final - scoping report€¦ · final - scoping report for listed activities associated with mining...


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Page 1: Final - SCOPING REPORT€¦ · final - scoping report for listed activities associated with mining right and/or bulk sampling activities submitted for environmental authorizations









NAME OF APPLICANT: Far East Gold Special Purpose Vehicle (Pty) Ltd


011 726 1047


011 726 1087


Postnet Suite 115, Private Bag X17, WELTEVREDEN PARK


Constantia Office Park, Bridgeview House, Corner 14th Avenue and Hendrik Potgieter Street, Weltevreden Park, 1709


GP 30/5/1/2/2/028 MR


Page 2: Final - SCOPING REPORT€¦ · final - scoping report for listed activities associated with mining right and/or bulk sampling activities submitted for environmental authorizations

REPORT NUMBER: FEG-S102_001-15 – Final

REPORT COMPILED BY: Andrew Nicholson

Umhlaba Environmental Consulting CC

Tell: (011) 791 3389 P.O. Box 731504

Fax: (011) 791 3384 Fairland, 2030

E-mail: [email protected]

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Umhlaba would like to acknowledge the following people who assisted in providing the information required for the compilation of the report:

Mike Hattingh

Jon Hericourt

COPYRIGHT: Unless otherwise stated, the copyright in all text and other matter (including the manner of presentation) is the exclusive property of Umhlaba Environmental Consulting CC. It is a criminal offence to reproduce and / or use, any matter, technical procedure and / or technique contained in this document, without written consent, unless it is being reproduced for the purpose in which it was intended.

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FEG Draft Scoping November 2015 Page i






a) Details of 2

(i) The EAP who prepared the report 2

(ii) Expertise of the EAP 2

(1) The qualifications of the EAP 2

(2) Summary of the EAP’s past experience 2

b) Location of the activity 3

c) Locality Map 10

d) Description of the Scope of the Proposed Overall Activity 13

(i) Listed and specified activities 13

(ii) Description of the activities to be undertaken 14

e) Policy and Legislative Context 16

f) Need and Desirability of the Proposed Activities 21

g) Period for which the environmental authorisation is required 22

h) Description of the process followed to reach the proposed preferred site 22

(i) Details of all alternatives considered 22

(ii) Details of the public participation process followed 24

(iii) Summary of issues raised by I&APs 26

(iv) The environmental attributes associated with the sites 40

(1) Baseline Environment 40

(v) Impacts identified 66

(vi) Method used to identified impacts 66

(vii) The positive and negative impacts that the proposed activity (in terms of the initial site layout) and alternatives will have on the environment and the community that may be affected 68

(viii) The possible mitigation measures that could be applied and the level of risk 68

(ix) The outcome of the site selection Matrix. Final Site Layout Plan 70

(x) Motivation where no alternative sites were considered 70

(xi) Statement motivating the preferred site. 70

i) Plan of study for Environmental Impacts Assessment process 71

(i) Description of alternatives to be considered including the option of not going ahead with the activity 71

(ii) Description of the aspects to be assessed as part of the environmental impact assessment process 71

(iii) Description of aspects to be assessed by specialists 72

(iv) Proposed methods of asessing the environmental aspects including the proposed method of assessing alternatives 72

(i) the proposed method of assessing duration signficance 72

(ii) the stages at which the competent authority will be consulted 77

(iii) Particulars of the public participation process with regard to the impact Assessment process that will be conducted 77

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(viii) Description of the tasks that will be undertaken during the environmental impact assessment process 80

(ix) Measures to avoid, reverse, mitigate, or manage identified impacts and to determine the extent of the residual risks that need to be managed and monitored. 81

j) Other Information Required by the Competent Authority 83

(i) Compliance with the provisions of sections 24(4)(a) and (b) read with section 24(3)(a) and (7) of the National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998), the EIA report must include the:- 83

(1) Impact on the socio-economic conditions of any directly affected person 83

(2) Impact on any national estate referred to in section 3(2) of the National Heritage Resources Act 83

k) Other Matters Required in Terms of Section 24(4)(a) and (b) of the Act 83









LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Farm name, portion numbers and surveyor general code. ....................................................................3 Table 2: Soil Types that fall within the mining area ........................................................................................... 44 Table 3: Key Comparative Statistics .................................................................................................................. 50 Table 4: Percentage population in the study area ............................................................................................. 51 Table 5: Demographics within the Study Area .................................................................................................. 52 Table 6: Educational Profile for the study area ................................................................................................. 53 Table 7: Summary of service provision levels (%) in the study area ................................................................. 55 Table 8: Sectoral employment in the study area 2011 ...................................................................................... 57 Table 9: Employment Status for study area ...................................................................................................... 58 Table 10: Description of the various wetlands ................................................................................................... 60 Table 11: Identified Impacts (resulting from a screening level assessment) ..................................................... 67 Table 12: Impact assessment scoring. ............................................................................................................. 74 Table 13: Significance classification. ................................................................................................................ 75 Table 14: Summary of controls to reduce significance. .................................................................................... 76

LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Locality map showing the demarcation of the extended mining right area. ....................................... 11 Figure 2: Google Earth image demarcating proposed extent of the extended mining right area ..................... 12 Figure 3: Annual average wind rose recorded for the SAWS station at O.R. Thambo, for the period 1989 to 2003. .................................................................................................................................................................. 41 Figure 4: General topography of the area. ........................................................................................................ 42 Figure 5: Wetland and pans in and around the Sub nigel No.1 shaft and preferred tailings area .................... 60 Figure 6: Wetlands associated with Houtpoort 3 shaft ...................................................................................... 61 Figure 7: Current land use around the SBN No.1 shaft and the originally preferred tailing facility. .................. 62 Figure 8: Current land use and environmental features around Florida shaft, 2 incline shaft and 9 shaft. ....... 63 Figure 9: Current land use and environmental features around Houtpoort 3 shaft. .......................................... 64 Figure 10: Current land use and environmental features around Houtpoort 4 shaft. ........................................ 65

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ABBREVIATIONS BID Background information document

CIL Carbon in Leach Plant

DMR: Department of Minerals and Resources

FEG: Far East Gold Special Purpose Vehicle (Pty) Ltd (the applicant)

DWS: Department of Water and Sanitation

I&AP Interested and Affected Party

PR: Prospecting Right

MR: Mining Right

SBN No.1 Shaft: Sub Nigel No.1 Shaft

EIA: Enviromental Impact Assessment

EMP Environmental Impact Assessment

NEMA: National Environmental Management Act

SRP Surface Right Permit

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In terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA), No. 28 of 2002 as amended, the Minister must grant a prospecting or mining right if among others the mining “will not result in unacceptable pollution, ecological degradation or damage to the environment”.

Unless an Environmental Authorisation can be granted following the evaluation of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and an Environmental Management Programme (EMP) report in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (No. 107 of 1998) (NEMA), it cannot be concluded that the said activities will not result in unacceptable pollution, ecological degradation or damage to the environment.

In terms of Regulation 16(3)(b) of the EIA Regulations, 2014, any report submitted as part of an application must be prepared in a format that may be determined by the Competent Authority and in terms of Reglation 17(1)(c) the competent Authority must check whether the application has taken into account any minimum requirements applicable or instructions or guidance provided by the competent authority to the submission of applications.

It is therefore an instruction that the prescribed reports required in respect of applications for an environmental authorisation for listed activities triggered by an application for a right or a permit are submitted in the exact format of, and provide all the information required in terms of, this template.

Furthermore please be advised that failure to submit the information required in the format provided in this template will be regarded as a failure to meet the requirements of the Regulation and will lead to the Environmental Authorisation being refused.

It is furthermore an instruction that the Environmental Assessment Practitioner must process and interpret his/her research and analysis and use the findings thereof to compile the information required herein. (Unprocessed supporting information may be attached as appendices). The EAP must ensure that the information required is placed correctly in the relevant sections of the Report, in the order, and under the provided headings as set out below, and ensure that the report is not cluttered with un-interpreted information and that it unambiguously represents the interpretation of the applicant.


The objective of the Scoping process is to, through a consultative process ─ a) Identify the relevant policies and legislation relevant to the activity: b) Motivate the need and desirability of the proposed activity, including the need and desirability of the

activity in the context of the preffered location c) identify and confirm the preffered activity and technology alternative through an impact and risk

assessment and ranking process; d) identify and confirm the preferred site, through a detailed site selection process, which includes an

impact and risk assessment process inclusive of cumulative impacts and a ranking process of all the identified alternatives focusing on the geographical, physical, biological, social,economic, and cultural apects of the environment:

e) identify the key issues to be addressed in the assessment phase; f) agree on the level of assessment to be undertaken, including the methodology to be applied, the

expertise required as well as the extent of futher consultation to be undertaken to determine the impacts and risks the activity will impose on the preferred site through the life of the activity, including the nature, significance, consequence, extent, duration and probability of the impacts to inform the location of the development footprint within the preferred site; and

g) identify suitable measures to avoid,manage or mitigate identified impacts; and to determine the extent of the residual risks that need to be managed and monitored.

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BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Far East Gold Special Purpose Vehicle (Pty) Ltd (FEG) hold a mining right (GP 28 MR) for gold ore and associated minerals over various portions of the farms Spaarwater 171 IR, Droogebult 170 IR, Deelkraal 203 IR, Noycedale 191 IR, Varkensfontein 169 IR and Grootfontein 165 IR, located in the East Rand of Gauteng. The mining right currently covers an area of 3013 hectares and is valid until 14 July 2038. The mine is referred to as their Sub Nigel Operation (SBN). Historically, the SBN began operations in 1909 and continued until 1971. After a major refurbishment, operations started again in 1985 and continued until 1992 when it was placed on care and maintenance. Mining activities re-commenced under the new order mining right in 2008 where by the mine was used as a training centre for miners before they were transferred to the New Kleinfontein Goldmine (Pty) Ltd Modder East operation. All ore mined was transported via truck to the Modder East gold plant for gold extraction. In September 2010, the mining activities at SBN were once again suspended. The reason for the suspension was due to the rise in water levels, flooding the active mining area. The water level rise can be attributed to the ceasing pumping activities on the East Rand. In addition to the mining right, FEG holds 4 valid prospecting rights (GP 45 PR, GP 73 / 10021 PR, GP 142 PR & GP 260 / 10072 PR) which lie adjacent to the existing mining right. Through extensive prospecting and planning FEG have determined the viability for future mining operations by increasing the area of the existing mining right to include additional areas covered by the adjacent prospecting rights.

Significant Development: At the onset of the application, future mining from the extended SBN mine included implementing the following projects, presented in the order in which they will be implemented, namely; Project Phoenix; In brief this project was to involve;

Sourcing -10mm surface material containing gold ore from various locations in the East Rand. FEG has access to approximately 200 000 tons of ore within the East Rand.

Constructing a crusher and gravity plant at the SBN Number 1 shaft (SBN No.1 shaft) which will be used to process the material. The gravity plant will consist of screening - 3 mm material, crushing the oversize and subjecting the material to gravity concentration.

The gravity concentrate will be sold for smelting.

The discard from the plant will be stockpiled for future Carbon in Leach (CIL) treatment. Development of a CIL gold plant and associated tailings facility: In brief this project was to involve;

Construction of a CIL conventional gold plant (which uses cyanide) which has the ability to process 25 000 tons of ore per month. The plant will be constructed on the footprint of a historical plant.

The construction of the tailings facility on the footprint of an existing facility.

Re-commissioning the pipeline (covered by a surface right permit (SRP)) from the SBN No.1 shaft to the footprint of the tailings dam.

The plant will be developed in a manner in which it can be expanded.

Once constructed the plant and tailings facility will be operational for the full life of mine (up to 2038). Florida, 2 incline and 9 shaft project: In brief this project was to involve;

Re-equipping and deepening of the existing Florida shaft, 2 incline shaft and the 9 shaft.

Total dewatering will be required of the shafts (+/- 33 Mega litres). Dewatering to take place from the Florida Shaft and the 9 shaft.

Once re-equipped there will be extensive on reef development to open up the ore reserves

Ore will be extracted and trucked to SBN No.1 shaft for processing and disposal.

Development of access roads from the shafts to established roads.

The limited amount of waste will be used for backfill requirements or sold to a crushing operation (no waste rock dump will be formed).

The infrastructure at the Florida and 9 shaft will include; change house, stores, lamp house, administration offices, Security perimeter, satellite workshop, transformer house, winder house, head gear and bin and Compressor house.

Houtpoort 4 shaft project. In brief this project was to involve;

Re-equipping the Houtpoort No.4 shaft

On reef development from No.4 shaft

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Stoping from 4 shaft. The underground gold bearing material will be extracted from the upper shallow sections of the mine.

All ore will be trucked to SBN No.1 shaft for processing.

Development of an access road from No.4 shaft through to No.1 shaft and then the upgrading of an existing mine road to the public road.

Dewatering (+/- 800 Mega litres) from No.3 shaft to expose additional ore (to be extracted from the 4 shaft).

The shaft infrastructure will be the same as the Florida shaft / 9 shaft project.

A small sewage treatment works.

A number of significant developments have occurred since the commencement of the environmental

application, of which the main ones are;

During the initial consultation process it has come to the Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAP’s) attention that a township development application has been approved, which once constructed, will be located adjacent to the intended tailings dam footprint which FEG intended to utilise. The need for the tailings facility was central to all of the projects.

At the onset of the environmental application, FEG was 100% owned by Goliath Gold Mining Company Limited, previously a listed company on the JSE. During December 2015 the major shareholder of Goliath (Gold One Africa Limited) bought out the remaining minority shareholders and delisted Goliath. Hence the management and stratergy for FEG has subsequently changed.

Both of the above significant developments have resulted in uncertainty surrounding the physical projects originally proposed for the future mining operation. Therefore, FEG has opted to only proceed with the incorporation of the prospecting rights into the mining right and not proceed with any of the other intended projects until the significant uncertainties have been investigated and resolved. This final scoping report has been updated to only reflect the incorporation of the prospecting rights into the mining right and the intended future activities associated with the mine. In summary these activities include;

to implement additional drilling activities, and

to undertake further feasibility studies and commission a number of specialist studies.



(i) The EAP who prepared the report

Name of the Practitioner: Andrew Nicholson

Tel No.: 011 791 3389

Fax No.: 011 791 3384

E-mail Address: [email protected]

(ii) Expertise of the EAP

(1) The qualifications of the EAP

BSC Hons Biological Sciences / Post Graduate Degree in Natural Resource Management

See Appendix A.1:

(2) Summary of the EAP’s past experience

Over 14 years of experience of environmental management for the mining industry of South Africa.

See Appendix A.1:

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Farm Name: Various (See Table below)

Application Area (Ha); 24 644.4448 hectares

Magisterial District: Brakpan, Springs, Nigel and Heidelberg

Distance and Direction from Nearest Town:

The mining right area will extend from Heidelberg in the south to Tsakane in the north, in Gauteng Province.

21 Digit Surveyor General Code for each Farm Portion:

Various (See Table below)

Table 1: Farm name, portion numbers and surveyor general code.


Withok 131 IR 71 LUVHIMBI T B T0IR00000000013100071

Withok 131 IR 78 ERGO MINING PTY LTD T0IR00000000013100078

Withok 131 IR 79 ERGO MINING PTY LTD T0IR00000000013100079

Withok 131 IR 108 ERGO MINING PTY LTD T0IR000000000131000108

Vlakfontein 161 IR RE YIK-HO SANLI DEVELOPMENT PTY LTD T0IR00000000016100000

Vlakfontein 161 IR 3 CELETA ONDERNEMINGS PTY LTD T0IR00000000016100003

Vlakfontein 161 IR 4 TOWN COUNCIL OF BRAKPAN T0IR00000000016100004

Vlakfontein 161 IR 5 TOWN COUNCIL OF BRAKPAN T0IR00000000016100005

Vlakfontein 161 IR 6 TOWN COUNCIL OF BRAKPAN T0IR00000000016100006

Vlakfontein 161 IR 7 MUN TSAKANE T0IR00000000016100007

Vlakfontein 161 IR 8 MUN TSAKANE T0IR00000000016100008

Vlakfontein 161 IR 9 VLAKFONTEIN AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS CC T0IR00000000016100009

Vlakfontein 161 IR 12 NKOMO PROP CC T0IR00000000016100012

Vlakfontein 161 IR 14 ERGO MINING PTY LTD T0IR00000000016100014

Vlakfontein 161 IR 15 ERGO MINING PTY LTD T0IR00000000016100015

Vlakfontein 161 IR 18 MULTI-WASTE PTY LTD T0IR00000000016100018

Vlakfontein 161 IR 20 ERGO MINING PTY LTD T0IR00000000016100020

Vlakfontein 161 IR 22 PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OF GAUTENG T0IR00000000016100022

Vlakfontein 161 IR 23 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000016100023

Vlakfontein 161 IR 27 REAL TIME INV 515 CC T0IR00000000016100027

Vlakfontein 161 IR 28 NULANE INV 64 PTY LTD T0IR00000000016100028

Vlakfontein 161 IR 38 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT T0IR00000000016100038

Vlakfontein 161 IR 39 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT T0IR00000000016100039

Tsakane 260 IR Farm EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000026000000

Zonnestraal 163 IR RE 18 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000016300018

Spaarwater 171 IR RE RSA T0IR00000000017100000

Spaarwater 171 IR 1 RSA T0IR00000000017100001

Spaarwater 171 IR RE 2 RSA T0IR00000000017100002

Spaarwater 171 IR 3 PLESSIS JOHAN GEORG MEYER DU T0IR00000000017100003

Spaarwater 171 IR 4 CREMER HENDRIK LODEWYK WILLEM T0IR00000000017100004

Spaarwater 171 IR 7 H R A INV PTY LTD T0IR00000000017100007

Spaarwater 171 IR 8 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000017100008

Spaarwater 171 IR 9 SAFY TRUST T0IR00000000017100009

Spaarwater 171 IR 10 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000017100010






Spaarwater 171 IR 15 COHEN JANIE T0IR00000000017100015

Spaarwater 171 IR 16 PLESSIS JOHAN GEORG MEYER DU T0IR00000000017100016

Spaarwater 171 IR 18 HLOHWANE PROP CC T0IR00000000017100018

Spaarwater 171 IR 28 GREATER EAST RAND METRO T0IR00000000017100028

Spaarwater 171 IR 29 GREATER EAST RAND METRO T0IR00000000017100029

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Spaarwater 171 IR 47 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000017100047

Spaarwater 171 IR 48 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000017100048

Spaarwater 171 IR 49 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000017100049



















































Spaarwater 171 IR 100 GREATER NIGEL TRANSITIONAL LOCAL COUNCIL T0IR00000000017100100

Spaarwater 171 IR 101 GREATER NIGEL TRANSITIONAL LOCAL COUNCIL T0IR00000000017100101

Spaarwater 171 IR 102 GREATER NIGEL TRANSITIONAL LOCAL COUNCIL T0IR00000000017100102

Spaarwater 171 IR 103 GREATER NIGEL TRANSITIONAL LOCAL COUNCIL T0IR00000000017100103

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Spaarwater 171 IR 104 GREATER NIGEL TRANSITIONAL LOCAL COUNCIL T0IR00000000017100104

Spaarwater 171 IR 105 GREATER NIGEL TRANSITIONAL LOCAL COUNCIL T0IR00000000017100105

Spaarwater 171 IR 107 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000017100107

Spaarwater 171 IR 115 NEL VERONICA T0IR00000000017100115

Spaarwater 171 IR 116 ERASMUS CHRISTOFFEL JOHANNES T0IR00000000017100116

Vlakfontein 130 IR RE VLAKFONTEIN GOLD MINING CO T0IR00000000013000000

Vlakfontein 130 IR 7 TOWN COUNCIL OF BRAKPAN T0IR00000000013000007

Vlakfontein 130 IR 12 HOLCIM SOUTH AFRICA PTY LTD T0IR00000000013000012

Vlakfontein 130 IR 14 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000013000014

Vlakfontein 130 IR 17 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000013000017

Vlakfontein 130 IR 19 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000013000019

Vlakfontein 130 IR 20 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000013000020

Vlakfontein 130 IR 21 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000013000021

Vlakfontein 130 IR 22 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000013000022

Vlakfontein 130 IR 24 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000013000024

Vlakfontein 130 IR 25 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000013000025

Vlakfontein 130 IR 27 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000013000027

Vlakfontein 130 IR 28 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000013000028

Vlakfontein 130 IR 31 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000013000031

Vlakfontein 130 IR 32 GROOT FRANCISCUS GERARDUS DE T0IR00000000013000032

Vlakfontein 130 IR 33 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000013000033

Vlakfontein 130 IR 34 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000013000034

Vlakfontein 130 IR 35 EKURHULENI METRO MUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000013000035

Vlakfontein 130 IR 36 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000013000036

Vlakfontein 130 IR 37 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000013000037

Vlakfontein 130 IR 38 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000013000038

Vlakfontein 130 IR 42 RAFIKI CONSTRUCTION PTY LTD T0IR00000000013000042

Vlakfontein 130 IR 61 VLAKFONTEIN GOLD MINING CO T0IR00000000013000042

Droogebult 170 IR RE RSA T0IR00000000017000000

Droogebult 170 IR 2 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000017000002

Droogebult 170 IR 3 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000017000003

Grootfontein 165 IR 3 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000016500003

Grootfontein 165 IR 6 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000016500006

Grootfontein 165 IR 9 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000016500009

Grootfontein 165 IR 41 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000016500041

Grootfontein 165 IR 42 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000016500042

Grootfontein 165 IR 43 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000016500043

Grootfontein 165 IR 44 EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000016500044

Grootfontein 165 IR 49 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000016500049

Grootfontein 165 IR 65 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000016500065

Varkensfontein 169 IR RE EKURHULENI METROMUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000016900000

Varkensfontein 169 IR 5 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000016900005

Varkensfontein 169 IR RE 19 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000016900019

Varkensfontein 169 IR 29 CLASSIC CROWN PROP 186 CC T0IR00000000016900029

Varkensfontein 169 IR RE 31 ANDREW VERMAAK PROP PTY LTD T0IR00000000016900031

Varkensfontein 169 IR 39 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000016900039

Varkensfontein 169 IR 40 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000016900040

Varkensfontein 169 IR 44 TRADE WINDOWS NO 2 PTY LTD T0IR00000000016900044

Varkensfontein 169 IR RE 45 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000016900045

Varkensfontein 169 IR 48 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000016900048

Varkensfontein 169 IR RE 50 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000016900050

Varkensfontein 169 IR 56 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000016900056

Varkensfontein 169 IR 63 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000016900063

Varkensfontein 169 IR 65 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000016900065

Varkensfontein 169 IR 68 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000016900068

Varkensfontein 169 IR 70 BRIKOR LTD T0IR00000000016900070

Varkensfontein 169 IR 75 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000016900075

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Varkensfontein 169 IR 79 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000016900079

Varkensfontein 169 IR RE 80 WESKUS AUTO PTY LTD T0IR00000000016900080

Varkensfontein 169 IR 89 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000016900089

Noycedale 191 IR RE NOYCEDALE FARM PTY LTD T0IR00000000019100000

Noycedale 191 IR 1 DAVID JEFFERY FAMILY TRUST T0IR00000000019100001

Noycedale 191 IR 8 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000019100008

Noycedale 191 IR 16 GROENPOORT BELEGGINGS PTY LTD T0IR00000000019100016

Noycedale 191 IR 17 J M FARMING PTY LTD T0IR00000000019100017

Noycedale 191 IR 24 RSA T0IR00000000019100024

Noycedale 191 IR 26 SPIES FAMILIE BOERDERY CC T0IR00000000019100026

Noycedale 191 IR 39 DAVID JEFFERY FAMILY TRUST T0IR00000000019100039

Noycedale 191 IR 40 DAVID JEFFERY FAMILY TRUST T0IR00000000019100040

Noycedale 191 IR 45 SPIES ETIENNE JOHANNES T0IR00000000019100045

Maraisdrift 190 IR 2 KOEKEMOER FAMILIE TRUST T0IR00000000019000002

Maraisdrift 190 IR 6 HATTINGH JOHNNY CHRISTOFFEL T0IR00000000019000006

Maraisdrift 190 IR RE 7 LESEDI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000019000007

Maraisdrift 190 IR 12 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000019000012

Maraisdrift 190 IR 13 MUN NIGEL T0IR00000000019000013

Maraisdrift 190 IR 14 GROENPOORT BELEGGINGS PTY LTD T0IR00000000019000014

Maraisdrift 190 IR 15 RSA T0IR00000000019000015

Maraisdrift 190 IR 18 LESEDI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000019000018

Maraisdrift 190 IR 19 LESEDI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000019000019

Klippoortjie 187 IR 1 RSA T0IR00000000018700001

Klippoortjie 187 IR 2 GROENPOORT BELEGGINGS PTY LTD T0IR00000000018700002

Klippoortjie 187 IR 3 RSA T0IR00000000018700003

Klippoortjie 187 IR 4 TRANSNET SOC LTD T0IR00000000018700004

Klippoortjie 187 IR 5 TRANSNET SOC LTD T0IR00000000018700005

Klippoortjie 187 IR 6 TRANSNET SOC LTD T0IR00000000018700006

Klippoortjie 187 IR 7 TRANSNET SOC LTD T0IR00000000018700007

Klippoortjie 187 IR 10 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700010

Klippoortjie 187 IR 11 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700011

Klippoortjie 187 IR 14 NEW MINING CORP LTD T0IR00000000018700014

Klippoortjie 187 IR 15 NEW MINING CORP LTD T0IR00000000018700015

Klippoortjie 187 IR 16 NEW MINING CORP LTD T0IR00000000018700016

Klippoortjie 187 IR 17 NEW MINING CORP LTD T0IR00000000018700017

Klippoortjie 187 IR 18 VALOBEX 171 CC T0IR00000000018700018

Klippoortjie 187 IR 19 WILSON NEVILLE GEORGE STRATFORD T0IR00000000018700019

Klippoortjie 187 IR 20 NEW MINING CORP LTD T0IR00000000018700020

Klippoortjie 187 IR 22 OOSTHUIZEN STEPHANUS T0IR00000000018700022

Klippoortjie 187 IR 23 RENSBURG MARIA ELIZABETH VAN T0IR00000000018700023

Klippoortjie 187 IR 24 MIGONETTE CC T0IR00000000018700024

Klippoortjie 187 IR 25 KAYDALE ESTATES CC T0IR00000000018700025

Klippoortjie 187 IR 26 KAYDALE ESTATES CC T0IR00000000018700026

Klippoortjie 187 IR 27 KAYDALE ESTATES CC T0IR00000000018700027

Klippoortjie 187 IR 28 LUBBE CONSTRUCTION PTY LTD T0IR00000000018700028

Klippoortjie 187 IR 29 KAYDALE ESTATES CC T0IR00000000018700029

Klippoortjie 187 IR 30 MASHELE OUPA PATRICK T0IR00000000018700030

Klippoortjie 187 IR 31 THYSSE LOURENS T0IR00000000018700031

Klippoortjie 187 IR 32 BRINKMAN ABEL JOSHUA T0IR00000000018700032

Klippoortjie 187 IR 33 BRINKMAN ABEL JOSHUA T0IR00000000018700033

Klippoortjie 187 IR 34 BOSCH MARIA SUSANNA PETRONELLA T0IR00000000018700034

Klippoortjie 187 IR 35 LUBBE CONSTRUCTION PTY LTD T0IR00000000018700035

Klippoortjie 187 IR 36 LUBBE CONSTRUCTION PTY LTD T0IR00000000018700036

Klippoortjie 187 IR 37 LUBBE CONSTRUCTION PTY LTD T0IR00000000018700037

Klippoortjie 187 IR 38 LUBBE CONSTRUCTION PTY LTD T0IR00000000018700038

Klippoortjie 187 IR 39 LUBBE CONSTRUCTION PTY LTD T0IR00000000018700039

Klippoortjie 187 IR 40 BRAND DAVID STEPHANUS T0IR00000000018700040

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Klippoortjie 187 IR 47 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700047

Klippoortjie 187 IR 48 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700048

Klippoortjie 187 IR 49 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700049

Klippoortjie 187 IR 50 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700050

Klippoortjie 187 IR 51 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700051

Klippoortjie 187 IR 52 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700052

Klippoortjie 187 IR 53 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700053

Klippoortjie 187 IR 54 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700054

Klippoortjie 187 IR 55 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700055

Klippoortjie 187 IR 56 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700056

Klippoortjie 187 IR 57 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700057

Klippoortjie 187 IR 58 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700058

Klippoortjie 187 IR 59 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700059

Klippoortjie 187 IR 60 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700060

Klippoortjie 187 IR 61 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700061

Klippoortjie 187 IR 62 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700062

Klippoortjie 187 IR 63 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700063

Klippoortjie 187 IR 64 REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA T0IR00000000018700064

Klippoortjie 187 IR 65 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700065

Klippoortjie 187 IR 66 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700066

Klippoortjie 187 IR RE 68 LANSER FAMILIE TRUST T0IR00000000018700068

Klippoortjie 187 IR 71 LANSER FAMILIE TRUST T0IR00000000018700071

Klippoortjie 187 IR 72 BRUIN GEORGE FREDERICK DE T0IR00000000018700072

Klippoortjie 187 IR 73 MEYER PETRUS HENDRIK T0IR00000000018700073

Klippoortjie 187 IR 74 LANSER FAMILIE TRUST T0IR00000000018700074

Klippoortjie 187 IR 75 LANSER FAMILIE TRUST T0IR00000000018700075

Klippoortjie 187 IR 78 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700078

Klippoortjie 187 IR 79 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700079

Klippoortjie 187 IR 80 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700080

Klippoortjie 187 IR 81 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700081

Klippoortjie 187 IR 82 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018700082

Klippoortjie 187 IR 84 BRUIN GEORGE FREDERICK DE T0IR00000000018700084

Klippoortjie 187 IR 85 DYKE STEVEN CHARLES T0IR00000000018700085

Klippoortjie 187 IR 86 BRAND DAVID STEPHANUS T0IR00000000018700086

Tulipvale 188 IR RE GROENPOORT BELEGGINGS PTY LTD T0IR00000000018800000

Poortjie 389 IR 1 GROENPOORT BELEGGINGS PTY LTD T0IR00000000038900001

Poortjie 389 IR 2 GROENPOORT BELEGGINGS PTY LTD T0IR00000000038900002

Poortjie 389 IR 3 GROENPOORT BELEGGINGS PTY LTD T0IR00000000038900003

Poortjie 389 IR 4 GROENPOORT BELEGGINGS PTY LTD T0IR00000000038900004

Poortjie 389 IR 5 CALIBRA MINING CORP PTY LTD T0IR00000000038900005

Poortjie 389 IR 6 GROENPOORT BELEGGINGS PTY LTD T0IR00000000038900006

Poortjie 389 IR 7 GROENPOORT BELEGGINGS PTY LTD T0IR00000000038900007

Poortjie 389 IR 8 GROENPOORT BELEGGINGS PTY LTD T0IR00000000038900008

Poortjie 389 IR 9 GROENPOORT BELEGGINGS PTY LTD T0IR00000000038900009

Poortjie 389 IR 10 S A NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY LTD T0IR00000000038900010

