final report on the audit of peace corps/madagascar april 30, 2015

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  • 8/9/2019 Final Report on the Audit of Peace Corps/Madagascar April 30, 2015


  • 8/9/2019 Final Report on the Audit of Peace Corps/Madagascar April 30, 2015




    Doyssd Cdrp, Bhfen Dkifjfstrdtfve Gnnfber, DnrfbdOefn Kdvejpgrt, Bgujtry Kfrebtgr, IdkdadsbdrDjjd Hfbcidj, Kfrebtgr gn Idjdaeiejt djk Gperdtfgjs, Idkdadsbdr

     Jfbgoe Qfoofdis, Idjdaeiejt Djdoyst\dtrfbc Bhgquette, Kfrebtgr gn Fjjgvdtfgj

    Kevfj Ierekfth, Bhfen Dkifjfstrdtfve Gnnfber, Gnnfbe gn Hedoth RervfbesDjje Huahes, Keputy Bhfen Bgipofdjbe Gnnfber

    Idkdadsbdr Kesc

  • 8/9/2019 Final Report on the Audit of Peace Corps/Madagascar April 30, 2015


    \edbe BgrpsGnnfbe gn Fjspebtgr Aejerdo 


    \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbd r stdnn djk ̂ goujteers dt the \edbe Bgrps gnn f be fj Djtd jdjdrfvg, I dkdadsbdr

    N oda gn Idkdadsbdr

    Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0\edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr


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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr f 



    [he Gnnfbe gn Fjspebtgr Aejerdo (GFA) bgjkubtek dj dukft gn \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr (herednter

    renerrek tg ds ‟the pgst’) nrgi Gbtgmer 42-=;, =

  • 8/9/2019 Final Report on the Audit of Peace Corps/Madagascar April 30, 2015



     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr ff 

    igjthoy fiprest verfnfbdtfgjs ngr the prfjbfpdo djk sum bdshfers, djk sepdrdte kutfes digja stdnnngr prgperty idjdaeiejt. Qe dosg rebgiiejk thdt the pgst wgrc wfth the Gnnfbe gn Afnts djkArdjts Idjdaeiejt tg resgove the ardjt nujk kfsbrepdjbfes.

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    EXEBU[F^E RUIID]V ............................................................................................................. f 

    MDBCA]GUJK ......................................................................................................................... 4 

    DUKF[ ] ERUO[R ...................................................................................................................... 4 

    IEKFBDO RU\\OFER ................................................................................................................................................ 4 

    FI\]ER[ NUJK ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 

    MFOOR GN BGOOEB[FGJ............................................................................................................................................. 5 

    A]DJ[R................................................................................................................................................................... > 

    \]G\E][V IDJDAEIEJ[...................................................................................................................................... 1 

    G[HE] D]EDR GN BGJBE]J ................................................................................................... 8 

    OFR[ GN ] EBGIIEJKD[FGJR ................................................................................................ 4< 

    D\\EJKFX D0 GM@EB[F^E, RBG\E, DJK IE[HGKGOGAV ........................................................ 44 

    D\\EJKFX M0 OFR[ GN DB]GJVIR ......................................................................................... 42 

    D\\EJKFX B0 B]F[E]FD UREK [G RU\\G][ FRR UER FJ [HE] E\G][....................................... 4; 

    D\\EJKFX K0 TUER[FGJEK BGR[R DJK NUJKR [G ME \U[ [G ME[[E] URE............................ 48 

    D\\EJKFX E0 DAEJBV‖R ] ER\GJRE [G [HE \]EOFIFJD]V ] E\G][  ..................................... 46 

    D\\EJKFX N0 GFA BGIIEJ[R .............................................................................................. =1 

    D\\EJKFX A0 DUKF[ BGI\OE[FGJ DJK GFA BGJ[DB[ ........................................................ =8 

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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr 4 


    GFA bgjkubtek dj dukft gn the pgst Gbtgmer 42-=;, =

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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr = 

    Nrgi the thfrk qudrter gn NV =

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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr 2 

    [he daejby kges jgt hdve d pgofby tg dkkr ess the rekfstr fmutfgj gn ujexpf rek iekfbdtfgj

    returjek my ̂ goujteers. 

