!final report-asset mgmt workshop

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  • 8/12/2019 !Final Report-Asset Mgmt Workshop


    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

    Workshop on Asset Managementfor Civil Works Infrastructure

    Challenges and Reuirements for aComprehensive Asset Management !rocess

    forUSACE Civil Works Infrastructure

    Hosted by:Technical Directors Office

    Coastal and Hydraulics LaboratoryU.S. Army Engineer Research and Deelo!ment Center

    "#$"% August "&&' $ Ale(andria) *A

  • 8/12/2019 !Final Report-Asset Mgmt Workshop


    E+ECUT,*E SU--AR

    Asset -anagement for C/ ,nfrastructureAugust "#$"%) "&&'

    Ale(andria) *irginia

    E(ecutie Summary


    On August 23-24, 2005 in Alexandria, Virginia approximately 70 people attended a or!s"op todis#uss asset management as it relates to t"e $% Army &orp o' (ngineers )$%A&(* &i+il or!sn'rastru#ture. /"e or!s"op as organied by t"e $% Army (ngineer 1esear#" ande+elopment &enter )(1&* in #ollaboration it" Headuarters, $%A&(. Obe#ti+es o' t"eor!s"op ere to:

    e'ine asset management and metri#s

    is#uss #urrent and 'uture #"allenges related to asset management

    6ro+ide interagen#y 'orum 'or s"aring lessons learned, partnering, and #ollaboration

    (+aluate appli#ability o' existing tools and data reuirements 'or di''erent business lines


    denti'y te#"ni#al gaps and #orresponding 1 reuirements a#ross business lines.

    At t"e $%A&( %enior leaders #on'eren#e "eld to ee!s prior to t"e or!s"op, senior leadersdis#ussed implementation strategies 'or t"e $%A&( &ampaign 6lan, 8oal 9 3: to en"an#e li'e-#y#le in'rastru#ture management. %ub-obe#ti+e 3& o' t"is plan states t"at t"e $%A&( illimpro+e t"e reliability o' ater resour#es in'rastru#ture using a ris! based asset managementapproa#".; /"is or!s"op pro+ed to be a timely opportunity not only to dis#uss "ere e are int"e pro#ess, but also to de+elop t"e groundor! 'or "o e #an pro#eed.

    /"e parti#ipants in#luded !ey leaders"ip 'rom all areas o' t"e $%A&( in#luding HilitaryA#ademy, ?ational %#ien#e @oundation, ureau o' ndian A''airs, @ederal 1eal 6roperty &oun#il,$% ?a+y, ?A%A, O and t"e ureau o' 1e#lamation attended and #ontributed t"eir expertiseand +aluable lessons-learned regarding asset management in t"eir on organiations. Bey peopletoo! time 'rom t"eir busy end-o'-t"e-year s#"edules to gat"er, to s"are t"eir !noledge, and toma!e a #ase 'or t"e road a"ead. /"e energy and ent"usiasm in t"is or!s"op resulted in a #"argeand a #ommitment to set t"ings in motion.

    The /or1sho!

    /"e or!s"op #onsisted o' in+ited presentations, group and panel dis#ussions, and brea! outsessions. A'ter a series o' in'ormati+e presentations 'rom external agen#ies and it"in t"e$%A&(, parti#ipants de'ined in'rastru#ture, assets, asset management and #riti#al problemsrelated to te#"nologies and business line needs. etails o' t"is or!s"op "a+e been reported2C %eptember 2005 2

  • 8/12/2019 !Final Report-Asset Mgmt Workshop


    under separate #o+er and #an be pro+ided upon reuest. /"e intent o' t"is summary is to #apturet"e essen#e o' t"e or!s"op and t"e bottom line.;

    Asset management)as de'ined by t"e panel experts and parti#ipants at t"e or!s"op, is a ay tomanage resour#es t"at ill maximie li'e #y#le per'orman#e, minimie ris!, and optimie ourin'rastru#ture 'or t"e good o' t"e nation. t is a proa#ti+e and sustainable approa#" to li'e #y#leplanning, reuisition, management and disposal. /o t"e uestion, /hat is ,nfrastructureD; r.a+id Hale, $ni+ersity o' Alabama, su##in#tly replied it is large +alue ser+i#e or produ#tplat'orms t"at pro+ide #apabilities 'or ot"ers.; Assetsere de'ined in 'our brea!-out sessions by'our o' t"e nine &orps business lines )@lood and %torm amage 1edu#tion, ?a+igation,Hydropoer, and 1e#reation*. /"e more ob+ious assets identi'ied in#luded "ydropoer 'a#ilities,'lood #ontrol dams, re#reational 'a#ilities, lo#!s and na+igation dams, le+ees, na+igation #"annels,#oastal inlets and etties, #on'ined disposal 'a#ilities, ri+erine training stru#tures, ban! re+etment,boat ramps, +isitor #enters, #oastal stru#tures, pumping plants, bea#"es, 'loodalls, and e#ologi#alrestoration areas. Eess ob+ious ere data, #ommuni#ations, ideas, and "uman #apital. /"e assetsranged 'rom #omponents o' a 'a#ility, su#" as a miter gate, to systems o' lo#!s or an entire poergrid.

    n initial brea!out sessions on data, metri#s, and so'tare and tools, parti#ipants de'ined dri+ingissues and #riti#al problems. >any dri+ing issues ere identi'ied in#luding our agingin'rastru#ture, politi#s, regulations and limited resour#es. /"e top 5 critical !roblemsidenti'iedand prioritied by t"e group ere C* la#! o' standards and #riteria, 2* #ondition assessment, 3*ris! and un#ertainty, 4* business line pro#esses and 5* inadeuate models and tools. Additionallyt"e 'our business lines met and dis#ussed t"e priority problems 'or t"eir respe#ti+e areas. ?otsurprisingly, some business areas mo+ed ot"er problems to t"e top. 1e#reation and "ydropoer#onsidered s#ar#e resour#es and interoperability o' in'ormation te#"nology as top priorities.1e#reation as t"e only team to expli#itly #onsider sa'ety. @lood added t"e need 'or regionale+aluation teams. @lood, re#reation, and na+igation all #onsidered #ondition assessment a priority.

    ?a+igation 'elt in+entory as a #riti#al 'irst step, and standards ere a #ross-#utting reuirementto all problems.(a#" team o''ered bottom line t"oug"ts 'or #onsideration by business area teamsto set t"e dynami#s 'or t"e next step in t"e de+elopment o' an asset management plan.

    /or1sho! Conclusion

    /"e or!s"op rap-up #on#entrated on t"e message to report ba#! to senior leaders and ot"ers.or!s"op parti#ipants re+isited t"e most #riti#al problems and de'ined "at t"ey 'elt ere t"enext #riti#al steps. /"e top priority problems ere C* #ondition assessment, 2* ris! andun#ertainty, 3* regional e+aluation teams, and 4* business line spe#i'i# #onseuen#es o' notmanaging assets. A re#urring message as t"at t"e ay 'orard is dependent upon exe#uti+ele+el buy-in and a serious #ommitment o' resour#es. /"e next steps must in#lude: C*establis"ment o' a national asset management produ#t deli+ery team )6/* t"at in#ludes businessline leads, and business line 6/s to in#lude regional members 2* de+elopment o' a master ornational plan 'or Asset >anagement based on strategi# plans and 3* de+elopment o' #orporateandFor enterprise approa#"es 'or #lassi'i#ation o' assets and standards 'or #ondition assessment.

    /"e or!s"op #losed it" support by >r. 8erald arnes, &"ie' Operations and >aintenan#e,

    2C %eptember 2005 3

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    $%A&(. He #ongratulated bot" t"e organiers and parti#ipants 'or t"eir "ard or! and t"euality o' t"e or!s"op. He assured t"ose attending t"at senior leaders"ip 'ully supports t"isinitiati+e in #ontext o' t"e de+elopment o' a long-term sustainable in'rastru#ture plan. Bey people'rom t"is or!s"op and ot"ers ill be meeting it"in t"e mont" to de+elop t"is plan, and t"eout#ome o' t"is or!s"op ill pro+ide a basis 'or dis#ussion.


