first congregational churchcrossroads...janet iffland – 5/9 liam bullard – 5/10 betty vandeusen...

First Congregational Church Crossroads MINISTER: Pastor Steven Darr, (h) 496-9725; (c) 860-459-5646; office 860-482-4705 OFFICE HOURS: Mon.–Thurs., 9–4 p.m. SECRETARY: Lori-Jean Foster, 482-1180 Head Deacons for 2014: Chris Gueniat (860-309-8331) and Lynn Tanguay (860-491-1146) M A Y 2 0 1 4 “I thank my God every time I remember you.” ~Philippians 1:3 I f you will, let me get a little patriotic this month. I love our country. It is a nation that has led the world in many ways. It has been the model for other nations to follow. It is full of individuals who are willing to make sacrifices for the good of others. I would like to use this Scripture to take a moment to recognize those who have served this nation in the armed forces. We should each thank God every time we think of them. They have given of themselves; made sacrifices and suffered for this land we call America. Because of them we have the many freedoms we often take for granted. Look around you at the many blessings you have because of those who have given all they had to defend this nation. On Memorial Day we remember their sacrifice and honor them for it. If you have a friend, a neighbor or family member that has served take the time to thank them for their protection. Paul begins his letter to the church in Philippi with these words. He is so filled with joy for this church that has partnered with him in his ministry. He prays that they will continue in the ministry being examples to others through sharing the grace of God. I believe God has begun a good work in this church and that He will carry it through to completion. What this church has done in the ten years I have served as pastor is simply amazing. You have come together to stand for the Word of God over and over again. You have remained true to His teachings in the midst of trial and temptation. When it would have been easy to bend the Word or ignore it you have stood strong and true. Your desire to know the Word and to live by it is seen in how you love one another and support each other. When someone or some family is going through difficult times you have made sacrifices to help them and show them how much you care. Your trust in God has grown as you bring more and more to Him seeking His guidance, grace and mercy in your lives. When we first began ministering together we may have had a prayer request here and there. Now, as we have learned to trust Him, we are giving more and more of our lives to Him. It has been a joy to watch the church grow numerically. What is even more of a joy is watching the church grow spiritually. On Sunday mornings when the deacon gets up to read scripture it is a joy to your pastor to hear the pages turn in the pew Bibles. That desire to follow along — to hear and read the Word — warms my heart. As Paul continues this letter he asks the church to make his joy complete. He asks them to be like-minded, having the same love of Christ and being of one Spirit and one purpose. I see that happening in our church and I thank God every time I think of you. In Christ, “The Daniel Plan” Bible Study The prophet Daniel is a model in many ways of an individual who was strong in body, mind, heart and spirit and found his power, purpose and strength in devotion to God. “The Daniel Plan” is built on five essentials of faith, food, fitness, focus and friends. It is far more than a diet plan, but rather a program aimed at helping individuals develop an overall healthier lifestyle physically, mentally and spiritually. Join us beginning Sun., May 11 for this 6-week Bible Study. We’ll meet after church from 11–Noon in the Learning Center.

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  • First Congregational Church

    CrossroadsMINISTER: Pastor Steven Darr, (h) 496-9725;(c) 860-459-5646; office 860-482-4705OFFICE HOURS: Mon.–Thurs., 9–4 p.m.SECRETARY: Lori-Jean Foster, 482-1180Head Deacons for 2014: Chris Gueniat (860-309-8331) and Lynn Tanguay (860-491-1146)

    M A Y 2 0 1 4

    “I thank my God every time I remember you.”~Philippians 1:3

    If you will, let me get a little patriotic this month. Ilove our country. It is a nation that has led theworld in many ways. It has been the model for othernations to follow. It is full of individuals who arewilling to make sacrifices for the good of others.

    I would like to use this Scripture totake a moment to recognize those whohave served this nation in the armedforces. We should each thank God everytime we think of them. They have givenof themselves; made sacrifices andsuffered for this land we call America.Because of them we have the manyfreedoms we often take for granted. Lookaround you at the many blessings youhave because of those who have given allthey had to defend this nation. On Memorial Day weremember their sacrifice and honor them for it. Ifyou have a friend, a neighbor or family member thathas served take the time to thank them for theirprotection.