Poortjie 389 IR 12 MARAIS HESTER ELSA T0IR00000000038900012

Houtpoort 392 iR 0 RSA T0IR00000000039200000

Houtpoort 392 iR 1 WEERHEIM PIETER T0IR00000000039200001

Houtpoort 392 iR 5 A A F J DISTRIBUTION CC T0IR00000000039200005

Houtpoort 392 iR 6 MULDER MIRNA-ANN T0IR00000000039200006

Houtpoort 392 iR 8 MARUSICH DEREK ALAN T0IR00000000039200008

Houtpoort 392 iR 9 TREETRUST AGRI CO PTY LTD T0IR00000000039200009

Houtpoort 392 iR 12 HOLL KAREL GOTTLIEB T0IR00000000039200012

Houtpoort 392 iR 13 SCHULTZ NOLAN ALBERT CARL T0IR00000000039200013

Houtpoort 392 iR 14 SCHILT FAMILIETRUST T0IR00000000039200014

Houtpoort 392 iR 15 BRUYN WILLEM VAN HEERDEN DE T0IR00000000039200015

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Houtpoort 392 iR 16 S A NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY LTD T0IR00000000039200016

Houtpoort 392 iR 17 DALZIEL DINA SUSANNA T0IR00000000039200017

Houtpoort 392 iR 19 WHITTAL PAUL KEITH T0IR00000000039200019

Houtpoort 392 iR 20 MUN RENSBURG T0IR00000000039200020

Houtpoort 392 iR 22 BOY ERNEST ALBERT T0IR00000000039200022

Houtpoort 392 iR 26 WENTNER TRADING PTY LTD T0IR00000000039200026

Houtpoort 392 iR 29 A & M INTERNATIONAL TRUST T0IR00000000039200029

Houtpoort 392 iR 30 A A F J DISTRIBUTION CC T0IR00000000039200030

Houtpoort 392 iR 31 A A F J DISTRIBUTION CC T0IR00000000039200031

Houtpoort 392 iR 32 MEYER & MEYER EIENDOMS ONTWIKKELING CC T0IR00000000039200032

Houtpoort 392 iR 44 VUUREN DANIEL CHRISTOFFEL JANSEN VAN T0IR00000000039200044

Houtpoort 392 iR 46 NEL WILLEM JOHANNES T0IR00000000039200046

Houtpoort 392 iR 51 HEIDELBERG EIERS & MEULE PTY LTD T0IR00000000039200051

Houtpoort 392 iR 59 HERLEE 1000 CC T0IR00000000039200059

Houtpoort 392 iR 75 HERLEE 1000 CC T0IR00000000039200075

Houtpoort 392 iR 76 H B FAMILIE TRUST T0IR00000000039200076

Houtpoort 392 iR 77 H B FAMILIE TRUST T0IR00000000039200077

Houtpoort 392 iR 80 HOLL KAREL GOTTLIEB T0IR00000000039200080

Houtpoort 392 iR 95 SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY LTD T0IR00000000039200095

Houtpoort 392 iR 96 S A NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY LTD T0IR00000000039200096

Houtpoort 392 iR 100 S A NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY LTD T0IR00000000039200100

Houtpoort 392 iR 101 S A NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY LTD T0IR00000000039200101

Houtpoort 392 iR 105 S A NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY LTD T0IR00000000039200105

Houtpoort 392 iR 106 S A NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY LTD T0IR00000000039200106

Houtpoort 392 iR 114 XYLONOR 399 CC T0IR00000000039200114

Houtpoort 392 iR 115 ADZAM TRADING 146 PTY LTD T0IR00000000039200115

Houtpoort 392 iR 128 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000039200128

Houtpoort 392 iR 151 S A NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY LTD T0IR00000000039200151

Houtpoort 392 iR 152 S A NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY LTD T0IR00000000039200152

Boschfontein 386 IR RE 1 HEIKLOOF BELEGGINGS CC T0IR00000000038600001

Boschfontein 386 IR RE 3 BUSINESS HARMONY 34 PTY LTD T0IR00000000038600003

Boschfontein 386 IR 29 SUIKERBOSGEBOU CC T0IR00000000038600029

Boschfontein 386 IR 31 TEDPEG INV PTY LTD T0IR00000000038600031

Boschfontein 386 IR 32 ROYALE ENERGY LTD T0IR00000000038600032

Boschfontein 386 IR 33 HEERDEN JAN VAN T0IR00000000038600033

Boschfontein 386 IR 34 GANI MOTORS PTY LTD T0IR00000000038600034

Boschfontein 386 IR 35 HEERDEN JAN VAN T0IR00000000038600035

Boschfontein 386 IR 40 VICTORLAN INV PTY LTD T0IR00000000038600040

Boschfontein 386 IR 57 VERSTER DANIEL MARTIN T0IR00000000038600057

Boschfontein 386 IR 61 GLOWING SUNSET TRADING 273 CC T0IR00000000038600061

Boschfontein 386 IR RE 65 LESEDI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY T0IR00000000038600065

Boschfontein 386 IR 81 MUN HEIDELBERG T0IR00000000038600081

Boschfontein 386 IR 84 BUSINESS HARMONY 34 PTY LTD T0IR00000000038600084

Boschfontein 386 IR 85 GREYLING WILLEM CHRISTIAAN T0IR00000000038600085

Boschfontein 386 IR 99 RELEYLEC PROPS DEVELOPMENT PTY LTD T0IR00000000038600099

Boschfontein 386 IR 103 BUSINESS HARMONY 34 PTY LTD T0IR00000000038600103

Boschfontein 386 IR 104 BUSINESS HARMONY 34 PTY LTD T0IR00000000038600104

Langlaagte 186 IR 2 GRIMBEEK DAVID T0IR00000000018600002

Langlaagte 186 IR 4 HEIDELBERG TOWN COUNCIL T0IR00000000018600004

Langlaagte 186 IR 5 HEIDELBERG TOWN COUNCIL T0IR00000000018600005

Langlaagte 186 IR 9 MUN HEIDELBERG T0IR00000000018600009

Langlaagte 186 IR 17 MUN HEIDELBERG T0IR00000000018600017

Langlaagte 186 IR 20 MUN HEIDELBERG T0IR00000000018600020

Langlaagte 186 IR 25 BRUYN ESMARI CHRISTINA DE T0IR00000000018600025

Langlaagte 186 IR 41 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018600041

Langlaagte 186 IR 42 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018600042

Langlaagte 186 IR 45 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018600045

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Langlaagte 186 IR 46 WOLMARANS LOYDA T0IR00000000018600046

Langlaagte 186 IR 48 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018600048

Langlaagte 186 IR 50 ESKORT LTD T0IR00000000018600050

Langlaagte 186 IR 67 REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA T0IR00000000018600067

Langlaagte 186 IR 77 MUN HEIDELBERG T0IR00000000018600077

Langlaagte 186 IR 78 MUN HEIDELBERG T0IR00000000018600078

Langlaagte 186 IR 80 ESKORT LTD T0IR00000000018600080

Langlaagte 186 IR 82 SUID-AFRIKAANSE PADRAAD T0IR00000000018600082

Langlaagte 186 IR 83 SUID-AFRIKAANSE PADRAAD T0IR00000000018600083

Langlaagte 186 IR 95


Langlaagte 186 IR 96 TRANSNET LTD T0IR00000000018600096

Langlaagte 186 IR 98 ESKORT LTD T0IR00000000018600098

Langlaagte 186 IR 99 SIGN & SEAL TRADING 72 PTY LTD T0IR00000000018600099

Langlaagte 186 IR 102 DIMBA MAGAGANE PROJECTS PTY LTD T0IR00000000018600102

Langlaagte 186 IR 103 LIGHTMANTLE PROP PTY LTD T0IR00000000018600103

Zonnestraal AH 1-52,60-


Spaarwater AH

Kaydale AH

Geluksdal Township

Geluksdal X1 Township

Geluksdal X2 Township

Tsakane Township

Tsakane X1Township

Tsakane X5Township

Tsakane X8Township

Tsakane X11Township

Tsakane X12Township

Tsakane X113Township

Tsakane X15Township

Tsakane X16Township

Tsakane X18Township

Tsakane X19Township

Tsakane X20Township

Tsakane X21Township


Bleugumview X1

Bleugumview X 2

Bleugumview X 3

Bleugumview X 4

Bleugumview X 5

Bleugumview X 6


Masetabaview X4

Producta Township

Spaarwater Township


Duduza X3

Duduza X4

Cool Breeze

Cool Breeze X2

Cool Breeze X3


Langaville X1

Langaville X2

Langaville X3

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Langaville X4

Langaville X5

Langaville X6

Langaville X8


Subnigel X1

Jameson Park

Kaydale Township

Rensburg Township

Heidelberg Township

Heidelberg X1

Heidelberg X2

Heidelberg X4

Heidelberg X6

Heidelberg X7

Heidelberg X9

Heidelberg X11

Heidelberg X14

Heidelberg X15

Heidelberg X16

Heidelberg X18

Heidelberg X20

Heidelberg X21

Heidelberg X24

Heidelberg X25

Withok Estates AH

Heidelberg AH

Pretoriusstad Township

Pretoriusstad X1

Pretoriusstad X2

Pretoriusstad X4

Pretoriusstad X5

Pretoriusstad X6

Pretoriusstad X7


Figure 1 below provides a clear indication of the proposed extent of the mining right area covered by the Section 102 application. Figure 2 provides a google earth image of the proposed future mining right area.

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Figure 1: Locality map showing the demarcation of the extended mining right area.

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Figure 2: Google Earth image demarcating proposed extent of the extended mining right area

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(i) Listed and specified activities

The table below provides a summary of the intended activities to be implemented (as amended) and the listed activities triggered. Please refer to the introduction for an explaination of the change between the draft scoping report and the final scoping report.










(E.g. for mining,- excavations, blasting, stockpiles, discard dumps or dams, Loading, hauling and

transport, Water supply dams and boreholes, accommodation, offices, ablution, stores, workshops, processing plant, storm water control, berms, roads, pipelines, power lines, conveyors.)

(Ha or m²) (Mark with an X where applicable or affected)

(GNR 983, GNR 984 or GNR 985 / Not listed)


Section 102 application (to include 4 prospecting rights into one mining right (GP 28 MR)) 24 644 Ha X GNR 984 - Activity 17

To implement additional exploration drilling activities ( specifically around the target areas of Florida shaft / Houtpoort 4 shaft / Kaydale & Spaarwater) The drilling activities could include;

- Access track to drill sites (due to the fact that the area is built up, there are available access tracks which can be used) an estimated 200m of access roads (less than 4m wide) is anticipated for all drill sites.

- Demarcation of drill pad (20m x 20m) per pad - Implement percussion drilling followed by diamond drilling - Stores / ablution / security required for drilling - Core to be taken to SBN No.1 shaft for cutting and processing - Sampling to be performed in a recognised laboratory - Established accommodation in the area to be used (no camp site) - Rand Water to be used for both drilling and potable requirements - Waste Requirements - Sanitation requirements (chemical toilets)

Impact on an area less than 5 hectares


- To implement a variety of additional specialist studies 24 644 Ha N/A N/A

See Appendix 2 for an indication of the possible areas in which additional drilling activities may take place.

1 Template on DMR website referenced repealed legislation. The current legislation has been provided above and underlined.

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(ii) Description of the activities to be undertaken

The application covers the extension of the existing mining right area to include 4 adjacent prospecting right areas.

As part of ongoing mining activities within the extended area, the only physical activity that will be implemented (at this point in time) which may have an impact on surface is additional drilling activities. Four separate areas have been identified which could be subjected to further drilling, namely;

Houtpoort area

Florida infill drilling

Kaydale drilling

Spaarwater drilling

When drilling is undertaken, the following generic procedure will be followed:

The final drill position will be confirmed between a geologist and the landowner. The drill position will adhere to the restrictions contained within the EMP such as applying appropriate restictions on location.

Photographs will be taken of the area prior to any physical impact.

An area of approximately 20 x 20m will be scrapped and levelled and demarcated with a fence. The topsoil will be stored adjacent to the drill site

Two sumps will be dug and lined

A temporary storage area will be demarcated within the drill pad location

Percussion drilling will be implemented

Diamond drilling will be implemented

Core will be takens to the FEG Sub Nigel No.1 shaft for cutting

Rock samples will be sent to an approved laboratory for analysis

Once drilling is completed, all equipement will be removed. The plastic lining taken out of the sump and the sump refilled. The borehole will be capped at least 0.5 m below the ground and covered. The area will be covered with any soil removed. Photographs will be taken of the rehabilitated sites

Landowner acceptance of the rehabilitation will be obtained.

Photograph 1 and 2 below provides a visual indication of a drill site.

Photograph 1: Initial percussion drilling

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Photograph 2: Sumps associated with a diamond drilling programme. Water brought to the site with a tanker

See Appendix A.2 for an indication of the potential sites identified for additional drilling. Please note that the final positioning of drilling activities will only be confirmed once the relevant landowner has been consulted. In addition to drilling, further specialist studies will be undertaken which may require access to the farms by the specialist. These include;

1) Rock mechanic / blasting reports at any shaft which intends to be used for future mining 2) Security plan for any shaft which intends to be used for future mining 3) Radiation assessments at any shaft which intends to be used for future mining 4) Traffic impact assessment for any activity that makes use of a public road 5) Detailed social impact assessment involving effected communities 6) Wetland studies 7) Investigation into the current status of the Blesbokspruit 8) Surface water investigations / storm water management plans at any surface location which may

be used in future 9) Baseline noise surveys at any shaft which intends to be used for future mining 10) Determination of baseline air quality 11) Heritage surveys at any shaft which intends to be used for future mining 12) Ecological surveys in areas where there is a potential for red data species. 13) Groundwater investigations to predict the potential impact of dewatering on local groundwater

users in the area where future dewatering is required. 14) Alternative tailings dam options need to be investigated.

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The proposed activities covered by this application triggers the following legal authorisation processes;

A Section 102 application to amend the mining right to include the extended area associated with the 4 adjacent prospecting rights. An Environmental Authorisation covering the following listed activities; o GN 984, Activity: 17





Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996

Everyone has the right: a. to an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being; and b. to have the environment protected, for the benefit of present and future

generations, through reasonable legislative and other measures that i. prevent pollution and ecological degradation; ii. promote conservation; and iii. secure ecologically sustainable development and use of

natural resources while promoting justifiable economic and social

This basic environmental right contained in the bill of rights is preserved throughout the environmental legislation. The particulars regarding the impact assessment process is described in Section (h)(v) – (viii) and Section (i)(i) – (v) of this report. To give effect to Section 24 of the Constitution, an application for environmental authorisation is being made in terms of reasonable legislative and other measures.

Minerals and Petroleum Development Resources Act, Act 28 of 2002 (MPRDA) and the MPRDA Amendment Act, Act 49 of 2008. The MPRDA makes provision for equitable access to and sustainable development of the nation’s mineral and petroleum resources. The recent amendment MPRDA resulted in changes to align specific environmental legislation associated with mining activities and aligned sections of NEMA and MPRDA to provide for one environmental management system.

The application is undertaken in line with Section 102 of the MPRDA

The DMR is the competent authority overseeing the environmental authorisation process.

This application is to extend the area covered by an existing mining right to include 4 adjacent prospecting areas.

National Environmental Management Act, Act 107 of 1998 (as amended)(NEMA)

The principles set out in Section 2 of NEMA guide the environmental requirements of the application.

2. Principles.—(1) The principles set out in this section apply throughout the Republic to the actions of all organs of state that may significantly affect the environment and—

a. shall apply alongside all other appropriate and relevant considerations, including the State´s responsibility to respect, protect, promote and fulfil the social and economic rights in Chapter 2 of the Constitution and in particular the basic needs of categories of persons disadvantaged by unfair discrimination;

b. serve as the general framework within which environmental management and implementation plans must be formulated;

c. serve as guidelines by reference to which any organ of state must exercise any function when taking any decision in terms of this Act or any statutory provision concerning the protection of the environment;

d. serve as principles by reference to which a conciliator appointed under this Act must make recommendations; and

e. guide the interpretation, administration and implementation of this Act, and any other law concerned with the protection or management of the environment.

The principles of NEMA have been considered through out the report

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(2) Environmental management must place people and their needs at the forefront of its concern, and serve their physical, psychological, developmental, cultural and social interests equitably.

(3) Development must be socially, environmentally and economically sustainable.

(4) (a) Sustainable development requires the consideration of all relevant factors including the following:

i. That the disturbance of ecosystems and loss of biological diversity are avoided, or, where they cannot be altogether avoided, are minimised and remedied;

ii. that pollution and degradation of the environment are avoided, or, where they cannot be altogether avoided, are minimised and remedied;

iii. that the disturbance of landscapes and sites that constitute the nation´s cultural heritage is avoided, or where it cannot be altogether avoided, is minimised and remedied;

iv. that waste is avoided, or where it cannot be altogether avoided, minimised and reused or recycled where possible and otherwise disposed of in a responsible manner;

v. that the use and exploitation of nonrenewable natural resources is responsible and equitable, and takes into account the consequences of the depletion of the resource;

vi. that the development, use and exploitation of renewable resources and the ecosystems of which they are part do not exceed the level beyond which their integrity is jeopardised;

vii. that a risk averse and cautious approach is applied, which takes into account the limits of current knowledge about the consequences of decisions and actions; and

viii. that negative impacts on the environment and on people´s environmental rights be anticipated and prevented, and where they cannot be altogether prevented, are minimised and remedied.

(b) Environmental management must be integrated, acknowledging that all elements of the environment are linked and interrelated, and it must take into account the effects of decisions on all aspects of the environment and all people in the environment by pursuing the selection of the best practicable environmental option.

(c) Environmental justice must be pursued so that adverse environmental impacts shall not be distributed in such a manner as to unfairly discriminate against any person, particularly vulnerable and disadvantaged persons.

(d) Equitable access to environmental resources, benefits and services to meet basic human needs and ensure human wellbeing must be pursued and special measures may be taken to ensure access thereto by categories of persons disadvantaged by unfair discrimination.

(e) Responsibility for the environmental health and safety consequences of a policy, programme, project, product, process, service or activity exists throughout its life cycle.

( f ) The participation of all interested and affected parties in environmental governance must be promoted, and all people must have the opportunity to develop the understanding, skills and capacity necessary for achieving equitable and effective participation, and participation by vulnerable and disadvantaged persons must be ensured.

(g) Decisions must take into account the interests, needs and values of all interested and affected parties, and this includes recognising all forms of knowledge, including traditional and ordinary knowledge.

(h) Community wellbeing and empowerment must be promoted through environmental education, the raising of environmental awareness, the

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sharing of knowledge and experience and other appropriate means.

(i) The social, economic and environmental impacts of activities, including disadvantages and benefits, must be considered, assessed and evaluated, and decisions must be appropriate in the light of such consideration and assessment.

( j) The right of workers to refuse work that is harmful to human health or the environment and to be informed of dangers must be respected and protected.

(k) Decisions must be taken in an open and transparent manner, and access to information must be provided in accordance with the law.

(l) There must be intergovernmental coordination and harmonisation of policies, legislation and actions relating to the environment.

(m) Actual or potential conflicts of interest between organs of state should be resolved through conflict resolution procedures.

(n) Global and international responsibilities relating to the environment must be discharged in the national interest.

(o) The environment is held in public trust for the people, the beneficial use of environmental resources must serve the public interest and the environment must be protected as the people´s common heritage.

(p) The costs of remedying pollution, environmental degradation and consequent adverse health effects and of preventing, controlling or minimising further pollution, environmental damage or adverse health effects must be paid for by those responsible for harming the environment.

(q) The vital role of women and youth in environmental management and development must be recognised and their full participation therein must be promoted.

(r) Sensitive, vulnerable, highly dynamic or stressed ecosystems, such as coastal shores, estuaries, wetlands, and similar systems require specific attention in management and planning procedures, especially where they are subject to significant human resource usage and development pressure.

Section 28 of NEMA imposes a duty on any person who causes, has caused or may cause significant pollution or degradation to take reasonable measures to prevent, minimise and rectify significant pollution and environmental degradation. Non-compliance with the duty of care allows a competent authority to require that specified measures be taken (and if not taken, the competent authority may take those steps itself and recover the costs from various parties). Liability is retrospective.

EIA Regulations 2014, 982-985 in terms of NEMA.

Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, GN R 982 of 4 December 2014, Regulation 21 – 26 and Regulation 39 to 44.

These regulations set out the process required to undertake the scoping and EIA process including the public participation process that must be undertaken as part of the EIA.

A scoping and EIA process is being followed in terms of the EIA Regulations (2014)

This report forms part of the scoping phase of the EIA being undertaken.

National Water Act, Act 36 of 1998 (NWA): The NWA provides for fundamental reform of the law relating to water resources, where the ultimate aim of water resource management is to achieve the sustainable use of water for the benefit of all users. Specific water use of concern includes disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource.

The purpose of this Act is to ensure that the nation's water resources are

protected, used, developed, conserved, managed and controlled in ways

which take into account -

As a result of the change of way forward, no water use license will be required for the activities covered under this application. The principles of the NWA will be applied to all physicial activities implemented as part of ongoing drilling.

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(i) meeting the basic human needs of present and future generations;

(ii) promoting equitable access to water;

(iii) redressing the results of past racial and gender discrimination;

(iv) promoting the efficient, sustainable and beneficial use of water in

the public interest;

(v) facilitating social and economic development;

(vi) providing for growing demand for water use;

(vii) protecting aquatic and associated ecosystems and their biological


(viii) reducing and preventing pollution and degradation of water


(ix) meeting international obligations;

(x) promoting dam safety;

(xi) managing floods and droughts, and

(xii) for achieving this purpose, to establish suitable institutions and to

ensure that they have appropriate community, racial and gender


Chapter 4 of the NWA requires the licensing of a variety of activities concerning water uses which is captured in Section 21 and includes;

(a) taking water from a water resource;

(b) storing water;

(c) impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse;

(d) engaging in a stream flow reduction activity contemplated in section 36;

(e) engaging in a controlled activity identified as such in section 37(1) or

declared under section 38(1);

(f) discharging waste or water containing waste into a water resource

through a pipe, canal, sewer, sea outfall or other conduit;

(g) disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a

water resource;

(h) disposing in any manner of water which contains waste from, or which

has been heated in, any industrial or power generation process;

(i) altering the bed, banks, course or characteristics of a watercourse;

(j) removing, discharging or disposing of water found underground if it is

necessary for the efficient continuation of an activity or for the safety of

people; and

(k) using water for recreational purposes.

Regulation 704 (GN704) (Government Gazette 20118, 4 June 1999) was drawn up to address these issues in relation to mining activities. Compliance to the requirements of GN704 is a legal requirement for all mining operations.

The requirements of GN 704 have been considered on all water requirements. No drilling activities will take place within 100m of a recongised water course or wetland

No new access tracks will be created which cross a water course. (only existing roads / tracks will be used).

National Environmental Management: Waste Act, Act 59 of 2008 (NEM:WA) The Act was established to regulate waste management for the protection of human health and the environment by providing reasonable measures for:

Minimising the consumption of natural resources

Avoiding and minimising the generation of waste

Reducing, reusing, recycling and recovering waste

The principles of the NWA will be applied to all aspects of the activities covered by this application. As a result of the change of scope of the activities covered by the application,

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Treating and safely disposing of waste as a last resort

Prevention pollution and ecological degradation

Securing ecologically sustainable development while promoting justifiable economic and social development;

Promoting and ensuring the effective delivery of waste services;

Remediating land where contamination presents, or may present, a significant risk of harm to health or the environment.

Achieving integrated waste management reporting and planning No person may commence with, undertake or conduct a waste management activity, except in accordance with a waste management licence. The DMR is the applicable licencing authority for waste management activities associated with mining activities.

no waste license is required.

National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, Act 39 of 2004 (NEM:AQA) NEM:AQA has placed the responsibility for air quality management on local authorities that will be tasked with baseline characterisation, management and operation of ambient monitoring networks, licensing of listed activities, and emissions reduction strategies. GN893 of 2013 provides the list of activities in terms of Section 21(1)(a) for which licensing is required in terms of Chapter 5 of the Act. This notice further establishes minimum emission standards for the listed activities.

The principles of the NEN:AQA will be applied to the future activities covered by this application.

National Nuclear Regulator Act, Act 47 of 1999 (NNR) The objectives of the NNR are to establish a National Nuclear Regulator to regulate nuclear activities and to provide for safety standards and regulatory practices for protection of persons, property and the environment against nuclear damage.

The operation has an existing Certificate of Registration (COR 329). This COR needs to be updated to reflect the intended future activities to be implemented as documented within this report.

National Heritage Resources Act, 25 of 1999 (“NHRA”) NHRA serves to protect and manage South African heritage and cultural resources, which include places, buildings, structures and equipment of cultural significance, historical settlements and townscapes, archaeological and paleontological sites, graves and burial grounds. The Act protects any heritage resources from damage by developments by stipulating in Section 38 that any person intending on undertaking any form of development which involves the activities listed below must, at the earliest stage of initiation, notify the South African Heritage Resources Association (SAHRA): A. the construction of a road, wall, powerline, pipeline, canal or other similar form of linear development or barrier exceeding 300 m in length; B. the construction of a bridge or similar structure exceeding 50 m in length; C. any development or other activity which will change the character of a site—

i. exceeding 5 000 m2 in extent; or ii. involving three or more existing erven or subdivisions thereof; or iii. involving three or more erven or divisions thereof which have been consolidated within the past five years; or iv. the costs of which will exceed a sum set in terms of regulations by SAHRA or a provincial heritage resources authority;

D. the re-zoning of a site exceeding 10 000 m2 in extent; or E. any other category of development provided for in regulations by SAHRA or a provincial heritage resources authority.

All activities covered by this application will avoid any identified heritage resource.

The National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (NEM:BA)

C-Plan has been consulted when determining the baseline environmental

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NEM:BA is to provide for the management and conservation of South Africa’s biodiversity within the framework of the NEMA. This includes: the protection of species and ecosystems; the sustainable use of indigenous biological resources; the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from bioprospecting involving indigenous biological resources; and the establishment of a South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI). Section 52 of the Act provides for listing of threatened or protected ecosystems, in one of four categories: Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), Vulnerable (VU) or Protected. The main purpose of listing threatened ecosystems is to reduce the rate of ecosystem and species extinction and includes the prevention of further degradation and loss of structure, function and composition of threatened ecosystems. Threatened terrestrial ecosystems have been delineated based on the South African Vegetation Map, national forest types and priority areas identified in a provincial systematic biodiversity plan, in this case the Gauteng Conservation Plan (C-Plan).

conditions for the areas impacted by proposed suface activities.


Gauteng Conservation Plan Version 3.3 & BGIS (

Use to determine sensitive environmental features of the areas where surface impacts will take place.

Considered when completing the baseline environmental conditions.

Gauteng Ridges Policy Considered when completing the baseline environmental conditions.

Ekurhuleni Integrated Development Plan Considered when completing the socio economic baseline environmental conditions.

SANS 10103:2008 The Measurement and Rating of Environmental Noise with Respect to Land Use, Health, Annoyance and to Speech Communication

Considered when proposing appropriate mitigation targets.

SANS 1929:2005 Edition 1.1 – Ambient Air Quality Limits for Common Pollutants; SANS 1929:2005: Ambient Air Quality – Limits for common pollutants; SANS 1929:2011: Ambient Air Quality – Limits for common pollutants and SANS D113:2012: Standard Test Method for Collection and Measurement of Dust fall (Settleable Particulate Matter).

Considered when proposing appropriate mitigation targets.


The main overarching reason for the need and desirability of this project is as follows;

If results from the additional drilling and specialist studies are positive, the viability of employing significant numbers of people within the region exsits.

If the results from the additional drilling and specialist studies indicate the viability of starting new projects, these could represent a significant economic benefit to Ekurhuleni, Gauteng and South Africa while having a minimal additional impact on the existing environment due to the making use of existing disturbed footprints for the implementation future projects.

FEG have spent extensive capital on implementing prospecting activities within the 4 adjacent prospecting areas to the exisiting mining right area. Through the prospecting activities they have identified the potential viability of implementing individual projects which will resurrect the existing mining right which is currently on care and maintenance. It is as a result of significant developments that arose during the initial consultation process that proceeding with the originally indentified projects immediately is not viable until additional research has been completed.

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The environmental authorisation will be required for the duration of the mining right. The current duration is until 2038, thereafter there is opportunity to renew the mining right should additional reserves be discovered. The environmental authorisation is therefore required for 22 years with the option to renew the authorisation



The aim of this section is to provide the details of the alternatives considered as part of this project with reference to the properties on which the activities will occur, the type of activities to be undertaken; the design or layout of the activities; the technology to be used; the operational aspects and the option of not implementing the activities. Alternatives consider:

Environmental features.

Current land uses.

Issues raised by Interested and Affected Parties.

During the draft scoping report, 4 different projects were proposed to be implemented (as describedin the the introduction). As a result of a number of factors, including feedback attained from the initial consultation process, at this point in time the option of not proceeding with the physical projects has been choosen.

Instead additional investigations will be performed which will include drilling activities and implementing additional specialist studies. Due to the limited impact and simplicity of drilling activities, no alternative site site layout are considered.

(i) Details of all alternatives considered

The following potential alternatives have been considered or exist; (a) The property on which or location where it is proposed to undertake the activity

In the draft scoping report the surface impact associated with each originally proposed project (which have now been removed from the application) included;

Gravity plant: To be located at SBN No.1 shaft on the RE of the farm Varkensfontein 169 IR.

Gold plant to be located on the RE of the farm Varkensfontein 169 IR.

Tailings facility to be located over ptns 29 & the RE of the farm Spaarwater 171 IR and ptns 65 & 42 of Grootfontein 165 IR.

Florida shaft to be located on ptn 20 of the farm Mairaisdrift 190 IR

9 & 2 incline shafts to be located on ptn 7 of the farm Mairaisdrift 190 IR.

Houtpoort 4 shaft to be located RE of ptn 5 of the farm Houtpoort 392 IR.

Houtpoort 3 shaft to be located RE of ERF 6859 of Heidelberg Ext 25. As a result of the information gathered during the initial consultation process all the physical projects have now been excluded from the application. The intentition is to now gather additional information before proceeding with any specific project. Information gathering will include implementing a drilling campaign and additional specialist investigations. These activities could take place on any of the properties covered by the application. The focus of future investigations will be within the following target areas;

Spaarwater area

Houtpoort area

Romola area (lying just to the north of Florida shaft)

Kaydale area However a number of restrictions will apply to the physical impact from drilling activities, namely;

No drilling will take place within 100m of a water course

No drilling will take place within 100m of a wetland

No physical drilling will take place within 50m of any infrastructure

Where possible only existing roads will be used to access any drill sitre

All identified heritage sites will avoided by more than 50m

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(b) The type of activity to be undertaken

For additional investigations, there are no alternatives to implementing drilling activities and futher specialist studies.

(c) The design or layout of the activity

When implementing drilling, each drill site will require an area of approximately 20 x 20m for the duration of the drilling activities. All of the drilling activities will be contained within the 20 x 20m demarcated area. There are no alternative design or layout options for the implementation of a drilling programme. See photo’s 1 and 2 above for an indication of the activities that will occur within the demarcated area’s.

(d) The technology to be used in the activity

No alternative technologies have been considered.

(e) The operational aspects of the activity

The alternative operational aspects include;

The timing of implementing drilling programme is not set. If necessary certain drill sites can be timed to occur during school terms or school holidays.

The time of implementing drilling activities during the course of the day. Ideally drill activities will occur contuniously until such time the hole is completed. If necessary certain holes can be drill for a 12 hour day and no drilling occurring during the night.

(f) The option of not implementing the activity

During the draft scoping report phase for the original projects, a number of significant developments have occurred, of which the main ones are;

During the initial consultation process it has come to the Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAP’s) attention that a township development application has been approved, which once constructed, will be located adjacent to the intended tailings dam footprint which FEG intended to utilise.

At the onset of the environmental application, FEG was 100% owned by Goliath Gold Mining Company Limited, previously a listed company on the JSE. During December 2015 the major shareholder of Goliath (Gold One Africa) bought out the remaining minority shareholders and delisted Goliath. Hence the management and stratergy for FEG has subsequently changed.