    %adly, none o' us #ould "a+e !non t"at 5 days a'ter t"is or!s"op, August 2G, 2005 t"e 8ul'&oast ould be de+astated by t"e most "orri'i# and #atastrop"i# storm e+er to "it t"e $%. nretrospe#t, t"e dis#ussion on #onseuen#es to "uman li'e and e#onomi# +iability o' not managingassets ere more prop"eti# t"an anyone #ould "a+e imagined. it" e+ery "our, day, and ee!t"at passes, it" e+ery "uman li'e lost, it" ea#" displa#ed and missing person, it" t"e yetun!non de+astation to t"e e#onomy and t"e en+ironment, t"e message es#alates it" in#reasingurgen#y. Our nation=s in'rastru#ture is #riti#al to t"e sa'ety and sur+i+al o' our #ountry, andun'ortunately is #riti#ally 'ragile.

    2C %eptember 2005 4

  • 8/12/2019 !Final Report-Asset Mgmt Workshop


    CHA2TER 3 $ ,4TRODUCT,O4


    /"e purpose o' t"e or!s"op as to begin dialog on multiple aspe#ts o' asset management 'or all&orps business lines. /"e or!s"op gat"ered some !ey sta'' 'rom t"e $.%. Army &orps o'(ngineers )$%A&(* and ot"er @ederal agen#ies asso#iated it" asset management. /"is reportsummaries t"e or!s"op results.


    %e+eral te#"ni#al sessions ere designed it" t"e 'olloing obe#ti+es:

    e'ine asset management and metri#s

    is#uss #urrent and 'uture #"allenges related to asset management

    6ro+ide interagen#y 'orum 'or s"aring lessons learned, partnering, and #ollaboration

    (+aluate appli#ability o' existing tools and data reuirements 'or di''erent business lines

    denti'y te#"ni#al gaps and #orresponding resear#" and de+elopment reuirements a#ross

    business lines

    0ac1ground) from the /or1sho! Coordinators

    /"is or!s"op as a step in t"e e+olution o' an asset management program it"in $%A&(. /"ise''ort as supported by t"e ?a+igation %ystems 1esear#" 6rogram at t"e &oastal and Hydrauli#sEaboratory )&HE*, $.%. Army (ngineer 1esear#" and e+elopment &enter )(1&*, and asoriginally 'o#used on asset management aspe#ts #on#erning na+igation in'rastru#ture. /"e ideae+ol+ed t"roug" (1&=s #ollaboration it" $%A&( Headuarters )H

  • 8/12/2019 !Final Report-Asset Mgmt Workshop


    6igure 3

    2C %eptember 2005

  • 8/12/2019 !Final Report-Asset Mgmt Workshop


    6igure 3)#ont.*

    2C %eptember 2005 7

  • 8/12/2019 !Final Report-Asset Mgmt Workshop


    6igure 3)#ont.*

    2C %eptember 2005 I

  • 8/12/2019 !Final Report-Asset Mgmt Workshop


    CHA2TER " 7 E+A-2LES O6 ASSET -A4A8E-E4T ,-2LE-E4TAT,O4

    Agency 2resentations

    %pea!ers 'rom +arious agen#ies pro+ided a brie' o+er+ie o' t"eir #urrent programs. An abstra#to' most presentations is presented belo. /"e presentations are in Appendix 2. A'ter t"epresentations t"ere as a round table panel dis#ussion, des#ribed at t"e end o' t"is #"apter.

    Optimal >aintenan#e o' &i+il n'rastru#ture %ystems.; 6ro'. an @rangopol, $ni+ersity o'&olorado at oulder.

    >ost o' t"e de#isions t"at are reuired during t"e pro#esses o' assessment, maintenan#e and managemento' #i+il in'rastru#ture systems are made under #onditions o' un#ertainty. $n#ertainties asso#iated it"me#"ani#al and en+ironmental loadings and it" t"e a#tual load-#arrying #apa#ity o' #i+il in'rastru#turema!e it impossible to predi#t exa#tly t"eir li'etime per'orman#e. /"ere'ore, realisti#ally, satis'a#torystru#tural per'orman#e #an be predi#ted only in terms o' probabilisti# measures o' assuran#e o'per'orman#e. Also, un#ertainties asso#iated it" 'uture maintenan#e and user #osts, in#luding dis#ountrates, ma!e it impossible to predi#t exa#tly t"e "ole li'e #osting o' maintenan#e programs 'or #i+il

    in'rastru#ture systems. n lig"t o' t"ese un#ertainties, #i+il in'rastru#ture management systems "a+e to bereliability-based. /"is presentation pro+ides t"e main steps reuired 'or #onsidering "ole li'e #osting and#ost-e''e#ti+eness o' maintenan#e strategies in optimal maintenan#e o' #i+il in'rastru#ture systems. /"esesteps in+ol+e t"e #onsideration o' reliability and #ondition pro'iles it" and it"out maintenan#e,reliability and #ondition states, probabilisti# modeling o' maintenan#e, "ole li'e #osting, and #ost-e''e#ti+eness o' maintenan#e in a li'e-#y#le #ontext.

    n t"is tal!, 'o#us is pla#ed on met"odologi#al aspe#ts o' assessment, maintenan#e and management o'#i+il in'rastru#ture systems in#luding: maintenan#e models, bridge netor! analysis, #ondition-sa'ety-#ostintera#tion, #ombination and optimiation o' maintenan#e a#tions, and bridge netor! multi-obe#ti+eoptimiation using geneti# algorit"ms. Appli#ations o' t"e met"odologies proposed to existing bridges int"e $nited %tates and t"e $nited Bingdom are also presented. /"e support by t"e $. %. ?ational %#ien#e@oundation, by t"e $.B. Hig"ays Agen#y, by t"e ut#" >inistry o' /ransport, 6ubli# or!s and ater>anagement, by t"e &olorado epartment o' /ransportation and ot"er agen#ies is grate'ully

    a#!noledged. %e+eral postdo#toral resear#"ers and a number o' 'ormer and #urrent graduate students att"e $ni+ersity o' &olorado at oulder #ontributed to t"e results presented in t"is #"apter. /"eir#ontributions and assistan#e are greatly appre#iated.

    ?A%A e'erred >aintenan#e >odel.; ill rodt, ?A%A.

    /"e @ederal A##ounting %tandards Ad+isory oard reuires @ederal agen#ies to #omment on de'erredmaintenan#e in t"eir Annual A##ountability 1eports. Auditors #on#luded t"at ?A%A needed to impro+eits met"od 'or estimating de'erred maintenan#e. n response to t"is audit 'inding, t"e ?A%A @a#ilities(ngineering i+ision in #ooperation it" t"e ?A%A &omptroller, #"artered t"e de+elopment o' a nemet"od based on a "ite paper by &"arles . 6ittinger, Jr., 6.(., dated April I, CGGG and t"e @ederal@a#ilities &oun#il /e#"ni#al 1eport 9C4C, titled, e'erred >aintenan#e 1eporting 'or @ederal @a#ilities./"e ?A%A met"od pro+ides an independent, #onsistent, #ostKe''e#ti+e, and auditable approa#" to

    estimating Agen#y 'a#ilities de'erred maintenan#e based upon rapid +isual assessment o' nine di''erentsystems it"in ea#" ?A%A 'a#ility:

    L %tru#tureL 1oo'L (xteriorL nterior @inis"esL HeatingFVentilatingFAir &onditioning )HVA&*L (le#tri#al %ystems

    2C %eptember 2005 G

  • 8/12/2019 !Final Report-Asset Mgmt Workshop


    L 6lumbing %ystemsL &on+eyan#e %ystemsL 6rogram %upport (uipment

    /"e independent assessment teams may rely upon limited input 'rom lo#al 'a#ilities management sta''"en rating ea#" system. %ystems are rated 'rom 5 )only normal maintenan#e reuired* to C )system doesnot 'un#tion as intended*. /"ese #ondition ratings are entered into a parametri# estimating model t"at

    uses t"e 'a#ility #urrent repla#ement +alue )&1V* as its basis. /"e &1V is apportioned beteen ea#" o't"e nine 'a#ility systems. /"ere are di''erent %ystem &1V 6er#entage models 'or ea#" o' 42 separate >'a#ility #ategories.

    O O+erall Asset >anagement Approa#".; >i!e Beegan, $.%. epartment o' nterior.

    $%1 @a#ility >aintenan#e Approa#"es $sing >AM>O.; Ben >axey, $.%. ureau o'1e#lamation.

