final image compression based fuzzy

Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique DEPT ECE SJBIT BANGALORE Page 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The digital multimedia is popular because of their highly perceptual effects and the advanced development its corresponding technology. However, it often requires a large amount of data to store these multimedia contents due to the complex information they may encounter. Besides, the requirement of resolution is much higher than before, such that the data size of the image is surprisingly large. In other words, a still image is a sensory signal that contains significant amount of redundant information which exists in their canonical forms. Image data compression is the technique of reducing the redundancies in image data required to maintain a given quantity of information. The underlying basis of the reduction process is the removal of redundant data. From a mathematical viewpoint, this is a process of transforming a 2-D pixel array into a statistically uncorrelated data set .The transformation is applied prior to storage or transmission of the image. Currently image compression is recognized as an ―enabling technology‖. In addition to the areas just mentioned, image compression is the natural technology for handling the increased spatial resolution of today‘s imaging sensors and evolving broadcast television standards. Furthermore image compression plays a major role in many important and diverse applications, including tele-video-conferencing, remote sensing (the use of satellite imagery for weather and other earth resource applications), document and medical imaging facsimile transmission (FAX), and the control of remotely piloted vehicles in military, space and hazardous waste management applications. This project work explores the implementation of 2Dimentional DWT algorithm on FPGA for image compression using fuzzy logic. Several architectures have been proposed such as convolution based, lifting based and B-spline based. These architectures are compared in terms of hardware complexity, critical path, and registers. As for the 2D DWT the large amount of the memory access and the area required that becomes the most critical issue so it also affects the total area and power. Finally, a flexible and efficient proposed architecture has been selected for designing two-level 2D-DWT. The proposed architecture has advantages over other architectures such as very less number of multipliers, less area and less memory utilization.

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  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique




    The digital multimedia is popular because of their highly perceptual effects and

    the advanced development its corresponding technology. However, it often requires a

    large amount of data to store these multimedia contents due to the complex information

    they may encounter. Besides, the requirement of resolution is much higher than before,

    such that the data size of the image is surprisingly large.

    In other words, a still image is a sensory signal that contains significant amount of

    redundant information which exists in their canonical forms. Image data compression is

    the technique of reducing the redundancies in image data required to maintain a given

    quantity of information. The underlying basis of the reduction process is the removal of

    redundant data. From a mathematical viewpoint, this is a process of transforming a 2-D

    pixel array into a statistically uncorrelated data set .The transformation is applied prior to

    storage or transmission of the image.

    Currently image compression is recognized as an enabling technology. In

    addition to the areas just mentioned, image compression is the natural technology for

    handling the increased spatial resolution of todays imaging sensors and evolving

    broadcast television standards. Furthermore image compression plays a major role in

    many important and diverse applications, including tele-video-conferencing, remote

    sensing (the use of satellite imagery for weather and other earth resource applications),

    document and medical imaging facsimile transmission (FAX), and the control of remotely

    piloted vehicles in military, space and hazardous waste management applications.

    This project work explores the implementation of 2Dimentional DWT algorithm

    on FPGA for image compression using fuzzy logic. Several architectures have been

    proposed such as convolution based, lifting based and B-spline based. These architectures

    are compared in terms of hardware complexity, critical path, and registers. As for the 2D

    DWT the large amount of the memory access and the area required that becomes the most

    critical issue so it also affects the total area and power. Finally, a flexible and efficient

    proposed architecture has been selected for designing two-level 2D-DWT. The proposed

    architecture has advantages over other architectures such as very less number of

    multipliers, less area and less memory utilization.

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Most of the applications require real-time DWT engines with large computing

    potentiality for which a fast and dedicated very-large-scale integration (VLSI)

    architecture appears to be the best possible solution. While it ensures high resource

    utilization, that too in cost effective platforms like field programmable gate array

    (FPGA), designing such architecture does offer some flexibilities like speeding up the

    computation by adopting more pipelined structures and parallel processing, possibilities

    of reduced memory consumptions through better task scheduling or low-power and

    portability features.

    Design and VLSI implementation of high speed, low power 2D wavelet

    architecture is focused on image compression application. Flexible hardware architecture

    is designed for performing 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform. The proposed architecture

    uses fuzzy logic and fast convolution scheme which has the ability of performing

    progressive computations by minimizing the buffering between the decomposition levels.


    An image may be defined as a two-dimensional function f(x y) where x and y are

    spatial (plane) co-ordinates and amplitude of f at any pair of co-ordinates (x, y) is called

    the intensity or gray level of image at that point. Where x, y and amplitude values of f

    are all finite, discrete quantities then it called digital image processing. The field of digital

    image processing refers to processing digital images by means of a digital computer. Note

    that a digital image is composed of a finite number of elements, each of which has a

    particular location and value. These elements are referred to as picture elements, image

    elements, pixels. Pixel is the term most widely used to denote the elements of a digital.

    Figure 1.1: Digital image

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique



    Image compression is an application of data compaction that can reduce the

    quantity of data. The block diagram of image coding system is shown in Figure 1.2.




    Transform to







    Transform to













    Figure 1.2: The block diagram of the general image storage system.

    The camera captures the reflected light from the surface of the object, and the received

    light will be converted into three primary color components R, G and B. These three

    primary color components are processed by coding algorithms afterward.

    Image compression addresses the problem of reducing the amount of data required to

    represent a digital image. It is a process intended to yield a compact representation of an

    image, thereby reducing the image storage/transmission requirements. Compression is

    achieved by the removal of one or more of the following three basic data redundancies:

    1. Coding Redundancy

    2. Inter-pixel Redundancy

    3. Perceptual Redundancy

    Coding redundancy occurs when the codes assigned to a set of events such as the pixel

    values of an image have not been selected to take full advantage of the probabilities of the


    Inter-pixel redundancy usually results from correlations between the pixels. Due to the

    high correlation between the pixels, any given pixel can be predicted from its neighboring


    Perceptual redundancy is due to data that is ignored by the human visual system. In other

    words, all the neighboring pixels in the smooth region of a natural image have a high

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    degree of similarity and this insignificant variation in the values of the neighboring pixels

    is not noticeable to the human eye.

    Image compression techniques reduce the number of bits required to represent an image

    by taking advantage of these redundancies. An inverse process called decoding is applied

    to the compressed data to get the reconstructed image. The objective of compression is to

    reduce the resolution/intensity as much as possible, while keeping the number of bits and

    the quality of the reconstructed image as close to the original image as possible.

    Image compression systems are composed of two distinct structural blocks: an encoder

    and a decoder, as shown in Figure 1.3.

