fire sop p64 modified 27 jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. ( 1

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Page 1: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 2: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (



The intent of this standing operating procedure (SOP) is

designed and compiled for the purpose to give a guideline to persons

serving under this Prestigious Company to fight any accidental fire.

Accidental fire does not give any warning. A factory under

production is consuming lots of power every day and every moment.

Proper maintenance and proactive and regular checking of vital core

of the electric layout will reduce the chance of accidental fire, but do

not assure 100% that there will not be any accidental fire.

Therefore an early preparation to fight any accidental fire and

rehearsal once / twice in a month ( for max of 30 mins) will give

persons a morale strength to fight any accidental fire including

knowing and marrying up of required tasks to be done by the various

party heads. This will generate general awareness amongst all and

reduce substantial damages once things appear. A fire alarm with

nominating the party heads and knowing their task is very much

important in any of the running factory. Setup of a control room in

case of emergency with required T&T number and various agencies

Tel/Cell numbers must be displayed in the control room.

In this booklet an endeavor is taken to provide all information

needed for the company to collect collate information and required

papers for claiming their insurances as ensured by Policy coverage

by our mercantile insurance company ltd. Compile and created with

the noble hope that this booklet will bring some result in the event of

any emergency. It will also be used as ready references.

Col Md Mozammel Hossain, LPR General Manager, Planning and Development

National Polymer Industries Ltd

PD LEED Certification Project

Shoeniverse Footwear Ltd ,Hobirbari- Bhaluka

Page 3: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Things To Do

1. Time of incident._________________ date with

exact time___________

2. Correct Address for asking help.

Call for FB with noting the time and pers name to be

registered. (Caller name must be noted).

3. Call for Police with noting the time and duty officers


4. Setup a duty room –Security gate is appropriate

having Tel facility and Address displayed.

5. Duty room must have required emergency number

like Fire brigade / PS (Local with cell no of officer in

charge for quick communication.

6. Inform required personnel immediately via call /text


7. All Must assemble at incident place.

8. Route in to incident location must be cleared inside

and (outside Route leading to factory from main road).

9.Clear off onlookers / gate blockers / unwanted

persons entry.

10. First person’s name who has identified


11. Time of entry FB / Police: FB In time

___________Police in time___________.

12. Out time of FB / Police: FB out time __________

Police Out time___________.

13. Locate and assess causes of incident and total

approx loss.

A.Factory estb date.

B.Factory registration date for insurance.

C.Name of the insurance company.

d.Policy number and ensure premium is paid in

regular basis.

Page 4: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


E.Liability covered and asks for surveyor to

survey the incident and provide report.

F.GD entry in the local PS.

G.TR required money to govt bank for getting

fire report from concern agencies.

H.Detail of Mercantile Insurance and premium

coverage. As annexure.

j.Get Fire report signed from DG FB if damage

exceeds more than 2 crore. Less will be signed

by Director FB.

k.Fire alarm system should immediately be

incorporated and 3 layer of person should be

made responsible for various level of

responsibilities, like:

1).Firefighting Group – Headed by :


2).Fire rescue Team – Headed by :


3).Fire salvage Team- Headed by: Name:


4).Gate Control and Security –Headed by:


5).Control Room Persons – Headed by:


Page 5: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (






1 Foreword 2

2 Thing to do 3-4

3 Index 5-6

4 Tel / Cell no of various Agencies &



5 Fire Fighting Parties and their


08-25 Details of Fire

parties leaders

and their total


For plant at

Tongi, Gazipur

6 Emergency Response Diagram 26

7 Emergency Exit Diagram 27

8 First Aid 28-31

9 Specimen GD 32 GD Same day if


10 Fire Equipment’s and Tools 33-34

11 Social compliance hardware and



12 Overview of Tongi Factory and fire trg

Session 26 Oct 2015 39-43

13 DG Fire Brigade - Application 44

Page 6: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


14 Specimen Bank Chalan for Fire Report


15 Specimen – Surveyor Report 46-48 Surveyor should be immediately notify for coverage

16 Surveyor tel / Cell no 49

Insurance Mercantile Insurance Company

50-63 May be a day after

FPO -075 51

FPO -108 53

FPO -101 55

FPO -100 57

FPO -119 59

FPO – 102 61

FPO - 081 62

FPO - 082 63


Page 7: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 8: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