    /"e ureau o' 1e#lamation )1e#lamation* "as been engaged in asset management 'or o+er C00 years./oday, 1e#lamation "as #onstru#ted ater, poer and in#idental )e.g., re#reation* 'a#ilities in t"e C7

    estern %tates it" an original de+elopment #ost o' o+er N20 billion. 1e#lamation=s in+entory o' assetsin#ludes 34I reser+oirs it" a total storage #apa#ity o' 245 million a#re-'eet o' ater. 1e#lamation is alsot"e ?ation=s se+ent" largest poer utility and se#ond largest produ#er o' "ydroele#tri# poer it" 5I"ydroele#tri# poerplants pro+iding an a+erage o' more t"an 42 billion !iloatt"ours o' energy ea#" year.it" o+er 75 per#ent o' t"e epartment o' t"e nterior=s #onstru#ted assets, 1e#lamation "as a maorsteards"ip role in managing t"is in'rastru#ture and its supporting assets.

    1e#lamation uses a +ariety o' tools to support operations and maintenan#e by 'ield sites. /"is presentationill brie'ly #o+er to o' t"ose tools K t"e upgrade proe#t 'or >aximo, 1e#lamation=s #omputeriedmaintenan#e management system, and t"e @a#ility 1eliability 1ating tool. n addition, 1e#lamation "asinitiated a 'ormal #orporate asset management plan and is engaged it" t"e O''i#e o' >anagement andudget on de+eloping per'orman#e measures 'or O> under O>=s 6A1/ program. /"e dra't assetmanagement plan and t"e dra't per'orman#e measures ill be brie'ly presented.

    $%1=s 6oer Asset >anagement %trategy.; ebra Ein!e, $.%. ureau o' 1e#lamation.

    /"e ureau o' 1e#lamation=s )1e#lamation* 5I poer plants "a+e an a+erage age o' 4 years.1e#lamation is ta!ing a multi-pronged approa#" to assure t"e long-term +iability and reliability o' its"ydropoer assets. 1e#lamation is approa#"ing t"ese assets 'rom euipment, system, and "uman #apitalstandpoints. /"is presentation ill gi+e an o+er+ie o' some !ey a#ti+ities in#luding 1e#lamation=s6oer 1e+ies o' Operation and >aintenan#e, 1e'urbis"ment and $pgrade A#ti+ities, parti#ipation inreliability 'orums, de+elopment o' te#"ni#al standards, ben#"mar!ing, and de+elopment o' te#"ni#al s!illsin poer 'a#ility personnel.

    ntegrating 1is! and 1eliability into $%A&( n'rastru#ture >anagement.; Anana &"udgar,$.%. Army &orps o' (ngineers.

    /"is presentation ill summarie #urrent $%A&( e''orts in t"e areas o' ris! and reliability.

    HydroA>6 &ollaborati+e nitiati+e.; Eori 1ux, $.%. Army &orps o' (ngineers.

    %u##ess'ul strategi# planning 'or #apital in+estments in existing "ydropoer 'a#ilities reuires#onsideration and balan#ing o' many 'a#tors, in#luding t"e ris!s and #onseuen#es o' euipment 'ailure./"e goal o' "ydroA>6 )t"e Hydropoer Asset >anagement 6artners"ip* is to #reate a 'rameor! tostreamline and impro+e t"e e+aluation o' euipment #ondition to en"an#e asset management and

    2C %eptember 2005 C0

  • 8/12/2019 !Final Report-Asset Mgmt Workshop


    in+estment de#ision-ma!ing. &ondition assessments support:

    L 6riorit iation o' #apital in+estmentsL e+elopment o' long-term in+estment strategiesL &oordination o' O> budgeting pro#esses and pra#ti#esL denti'i#ation and tra#!ing o' per'orman#e goals.

    /e#"ni#al teams #omprised o' experts 'rom t"e 'our partner organiations "a+e de+eloped #onditionassessment guides 'or #ir#uit brea!ers, ex#iters, generators )and large pump motors*, go+ernors, surgearresters, station batteries, trans'ormers, and turbine runners. Assessment guides 'or #ompressed airsystems, emergen#y #losure gates and +al+es, and #ranes are also #urrently being de+eloped. A to-tieredapproa#" 'or assessing euipment #ondition is used. /ier C relies on test data, inspe#tion results, and ot"erin'ormation t"at is readily a+ailable or easily obtained during routine operation and maintenan#ea#ti+ities. A lo #ondition s#ore may indi#ate t"e need 'or a /ier 2 e+aluation, in+ol+ing spe#ialied testsand a "ig"er le+el o' expertise, to re'ine t"e #ondition rating.

    (uipment #ondition indi#es assist management and ot"er personnel in+ol+ed in ma!ing de#isions onrepla#ement or re"abilitation "en 'a#ed it" #ompeting demands and limited resour#es. /"e simplestapproa#" in+ol+es using #ondition indi#es to prioritie, ran!, and sort euipment needs. /"is analysis maybe done "oriontally a#ross an organiation to determine t"e repla#ement order 'or similar types o'euipment )e.g., to de+elop a trans'ormer or #ir#uit brea!er repla#ement program*. &ondition indi#es #analso be #ombined +erti#ally into an aggregated unit summary index representing t"e main poer traineuipment )i.e., t"e turbine, generator, ex#iter, go+ernor, #ir#uit brea!er, and trans'ormer* or into ano+erall station summary index )#ombining to or more unit summary indi#es*. &ondition indi#es may beused to 'ormulate a business #ase t"at addresses a ide range o' 'a#tors su#" as ris! o' 'ailure, e''i#ien#y,sa'ety, e#onomi#, en+ironmental, politi#al and regulatory #onseuen#es, as ell as ot"er #onsiderations./"e analysis tools being designed by HydroA>6 ill be open and 'lexible to 'it into existing maintenan#e,planning, budgeting, and de#ision-ma!ing stru#tures.

    @(>F>AM>O Appli#ation to ? 6oer 8enerating 6lants.; &"arles Bra"enbu"l, $.%.Army &orps o' (ngineers.

    /"is presentation ill summarie t"e status o' t"e appli#ation and outline 'urt"er reuirements 'or t"e useo' @(> )@a#ilities and (uipment >aintenan#e %ystem* as a #riti#al tool 'or asset management o' t"e 2Gmultipurpose "ydroele#tri# proe#ts it"in ?ort"estern i+ision o' t"e &orps and as a model 'or t"eremaining 4 proe#ts. ts use to #apture and analye e''orts on signi'i#ant systems, subsystems and#omponents, in#luding 'eeding #riti#al data to H1OA>6, is essential 'or li'e#y#le asset management o't"ese proe#ts and li!eise 'or ot"er in'rastru#ture &orps-ide.

    1is!-ased Appli#ations 'or $%A&( n'rastru#ture.; 1obert 6ate+, $.%. Army &orps o'(ngineers.

    /"e presentation ill #o+er ris!-based appli#ations 'or $%A&( in'rastru#ture and "o it "as been appliedit to system studies su#" as O"io 1i+er >ain %tem %ystem and 8reat Ea!es and %t. Earen#e %eaay.

    $%A&( Asset >anagement.; Andrea Bu"n, $.%. Army &orps o' (ngineers.

    /"e presentation ill des#ribe t"e general strategi# 'rameor! 'or de+elopment o' asset managementinitiati+es it"in $%A&(.

    2C %eptember 2005 CC

  • 8/12/2019 !Final Report-Asset Mgmt Workshop


    Round Table $ 2anel Discussion

    A brie' panel dis#ussion as "eld. /"e obe#ti+es o' t"e panel ere to 'orm a bridge beteen t"epresentations and t"e brea!out sessions as ell as to begin to list #ross#utting te#"nology topi#sand issues t"at may en#ompass se+eral or all business lines.

    6anel >embers: ill &"apman, arry Holliday, an @rangopol, a+id Hale, and Eori 1ux.

    9uestion: /hat is ,nfrastructure;

    @a#ilities and euipment/"ings e spend money on/"ings 'ederal go+ernment "as +ested interest inAll 'ederally #onstru#ted and operated assetsEarge +alue, ser+i#e, or produ#t plat'orms t"at pro+ide ser+i#es 'or ot"ers to useEand, people, tools, pla#es, ideas, and systems4OT:


    4OTE: /"ere is a need to de'ine:- &riti#al and non-#riti#al in'rastru#ture- nterdependen#e o' in'rastru#ture

    9uestion: /hat is Asset -anagement;

    is#ipline 'or managing li'e-#y#le #ost and ot"er per'orman#e indi#ators o' in'rastru#tureassets in an optimal ay

    ay to manage 'unding resour#es to maximie per'orman#e or minimie ris!s and

    maximie reliability%ystemati# de'ined pro#ess 'or spe#i'i# set o' out#omesay to manage outputs and pro#esses optimally, 'or t"e good o' t"e nationAsset management is t"e ay e manage t"e outputs t"ere are se+eral #onsiderations on

    "o e do it: reliability, ris!, #ost, steards"ip;4OTE:

    "at is t"e relations"ip beteen ris! and reliability prin#iples and assetmanagementD

    %trategi# management )ris! to do business*Asset management P 6ort'olio approa#", ris! P priority

    9uestion: /hat are the 0asic Com!onents of the Asset -anagement 2rocess;

    /"is uestion as not spe#i'i#ally addressed by t"e group.

