

HubLer Tuloin~ for i:'eetlers -Do"llinnge Tubing. Aytr'a llair Vigor, Day Rnm Allen's Hai•· R e!l.tlror, Child' a Tru~ .Adul,'a Tru811et, ~~ inurJ'a Li nimPOL Cai•ert'a c .. rt.olic Soa p, .t'ullc r'11 Easrtlo W ri::ht 'a Uofermcnt.t.-d Wino Burdock Blood Bitt.ers Kl",.ler's Cod Liver Oil and ){alt. ~nco ol Srrucc:, Allen'• Lung Dalaa m Jud10n'11 Go'd l'aint, Judson's OoJtllnk Citrate of )lagnet~ia, Cayenne J~zengts Peppermint LoungCII, Ginger ~~ea Savory and Moore'~ l''ood L ime Juiot', CannP<I Oysten;, Dcaiccated Cocoonu~, Neave'a Food Woodill'e Baking Powde r Y orkahire Reliwh, W o roo.atershiro SH Dtiod Sa,•ory, D1 iod Sago, D ried Tllyrue Vio~r in bot~lee, Uritd M' Pickatooe'e Wathing Cry•tal Rotb & Cot. Rat Pute, Wax Tapers Tooth Bru11hre, Shaving Brubbes, Drealug Combe, 'F. T. Comw Riwruell'11 Liute J uico a~ Glycerine

do. Toilet Vinega , Coametiquee A*-d'• Plate Powder Conoentrst.W Lye, &ented Soar-Mind Paint.-in 1 lb Tine Umber, Sieflna, Bath Pipe 'Red and Yellow Ochre, Ouk St..tiJ.•, Beat Engliab Copal Vaniab-1 ~"I• Tina Satinwood Stain, Walqut. Stain, Mahogany do. RoeowOO'i do.



t1r Preacriptloct oarefnlly c:onlpoaoded ana w· lh pare ctrup. ,

W. H. TtlO~lPSON.


AssumnceC'mpa,ny 0¥ lJONDON.



New Advertisements.

For Sale (\VboiC~~alo and llclail) ot TUOM PSON'S lft:Jical H~tll, ~ltlruor Otacc

T HE SUBSCRIBERS WOULD RESPECTJc~ULLY CALL the attention of the :,iet·cbnuts of Newfoundland to their

stock of

FISH NETTIICS ' fo t· !I.e auson o f ! SSG and 1857.

- --o---. Xow on hanJ, mndc up specially for the Island Fisheries, and

with particular rc•gard to their rc<JUii'Ciucuts,


\Vo "'e prl'pared to furnuh any of t!:.J ul.tovo Sdoca o f any w•gtA and deptJ1, ruAdo f roru the

-SHEPARD COLD MEDAL TWIN E .-ThiAT•ine protlnCOII tlooli~litut Sei11~ J10Uibl~, to"e the r with tho greal1!nmgl/;

requi&l 1<'1 IIJitlul.<tnd ro u~h tf.lll~e. 0

'floe110 Soia~~& 1\rn tnouut.uJ in a m •,n nor nppror:ed by folUJrmeu,· are ready (or lUll; WIL L UA.''ii)LII t:Al!ILY, ASU 110 0 0 00 FI.!IUISG.

COD~ TRAPS of "ny size or atyle, madE to ordPr at abort. notice.


STANDARD- HERRING NETS. A II sitl't t-csdy for immedi~tte tl r fi\'ery. For gilliog 6Mb, lho CoUon ne~ uoqut:ttiooably aurpiLIICI any other kind, and

,is tho nuut proli.lo.ble to ~.

SHEET-NETTING for, maki!Jg or nlJl&lring Seine~. Tt'tJli, or lWI Ne~, can l>o supplied, in any size moab aud twine, at ouc11 n~n rt>ceip~ of ordot·.


We can furnish Cott..ln Lino, TunED or WI:ITB of a superior quality, to Of'llon-. Write for p•ictt~ ~foru nrdeling.

W e 1\ro tb11 olde&t anrt l11rso8t tnrtnuJ"'\tlll'ere oi 6ah netting in the Uoitod Slate& 1 t itt our rfl'ort ~ learn tlte t e<Juirewcuta of tho 6ahorwen, ami produco tho goods beet Rdupt..-:1 t.o thuir wotntA.

\Vo epin our, own Y 11rot and are the only manufacturers of the :SivporJ Gold JI«ial1'111illu which ltaa received tlu J.iyht1l ILID<ITd wherever exhiLited, intlndi1w U.o London Inl.emationAI Fiahe ti<!S ExltiLiLion, whero we r~i,·al the only G<JIJ alodal awarded lo t· •••tlOriority of Twinra ftnJ Netting. . • Bolo~ DhiOnfactnm•• from lhe rnw mt~teri111, onr cn11t.omors e n o n tho

qualit:r ol O\l r good•, and t.., a111ored o f wt.OU( pouibu prka. C..u fil,l orders by wire .t aha..rt notice and will give tltem careful atl.ention.

ESTABLISHED . •. 1842. CAPITAL, ... i350,00G.

Miilla at Boaloo, C'11nton tmd Ht~ddam.

AME RICAN NET & TWINE CO., 43 Oo~~rcia.l Street, BOSTON, Mass, U.S.A..

. . tirPreJ>are for the Cold Weather by ordering ~ , . . your BEDDING rrom, \PS·

o • J a

• I w-, have the .largest and best Stock. of



(C:W.ti.(ct.) 'hUIIIDAT, liJay 6tb.

:roc rt.aciU\TI1Pitl~WAT Uau.. _..... Hou. C OLONIAL S~o:cniiTAttr, In ' mowing

the eecoud r~dior of tllia. bill, aaltl, · ita principle Wtl tbo aamo at lhat a!6nued lu AD net or tho l..egialatoro puaed io I 880, the chief dllfercnco being in pol at of detail; tb!. meuaro prot<lding for tho appo1olmoo~ of lbroo comml•iooere, wblle t be acl o! 18110 provided fat fin. l t propoaea to autbori&O tbo Goforomculto borrow a cor ­cain aum or UIODtT. for tbo contlructioo of a branch lino or ra•l•tJ from llarbor Gn~cc: Junction lO l'laoeQtJL Wbal bu been termed a nilway policy !. a matter upon wbicb oouaiderablo d ilc:u•ion bu talr.oo place. in both braocbea of our l1gialature, duriD~rtbo paat aix orae•en yeara, and there ia uotbing new or uolrnowu to l.ou. UICin· beOI regardi••ll tbe apptiCAtiou or a principle iolrotlucc:d befor e tho Legi•laturoae\·en yurt IJ!O. for tloia rea10n it waa uuooceaaary for biw to mAke any leo~ttbeocd remarke upon tbe aubjtcL. 'fbe dNirabillty of CODIIruel­ing tho propo11ed braoet. lioo Ia approHu of by men in promioeut rcprcHDtati•·e posi­tioua wbo c:onaidcr that largu bcnelh w11l hereaflOr 11ccruo from it to tloc poo11lo of l ' lnccutia Uay, Furtu11o !Jay aud tbo weat­eru part or tbu Jtlaod geucrally. n. j:ll~· witbout •yiug that tbe lioe already iu op­e111tioo betw.,eu St. Jobu'a aud Hmrbor vracu •ill deri•o greAt adflotago frour t.~. operation of 1"- branch u a !coder, lead­ihg to au augutentMioo of ita traffic. As •o 1uauy iotcreata •ill. be bcouBilcu by it, owinJ; to t ho lar~:o l>Opulationallvioj: a t tl ou wcllward, it caouoL fnil lo lo productive of u;ueb j!OOd. lloo. pcutltwon will, o! courae, uou tbeir beat jod~;ment in Jealioj! witu this meaaure. bui:.~; re~ard to ita bear· ill):l UtJOn the C9UIJirJ f\l lari!U, Allol UJWn th•t acction or it '" "!lich i t muro "'l'ec:J"Ilf rcfcra. llo bl!J;J;Cd lC tnOY<I tbat tbc bill bu uow read a occuud timo.

lion. A. llAt:\'H, Lcforc proctcdlo~e lO tloe ui.H:UUIOO of Ul" bill, eloouhl llku to be iofu rmed whether the. ho11 Colo11ial &!cro­tacy lu.a ftuy Anlwcr to 111>ke to t ho uotic:e he (llr. II ) h••llli•en yu:eNiay to Alk, if at tile t i111o o f thu preunl Heeeiv., r General bci1111 appulutou au a~trr:e•ucnt waa entered iutu by the hon. •be Premier to Clluat ruct the PIAten\1&- Hililwny ; •ud if 110 to lay n ccpy of thal Dl:reewent "I~~''' tbo labl~ of tbu hOUIIO~

IJoo. COLOIII.tL SCCIItTAR r replit'd tloat no •grcement b.ta bern entered iuto ll.:twven tbo booorablu the l'rcmiar au<.! the lt~eci•cr Geocn.l for tloc oLj•-cL atat.ctl. At reifi\Na ... , iuterchange ur tJriuto • iowa o( upiu· iona that way or moy uot hue paoud bu· tweeu tboao ~,:oolletocu, h •u uot lois pro· vincc to apeak , nor wu it ft quuatiou tbat comes befo re the le~.:illlaw ru tu ita ltJ;illa· ti•e cat.acity. With tbd p.riuto viuwa aou 1traira o f 11eutlcrueu we I1UC uotloiog what· 10evur to do.

lion. A. W. IIAnvr.\'-Tbe auawtr of the llou Colouial ticcrctary to hl4 (Mr. ll.'s) queatioo wu very much "' be had expected " · would be. lie bad tbonght wheu bo pu~ il tb"t tho reply mi11ht pot~~ibly auo him frau• making llAtewcuta orblcb ho thould uow tal.:o tloo r .. Apooai)lilil! of placing be­fore t bc council, which bo-wu not tn a poai· tioo to prove befor e a coorL of law, but which, be fe lt very tore, will r ecOmmend lllowaolvet to t.ho mioda of hon. gentlemen aa beariug tbo iruprt" of truth· Tbie hill whi~ .,o ue oow uked L<> aaent to, Ia one or the era felL importaoc:e. and "'c<>nld not lot tbd motion p1111 without espre.;11g tho •iewa tbat he [tdd a pon it, more upcciaJ. ly becaoao IJo bad. witb 1he ncoptioo or one provlout oocaaioo , aloraya been a eLroog and earocat aupporteror every ralloray ntra­aure lbu bad beeo 1ubmit~ IM tbe ••cot of tbia It 11111 t herefore bo tbougbt that t.!Jo tllnd l•o wu now about to take " aa a auddeo change from hia former p<-aitioo, bot Ito coohl poiurto tho fact tha~ huteer ­ed the lame couree tbnt loo held from tbe time a railwAy policy ora.s 6retaubmlttcd to our l..elfltlaturo; contending uuw, u be did tloou, tbal to atlemptto builu • railro:.d lu thia colouy ou Go,·eromeot acc:ouul waa 11kio to a crluoinal aelr and thalthOM wl.o would force aueh a courae upon tho colony were 6t tubjotll for tho Peoitentia ry or tbo l,uoatic Aeylum. llo b!\d ne•er ceaaod to loold lheee vitwa, while lluing CO'Itiden~blo faith In tho tl6cacy or raTiw11yt wbeu buill by tho at imulut of a ltonromcot aubaidy witblu tho rncana of tho colony, and de­'pendcnl U~~Du the working of t ho' line. li e ehould like hefo ro proceeding rortloer, to uaure the laou (;oloulal Secretory tbAl any ron llrlra that 1nay fall from hint io dealing •ith thia meAI Utl', wbich mayr~pptar to r o­fice t upuo the Go1•eroment or their aupport­era, aro not m11d0 tbrqogh en111ity or ill will Uut lo diaeuulog tho action of the oxecutln duriug tho put year, he pligbt feel oblif(ed to uae laugua11c tbal woulrl re­flect upon them, but wltlouut ahy ill fetlinsr it way anw to Imply . lie wu no patty mao, nor iu any w•y oppoced to tbe GDf· e roment, but he wu -dec;ld•dly aud Jeter• mlnedty DJ.lpoaed to !hfl prlnciplo of tbia bill whiab they hne lal•t beforo the lr~iala­l:rre for enac:~men•. We ba.,e beoc aaaur· ed by the boo. Colonial Secretary, tbat tho prlnclvle of tbla mea.aore ielo' acc:ortl wit!., and a ton8rmation of, tbo priuclplo ad­opted by the l..elllalalura or 18&). lu tba~ year ao act etnbtldylolllbt priocliplo of Go•· ernmeot bulldloa a ra1lway ••• pUlled, bul aublfqoeu(ly epbmltted to a jolol co miD It­tee of l-oth bcruau of tho l..ealtlllare, , .. ble!J, arttr looa a11d caraful coaaideratioo during ao enUre year, npatlialed it, aad a bill wu ..-dIn 1881 ecphat~IIJ ~jteiiDI tile pdnelple or tbe Gonmcen& auderultiOJt aaob a wo,t, and baaed apoo tertllt eod oondjtloDI eatlreiT oppoeed 1.0 tbott audtr• ltlu~r tbe bill 11ow before Dl, Notblor coalil ~ lartbtr "- lila mlt~d. or lnten· tlolli of &11t orf1iaaaa.ra ol Cite proHdare ill 1881 Urao aach a poeltloa u IIW propottel to ••• Ltplatara J,o.4ut .. d llle aupt rUeD lo ooueotloo -~~l\11 •iutare. Oe I lie,_., ........ ., au .... opn ud abo" baud. iloe ... , .. ~'P' •eeN& f~· tbtpa!llra. Tbt.a ............. , froo•.

eoerdoo uled towarda reloctaot me~nbera of tho Lel{lalature, to MOUre t ho adoptioo of lbt cooreo ~at wae propo.ed. Every mtiD· beT oftloth brabebre acted I.Wepudeotly to &Wbe.tof bilkDO•Itdp at~d ability, lu tbe e a~ •• top·

~ lllf'beaTflr Uio (pt.eHI'- ol cho col· ooy. I& waa o_p Goveroment111euuro, aqme or tho mombera of tbo Ezocutin votiog agaloet IL. W hat waa tbo • reeull or the i'Diicy tbeu propo11ed r'JDo !DOll eapablt body or gootleuoto t hat could bo folflld io tho colooy ... appointed rrom both bouaoa. wbo frequently met io COOiuhatio_o opoo h f4r oloo or teo moutbe, and oCteo at sreat pe1110oal iocounoieoce and nerifico of limo, aod what •utbe outcoroe or thdir dallbna. tlon1? AI lbe be11iooiog of tloe year 18Sl


betaiiiMI It ,.. made b7 three or tbo attention or tho jlonM to thia fact, tlemeo, membera or t bl.e cou4CII are oo., which tDI\Y in8ueoce 01 10101wbal 1u ant uk~ IO•I(iYO tboir .-.o~ t.o a bill to con- otber c:ontn.ctthat wo may make. Ulal littlo tQIDIUalO it. On tbt 28rd March. 1888, tl>e or ootbln~r bu beeo duoo to do .. lope agri­followiug warda ••re IJI9keo H ~boo, culture aloor: &.he-line of road now in OI>Cira· AtlCruey Geaenl WaMwb ~~ • pre- lion. '!'be Ralhny bu not &forded the

·aeal, actlug l're!OIIIj 1 "rtmeot. people tho no·-ry facUititt fO~"briD!t!DIC 'lbey contained llla ( r. U.'a ~tluleula thei r produce to m~trket, aot t o epeak of euetly but lo more cxpreaivo laoguago agricultursl d"olnpment. 'l'ho lioe be­tban be could U1C: twuo here aod llubtlr Grace baa boeu

Tho boo. Atturooy OeoonJ'a worda were little or no ttimulua to tbe people, to euler aa followa. Yi& :- oo the puranlt of agricultQro. 1 do ooc

11 Wbat doca tb1l moao? It mcana 10 Ia: lj~ooro the beueflta tb~t hllvo been R· ct'euo of tweoty- liYO pu dot upoo tho caifell by tbc accommotlalloo of pi'Dengtl'll taxation or laat year. It ia roaaiblo bu~ and frelc;:bl. but tbo line jbU not lncreued uot, I tbink, probmble, that esaggemto the wealth of tile co:~utry through whkh ll tbeao fi~.:u~ No ouo knowa better thau puau 'l'ho greatea~ tlitftcultyleee In the the bon. s:ontloroao what tho increaao of tax- way or accepting tho n!liDlntiona beforo atiou frou1d be upon tbo trade aud co111 • tbo ch•ir Ia a. to the actin reaumption mercc of this country, especiallr when ue of r.ii••I • work daring tho p.-na cooaidc:ra tbo preaoot dopreued 1ituat iou or auruaner. Tho term l!heo to tbo ltaU­ou'r allaiu, aod tbo doubtful futuro of our way Compaoy to complelO Ita c:ontmet trCL<.le rula•iooa, 10 far u they tlej)Clld upou haa not yo~ expl~. l'- all'alra arc now tho futhcricL Tho bou, gootlomau koowr in cluu.:c of tho Uankruptcy Court in bow a Jittlu add ition to th~ burdona would Engla11d, and any uegotlatioua with tho abakc tuauy of on r finot to their fuunda- comP"n• would han tn be under anthnrity tiona, aud ... hnt am•ll loaet mil!bt lmpenl from tho Court, aud it would be quite ro-· their aubili ty. u., knowa that at preaoo11 eible fur (loo Go,·ernmeuL to &CC:<!pl theso t ho fiahori~• aro ahuoat tbe aolo rciOurco rnoluttoua aou pr:sctic::Uiy do oothins; ror of the country; and tbmt tbo wbolo Jaliauco tile ncsttwelvo wootha. Upon tho expiry of tho !l$hon.oe n js upon tbo proapec\ or o r the uilway contract, which will taka their oblliuiu~: auppllea. Ho ltoowe bow p laca iu a fuw :nootba, Yery o leo and 'ftry aeuaith·o our trado 11,1iko I be trade or o•ery d~licnlO queatlooa of law will ari:lft bet ween other couotry,toiu~cued watiou. 1 t biok this company r.nd tho colony. Queetions tbot our tr"'tl• llu borne aucb a atrain iu lnvoh· iu~: tho power or tho Govorurneot to tbu put t hat iL ia perilous to iucreaao it put nn ond tn Lho ccmp4117'• cbarter. Uo· furtbe•, uuleas a clear way to futur<l fore tfi'Cfr lillbilitiea accn c, is It w1ao I a.slt 1nccu!l is apparent. If pulling 00 000 fo r us to como in wittV an expreaion of etraio would reliOYo a moro eerioue ono, rcadin~u upon all poiolll to concede our l abould bo ready to impose it; but wo call· poaition nnd uegotinto with people \fho not lbut ou r oyu to the fact til at the bulk are in ddnult? lf wo contempi .. Lod en­of tho po pult>uoo will not be bonelittod by turin:: Into irnmcdhtc negotiation• with tho r4ilw"y at t ho oullet, but will buo 10 them, I II.'IY it orould be bisthly imprudent bear tho burden of usaliou, ue•ertbeleu, fo r us to pl:>co our~elvos In, thei r l_•and• aud We cannot o!Tord, for tbe uko of allording ~l'o them tho pow.:r or o:ttortu•st LOrms employ111ent to ccm""ratiYc:lw few of tho from liS which otloorwiae they would I.e un-

,.. ' abl ~ to obtllin. M we woulu do by n:u.Jin~: population, to lay to be:l"Y 1\ bnrlle11 upon , ..

tloere wu oat ooe member or either bh\och io fuor or buiJdiDjl a milo Of railroad iu tho lalaod at Go,eroment nptnlo. No condemnation •u too atroog for ooo aod all of th•m to apply to any auch proceduru, aud tile Ltogialnturo in tlJAl year p ronouucad a~:ainat it iu t'•o 11101t dtcideu terms, and btofore auy U>UJiure uclllillg n·Jtu tho con· atructioo of tho railway W31 paaac:d in 1 I, tho Act o f tbc prniona )' tar aulhor~riug railway conltrucllon by tbo Goferomeut., waa unaniuloualy roJ~doded aud expuu~ed from the Statuto' Uook. Now be avpealod tq tho Jlo u. (;olo11ial ::iucrctllry, and a ll tho hou mcnlbera of tllia houao, to aay wbeth~r Lhen: caul j be " wore cmphMic coudcruull· tion of tbo principle of the Uill now be· fo re ua, tbao tbat uuiteu aud ai~:oiflcaot ac· tloo of tbp Lei;ialaturo iu 11S!SI. And ro· 1oeobor. too, i t Will at a time wloeo the c•r· cumatl\ucea or tho colony were iu a Oountb· ing condltiou : tba li1ncriea wero ~:ood, tho pooplo proeperout, 1nouuy wu circullllcd ood ablu-bodicu p3Upora wcro few. If lbat JIOiicy were decreed 1uicidal •hen our c'n • ditlou wu Oourialung. bow much more ao ruutt it now be when all tho ioterceta io the colony aro ~pre,aed ftnd tuc people are Ueeiu11 from a la nd io wbich they fail to fin:! CID)JIO)'UJOIII? Some of tho lDOi l capnblo moo iu tl11: colony, who spent nearly a year iu couaidcriug tloe queltiou or nul way bu ild· io~r. came to t ile concluaion thi\L to do ao with t ho mea~ of tbe colony would be dJautr OUI tO it; aou •hen 11exl the fill)•

w"y qur-ation wu mootod. the GO\'l.lrnmlut aud l.e~.:i.l.&ture l>rOCcctlccl npon an eutin:­ly ditrereut principle. ~·~n auppn~in"' tho tuuauro we are oo w callc:d upon to 3pprovo of was baaed upon tho aamo foundlltioll aa lbc Act Of 1880, UAIOely, tbO principle or an open, not 1 Goveromc111, contract, it would tako a great deal of ar~:uwenc to conTinco him ,.,., tho iutelli~:~ot anti comretent bod, who then prounuuced to condemnation of Ulc colony bu>loiug railwnya on ita own ac· eouo~. wero wron~: ic their judgtoeol. lie ahould briou to tho notice o r bun mcmbera worde lpohu by hon meDt\:era or tho J!re.~ut Gonrumeot withlu the past tbirlouo o.oot he, wbi~h eon•ey a llron~:er deuun­ciatioo ol tloo railw:>y policy, and eaptc:inlly the principle contained tn thia bill tloao a oy Ierma !Je could uao. l'bo Hun. Acting Premier, t bo lion tho ti~aker aucl oumbera ol otb~r auri'Ortora of the Oovetoment do· claimed I RAi111t it iu no uocortain tonea, and be would Yenturo to •Y their utter­a nces at the time cooreyod a aincere ex. preuioo of what tbey felt and beliered to be riwllt; aod if unlliused by C4!tlaiu eon. •iderationa tboy would tpealt tbo •mo atoti­monta to-day. h ia pertineo~ to uk wloy tlay do not do 10, 11nd, in reply to th11 query, tbc hiatory of thia bill may bo quot­ed. After tbc le~:ialaturc wu prorowued, ' in Ma!' laat. certain ntj;Otiatiooa were open. ed between uoc or toro of tho Go•eromdM aod me~nbett of lhc: oppoahion of tbat time, and a baraaio waa made between tbem. On ono o f t~e early daye of the prucnt aeuioo, the bon. tbc Colouial Secretary mia· quoted loim ( Mr. II.) i11 atating tbM ho 118·

aerted that tho <;Pihtractiuo or tho l' laceo . tla IUilrotd wua brlbo to lbe liberal p~~rly. He (Mr. IIJ did not kno w at tho tia~e, nor bad he tho remoloet conception tba~ tbo buildiosr of that road bad betn an actual part o f tho bargain entered into, and be bad, lhtrcloro, repotliatod tLo imputation of ba•ing uaed tbe warda ib tho acnae at. tributed to bim. Hi! could no t buo~ be­lie ftd that gen•.le1oeo, who had ao emln.nt· ly dhouncc:d railtoad building at Govern-. meat upeoao, laat aouioo, could. within a fo• thort montha, buo awo&llowed all their protottatiooa and coneeoted lO a conrao •bicb they lleclared to b' fallacioua, ruio­oua Md uojuati.6tblo. Jlowovor, they did euler into a bargain to build tba Placentia Railroad, aod tl waa kepl rrom the k uoor· ledge of oinc-Lentba o f tbe Go•ernrueot, and efln from certain membtra o f tbo OX• ocutl•e itaelf. Ooe orhto geotlomen, mem­bera of tho e xec:utlt"c, m2do the compacl wttb ~rtaio mcwbera of the oppoaitioo, ' aecret con>pmcl, of wLich tb o bulk of their rarty and aupporltn wore kept in complete lguorauco Ho Jld no t believe tuftl tlto bon. ~lr. A1ro o r tltc boo, Colo11ial Secre­tary, both toemben o f 1l111 eueulifO, would ban deli.,tred the tpeechea tbey •nado hero