    Paul begins his letter to the church in Philippiwith these words. He is so filled with joy for thischurch that has partnered with him in his ministry.He prays that they will continue in the ministrybeing examples to others through sharing the graceof God. I believe God has begun a good work in thischurch and that He will carry it through tocompletion. What this church has done in the tenyears I have served as pastor is simply amazing. Youhave come together to stand for the Word of God overand over again. You have remained true to Histeachings in the midst of trial and temptation. Whenit would have been easy to bend the Word or ignore ityou have stood strong and true. Your desire to knowthe Word and to live by it is seen in how you love oneanother and support each other. When someone orsome family is going through difficult times you havemade sacrifices to help them and show them how

    much you care. Your trust in God has grown as youbring more and more to Him seeking His guidance,grace and mercy in your lives. When we first beganministering together we may have had a prayerrequest here and there. Now, as we have learned totrust Him, we are giving more and more of our lives

    to Him.It has been a joy to watch the church

    grow numerically. What is even more of ajoy is watching the church growspiritually. On Sunday mornings whenthe deacon gets up to read scripture it isa joy to your pastor to hear the pagesturn in the pew Bibles. That desire tofollow along — to hear and read theWord — warms my heart. As Paul

    continues this letter he asks the church to make hisjoy complete. He asks them to be like-minded, havingthe same love of Christ and being of one Spirit andone purpose. I see that happening in our church andI thank God every time I think of you.

    In Christ,

    “The Daniel Plan” Bible StudyThe prophet Daniel is a model in many ways of anindividual who was strong in body, mind, heart andspirit and found his power, purpose and strength indevotion to God. “The Daniel Plan” is built on fiveessentials of faith, food, fitness, focus and friends. It isfar more than a diet plan, but rather a program aimedat helping individuals develop an overall healthierlifestyle physically, mentally and spiritually. Join usbeginning Sun., May 11 for this 6-week Bible Study.We’ll meet after church from 11–Noon in theLearning Center.

  • We know that prayer has apowerful effect on those who are inneed of encouragement, healingand care. Please keep the followingchurch family in your prayers:

    …shut-ins Betty VanDeusen,Marian Zappulla, Millie Versteeg, Fran Parsons;healing for members Ruth D., Pete M., Joe V.,Johanna N.; healing for friends Alison, Luke,Sharon, Jo, Mark, Diane; wisdom for thosestruggling with addictions, financial difficultiesand depression; sympathy and prayers to thefamily of long-time church member ThomasCoons, who passed away on April 18; strengthand courage for the Morehouse family, Gary,Laura, Joan; encouragement and support forthose on the Men’s Tres Dias weekend - ShawnBrennan and Charlie Miller and Pastor Steve;protection for Wes Foster in Afghanistan andSamantha in Okinowa; peace for the world andthat God will be glorified.

    Members Celebrating...BirthdaysRoseMary Davis – 5/5Marc Stolfi – 5/6David Ruhm – 5/6Janet Iffland – 5/9Liam Bullard – 5/10Betty VanDeusen – 5/11David Maccalous – 5/11Rosemary Stoecker – 5/12Clarise Doolittle – 5/15Bob Carlson – 5/16

    Judy Ruhm – 5/19Phyllis Rowan – 5/24Emily Starr – 5/25Isabella Mazzaferro - 5/25Margaret Janssen – 5/27Alyssa Foster – 5/31Mary Lou Pavlik – 6/6Olivia Carlson – 6/6Sue Prince – 6/8Gordon Vought – 6/8Sue

    Kellogg – 6/8


    Congratulations to…•Jessica Hodorski on her appointment as the chair of Torrington’s Arts & Culture Commission. •Wesley Foster as he promotes to Sergeant in theU.S. Army. His deployment will be ending by June 1and he’ll return to his base in Fairbanks, Alaska•Ben Brown, Jessica (Mantz) Brown’shusband, upon his selection to the CT State Police Academy, beginning in June.•Katie Morehouse on her induction into theNational Honor Society.•Alyssa (Perregaux) Foster on hergraduation with a Bachelors in BiologyDegree from Keene State University. S h e ’ l ltravel back to Alaska on May 21st.•Seth Kellogg on his graduation from LewisMills High School. Seth will attend the CTFire Academy in Windsor, CT in June and iscurrently testing for his EMT.