    /"ese items ere ta!en into t"e or!groups as a starting point 'or brainstorming.

    2C %eptember 2005 C2

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    rea!out sessions ere organied to pro+ide an opportunity to identi'y and summariete#"nologies #ommon to Asset >anagement.

    /or1 8rou!s

    or!s"op parti#ipants ere di+ided into brea!out groups to address t"e #ross#utting issues 'orbusiness lines. /"e topi# areas 'or t"e brea!out groups ere

    C* ata2* >etri#s3* %o'tare, >odels, and /ools

    (a#" group as to brainstorm items and ideas, and to identi'y t"e top 'i+e dri+ing issues and#riti#al problems. /"e groups presented t"eir lists in t"e opening session t"e 'olloing morning./"ose results 'ollo.

    Tas1 8rou! 3: Data>oderators: >i#"ael %"arp and /im saa#s

    /op ri+ing ssues:

    C. 1egulations2. %#ar#e resour#es3. mpro+ed business pra#ti#es4. A##ountability5. Bnoledge management

    /op &riti#al 6roblems:

    C. %#ar#e resour#es2. &orporate buy-in3. Ea#! o' standardsFpro#essF#riteria4. Organiational stru#ture5. &ommuni#ation. &omplexity

    Tas1 8rou! ": -etrics>oderators: Jim &lausner and %tuart @olt

    /op ri+ing ssues:

    C. (xe#uti+e Order2. 8o+ernment 6er'orman#e 1esults A#t o' CGG3 )861A*3. O''i#e o' >anagement and udget )O>*4. etter business management de#isions

    2C %eptember 2005 C3

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    5. Eimited resour#es. ?ation needs &orps in'rastru#ture7. Aging in'rastru#ture extending li'e as long as e''e#ti+e, 'easible, desirableI. &"anging #ustomer sta!e"older expe#tations about reliabilityG. 6oliti#alC0. >anaging ris!

    /op &riti#al 6roblems:

    C. &ondition index2. $tiliation3. Operations and maintenan#e #osts4. >ission ependen#y

    >ission #riti#al

    (ssential-not #riti#al

    ?ot mission essential

    5. %e#urity. %a'ety

    Tas1 8rou! #: Softoderators: &"arlie Bra"enbu"l and /om oada

    /op ri+ing ssues:

    C. etermination o' business line obe#ti+es2. etermination o' asset #ontribution to meeting obe#ti+es3. Optimiation o' asset per'orman#e )ris! +s. reliability +s. #ost*4. Asset #ondition monitoringFper'orman#e monitoring5. e#ision pro#ess 'or appli#ation o' resour#es to assets

    /op &riti#al 6roblems:

    C. nter-operability o' in'ormation te#"nology systems2. &"ange management o' in'ormation te#"nology systems3. ata in one pla#e,; la#! o' #ompatibility4. n'ant; predi#ti+e model 'or #ondition, #ost, and a#ti+ities )maintenan#e, repla#ement,

    monitoring, operating, t"roug"put, e''i#ien#y*5. Ea#! o' do#umented business pro#ess. etermination o' business line pro#esses )return on in+estment, asset need, +alue, #ost,

    produ#t +alue*7. &apturing #orporate !noledge

    2C %eptember 2005 C4

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    2rioriti=ation of Driing ,ssues and Critical 2roblems

    The -eta2lan 2rocess

    /"e topi#s 'rom t"e brea!out sessions pro+ided a or!able list o' issues in t"e $%A&( related toasset management. a+id Harris presented a +ariation o' t"e %trategi# 6lanning 6ro#ess !nonas >eta6lan, de+eloped by t"e > &orporation, "i#" as used to prioritie t"e issues andproblems listed by t"e brea!out groups. His presentation is in#luded, Appendix 3. /"e steps o't"is pro#ess are summaried belo it" a##ompanying out#ome 'rom t"e or!s"op.

    3> ,dentifying the categories of the !rogram

    All topi#s presented ere sorted into indi+idual #ategories. /opi#s dis#ussed in t"e paneldis#ussion t"at ere not identi'ied in t"e or! groups due to t"eir limited s#ope ere added. /"e#ontinued intention as to #olle#t and organie as mu#" in'ormation as possible it"in t"e timelimit. 1esults are gi+en in /able C.


    1 Business line processes

    2 Business documents

    3 Change mgmt of IT systems

    4 Communication

    5 Complexity

    6 Condition index

    7 Corporate uy!in

    " Corporate #no$ledge

    % &ata compatiility

    1' Infant models11 I( of IT systems

    12 )ac# of standards

    13 *ission dependency

    14 (+* costs

    15 (rgani,ational structure

    16 -is# and uncertainty

    17 .afety

    1" .carce resources

    1% .ecurity

    2' /tili,ation

    Table 3

    "> 2rioriti=ing the categories

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    ndi+iduals ere next as!ed to de'ine t"eir on priority )mportan#e* 'or t"e #ategories using amulti-+ote. n t"is #ase ea#" parti#ipant as gi+en tel+e ad"esi+e dots. 6arti#ipants #ould splitt"eir priorities a##ording to t"e 'olloing rules:

    >ay use any or all o' t"eir C2 dots t"roug"out t"e #ategories and As many as 3 dots may be used on any one #ategory to represent in#reased

    importan#e o' any parti#ular #ategory to t"e parti#ipant.

    All +otes ere #ounted 'or ea#" #ategory. /"is +oting typi#ally #reates a 6areto distribution o't"e #ategories. /"is distribution is s"on in @igure 2.

    n a strategi# planning #ontext, additional in'ormation #an be use'ul, espe#ially an estimateregarding t"e degree o' di''i#ulty asso#iated it" any parti#ular #ategory. i''i#ult; may meanexpensi+e, te#"ni#ally #"allenging, #omplex, or any ot"er sube#ti+e #ontext "i#" t"e parti#ipant#"ooses 'or any gi+en #ategory. n t"is or!s"op ea#" parti#ipant ga+e ea#" #ategory a s#ore o'0 to C0, it" 0 being easy and C0 being really "ard. 6arti#ipant s#ores ere a+eraged and used to#reate t"e de#ision uad s"on in @igure 3. (a#" #ategory t"en 'alls in one o' 'our uadrants,

    ea#" o' "i#" "as a des#ripti+e name:

    (asy and important: Low hanging fruitHard and important: Strategic items(asy but less important: Do laterHard and less important: Consider

    2C %eptember 2005 C

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    6igure "

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    6igure #

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    CHA2TER % $ 0US,4ESS L,4E ,-2LE-E4TAT,O4 ,DEAS

    A se#ond set o' brea!out sessions pro+ided an opportunity 'or open dis#ussion o' issues andproblems it"in gi+en business lines. At t"e end o' t"e session, ea#" brea!out group as as!ed toidenti'y maor issues 'or t"e business line. /"ese lists ere used in t"e remaining portions o' t"eor!s"op.

    0usiness Lines

    ?a+igation Hydropoer @lood and %torm amage 1edu#tion 1e#reation

    0rea1out Session Tas1s

    C. Eist Assets 'or t"is business unit

    2. ri+ing ssues: a''irm delete, add

    3. &riti#al 6roblems )@rom >eta6lan Voting*i. &on'irm, delete, add to t"e listii. @or ea#" problem, establis" status, rede'ine as needed 'or t"e business lineiii. Anser: C

    C. "at is our #urrent #apabilityD2. "at are t"e stepsFgaps to be addressed to sol+e t"is problemD

    4. %trategi# temsa. ?ear term

    C. 8uarantees e #an su##eed2. 1is!s e ill 'ail

    b. Eong termC. 8uarantees e #an su##eed2. 1is!s e ill 'ail

    5. ottom Einei. "at do e do to mo+e 'orardD

    2C %eptember 2005 CG

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    4aigation 0usiness Line@a#ilitator: %andra Bnig"t1e#order: Jim &lausner6arti#ipating: Earry Holman, 1oy raden, /"omas oada, a+id ee!ly, ob 6ate+,8reg ern#!e, >i#"ael %"arp, >i!e Bidby, Anana &"udgar, ill 1i#"ter, >i#"aelin!ler, Al &o'ran#es#o, Ben >axey, ru#e Eambert, ob el#", Andrea Bu"n, /omVerna, >i!e "ite

    C. Eist Assets

    a. Asset: somet"ing t"at "elps us a##omplis" our na+igation mission 'or t"e nation,sta!e"olders and en+ironment.

    b. >ission &riti#al Asset: A p"ysi#al unit o' property t"at in its absen#e orinoperability ould signi'i#antly impede t"e organiation=s a#"ie+ement o' a #riti#albusiness obe#ti+e.