AwMœ wbe©vcK `‡ji cÖwk¶b

ZvwiLt 26 কটোবর ২০১৫

welqt AwMœ wbe©vcK cÖwk¶b|

AskMÖn‡bt AwMœ wbe©vcK `‡ji m`m¨ e„›`|

cÖwk¶‡bi ¯’vbt টংগি চেরোিঅলী,এন,পলী ফযোটরী

mgqt ১১০০-১২৩০

e¨e¯’vcbvqt পলযোগনং ও চেকেলোপকেনট ও Kgc¬v‡qÝ wefvM|

1| f~wgKvt িোরকেনটস ও cv yKv wkí evsjv‡`‡ki GKwU Abb¨ ißvwbgyLx

cÖwZôvb| ¸bMZ gv‡bi Rb¨ mvivwe‡k¦ Gi h‡_ó mybvg i‡q‡Q| িোরকেনটস ও

cv yKv wkí †_‡K G‡`‡ki cÖPzi •e‡`wkK gy`ªv AwR©Z n‡q _v‡K| wkí KviLvbvq

GKwU we‡kl `yN©Ubv j¶¨ Kiv hvq †mwU n‡jv AwMœKvÛ| hvi d‡j cÖwZ eQi

nvRvi nvRvi †KvwU UvKvi m¤ú` fw¯§f~Z n‡”Q|

AviI aŸsm n‡”Q A‡bK K‡ó Mov, KvwiMwi wk¶vq wkw¶Z gvbe m¤ú`| hv

†`‡ki RvZxq A_©bxwZ‡Z wei ~c cÖfve †dj‡Q| ïay ZvB bq, GB AwMœKv‡Ûi d‡j

wkí KviLvbvq PvKzixiZ Kgx©‡`i ¯^Rb Z_v †`‡ki mvaviY Rb‡Mvwôi g‡a¨

AvZs‡Ki m„wó n‡q‡Q| Kv‡RB AwMœKvÛ I `yN©Ubv cÖwZ‡iva I Gi cÖwZKvi GKvšÍ


2| D‡Ïk¨t িোরকেনটস ও cv yKv wk‡í AwMœKvÛ ev `yN©Ubv cÖwZ‡iva Ges

cÖwZKv‡ii Kibxq m¤ú‡K© mg¨K avibv †`qv|

3| Av¸‡bi cÖKvi‡f` t cÖ_‡gB Rvb‡Z n‡e Av¸‡bi aib/ cÖKvi‡f` Ges

Gi cÖwZKvi wK wK|

AwMœKvÛ‡K Avgiv wb¤èwjwLZ Pvi fv‡M fvM Ki‡Z cvwi t

Page 9: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


K) mvaviY Av¸b (Ordinary Fire): ¯^vfvweK fv‡e †h

AwMœKv‡Ûi m„wó nq †hgbt w`qvkjvB †_‡K m„ó AwMœ KvÛ, cwZZ wewo,

wmMv‡iU †_‡K AwMœKvÛ, BZ¨vw` fv‡e m„ó Av¸b‡K Avgiv mvavib

AvMyb ej‡Z cvwi|

L) Zij Av¸b (Liquid Fire): Zij c`v_©- †hgb †c‡Uªvj,

AK‡Ub Ges wewfbœ ai‡bi Zij †KwgK¨vj †_‡K m„ó Av¸b‡K Zij

Av¸b (Liquid Fire)ejv †h‡Z cv‡i|

M) M¨vmxq Av¸b (Gaseous Fire) : M¨vm †_‡K (†hgbt

M¨v‡mi Pzjv, M¨vm cvBc, BZ¨vw`) m„ó Av¸b‡K M¨vmxq Av¸b ejv nq|

N) ‰e`¨ywZK Av¸b (Electrical) : we`¨yr cÖevn †_‡K m„ó

Av¸b‡K •e`¨ywZK (Electrical) Av¸b ejv nq| †hgbt kU© mvwK©U

†_‡K m„ó Av¸b Ges wewfbœ wkí KviLvbvq msNwUZ AwMœKv‡Ûi Kvib

wnmv‡e •e`¨ywZK Av¸b‡KB `vqx Kiv nq|

4| wkí KviLvbvq AwMœKvÛ ev yN©Ubvi Kvib mg~n t

K) •e`¨ywZK kU© mvwK©U,Î~wUc~b© ‣e`¨ywZK ¯’vcbv I Ace¨envi |

L) we`y¨‡Zi Ifvi‡jvW|

M) ‡h †Kvb ai‡bi we‡õviK ev †KwgK¨vj †_‡K AwMœKvÛ ev yN©Ubv

NU‡Z cv‡i|

N) I‡qwìs Gi AmZK© e¨envi|

O) mgqgZ i¶bv‡e¶b I †givgZ bv Kivi Kvi‡b †gwk‡b AZ¨vwaK

Zvc m„wó|

P) AvBib msi¶‡b AmveabZv|

Q) KviLvbvi Af¨š ͇i Amveav‡b M¨v‡mi Pzjv e¨envi I ivbœv-evbœv


R) eqjvi AZ¨vwaK DËß nIqv|

S) wewo, wmMv‡i‡Ui Av¸b †_‡K AwMœKvÛ n‡Z cv‡i|

T) w`qvkjvB, wmMv‡i‡Ui jvBUvi †_‡K AwMœKvÛ n‡Z cv‡i|

Page 10: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