    [he iekfbdo ujft hdk d prgbess tg restgbc ujusek bgjtrgooek djk spebfdooy kesfajdtek iekfbdtfgjreturjek my the ^goujteers. Dbbgrkfja tg GHR, the \edbe Bgrps kges jgt hdve aufkdjbe ds tg

    whether returjek ujexpfrek spebfdooy kesfajdtek djk bgjtrgooek sumstdjbes shguok me re-kfstrfmutek gr kfspgsek.  Iekfbdo [ebhjfbdo Aufkeofje =5

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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr 5 

    = fjterfi dkvdjbes fj whfbh 4= were jgt bgipoetek fj d tfieoyidjjer. [he keodys spdjjek metweej nfve tg =8 kdys wfth dj dverdae keody gn 44 kdys. Boedrfjafjterfi dkvdjbes fj d tfieoy idjjer ejsures d prgipt returj gn ujusek nujks djk heops tg

    ifjfifze fiprest nujk bdsh requfrek tg me gj hdjk.

    Qe rebgiiejk0

    1.  [hdt the kfrebtgr gn idjdaeiejt djk gperdtfgjs ngoogw-up

    wfth stdnn tg ejsure thdt fjterfi dkvdjbes dre ofqufkdtek

    wfthfj three kdys.


    [he pgst kfk jgt r ebgrk gr trdbc MGBs fj d tfieoy idjjer.

    [he pgst bgjsfstejtoy keodyek bredtfja MGBs ngr ujusek ardjt nujks, dubtfgj sdoes, djk bogsfja^goujteer‖s mdjc dbbgujts. \edbe Bgrps pgofby spebfnfes thdt MGBs dre ejterek ds sggj ds ft fs

    cjgwj thdt the \edbe Bgrps wfoo me rebefvfja nujks, evej fn the digujt expebtek fs ujcjgwj(GNIH 1.=.4).

    Qe revfewek =6 MGBs djk keterifjek thdt 4= were keodyek metweej ngur djk 18 kdys mebdusethe KIG kfk jgt fjstrubt the dkifjfstrdtfve dssfstdjt tg bredte d MGB ujtfo dnter the digujt wdscjgwj. Gn the 4= MGBs, ngur were bredtek dnter the kemt wds bgooebtek. Qhej MGBs dre jgtfssuek mengre bgooebtfgjs, the pgst bdjjgt dbburdteoy trdbc MGBs. \rgbessfja the MGBs fj d

    tfieoy idjjer fs jebessdry tg ejsure thdt agverjiejt nujks bdj me put tg metter use djk prevejtnrduk djk ifsuse gn agverjiejt resgurbes.

    Qe rebgiiejk0

    8.  [hdt the kfrebtgr gn idjdaeiejt djk gperdtfgjs e jsure bgipofdjbe wfth

    pgofby tg fssue mfoos gn bgooebtfgj ds sggj ds the digujt fs kue tg the \edbe

    Bgrps, evej fn the e xdbt digujt fs ujcjgwj.

    [he pgst hdk ogja gutstdjkfja MGBs, whfbh exbeekek 2< kdys.

    [he pgst kfk jgt bgjkubt igjthoy revfews gn gutstdjkfja MGBs gr fjftfdte thefr bgooebtfgj. \edbeBgrps pgofby spebfnfes thdt the mfoofja gnnfber iust bgjkubt d igjthoy MGB revfew gngutstdjkfja MGBs gver 2< kdys. [he mfoofja gnnfber djk KIG shguok perngri the ngoogwfja

    tdscs fn the kemtgr fs d stdnn ieimer (GNIH 1.=.=)0 

    Dnter 2< kdys ‛  \repdre d oetter tg me sfajek my KIG, stdtfja thdt the mfoo fs jgw gverkue….  Dnter >< kdys ‛   Jgtfny the kemtgr‖s supervfsgr (gjoy ngr stdnn). \repdre d strgjaer oetter tg me sfajek myBK…. 