tbc m~Jority. ' I ho uperiellce of tl•o )).'\Il l ruolntiou• d~clarin~: th~t. tho /eople aro four ycara i• eufficiout proof or thftt !net eryi111: out for rRilwny work, an that thoy Tho han. moutbor .,. anta 10 take n lnq:o muat•tnrve 1111le" they get il. A de,lnm­uuo>ber or our pcoplo~ 1\WnJ from tho liahcry lion of the lr~•sbturo auch M thit, plainly and put tloem to rail •~Y work . Tullt hu implyin~; th11t wo nre rcndy on nuy term• been done any tiruo during the hut four to u e;;othto. woulll be an exhibition of yeara. and II bout$~ 000,000 hu been a pool weaku .... tlJilt muat CXJ>?&O the colony to t ho on railwa1 a 11d dock work; and with what certllicty of their po,.tion boing taken "d· c:lfect u 11on tho tiehorme n of t~c cruutry ? \'Mingo o~. 1 thoreforo am roluctautly lt l1 true tbnt benefits hllve been confo~rrcd compelled l<> conclude th11t it ia ioupouiblo u1 o u a J ew in tho diatricl o f tit. J obu'a 31111 that11 bill ahouiJ bo •••b•T.iU~d to thu hottAo iu t~c diatriot of Concojlliuo lla1 ; buL il is wbich the country would agree to and yhicb a very remarkable fi\Cl tbaL it ill ill thoae wou!d pro\ i.le for tho reaumptioo or mil· very diatricta tbat the g rcateat deatitutiou way work duricg tl1<1 aummer.'' uow prnail1. The fact abowa or wbat li• th.• Thcac (1111i-l tho hoo. mon•ber, Mr. lh.r· beneticial tlfecla upon t bo ~enc1al coocli - ny) are warda or w11dour, aud wha~ wM tlon of tho people, employment upon tho trco~ in March, I SSG, baa It'D timu more tho nulway baa, ftnd bow inlldcquate 11 remedy Ioree or truth In May, 1887. fie (Mr. II .) railwa1 labour ia for a llato 111 gre11t de- •oulu hero direct llou memory of hou gQII• preaaion In tbo country. Wo took up the t lcmcn back to reUiolrke delivered lo thia rl\ llway "'• time when tbc fi1beriea, tbougb cb11ob~r 1 01110 limo ago by tho boo. tho no~ abondaoL io tloeir produce, were In Sbtri!J, aud eodo.-.ed at tho time by lilrraelr, thtir normal conuitioo, and •hen wo con- u to the d<HoornliziuJC effect raihray work eluded lbal , they could aurtaiu tho populi\· woulu hne upon our people; a.nd, al­tioA for &Otllc timo. lt wu anticipated though. prob•bly,the hoo. Attoruoy (~acral thot the people woulu in the beginning or hat! nner read a apeecb ol ou111, we lind railway operarlooa be drnwn into tho p ro· hirn ochoi n~: tho aame aentiu>tnla. In whu ercutiou or otber induatriea, aud that 111 a way ia tho lhilway Company In a di!Tereu& little time thoro would be a pra-pect of im· position from that in wblcb it aklod wloen mi~ratiou of luwberera and farm era which t.ho fi rat I•• officer of tJ,e Go•erumeotapoko would tend to iucreuo oa t only •be popu-· lho10 warda? lie (.llr. 11.) b:lving quoted latioo, buL \he refonuo. It wu not. .,1 . 10 fnlly from ilia ap«c:h, thought It bu~ fair pee led tb:lL in 10 abort a l imo tho fishcri~• lO IUJd lbat a Cll\uao Inward tho OnU of h, would fail aa they bne tto .. o, but that to 10mo utoot, modifiet tbo f orce of tho tbey wool~ hue 11> 11 continued aolliciently Attorney Ganoral'a atrioturCII aa to the I'll\· productive to ena!JIO tho nahermeu to pay c:cutil\ Hailway, ,PrDt'ldtd tllo country bad t~olucreued tan~ without aerious difUeulty. money to a pond lna:ead or btiniC l•r-•t It waa well under~lOud tba L many woulu for ICUDI : and tl1o qoietioo .bet weep t ho derifc no beMfit from t be nil way: but i t Newfoundland ltailway (;ompany and tho wutbooght that"I t hll impoaitiooor 1ti11ht- Go vernment ~ad been finally aot at rell: ly iocreued burdcoe on tbe people, per- buL tho conditions tbat at that time deter· •oanoohdnntllgo would accrue to the co110• mintd tuo Attornoy General to oppoeo tho try. !Ju t now, according to the abowlug l'lnccntil\ Rftilroad are aH intectilicd to·d"1· o f tbe boc geotlumau himaelf, t be r~o baa That aoulclahow that be wu oot in fuor turu<td oat far dill'eroutly. Nothlug baa 1o of bullJitig a GoYCrnmeot or any railway, 81··

uddened 101 iu my vic we upon railway ccpt by admuluing IL with an aunual au b. toattera u tho atl\leanoot wbl.:h the ho u. tidy. and that principtd be (Mr. 11 ) would grotleman baa gi, eo ua of tbo condition o f euuorao it tbo muoa of the colony .. auld t he fl•henn<n nf our country. 1-' or IIIMIY alford it. Now lot ua como to tho opiuiona yura to como tbc tupa1er11 mull be our of tbt hon. the Speaker of the Anerubly, tiabermen, aod thoy will bne to bear lbo deli,ored 'Upon tho :Jltt Uarch, IS!IU : llurden or any iucrcued npenditurc; aod "A Ralloray to Placentia would d11ubtlou lbll boo. ·gontlcmau bniu~r repretonted their bo a groat boon to that dlatrict, and to tho~ condition 111 hopei ... , cannot expecL t hat Jiatricta imlllediately adjolnin< St. Jolon's, they wilt be able to bear aoy!Hiuier bur- wbicb aro rep,.onted l.y hon. 11entleme•t dec than they do no... The !labermou orpo&ito aou .. hleh hue already ricoi' ed eo muat pay t hetasc• until a vopulation •p•in~;a u.ueb. h would donbtleaa bnn~: aboo~ a ap againal 111. llut tbc bon g~ntleruan uew An to thou dlatricta, and tho return It no•• l bal tbe groorth of tho lumboriog of tuoao • halcyon day•' when men of certain tnd uatry muaL be very aloor, and he muat diatrlctahvou tua certain auruuolent felietly, at reo tbwt tbo people canuo~. wben lh6 rtgardlea of the morrow, and e~~roleas aa to filbcrlet are ao decliulug, pay a aubtidy tbu r ighta ol othlr COUitltaencl~ It b a which they abouhl b"'c impoaed upon tbem n1alter or dotp re~rret. but It cauootbo onr. at a time tl>e llaberiu were in a more looked, that thOM diatncta wbic:b are no.,.. be..lthy condition. I tbiok that ( arn no~ cl~•nourl\tjt 10 loudl1 for tho retamptloo of onretatiu~r.- wben l aa1 tbal the oon tuat railway work. which mun• nl~way wort iu tl•o ltallway wu lO the colony iA equiu- tbuir owu mld. t, are tboao winch hlfe at­lent to tho ''king of tho whole of tltu II all- rea.ty rec:dnd ao Uluch. It i1 at~aosce to tu Fiehory Awaru. I merely mention thia H11d, u I bav" already pointed out, that f11 in p~~Piujl for tho purpo111 of ahowina t hat apltt of all tho aoormoua. and uceptlonal, tho tinancial cou<.lition or the colonJ baa anu unupeoted expenditure of ouraid., chao,:ted ainto .,e comtut oc~ ltailwa1 work, CApital in theu WO&' workt of wbroh ::it. and lb t e cradtt o r tb., coluny bu been J ohn't h11 nailed, lo tpit<t or hro,_;l u • all'ect y. 'fboao cauua C<J ·operat- penditu ro for tile relief of tbe poor; lu ing wltb fal " 6aberiea and bad ti01ea apile of o•erd111wo account fori:Jpeolal fm. •null bavo a • o:ry dau agin~e etrecl u~n tho rronl"\oow, for 11\uitary purpotc:a ami other a'-ndin11 of tho colony, pr~rtleulMIJ it we uucon1idered chnrgea, ::IL Jobn'a l::aalaud uodertako work ontir.:ly beyoni.l our anunL Wm hu pll .. d op a debt Oftor the OYer­In a ll our bnuortaltinga we molt hue ro drawo aceouut ior he rQ&I'la,ofeomeSI6,000 gatd not only to the abillly or our people (forty-tl ve thoutaod dol lara) Uoea lbe hoa. lO pay t11e tuu, bu~ ,... rnoet ml10 ban ~reuUcm•u now propoM ~~ •• lllroutd re· reaa•d to lhe ~:oueral ereuit of lll• co~louy, aumo tht'lo expe11uituree, the bulk of wblela bocauee upon tiJ&t uepeodeln a lar11e Ill••· baa boteLof<ll'e eomt to Ul from rureiau eure the aubcea of llur buaine" aud t111du capital, at~u which lnotoltttl 110 1-' operationa. h onnuot bo dtoltd that tbe or Goverumeo& II.Wilitt? A ad doM IN llue alreatlr in exltteoce glYea ba~ ,·erylhtle M rloualy propott tbal wo ·uould uc r~ro. lt, ia no doubt e r IOttlt oounnl· ouraelvH aod ro-terily for tlll.t ut,oplaa ea • eooe o a lacao number or our people, bot urprlae, by ,..a•lnl tbla 11ew rall•a1 un­lta beoe6te jlo not exteud be1ood tbaL. It tkrwkilllf upoa our o•• monoya t If Ia Ia •a debit to tit A oolooy with nry liule to •J•I~t of tbe..o ad\' .. ldio .. expeodll•'"· ahow by way or crtdh. I han takeo tho wblclo, (or aa, were ~Hnlt eaperl•eu .. l, trouble to look at 101111 llaarea fur11ial••d by ani wW<IIa ahould haM , .. ,11, 111 •let!-. Mr. ij ....... for dot pnrpoM or pthrlng • wit bout (Q0Ut!1. &lid without prioa,' - I'll'• fro• thew I he ret~troa to tl1t Uou•pany fro•u aurne tlteM railway ettlat'Priln a& - ttrll rile opentlcct or tbe II" Now, whit re· coal, wlaat Ia to lie tltt,_l, t••

~ to tbt t!am of frei!lbl ~a,.,_,. to '" II ) '---' th Ita Mel tre1 :Wy ""'1 ba• a trilll"• :a111ooa& --'well. II~ ( .. r. -....- 1 • • _,

v • -. ,,._, wort!• of 6M ............. IIOWM .. Fer the ;.. the Compan7 rNtlftd 1111 Utla bill ap crt iUOII r, tilt canf ... of tla.-1"• to oat of a11p "" ladldlrin olf, wlaola I& 1e tit a raaDiar of tiM !lee. '1'~ le I• Ita ''"'' "" (11'ochaot1oo. With nprd Wet a ttaoftM

Sbow .Rooma, Duckworth St.; factory, Fora~ Road, .St. John'• '' Worn ,.. lAcWai-. Mil ... r •• ,IJ, op1111, ud laootltiJ dlaea;itcl bJ beti bftltObte ; •o priY..q wu r~ontd to, uo

II they bad beoo C:Ojtni:zut tbal berore tbe amalgamatiou took place tbo bon tl•o Premier bad bound hlmaelf, o.ud p ledged tbo GOY• ernroeot, of which he waa tbo bead, to bulltJ tbia Plaeeutlll Rallway. Uo b~d aalt· td ror Ute corretpoodancc cootaiulog tho trrnu, bot It Ia noL forlhcomm11. 'l'bia, howoftr, be would ••ort. tha' but fo r lbt Premier'• letter, lbe COllttull or which be !&ad beard from many aourcu, aad tbo way •bit matter wu aubmluod to tho lo·nr bouH, ~ad tbe preaauro u10d to further the aolu:me, tbla bill woolll ae'er bavo aoco tbe llgbt or day. 'fbut bu tbe maio t.ody of tbt ,aupportera or tl!o Oo ... eroment in an­o~... pitH. been eoereed to Ullut co a lllt-re, wbleb, if lela to tilt dictatre or tb.U owa Jqdl(lltn~ and NUOD, I bey oner woald bate •aotloaed. Hwu rNCiahaed publicly tlaroaJboul tbo co81try that out of cbe obltf I&MMI•• that actuated the Thor· baro Got~ero10eel oo oo10lol loto power ,.. to ctulJtll &tid reltrte lbt eatnn,rao• u,.edltora of llltlr p~n, and ruo Uae a..ero-nl • .,.. Nalld -c•rolal P'laalpiH AU wUd·ea& nttrpriefe •era &o be -hewlld, npelldltaro red.-1 ao" tooa-y ... Ill be tlat orar of till da1. Opoe •ola ptfaclpl• we ••ro tol" tbt

Ooftrolll .. t •• to lae worked, bat all "" roYIIIICI ap,. a otrtalo cla1 I• Jaly ,_.

•bn &be bupla refcrrect to waa •lode, aad

tallanl t'enlopmeat alo"¥ tbt bloh-llala CoeMII. ·~;:::Jr:=~ Railway, aotltl re .. rdt h haYI•I a :.a...,.todllow ..... , la1 apoa f11&ure oporrelloct, I no!d otll • · .

Page 2: FISH · goods beet Rdupt..-:1 t.o thuir wotntA. \Vo epin our, own Y 11rot and are the only manufacturers

. '

eauM llriAnolA! confneion. lie> &.hAt for thr" nr four d'lYI the m~»un'l was del~y.,.l. cer­tAin of lw prf)mOit'1'8 lu\Yinll lnaist...'fl the~ It "'onul<l "" lktUtto thla ho111e In A form that ...,,.,,,ltl C1114l ' upon it tho "''JIO'>albihtj for tho eou•rq•t4'n~uh&l miQht 001&uc lrtbrowe Otlt. '1111• W'&$ AIIOther M•nplo of I he COCf• rlon • lht~l h"d 11&1.>-nole<i lh~ promotion of t ni" rueAture, rw•l bu ahonld leave the con­tlioct ur t he "'"" wlioee IAnj!UAI!e be had qnot.l•l "_' ' "' dai\1'1\CI~r-iud hi the te rms it rl .. en"''· Wu it ~worthy of men ~tulclud hy tlre nrtlinary rnll'l of houeety, tof hnucr, <t~f contri•tency, to hue ~pt~ken and actod aa theJ. hue oloue, and to hue indrcently "'' tem~IM to drajl()on thi• body into llue wltb them? 11ltte thlnl(a hu11 hto~to denied, b11t we COIIIIII'It lofl(l!t I bat tlut ~~~rno JJIU'liea Al•o dernantl th~t " "'llroad to l ' l•cenlia 1'"-' to be b11il~. ""'i thllt All]' Inch couditiou wu att:lcbcd ill thl! lllnAIII~'"''' ion 1\1'1'1\ugewoot.

(TU BC C<llo'TINU .. D.)

\Vo~ def1lnw.e the whold IJlllem. Mo· t hor (;rntl' \\'o1111 ~~leruainlllor rio:ran,;e• won~~~, 'aod giy,. reaL to the tuiTcrtr. It ooly coel& tweuLI·IIn ceo&. to try it aod be OODYiocod.

A lady wrilea: • 1 wu enabled to re. mou tbr coma root and branch, by t he uae or Holloway'• Corn Cure.'' O!Jien wbo.buo t ried it, bno tbe aa~ espcrienco.

Two llon11 F ouTIJNATES.-Mra. Uriah J ohnaon, niYer Ilcrbe~. writH :-" AJio­ard'a Lioimeut eoroci me of a nry aore ooae, aad inOammauoa io tbo oyea. Jt it tbe cure·:lll aod 1 llelio••o it ia tho beet inllannnatioo .Allayer aod paiu killer io lbc wo,rld. It aell• OYcry Jay."

C. C. IllCtlAnos & Co., c.iCIIu,- 1 eprAined 1oy log 10 bAdly Urat I

bad to be driven homo io a carriaj!o. 1 iDltoedla&elf applied Mioard'a Liniment freely aad io 4ll houra could uao my leg "'laill u well u over.

J osuua WrM.t.cout, Bridgewater, N.S.

Bodil1 health :lod vi ~tor may be Dllliolain · 4.'<1 u io tbe hent or aumm~r. 1\S iu tbe winter mootha, if tho blood it P.urilic.J And vitihzed wi~ Ayer 'a i::iarctApanlla. ~"ury pereou wbo haa uaed tbia rcmc.Jy has been greaily beue611C!d. T•ke it iu t bia wootb.

All~n·a LDDI! &ham is tbo gnat modern reca~y ror COIIflha, cold1, conauml'tioo. aalbma, .::ronp 11nd broneLitia. It ia rccom· m~nded hy pby•ic:iana cverywbcro wbo aro acqoaloted with ill uac!ul11~

T o peraon• emplosect in conel3nt mental toil, atudy o~ anxiety, Fdlow'a Conopoltnd l:iyrup or IJypopboropbitea ia e•pecially ad­"l'ted, oamely to ToBchenr, Cl cf!lyntuD, l::dilora, LawJera, aod impecuuiou bu~iueu weo.

Tho ~treat lung b~aler ia round in that n erllenL medieine ._.IJ aa Biclrle'a Anli­Conaomptif o Syrup. It toolhcs and di · miuit hett tho ~coAibility or the roerubrane ol rho tbroat M<l air pU8.1.:ea, "" " i8 a aoYcr· eign remedy ror all euulilt•, cold•. ho~noe · ne&a, pAiu.or ourcneastiu t h(' chest,hronchit••. etc. It bu enr?tl mkny when oup!JOicd to lre far advauce<l in consumption.

' Dr J . C or lia. S t. T horou, onilu : •· l>ur. i n11 ten y~art' practict 1 bu., hatl oc~MIOu to preacribo Cod LivN U il and IIYf'"!'hos . phlld. :5iuce :\orl hrop & l.ymnu 8 Lmnl· •ion or Cod l.i''t'r U J! nn.l llypopi•O•J• Iflto,. of l,ime .tnd !)ad~ rnm., uudr r my notice,. ! ha~o tne•l it, an<l tak r lll'rat pi!•Muro in g•Y· iog thot it lau .:i• en ~real ••tid nction, n,~d is 10 be prcrerred 10 ""Y I hu e ..vcr used o r r~eotntHt J. tlt•f. 1 luu·o u .. c,l i l in my o wo ramily olonoH all a IJt,Verl\110 durin ~: hcovy colda, ADd iu lVr ry in•uwce 3 bar r y ro~ull hat folloo.ctl. 1 cheerfully rccon11n<•u•l 110 114tl in all cu u ol d~brl i 1y Ari~I IIJ: from WeAkoe• of tLO UlUJSOU Jar Of OOfi'OU• t )'l · tem.'•

l\Jra D.ll orriaon. ~·aruhAm Centre, P.Q., wri t in~: Al:out llr. 'J'homne' ~clec~rio O•L lla)'a: Geor~:o ijell us~d rt oo hl8 eon. " "" it cured him or rhcU ml\li8rn with Only n (d .,.

applicadoue. T ho LaiMoCC of the ho ttlu waa uiOC! \Jy an old geutlemno for ctttl11un. whb the reeulra. h ac 111 liko a cbarro

Feeblo Ladiea. Tbore laoguid tiresome aeouliona. caue­

lnll :too to reel e<:arcely abll! to hep 0 11 your ree l ; l.ltat CODitaDt d 'nin t hat is tak. iog frorn your .,.ateoo all itt eluticity. d riv. h·ll' the blooDl from your cbeekt, that coo. t inoal atraiD upon your \·ital rorcet, ren· dtrlnlf you lrntab le and frttful. can euily be re'llovcd by tbe uae or t hAt man·ellone remedy,llop Llittera. lrregularilol~• and ob. ~trocriooa or J nur ayateau are( rolin od at ooce, wllilo the 1pocral cauee ot periodical pain l1 permllDc'!liT reniOYtd. -..:~ you heed t~la.-CiNci~~"rda!f Nighl. )

0. Bortle, or 1\J,..cbetter , O ntuio ~o, N.Y., aaye : ·'I obtaiutol immediate r it£ from the DIO or Dr. '!1aomu' &elect ric .!)jJ, I baye bad Aetbo.a Cor tlevoo yeara. lli'"o Uoeo obli11~d to ait up all ni11bt for tto or tweJyo oljlbft in aocce• lo·-. _,._, .. aleep aonodly all oi!(bt nn a feather bed wLich I bad not boeu ablo to do pret'iooaly to uaiog !Jie Oil."

If 1 011 feel lao11~ and bilious, try Northrop & Lyroan'e egeu ble IJiacuYcry

.,; you wiiJ 6 00 it 0 11 or l he belt ~reJ•AN\• ""'r'"ooa for loeb complti ts. Air. S. H. Mil· ~lnn.EthoJ, uaed Nortbrop& l ., ,nno'e Ve~re· uble l>iaeov~ry a ad cllr~d a tover• bi ho111 aick hudaebe wbich troubled han for a loull timf'. - _

llnl/ltll'(lj'l T'i llta,,J Ui•l rMIII·-Tiao Coo:­lriued ill t lr.c:ltl or o.-ercro,.din~r aed~ntary occop•tlona a rlit mon:a1ony or lire "'" outy too •ell Jmown to thoee wbo l;ne tl'l pau tbo bd t fJll'rt or tl•eir u .... lalioriuj! in laa.­tnri~ aud cruwdf.'d workroo111t . 'J he com.

f•olt<lry ~nfloemrnt we:ok~rot the 11roeral •ealth 11ud lndocea ctirooio cqnatipatil'lo, in ­

tll11mion •nd uriou• funn• of,aklu dille ~· llollonr'• rern•di\'1 are of pricel4181 ""'"' ro Jlerauua or c.hia cl411, for tloey can be 1o11ed witJ,oul enuiliril( Iota of worlt, beinl! ) ureol1 Yrj!t>lllbfe iu their eomt>O&itiou, •n•l Wull'qneuiJy act witboot harabo- on the aou.t o.lrlioa•• •yarew. Tbe I'SJteriuhce " ' tuure t haa forty J'Ura pro.-~rrbat liO 111e11111

• .a~ llolluwaJ't r"naodhst for curie• II bad l"'l•• bad t.~aal:l, pllu aud wouulla of all Iii lid., . ,

Io '8rilt. Ad To The Pohlt. l}yl!f10fotila It dru.trut. m ... lrdc:r.-d li•er

fro mlwry. Judl(!fttiuu it • fne w 1/)11<1 oa. larw •

'flat ba-n diP&tiYP lpPCiratnt It one ,.,, 11 ... ltioltol -..c•licar .. l • '"' wvmltt(nl thlu11• lo .,...,._,_ h ie h • rle J>U, <>ru uf ord.,r

lin••J l®tl. tl•otwb r~. ~lot•P.r lo;o.l, t ... l tlt>Ok,-'J. •nt•l ...,.,,, la1e .,.,lira, 1rr~ ... . Jlr, '-'•••· att.J .,...,., ~U.~r tlliufll .wlolf'lt Cllllrlllf .," •r. b., Ita•• __ ,,. tlttr A-nean • ....,..,. .... tMI ut ,.,.,... .. ....

' "" f~ ....... a """- ........ ~t h .. ''""e • .,_....,.., ..--. itt ""'-''".If tJ!i• ..,, ha~l~

ea.., "" •"·- r••trl• ao t.:,;i.;.:;,;.t)IJ:-· ~~~~ c:llj ·~ , _ , -•1• au I

~~e 'at\or irau ltanbarb -Jn)-CONCBPTJON BAY Al)VER7JSER. ---=- l -SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1887.

_ _.O ...... .A.N I1' U nVJ: ?

TK I atAtement lau t~n la~ly made "\,T one of the s~. J ohn'• daily papere. that TuliP Tuoua.uw DoLLARS ($8000) of the pulolic revenu-the Jl80I'Ie'11 mon­ty-have benn gl'llnted by the Erecutive to'Wirdl Lhe celebration of tho (Jueen'11 J \1hilee at the Cllpital city of Ialand.

Now,we hope ,Cor tho aake ae wel! ot the Government u of our oommoa country, ~h11t the aboW'e etAtoltlent is n ot correct.. nit ~boulrl prove to be to, ho , e•er, wt feel coDlpelled, from a \'Drioty of strong conaiderati0111, t.o utter an ind!knaM protttL sgain1t that or indted thll am~ll · eat 110rtion of tho general revenue bern&: Ji verted from ita legitilllato purpose, and derated to any purely local oi.Jec& ancb u the aforeeaid one. Not thu. we al­loJtetbar diaatJprove of Lbe pur~Lbe patrio~io a.nd loyali'UfJIOte, if you wtll'­to which the · mone1 ia to be applied. We do nothing qf the kiod. But wba.t we do ruoet empbatic.ll1 condemn, and take eY4jr7 .XOOption to, ill &nf part or t.tle eommoll re•enue ol the country heing teken, and puL tO IDJ u11 o ther tban a noedful ono- at a timo like Lhe pre· aent "ben acor• of tho ltOO{llo, Ill well in Lhe cent.ntl, tlao Sl. J olan'a district, u in all the oxtora diatriota ol the colony, are, for reuoue uwieoeuary :0 weution bore, atending in urgonL nel'd, maar of t btlm, of the common neceaaar~ of life,­• t ime, too, when both Lhe govern­meatal and pablio ruind ia being koenly agitaW wiLh the eoquiry-ln what man· ner can thcae poor peoplu be aidecll H ow and. where can oruploymeot bo fou nd, employruont that will help to gnanl them againat a(lprehonded diatroaa and wcmt during the en•ning fdl and winter months 1

T he lltlDle t trong, reaeonablo objection which c:~n bo rnia&d "gairvlt t ho cont'er· sion or the swalle•t portion of tho public fu ade to the improvement and "litin· tion" of &nnerruan Park, t:lln, we ooo­t.ond, be wilb even greater force u rsted ag~ir\~t the granting of thre4 thotUand doll<rr1 ( I) of the common re\•enue for the purpoao of a" ceiPbratioa" of lho Queen's Jubilee by tbe peoplo of St.. J oh n's. Tho thought here ob~rudes iu elf-Why, if tbo citiLOna of tho Capital wan' to and ncull " eelehrat.o t bo J ubilee" in ''a be­e •tning mRnoer." whJ' don't they got np a public au baoriptioo, and bear the ex pensoof t ho " de rnonstration"J.ike 11:1m t 0 09 would think that th eir own 110~ of " the Aternal fitn01111 of t hings" would sternly forbid t hem from being paorLic>.a to any such tbady procc:etlin~: M taking tbo ama.llesL part of tho srencn.l revenue for 11ny auch parti~l ohj~ct 111 tbu ftbor e. N .,y, thAt they wou ld scorn to 110il their lin~era '•.v lu~ndling money tbaL u oea not n ghtly Lelon~ to thel'lr ; it iR the couo­tr{a- it is IIQ t tbc p a·opcr!J or any 600-t ion of it..