U) ‣e`¨ywZK Zvi Ges ¯’vcbv¸‡jv‡Z Szj gqjv wbqwgZ cwi®‹vi bv

Kivq mU© mvwK©U †_‡K AwMœKvÛ n‡Z cv‡i|

V) kÎ~Zv g~jK, D‡Ïk¨ g~jK ev cvMjvwgi Kvi‡bI AwMœKvÛ n‡Z


5| AwMœ wbe©vcb gva¨g t †h‡nZz Av¸b `vn¨e¯‘, GUv Zvc I Aw·‡R‡bi

g‡a¨ Awew”Qbœ ivmvqwbK wewµqvi dj, †m‡nZz GB wZbwU Dcv`v‡bi g‡a¨ hv‡Z

Awew”Qbœ ms‡hvM bv n‡Z cv‡i ev ms‡hvM n‡jI hw` Zv wew”Qbœ K‡i †`qv hvq

Zvn‡j Av¸b R¡j‡e bv ev Av¸b jvM‡jI wb‡f hv‡e|G Kv‡Ri Rb¨ `vn¨ e¯‘

Abymv‡i cvwb ev wewfbœ AwMœ wbe©vcK hš¿ AwMœ wbe©vc‡bi gva¨g wnmv‡e e¨envi

Kiv nq|

K) cvwbi gva¨‡g t KwVb c`v‡_©i Av¸b †hgbt Kvci, Zzjv,

KvMR, KvV BZ¨vw`‡Z Av¸b ai‡j Zv wbe©vc‡bi Rb¨ cvwb fwZ© Wªvg

†_‡K †QvU evjwZi gva¨‡g cvwb wb‡¶c K‡i Ges †nvR ixj e¨envi

K‡i †QvU Av¸b wbe©vcb Kiv hvq|

mveavbZv t we`¨y‡Zi Av¸‡b †Kvb µ‡gB cvwb e¨envi Kiv hv‡e bv

L) AwMœ wbe©vcK h‡š¿i gva¨‡g t Avgv‡`i †`‡k K‡qK ai‡bi

AwMœ wbe©vcK hš¿ cvIqv hvq Zb¥‡a¨ cv yKv wkí KviLvbvq cÖavbZ `yB

ai‡bi AwMœ wbe©vcK hš¿ e¨envi Kiv nq|

1| Kve©b-WvB-A·vBW/wmIUz (CO2) t mvavibZt we`¨ y‡Zi

Av¸b wbe©vcb Kivi Rb¨ A_©vr Av¸b we`¨y‡Zi g‡a¨ mxgve×

_vK‡j G h‡š¿i mvnvh¨ Av¸b wbe©vcb Kiv hvq|

2| WªvB †KwgK¨vj cvIWvi (wWwmwc) t KwVb, Zij I evqexq

†h †Kvb c`v‡_©i Av¸b wbev©c‡bi Rb¨ G hš¿ e¨envi Kiv

hvq| DCP ‡K †Kv¤úvbx †f‡` ABC ev ABC & E cvIWvi I ejv nq|

M) Ab¨vb¨ miÄvgv`x t K¤^j, dvqvi weUvi, dvqvi ûK BZ¨vw`

AwMœ wbe©vcK miÄvgv`x AwMœ wbe©vc‡b e¨envi Kiv nq |

Page 11: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


6| AwMœ wbe©vcK hš¿ e¨envi c×wZ t

K) n¨v½vi ev †`qvj †_‡K AwMœ wbe©vcK hš¿wU wb‡P bvgv‡Z n‡e|

L) AwMœ wbe©vcK h‡š¿i gy‡Li †mdwU wcbwU Lyj‡Z n‡e|

M) Wvb nvZ w`‡q nvZj a‡i hš¿wU Zz‡j evg nvZ w`‡q †nvRwU

Av¸‡bi w`‡K ZvK Ki‡Z n‡e| (Aek¨B Av¸b †_‡K wbivc` yi‡Z¡

_vK‡Z n‡e)|

N) Wvb nvZ w`‡q h‡š¿i wjfviwvU Pvc w`‡Z n‡e Ges evg nvZ w`‡q

†nvRwU bvovPvov Ki‡Z n‡e|

O) Av¸b wb‡f †M‡j wjfviwU ‡Q‡o w`‡Z n‡e| hw` Av¸b wb‡f bv

wM‡q we¯ Ívi jvf K‡i Zvn‡j `ª ~Z NUbv ¯’j Z¨vM cye©K dvqvi mvwf©m

wefvM‡K Lei w`‡Z n‡e| dvqvi mvwf©m AvMg‡bi ci cÖ‡qvRb‡ev‡a

Zv‡`i †K AwMœ wbe©vc‡b mn‡hvMxZv Ki‡Z n‡e|

গবগেনন পরকোর গিগনরবোপন hনতরঃ

Page 12: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (



Page 13: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 14: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 15: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 16: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


