final paper synthetic drugs research paper

Running head: SYNTHETIC DRUGS: IS THERE A SOLUTION? 1 Synthetic Drugs: Is there a Solution? Lacey Desper Ottawa University HUS 35000 Social Welfare

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Synthetic Drugs: Is there a Solution?

Lacey Desper

Ottawa University

HUS 35000

Social Welfare

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A look, at synthetic drugs; and the harms they cause to the people that use them. Why they have

grown in popularity over an extremely short period of time. Why, current legislative means have

been incapable of hindering their expansion; then a look at organizations looking to help stop

and keep the public knowledgeable about the subject.

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Synthetic Drugs: Is there a Solution?

When you look at the wealth of knowledge that we have before us these days, sometimes

it makes you wonder how people make such ill-informed decisions. In the case of synthetic drugs

it is our youth and younger population that are getting the short end the stick. In a country where

at least one half of the 318 million population of the United States have tried marijuana at least

once in their life time it makes you wonder why is it illegal? Though, this is not a paper that is

pushing for the legalization of marijuana at least not in the traditional sense. I want to take a hard

look at synthetic drugs with specific attention to cathinones and a quick look at cannabinoids. To

show you what the world of illicit drug use looks like when it has to be underground marketed

and sold.

Synthetic drugs is not a topic that you hear about much in the United States and it could

be because it is produced and sold by some of the larger corporations with interests in American

politics in China. It could be that reasonable efforts have been made but, have proved inefficient.

A good example is the constant railings you see against smoking cigarettes, while we all know

that it is bad for you. It does not do as much damage to society as the ads would lead you to

believe. We should note a general distinction between illicit drugs and synthetic drugs, the big

distinction is synthetic drugs are legally sold in the United States and illicit drugs are the ones in

which the war on drugs has moved to suppress, with excessive amounts of failure.

The purpose of this paper is to explain to you the difference between the drugs you

already know and the new emerging synthetic drugs. To explain, the difference in the harms that

they can create and pose a simple question. Is enough being done to stop synthetic drugs in the

United States? Why are the more harmful products legal? Why are no organizations popping up

to rail against synthetics like they have overseas?

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Synthetic cannabinoids are as they seem synthetic cannabis or marijuana. It is smoked in

the same manner as marijuana in cigarettes and pipes. Though, it is not marijuana. In fact it is

dead plant materials sometimes, even the cathinones mentioned above sprayed with a synthetic

THC. They are current sold all over the world in gas stations and new age shops and in other

retail locations. They are marketed as incense and once again are not regulated by any US

Agency because they state they are “not for human consumption.” Common street names for

cannabinoids are black mamba, bliss, K2, spice, moon rocks an skunk.

Cannabinoids have found themselves extremely possible within the younger crowd

within the United States; especially since it creates highs that when compared to marijuana and

THC is about 50 times more potent. The attempt to regulate and control cannabinoids has failed

so immensely that legislatures do not know what the next steps to be taken are. “Drug laws

originally did not control synthetic cannabinoids, which were legally obtainable from head shops

and gas stations. The Office of National Drug Control Policy and Department of Justice created

laws against them but they do not fully regulate usage because new cannabinoid derivatives are

constantly replacing banned chemicals in spice.” (Wilson, B., B.A., Tavakoli, H., M.D.,

DeCecchis, D., M.D., & Mahadev, V. 2013)


Cathinones are a brand of synthetic drugs commonly called bath salts; it has street names

like bloom, cloud nine, ivory wave, vanilla sky and white lightning. They come in forms such as

bath salts, plant food, and plant feeders. These products are labeled as “not for human

consumption” in turn these ingredients are not regulated by the FDA or any organization for that

matter. They are not tested for toxicity and are not regulated in any means. “As long as a

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particular compound is not controlled, packages containing it may be purchased through a

number of venues, such as head shops, convenience stores, gas stations, certain tobacco shops,

and on the Internet. As online shops are well known for their flexibility and rapid adaptation to

changes in the legal status of psychoactive substances and particular needs of consumers, no

wonder that in recent years they have emerged as an important marketplace for NPD.” (Beaman,

J., D. Zawilska, J. B., & Wojcieszak 2013) These synthetic cathinones stimulate the same type

of high as MDMA, Meth and Cocaine.