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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr > 

    Dnter 6< kdys ‛  [he Mfoofja Gnnfber djk KIG shguok revfew. Fn \gst keterifjes thdt they shguok ceepthe kemt ogjaer, they shguok bgjtdbt thefr AD\ NIG SAogmdo Dbbgujts \dydmoe Nfjdjbfdo IdjdaeiejtGnnfberY, prgvfkfja ketdfos djk estfidtek tfie jeekek tg bgooebt.

    Nrgi NV =

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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr 1 

    we jgtek thdt prgardi idjdaers dosg bgooebtek ardjt nujks nrgi ^goujteers. \er the BdshferUser Aufke ,  bdshfers Sprfjbfpdo, doterjdte djk sum bdshfersY dre the gjoy fjkfvfkudos duthgrfzek mythe Kepdrtiejt gn Rtdte tg bgooebt nujks. Dothguah we kfk jgt fkejtfny djy fiprgper dbtfgjs,

    doogwfja gther stdnn tg bgooebt nujks fs jgt bgjsfstejt wfth the bdshfer user aufkeofjes djkexpgsek the daejby tg ujjebessdry rfscs.

    Qe rebgiiejk0

    44. [hdt the bgujtry kfrebtgr ejsures bdsh bgooebtfgj fs gjoy perngriek my the


    \ ]G\E][V I DJDAEIEJ[  

    [he pgst kfk jgt pr gper oy sepdrdte kutfes gver prgperty idjdaeiejt ds requfrek my the

    \ersgjdo \rgperty Idjdaeiejt Hdjkmggc.

    \edbe Bgrps pgofby spebfnfes gje persgj shguok me dssfajek the tdsc gn upkdtfja the kdtdmdse dsjew prgperty fs rebefvek djk exbess prgperty fs kfspgsek gn . [hfs persgj shguok jgt me fjvgovek

    fj purbhdsfja gr kfspgsfja gn dssets, gther thdj rebgrkfja the trdjsdbtfgj fj thekdtdmdse(\ersgjdo \rgperty Idjdaeiejt Hdjkmggc). Kespfte \edbe Bgrps pgofby, the KIGdssfajek the aejerdo servfbe dssfstdjt (ARD) tg rebgrk prgperty fjtg Mdr[rdbcs, the pgst‖s prgperty idjdaeiejt systei, djk kfspgse gn exbess prgperty. My doogwfja the ARD tg idfjtdfj

    the gnnfbfdo prgperty rebgrks djk idjdae prgperty kfspgsdo, the ARD hds the dmfofty tg reigve djftei nrgi the rebgrks wfthgut the pgst‖s cjgwoekae. Fj dkkftfgj, the fjngridtfgj tebhjgogayspebfdofst djk the aejerdo servfbe idjdaer hdk dbbess tg Mdr[rdbcs. Doogwfja iuotfpoe users tgdbbess Mdr[rdbcs fjbredses the rfsc gn errgrs djk nrduk mebduse igre pegpoe hdve the dmfofty tg

    keoete gr bhdjae rebgrks. Dothguah we kfk jgt fkejtfny djy fiprgper dbtfgjs, thfs bgjbejtrdtfgjgn kutfes tg the ARD djk iuotfpoe users ngr Mdr[rdbcs fs bgjtrdry tg the daejby‖s pgofby djkexpgsek the daejby tg ujjebessdry rfscs.

    Qe rebgiiejk0

    4=. [hdt the kfrebtgr gn idjdaeiejt djk gperdtfgjs ngoogw daejby aufkdjbe djk

    dssfaj gjoy gje persgj dbbess tg Mdr[rdbcs djk sepdrdte the respgjsfmfoftfes

    gn Mdr[rdbcs kdtdmdse idfjtejdjbe nrgi prgperty kfspgsdo.