b¨vkbvj cwjgvi BÛvwóªR wjt

¯‹zBe †ivW, U½x, MvRxcyi|

AwMœ wbe©vcK / D×viKvix /KW©b cvwU© I cÖv_wgK wPwKrmv I dvqvi weª‡MW‡K

Lei †`Iqv BZ¨vw` Kv‡R wb‡qvwRZ cÖwk¶b cÖvß `‡ji bv‡gi ZvwjKv |

AwMœ wbe©vcK ev dvqvi dvBwUs `‡ji `j‡bZv t

µt bs bvg c`ex wefvM gšÍe¨

01 †gvt †gv³vi




cÖWvKkb †d¬vi 01988-810543

02 ‡gvt gvmyg ivbv wkdU


‡Wvi cÖ‡R± 01988-810536

03 Avt ev‡iK Ry‡qj wkdU


GbGdGGj 01722-456952

04 ‡gvt kvgQzj Avjg wmwbtB‡jK


‡gBb‡Ub¨vÝ 01988-810532

05 ‡gvt Avãyi ingvb wmwKDwiwU


wmwKDwiwU 01974-100861

06 ‡gvt byiæj nK wmwKDwiwU


wmwKDwiwU 01974-100861

Page 17: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


AwMœ wbe©vcK ev dvqvi dvBwUs `‡ji m`m¨ t



bvg c`ex wefvM gšÍe¨

01 ‡gvt ev`j Acv‡iUi cÖWvKkb

02 ‡gvt¯^cb wgqv Acv‡iUi cÖWvKkb

03 ‡gvt dinv` wgqv Acv‡iUi cÖWvKkb

04 wR‡Zb e¨vbvRx© Acv‡iUi cÖWvKkb

05 ‡gvtmvjvDwÏb Acv‡iUi cÖWvKkb

06 ‡gvt gvwbK wgqv Acv‡iUi cÖWvKkb

07 ‡gvK‡jQzi ingvb ‡dvig¨vb ‡gBb‡Ub¨vÝ

08 ‡gvt gvnveyeyi


B‡jK‡Uªwkqvb ‡gBb‡Ub¨vÝ

09 ‡gvt kvnxb Avjg Rywbqi Acv‡iUi GbGdGGj

10 wecyj wgqv Rywbqi Acv‡iUi GbGdGGj

11 ‡gvt wUUz nvIjv`vi Rywbqi Acv‡iUi GbGdGGj

12 ‡gvt BwjqvQ


Rywbqi Acv‡iUi GbGdGGj

13 AvwkK cÖavb Rywbqi Acv‡iUi GbGdGGj

14 byi Avjg Acv‡iUi G‡·mwiR

15 mygb wgqv Acv‡iUi G‡·mwiR

16 ‡gvt gweb Bmjvg Acv‡iUi G‡·mwiR

17 ‡gvt mvwgDj Rywbt Acv‡iUi G‡·mwiR

18 †gvt AveŸvm wcÖw›Us Acv‡iUi ‡Wvi

Page 18: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (



19 Avt nvB e¨vP †gKvi ‡Wvi


20 kvnv`vr Avjx Rywbqi Acv‡iUi ‡Wvi


21 Avãyj gv‡jK mnKvix Acv‡iUi ‡Wvi


`vwqZ¡v I KZ©e¨ t

1| Av¸b jvMvi mvB‡ib †kvbvi m‡½ m‡½ B‡jKwUªwkqvb/dvqvi dvBwUs `‡ji

`j‡bZv †d¬v‡ii we`¨y‡Zi †gBb myBP eÜ Ki‡e|

2| Av¸b jvMvi mvB‡ib †kvbvi m‡½ m‡½ dvqvi dvBwUs `‡ji cÖ‡Z¨‡K `ª~Z

wbw`©ó AwMœ wbe©vcb h‡š¿i Kv‡Q P‡j hv‡e I hš¿ bvwg‡q †b‡e Ges GKwÎZ

n‡q Av¸b †Kv_vq †j‡M‡Q Zv Rvbvi †Póv ev cieZx© wb‡`©‡ki Rb¨ A‡c¶v

Ki‡e| Z‡e hw` wbR †d¬v‡i Av¸b jv‡M Zvn‡j `ª~Z Av¸‡bi Kv‡Q hv‡e

Ges Av¸‡bi w`‡K ZvK K‡i AwMœ wbe©vcbx hš¿ e¨envi Ki‡e|

3| dvqvi dvBUviiv †K †Kvb AwMœ wbe©vcK hš¿wU e¨envi Ki‡e Zv cz‡e©B

wba©vwiZ _vK‡e|

4| dvqvi dvBUviiv cÖ‡qvR‡b `iRvi mvg‡b iw¶Z Wªv‡gi cvwb Ges †nvm

cvB‡ci mvnv‡h¨ Av¸b †bfv‡Z †Póv Ki‡e|

5| ‰e`¨ywZK Av¸b †bfv‡Z ïaygvÎ Kve©b-WvB-A·vBW e¨envi Ki‡e|

6| dvqvi weª‡MW `j Avm‡j Zv‡`i‡K me©‡Z¡vfv‡e mvnvh¨ Ki‡e|

7| wb‡Ri †d¬v‡i Av¸b bv jvM‡j wc, Gg ev KZ…©c‡¶i cieZx© wb‡`©‡ki

A‡c¶vq _vK‡e|

Page 19: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


D×viKvix `‡ji `vwqZ¡ I KZ©e¨ t

D×viKvix `‡ji `j †bZv I m`m¨‡`i bv‡gi ZvwjKv wb‡¤œ †`Iqv n‡jv|

µt bs bvg c`ex wefvM gšÍe¨

01 ‡gvt †Mvjvg







02 ‡gvt wgRvbyi




cÖWvKkb 01713-738386

03 DËg Kzgvi B‡jKwUªK¨vj


‡gBi‡Ub¨vÝ 01988-810532

04 ‡gvt Gnmvbyj nK wkdU BbPvR© GbGdGGj 01728-986740

05 ‡gvt ‡mvnvM




G‡·mwiR 01988-810534

06 ‡gvt gRbyi




G‡·mwiR 01988-810533

D×viKvix `‡ji m`m¨ t

µt bs bvg c`ex wefvM gšÍe¨

01 ¯^cb nvj`vi Rywbqi Acv‡iUi cÖWvKkb

02 ‡gvnvBwgbyj Rywbqi Acv‡iUi cÖWvKkb

03 wjUb ivq Rywbqi Acv‡iUi cÖWvKkb

04 ‡gv¯ÍvwdRyi Rywbqi Acv‡iUi cÖWvKkb

05 ‡gvt ‡mwjg Rywbqi GbGdGGj

Page 20: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (



06 †gvt Bgb Rywbqi Acv‡iUi GbGdGGj

07 ‡gvt AvRv`yj Rywbqi Acv‡iUi GbGdGGj

08 ‡gvt kvgxg Rywbqi Acv‡iUi GbGdGGj

09 ‡gvt AvjgMxi Rywbt Acv‡iUi G‡·mwiR

10 ‡gvt eveyj


Rywbt Acv‡iUi G‡·mwiR

11 ‡gvt †gv³vi


e¨vP †gKvi ‡Wvi


12 myRb gÛj Rywbqi Acv‡iUi ‡Wvi


13 dwi` ¯œvj BDwUwj Acv‡iUi ‡gBi‡Ub¨vÝ

14 Avwidzi ingvb ‡gKvwb· ‡gBi‡Ub¨vÝ

15 ïå P›`ª miKvi ‡gKvwb· ‡gBi‡Ub¨vÝ

`vwqZ¡v I KZ©e¨ t

1| Av¸b jvMvi mvB‡ib †kvbvgvÎ `j‡bZv Zvi ûB‡mj evwR‡q mevi `„wó

AvKl©b Ki‡e|

2| ewn©iMgb `iRv w`‡q BfvKz‡qkb c ¬vb Abyhvqx 1 †_‡K 2 wgwb‡Ui g‡a¨

(hZ`«~Z m¤¢e) `ª~ZZvi m‡½ mevB‡K wbivc` ¯’v‡b †h‡Z mn‡hvMxZv Ki‡e|

cye© †_‡KB †K †Kv_vq `vuwo‡q †jvKRb miv‡bviRb¨ mn‡hvMxZv Ki‡e Zv

wba©vwiZ _vK‡e|

3| ev_iæ‡g ev Ab¨ †Kv_vI †KD AvUKv co‡jv wKbv Zv †`Lvi Rb¨ gwnjv

ev_iæ‡g GKRb gwnjv Ges cyiæl ev_iæ ‡g GKRb cyiæl †PK Ki‡e| (gwnjv

kÖwg‡Ki †ÿ‡Î gwnjv kÖwgK wmdU Abyhvqx wbav©ib Ki‡Z n‡e)