    Figure 1.3: Image compression system

    Image f(x, y) is fed into the encoder, which creates a set of symbols form the input data

    and uses them to represent the image. If we let n1 and n2 denote the number of

    information carrying units in the original and encoded images respectively, the

    compression that is achieved can be quantified numerically via the compression ratio, CR

    = n1/n2

    As shown in above Figure, the encoder is responsible for reducing the coding, inter-pixel

    and perceptual redundancies of input image. In first stage, the mapper transforms the

    input image into a format designed to reduce inter-pixel redundancies. The second stage,

    qunatizer block reduces the accuracy of mappers output in accordance with a predefined

    criterion. In third and final stage, a symbol decoder creates a code for quantizer output

    and maps the output in accordance with the code. These blocks perform, in reverse order,

    the inverse operations of the encoders symbol coder and mapper block. As quantization

    is irreversible, an inverse quantization is not included.


    quantizer Symbol coder





    f(x, y)

    f(x, y)

    Compressed image

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    The benefits of image compression can be listed as follows:

    It provides a potential cost savings associated with sending less data over switched

    telephone network where cost of call is really usually based upon its duration.

    It not only reduces storage requirements but also overall execution time.

    It reduces the transmission errors since fewer bits are transferred.

    It also provides a level of security against illicit monitoring.

    The image compression techniques are broadly classified into two categories depending

    whether or not an exact replica of the original image could be reconstructed using the

    compressed image. These are:

    Lossy technique

    Lossless technique

    1.2.1 Lossy Compression Techniques

    Lossy schemes provide much higher compression ratios than lossless schemes. Lossy

    schemes are widely used since the quality of the reconstructed images is adequate for

    most applications. By this scheme, the decompressed image is not identical to the original

    image, but reasonably close to it.

    Figure 1.4: Lossy image compression

    As shown in Figure 1.4, this prediction transformation decomposition process is

    completely reversible. The quantization process results in loss of information. The

    entropy coding after the quantization step, however, is lossless. The decoding is a reverse

    process. Firstly, entropy decoding is applied to compressed data to get the quantized data.

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Secondly, de-quantization is applied to it and finally the inverse transformation to get the

    reconstructed image.

    Major performance considerations of a lossy compression scheme include:

    Compression ratio

    Signal - to noise ratio

    Speed of encoding and decoding.

    Lossy compression techniques includes following schemes:

    Transform Coding

    Ector Quantization

    Fractal Coding

    Block Truncation Coding

    Sub-band Coding

    1.2.2 Lossless Compression Techniques

    In lossless compression techniques, the original image can be perfectly recovered from

    the compressed image. These are also called noiseless since they do not add noise to the

    signal. It is also known as entropy coding since it use decomposition techniques to

    minimize redundancy.

    Following techniques are included in lossless compression:

    Run length encoding

    Huffman encoding

    LZW coding

    Area coding


    Fuzzy set theory is thus useful in handling various uncertainties in computer vision and

    image processing applications. Fuzzy image processing is a collection of different fuzzy

    approaches to image processing that can understand, represent, and process the image. It

    has three main stages, namely, image fuzzification, modification of membership function

    values, and defuzzification. Fuzzy image enhancement is based on gray level mapping

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    into membership function. The aim is to generate an image of higher contrast than the

    original image by giving a larger weight to the gray levels that are closer to the mean gray

    level of the image that are farther from the mean.

    a. Fuzzy Set

    In classical set theory, a set is defined as a collection of element having a certain property,

    each of belongs to the set. So the characteristic function takes either the value of 0 or 1.

    Let us consider a classical set, X, called the universe, whose elements are denoted as x,

    that is, X= {x1, x2 ,.. xn}. Consider a subset A of the set X such that an element

    x of X is a member of A if

    ( )

    ( )

    So fuzzy set A is defined as:

    *( ( )) +

    Where ( ) is a membership function for a fuzzy set. Examples of membership

    functions (triangular, trapezoidal, Gaussian,) can be seen in figure below and described

    with the following formulas:

    Triangular Membership Function: Triangular membership function is defined as a

    following equation:

    0 if x a;

    Triangular(x; a, b, c) =

    0 if c x;

    Trapezoidal Membership Function: Trapezoidal membership function is defined as a

    following equation:

    0 if x a;

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Trapezoidal(x; a, b, c, d) = 1 if b x a;

    0 if d x;

    Gaussian Membership Function: Gaussian Membership Function is defined as following


    Gaussian(x, m, ) = (

    ( )


    Where m = mean, and is the standard deviation.

    Figure 1.5: Examples of Membership Function

    b. Linguistic Variables

    The concept of linguistic variables was introduced by Zadeh to provide a basis for

    approximate reasoning. A linguistic variable was defined as a variable whose values are

    words or sentences. For instance, Age can be linguistic variable if its values are linguistic

    rather than numerical, i.e., young, middle age; old are represented by the membership








  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    70 and above

    Figure 1.6: Membership Function of the Term Set age.

    c. Rule Based System

    The theory of fuzzy IF-THEN rules was proposed by Zadeh. The general form of a rule is

    as follows: If x is A THEN y is B

    Where A and B are linguistic values defined by fuzzy sets. x is A is called

    antecedent or premise, while y is B is called the consequence or

    conclusion respectively.

    Some of the if-then rule examples can be given below:

    If the speed is low and the distance is small, then the force on brake should be


    If pixel is dark AND its neighborhood is also dark AND homogeneous THEN it

    belongs to the background.

    d. Fuzzy Reasoning

    Fuzzy reasoning, approximate reasoning, is an inference procedure whose outcome is

    conclusion for a set of fuzzy if-then rules. The steps of fuzzy reasoning can be given as


  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Input variables are compared with the membership function on the premise part to

    obtain the membership values of each linguistic label (fuzzification).

    The membership values on the premise part are combined through specific fuzzy

    set operations such as: min, max, or multiplication to get firing strength

    (weight) of each rule.

    The qualified consequent (either fuzzy or crisp) is generated depends on the firing


    The qualified consequents are aggregated to produce crisp output according to

    the defined methods such as: cancroids of area, bisector of area, mean of

    maximum, smallest of maximum and largest of maximum ( defuzification ).

    e. Rules of fuzzy reasoning:


    If x is A1 and y is B1 Then z is C1

    If x is A2 and y is B2 Then z is C2

    Figure 1.7: Rules of Fuzzy Reasoning

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    f. Fuzzy Inference System

    Fuzzy systems are made of a knowledge base and reasoning mechanism called fuzzy

    inference system. A fuzzy inference system (FIS) consists of four functional blocks as

    shown in Figure 1.8.

    Figure 1.8: Fuzzy Inference System

    Figure 1.9: Membership Function Modification

    Fuzzification: Transforms the crisp inputs into degrees of match with linguistic

    values. Reverse process of defuzzification.

    Knowledge Base: Consists of a rule base and a database. A rule base contains a

    number of fuzzy if-then rules. A database defines the membership function of the

    fuzzy sets used in the fuzzy rules.

    Fuzzy Inference Engine: Fuzzy Inference engine performs the inference

    operations on the rules.

    Defuzzification: This conversion of fuzzy set to single crisp value is called


  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    g. Fuzzy Image Processing

    Fuzzy image processing is collection of all approaches that understand, represent and

    process the images, their segments and features as fuzzy sets. The representation and

    processing depend on the selected fuzzy technique and on the problem to be solved.