    You’re Invited To a RecitalAnother year has gone by and it’s timefor a graduation. You are invitedto attend Alora Foster’s SuzukiBook 6 Graduation Recital onSun., May 18 at 1:00 p.m. inour sanctuary. Come hearHandel, Corelli and a livelygypsy tune that you’re sure to recognize.

    Let’s All Walk!A “Sharing Hope” walk,sponsored by the AmericanBrain Tumor Association, willbe held at the UConn AlumniCenter on the campus atStorrs on Sat., May 31. TheCrossroads Youth Groupwould like members to jointhem as they walk in tributeto Peter Morehouse, as he

    battles brain and lung cancer. We’ll carpool from thechurch at 8:00 a.m. for registration at 10:00, followedby the walk at 11:00 a.m. There will be music andrefreshments at the Alumni Center following thewalk. Please fill-out a registration form, located onthe bulletin board, and return it to Lori-Jean by Sun.,May 25th. Registration fee is whatever you decide todonate. All proceeds benefit the research program ofthe American Brain Tumor Association. Go to learn more. Wear gray for May in support of ABTA.

    VBS Planning BeginsGroup’s “Weird Animals” is thetheme for this year’s Vacation Bibleschool, scheduled for July 27–31. Weneed to be sure to have volunteers as ittakes a lot of hands to make it a success. Please come tothe planning meeting on Tues., May 13 at 7:00 p.m. in thechurch office if you’re interested in serving on the team!

  • F R O M T H E B O A R D O F T R U S T E E S

    FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MARCH 2014February Ending Balance: $6,819.47

    IncomePledges $8,475.00Cash & donations 696.17Toward Deacons’ Discretionary 144.00Rental 100.00Interest & Miscellaneous 112.28Subtotal $9,527.45

    ExpendituresSalaries $7,164.20Utilities & monthly fees (oil $2,821.36) 3,613.91Postage, Office Supplies, Ads, subscrips 186.24Insurance 388.81Christian Education - curriculum 331.71Music supplies 152.88To Deacons’ Discretionary 144.00Hospitality supplies 126.30Sexton Supplies 125.97Memorials – Robert Stoecker, Viva Bartley 40.00Building & Grounds 25.00Sub-total Expenses: $12,299.02Checkbook Balance $4,074.90

    So that we can pay for next winter’s oil upfront,won’t you consider utilizing your Oil Envelopethis May? (you’ll find it with your October envelopes)

    •The operating budget of $112,669.76 for 2014 wasaccepted by the members present on May 4. •Stillresearching a exterior-door locking system. •Thanksto the ladies who did a deep-clean of the kitchen onMay 3rd. •Thanks to Judy Ruhm for creating thecurtains in the offices. •We’re exploring ideas for thememorial pavers, with Scott Arigoni heading up thetask. See the insert for placing an order.

    “A Special “Thank You” toSheila Morehouse for her many years ofrestocking our hospitality supplies. The giftof hospitality takes a special person, and wethank Sheila for filling that role so well atFirst Church.

    Thanks to all who voluntarilydonate goodies to therefreshment table on youralphabet Sunday. Please don’tforget to arrive early for set-up,and to stay and help clean-up.Thanks. Note changes as we’ve new members:

    May 11: D–F May 25: L–M June 8: S–ZMay 18: G–K June 1: P–R June 15: A–C

    Please note: The refreshment hour is a wonderfultime for fellowship and is such a blessing,especially to those who may not have anyone to gohome to or celebrate with on holidays – and thereare many in our congregation. It is our hope thateven though it is a holiday that there is still somesnacks available. Remember — we’re not supplyinga meal — just a quick hunger quencher. Thanks!

    Supplies (cups, napkins, plates, coffee, cream,sugar, tea) are restocked by Tess Brennan (thanks!)and purchased by the church, but donations arealways welcome to save the church some money.