A n.J, then, at aucb a pinching limo aa tho prese11t uofortun:\toly ia, tho idea of tho UoYemment qran ting a nd of tho peo· ple of St. J olm's sponoling thru t}u,UI(IItd do!l<1r6 of tiro public revenue on" a J ut.i. lee ccleltrnt ion'' o r imlced " a celebra­tion" of lillY eort . ia n ttorly propos~rouft, uny ia au msu lt to the common intolli­genco of the c:ountry , who ~houiJ utter a firm prottllt ngainst the indignity, 11gainat this worM! tban uacl~111 CI:J•eraliture of s uch a Iorge pm·tion of t he public mon"y for a purrly loc.~l , a pu rol:r mota·opolitan purp""C I Wh"t are tho pevple l'lf t ho outports thin king aboat t t hl\ t they do not rAin their voices 11gninet this latest at· t.ompt to convert the funda of tho com­monwealth to the apoci11l use of tbo in . of the mother city I

TnE fntornational Exhibition of Fiah and Eieh Product., which waa to hue taken pl11oe at Rarceloaa dncing the eom· ing autnrnn, will n ot, it is ••id, open uutil tbe 1st of April ornoJ~t Tdr. lL will Le romow bered Lbat Hia Ex~ll11ncy iu his speech at the open ing of lhe hut aeaaion of tbe l .cgialalure, made mentivn or tho fftct that lhill colonJ had been invit6d to teke part in the Exhibi­tion; and tl>at tho OoYernr .. ent had in· timated ~hPir ac:cepl.llnee of tboinvitati.oa.


u Wbat Dn14 be bu1SA 2riw­flu«1a:g« r

Ova«m~m~Nry,~eN~.~ lately opened ite oolamu to Lhe dial11,. aion of a aubject of mach moment, tbaL (s tire ODD for'ln(ng &he Ga(ltion of tbla

!anioltt, Ti& , " \Vb11t aboald be done in NewfoaoJiand f'-" Lbe proper reme-dies for tbe ilia under which WDIDfl'or or c.f whiob weare In dread."

(2) Tben &here were oi-er a million ~uintaJ. of lab ennallJ capLered, b1

(S) I.- the 60,000 .~pie; and (ol) Whb ooappliaacoeare Lbepriml·

Ure hool>·alld-line and a few net.a. ( io lheee da7• were unknown.)

(6) The IIO(Ittlation bu ainoo · 1816 qua.drapled itoelf • aLill · •

DiOOMU" II7DOd of ••wtoan"'nd +- ·.


<.'laical: Tilt Be\'. E. Botwood, R ·D., (bolow a ....._ "* o.#do) eocl tile llndl. W. Plio&, A. C. r. Wood, AabroM Hey­..... E. Colley, eocl B. Hollud Tal_lor.

· (04•cladtd.) U. : tJloa Dr. Orowd)o, Mr. G. T. Bu-1'ullnAT EVttHII!O, Jot,, 6.-Tbe 8711od doll, \lr. H. Coote, J.lr1~. 8 . Grine, l:foo.

met a& 4 p.m., tbo Lord Diabop pretldlo~r. J. 8, Wla~, IUid Sir w. Vi. \Vbltow&T· After pra1ere, aDd lbe cathuc of the roll, Tbo en~l llaodl..r' o.>m•l**- of tho tbo,JDaouttl were read aod eonflrmed. Syaod ... thea appoluted, ucl &he DoOM

A ' Ueaololi.)n mond bT Ru. W, Pilol, adjourned, tbe me•bera UeotiaJ&o ~lYO reqoeetluc tho Utehop to aaoctJoo &be a.e or the Bi'lllop'e bleeal~~~o Special ~nlcea lo tbe Dloc:eae, waa pn~ Toaon, JalT12.-Tbe Srood ooulder-

Local and other Items. -8oalt ra&her cbterl01~porte bare boeu

latal.[ raoelnd rroaa &ho lAbrador llldo of tllo B&lal&a. F'atb II laid to ~ pleutUIIl from Fonue to Heole7 Harbor.

In ita iattoduetur.J ata.Lement our eontcmpor11rT obeer\'cd, and tmlf, lbd tb" afortgoing aultieoLI are ooee of rara. .. oanL imp!)r1anot at the praeot Liwe.

' •· Ahbouflb no real groood for alano IIX· leu, in regard to U. preoent eooditloo and tho foture proapeeu of the country, yot there i~ eoongll to •••kea aolli~tty. Tbe ~on try baa paaaod throo~ab far more aeriooa ae»ont of ,dopru.ion th~o that which hat row ourtakeo it. and hu· omcraed t fi. umpbaully from rar moro alar•olog aocial .and eomwerclel troubloa !Jian aoy whicb nowp,.aenttbemaelYea. •• , All thieei•ea aeattreoco that tho preeoot dimooltioe will be mel wllb a rimilar oalm oeoraae. IUid eooqutrod w1tb a like eoeru. Tbtro IIIAT be reaeoaa for taltlor, with eome aorietT, • What abould be done hi Newfoootllaod ?' bol there la oooe wblch WUY&Dt. &DT dark or d11pooden& riewe of oor ooodldun aod proepeote. . 8~1 there are pre reuot~a for

(6) Tbe ann~ ca&ch of fiah haa noL, generally apeaking, been inoreu.d b7 u much aaone quintal, thonsth .

(7) Three tirue1 the number o( people are uow eugaaed in ea~biog it; aoc.l. tjlougli •

aad carried. ed & 1110dOD broo&bl fcwwud ~~~ &all lln. A Reaolntloa oo the eobjee& of a lrarel· W. Plio& ,._ ref....,._ . to th TbiOIOfleal

lin~;. mlaeio0111 waa UIOYed and aeoouded, I College,' and aaa~ -tloo, lt~atroct­aud tbo ditcu•ioo waa takea ~rl Ia liT Ina tbe c:ommlu.. a~&ocf 011 tbowbjec&, M~ra. Outerbridie and McCown, Un A. or Educatioo, to .co~ witb. &¥ Biabop lo Waaborao. fllr W. V t WbitenT aod Mr. re11ard to the matt• ~ drattloi a Colll\1· liQyd, and ... brooabl to a cloeo bT ao ad- tulioo for lbel'beoloclcel c.u,p, ... oar-

-'l'be lteamtt LiaM, Cepl Cortia. arri"­Ool bero fro111lk. Job'• 7eater~ <Friday) JDOrolaa. While at the aitT &bo J.A.::zi,e wu docked aad reeelred a thorooab orerbaui­Joa. Sororel .,.-eo~tre came Ia her fro111 &: Jobo'a. •

' -W'u~u N-;;,-=1 prodleted bttly for lrillde be&woeo S.E. IUid N.E. IUid it llu ~ ud II well aoewertd. 1 bare oo doabl but lba& a •peedT aod bea.y fall of riio will .ooo 901!10 witb probably electric dieplay ; aft.r wblcb more beat apia.

cooaldenuoo.., ~ .. · Oar ooo~porary thea prooeecled to

recite a few of Lheao "grave Tlllaona: an~ alto to refer to "tho eources of aoxtetT wbich obtrude themaehea a.t Lhe pre110ot eritical juncture ill our }liator.J, end to

-ttre exiatence ol which, it Ia. genorallT beld, much of the prevailing depreaaion is to he attributed. Tt;a- were sina, ia substAnce, 1.1 followa, Tia..-

(1) The fiaheriea hue lor the put few yeera ft~.llen abort of an uerage catcil, thereby entailing widespread dHti,tntioo on a c:ommuoity anch at oura, •hich un­fortunateiT eo largely cltpenda on tbo aea-barveat for a aubciateneo.

(2) The declino In tho value of .our great s taple in t.ho foreign markota, coo• currently with a abort catch. •

(3) Tho iocreue or ~u r popolatro~, wit bout any correepondtog growth 10

tbC'I mean11 or proYidiog for ite aubsiat.cnce, Thia incrtMe baa been rather marked. At tbe beginning of tbe prllllont century tho ropufatioo or the J..l110d WA8 Under 20,000. Tbift nmober in 1837 had in . creaaod to 75,000. Twenty yeara la.ter tho population numbered 11!4,000 ; ant' in 1884 it w11a 193,378--au inore&se in ten years of 3 4.4!!0, or about 22 per cent, In 1 8~7, tbe pl"'llont, tho population ia noL far abort of200,000.

(4) The declino of the aoal 61bery; and. in addition to tbat.,-

(5) Tile ahrink:age in tho nlue of our cod nod 110al oils, both lj which hun recently declinocl one~hird, owin~r to the introduction of cheap 11nl•atitutes, such na cotton·aeed oil, ju~, patroleum, cto.

(6) The great ~uction i_u the value?! copper, which hfta roaui!.OO an ~ho langurd Opttrationa of Tilt eo~ •. &tt. (xae, and othor minoa.

The al.o•• are, in efl'ect, the (lrinc:ipal reaaooe addnced br the .ll6T'CUf'J1 in iu "introduolnr r atAt.oment" to the aympo aium on" what should IJe dooe in Now­loundland."

(8) Tlte a._ &.bed Ot'er lau been con· eidentbf.1 increued; and lhou~;h.

(9) Thupphanoee of captnre am mn :b more e.fl'ective, becau11 m~n:e aciootitie, cottlf, a11d elaborato.

(10) The exporting power of Lbe eoun· t11 hu not kept pAce with tbo arowLb of the population, 'buL baa, owing to in­creued compeULion fro111 foreign rirale, been ocmaiderabiTleaened; and,laatiT-

(11) Tbeca* oCpt:'OICICiltiog thea'tal'le iodoatry haa of laLe yean increued to the exLflot. of more Lbao GO per cent, Tbe ~ofort~uate reeaiL haa 'beea Lbat \he mppl1in& trade Ia .. been bardened enorDlooa ex~ and tboa rendered to a large exlen\ uonununerati•e. Tllia cooaeqaentl.f.,bu a~oeted boLh merchaat and mea.. • • • "

All the aioregolng are,weauhmlt, aeri' oua cona.idt~~Liooa,and a.ffonl aubata.ntial re&IOD Wbf at &Of raLe eoDle dop.-ion ebould, exiaL in tbla country aL the pr-.~t momeot.. The manel Ia that, all Lhioga cooaidered, • t iDlee' llre not wor&j! than the7 now are, and that greaw porert1 and deatltutioo do not exlat a.aoog oar -farina JIOpulation, w hoee numbera, a.a we hue aeeu, ha'Yo been eo larcely augm011ted of late yoara. To tho 'at-tesroan, aa the Alerf!UY well pate it, "the problem now forcibly presenta it . eolf -How are tbeee torrentls o f new ar­rivals to oe prorided for 1 Where are we to lind fresh iaduahial ontleta for our rapidly g r:>wing population f ' .

Tbeeo; lleJond all doubt, are tho q uos­tiona which aro DOW preaiog for a ape~y eolution. Tho beat efTorta of tbo friooda of the oounlrJ abould. bo earnestly di· reeled to furnish a ~~alufactorJ answer to the impor~nt query-" \\'hat should IJe dono in N ewfouodlaod 1''

We had purposed relerriog to tome of lhe "rouons" advanced by the dilforent CQJltributo~ to the •Tm11011ium ; but, our l(lllce btin~ limited, we lind we ahall have to leave tho tort her eonaidera.tioo of tbe subject till another iMne.

AT a late meeting or the &, J obll'l In· rlnatriea Society, it wu Agree.J that the au b. jeot for diac:n•ioo at ita rtelt IIAtheriog ebould be '' tho ltoad 8ye1em of NewfouudlanoJ" Thi1 Ia a moet iroportaot, "' ·~II aa k oottT matter. We truat that t he r1itcUI· aion by the Society of t ill• aubJ•ct rqay lead to aome lmproYemout beiu~e aiJectud In • IJStCIU lbat, aa at pretouL niAMIIcd, ia I d it · grace to tbo eouotry auJ call• lou<IIJ for rodreaL ; ---::----

WI are jtlad to record th~ rteAIIOlf fact that tbo lo~te~ induatry in th11 colony ap · J?!&ra latelT to be roceit'iog quile au intpetoe. fh,_.:l'~hy & coni otaka tbat :)mhh, Mautsrer ohloe Lobtter Factory lately tlArt· ed 1\l 'n1orougbfare,Smith'1 &oo.J,Ieh tl~are in bia Yeaeel, tho Mand Carta, for Bahfas

·a few days ago. Gopt,] work b1o11 beeo dooo at tbla factory •ioce it. la~optioo, alt hough bolateroue weather boa teoded tu make the t"atob of lo~ternmaller thao it would otber­wiae baYe been. llr. ::holt!) ukee with him to Halirn22i caaee of caooedlobatere, eacb cue eonteioln" tO caua.

Tnr.n inmfl'erable pollia, our mongrel doga, atill continue their rangee againn tha t ueeful animal, the eheep. Ooe day Jaat week no fewer than 11ioo of tb010 raluable cu•tol'lll were killed bf tbeee bf'Dtoa d Colliertt. The llheep all belong· ed to one poor woman. 'Tia almoet a pity tbaL the meuare introctucecl bT the Hoo. A. W, Harrey duriag the laat -'on of the Legialat.ure, or eome auch other drN&ic eoacttnflllt, u noL now in ac · tiro operation. AI the bon. gent.lemao eo aptl7 ren~artod, il baa now eome to Lhia poiot, "either the' men mast lea"e the oountry or Lho doga '»pat &<>. IC ac­rioultore and it.s adjancte cannot be pro-6tabl1 pureuod ia tbe eolooy, which will IJe the oue aa long u hordea of uaeleea, dee!i ~otiro doga are permitted to roam, Ne~uodlandera Dlut' leare a land which no longer aan maintain t.bem, and kat~apot L their Ja.bor to other 1pherea. H

Uerore proceeding, howeW'er, to cite the "other grave c.tur~a of anxioly" ad­"""* by the Nlllpoctive eoo~ributora to tho 'aympoeiu m, we • ·ish to refer to oat' E,Ood and aufficienl reason wh1,in ourol'in· ion, tb~ at•plo trade o( tbo country (and with it all ~he o~bor iolorcata) ia sulfuring koenly fro111 tho exietingdeprea.sioo- tbat ia, tlae largo increase which, witbin aay the pAllt one or two dccatlea, baa take n place in the CO!It of proaeonting the fiaheriea, ooncnrrently with a rapid growth or the population, &ncl no increue of ba~ rather a ahrinbge in the roluDle of the anona.l liah-eupply. To thia, we 6rmlT belioTe, a large part of ~be depr..Uon and waat at preaent (lreniliag ill to he attribut.ed, coupled with the other aigai6cant eir­oumataneo, t.hatoflaLe7ears the-l6ab. ery baa become of •ory little beno6L indeed t:> tbo bone aod aioew. For, u Ia "'ell known, ~he intiodnctionohteaDl into tbe !alter iodaat.rT baacompletely re•ola~ioa­lud it, and hu moreonr Ired a mott pre. judici•l l'fl'~ aa wollnpon thco merchant. aa u pon tbe middle-men and 6eher folk generally. The two lut.-oamed cl­al'l:l now practically reduced to tbia, Yis., thy mnet ••tpport t.bemael•,t!leololf froDl t be pi"'Cee'da of one eolitary precarious induetrJ-Ihe cod6ebllry· Tbu being the u nfortunate fact, 'beo, bow caa Oua eontemporar! t~e Colortill i• ad•o· thi11p be otlaerwiw than &hoT &rf' 1 catioe the iotrodDoUoo of a aewlodnatly­Sioce tho oaroing-power or the people thll ie tbo ODe of buiojt It leul a por­hu bello rod need to tho amallea~ JICIDiible uon or the laree qoaatity of tbe ual akin•

dre• from tbc ROY. 1':. dot wood, 11.1>. Tbe ried. 1 -"" •

motion waa poland canl~d. • 'l'be Rer. Mr. Botwood l.troducecla mo. WIWMESOAT.-Tbe RoY, E Ho&wood pro· tloo loatrocti•r &he l!:aeea6re Committee to

aeo~ t ho Report or tllo aelect co01mittee arrauee aod ladu tho Act& of·tbo 87aod appointed to draft a telo~rtam and addreoa of The motloa .U puiiUid camecl. c:oodoleDce to tbe Dioceae or Nora Scotia 1'be. Raporta of tho eommhtet &P.f!OIDtod ud lbo lllllli11 or tbo late Bit bop 8ino•1· to make arno.-eote for tho bolditlf of a On motion made aDd aeeooded, lbe lteport polllio M111looar, aod a pablio ·r-peraooe waa r-ltod aud &!!opted. maeUn•, io ooaOMlloa wtUa &b4t 8f1lod.

'fltt llo~ A. C. F . Wood prMOoted th. were tbeta p ..... lld; aad, "'01' .o&ieo, were ltepor& of &be l>iocaaao Committee of tbt reoolrod aod lldopled. TlloredaJ Dlcb\ waa S.E.'l'.S. for tho laa' two T .. ,.. I • ... dowa fOr~tb· Mloelooary -tloa. and

After a diacuaioo Ill wbicb aneral mem- Frida1 for the 'J.'-ponoee -"Df· bere of tbo SJDod took part, tbe Report Oo motioo of tile Roy, lb. Uo&wood, a wu, oo molloD, recei'fed aod edo(ltod. TOle o( tltaab )II&I~M tile Lal1,1 for

':l"be neoioa a ... loo waa ocoapled with a their klod~~J!Oifl!al;Y.:eatonaioloa diecaaioo oo \be eobject of eoboola, aod • tbe Clo11r1 dQllac _.e .

. RteoluLioo lo raforeote to SllDdaTecboole . M 7.88 abj_po,.. aad after wu adopted. pft7tra aad &he eatlioc ol ttllo roll, reeoiYed

A& 7.80 &he erenloa.-loo waa opened, lt~elf Into ooa:uaiu .. ol U.. wliGie~D &be aod tbe Hooao weot iota committee or tbt aub~u ,Itt dow• for clitoa.U011- Tbe Ora& wbolo, to reeume ...tho diacaaaloo On lbt tobJec& dlacoaead waa tba&ol LiJeotare, and aubject of acboola. ':l"be Rer: W. Pilol, a motloD for the appol•latftl of a Select 8.1>., wu lt.o lire& apeaker, aod Ia a tptech Co-lttet thoreoo woe adop&ecL • • •. el opwarda or ao boor, reri-.wod the bit· ·Tbo qatttloo of La7 ~ '98 next &ofJ of ac:boola 111 tbie cooatry, oomrueDciDJ cooeldert4, ud a& 9.80 abo eomadU.. roee a& tbe N&ebliabmen\ of lbe ftrat acboolllere aod report.ct &lao roeolodooe *al bed beeo lo 17211, aod tracioa &he nrioaa cbaogoe adopted oo tbt eararaleol!jeota.cUteaa.ed. down to the paaaio_c of tbt' Edaoatloo Ac\ The Commlt\ee'a repon waa roeelnd aod of laat aeeaiun. Tbe apeecb preaeo&ed tbe ~o~ whole aubjeet iD, to UN tbe warda of a eub· A Yote of tbaoka woe alno &o tile Blabop aoqaeot apeaker , a lucid, grat•bio aod ia- for preeidior al tho aoealoo: of the Syood. ter,ealioa maooer ;It wu llauood t.o tbr,oogb· Ilia Lordeblp rep.llod io appupriate term• ool witb great lotereat, aod dunag t&t de· tbaukloe tbe mem~ for lbo onlform livery tho epealter w-. frequently applaod- courteeyabowo the chair aod erp,_jo1 bia ed. Mr. Wltbera followed io a epeecb DO .pti8catloo at !Jie lDIUiaor in wblcb tho die· Ieee ior...reetiua, nd IDtrodueed a reeolotJoo oaMiona bad boeo eoodocted. Bill Lordablp for lbo appoiutmeot Of a COIDDtittee to COD• aJeo !laYO DOIJOI lbat io OODDeetiOn Wllb the alder .tbo whole queatJoa of Edacatioo. cloaiog of tbe s,ood a ooltbralioo of the Sneral or tho clergy took put ro tbe dis- Holy CoDlmaoloo would take plac. io tbe coaaioo, aod at teo o'clock the commitue Calbed.ral oo TboredaT next at 7.SO a.m. rote. • IUld loYi&ed toe membere o( tbo 87ood to be

·ruuasou-Tbe Ru. E. Botwood, K.D., preaeot. preacuted tho report of tbe Select Commit.- Votea of lhaoke were aleo lendtrad the ue appoiotod to d raft aa addrea to ller Clerical and IAT Secretariea. Majoaty t !ae Qu~on. 'fho report w~ ro- 'fbo wioutea were read aud eoolln:~o~hod cei•ed aod adopted, and oo DlOtioo It wu tignod by tba Preeldtot, • ordered t hAt tbo addreaa be tunac:ribed, Tbo Syood tbeD elated. aigncd by Hie Lordtbip tbe Ullbop aod for· • warded L1 biro to Hia Grace t bo Arohbiahop of Caut,bury for preecotatioo to Her Ma· jelly t he Queco.

The Ret'. \V. Pilol preteoted the report of tbe Staudiog Committee of tbo SyDod on Snoday •elaoola. Tile report ... receit'· t-d ,aclopted ~ud ordered \0 bo priotoi Ia one or more or the daily pApen. •

i"KtOar.July 8-'lbt~lto:v. W. Howaaked leue to iotroduco a Llill to amcod cortaiu aectiona of Chapter I or \bo Couethution and R uleAJ.

l..taYc waa !!ranted-the llrll wu road a flrat limo and notiC:O giYDU Of lbc l t CODd rca<ling to-morrow.

Tho llou ... Wt'nt Into commllt..o or tho wbolc oo Mr. Winte r'• Uill. 'J'bo coanait. leo, after a obort titt\J•IC reported tho Bill whicb wu tbeo rca<! a tt.ird time aod pau ad. ,

'lbe Rn. W. Pilot broagbt forward bit motioo ror the au•peotion of rule• relatlos. t.J th~ coudact or tho proc:oodiuga or tbw Syllod. The motion waa carried.

I n ntplfiO qu1111ioo of Dr. Skelton, the clerical Secr11wry read I be ltegistor or at· teodaoce or Lay mombora of tbo ExecutiYo comrul~t.le duriote tbo lut two yun.

HoY . • r. C. \laney, R.U., mond and the l'-"· E. Colle11ecooded that ~be fnllowiog teiPgram be forwarded to the Syood or Frederic too : ·

.. Brood of Newfoundland, Ia t onloo - bl.d, ooad IT""Ii•RW allore aod Chriolltr.o fellowoblp lo Syood at ••rodorntoo with llllroNI pn7or Uocl ma7 dlroet aud bl- Ito dollb«.UOO.."

Tbo Dlotioa waa uoanlmooaly ovritd, On mouoa made by Mr. W. R. tltirliDg

aod teoOoded, the Roporc of tbe Dlooeaao Committee or the C. E . ·r. S. waa ordered to be printed lu oao or IDOrt of tho da111

pa~~AT l'!vutNo.-The 8711od ret1tmtd a& 7.30. Afttr praJera aod the oaUIDe of tbe roll lbe Houeo reaoiYtd ltaolf Into eommit.­teo of tbe whole to reaamo the dleetlaaloo oo tho eobject of acboole. The diac:naai.oo wu taken par$ lo b7 the R.r, W. Pilot, Roo. A. W. Uarny, Mr. J. W. Withera, ReY. A. Carrie, Sir W. V. \Vbiteway,Ror, T. Nelteo, acd MeMn. J . R MoCowao, I:L W. LeltlOflorier and W. 8 OrieYe aod lbe Rer . Mr. Warren. A reaoluuoa appola~ lag a coDlmittoe to cootidor tbe queedoo of aducalioo lryn!atioo to the Cborch wu adopted aod t be oocomhtte Nee, reported progreea aud aaked lear• to alt aceio to­mOIW'O'f.

The Honre tbea adjooroad "II HoaclaT au• at 3 SO.