The first evidence of cathinones was in Japan in 2006, Germany in 2007 and it appeared

in Finland in 2008. In 2008 they had already found and categorized over 30 types of cathinones.

In Europe and the United Kingdom they have attempted to legislate and regulate cathinones and

have failed miserably. The moment a compound becomes regulated, the companies mostly in

China alter the formula and avoid the regulations and restrictions. They currently expect that

there are over 50 current cathinones that we are not yet aware of. Law Officials in the UK have

essentially stated that regulation is impossible and pointless.

Who is affected by Synthetic Drugs?

In reality we only have ourselves to blame for the current issues that are plaguing us with

synthetic drugs. We have in some means succeeded in making people afraid of obtaining illicit

drugs though dealers and in this fear synthetic drugs were born. Who would risk buying illegal

drugs when they can legally obtain them over the counter at a convince store. This is the attitude

that most people who consume synthetic drugs have. In fact, they can even be purchased legally

on the internet and be shipped directly to your house. In Fact, “Although synthetic drug users do

include adults over the age of 30, 60% of cases involve individuals aged 25 and younger,

according to the AAPCC. Recent studies also indicate that synthetic drugs are emerging drugs of

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abuse for college students and young military personnel” (Bebarta, Ramirez, & Varney, 2012;

Hu, Primack, Barnett, & Cook, 2011).

Why are synthetic drugs more harmful?

There is a short answer and a long answer to this question, the short answer is that the

synthetic drugs are more potent and have extreme high chances of overdose potential. When you

relate this to how drugs are currently used it creates an extreme problem. When you buy drugs

illicitly it is generally bought from a dealer, and dealers take care of their customers. They

explain how much to use, how to use and how to know if you have had enough, they don’t want

their customers to overdose it is bad for business. This is not the case with the synthetic drugs

being sold as “not for human consumption” which have no instructions and no information on

dose regulation. It leads to an unknowledgeable consumer who uses the products without the

knowledge necessary to use the drugs correctly.

The long answer to this question is the long list of side effects that come with these

drugs; which, appears to be the case in man-made substances. “According to the American

Association of Poison Control Centers, the number of calls related to bath salt exposure received

by poison control centers across the country increased by more than 20-fold in 2011 alone, up

from 304 incidents in 2010 to 6,138 in 2011.” (Wilson, B., B.A., Tavakoli, H., M.D., DeCecchis,

D., M.D., & Mahadev, V., B.S. 2013) This shows that use of these drugs is not only becoming

more widely popular but is also becoming more dangerous. It might also be worth notating that

in 2011 there were a documented 128 deaths from synthetic drugs. While this number might

seem low to you; it is important to notate that these drugs are not tested for during toxicology

screens post mortem.

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Current Legislation

A good example of how new these issues are and how many still needs to be done is the

limited legislation that has actually been passed in regards to synthetic drugs. While, there are

websites like and the American Academy of Pediatrics have released information

on their webpages about the issues with these drugs the Drug Enforcement Agency has added a

ban on the materials but, can do very little about limiting the sale of the times. The American

Association of Poison Control has released a statement saying that in 2011 they received 4,500

calls on over doses of synthetic drugs alone.

While there have been 43 states that have passed some kind of legislation, all of them

have attempted to take control of the situation and have seemingly failed. An article from the

Partnership for Drug Free Kids notates that while synthetics are illegal in Missouri, they are still

being sold in gas stations.

The federal government has done little more then put the synthetic drugs on the

Controlled Substance Act and created a Synthetic Drug Abuse Prevention Act in 2012. All of

this legislation has been signed into office by President Obama, not one piece of this legislation

has been voted on by congress or the senate; they have both been executive orders. While they

have listed 26 synthetic drugs as Schedule 1 Substance’s on the Controlled Substance Act. There

are at current about 54 known synthetic drugs. Even, if they put them all on the Controlled

Substance List there is not much that can be done to stop the problem.

