final event

Final Event Management Assignment For Hollywood Trivia Night Prepared for Mitchell Haskins NBCC St Andrews Devils in the detail Prepared by Karen Galbraith June 29, 2014

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Page 1: Final Event

Final Event Management Assignment For Hollywood Trivia Night

Prepared for Mitchell HaskinsNBCC St Andrews Devils in the detail

Prepared by Karen Galbraith

June 29, 2014

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Event Proposal

Plan Overview

The Children’s Wish Foundation is always looking for new and exciting ways to raise money for their cause. Together we are going to host a Hollywood movie themed Trivia night, trivia is a now becoming a new fad in the Maritimes. It will be held at a local uptown pub. Tickets for this event will be on sale at the pub leading up to the event, we will also be selling raffle tickets on a certain item 2 - 3 weeks before. The night of the event we are having a silent auction and also 50/50 tickets to make our donation to the charity. We are hoping to raise over a thousand dollars.

“The Children’s Wish Foundation raises money to help families and communities by granting the favorite wish of a child diagnosed with a serious or life threating illness. With each wish that they grant they make memories and moments of joy that ease the pain of a child.” In hosting this event it is our goal to raise enough money to help out at least one family hit the target that they need in order to grant a wish. Although this is the first year for this event, it is our goal to make this an annual event.

Section 1 - General Information

Name of Event Manager/Planner: Karen Galbraith, Jason Ellsworth, Michael Watson, and Gerry Beresford. Some stakeholders will be The Children’s Wish foundation, and Sponsors such as the radio station, and Big Tide brewing co.

Event Title: Hollywood Trivia Night

Reason for Event:

1) To raise funds for the Children’s wish foundation 2) To bring the community together for a good cause 3) Have a local event in the summer to draw a big crowd

Event Objectives:

1) Raise enough money for at least help one child to receive a wish 2) Have a large turn out of people 3) Possibly make this as an annual event

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Expected Benefits of the Event: 1) Raise awareness for the Children’s Wish Foundation 2) Help the community with a great annual event 3) Gaining big sponsorship in the future

Section 2 - Plan Overview

Event Date and Time: Saturday July 19th at 7pm

Event Venue: Big Tide Brewing Co., 47 Princess St Saint John NB. 214-3311

Event Organization (what will take place during the event):

1. Trivia questions will need to be made up, 3 rounds that will include picture or video clips, music and multiple choice.

2. Silent auction items must be all set up with auction papers with description and pens

3. Get all the tables and teams organized properly, taking photos of all guests who come in, and of the event itself

Event Marketing and Publicity:

We sill have posters printed, radio announcements would be made. We will primarily promote at Big Tide as well. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram will be used as marketing tools for this event, and free event calendars for uptown Saint John.

Section 3 - Budget and Risk Overview

Contingency Plans:

A contingency plan for this event will include a budget of $150 extra from our original budget just to cover any last minute costs, if any come up. If nothing comes up this money will be donated to The Children’s Wish Foundation.


Through this event, it is the intention of the Event Planner to help to raise roughly $2,800 in revenues through such activities as Ticket sales, 50/50 and raffle ticket sales, and a silent auction. In order to generate such revenues, we will need to cover a variety of expenses that have been forecasted at just over $1,500. These expenses include, but are not limited to, such things as refreshments, prizes, marketing & promotion etc.

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Based on these projections, it is the goal of the Event Planner to help raise approximately $1,300 for the Children’s Wish Foundation.

For more details, please refer to the Event Budget page – Appendix 1

Volunteers and Responsibilities:

Volunteers TasksJoanna Host TriviaChelsey Take photosKaren Silent Auction itemsChris Sell 50/50 ticketsKaren Boost raffle salesJoanna Supervise other games for the


For a more detailed volunteer list and task see Event Staffing page- Appendix 1

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Marketing Plan

Attendance Goal

We will be hosting this event at Big Tide Brewing Company, which is a medium sized restaurant. At full capacity it could potentially hold up to 100 people comfortably with trivia teams no bigger than 8 and no smaller than 4. That being said we are looking to get at least 50 people, which would roughly be 8 teams of 6 people.


The main objective for this event will be to bring out a large crowd of people who will enjoy themselves for an evening while raising money for a good cause. We are hoping to make this an annual event.


The opportunities we will have for marketing this event will mostly be at the pub itself, having posters up all around, and the raffle will draw attention to it ahead of time. We will also be putting out posters all over the uptown community bulletin boards, and submitting the event to the free uptown event calendars. Facebook and other social media sites will be good for this event since we are targeting a younger generation.