(TO me IDITOR Or T8l Sf.utDUD.) DIAR SIR,-

l>uriog two or threodaya of tholut week, •ory fair catebea or 6ab were IIOCllrtd in t hie neijlilbourbood, aod bopea rao bleh ~DIOPg all elaaa~ \ba\ a csteb IOCb M WI hue no~ had for Teart, woald erowo &hia aeuou'e labonra. Jo t beao bopee, bowenr, we ban boeo ene•oaaiT d-ired, aud, •h•t tboo appeared to be a fuorable proe­pect, lou ool1 turued oat to be a Waok 'df4· appointment. Strooe br-.1 of ol-ahore wiuda. accomraoltd with oquaiiT atroog tidee, bfoYO dane tbe Dllocbief. & far ueittaer trap, book aoll lioe .nor aoT other tackle can oow aecure a "fare." Io fact. trapa- hue cauaht abtolotely ootbklr. alld oale .. a fair YOJ&fl it yel made of, J dare hardlT itDagine wbat tbo roe:JII wll be dar. ing tbo comlnr wloter In taot, 1 oaa only b .. r 6} ODe place, W'is., Smitb'e &uod in t bla BaT, aad of ooe or &wo near Ma.eran Harbor, Uooni•ta.. where lba people bare up to date dooo fairly well. A' Loor u d aod fDdiao Jalaoclll, to Ule latter loealit7, lith llu beeo more pl1111ilol tbao for DIIUI! yean paaL

Yoare &e.

C.taUaa, JaiT12, 1887. OBSERVER.

By Telegraph. -o-

BALD'.U. Jalyll-5oadaa rabel. hue capta...d Kbor:lofao' Mel are llOW ~ Omduraa.

Goaenl Boalufer, oa l•riar Pw, n· e.i•ed aa lm-..aocl popelw Oft&loo.

TeD&Dia oa A~ Jardtoet. ...a., Damfri.., hara lldop&ed l•llle ptaD ol - -

~" reelpatioa of &he ~ Cablae~ Ia rop6rted.

Tb. Qaeea reriowed lllny &hCM~MDd ' troope at Aldenbot OQ SM·~· no .... new ... a apleodid ·~

Tbe Gledatoaiau bare woa Cooreo&rJ by a majority ol twel•e.

J ULT lll-Bed report. bra beea reclllftd from the Non Scodao IJebiar rraoacle.

Tho Drit.ieb GonraiMDt •lion the Sal­teo Oro da71 to .alp tho Ec1pdaa Co.!'ftl­tlon.

Tbe JIICh& JIJ·IIrJ eapebed 011 &oday Deer Looa Ialaad, drow~~U!J &woa&,...._ eJ:Ctlnla.!Ae. -

'l'bo mooo ill Dew on &be fOib. Be&weoo tba& aod 26!JI I opec& frout tbe allowao~ ot cloud pthniDf, eomo f611log, YfJt • D,d wlod1 ••tber illlermltuat, aod thea fair aod ftoe-~lo. : lliaaaTtl top ~a. for me to •1 aoytblog rboot A~ uout'nut oote

We 1010etiDJ" uperlao• bare the" tell eodt/' of Wee& l11cUao borrlcaoea ootabiTio Aoaua&. Tbe wind wltb mpooniiT eomu fn1111 8 . .aod S W. aod w. h ~air• more wa.tcblnr lo the 8 , &lid W. dlttricta. :n­ploe bore are ·aeaahT bT rolled. OIII-looklnr, dark aod bard;odaod clood bT fbe w&&. 81~ al!n.ddT, ~roho cload a,iag to Eut are - of a pie froDl that qaar~r. So ~earT· ~kio!1 ~!..~ark cloocl; io fleat, mot'ioa froiD~ w. to tc.E., aad cbookod up, a re '>CDlnoUI of S.E. braeb area oow, bat particalarl1 hi' Aoguet and September or Oetobet' • • ·~bfliMI b~oea fa tJio Wul lodiea bne dHtroTod pro· pet:tT to nloe of a million poatlda Ia a few boar~; 'rbe c:bartt of tbe American Storm aleoal Se"ice are or area& "'rico eno to othf Nnfoondlaod ao4 the ,eportt aro a mine or'acientiflc wealth, .

Voaoa ia etill n eoiog aw io N. W., and Jupiter lo Virgo.-lYtdlludaJ t.eHi.otg, J~, 12.-Coa.

-A VERT KA~ROW l:SCAPI FlinK DUm b7 buraiog bappeoed during tbe lirue tbe fire waa ngio~t io t he rear or Spaoiard'a Bs1 on t be N t w Uarbqr Road. The Ore bad made itt •aT nrT dote to a boiJtD owned b7 a mao D&med Iaaao Jlotcbiop. Aa eooo as the otigbbo,. •• tbe daager to· wblcb tho boa.e wu upQMd, tbey aft harried to tho eceoe, If po•lble to are it from deatruo­lion After a <long batUe, t he 1laDlet wero turoed from the viciolty ol tbe bo~JtD, aod all waa t booghl lo be aale; ud the re~euing 'puty accordio~IJ leh for bome. Tbe wind at the time waa blowing from lbe we~~tward. SbortiJ after tbo neif;bbora had tehn tLeir departore, the 'Wiu1 1prug 11p from the outward , aod drc.Yo tho Oamta and 1moko back on tbo reaeued hoaeo. Mra. H ntch­loga ... tbe ooly Dltmber or I he family at bomo, and abo ac: t ' braYeiT to work to do wbal tho eould to are ber bome from t loo deatro7iog element, wbicb wu drawing nearer n ery moment. The llaruea bad iu a t hort time made euch progru.'l to warda the bouao, tb11t ebe wu forc:od to Oee, aarltoko abetter to a pond ol wate r 'near by, wboro a tbort time afur abe wu fo•tnd byaorue nefahbora eurrouoded by emolr.e aod fire aod ap to her waiat iu water. Mn. Uu!ch· ioga waa ury much bnrnt about t ho taco and banda; aad ber clotboa wero b:~llty eoorc:bed, The bowe, tlraoge to aar. l1Ad eec:apod aod WA fouod iotac:t; tho Oame1 bad a wept com{'letel1 around it, bat for 1 ~ • nately bad not tojured i' to lbe amalleet do­eree.

-A FATAL ACCIOI'!!fl' a\ Sp.aiarda 8oy bappen~d oo · IMt Wedoudar niJ(ht, by wbicb II f etp( lt•d iobabit.tlt or t hat place -Mr. Saroue( lfnleloiogs-m~t iutlaotau. eoua deAth. Th e partieuhua of tbe molan. cbol1alrair are givell \Jy ourl'tlton corru . poodect ia the aubjoloed telegraphic do· lp&t()b :

TU.TO!f, 1'nURSDA.T KOllNlNO. Wrtbin the lut air roootba two aad ac·

eidoow bne bappeoed to tbis .lucallti by wblob lwo Taluable lirtt hue beea deetroT­ed-one that or a young mall b7 drowolol!, tho olhor thai or a father of • large family bT an ODlbankmeDt foonderiar a od bury­ing biDl booealb m- of cla1 aod rock. h ia aplu m1eorrowfol dOlT to adriat TOU of auotber name belar added to able liat of cuualtJre, aod of tbe 1011 of aootber life. Lu' utah& aboot a loe o'cloek, wbllet Sam­aal. B.otcblnga waa at work oo a wharf at Spaolarda llay, be eiJpped aod ftll off to the boaeb aloogeid . .- belgbs of leu foaL Hil bead comina Ia o..otae& with tbo ltODT (ITOuod, be wu it~a~otly killed. Mr. Hatcbiaga wu a klod, a..alllblt ruao oftlftT Teara of ag., witb a le"'P famUJ. A poll· _,.,,_ will be held to-cJ•,_ · . We bear tbr' follow log addltiooal partiea­lara: lt aoeDl lbu the deotued, whb h'o otber moo. ..U enjtaged i11 trocLint a bridae ludiDg from El'-ba llarrett'a wbarf to a ftake. While eudearoriog to reet the end of the bridge on the ftah, it gaYe waT, and roor Hutchlo1 • ftll whb it to tbe be.eb be­low, a dleuo. 1 of teo teet, aod waa killed almoel lt~a&eolly. •

'fbe family aod frieode o( tbe oufonoaate 111ao haYe Q~ warm aympe!JIT.

MO!fi'AT. JolT 11.- 'fbe Syood met at S.SO, tbe Lord B11bop' preeidlng. After pranra tbe roll wu called aod tbo mloatH were read and eon6rmed.

Raealaa eocuriUoe fell &wo per -t.. r-terday oa tho Loadoa Stook .Ezollaofo, 1'Ki Ba1111: Frsucnr, •• reere~ to •T· baa Stocke are ... k io Be~lio aod Parla. oot been eo aueooaafol oo lbo capllo. bah,

nported from Newfoaodl•od e•ery ' yoar, diDlenaioDll, how o\o "the titues" be d roaaed lo thia coaouy. TboT are, adda good or proeperoue- how can an1thiog oar cooLemporarJ,•llipped to the Old Coon­e lae than depreaion obtain in the ooub- try io buuclroda or &bou•ada aoouall1, aod try'• buJJineaa and trade, bow cao the coo gi•e remuneraur,.11abor to luge oumbera dition of the people generallJ be' bett.or of people fo maililfactariog tbem ln Yar· \ban it ia found to-daT 1 ioaa ••1• fpr Ui~ \n.ihw of $be wottd. A

· h betinolug baa &ten made Ia pr-otln' Let IU no...- refer more aunut.eiT f6 t e lhl• ioduatry at' home .a with •ery fai r ro-Dllltet' or' the ohange whiah ol .recent eulta. 1be NewfoondiU.d Taouery, aow Teare baa taken p l&ee in Lbe (lrOtleOutit D onder the miiDacemont of lttr. Allau, • of ~be 6aheri_. cbaage not for tlre " ll•e" man, u tuf1JIDI ou& maoufaetorod tetter bat for the woree. The lllefl'ecte wal a kine whicb "'..J equal, If aol aoperior of Lhl1 hue been felt i n a urleLf of !11 their hne, to aoJ lr~rted, 1be lea­ways, too patent 1.0 n eed particniiU' re- ther ia 1

' eoft aa agton, &ad baa a beauli· ful llni•h. It 011111 be Olfd for boot& and

lerenoe here. Suffic ient to UJ that' eo abo-a, couriog for rur11iture, aod u ltologa ex1>to.nei•e did the ataplo trad"' become, fo~ carrfaaea, eonri•l!• f ... r boggl" aod the thAt., a• tbo 7111r1 progreaed, tbe coat of iL other 11101 to whioll leather m•oufactured graduall1 aaaumed larger proportiooa, from t bo bldea of aalmala le (lot, wltb t he unLit now lmmenae capital ia requif'!ld to exceptJoo of eolo-lealbar, for wbicb "a! cqndooL i' oo e11en a mode rote -lo. aklea woold not lro aa1Bc:lt11tl1 tblck. \'VbfD Thie, too, be llremembered, in taco o( the thla b~aloeoa u Ia filii awior, it will omploJ

• S.reral ooticea of motloa were giYea, aod Mr. Matt broogbt forward ble ootloe of motion io refereoc.e to tho holding of a pobllo temperance meeUng onder tbe aoa. plc:ee of the Sjaod. h waa decided to bold bolb Mlaaloaary and T emperance moetiop io conoectioo with tbe Sroocl aod.oomtail­toee w•re appoiot.d to make arraoaeDleata. Tbe Uooae tbeo reaol"ed ltaelf loto com­miUee of lbe wLole oo the Ulll of the Rn. Mr. How to amend certala proYieione of the oooetitotion aod r ulee. 'fbo commit.­tee after a ahor$ aittlog reported that tbo bill to•d boeo paaaod witboq,\ •meo<lmeo&. The oom:oiltte'e re('Ort waa adopted and lbe bill read a third time IUid po.ued.

Tbe Hooae adjonrotd ac 6.30. At 7 .liO tbe Syllod rreomod.

'fbroe mldablpmeo beloarfog to tbe mao. aa ooe eoold wiab. We I are aot thil week of-war Ct~JUUI4 were drowned 'oo So.odaT to report tbe arrinl of m( •1 of the lla.rbor lo .Bedford Baalo, Halifax. Graoe fteeL 1 1

J OLT 1li.-Tbe ~•11 or Wlttl"k. Rllllla, Ouo, boworef'l o! Me._ll Jobo Muo & haa beeo deetroTod bT ftre, aod tbo-.dl Co'• acboooora. I be &~' · 11 Ooltol. Capt. rendered hamel-. Nombere pvi1McL .KeonodT, mlr•d al Coo t.loo Harbor oo

A new Bulpriao C.binel baa boeo form- 1.'lloedaT , laat from ber· tli rd tdp to Ule td, wllb Stollolr u preeldeDt, • . Bank a. Oapt. Keooedr haa o~ j)eea eo aue-

OraDaemeo- tbroaaboet ot.t.r • -rot aa be wu oo tho two fonoer tripe, yNterdaTwith'IIDU8oal eothuW.D. BI'MOb- b&riDJteeared bateD lodilferentfare of 180 ~• of Ule pHCO wore few. qtla. . F lab ie reported to be acarce, and oo

1'he eeoood readier of U,. Lute! BUI Io li.go of equlde waa aoea oo thd part of tbe abe Houao of Commoua baa beeo appolaMd &au wbere tbe &bmtitvt Cabot oaa11h& ber ror l'bundaT. 8ab. 'l'bla ecboooer pol la )Jere 1•terda1

1'be Emp..- of Japaa will rill& America for eappllea. Sbe aalled qalo tb'- mornioa . lo October, The Harbor Grace Baok F' .. hinr Co. '•

JOLT U-Cbolera baa aA~-a a& Bar. ecboooar Tlnu.Vr, Capt. n. O'Neill, pot In dial~ n--- a& C.plfn 811) oo t!le 71b lneL &e ob-

Tbo French ehm~ of d-U• ,.,... tal DOd a eoppl7 of bait, and 1111llod a,ala ou -r:; &be 8&b. She bad 300 qlla flab. • to~ the reabtaadoa of l'reiidft& Plo- Aoother of onr CoDeeptloo BaT ba~hre

qa~ • ~ .. relaraed-M..,._ C. & A. Dawe'ncbr. • ld OODternaln. ._ bteo oleoW •lblbr, Cllpt K O 'Neill, wblcb arrirod et BaT IDINbw Jloblia aalteni11 .. III4IDIId Jiqberte T•terda1 moro1Df wltb a ftrJamall

That the original arrangement lana been tered ie, wan1 per111na tbink, rather

unfortunate, tu far at leaat aa New• (onodland ia eoncern~d. Later in the year Llaan the bejrinning of April woold, i' ia beliovod, auit ua better-tho duto at llrat agroed oa-viz., the autumn monthe- • ould perhaps enable WI to 11111ku a bettor abowin~t witb our f41tory 1•roducte. II Lbat bo ao, would i~ nl'lt I.e! wi~• lor ~hQ corurnercial lxi·Jy to uae their inft:.renco with tbe Spanlab Conaul to h11ve the original ..fate abidt<l b7 1 h it reaeonable to auppoee that ~he oxr..nt of onr' trado relat.ions with Spain w.ould wuranL us in m•king the greateat ef fo t tl 1.0 hAve tho holding Of ~Jr0 lJarco.­Jona Exbil:ition 6xeJ at a aeuon of tl1e year would gi•e "" "" opportunitr of m~king tho heat poaeiltle 1how .. 1 our inC(.mt"""t.le eodll1h. Th1>1e old cna &omen~ or oura are woath cultiv•tinelt) tl•e utrn01t utent. They y early ~ake from us Lbon•udl u poo thon .. nda of qt~{a. ~I• o( our11ta1•le llroduct; and no e6ort. ahoul\1, t.herefore, IJe tptored that will l111d to tho improv11ment ~on.t exteneion of tire comual'reial relatione between tbe K mgdom of Sa~aln and' thie colony.

a coD jderablo a amber of pereoaa ; ud If other noLewor1ob7 facte, tba~ the for tbe~houiJ Do& be bomo ~lllllmptloD the t-t half ooot.ory hu,1bown no ap- euougb for all tbe altiDe mauaractured, U.e1 preci11ble evid,1oot of increue ; that, in will fonn a vrollt.bfo article or oxporL. toLltcic- worda, "'ere wu u IIJoeb 6ab oep . We need acarooly107 tba\ It ilaacb larfaa­tured 70 7eare ago u there il to-dar, &rl" aa thia thas "'" er1atoaiiT taolld ap wb011 the populalloa Ja .. qnadrapled it- Rewfouodlaud, eocl aa~aollwe •lab. Lite.,..,

aelf, end when Lhll •rea tiebed orer i• •nw:::.:~,·~~tb oar eoat-por­tbree tiDl• tbe e~lfiDL I& wu then. ' •rJI• tho adr-o)' of tble ........, of bDtDt

After prayera bad beoa aald a.nd lbo roll called the Blabop loformed the Syood tba& be bad boeo commuolcatod with br l&lo­l'ftpb oo 8atard1.1 laat bT tbe Ro,, Doetor Nlebol, ooe of tbe MDior elerayof the Dlo­-of "on Sootla,aa to wbo&lter l>r.Bdre­blll declloiDf ead Uta Lol'llllbJp bolar 1111· aDimoaaiJ elaclod, be woold aooept the Yaeaol aeo. Ala Lordelilp thea weot oa to •1 that after deap aud oerfou rdecdoa be bad oome to tbt decltloo Do& to Mrtw bit -otadoo wid! tbll Dtoooee 10 Iotta 11 be biNI boaltb aacl atroortb to perform Ita wortc, IUid bad -rdlaal1 teiOirl'lplled to Uallfu dtellotar tho prolorecl llfiDiaa­tloa. tile Loidtblp'l dooWoi •• roalllrad w1dl eeelaiMdoe IUid UDiciM ooodoa- •P: ..... Tile a... Btmi-Doaa .. .,.T. ol o1"' .....,,lad &li- w. v. Wblte­.., for tilt Lallr.- $ltatetl tilt -..., ht ............... 0 .

Holmea. • iare--30 qtla. Tbe ParuolUte mtmben oppoet ~ l.w The aoboooer wcnw~,_ CapL lfereer. Dill I I R .. -__ Uladttooe eopporill Tr....et7M'I OIUICllda- beloegiall' to tbo B , ..... kine Co. •lied

tore for u•~.. for the .Uaoh ·~· week. She 11M •• p~ to -v da&e, laoded tbe baadeome &otel o(700 qU.. Ba.laa -llritlN U. aow lower 1beq lilocHa to tbe CompaaTI dufor &he Rulo-TarkWa wu. 11awe are Senral, aleo, of the PlaMuUa IUid Ba-ao bta7.,._ rio 8ee& bare lat~T . . raturotd. A& tbo

Let ua ~~ ai•• • few et.U.Woa io IMDofaotare. 'fbo tllablltll_, ollbla aoct euppor' or tbu : . other klodrod ladaitrloa .......... 10 maob

Mor ine&anoe,ln the J•r 1516. wbea llt0dedb7 oorpeoplo•astbo prwoo& t.ltDO. the popalatloa ol the -ntry waa II. m w than 60,000, there ·were l,086,2M qain· -'FUIJVL .D~aa~Ju.-Nr• )'ori, J.l1 &ale of llab e&Jitured-• maela 1111 dtera IJ -no aloop-Y&ft& JJ,., Jolt Re&

I L •L L • .l bar; lUI. ..... fa CUanie . ..,, M ..... wae "' 1•" •uen ... e ooaatq _.. a o'elooll Ill& ...,.,,., IOided ...... to tilt popalatLJa +.f'*riJ 209,000. '~!rhea. CICIO•

1 ....... whla ...... ud ........._ aad

~...,.,.,, o ... &l,. bllOCIIM pel' ceDL •Ilea,. .,_, lllae4 • 1'Mte fw CQe,. •ore .,..._ ...,.....,.. ..... ......_ • ... ,..... ~-'J&Witeta 01 &Jae waa the .... e-. l•••i .. dt• tile ,_.. .... - ...... liN ,_.~ &.ilia ....,ol ,...., .................... ~l'lllliecJ.

(U'hltedt~Lit.._to:u~ =-~-...;.,;:: .... Act datr (Lib .... o.t .J.oJalf . ,. : ~ ... llaAil eL.n ..... u.. , • ., 1811- '::;. [I .... ......, ..... Jta... .... ....... •

n. ••• toto ~ol ... WMiefwtlle. I .... of the•~ '"dow• fw abe '""'- ........ The d...._.oo ol the •bJoet ol ......, ,... olaeed aDd the q•llllo• or........., ~ .,.. •• to bJ ,.._,of·~· Aauo..-o..t._..__. ... n-. ~ n..a.._ ot ih ZE· etllldftCoiiiiOIU. ..... ,. •• adltl wi&ll. 7\efol....._ ................ ....u .. t-l. lWe ICMDIDI'- :-

Tlae Sollao ptnlata lo ~ nl.-1 )o ~ Ira a11mod plaee abo 1Cb0011ere Diol. tU· ~ ..... w .. , ao&wtt.._Ddlac a-;, 1Jiglll aild W. P. JrcCq-oDt wftb 11M •'lOll( adriet ol ~lilly. . 100, the other wltb"700, aod &be &hird wllb no c.. ... Prtao.... 01 a. - . ~WeN ~tM Jlle of.,...._. 100. ntT report DO lbb Oil lh ..eora 1a a 1 •- IDd ol the Graod Baak. Sqolde 'leolllecl

yaobt. ·~ ..._, ;; to lie fat a&rlklarla, u thtTwero •all • el.p ~ ~ ,_, • ••ne Drilnle a&Barill were the V'wtori.w,

JVJ.Tli-Aa ... bd ir1 t:~~~ti!. ~~~~~JI~ ... ._.~fa ...... ..._, af • 100• ,..,_ q... JIO • N..W. 100! ier. ~ ....._ ... .._..... ~i80;'Dii...llea.~J- Qteea"-•tled wttJa-. ..,. J~ uo1 .~ JOO· ~ ,..._.. ~tnoo. u.. a-,.. ..... aooi v.-.'••f"li'tleo. 00..~

llflloctftet,... ... . . .. .._ ~ ~ . . .• n:.r ... a:.'!:r~~ ,;t:.=r •. ,.,=-rr~ u...a....,..UifLWa~ At ... ~~ de,.,.,_wblla

=~~~~~ -"r~ .:~ ..... .. &, n.,...,. . ::·:r f '!! ~.,., ltll ! 1

Page 3: FISH · goods beet Rdupt..-:1 t.o thuir wotntA. \Vo epin our, own Y 11rot and are the only manufacturers


TO·DAY'S Tl:LEGRAM. t . Dr. EdrbW decllu• Lbt Waboprio of


"BT A17t110il&T'I'.-81a.ay the Ad· miaieUator.of Pt Qo,...... ~ ConcH bu bdto pl.-1 &o'appola' . : Wlllia~ Graham tD be a Direotor of tile Ooael'lll ProteataD' Aoacte.J, Ia p~ of~'· L. U. Macaoll, lef\ &M ooaatry.

. . . • ...,. .... ftllau7. Thla flabt'7 fa &Ilia nti1llborbood COD•

tlaa• to bo .,_, poQr. Little or ao elp of aaJ flllpronllleat wu apP,arent da...., the pua ~ .. t. Seall qaa~~tiil• of 8eh an OCOMioaaii.J talrea ; ba& dlere hu u yet beea no rul.rood" ~an.• Oaplluare Mill pleatiful. Oa o• or t•o moratap durlar tbe week, larao nucnbon Jaoded Ia tbo ne.i,hbonng cone, aad miUIJ •ere eocared by DlOIDI Of capJiD•UIDea. Tbe oatlre amount pbtalaed 1 wu eold to tho farmen wbo will couYerl thle nloablo flth Jato cocnpoet for tbetr field• IUid prdou. 'l'b.a&­and not~log elao I '

t ~~:~----~----. .&llk. Jobe,K. a .. oe 11M ltlda IDA.• &lit wile ol JkotM Bt-,IIQ 1 ol a clllllldiW. -,

\ Advertisements • AdverttaemeDta. Advertisements.

- ' 'J."be St. LaWTtaoa Su.Dr Belloory, Moa­

tr•l. hM bHa barnt; l011o ball a mUUou dollars.

.&l 8pularcl"e lloiT, oe Wed_,..T lu&, IIIIi ._, 11M wle ol Mr. J. Llbeppanl ola daqbter.

Commercial Bank of-Nfld. . . NO neE II hrobr .. reo tb•& a Di•idtod

oa tbe Capital Stock of tbia i011titutloa a• tbe rate of Elaht per ceo-. per aaoum, bu been declared for t ho balf-year eotllug SOtb Juoo, 1881, and 1 bonae of 10,.. per •hare, P'l•ble 1\ Ita Banking Uonao, l>uclt­wortb Street~ Ia tble city, duriog tho uaal boura of bo11o011 .

Post OJilce Notice. SOROFULA 1 Alter thla dale, , .... ......,. ...

At tbt rtqnut of Hartlagtoo aad Cham-, - berlait, tbo so•onamu& will liboraliq tbe

Laud Hill.

SooretarJ'a Oao., .IGIJ12tb, 1887.

NEWSPAPERS ., ... ~ ... aaiCI8el•a ~ tor....,._. B•

RUlli& or den frontier mtrcbaatt to dit­mi• their Germao clerlt1 tbe let or Sept.