Lastly another great hurdle to ending the abuse of synthetic drugs is their great pull in the

fact that they cannot be tested for in drug laboratories. In fact, “The original attraction of

synthetic bath salts and marijuana was that they do not show up in drug screening. These are now

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the drug of choice for those required to undergo regular drug urinalysis testing,” (Jerry, Collins,

& Streem, 2012).

Though I recently got a job at Quest Diagnostics in the Toxicology department that deals

with drug screens, ranging from pre-employment, random, reasonable/suspicion and DOT test

scans, and an interesting email came through my inbox the other day. I have attached it as

Appendix 1 at the end of the paper. It was an email explaining how to sell some new testing

supplies and test codes to callers should they call and ask about information on synthetic drug

testing. So, there may be a solution on the horizon that will put a dent in synthetic drug use.

Organizations in the Know- National Level

While, there are a few current organizations who have taken up the banner against

synthetic drugs all of them have other priorities. The World Health Organization (WHO) has a

good amount of information on their website about synthetic drugs but, is currently working to

deal with the “Ebola threat.”

The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) the one who rights all the legislation on

federal drug testing policies has released a few articles about synthetic drugs though, they are all

mostly just on knowledge about harms and side effects and a need for more information. It

would seem that the current campaign of awareness and prevention that they are running would

be on opiates or prescription drug abuse.

There is also a seventy page pdf called the National Synthetic Drug Action Plan that was

published by the White House which was issued in 2004. Though this is long before synthetic

drugs became a main stream issue and seems to be the most I can find on awareness and plans of

action in relation to synthetic drugs, aside from adding them to the Controlled Substance Abuse

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Act. All of the resources are cited from 2003 and 2004 and is honestly not the even the same

entity as the synthetic drugs we see on the shelves today.

I also found a National Youth Synthetic Drug Awareness Campaign that is run in Iowa. It

looks to be dedicated to three teens that died of synthetic drug overdoses in 2013. Though, even

in the page dedicated to the death of this Iowa Teen, it is notated that there is not much that

legislation can do to help the problem. It notates that the Iowa legislature moved to make K2 or

synthetic cathinones illegal but the manufactory quickly changed the recipe and put it back on

the shelves labeled K3, followed by K4 and K5.

Organizations in the Know- Local Level

I googled Kansas City and Synthetic drugs and I was pleasantly surprised to see how

many current stories there were on the local news websites about synthetic drugs. I found a few

on KMBC a few on FOX and on KCTV 5. Though, I think the way that they are addressing the

issues in their casts is inadequate and lacking.

They showed places in which they have found K2 different names in which they have

been sold in and showed what the packaging looked like. In essence anyone who did not know

about synthetic cannabinoids now has all the information they need to go find the drugs. Even, if

they are cracking down on stores selling the materials, it is a no risk for buyers you cannot go to

jail for buying something legally sold over the counter.

Rather than giving the general public all the information they need to buy a product

instead the news should be explaining why they are having such issues and what the side effects

of these drugs are. I would also like to see some websites pop up about proper use of these

products and a link to them on their product. This would go a long way to save lives and prevent


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A Solution and a Conclusion

In conclusion, it would seem that legislation has failed, that public awareness and

knowledge has failed. That people who want to get high will get high and they will choose

dangerous substances over the illegal substances any day. It begs a question on if the United

States should just cave to public pressures and legalize drugs across the board; if only in the

interest of public safety.

When substances are sold unregulated and uncontrolled it leads to deaths and improper

usage that has devastating and monumental side effects for us all. As a society, we have decided

to make it look like we care, while simultaneously doing nothing. It makes you wonder if public

welfare is not a concern for the government why are drugs so heavily regulated and controlled in

the United States and how much has the War on Drugs cost us. It can all be traced back to the

money. The government currently sees more money in tickets and prosecutions then they think

they can get by legalization and so for the meantime, this problem will not go away. Though, the

War on Drugs and the money trail is a story for another day.