Some challenges involved with this event will be the fact that it will be held in the middle of the summer, when people tend to be away or off to cottages on the weekend. There are three other events happening on the same day in July as this event, but they are all taking place during the day not the evening. To market this event we will attempt to put posters up in the venues of these events. The fact that we are targeting a younger crowd, and a large number of that age range will be students is another challenge, they don’t always have a lot of money to spend to go to a charity event. We are selling the tickets for $20 per person, but

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each person gets a free drink and some deal on food, so for the “student” crowd it won’t be breaking the bank. Another challenge with marketing this event will be the fact that it will be held in a pub and there will be alcohol involved, we want to keep the focus on the children’s wish and raising money for the cause, and not a night out drinking. On the posters we are trying to promote Children’s Wish foundation primarily so the focus stays on raising money for the cause.


Based on the Trivia Games trend, the target market for this event will be within the specific age range of between 25 to 32, young adults who have money to spare. Marketing Strategy

The marketing strategy for this event will be a make up of PSA’s from various radio stations in Saint John, and some local TV stations such as Rogers television and the TV guide channel. Putting posters all over the uptown area, targeting in on bars and other restaurants in the area that have the crowds we want to attract, and where the event will be held, coffee shops and the various businesses that have donated auction items or prizes. The wait staff and other trivia hosts will be promoting to the teams that come out on a regular basis, to gain interest through those people. It is our intent that, by raffling off an item at the Big Tide Brewing Company beforehand, we will also bring attention to the event to the regular patrons. Children’s wish Foundation also has sponsors and connections which we will solicit for their help and support with this event, whether it be sponsorship or to have them simply post the event at their business. Facebook and other social media sites will also be a big part of our marketing strategy given the demographics of our target market.

Marketing Budget

The marketing budget for this event will include $200 for poster design and printing, a lot of expenses for this event are being donated in kind, by the foundation or the people they deal with for these things. $500 will go toward advertising, covering the costs television, radio and Internet ads.

Tickets will be $20 per person, with raffle tickets, 50/50 and a portion of food sales will go to the charity. The venue does not cost anything to rent, so most of the money we have in our budget will go to marketing and decorations.

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Expenses Posters $200 Advertising $500

Total Expenses $700

Event Staffing

Background: This is the first year for the Children’s Wish Hollywood Trivia Night, which will be held this summer at Big Tide Brewing co. for the children who are sick in the New

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Brunswick area. This charity is mainly a volunteer based with some event planners and directors.

Vision statement: To raise money for Children’s Wish foundation so they have an opportunity to give children sick or in need everything to support themselves and their family.

Note: This document will outline the health and safety policies and procedures. These must be read and understood and followed thoroughly in order to continue to volunteer for ‘Children’s Wish’. If these policies and procedures are not followed properly, it will be cause for immediate termination.

These policies are non-negotiable, please go over the following and make sure you can carry out each policy to your best ability.

Each volunteer must, Be on time Come ready to perform tasks as asked Be able to take direction and follow chain of command Dress appropriate for event Be respectful of the environment and others Exercise fairness, equality, courtesy, consideration and sensitivity in

dealing with others Promote interest in this event Perform duties with skill, care and thoroughness See smoking policy * No drinking at event Refrain from using your phones while on duty All language must be appropriate for event. Must follow all legal terms and conditions delegated by Children’s

Wish Foundation See breaks policy * Have an understanding of work safe* No consumption of alcohol will be consumed while working

*Policy Title- Smoking Policy number 1

No smoking while on duty must be at least 100 meters away from event site. Everyone must wash hands after coming in from smoking. You are limited to only 2 smoking breaks per shift.

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Policy Title- Breaks Policy number 2

Each volunteer is eligible for one 15-minute break for every 6 hours they work. If any less then that no breaks will be required.

Work safe-

Each volunteer must follow the steps to have a safe workspace. No one shall harm anyone attending of any other volunteer for any reason. If in any case someone is injured, medical action must be taken right away. “Be aware of personal and group health and safety practices and procedures, and act in accordance with these”. At least one person working must have first aid training at all times.

Policy Title: Health and safety Policy number 1

Policy: Children’s Wish and management are responsible for making the environment safe and protected from all injury and harm that can come during an event.

Purpose: To ensure no harm comes to volunteers.

Procedure: Ensuring all management and directors know all venue or area safety regulations. Know the employees or volunteers are well aware of any risks, and are fully prepared for anything to happen.

Policy Title: Protecting yourself Policy number 2

Policy: Every volunteer must protect their own health by following the guidelines of the work safety policies and procedures.

Procedure: Volunteers should be responsible for themselves. Always paying full attention to their jobs.