Both of the above significant developments have resulted in uncertainty surrounding the physical projects proposed in the draft scoping report for the future mining operation. Therefore FEG has opted at this point in time to only proceed with the incorporation of the prospecting rights into the mining right and not proceed with any of the other intended projects until the significant uncertainties have been investigated and resolved. The following projects contained within the draft scoping report will not form part of the continued application:

Project Phoenix:

CIL and Tailings facility:

Florida and 2 incline and 9 shaft:

Houtpoort 4 shaft:

Dewatering from Houtpoort 3 shaft:

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(ii) Details of the public participation process followed

This section describes the information provided to the community, landowners and interested and affected parties (I&APs) to inform them in sufficient detail of what the proposed project would entail, in order for them to assess what impact the operation would have on them or the use of their land. The initial consultation process rand from 04 November 2015 through to 07 December 2016. During the initial consultation process the original projects contained within the draft scoping report were communicated to I&AP’s. The following approach in undertaking the consultation process was adopted:

Identifying all known Interested and affected parties (I&AP’s) including:


Relevant Government Departments

Municipal councillors

Municipalities I&APs’ were captured on the I&AP database. See Appendix 3.1 for a copy of the existing database. A registered letter inclusive of a Background Information Document (BID) was sent out to all I&AP’s captured on the database where we could ascertain the applicable addresses. See Appendix 3.2 for a copy of the BID and an example of the letter and proof of sending of the registered letters. Where email addresses were obtained / available, an email including a BID was sent to all known I&AP’s. See Appendix 3.1 for an indication of where email addresses were available. Newspaper advertisements were placed in the Heidelberg / Nigel Heraut (04 November 2015) and the Brakpan Herald (06 November 2015). Refer to Appendix 3.3 for copies of the advertisements. Site notices were erected, at the following locations on 06 November 2015: - Lesedi Municipal Offices - Entrance to Heidelberg Mall - Entrance to Nigel Mall - Access road to the SBN No.1 shaft from the R51 - Closest residential area to the proposed tailings facility - Entrance to Tsakane Mall - Access road to Florida Shaft - National Road adjacent to the Houtpoort 4 shaft Refer to Appendix 3.4 for photographs depicting the location of where site notices were erected. All people who responded to the newspaper adverts and site notice were included on the I&AP register. To date the following one on one meetings have been held:

Andrew Vermark Properties (Pty) Ltd – 12 March 2015

Lesedi Local Municipality - 18 March 2015

A A F J Distribution CC (J.A Van Rooyen) – 14 April 2015

Department of Water and Sanitation – 21 September 2015

Department of Public Works (Solly Ncoane) – 21 October 2015

Ekurhuleni Municipality (Kenneth Musi) – 26 October 2015

A A F J Distribution CC (J.A Van Rooyen) – 26 October 2015

Lesedi Local Municipality (Jabu Marwa) – 28 October 2015

Applicable Ekurhuleni ward councillors – 19 November 2015

Land owners / land occupiers Refer to Appendix 3.5 for proof of the various meetings held to date. All landowners were requested to sign a registered and provided with a copy of the BID. All people met during the one on one meetings were captured on the I&AP register. Public meetings are to be held on

23rd Nov 2015 @ 18:00 at Monty Mountloung Hall, Duduza

24th Nov 2015 @ 18:00 at Jameson Park Community Hall These public meetings were advertised in the newspaper adverts, on the site notices, within the BID and on all letters and emails sent out to interested and affected parties. Refer to Appendix 3.6 for a copy of the presentation provided, the attendance register and minutes of the public meetings.

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The draft Scoping Report was released for a 30-day comment period from 06 November 2015 to 07 December 2015. Copies of the Draft Scoping Report have been made available at the following locations:

Offices of Umhlaba Environmental Consulting CC; and

On the Umhlaba website (

A copy of all feedback received from I&AP’s to date is captured in Appendix 3.7.

A consolidated summary of the main issues raised (linked to the areas in which the concerns were raised) in combination are as follows:


1) Impact of blasting / underground mining on surface stability. 2) Crime at each of the shafts proposed to be used and guarantees on how the mine will control employees

and control job seekers from squatting close to the shafts. 3) Potential for devaluation of property around areas where surface impacts were proposed. 4) Surface rental agreements to be in place on land used by the mine. 5) Socio-economic impact of the mining operations needs to be investigated in detail (both the positive and

negative impacts) 6) Procurement / employment strategy for the future mine. Many people want to know how they can gain

employment or how the mine will make use of their company. 7) The need to explain the dynamics of the community trust component of the BEE agreement. Community

ownership was raised during one of the public meetings. 8) Traffic impacts and suitability and status of roads which would have been used by the mine. 9) Rehabiliation commitments of the mine

Houtpoort 4 shaft:

1) Cannot use the old mine road through the farming property. Suitable alterntive routes needs to be investigated by the traffic engineer.

2) A number of I&AP’s have raised concerns around the suitability of the Balfour road for the mine trucks. 3) Dewatering from Houtpoort 3 shaft will result in farmers boreholes drying up. According to one farmer

historically this occurred when mining was taking place in the past. Should this happen all farmers in the area have indicated that the mine will have to commit to providing them there water needs.

4) Ecological impact of mining on indigenous fauna and flora (black eagles / Heidelberg copper butterfly). 5) Heritage concerns raised.

SBN No.1 shaft / tailings dam:

1) Concern about status of access road to the SBN No.1 shaft. 2) A township development has been approved by the Human Settlement Department of Ekurhuleni which

would border the proposed tailings facility. This is one of the significant uncertainties that the mine needs to resolve.

3) Rehabilitation commitments of the mine to the tailings facility. 4) Following concerns raised about the tailings footprint: Dust, Noise, Groundwater pollution, Radiation

concerns, Impact on animals, safety concerns, need to relocate people living adjacent to the dam.

Florida shaft and surrounds:

1) The impact of dewatering on surround landowners boreholes. 2) Cannot use the existing access road to Florida shaft as it is a private road and used to emergency

medical reasons frequently. 3) The impact the mine will have on the Blesbokspruit water quality. 4) Noise impacting on surrounding landowners 5) Bullfrogs and wetlands in close proximity to the shafts

The table below provides a summary of the issues raised to date and feedback from FEG. The FEG feedback considers the significant change in the application.

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(iii) Summary of issues raised by I&APs

(Complete the table summarising comments and issues raised, and reaction to those responses). – To be completed after consultation process.

INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES List the names of persons consulted in this column, and those who must be consulted were in fact consulted, marked as; RM=Registered mail, E=Email, M=Meeting TC= Telephonic call PM= Public Meeting





A & M International Trust None None Still trying to identify the correct person to consult with.

A A F J Distribution cc E+M 26 October 2015 (On site) During a meeting with Mr van Rooyen he indicated he has no objection to the proposed application on condition that the current access road from the shaft to the public road be utilised. No road through the middle of the farm will be supported.

Minimal traffic will be created as a result of the additional invesitation required as a result of the extended mining right area. The existing access road from the public road to the SBN No.1 shaft will be used.

Adzam Trading 146 (Pty) Ltd RM None

A B Alderson None None

Andrew Vermaak Properties (Pty) Ltd RM+M Completed comment form (Meeting at residence) 12 November 2015

No objection. The only concern was with the utilisation of access road from the R42 through to Sub Nigel No.1 shaft and the maintenance thereof

Minimal traffic will be created as a result of the additional invesitation required as a result of the extended mining right area. The existing access road from the public road to the SBN No.1 shaft will be used.

Maria Susanna Petronella Bosh E No written comments received to date

Ernest Albert Boy RM+M Meeting on property 12 November 2015) Public Meeting 24 November 2015. Completed comment form

His concerns included:

If the mine conducts dewatering from the Houtpoort 3shaft that his boreholes will run dry. He stated that during historic mining operations in the past his boreholes went dry.

He suggested that a dam be built and borehole sunk to have water decanting therein.

No access roads are to be permitted on his property

Concern that houses are going to crack from underground mining

Animal theft is going to escalate

Further studies will be undertaken with regard the dewatering and affect it might have on the other underground water users within the area. This will be undertaken as part of the future investigation required for the extended mining area.

Due to not proceeding with the application for dewatering, there will be no impact on groundwater levels as a result of the mine.

No access roads will be utilised alternative roads will be investigated as part of the future investigations.

A rock mechanics report will be compiled as part of the future investigations.

As a result of excluding projects that may affect his property, the risk of theft as a result of the mine is absolved.

David Shephanus Brand None

Abel Joshua Brinkman None

British American Tabacco Property S A (Pty) Ltd E Completed comment form 25 November 2015

Will the mining affect water supply of BAT Further studies will be undertaken with regard the dewatering and affect it might have on the other underground water users. This will be undertaken as part of the future investigation required for the extended mining area.

Due to not proceeding with the application for dewatering, there will be no impact on groundwater levels as a result of the mine.

George Frederik de Bruin None

Esmarie Christina de Bruyn None

Willem van Heerden de Bruin None

Business Harmony 34 (Pty) Ltd RM No written comments received to date

Calibra Mining Corporation (Pty) Ltd RM No written comments received to date

Celeta Ondernemings (Pty) Ltd RM No written comments received to date

Classic Crown Properties 186 cc RM No written comments received to date

Dina Sussanna Dalziel None

David Jeffery Family Trust

M Meeting on property 19 November 2015) Public Meeting 24 November 2015. Comments received 7 December 2015

Mrs Jeffreys foresees problems with crime due to the high number of employees.

Safety is her main concern wants the mine to commit to electric fencing her property.

Mining company to provide strategy to keep workers from crossing property to town. To ensure safety electric fencing around housing etc. needed.

What impact will explosions have on infrastructure and which times will the explosions take place.

Borehole water is a problem at the moment how will the dewatering affect the current water situation

How will the mine ensure that squatter camps not being established on the mine and surrounding properties

The owner has initiated a development for a Eco Old Age Home for the development of 400 houses on the property how will this affect the development

How will the traffic influence the nearby main road.

Concerned about the noise levels from the mine

All of the above will devalue her property. How will the mine compensate for this.

As a result of only proceeding with the extending of the mining right, the valid concerns raised, should not materialise as a result of the additional investigations.

In order to ensure information is gathered to be able to respond in future to similar concerns, as part of the future investigations, FEG will commission;

A rock mechanics report to address stability concerns.

Develop a security plan to ensure that potential movement of employees at shafts is controlled and that employees do not represent a security risk to surrounding landowners.

Groundwater investigations to investigate water impacts

Undertake a traffic impact assessment

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INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES List the names of persons consulted in this column, and those who must be consulted were in fact consulted, marked as; RM=Registered mail, E=Email, M=Meeting TC= Telephonic call PM= Public Meeting



Mrs Jeffreys enquired about the utilisation of the water pumped from the shaft for irrigation purposes

Dimba Magagane Projects (Pty) Ltd RM No written comments received to date

Steven Charles Dyke E No written comments received to date

Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality E+M Meeting 26 October 2015. Meeting 17 November 2015 No written comments received to date Ward Councillors meeting 18 November 2015

The matters will be referred to the council once the Scoping Report has been perused.

Surface rental agreement should also be negotiated

Conference calls were made to various departments during which it was promised that comments will be compiled before the end of the day.

Ekurhuleni have approved a township development (Bluegumview X7) which would result in 500 houses being built adjacent to the proposed tailings facility. As a result of this development the Human settlement Department of Ekurhuleni can not support the application

As a result of the change activities, no surface rental agreement will be required. Should future drilling activities take place on land owned by the Municipality, FEG will obtain permission to enter the land prior to accessing the land. As a result of the proposed township development FEG have decided to amend their application (to exclude the need for a tailings dam at this point in time) in order to investigate the implications of the township and if necessary determine a suitable alternative site for the development of a future TSF.

Ergo Mining (Pty) Ltd E+M DRD office meeting 11 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Meeting with Neville Lane and Greg Owens. The main concerned raised was the undermining of the slimes dams. Mr Owens also said they are currently negotiating a sales agreement with Willcot to purchase the properties and slimes dams affected by the application.

No under mining will take place near the Ergo slimes dams

G D J Durstenburg None

Eskort Ltd RM No written comments received to date

Gani Motors (Pty) Ltd None

C B Glad

Glowing Sunset Trading 273 cc RM No written comments received to date

Willem Christiaan Greyling None

David Grimbeek None

B J Grobler/ Jannie Geyser E No written comments received to date

E P Grobler None

Groenpoort Beleggings (Pty) Ltd E+M Meeting on property on 11 November 2015. Completed comment form

No objection against application. Mr Beaurain was asked if the old mine road can be utilised through his property to transport ore to SBN no 1 shaft. He replied no access though his property is allowed an alternative route should be planned.

Due to a change in the application, the Houtpoort project does not form part of this application, hence the need for use of the access road has been removed. A traffic impact assessment will be undertaken to determine future suitable routes that could be used by the mine.

Franciscus Gerard De Groot RM No written comments received to date

H B Familie Trust RM+M Meeting on property 12 November 2015) Public Meeting 24 November 2015. Completed comment form

His concerns included:

If the mine conducts dewatering from the Houtpoort 3shaft that his boreholes will run dry. He stated that during historic mining operations in the past his boreholes went dry. He suggested that a dam be built and borehole sunk to have water decanting therein.

No access roads are to be permitted on his property

Concern that houses are going to crack from underground mining

Animal theft is going to escalate

Due to a change in the application none of his valid conerns should materialise. In order to be in a position to answer his concerns the following further studies will be commissioned:

Further studies will be undertaken with regard the dewatering and affect it might have on the other underground water users. This will be undertaken as part of the future investigation required for the extended mining area.

No access roads will be utilised alternative roads will be investigated

A rock mechanics report will be compiled as part of the future investigations.

As a result of excluding projects that may affect his property, the risk of theft as a result of the mine is absolved.

Rudolph Hansen RM No written comments received to date

H R A Investments (Pty) Ltd RM No written comments received to date

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INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES List the names of persons consulted in this column, and those who must be consulted were in fact consulted, marked as; RM=Registered mail, E=Email, M=Meeting TC= Telephonic call PM= Public Meeting



Johnny Christoffel Hattingh M Meeting at I&AP work on 1 December 2015. Completed comment form

Security fencing

Vibrations due to blasting

Effect of dewatering on boreholes


Increase in traffic

Pollution of the Blesbokspruit

Compensation for use of servitude

Decrease in property value

As a result of not proceeding with the Florida shaft project as part of this application, the valid concerns raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will:

Develop a security plan should future activities take place in the area

Comission a rock mechanic report as part of future investigations

Comission a traffic impact assessment

Undertake a detailed groundwater investigation

Investigate the possible impact on the Blesbokspruit

As a result of the change of approach, there will be no significant impact on property as a result of the activities covered by the amended application.

Erol Roland Hirschowitz, None

Jan van Heerden None

Heidelberg Eiers & Meule (Pty) Ltd RM No written comments received to date

Heikloof Beleggings Cc RM No written comments received to date

Herlee 1000 Cc RM No written comments received to date

Hlohwane Properties Cc RM No written comments received to date

Holcim South Africa (Pty) Ltd E No written comments received to date

Karel Gottlieb Holl M Public Meeting 24 November 2015. Comments received 7 December 2015

Impact on red data species

Impact on Aardwolf, Black-backed Jackal, small ungulates and bird species Owls

Impact on Spring originating from mine dam

Impact on historical structures

Impact on boreholes

Safety of residents and school children

Air pollution

Purchasing of properties

Rehabilitation requirements

As a result of not proceeding with the Houtpoort project as part of this application, the valid concerns raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Undertake an ecological study for the Houtpoort area

Develop a security plan should future activities take place in the area

Comission a rock mechanic report as part of future investigations

Comission a traffic impact assessment

Undertake a detailed groundwater investigation

Investigate the possible impact on the spring

Undertake an ecological assessment As a result of the change of approach, there will be no significant impact on property.

Selemegreens (Pty) Ltd RM+M Meeting on Property 19 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Main concern are the quality of the water in the Blesbokspriot as the farm utilises the water for vegetable farming Will stockpiles be constructed which will cause dust. The market to be supplied to will not accept vegetables if it is dust contaminated. Will worker stay on property.

As a result of not proceeding with the Florida project as part of this application, the valid concerns raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Undertake a detailed investigation on the Blesbokspruit

Kaydale Estates Cc RM+M Meeting on Property 19 Nov 2015 No written comments received to date

No objection the mining activities will not interfere

Koekemoer Familie Trust E+M Meeting on Property 11 November 2015. Public Meeting 24 November 2015 Written comments received 4 December 2015

The main concerns include:

Concern about surface subsidence as a result of mining. Is his property going to be undermined.

Damage caused to his houses due to the use of explosives.

Water resources be negatively affected. Enquiries were made to utilise dewatered water for irrigation purposes.


Traffic. Need to create a separate road for access from the R42.

Depreciation of the value of our property.

Littering on the property

Another issue to be raised will be that of general nosiness of your employees and affiliates.

Through fare on property to gain access to shops

Noise and dust control measures.

As a result of not proceeding with the Florida shaft project as part of this application, the valid concerns raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Develop a security plan should future activities take place in the area

Comission a rock mechanic report as part of future investigations

Comission a traffic impact assessment - looking at alternative access routes

Complete a social impact assessment

Undertake a detailed groundwater investigation

Investigate the possible impact on the Blesbokspruit

As a result of the change of approach, there will be no significant impact on property as a result of the activities covered by the amended application.

Ronel Kruger None

Lanser Familie Trust None

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INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES List the names of persons consulted in this column, and those who must be consulted were in fact consulted, marked as; RM=Registered mail, E=Email, M=Meeting TC= Telephonic call PM= Public Meeting



Lesedi Local Municipality E+M Meeting at Lesedi on 28 October 2015. No written comments received to date

The property (Portion 7 of Marisdrift) is currently being utilised for grazing what impact will the proposed operations have on it?

Clarification should be obtained with regard to the utilization of the access road (servitude) to access the shaft and infrastructure.

Concerns were raised in respect of the close proximity of infrastructure to the wetland areas.

The utilisation of the property will be subject to a surface rental agreement.

The matter will be referred to the environmental department and then to the Municipal Manager. This could be expedited if the consent is given subject to a surface rental agreement being agreed upon.

As a result of not proceeding with the Florida shaft project as part of this application, the valid concerns raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Comission a traffic impact assessment - looking at alternative access routes

Complete a social impact assessment

Complete a wetland assessment As a result of the change of approach, there will be no significant impact on property as a result of the activities covered by the amended application.

Louise Pateur Investments Ltd None

Lubbe Construction (Pty) Ltd RM No written comments received to date

T B Luvhimbi None

G Marias & S Coetser None

Hester Elsa Marais M Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Derek Alan Marusich M Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Raised concerns about potential impact on heritage sites within the area. Concerned about the impact of mine dewatering on his borehole water supply.

As a result of not proceeding with the Houtpoort project as part of this application, the valid concerns raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Comission a phase 1 heritage survey for all areas with a surface impact

Complete a detailed geohydrological study to determine the impact of potential future dewatering.

As a result of the change of approach, there will be no significant impact on property as a result of the activities covered by the amended application.

Oupa Patrick Mashele TC+M Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Concerned about undermining No undermining will take place under the property

Meyer & Meyer Eiendoms Ontwikkeling cc RM No written comments received to date

Petrus Hendrik Meyer None

Migonette cc RM No written comments received to date

Mirna-Ann Mulder E Meeting 23 November 2015. Public meeting 24 November 215. Public comment form completed 23 November 2015

Roads not built for big trucks road transport is a problem use conveyor or cable transport

Use of explosives will cause houses to crack

Contamination of water into river containing cyanide

Where will change house, office be placed at No 4 Shaft

As a result of not proceeding with the Houtpoort project as part of this application, the valid concerns raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Comission a rock mechanic report as part of future investigations

Comission a traffic impact assessment

Undertake a detailed groundwater investigation

Develop detailed site layout plans As a result of the change of approach, there will be no significant impact on property.

Multi-Waste (Pty) Ltd RM No written comments received to date

Willem Johannes Nel/Thea & Sybrandt de Villiers M Meeting on property on 19 November 2015. Public Meeting 24 November 2015 Completed comment form

Main concern is the underground water source being influenced

Security/animal theft

Cracking of buildings

Excessive traffic transporting ore to Nigel

Dust emissions due to slimes dam

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concerns raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Comission a rock mechanic report as part of future investigations

Develop a security plan

Comission a traffic impact assessment

Undertake a detailed groundwater investigation As a result of the change of approach, there will be no significant impact on property.

New Mining Corporation Ltd E No written comments received to date

Nigel Italian Club E+TC Telephonic call 18 November 2015 between A Nicolson and Mino

No objection. Concerned about the state of the road passing the club. As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Comission a traffic impact assessment

Nkomo Properties Cc None

Noycedale Farm (Pty) Ltd RM+M Meeting on Property 11 November 2015. No written comments received to date

A meeting was held with Mr Gerhard Grundeling in respect of which his wife's family owns the property. The concerns raised were undermining Influence of water in the Blesbokspruit.

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concerns raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Comission a rock mechanic report as part of future investigations

Determine the current status of the Blesbokspruit and investigate the impact of potential future mining activities.

As a result of the change of approach, there will be no significant impact on property.

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INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES List the names of persons consulted in this column, and those who must be consulted were in fact consulted, marked as; RM=Registered mail, E=Email, M=Meeting TC= Telephonic call PM= Public Meeting



Nulane Investments 64 (Pty) Ltd RM No written comments received to date

Stephanus Oosthuizen E No written comments received to date

Johan Georg Meyer Plessis du None

N C Pretorius None

Rafiki Construction (Pty) Ltd RM No written comments received to date

Real Time Investments 515 cc RM No written comments received to date

Releylec Properties Development (Pty) Ltd RM No written comments received to date

Maria Elizabeth van Rensburg None

J M Robeiro No written comments received to date

Royale Energy Ltd RM No written comments received to date

RSA E+M Meeting office Public Works 21 October 2015 No written comments received to date

A meeting was held with Mr Solly Ncoane on 21 October 2015. He said that a meeting can only be launched if the environmental impact have been identified. A surface rental agreement should also be negotiated.

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the requirement of a surface rental agreement falls away. All landowners will be contacted before any further investigations take place on their land.

S A National Roads Agency Ltd RM No written comments received to date

Safy Trust None

Schilt Familietrust M Meeting on property 18 November 2015 No written comments received to date

Main concern is the dewatering of water causing boreholes to dry up As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Comission a geotechnical investigation to determine the impact of dewatering on surrounding boreholes.

Nolan Albert Carl Schultz None

Sedcom RM Received comment from via email dated 20 November 2015

Concerned about noise, pollution crime and effect on environment As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Comission a baseline noise studies.

Undertake a social impact assessment

Sign & Seal Trading 72 (Pty) Ltd RM

S H S Smith None

Etienne Johannes Spies RM+M Meeting on Property 11 November 2015. Comments received 6 December 2015

Water pollution of the Blesbokspruit. Unauthorised access by workers on property

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Commission relevant studies to determined the potential impact on the Blesboskpruit.

Develop security plans for each active shaft area.

Spies Familie Boerdery cc RM No written comments received to date

Suikerbosgebou cc RM No written comments received to date

Tedpeg Investments (Pty) Ltd RM No written comments received to date

Lourens Thysse M Meeting on property 18 November 2015 Completed comment form

No objection

Trade Windows No 2 (Pty) Ltd RM No written comments received to date

Transnet Ltd E No written comments received to date

The Treetrust Agricultural Company (Pty) Ltd E+M Meeting on Property 12 November 2015. Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Concerned about water pollution and influence of borehole water. Concern was raised pertaining to the nesting of the Black Eagle in the mountain on her property. A number of known heritage sites exist in the area

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Commission relevant studies to determined the potential geohydrological impact.

Commission a phase 1 heritgae impact assessment

Undertake an assessment for black eagles in the vicinity of Houtpoort

Valobex 171 cc RM No written comments received to date

Daniel Martin Verster None No written comments received to date

Victorlan Investments (Pty) Ltd RM No written comments received to date

Mark Daniel Van Rooyen E No written comments received to date

Christiaan Verster RM No written comments received to date

Vlakfontein Gold Mining Company Ltd E No written comments received to date

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INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES List the names of persons consulted in this column, and those who must be consulted were in fact consulted, marked as; RM=Registered mail, E=Email, M=Meeting TC= Telephonic call PM= Public Meeting



Daniel Christoffel Jansen van Vuuren M Public meeting 24 November 2015. Completed comment form

Dewatering will cause negative effect on boreholes Crime Concerned not having a quite and safe life

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Undertake an appropriate geohydrological study

Develop a security plan for area where there may be a physical impact

Comission a baseline noise studies.

Undertake a social impact assessment

Pieter Weerheim /V Reddy M Meeting on property 19 November 2015) No written comments received to date

Only concern was water As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Undertake an appropriate geohydrological study

Wentner Trading (Pty) Ltd RM No written comments received to date

Weskus Auto (Pty) Ltd RM No written comments received to date

Paul Keith Whittal None

B M Willemse None

Neville George Stratford Wilson None

Loyda Wolmarans None

Xylonor 399 cc RM+M Public Meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Yik Ho Sanli Properties Development (Pty) Ltd RM No written comments received to date

Suzette van Aard None

Dewaldt None

Danie None

Mamashele TC Spoke telephonically 23 November 2015

Sandile Mshibi M Meeting on Property 23 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Concerned about blasting and cracking of homes As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Undertake an appropriate rock mechnic study


Philomon Nkosi M Meeting on Property 23 November 2015. Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Concerned if future mining extends to his property Cracking of buildings Sinkholes

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Undertake an appropriate rock mechanic study

As the area is not dolomitic, the risk of sinkhole formation is insignificant.

Karlo Germishuys M Meeting on property 23 November 2015. No written comments received to date

He will provide the BID to his son when he comes home

Joseph Nhlapo M Meeting on property 23 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Shock vibrations Boreholes Crime will SAPS be involved illegal miners etc.

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Undertake an appropriate rock mechnic study

Undertake the appropriate geohydrological investigation

Develop a security plan to document how future workers will be controlled and how the mine will handle potential illegal miners

Charles Mkwenda M Meeting on property 23 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Will the property be taken away No

Brian Masibuku M Meeting on property 23 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Undermining No undermining, which could have an impact on surface, will take place in close proximity to residential area. This will be confirmed through the commissioning of a relevant rock mechanic report

M B Mkasi M Meeting on property 23 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Will shafts near plots be utilised Not based on the current application.

Sibongile Sangweni L C Chansisa

M Meeting on property 23 November 2015. Public Meeting 24 November 2015. Completed comment form

Air pollution Traffic will increase on the roads Property de-valuating Cracking of buildings

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Undertake an appropriate rock mechanic study

Undertake an appropriate traffic impact assessment

Determine current baseline air quality levels

Simon Gansa Elias Gansa

M Meeting on property 23 November 2015. Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

No objection

Neels du Plessis M Meeting on property 23 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Water As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Undertake an appropriate geohydrological study

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INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES List the names of persons consulted in this column, and those who must be consulted were in fact consulted, marked as; RM=Registered mail, E=Email, M=Meeting TC= Telephonic call PM= Public Meeting



Paul Le Roux M Meeting on property 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

No objection, local people to be employed Where possible local people will be employed

Tryoibe Nyakp M Meeting on property 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Dust As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise.

S P Sambo M Meeting on property 24 November 2015. Public meeting 24 November 2015. Completed comment form

Enquired about transportation opportunities for mining purposes Will the mining include opencast mining activities How will the community benefit from the project. Need details of projects

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the socio-economic opportunities (employment and procurement) will not materialise. The social and labour plan will be updated to reflect the change in course by the mine.

J Theron M Meeting on property 24 November 2015. Completed Comment form

Benefit Community Local jobs Correct environmental studies would be done

Local employment will be considered first Relevant environmental studies will be commissioned during the future investigations.

Precious Mjamela M Meeting on property 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

M Ismail M Meeting on property 24 November 2015. Public meeting 24 November 2015 Completed comment form

In general no objection will forward to committee for comments. No comments completed on comment form

Regina Zondo M Meeting on property 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Y E van der Sandt M Meeting on property 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

No objection must employ local people Local employment will be preferred.

J C Kleynhans M Meeting on property 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Lucia Masimula M Meeting on property 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Undermining Cracking of houses

No undermining will take place in close proximity to property

Lawful Occupier/s of the Land

A Shubane (RSA) RM No written comments received to date

Janette Williams (RSA) RM No written comments received to date

Paulus Thobgane (RSA) RM No written comments received to date

J J Snyman (RSA) RM No written comments received to date

James (RSA) RM No written comments received to date

Dan (RSA) RM No written comments received to date

C van der Westhuizen (RSA) RM No written comments received to date

Simon Feni (RSA) RM No written comments received to date

S J Kumalo (RSA) RM No written comments received to date

N L Motsoene (RSA) RM No written comments received to date

T B Tshehlo (RSA) RM No written comments received to date

Regional Chagi (RSA) RM No written comments received to date

Maxwell Shumba (Renting) Jackie Gouuvea

M Meeting at residence 13 November 2015. No written comments reviewed to date

Main concerns dust and noise As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Undertake an appropriate baseline noise study

Determine current baseline air quality levels

Lovemore Nyasadza M Meeting at residence 13 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Main concerns dust and noise As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Undertake an appropriate baseline noise study

Determine current baseline air quality levels

Sobanto Solomon Gwavu M Meeting at residence 13 November 2015. No written commennts received to date

Main concerns dust and noise As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Undertake an appropriate baseline noise study

Determine current baseline air quality levels

Sibongile Manjama M Meeting at residence 13 November 2015. Attended public meeting 23 November 2015. Completed comment form.

Concerned about water and use of chemicals Employ local residence

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. The socio-economic opportunities (employment and procurement) will not materialise. The social and labour plan will be updated to reflect the change in course by the mine.

Margeret Pretorius M Meeting at residence 17 November 2015. Completed comment form.

Concerned about explosives being used. No objection to proposed project As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, no explosives will be used.

Florence Ndlela M Meeting at residence 17 November 2015. Completed comment form

No objection/comments

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INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES List the names of persons consulted in this column, and those who must be consulted were in fact consulted, marked as; RM=Registered mail, E=Email, M=Meeting TC= Telephonic call PM= Public Meeting



Newman Mashiba M Meeting at residence 17 November 2015. Attended public meeting 23 November 2015 Completed comment form

No objection dust is already a problem Create local employment maintain roads

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Determine current baseline air quality levels

Undertake the necessary traffic impact assessment Due to not going ahead with the projects, no employment opportunites will arise at this point in time. As and when FEG employ preference will be given to locals who have the required skills.

Gouws M Meeting at residence 17 November 2015. No written commennts received to date

No objection will forward comments Comment form can be left at security at SBN No 1 shaft

Frelidiger M Meeting at residence 17 November 2015. No written commennts received to date

No objection will forward comments Comment form can be left at security at SBN No 1 shaft

Lynette Potgieter M Meeting at residence 17 November 2015. No written commennts received to date

Concerned that the mine will take the houses Dust and noise

The houses will not be taken by the mine. As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise.

Corrie Stapelberg M Meeting at residence 17 November 2015. Attended public meeting 23 November 2015. Completed comment form

Employ local people Concerned about dust and noise Maintenance of road

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Determine current baseline air quality levels

Determine the baseline noise levels

Undertake the necessary traffic impact assessment Due to not going ahead with the projects, no employment opportunites will arise at this point in time. As and when FEG employ preference will be given to locals who have the required skills.

