first international symposium on «neuroactive drugs in endocrinology

XXVIII are not automatically endowed with any particular tax privileges. It is the sole res- ponsibility of the recipient of an award to pay any tax which may be levied upon it by the appropriate national authority. 4. Applications should be made in tri- plicate, comprising : A) Topic of research and description of the experiments the applicant intends to carry out in the receiving laboratory and the reasons why these experiments should be performed in the receiving laboratory (maximum 2 pages). B) A short curriculum vitae of the applicant with a list of publications. C) A letter of acceptance from the le- gal head of the receiving Institute and also signed by the leader of the group which will receive the applicant (should be writ- ten on a special form of acceptance fur- nished by the FEBS Fellowships Officer). D) A letter supporting the application from a experienced scientist who knows the work of the applicant to be send direc- tly to the FEBS Fellowships Officer. E) A letter from the FEBS Constituent Society confirming that the applicant is a member. F) An estimate of the cost of travel (or 2nd Class Rail Tourist Air) to and from the Receiving Institute. G) The application should be written in English. 5. Applications for fellowships are assessed throughout the year. There is no deadline for an application but as a rule it should be made about two months be- fore the proposed starting date. Retros- pective applications cannot be conside- red. 6. The fellowship should start within six months of the decision to grant it. 7. The applicant must send a short report about the work performed , this report should be countersigned by the director of the receiving laboratory. 8. Every publication of work executed while in receipt of a FEBS fellowship must acknowledge the help given by FEBS and 3 reprints must be deposited with the Fellowships Officer. 9. Applications for fellowships to work in a laboratory in the same country in which the applicant is at present working or normally works are not considered. 10. The fellowships will not be awar- ded for attendance at courses, symposia, meetings or congresses. 11. Applications should be sent to Pro- fessor G. Dirheimer, FEBS Fellowships Officer, Institut de Biologie Moldculaire et Cellulaire du CNRS, 15 rue Ren$ Des- cartes, 67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France. First International Symposium on (( Neuroactive drugs in endocrinology )) Physiologic, diagnostic and therapeutic applications Milan, Italy, September 10-13 1979 Scientific program. The Scientific Program is planned to include 25-30 invited lectures on the fol- lowing topics. 1. Organization and function of neural- endocrine communication systems. 2. Pharmacology of neuroactive drugs. 3. Physiologic implications. 4. Neuroactive drugs as a tool for diag- nosing endocrine disorders. 5. Medical treatment of pituitary hor- mone over production. A number of Free Communications (about 30), strictly related to the topics of the sessions is scheduled in the program. The selection of these contributions will be made by a Scientific Committee consisting of W. H. Daughaday, G. L. Gessa, T. Hokfeit, D. T. Krieger, P. Man- tegazza, A. Pecile, A. V. Schally, K. von Werder. Scientific information. All information, fetters and inquiries concerning the Scientific Organization of the Symposium should be mailed to : 1@q8, 60, n ° 1'1-12.

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Page 1: First International Symposium on «Neuroactive drugs in endocrinology


are not automatically endowed with any particular tax privileges. It is the sole res- ponsibility of the recipient of an award to pay any tax which may be levied upon it by the appropriate national authority.

4. Applications should be made in tri- plicate, comprising :

A) Topic of research and description of the experiments the applicant intends to carry out in the receiving laboratory and the reasons why these experiments should be performed in the receiving laboratory (maximum 2 pages).

B) A short curriculum vitae of the applicant with a list of publications.

C) A letter of acceptance from the le- gal head of the receiving Institute and also signed by the leader of the group which wil l receive the applicant (should be writ- ten on a special form of acceptance fur- nished by the FEBS Fellowships Officer).

D) A letter supporting the application from a experienced scientist who knows the work of the applicant to be send direc- tly to the FEBS Fellowships Officer.

E) A letter from the FEBS Constituent Society confirming that the applicant is a member.

F) An estimate of the cost of travel (or 2nd Class Rail Tourist Air) to and from the Receiving Institute.

G) The application should be written in English.

5. Applications for fellowships are assessed throughout the year. There is no deadline for an application but as a rule it should be made about two months be- fore the proposed starting date. Retros- pective applications cannot be conside- red.

6. The fellowship should start within six months of the decision to grant it.

7. The applicant must send a short report about the work performed , this report should be countersigned by the director of the receiving laboratory.

8. Every publication of work executed while in receipt of a FEBS fellowship must acknowledge the help given by FEBS and 3 reprints must be deposited with the Fellowships Officer.

9. Applications for fellowships to work in a laboratory in the same country in which the applicant is at present working or normally works are not considered.