    Figure 1.10: Fuzzy Image Processing

    The fuzzification and defuzzification steps are due to the fact that we do not possess

    fuzzy hardware. Therefore, the coding of image data (fuzzification) and decoding of the

    results (defuzzification) are steps that make possible to process images with fuzzy

    techniques. The main power of fuzzy image processing is in the middle step (membership


    Motivation behind Fuzzy Image Processing

    There are many reasons to do this. The most important of them are follows:

    Fuzzy is powerful tool to knowledge representation and process human

    knowledge in form of fuzzy if then rules.

    Fuzzy techniques can manage the ambiguity efficiently and vagueness (an image

    can be represented as a fuzzy set).

    General observations about the fuzzy techniques are:

    Fuzzy logic is flexible. With any given system, it's easy to manage it or layer more

    functionality on top of it without starting again from scratch.

    Expert knowledge





    Image de-


    Fuzzy logic

    Input image



  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Fuzzy logic is conceptually easy to understand. The mathematical concepts behind

    fuzzy reasoning are very simple.

    Fuzzy logic is tolerant of imprecise data. Everything is imprecise if we look

    closely enough, but more than that, most things are imprecise even on careful


    Fuzzy logic can be blended with conventional control techniques. Fuzzy systems

    don't necessarily replace conventional control methods. In many cases fuzzy

    systems augment them and simplify their implementation.

    Fuzzy logic can model nonlinear functions of arbitrary complexity and it can be

    built on top of the experience of experts.


    The main objective of the thesis work is implement an algorithm based on fuzzy rule for

    image compression. In literature survey the existed methods are able to compression

    images. But depending on application they designed the compression method is different

    for different type of images.

    The objective of the thesis work contains the following steps as described below:

    To study the concept of compression and fuzzy logic set.

    To study of various existed image compression techniques by using Verilog.

    Study of existed fuzzy techniques for image compression.

    To propose a Fuzzy algorithm to compression/reconstruction of image using

    DWT-IDWT by reducing the intensity, power, noise, delay and area of image.

    Implement this on FPGA and display the image in monitor.


    The step-by-step methodology to be followed for image compression using fuzzy theory:

    Study and analyze various Fuzzy techniques and image compression techniques.

    Based on above analysis algorithm is developed for image compression by using


    Results achieved after the execution of program are compared with the earlier


  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique



    This report contains five chapters. Brief information of each chapter is presented below.

    Chapter 1: This chapter describes about the background of this work, importance of

    image compression, motivation.

    Chapter 2: Literature survey reveals the details about the survey conducted before

    obtaining the objectives for the project.

    Chapter 3: This chapter describes the design and FPGA implementation of image

    compression based fuzzy logic.

    Chapter 4: This chapter gives the overview of results that are obtained. It also describes

    bit file needed and dumped on FPGA to display the output.

    Chapter 5: This chapter gives brief description of outcome of the project and future

    enhancement that can be incorporated.

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique




    There is a lot work has been done in field of image compression . In this section, work

    done in area of image compression and fuzzy logic is focus has been made on image

    quality .

    Yogitha S.K et al., 2013 has proposed the effects of quantization matrices on Discrete

    cosine transform and Fuzzy logic using different resolution of an image and tells about

    how different quantization matrices effects DCT and fuzzy intensification algorithm for

    different resolution. The PSNR value of images in DCT varies for different quantization

    matrices but when combine Fuzzy logic and DCT PSNR does not varies and get

    enhanced, high quality and compressed image. Such an algorithm has been proven (by

    experiments) to significantly increase the computational efficiency in image processing

    algorithms applied to a JPEG image.

    Mahesh Goparaju et al., 2013 implements transform using filter banks. For the design,

    based on the constraints the area, power and timing performance were obtained. Based on

    the application and the constraints imposed, the appropriate architecture can be chosen.

    For the Daubechies 2, the poly-phase architecture, with modified DA technique was

    implemented. The latency of the proposed architecture is 44 clock cycles and throughput

    is 4 clock cycles, and hence is twice faster than the reference design. It is seen that, in

    applications, which require low area, power consumption, and high throughput, e.g., real-

    time applications, the poly-phase with DA architecture is more suitable. The bi-

    orthogonal wavelets, with different number of coefficients in the low pass and high pass

    filters, increase the number of operations and the complexity of the design, but they have

    better SNR than the orthogonal filters.

    V. Alarcon-Aquino et al., 2013 analyzed image was divided into little sub-images and

    each one was decomposed in a vector following a Hilbert fractal curve. The wavelet

    transform was applied to each vector and some of the high frequency components were

    suppressed based on some threshold criteria. Different levels of wavelet decomposition

    and wavelet mother functions were assessed. The Huffman coding algorithm was then

    applied in order to reduce image weight. Simulation results have revealed that high

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    compression ratios were obtained with the mean and the standard deviation thresholding

    algorithms at different levels of wavelet decomposition.

    G.Bheemeswara Rao et al., 2012 proposed a new technique called lifting DWT and is

    implemented on Spartan 3e FPGA EDK. This uses less silicon area compared with

    previous technique for the compression of 64X64 sized images. The silicon area used in

    this new approach for the compression of 64X64 images is approximately same as that of

    the silicon area used by the previous technique for the compression of 32X32 sized


    M. Mozammel Hoque Chowdhury et al., 2012 suggested a new image compression

    scheme with pruning proposal based on discrete wavelet transformation (DWT). The

    effectiveness of the algorithm has been justified over some real images, and the

    performance of the algorithm has been compared with other common compression

    standards. The algorithm has been implemented using Visual C++ and tested on a

    Pentium Core 2 Duo 2.1 GHz PC with 1 GB RAM. Experimental results demonstrate that

    the proposed technique provides sufficient high compression ratios compared to other

    compression techniques.

    Nagoor Gani et al., 2012 describe the fuzzy set theory has been applied in many fields

    such as operation research, control theory and management sciences etc. The fuzzy

    numbers and fuzzy values are widely used in engineering applications because of their

    suitability for representing uncertain information. In standard fuzzy arithmetic operations

    we have some problem in subtraction and division operations. A new operation on

    Triangular Fuzzy Numbers is defined, where the method of subtraction and division has

    been modified. These modified operators yield the exact inverse of the addition and

    multiplication operators.

    R. Lovassy et al., 2011 analyzed two types of neural networks, namely the traditional

    tansig based neural networks and the multilayer perceptrons based on fuzzy flip-flops

    (F3NN) trained by the Bacterial Memetic Algorithm with Modified Operator Execution

    Order (BMAM) are tested and compared on their robustness to test functions outliers. The

    robust design of the F3NN is presented, and the best suitable fuzzy neuron type is

    emphasized. As our major motivation in these investigations was to construct a

    technology for the creation of real hardware MLPs and for this reason the fuzzy flip-flop

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    based F3NNs obviously offered much simpler and cheaper possibility for hardware

    implementation compared to a relatively complicated tansig type neural network.

    R.-E. Precup et al., 2011 analyzed that the capability of fuzzy logic based inference

    systems to describe complex control strategies by means of linguistic rules, avoiding the

    need for mathematical models and providing good results in terms of adaptability and

    robustness, has motivated an increasing interest for the use of this technique to implement

    intelligent control systems in applications related to industrial control, robotics, and

    consumer electronics.