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Policy Title: Health and safety issues Policy number 3

Policy: Every volunteer/ employee shall be fully aware of all work safety or health issues present at an event.

Purpose: During an event everyone is fully prepared for any situation.

Procedure: Hold a meeting including all event managers or volunteers to properly discuss any possibilities that may arise at event or job.

Policy Title: First aid Policy number 4

Policy: All volunteers must have basic first aid training.

Purpose: In case anyone needs attention for minor injuries each volunteer is able to help.

Procedure: Before event takes place follow up with each volunteer to ensure they have proper training, if not have it available so they can be trained.

Responsibility: Event manager.

Policy Title: Accidents or Incidents Policy number 5

Policy: All or any accidents or incidents will be filed with work safe NB to ensure all rights for volunteers or employees are properly met.

Purpose: All Children’s Wish volunteers have the right to a safe work environment.

Procedures: In case of a work related injury a report will be filed by a manager or director. The manager or director will take responsibility for general liability issues. They will be recorded and at next general meeting be addressed so it will not happen again.

Policy Title: Pub Event Policy number 6

Policy: All workers must be prepared to work in a pub atmosphere, where the majority of the costumers will be consuming alcohol. They must be able to

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understand when a patron may have had too much, and let the server or bar tender know immediately

Procedure: Management will talk to each volunteer and employee of the bar to ensure everyone has a good time.

Policy Title: Food preparation Policy number 7

Policy: All food cooked or not must be prepared properly according to NB food and health standards.

Procedures: Event planner will discuss with kitchen workers.

Responsibility: Event manager.

Job Descriptions-

Position title- Employees of Big Tide Reports to- Manager of Big tide, Event planner Responsible for – Ordering drinks and food. Preparing food, keeping customers happy.

Position summary:To ensure each guest has the best time they can have. Food and drinks delivered in a timely manner. Answering any questions guests may have, or referring questions or concerns to event planner. Duties:

Serve and clean up food Cook and prepare food Help promote photos, auctions, and other activities on going throughout the


Position title- Marketer Reports to- Event planner Responsible for- target markets, advertising, poster and ticket designs

Position summary:To properly put together target market for event. Prepare advertising, set prices and cost of tickets. All media outlets

Duties: Work with event planner to set prices for event

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Dealing with media outlets Advertise for event Promoting Help with sponsorships

Position title- Volunteer Reports to- Event plannerResponsible for- various tasks

Position summary: To be helpful to the event manager prior, during, and after the event. Be there the day of the help with set up and tear down, including decorations.

Duties: Sell tickets Help decorate / set up Run silent auction Collect money Be able to help guests Help clean up

Organization Chart

Event Planner

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Communication Plan

The main stakeholder for this event is The Children’s Wish Foundation. They have been very supportive throughout the whole planning process this far. The other stakeholder here is Big Tide, and our goal for holding this event here will to make profit for the restaurant during the evening.

The main communication tool for marketing the Hollywood Trivia night at Big Tide would be advertising. First off getting it out in the social media world, on our Facebook page, Tweet it, by getting in touch with Big Tides communications team to get a poster on the website, and the Facebook event link on to big tides page. Also making sure all the event information is also on the children’s wish website, I will get in touch with the Saint John Chapter and give them a PDF of the poster to post on the side. Radio is always good for advertising, almost like subliminal messages for those driving around a lot, we will send in a PSA a month before the event. Sending an e mail to these spots telling them about the event. Getting posters made will also be essential, posting them all around, in local grocers, coffee shops, and bulletin boards, and of course the bar, a lot of people who are frequent costumers may be something they will surely come out to. All of these things will need to be done at minimum a month before. Then as the month passes by re-posting, and updating will have to happen weekly. Also getting the word out the good old fashion way. Having a sign up sheet for volunteers, auction items donations, which we have a letter to send out to employers for donations. Word of mouth can be just as powerful sometimes.

Most of these advertising tools and PR doesn’t cost much or anything at all.

For this event although a big turn out will be ideal, spending too much money on the small things can’t happen. The event has to have some sort of profit not just break even to cover all the costs to put it on. Printing out posters, posting an ad in the newspaper, radio and on TV will be the things that cost the most. Ideally spending no more then $200 on these ads.

Volunteer responsibilities

Host Trivia Photographer- Photo booth, and event photos Silent Auction monitor Help decorate venue, and tear down.

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This event does not require too many volunteers, the event manager, who will sit down with the manager of the pub to talk about what is expected the night of the event, with the help of the staff at Big Tide will be doing the majority of the work. That being said, the few volunteers that will be needed will need to attend an overview meeting 3 days before the event to be given detailed duties and explanation of what is being asked of them. This document outlines what these duties entail.