    #. /iered Asset %tru#ture

    /ier C. /"e 1i+er system/ier 2. %e#tions o' t"e ri+er/ier 3. Eo#!s, dams )#on#rete and eart"*, le+ees, #"annels, ri+er #ontrolstru#tures, #ontrol systems, / systems, buoys, piers, buildings./ier 4. &omponents o' tier 3, pumps, +al+es, et#.

    d. 1oads, 'en#es, #ameras and se#urity euipment, #ars, tru#!se. &"arts, (?& )nland (le#troni# ?a+igation &"arts*'. redges, and supporting plant, sur+ey +essels, snag boats, et#.g. Ee+ees". %pare parts, spe#ial euipmenti. /e#"nology, analyti#al met"ods, models, pro#edures, assessment tools

    . 1esour#es, 'unds, positionsi. Eand, repair 'a#ilities, o''i#e and admin buildings, are"ouses, generators,ii. E6>%FO>E data )Eo#! 6er'orman#e >onitoring %ystemF Operations

    and >aintenan#e usiness n'ormation Ein!*, &%& data )aterborne&ommer#e %tatisti#s &enter*, port series data, transportation series data

    iii. >onolit"s, 'loating mooring bits, embedded metals, mis#ellaneous metals,miter gates and asso#iate ma#"inery, #ul+ert +al+es and bul!"eads andasso#iated ma#"inery, emergen#y gates and asso#iated ma#"inery, sills,'illFempty systems, di''users, "ydrauli# systems, guard alls, approa#"alls, #ontrol "ouse, s"op buildings, dam tainter gates, dam piers, stillingbasins, bridge #ranes, pumps, motors

    i+. Eaboratories, resear#" te#"nology+. Jetties, brea!aters, groins, re+etments, seaalls, bea#" 'ills )sand*, ot"er

    dredged material pla#ement sites )and sediment*, &@s )&on'ined isposal@a#ilities*

    !. is#ussion o' "et"er or not na+igation #"annels are assets. /"e #orps ons t"e#"annel. )&ongressional a#ts aut"orie t"e na+igation proe#t, gi+e #"annel

    2C %eptember 2005 20

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    dimensions, lo#ations et#.* &"annels "a+e +alue, "a+e 'unds expended to maintain,and t"ere'ore must be in t"e in+entory.

    i. ?ot"ing in t"e real estate property database "as anyt"ing in it on na+igation#"annels.

    ii. A##ording to exe#uti+e order, O>, an asset is somet"ing you #an put abar #ode on. &"annels "a+e +alue.

    iii. ?atural in'rastru#ture is part o' a system.i+. %uggestion to "a+e tiered approa#" to na+igation assets.+. ?eed to manage 'rom t"e "ig"er le+el to t"e loer le+el. &ould assume t"e

    na+igation #"annel is a leaseF"old impro+ement K bad name 'or #"annelasset, but t"e #on#ept is t"e same.

    +i. ureau o' 1e#lamation )u1e#* "as to maintain t"e 1io 8rande 1i+er.Eegally t"ey on t"e 1io 8rande 1i+er, but it is not on a 'inan#ialstatement. on=t use a##ountant perspe#ti+e 'or ater resour#e assetsloo! at it 'rom an asset management issue. 1i+ers are t"ings ot"er assets

    are built upon. @o#us on mission #riti#al assets. Eo#!s, dams, #oastalstru#tures.

    2. ri+ing ssues )not dis#ussed 'urt"er during t"is session brea!out 'o#used on problems*

    3. /op &riti#al ?a+igation 6roblems

    C. ?a+igation usiness Eine 6roblem 9C K &ondition Assessmenta. e'inition: &ondition Assessment )t"is term pre'erred o+er Q&ondition ndex=* K

    an e+aluation o' p"ysi#al #ondition and 'un#tional #apability o' t"e asset o+er timeb. Ho do e address asset #onditionD

    i. &urrent p"ysi#al #ondition - measurableii. Operational assessment )stu'' you #an=t see until you operate t"e asset*iii. Agei+. >aintenan#e re#ords+. /esting, +isual inspe#tion

    +i. All o' t"e abo+e "elps determine repairs needed#. &urrent &apabilities 'or &ondition Assessment

    i. nspe#tion, "a+e some #apabilitiesii. Age K "a+e t"is dataiii. >aintenan#e re#ords K "a+e a range o' re#ords, but not standardiedi+. %tru#ture #ondition assessments are no per'ormed by distri#ts

    d. ?eeds 'or &ondition Assessmenti. %tandardied inspe#tion pro#eduresii. etter tools 'or inspe#tion, better trainingiii. &ondition assessments need to be standardied

    e. @un#tionality )!ey part o' &ondition Assessment K #apabilities and needs listed inea#" sub"eadings*

    i. &ustomer expe#tations an issue, o'ten in#rease o+er timeC. Ha+e #apabilities to get t"is in'ormation K #ustomer sur+eys, et#.

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    ii. Aut"oried missionFdesign K de'ines 'un#tionalityC. e "a+e t"is

    iii. Ei'e &y#leC. Ha+e initial #apability to estimate asset li'e 'rom design2. 6oor ability to predi#t O>

    i+. nland ?a+igation Outages )s#"eduled and uns#"eduled*C. 8ood 'or lo#!s, C00R 'or s#"eduled

    +. &"annels K "a+e some #apabilities, less predi#table, more e+ent dri+en, i.e.,storms, et#.

    +i. $tiliation K t"roug"put, in#ludes e''e#ts o' en+ironmental impa#ts )'lood,i#e, 'og* on t"roug"put

    C. Ha+e E6>% data 'or lo#!s2. Ha+e deep dra't data

    '. A+ailability and reliability i. ata a+ailable 'or lo#! a+ailability ii. &"annel K some data a+ailable

    g. (n+ironmental dri+ing #onditions )a+es ind storms* i. Ha+e some #apability to predi#t ii. Ha+e some needs

    ". (#onomi# impa#ts o' na+igation assets on #ommunityFregion, e.g., maintenan#e o'#"annels in lo-use "arbors

    i. Ha+e limited in'ormation ii. ?eed more e#onomi# data )supplied by sta!e"olders*

    i. &riti#ality o' an asset )redundan#y K no ot"er ay to get stu'' t"ere t"an by +essel,national de'ense*

    i. Ha+e #apability K t"e ?a+igation ata &enter are de+eloping proe#tpro'ile database )putting in single database*Low hanging fruit

    ii. Ha+e some needs iii. @e spares o' #riti#al #omponents )on inland ater system- e.g. spare lo#!

    gates* in 'e pla#es "a+e alternate #"annels )e.g., /enn-/om* i+. &"o!e point in system, nodes +. &omments, Ben >axey K "ydropoer, "a+e good guidan#e 'or 'ield on

    inspe#tions, standards, and standardied inspe#tion pro#edures, trainingstandard team, 'or dams "a+e de+eloped similar t"ings )/eton 'ailurespurred t"is on*

    2. ?a+igation usiness Eine 6roblem 92 K 1is! and $n#ertaintya. e'inition: 1is! and $n#ertainty is important be#ause t"is "o e #ommuni#ate

    needs based on stru#ture #ondition to sta!e"olders, &ongress, et# to ma!e 'undingde#isionsC. 6robability o' an e+ent )loss o' operational #apability K due to age, terrorism,

    la#! o' maintenan#e* t"at #an "appen to t"e stru#ture or #omponent times t"e#onseuen#es o' gi+en state. i''i#ulties in determining total e#onomi#

    2C %eptember 2005 22

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    #onseuen#es )#ost to industryFnation* o' a lo#! #losure. Ho in assetmanagement you #on+ey t"e ris! o' a stru#ture be#oming non-'un#tional in agi+en time. mportan#e o' #onseuen#es.