    Sugreev Kaur et al., 2010 presented a high speed and area efficient DWT processor based

    design for Image Compression applications. In this proposed design, pipelined partially

    serial architecture has been used to enhance the speed along with optimal utilization and

    resources available on target FPGA. The proposed model has been designed and

    simulated using Simulink and System Generator blocks, synthesized with Xilinx

    Synthesis tool (XST) and implemented on Spartan 2 and 3 based XC2S100-5tq144 and

    XC3S500E-4fg320 target device. The results show that proposed design can operate at

    maximum frequency 231 MHz in case of Spartan 3 by consuming power of 117mW at 28

    degree/c junction temperature. The result comparison has shown an improvement of 15%

    in speed.

    Dr. S. Abdul Khader Jilani et al., 2009 describes the transport of images across

    communication paths is an expensive process. The limitation in allocated bandwidth

    leads to slower communication. To exchange the rate of transmission in the limited

    bandwidth the Image data must be compressed before transmission. JPEG2000 image

    compression system follows huffman coding for image compression. Embedded zero tree

    wavelet (EZW) coding exploits the multi-resolution properties of the wavelet transform

    when compared to existing wavelet transforms. Artificial Neural Network has been

    applied to many problems in image processing and has demonstrated their superiority

    over classical methods when dealing with noisy or incomplete data for image

    compression applications. A fuzzy optimization design based on neural networks is

    presented as a new method of image processing. The combination system adopts a new

    fuzzy neuron network (FNN) which can appropriately adjust input and output values, and

    increase robustness, stability and working speed of the network by achieving high

    compression ratio.

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Thowhida Akther et al., 2009 analyzed a computer implementation to evaluate the

    arithmetic operations on two fuzzy numbers with linear membership functions has been

    developed. The fuzzy arithmetic approached by the interval arithmetic is used here. Using

    these method four basic arithmetic operations between any two triangular fuzzy numbers

    (TFNs) can be evaluated without complexity.

    Shang Gao et al., 2009 concentrated on fuzzy number is simply an ordinary number

    whose precise value is somewhat uncertain. Fuzzy numbers are used in statistics,

    computer programming, engineering, and experimental science. The arithmetic operators

    on fuzzy numbers are basic content in fuzzy mathematics. Operation of fuzzy number can

    be generalized from that of crisp interval. The operations of interval are discussed.

    Multiplication operation on fuzzy numbers is defined by the extension principle. Based

    on extension principle, nonlinear programming method, analytical method, computer

    drawing method and computer simulation method are used for solving multiplication

    operation of two fuzzy numbers. The nonlinear programming method is a precise method

    also, but it only gets a membership value as given number and it is a difficult problem for

    solving nonlinear programming. The analytical method is most precise, but it is hard to -

    cuts interval when the membership function is complicated. The computer drawing

    method is simple, but it need calculate the -cuts interval. The computer simulation

    method is the most simple, and it has wide applicability, but the membership function is


    Nasri Sulaiman et al., 2009 implement real-time applications using FPGA, to make use of

    FPGA technology features (small device size, high speed, low coast, and short time to

    market). A control algorithm, when implemented in an FPGA, can have a very short

    execution time due to the high degree of parallelism of its architecture. At the same time,

    the constraints imposed by the power electronic components imply a sampling period that

    is, for many applications, much higher than the execution time. The resulting wasted

    time could be advantageously employed. Another perspective on FPGA design is to

    propose a prototyping development system of a fully integrated controller from VLSI

    technology and SOC design that can include digital control and its analog interface

    (sensors, ADC, power drivers, etc.).

    S. S-Solano et al., 2007 described a design strategy which eases the implementation of

    embedded fuzzy controllers as systems on programmable chips (SOPC). The

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    development of the controllers is carried out by means of a reconfigurable platform based

    on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). This platform combines specific hardware

    to implement fuzzy inference modules with a general-purpose processor, thus allowing

    the realization of hybrid hardware/software solutions. As happens to the components of

    the processing system, the specific fuzzy elements are conceived as configurable

    Intellectual Property (IP) modules in order to accelerate the controller design cycle.

    Xixin Cao et al., 2006 have proposed an efficient and simple architecture for 9/7 Discrete

    Wavelet Transform based on Distributed Arithmetic. To derive the proposed architecture,

    they considered the periodicity and symmetry of DWT to optimize the performance and

    reduced the computational redundancy. The inner product of coefficient matrix of DWT

    was distributed over the input by careful analysis of input, output and coefficient word

    lengths. In the coefficient matrix, linear maps were used to assign the necessary

    computation to processing elements in space domain. Moreover, the proposed

    architecture has regular data flow, and low control complexity. The result was low

    hardware complexity DWT processors for 9/7 transforms, which allows two times faster

    clock than the direct implementation. This design was very suitable for image

    compression systems, e.g., JPEG2000 and MPEG4.

    C. T. Huang et al., 2005 have presented a detailed analysis of very large scale integration

    (VLSI) architectures for the one-dimensional (1-D) and two-dimensional (2-D) discrete

    wavelet transform (DWT) in many aspects, and three related architectures were proposed

    as well. The 1-D DWT and inverse DWT (IDWT) architectures were classified into three

    categories: convolution-based, lifting based, and B-spline-based. They were discussed in

    terms of hardware complexity, critical path, and registers. As for the 2-D DWT, the large

    amount of the frame memory access and the die area occupied by the embedded internal

    buffer became the most critical issues. The 2-D DWT architectures were categorized and

    analyzed by different external memory scan methods. The implementation issues of the

    internal buffer were also discussed, and some real-life experiments were given to show

    that the area and power for the internal buffer were highly related to memory technology

    and working frequency, instead of the required memory size only. Besides the analysis,

    the B-spline-based IDWT architecture and the overlapped stripe-based scan method were

    also proposed. Last, they proposed a flexible and efficient architecture for a one-level 2-D

    DWT that exploits many advantages of the presented analysis.

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    K. Hirota et al., 2004 introduced a fuzzy relational equation (ICF) regards an original

    image as a fuzzy relation by embedding the brightness level into [0, 1]. The

    compression/reconstruction of ICF corresponds to the composition/solving inverse

    problem formulated on fuzzy relational equations. Optimizations of ICF can be

    consequently deduced based on fuzzy relational calculus, i.e., computation time

    reduction/improvement of reconstructed image quality are correspond to a fast solving

    method/finding an approximate solution of fuzzy relational equations, respectively.

    Through the experiments using test images extracted from Standard Image Database

    (SIDBA), the effectiveness of the ICF and its optimizations are shown.

    R. Lovassy et a.,. presented a comparison of the performance of several type neural

    networks based on fuzzy J-K and also fuzzy D flip-flops (the latter derived from the

    former type). The behavior of algebraic, Yager, Dombi and Hamacher type fuzzy flip-

    flop neural networks are presented. The best fitting t-norm and corresponding fuzzy flip-

    flop type will be presented in terms of function approximation capability.

    Thomas Hollstein et al., 1996 describe that the Fuzzy systems implemented in hardware

    can be operated with much higher performance than software implementations on

    standard microcontrollers. Three types of fuzzy systems and related hardware

    architectures are discussed and presented two computer-aided design (CAD) packages for

    automatic hardware synthesis of standard fuzzy controllers.