Page 21: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


4| ‡KD AvnZ ev Amy¯’ n‡q co‡j Zv‡K ev Zv‡`i‡K ª ~Z dv÷ GBW wU‡gi

Kv‡Q wb‡q hv‡e Ges KvD‡K Gg AvB iæ‡g †bIqvi cÖ‡qvRb n‡j, ‡óPv‡i K‡i

A_ev Kvu‡a K‡i wb‡q hv‡e|

5| DPy `vjvb ev eûZj wewkô `vjvb ‡_‡K hw` ‡KD fq †c‡q Rvbvjv w`‡q

bvg‡Z †Póv Ki‡j ev jvd w`‡Z PvB‡j Zv‡K †div‡Z n‡e Ges wmuwo w`‡q

bvg‡Z mvnvh¨ Ki‡e|

6| Av¸b †hLv‡b †j‡M‡Q Zvi Pvicvk †_‡K gvjcÎ Ges †gwkb mwi‡q wb‡e|

7| `‡ji mevB `j‡bZvi †bZ„‡Z¡ KvR Ki‡e|

8| wb‡Ri †d¬v‡i Av¸b bv jvM‡j wc, Gg, ev KZ…©c‡¶i cieZx© wb‡ ©‡ki

A‡c¶vq _vK‡e|

dvó GBW `‡ji `vwqZ¡ I KZ©e¨ t

dvó GBW `‡ji `j †bZv I m`m¨‡`i bv‡gi ZvwjKv wb‡¤œ †`Iqv n‡jv|

µt bs bvg c`ex wefvM gšÍe¨

01 ‡gvtkvnwiqvi


RywbtAwdmvi cÖkvmb 01718-904499

02 ‡gvt †ejøvj


mv‡cvU© óvd cÖkvmb 01923-665593

03 ‡gvt AvwRR wmwKDwiwU MvW© wmwKDwiwU 01754-368776

m`m¨‡`i bv‡gi ZvwjKv |

µt bs bvg c`ex wefvM gšÍe¨

01 ‡gvt gwReyi


mv‡cvU© óvd cÖkvmb

02 ‡gvt AvwZKzi


mv‡cvU© óvd cÖkvmb

03 ‡gvt gwbiæj


mv‡cvU© óvd cÖkvmb

Page 22: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


`vwqZ¡v I KZ©e¨ t

1| Av¸b jvMvi mvB‡ib †kvbvgvÎ `ª ~Z dvó GBW e· Gi Kv‡Q Ae¯’vb wb‡e|

2| AvnZ ev Amy ’ †ivMx‡K `ª‚ZZvi mv‡_ cÖv_wgK wPwKrmv Ki‡e|

3| cÖv_wgK wPwKrmvq my¯’ bv nIqvi gZ Ae¯’v n‡j D×viKvix m`m¨‡`i w`‡q

`ª~Z Gg, AvB iæ‡g †cÖib Ki‡e|

4| wb‡Ri †d¬v‡i Av¸b bv jvM‡jI wc,Gg ev KZ…©c‡¶i wb‡ ©k Qvov ¯’vb Z¨vM

Ki‡e bv|

KW©b `‡ji `vwqZ¡ I KZ©e¨ t

KW©b`‡ji `j †bZv I m`m¨‡`i bv‡gi ZvwjKv wb‡¤œ †`Iqv n‡jv|



bvg c`ex wefvM gšÍe¨

01 ‡gvt RvwKi




wmwKDwiwU 01710-338118

02 ‡gvt Avt




wmwKDwiwU 01921-220921

03 ‡gvt nvq`vi




wmwKDwiwU 01775-586574

KW©b `‡ji m`m¨ t

µt bs bvg c`ex wefvM gšÍe¨

01 Avt Qvjvg-2 wmwKDwiwU MvW© wmwKDwiwU

02 ‡Mvjvg


wmwKDwiwU MvW© wmwKDwiwU

03 ‡Mvjvg †gv¯Ídv wmwKDwiwU MvW© wmwKDwiwU

04 AvkÖvdzj


wmwKDwiwU MvW© wmwKDwiwU

05 ibwRr Kzgvi wmwKDwiwU MvW© wmwKDwiwU

Page 23: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


06 ‡mvnive


wmwKDwiwU MvW© wmwKDwiwU

`vwqZ¡v I KZ©e¨ t

1| Av¸b jvM‡j ev H iKg †Kvb yN©Ubv NU‡j ª ~Z d¨v±ixi g~j dUK mgyn Ly‡j


2| d¨v±ixi kªwgK - Kg©Pvix‡`i‡K Ges cvK© Kiv Mvox‡K `ª ~Z evwni n‡Z mvnvh¨


3| d¨v±ixi wfZ‡i †hb evwn‡ii †jvKRb ev †Kvb Mvox A‣eafv‡e AbycÖ‡ek

Ki‡Z bv cv‡i Zv wbwðZ Ki‡e Ges A‣ea AbycÖ‡e‡ki m¤¢vebv _vK‡j Zv

cÖwZnZ Ki‡e|

4| d¨v±ixi mvg‡bi iv Ív me©`v Db¥y³ ivL‡e †hb cÖ‡qvR‡b dvqvi weª‡MW,