'Iurkey reru.. to ratifJ tbo E&Jptian ·conveutioo. ·

-Two liD DIGnm.-Prlnta ad•loa from Fortaoe 0., (-.,1 tbo ~111) 1tate tha\ a •&abla1 boa' aod two moo weae loet at ~·· Oo'f41 on Mob~y l111t, h

Oa Tbueclu l"'t, 14th (Del., attar a IODI liJ­o-, b«o• wtih Cbrltltara forth* aod nefl"tt· Uoa t.o "e Dl'll• WUI aod forliAtd bJ' all ~0011· .., .. l.looufllo~::!f'oo· lubertltoO~, aaect 67 y..,._ Tiled .... a oaUwo of Ouboeeu. -B.(P, J8t.Jobo1• aod lalontnt.l pepve pt ....

~"Ill not be raceind at tile Coatral Olllce. tboy mutt IJ« potted in future al the Goa-era\ Poe~ OIBco. •

:a:..:;~== = ..-...!!.... &Jao1 bcia ....!:.Y, Humors, • .. - -·· ~ lr.altiJw,,. .._..l '•o trains collided at St. Tboa1u, On·

tario , ten ~noona klll<!d and ftrty Ia jured. Shnrmau Ylel&ed Hallfu: )'OI.IcrdaT.

· 11eaA tbt tlae ~ ft llowe Wtf'll prooeed­inJ to tbc hhlaa around •ben tbe aoefd~ot occurred. Tbe boA' W.. diooo,erod bottoa1 up; bat r. proii'ICiod -reb failed to rovoal tbo •beroaboalf of tho•bodloe. Ooo of tho mol', n1uned Meadowe, wall martloct and ~.:l a large family. Tbo other, Urc~~· it •P· peara. .,.. aleo married, bat b•d qo cbilcl· reo. 'fbeJ were both worUiy moo, r.nd their antimelJ doetli Ia •ldalj rearctted.

oopy.l ' A\ OampTolaodl, Ulridor, o•ll•• tolb Feby.,

1887, J>.dUiaocl,~aT..,..,'bolO'IIed-of E*·

'franef~r llooka eloeed from the 6th to 8tb, botb daya lncllUiire.

Uttera ud Ciroalart will be pooled 11 tbo Central Ollloe, •nd JloaUltrod wbeo re· qulred. I

aull tW DJIII8dld• 1 e'!for .... d.-1!. ll.alllta,No. LIDdale,O.

. .'.fbere "'" boea numetOue burglr.rioe tn · No• Drunawlck and Non&:oUa. · Au at~mp~ wu made to -..!nato tbe , Grand l>uchc!aa ltllaabotb at St Petoraburg,

·• becauae, beiu~t • LutbcaiUI, abo ref~ to j oin tho Gre•la:~hurcb.

'-- .Coutit '.Aluoaler, <hrmn mloleter to \ Paria, bu remooMrlted wltb tho Frenob

GoYeramen' apl.- tho Yloloa\ alteoh of tbe radical preee. Lord LJOIIt aeeoaded llaDIItcr'e pro~.

----'l'be Dioote~U~ S,aod of tbe Chorcb of

Eoa!aad 10 No•fouodiiUid, wbieb bu botu Ia .,aioa r.t SL Jobn'a for tbo put fort­nip&, cloeod oa tbe neoinl of \Vedo.CS.y lAt.. The Rnda !let~~~~ T l' Qalatia, T Norte, G Craao. IUid tba other clti'IZ1'DIID etaUooed In Cooceptioa BaJ came bJ tho Cniu OD TbDJ'IdaJ IAl

-HoDMkeopera Ia tbe oeatral pert of th• town are making Ad complalota aoout tho lon!!lcieucy of tbo eupply of wal4r a\ tho t•ob, priocipr.lly tboeo on 1M Crotl•ttroeta. Oo da71wbeo a larp qaaoltiJ of wa&er 1e required • for boueebold purpo-, houte· keepere are obliged to apeod a g!'tlt deal or Yalaablo limo waitiog to oecnre enough for their aeeda, o•iog to tho '!ftl'}' alow ftow of water ·~ the tanka Wh•~ Ia &W GlUM of dlo liclted aupply t

-OatT-H ia oar molanc:boly tuk to-day to cb rooiclo tbe death of • fatbar and 100. Oa Lho 27tb llarcb IAt tbere died at Camp lalaod'a, Labrador, Mr Ebtnuer l'areooe, 100 of Air Edward Pareona of Bear'e Gon, Uarbor Grace A :J.year old eou of tllo la­rucotod deceued died on tbo 20th of lhorro· cediog mouth Tbe wife and frieada o tbo latot Mr Pll'loae buo our deep 1ymP'!lhy A ~bcaeket •aa 11n' do•u·by tbe IA.dy t';/O«r to briog tbe racnaioa of t be o.aror• tunato man bomo for iotermcut bore

TIT!"':msa Wm:sr ASECO:-"D SuT Fno111 TilE 'l'omu.--Lonclo• July 10,-1 o tbe par!iunonta:ry election at Co~ontry on Sat . Ul'lay Mr. Ballantine, Gladatouian, was elected by a majority of 16, reoeiYiug 4,229, againat 4 :?IS for bie oppoueot, Mr. Eaton, Conacrvati•e. l'bla ia a ~:•in OYer the lae\ e lection of 12 Coneorntlvo and 4~ Glad· •t.onian voteo. Tbie u.altu tbo aecood au~ wre&lod !rom tbe 'foriea t!Je put •eck.

Wbetbcr from 1wampy IIUid or etagoant pool, or froiD :lcad!y paM of city acwera, malarial poiaooe are tbeAmo. Ayer'e Ague l:ure, taken ac:eordioe to direction•, ie a wurauted epec.iflo for malarial tlieordera.

Addrau and Reply. ScllJOISI:D will bo fouud the farewell ad·

drua preeont<.'<i to t l.o roopocted pLitor of t lao Metbodial l:hurcb of t bia to• o, the He• . T. W Atkiuaon. ou tbo eYe of hia dcputuro from the II Arbor Grace circuit where be hal eo iodefoti~tnblylsbored for tbe J>Lil Lhreo yeara. ll•o re• . ~tenlleruen, and Mre Atk m110o and hmily, took tlieir de­parture. t11 rilulc to t hei r now homo, by Uaio worolog'a train . Several r,f lhc friend•. in· cludiug Rn. W J . Tbompeoo aod otbere. r.ocompanied tbem t.o the raalway atatioo.

We wiab the rev. ~; entleman n ery pro•· p41rity in t he dialrict.-tlla t of llurio-io ,..bicb for the eomlug yean it l1 bia fortuoe to bo atatiooed.

Mr. Allti1110o'a IDcceAOr, the HeY. T. U J amee, arri•od bore by tbio afternoon'• Iraan, Tbe rn. geotlemau baa been about 15 yean Ia t bie couotry, three of wbicb bo

· ~peM in St. J ohn't ueuperlutendi o& min !a· t er of George Stteel Cburcb. llo •u al.a etationod tb,_ Jcal'l at Or111d !lank, where, we learn, he labored • ith mueb aocel'tance.

The follo.,lni i1 tho addrna referred to, toaether wi!Jo tho reply : To nn Rxv. T . W. ATI'tlljQII:

Rrcd. tzJJd Dtcr Sir,-We, tbe Mom bora of tbe Qnarterly Ofli.

dal Board of Harbor Grace (.;ircult, oo be· laall of tbe Congreptlon, canoot allo w yon to loa" 011 wit.bout recordio1 tho bigb e.t· tftm Ia wblcb you aro bold by the people you baYo eo faithfully Dlin.ia tered to dunog the put tb"" yeara.

lila vaufylog to I."Dqw lbat yoor labora ~..,. aot boon In n ln in the Lord ; and it la ao~ oatil . Al01lgbty God call• yoo tc( yoar re .. rd, •Ill it be koowu to •bat extoil~oy ba'!fo beta Hie hooorod inetrumeot Ia pnt motioa t ho proaperity of Zion.

W6 belino that tbo caDM of Tomperaneo hM been gnatly promoted through yoor uat.iriog enniooe, more pert.icolr.rly amooe tho yoeth of our Conanptioo, 111 lb <ffder of tho Baod of Hope io wbleb you ba"" eo enorpdcallylaborod r.nd t&kea eo promlaent a put... ,

We oaooo1 onrlook tbo deep loureet­J OD be~e oriDood Ia aulttora of Educatioo. Particularly would we refer to tbe u colloot Sc:bool-room ereo\ed oa Noaa &root, mainly through JOur oxortloaa, ~bleb ia pro'!f· fag a. veu booa to lobe 0 of tha' par~ o( t~lroaJa. 0

Wo aleo wiall to oou'or. o r klod..t 1'1· prda to your amiable wtfo, ead to -are yoa Lbal our heM wiah• r.nd earoH\ pray­era •ill folio• yoa oad your f1111ily circle to yoar aew epben of Spiritual toil ; r.nd if

• Ia the order o( Proridaoc:e wo may oot met' arlo, wo cberlab • firm bope, tbroogb the merite of oar Redeemer, that we all may be found oo tbe riabt bud 111 tbo t'ftrlMtiDI ltioadom of oar Ood.

(Siraed oa behalf of tile CoulfCC'&t!On), Du~t.uo P.&UOMJ, I A trouw P.&uo. 1111, J o•" Turxh.L, N.nauna..P•u, RonnS. J'.&aaou, AU.AII Pnaqu, ti.ulua. Fooww., Joull1'.t.TLO-.

N.t.TRAIIIU...P.uso•a. JJatbor G.--, .JaiJl6tla, isln.

Jl&PLY : .Jidltltlillt rw-gt,

Barior Oro«, J.J1 16, 1881. ToKIIIAI. Dax.uD P.usollf, J .'fLt..HJU..

Roa11T 8 . P.t.dOICI, 8.uuru. FoowJ.LI.t ~IIDI:IJF•. N.t.T11.Ur11L Ptn, AlQ)

Onrdtl, Jl.., """ ~, 0~ IJotaN.

»&4• Bunnar,-AIIo•-to tlwtkyoam-'llttttliJforlbe ••'1 lffootloMW ...... 1" llaa" wetted

•• aad mloe daltDf U.. pMt ,.,.. JMI'I. I Y oar eel~ •'P'ftat -: tile Iliad tad

8PIIf'ICiiMI9tt ftJ JOG lf'lk at D1f laa•ltle ............ ,.. : " wfll ....tlld .. at , ... of t.appfiOII, ol ,..._, ... ..... ol .............. Of .-. ol _,. ... . . .a.r. rn-11. ., .... ,..,., ., ..... 0aepe1 ..... llftllt ........... fornw • ......... ._ ..... ,.. ,.,,..ow.e .. .................. " .... ,..,... .... IMO...B ... oiU..U.._,....._.

-J."bo iotollic-·ol r. r-Ial cliaator bu boea la&ely recMi•ed free & iao llarbo

Sq\lid~ ban etrncr Ia at tbo Rl~orbcad, •heft tbOIJADde are" jigged" chllyaad eold to ballken. ae ~loeqaho aud o1ber pi-,

' Ia tbii • ~lghborbood. Tbe ftab, hu, bo•· nb, no\ yet lauded in I'Ucb aombora u d11r1ng pru'ioWiye.ara. Tho price obtalood at Motqoito from baalrera there 11 1{6 por 100.

'Ibo ftebery in t.lao neighborhood of Spaa­larde Bay, BrJIUita CoYO, aod otoor place. bere ie Ytr! poor. Flab, too, Ia yery eearco oo I be grounde. Sqaida hiYo made their ap­pearaoco in all tb-localilioela larae nam­btra. •

Tho llbl)ry in lbo ualjrhoorhood of St.

• .,. ao4 Roc:MI l'areo.... , Altbe -• place, ao :7tll Morcll.l887, Ebetl­

aor Pe,t.9oe, "~fed DO , .. ,., 'The d__. •u the noood 100 ol )b. E4•arcll'araoaa, of Bet.r'a eo .. , Oarbof Ora.,._ ' •

At St. Jolra'e, 01\ llooday laat, WUllam Jobe YOIIIDseti,IOD Of Waaad.Jala.ry8tlueoOD,Ilied ti DlOD~.

Oo the t 7tb Joo~ afteu' •bort lila.., al 18 Jalorrlo 81., Halialt, N.8. , Lewb lnDet.D,JuDDI• ett .. a of OoloD61 Nort.oo Taylor, aod «ru4eoo ot Sit' Sup Ooyt...~ t y...,. u.t 2 moolhl.

Oo tbe iltb lo~t.. Acta., ~l daaabttr of M. F. aod Ulanle 8m)'\b. •

Oo the ilb loot.," bli reeldclone, Olr=lar lloe.d St. Job a\, Joakal>Mb. Sarah, relict of tho Jato J ' N. 1-'latey, Ia the ~tlr, t ear oiiMr ,..., •

(Uy order of tho Roard) UENRY COOKE,

Ma.n"'ler. S& .Tob9'1. Jaly 4, 18'17.

J. O. FRASER, P.M.G. Gcoenl Poal<lffioe. Sl Joba'1t

July 7. 1887 5

ROTHWELL & BOWRING, ANGLERS! LOOK HERE! Wbolualo Prorilioo and Oonnral J111t recoiYed at


Prerolaea : tboae lately oocapied by t ho bto firm of N, Stallb 1!: Soo1, Job'a t:oYe tit. Jobu'e. '


Thompson's Medical Hall, A choice aeleetion of

TROUTING MATERIAL: Boda, :l'ly-Jaoob, .Betla

I haYO uied Anr'a , IJanall IDtrflla,IJa IDyl­

Jo for Sc:iotul&, UMl ~~-. tr " 11 taba EryllpeiU. fllU1fally, It will

• ~blr lntdlea&t thll t.entblo d'-· -\f. •· Fowler, X. D., Oraafllle, T-.

For forty Jtlll'l I ban aull'.nd wkb Err· alDOl& I hiYO triN all eorll ot I'UDedJee Canker, and tor a1' complaint. but toood 110 relief UJitll 1 C9Dimtoced uaftll Ayer•e Sarlaparilla. A.tllr takJO« tao bot­u. of t.ble illldk:lao [

a oar &rio. Rytbla• 1&181 oaualty a acbr. Mloagiog to 'I11oa:u l::lolleu of•tLo abo•e H~r wu loa wiUI all btU1d1. 1Tbo Ill· fated reael -at to deetnc:Lioo wltb all oa board on tl•e claaroroM•lrao•ri ai tbo Kef• of St. Kan'e. diltu& lllae :oilt1, Ia e • eoatll-eoutb-ww\trly direction from c.p.•&. Mary-., aDd tit• 1011 il 1uppoeed to ba" taken · plae. reoootly doriog tbe prenle- ol tbi• lor. h lo eappooed a oboel lfOIIDclibroaklbf.oaued tbo bot.t to

John'e, Torbey. •Bay-de-Verde, aod elae. where, Ia conaidered nry JIOOr. Ia nearly all \bete·plactt lhooeh ~qoida are reported pltotifal, JOI nry little 6ah ooald be caught on lhll bait. At' Ponob Con, Cleb 11 nry -.roe, tho daiiJ oatob per. boat d~• not IUIIODot to more thaD between a quarln aod r. half quintal. Sqaldutroelr Ia c1n MondAy, but thla did aot flllpron tho poaitloo. Tbo calob per boat to dato will not "01'110 more lbao fiyo qolatalt, while ll'lpohl'fOfCOI aclu• allyaotblo.r. A correepoodent at tho North Shore of thit Bay write. that up to tbe 7\b inat.,-Ure ll.abery pro.pocte at Bay-de ·Vordo were nry poor; tbe &rape r. failure; no caplia : little doiog ina bore .,.Jib book r.nd Lioe ; c ropo poor, r.od oo bay at all.

• ,;.~;'~ • . NOTICE. POB'r 0., ~~ OlWlJL . GENERAL POST OFFICE


Fly ADd Bait'iroou, Watorpt'nOf and ot.her Linoe

Baakott an,4 8Lrape, Float.a, Spare Tope, &o., &o., &c.

:\lay7 Catarrh,

111t compleeely cured. ;;_~ o.~u...,, ..._.port.,~ ..

I bafo eull'tred, tor 1e11111, from Ootarrb, which WM eo ....,.,..

IWIUIIp Ia rple of ~ • ,;, t \ " •· , ... .,. -~'I'Jm f.AaRADOI .,.JifAI1. 811\VlCC-The

....._r Wy GIO«r,' tador tbe es(M!rienced commu;i 'of Oap• CYo., at da)' · li~tbt on Tit,.., lu\ took laer depanure for I.Abrr.­dor, Ulere to outer opoa tbo ououUoa of tbo imporl&DL aaall eerlioa alo"f tbat eztea· ti" line of~ 'l'1ae GW«r ;baa beton oomfor1Alblyll&4d up, aad •• bel~n •ill perforra·the 0011~ Ia • ••1 Atisfactory mapaer. AIIIODI 'otlun wbo prnoooded to tbe COU\ Ia bor, wore Dr. \Yblle, 'medical praelit.iooer tbia aummer oo tbo coAt :

July ~Reeolnn, Qole. &rbadoet, 28 daya a09 or JUNI::, rarcela may be traoamit-fr*· 10 hbda and 28 bJla mo'-~ohD ted by Poet frum Newfouadlaotl to t ho un-8.8 u1n•{• rPIIr

8 d I"~- · dermontloaed Couotrlte in Europe, at tbo

~:. ao , e, Y '7"• _,., •oo lou -1 Ualolepecilled, ylz.-

M-ra B . J . l'itaGonlCI, J , Jerntt, r.nd lf.r Mcli eil, J r

'fbero wu · r. good aigo of Dab all alllng tbe oouth lido of Trioity Bay oa ',. and \V odne.tdaJ. At 001110 l'lt.eee tile punt fishormoa dad good work, -naa from one IUid ~ b&ll to t•o qaloi&W.

-A SAD fllC1DPTOFTII& LOSS OP m£ S.S. The DOWI reeolnd froru lbo Northward J oaN KlfOL-&arollJ a ebip goee do•n, by tbe lut trip of the S.S. l'WIItr II the ro• but wbat bu 101110 10rro•fal 1tory oonaeet- n~o of eneouragtog. From oar Catiliaa ed •itb bor. '.[be Job x- wu rK1 exeep - corroepoodtnt'e leltor, wbic:b appeara alae· tioo. Tbo aubjoioed letter &ollt Ita own wbero, it will be eeeo t hat duriog two or !lloiiUicboiJ t&lo :- three daJI Jut •eok, nr1 fair calcboe of ll•b

W'WIL4n>p, JltW 1£ S.A. wore eecnred io that neigbborbood, and MtiJ tlllA, 1NI. hopet raa hlgb amooa all c luace that a catch

Dau £::,::!"• ml%1'011 or Tllll l't4!<oun.) . aucb aa bad not bC!On bad for yeara, would Would tou pi• .. • 1.,..,...rd me the nrat acoounl crown thie aeuon'e labourt. Theso hopea,

of the wroela: of the aa.oamer Job .K~W& wt.lcb lao~tevcr, woro not realized. Strong broeua fouadered at Obanael not loag aRQ. ·ll y wloh ~ of off-•boro wluda, ac:eorupanled with equal· to ban aU lbe acoouota up to lbe lat .. ~ d• :.t 11y ly 11roog tide.e, did all the miachicf. N~i· ~·u boy .... atlward o1 bor; aJ>d we caa got au thor trap, book and li no nor aoy other tackle pertic:lll.vacoouuta. Ble~rlathl!f', J6y .. roall", can now aeeoro a • fare.' Jn fact tr.ap1 .... loet lo a~ar eocb ulabl. l bel as Wt whb • al:o: llttlodoUdr., llola 0 .,. ..... ,.. lloe eldut wbo bave .caught abeolutely ootbiog. full)' lataoded C!Oalloa to thll COIHitry ,.hb hlo Tho fiahery proapect1, on the wbolo, at wile az>d cbild out mooth. Ull aame wao IUcb· h N Lb

l:mlly MlllloP.o, l'arzitt~,Udaye,UOtau .. tt-do. .

10-Ricbard Ornae, Da'fMI,do, It da .... 180 t.oo1 ... 1--dQ ·-·

• OI.Ullm. 8-tc!: Parmller, 8 r doey, ballaat-0. w. Bou

14- Mary, lacltaoa , 4o,clo-1ollo HllD~l Co.

' P..I.88BtlOBJUI. l'er .v- 8oocia from Lt•erpooi-Sir A l'lb•

Lady SbM, Wra .Pro....,. lhe 8trallonl Mt..M Proweo, IIU&Uord t.Dd K Bo..., B..-d.J J Cur­Uag, L n Llo;rd B P. Nlcbo'-, 11-ra D F

, PiaMC~t, B Dd, B Boi~M. F Oa.lhlrt, J Oolberi, P 0 t'-ler. tl loddy, E Bobluoo,, focar Inlet· mecllata. For IJaUfe:o:-Jafra Oorooran,lllaa Qoocf. dall, R ... o., Valor, Doa. T Talbot, Meura Oor­oorao, J P O'Brl•o, U BobiDaOD, E A BenJt.E>Io Joba Darrr, L 0 Mawy, ll La.._ 0 :!i Can: dee; IItty In eteerap. '


ot Firat or good Sooond ~rado, for lbo Noad Streot School, Harbor Grace

For partleulara 111 to ct&rf, &c, apriJ ~ ' Utv. '£. B. JAMES,

ard Uoury WeelrOD, apcl t9 1eara : •borl and ~ 0 or ward a~e anything but encourag. .l. /Joard otout, KOOcl lookiaa, rou1>d loco, tlarlr maotecbo aoq. From Q uarpQJl to :it. J obo'e. flah Julyl6tf ead dark bdr. lie bad I pbo1001 of ble wale whb mi.:bt be cooliderod acarce. Oo tbe French --------------­hlm,d- fellow. Weare Eorlleb peopl-t-o Shore bool aod line men do ooa uerage GOVERNMENT NOTICE. be:re 10 1..,..· I liD •~shed doq wilb trouble ruoro tbao from a hall to a qniotal ner day. oY.r lh•lou of my doo_r, deu boy •bo wu com· At Coa:bmao'a Co•e aod Min<rt Blg ·h· tba lag out to try &Ad -let me. " • u ___ !>«t trap bailed for oigbly quiota la, othora

Tbie month'• aambtr of tbo Catbedml 10 tba eao:.a ueighborbood had e 1irty to Pariah M~ino, St J oha'e, coolaiDII tbo fotty quintala. t\ bout 10 or 12 daye ago follo•ioe ezeellent adYice :- tbo beat trap 111 St. llarbo bad lllnded three

SEALED TENDERS will ~ reeeind at tho Board of W orka till TUESDAY, 2Gib day of Jaly, lou.: at DODD, for

_ c>a co8J :! .oilfi tJ.o

1.> lb .. :2 :!: !1: :! -I• . - - .....-

~~<:>~"" "' COOh'TRJEI.

--:-, ---·---1-- -- - -Stg. Stg. Stg. ·

AOIUia-Hon~r~ry,Deo- • marlr, Heligoland & Sw;iaerland. ......... .. 2/S}. 6/

Uelgtom .................. 'ii 4f8 Gormaoy (Yio Ham-

borg) . ......... ........ l f!Oj Bolla ad . ..... ......... . .. l f9 Italy (•ia Germany) ... ~/1i Luembnrg """"'""' 2~ Norway ........... - ...... 1{7j Sweden ................... 2(

4{1 4{8! 6( 10 4{8 4{7 6{5



am 8{<4

. J · 0. FRASER, hu-Jicuter Guw-aL

St.. John's, Ne•foOnd!and,l May 27, 1887.J410i f

CURES PAINS- Extcroal IUid internal

R ELI EvEs Swol!inge, Coo traellooa of tho

Muaclu. titilfucu of t ho Joiute Spraiot r.nd Straina. ' "Aa maoy beloogiog to tbo Cathedral hundrod quintala, and fi1h bad etruck in

Pariah are from lime to tlmo leniug the tlown aa lr.r u Capo Nortnan. At Griquel, city hr Halifu, 11nd 00 their arrinl .in up to tho 9Lh ioat. , caplia bad ne t made thai port do 00~ koow •bore to find good tboir appe:uaoce, and lharo wu oo codfiab lodgioga, wo buo uked the Rev. F. R. Rnd •ery fo• AIEnOo. Tho only' part<.n MurrAy, Rector of St. Luko'a, 10 give 111 who bad IUIJ flab ia ltichard l'ilgriro of St. tbo btooofit of bia advice, Jo reply, bo ro· \ ntbooJ'a )light-be baa 100 quinlale, IJ.Ut&l.l tlrat thoeo wbo Jeuo St. J ohu'a c:.sul!bt an a t rap. So•oa flail alruek in at ahonld take •ltb them lotteu of rccommood- Cape Norman on tho 7ah laat .