    L. Huang., presented a new image compression algorithm called IWF, based on a wavelet

    transform and fuzzy technique. The key idea is to use wavelet transform to decompose

    the image, and apply Fuzzy Logic to optimize the calculation of wavelet coefficients. The

    main advantage of the IWF algorithm is that it is computationally inexpensive as

    compared to other algorithms when dealing with coefficients that do not reflect much

    image information.

    As per the above literature survey, the limitation in allocated bandwidth leads to slower

    communication, Pixel error at edge of decompressed/reconstructed image, noises and

    delay, so to overcome these limitations the Fuzzy algorithm has been proposed and


  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique



    The main motivation behind the approach is to produce immediate access to

    object/feature of interest in a high quality decoded image which could be useful on smart

    devices, for analysis purpose, as well as for multimedia content based description

    standards. The recent improvement in FPGA technologies has led to important advances

    in programmable logic devices, which allow the implementation of a complete system-

    on-a programmable chip (SOPC). In addition to the classical VHDL-based design flow,

    FPGA manufactures have recently developed different design tools, such as System

    Generator from Xilinx (XSG), to ease the implementation of digital signal processing

    (DSP) algorithms on FPGAs. Hardware implementation of fuzzy image processing is

    currently demanded by multimedia applications.

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique




    Among the methods for two-dimensional DWT, the indirect method based on row-

    column decomposition is the best adapted to a hardware implementation. Fuzzy

    Algorithm was proposed and has since used widely in VLSI implementations of DSP

    architectures. Most of these applications are computation intensive with multiplication

    and/or addition being the predominant operation. The main advantage of Fuzzy approach

    is that it speeds up the multiply process by pre-computing all the possible medium values

    and storing these values in a ROM. The input data can then be used to directly address the

    memory and the result. It has been proposed an efficient 2D DWT architecture based on

    Fuzzy Technique. This architecture uses both ROM and RAM in the proposed

    architecture. Fuzzy and row-column decomposition reduce the hardware amount and

    enhance the speed performance.

    Figure 3.1: Proposed block diagram

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Figure 3.2: Flow of Design

    3.1 IMAGE

    An image (from Latin imago) is an artifact, for example a two-dimensional picture that

    has a similar appearance to some subject usually a physical object or a person. Images may

    be two-dimensional, such as a photograph, screen display, and as well as a three-dimensional,

    such as a statue. They may be captured by optical devicessuch as cameras, mirrors, lenses,

    telescopes, microscopes, etc. and natural objects and phenomena, such as the human eye or

    water surfaces.

    Image file sizeexpressed as the number of bytesincreases with the number of

    pixels composing an image, and the color depth of the pixels. Greater the number of rows

    and columns, greater the image resolution, and larger the file size. Also, each pixel of an

    image increases in size when its color depth increasesan 8-bit pixel (1 byte) stores 256

    colors, a 24-bit pixel (3 bytes) stores 16 million colors, the latter known as true color.

    From the multimedia file block reads image and imports them into a MATLAB. Image

    consists of pixels that are arranged in two dimensional matrixes, each pixel represents the

    digital equivalent of image intensity.

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Figure 3.3: Resize the image (100x100).

    Many of the toolbox functions are MATLAB M-files, a series of MATLAB statements

    that implement specialized image processing algorithms. It can view the MATLAB code

    for these functions using the statement, type function_name. It can extend the

    capabilities of Image Processing Toolbox by writing your own M-files, or by using the

    toolbox in combination with other toolboxes, such as Signal Processing Toolbox and

    Wavelet Toolbox.

    Read and Display an Image

    First, clear the MATLAB workspace of any variables and close open figure windows.

    Close all to read an image, use the imread command. The example reads one of the

    sample images included with Image Processing Toolbox, lena.jpg, and stores it in an

    array named I. I = imread (' penguins.jpg '); Now display the image. The toolbox

    includes two image display functions: imshow and imtool. Imshow is the toolbox's

    fundamental image display function. Imtool starts the Image Tool which presents an

    integrated environment for displaying images and performing some common image

    processing tasks. The Image Tool provides all the image display capabilities of imshow

    but also provides access to several other tools for navigating and exploring images, such

    as scroll bars, the Pixel Region tool, Image Information tool, and the Contrast Adjustment


    Image Appearance in the Workspace

    To see how the imread function stores the image data in the workspace, check the

    Workspace browser in the MATLAB desktop. The Workspace browser displays

    information about all the variables you create during a MATLAB session. The imread

    function returned the image data in the variable I, which is a 100-by-100 element array of

    uint8 data. MATLAB can store images as uint8, uint16, or double arrays.

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Conversion of the image into file .COE using MATLAB.

    a. Read the image and resize to 100x100.

    b. Convert decimal to 24-bit hexadecimal.


    The Xilinx CORE Generator System provides you with a catalog of ready-made functions

    ranging in complexity from simple arithmetic operators such as adders, accumulators and

    multipliers, to system level building blocks including filters, transforms and memories.

    The CORE Generator System can customize a generic functional building block such as a

    FIR filter or a multiplier to meet the needs of your application and simultaneously deliver

    high levels of performance and area efficiency.

    Block Memory Generator

    Block Memory Generator core is an advanced memory constructor that generates area

    and performance-optimized memories using embedded block RAM resources in Xilinx

    FPGAs. Available through the CORE Generator software, users can quickly create

    optimized memories to leverage the performance and features of block RAMs in Xilinx


    The Block Memory Generator core uses embedded Block Memory primitives in Xilinx

    FPGAs to extend the functionality and capability of a single primitive to memories of

    arbitrary widths and depths. Sophisticated algorithms within the Block Memory

    Generator core produce optimized solutions to provide convenient access to memories for

    a wide range of configurations. The Block Memory Generator has two fully independent

    ports that access a shared memory space. Both A and B ports have a write and a read


    In Virtex-6, Virtex-5 and Virtex-4 FPGA architectures, all four interfaces can be uniquely

    configured, each with a different data width. When not using all four interfaces, the user

    can select a simplified memory configuration (for example, a Single-Port Memory or

    Simple Dual-Port Memory), allowing the core to more efficiently use available resources.

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Memory Types

    The Block Memory Generator core uses embedded block RAM to generate five types of


    I. Single-port RAM

    II. Simple Dual-port RAM

    III. True Dual-port RAM

    IV. Single-port ROM

    V. Dual-port ROM

    For dual-port memories, each port operates independently. Operating mode, clock

    frequency, optional output registers, and optional pins are selectable per port. For Simple

    Dual-port RAM, the operating modes are not selectable; they are fixed as READ_FIRST.

    Configurable Width and Depth

    The Block Memory Generator can generate memory structures from 1 to 1152 bits wide,

    and at least two locations deep. The maximum depth of the memory is limited only by the

    number of block RAM primitives in the target device.

    Selectable Operating Mode per Port

    The Block Memory Generator supports the following block RAM primitive operating

    modes: WRITE FIRST, READ FIRST, and NO CHANGE. Each port may be assigned an

    operating mode.