    PENNY AUCTIONFri., May 16t hDoors open at 6pm • Drawing at 7pm

    Donations of new or like-new items are beingcollected now. We need many items so pleasehelp. Also, bakery items such as cookies,cupcakes and brownies are needed for therefreshment break.Please call Nikki Maccalousfor more info at 860-307-9044.Proceeds to benefit the Lauper Christian Learning Center

    Would you like to serve on aHospitality Committee?We don’t have an official committee,however, there are areas where we arealready showcasing our hospitality ministry, i.e.Sunday morning refreshments, bread for our newmembers, assisting the families who use our hall forfunerals, flowers in the sanctuary, etc. If you arewilling to serve on such a committee, or are willing tolend a hand at Memorial gatherings (set-up tables,prepare food if needed, serve food, clean-up), pleasesee Priscilla Kunesch and let her know.

    Roast Beef Dinner ReportThanks to all who worked and contributed to asuccessful dinner. Special thanks to Greg Mantz forall the extra effort. After expenses, our profit is $775,which went to the LCLC and the general fund.

    Other thank-yous: to those who gave $311.75at the Cantata collection and to those who providedthe luncheon; Ted Dreger for rewiring for sound.

  • Children’s Sunday & All ChurchPicnic – June 8thWe will be celebratingchildren during theworship service onSun., June 8th. Afterworship and a cup ofcoffee, all are invited to join us at the ALL CHURCHPICNIC, to be held at the Harwinton Conservationgrounds. Bring your favorite dish to share (A-H colddish; I–P chips or dessert; Q–Z cold) and a lawn chairif you’d like. There’ll be games, activities, fellowshipand lots of good food! Gather from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.Please sign-up so we can plan the meat, drinks andpaper products. Hosted by C.E. committee

    What’s a Flock ofFlamingos Doing onMy Lawn!!!!The Flamingo Project has begun andbenefits our Sunday School’supcoming programming addition of “Mission:Possible.” Our church is the proud owner of a flock offlamingos and they are ready to be sent out to brightens o m e o n e ’s day. Here ’s how it works:• Send flock to someone. It stays at their home for

    one week and will only cost you $5.00. (local only)• Purchase insurance against receiving a flock. A

    standard policy will cost you $5.00.• If you receive a flock and realize that the color

    clashes with your mums, you may call for aremoval. The fee is $5.00.

    Please call Jessica Brown at 860-733-5322 to order.

    Car Safety Check-up – June 1s tThe Youth Group is sponsoring this fundraiser tobenefit their next mission trip, but also to educatethe teens in general car maintenance. The eventwill take place in the church lot after church from11–Noon. Basic car care and safety check will bedone by the youth with supervision by the leadersand Jay Perregaux, a licensed mechanic. They willcheck fluids, lights, tires, etc. There is no chargefor the checkup, but donations are appreciatedfor topping off of fluids or other materials used.Spread the word to your neighbors and friends.

    Crossroads Youth GroupOffers 30-Hours ofFundraising in Place ofFamineScheduling has not allowed us to do the“Famine” — going 30 hours withoutfood together as a group. However,collecting funds for World Vision’s mission ofcombating childhood hunger is dear to the group’sheart. We’ve come up with some creative fund raisersfor the month of May, and we hope you’ll join in andgive as you’re able. Last year we raised $1,366 andwere able to feed 44 kids for a month!

    Sun., May 11 – Boys vs. Girls Collectionafter church. Who should win the Pizza Dinner Date— boys or girls? Place your ‘vote’ of bills into thekids’ cans. Group with the most $ wins! [PS - Coins area negative amount.]

    Sat., May 17 – Rent-A-Youth From 1–4 p.m.a team of youth will do some indoor or outdoor springclean. Cost: $10/hour of work. Sign-up required.

    Sun., May 18 – “Love Hungry” Bake Salefollowing church service.

    Sun., May 18 – ‘Drive-In Movie’ at theFosters From 5–8 p.m., with attendees paying thematinee price of $7.00. Popcorn & snack provided.