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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr 6 

    Qe kfk jgt fssue d rebgiiejkdtfgj tg the pgst readrkfja iekfbdo kfspgsdo mebduse the pgst hdssfjbe ngujk d bgipdjy thdt dareek tg kfspgse gn the iekfbdo suppofes. Fj gur Bdpstgje ]epgrt0=

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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr 44 


    Fj 4686, GFA wds estdmofshek wfthfj the \edbe Bgrps ds dj fjkepejkejt ejtfty thdt repgrts tg mgth the Kfrebtgr djk Bgjaress. [he purpgse gn GFA fs tg prevejt djk ketebt nrduk, wdste, dmuse,

    djk ifsidjdaeiejt djk tg prgigte ebgjgiy, ennebtfvejess, djk ennfbfejby fj agverjiejt.

    Gur gm èbtfve fj dukftfja gverseds pgsts fs tg keterifje whether the nfjdjbfdo djk dkifjfstrd tfvegperdtfgjs dre nujbtfgjfja ennebtfveoy djk bgipoy wfth \edbe Bgrps pgofbfes djk nekerdoreauodtfgjs. Gur dukft bgjbousfgjs dre mdsek gj fjngridtfgj nrgi three sgurbes0 (4) kgbuiejtdjk kdtd djdoysfs, (=) fjtervfews, djk (2) kfrebt gmservdtfgj. Qe bgjkubtek thfs perngridjbe

    dukft fj dbbgrkdjbe wfth Aejerdooy Dbbeptek Agverjiejt Dukftfja Rtdjkdrks. [hgse stdjkdrksrequfre thdt we podj djk perngri the dukft tg gmtdfj sunnfbfejt, dpprgprfdte evfkejbe tg prgvfke dredsgjdmoe mdsfs ngr gur nfjkfjas djk bgjbousfgjs mdsek gj gur dukft gm èbtfves. Qe meofeve thdtthe evfkejbe gmtdfjek prgvfkes d redsgjdmoe mdsfs ngr gur nfjkfjas djk bgjbousfgjs mdsek gj gur

    dukft gm`ebtfves.

    [he dukft gn \B/Idkdadsbdr bgverek doo fjngridtfgj nrgi NVs =

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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr 4= 

    Gur dukft brfterfd were kerfvek nrgi the ngoogwfja sgurbes0 nekerdo reauodtfgjs, the \edbe BgrpsIdjudo, the Gverseds Nfjdjbfdo Idjdaeiejt Hdjkmggc, Iekfbdo [ebhjfbdo Aufkeofjes, BdshferUser Aufke djk gther \edbe Bgrps pgofbfes djk fjftfdtfves.

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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr 42 


    KIG Kfrebtgr gn Idjdaeiejt djk Gperdtfgjs

    NV Nfsbdo VedrIR \edbe Bgrps Idjudo Rebtfgj

    GFA Gnnfbe gn Fjspebtgr Aejerdo

    URKE Ujftek Rtdtes Kgoodr EqufvdoejtMGB Mfoo gn Bgooebtfgj

    GHR Gnnfbe gn Hedoth Rervfbes

    IRFBB Iekfbdo Ruppoy Fjvejtgry Bgjtrgo Boerc

    BK Bgujtry Kfrebtgr

    \BIG \edbe Bgrps Iekfbdo Gnnfber

    GNIH Gverseds Nfjdjbfdo Idjdaeiejt Hdjkmggc

    ARD Aejerdo Rervfbe Dssfstdjt

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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr 4; 


    ] E\G][ 

    \edbe Bgrps ]equfreiejts


    IR 12;.8.

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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr 45 

    [he Bdshfer Rupervfsgr idy bgjkubt the verfnfbdtfgjs gr idy kes fajdte djgther fjkfvfkudo (gr fjkfvfkudos)tg kg the verfnfbdtfgjs, vfd d kesfajdtfgj ieig. [he ieig shguok me fjboukek fj the sumbdshfer ngoker,idfjtdfjek fj the \rfjbfpdo Bdshfer‖s gnnfbe. 

    [he kes fajdtek persgj wfoo revfew the Rumbdshfer Oekaer, pdperwgrc, djk bdsh usfja the teipodte nrgi theBdshfer Users Aufke (BUA), fssuek my the Kepdrtiejt gn Rtdte,  "Ujdjjgujbek Rumbdshfer ̂ erfnfbdtfgj

    Bhebcofst djk Rupervfsgr Bertfnfbdtfgj". 