1041 Tons Screened '-T th s · HEALS Rrulaee, Scaldt, Barns ·~or ydney Co~ls Cute, Cracka,Scntcllu

(OFTU£ Dr3r QO.&UTT,) :: BEST STABlE REMEDY deli• orllble In tho mootb.e or Au~tnd and !N TilE WORLD . .a Septcmber,Linltho quaoLitit-e and plaoea fol· cuREs R!acuanatitm, Neural·

at ion from tLeclorgy to tbo no~. IJr. l 'art· The fl eb ery arouad tho wut tide of Bona­ridge. l{oot.or of St. GeOil)O'I wbn livca at mta lllly, II b ut middling. A\ lndlao Arm, t bo Nor1b End of tho clly, cloao 10 tbc up to tho 11th lost., tho beat trafl, Abraham wharf where tbo at.eamera diadoarge their No•ol'a hailod for ai:rty q niota.a, and other CArgo. l'bie 11enllemao lla u kiodly rrol}lia· t raps ~0 qtle., and upw11rdL At Soutboro ed to do bta beet to •~uro good lodgiuj:a Bay tho ~ch per trap aod book aud li'IO' for tboee wbo apply 1o him. We wo11ld is about tho uruo. In Gooao 1\ay tbore are nrgo upoo all wbo J:O to Ualifu: t he im- no tnpa; hook-aod-lioo men uemg o about portaoco of teklog aduatago of tho ltioll· aovoo qnintala. l n llappJ Adventure tbcre ne• or lbia aontlemaa, u tbey • Ill ycry are no tnpa. book-and-line men about ten likely be ••od !roD' faiHag ioto the banda qointale. At &lnao no account of trap~ of "ebarpera" at~d anpriocip led people : at obtaiaed, but hook-11nd-line mea hue aoy rate tbey •ill ban the eo~nfort of feel· twelve qu.intale eacb. AL Open Hall aod iog tbal tLeyare ia good b'oda and will bo ltod Clill lellllld, aoveo to eight quloLale per well cared for. Dat wo would eopecially man Ia the rec~rd. At Keele, tbe belt trap, be.r all yoa·ag glrle, who ItO aoiol! up to Mr. R. P eony .. bu IIUided MI'Onty qniu­CIUiada Ia -rob· of tiluatioue, to t.le, otbera from tbirty qui.nlala up, book . tbemaelno of tbia opportunity. t hat they aod-line mea about four quiotala oecb. mat bo kept from muy lempuationa aad From Dro11tl Con to Knight'• Oon, tbe daugera wb[cb .,_t thea on tbeir urinl, beat trap, Mcean. J etemiab Sullinn & alooo IUid '.!dl-, l~m•J be, io a etraoro Brolbora', bu lauded wty quintall, bat tJ o port." --- caleb per maa with book-r.nd-liae d- not

lowing, ~:- , Jlaa, IIOAra•meas. Sorc-100 tone a t llle Uoloolnl Dui'ldiog fb!'<'~ l. Croup, Dipbthoria, 11.ud all kiadred J 30 too a at tho Hoapital. amaciiOIII. 80 IOWial tbo Luaatlc Aaylncn. LARGE BOTTLE 1

160 tone at the Poor A~lum. so ton• at the Peaitcauary. . POWERFUL REMEDY 1

200 ' 'ua at lbo Gomnmoot Houle' to oo MOST ECONOMICAL I

0 011 TlliD JI'ORtnl- &71 tbe T•illio- exceed Lhreo quia tala. From Kniallt'a Co to p&o S\ur'ol· the 9th inet :-"We ere pleu . tu Spna•iete, trape .tro almoet blank, book­ed to - tbo opiDioo of tbe STAKDARD and·lioo moo hail for Lhreo qoiotale. Cap· opoa 1\, aod hope that tho atape taken to lio bad ~eo ac.a~ for oome time, but ner~ tiM eril threeteaed by 111o graotiog of atruok iot.o Blackhead Bay in greet ountbora eo large lUI area of oar timber laoda to eer- oa yceterday •eek lul taia iadiridula will bate Ulo dcalrod elfcd Salmon are fairly pleotifullo While DaJ. Altboogb tho lfi:DDliDI ohuch IIUid-Jicooatl In Greeo Bay the llabery Ia aiNoet r. lolal in tbo ...aoa of lhO OoDilll'}' referred to, blaok, neilber eod!Ub oor aalmon, end not

delinred u ~quirod, betwt~n t he .i date of contract and ht of May 'i' following.

120 lone at Fort Towoaond. 90 to~oa li tho Uoort Hooae.

9 toot at tbe Poor Olllco. S7 tone It the Block Hooae. 65 tone at tho CWitom lloueo. 10 loaa altbe Poet Office. · 20 too~ II tbo Fo•~r Hoapitel, to bo de·

hnred •hen 111d wbtro required, bet•oea t bo dale" of contract aod lat o~ .May follo• iag,

1041 tone.

T&~miRS to be aecocnpanled by tho bona .foJc ligoat:~ree of t•o IIICD.ritiea, bindiog themael~ee for tbe teorlerer lu tbe eum of Eight Uuodrod Dollara.

&r Tbo Board roae"o the' rfaht to take •bole caraoee. The pi' cort.illcau of tbo Coal boiag of tbo bee&.qaality mt4• be pro­duced.

-.t.IAO-ay ao& cllrectlJ ooaoara Ul {o thia port mach caplin. Tbo fieborJ io tb• YieiAIIJ ·u wo foe! a commoo lot~reet In t he • el: of Greooapond ie poor. Tbo bt~t book-

fare of our follow-ooalitiymn •.u OYer t ho IUia -lino mea will DOt nerago more tbiUI 120 rous ANTHRACITE and, IUid lUI}' aUempt made to depri•o three quiotale oacb, aod Lrape wlU notconol 11

of th• moua,· tn \.be r"'a~o1 of pro- oter lin qnintala each. From G~oepoud (FURNACE COAL) eur'log a n.,.UbOO<l, will ,_i.,o oar etroog. north to Fogo Jelandl, preUy 111ocb. tbe to' bo d r d i t~t ~aaUoa, The reaaoa •bf wo ban Amo record pre .. .ila, b11t on JOIIordaywoelt • 0 anre n t be place.e followla@, m.

acaoat tho deplorable eoadiUoo of eo tbo proapeel wu allgbtly improted at Cat 80 toa1 at;tbo Gonrnmeot Boueo, · DlllDY of ou people to-day, ID&Y be at- Harbor. Small CJ'Ift, wbicb for manyyeara 26 tone at LhetPeaiteotiery. tribated Ia a great c:oOMGre to ~e wn\ of pat• tecared fair r.nd eometlmw pod 12 lODI a1 tbe Oolouial Building. rea&er p..-atloil Ia Je&ra put for tho catcbe.e al Tilton B'Afbor1 hue all gone 1o 86 the Hoepttal. fatare, Speoolet.ora IUid mooopoliate, re. the lAbrador, ba~illlr at•eo up lbo ehoro gardl- of tbo peopt.' future welfare, bno Jhbo17 for t ho eeaaon . Six Sl J obn't !lab· · lot ton~. doae preUf mucb u thoylllted, aad h .. lng efDlen returned, bafing (inn up tbe 'fOY· • -.t.lf'D .t. JlVITau-IOCDI'ed aJ tile wnltb tlau ., .. pot~iblo age 120 "TnWR b&Yaleft our eboree aod _.,a I' wjtb tbem. A'Tropueey tbe fitbery II • f•llor• lbl' S •"lmltl ... Wbl, ehoald }argo ¥1&1 pf nlaablo-laoda aumwer. There ero tbirty-t.-o trapo and OUTH S~DNEY COAL, be oclred up from tbo people for twenty tbe, woo'• an~~ forty qaintale each. At or tblnJ , ...... wltich lr tho cue whoa thll date-~ yeu they noraged abree ban- (for tho lilt of tbt Henmt Poet Office, S t gnaUd to .. few lodi..,ICJule, aad whlcb dred qwotala. Sonlbera Shore boota bul· Johll '•) would preelado our ftalle!4nen from l e~tltl. towing tben cannol P' a fith to eat.. r;r lbe Board will aol be boaud to 14• ~a&leiJ ntdq • timber for crafc.- baildior n C 8 ~- , oepa tho lowell or r.nytender . .. IUid other perpoeee? Tb1a ooarae bu bee a oat• oa ape t .'}' • ftablng groand porAed too frequ:!!L Ia tbe ll"'· IUid 11 1 are doiog well •he.a they can geL bah, wblcla (OJ oroor,) COMeq- t.bon of IGI'M of land Ia at preaent Ia 'fttr}' _..,.. i I W : lL STIRLING, tbla ba:y r.ra btld aador Jlcoe110 by partlea A' Ba.riu, a ll&o daepr.14b IUiaoaaooo, tbe L ' ' Seer.tary. ool ~ .. we at all, wblcb dobal'l our . 1hore &ahtrJ II lmp10flog. bat be{~ 1e Board at Worb Olloe.l · people froa oettliog oa tho ~ad and cnhl. rca reo. Iltbt p,_.l Clae weather coot in· J oly 18tb, 1881. • f nd., lt. Mad)' appHoailoaa ba" beeo •aee, i~ ie upeosed lba~ aood work wiD be ~- -r=»


25 CETS. nniOYI:itle nnd Ocalers pronounce H tbo

belt ae!liog medieiuo they hno. DEWA.RE OF lli[ITATIONS,

of •llich they are 101'eral on tbc m&rket Tho geaulno only prepaeeu by aud ben:

lng tba D&DIO of C. C. R ICHARDS & CO.

Yarmouth, N.s: 'fESTJMONIAL.

MeMra. C. C. UtCUARDe & Co.: Grni~ . .-Wa conaider Minard'• Linl.

rnent tho boat nlue of auy In tbe market and obeerfully reeommood ita Wl6. '

Dr. J. H. IIARIUS, BeiiCino lloapital.

Or. F. U. ANDERSON, F . R.C.S., Eclinbaugb. :aut.l:.S., Eoglr.nd.

TO BE LET f (P 0 0 ~b o110111on gtYOD on I e 1n of M.,..)


Dwelling-House and Shop occupied by P . J . FARnu., lhoe-makor, aituate oa Water &root, oppolitt tbo pre­Dlltee or Me01ra. C. W . llot~ & Go.

~pply to A. T. DRYSDALE.



TH E UNDERSIGNED hereby caaUon1 any pereon or peraoae aploet accept.­

lng a Morl4t&le oo, or bnJing tho wbole or any part of tbo &tate of my laatber, tbe late WJL\.IAM RtCDAilDS of Harbor GI'ICe, de­ceaaed, t bo eaid Eeta1o b~iag occupied by "'1 brother, J omt RtCU.t.RDI, cooper, at tbe elmo ol bit death.

JAN& FITZGERALD. Harbor Grace. May 9, 1881.1ro

made for Inola of la..t Ia Ylrioaa parte or dono da.riD~r lhil .... Jr. ~- - ~ & .A. L E tU bey, bat they bore beea refii.Md on the ' AT TUC O.A.B..D.

~ .=:"~&t~.:pl~:r:t.~o: c.~~~:.r:~~~b~!=;~:: FANCY. ~~"" TJI!,_.BAZAAR, GEO. WEBBER We~Oiod to mooopolltl or aaylriad, • oow altar lor oae ol Father St. Jobe'e • bat IJ ... " ... C!&loola~ -to- eborcb61 ., !WmoofeT • • It " ID the Got.hlo Clbbaa aDCI OIMa v-. DRUGGlS'.r aliJ to ct.prin oar 11-..r,.fD ol the meaae etylo ; IUid Ia r.n olobonte r.nd really~leo- Wift Wlower B&Uete, of proa.n.. • li...rl.._.. ... Je whole ctld pteee of wonlllaoahfp. 1.'be table OIMe ...__ aea.usa, or pert. n. a.IIOIIIr.• ..... ~ ... to ia elgbt feet by II, •• "' reredoa le ' Ciflooa aut. a.'-ud Oatu.' VramM Water Street. Hr. Grace dopri'• t.lto petdllft a or ~th-for. feet. aaa •o ceo.,., oorwoaated bye oroee, BoT• Orick.& Batt ucS Bella I "* 1uc1a, if -..fca~..,~allo-.M &dtd lo Ia t•eaty-ooe feet eitb' lacboa Ia .. ~-. Bn7'• !l'rouam. Boclto REDUCTION 1 RED' UCTION '· tbltllld otMr pef'4 01'~---. 'Wti!Oh !J'bt altar It .aact. of piH, walaat, ••pie, Kitet, Bo~ u4 £nowa, a - •• I'll~ wttl ....... W•\taiilad lvllp1 boiiOJ aod oboay; aad tltt oarYJ1.ta. Wu, mwaa, Wood u4 Bobber DoUI. • 4 --o-•- U..pooplo all.._to Ultfr .... llitor- polotl.,,,.ldJe!faadwon•anohtptbroaata• A. & A. B.RUNLEES THE O~NOCN~ -.. llld u. *' t~. oonn ... , •Ill oat, art ot th• ~~a ... d-ripdoa. ·lbe ,J''' 11 ' . S 1 N C E R ~ tana a ,._, ..... &o tilt ..,...MIMiooe baiJ 111'1" 'Or tM-worll oot'c1o•' lo the •· w · .,....tW<to .aa.. OQIWtl~qDoa• tablltbmoat of lf..,._ ·Callolwt, 0._.6 J 1 RUSSELL, S S &loe." - eo., a. ,-. w.. ..,...1 .. •• r...tar '"• • • . . EWING JlAORINE .B&Yrn.&T.ALDIIIIIO\'.~,JIIIfl- altar table. which wu leportacL Ja the GeDeralPalll.,,.P~g81',

1'11t Quia to-&11 l'ldewtd IItty tbou.M r.c ..... ,.. .W. .. h ..S. lit Woe, • t. Cka.IDeri aio.. • 11Mirmen 11Na4 Jleoh'•M _..... • .lldlllillla"' Her J6Jeety .,.. Tille altar Ia oao at &ate 111111 enil&llllt 11ft1 ~ Hflaala& tbepaoftl pe~ of u,J. ~ Jlalt&lDtr Keoh1aM

;;.::.,:;£:~;.:.:..:~~ r.::.:-..:..'1:.::.=-.::,=::. ==~=:":!~~=-~. -::: ~ .... =:: .. ....... ... ,_..,.....,. ... pl41r· alftl•" .......... ,...,. .. ......,.,... ... ........... , ........ of o..t-•&11'1&1~ ...... ... t4 ""*,_. .................. people. lanniiiJ willa ........ ....,.~~..-... ~ tl'ldt .......... ell ...-r willa ...... Utn ..... Oi?, N...SP• ... Attaola

NORTHERN Ass~ce C'mpany

. 1''011


CAPITAL--£3,000,000 Stg

FlREPR.EMllJMS-... • ......... £40:1 COO wn cto ............. t 57:<oo LNT~l~'£ ..................... ...... 110 ()()(

,. . ' ' Ht;AD on'ICES:

LoHDOH-1 lloorpte S~reo• AliEftDUH-8 Klng Street.

I nsurance ofl'rot.od on Property in ,Newfoundllllld a~ oummt Rat--a of Pro­minm.

PaosPEOrt78Pli-Forms of Application for Firo and Lifo Jnauron~, lllld all othor I nlorme.ti.on can bo obtained a1 Lho oOico of

Can be cured · by purifying the blood with

~~:.==~ ::"= ,_:;,· ~~110 rallet,l ..-.- tD talro Aftr't Satupar!lla, IUid, lD .. towmoatha, wucured. -Soaaa L; Coot, 1108 Albuy at., Doet.oa D.lablaadl,llaa.

Ayel'a llaJ'II p&r1l)e "euperlor C.IUI.Y bloccl pw1hr I haYO "'" ur.ct. I han takea t& tor Sc:rotula, Oaotor, IUid 8a1f.. B.beom, IUid recd'fecl much beudt frolD lt. II II coed, al8o, tor a weak ll.oa:aach,-:MJille .Taoe P.treo, South Bra4.torcl, Xaaa.

Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ~ b1 l>r. J.O.~ II Oo.,Lo...U, X...

1'11- e11 e&a ......_ ea.

Harbor· Grace Stove Depot JUST RECEIVED A. 0. HAYWARD,

ST. Jotn~'a, 11 d fo ul \1 .4gmt for New{()tmd!and •

1 r

0 y

JUS'l' RECEIVED C. l. KENNEDY Rocbaetor Parlor Lampe, nowtet deeiga

in llro\eket aotl i::lleoaioo LAMPS. -BY-

c. l. KENNEDY, No. 145 W ATEn STREET,


B ARTLErr-s_n uu suoEDUhSSJ~o



A s enrral uaortment of Pnncy 110d Ball, 'rablo and Night Lampe.

J nat rccei red by C. J .. KF.NNEDY.

U.teet l roproYed ·comblnatlou Cbimoey,1 JWI~ r~:ceived by


D uplex, Argand, anrl r. lnrgo u:l!ortmeo~ of Lamp BUl'llorl.

J ual rectivcd lay • C. L. K EN NEDY. c ou:s FLOUR.

GLASS IIIGfl DOWL..~ :iEitVl': !>ISII I::S.

Tubu1nr Ltult.crna. Paton~ Flour Bievos and rn£. J WIL received by






C. L. KEt\N EDY .

Fancy Drawer PuUa tu1d llaodlee. Juat received lly


Eng-lioh n.od Amorlcao Door Locka of vatfoua dnilrne and quahtiee.

J uat reeeind by 0. L. KENNEDY •

F a n cy A1orm Door BeU.

Fire Assurance Company. J uat reee t~d bye. L. KP.NNEDY.

LOUDAnn BTRE;.,:-;-OnARIXG c noss I A claoicc tUaortmeu~ of 'roUot and oilier L I)NDON. So~~op•

ESTABLISa:ED IN 1782. I J uaL reeei..,cd by I ' 0 . L. KENNEDY.

TRU8TJ:E8 t\ DIREOTOR!l . J oacph Wm. Bauudalo, Eaq. j Amerieao Brooma. good qualityaod cbenp llri• tow Bovill, Eaq. 1 Jon received IJy

r!~n Hc~~·u~~~0:..:,1ng. I C. L. KENNEDY <.?c~AYiua ~; l:oopa, EIQ .• M.P. I Water Street Ba..rbor Grace. George Arthur Fullor, \:aq. ==·====='======== Obarloa E . Goodhart., Eaq. M. R bodo Hawklne1_Eaq. 1 $200.00 Reward l SlrJobo l.ubb~k. uart, M.P ., F .n .s · -- •. (.;barloa Tbocnu Lucu, Elq. I Will bo paid for th o detec tion 11od eon io· Cbarlea MagnaJ, l::Mt. tJ: n of a ny peraon aell111g or dealiDJ: i nany

· l'be Uon. Edwlo 8 . {)ortmu. bojrue, ooanterfeit orlmllatloo II or HIT· Dudley Rober~ Smitb, Eaq 1' TERS, oapeciallyDiUenor preparatloanith Wm. Jamu Tbompaoa, Eaq. tbo word Bor or Bonlatbeirnaroeorcoo

n o N. DIRECTOR: aectod lherewitb,tbaL it iateaded to mla-J OUN J . lJLOOIIrtELD, Eeq. le~d r.nd C;ftea~ lhepnbllc, or for aay prepor

Wru.IAII C. MACDO!ULD,l J ,Cttt ation poL to auy funn ,prcundtog to bo the FJUliOIS n. lf.ACDON.t.LD,f Stcrttariu. 801JIO .. tloP BtTTitRS. 'l'be geaolae bau

Tbo oagqeroeata of thi1 Office are goar­aateed b1 a nameroWI and wealthy l'ro ­ilrieluJ l D addition to a lar~te in•ested Capital i aod tbe promptitude and liberal · lty •ith wblcb olahoa ban ai••J• been me'- are well-known eokoo•ledaed;

'J."bo importance• of tho LtiUIIaOUODII of tbo

PH<ENIX FIRE OFFICE may be oetlmated from tbe f~• tbal a lace 11.1 eatablllhment-now QYOf 0KC H UIIDUD Yu~-tbe paJmeata Ia Allafl41loa of Claim• fur to- han escoeded FOUBTUll MtLLIOKS STIILUIO,

Inauraaoea ~~taiod Loet bJ Fire IUid J.Agbtnlag aro olfeck'd by the Company opoo n ery deecriptloa ol l'roperty, ou tbe moat fuorablo leltlll,



~.guu } or Ntu:[Ofladl4"•

cl uater of GucH Hors (notleetbie}priotod oa tho white label, aad aretbl poreet and beat modicioe on oartb, eepeclally for Ri•l neye, Livor -.ud Ne"ona Dlacau1 Jlow11re of all lllbero.aod of all pretended formu\u or roc:cipte of, HoP J)JTnllS pablial.ed 111 papera ur !or 11lo,u tbey are frooda ''"d awaodlee. \\'boner dcalela r.oy bill tha goauillo .will be proaecuted '

H oP llmau Mro. Oo, m1S Rocbut~~r:N.Y.

STEWART MUNN & 'co., Shipping and Oommlaslon Me~4

ohante, 29 St. John St., Montreat

Speclalatteotioa alno to Ul• • .-1• of FlU aad Fiab Oile.

A Ifill, to the boyiag aad eblpp(ng of l'lolll aad Pro'fWo• r.od General PToduoo.

CCibk o.ddlwl: Mw1lll, Jloatm~L DecSO.

~r•tl•~=:-,.., ....... u ........ .,_..,.., .... ._tar N~befa ...... wd~t-lloN ..... fotall I&WUIG llACHAIB&, aU ;;r.._-.- .,. •ur ... ~....,., ,,., ... ..- .. ,.... tawettta .. ,... h~.; .... · u. nc~..s .. ..._. .-...ror OM .. u ·=14 ... I ~= x.:::\:~ia:-.=:::: ::::.:.==:r ..... ~:: -~~ ..... ......,.,.. ~·

all7 ............... , .... ,..... .... ..... ~ ._ ............... ..... -~ ..... liMa ........ ....

41ll ~' a ........ ~ ............... ~~r..- ...... ~:rw,._. aP.811YTB -.t, ~ ......,.. '""' .... .,....,.._~ .... ,,...._ r · · - wr S/ta1.118Z&L. 111 w.,.,. .. .,.... .•.

_.. ... ~ , ,... IMid .....Ca•u.W. Uutaor 0,_, ~ ... 11, 1W, PWDia IUOJUJIU UI'AI&IW

~ .............. ~.., . ~~ ..


Page 4: FISH · goods beet Rdupt..-:1 t.o thuir wotntA. \Vo epin our, own Y 11rot and are the only manufacturers

. .

• I

Smile W~eve.r You Oan. . --\thou thlbJrl'" drtu'"t w:'" •nit yn.u

Att4J lh" wurl•l W.1111 111•~tblo dnwn. , l).,,.'l W•••r yuu\ t lno~ In fn.lth•tl•

ll01t olrl..., aW".)' II .. I fnowu; 1:!1,., lilo•l• ,.(1 l"'rrleaiulf,

"': • ,,,,. n.ueh ah" •• ..,.t ut.u, - T .. l~r • " lthla~r.• ... ry

Aw-.u11o wh•llot yuu ~-..o.. j

Wit)'' ~hnut.l """ d~ad tho! morTOw,• Aulltlh"" J ... po~l ""''•r1

)o",_,r •1..-n Y"" ,,.., .. hlct b.•fT\J\•

\'m-' ··--~· h..-Yff IO .-,;~ h lfl a Jttl4ltl ul,l Dt~t1hu, Wl,ieb oll>•UI<I l..ultou p-ch.d­

l>t·\lt•l,.,..., UM' ttri·f~ ton(t~,-.. )'t.H&

Uutll lho lil.idlo"' I• r-W..'Il.

Y•u t11lght ho apanod maeb al11blng If>'"" "fUuld k""IJ {,, n1lml

'l'bo '""""ht that IC"!"' u.J o•ll Ant •I••Y• w-oll t"' lllu»t, hto """''..chlujC wanllng, ,\ n<l ll ... 11~b JllU rotll lu WMIIb

y, .. , uu...v a•il"'t fntfO )'our .. , .. k~' 'l ' "-' l'"""uua j.owui-L.allh.

An~ tbonl(h yoa'ro atrnng and atunly Yvu fl\1e1 havo "" DUJl'l)" 1•urev,

(Aud eorth b•• uuouy trl.l• Which I co••old-r "''"");

Dul "fb<olber J.•y or oorruw t>lll up JOUr nwr1ol opan.

'Twill n11h ;r<~ar to.lhwoy brlgblor, 'to> ..,.u. w boncrer J"~ CIU1.

The Bidden Cablo.

' I am lreodloll O'er 14o qu!cbauda 01 a ~.of!V l.rhl~r..S , .. ..,....,,

.A• ... 1 Wnre m-. Y 1 •lll•gt:Dlre 'J'b.t moot ••ollow •II wbo pau.

y.,., •lw•r•. ftr.l or !Mt. h ••~luwed all who puoOtl.

"l!a""l~• moiM, -'ron~r wall~ upr....-!ng, ••nna the lt&lh (lrAYol Vet,

Jft h• ollilful onJ<in...,rlug Jluau.u t~nd• rould do nu more.

Y rl •~• aunk•n ph nt """'" B.--b tbla r.....l (IraNI vor.

Till• the Jt"''l ol man' a omhlllon! Tbi~ ll•• OJillt•f all bla dr .. mlog,

Of blo h<oi!U ond hlo coulritluu, l'or , atloullo butnau -mlng.

J n 11<1 e"'erua ol .. p alld •ul Penabod.all who u.Jlbu jiUM(I.

y.,.. willloolt. ~od - - •-plag, WarltiD~t 1>11l my way wilb cor11,

Yo11 wnt loo'lt. oud lblo blind, groplog .r...,.. baa ... ..w...t loto air.

'r•, noialted U. a br,..lh, C..agbl by Lroacberoua MDdo boooalh.

If T OU (oft ... , )'011 WC\Uld m[u ..;., lf 1"" pdl.r q116tlloo' Whtro1·

1>o not look bouooth tbo oorla110. J)...r oc .. ; I alall not b<o I hero.