    Memory Initialization

    The memory contents can be optionally initialized using a memory coefficient (COE) file

    or by using the default data option. A COE file can define the initial contents of each

    individual memory location, while the default data option defines the initial content of all


    Simulation Models

    The Block Memory Generator core provides behavioral and structural simulation models

    in VHDL and Verilog for both simple and precise modeling of memory behaviors, for

    example, debugging, probing the contents of the memory, and collision detection.

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Functional Description

    The Block Memory Generator is used to build custom memory modules from block RAM

    primitives in Xilinx FPGAs. The core implements an optimal memory by arranging block

    RAM primitives based on user selections, automating the process of primitive

    instantiation and concatenation. Using the CORE Generator Graphical User Interface

    (GUI), users can configure the core and rapidly generate a highly optimized custom

    memory solution.

    Intellectual Property (IP) RAM:

    Load the converted input pixel values into RAM.

    Figure 3.4: Snapshot of type of memory select


    Fuzzification operation raises the membership grade of those elements within the 0.5

    points and reduces the membership grade of those elements outside the crossover (0.5)

    point. Hence, intensification amplifies the signal within the bandwidth while reducing the


    If TALL=-.125/5+0.5/6+0.875/6.5+1/7+1/7.5+1/8 then

    INT(TALL) = 0.031/5+0.5/6+0.969/6.5+1/7+1/7.5+1/8.

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Figure 3.5: Intensification set operator

    Steps are explained as below

    1. First read the input image, here images of resolution (100x100) is used for image


    2. Fuzzification is described by

    ( )

    The value of a is calculated by

    *( ) ( )+

    The values of the second parameter b are obtained from B ( ): B ( )=0.5

    a.Ithd+b=0.5 b=0.5-a.Ithd

    Im=0, IM=255, Ithd=128 this value is considered by seeing below figure 3.6.

    Figure 3.6: Fuzzy intensification operator

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    3. Defuzzification is given by B(l)

    ( ) ( ( )) * ( ) ( )


    Fuzzified data output is given to DWT for compression purposes.

    The Wavelet Series is just a sampled version of continuous wavelet transform and its

    computation may consume significant amount of time and resources, depending on the

    resolution required. The Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), which is based on sub-band

    coding, is found to yield a fast computation of Wavelet Transform. It is easy to

    implement and reduces the computation time and resources required.

    In the case of DWT, a time-scale representation of the digital signal is obtained using

    digital filtering techniques. The signal to be analyzed is passed through filters with

    different cutoff frequencies at different scales.

    DWT processor transforms the spatial domain pixels into frequency domain information

    that are represented in multiple sub-bands, representing different time scale and frequency

    points. Human visual system is very much sensitive to low frequency and hence, the

    decomposed data available in the lower sub-band region and is selected and transmitted,

    information in the higher sub-bands regions are rejected depending upon required

    information content. In order to extract the low frequency and high frequency sub -bands

    DWT architecture shown in figure below is used. As shown in the figure, input image

    consisting rows and columns are transformed using high pass and low pass filters. A low

    pass filter and a high pass filter are chosen, such that they exactly halve the frequency

    range between themselves. The filter pass is called the analysis filter pair. First the low

    pass filter is applied for each row of data, thereby getting the low frequency components

    of the row. But since the low pass filter is a half band filter, the output data contains

    frequencies only in the first half of the original frequency range. So they can be sub

    sampled by two, so that the output data now contains only half the original number of

    samples. Now the high pass filter is applied for the same row of data, and similarly the

    high pass components are separated and placed by the side of the low pass components.

    This procedure is done for all rows. Next, the filtering is done for each column of the

    intermediate data. The resulting two dimensional arrays of coefficients contain four bands

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    of data, each labeled as LL (low- Low), HL (high-low), LH (Low-High) and HH (High-

    High). The LL band can be decomposed once again in the same manner, thereby

    producing even more sub bands. This can be done up to any level, thereby resulting in a

    pyramidal decomposition as shown. The LL band at the highest level can be classified as

    most important and the other detail bands can be classified as of lesser importance, with

    the degree of importance decreasing from the top of the pyramid to the bands at the


    Figure 3.7: Image coding

    Figure 3.8: DWT Architecture

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Figure 3.9: Dividing even and odd pixels

    Multirate DSP systems are commonly used in many practical signal processing

    applications that require different sampling rates. Downsampling and Upsampling are

    common techniques used for sampling rate conversion in analysis and synthesis filters.

    The input is filtered and downsampled by a factor of two at every stage of the DWT

    algorithm. Downsampling, also known as decimation, can be easily implemented as

    shown in Figure 3.11 where H(z) is the filter transfer function, x(n) is the input signal,

    y(n) is the filtered output and y(n) is the signal decimated output signal. The input clock

    frequency is F Hz and the output clock frequency is F/2 Hz. Figure 3.12 illustrates a

    sample waveform for the output sequence after filtering y (n) and the output sequence

    after decimation y(n).

    Figure 3.10: Filtering and downsampling

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Figure 3.11: Example of decimation by 2

    Figure 3.12: 2-level of Decomposition


    Just as a forward transform is used to separate the image data into various classes of

    importance a reverse transform is used to reassemble the various classes of data into a

    reconstructed image. A pair of high pass and low pass filters is used here also. Then filter

    pair is called the synthesis filter pair. The filtering procedure is just the opposite. We start

    from the topmost level, apply the filters column wise first and then row wise and proceed

    to the next level, till we reach the first level. In this section the theoretical background and

    algorithm development is discussed. The first recorded mention of what is now called a

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    "wavelet" seems to be in 1909, in a thesis by Alfred Haar. An image is represented as a

    two dimensional (2D) array of coefficients, each coefficient representing the brightness

    level in that point. When looking from a higher perspective, it is not possible to

    differentiate between coefficients as more important ones, and lesser important ones. But

    thinking more intuitively, it is possible. Most natural images have smooth color

    variations, with the fine details being represented as sharp edges in between the smooth

    variations. Technically, the smooth variations in color can be termed as low frequency

    components and the sharp variations as high frequency components. The low frequency

    components (smooth variations) constitute the base of an image, and the high frequency

    components (the edges which give the detail) add upon them to refine the image, thereby

    giving a detailed image. Hence the averages/smooth variations are demanding more

    importance than the details. In wavelet analysis, a signal can be separated into

    approximations or averages and detail or coefficients. Averages are the high-scale, low

    frequency components of the signal. The details are the low scale, high frequency

    components. If we perform forward transform on a real digital signal, we wind up with

    twice as much data as we started with. Thats why after filtering down sampling has to be

    done. The inverse process is how those components can be assembled back into the

    original signal without loss of information. This process is called reconstruction or

    synthesis. The mathematical manipulation that affects synthesis is called the inverse

    discrete wavelet transform. The original signal is reconstructed from the wavelet

    coefficients. Where wavelet analysis involves filtering and down sampling, the wavelet

    reconstruction process consists of up sampling and filtering. DWT outputs are computed

    every clock cycle. In the computation process fuzzy arithmetic operators and fuzzy neuro

    D-flip-flop has been used in order to increase the computation speed which is very

    essential in compression.