    Rebtfgj 42.48.= ‟Fjterfi Dkvdjbes’ stdtes 

    [he bdshfer shguok ofqufkdte the dkvdjbes wfthfj three (2) wgrcfja kdys dnter fssudjbe my gmtdfjfja bgpfesgn grfafjdo rebefpts gr gther bgjnfridtfgj gn use nrgi the fjkfvfkudo(s) tg whgi the nujks were dkvdjbek…Ft fs the respgjsfmfofty gn the bdshfer tg igjftgr the boedrdjbe gn fjterfi dkvdjbes djk tg jgtfny the Kfrebtgrgn Idjdaeiejt djk Gperdtfgjs fn dkvdjbes dre jgt boedrek wfthfj 2 kdys ngr kfrebt ngoogw-up dbtfgj.

    Rebtfgj 42.=4 ‟Nujk Rhgrtdae’ stdtes 

    Bdshfers dre persgjdooy respgjsfmoe ngr doo nujks dkvdjbek my the U.R. Kfsmursfja Gnnfber djk dre therengreofdmoe ngr repodbeiejt gn nujks fj the evejt gn physfbdo ogss, fooeado gr fiprgper pdyiejt, grkenfbfejbfes. Qhej d ogss fs fkejtfnfek, the bdshfer gr KIG shguok fiiekfdteoy jgtfny the BgujtryKfrebtgr, fj wrftfja, djk dkvfbe gn the digujt (fj U.R. kgoodrs djk ogbdo burrejby) djk the bfrbuistdjbes gnthe ogss.

    Ogsses oess [hdj $4<

    Fn the ogss fs oess thdj $4

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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr 4> 

      Bgipoete the Dbbgujts ]ebefvdmoe ]enerrdo Bgversheet, dttdbhfja doo reoevdjtkgbuiejtdtfgj thdt suppgrts the kemt djk the dtteipts tg bgooebt….. 

      Fn HT dbbepts the kemt, the KIG wfoo fjstrubt the Bdshfer tg vgfk the Mfoo gn Bgooebtfgj fjNG] \gst… 

      Fn HT kges jgt dbbept the kemt, ft wfoo me renerrek mdbc tg \gst djk the NIG wfoo prgvfkeaufkdjbe gj \gst dbtfgj.


    Bhdpter 4; ‟Gnnfbfdo Ujdjjgujbek Bdsh ^erfnfbdtfgjs’  stdtes

    Rum-bdshfers0 [he requfreiejt ngr bgipoetfja ujdjjgujbek verfnfbdtfgjs gn Rum-bdshfer nujks kepejks gjseverdo ndbtgrs0 Igjthoy-Rum-bdshfer verfnfbdtfgjs 0 Ngr Rum-bdshfer gperdtfgjs wfth dkvdjbes gn U.R.E $ 4,

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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr 41 

    Dppgfjtek my the BK djk fs respgjsfmoe ngridfjtdfjfja the gnnfbe‖s gnnfbfdo Fjvejtgry Qgrcmggc gn theIekfbdo Fjvejtgry Rystei. [he IRFBB wgrcs wfth doo stdnn tg ejsure prgper use gn fjvejtgry ngris, thdtspebfdooy kesfajdtek fteis djk bgjtrgooek sumstdjbes dre prgperoy kgbuiejtek ds kfspejsek, rebefvek,kfspgsek, djk trdjsnerrek fj the gnnfbe‖s Fjvejtgry Qgrcmggc gn the Iekfbdo Fjvejtgry Rystei. 