1'A•I! 110 tr-.cboMUo oanda ahtt.d tho cabled road l Lroacl

lllgbl btl••ro me. d.nw.;ward boodlug, r a •I•• I- ladder m .. t.

And, hol:"ldco rung>~ ueeudlug, I tlball walk the '"'ld•o alr....C,

J nat my earth ·•oro ruantlo lend log To the qoleUuldo al my fooL

Safe to walcb our palb••r •eorlag T n thft cab1e, lo•~eut•lood,

lly no bu.,..o •nginMring • t:iiTotcbed, lb., dAogerl'ut r""d to blod.

TID, to 1onr anoint..S •J~. Lo. tho oriewl- laddoro rloe. Wblld a ll l•un.lan J(rl-1~ ore otayod­•N.,.Ib tbo ]oWUIDI qulcl<aal>llo I.!J..

Cltrekmd, 0. , David's Little Lad.

--o--Hr L. '1 . . \t ~: .. o~

CIIAI'T~:lt n·. OWtS IS CUM ISO IIOll £.

I mana~:ed to bush lillie l luid into ;) 110und al«p IJ<foro ! ;wen returned from her aupper iu the old ecrvttu16' h~ll. \\' hen I ltad done eo, I went b~ck to my ro0111 an•l undr..ued quickly. hopin~ 11111ch that l ton "'ould 110011 11nk into Al utt~IJcr , for J wM in t llaL ecuai · friL! t:' l a u d ttcnU · Ct"O­t1itioo when {i•·ou "a atorh.."IJ ~oout tleo c:rteo t"'dy-our W el•h b.~nsh,·c-and o ther ::hn•l · Jyl•~euds, would COIDil pOJli""G un•ler "'Y <yclide, atod furcinl( me lo loolt 3Loul u,., room with un•lctined uneuioto.e. I did 11lteJl souudly, how..,Yer ; a11tl i u the •normuc 1110 brilliaul auualtiuc, llou Jaucin~: wu~• which I t'Onld eYe n ••e froru my Led , put all my uncomfortt\IJic fc3rt to r• • •

' l wu to vioi l llerc lord, fo r tho first tiwo to lt'l toy fool on l::n.:li•lt aotl. L aid (IUl on a chair clnae by, lay my clean vbite mu1lin drew · J 11111.111 getup at ouca. lor we were to atan urly. tl•e di•l6occ fro m our par~ or GlamOritaOIIJire tu Hero­ford b<-iu11 vet y couudentbio. I roso and 11ppr011ched tlto "iudow wit b a daucip~:atep.

, The dav wu perfection ; a low feathery clonda 8011ted her" aod thor" io t\~ ciJOllr bfao Of Ute tlty ; tbl PCII quivered io 11J~ ~&oJa of jabtlillo~ siiYer wavea; t ile t.ree critneooed Into aH tbe fullnul o r lhdr RO·

tumual ber.tHy. My heart retJp?odeJ to lh brigh t nell Of lh& morniDJI; aget back fft.J' the ugly drte•na aod di.ecouteutoci tbou~ 1.a o f yeataN.ay. 1 waa oo IOUJI&r enduriug lbO aJow tOrture or a d. ath. io.llfo e:tilto>nCO. I ..u bteathin~t tho free air of a wor of lou, ~rlol')', bap!Jineaa Io ahort, I w .. a py girl of aixteeu tolog out for a holiday. I pa' OD my whita dre-. l tied blad rib­boo wbe, blue rlbboo~uld be tleJ.

I hd oner woru a boo t In my lifo ; ao J f!Wdlod & broad while b t OYet IDJ CIUI• e.-., fair carla, made • Ce rimaOl'a ot '"!· •lf io f,.be alaM lor rell~l ll back a pink.· ~•bil.a ud blue--tyetl I!'•&Rt, iuatead of die proper ~k epl.ndor of lho l.ruo Mor. ;-; oooeoled myeelr ,.Ill• the tbouab~ 1b11t nea bloe oJM could take lo the buullea of Derefor-1, aud e&nl protect.od hy a foir aldu ot.old r-e& commuulet~•e to th aoul aow' •lllicai jOp. '[ daiHII!d dowll·lt&irJ. kiaud 1110ther aod ])arid raptnrooaly, lrO<t Oil GJP'I WI. bo• WI& too moat. uciled, and

1 coo impatient, to pa~ biw or !Jeg hit pardoo ; foolld, lluder Ut.tlin~t circumtlaocttt, the eetlorof a commonplace, orlliaary-break· IMla fea& wboll1tmpoeelbl• ; MAI1K) my .. rt lu &lie ponJ:eerria&~ full tau minutett '?"fora h a&arted ; jDIDved oat apln. u t ho n ak o f br.akloa WJ neelr. to adorn the poui~' )teadlwhh a fa or of lifo lui"'a;. a .pltudltl crho.on buLl iu '"1 own b.l• ; bnrried Oatrld off 10111e utiuul ... 100 110M for tha &ftlu; k'l• woth~r. .~ blllw r! few ol ~ d.rlit:hlful aalut~<~

• ' •i,o~ooel a& ller llletal1; ftu•lly, itartrd with I ol..,.llarrao, collliDif froou • pair

• of lleai&hJIUIIIfl. llrOmJIIed by a htart tilled, brl•lal• o••r leapioll' up • hh irrc·

·· ~bla JoT• Oh, tha& elinw.e1 tM ruiuu! 011, ~JODIIIIUid ltappJ,Ltartl CUold I ••• a-ad l.hon, tt)latal~t allmenltu~ to learu. tha& 110& uud~r tbe elnudlw aky, 'Dot bLo,~uier -. !Jat wltb lbe plllldl rain • Ud tlol IDICrJ Wl9d fi!AI'lllll lli11b, aDd U.r_....,.j ... 10 in••lfall lbd lire ltolde d-.... ba•e t...M& 6f Uocl"• e{Wtloa ~~&hair C roat«? C1>Ud' I ltua IIU-· od &loat.1HI t.JU -..u..r «Nr. 411• 'llr•' tJer 11-' •• 1o a~r. fai11t .., die ltleCit of a -·• lllliiM, whlcb WN to ........ me, h t the ~.r.a ,._ o1 """u•. ,..., r- .. r '"Y c: ... q

r ...... , f•..,·ird . w•.e.. I ••• '" 1•h••11e .. .,.. , ... hty. a!i<l It .... all '" ~.

W ... u •• •'\ iutn U.. ueln, a.-., , .. tiMt ... ,_,, • .,. wlolc:fl Wll4 tu , .. ,_..., .............. ••1 ... r .. r

,.,_, .. 1 ...

i~;ji-. .. ..,_, .. ,... Lilt .. ,.....

= ........... -·-~ .,.., '"" '111111W.""~""'''tllmr.atot,


TilE H .. ~RBOR . 'GRACE STAN'D.(RD ..

what~ h&['P)'. ,.nlal-looklojl n.•n my bto·l th" •Ml No' a wrinklo1 ahn•ed on hia bron1l forebeaJ. ,.,,. oo elta<low liutod ha hla kind eytt: bnt. I , wbo kll••"hu ,_,. ni&eol 11n up..-ion whic:b bad c:Oine i11to hia face one. or twice, bot wu brmlly babhual &o it. I C<Juld not. ha'fe told, on that aum· 111er mon•in~. wbat the upi'Hiioo mel\ul, <'r w}/:At it teeti,llcd, J aouiJ nnt hue read It Itt my c:bihlith Jny ; bnl now. In the IO· l"l.r lhthl of mcrnory, 1 recall r>uid'a (aoe 1\1 I~ l0<1ltcrt on that Septembolr day; and In t.J.o knowltdlle born of my IOITOW, I ~u tall IOmolbiniC of 114 atory.


lA& ao one ·~ lha' lu dollftrr llttiO. wordt bronvb~ with &b- 10m1w. I bad beeo waJ.ltlup •with WJ WIQ.II danCIUif tuotion, aod I& ie true, •bou Uavld epoh, latood atill, faoed roood, aod paed at blm earuCI"tly ; It ie alao true that &he the color left DIJ cbeeka, aod my eree Oiled •ltb tun; but my emotiout •ere pleuar· able, mr lfal"' weru lea!"' of Joy·

()'wou cowing homo I ~obod7 quito how bow I lond Owen,

bow my heart had longed for bim, how wany c:ullee ia air I had built wtlb hlw

My brother b:t.•llooketllike tble twice be­fllr.--ono.~ on b11 aou:peoted re turn froru Otfortt~ once, more llronaly. wheu Amy dio<l. ·n,o look on J>nid'e faco wu tho look. boru or. ruaolution-tho rtaolu­llon nf ,. atrou11 mau to do hia duty. u the risk of p" reonal p!liu. AI 1 11:\id, I rCJ\d no· ll•int: 11f Lhia "l thu l imo; but bU. f11co t~uch ed mo. I re:ndmbdrod thot I had r11the r (lllinod hi•o lut Ulijbt.. Wu bad the et~r­rlaJ!e to ou""•lna. I bent. forward aud ltiuud him; tosaeol lUJ hat off, aud 1-id my he11d llgain•t hit b reaat.. 1n th i.l altitude, 1 ral .. d to bim tlto happieoL of facaa, aud a poke the bappleat of worJa.

• Unid , tho world ia j llll t delicioua, aod 1 do lo•e you.' •

Da•id, a man of fe w wvrda, reepon!led wi~ a 1mlle, aud hia itw11riollle upreulou :

• That'a rl. bt, lit.tlo womau.' After a dwo ho be. a tf' to epaalt of ~be

f<llltY&l. Ue had been •L the hut celebmtion of

the Throe Hereford. llo tol.t tne a few of Ilia HDII\U0118 tb.,n, and alt<7,10We· tbiug of wl:M he felt yeale i"'IIIJ ; ho a Into Wclahman'e lo•e of music, u:d be epolto •e'uthnaiulically.

• Yfl, . Ciw~dyt, it lifta ono up,' ho uid, io cot>cluaion ; • l'•llike to liatcn to. "tbo11c chnire io tbo old catl.edral. or go to tho lop of tba Urecoo-'tie much &ho L"""· two ~~euaatiou, I toeou th~y bolh lift oue into finer air. And what a grand t hin.: tbal ie, little woman!' "bo add~d~ [ mean when aoyt.biul!liftt ua riKhL. out of ourselna, I meau when we -ceuo t o look tlowu a t our reet, aud ceuo to look foruer a~ ottr owza poor aorrowe. aud euo riallt a1,..i11ht awoy froto l.h•ro ail tbc fact~ of Oo•t,'

' Y 01.' lAid, in a pualed Yoice, for of coo rae I kDOw oolhiDIC ol tl•fac aeutAtioue; then, Mill io my ehildiob tuanoer, · I expect ' o enjoy it beyood aay tbiog; lor yoo know, Uuid, I hue ne•er beeu iu any Cl\tbodral ucep' blaudalf, aod I bave uayu bunl tho • Meeaiab. "

• Well, my dear, you will enjoy il to­day ; bot wore t be •~ond limo, I tloubt 00\-. '

• Why, Davit!?' • Uec:auae therf are •lepth1 in it wbicb life

wuat "'-'cb 70 11 to uurlerstand.' • But, dear Unid, 1 ofleu bu o had mdt

~&d tbou11htt·' ' Poor child I' A touch of his baud on

my head, tbcn oo woro wortle Crow oitbcr oluL

J ust buforo we n:aclt•d llcreloru, M I •a• drawin~t on my long white ~loYes. wbich I bad thro .. n aside 1\8 au onpleaaaot ru· atnaint duriug the jour uey, Uuid 111id on~ tbiug more : • W hoa. tho srr•ice Ia o•er, Gwladya, we "fill walk ronud tho Cloac, II you dou"t roi11d, for I huo ~:o t ao•u~t iJ iug I want to te ll you.'

It darl<!J iuto rny head, at th~o words, thot p•rhapa I was gotnl( to Loudoo, alt.or all, The 1hou11b t rf rnl\ined lor only an iu· •toni; tt """ quickly cro ,.r!ed out, with t.lte ho81 of new ._,..,a tiona >YI•ioh all com· prusod theut•olros into lhe next fe,., bnura.

No, J aha II oo•er fort:et it: whon I hue gray hairs J •hall rememb<r it. l tuoy 111arry aome day, and h11vo childre n, and llJru, • I:" in. greudcbild reu; and l ah:lll ever r•aerYo, u 01111 of tbe awed oat, r~rC'Italnties, the kind of ol ory ou., te lls to a little oick child. or '""'"l'e ra on Suud"y PI'CUIDI!I. what I lei' IO'IIl•n [ lirot lr• lru uJ 10 llaudel"s • ) l eo.;ob.' Dnid hod .. id thol I ohould eore moro lor 11 tho aecond timo. "l11i1 wos posaiule. lor ruy feelin~;e now w•re h•r<lly !hose of (•lealtlf~; e~eo to -day dep~hs wcro flltlrr~tl vithiu 1110 which muat returu wrch " •~n•iou ak111 w prtiu. I had be"" iu o li~;ht a nd holidoy moorl ; my tlay heart • •• all in tho ouuehino of a but'urlly nnd nnwak .,ncd exial~nce : and thu mu.Cc, whilo it rouaed nw, I.Jrou~th t with ill\ eeoao or ohadow, of oppr• SJSto u which mingl~ol wrll1 my joy. lleav.,n ceased to bo a mytb, Ami uncet!Jiir. poui hilily. ~• I li.tcued to the full burst of tbo choru•••· o r lreld my broAtb as ono aiu· glu • oice llhtu•l lhrou~h t b1.1 air in quive r· ing unt ... aof aweelotas, \\'hathal.l l ll10ns;ht . bllhorto, of J~1U1 Chriet ~ l lti'Ul 11i~m• to his loiatory an iol~ ll ectual belief. l hAd II· aented tu the lac~ t.lt11~ l1u had borno n•y aiua. and 'Tho J.onJ bad laid ou him the ioiqUIIJ Of liB all ;' but with the l)(llldurOU8 uultl o f t ho heavy muelc cnmo tho ornahiug koowlud11e that my tuiqulliee had atlded to his aorrowt, AQO bolped 10 tDAkO !Jim ao · q uklnted wilb 11rid. I wu iu no •en.., a reh~ioua J:irl ; but wbon 1 Cou•o uolo llirn, all ye "that l11bor auJ a r11 heAVy lad" a, a1111 lie will give you ret&,' reached my uu. I fel& Ytbratlu~: lhrouJih wy beart~trinsrt tho cerl oty lha~ aomo~ day '{ ~houl(! notd thla

1t. 'Take lliayoko upoo you, and learn or 111m,' 'Hiayoko ie euy, anti Il ia bur. den t. light.' I looked at David ; t ho boolt bad falleu froro bie hauda; hi1 fioa fACO WU full or a kind of rtdiaqee aud tho borden whlcb bad laken frOUI hiru Amy, aud the ynlte wltiab bade him ruilln hla own will and deny binJAtlf, eeemed to IN borue wil.b a .eDM of rfj,lci ri'~ wbloh tulifted to tbe trut.b of bow liahlly n eo hony.110rrow cau alt ou a llWI wbeu with It God giYaa bitn reaL.

Tbe openlnr worde, • Comfort ;e. com . fort yt, my ~ople. aaith your Lad,' would brin~t tltolr own musas:e a~ a not 'fe ry dia­taut dey ; but now lhey oolr•polte to me aowethiog •• a mother add..,uet a too hap­py, too wildly exultant. child, when ahe ,.Y• iu her teuderell tooea, •'Come aod reat bore in my arm& for a lltllo wblle bcot•aeQ Jour pl11y' Yee, I wu ouly a ohlld u y~t, at pi"Y with life; bul the •i•uaic awolto 1t1 wo th., po••ible future ; tbe polatblo work . intt tl~y. tit., po••ble' tlwe"of ntlu, lhe !>"'· albl• ltorm. tire polllblo ueed or. abeller lrotn it.e biul. "1"o beij~hlcu tbe effect o f the IDilliC ca1110 tho flfaot Of Ilia ca(hednof '"'-'" · h i1 tio~ a ""'7 bcautl(al £nrll•b cathedral, but· it wu tbo ftru 1 b.W eeeo. II• YIDI( nuer renlleJ io tho 11lorioa or W catmlu-tcr. I could aJ>prfciat.t the old gray walla of lltrtford ; anti wl.,t cnaa bad done In tbl Corm or COIUIUII-&D\l pillar, of trauaept anti roof, tbe au a to•tllhrJ l nt.o fal. urN of life to.! ~lonna to·d•J· '1 be trtf ..,.11• had ma u'j colorO<I rolloetiont f,..a ~!:le pain~ winrtawt ; t.l11 graud old uue Iarin a d•Jod of lialu ; aud aoldon a:l•aull peDe· tl'll\ad luto flu•lty corntra, and brou11ht Into ttrou11 relief tbt ayuunetrr and beauty of el•le azal.l traMtp( lliforf,UI, and clear• .Cory. I noeittloa ail tlJ--.:1 tr(.' to to110h ll up whb lba color with wltlch & filled mr ow11 wind-'-'* ftt tll4 old aa&hel.lral of ll•flllur_.J I IJ(W..illil .. tile aolct.b, ID• c:.m~oa•II[ '~•J ealateDCD' of' 9'-lfdllbod; ltu:•- I , Gwllldl"! wllett 1 ,rtpP.d oo~ -"It iuttltlle Cat~4odrai .CIOM, "ud 'put •1 wl.tte·awfed .... d luilda ·t>a~d 1 P•, er.d loollt~~l •• d,.... ... , ..... Daflcl'a ••• .. etovu' .- .,. .. , ·ai'A .. , ·or Jsr ...

o.r.· •-..-A~at~lotle ~· . daihJ, f Dftf ·~ - ......... :::c-"=1~ ... ..

• Utti ... JL' .... v. clori .c .................. tj •• l ..... -.... •" W. ,.Sa, • Owa J. ......, ...... ~ ......

for their hero. . to· all po .. iblo aud lmpoa1ble .dceama of

my owu fatur.~, O•eu b~&d llgureJ u tho grand ceutnl thougb,. 0 wen would allow me tba world, Owou woald lei wo lin with him. II o bad promial'd toe tbia when I waa a liLlie cbild; and bo wa.a a 6ue, uoblc· loo~iug youlh, a_pd 1 bad bulle~ed blm; 1 belin>ed lum atill. 1'tlad loogod and yearu• ed for bim : 1 bad ue•or fol"l(Olte n hiw. My lo'fe for my ~ood aod eot>.r brotbor Uuid WAI •ery calm aod aillcrly, but IDJ love for Owen wu t he rotuaoce of my e1iat· CUCA. Aud DOW bo WAI 00111ing home orowced with l"urole1 doubtlu.•. For he bad bccQ away 10 lon~r, llo hod left ue 10 aadJe nly autl myat.orioualy. tbat only could bie 11beeuco be ac:couut.od for, by euppo1in1t that my beoulifnl aud noble br_other bad gooo on aome 'fc ry g reat aod importtot and dao~:erout ml•iou, from whicb he w>nld returu now cro•ot d with honor and ~:lory.

• Ob, Uuid I' I exolaiu"d• wbou I could fi nd my voice, • ia il true ? How very, vory bap1.,..-l am!' .

• \' ea, Gwlatlys.' roplieu Unid, • it 11 true; bu& le t u• walk ap ood dowo tbi1 pat!J -it Ia quito quiet here-and 1 baY1l a atory to tell you about Owen '

' II ow g lad 1 aw I' 1 repeated; ' I love him more lbau any ono, aud I know quite how it • ould bo ; l ah .. r a guc:udd 11 ; 1 know bo would camo back co•ored with glory. Y ~ Duid, go o u ; tell me qurckly;

· •bat did my darlioi d o ?' I wu nther irupatieut • aod I wondered

wbJ' Uuid did nol repl1 more j vJfully­wby, indeed, at 6ntt bo drd oot apeak at all, [ C(,Uid - •no reuou lor 1m eilenca; &!lo crowds of man a..d women who bad 611eJ l l.o cathedral h•d diapersl'd-bad wandered to botellfor rolreobmeut,or ~:onelo explore • if llr&nlfel"'., the beautiee and a ntiquitiee the uld Iowa J><*M!MOd. Tb~ro waa no oua to tnoletl or dittorb ue, u we walltell up and dowu in tbia quiet part of tue Cloeo.

• W ell, Uavid,' I 11:\ld, '110 o>u; toll wo about ruy darling.'

1 Yet.' ~&id Unid, • I will te~ll you, but 1 bno ~:ot eowetbing el .. to 117 first.'

' Wl.1111 ?' I uked ho~patieully. ' Tbit ;. you bne tnaJo a miatake about

Owen ; you iwagiue biw lo bo wbn' bo ia DO~. '

• What do f im~aioe blm to be?' l uked, an11rily , fo r Dnid'a t.oue put ioto my Lcart t ho falttltt Idea it enr eotcrho.ined-oawely, t !Ja' be wa1 jealoue of 1111 grea'Cf loye for Owen.

' What do 1 imagino ?' I uk~d. 'You imagiuo t.b111 Owen ie a hero. Now

G wlaJya, you .:auoot I on u .. ou too much: oor ever eltow your lovo to him too m•Jcb · but y c.u cau do biut uo good whawYer if yo~ atart with a fa lac Idea of him. '

I WI& aileut, too awued at tbe~o words 10 reply al once.

' J tell you IIIia, GwiAdyl.' coutinned Uav id, • !Jocauae r rellll! ~liuYO it i• in your power to help 01l'CD. K"Y• more 1 wtwl you to help biw.' '

l>till l 111id uothin~:. Tho ide11 Anggeated by UaviJ'a worda mi~:ht bo ftAIICrtnl(, but i t WIJI too ll.artli:Jij 10 be tftkeu iu 114 roll Ai!!oifie&nco a~ finol. Whlll did it wuau? l u .. llmyl drei\JUI o f Owcu I had nuYcr con· '"'nl!lotod hie . rcquiriug he lp from IJIO; but DAvttl hRd ~rJ t hal my ideoa were faloo, "'1 dreo101 ttllatnkeu. I woke UIJ into full aud exc;l~d liale nintr a~ bi~ oext worJa

• And •lOW l me au to tell you wby you hl\f O oot aeon Owou for eo loug-why bo Lu b~en II wAy froro 111 all tbeao yenra.'

' Funr yC!11rs, now,' l aaitl. ' Yoe, DtYid, I hl\vu olttu wo u.lered why you I:UII wo no rcuon fo r Ids lun11. long ol.taeucu. 1 eaid nothiua:. bul I fult i~ a good IJit.-l drd, io· J eed.'

' It waa a a tory you could hardly brar wheu you wcr" a little c!Jild. E•en now I only td l i t 10 you becauae of Owen'• no­looked for and uuexpooted roturu ; becauae, aa l eay, 1 want you to help Oweu. Sui oven now 1 aha II ouly tell )Oil itt oullioo.'

• lhvi.J, J~U • puak or U•ou'a return .. if you wure uo~ giAti-AI if it wore oot quite tho l•l'ppie.t uow\ in the world.'

• J ~ ia not that, my dear.' 'llut why? Uo yo a no t loY!l bim ?' • Jll oat trui1I lovo him.'

. 1 W ell, wh•t Ia th., I lory ? II ow mJIUr­toua yon aro I'

' Yea, [am glad,' conliuuo-1 Dnid tpeak­iug more to himaolf thou to me.' ', l•ur~o po•e I ougbt to be qljit~ glad - to bno oo Uow faitblcaa Amy would call mo!'

Wheo be meotloned Amy, I knew be b.W fo"\\ott.on IDJ pretence; tho namo made me pauenL. I ,..,~d for hia uext re. ~~ .

At J bl\'e 11id, be wo11 a 111a11 qC few worda. llie idoaa moYed elowly, and bt. "taoguap banlly c.mto lluenlly.

'The re are lwo lllnda o f love,' be bepn etJII in bi.r iatllreot war. • There 11 Utelo.,~ tbat tbloh tbe object. it 16'fea perfection &lid •Ill ah oo faul& in i&.' '

• Yea,• l iaurrupt.od, enthuaiutlcallf' • I ltooW'"ot lbu loYe ; i& La tue onlyltiud ... ~rill 1Juio11.' · .

• I cann"o~ a,'Jl'te with you, · dear. Tbal lo'fl 111ay be d8CJIIIld Iotan .. , bat I& La DOt g rut. There ia a lovo ll!'hiob aeee faolta le the object or Itt loYo, bot loyoa oo lllroqb all. :Such--'

'Snob lo•• I abould ool care for,' I io· te rntpt.od.

• Such Jo.,e I could oot llYo wilboat, Gwlidya. Such Ia the Dl•ine lo•e.'

• Uat God"a lon 11 no& lilte oont,' I •ld. • No, dear, and l bue only made tbe re·

mark to joatifr myeelf ; for, Owladp, J nne loYed O•eo lbrooab blt faultt.' ' ' lattrted itnpatlent.l.r; bot Duld bad oow lauacbtd oD bia tale, ud woald not be lo· ~mapted. ,

' YH/b, continued, • I lond, aDd lou, Oweu lbrouab bill faultt. I kno• tba' mo. tber lhooaba bi111. r.rlect, and 10 did f.oa. 1em aot· nrpri .. "* eltbe'f of JOill' Ml· lop wilt. uprd to b1m. ~· wu, aodotlb&­odly, nry bnlllaat; and oa llle earfaoa, U wtad;;a, JOil uala\t. aJ•oat ltnelaid till' 10 noble a fol'lll 111-" baM lteld a DOllie .Oul. 1 do .•o& •1 thlt wtll ~·be eo;. but tblt wu oui 10 •••• ro• •••w bU. ... ,.. . . .