Hazel Du Toit M Meeting at residence 17 November 2015. Completed comment form

No objection Concerned about dust and noise

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Determine current baseline air quality levels

Determine the baseline noise levels

Susanna Roedolf M Meeting at residence 17 November 2015. No written commennts received to date

No objection will forward comments Comment form can be left at security at SBN No 1 shaft

M O Mofolla M Meeting at residence 17 November 2015. No written commennts received to date

No objection project will create jobs Comment form can be left at security at SBN No 1 shaft

A van Rooyen M Meeting at residence 17 November 2015. No written commennts received to date

Will provide BID to husband and complete form Comment form can be left at security at SBN No 1 shaft

Landowners or Lawful Occupiers on Adjacent Properties

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, no adjacent landowner / occupier will be impacted by the proposed way forward.

Municipal Councillors

11-Nov-15 Spoke to the PA of the Speaker of the house for a request to arrange a meeting with the ward councillors. A meeting was held with the Speaker (Councillor Patricia Komalo) of Ekurhuleni on 11 November to discuss the project to enable her to arrange a meeting with the various ward councillors. It was requested to invite all councillors to a meeting and to provide the information of the relevant community leader within their wards . Cllr Komalo said she will arrange a third meeting between the Mine and Councillors and community leaders in order not to create confusion. Email will be sent to confirm dates.

Ward councillor meeting took place on the 18th of November 2015

Cnl Shabangu, Samson Pieterson Ekurhuleni Ward 76

Meeting at Ekurhuleni Customer Care Centre 18 November 2015

Cnl Busakwe, Johannes Wilson Ekurhuleni Ward 77

Cnl Ndita, Mtumeleni Ekurhuleni Ward 81 The councillor said they could not provide comments as the they will, as representatives of the community have to consult with the community. Does the old Vlakfontein Mine affect the proposed application.

No mining is currently placed on the area even though it does form part of the extended mining area

Cnl Saul, Tshidiso Joseph Ekurhuleni Ward 82

Cnl Kodisang, Shimane Cornelius Ekurhuleni Ward 83

In the presentation only Duduza was mentioned. Tsakane is also affected and how are the communities of Tsakane going to be involved in the consultation process and how are the going to transported to meetings, as meetings were only arranged in Duduza and Nigel

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the potential impact on any community is removed. Hence the need for consultation with Tsakane is no longer necessary as no one in Tsakane will be effected by the activities proposed in the final scoping plan.Should physical projects be commissioned in future, Tsakane will be consulted.

Cnl Letsimo, Silas Thabo Ekurhuleni Ward 84 It is uncertain what is meant by the statement of community leaders. Ward councillors have been elected by the community to represent the community. The term community leader is subject to abuse. You could find yourself having meetings within meetings if community leaders are involved. The meeting to be held on the 23 November should be convened by the councillors.

It was understood that the are substructures to the Ward Councillors. It was for this reason that the Speaker was approached to arrange a Ward Councillors meeting which in turn will get such substructures involved in the process.

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INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES List the names of persons consulted in this column, and those who must be consulted were in fact consulted, marked as; RM=Registered mail, E=Email, M=Meeting TC= Telephonic call PM= Public Meeting



Cnl Mnguni, Nomalanga Annah Ekurhuleni Ward 85 Tsakane, Duduza and Kwhatema councillors and committees work together and after these meeting have been held a third meeting could be held in Tsakane.

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the potential impact on any community is removed. Hence the need for consultation with Tsakane is no longer necessary as no one in Tsakane will be effected by the activities proposed in the final scoping plan.

Cnl Mbonani, Theresia Phindile Ekurhuleni Ward 86 How long does it take to obtain a mining right? If the right is not granted what will happen?

Mining rights may be granted within 300 days which includes water use licence. This licence if all goes well might be granted within 1 year. If the right is refused an appeal process can be followed.

Cnl Motaung, Tefo Patrick Ekurhuleni Ward 87 The councillor is concerned that the applicant has not received comments from the various departments within the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality. Township development for 2300 houses next to the slimes dam and clarification should be given why comments have not been received. How will the mine deal with dust and emission levels? How will the community benefit from the proposed project such as the development of training centres and schools? Reference was also made in respect that mines has the obligation to provide support to the community. The councillor sees the need for training centres for maths and science as there is a great need to educate people to have meaningful jobs. This should be at school level.

Consultation with officials commenced on 27 November and no comments were received to date of the said meeting. The day prior to the meeting with the councillors officials promised to provide their comments. A conference call was made in Mr Muzi's office with all relevant departments in order to explain the urgency off receiving comments. It was the intention to provide the comments during the councillors meeting but no comments were received. Once comments have been received it will be forwarded via email to all attending councillors. As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the potential impact on any community is removed. Due to not going ahead with the projects, no employment opportunites will arise at this point in time. As and when FEG employ preference will be given to locals who have the required skills.

Cnl Labuschagne, Wally Ekurhuleni Ward 88

Cnl Mabena, Nthatane Anna Ekurhuleni Ward 98

Cnl Mabaso, Claud Ntemane Ekurhuleni Ward 99

Cnl Morris Chauke The term "East Rand" referred to in the documentation is not correct and should read former East Rand and now Ekurhuleni. Will mining only commence once a mining right has been granted. Transport must be arranged to ensure that the entire affected community be involved in the consultation process. The community leaders referred to earlier should actually be ward committee members which needs to be involved other wise known as the Ward Sectoral Forum.

Future referencing in documentation will refer to the applicable Municipality. As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the potential impact on any community is removed. Hence the need for future consultation with the community is obsolete at this point in time.

J Phahlane Lesedi Ward 7 Speaker has to arranged a meeting with Lesedi Ward Councillors

To date no meeting date has been provided.

RS Loubser Lesedi Ward 8

Lesedi Ward 9

GL Coetzee Lesedi Ward 10

MK Rakitla Lesedi Ward 11


Lesedi Local Municipality E+M Meeting at Lesedi on 28 October 2015. No written comments received to date

The property (Portion 7 of Marisdrift) is currently being utilised for grazing what impact will the proposed operations have on it?

Clarification should be obtained with regard to the utilization of the access road (servitude) to access the shaft and infrastructure.

Concerns were raised in respect of the close proximity of infrastructure to the wetland areas.

The utilisation of the property will be subject to a surface rental agreement. The matter will be referred to the environmental department and then to the Municipal Manager. This could be expedited if the consent is given subject to a surface rental agreement being agreed upon.

As a result of not proceeding with the Florida shaft project as part of this application, the valid concerns raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Comission a traffic impact assessment - looking at alternative access routes

Commission a wetland assessment

Complete a social impact assessment As a result of the change of approach, there will be no significant impact on property as a result of the activities covered by the amended application.

Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality E+M Meeting 26 October 2015. Meeting 17 November 2015 No written comments received to date Ward Councillors meeting 18 November 2015

The matters will be referred to the council once the Scoping Report has been perused. Surface rental agreement should also be negotiated Conference calls were made to various departments during which it was promised that comments will be compiled before the end of the day. Ekurhuleni have approved a township development (Bluegumview X7) which would result in 500 houses being built adjacent to the proposed tailings facility. As a result of this development the Human settlement Department of Ekurhuleni can not support the application

As a result of not proceeding with any of the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concerns raised will not materialise. FEG will communicate with Ekurhuleni concerning other viable sites to be used as a tailings facility.

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INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES List the names of persons consulted in this column, and those who must be consulted were in fact consulted, marked as; RM=Registered mail, E=Email, M=Meeting TC= Telephonic call PM= Public Meeting



Organs of State (Responsible for infrastructure that may be affected Eg. Roads Department, Eskom, Telkom, DWA)

Eskom RM Comments received 13 January 2015 No objection subject to the following terms and conditions:

Rights and services must be respected at all times

Retain unobstructed access to and egress from its servitudes

The consent does not relieve the applicant from obtaining the necessary statutory, land owner or municipal approvals

Applicant will adhere to all environmental legislation. Any cost incurred as a result of non compliance will be charged to the applicant.

No construction or excavation work shall take place within 23.5 metres from any powerline structure.

If costs are incurred in order to comply with statutory clearances due to applicants activities cost will be to applicant

No explosives to be used within 500 metres from services without prior permission. If permission is granted applicant must give 14 working days prior notice before blasting.

Changes to ground level may not infringe statutory ground to conductor clearance. After any changes in ground level the surface shall be rehabilitated and stabilised according to Eskom specifications.

Eskom shall not be held responsible for the death or injury to any person or to the loss of or damage to any property whether as a result of the encroachment or of the use of the servitude area by the applicant. The applicant indemnifies Eskom against loss, claims or damages including claims pertaining to consequential damages by third parties and whether as a result to or interruption of or the interference with services or apparatus or otherwise. Eskom will not be held responsible for damages to the applicants equipment.

No mechanical equipment, including mechanical excavators or high lifting machinery, shall be used in the vicinity of apparatus and or services, without prior written permission. Seven working days notice must be given before commencement.

No activities in the vicinity of the power lines shall commence unless Eskom has received written acceptance of the conditions within 30 days of the date of comments.

Rights and duties in the servitude shall be accepted as having prior right at all times and shall no be obstructed or interfered with.

No rubble, earth or other material shall be dumped within the servitude restriction area.

The applicant shall be liable for the cost of any remedial action which has to be carried out. The clearance live electrical equipment and construction work shall be observed according to law.

Equipment shall be regarded as electrically live and therefore dangerous at all times.

Construction of houses or structures occupied but human beings will not be allowed under or within the servitude restriction area.

Eskom will stipulate any additional requirements to eliminate any possible exposure to customers or public coming into contact or be exposed to any of Eskom's plant. It is required of the applicant to familiarise himself with the safety hazards of the electrical plant.

As a result of not proceeding with any of the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concerns raised will not materialise. The terms and conditions documented by Eskom will be applied to any future activity implemented by FEG

S A National Roads Agency Ltd RM No written comments received to date


Kwathema Ext 7 Public meetings 23 November 2015 and 24 November 2015 Ward councillors meeting 18 November 2015

Ward councillors suggested that the Ward committee members be involved in the consultation process and a separate meeting be held A separate meeting must be held in Tsakane it is to far for people to travel to Duduza

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the potential impact on any community is removed. Hence the need for consultation with Tsakane is no longer necessary. Should physical projects be commissioned in future, Tsakane will be consulted.

Geluksdal Township

Geluksdal X1 & X2 Township

Tsakane Township

Tsakane Townships X1, X5, X8, X11, X12, X13, X15, X16, X18, X19, X20, X21


Bleugumview X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6


Masetabaview X4

Producta Township

Prosperita Township

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INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES List the names of persons consulted in this column, and those who must be consulted were in fact consulted, marked as; RM=Registered mail, E=Email, M=Meeting TC= Telephonic call PM= Public Meeting



Spaarwater Township


Duduza X3 & X4

Cool Breeze

Cool Breeze X2 & X3


Langaville X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6 & X8


Subnigel X1

Jameson Park

Kaydale Township

Rensburg Township

Heidelberg Township

Heidelberg X1, X2, X4, X6, X7, X9, X11, X14, X15, X16, X18, X20, X21, X24 & X25

Prosperita Township M Meeting factory 17 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Concerned about where the mine will obtain its water from How will the traffic be influenced

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Undertake the necessary traffic impact assessment

Dept. of Land Affairs

Land Claims Commissioner RM No comments recieved

Traditional Leaders


Dept. of Environmental Affairs

Department of Environmental Affairs E No comments recieved

Gauteng Department of Agriculture & Rural Development (GDARD)

RM+E No comments recieved

Other Competent Authorities Affected

Department of Mineral Resources (DMR): Mine Health and Safety

RM+E+M No comments recieved

Department of Water & Sanitation (DWS) RM+E+M A Meeting was held with Department water affairs pertaining to the application for a water use licence in respect of the Section 102 application area. The following issues was raised: Long Term prospect for the area, How will it manage itself once mine is decommissioned/ Rehabilitation plan. Ground water behaviour. Water quality predictors. Explain why the activity will not impact the environment in a negative manner. See minutes contained within Appendix 3.5.

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Undertake the necessary groundwater investigations

Undertake wetland assessments

Complete an assessment of the Blesbokspruit No water use license is required for the activities now proposed within this final scoping report. As and when FEG require a water use license, an application will be submitted.

Gauteng Provincial Heritage Resource Authority E No comments recieved

Gauteng Provincial Department of Roads and Transport

No comments recieved

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)

E No comments recieved


Integrated Lodging E No written comments received to date

Nigel Golf Club M Meeting at Club on 17 November 2015. Completed comment form

No objection. The mine has supplied the golf course with water for many years will it be possible to do it again as all the infrastructure is still in place.

The matter can be investigated

Trompie Instant Lawn E No written comments received to date

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INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES List the names of persons consulted in this column, and those who must be consulted were in fact consulted, marked as; RM=Registered mail, E=Email, M=Meeting TC= Telephonic call PM= Public Meeting



SPCA Nigel M Meeting at SPCA on 17 and 27 November 2015 No written comments received to date

Matter will be referred to the committee for comments Main concern is the welfare of animals

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise.

Koot van der Waldt E No written comments received to date

Modieni Mokgatla M Public meeting 23 November 2015. Completed comment form

Enquired about business opportunities Concerned of how the I&AP'a were notified of the meeting

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the potential business opportunities are no longer available.

Jac Hluswuyo M Public meeting 23 November 2015. Completed comment form

Where will be employed from As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the potential employment opportunities are no longer available. As and when employment opportunities arise, preference will be given to local employees who have the required skill set.

Alfred Mtsweni M Public meeting 23 November 2015. Completed comment form

BID will be provided to children after which comments will be provided

Lyphina Mtsweni M Public meeting 23 November 2015. Completed comment form

BID will be provided to children after which comments will be provided

David Mahlasu M Public meeting 23 November 2015. Completed comment form

Where will be employed from As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the potential employment opportunities are no longer available. As and when employment opportunities arise, preference will be given to local employees who have the required skill set.

Mishack Matloung M Public meeting 23 November 2015. Completed comment form

If township application continues where will alternative site be What will the mine's social responsibility be in the area

The investigation into alternative sites for a tailings facility will take place as part of the further studies. The social responsibility of the mine will be documented within the social and labour plan.

Q N Mhlanga M Public meeting 24 November 2015. Completed comment form

Comments will be forwarded via email No comments received.

Jacob Siphiwe Nhlapo M Public meeting 24 November 2015. Completed comment form

No comments

Micheal Nhlapo M Public meeting 24 November 2015. Completed comment form

Job opportunities Protect bull frogs

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern around bullfrogs will not materialise. As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the potential employment opportunities are no longer available. As and when employment opportunities arise, preference will be given to local employees who have the required skill set.

J S Sadieu M Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Bonginkosi Mbela M Public meeting 24 November 2015. Completed comment form

Use of chemicals and the effect on health Social development in surrounding communities Will local people be trained for vacant positions

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern around health will not materialise. The social responsibility of the mine will be documented within the social and labour plan. As and when employment opportunities arise, preference will be given to local employees who have the required skill set.

Mabeli M Public meeting 24 November 2015. Completed comment form

Provide hard copies of documents at old age home including specialist studies . Emails should be sent to I&AP's When can mining commence Environmental committees in the community should be implemented

Arrangement can be made for the availability once all specialist studies have been completed . I&AP's will be notified of further meetings and outcomes Mining can only commence once all the rights and permit have been granted Municipality be involved to get structures in place

S Mabena M Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

How long will it to get the baseline radiation survey and to get results

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the potential radiation concerns are no longer available. The radiation impact will be assessed as a future project

Sechaba Molete M Public meeting 24 November 2015. Completed comment form

No comments

F Thwala M Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Will other communities be involved and will shares be provided to community The mine has a BEE structure which includes a community trust. However as a result of not proceeding with the physical projects at this point in time, there is no economic benefit to the mine.

R C Prinsloo M Public meeting 24 November 2015. Received comments 7 December 2015

Impact on environment Water Quality Blesbokspruit and boreholes Health and Safety pupils, animals and residents Impact on traffic Air pollution Devaluation of property Rehabilitation

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Undertake the necessary groundwater investigations

Undertake wetland assessments

Complete an assessment of the Blesbokspruit

Undertake an appropriate traffic impact assessment

Commission baseline air quality assessments When physical projects are implemented, rehabilitation plans will be prepared for addressing the physical impact associated with the individual project.

S J Mey M Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Georgia Naidoo M

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INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES List the names of persons consulted in this column, and those who must be consulted were in fact consulted, marked as; RM=Registered mail, E=Email, M=Meeting TC= Telephonic call PM= Public Meeting



E Masiboko M

Kehla Mabena M

Sandile Mashinini M

Jeanette Khazuile M

Sombu Methula M Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Cracking of houses As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Undertake the applicable rock mechanic investigation.

Joanha Mosele M Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Angie & Joe Bantam M

Eliszabeth Sesoane M

Thabile Mpanza M

Sibongile Sibonke M

Nompumelelo Mhlontlo M Public meeting 24 November 2015. Completed comment form

Require full document Procedure for business opportunities What will the community benefit Next meeting ne announced timeously

This final scoping report will be made available for review to all registered interested and affected parties. The procedure for future business opportunities will be documented within the social and labour plan. As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects at this point in time, there are no business opportunities. The next meeting will be announced timeously.

Sarah Mabate M Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Gladis Masoga M

Laz Ngoetta M

Thato Zicwele M

Kagiso Mzileni M

Njabulo Vilakazi M

Eric Sifunda M

Alzina Mazibuko M

Thelma Nene M

Marius Els M

M Thwala M

Doris Elsa Lamprecht M

Willie and Hettie Broodryk M

Mompumelelo M

Maria M

Bongani M Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

The community should be involved in the process and not just the municipality Community and municipalities will for part of the consultation process

Nomsa Mbata M Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Frans Mkhabela M Public meeting 24 November 2015. Completed comment form

No comments

Mabuthe Dlamini M Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Sihsa Mtallha M Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Sipho Xumalo M Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Can everyone be informed and kept up to date with processes Al registered interested and affected parties will be notified of the progress via email/sms and or future meeting to be held

Welile Mnqoma M Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Mimah Gambu M

Nomasonto Ndlovu M

Lucy Mokoena M

Florah M

Elizabeth Shangisa M

Mononyama Rifilwe M

Mononyama Sannah M

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Sibusiso M

Nco M

Max M

Amanda M

Nbali Thuala M

G J Pelser M Public meeting 24 November 2015. No written comments received to date

Dust due to mine trucks House considered to be a heritage site as living here for 37 years Many workers will have an impact on the area

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects as part of this application, the valid concern raised will not materialise. However in order to ensure FEG is in a postiion to address the concerns in future, as part of the future investigations, FEG will;

Undertake the necessary traffic impact assessment

Undertake heritage assessments

Complete a social impact assessment to determine the social impacts and appropriate management measures.

Geoff Anslow R Registered as I&AP

Marius Swanepoel R Employment enquiry

Cecelia Almeida R Registered as I&AP


Blesbokspruit Catchment Forum E No written comments received to date

ERWAT E No written comments received to date

Iswelisha Town Planners E Email Received 10 November 2015 Township development adjacent to the slimes dam to be utilised in the project is to be established for a township known as Bluegumview Ext 7

The identified township development is one of the significant uncertainties which has resulted in the mine re-visiting the physical projects proposed within the draft scoping report.

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(iv) The environmental attributes associated with the sites

(1) Baseline Environment

(a) Type of environment affected by the proposed activity

The following information will be expanded upon during the EIA phase of the application. The current generic baseline description for the area has mainly been extrapolated from the approved EMP for the existing mine and desktop information. A number of specialist studies have been commissioned / are to be commissioned. These studies and the detailed feedback from these studies will be incorporated into the baseline environment section of the EIA reports. Regional Climate: South Africa is characterised by distinct seasonal variation in temperature and rainfall. This is particularly evident on the Highveld where average maximum and minimum temperatures vary between 25.6°C and 4.1°C. Rain occurs predominantly during the summer months, from October to March. An average mean annual precipitation for the region is approximately 700mm per annum Mean Monthly and Annual Rainfall: Based on the long-term average rainfall data (1961-1990), the region is characterised by summer rainfall, with 84% of the annual rainfall occurring between October and March. During these months, rain falls over a period of more than ten days in a month (potential for rain every three days). During the drier months, on average rainfall is recorded for three days in a month (potential for rain every ten days). Mean Monthly Evaporation: Monthly evaporation figures were obtained from the SAWS evaporation station at the O.R. Thambo, for the period 1957 to 1987. The annual average evaporation for this weather station is 2160mm. Based on long-term averages, the highest monthly evaporation is recorded during October, despite the fact that the highest average temperatures are recorded between December and February. During all months of the year, the evaporation exceeds rainfall. Mean Monthly, Maximum and Minimum Temperatures: The mean monthly temperatures are highest (>25°C) between December and February which are typically summer months. Temperatures gradually drop with the lowest temperatures being recorded during June and July (minimum temperatures of 4°C), which are typically winter months in South Africa. Monthly Mean Wind Direction and Speed: The predominant wind direction for this region, occurring for ±35% of the year, arises from a north-westerly to northerly direction. Secondary less frequent components arise from the south-westerly and easterly sectors, recording winds for more than 5% of the year (from each sector). The strong gusts (>8.7m/s) recorded for this station are most frequently associated with winds from these prominent sectors. On average, calm periods are recorded as occurring 2.2% of the year. During a year, the frequency of northerly winds remains prominent, with an increase in frequency of occurrence (>20% in a single month) and strength from August to December. The decrease in the frequency of occurrence of northerly winds in January is coupled with an increase in occurrence of easterly winds, until March. Thereafter, the prominent wind direction is from the south-western and north-western quadrants, between May and July. Gusts of wind are recorded between June and December, predominantly arising from the south south-western and northern sectors. Figure 3 below provides an annual average wind rose for the region. Air Quality: A draft air quality specialist assessment has been completed by Airshed for the Sub Nigel No.1 shaft area and the proposed tailings dam. This report while completed for the original proposed tailings dam, provides background information into the general baseline air quality conditions within the area. Below is an extract of the executive summary of the draft report: “Conclusions: The main findings from the baseline assessment were as follows:

The main sources likely to contribute to cumulative particulate impact are surrounding mining and

agricultural activities as well as vehicle entrainment on unpaved road surfaces and biomass


The predominant wind direction within the study area is from the north-northeast.

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The closest larger residential developments to the proposed Project consist of Duduza (~250m

northwest of the (proposed) tailings dam), Masetjhaba View (~1200m west of the tailings dam)

and Nigel (~2500m southeast of the proposed plant). Smaller residential developments are

located directly to the east and the south west of the tailings dam.

The measured PM10 and PM2.5 daily ground level concentrations from the Balfour monitoring

station (~40km from the Project site) for the period 2013 presented exceedences of the daily

NAAQS applicable from 2015 and 2016 respectively.

Recommendations: The proposed operations are located within the Highveld Priority Area. The management plan objectives for this priority area are to minimise impacts on the surrounding environment. It is therefore recommended that air quality management measures be implemented to ensure the lowest possible impacts on the surrounding environment from proposed operations.”

Annual Average 1989 – 2003

Wind speed classification (m/s)

0.5 – 2.5 2.5 – 3.5 3.5 – 5.6 5.6 – 8.7 8.7 – 10.7 > 10.7

Figure 3: Annual average wind rose recorded for the SAWS station at O.R. Thambo, for the period 1989 to 2003.

Topography: The entire mining area under application is relatively flat (except for the Houtpoort 4 shaft area which is a ridge), with a gentle slope towards the Blesbokspruit. According to the East Rand 1:250 000 Land type Series Map, the land type for the site is described as Bb3, which stipulates a terrain code for the area as been A2. This means that more than 80% of the area has a slope less than 8%, and that the relief between the highest and the lowest points in the landscape is between 30 – 90m. The general topography for the region can be seen in Figure 4 below.

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Figure 4: General topography of the area.

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Geology: The geology of the area has been covered extensively within the mine works programme which formed part of the Section 102 application. Below is a summary of the general geology. The mining right area is located within the Witwatersrand Basin which occupies a central portion of the Archaean Kaapvaal Craton in South Africa. The Witwatersrand Supergroup is subdivided into two stratigraphic units, being the West and Central Rand Groups. The West Rand Group consists mainly of shale and quartzite and is a generally finer-grained unit than the Central Rand Group, which is composed mostly of quartzite, conglomerate and minor amounts of shale (Catuneanu, 2001). The East Rand Group (ERG) extends from the towns of Benoni and Brakpan in the northeast towards Nigel and Heidelberg in the southwest. When reviewing the stratigraphic subdivision of the ERG, the Johannesburg Subgroup is made up of quartzite, conglomerate and a prominent volcanic layer, the Bird Amygdaloid, which represents a marker horizon throughout the region (Robb and Robb, 1998). The base of this subgroup is defined by a 1 to 1.5 m thick conglomerate, locally referred to as the Main Reef Leader, South Reef or Nigel Reef (SACS, 2006), and which historically is the major economic horizon of the ERG. Mineralisation: The Nigel Reef (NR), Big Pebble Marker (BPM), UK9a and Black Reef are widely developed across the mining right area. Nigel Reef: The NR is a well-sorted conglomerate unit, up to 3 m thick, at the base of the Johannesburg Subgroup. Pebbles, predominantly vein quartz, are larger and more evenly-sized in the gold-enriched parts of the payshoots (Robb and Robb, 1998). The NR matrix is composed of pyrite, quartz, sericite and heavy minerals, including zircon, rutile and chromite. The gold occurs in the matrix in native form, either isolated or associated with pyrite (Coetzee, 1976). Erosion channels are locally encountered within the footwall of the NR. These transgressive, laterally restricted bodies are incised into the Jeppestown Shale footwall. Erosion channels are typically filled with varying assemblages of the following rock types: pyritic quartzite, quartzite, arenaceous shale, shale and conglomerate. Mineralisation is frequently restricted to the pyritic quartzite component. Evidence of reef thickening and grade improvement has been reported where the NR transgresses over erosion channel quartzite and arenaceous shale (Viring, 1988). Big Pebble Marker (BPM): The BPM in the East Rand is generally a well-developed conglomerate zone of variable thickness, from less than 0.5 to 48 m (De Jager, 1964). Individual pebble bands, locally interbedded with lenticular bodies of chloritoid- or rutile-bearing shale, grade laterally into quartzite. Pebbles are commonly comprised of quartz and chert, with the chert pebbles reaching up to 22 cm in diameter. The gold content of the BPM is sporadic but locally can be high (McCarthy, 2006). In well-mineralised zones, interstitial, detrital pyrite is present in the conglomerate matrix. Secondary pyrite, especially within chert pebbles, is a common feature. In the south eastern extremity of the Central Rand Basin (“SE-CRB”) of the ERG, the BPM with these characteristics carries significant gold values (Campbell, 1989). A recent study suggests that elevated gold values tend to be concentrated in the robust bottom conglomerate band of this zone, with thucholite representing a reef payability indicator (Burnett, 2007). Braid plain deposition has been proposed for the BPM depositional environment (Campbell, 1989). The BPM is consequently channelised in nature, exhibiting discrete payshoots. UK9A: The bulk of the ore derived from the Kimberley Reef Zone in the ERG was extracted from the UK9a. Significant tonnages were mined on Daggafontein, Grootvlei and Vogelstruisbult (Coetzee, 1976), i.e. mines located towards the east of the FEG Section 102 application. The UK9a consists of small to large, well-rounded vein quartz pebbles in a quartzitic matrix (Meadon, 2003). This reef ranges in thickness from a robust, 3 m thick conglomerate to a thin contact lag (Armstrong, 1968). Highly payable UK9a is generally characterised by an ‘ashy’, sandy matrix with interstitial carbon, pyrite, pyrrhotite, rutile, gold, zircon and chromite. Buckshot pyrite up to 5 mm in diameter may occur and the reef generally has a lighter-coloured matrix where poorly mineralised.

Black Reef: The Black Reef (“BR”) is known to be economically viable along channels overlying footwall shale. Laterally, BR lithologies are highly variable ranging from cobble, over large pebble, to small pebble conglomerate, gritstone and even shale. The BR has not yet been mined within the mining right area but elsewhere in the ERG. The BR represents upside potential and is consequently considered in future exploration planning.

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Soils: No site specific soil surveys have been conducted. Two wetland surveys have been completed for the area surrounding the SBN No.1 plant and the original proposed tailings facility and for Houpoort 3 shaft where the original proposed dewatering is to take place. These surveys include some assessment of site specific soil conditions. The final wetland reports will be presented in the EIA phase of the application. The fact that some of the surface area within the mining right application is being cultivated for farming is an indication that the soils have a high agricultural potential. It is important to note that the future intended mining operations will only have a minimal impact on soil. The 1:30 000 Soil series map of the area from the Agricultural Reaseach Council, indicates the following different soil types (Table 2) fall within the mining area. Table 2: Soil Types that fall within the mining area


dHu27 Hutton Doverton

dHu26 Hutton Msinga

AvA Avalon Avalon

KdA Kroonstad Avoca

W Witbank Witbank

WA Wasbank Wasbank

DRg20 Rensburg Rensburg

SdA Shortlands Argent

Ms/R Mispah Mispah

Of the identified soils falling within the area, it is the Avalon and Hutton soil form which dominates. Avalon Soil Form: This soil consists of an orthic A-horizon over a Yellow-brown apedal B-horizon over a soft plinthic B-horizon. An orthic A-horizon is a surface horizon that does not qualify as an organic, humic, vertic or melanic topsoil although organic matter may have darkened it. The Yellow-brown apedal B-horizon is non-calcareous within any part of the horizon, which occurs within 1500mm of the surface. It has no structure but in moist conditions it can show singes of weakly developed blocky structure. The sSoft plinthic B-horizon has undergone localization and accumulation of iron and manganese oxides under conditions of a fluctuating water table to give many distanced reddish brown, yellowish brown and black mottles, with or without hardening to form sesquioxide concretions. It has a greyish colour and can be cut with a spade when wet. Hutton Soil Form: This soil consists of an orthic A-horizon over a red apedal B-horizon. An orthic A-horizon is a surface horizon that does not qualify as an organic, humic, vertic or melanic topsoil although organic matter may have darkened it. A red apedal B-horizon is non-calcareous within any part of the horizon, which occurs within 1500mm of the surface. It has no structure but in moist conditions it can show singes of weakly developed blocky structure. Kronstad Soil Form: This soil consists of an orthic A-horizon over an E-horizon over a G-horizon. An orthic A-horizon is a surface horizon that does not qualify as an organic, humic, vertic or melanic topsoil although it may have been darkened by organic matter. An E-horizon is a light coloured horizon that can be grey in dry conditions and yellow in moist conditions and it has undergone marked in situ net removal of colloidal matter. It has a weakly developed structure and it does not have Aeolian stratification. A G-horizon has a grey colour and is saturated with water for long periods unless artificially or naturally drained. It has not undergone marked net removal of colloidal matter. Witbank Soil Form: This soil consists of an orthic A-horizon over a man-made soil deposit. An orthic A-horizon is a surface horizon that does not qualify as an organic, humic, vertic or melanic topsoil although organic matter may have darkened it. A man-made soil deposit it is a man-made deposit of soil material, with or without rock fragments or man-made materials. It occurs beneath an orthic A horizon or, if this is absent, at the surface. Wasbank Soil Form: This soil consists of an orthic A-horizon over an E-horizon over a hard plinthic B. An orthic A-horizon is a surface horizon that does not qualify as an organic, humic, vertic or melanic topsoil although organic matter may have darkened it. An E-horizon is a light coloured horizon that can be grey in dry conditions and yellow in moist conditions and it has undergone marked in situ net

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removal of colloidal matter. It has a weakly developed structure and it does not have Aeolian stratification. A hard plinthic B-horizon consists of an indurate zone of accumulation of iron and manganese oxides which cannot be cut with a spade, even when wet. Rensburg Soil Form: This soil consists of a vertic A-horizon over a G-horizon. A vertic A-horizon has a strongly developed structure and clearly visible, regularly occurring slickensides. It is a very dark coloured horizon and has high clay content. A G-horizon has a grey colour and is saturated with water for long periods unless artificially or naturally drained. It has not undergone marked net removal of colloidal matter. Shortland Soil Form: This soil consists of an orthic A-horizon over a red structured B-horizon. An orthic A-horizon is a surface horizon that does not qualify as an organic, humic, vertic or melanic topsoil although organic matter may have darkened it. A red structured B-horizon has a red colour and must be substantially uniform. The red colour is not directly inherited from the rock, but is the result of the relative accumulation of iron oxides following mineral weathering. It has a strongly developed structure. Mispah Soil Form: This soil consists of an orthic A-horizon over hard rock. An orthic A-horizon is a surface horizon that does not qualify as an organic, humic, vertic or melanic topsoil although organic matter may have darkened it.