    Figure 3.13: Fuzzy D-flip flop

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    The input signal x(n) is filtered by the analysis process using the low pass and the high

    pass filters. The symbols 2 and 2 are up sampling and down sampling by a factor of

    two for decimating the filter results. The inverse of the analysis process is synthesis

    process. In digital signal processing there was decimation and filtering in the synthesis


    Figure 3.14: Block diagram of 2 dimensional Inverse DWT

    The reconstruction of the original fine scale coefficients can be made from the

    combination of the scaling and the wavelet coefficients at a (lower) coarser scale it is

    illustrated in Figure 3.15. In 2D, the images are considered to be matrices with N rows

    and M columns. Any decomposition of an image into wavelets involves a pair of


    One to represent the high frequency corresponding to the detailed part of the

    image (wavelet function).

    One for low frequency or smooth parts of an image (scaling function).

    At every level of decomposition the horizontal data is filtered, and then the

    approximation and details produced from this are filtered on columns. At every

    level, four sub-images are obtained; the approximation, the vertical detail, the

    horizontal detail and the diagonal detail.

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Wavelet function for 2-D DWT can be obtained by multiplying wavelet functions

    ((x, y)) and scaling function ((x, y)). After first level decomposition we get

    four details of image those are,

    Approximate details (x, y) = (x) (y)

    Horizontal details (x, y) = (x) (y)

    Vertical details (x, y) = (x) (y)

    Diagonal details (x, y) = (x) (y)

    The approximation details can then be put through a filter bank, and this is repeated until

    the required level of decomposition has been reached. The filtering step is followed by a

    sub-sampling operation that decreases the resolution from one transformation level to the

    other. After applying the 2-D filler bank at a given level n, the detail coefficients are

    output, while the whole filter bank is applied again upon the approximation image until

    the desired maximum resolution is achieved. Figure 3.16(b) shows wavelet filter

    decomposition. The sub-bands are labeled by using the following notations.

    LLn represents the approximation image nth level of decomposition, resulting

    from low-pass filtering in the vertical and horizontal both directions.

    LHn represents the horizontal details at nth level of decomposition and obtained

    from horizontal low-pass filtering and vertical high-pass filtering.

    HLn represents the extracted vertical details/edges, at nth level of decomposition

    and obtained from vertical low-pass filtering and horizontal high-pass filtering.

    HHn represents the diagonal details at nth level of decomposition and obtained

    from high-pass filtering in both directions.

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Figure 3.15: Illustration of 2 dimensional DWT for an image Lena

    3.6 VIRTEX 2 PRO

    IDWT output is De-fuzzified and load into IP RAM, Finally dumping the Verilog code

    into FPGA board (virtex 2pro) and to display output in monitor.

    The XUP Virtex-II Pro Development System provides an advanced hardware

    platform that consists of a high performance Virtex-II Pro Platform FPGA surrounded by

    a comprehensive collection of peripheral components that can be used to create a

    complex system and to demonstrate the capability of the Virtex-II Pro Platform FPGA.

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Figure 3.16: XC2VP3O virtex 2 pro module

    The Virtex-II Pro, Virtex-4, Virtex-5, and Virtex-6 FPGA families are focused

    on system-on-chip (SoC) designers because they include up to two embedded IBM

    PowerPC cores.There are no PowerPC blocks in any Xilinx devices other than Virtex-II

    Pro.Xilinx FPGAs can run a regular embedded OS (such as Linux ) and can implement

    processor peripherals in programmable logic.

    Xilinx's IP cores include IP for simple functions (BCD encoders, counters, etc.),

    for domain specific cores (digital signal processing, FFT and FIR cores) to complex

    systems (multi-gigabit networking cores, MicroBlaze soft microprocessor, and the

    compact Picoblaze microcontroller). Xilinx also creates custom cores for a fee.

    The ISE Design Suite is the central electronic design automation (EDA) product

    family sold by Xilinx. The ISE Design Suite features include design entry and synthesis

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    supporting Verilog or VHDL, place-and-route (PAR), completed verification and debug

    using ChipScope Pro tools, and creation of the bit files that are used to configure the chip.

    Xilinx's Embedded Developer's Kit (EDK) supports the embedded PowerPC 405 and 440

    cores (in Virtex-II Pro and some Virtex-4 and -5 chips) and the Microblaze core. Xilinx's

    System Generator for DSP implements DSP designs on Xilinx FPGAs. A freeware

    version of its EDA software called ISE WebPACK is used with some of its non-high-

    performance chips. Xilinx is the only (as of 2007) FPGA vendor to distribute a native

    Linux freeware synthesis tool chain.

    The pixel clock needs to be at 40 MHz (which you will generate from the system clock

    of 100 MHz) and the resolution will be at 100 Columns x 100 Rows. It can use the Digital

    Clock Management modules (DCM) provided with the Virtex II Pro FPGA to accurate

    signals. Colors can be represented using a triplet consisting of the intensities of each

    fundamental color (Red, Green, Blue). The monitor expects these values to be analog, and

    thus a DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) is used. Depending on the type of monitor and

    video card that computer uses 16, 24, or 32 bits to encode this color information. In this

    project will be using 8 bits per color component of each pixel, hence the pixel will be

    total of 24 bits (8 for Red, 8 for Blue, and 8 for Green). An important fact to realize is that

    the VGA monitor does not have memory and thus will not store the pixel information

    being written to it. Instead, the pixels must be continuously sent to the display to achieve

    a stable image. The VGA controller needs to be receiving from the memory pixels and

    will be responsible for constantly sending out the pixel information. There are two signals

    that are used to maintain synchronization with the monitor: horizontal and vertical sync.

    These signals are active low (activated when the signal is logic 0). The timing for these

    signals is defined by the standards for VGA monitors. During a horizontal sync cycle, the

    pixel information is sent for all row pixels followed by the lowering of the horizontal

    sync signal. The signal is used to coordinate the start of new lines. A vertical sync is

    achieved by lowering the vertical sync signal. The vertical sync instructs the monitor to

    return to the top of the screen (0, 0). The horizontal sync cycle that follows becomes the

    first row on the screen. The controller must take the pixels and the system clock as inputs

    from the FPGA, and generate the VGA output signals to drive a common VGA interface.

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Figure 3.17: Flow of compression and decompression process


    Read the image and

    resize to 100x 100

    Conversion of image into

    file .COE by Matlab

    Load the converted .COE

    file into ROM

    Read the Pixel Value and

    Calculate Co-efficient h (n)

    using fuzzification

    Convolution based


    Y (n) = x (n) * h (n)

    Compressed image


    Read compressed image

    pixel value


    Load the decompressed

    pixels value into RAM

    Dump the Program into

    FPGA virtex 2 pro kit



    Displays both original

    image and reconstructed


  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique




    ISIM is the tool that integrates with Xilinx ISE to provide simulation and testing

    for the data processed by Matlab in this project. Two kinds of simulation are used for

    testing a design they are functional simulation and timing simulation. Functional

    simulation is used to make sure that the logic of a design is correct. Timing simulation

    also takes into account the timing properties of the logic and the FPGA, so we can see

    how long signals take to propagate and make sure that our design will behave as

    expected when it is downloaded onto the FPGA.