What is left for us at the end of the day with all current methods of dealing with a

solution like this become null and void? It is a question that I sadly do not have an answer for.

Public awareness and public knowledge for usage and harms would go a long way for overdose

and death prevention but, until this country changes the way in which it deals with drugs. This is

a problem that will continue to grow and amass even larger casualties.

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Beaman, J., D. Zawilska, J. B., & Wojcieszak, J. (2013). Designer cathinones--an emerging class

of novel recreational drugs. Forensic Science International (Online), 231(1), 42-53.


Bebarta, V. S., Ramirez, S., Varney, S. M. (2012). Spice: A new “legal” herbal mixture abused

by young active duty military personnel. Substance Abuse, 33(2), 191-194.

Desper, Lacey (2014) How to Deal with Synthetic Drugs. Ottawa University, HUS35000 Social

Welfare and Human Services.

Desper, Lacey (2014) Synthetic Drugs: A Legal Alternative. Ottawa University, Critical

Thinking and Writing.

Hassen, G. W., & Kalantari, H. (2013). Synthetic drugs: Time to ring the warning bell? The

American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 31(12), 1714.


Jerry, J., Collins, G., Streem, D. (2012). Synthetic legal intoxicating drugs: The emerging

‘incense’ and ‘bath salt’ phenomenon. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, 79(4), 258-


Law Against Synthetic Drugs in Missouri Has Not Stopped Sales. (2012, March 27). Retrieved

September 20, 2014. URL:


Loeffler, G.,M.C.U.S.N., Hurst, D.,M.C.U.S.N., Penn, A.,M.C.U.S.N., & Yung,

K.,M.C.U.S.N.R. (2012). Spice, bath salts, and the U.S. military: The emergence of

synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists and cathinones in the U.S. armed forces. Military

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Medicine, 177(9), 1041-8. Retrieved from

Mckee, L. (2013, November 4). Synthetic Drug Information. Retrieved September 20, 2014.


O., & Hayes,Erin E., M.S.,IV. (2013). Bath salts: Synthetic cathinones. Psychiatric Times, 30(6),

1. Retrieved from

Office of National Drug Control Policy; Synthetic Drugs (a.k.a. K2, Spice, Bath Salts, etc.).

(n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2014. URL:


Partnership for Drug Free Kids. (n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2014. URL:

Wilson, B., B.A., Tavakoli, H., M.D., DeCecchis, D., M.D., & Mahadev, V., B.S. (2013).

Synthetic cannabinoids, synthetic cathinones, and other emerging drugs of abuse.

Psychiatric Annals, 43(12), 558-564. doi:


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Appendix I

POSITIONING – Synthetic Cannabinoids Panel Expansion

1) Describe the product. What is it? List some words that describe.This is a test for synthetic cannabinoids with a urine specimen using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) instruments. The existing panel tests for 10 analytes detecting use of 7 different parent compounds, and is now being expanded to detect 10 additional parent compounds for a grand total of 17. Other words for Synthetic Cannabinoids are K2, Spice, fake weed, and designer drugs. (see existing Quest sell sheet)

2) Why does it solve market problems?The number of different synthetic cannabinoid compounds being sold in the U.S. has increased from just 4 in 2009 to over 100 possible substances in 2014. These drugs are expanding in use, especially among young adults. Quest’s prior panel targets the most popular compounds, but there are a number of others that are growing in popularity. This expansion will produce more positive results, helping employers to maintain a safe, productive workplace. It will also serve as a better deterrent for users, who might otherwise suspect the drug they are using won’t be detected.

3) When do they need it?Employers will use this test for synthetic drugs when they want to increase the effectiveness of drug screening programs and deter use of these synthetic drugs. If the added cost is an obstacle, employers can choose to limit utilization of the panel for certain reasons such as for cause, follow-up, return to duty, and/or post-accident.