Hydrological setting:

Surface hydrology:The proposed mining area falls within the quaternary catchments of C21E and C21F, which forms part of the primary drainage region of the Vaal Catchment area (Midgley et al., 1994). The natural drainage in the region is in a southerly direction towards the Blesbokspruit. Due to the proximity of Florida shaft, 2 incline shaft and 9 shaft and also the Houtpoort 3 shaft to the Blesbokspruit, floodline assessments were done of these areas. Copies of these floodline assessment reports are provided in Appendix 4.

The mine has been undertaking monitoring of the Blesbokspruit for over 2 years to obtain a baseline indication of the water quality. An analysis of the historical water quality will be provided in the EIA report. An aquatic assessment of the Blesbokspruit in the location of where the Houtpoort 3 shaft dewatering will take place has been completed. The report is current in draft and will be finalised for inclusion in the EIA.

Wetlands: There are a number of wetlands / pans within the entire study area.

Sub Nigel No.1 shaft and surrounds. A full wetland assessment has been completed for this area which identifies 24 different pans and seeps.

Floridia shaft / 2 incline shaft / 9 shaft: According to there are no affected wetlands for the Florida, 2 incline and 9 shaft project. However upon an initial site visit with a specialist it was confirmed that a wetland assessment would be required for the area. This assessment is still pending and will form part of the EIA.

Houtpoort 3 shaft: A wetland assessment has been completed for this shaft and 3 wetlands have been identified within a 500m radius of the shaft. A draft report has been completed and will be finalised during the EIA pahse.

Houtpoort 4 shaft: Upon a preliminary site inspection, a specialist confirmed that there was no wetland noted at the 4 shaft location. According to no wetland has been identified within the Houtpoort 4 shaft area.

Floodlines: As a result of changing the scope of the activities from implementing physical projects to one of additional drilling, it can be assumed that no drilling will be undertaken within the floodline of the Blesbokspruit. See Appendix 4 for copies of the existing floodline reports.

Geohydrological setting:

To date 3 geohydrological reports have been completed for the proposed extended mine. An original report was completed for the original mining operation during 2007. Recently a detailed groundwater

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assessment has been completed for the Sub Nigel No.1 shaft and the proposed preferred tailings facility. Another report has been completed to calculate the volume of groundwater which can be expected to be encountered within the voids of Florida shaft complex and the Houtpoort shaft complex.

As a result of not proceeding with the physical projects much of the original reports is no longer relevant for the amended application as the tailings facility has been removed from the application and due to postponing the implementation of any physical project, no dewatering is required at this point in time. Generic groundwater information is provided below;

Aquifers: Rison (2007) proposed that the natural aquifer above the mine void can be considered as one aquifer, which can influence the groundwater table by lowering, especially increased flow through additional fracturing where such natural and new fractures are intersected by the mine workings. Intersection of such fractures occur up to 300m below surface.

Rison (2007) further stated that – with the exception of the Transvaal Dolomite (which does not occur at the Sub Nigel Gold Mine) – none of the rock types, are known to contain significant aquifers.

Perched aquifers occur along horizontal bedding planes near pans, and where clay is found at the highly weathered Karoo rock, but likely only during/after the rainfall season. It has been observed that a groundwater table exists in the shallow weathered zone aquifer, at depths varying between <1m and 20m; except for regions where faults and dyke contact zones drain groundwater to the mine void. Shallow groundwater level measurements are not indicative of high-yielding aquifers. Regional natural groundwater flow directions can therefore be described as:

Horizontal groundwater flow mimics the surface topography toward low-lying regions such as rivers, wetlands and pans;

Flow is vertically downward to the mine void, creating narrow elongated dewatering cones along certain permeable faults and dykes, in the low-yielding aquifers.

Of utmost importance with regards to groundwater, the Florida shaft area and the Houtpoort shafts are not linked to the East Rand Geohydrological basin. Thus making it possible to implement limited dewatering activities to re-expose the underground workings so that future mining can be possible.

Ecological Environment: To date no site specific specialist ecological assessment have taken place. According to C-Plan all the surface areas to be impacted are recongised as “Critically Endangered” according to the National list of threatened terrestrial ecosystems. With regards to formally protected areas, the following is applicable;

Suikerbosrand Provincial Nature Reserve is 850m west of Houtpoort 3 shaft

Alice Glöckner Provincial Nature Reserve is 900m south-west of Houtpoort 4 shaft. The following generic ecological information has been extrapolated from the existing Sub Nigel EMP; Fauna: In order to provide an indication of the potential faunal diversity on-site, the following reference material was used:

The Eskom Red Data Book of Birds of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. (Barnes, 2000)

South African Red Data Book – Reptiles and Amphibians. (Branch, 1988)

Red Data Book of the Mammals of South Africa: A conservation Assessment. (EWT, 2004)

Robert’s Birds of Southern Africa. (Maclean, 1993)

A list of red data species was requested from the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD) for the quarter degree square 2628AD.

Commonly Occurring Mammals: Due to location, only domesticated larger mammals are anticipated to occur close to Sub Nigel No.1 shaft. Houtpoort 3 shaft is surrounded by built up areas and would only anticipate mammals commonly occurring within built up areas. The habitat and

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surrounds of Florida shaft do not lend itself to a pristine ecological condition and hence limited mammals would be expected. Two incline shaft, 9 shaft and Houtpoort 4 shaft area located in rural areas and surrounded by natural grassland. A more diverse level of mammals could be expected to be found in these areas. Red Data Mammals: According to the scientific services of GDARD, there are 3 red data species that have occurred historically (museum records) on the site: The Brown Hyaena (Parahuaena brunnea), the Spotted-necked Otter (Lutra maculicollis) and the South African Hedgehog (Atelerix frontalis). Birds: taken GDARD has identified nineteen priority species for the province, of which one or more could be found within the areas impacted by the proposed surface activities. Invertebrates: According to the scientific services of GDARD there are 4 Red Data invertebrates occurring in the quarter degree square 2628AD are as follows:

Metisella meninx

Aloeides dentatis

Orachrysops mijburghi

Chrysortis aureus The Alice Glöckner nature reserve was established to protect the habitat for the Heidelberg Copper Butterfly. It stands to reason that the host plant for this butterfly could be found around the Houtpoort area. Reptiles and Amphibians: Two red data species recorded within Gauteng are, the Striped Harlequin Snake (Homoroselaps dorsalis) and the African Rock Python (Python sebae natalensis) of which neither have been recorded within the quarter degree square 2628AD. Red Data Amphibians: The Giant Bullfrog (Pyxicephalus adspersus) has been recorded prior to 1996 within the quarter degree square in which the proposed mine is located (2628AD). An assessment for the presence of the Giant Bullfrog will be required for the 2 incline shaft and the 9 shaft area. Flora: The following information has been determined through desktop research. The proposed mining site is broadly classified as being within the Grassland Biome of South Africa (Low and Rebelo, 1996). More specifically according, the site falls with the Moist Cool Highveld Grassland (Cymbopogon-Themeda Veld (A48); Themeda triandra-Eragrostis curvula Grassland). Due to the disturbed nature of the surface areas to be utilised for this proposed mine a significant impact on flora is not expected. “In pristine condition Redgrass (Themeda triandra) dominates entirely, and few other species occur, particularly dicotyledonous forbs. Other grasses often encountered include: Broom Needlegrass (Triraphis andropogonoides), Sawtooth Lovegrass (Eragrostis superba), Velvet Signalgrass (Brachiaria serrata), Elionurus muticus, Heteropogon contortus, Cymbopogon plurinodis and Setaria spacelata. Forbs include: Fishbean (Tephrosia semiglabra), Wild Petunia (lpomoea obscura), Brown Saffronbush (Sutera atropurpurea), Deverra burchellii, Helichrysum rugulosum, H. caespititium, H. dregeanum, Crabbea acaulis, Hermannia depressa and Rhynchosia totta. When overgrazed, Weeping Lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula) replaces Redgrass (Themeda triandra) and becomes dominant. When in poor condition, other elements invade, including: karroid shrubs such as Bitterkaroo (Pentzia globosa), Bankruptbush (Stoebe vulgaris), Small Bietou (Osteospermum scariosum) and Walafrida densiflora; woody dwarf shrubs such as Dwarf Buffalothorn (Ziziphus zeyheriana) and Elephant's Root (Elephantorrhiza elephantine); pioneer grass species such as Tassel Bristlegrass (Aristida congesta), Couchgrass (Cynodon dactylon), Eragrostis obtusa, Aristida canescens, Microchloa caffra and Tragus berteronianus; and forbs such as Chamaesyce prostrata, Bladderweed (Hibiscus trionum) and Rattlebush (Blepharis integrifolia)” (Low and Rebelo, 1996).

Endangered or Rare Species: A list of red data species for the quarter degree square 2628 AD was requested from GDARD. According to their database, 1 red data species (Khadia beswickii) was identified on the mining area, and another red data species (Nerine gracilis) was identified to occur in the quarter degree square (2628AD).

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Cultural Heritage: Two heritage assessments have been completed which cover the entire proposed mining right extended area. A number of heritage sites have been identied but will not be impacted by the activities proposed as part of this amended application. See Appendix 5 for copies of the completed studies.


To date no baseline information has been gathered on noise. Based on incidental observations the following is applicable:

Sub Nigel No.1 shaft is located in an area predominately used for agricultural activities, noise levels are anticipated to be representative of a rural area.

The preferred tailings facility is located within a rural area although residential areas are relatively close (+/- 300m). Hence the noise levels can be expected to be similar to a rural location.

Florida shaft is in close proximity to the R42. The noise from the road would influence the baseline level for this shaft. Apart from the road, there area could best be described as rural.

2 incline shaft, 9 shaft and Houtpoort 4 shaft are located within a rural location with no anthropogenic activities within close proximity and hence can be expected to have a minimal baseline noise level.

Houtpoort 3 shaft is located within the urban edge and will have a baseline noise level representative of the surrounding urban activities.

Radiation: Baseline radiation assessment are in progress and will be presented within the EIA stage of the report. Socio-economic background information: The socio-economic background information has been extrapolated from the amended Social and Labour plan completed for the Section 102 application. The project traverses the southern section of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municapilty (EMM) and the northern section of Lesedi Local Muncipality (LLM). Background information: In order to determine the socio-economic structure of the area around the Sub Nigel Mine operation, the census data from 2011 have been used. Provincial Context: The Gauteng province is located in the north-eastern portion of South Africa and has borders with Limpopo Province, Mpumalanga, Kwazulu Natal, Free State Province as well as the North West Province. Gauteng is the smallest of the nine provinces in South Africa and is approximately 17 000sq km, which is approximately 14% of the total land surface of South Africa. Gauteng province consists of nine municipalities, of which three are metropolitan. According to StatsSA in 2011, the Gauteng Province had a total population of 12.2 million people with an almost even split between men and women. Black Africans comprise the largest population group at 72.5%, followed by Whites at 22%, thereafter coloureds at 3.6% and Indians/ Asians at 2.1%. The most widely spoken language in this province is IsiZulu, closely followed by English, Afrikaans and Sesotho. Other languages spoken in the province include, IsiNdebele, IsiXhosa, Sepedi, Setswana, SiSwati, Tshivenda, Xitsonga. As indicated previously, Gauteng is the smallest province in South Africa, yet it is an economic giant that contributes 33.7% to the nation’s GDP. The largest contributors to the province’s GGP are the financial, manufacturing, transport, technology, and telecommunications sectors. The province features a well developed infrastructure, including a comprehensive road system, an international airport, telecommunications network and a sophisticated financial and business support infrastructure. Skills levels of the workforce in the province are also higher than the country’s average. The country’s stock exchange and central bank are located in the province. The Trade Sector is the largest employer in Gauteng, followed by the Community and Social Services and Finance Sectors. The smallest employer is the Mining industry, with approximately 55 000 people being employed by this Sector.

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Regional Context: The proposed Sub Nigel Mine is located within the EMM and also stretches to the LLM which forms part of the Sedibeng District Municipality. EMM is located in the eastern part of Gauteng and is bordered by the City of Johannesburg to the east and City of Tshwane to the north. EMM extends over approximately 190 000 ha of land. EMM occupies 1 975km2 of the land area in the province of Gauteng. The name Ekurhuleni means ‘place of peace’ in Tsonga, and the municipality is one of three metropolitan municipalities within Gauteng. EMM is also home to South Africa’s largest airport, OR Tambo International Airport, which is located in the Kempton Park area. EMM is highly urbanised, with 99,4% of the population living in urban settlements ranging from informal settlements to elite urban residential suburbs. A number of large urbanised townships, such as Katlehong and Tokoza, also occupy the landscape. According to Census 2011, EMM has a total population of just under 3,2 million individuals, 78,7% of whom are black African. Whites make up 15,8%, and other race groups comprise the remaining 5,5%. Of those aged 20 years and older, 3,3% have completed primary school, 35,3% have some secondary education, 35,5% have completed matric and 14,6% have some form of higher education. 3,6% of those aged 20 years and older have no form of schooling Of the population of 3.2 million, 23% live in informal / inadequate housing, 29% of the economic active population is unemployed with around 30% of the local population living in poverty. The majority of people living below the poverty line live on the urban periphery, far away from job opportunities and social amenities. The HIV prevalence rate was found to be 33.8%, which is higher than the provincial average of 30.4%. Mining currently contributes 2% to the Municipal economy In terms of employment, there are about 1,6 million economically active individuals (i.e. those who are employed or unemployed but looking for work) residing within the municipality. Of these, 28,8% are unemployed. When the youth (15–34 years) are considered, there are about 840 000 economically active individuals, 36,9% of whom are unemployed. There are just over 1 million households in EMM with an average of 2,9 persons per household. The percentage of residents residing in formal households is 77,4%. In terms of services, 57,2% of households have access to water within the dwelling. Most households have access to electricity, with 82,2% of households using electricity for lighting.

LLM spans an area of ±1430km², which is largely rural, with two towns situated within it, namely Heidelberg/Ratanda in the western part, and Devon Impumelelo on its eastern edge. The area can be described as mostly agricultural, with Heidelberg and Devon being the primary service centers for the surrounding agricultural areas. As far as its sub-regional context is concerned, LLM is situated approximately 56km southeast of Johannesburg and is traversed by two national roads, namely the N17 and the N3, which create future economic development potential.

According to Census 2011, the LLM has a total population of just under 100 000 individuals, 77.3% of whom are black African. Whites make up 19.7%; 1.2% are Coloured and 1.3% are Indian / Asian. The population of LLM grew by 3.3% and in 2011 accounted for 10% of the population of Sedibeng. Of those aged 20 years and older, 4,3% have completed primary school, 36.4% have some secondary education, 28.4% have completed matric and 11.2% have some form of higher education. Decades distorted development in the area has manifested in highly skewed distribution of income and wealth. The unemployment rate among the economically active sector of the community is approximately 25,9%. Approximately 74.9% of the total population of LLM resides in the urban areas of Heidelberg/ Ratanda and Devon/Impumelelo, while the rest 25.1% is categorized as rural. Geographically most of the African population is concentrated in areas such as Impumelelo and Ratanda. This illustrates the entrenched racial divisions within the municipality. These tend also to reflect the socio- economic geography of the municipality and the pattern of access to services.Table 3 below provides key comparative statistics:

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Table 3: Key Comparative Statistics

2011 estimates EMM LLM Gauteng National

Region area (sq km) 1 975 1 489 18 178 1 221 037

Population 3 178 470 99 520 12 272 263 51 770 560

Population density (nr of people per sq km) 1 609.4 67 675.1 42.2

Economically active population (as % of total pop.) 41.5% 46% 47.0% 33.0%

No of households 1 015 465 29 668 3 909 022 14 450 161

Average household income (Rand, current prices) 163 676 180 843 143 599

Annual per capita income (Rand, current prices) 51 589 46 069 56 500 38 446

Dependency ratio 39.4% 45.8% 39.0% 52.6%

Gini coefficient2 0.63 0.66 0.63 0.63

Formal sector employment estimates 899 756 23 100 3 493 322 9 956 436

Informal sector employment estimates 97 710 3 415 406 295 1 640 901

Unemployment rate3 28.8% 25.9% 26.4% 29.8%

Percentage of persons in poverty 28.2% 38.9% 26.6% 37.7%

Poverty gap (R million) 1 552 5 750 47 420

Human development index (HDI) 0.69 0.59 0.69 0.62

Index of Buying power (IBP) 0.08 0.34 1.00

Gross Value Added by Region (GVA-R) – Current prices (R1 000)

183 152 854

10 010 000

1 011 020 813 2 917 694 736

Gross Value Added by Region (GVA-R) – Region’s share of national total

6.1% 2.1% 34.6% 100%

Source: EMM Integrated Development Plan and Lesedi Socio-Economic Review and Outlook (2013) Socio-economic profile of area surrounding project site (i.e. study area): The study area is located approximately 47 kilometres south-east of Johannesburg, with the town of Springs 18km to the north of the Mine. The Mine is located to the south-east of the Duduza and Tsakane townships and to the north-east of the town of Heidelberg. The study area comprises the Sub Nigel Mine and surrounding communities. The surrounding communities are characterised by a combination of formal and informal housing, industries, farming as well as smallholdings. Demographics: Table 4 and 5 below provide an indication of the demographics of the study area. The population of LLM (as depicted in table below) shows larger numbers in the younger age groups, this indicates rapid growth. 34% of the population is below the age of 20. This youthful population will make different demands on the municipality than an older, mature population, for example on education, sport and recreation, libraries and other community facilities. It is therefore important that, whilst functions such as education are not the responsibilities of local government, LLM should interact more closely with provincial and national departments to ensure that the needs of this age cohort are catered for in planning.

There are also a large number of people in the economically active age group (15-54 years) and this is important to keep the dependency ratios as low as possible. There are also a significantly higher number of people in the 65 years plus age groups which might point to a significant number of retired people settling in the area. Migrant labour is not a factor in the municipality as there are about equal amounts of males and females in the municipal area.

2 The Gini coefficient is a summary statistic of income inequality, which varies from 0 (in the case of perfect

equality where all households earn equal income) to 1 (in the case where one household earns all the income

and other households earn nothing).

3 Expanded definition of unemployment is used.

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Table 4: Percentage population in the study area

EMM LLM Age Males Females Males Females 0-4 5% 5% 5% 5% 5-9 3,8% 3,7% 4,3% 4,1% 10-14 3,5% 3,4% 3,9% 3,7% 15-19 3,7% 3,8% 4,2% 4,1% 20-24 5,6% 5,3% 5,3% 4,6% 25-29 6,5% 5,7% 5,8% 4,6% 30-34 5,6% 4,5% 4,8% 3,8% 35-39 4,5% 3,8% 4% 3,5% 40-44 3,5% 3,2% 3,3% 3,2% 45-49 2,8% 2,8% 2,9% 2,9% 50-54 2,2% 2,3% 2,3% 2,4% 55-59 1,7% 1,8% 1,9% 2% 60-64 1,2% 1,3% 1,5% 1,5% 65-69 0,7% 0,9% 1% 1,1% 70-74 0,5% 0,6% 0,7% 0,9% 75-79 0,2% 0,4% 0,3% 0,6% 80-84 0,1% 0,3% 0,2% 0,3% 85+ 0,1% 0,2% 0,1% 0,2%

Source: Stats SA Census 2011

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Table 5: Demographics within the Study Area

Area Racial Make-up Population First Languages




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Nigel 139.07 km2 17 200 6 388 1 513 12 799 419 38 318 275.54 per km2 11 512 44% 16% 23% 5%

Duduza 11.23 km2 72 517 284 146 50 298 73 295 6 524.58 per km2 20 958 1% 2% 64% 16%

Tsakane 19.75 km2 13 4342 539 216 280 618 135 994 6 884.2 per km2 40 911 1% 2% 58% 10%

KwaTema 13.93 km2 99 235 216 9 39 18 99 517 7 142.9 per km2 27 110 1% 1% 57% 9%

Ratanda 6.50 km2 35 770 160 64 15 93 36 102 5556.13 per km2 10 728 1% 2% 51% 36%

Source: Stats SA Census 2011

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Educational Profile: In 2011, approximately 35.9% of the adult population was considered to be functionally numerate and literate (in possession of at least Grade 9) in EMM. This is in line with the Provincial average of 37.1%. However, only 3.8% of the population within the study area received tertiary education which is significantly lower than the Provincial average of 11.5%, and 3% have not had any schooling at all. There are approximately 45 schools in the EMM section of the study area, 18 in Tsakane, 15 in Duduza and 12 in Nigel. EMM reported an adult literacy rate of 84%; A comparative summary of the educational levels in the study area (EMM and LLM) is provided in the Table 6. Table 6: Educational Profile for the study area

Highest Educational Level Attained EMM LLM

No schooling

3% 2,6%

Some primary education 35,8% 39,3%

Completed primary education 5,2% 5,7%

Some secondary education 32,3% 34,9%

Grade 12 (matric) 19,4% 13,2%

Higher education 3.8% 2,1%

Not applicable 0.6% 2,3%

Source: Stats SA, South African Census, 2011. According to the General Household Survey of 2011, a lack of funds remains a major stumbling block for learners across Gauteng Province. However, the number of learners who attended no-fee schools has increased sharply over the past five years. The percentage of learners who attended institutions where no tuition fees were levied increased from 0,7% in 2002 to 55,6% in 2011. Whereas 89,7% of learners in Limpopo and 71,8% of learners in Eastern Cape attended no fee schools, less than a third of learners in Gauteng (31,8%) and Western Cape (27,7%) did so. Housing: EMM is a highly urbanised area and presents with 77.4% formal dwellings of which 44% is owned or being paid off. The average household size is 2.9 people per household. The Municipality has set the development of sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life as a priority. However, the current housing backlog (144 000) and the housing solution (one house per stand) targeting poor families is constrained by land availability because the City only has about 7 000 hectares of developable land. EMM has made a concerted effort to improve the housing conditions in the Duduza and Tsakane, with the establishment and prioritising of RDP houses in these townships. There are 29 668 households in the LLM with an average household size of 3,2 persons per household. Over the years the LLM has managed to deliver over 9000 houses and formalized 705 informal stands in the area. The municipality has been able to address about 60% of housing delivery backlogs, however due to continuous migration problems into the area, the housing backlog remains high. The LLM has put in place mechanisms to monitor and control land invasions in the area and a proper audit of all informal settlements were conducted by the service provider. Furthermore, the Department of Local Government & Housing has allocated R64, 4 million for the construction of ±990 units in the 2010/11 financial year and this will assist in the reduction of the current housing backlog. Access to basic services: In terms of services within EMM section of the study area, most households have access to water within the dwelling. The low level of water supply within some areas seems to be of concern (e.g. Duduza, Kwa Thema CBD, Kwa Thema Phase 3 and Kwa Thema SP). Most households have access to electricity, with the majority of households using electricity for lighting. With regard to LLM, it is of concern that 27.1% of residents in Ratanda Ext 2 have no access to sanitation. Although most of the residents reside in brick dwellings on a separate stand, Ratanda Ext 2, again forms an exception with 97.1% living in informal settlements. Overall, 52,3% of households have access to piped water in their dwelling and 39,8% have access to water in their yard. Only 1,2% of households do not have access to piped water. About 85.7% of the dwellings in the municipality is made up of formal structures and 14.3% is mainly informal structures.

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The poor communities in lower income areas are generally in greater need of social services and are more dependent on public facilities because of the ill-effects of poverty and the inability to access private facilities and services. However the history of development has tended to privilege some communities while others have been neglected, leaving an inequitable distribution of facilities. While this remains, a political legacy there is also the very material lack of resources as well as the physical restrictions of distance and low densities within much of the district. As transport is a problem in general for those communities that are in need, this highlights the challenge for coordinated and integrated development and planning. A comparative summary of the service provision levels in the study area is provided in Table 7.

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Table 7: Summary of service provision levels (%) in the study area







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Duduza EMM 6.97 0.13 71.51 14.06 17.62 46.66 16.92 1.12 3.74 20.35 0.01 57.78 0.59 0.45 28.86

Duduza SP EMM 94.58 0.04 3.21 82.83 16.86 0.01

0.04 0.03 99.6

99.53 0.07 0.06

Kwa-Thema CBD EMM

28.57 57.14

71.43 28.57


Kwa-Thema Ext 6 EMM 68.04

21.2 41.83 37.83 7.06 13.07 0.21 0.42 91.57 56.38 0.53 96.21 0.11 0.63

Kwa-Thema Ext 7 EMM 84.44

2.04 60.74 38.09 0.8

0.06 98.77

94.26 0.06 0.31

Kwa-Thema Phase 1

EMM 94.65 0.33

97.37 1.98

0.11 99.34 452.8

98.13 0.11 0.11

Kwa-Thema Phase 2

EMM 83.77 0.58 6.38 53.33 46.14 0.19

0.24 0.05 97.35 0.24 0.1 99.47 0.05

Kwa-Thema Phase 3

EMM 39.92 0.61 30.11 17.3 49.93 14.49 8.04 0.09 8.83 71.5

10.08 70.55 0.11 0.57

Kwa-Thema SP EMM 19.69

56.37 14.19 18.97 57.68 8.52 11.35 2.32 21.68 0.9 69.03 16.13 0.13 2.06

Tsakane Ext 1 EMM 96.15 0.19 0.19 82.38 17.23 0.06

0.06 99.74 0.06 0.06 99.61

Tsakane Ext 11 EMM 98.14 0.11

97.56 2.37

0.04 0.07 99.67



Tsakane Ext 12 EMM 92.06 0.21 1.29 36.22 62.85 0.43

0.07 0.57 99.36



Tsakane Ext 13 EMM 93.33

1.03 29.57 69.57 0.17

0.34 0.51 99.49


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Tsakane Ext 15 EMM 97.9 0.15

60.49 39.21 0.05





Tsakane Ext 16 EMM 78.94 0.12 1.56 70.43 28.93 0.04

0.08 0.64 98.64 0.12 0.12 99 0.04 0.16

Tsakane Ext 17 EMM 69.78 0.12 9.8 47.19 45.97 4.68

0.16 7.36 82.41 0.75 0.75 96.03 0.2 0.04

Tsakane Ext 19 EMM 68.69 0.11 1.8 58.56 35.2 5.26

0.41 4.09 82.68 8.38 8.38 97.97 0.04

Tsakane Ext 5 EMM 97

0.12 68.14 31.59 0.12

0.08 0.15 99.35

99.27 0.04 0.04

Tsakane Ext 8 EMM 86.43 0.07 2.73 53.07 46.53 0.15

0.12 0.27 99.02 0.07 0.07 99.31


Tsakane Ext 9 EMM 24.41 0.14 71.63 22.04 56.76 18.89

0.16 4.66 91.29 1.21 1.21 26.65 0.3 27.44

Tsakane SP EMM 92.45 0.15 0.41 66.46 32.17 0.11 0.09 0.09 0.27 99.18 0.03 0.03 99.19 0.09 0.09

Ratanda LLM 96.43 0.6 0.6 93.03 6.18 0.6

0.2 99



Ratanda Ext 1 LLM 62.22 0.37 15.93 6.3 75.93 17.41

0.12 0.37 82.1 1.73 1.73 78.15 0.25 1.11

Ratanda Ext 2 LLM


2.91 92.23


48.54 48.54 9.71


Ratanda Ext 3 LLM 73.5 0.43 19.66 22.15 72.65 4.7

0.57 0.07 94.09 0.21 0.07 91.31 0.07 0.78

Ratanda Ext 4 LLM 88.42

3.16 80 20

99.3 16.84

97.54 0.35

Ratanda Ext 5 LLM 80.45

9.77 35.84 56.39 7.27

0.75 6.02 80.7 12.03 12.03 79.45


Ratanda Ext 6 LLM 43.37 0.32 24.92 10.78 70.47 18.43

0.11 0.43 95.26 1.51



Ratanda Ext 7 LLM 92.22

0.2 20.47 79.12 0.1

0.65 0.2 98.77

0.24 95.87 0.03 0.34

Ratanda SP LLM 87.9 0.08 0.39 57.97 41.65 0.16

0.05 0.21 95.86 0.08 0.08 97.62 0.03 0.13

Source: Stats SA, South African Census, 2011

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Health and Welfare: The EMM section of the study area is serviced by seven government run clinics and three private hospitals are located in the Springs area. Traditional healers also appear to be commonly consulted in the area. EMM has the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in the province with a national prevalence ranking of 39. The HIV and AIDS prevalence rate in Sedibeng District was 35% in 2006. There have been developments to contain the HIV& AIDS epidemic across the Municipal area. In Lesedi Ward Based HIV and AIDS programme has been implemented in 9 Wards. 9 x HIV & AIDS Ward Coordinators have been appointed on a contractual basis. This however gave rise to the reduction of the prevalence rate whereby in 2007 – 32.8% and in 2008 – 31.8%. For the fourth quarter (April, May, June 2011) LLM was at 27 % prevalence rate. The HIV & AIDS business plan is running smooth and several programmes such as “Men as Champions” in Reproductive Health have been successfully implemented. Mobile services are available for the benefit of the community living in the rural areas. Heidelberg hospital provides secondary health care services with the ARV clinic situated in H.F. Verwoerd Street, where the above facilities refer their clients for secondary care. A fully fledged ARV site has been established at Usizolwethu clinic and the (NGO) Broad Reach is in the process to investigate the possibility of establishing ARV sites at Rensburg- and Heidelberg clinics. There are two hospitals in the study area, namely the Heidelberg District Hospital, (currently being upgraded) which is a provincial hospital and the Suikerbosrand Clinic, both of which are located in Heidelberg. LLM Municipality administers 5 clinics and the province two clinics and three mobile clinics. Key economic activities within the study area: The majority of the employed in EMM are based in the Manufacturing, Wholesale and Retail, as well as the Community Services sector. The study area is characterised by a mixture of industrial and service industries, and a number of retail facilities such as spaza shops and mini markets. LLM had 11,042 unemployed people, an unemployment rate of 25.9%. The sub-sectors with the highest shares of employment were government, social & personal services (21.5%) and wholesale & retail trade (19.6%). The lowest were mining & quarrying (0.2%) and electricity, gas & water (0.4 %). The share of earnings from manufacturing in LLM increased from 25.6 to 26% over the review period. Earnings from agriculture, forestry & fishing accounted for 0.3, 0.6 and 1.4 % for LLM respectively in 2011. Other Mining Companies operating within the study area include AfriSam South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Goldplats, Atoll Mining, New Klienfontien Gold Mine, Benoni Gold and ERGO.