    Figure 4.1: Simulate in ISIM

    Comparison of different FPGAs

    When examining the specifications of an FPGA chip, they are often divided into

    configurable logic blocks like slices or logic cells, fixed function logic such as

    multipliers, and memory resources like embedded block RAM. There are many other

    FPGA chip components, but these are typically the most important when selecting and

    comparing FPGAs for a particular application.

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Table 4.1: FPGA Resource Specifications for Various Families

















    Gates 1 million 3 million 1 million 2 million ----- ----- ----- -----

    Flip-Flops 10,240 28,672 15,360 40,960 19,200 28,800 51,840 69,120

    LUTs 10,240 28,672 15,360 40,960 19,200 28,800 51,840 69,120

    Multipliers 40 96 24 40 32 48 48 64

    Block RAM


    720 1,728 432 720 1,152 1,728 3,456 4,608

    Table 4.1 shows resource specifications used to compare FPGA chips within

    various Xilinx families. The number of gates has traditionally been a way to compare the

    size of FPGA chips to ASIC technology, but it does not truly describe the number of

    individual components inside an FPGA.


    Xilinx ISE Foundation Software takes the input of the circuit in the schematic

    editor, simulate the timing behavior of the circuit, compile it for a Virtex-2 FPGA, and

    test the design on a prototyping board. The ISE software includes Xilinx Synthesis

    Technology (XST), which synthesizes VHDL, Verilog, or mixed language designs to

    create Xilinx-specific Netlist files known as NGC files


    Figure 4.2: Synthesizing blocks

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Configure target device:

    Target Device Properties

    The following properties are available for the Configure Target Device process for

    a CPLD or FPGA device.

    iMPACT Project File

    The iMPACT Project File (IPF) contains information from a previous session of

    iMPACT. If you specify an IPF file in this property and run the Configure Target Device

    process, the target device will be configured according to the settings in the specified IPF

    file. If Default is specified here, the target device will be configured according to the

    settings in the default IPF file, .ipf.

    Port to be used (Advanced): Here we use USB, specifies the port you would like

    to use for configuration. Auto-default causes the software to search every port for a

    connection, automatically detect an available cable, and connect to it. Run Generate

    Target PROM/ACE File If selected, the Configure Target Device process will

    automatically run the Generate Target PROM/ACE File process to generate a PROM or

    ACE file before configuring the target device. The file will be generated using the

    information from the .ipf file specified in the iMPACT Project File property. When

    Automatically Generate Target PROM/ACE File is set to True (checkbox is checked), the

    PROM or ACE file is generated in the background before the target device is configured.

    This is useful for quick PROM or System ACE file regeneration when a bitstream has


    Figure 4.3: ISE synthesis for prototype implementation

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Design summary

    Design entry is the first step in the ISE design flow. During design entry, you create your

    source files based on your design objectives. You can create your top-level design file

    using a Hardware Description Language (HDL), such as VHDL, Verilog, or ABEL, or

    using a schematic. You specify your top-level module type when you create your project

    as described in Creating a Project.

    You can use multiple formats for the lower-level source files in your design. Different

    source types are available, depending on your project properties (top-level module type,

    device type, synthesis tool, and language). You can create these source files in Project

    Navigator, as described in Creating a Source File. Some source types launch additional

    tools to help you create the file, as described in Source File Types.

    Table 4.3.1: Design summary of proposed method

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Timing constraints

    The ISE software allows you to enter timing constraints that describe the timing

    performance requirements of the design. Providing a concise set of constraints achieves

    the following:

    Allows the software to create a design that meets your requirements.

    Allows you to compare the constraints to the performance of the resulting design,

    using the timing reports output by the ISE software.

    By analyzing the timing reports, you can identify the paths in the design that may require

    coding modifications, placement directives, or additional constraints to achieve timing

    closure. Increases the performance of ISE software by reducing the memory and runtime


    Table 4.3.2: Timing Constraint of proposed design

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Clock report

    This report contains information on the resource utilization of each clock region and lists

    any clock conflicts between global clock buffers in a clock region.

    Table 4.3.3: Clock Report of implemented design

    Data in X-power analyzer

    Table 4.3.4: X-power Analyzer

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique



    The synthesized design can be viewed as a schematic in the register transfer level

    (RTL) viewer. This view displays gates and elements independently of the targeted Xilinx

    device. The schematic shows a representation of the pre-optimized design in terms of

    generic symbols, such as adders, multipliers, counters, AND gates, and OR gates, which

    are independent of the targeted Xilinx device. Viewing this schematic may help you

    discover design issues early in the design process.

    Figure 4.4: RTL Schematic of fuzzification and de-fuzzification

    Figure 4.5: RTL Schematic of DWT

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique


    Figure 4.6: RTL Schematic of IDWT

    Figure 4.7: RTL Schematic of DWT and IDWT

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique



    Figure 4.8: Original image and reconstructed image

    In any of the image compression technique, the quality of decompressed or

    reconstructed image will be less because of pixel error at edges and noise in the

    decompressed image. To overcome this problem, the fuzzy algorithm has been proposed

    and combined with image compression based DWT-IDWT technique. In 2-level 8 sub-

    band decomposition of image, one of the sub-band's intensity will be low, that is selected

    or chosen, de-fuzzified and applying IDWT to get improved quality of decompressed

    image in-terms of reduced pixel error at edges and noise. The original image and

    reconstructed image are compared with respect to contrast and brightness. This have been

    discussed briefly in this thesis and implemented. Results achieved was according to the

    main aim reduction in the pixel errors, which indent to reduce in size without any change

    in the appearance of the original image from resulted image that human eye cannot easily


  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique



    The developed algorithm is found very efficient for full color image compression.

    During the analysis it is found that, developed algorithm provides higher compression

    ratio as compare to normal discrete wavelet transform. In addition to this fuzzyfied

    discrete wavelet transform based developed technique is also able to keep error between

    input image and reconstructed image in allowable range, though it is generating slightly

    higher error but at the same time the compression ratio is much higher than available

    Normal DWT technique. The advantage of the developed algorithm is, Fuzzyfication

    performed before using DWT because normal DWT cannot able to handle imperfections

    presented in the input images. An image compression algorithm was simulated using

    Verilog to comprehend the process of image compression. The relative area and speed

    efficiencies of Fuzzy turn out to be good on hardware implementation on FPGA. An

    implementation process included fuzzy arithmetic operators which make the computation

    quite faster and fuzzy helps to enhance the image better way in the presence of noise. The

    reconstructed image has got better edges in this design compared to the previous work. In

    the implementation results it is clear that Fuzzy logic based architectures have an area,

    speed and simplicity advantage over any other method based on implementations.

    In future modification of the algorithm can produce the better result for the image.

    Neruo-fuzzy techniques can be used to enhance the output image. The need for better

    compression will be increased.

  • Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Compression based Fuzzy Technique



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