4) Key Features and Benefits. Differentiators: what makes it special or different? Quest Diagnostics’ standard synthetic cannabinoids panel now tests for use of 17 of the

most common parent compounds to find more positives and deter the use of these harmful substances.

This test can be an add-on with any other urine test panels. Clients can continue to rely on timely, accurate test results using our “in house” test. Our laboratory certifications and accreditations lead the industry and include SAMHSA

(urine), CAP-FDT (oral fluid, urine and hair) and New York State (oral fluid, urine, and hair) where applicable.

5) Value propositionThis enhanced test is for employers who want to improve workplace safety and productivity by deterring the use of synthetic cannabinoids, which are not detected by standard substance abuse panels. Now with the ability to detect 17 of the most commonly abused compounds, Quest’s standard in house synthetic cannabinoids panel is competitive with many expanded panels offered by competing labs, and the newly added analytes are being offered at no additional charge. This panel can easily be added to other urine test panels in whichever testing situations the employer chooses.

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Appendix II

20-17 16-14 13-10 9-0 Points

Topic Topic, ideas and argument are clearly stated for the intended audience. Shows synthesis of topic.

Topic, ideas and argument are pretty clear for the intended audience, but needs sharpening. Interprets topic and shows an understanding of material.

Topic, ideas and argument are not stated though one might be able to infer the ideas. Topic may be understood but is not explained clearly.

Topic, ideas and argument are not stated, and it is difficult to find any meaning for the project, Or many meanings are stuck in at random.


40-32 31-25 24-17 16-0

Content Ideas and examples are coherent (ideas follow a logical order and are connected to each other). Transitions clearly show relationship between ideas and topics. Synthesizes and Evaluates information in relation to course content. Conclusion echoes or summarizes the thesis and leaves the intended reader satisfied. All questions are answered in depth per assignment requirements.

Same as prior, but concepts needs sharpening and hence does not guide the project as clearly. Ideas are abstract. Most of the ideas and examples in the outline develop and support the project. One or more idea needs tightening. Analyzes information in relation to course content. Most ideas and examples follow in a logical order and are connected to each other bringing some unity and coherence. The conclusion summarizes main points, but needs polish. Most assignment questions are answered.

Project is choppy and rough .No identifiable logical order or connection between ideas or thoughts. No conclusion or summation- the project is unfinished. Shows a general comprehension of information in relation to course content by little analysis is apparent.

Same as prior, but no effort is made by the writer to complete the project in a meaningful manner. Ideas and thoughts don't connect with one another, Or the entire effort revolves around one vague idea. Shows little identification of information in relation to course content.


20-17 16-14 13-10 9-0

Presentation Argument is developed to "show," that is, to be concrete and scenic with narrative rather than just "tell" with abstract exposition. Concrete examples, quotations, anecdotes, descriptions, images etc. are fully developed in effective proportion to support the ideas of the project. The presentation grabs the reader’s attention.

Same as prior, but examples are not as vivid, and some of the points remain at the telling or abstract level. Some good examples of "show," but the project overall is not consistent in presentation.

Research remains stuck at the abstract level. Ideas are not supported with solid research.

One idea maybe apparent in presentation-or one example, but nothing is developed.


20-17 16-14 13-10 9-0

Mechanics Writing uses Standard Edited American English. Language and diction are appropriate to audience. Follows rules for grammar, spelling and usage. Writing has a polished and elegant style. APA formatting is present to include a title page, introduction and conclusion with references as required by the assignment.

Same as prior, but with a few minor lapses. Follows rules for grammar, spelling and usage with a few typographical errors.  Writing style tends to be a little rough in spots. APA formatting is somewhat present to include a title page, introduction and conclusion with references as required by the assignment, although formatting may be off.

Writing seeks to follow Standard American English for the most part, but language is often inappropriate for audience. Errors in grammar, spelling and usage interfere with understanding. APA formatting is present but inadequate or severely deficient.

Writing fails to show any skill in following Standard Edited American English. Major errors in grammar, spelling and usage make understanding very difficult. APA formatting is not present.