cywj‡ki Mvox I G¨v¤^y‡jÝ ª ~Z PjvPj Ki‡Z cv‡i|

5| Av¸b jvM‡j ev H iKg †Kvb `yN©Ubv NU‡j Avbylvw½K mvnvh¨ mn‡hvMxZv

cÖ`vb Ges KZ…©c‡¶i ‡h †Kvb wb‡ ©k cvj‡bi Rb¨ cÖ¯‘Z _vK‡e|

dvqvi eªx‡MW‡K Lei ‡`Iqvi Rb¨ g‡bvwbZ `j †bZv I m`m¨‡`i bv‡gi

ZvwjKv wb‡¤œ †`Iqv n‡jv|

µt bs bvg c`ex wefvM gšÍe¨

01 ‡gvt nvwdRyi


mnKvix e¨e¯’vcK BDwUwjwU 01988-810542

02 ‡gvt Kvgiæj


mnKvix e¨e¯’vcK GbGdGGj 01717-678029

03 iv‡k`


wmwbqi Awdmvi cÖkvmb 01919-259760

04 kvgxg


wmwbqi Awdmvi cÖkvmb 01973-436156

05 ‡gvt Avãyi wmwKDwiwU wmwKDwiwU 01974-100861

Page 24: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


ingvb B݇c±i

06 ‡gvt byiæj




wmwKDwiwU 01710-338118

`‡ji m`m¨ t

µt bs bvg c`ex wefvM gšÍe¨

01 gvneyeyi


wmwKDwiwU MvW© wmwKDwiwU

02 Avey e°vi wmwKDwiwU MvW© wmwKDwiwU

03 nvweeyi


wmwKDwiwU MvW© wmwKDwiwU

04 wgRvbyi


wmwKDwiwU MvW© wmwKDwiwU

05 ‡`‡jvqvi


wmwKDwiwU MvW© wmwKDwiwU

`vwqZ¡v I KZ©e¨ t

01| dvqvi eªx‡MW‡K †gvevBj/wUGÛwUi gva¨‡g Riæix Zje Kiv Ges mwVK

w`K wbi‡`©kbv w`‡q NUbv¯’‡j nvwRi Kiv|

02. Zv‡`i mv‡_ †_‡K wewfbœ cÖ‡qvRbxq welqv`xi e¨vcv‡i mn‡hvMxZv Kiv|

03. cvwbi wiRvifvi Gi ¯’vb †`wL‡q †`Iqv|

wewea mgyn t

01. dvqvi Gjvg-wbev©nx cwiPvjK g‡nv`‡qi g‡bvwbZ e¨vw³ |

02. mgv‡eZ GjvKv d¨v±ixi †M‡Ui evwn‡i|

03. ‡jvW-Avb‡jv‡Wi mgq iv¯Ív cwi¯‹vi ivL‡Z n‡e|

04. mKj †cv‡ó wmwKDwiwU MvW© mZ©K Ae¯’vq _vK‡Z n‡e|

Page 25: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Dcmsnvi t wkí KviLvbvq wb‡qvwRZ cÖ‡Z¨K gvbyl Gi AMœ©x `yN©Ubv m¤ú©‡K

Ávb _vKv AZ¨šÍ Riæix| Zvn‡jB †m wb‡R evP‡e, wk‡ív evP‡e, evP‡e †`k

I RvZx| GLv‡b GUvI Riæix †h cÖwZ wkd‡U cÖ‡qvRbxq cÖwZ ¯Í‡ii `‡ji

†bZv _vKv `iKvi|

Dcw¯’Z kªwgK‡`i bvg, KvW© bs, c`ex I ¯v¶i wb‡¤œ †`qv njt

Prepared By :

Col Md Mozammel Hossain,LPR General Manager,Planning and Development

And PD LEED Certification Project

Shoeniverse Footwear Ltd

µwgK bs bvg KvW© bs c`ex †mKkb ¯^v¶i

Page 26: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


cÖv_wgK wPwKrmv (First Aid) `‡ji cÖwk¶b

Page 27: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Fire Exit Diagram-NPoly Plant

Page 28: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


ZvwiLt 26 কটোবর ২০১৫

welqt cÖv_wgK wPwKrmv (First Aid)

AskMÖn‡bt AwMœ wbe©vcK `‡ji m`m¨ e„›`|

cÖwk¶‡bi ¯’vbt টংগি চেরোিঅলী,এন,পলী ফযোটরী

mgqt ১১০০-১২৩০

e¨e¯’vcbvqt পলযোগনং ও চেকেলোপকেনট ও Kgc¬v‡qÝ wefvM|

cÖv_wgK wPwKrmv (First Aid)