1 would hnt apokeD .,..,., bal O.•ld laid ~~~ baod OD ., ...... 14 ~Ill ... ~·· •

. u. had IIIIIOb of aood Ia .. .,. btl ... ... oot oobl•; llellad o'oa ..... -... .... : pl-re .. ...,_. 10 .,. 11tu cletr. E .. • .... atJUia lid, w ..,_., ~ 1111 ...... ~.~ .......... , .. ..., -· .,_ ......,"Wu. ,.._ ·:TWI- a .atl ... . htll.-_~~ ..... A .... ... .,......, ........ a. ............ . ......... ~ ........ , ... .. 80IIIIIIIbteo-~­.....~ ...... , .. .-,............ .... .. ...... ,_~ ...... , .............. .. ...................... *':r •luil' ...... i .................... ,.,... . . ~

.· lo,. for pltiRNptr 011 &b• food be pftiL

• \Vt Wti'J ia ell • .,... oollep an.d did oo& - NOla o&lwr ,,., .,, lie made eo- frtaD~ ""- obareoten-••11, Ulof wen ao& IIIID lie oal(b& lo kuow. I apoh to him aboo& tbll. Voor fallow II& IW lalla o• •1 bear\ ofteo, that I IUAJ ban apoho banblf, laklq oo t11j111f elder brother alii, aod made •110lf a 101'\ of mentor. I co.IJ DOl do thil lnteoUooallf. 1 fel& bo& oa &be Rbjeet. for tbe f1llon I, lpoh aaaiol& -tied \0 1110 low-la UII'J 101111 be11eetb bla uotloe. I did oo• kDow lltM eYID thea &hef had a bold oo blm wbloh be coold DO'- eno II ha would, lhalte olf. He rot UarJ, he-qoa{rlllod with wo. thll, I did laO& - blm for tolllo tlwe. I '\lama mpelf epa here ;. for .I mlgb& hu• gooe to him, bat I clld DoL _He bad· Aid eumt wordt • hie\ burt we, abd l aU~· ...-I anr.' Duld paoeed. • Y01,' be oou­tiuue.l, tall:hlf up bit uarratl'fo whbbat aaJ coWJDeul froiD -· • 1 n,!Dom\)er h wM tbo middle of the term. I wu elttloa wllll aome fellow• after dlooer; we were uok­lng Ia my ~ I remetA!Nr, bow tbe aua 1ooltod OD water, and bOW Jollf ( felt.. We wete talkiote of wy com•ng of a11e. -aud 1 had ~ed all U..... felt owe to help me 1o celebnte the euDt ai l'ybycym· mer, when auddtaly a maD I know came to tbe dDOr ud called me oa&. lie waa • great (riend of mlno; be looked awfully white ud gruo; be liDl hla ann iuJide mine,• aad we wen& dowo through C.:briat Cburob meadcrtre to lhe tdgo of &be ri•or. Tbare N we atood tojCe&\ter looltio¥ !.Iowa into the rhe r, aod ooddina. M if nothing were lhe utaUe r, to .amo won or our ool. lege u t.bey rowed put tu; lhere, u we llood, aod litt.oned to &bo eplub of .&be oan, my frleo.d wid n1e aboul Owen. A lo11g atorr, Gwl.adp. Sball 1 e•er forget apot whoro I atootl and llet.ooed to It? AI 1 aald, 1 am uot going to tell you tale ; It wM one of dt.grace-weakne­and aiu. Eril companiuna bad done moat of lt. bat OweD bad done eome. It wu a long Ito")', datlnlf back from the day of bt.t lint arrlnl ; bu& oow lbe c:limas bad come. OweD bad linued. I 11eHr knew uutlliiiJ friend ..,uh+tow mudl I JoYed Owen. 1 blamed myaelf bitterly. I wa1 bla elder brother, J wigbl han 10 treated bim M to wiu bt. cooftdeooe, and~ II Yo bitu from tbie. He bad fallen by mcaoe or the very lemptttio~~a &.bat moat 1111il tucb a uture u bU.: ADd I ioete&d of hold· iug out a belpiog baod, bad atootl aloof from hhu. In thit ruoweu~ of agony, wbeu I learuetl allaboul bi1 aiu, I blamed wyacll u much u I.Jhu. J 1tart.od off u ouco to ftod 111111. 1 conld no~ repr011ch hi... l could ouly blarud uoy..,IC. Wbon 1 Jil.llhia, be burtt iot.o lea!"'.'

llere David vaueod, ud I tried. to apeak, bat cotllll not..

1 • Owen bad lloced,' be cooliaued, • and

Ia eucb a way that mott public expoaure aeemerl ioo•ital.tla. To aYoid thi-. to ~:ivo him ouo obance lor tba future, l wouiJ du anything. '11tero w.. ono II.'Op-t.ole o r eac:apo; and throogb tbat loop· bOld, if aoy atrcnglh of mine could dr"ll biw, I wu de· le rruluod Owen abould como. I could not leiYe Oxford, bo& I wrote to toy motiJc:r Her 111lattuce wu no«-rJ, but I f•lt ltttlo doubt or ber cowp:ying. I Wll DOl wroog. Sbe belpod mt. Ill I ltoow abo would. Nay, J tbink t he war moro ea11~r tban I. IJelwceu Ul wo uvad U•en'

llere Uuld pan ... d, a nd, taldU$1 oul hie handltorc, !Jo •ip•d euwe tooiaturo from· ltla brow. ·

IJia word• we" hardly eithor lmpaaalooud or eloqu.,n&; !Jut uu 011e ltue w, wbo d iJ not boar th~ 111.itb wbat palo thor c:amo alowly up from hla l.111rt..

rhell 1 YODIU,d 10 (\Ul tho qnoatiOU wbicb wu hangiug ou tho lop olmylipe.

• \V!Jat wu olu ?' • • Tbo oio of •ealtoeu, Owladya. 1be ud

Jacltiut or woral CUUrajle to M! DO Vheo DO abould be 1ald j l.he J:1UlliD(f pltiUUre bo· lo re duty-&bat WN the ~iuulut of it.. '1lten nil c:omp!lnio~~a oame round; t.ftnpla· tion WNJi•lded to : and, a& l.ut, tho v.:ry men wbo bad ruiued and templed him mau. •11ed to eac:ape, and he wa~left' to boar the hrno t of neryUtloff. llowe•er, my dear, t llia ie e etoryyou oacd not kuow. I ltue t~IJ 7011 tbe litlle 1 bue, besuee, now tl11t Owen It coming bo01a, I wac I you to ban a lraer idM of bU. cbai"'Cter, ao that yoa m•J bolp him bott.or. 1 need and want you to help bina, O•ladJI. l ltue ~&iLl all thia to{oa to-day for oo other reuon.'

lAid noUtlng. Duid IGOked into my faco, aod !looked into bia; t.beu !Jo •eat on:

• After tbel dreadful time a~ Oxford he wee& abroad, aod I came IJomo. Now, bo, t.oo, i• comlog home.'

• 'l'o Jiye with at ai Tyoycy1umer ?' I Mk· ed. "l

• No, Qo, m7 dear; be it coming home witb a dellolt.o purpoee. I hno bad a loag Iotter lrotu Owen ; I mlllt tell you aome of i&. De aiWIJI wrote to me while bo ... &WIIJ; but bl1 loltel"'. though t~lerably cheerful and lalriJ bo~ful , •ere re .. ned, and eeeroed elwa71 lo bne 10metbln8' be · bind. I aao to fear for bim. Our fellow! dear, dear folio• I IDJ week. heart fean fur him et.i ll i and ye& with It all, 1 aw proud aod thaotful. '!'bore u 110methlnr areat I 'I Oweo, otherwiae tbia would oner baYo eo weifbtd oo bie calnd.

• matt &tllrou that, to••• Oweo,l b.W to l~od IDODeJ. ' 'l'lull Wll ,.ally DO Mor(. lice to me- t.biDI oo& worlll menllooinJ­bat i& -~~~~ to ban welabod mooh oa blm. Ia bla lel.ter lie ·told •• ciW he bu oe•v ooued workl111 bard a& bll profMiioD, learn· ID¥ all be c.o aboo& h . He 11y1 that be It DOW -riJ qualified to work II a 111eolt1DI• aaJ enaht .. r ; aDd Ill tba~ pai\Jaular deper~ mfD~ be bu blade mlolcg ea,Wterlna hla apebial daiJ. Jp hill be eJ.a ~&ld lllu be bad doae' lllia wl&b"a dedolt6 bvpe ud objeeL

' 'fltere le a larp ooal·llllae oo IDJ pro,­pertr, a mlue lbal baa otnr been pro~rlr workad. Ow•• beHt""' tha' oa• of ~a miDe be caD wlo back the gold I ba'tl e~nt OU blm. fl1 hM beaed WO to allow hltD to t.elte the manaa-o& of tbe ml-eo II•• a&.!Tynon aoLIJ title obitcl ia effected. 1 bllitat.d; l&ltooabl; II& IMt]letded.'

• Whf did yoo bllitate, JJnl ?' • U..O.. GwladJa. tb• objee& wllb wblcb

Owea worb It w<Jrtbl• to me. · I am ali.d be La oomlor to _..,. the mloe; I but oo doaba wbate,er u to bill abllitflo tlte maUer, 1 how, Ia Ide prorlllioa ba ... moob taleol. Had he aot writ&ta to •e. 1 lbool~ b•• boa~ obllced to Ilk a Loadoa eDJfo"r to &au bla pa.oa for • "••· Y-. Gwlad11o lllke ltle 1!11111. be• not DIM hla mothe 11ae caloe a& FfJDOD J ltldl - II~ tJ• moaq-tbaa luo&ltlofl i• aJao Ia ciao· ,.._tlalt Ia DIOMI lllaDJIOCldeut.e ha•t tallea plAN' bert, 'lliuJIIftl Ita•• '-9 lott. 1 •u• One eo~ aM •I• life, u fer aa- .. ..ta Ia ala; 1cloo'& a.n for tile moeer. 'AlliS tiiiiJ Ia the oltjeo& l ~& JOD tO btlp .. ~. Uwtadta/ DOl ..... baa lo a ~ ~ np ia wlaloll a lo,lg'" an,.~r ... 1 ... , '" eo ••·ao ~':-' t " .... ol u.,. f• ~ ~ . ' .

O,jf.,:.~~~-~ .... 1

lM .w;-.. " J01f ·~ 11114 of .. if:\·:.~ • .,..

~· Dl'l'....-rmct'•ara .

- I I a.-1 lllk aJoc:klp .. are .uy .., upe•· •i.,e, lllen!fon ~ Ja&;Jea w..,·~ qllall· &111 of ellkJ·Iookl .. thread, ••'7 loe wool at I,J....,., • lorM.ailk. l"o.ait, ~alrla wb001 piu·mooer II woold do well to pv· obaae e;aQh atooldoaa, ellllo1111b t.ber m~~a& no& e'apect &he floe aoha .. ud lllkr·&IOII, of the true anicle.

Ladl.e l11~adior to u .. el tble ,.., wUI 1000 be maJiier t.balr preparatlo~~a ud ohol­lq their trt.Yelllogd,_ W • caa I&~· ly rMOmmtud Ole atriped letely 00101 out. lor &hit purpoae wblcb are epec7 Ially pseUJ oombilled wit.b Urap Smrroe.i A11o&ber 1altable Mill •Oilld be iar¥D cheek cloll•, wbiob J. woat uetlal, IDd l& La all• wool. Pvloo~ for tra•oliiQJ ' ooettliDM are geoei"'IIJ maJe of tbla, aDd mar be wora bJ tall fl~e WOIJIID, COIDbJned with U aa1werlos pleiu materlal.-LHarpen &zar

tlcre ia a recipe for a nloo epriog dlah ; Cut • 11la. young ohlcbn Into join&&, or lean It whole, ud fill it. wilb tbe uaoal· foroetAeat, botlr apioed. P11t it into a atew· paD with abo11' a pial oi water. Sit it oo the bob uadJ it boil•, tbeo let it aim10er u po~~lblo for baH an hour, when add the following 9tlfet.&bloe : '! Dree ebalota, tbree young carrot.e, three youo~r turnipl aud tl.rH poelod &lmatoee. s-11 wi&h any 1pi~• approYed and ~&II.. Apia let thie all aim mer lOfCOther Cor lllother ball·lloar, thea ' put iu a pound of muahroont and a few Iu leo miontoalt 111111 be rtedf.

A ooa&ume tbat may be woro for. tra'fe1· IIDJf ore& aftaroooo roeepUoae, aeeonliol( to tbe color and to,tarlal, bu a plain uader· ekirt (•tilfeoed to man. h banlf full ud woll) of biacait·coluracl bal1e, wlt.b a polo· naiae of a darker ebacle caowbt. up juet be· low the waitt •• &be baclt by baodaJme ~p or1111ment.e; a ac.rf, wjtb tuda Ia froat, aod potolod bood at tbe beak., lioed with &be lixbter color aud tri111med rouud with .:imp. 'fbit it carried 4Ut Ia wbito, whb py, palo fawu, ouy blae or dHp belio­&rope polo~~aiiO aod cape, with &he liuia~r or U.o hood, ,.,., aod cuff a or white, aomot.iwu braided with gold. '.l'be boooel or bat oor­~eepondt.

MrL Uuroet\, oonliat, it etoall and n'her plumv, wilb line baada-artitlio,IOD· aitha baud>t, with arched uaill and d impled writt.e-ud largo, ltrilllant, almoet He~lf bloe fJCI. JltSr bair of redJiab JCOid, quite ll•e 'l'itlan e!Jade, lor wbtcb the beauliu or o ld Veaioo would huP perjared tbeir hat­wortal j• ••l•. it llu(Jy aod curly IUid worn Jooaely kuotlod oo her neck and cuta olcroN lhu Coreho~ll. Aa to coetuwe, abe ilalwaya well dre...,.t ; iu tbe atruett looking M chic and tri111 an•l atyheb u a l'ariaitsouo, and iu t ho bouee aft'eotiu11 .:raCJJful aod picturetqno atylee-tea gowoe iu uuuaual alled.,a llDd lesturta, t' imtned with c•uc::~dea of lace or bande of long-haired blaclt. fur.

~·or dinocr or luucb partiu t ha old.faah· iouetl auow·wbilc dawult is 111ed, if tho c hina i• tiot.o.l or decorated, aiac:o it aiJorda a better background for color. Fur a change, IM?'"o boueoktH~iHIFI are goiug back. to white porcataio, iu wbicb caee pluk or amber·coloreJ daoauk ia f-' r l"glt. If thor around bo wllit.o, a tiutcd table-ac:arf 12 or 16 iucb.,. widd, ruut lenlflbwL.e dowc lhe llliddle, or l l•u colora "'"Y bo rnera<d, a aCI\rf of IJinlt, am beT or blao, or entbruidar· lea o u a wbitc ground iu thooe colors ou anuwy da m11k. Oo it are arr&UIIatl fancy •liohe1, lou~: aballo" do•er rccdhn, aud an occaaioualttll eleuJer YUO, from which avrillj;I ODO luperb N»O or bunch Of lllitl.

Au outlioo~ anl !Jrvioler.J' r'Unuiul( :Sown tb" aa.rf, eilhur in t hU l ltftJ,. Of I ICroll, COU • Y~lltiou,.lizeJ 1 ... "\YU a ud d uwtrl, ur llaucin~ llrOUJl8 ul Grocu•••Y cbildruu, (IIYua It au attrac:tlvu liul:th. "l1•o edt" way be fiuiah· .,.) like tbo vtalter- oal!kiu, only with wider fringe, auJ tho ""'Len-I Ia either plain or wummy li11ou. J::wbroidtrf with colore io in,.Jwi .. iblJ, if ualural llo•.-n aro onr to bco uacd wilb II iu Ialli~ d~nation. 'l" two wake au liiCOUJiruoua cowbloatioo.

Generally 1Fukir1g, blue eyca algulry conatanoy aud duotiou to frieadt.

Mlaclt eyeadenolo u a rule eoueuoaa char­•c:ter 11nd in-:ouattut, fiotle duopo1i1•ou llowe'fer tbere a re aome uoted eaceptiouo lo tbt. role. ·

'l'be malo cbtuacteriat!Cill or tbe yiolet eye. wbiab le called the womao'a eye, aro affOIO· tioo aud purity, chiulria belief, aad limited or detlaieot lotellectuaiity

Gray eree are the moel e:91re11iY1 of all eyuaud denote etroog qualiUu of mind and aoDI. Peraons with gray tyea wrually hue • great deal of vatriotiiiD.

t:.IC·eatillac~ioo aocl cooceil are common· ly the cbaract.trittio traita repreaonud by tue ~recn eye. Whoa tbo tlo(!o nrgea oo yellnwialllltll it denot• lbat tbt ~r ia ~iftcd with alroog powen or imaglDation.

Tbci YerJ llgbt blue •J• I.e chanct.ori.rtic of t he nortbern noes. aod ID a woman i~ I D(igeatt coutttocy aod trutb, ateadl\utoeu. titoplicity, c:ouraiOud purp011e. 1o a mao it ie apt t~ deuota a phlogmatlc ditpoah[ou. • Urown eye• are the •1e• o( Ulo aoutb aod ""t· aod detJot.o. u a general role, pueioD aDd laclt of ori11ioalilJ. In women ~bey mean Jealouay and c ruelly nrr oftao, and iu wen aoanee, 1open1titioo, and wild ri'c:lt· lea-D-.

Blne eyee atoaUy go with llgt.l balr, ba( wbep &he7 go wilb dark hair, and complex· loa Uere La conplad witb tile elfecdooate qualiU.. a teadeocy te deceiYe, tdmalalod bf ao ambltioo for O?oqueet and leedioat.o tbe rrallll011tioa of admintloo,

Hue! La a 911')' d il!iaalt color to de141r· mloe, -t.bere are 111 0\IDf d iffernt ftrietlee. AI e poenl rule tyee of thlt color tngreet a good d11l of 1\reogtb of cberacter ud geoeniiJ a MOM of mlatoblef and triclterr. A blao·pf, witb brooae etreak1 ndiatinr from the oontN eom11 oeareat to llue1-N. Y, "laij alfd Szprt#..

Bow to aet BJcb. Ll.,. 11p to fOill' na-aemeott. Eara IDOOOJ beforw JOD lpellft ft. .Se'rlr plaf at IUIJ pme of cbance. Drink DO kind or io&oaloatiDJr liquor. Good chancier la aboYe ail &hlup elM. K•p JODr O"D eecret.t ii'JOD line any. .Nntt borrow, if rou oao poeelblruold I& AI'III&JI apeak tho &ro&Ja. Hake few pro·

111'- l K.•p good oompuaf or DON. N.,u be

~~ . ' Do no~ t1WfJ aotilroa aa9 abla \0 erappon

a wllo. · ' K"p JQUMU loDocut U JOG wocaJd be

~;.·, II•• (mlllonaqe uoaptecJ} wlWD roar la6ome •

Wheo fOil apeak to a pti"'ID, look kim lath• r-.

Make DD laaate to be rlola, II "'* woal~ pnllpU. •

San Whee JOil atOJODIII eo lptH wb .. JM.-o14.

.l...W .......... tltroap faar JOII .. , ... ..wa.e..dl&. . ............. ,_,.... • 1-t .... , ... ,.. .. ......... Natw ... 1aa.e deb&, ual .. JM .. plaia·

~~~"9 ....... .... ...... .......................... ..,. .... ~.....,., ..... u.-.~ ........... • ,..,.,.

IH'!fqliMnofftitu. · . ., ... ~,.~ w•• ~~~·~ ···~

r • .,......_ ..... _....,~ ... ...,..,~, ... ..... • U i11J ....... eril of JR. Itt JaU ur.

~ ~CIOiilii~ID.~ .... • IW IIOIM wUIIItUeti .... · · ' . . .. ,



Domlniuu AoKiy~;~, St. J ohn, N.D.

ABSORPTION. -.. TDiftkPJitm ~ ASSIUftOI. -Dr. J. Gordon ; Bennett. A. YOUNC MONTACWE

Mtdioal.tilriltr for NtJI'f,.IUli4JuJ, 'lllbO bu in~& rellll'oed from Loodoo, ED.r­laod, wid! tbe111~& wooderfol ud lmprond applianoea for llealloa ••coeellullr t be mot' chronic - of cllMue uteruallf, ud lllrouab wblob e«eot t. rillbl• iiDDiediatelf Ia mot~ llabboru cuea. C~te u DcrgGillf, 26 R~~e d' ~. Paril

Fro•"-l'aril, l'ro•ee1 N~. 23, l~.

l'be Comte de Roaraolug iJa ·a let tar to Dr. Benaen ol the abo•e date, •1•: " I am feallug well from your appliaocea and - hl\ppy to IJI•e.&hem IDJIDOat diat.logull­ed petroaage.''

AdYice frae, Addreta-Ur J. (.:urdoo Denoelt, 808 t!Ueet, tiL J oba "a. JWMt 6

' ST. JOHN'S ~arbJe.& Freestone Works -Ar.E:tANDEH SMITIJ1 PnoPRJETOB.

Au.xAHon Sxriu dulru to thank tboee wbo ban favored bim io tbo puc with t heir ordore. aod wvuld iot.imate at &lie eame time tbat be bu facilitiea for performing work io hla Hoe wi&b UJitquellcd deapatcb and IlOilO~, Ud at pric.:t tbat C!aDDOl be COOl· petetl "'""· Pn~eua re9,nirioa II,IANTI-;L PlEOES,MON 0MJ::N'1~. BI!;AU::Il'ONES TOMU$, CURt1S. I:JEAR'I'US and COP­INGS\ would do well to call on biro. 'fbof can obtain artletio, tho rough aod cbule workmadebip at pricea lower tban tbo Jo-e­a t el"where. · O II U IW H . \VORK- F.cnta,Altali,Tab­leta. &c.-a •peciQity. . loa Suba~nbe_r b~•ing a!moet forty yean t:xperlonce 111 tb1a Colouy 11 tberaforo in a ~ition to prd'Vido Mat.orialand Worktu~n· ahtp beat c:~lculated to eudure tbe aevtriti,-. o r our c limate. 276 Gower Street, St. John's. Aprill!S .

QU.EEN Ins~ance C~inpany WITAL--£2,000. 000 Stcrlin rr . n ·


-Aso-~UEEN lNSU l{dNCimU (J.DJN(;S,


TW£N'J'Y.F IRST Al\~UAL R E l 'OflT fho Repo ri.a antl A ccounts lt. r llhJ

year 18 78, pr03cn tl!d l o the ,'hnrchol•ll' rs ot tiro A~uuul :.\le?ting,on 'I'ueaday,27111

:.\111y_, 1, • ~. nt wln~h UurnnrJ llnii ,Jo:M1., flrc&IJcd, altowO<J, In lhc Diviu!'t••l uml &nus at the rato tucc thnr o f 1 :> lOCI c?nt. wns dcclnred, £14,036 being cur neJ lonurd.

FlRE DRA NCH, Thnt tho P remiums for 1878 altr t

JC<lucting H o ins umncell, arnoun~cd to £45G,!!i.J, ueing an incrooso o i £ :i,39l over ~ho Prcruinm I ncome of 1877; a uJ t he Losaca t o £26I,661, being 65. 16 }tQ cent. on t ho PrmuinmN o l the Y tlllr

lN TUE.LIFE DEPA.HT~EN.T. That Now P11liciC11 h"d been' isauo

for £222,485; and that- the Life Yund1 by tho ~<dLiition'S m11Jo to i~ as the resut· ol t ho yeur'a uper.tiona now r opreser,IJ 67.9 110r cent. of the en tiro n ot P remium received oo every policy in force.

Tile 1urplua balance in the Firo A e c9u.nt was &hown t o bo .£107.69!1, out o l .,.;~1cb £20,000 wu "l'l'ropril\led to SulltQIIIO 'c:count, r a.ieing tbat Account t.o .£140,000 fULl m•king with the }{o­lle rve Fund antl .Balance carriecl f or ward £2~ . 000.

FUNDS qap;bl Paid np ... ... ... • :. . .. !180,030

·~~atnal . Resene Jluod •.• ... ... 170,00!1 l' tre ~ und fo r unearned Premium a u o,oo

8 Bo.laoco earned i orward ... ... H,OS Ltfe Accomulatiob Fuud... .... 300,816 Annuity ~·und... ... ... ... . .. 11,636


£ l!I G0i 28 ---JOHN ,CO,RMACK, Ge~1~/ A~tfor "'Yfld.

8 UI·A01h"Tll • A . 'f. DILVI:II>ALE

Harbor 'c; mc:e, B. O'SIIEEHAN & Co.,

S' P ierre.

GENER~L 4aaur~aaa0allpaar FIRE AND LIFI~. - .

RSTABLiS¥ED A D. 1 8 3 7


C~pita.l: £1,000,000 Stt! '

iDIDraDCH eft'ected OD almolt all kiod1 of prorertr Ia .Newfoundlaod aa lo•o•t pouible ra&ea.

Ana u.

· J . AUGUSTOSCU~ 8oLtCtTOR, ST. Jon~·s

Agn: '/!W NtrfiJW'Idlat!d • E. D. 'l"HOMPS()N,

Sllla-tlgut {,- Ht~r&or Groct