10. The fellowships will not be awar- ded for attendance at courses, symposia, meetings or congresses.

11. Applications should be sent to Pro- fessor G. Dirheimer, FEBS Fellowships Officer, Institut de Biologie Moldculaire et Cellulaire du CNRS, 15 rue Ren$ Des- cartes, 67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France.

First International Symposium on

(( N e u r o a c t i v e drugs in endocr ino logy ))

Physiologic, diagnostic and therapeutic applications

Milan, Italy, September 10-13 1979

Scientific program.

The Scientific Program is planned to include 25-30 invited lectures on the fol- lowing topics.

1. Organization and function of neural- endocrine communication systems.

2. Pharmacology of neuroactive drugs.

3. Physiologic implications. 4. Neuroactive drugs as a tool for diag-

nosing endocrine disorders.

5. Medical treatment of pituitary hor- mone over production.

A number of Free Communications (about 30), strictly related to the topics of the sessions is scheduled in the program.

The selection of these contributions will be made by a Scientific Committee consisting of W. H. Daughaday, G. L. Gessa, T. Hokfeit, D. T. Krieger, P. Man- tegazza, A. Pecile, A. V. Schally, K. von Werder.

Scientific information.

All information, fetters and inquiries concerning the Scientific Organization of the Symposium should be mailed to :

1@q8, 60, n ° 1'1-12.

Page 2: First International Symposium on «Neuroactive drugs in endocrinology

Dr. Eugenio E. MEfller, c / o Department of Pharmacology, University of Milan, 32, Via Vanviteln, 20129 Milan, Italy.

Renseignements et Inscription : Secre- tariat du Professeur G. Deysson, 4, Ave- nue de I'Observatoire, 75270 Paris Cedex 06, T~I. : 329 12 08, Poste 291.

Ecole prat ique des hautes-6tudes

3 e sect ion

Laboratoire de Physiotoxicologie cel lulaire

Facult~ des Sciences Pharmaceutiques et Biologiques

4, Avenue de I 'Observatoire 75270 Paris Cedex 06

Directeur : Professeur G. Deysson

Le laboratoire de Physiotoxicologie cel- lulaire organise, du 12 au 16 mars 1979, u n

enseignement de recyclage en Physiologie cel lulaire

Les cours auront lieu 4, Avenue tie I'Observatoire, de 16 h 30 ~ 18 h 30. Cet enseignement s'adresse ~ toute per- sonne qui, n'~tant pas sp~cialis~e en Phy- siologie cellulaire, d~sire actualiser ses connaissances, notamment en vue d'~tudes pathologiques, toxicologiques ou pharmacologiques. II fournira des indica- tions bibliographiques sur chaque ques- tion trait~e.

Programme :

- - M~thodologie des ~tudes en physio- Iogie cellulaire.

m Fonctions des diff~rents comparti- ments cellulaires : les membranes et la permeation n l e noyau et le m~tabolisme nucl~ique ~ le cytoplasme et les mouve- ments cellulaires ~ les ribosomes et la synth~se prot~ique ~ le r~ticulum endo- plasmique et ses d~pendances (appareil de Golgi, lysosomes, peroxysomes) les mitochondries.

Cin~tique cellulaire ~ Diff~rencia- tion et s~nescence.

Le nombre de places ~tant limit~, une inscription pr~alable est n~cessaire.

Prix international de I 'a l imentat ion moderne

L'Union centrale des producteurs suis- ses de lait, C H - 3000 Berne 6, met au concours le Prix International pour I 'Al i- mentation Moderne 1979 et 1980 qu'elle a institu~. Ce prix de 15 000 francs suis- ses sera d~cern~ ~ un savant provenant d'un des pays membres de la F~d~ration internationale de laiterie.

Th~me 1979 :

Aspects sociaux et psychologiques du choix des aliments et du comportement du consommateur.

Th~me 1980 :

Alimentation et d~veloppement c~r~- bral.

Hommes et femmes ayant ~crit des ouvrages scientifiques sur les thames pro- pos~s sont invites ~ faire parvenir au Pre- sident du Jury :

Herrni Prof. Dr. med. H. A ebi Medizinisch-chemisches Institut der Universitat CH - 3000 Bern 9

un dossier comprenant les pi~ces sui- vantes en trois exemplaires :

curriculum vitae, liste des travaux, tir~s-&-part des plus importants tra- vaux consacr~s au th~me du prix et publi~s au cours des cinq derni~res ann~es. Ces dossiers seront r~dig~s en allemand, en frangais ou en anglais.

1'978, 60, n ° l q - 1 2 .