¯^v¯’¨ wel‡q Ri ~ix Ae¯’vq Zvr¶wYK cÖv_wgK wPwKrmv LyeB ¸i ~Z¡c~Y©, GKvi‡Y

mK‡jiB Zvr¶wYK KiYxq wKQy wel‡q Ávb _vKv LyeB Ri ~ix Ges AZ¨vek¨Kxq


we`y¨ZvwqZ n‡jt

K) we`y¨ZvwqZ n‡j e¨w³‡K gvwU‡Z ïB‡q gv_v GK cv‡k KvZ K‡i


L) K¤^j w`‡q Zv‡K †X‡K ivLyb hv‡Z †m Dò _v‡K|

M) hw` †m wccvmv †eva K‡i Z‡e Zvi †VvU †fRv Kvco w`‡q wfwR‡q


N) hw` †m AÁvb n‡q hvq Z‡e Zvi k¦vvm-cÖk¦vm j¶¨ Ki~yb |

O) cÖ‡qvR‡b Zv‡K nvmcvZv‡j †bIqvi e¨e¯’v Ki~yb |

Kvc‡o Av¸b ai‡j KiYxq t

K) AwMœ wbe©vcK Øviv Av¸b wbwf‡q †djyb|

L) wXjv Xvjv Kvco n‡j Ly‡j †djyb wKš‘ Z‡e †hme Kvco †cvovi

Dc‡i †j‡M Av‡Q Zv Lyj‡eb bv|

M) cvwbi mvnv‡h¨ †cvov AskwU VvÛv Kiyb, fy‡jI †cvov As‡k Nlv

w`‡eb bv|

N) Zzjv Qvov Ab¨ wKQz w`‡q †cvov AskwU †X‡K ivLyb|

O) wK cwigvY AvNvZ †c‡q‡Q Zv ey‡S Zv‡K nvmcvZv‡j fwZ©i e¨e¯’v

Ki~yb |

Page 29: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


cy‡o †M‡jt

mv‡_ †cvov AskwU VvÛv cvwb‡Z ayB‡q wbb Ges hZ¶Y R¡vjv bv K‡g ZZ¶Y

Av‡¯— Av‡¯— †cvov As‡k cvwb Xvjyb| hw` †dv¯‹v c‡o Z‡e GK UzKiv cwi®‹vi

Kvco (Zzjv bq Ggb) w`‡q RvqMvwU †X‡K ivLyb| †dv¯‹vwU dvUv‡eb bv| †Kvb

cÖKvi µxg ev †jvkvb †cvov RvqMvi Dc‡i jvMv‡eb bv|

†KD AÁvb n‡j Zvr¶wYKfv‡e KiYxq t-

K) Zv‡K GKUv mgZj f~wg‡Z ïB‡q w`b Ges Zvi cv‡k nvUz †M‡o

emyb| Kcv‡j nvZ w`‡q Av‡ Í Av‡ Í gv_vwU‡K KvZ K‡i w`b| Zvi

gyLwU nv K‡i w`b| hw` †m k¦vm wb‡Z bv cv‡i, Z‡e K…wÎg k¦vm-

cÖk¦v‡mi e¨e¯’v Ki~yb |

L) Zvi wPeyK Zz‡j ai yb hv‡Z †Pvqvj mvg‡bi w`‡K hvq Ges gyL Lyjyb

I bv‡K yÕAv½yj w`‡q †P‡c ai ~b|

M) eo GKUv wbtk¦vm wbb Ges Avcbvi †VvU Zvi gy‡L †P‡c ai‚b,

Gici Av‡ Í Av‡¯ Í Zvi gy‡L k¦vm †Q‡o w`b|

N) wbtk¦v‡mi m‡½ Zvi eyK DVv-bvgv Ki‡Q wKbv j¶¨ Kiyb|

O) cÖ‡qvR‡b Zv‡K nvmcvZv‡j †bIqvi e¨e¯’v Ki~yb |

†K‡U †M‡jt

K) †WUj ev †mfjb Øviv RvqMvwU cwi®‹vi K‡i wbb|

L) hw` 5 wgwb‡U i³ cov eÜ bv nq, Z‡e GKwU c¨vW ¶ZwUi Dci

wKQz¶Y Pvc w`‡q ivLyb|

M) †Wªwms K‡i RvqMvwU †eu‡a ivLyb Ges cwi®‹vi ivLyb|

cÖPzi i³¶iYt

K) hw` cÖPzi i³¶iY nq Z‡e †mB AskwU Zz‡j ai ~b Ges Pvicv‡k

Pvc w`b hZ¶Y ch©šÍbv i³ eÜ nq|

L) wKQz¶‡Yi Rb¨ Pvc eÜ Ki ~b Ges i~gvj RvZxq †Kvb Kvco †cwP‡q


M) ¶Z As‡ki Pvicv‡k i‚gvjwU †eu‡a wbb Ges GKwU †M‡Ri gva¨‡g

¶ZwU‡K e¨v‡ÛR Ki–b| AvnZ‡K †Zvjvi †Póv Ki‡eb bv Ges

¶ZwU‡K cwi®‹v‡ii †Póv Ki‡eb bv|

N) Zv‡K Wv³v‡ii Kv‡Q wb‡q hvb|

Page 30: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


bv‡K i³ Avm‡jt

K) Zv‡K GKwU †ewm‡bi mvg‡b wgwbU `‡kK bv‡K Pvcv w`‡q ivLyb|

†U‡b i³ wfZ‡i †bqv †_‡K weiZ _vKzb|

L) GiciI hw` i³ eÜ bv nq Z‡e GKwU †fRv Kvco Zvi bv‡K 2

wgwb‡Ui Rb¨ †P‡c ai~b Ges Gici Avevi bv‡K Pvc w`‡q ivLyb|

M) i³ cov eÜ nevi NÈv Pv‡iK ch©š— bvK w`‡q evZvm †ei bv

Ki‡Z ejyb|

gv_v ev gy‡Li ¶Zt

K) hw` gv_v †d‡U hvq Z‡e ¶Z As‡k †fRv Kvco Rwo‡q w`b| GUv

¶ZwU ùxZ nIqv †_‡K i¶v Ki‡e|

L) hw` gv_v †_‡K i³¶iY nq Z‡e GkwU cwi®‹vi Kvco ¶‡Zi Dci

Pvc w`‡q ivLyb|

M) Zv‡K Wv³v‡ii Kv‡Q wb‡q hvb|

wLPzbx ev †ckxi Uvbt

K) †hfv‡e Avivg †eva K‡i †mfv‡e A½wU ivLyb Ges Zv‡Z eid

kxZj cvwb Xvjyb|

L) †ckxi Pvicv‡k Zzjv w`‡q e¨v‡ÛR Ki ~b|

†Pv‡L gqjv co‡jt

K) wKQz¶Y †PvL ey‡R A‡c¶v Ki ~b †`Lyb, ¯vfvweK †Pv‡Li cvwb w`‡q

gqjv ay‡q hvq wKbv|

L) hw` Zv‡Z ay‡q bv hvq Z‡e ch©vß Av‡jv‡Z nvZ w`‡q Av‡¯ Í Av‡ Í

†PvLwU Lyjyb Ges †Pv‡Li mv`v As‡k gqjv _vK‡j GKwU i~gvj w`‡q

gqjvwU †Pv‡Li †Kv‡Y wb‡q Avmyb|

M) hw` GB c×wZ‡Z KvR bv nq Z‡e Wv³v‡ii civgk© wbb|

Page 31: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Dcw ’Z kªwgK‡`i bvg, KvW© bs, c`ex I ¯v¶i wb‡æ †`qv njt


bs bvg KvW© bs c`ex †mKkb ¯v¶i

------------------(†gwWwmb গবেোি)

Compiled and edited By :

Col Md Mozammel Hossain,LPR

Page 32: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Specimen GD Copy of Local Police Station

Page 33: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Fire Fighting Equipment’s and Tools

Page 34: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Collected and compiled By:

Col Md Mozammel Hossain, LPR GM P&D,NPOLY Group and PD LEED-Shoeniverse Footwear Ltd

Page 35: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Name Of Equipt Item Capa Unit Reqr Rate


01 Fire Extinguisher CO2 5 Kgs

02 ABC dry powder Powd

er ………. ………

03 Fire Extinguisher Foam 9 Kgs

04 Sand And Water Bucke

t 4

Each Floor

05 Water Drum For

Fire Plastic 300 Ltr.