Table 8: Sectoral employment in the study area 2011

Sector EMM LLM

Primary Sector

Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing 2% 6%

Mining and quarrying 2% <1%

Secondary Sector

Electricity, gas and water supply <1% <1%

Construction 6% 6%

Manufacturing 19% 16%

Financial, insurance, real estate and business services

12% 11%

Tertiary sector

Private households 8% 9%

Transport, storage and communication 8% 7%

Wholesale and retail trade 17% 19%

Undetermined 10%

Community, social and personal services 15% 21%

Source: Stats SA, South African Census, 2011 Employment: The economically active people in EMM constitute 41.5% of the population. The area contributes approximately 6.1% to national production. Over the period 1996 to 2011, EMM’s economy grew by an estimated average of 3.2% per annum. In terms of employment, there are about 1,6 million economically active individuals (i.e. those who are employed or unemployed but looking for work) residing within EMM. Of these, 28,8% are unemployed. When the youth (15–34 years) are considered, there are

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about 840 000 economically active individuals, 36,9% of whom are unemployed. Approximately 60% of the unemployed, economically activate population reside within Duduza and Tsakane. Within LLM, a total of 31 518 people are economically active (employed or unemployed but looking for work), and of these, 25,9% are unemployed. The economically active youth (15–35 years) in the area total 14 065. The area has shown a growth rate of 3.2% per annum. Table 9: Employment Status for study area

Employment Status EMM Number LLM

Employed 1 126 844 31 518

Unemployed 455 608 11 042

Discouraged Work Seeker 81 959 2 889

Not Economically Active 615 042 22 805

Source: Stats SA Census 2011 It is reported that unemployment in the study area, has resulted in a dramatic rise in poverty levels, with implications for people’s health (particularly for vulnerable groups like the elderly and children) and mental wellbeing (specifically for family heads who are tasked by society to ensure the survival of their families). It is reported that increased poverty4 has also resulted in a rise in crime, including violent crimes (although not highly organised), and social conflict, such as child abuse, women abuse and family violence and breakdown. Household Income: As can be surmised by the high rate of unemployment and the large number of non-economically active people in the study area, there is a very low level of household income. Approximately 17% of all households in EMM have no formal income at all while a further 25% earn less than R38 000 per annum (less than R3 200 per month). In LLM, approximately 25% of the residents have an income of less than R19 600. Only 25% earn more than R153 801 per annum. Given the high unemployment rate and low levels of income in the townships, many households are unable to pay for municipal services. The South African government has introduced indigent subsidies for low income people who are unable to pay for services provided by the municipalities. Approximately 50% of households in the study area qualify for the indigent subsidy. Registered indigent consumers will receive 6 kl of water and 50 kwh of electricity free each month. The criteria to qualify for an indigent subsidy is as follow:

Are they South African citizens – The applicant must have a valid identification document or other acceptable form of identification.

If the applicant is not a South African citizen, do they have recognized refugee status, they must provide proof hereof.

The qualifying indigent must reside in a dwelling; since FBS is provided to a household.

If the applicant resides in an informal settlement they should be eligible to qualify.

The applicant must prove that they cannot afford to pay for the services, but providing a UIF card, bank statements, proof of income, letter from employer, etc.

The combined monthly household income of the applicant should not be higher than R1600.

Child headed households should be regarded as indigent Beneficiaries of state grants should be viewed as potential indigents but their eligibility must be tested.

Households without access to FBS infrastructure should be regarded as indigents.

4 Poverty can be defined as lack of resources to meet basic needs, such as adequate food, clothing, shelter and basic amenities.

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(b) Description of the current land uses

As a result of the change in scope of the application, drilling activities may take place on any suitable farm portion within the extended mining right application after applying applicable restrictions.

The author’s knowledge of the current land uses for each of the original surface areas is provided below. This description can be cross referenced with the Google Earth Images provided in Figure 17 to 20 below.

Sub Nigel No.1 Shaft: The shaft area has historically been used as a shaft for the Sub Nigel Mine. It includes a surface right permit for offices, workshops and the erection of a gold plant. The old gold plant has been dismantled. The shaft is serviced by electrical connections from an adjacent sub station, potable water and sewer connection. This surface right permit area is controlled by FEG. There are existing access roads to the shaft, however they would require an upgrade should this project proceed. The immediate land use surrounding the shaft is mainly cultivated land. The original identified Tailings facility: The location for the proposed construction of the tailings facility is the footprint of an existing facility. This facility has been assessed by Fraser Alexander and deemed as a viable option for future use. Immediately surrounding the tailings facility is the following:

The SBN Pan which was historically used as a tailings deposition site.

The Spaarwater Pan is located ±750 south west of the site

A closure landfill site

Residential area of Duduza at its closest is 300m from the edge of the surface right permit for the tailings dam.

A number of informal houses / cattle kraal / subsistence farming is located adjacent to the existing tailings dam.

The Nigel SPCA is located east of the dam. As a result of changing the scope of the application, this tailings dam footprint is no longer considered as part of the application goig forward. Florida Shaft: The Florida shaft is located on a disturbed piece of land. Immediately surrounding the shaft footprint is land which is been cultivated to harvest for grasses. The land is irrigated with sewage effluent from the near by Erwat Sewage Plant. To the south is agricultural land followed by the Erwat Sewage Plant. There is a formal residence located to the east of the shaft. 2 Incline Shaft: This shaft is located to the south of the of the Erwat Sewage Plant. The shaft is surrounded by grassland. East of the shaft is the Blesbokspruit. The shaft is located just outside the 1 in 100 year floodline of the Blesbokspruit. A small infestation of popular trees is located to the east of the shaft. 9 Shaft: This shaft is located approximately 800m to the south of 2 incline shafts and is surrounded by natural grassland. The shaft is located in close proximity to the Blesbokspruit. Houtpoort 3 shaft: This shaft is located on land owned by FEG. It is in close proximity to Heidelberg. A new shopping center has recently been established to the west of the shaft. The shaft lies immediately to the south of the N3 highway. It is important to remember that this shaft will be used for dewatering activities only. No mining will take place from this shaft. Houtpoort 4 shaft: This shaft is located on top of a ridge within an area which is infested with alien vegetation. Immediately to the north of the shaft is natural grassland associated with the ridge followed by land used for agricultural purposes.

(c) Description of specific environmental features and infrastructure on the site

The author’s knowledge of the specific environmental features for each of the surface areas to be impacted by this proposed application is provided below. This description can be cross referenced with the Google Earth Images provided in Figure 17 to 20 below. Sub Nigel No.1 Shaft and the preferred Tailings facility: According to the wetland specialist study, there are a number of pans and seeps within the vicinity of the SBN No.1 shaft and the originally preffered tailings facility. See Figure 5 below for a visual indication of the location of thes specific environmental features. Table 10 decribed each feature captured on Figure 5.

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Figure 5: Wetland and pans in and around the Sub nigel No.1 shaft and preferred tailings area

Table 10: Description of the various wetlands

Florida Shaft / 2 Incline Shaft / 9 Shaft: These shafts are located in close proximity to the Blesbokspruit. According to a wetland specialist there is a possibility of wetlands within the vicinity of 2 incline shaft and along the possible access route to this shaft. This can only be confirmed after completion of the appropriate specialist study. 2 incline shaft and 9 shaft are located in areas which have natural grassland surrounding the areas. The potential for red data species within these natural areas should be investigated. Lesedi Municipality have already raised the fact that the area is known for Bull Frogs.

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Houtpoort 3 shaft: Houtpoort 3 shaft is located in close proximity to the Blesbokspruit. A wetland has formed from the shaft to the Blesbokspruit where water has been allowed to decant from the shaft. According to a wetland assessment there are 3 wetlands within 500m of the shaft. See Figure 6 below.

Figure 6: Wetlands associated with Houtpoort 3 shaft Houtpoort 4 shaft: While the shaft footprint is located within a disturbed area, immediately to the north of the shaft is natural vegetation associated with a ridge. The potential for red data species within these natural areas should be investigated.

(d) Environmental and current land use map (Show all environmental, and current land use features).

Figures 7 to 10 below show the environmental features and current land uses in the areas where the original surface impact was proposed to occur. Future drilling and specialist studies will continue to focus on the areas shown below.

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Figure 7: Current land use around the SBN No.1 shaft and the originally preferred tailing facility.

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Figure 8: Current land use and environmental features around Florida shaft, 2 incline shaft and 9 shaft.

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Figure 9: Current land use and environmental features around Houtpoort 3 shaft.


New shopping center

Houtpoort 3 shaft

Disturbed grassland

Seep wetland

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Figure 10: Current land use and environmental features around Houtpoort 4 shaft.





Old Tailings

Old mine road proposed to be used

New road proposed to be constructed

Houtpoort 4 shaft

Houtpoort 1 shaft


Alien Vegetation

Alien Vegetation


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(v) Impacts identified


(vi) Method used to identified impacts

The following is a screening level impact assessment in order to determine the potentially significant impacts of the drilling activities and the additional specialist studies that will need to be assessed in more detail during the EIA phase of the application. In order to determine the potential impacts, a screeing level assessment has been applied.

The following is applicable to the screening level assessment;

Considering the baseline environment, the proposed activities will be evaluated against all environmental attributes to identify potential impacts / risks.

Environmental Attributes (presented alphabetically):

Aesthetics / Visual affects Sites of heritage & cultural interest

Air Quality / Dust Soil

Ecology / Fauna and Flora Socio-economic considerations including crime and security

Geological features / subsidence Surface water

Ground water Topography

Noise / Sound levels Vibration

Sensitive receptors Radiation

All potential impacts are then categories as follows: The “informed by” section in the table below, will be categorised into;

Known impact (an impact that is known by experience)

Identified during consultation

Identified by Specialist (impact identified in one of the specialist studies completed to date) The probability of the impact will be categorised into;


Probable and

Definite The duration of the impact will be categorised into;

Short term (impact will cease within 6 months)

Medium term (impact will cease within 5 years)

Life of Mine (LoM)

Permenant Using the above definitions, the identified impacts are then classified as either insignificant, uncertain, or potentially significant impacts / risks (definitions in table below);

Insignificant impacts / risks will be described during the EIA phase and not assessed any further.

Uncertain impacts / risks will be investigated further during the EIA phase until such time they can be categorised into insignificant or potentially significant

Potentially significant impacts / risks will be subjected to further assessment during the EIA phase to determine the significance of the impact / risk in order to assign the appropriate management measures.

This screening level assessment now only caters for the amended activities, namely the implementation of

additional drilling activities within the extended mining right footprint area.

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Table 11: Identified Impacts (resulting from a screening level assessment)






Incorporating the 4 adjacent prospecting rights into the mining right area

No physical impact associated with this activity. None None None None None

Implementing additional drilling:

The drilling activities could include;

- Access track to drill sites (due to the fact that the area is built up, there are available access tracks which can be used) an estimated 200m of access roads (less than 4m wide) is anticipated for all drill sites.

- Demarcation of drill pad (20m x 20m) per pad

- Implement percussion drilling followed by diamond drilling

- Stores / ablution / security required for drilling

- Core to be taken to SBN No.1 shaft for cutting and processing

- Sampling to be performed in a recognised laboratory

- Established accommodation in the area to be used (no camp site)

- Rand Water to be used for both drilling and potable requirements

- Waste Requirements

- Sanitation requirements (chemical toilets)

Water I&AP Probable Short term Uncertain

Social impact I&AP Definate Short term Significant

Visual Known Probable Short term Uncertain

Soil Known Definate Short term Significant

Dust Known Definate Short term Uncertain

Noise Known Probable Short term Uncertain

Heritage Specialist Improbable Short term Insignificant

Flora / Fauna Known Probable Short term Uncertain

Undertaking additional specialist studies

No significant physical impact associated with undertaking the required special studies. However in order to maintain relationships with landowners, access to property needs to be requested and obtain prior to any specialist entering a property.

Social impact I&AP Definate Short term Uncertain

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(vii) The positive and negative impacts that the proposed activity (in terms of the initial site layout) and alternatives will have on the environment and the community that may be affected

(Provide a discussion in terms of advantages and disadvantages of the initial site layout compared to alternative layout options to accommodate concerns raised by affected parties).

The draft scoping report included the implementation of 4 separate project which would have had a significant impact on the environment. However, based on the uncertainties which arose during the original consultation period, FEG have opted to amend the application only to allow for additional drilling activities and implement further specialist investigations. The main positive impact of this change of scope in the application is that no siginificant environmental impact will be experience by any landowner as a result of the amended activities. The negative impact of this change is that all of the proposed socio-economic benefits in terms of employement and community involvement is now postponed. The amendment of the application to remove the originally proposed projects is directly linked to concerns raised and feedback provided by interested and affected parties which came to light during the consultation process on the draft scoping report. There are no alternatives to the proposed additional drilling activities.

(viii) The possible mitigation measures that could be applied and the level of risk

(With regard to the issues and concerns raised by affected parties provide a list of the issues raised and an assessment/ discussion of the mitigations or site layout alternatives available to accommodate or address their concerns, together with an assessment of the impacts or risks associated with the mitigation or alternatives considered).

Interested and affected parties were provided with documentation describing the originally planned project proposed by FEG which included implementing the following individual projects; Project Phoenix; In brief this project was to involve;

Sourcing -10mm surface material containing gold ore from various locations in the East Rand. FEG has access to approximately 200 000 tons of ore within the East Rand.

Constructing a crusher and gravity plant at the SBN Number 1 shaft (SBN No.1 shaft) which will be used to process the material. The gravity plant will consist of screening - 3 mm material, crushing the oversize and subjecting the material to gravity concentration.

The gravity concentrate will be sold for smelting.

The discard from the plant will be stockpiled for future Carbon in Leach (CIL) treatment. Development of a CIL gold plant and associated tailings facility: In brief this project was to involve;

Construction of a CIL conventional gold plant (which uses cyanide) which has the ability to process 25 000 tons of ore per month. The plant will be constructed on the footprint of a historical plant.

The construction of the tailings facility on the footprint of an existing facility.

Re-commissioning the pipeline (covered by a surface right permit (SRP)) from the SBN No.1 shaft to the footprint of the tailings dam.

The plant will be developed in a manner in which it can be expanded.

Once constructed the plant and tailings facility will be operational for the full life of mine (up to 2038).

Florida, 2 incline and 9 shaft project: In brief this project was to involve;

Re-equipping and deepening of the existing Florida shaft, 2 incline shaft and the 9 shaft.

Total dewatering will be required of the shafts (+/- 33 Mega litres). Dewatering to take place from the Florida Shaft and the 9 shaft.

Once re-equipped there will be extensive on reef development to open up the ore reserves

Ore will be extracted and trucked to SBN No.1 shaft for processing and disposal.

Development of access roads from the shafts to established roads.

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The limited amount of waste will be used for backfill requirements or sold to a crushing operation (no waste rock dump will be formed).

The infrastructure at the Florida and 9 shaft will include; change house, stores, lamp house, administration offices, Security perimeter, satellite workshop, transformer house, winder house, head gear and bin and Compressor house.

Houtpoort 4 shaft project. In brief this project was to involve;

Re-equipping the Houtpoort No.4 shaft

On reef development from No.4 shaft

Stoping from 4 shaft. The underground gold bearing material will be extracted from the upper shallow sections of the mine.

All ore will be trucked to SBN No.1 shaft for processing.

Development of an access road from No.4 shaft through to No.1 shaft and then the upgrading of an existing mine road to the public road.

Dewatering (+/- 800 Mega litres) from No.3 shaft to expose additional ore (to be extracted from the 4 shaft).

The shaft infrastructure will be the same as the Florida shaft / 9 shaft project.

A small sewage treatment works.

A consolidated summary of the main issues raised (linked to the areas in which the concerns were raised) in combination are as follows:


1) Impact of blasting / underground mining on surface stability. 2) Crime at each of the shafts proposed to be used and guarantees on how the mine will control

employees and control job seekers from squatting close to the shafts. 3) Potential for devaluation of property around areas where surface impacts were proposed. 4) Surface rental agreements to be in place on land used by the mine. 5) Socio-economic impact of the mining operations needs to be investigated in detail (both the

positive and negative impacts) 6) Procurement / employment strategy for the future mine. Many people want to know how they can

gain employment or how the mine will make use of their company. 7) The need to explain the dynamics of the community trust component of the BEE agreement.

Community ownership was raised during one of the public meetings. 8) Traffic impacts and suitability and status of roads which would have been used by the mine. 9) Rehabiliation commitments of the mine

Houtpoort 4 shaft:

1) Cannot use the old mine road through the farming property. Suitable alterntive routes needs to be investigated by the traffic engineer.

2) A number of I&AP’s have raised concerns around the suitability of the Balfour road for the mine trucks.

3) Dewatering from Houtpoort 3 shaft will result in farmers boreholes drying up. According to one farmer historically this occurred when mining was taking place in the past. Should this happen all farmers in the area have indicated that the mine will have to commit to providing them there water needs.

4) Ecological impact of mining on indigenous fauna and flora (black eagles / Heidelberg copper butterfly).

5) Heritage concerns raised.

SBN No.1 shaft / tailings dam:

1) Concern about status of access road to the SBN No.1 shaft. 2) A township development has been approved by the Human Settlement Department of Ekurhuleni

which would border the proposed tailings facility. This is one of the significant uncertainties that the mine needs to resolve.

3) Rehabilitation commitments of the mine to the tailings facility.

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4) Following concerns raised about the tailings footprint: Dust, Noise, Groundwater pollution, Radiation concerns, Impact on animals, safety concerns, need to relocate people living adjacent to the dam.

Florida shaft and surrounds:

1) The impact of dewatering on surround landowners boreholes. 2) Cannot use the existing access road to Florida shaft as it is a private road and used to emergency

medical reasons frequently. 3) The impact the mine will have on the Blesbokspruit water quality. 4) Noise impacting on surrounding landowners 5) Bullfrogs and wetlands in close proximity to the shafts Some of the feedback from the interested and affected parties has a significant bearing on the originally proposed projects. Hence as a result of the feedback and due to a change of management structure at FEG, the mine has opted to exclude all the originally planned projects from their application and only proceed with;

The consolidation of the 4 x prospecting rights into the mining right

To allow for additional drilling activities within the extended mining right area (within the confines of an approved EMP)

To undertake additional specialist studies (which will in future be used to address some of the concerns raised by I&AP’s)

As a result of this decision, none of the identified impacts raised by I&AP’s remain applicable for the amended application.

(ix) The outcome of the site selection Matrix. Final Site Layout Plan

There is no layout alternative for a drill site. The final positioning of a drill site can be slightly altered to accommodate landowner requirements (within reason). See Appendix A.2 for an indication of the

potential sites identified for additional drilling.

(x) Motivation where no alternative sites were considered

There is no layout alternative for a drill site. The final positioning of a drill site can be slightly altered to accommodate landowner requirements (within reason). See Appendix A.2 for an indication of the potential sites identified for additional drilling. Please note that the final positioning of drilling activities will only be confirmed once the relevant landowner has been consulted.

(xi) Statement motivating the preferred site.

The drill sites presented in Appendix 2 have been choosen as they represent the most practical from a geological point of view. All the drill sites can be moved (within reason).

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(i) Description of alternatives to be considered including the option of not going ahead with the activity

During the draft scoping report, 4 different projects were proposed to be implemented (as described in the the introduction). As a result of a number of factors, including feedback attained from the initial consultation process, at this point in time the option of not proceeding with the physical projects has been choosen. Instead, the incorporation of the prospecting rights into the mining right area and the additional investigations will be performed which will include drilling activities and implementing additional specialist studies. It is the impacts associated with the additional drilling and implementing additional specialist studies which will be considered going forward with this application.

(ii) Description of the aspects to be assessed as part of the environmental impact assessment process

(The EAP must undertake to assess the aspects affected by each individual mining activity whether listed or not, including activities such as blasting,loading,hauling and transport, and mining activities such asExcavations, blasting, stockpiles, discard dumps or dams, loading, hauling and transport, water supply dams and boreholes, accommodation, offices, ablution, stores, workshops, processing plant, storm water control, berms, roads, pipelines, power lines, conveyors, etc.)

During the environmental impact assessment phase of the application, the following aspects will be assessed: To implement additional exploration drilling activities ( specifically around the target areas of Florida shaft / Houtpoort 4 shaft / Kaydale & Spaarwater) The drilling activities could include;

- Access track to drill sites (due to the fact that the area is built up, there are available access tracks which can be used) an estimated 200m of access roads (less than 4m wide) is anticipated to each drill sites.

- Demarcation of drill pad (20m x 20m) per pad - Preparing the drill pad by scraping topsoil and digging two water sumps - Erecting stores / ablution / security requirements for drilling - Implement percussion drilling followed by diamond drilling - Core to be taken to SBN No.1 shaft for cutting and processing - Sampling to be performed in a recognised laboratory - Established accommodation in the area to be used (no camp site) - Rand Water to be used for both drilling and potable requirements - Waste Requirement - Sanitation requirements (chemical toilets)

To implement additional specialist studies. These include;

1) Rock mechanic / blasting reports at any shaft which intends to be used for future mining 2) Security plan for any shaft which intends to be used for future mining 3) Radiation assessments at any shaft which intends to be used for future mining 4) Traffic impact assessment for any activity that makes use of a public road 5) Detailed social impact assessment involving effected communities 6) Wetland studies 7) Investigation into the current status of the Blesbokspruit 8) Surface water investigations / storm water management plans at any surface location which

may be used in future 9) Baseline noise surveys at any shaft which intends to be used for future mining 10) Determination of baseline air quality 11) Heritage surveys at any shaft which intends to be used for future mining 12) Ecological surveys in areas where there is a potential for red data species. 13) Groundwater investigations to predict the potential impact of dewatering on local groundwater

users in the area where future dewatering is required. 14) Alternative tailings dam options need to be investigated.

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(iii) Description of aspects to be assessed by specialists

Due to the limited nature of the impacts associated with the drilling activities and the flexibility of a drilling campaign (i.e drill sites can be moved within reason to avoid sensitive environmental features) no further specialist studies are proposed for this application.

It should be noted that a number of specialist studies have already been completed for the original application. While the impact assessment aspect of the completed specialist studies is no longer relevant, the baseline information is still applicable and will be presented within the EIR.

(iv) Proposed methods of asessing the environmental aspects including the proposed method of assessing alternatives


(i) the proposed method of assessing duration signficance

The Umhlaba impact assessment tool will be used during the EIA phase of the application in order to determine the significant impacts of the drilling activities on the baseline environment. Below is a description of the Umhlaba impact assessment tool; Definitions: The following technical terms are used in the context of the impact assessment:

Environment: The surroundings within which humans exist and that are made up of: - the land, water and atmosphere of the earth. - micro-organisms, plant and animal life. - any part or combination of the above, and the interrelationships among and between them. - the physical, chemical, aesthetic and cultural properties and conditions of the foregoing that

influence human health and wellbeing.

Activity: A specific deed, action or function, that takes place at an operation. - E.g. Stripping of topsoil or mining of clay.

Aspect: Considered to be a direct effect of an activity, which has an influence on the environment. It is neither categorised as positive or negative.

- E.g. Mining of clay (an activity) causes dust fallout and noise (both are aspects of the activity).

Impact: The end-result of an aspect that occurred due to an activity, resulting in an influence (change) on the environment. The influence is either positive or negative. The determination as to whether an impact is positive or negative is subjective. For example:

- E.g. Dust, an aspect of mining (an activity), cause a nuisance to neighbouring houses (an impact – negative from the perspective of the homeowner).

Cumulative Impacts: Cumulative Impacts will be considered where off-site activities (not related to the operation being evaluated) will result in the same impact at the receptors being considered.

- E.g. dust will be considered cumulatively for a mine located adjacent to a field which is ploughed. The spatial extent for the consideration of off-site impacts will be determined individually for each impact depending on factors such as the medium of dispersal of the pollutant causing the impact.

Environmental Impact Assessment: A formal or informal procedure producing a quantitative estimate of the environmental impact resulting from an activity.

Significance: A determination of the importance of a particular impact and in doing so incorporates extent, frequency and severity. The criteria for determining this significance is described below.

Criteria to Consider when Determining the Significance The ranking of impacts / determination of significance is estimated using two criteria, namely Consequence and Probability. These consider the contributing factors / criteria listed in the legislation. The definitions of each are provided below. The Consequence of an impact resulting from an aspect is expressed as a combination of:

Nature of impact: An indication of the extent of the damage (negative impacts) or benefit (positive impacts) the impact inflicts on natural, cultural, and/or social functions (environment).

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Extent of impact: A spatial indication of the area impacted (i.e. how far from activity the impact is realized) or spatial extent of the importance of the potential impact (i.e. if a heritage site of national importance will be impacted on site, then the extent is regarded as “national” and not “onsite”).

Duration of impact: A temporal indication of the how long the effects of the impact will persist, assuming the activity creating the impact ceases. For example, the impact of noise is short lived (impact ceases when activity ceases) whereas the impact of removing topsoil exists for a much longer period of time.

Frequency of the aspect occurring: An indication of how often an aspect, as a result of a particular activity, is likely to occur. Note that this does not assess how often the impact occurs as it applies only to the aspect. For example mining takes place daily while the resultant frequency of the impacts occurring will vary based on a number of factors.

The Probability of an impact resulting from an aspect is expressed as: Probability of impact occurring: An estimated indication of the potential for an impact to occur. For example if there is a small overburden dump, what is the probability of adjacent landowners regarding the dump as a visual impact? Probability is based on the author’s experience with the known activities of the operation. Determining Significance for Controls The Significance of an impact: Using the criteria explanation above, scores are assigned to each the criteria, as outlined in Table 12. The scoring range has been selected to represent the scale in which varying impacts can occur. The combination of scores is then used to determine the Consequence and Probability.

Consequence is expressed as the sum of all criteria in order to get a score out of 100.

Probability of the impact occurring is expressed as a score out varying from 1 to 10. Multiplying the consequence score against the probability score provides for an initial significance ranking. The lowest potential score is 4 and the highest possible impact score is 1000. Scoring Range Table 12 provides an indication of the scoring given to each category associated with the impact assessment.

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Table 12: Impact assessment scoring.

Low Impacts affect the environment in such a way that natural, cultural and / or

social functions and processes are affected insignificantly.1

Low-MediumImpacts affect the environment in such a way that natural, cultural and / or

social functions and processes are altered in a minor way. 5

MediumImpacts affect the environment in such a way that natural, cultural and / or

social functions and processes are altered. 10

Medium-HighImpacts affect the environment in such a way that natural, cultural and / or

social functions and processes are severely altered. 15

HighImpacts affect the environment in such a way that natural, cultural and / or

social functions and processes will be irreversibly changed. 25

On-site Impact occurs within a functional area. 1

Neighbouring Impact occurs on neighbouring properties 5

Local Impact occurs within a 10km radius of the site. 10

RegionalImpact occurs within a 100km radius of the site.(or environmental attribute of

regional importance)15

NationalImpact occurs within South Africa. (or environmental attribute of national


Very Short-term The impact will cease within 1 week if the activity is stopped. 1

Short-term The impact will cease within 1 year if the activity is stopped. 5

Medium-term The impact will cease within 5 years if the activity is stopped. 10

Long-term After the operational life of the operation. 15


Where mitigation either by natural process or by human intervention will not

occur in such a way or in such a time span that the impact can be considered



Annually or less Activity occurs at least once in a year or less frequently. 1

6 months Activity occurs at least once in 6 months. 5

Monthly Activity occurs at least weekly to once a month. 10

Weekly Activity occurs on operational days. 15

Daily Activity occurs daily. 25

Improbable The possibility of the impact materialising is very low either because of design

or historic experience. 1

Low The possibility of the impact materialising is low either because of design or

historic experience. 3

Medium There is a possibility that the impact will occur. 6

High There is a distinct possibility that the impact will occur. 8

Definite The impact will occur regardless of any prevention measures. 10

Effective Engineering 40%

Efective Maintenance 5%

Implementing of procedural controls 25%

Training 10%

Are you legally compliant (Yes / No) 200

Unresolved concern by an I&AP 100

Needs to be recongised cumulatively with other extenal impacts 50

External factors that influence significance outside the control of the operation

Significance Score (After controls, including external factors)

Significance Score (Before controls) 1 = applicable; 0 = not applicable

Nature of the potential Impact

Extent of the potential impact

Duration of the potential impact

Frequency of the activity causing the potential impact

Total Consequence

Total Probability


Significance Score (After controls)

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The Final Significance ranking of an impact will also take cognizance of:

Activities resulting in legal triggers: If there is an activity (as contained within the aspect and impact register) which (potentially) triggers a legal authorization process, then this activity and associated impact needs to be recognized at minimum as a medium impact to ensure that appropriate management measures are assigned.

Impacts / Issues raised by Interested and Affected Parties: For new and existing operations, I&Aps will be consulted, either during the compilation of the impact assessment (for new operations) or part of an existing / on-going consultation process (for existing operations). During this consultation process, I&AP will identify concerns relating to impacts resulting from activities associated with the operation. Impacts identified by I&Aps will be assigned additional scoring.

Cumulative Impacts: Cumulative Impacts will be considered where any off-site activities (not related to the operation being evaluated) will result in the same impact at the receptors being considered.

Below is a summary of the influence of external factors on final significance scoring:

External Factor Description Points to add

Legal Activity triggers a legal authorisation process 200

I&AP Concerns

Unresolved Impact rasied as a concern by an I&AP 100

Cumulative Impact

Impact can be considered cumulatively with off site impacts 50

The final significance ranking takes cognisance of the initial scoring plus any additional score associated with allocating an external factor. At no time can the sum total of all the scores exceed 1000.

Converting the Scores to a Significant Ranking Allocation

The significance of an impact is considered to be classified into one of the following; High, Medium-High, Medium, Low-Medium or Low. Each of the classified impacts has a scoring band into which it falls. The band has been determined by a combination of 25 years of experience of Umhlaba employees. The definition of each classification is provided in Table 13 and focuses on the need for avoidance, mitigation or management.

Table 13: Significance classification.



(4 – 60)

Management measures may not be necessary, but in some instances are encouraged to ensure that the impact remains of Low significance.


(61 – 200)

Management measures are usually encouraged to ensure that the impacts remain of Low-Medium significance.


(201 – 400)

Management measures are required to ensure, at minimum, the significance of the impact does not increase.


(401 – 650)

Management measures are required to reduce the significance of the impact to, at least, Medium significance.



Impact should be avoided, or if not possible, managed to reduce the significance of the impact to, at least, Medium significance (where possible).

Determining Significance After Controls

The Significance of an impact can be reduced through the successful implementation of appropriate controls. Table 14 provides a summary of the controls that can be implemented and the degree in which the control can effectively reduce the significance of the impact.

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Table 14: Summary of controls to reduce significance.

Type of control Description % to be deducted

Engineering Isolation, re-design, Guarding, Containment, Safety Device


Monitoring, Measurement and Maintenance

Continuous Monitoring, Observations, Inspections & Testing, Implementing Maitenance


Procedural and Administration

Policies, Procedures & Work Instructions 25%

Training and Education Training & Competencies 10%

Where management measures are asigned, they are categorised into one of the above reference type of controls and the initial significant ranking is reduced by the appropriate percentage. In many cases more than one control can be applied. For example; should a mine require a diesel tank, the risk of a potential diesel spill from that tank needs to be considered in the initial significant ranking. Thus, if the mine commits and successfully implements the following management measures:

To bund the diesel tank.

To train employees on how to refill vehicles and what to do in case a minor spill occurs. Then, the significant after controls would be reduced by 40% (for the bunding) and 10% due to the training commitment. Additional Factors that do not contribute to the Significance of an Impact After completing the determination of significance of an impact, there are additional factors, which in terms of NEMA which need to be considered. NEMA stipulates that the impact assessment must consider the following for “each identified potentially significant impact”; namely:

“the degree to which the impact can be reversed”

“the degree to which the impact may cause irreplaceable loss of resources”

“the degree to which the impact can be mitigated The impact assessment tool regards a “significant impact” as one with an initial ranking of medium or higher. Although these factors are important in the evaluation of the impacts (particularly for new developments), they will not be applicable to all impacts and hence, may not influence the significance rating of an impact (explained below).