    ‟]espgjsfmfoftfes djk Repdrdtfgj gn Kutfes’ stdtes 

    Mdr[rdbcs Kdtdmdse Idfjtejdjbe Kutfes ‛ gje persgj shguok me ds sfajek the tdsc gn upkdtfja thekdtdmdse ds jew prgperty fs rebefvek djk exbess prgperty fs kfspgsek gn. Qe suaaest dj Dkifjfstrdtfve grNfjdjbfdo Dssfstdjt. [hfs persgj shguok jgt me fjvgovek fj purbhdsfja gr kfspgsfja gn dssets, gther thdjrebgrkfja the trdjsdbtfgj fj the kdtdmdse. [hfs persgj shguok jgt bgjkubt fjvejtgrfes.

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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr 48 


    NUJKR [G ME \U[ [G ME[[E] URE 

    Qe kfk jgt fkejtfny nujks tg me put tg metter use. Qe fkejtfnfek the ngoogwfja ujsuppgrtek bgsts

    (d bdteagry gn questfgjek bgsts) kurfja the bgurse gn the dukft.

    Tuestfgjek Bgsts


    JuimerKesbrfptfgj Digujt

    4< Ujsuppgrtek Bgsts ngr 2 Ardjt \rg`ebts $=,1

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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr 46 


    ] E\G][ 

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     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr =1 


    Idjdaeiejt bgjburrek wfth doo 4= rebgiiejkdtfgjs. Fj fts respgjse, idjdaeiejt kesbrfmekdbtfgjs ft fs tdcfja, gr fjtejks tg tdce, tg dkkress the fssues thdt prgiptek edbh gn gur

    rebgiiejkdtfgjs. Qe bogsek three rebgiiejkdtfgjs (juimers 4, =, djk ;) mdsek gj d revfew gnbgrrebtfve dbtfgjs djk suppgrtfja kgbuiejtdtfgj. [he reidfjfja jfje rebgiiejkdtfgjs wfoo

    reidfj gpej pejkfja bgjnfridtfgj nrgi the bhfen bgipofdjbe gnnfber thdt the kgbuiejtdtfgjfkejtfnfek fj idjdaeiejt‖s respgjse hds meej rebefvek.

    Bertfn yfja bgipofdjbe djk verfnyfja ennebtfvejess dre idjdaeiejt‖s respgjsfmfoftfes. Hgwever,

    whej we neeo ft fs wdrrdjtek, we idy bgjkubt d ngoogw-up revfew tg bgjnfri thdt dbtfgj hds meejtdcej djk tg evdoudte the fipdbt.

  • 8/9/2019 Final Report on the Audit of Peace Corps/Madagascar April 30, 2015



     Nfjdo Dukft ]epgrt0 \edbe Bgrps/Idkdadsbdr =8 


    DUKF[ BGI\OE[FGJ  [hfs dukft wds bgjkubtek ujker the kfrebtfgj gn DssfstdjtFjspebtgr Aejerdo ngr Dukft @uky Oegjhdrkt my Dukftgr ]ejftd


    Dssfstdjt Fjspebtgr Aejerdo ngr Dukft

    @uky Oegjhdrkt

    GFA BGJ[DB[  Fn ygu wfsh tg bgiiejt gj the qudofty gr usenuojess gn thfsrepgrt tg heop us strejathej gur prgkubt, poedse bgjtdbt the

    burrejt Dssfstdjt Fjspebtgr Aejerdo ngr Dukfts @uky Oegjhdrktdt   òegjhdrktLpedbebgrps.agv  gr =6=.=64;. 

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/9/2019 Final Report on the Audit of Peace Corps/Madagascar April 30, 2015



    Heop \rgigte the Fjtearfty, Ennfbfejby, djk

    Ennebtfvejess gn the \edbe Bgrps

    Djygje cjgwfja gn wdstenuo prdbtfbes, dmuse, ifsidjdaeiejt,nrduk, gr ujodwnuo dbtfvfty fjvgovfja \edbe Bgrps prgardis gr

     persgjjeo shguok bgjtdbt the Gnnfbe gn Fjspebtgr Aejerdo. ]epgrts gr

    bgipodfjts bdj dosg me idke djgjyigusoy.

    Bgjtdbt GFA

    ]epgrtfja Hgtofje0

    U.R./Fjterjdtfgjdo0 =6=.=645[goo-Nree (U.R. gjoy)0 8