06 Bucket Stand 1.6

07 Gas Mask

08 Helmet

09 Blanket

10 Fire Equipment Box

1 on Each Floor


11 Hand Gloves Fair.BD Pcs

12 Lock Cutter Lock

2 on Each Floor


13 Fire Beater

2 on Each Floor


14 Fire Hook

2 on Each Floor


15 Smoke Detector

Panel Bord


16 Fire Alarm

4 On Each

Floor Pcs

17 Fire Alarm Switch


To 1.18 Pcs

18 Gong Bell 2 on Each Pcs

Compliance Requirements for Firefighting Equiptments

Page 36: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (



19 Stretcher Pcs

20 Fire Hose Cabinet Pcs

21 Manila Roof

2 on Each

Floor Pcs



Operating Instruction For

Fire Extinguisher

1 Pcs On Each

Extinguisher Pcs

24 Liquid Soap

2 on Each Bathroom


25 Towel

3 on Each Bathroom


26 Mat For Toilet



Sanitary Disposable Basket For Female Toilet

1 on Each Bathroom



Reserve Water Drum

2 on Each Bathroom



Plastic Bucket

1/10 Person

According to your dining facility


30 Glass For Drinking

Water 1 for 5 person


31 Savlon


32 Neobacsin Cream


33 Burnon Cream


34 Hexiol


Page 37: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


35 Paracetamol


36 Butapin


37 Antacid


38 Bandage 3 Size Pcs

39 Roller Bandage


40 Neostrip


41 Twin Kit


42 Cotton


43 Nebonal Powder


44 Hand Gloves


45 Nix/Move


46 ORS


47 Surgical Scissor


48 Hot and Cold Bag


49 Covered Bucket


50 Sterilizer


51 Splint 3 Size

52 Blanket


53 Artery forceps


54 Hand Towel


55 Kidney Tray


56 Carbolic Sope


57 Thermometer


58 Torch


59 Weight Machine


60 Table Cloth


61 Plate


62 Reserve Water Drum


63 Floor Mat 14*14 Inch

64 Dolna Pcs

Page 38: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


65 Doll And Toys Pcs

66 Pillow With Cover Pcs

67 Side Pillow Pcs

68 Drinking Watre Facility Pcs



Page 39: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 40: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 41: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


A.Note: All to know (male /Female) Fire extinguishers handling and

use. Alarm Switch off electric power and call ED Plant/ Designated

per’s over cell- extinguish fire by handheld extinguisher as this is the

only time to suppress the fire 3.5 mins time )

1. All party leaders ( Firefighting/ Fire Salvage / Cordon Party/ First

Aid / Calling FB per’s)


2. 02 leaders/ shift along with 06 workers of each party must remain

in each shift despite holidays /

govt festivities and all.

3. Leave will be planned accordingly.

4. All shift in charge must trained their pers at their own time before

drill to be scheduled 15-20 of

Nov 2015. FB pers along with their fire fighting vehicle will be

arranged to educate all parties

responsible for firefight. Will incur 15-20 thousands taka for

bringing vehicle/ extinguisher

along with pers for drill purpose.

5. Only two types of extinguisher we may use- CO2 and ABCs (All


6. Any event of fire SOS calls to ED plant and others essentials pers

with a msg/call.

7. ED Plant will supervise and all party leaders along with their

designated workers will do their

assigned task as given.

8. An alarm scheme must be planned judiciously by ED plant

basing on floor and building

having access to all for fire alarm

9. All to know important tel/cell no of party leaders and imp pers.

10. FB number must be inscribes in RED Big size in each floor in a

very convenient eye sight. Specially Tongi and Gazipur. Admin may

prepare a forma and paste tel/cell no.

Page 42: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


11. Chemicals and machines must have a bare minimum gap to

avoid any accidental fire.

12. Exits of each floor must be arranged floor wise.

13. A sorts of apron for firefighting team max of 30-50 may be

design with NPOLY logo and given to floor in charge to wear to

identify and to educate /inculcate awareness among all.

14. Pers must be responsible to collect FB personnel and vehicle

directing from Gazipur main road. Road clearance is important.

15. A sign posting depicting NPOLY factory location must be hang

showing both side for easy access and convenience of FB persons to

arrive in shortest possible time. Brand Pers may developed and fix it

in the main road depicting diversion to NPOLY factory.

16. Award and punishment for good and bad job may be introduced.

B. You kind decision on few highlighted aspects is solicited please.

Col Md Mozammel Hossain, LPR

GM Planning and Development

Page 43: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 44: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 45: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Bank Chalan Copy for Fire Report

Page 46: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Surveyor Report

Page 47: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Surveyor Report

Page 48: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Surveyor Report

Page 49: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Surveyor’s Contact Number

Page 50: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 51: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 52: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 53: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 54: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 55: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 56: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 57: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 58: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 59: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 60: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 61: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 62: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 63: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (


Page 64: Fire SOP P64 Modified 27 Jun 2016

Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) – Prevention of accidental fire, fire training, first

aid and ready references for post fire procedure in any factory / installations. (