    2. ?eed to de'ine #onseuen#es, dire#t and indire#t, engineering, e#onomi#,e#ology, loss o' li'e

    3. Ho do you #ommuni#ate ris! and un#ertainty in a uanti'iable ayD ?eed isasset management data t"at supports ris! assessment

    4. Ha+e done range o' ris! assessments, dams, and #onseuen#es K t"reat+ulnerability. Ea#! o' maintenan#e, poor maintenan#e, is a ris!

    5. 1is! #an in#lude se#urity, sa'ety, and #ondition assessment. &onseuen#es - &apabilities

    a. ndire#t impa#tsK inland industry K in progressb. ndire#t 'or de'ense )#ould get*, sa'ety#. ire#t

    i. Ha+e some #apabilities 'or dire#t impa#ts K aaiting #ostsii. %a'ety K loss o' li'e

    iii. %e#urity K some #apabilitiesi+. (n+ironmental impa#ts K no #apabilities+. >ilitary impa#ts - some understanding

    7. Ha+e +arious met"ods to loo! at ris! 'rom an asset met"odology 'rom t"eperspe#ti+e o' se#urity, sa'ety, la#! o' maintenan#e need to be able to #ombine,#ompre"ensi+e ris! management

    I. 6ort'olio assessment K prioritiation to balan#e a#ross business lines to +arioussta!e"olders

    a. ?a+y "as model t"at does t"is must #onsider #onseuen#es to usersG. 1is! mitigationC0. $%A&( "as to separate programs to get ris! 'or dams: na+igation dams do

    not "a+e as mu#" loss o' li'e, "ig" "ead dams do, but bot" #an result in loss o'li'e. ot" result in ris!

    CC. &onsider geograp"i# #omponent K loo! at aters"ed approa#". s a gi+en spotit"in a system at "ig"er ris!D

    C2. e'ine a system and "o it intera#ts 'irst. ?eed to be #are'ul "o e de'ine.>atrix-nature, based on tiers, business lines.

    C3. $se 8% to "elp #ommuni#ateC4. 1is! t"res"old K "en do you 'ixFre"ab K "elps in setting prioritiesC5. (+ent: be'ore determine ris! un#ertainty, must de'ine systems and

    #omponents #onsistently. >ust loo! at t"e proe#t )ris! o' t"e indi+idual#omponents*, most are multi-purpose )a#ross business lines*, t"en loo! at assystem )to identi'y "ig"est priority proe#ts*, #onsider interdependen#ybeteen business lines, and indire#t impa#ts.

    C. 6ort'olio assessmenta. 6rioritiation tool, #an be sube#ti+e or obe#ti+e it" toolsb. Ha+e some #apabilities )61A*#. ?eed a national port'olio

    i. Ha+e some 'or damsii. Ha+e some 'or se#urity

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    iii. ?eed a #lassi'i#ation systemC7. 1is! toleran#e and t"res"old

    a. /"is is a needCI. ata to support ris! assessments

    a. Ha+e some #apabilitiesb. ata is not #onsistent nationide

    CG. &ompre"ensi+e ris! management pro#essa. Ha+e needsb. 1e#ognie interdependen#e o' business lines in#luding sa'ety, se#urity,

    and maintenan#e.20. 1is! mitigation )ottom Eine* K #ourse o' a#tion K "o to allo#ate dollars

    a. ig need

    3. ?a+igation usiness Eine 6roblem 93 -- %tandards and #riteria. K &ross#utting Kinternal and external o' &orps, and internationala. %tandards, minimum #riteria are "at you try to a#"ie+e pro#esses are "o you

    get t"ereb. %tandards. Ha+e a ide range o' #riteria pro#esses are di''erent 'rom #riteria.#. ?eed a standard ay o' e+aluating euipment. &riti#al to t"e su##ess o' #ondition

    assessments and determining ris! and un#ertaintyd. %tandard met"od to assess stru#turese. mplementation o' t"e standard and a##eptan#eFendorsement are part o' t"e

    business pro#ess'.

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    C. Asset management is #riti#ala. >anaging systemsb. 1is! mitigation

    2. /"e road to su##ess begins it"a. 6orting existing te#"nologyFsu##ess stories )e.g., HydroA>6Fu1re#*b. %tandardiation

    3. "at to do 'irst to mo+e 'orarda. ?ational 6/ K in#lude business line members K and master planb. usiness line team 'or asset management K dedi#ated it" resour#es people

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    &riti#al 6roblems - 6roblem 9C: Ea#! o' "ydropoer strategi# business planFobe#ti+es.on=t "a+e a #lear and #onsistent understanding o' expe#tations, per'orman#e measures, +aluestatement, return on in+estment reuirements, a##eptable ris!, reliability reuirements,#omponent-to-system relations"ip, and template 'or asset management.

    "at is our #urrent #apabilityD

    u1e# and ot"er utilities "as a business plan t"at may be rele+ant to t"e &orps

    O> "as issued an Asset >anagement template

    ra't $%A&( Asset >anagement plan is a+ailable

    Hydropoer strategi# or!s"op initiati+es )/ulsa mission, +ision, and strategi#

    obe#ti+es initiati+es*

    Ot"er organiations "a+e de+eloped standards 'or real estate data

    161 and ot"er sour#es )e.g. (nergy ill*

    Hydropoer #ommunity o' pra#ti#e

    HydroA>6 tools "a+e been de+eloped

    ? "as su##ess'ully implemented asset management

    "at are stepsFgaps e need to ta!e to sol+e t"is problemD

    @orm 6/ )it" ? in t"e lead per &onstru#tion 8eneral*

    (stablis" s#ope, s#"edule, ris! management, and budget )6>6*

    e+elop #"ange management plan

    e+elop #ommuni#ation plan

    &ollaborate it" ot"ers

    ra't strategi# business plan

    Obtain appropriate re+ieFappro+al

    e+elop implementation plan )separate 6/=s*

    o denti'yFobtain start-up on-going resour#es

    (xe#ute t"e plan


    &onsisten#y t"roug"out &orps "ydropoer business line

    Adopt a more systemati# +ie +ersus a proe#t-#entered +ie

    6ro+ides #redible, usti'iable business analyses and de#isions

    Align it" ot"er "ydropoer produ#ers

    /emplate 'or use by ot"er business lines

    &riti#al 6roblems - 6roblem 92: ?eed buy-in 'or asset management

    ill be addressed t"roug" strategi# business plan des#ribed in 6roblem C.

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    &riti#al 6roblems - 6roblem 93: Ea#! o' start-up resour#es to implement asset management

    ill be addressed t"roug" strategi# business plan des#ribed in 6roblem C.

    3. %trategi# tems

    ?ear term

    8uarantees e #an su##eed

    HydroA>6 )tools, #apital program pilot proe#t*


    nter-agen#y partners"ips

    O> poer re+ies

    Ot"er asset management models to 'ollo

    %E&, %trategi# Hydropoer meeting, ot"er leaders"ip support exists 1e#ognied leaders

    ire#t 'unding

    And 1is!s

    A#t no or 'or'eit #ontrol

    ?eed more #ollaboration t"roug"out &O( "ydropoer #ommunity

    Eong term

    8uarantees e #an su##eed ire#t 'unding

    ?ational implementation o' @(>F>AM>O

    /ie budget 'ormulation to asset management

    /ie to %enior >anager per'orman#e obe#ti+es

    And 1is!s

    Eosing 'o#us, momentum, and exe#uti+e support

    e+elopment o' asset management plan t"at is too large, too detailed to be


    4. ottom Eine

    "at do e do to mo+e 'orardDe "a+e an opportunity to be#ome better steards o' t"e nation=s "ydropoerresour#esTit=s t"e rig"t t"ing to do. /o be su##ess'ul, e need dire#tion andsupport 'rom t"e (xe#uti+e O''i#e 'or de+eloping a national "ydropoer strategi#business plan. ?eed dire#tion and support 'rom (xe#uti+e O''i#e 'or de+eloping a

    2C %eptember 2005 2G

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    national "ydropoer strategi# business plan.