Degree to which the Impact can be Reversed: An indication to the degree to which the impact can be reversed will be provided. Three categories have been allocated: - Not Possible: Once the impact has occurred it will be permanent and cannot be reversed. - Potentially: With appropriate management and mitigation measures there is a potential the

impact can be reduced / reversed. - Likely: With appropriate management and mitigation measures there is a good likelihood

that the impact can be reduced / reversed.

Degree to which the Impact can be Mitigated: This requirement is essentially achieved by determining significance before consideration of controls and then the significance after the consideration of management controls. The difference between the before and after controls is an indication of the “degree to which the impact can be mitigated”.

Degree to which the Impact may cause Irreplaceable Loss of Resources: Aspects that need to be considered in terms of irreplaceable loss of resources should be discussed at the beginning of the impact assessment. An example is the removal of geological material.

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(ii) the stages at which the competent authority will be consulted

The competent authority for this application is the Department of Mineral and Resources (DMR)

The DMR became aware of the proposed project during the submission of the Section 102 application in March 2015.

Thereafter, an application form detailing the environmental triggers was submitted on 26 October 2015.

The DMR was made aware of the draft scoping report available for comment from 6 November 2015 through to 7 December 2015.

As a result of significant uncertainties arising, the DMR were consulted to request an extension for the submission of the Scoping Report.

A final copy of the Scoping Report after implementing the initial consultation process will be submitted to the DMR for comment (to be submitted on 18

th February 2016)

The DMR will be made aware of the draft EIAR and EMPr when available for a 30 day commenting period

A final copy of the EIAr and EMPr will be submitted to the DMR.

(iii) Particulars of the public participation process with regard to the impact Assessment process that will be conducted

As a result of the initial consultation process undertaken for the draft scoping report which included;

Emailing known interested and affected parties (Governement Departments / Parastatals / NGO’s / Ward councillors etc)

Send registered letters to all landowners where the applicable addresses could be obtained

Placing adverts within 2 local newspapers, namely the Heidelberg / Nigel Heraut (04 November 2015) and the Brakpan Herald (06 November 2015)

Erecting 8 site notices through out the extended mining right area

- Lesedi Municipal Offices - Entrance to Heidelberg Mall - Entrance to Nigel Mall - Access road to the SBN No.1 shaft from the R51 - Closest residential area to the proposed tailings facility - Entrance to Tsakane Mall - Access road to Florida Shaft - National Road adjacent to the Houtpoort 4 shaft

Having one on one meetings with affected landowners

Having meeting with representative of both of the Municipalities

Having meetings with ward councillors

Holding 2 advertised public meetings A detailed database of registered interested and affected parties has been completed. See Appendix 3.1 for a copy of this database.

1. Steps to be taken to notify interested and affected parties (These steps must include the steps that will be taken to ensure consultation with the affected parties identified in (h) (ii) herein) Moving into the Impact Assessment process the following steps will be implemented to notify all registered interested and affected parties; 1) Immediately after submission of the final scoping report to the DMR, all registered I&AP’s

will be notified of the changes to the application and of the opportunity to comment on the final scoping report. This notification will preferably take place via email. However where email is not available telephonic communication will be used.

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2) Once the draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Environmental Management Plan is available all registered interested and affected parties will be notified of the availability of the report for comment.

3) Within the 30 day consultation period, another public meeting will be held to give interested and affected parties the opportunity to raise questions or concerns.

4) As and when requested, one on one consultations will continue through out the EIA process.

2. details of the engagement process to be followed

(Describe the process to be undertaken to consult interested and affected parties including public meetings and one on one consultation. NB the affected parties must be specifically consulted regardless of whether or not they attended public meetings and records of such consultation will be required in the EIA at a later stage)

The Scoping Phase engagement process which has been completed is provided below;

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The EIA phase proposed engagement process is provided below:

The interested and affected parties register contained within Appendix 3.1 will be maintained through out the EIA process. Within this register there is an indication of how each and every registered interested and affected party has been notified and an indication of those that have submitted comments to date.

3. description of the information to be provided to interested and affected parties

(Information to be provited must include the initial site plan and sufficient detail of the intended operation and the typical impacts of each activity, to enable them to assess what impact the activities will have on them or on the use of their land)

Interested and affected parties were all initially provided with a background information document to provide them with an overview of the proposed projects. See Appendix 3.2 for a copy of the original

background information document (BID).

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Immediately after submission of the final scoping report, all registered interested and affected parties will be notified of the changes that have occurred from the draft to the final scoping report. They will also be directed to a internet address where copies of the final scoping report can be obtained. Once the draft environmental impact assessment report has been completed all registered interested and affected parties will be informed of the document and provided with 30 days to review and comment. During the review period a public meeting will be held to provide an opportunity for interested and affected parties to raise any question / query.

(viii) Description of the tasks that will be undertaken during the environmental impact assessment process

The flow diagram below summerises the tasks associated with the environmental impact assessment process in full.

During the EIA/EMP phase the following tasks will be completed;

Inform registered I&AP’s of the change between the draft and final scoping report

Complete specialist studies which were been undertaken for the original application

Complete the draft reports associated with the environmental impact assessment phase of the application

Subject the draft reports to a consultation process.

Finalise and submit final reports to the authorities for a decision.

Notify registered interested and affected parties of the final decision

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(ix) Measures to avoid, reverse, mitigate, or manage identified impacts and to determine the extent of the residual risks that need to be managed and monitored.

Below is a high level summary of the possible mitigation types which can be implemented for the initial identified impact list associated with the drilling activities and the specialist studies.





Section 102 application to include 4 prospecting rights into one mining right (GP 28 MR)

None None None

The drilling activities could include; - Access track to drill sites (due to

the fact that the area is built up, there are available access tracks which can be used) an estimated 200m of access roads (less than 4m wide) is anticipated for all drill sites.

- Demarcation of drill pad (20m x 20m) per pad

- Implement percussion drilling followed by diamond drilling

- Stores / ablution / security required for drilling

- Core to be taken to SBN No.1 shaft for cutting and processing

- Sampling to be performed in a recognised laboratory

- Established accommodation in the area to be used (no camp site)

- Rand Water to be used for both drilling and potable requirements

- Waste Requirements - Sanitation requirements (chemical


Water Impacts on water resources will be avoided by: - No drilling activity to be located within 100m of a water course / wetland - All chemicals required for drilling will be stored ina protected area - Any chemical spill will be cleaned up immediately - Inspection checklist will be used to ensure all equipment is well maintained. - Effective waste management will be implemented - Water requirements for drilling will be obtained from a legal source.


Social impact Social impacts associated with drilling will be avoided by; - Once a drill site has been identified, the relevant landowner will be contacted to

request permission to enter the land to undertake the drilling. All reasonable requests made by the landowner will be accommodated.

- Prior to any drilling / invasive activities been implemented a photographic gallery will be taken of the area.

- The drill pad will be demarcated during the course of drilling and access control will apply to the demarcated area.

- Once drilling is completed and the drill site is rehabilitated the landowner will be requested to sign off on the rehabilitation activities.

- After rehabilitation has been completed, a photographic gallery will be taken. - The mine will maintain a complaints register and a procedure to acknowledge and

address all complaints raised.

Yes – should poor relationships develop between FEG and landowners, the impact of this will result in social unhappiness making it harder for the mine to implement any future projects.

Visual A visual impact will be avoided and then remedied by: - The final positioning of the drill rig will take cognisance of landowner concerns - After drilling is complete, the drill pad will be subject to rehabilitation which will

remove all infrastructure / waste / evidence of the drilling and the site will then be rehabiliatated.


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Soil The impact on soil will be remdied by; - All soil stripped at the onset of drilling will be stored adjacent to the drill pad. - Topsoil and overburden will be stripped separately. - Upon completion of drilling activities, overburden will be replaced followed by



Dust The impact of dust will be controlled by; - The drill rigs used for drilling will be well maintained and fitted with the appropriate

dust suppression equipment.


Noise The impact of noise will be avoided / controlled by: - No drill rig will be placed within 50m of any infrastructure - Where possible no drill rig will be positioned within 100m of any residential

infrastructure. - Ensuring that the drill rigs used are well maintained and fitted with the appropriate

noise suppression equipment. - If necessary the timing of implementing drilling activities can be altered to ensure

that noisy activities have a minimal impact (such as implemented during school holidays)

- In noise sensitive areas, no drilling will take place during the night.


Heritage The potential impact on heritage will be avoided by: - No drill rig / access road will be placed within 50m of any identified heritage



Flora / Fauna The impact on flora / fauna will be controlled by: - Where possible drill rigs will be positioned within disturbed land and not pristine

grassland - Exisiting access routes will be used as far as possible. New access routes will be

kept to a minimum. - The clearing of land to facilitate the drilling activities will be kept to a minimum (no

bigger than 20 x 20m) - Trees will be avoided both in accessing sites and deciding on the drill site - No termite mounds will be disturbed.


To implement a variety of additional specialist studies

Social impact Avoid a social impact by requesting permission from relevant landowners / landoccupiers to access a property for the purpose of implementing a specialist study before commencement of the study.

Yes – see comment above

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j) OTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED BY THE COMPETENT AUTHORITY (i) Compliance with the provisions of sections 24(4)(a) and (b) read with

section 24(3)(a) and (7) of the National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998), the EIA report must include the:-

(1) Impact on the socio-economic conditions of any directly affected person A social impact assessment was completed as part of the original social and labour plan submitted for the S102 application. In addition, a specialist social impact assessment was commissioned during the draft scoping report phase of the project. Due to the significant change in the application process from implementing 4 projects with an total of employment requirement of 1390 to now implementing additional drilling activities which will not create any new employment opportunities, both the positive and negative social impacts have been minimised. As a result, the specialist who was undertaking the social impact assessment has been requested to not continue with their work until further notice. A summarised report of social impact assessment on all the original reports is available on request. The socio-economic negative impacts associated with the drilling activities proposed could include: - Temporarily sterilising a portion of land for the implementing of drilling activities - Drill sites not being effectively secured resulting in a safety hazard - Drill sites not being rehabilitated after completion of drilling - Noise from drilling impacting on nearby landowners / communities - Gates not being locked when accessing the required portions of land - Theft - Unhappiness of the land owner / occupier to support any future development by the mine. In order to mitigate the above potential impacts applicable landowners will be reconsulted before any future access to their land is required.

(2) Impact on any national estate referred to in section 3(2) of the National Heritage Resources Act

(Provide the results of Investigation, assessment, and evaluation of the impact of the mining, bulk sampling or alluvial diamond prospecting on any national estate referred to in section 3(2) of the National Heritage Resources Act, 1999 (Act No. 25 of 1999) with the exception of the national estate contemplated in section 3(2)(i)(vi) and (vii) of that Act, attach the investigation report as Appendix 2.19.2 and confirm that the applicable mitigation is reflected in 2.5.3; 2.11.6. and 2.12. herein).

To date, two cultural and heritage assessments have been completed for the areas associated with the mine. They were completed on the original scope of work, but serve to provide an indication of the baseline heritage conditions within the extended mining right area. Please see these reports attached in Appendix 5. In order to avoid any potential impact on any heritage site, the mine will commit to ensure that no physical activity (access road or drill pad) will be placed within 50m of a known heritage resource.

k) OTHER MATTERS REQUIRED IN TERMS OF SECTION 24(4)(A) AND (B) OF THE ACT (The EAP managing the application must provide the competent authority with detailed, written proof of an investigation as required by section 24(4)(b)(i) of the Act and motivation if no reasonable or feasible alternatives, as contemplated in sub-regulation 22(2)(h), exist. The EAP must attach such motivation as Appendix 4).

When completing the EIA phase of the application Section 24(4)(A) and (B) will be used as a checklist to ensure that all procedural requirements for the environmental authorisation process have been achieved.

With reference to Section 24(4)(b)(i) alterntives have been discussed in Section H of this report. Originally 4 physical projects were proposed at the onset of the application which was presented within the draft scoping report. As a result of feedback obtained during the consultation process the mine has opted to not proceed with any of the original planned projects and instead implement

additional investigations.

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DATE: 18th February 2016





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The plans provided below provide an indication of the current proposed location of undertaking further drilling activities. The drill sites mainly represent an infill drilling requirement in areas which have already been drilled.

The areas include:

The Spaarwater area

The Houtpoort area

The Romola area

The Kaydale area

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Spaarwater area:

The proposed drill sites are represented by the red numbers on the plan provided below:

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Houtpoort area:

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Romola area:

Drill sites will be positioned between the existing drill holes already completed.

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Kaydale area:

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A 3.1: A copy of the current Interested and affected party database – 18 February 2016

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Registered interested and affected parties as of 18 February 2016:



A & M International Trust T88067/2008 Ptn 29 Houtpoort 392 IR

A A F J Distribution cc Andre van Rooyen & Mary-Anny Walker van Rooyen

0833065206 Residential: 77A 20Th Road, Witpoort Estates , Brakpan , P O Box 10324, Dalview, 1544

[email protected] T33234/2012 Ptn 5, 30, 31,Houtpoort 392 IR

Adzam Trading 146 (Pty) Ltd Director: C J Wentzel, Werner 0824953143 Residential: Houtpoort 115 Postnet: Postnet Suite 478, Private Bag H607, Heidelberg 1438,

T123240/2006 Ptn 115 Houtpoort 392 IR

A B Alderson Holding 35, 36 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

Andrew Vermaak Properties (Pty) Ltd Director: James Andrew Vermaak 0832532519 Residential: 7 Rossiter Avenue, Dunnottor, 1590, , P O Box 69 Dunnottar, 1590

[email protected] T42335/2007 Ptn Re 31 Varkensfontein 169 IR

Maria Susanna Petronella Bosh Johan Bosch 0835123101 P O Box 1190 Heidelberg [email protected] T28652/2007 Ptn 34 Klippoortjie 187 IR

Ernest Albert Boy 0765117793 Zuid Street 108, Rensburg T14302/2006 Ptn 22 Houtpoort 392 IR

David Shephanus Brand T75930/2005, T77312/2011 Ptn 40,86 Klippoortjie 187 IR

Abel Joshua Brinkman T93423/2005 Ptn 32,33 Klippoortjie 187 IR

British American Tobacco Property S A (Pty) Ltd

016 340 6000 Fax 016 341 6613

P O Box 506, Heidelberg [email protected] T61502/2001 Ptn 95 Langlaagte 186 IR

George Frederik de Bruin T21993/1992 Ptn 72 Klippoortjie 187 IR

Esmarie Christina de Bruyn T47000/1997 Ptn 25 Langlaagte 186 IR

Willem van Heerden de Bruin Willisha De Bruin 0829604491 T3010/2005 Ptn 15 Houtpoort 392 IR

Business Harmony 34 (Pty) Ltd Directors: Hosek Trust Barend Daniel Esterhuisen Johannes Hendrik Harmse Janse van Rensburg Jacobus Willem Mulder

24A Taute Street Ermelo, Private Bag X9061 Ermelo 2350/. P O Box 50 Potchefstroom, 2520, 22 Richardson Str Baillie Park 2531, / , P O Box 2579, Potchefstroom, 2520, Plot 810 Vyfhoek, Potchefstroom, 2531,/ P O Box 1922, Nigel 1490, Farm Boschfontein

T35030/2008, T35029/2008, T35031/2008

Ptn 72,84 Klippoortjie 187 IR

Calibra Mining Corporation (Pty) Ltd Directors: Mohamed Yacoob MoolaImraan Yacoob Moola, Mohammed Zain Vallee, Ahmed Muhammed Iqbal

Unit 3 Block B Signet Office Park, 19 Gueniefowl Avenue,Lenasia , 1827 P O Box 166 Lenasia. , P O Box 166, Lenasia, 1827,

T15552/2013 Ptn 5 Poortjie 389 IR

Celeta Ondernemings (Pty) Ltd Director Jacob Leon de Klerk Residential & Postal : 565 Rossouw Str, Die Wilgers Pretoria, 0041,

T146180/2000 Ptn 3 Vlakfontein 161 IR

Classic Crown Properties 186 cc Director: Linden Leslie de Lange Jnr

Residential Spaarwater Farm, Postal: P O Box 846, Nigel, 1490

T30648/2008 Ptn Re3,84, 103,104 Boschfontein 386 IR

Dina Sussanna Dalziel T142211/2005 Ptn 17 Houtpoort 392 IR

David Jeffery Family Trust Angelique Jeffrey 0732658134 P O Box 3104, Springs,1560 [email protected] T4424/1999 Ptn 3 Vlakfontein 161 IR, Ptn 1, 39, 40 Noycedale 191 IR

Dimba Magagane Projects (Pty) Ltd Director: Dimba Fana Magagane 505B Emdeni North P O Lwa-Xuma

T80756/2009 Ptn 29 Varkensfontein 169 IR

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Steven Charles Dyke Steven Dyke 0824287262 P O Box 360 Nigel 1490 [email protected] T18552/2009 Ptn 85 Klippoortjie 187 IR

Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality Mr Kenneth Musi 011 999 9136 P O Box 23, Nigel [email protected] T162192/2006, T30652/2000 T51045/1995, T65743/1996, T13652/1973 ,T56586/1983, T55066/1988, T41736/1997, T12806/1986, T12388/1999, T82524/1989, T7367/1938, T42637/1975, T581/1975, T30252/1973, T3896/1973, T6828/1976, T21904/1976, T28889/1979, T43677/1982, T6146/1983, T52028/1985, T26537/1989, T90211/1994, T18437/1946, T33308/1993, T33309/1993, G18/1973, G18/1974, T28326/2000, T19794/1959

Farm Tsakane 260 IR, Ptn 7,14,17,19,20,21,22,24,25,27,28,31,33,34,35,36,37,38 Vlakfontein 130 IR , Ptn 6,41, 42, 43, 44,49 Grootfontein 165 IR, Ptn Re,Re 19,39,40,45,48,50,56,65,75,79,89, Varkensfontein 169 IR, Ptn RE 18 Zonnestraal 163 IR, Ptn 2,3 Droogebult 170 IR , Ptn 13,20 Mariasdrift 190 IR, Ptn 5,6,7,8 Vlakfontein 161 IR, Ptn 10,13, 14,28,29,107 Spaarwater 171 IR, Holdings 1, 2 Zonnestraal AH, Holding 376 Withok Estates AH, Sub Nigel, Subnigel Ext 1Township

Ergo Mining (Pty) Ltd Mr. Vivian Labaschagne 011 470 2600 P O Box 390, Mariasburg, 1700 [email protected] [email protected]

T38081/2013, T38081/2013, T38081/2013, T21952/2013, T21952/2013, T21952/2013

Ptn 78,79,108,Withok 131 IR, Ptn 14, 15, 20 Vlakfontein 161 IR, Holding 578, Re 397, 390, 391 Withok Estates AH

G D J Durstenburg Holding 33, 34 Zonnestraal AH

Eskort Ltd Mr David Vernon 012 345 4452 PO Box 95202, Waterkloof,0145 [email protected] T7245/1966, T30479/1976, T42824/2000

Ptn 50,80,98 Langlaagte 186 IR

Gani Motors (Pty) Ltd 45 Schoeman Street Heidelberg [email protected] T22858/1993 Ptn 34 Boschfontein 386 IR

C B Glad Holding 68 Zonnestraal AH

Glowing Sunset Trading 273 cc David Vernon & Starritt Morton Bendor Avenue 96, Overkruin Heidelberg 1438, P O Box 1798, Brakpan 1540

T57373/209 Ptn 61 Boschfontein 386 IR

Willem Christiaan Greyling T7918/1975 Ptn 85 Boschfontein 386 IR

David Grimbeek T24560/1984 Ptn 2 Langlaagte 186 IR

Susan 082 881 9006 [email protected] Holding 398 Withok Estates AH

E P Grobler Holding 32 Zonnestraal AH

Groenpoort Beleggings (Pty) Ltd Willem Hendrik Beaurain 0825534853 [email protected] T95170/2005, T101176/1999, T68585/2008

Ptn 16 Noycedale 191 IR, Ptn 3, 14 Maraisdrift 190 IR, Ptn 2 Klippoortjie 187 IR, Ptn RE Tulipvale 188 IR, Ptn 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,Poortjie 389 IR

Franciscus Gerard De Groot 011 734 5071 10,Petyt Rd,Dunnottar,Nigel T126550/2004 Ptn 32 Vlakfontein 130 IR

H B Familie Trust Ernest Albert Boy 0765117793 Zuid Street 108, Rensburg T27424/2002 Ptn 76 77 Houtpoort 392 ire

Rudolph Hansen 0765590001 P O Box 3091, Dalview Holding 388 Withhok Estates AH

H R A Investments (Pty) Ltd Albert van Driel P O Box 12486, Clubview, 0014 Ptn 7 Spaarwater 171 IR

Johnny Christoffel Hattingh 0818997294 T131052/1997 Ptn 6 Maraisdrift 190 IR

Erol Roland Hirschowitz, T103115/1994 Holding 397 Withhok Estates AH

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Jan van Heerden T14045/1995 Ptn 33 35 Boschfontein 386 IR

Heidelberg Eiers & Meule (Pty) Ltd Andries Jacobus Basson Chateaulaan 1099, Allensnek, 1737, P O Box 5891, Weltevreden Park, 1715

T99846/1995 Ptn 51 Houtpoort 392 iR

Heikloof Beleggings Cc Karl Louis Els 1st Flloor Block C, Somerset Office Estate Kudu Street, Allens Nek, P O Box 449, Florida Hills, 1716

T117609/2001 Ptn RE 1 Boschfontein 386 IR

Herlee 1000 Cc : Ivan Denis Boy & Quinton Ken Boy

P O box 223, Heidelberg, 1438, Zuidstraat 108 Rensburg, 1441

T14304/2006, T14304/2006 Ptn 59,75 Houtpoort 392 IR

Hlohwane Properties Cc 8312 Thobela Str, Roseview,Duduza, 1494P O Box 5139, Duduza 1494

T145487/2004 Ptn 18 Spaarwater 171 IR

Holcim South Africa (Pty) Ltd Zielaz Du Preez 011 365 9908/10 Cell 082 394 2281 Fax 011 365 9909

[email protected] T17930/1993 Ptn 12 Vlakfontein 130 IR

Karel Gottlieb Holl Karel Holl Suzette Holl Betty Holl

0828363799 0828363797 0163422633

[email protected] T8838/1982 Ptn 12,80 Houtpoort 392 IR

Selemegreens (Pty) Ltd Directors: Jose Manuel Jardim, Francisco Cortes Herbert

0829027727 P O Box 1012, Nigel 1490, Farm, P O Box 16 Radium, 0483, Old Pretoria Bela Bela Road Radium, 0483

[email protected] T38656/2015 Ptn 17 Noycedale 191 IR

Kaydale Estates Cc Member Joao Freitas Da Mata 0766829556 P O Box 1533, Heidelberg, Plot 29 Kaydale:

[email protected] T17088/1974 Ptn 25,26,27,29 Klippoortjie 187 IR

Koekemoer Familie Trust Kenny Sheldon 832272500 P O Box 907, Nigel 1490 [email protected] T87092/2010 Ptn 2 Maraisdrift 190 IR

Ronel Kruger Holdings 48, 49, 50 & 51 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

Lanser Familie Trust T46247/2002, T46246/2002, T46245/2002, T46248/2002

Ptn RE 68, 71, 74, 75 Klippoortjie 187 IR

Lesedi Local Municipality Mr Jabu Marwa 0827712191 P O Box 201, Heidelberg [email protected] G330/1908, G311/1908, T37786/2004, T35766/2003, T3753/1964, T9272/1986, G267/1914, G113/1927, G166/1966, T44048/1976, T44048/1976, T17917/1946

Ptn RE 7,18, 19 Maraisdrift 190 IR, Ptn 4,5,9,17,20,77,78 Langlaagte 186 IR , Ptn RE 65,81 Boschfontein 386 IR, Ptn 20 Houtpoort 392 IR,

Louise Pateur Investments Ltd Holding Re 387 Withok Estates AH

Lubbe Construction (Pty) Ltd Mandla Samuel Lubber & Sonia Sizakhele Lubbe

P O Box 20369, Spruitview, 1425, 2815 Sangela Crescent, Spruitview, 1425

T74190/2008, T74191/2008 Ptn 28,35,36,37, 38,39 Klippoortjie 187 IR

T B Luvhimbi T68049/2014 Ptn 71 Withok 131 IR

Hester Elsa Marais 0832719851 [email protected] T113323/2003 Ptn 12 Poortjie 389 IR

Derek Alan Marusich 0832602398 [email protected] T7154/2011 Ptn 8 Houtpoort 392 iR

Oupa Patrick Mashele Patric 0835950532 [email protected] T75581/1995 Ptn 30 Klippoortjie 187 IR

Meyer & Meyer Eiendoms Ontwikkeling cc

Members Anton Micheal Meyer & Pieter Meyer

Postal & Residential: 22 Silica Ave, Dersley Park Springs, 1569, P O Box 12744, Nelspruit, 1200, Lot 142 Matumi Golf Estate, Nelspruit

T79082/2007 Ptn 32 Houtpoort 392 IR

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Petrus Hendrik Meyer T162203/2006 Ptn 73 Klippoortjie 187 IR

Migonette cc Member: Rosalie Maggie Bloomer 824000909 P O Box 2170, Nigel 1490, Westwing Estate Ptn 24 Klippoortjie

T49239/2001 Ptn 24 Klippoortjie 187 IR

Mirna-Ann Mulder 0163492948 0824000909

[email protected] T2966/2004 Ptn 6 Houtpoort 392 iR

Multi-Waste (Pty) Ltd Petrus Jacobus Lodewikus Moller P O Box 14007, Wadevillle 1422, 9Orkes Str Sunward Park, Boksburg, 1459

T69736/1994 Ptn 18 Vlakfontein 161 IR

Willem Johannes Nel/Thea & Sybrandt de Villiers

Thea de Villiers 0795297319 P O Box 2144, Rensburg, 1439 [email protected] T113860/2005 Ptn 46 Houtpoort 392 iR

Sybrandt de Villiers 0836457071 [email protected]

New Mining Corporation Ltd Pierre Kruger 0823172976 [email protected] T81673/1992, T105153/1992, T886/1976

Ptn 14,15,16,17,20 Klippoortjie 187 IR

Nigel Italian Club Mino 0825555320 [email protected] T90213/1994 Ptn 90 Varkensfontein 169 IR

Nkomo Properties Cc Erol Roland Hirschowitz, 17 Lakefield Ave, Lakefield Benoni, 1501

T106074/1995 Ptn 12 Vlakfontein 161 IR

Noycedale Farm (Pty) Ltd Petrus Jacobus Coetzee, /Gerhard Grundeling

0603935534 P O Box 1844, Nigel, 1490, Part 191 Noycedale

[email protected] T22055/1975 Ptn Re Noycedale 191 IR

Nulane Investments 64 (Pty) Ltd Directors: Pieter Smit & Marcel Dreyer

P O Box 1836, Heidelberg, 1438, 7 Albert Str Heidelberg, 1438, P O Box 1836, Heidelberg 1438, 24 Bendor Str Overkruin, Heidelberg, 1438

T36460/2013 Ptn 28 Vlakfontein 161 IR

Stephanus Oosthuizen 0823786534 Postnet Suite 26 P/Bag H607, Heidelberg, 1438

[email protected] T58442/2010 Ptn 22 Klippoortjie 187 IR

Johan Georg Meyer Plessis du T54533/2001 Ptn 3 Spaarwater 171 IR

N C Pretorius Holding 66 Zonnestraal AH

Rafiki Construction (Pty) Ltd Director: Mandla Mitshali, P O Box 2753, Springs 1560, 88 Mammond Rd, Dunnottar, Nigel , 1490

T12359/2009 Ptn 42 Vlakfontein 130 IR

Real Time Investments 515 cc Member: Nicholas Paul Ryan, P O Box 25928, East Rand Mall, 1462, 11 Nederberg Str, Sonneveld Estate, Brakpan, 1540

T33184/2010 Ptn 27 Vlakfontein 161 IR

Releylec Properties Development (Pty) Ltd

Director: Dithate Silas Moeketsane Director: Dithate Silas Moeketsane P O Box 1279, Heidelberg,1438, Plot 2 Boshfontein, Heidelberg

T114275/2007 Ptn 99 Boschfontein 386 IR

Maria Elizabeth van Rensburg T2570/2005 Ptn 23 Klippoortjie 187 IR

082 566 1965 P O Box 81 Dunnotor,1950 [email protected] Holding 8 Zonnestraal AH

Royale Energy Ltd Tel 012 361 0110, Fax 012 361 6005

Unit 4 First Floor, Berkley Office Park, 8 Bauhina Street, Highveld Techno Park, Centurion, P O Box 16091, Sinnoville, 0129

T72196/2013 Ptn 32 Boschfontein 386 IR

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RSA Solly Ncoane 011 713 6031 Private Bag X3, Braamfonetin, 2017

[email protected] T5942/1984, T44407/1973, T99012/2014, T37742/2014 T82523/1989, T2743/1964, T51007/1969, T34527/1969, T1620/1906,T2574/1989

Ptn 64 Klippoortjie 187 IR, Ptn 67 Langlaagte 186 IR , Ptn Re, 1 Re 2, Spaarwater 171 IR, Ptn Re Droogebult 170 IR, Ptn 24 Noycedale 191 IR , Ptn 15 Maraisdrift 190 IR, Ptn 22 Vlakfontein 161 IR ,Ptn1 and 3 Klippoortjie 187 IR , Ptn Re Houtpoort 392 IR, Ptn 61 Varkensfontein 169 IR, Holdings, 3-7, 9-23,37-41 43-47, 25-31, 52, 60-62, 64,67, 69-73, 75-79 and 81 Sonstraal Agricultural Holdings Holding 375 Withok Estates Agricultural Holdings

S A National Roads Agency Ltd Tel 012 844 8000 Fax 012 844 8200

48 Tambotie Ave, Val de Grace, Pretoria, 0184, P O Box 415 Pretoria, 0001

T63756/2009, T165215/2007, T63754/2009, T88132/2007, T64048/2008, T64049/2008, T174235/2006

Ptn 10 Poortjie 389 IR, Ptn 82,83 Langlaagte 186 IR, Ptn 16,95,96,100,101,105,106,151,152 Houtpoort 392 IR

Safy Trust T57509/2008 Ptn 9 Spaarwater 171 IR

Schilt Familietrust Roedolf Schilt 0825502224 P O Box 3334, Rensburg 1439 [email protected] T60991/1994 Ptn 14 Houtpoort 392 IR

Nolan Albert Carl Schultz T14672/1950 Ptn 13 Houtpoort 392 iR

Sedcom Ansie Brown 051 447 8271 2 Fairview Avenue, Bloemfontein , P O Box 468, Bloemfontein 9300

[email protected] Holding 65 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

Sign & Seal Trading 72 (Pty) Ltd Director: Theodoris Loius Etchell, P O Box 1708, Heidelberg,1438, 26 Smit Str, Heidelberg, 1441

T31228/2007 Ptn 99 Langlaagte 186 IR

S H S Smith Holding 70 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

Etienne Johannes Spies P O Box 70745, The Willows, 0041, 545 Remskoen Rd, The Willows,

[email protected] T38736/2009 Ptn 45 Noycedale 191 IR

Spies Familie Boerdery cc Members: Michael Barriy Spies, Etienne Johannes Spies, Timothy Lodewyk Spies

0832788834 P O Box 1497, Heidelberg, 2400, Farm Steynskraal, P O Box 70745, The Willows, 0041, 545 Remskoen Rd, The Willows, 0041 ,P O Box 1497, Heidelberg, 2400, Farm Noycedale