    Sat., May 24 – Tag Sale at Church, 9-1pm1/2 proceeds to youth account; 1/2 to World Visionwith an option of “Fill a Bag for $30” to World Vision.

    Sun., May 25 – “Egg Me!” ChallengeWhoever gets the most $ in their jar gets a raw eggsmashed on their head. Vote with your donations forone of our ‘eager’ participants. Want to smash an eggon Pastor Steve’s head? That’ll be $100 please!

    Sun. May 25 – “Honk for Hunger” from6–8 p.m. as we let the community know of ourcollection. Come support us with your $ and cheers!

    Fri., May 30 – “Date Night Childcare”offered from 6–9 p.m. at the church. Need a datenight mom & dad? Bring your ducklings to thechurch for some fun with our youth and leaders; payas you’re able a reasonable babysitting fee.Reservations required.

  • REMEMBRANCE WALKFirst Congregational Church of TorringtonA brick sidewalk or prayer garden using donated memorial/honor bricks is set to beassembled soon. Originally sponsored by the New Building Committee, this fundraiser helped raise funds which brought us closer to our expansion goal andobjectives — culminating in the Lauper Christian Learning Center. Won’t you add to the walk? Please give this form and your payment to Wayne Foster.

    8" x 4" Bricks are $50.00 each and contain 3 lines.8" x 8" Bricks are $90.00 each and contain up to 6 lines.

    B R I C K W A L K O R D E R F O R M

    Each line can have up to fifteen characters. • Spaces between words count as characters.

    Name Cash Check #


    Phone# Email

    IMPORTANT: PLEASE CHECK WHICH SIZE BRICK YOU WANT 8" X 4" 8" X 8"3 lines of text 6 lines of text

    Fill in the boxes with letters to show what you would like to say. The text on the bricks can express either a donation by,in honor of, in memory of, or any thought you would like to share and have displayed.

    M A Y T H E F I R S T

    C O N G R E G A T I O N A L

    C H U R C H B E

    B L E S S E D A N D

    C O N T I N U E T O

    G R O W W I T H G O D


  • Sunday Morning Worship: 9:00 a.m. Nursery Services AvailableWEEKLYGATHERINGS:

    MondayBible Study: 7-8:30ThursdayGirl Scouts: 4-6pmBoy Scouts: 7-9pmChoir: 6:30–8:15pmFridayCrafting & Sewing:10:00–NoonSaturdayMen’s Breakfast: 7:30 a.m., 2nd & 4th

    Women’s Breakfast: 9:00 a.m., 3rd

    SundayYouth Group: 6–8 p.m.

    May-June 201411 12 13 14 15 16 17

    18 19 20 21 22 23 24

    25 26 27 28 29 30 31

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    __________CWRT 6–9 pm

    Trustees 7 pm

    Boys vs. GirlsChallenge

    “Egg Me” &Honk for Hunger

    “Date Night”YG Childcare

    6–9 pm


    YG Bakesale &Movie

    P rudential Board7:00 pm

    “Daniel” BibleStudy 10:45-Noon

    Violin Recital1–1:30 pm

    Car SafetyC h e c k - u p1 1 – N o o n



    9-10:30 am

    Four CornerCircle


    VBS Mtg. 7 pmMen’s

    Breakfast 7:30 a.m.

    Men’sBreakfast 7:30 a.m.

    Change is inevitable — Growth is optional.

    Scrip Gift Cards:order last sunday,receive first sundayof month. Use likecash for CVS,WalMart, Stop &Shop, Dunkin Donuts(we know you gothere!) and more!See Lottie Beth onSundays.

    First Congregational Church of Torrington835 Riverside Ave. • Torrington, CT 06790Phone: 860-482-4705

    “Small enough to care, large enough to share.”

    2014 Cro s s ro a d s

    C.E. Mtg 7pm

    Deacons Mtg7pm in office

    G. Scout LeaderMtg. 6-9 pm

    Brain TumorWalk - meet at

    8 a.m.

    Girl Scouts 4–6:30

    Girl Scouts 4–6:30


    6 pm

    Children’sSunday & AllChurch Picnic

    Tag Sale9-2pm

    BSA Mtg.7-9 pm