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    6lood and Coastal Storm Damage Reduction@a#ilitator: ill &"apman1e#order: %tuart @olt6art: a+e &ap!a, (dsel @raley, 1obert @ulton, 1obert Hall, /im Hilt, Joan 6ope, Joel %#"lagel,iann /"ompson, >i!e "ite, Jim uebben

    es#ribe assets:6rograms

    All #omponents used to predi#t, monitor, and manage ater resour#es as t"e impa#tde+elopment, li+es and property

    1eal 6ropertyi!es%tru#turesEe+ees@loodalls

    %eaallsea#"esunesamsridges1esour#es O''i#es&onstru#ted 6lat'orms

    6ersonal 6roperty6umpsHydrauli#s

    All #omponents to >anage ater resour#es(le#tri#al items&ranes%e#urity %tru#tures )@en#es, alls*

    Bnoledge, %!ills and Abilities

    Human &apital%!ill %ets

    e'inition o' Asset; as it relates to @lood and &oastal %torm amage 1edu#tion

    (uipment, 'a#ilities, land, stru#tures, en+ironmental 'eatures asso#iated it" a proe#t 'or#ontrolling, #on+eying and prote#ting 'orm 'loodaters, oned andFor o+erseen by$%A&(

    2C %eptember 2005 3C

  • 8/12/2019 !Final Report-Asset Mgmt Workshop


    ottom Eine $p @ront/"ere are multiple #lasses o' assets "i#" must be #onsidered in order to a#"ie+e ourmission reuirements. %ome are $%A&( oned, $%A&( responsible, real property, andpersonal property. n addition t"ere are intangibles "i#" in#lude "uman #apital,te#"nology and data )ater resour#e spe#i'i#*.

    ri+ing ssues and &riti#al 6roblems&ondition ndex1is! and un#ertainty%#ar#e resour#es8ood models )6redi#ti+e o' asset 'ailure*1eal time #ondition monitoring )sensors*&orporate !noledge6er'orman#e metri#s1egional e+aluation team

    2roblems:Condition ,nde(

    6urpose: 1an!ing o' assets so e #an dire#t 'unding )N=s*, 6"ysi#al %tate o' &omponent

    ?eedsFene'its: @inan#ial rated 'or O> 1epair NF1epla#e N &riti#ality o' asset relati+e to >ission &onseuen#e o' 'ailure @a#ility 1eloadability 1ating $%A&( +s ?on-$%A&( )may need to modelD*

    &urrent &apabilities: Eimited to #omponent le+el Visual, limited measurements

    8aps: &omponent to system le+el &orporate standard )#ommonality, template, pro#ess* %ystem@a#ility&omponentmust aggregate 'rom #omponent le+el into system &ondition K ability to per'orm missionT#riti#alityTmissing lin! i''i#ult to determine

    &riti#ality - need 6er'orman#e aseline

    Toriginal designT.#urrent per'orman#e reuirementT.#urrent design #riteria

    Ho #riti#al is asset per'orman#e to meeting mission reuirements


    2C %eptember 2005 32

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    1e+ie existing indi#es )1(>1 6rogram*. Eoo! at lessons learnedT..&an t"ey bele+eraged. ?eed business rules

    (+aluateF1esear#" ot"er agen#y pro#esses )$%1, ?A%A* - %tru#ture and ateray

    #entri#; 6lan 'or tiered approa#" rating #ondition and e+aluation o' per'orman#e e+elop in+entory o' exiting inspe#tion and e+aluation tools 6ort'olio approa#" K Asset types o#umentFde'ine &ondition ndex business pro#ess @unding strategy 'or near term items &ommuni#ations 6lan

    Eong-term: e+elopFbuyFintegrate so'tare and "ardare )@(>, 8%, A%, &A, %6>/* e+elop 'unding strategy to support implementation /rain and euip inspe#tors e+elop standard reporting 'ormat and #"e#!lists e+elop lin!ages 'or &ondition K ability to per'orm missionT#riti#alityTmissing lin!

    Regional Ealuation Teams

    6urpose: Assess #ondition e+aluate per'orman#e and rate #riti#alityFimportan#e using obe#ti+e#riteria to #olle#t data

    ssue: di''ering ideas on "o and i' e s"ould ran! or per'orm port'olio analysis.

    &urrent &apability:

    ?o #urrent #apability at t"e 1egional Ee+el

    ?eedsFene'its: 1epeatable approa#" (#onomi#s o' s#ale 1emo+al o' bias in e+aluations &omparable results &ontinuity Bnoledge /rans'er a#ross >%&=s )>aor %ubordinate &ommands*


    )A* e'ine #omposition o' t"e 1egional (+aluation /eam )1(/* )* e'ine port'olio eig"t matrix 'a#tors )&* 1e-de'ine business pro#ess to support t"e 1(/ #on#ept

    ?ear-/erm: (stablis" 6/ and resour#e e+elop 1egional &"arter

    2C %eptember 2005 33

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    o Eimits o' Aut"orityo %#ope

    @unding %trategy e'ine relations"ip beteen #urrent inspe#tion pro#ess and 1(/

    Address 8aps )A, , &* @ield /eam &ommuni#ation 6lan e+elop obe#ti+e e+aluation #riteria

    Eong-term: 1e'ine obe#ti+e e+aluation #riteria AA1 )A'ter A#tion 1eport*FEessons Eearned 1e'ine %trategy andFor 6ro#ess

    2C %eptember 2005 34

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    Recreation@a#ilitator: /"omas @leeger1e#order: Julie >ar#y6arti#ipating: 1i#"ard 6ri#e, >arty %a+oie, 8eorge /abb

    ASSETS: 1oads, buildings, par!ing, boat ramp, restrooms, trails, +isitor #enters, #amp pads,pi#ni# s"elters, natural resour#es )'is", ildli'e, 'orests, et#.*, signs, 'is" #leaning stations,administration buildings, lands, sub-impoundments, simming bea#"es, patrol boats, ater andseage treatment plants, a##essible 'is"ing plat'orms, #on#essions and ot"er leases, 'oot bridges,s"elters, people, ater uality, maintenan#e euipment, rolling plant +e"i#les, boat do#!s, "arbors,laboratories, aut"oried proe#ts, 'a#ilities and #enters, pi#ni# s"elters, endangered spe#ies,spillays, 'loating do#!s, se#urity systems, ele#tri#al generators, 'en#ing, #omputers, o''i#e'urniture, et#.

    DR,*,48 ,SSUES: 8roup de#ided to a##ept listings as are and #on#entrate on #riti#alproblems

    TO2 CR,T,CAL 2RO0LE-S: )loo!ed at mportan#e 6areto #"art 'or appli#ation to t"e1e#reation usiness 6rogram*

    ?3 2riority $ Scarce ResourcesK Beep K Hig" 6riority Voting

    6roblem: %#ar#e resour#es are limiting our ability to manage our assets and a##omplis" ourmission #riti#al or!.

    E$@Fottom Eine $p @ront: %#ar#e resour#es limit mission a##omplis"ment e need to le+elt"e re#reation playing 'ield, #ontinue resour#e le+eraging and see! more 'unding. e need to

    ma!e smart national de#isions )"at 'a#ilities needed most, "ere, and ill pro+ide t"e greatestreturn on in+estmentD*. ?ational asset management ill "elp address t"is.

    ?ear /erm 8uarantees and 1is!s:

    &urrent pat" )losing resour#es* ill result in 'ailed #riti#al mission a##omplis"ment.

    n#ludes inadeua#y o' #urrent 'a#ilities to meet re#reation demand.

    n#reased ris! to +isitors 'rom unsa'e 'a#ilities, asset deterioration K publi# "ealt" and

    sa'ety issues

    Eong /erm 8uarantees and 1is!s:

    @eer 'a#ilities and ser+i#es )#losure*, in#reased pressure on remaining 'a#ilities

    issatis'ied #ustomers and loss o' assets, in'erior asset port'olio

    ? " 2riority 7 Safety

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    6roblem: eteriorating assets pla#e bot" our employees and +isiting publi# at ris!

    E$@Fottom Eine $p @ront: eteriorating in'rastru#ture leads to unsa'e 'a#ilities. (n"an#edasset management #ould lead to better predi#ti+e ability and better allo#ation o' s#ar#e resour#es.

    ?ear /erm 8uarantees and 1is!s:

    &ontinued sa'ety issues due to deteriorating 'a#ilities

    >ore a##idents, inuries, deat"s, tort #laims

    Eong /erm 8uarantees and 1is!s:

    Eoss o' publi# trust

    Eimited re#reation resour#es 'or 'uture generations

    Eo employee morale

    Hig" legal liability #osts

    ? # 2riority 7 6acility Condition ,nde(

    6roblem: ?o #onsistent @a#ility &ondition ndex a#ross business lines

    E$@Fottom Eine $p @ront: Ha+e an existing @a#ility &ondition ndex tool in 1e#(%/ t"atreuires impro+ements su#" as #ross-al!ing to O> 'ormula, @(>, and 1(>% and assuran#eso' #onsistent appli#ation.