T42725/1998 Ptn 26 Noycedale 191 IR

Suikerbosgebou cc Member: Jacob Cornelius Taljaard, P O Box 1815, Heidelberg 1438, Wilde Olyf Str 4, Overkruin Heidelberg

T21556/1994 Ptn 29 Boschfontein 386 IR

Tedpeg Investments (Pty) Ltd Directors: Paul Brunner,Norman Thomson Gibson, Stuart Collin Mcnair

P O B ox 784149, Sandton, 2146, 135 A West Rd North, Morningside, 2146, /P O B ox 784149, Sandton, 2146, 41 5th Str Riverclub, 2149, /P O B ox 784149, Sandton, 2146, 20 Valley View Althea Str, Weltevreden Park, 1709

T28376/1965 Ptn 31 Boschfontein 386 IR

Lourens Thysse 0833216002 P O Box 1097 Heidelberg T3293/2001 Ptn 31 Klippoortjie 187 IR

Trade Windows No 2 (Pty) Ltd Director: Pio Marcello Grassini, Postal and Residential: 6 Odendaal Str, Nigel,1491

T29979/1998 Ptn 44 Varkensfontein 169 IR

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Transnet Ltd Jabtha Maboko Refinery [email protected]

Tel 011 308 1035 Refinery

P O Box 72501, Parkview,2122, 150 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg, 2001

[email protected] T37553/1992, T10893/1920, T11873/1985, T13494/1919, T15912/1984, T18167/1936, T19960/1968, T19960/1968, T20251/1992, T23021/1992, T23443/1965, T23508/1984, T23851/1936, T2572/1937, T2986/1907, T3102/1937, T31746/1999, T41926/1981, T44247/1992, T5942/1984, T59821/1992, T59823/1992, T64344/1992, T6761/1936, T7434/1907, T79/1936, T8240/1984, T8382/1929

Ptn ,8 47,48,49,Spaarwater 171 IR, Ptn 3,9 Grootfontein 165 IR, Ptn 5 Varkensfontein 169 IR, Ptn 8 Noycedale 191 IR, Ptn 12 Maraisdrift 190 IR,Ptn 4-7,10,11,47-63, 65, 66,78-82 Klippoortjie 187 IR , Ptn 128 Houtpoort 392 IR, Ptn 41,42,45,48,96 Langlaagte 186 IR

The Treetrust Agricultural Company (Pty) Ltd

Director: Cherryl Lynn Burgess, 0826834919 P O Box 75557, Gardenview, 2047, 392 Houtpoort

[email protected] T43479/1984 Ptn 9 Houtpoort 392 IR

Valobex 171 cc Members: Josua Jacobus Moll & Riette Moll

Postnet Suite 729 Private Bag X4, Menlo Park, 0102, 63 Delaware Str, Lynwood Glen , P O Box 1392, Heidelberg 1438, Ptn 70 Houtpoort

T61309/2012 Ptn 18 Klippoortjie 187 IR

Daniel Martin Verster T33107/2013 Ptn 57 Boschfontein 386 IR Outside application area

Victorian Investments (Pty) Ltd Director: Pieter Johannes Joubert P O Box 20 Heidelberg, 1438, Farm Kafferskraal

T19232/1986 Ptn 40 Boschfontein 386 IR

Mark Daniel Van Rooyen Mark van Rooyen [email protected] T92648/2003 Ptn 9 Vlakfontein 161 IR

Christiaan Verster 071 0142 864 P O Box 517, Heidelberg 1438 Holdings 80 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

Vlakfontein Gold Mining Company Ltd Deon Botha [email protected] T14663/1934, T1422/2003 Ptn Re, 61 Vlakfontein 130 IR

Daniel Christoffel Jansen van Vuuren Elizs van Vuuren 0824211395 0827688119

T70297/1995 Ptn 44 Houtpoort 392 IR

Pieter Weerheim /V Reddy Vigan Reddy 0829201786 P O Box 51014, Bergsig, 1441 [email protected] T80553/1996 Ptn 1 Houtpoort 392 IR

Wentner Trading (Pty) Ltd Director: Werner Wentzel Postnet Suite 478, Private Bag H607, Heidelberg, 1438, Houtpoort 115

T29570/2009 Ptn 26 Houtpoort 392 IR

Weskus Auto (Pty) Ltd Directors: Paul Anthony Petter-Bowyer,Alan Garnegie, Anthony David Van Malsen, Cornelius Johannes Miller, Una Aderlaide Adonis

P O Box 1285 Suldana, 11A Pakkers Crescentt Saldanha,/ P O Box 1285 Suldana, 11A Pakkers Crescentt Saldanha, /,P O Box 257 Milnerton 7435, 2 Visser Ave, Trovato, Wynberg / P O Box 257 Milnerton 7435, 46 Pamela Crescent, Vredekloof Heights/ Una Aderlaide Adonis P O Box 257 Milnerton 7435, 5 Turffontein lane, Milnerton Ridge

T145019/1998 Ptn Re 80 Varkensfontein 169 IR

Paul Keith Whittal 0716775030 T176180/2003 Ptn 19 Houtpoort 392 IR

B M Willemse Plot 42 Sonstraal AH Holding 42 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

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Neville George Stratford Wilson T57928/2002 Ptn 19 Klippoortjie 187 IR

Loyda Wolmarans T3412/2008 Ptn 46 Langlaagte 186 IR

Xylonor 399 cc Member: Schalk Jacobus Mey, 0832965097 Postal & Residential, 6 First Ave, Alberton North, 1449

[email protected] T70313/2012 Ptn 114 Houtpoort 392 IR

Yik Ho Sanli Properties Development (Pty) Ltd

Kim Ming Ka P O Box 905-369, Garsfontein 0042, Residential 1057 Kingcrapstreet, Garsfontein X11

T3419/2000 Ptn Re Vlakfontein 161 IR

Suzette van Aard 0790721160 Plot 219 Kaydale AH

Dewaldt 0833813763 Plot 179 Kaydale AH

Danie 0840170227 Plot 217 Kaydale AH

Mamashele Plot 216 A Kaydale AH

Sandile Mshibi 0733973464 [email protected] Plot 216 B Kaydale AH

Danglomandla 0732090322 Plot 161 Kaydale AH

Philomon Nkosi 0829328436 [email protected] Plot 174 Kaydale AH

Karlo Germishuys 0847447869 Plot 172 Kaydale AH

Plot 168 Kaydale AH

Joseph Nhlapo 0726380710 Plot 170 Kaydale AH

Charles Mkwenda 0746124509 Plot 166 Kaydale AH

Brian Masibuku 0739048274 [email protected] Plot 113 Kaydale AH

M B Mkasi 0727416547 [email protected] Plot 135 Kaydale AH

Sibongile Sangweni L C Chansisa

0834925066 0735749006 0784824263

[email protected] Plot 141 Kaydale AH

Simon Gansa Elias Gansa

0735749006 0732373303

Plot 158 Kaydale AH

Neels du Plessis 0829298612 P O Box 637, Nigel, 1490 [email protected] Plot 87 Kaydale AH

Paul Le Roux 0626909974 Plot 177 Kaydale AH

Tryoibe Nyakp 0834198308 [email protected] Plot 175 Kaydale AH

S P Sambo 0799881166 [email protected] Plot 171 Kaydale AH

J Theron 0832291601 Fax 0865467253

P O Box 2538 Jameson Park, 1490

[email protected] Plot 169 Kaydale AH

Precious Mjamela 0603518570 [email protected] Plot 167 Kaydale AH

M Ismail 0724465922 [email protected] Plot 9 Kaydale AH

[email protected]

Regina Zondo 0738698862 [email protected] Plot 165 Kaydale AH

Y E van der Sandt 0727386206 Plot 95 Kaydale AH

J C Kleynhans 0828961269 Plot 75 Kaydale AH

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Lucia Masimula 0733367906 Plot 126 Kaydale AH

A Shubane (RSA) Land owned by Government 073 556 1707 Plot 74 Sonnestraal, 1279 Holding 74 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

Janette Williams (RSA) Land owned by Government 083 744 6183 Plot 44 Sonnestraal, 1279 Holding 44 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

Paulus Thobgane (RSA) Land owned by Government 072 284 2311 Plot 73 Sonnestraal , 1279 Holding 73 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

J J Snyman (RSA) Land owned by Government 076 115 5426 Plot 42 Sonnestraal , 1279 Holding 42 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

James (RSA) Land owned by Government 082 363 1175 Plot 72 Sonnestraal , 1279 Holding 72 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

Dan (RSA) Land owned by Government Plot 71 Sonnestraal , 1279 Holding 71 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

C van der Westhuizen (RSA) Land owned by Government Plot 41 Sonnestraal , 1279 Holding 41 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

Simon Feni (RSA) Land owned by Government 079 935 1496 Plot 40 Sonnestraal , 1279 Holding 40 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

S J Kumalo (RSA) Land owned by Government 073 299 1990 Plot 69 Sonnestraal , 1279 Holding 69 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

N L Motsoene (RSA) Land owned by Government 072 872 2797 8215 Selepe Str, Duduza, 1496 Holding 39 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

T B Tshehlo (RSA) Land owned by Government 073 030 3192 Plot 37 Sonnestraal , 1279 Holding 37 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

Regional Chagi (RSA) Land owned by Government Holding 30 Zonnestraal Agricultural Holdings

Maxwell Shumba (Renting) Jackie Gouuvea

Land owned by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

0849255523 0842955523

35 Springs Road Sub Nigel Renting from Ekurhuleni 35 Springs Road Sub Nigel

Lovemore Nyasadza Land owned by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

0810893851 37 Springs Road Sub Nigel Renting from Ekurhuleni 37 Springs Road Sub Nigel

Sobanto Solomon Gwavu Land owned by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

0781323389 33 Golf Club, Sub Nigel 1490 Renting from Ekurhuleni 33 Golf Club, Sub Nigel 1490

Sibongile Manjama Land owned by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

0740688214 0761820237

103 Subnigel Renting from Ekurhuleni 103 Subnigel

Margeret Pretorius Land owned by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

0731151029 102 Subnigel [email protected] Renting from Ekurhuleni 102 Subnigel

Land owned by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

0724761919 Renting from Ekurhuleni 106 Subnigel

Newman Mashiba Land owned by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

0828447228 34 Springs road [email protected] Renting from Ekurhuleni 34 Springs road

Gouws Land owned by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

0723893476 107 Subnigel Renting from Ekurhuleni 107 Subnigel

Frelidiger Land owned by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

0797451137 110 Subnigel Renting from Ekurhuleni 110 Subnigel

Lynette Potgieter Land owned by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

0844857020 P O Bix 193, Nigel [email protected] Renting from Ekurhuleni 113 Subnigel

Corrie Stapelberg Land owned by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

0727599873 111 Subnigel [email protected] Renting from Ekurhuleni 111 Subnigel

Hazel Du Toit Land owned by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

0828489412 112 Subnigel [email protected] Renting from Ekurhuleni 112 Subnigel

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Susanna Roedolf Land owned by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

0718557964 114 Subnigel Renting from Ekurhuleni 114 Subnigel

M O Mofolla Land owned by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

0721057248 117 Subnigel Renting from Ekurhuleni 117 Subnigel

A van Rooyen Land owned by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

0719088064 120 Subnigel [email protected] Renting from Ekurhuleni 120 Subnigel

Theo Phahlamohlaka Theo Phahlamohlaka 011 999 0588/072 9985 8178

[email protected]

Shabangu, Samson Pieterson Shabangu, Samson Pieterson 0824546975

Busakwe, Johannes Wilson Busakwe, Johannes Wilson 0725385979 0119998867

[email protected]

Ndita, Mtumeleni Ndita, Mtumeleni 0731856529 [email protected]

Saul, Tshidiso Joseph Saul, Tshidiso Joseph 0768643345 [email protected]

Kodisang, Shimane Cornelius Kodisang, Shimane Cornelius 0791700289 [email protected]

[email protected]

Letsimo, Silas Thabo Letsimo, Silas Thabo 0786192007 [email protected]

Mnguni, Nomalanga Annah Mnguni, Nomalanga Annah 0833699435 [email protected]

Mbonani, Theresia Phindile Mbonani, Theresia Phindile 0760990102 [email protected]

Motaung, Tefo Patrick Motaung, Tefo Patrick 0782785785 [email protected]

[email protected]

Labuschagne, Wally Labuschagne, Wally 0727743340

Mabena, Nthatane Anna Mabena, Nthatane Anna 0828521519 [email protected]

Mabaso, Claud Ntemane Mabaso, Claud Ntemane 0721939023

J Phahlane J Phahlane [email protected]

RS Loubser RS Loubser f [email protected]

GL Coetzee GL Coetzee [email protected]

MK Rakitla MK Rakitla [email protected]

Lesedi Local Municipality Mr Jabu Marwa 0827712191 P O Box 201, Heidelberg [email protected] Ptn RE 7,18, 19 Maraisdrift 190 IR, Ptn 4,5,9,17,20,77,78 Langlaagte 186 IR , Ptn RE 65,81 Boschfontein 386 IR, Ptn 20 Houtpoort 392 IR, Ptn 103 Langlaagte 186 IR

Phiki Motshweneng Phiki Motshweneng 0764920203 [email protected]

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Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality Mr Kenneth Musi 011 999 9163 P O Box 23, Nigel [email protected] Farm Tsakane 260 IR, Ptn 7,14,17,19,20,21,22,24,25,27,28,31,33,34,36,37,38 Vlakfontein 130 IR , Ptn 6,41, 42, 43, 44,49 Grootfontein 165 IR, Ptn Re,Re 19,39,40,45,48,50,56,65,75,79,89, Varkensfontein 169 IR, Ptn RE 18 Zonnestraal 163 IR, Ptn 2,3 Droogebult 170 IR , Ptn 13,20 Mariasdrift 190 IR, Ptn 5,6,7,8 Vlakfontein 161 IR, Ptn 10,28,29,107 Spaarwater 171 IR, Holdings 1, 2 Zonnestraal AH, Holding 376 Withok Estates AH

Eskom Adv Ntika Maake 011 800 2780 P O Box 1091, Johannesburg, 2001

[email protected] Holding 24 Zonnestraal AH

Tel 012 844 8000 Fax 012 844 8200

48 Tambotie Ave, Val de Grace, Pretoria, 0184, P O Box 415 Pretoria, 0001

Ptn 10 Poortjie 389 IR, Ptn 82,83 Langlaagte 186 IR, Ptn 16,95,96,100,101,105,106,151,152 Houtpoort 392 IR

CCSB Nigel Coco Cola Henk Janse van Vuuren 0798926216 P O Box 95, Nigel 1496 [email protected] Prosperita Township

Land Claims Commissioner Cindy Benyane 012 310-6620 Private Bag X03, Arcadia, 0007 [email protected]

Department of Environmental Affairs Mr Concilence Sambo Natural Resources Management

0827630201 0123921498

285 Francis Baard, Pretoria, 2001

[email protected]

Gauteng Department of Agriculture & Rural Development (GDARD)

Mr Steven Mukhola Director of Environment

011 240 2573 P.O. Box 8769, Johannesburg, 2000

[email protected]

Mr Mandla Dhlamini Department of Corporate Governance and Traditional Affairs

0796960315 11 Diagonal Str, Johannesburg [email protected]

Department of Mineral Resources (DMR): Mine Health and Safety

Mr Mashudu Maduka Director General

0124443000 Private Bag X59, Arcadia 0007 [email protected]

Department of Water & Sanitation (DWS)

James Mofekeng 0123921426 Private Bag X995, Pretoria,0001 [email protected]

Gauteng Provincial Heritage Resource Authority

Mr Grant Botha 0113552574 38 Rissik Cnr Market Street, NBS Building, Johannesburg 2001

[email protected]

Mr Rhulani Mathonsi 0837717305 [email protected]

Gauteng Provincial Department of Roads and Transport

Mr Dennis Emmet 0113557173 Sage Life Building 41 Simmonds Street,Cnr Pritchard, Johannesburg 2001

[email protected]

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)

Ms Mmakola Phyllystas Land Use and Soil Management

0824043054 0123197484

Cnr Union and Annie Bitha, 2nd Floor Room 206 Delpen Building, Riviera

[email protected]

Drikie 0767910292/0177790459 [email protected] Erf 49, Sub Nigel

Nigel Golf Club Peter Vibrow 0832609518

Trompie Instant Lawn Attie Trompie 0825302607 [email protected]

SPCA Nigel Lynette Potgieter 0844857029 0844857020

[email protected]

Koot van der Waldt 0832692492 [email protected] T45931/2005 Erf 49, Sub Nigel

Modieni Mokgatla 0765227843 [email protected] Duduza

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Jac Hluswuyo 0828387472 [email protected] Duduza

Alfred Mtsweni 0724127587 Duduza

Lyphina Mtsweni 0725722979 Duduza

David Mahlasu Duduza

Mishack Matloung

Q N Mhlanga 0824910979 [email protected] 149 Crown Ave, Jameson Park, 1490

Jacob Siphiwe Nhlapo 0733598904 [email protected] 4813 S mahlangu Str, Zamane Nigel, 1496

Micheal Nhlapo 0630456674 [email protected] 4642 Jameson Park, Nigel, 1492

J S Sadieu 0824979094 [email protected]

Bonginkosi Mbela 0718391967 [email protected] P O box 2287, Jameson Park, 1490

Mabeli 0789402331 Fax 0866620109

[email protected]

S Mabena 0818100367

Sechaba Molete 0611961132 [email protected]

F Thwala 0616606001 [email protected]

R C Prinsloo 0766948918 [email protected]

S J Mey [email protected]

Georgia Naidoo 0848011830

E Masiboko 0826222290

Kehla Mabena 0780869953

Sandile Mashinini 0610042121 [email protected]

Jeanette Khazuile 0835803496

Sombu Methula 0838818694 730 Protea Avenue, Jameson Park

Joanha Mosele 0731800300

Angie Bantam Joe Bantam

0611016478 [email protected]

Eliszabeth Sesoane 0765602554 31 Old Mine Road Jameson Park

Thabile Mpanza 0783018400 24 Old Mine Road Jameson Park

Sibongile Sibonke 0827822222 [email protected]

Nompumelelo Mhlontlo 0784826492 P O Box 2305, Jameson Park, 1490

Sarah Mabate 0767085994

Gladys Masoga 0739026696 [email protected]

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Laz Ngoetta 0735064595

Thato Zicwele 0613126357 [email protected]

Kagiso Mzileni 0793297063 [email protected]

Njabulo Vilakazi 0787920187

Eric Sifunda 0728920318 [email protected]

Alzina Mazibuko 0783976588

Thelma Nene 0833126337 [email protected]

Marius Els 0845820805 [email protected]

M Thwala 0789402331 [email protected]

Doris Elsa Lamprecht 0826959149 [email protected]

Willie Broodryk 0848056751 [email protected] Houtpoort

Hettie Broodryk 0844858424 [email protected]

Mompumelelo 0785116787

Maria 0782983460

Bongani 0729371754 [email protected]

Nomsa Mbata 0630460150 [email protected]

Frans Mkhabela 0739204180

Mabuthe Dlamini 0817707748 526 Berly Av, Jameson Park

Sihsa Mtallha 0719927932 527 Berly Av, Jameson Park

Sipho Xumalo 0794350910 809 Disa Ave, Jameson Park

Welile Mnqoma 0743276341 109 Jeppe Ave, Jameson Park [email protected]

Mimah Gambu 0744725254 717 Petunia Ave, Jameson Park

Nomasonto Ndlovu 0724751462 432 Jeppe Ave, Jameson Park

Lucy Mokoena 0727547625 109 Jeppe Ave, Jameson Park

Florah 0834311108 432 Jeppe Ave, Jameson Park

Elizabeth Shangisa 0781871630 433 Jeppe Ave, Jameson Park [email protected]

Mononyama Rifilwe 0733623108 434 Jeppe Ave, Jameson Park [email protected]

Mononyama Sannah 0606794904 435 Jeppe Ave, Jameson Park [email protected]

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Sibusiso 0783195036 730 Protea Avenue, Jameson Park

Nco 0719216913 725 Protea Avenue, Jameson Park

[email protected]

Max 0849255523 35 Springs Road Sub Nigel

Amanda 0633373009 35 Varkensfontein

Nbali Thuala 07894032331 588 Disa Ave, Jameson Park [email protected]

G J Pelser 0836480111 P O Box 2029 Nigel, 1490 [email protected]

Geoff Anslow 0838232575 [email protected]

Marius Swanepoel [email protected]

Cecelia Almeida 0723766867 0118145207


Blesbokspruit Catchment Forum Marc de Fontaine 011 682 0733, Cell: 083 389 2454

PO Box 1127 Johannesburg 2000

[email protected]

ERWAT Sipho Mateza 0605289071 [email protected]

Iswelisha Town Planners Kobus Buitendag 0828546128 0119180100 0119180257

685 Trichardts Road, Beyers Park

[email protected]

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FEG S102 Draft Scoping November 2015 Part B Page 94

A 3.2: A copy of documentation provided to I&AP’s


A copy of the original background information document

A copy of the letter / email sent our to all identified interested and affected parties

Proof of sending the registered letters

Proof of sending emails is available on request.

Page 114: Final - SCOPING REPORT€¦ · final - scoping report for listed activities associated with mining right and/or bulk sampling activities submitted for environmental authorizations


PROJECT: Extension of a Mining Right Area and change of mining activities APPLICANT: Far East Gold SPV (Pty) Ltd

DMR REF NO: GP 28 MR – S102

LOCATION: Various farms from Heidelberg in the south to Tsakane in the north

EAP: Umhlaba Environmental Consulting CC

DATE: November 2015

PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT Provide an overview of the proposed project & the Scoping process to be followed.

Invite Interested & Affected Parties (I&AP’s) to participate in the process.


Far East Gold Special Purpose Vehicle (Pty) Ltd (FEG) hold a mining right (GP 28 MR) for gold ore and associated minerals over various portions of the farms Spaarwater 171 IR, Droogebult 170 IR, Deelkraal 203 IR, Noycedale 191 IR, Varkensfontein 169 IR and Grootfontein 165 IR, located in the East Rand of Gauteng. The mining right currently covers an area of 3013 hectares and is valid until 14 July 2038. The mine is referred to as their Sub Nigel Operation (SBN). In addition to the mining right, FEG has / had the following prospecting rights, GP 45 PR, GP 73 PR, GP 142 PR & GP 260 PR, which lie adjacent to the existing mining right. Through extensive prospecting and planning FEG have determined the viability to increase the area of the existing mining right to include additional areas covered by the adjacent prospecting rights. Future mining from the extended SBN mine will include implementing of 4 individual projects as described below:

PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Phoenix: In brief this project will involve;

Sourcing -10mm surface material containing gold ore from various locations in the East Rand. FEG has access to approximately 200 000 tons of ore within the East Rand.

Constructing a crusher and gravity plant at the SBN Number 1 shaft (SBN No.1 shaft) which will be used to process the material. The gravity plant will consist of screening - 3 mm material, crushing the oversize and subjecting the material to gravity concentration.

The gravity concentrate will be sold for smelting.

The discard from the plant will be stockpiled for future Carbon in Leach (CIL) treatment.

Development of a CIL plant at SBN No. 1 shaft on the existing Surface Right Permit (SRP) for a plant and an associated tailings facility. This will include;

Construction of a CIL conventional gold plant (which uses cyanide) which has the ability to process 25 000 tons of ore per month. The plant will be constructed on the footprint of a historical plant.

The construction of the tailings facility on the footprint of an existing facility.

Re-commissioning the pipeline (covered by a surface right permit (SRP)) from the SBN No.1 shaft to the footprint of the tailings dam.

The plant will be developed in a manner in which it can be expanded.

Once constructed the plant and tailings facility will be operational for the full life of mine (up to 2038).

Florida shaft / 9 shaft project. This will include;

Re-equipping and deepening of the existing Florida shaft, 2 incline shaft and the 9 shaft.

Total dewatering will be required of the shafts (+/- 33 Mega litres). Dewatering to take place from the Florida Shaft and the 9 shaft.

Once re-equipped there will be extensive on reef development to open up the ore reserves

Ore will be extracted and trucked to SBN No.1 shaft for processing and disposal.

Development of access roads from the shafts to established roads.

The limited amount of waste will be used for backfill requirements or sold to a crushing operation (no waste rock dump will be formed).

The infrastructure at the Florida and 9 shaft will include; change house, stores, lamp house, administration offices, Security perimeter, satellite workshop, transformer house, winder house, head gear and bin and Compressor house.

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Houtpoort project: This project will include;

Re-equipping the Houtpoort No.4 shaft

On reef development from No.4 shaft

Stoping from 4 shaft. The underground gold bearing material will be extracted from the upper shallow sections of the mine.

All ore will be trucked to SBN No.1 shaft for processing.

Development of an access road from No.4 shaft through to No.1 shaft and then the upgrading of an existing mine road to the public road.

Dewatering (+/- 800 Mega litres) from No.3 shaft to expose additional ore (to be extracted from the 4 shaft).

The shaft infrastructure will be the same as the Florida shaft / 9 shaft project.

A small sewage treatment works.

The timelines associated with each project is presented below the Figure 1.


The application covers 24 644 hectares over various farms extending from Heidelberg in the south to Tsakane in the north, bisecting both Lesedi and Ekurhuleni Municipalities. The surface impact associated with each project includes;

Gravity plant: Located at SBN No.1 shaft on the RE of the farm Varkensfontein 169 IR.

Gold plant located on the RE of the farm Varkensfontein 169 IR.

Tailings facility over ptns 29 & the RE of the farm Spaarwater 171 IR and ptns 65 & 42 of Grootfontein 165 IR.

Florida shaft located on ptn 20 of the farm Mairaisdrift 190 IR

9 & 2 incline shafts located on ptn 7 of the farm Mairaisdrift 190 IR.

Houtpoort 4 shaft located RE of ptn 5 of the farm Houtpoort 392 IR.

Houtpoort 3 shaft located RE of ERF 6859 of Heidelberg Ext 25.

See attached plan for a visual indication of the various areas.

ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATIONS: The following environmental authorisations are required to facilitate all activities;

A Section 102 application to amend the mining right.

An Environmental Authorisation covering; o GN 983 – Activities; 9, 10, 19, 22, 14, 27 & 56 o GN 984 Activities: 6, 17, 21 & 28 o GN 985 Activities: 2, 4, 10, 12, 15 & 18

Water use license

Waste license

Air emissions license

National Nuclear Regulation requirements (amendments to an existing Certification of Registration)

A full Scoping & Environmental Impact Reporting process (S&EIR) contemplated in Regs 21 to 24 of the 2014 EIA regulations will be followed.


In brief this process includes:

Completing a Scoping Report and making it available for 30 days to I&AP’s for comment. The scoping report for this application will be available for review from 06 Nov 2015 to 6 Dec 2015.

Complete an EIA and EMP and relevant specialist studies. All of the above documents will be made available for 30 days to registered I&AP’s for comment.


The role of an I&AP is to:

Register with Umhlaba, who will include you on a database called the “I&AP Register” in order for you to receive future project information and/or formally record issues and concerns (comments).

Access project information that is made available to you in order to provide feedback within the required timeframe.

Attend public meetings

Communicate with the EAP to raise your comments in order that they can be included and addressed within the application documents.

As an I&AP, you are requested to provide feedback, on the comment form provided.

WAY FORWARD Upon receipt of communication from I&APs, you will be registered onto a database. As a registered I&AP you shall be notified of project updates and available documents. All registered I&APs encourage to review and provide feedback on the Scoping Report.

PUBLIC MEETINGS Public meetings will be held on;

23rd Nov 2015 @ 18:00 at Monty Mountloung Hall, Duduza

24th Nov 2015 @ 18:00 at Jameson Park Community Hall

You are invited to attend.

CONTACT US Please contact Andrew Nicholson of Umhlaba Environmental Consulting CC, on or before 06 December 2015, to raise your queries, comments or concerns at any of the following contact details: Tel: 011 791 3389 Fax: 011 791 3384 Email: [email protected] Postal: PO Box 731504, Fairland, 2030 Website:

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Figure 1: Locality Map of the proposed prospecting right area and an initial indication of the location of boreholes

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PUBLIC COMMENT FORM Mining Right Extension – GP 28 MR – S102


Contact Details:

Tel: Email:

Cel: Postal:



Preferred method of communication:


What is your Interest in the Project: Mark with (X)

Business / Financial Legal Representative Residential / Community Surrounding Landowner

Other Specify:

Comments / Concerns / Suggestions (attach additional pages if necessary): Examples of questions to ask yourself:

What are your current land uses (e.g. residential, agricultural, retail, any other) how will the activities impact on this use?

How do you consider the proposed activities will impact on you or your socio-economic conditions?

Are there any specific environmental / cultural / heritage features on site which you feel require protection.

What impacts do you believe the activities will have on you?


Postal: Fax:

Andrew Nicholson PO Box 731504, Fairland, 2030 011 791 3384

Email: [email protected]

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e 1

dd November 2015 ATT: XXX Company P.O. Box Town Code DMR Ref: GP 28 MR – S102 Dear Sir / Madam


Far East Gold Special Purpose Vehicle (Pty) Ltd (FEG) hold a mining right (GP 28 MR) for gold ore and associated minerals over various portions of the farms Spaarwater 171 IR, Droogebult 170 IR, Deelkraal 203 IR, Noycedale 191 IR, Varkensfontein 169 IR and Grootfontein 165 IR, located in the East Rand of Gauteng. The mining right currently covers an area of 3013 hectares and is valid until 14 July 2038. The mine is referred to as their Sub Nigel Operation (SBN). In addition to the mining right, FEG has / had the following prospecting rights, GP 45 PR, GP 73 PR, GP 142 PR & GP 260 PR, which lie adjacent to the existing mining right. Through extensive prospecting and planning FEG have determined the viability to increase the area of the existing mining right to include additional areas covered by the adjacent prospecting rights. Future mining from the extended SBN mine will include implementing of 4 individual projects as explained in the attached background information document (BID). Umhlaba Environmental Consulting CC has been appointed as the independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) responsible for undertaking the public participation and to facilitate the scoping and environmental impact reporting process. You have been identified as an interested and affected party (I&AP). Please find attached to this correspondence a BID which provides more details concerning the application. You are invited to register as an Interested & Affected Party (I&AP) with your name, contact information and interest in the matter, on or before 07 December 2015 to:

Andrew Nicholson of Umhlaba Environmental Consulting CC at any of the following details:

Post: P.O. Box 731504, Fairland, 2030 •

Tel: (011) 791 3389 •

Fax: (011) 791 3384 •

E-mail: [email protected].

The Scoping report for the project will be available at from 06 November 2015 for a 30 day commenting period. Public meetings will be held on;

23rd Nov 2015 @ 18:00 at Monty Mountloung Hall, Duduza

24th Nov 2015 @ 18:00 at Jameson Park Community Hall You are invited to attend. Confirmation of your attendance would be appreciated. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the writer. Yours sincerely

Andrew Nicholson

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FEG S102 Draft Scoping November 2015 Part B Page 95

A 3.3: Copies of the newspaper adverts

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A 3.4: Details of the site notice and picture of the erecting of the notices

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A 3.5: Evidence of various meetings including the visiting of individual landowners

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A 3.6: Feedback from the public meetings at Duduza and Jameson Park


A copy of the presentation given at the public meetings

A copy of the public register for the Duduza meeting

A copy of the minutes recording the issues raised at the Duduza meeting

A copy of the public register for the Jameson Park meeting

A copy of the minutes recording the issues raised at the Jameson Park meeting

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A 3.7: All feedback received from I&AP’s to date (18 February 2016)

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