    ?ear /erm 8uarantees and 1is!s:

    &urrent @& system "as marginal su##ess

    n#onsistent 'a#ility #onditions

    Eong /erm 8uarantees and 1is!s:

    mpro+ed 1e#(%/ system

    mpro+ed budget allo#ation a#ross t"e nation

    n#onsistent allo#ation o' 'unds and use

    ? % 2riority 7 ,T Rudimentary Status @ ,ntero!erability of -odels @ Data

    6roblem: Eimited or no integration and multiple data entries a#ross !ey / systems )ba#!arddesign*.

    E$@Fottom Eine $p @ront: ?eed an asset management / strategi# plan and implementationt"at #rossal!s to ot"er !ey / systems.

    ?ear /erm 8uarantees 1is!s:

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    &urrent / systems are resour#e intensi+e, do not "a+e data #ompatibility and are not

    integrated )multiple data entry*.

    1euire an in#reasing s"are o' 'inite resour#es.

    6otential 'or #on'li#ting reports, di''i#ulty in analyingFde#ision-ma!ing

    Eong /erm 8uarantees 1is!s:

    Ea#! o' a##ountability

    Ea#! o' #redibility

    @eer resour#es

    ept o' nterior ta!es o+er &orps 1e#reation 6rogram

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  • 8/12/2019 !Final Report-Asset Mgmt Workshop


    A22E4D,+ 3 $ /ORSHO2 ATTE4DEES

    2artici!ant Affiliation

    Barnes0 erald /.C!)-&

    Bo,ada0 Thomas /.C!C-)

    Braden0 -oy /.C!

    Brodt0 illiam TI() -(/TIC. & .8C &*II.T-TI(

    Brynda0 9ac# B/-/ (: -C)*TI(

    Cap#a0 &a;e B/-/ (: I&I ::I-.

    Chapman0 illiam /.C!)-&

    Chudgar0 n )B*

    de la ar,a0 9esus TI() .CIC :(/&TI(

    &ressler0 &on /.C!

    ngler0 Bo /.C!-&C!)

    rcums0 *a,e /.C!

    stes0 C() llen C> />.> *I)IT-? C&*? .T 8(IT

    to0 iroshi /.C!&

    :leeger0 Thomas /.C!.:

    :olt,0 .tuart /.C!-&C!C-)

    :raley0 dsel /.C!

    :rangopol0 &an /I=> (: C()(-&(

    :ulton0 -oert /.C!.&

    ison0 8eter /.C!&

    rier0 &a;id /.C!I-

    ale0 &a;id I.C!/I=> )B*

    all0 -oert /.C!-&C!.)

    arris0 &a;id B/-/ (: -C)*TI(

    ilt,0 Tim /.C!

    olliday0 Barry /.C!

    olman0 )arry /.C!*=&

    Isaacs0 Timothy /.C!-&C!C-)

    2C %eptember 2005 3G

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    2artici!ant Affiliation

    @eegan0 *i#e &8-T*T (: IT-I(-

    @ehoe0 ary /.C!&

    @emp0 &era &8-T*T (: -*?

    @idy0 *i#e /.C!

    @night0 .andra /.C!-&C!C)

    @rahenuhl0 Charles /.C!

    @uhn0 ndrea /.C!

    )amert0 Bruce /.C!I-

    )in#e0 &era B/-/ (: -C)*TI(

    )oc#$ood0 -ichard /.C!)-8

    *arcy0 9ulie /.C!-&C!)

    *atheu0 nriAue /.C!-&C!.)

    *axey0 @enneth B/-/ (: -C)*TI(

    (rr0 9ann /.C!.:

    8an#o$0 inny /.C!I-

    8ate;0 -oert /.C!

    8ope0 9oan /.C!

    8rice0 -ichard > /.C!-&C!)

    -ichter0 Bill />.> =?

    -ux0 )ori /.C!8

    .a;oie0 *artin /.C!-&C!C-)

    .chlagel0 9oel /.C!-&C!C--)

    .eda!.anaria0 ?a,min /.C!-&C!.)

    .harp0 *ichael /.C!-&C!.)

    .tanley0 )inda :&-) :CI)ITI. C(/CI)

    Ta0 eorge /.C!

    Ta#aayashi0 .andra /.C!&

    Thompson0 &iann /.C!

    Turner0 .te;e />.> =?

    =erna0 Tom /.C!

    ee#ly0 &a;id /.C!)-

    elch0 Bo /.C!-&C!IT)

    ells0 -oert I.C!/I=> )B*

    2C %eptember 2005 40

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    2artici!ant Affiliation

    ernc#e0 reg /.C!)-)

    hite0 *i#e /.C!

    in#ler0 *ichael /.C!-&C!C)

    ueen0 9ames /.C!-&C!C--)

    2C %eptember 2005 4C

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    A22E4D,+ " $ 2RESE4TAT,O4S

    Optimal >aintenan#e o' &i+il n'rastru#ture %ystems; by 6ro'. an @rangopol, $ni+ersity o'&olorado at oulder

    ?A%A e'erred >aintenan#e >odel; by ill rodt, ?A%A

    O O+erall Asset >anagement Approa#"; by >i!e Beegan, $.%. epartment o' nterior

    $%1 @a#ility >aintenan#e Approa#"es $sing >AM>O;by Ben >axey, $.%. ureau o'1e#lamation

    $%1=s 6oer Asset >anagement %trategy; by ebra Ein!e, $.%. ureau o' 1e#lamation

    ntegrating 1is! and 1eliability into $%A&( n'rastru#ture >anagement; by Anana &"udgar,$.%. Army &orps o' (ngineers

    HydroA>6 &ollaborati+e nitiati+e; by Eori 1ux, $.%. Army &orps o' (ngineers

    @(>F>AM>O Appli#ation to ? 6oer 8enerating 6lants; by &"arles Bra"enbu"l, $.%.Army &orps o' (ngineers

    1is!-ased Appli#ations 'or $%A&( n'rastru#ture; by 1obert 6ate+, $.%. Army &orps o'(ngineers

    $%A&( Asset >anagement; by Andrea Bu"n, $.%. Army &orps o' (ngineers

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    A22E4D,+ # $ -ETA2LA4 *,SUALS

    Asset >anagement 'or &i+il or!s n'rastru#ture; by a+id Harris, $.%. ureau o' 1e#lamation

    2C %eptember 2005 43

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    A!!endi( % 7 Concerns /all

    ndex &ards ere used to allo parti#ipants to post #on#erns t"at o##urred to t"em during tal!s,t"us alloing spea!ers to pro#eed it"out disruption. /"ese posted #on#erns ere dis#ussed at alater time.

    Cards dis!osition

    Group: Info Sharing

    6lease ma!e ppt slides a+ail )7* ill be posted on a ebsiteould li!e more in'ormation on 6A&(% model n#lude as lin! in report as ebsite )D*

    Group: Asset Definitions

    &orrelate 1> 1( asset de'initions to O>systems and li'e #y#le mode.

    %"ould be resol+ed as plans are de+eloped

    Group: WOW

    /"e &orps, /VA and E1 s"ould or! tobe#ome mutually independent agen#ies 'or"ydropoer

    eyond s#ope o' t"is or!s"op

    Group: Orgs Included!

    n#lude re#reation as one business line, please 1e#reation business line as a brea!out groupand s"ould report t"eir business line 'rom t"eor!s"op

    "at, "ere, and "o are se#urity #on#erns,#osts, #onsidered in asset managementmet"odology and plan 'ormulationD

    ere in #riti#al issues, s"ould be in#luded

    n 'o#using on 'lood, na+igation, and "ydroassets, are e lea+ing out en+ironmental assetsD

    6robably, starting it" #onstru#ted 'eatures'irst.

    Group: "n#ironmental Sector

    (n+ironmental steards"ip in#ludes assetmanagement

    (n+ironmental issues need resolution

    (#ologi#al entities are assets o' ater resour#eproe#ts

    (n+ironmental issues need resolution

    Asset management also in#ludes t"e lands#apeasso#iate it" #i+il or!s ater proe#ts./"ese e#osystems-natural resour#es are integralpart o' t"ese systems reuiring serious

    steards"ip a#ti+ities.

    (n+ironmental issues need resolution

    (#osystem management-steards"ip-en"an#ement

    (n+ironmental issues need resolution