Host Trivia: The volunteer that will be doing this job must be outgoing and being able to speak comfortably in public. This volunteer may not consume any alcohol until they are completely finished their job for the evening. The event manager will sit down with the volunteer and outline the trivia questions.

Photographer: This job is exactly as it is title, there will be a back drop at big tide acting as a red carpet back drop, they will stand at this spot taking photos as the guest come into the event, and throughout the evening take photos for websites. This person should arrive an hour before the event to set up. They do not need to be a professional. This volunteer may not consume any alcohol until they are completely finished their job for the evening.

Silent Auction monitor: This person doing this job will periodically check the auction sheets after a wave of the crowd bids to ensure all bids are fair and eligible. Once the auction is closed this person will help collect money and make sure each item goes home with the proper person, or mark if the person needs to be contacted. This will be a cash or cheque auction only, this volunteer must be able to deal with money and making change if needed. This volunteer may not consume any alcohol until they are completely finished their job for the evening.

Decorating set up and tear down: Will need to arrive an hour before event to help set up all decorations, auction items, and help lay out table. Once event is over help clean up all decorations.

Each of these tasks will be explained in the meeting a 2 days prior so all volunteers understand what is asked of them and know what to expect during the evening. Also during this meeting we will go over fire exits, and an evacuation plan incase something goes wrong so all staff and volunteers can help, each volunteer must sign this manual insuring they understand all the risks associated with this event. All decisions or changes must be approved by the event planner only. Any problems arise with go to the event manager regarding the event itself, but if there happen to be any problems with the food or drinks the manager of Big Tide will be

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responsible. In case of any emergency during the event the event planner and manager of Big Tide will be responsible for contacting a response team.

Communicating with the staff will be pretty simple. Big Tide has a small staff, so to meet with the people that will be working that day 1 hour before the event. Trivia is hosted at Big Tide weekly, so the servers here are used to a full pub all at the same time with multiple tables and orders. Since there will be lots of liquor the servers will be responsible for knowing each customers’ limits, and cutting them off if they feel necessary. 6 weeks before the event the event manager will have a meeting with the manager of the pub to discuss the promotional item the guests will receive for attending the event. Then 2 weeks before the event we will confirm everything we had discussed was still possible.

2 days after the event is over I will plan to send out thank you letters, and a report of how the event went to all the supporters and people and places that donated anything to this event. It is important to keep these ties for other events that may come about.

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Risk Assessment

This is a risk assessment for Hollywood Trivia night. It will highlight the evening; identify the risks that go along with the whole event. It will also cover the likelihood of these risks, the severity of the risks, and a plan to help reduce the risks.

Hollywood Trivia Night

Held in a pub Drinking will be involved Raffle draw 50/50 tickets sold Silent auction Toonie toss Photo booth Heads or tails draw Trivia game

Risk Assessment Worksheets

Event title- Hollywood trivia night Members: Karen, Joanna, and Big Tide staff

Measure Likelihood Description

A Frequent Will occur on a regular basis

B Probable Could occur on most occasions

C Occasional Likely to occur from time to time

D Remote May occur, but unlikely

E Improbable Unlikely to occur for this event

Measure Impact Effect

1 Catastrophic Event must be cancelled/Death or severe injury

2 Critical Unable to proceed with plan at this time/ Injuries requiring immediate medical help (broken limbs, heart, lung issues)

3 Marginal Slight impact on planning and execution of process/Minor injuries

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that require first aid (cuts, scrapes, sprains)

4 Negligible No real injury to volunteer, guest, finances, reputation

Risk Likelihood Impact

Guests drinking too much A 2

Over capacity D 3

Rowdy crowd B 4

Stolen auction item D 3

Trivia host not showing C 3

Fight breaks out C 2

Risk Likelihood Impact

Guests drinking too much A 2

What steps can we take in order to reduce the likelihood that this risk will occur?

Making sure the staff do not over serve, or double serve any customers Keep guests excited and entertained so they do not need to look to alcohol to be


If the risk does happen, how would we reduce the impact?

Make sure the customer gets lots of water Call them a cab, and kindly ask them to leave Don’t over react or cause a scene, because likely they will too

If these steps are taken the likelihood would become a C and the impact a 3.

Risk Likelihood Impact

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Stolen auction item D 3

What steps can we take in order to reduce the likelihood that this risk will occur?

Have photos or description of the item instead of the item itself Have a volunteer keep and eye on everything through out the event

If the risk does happen, how would we reduce the impact?

Take the item off the lists so no one else can bid Call the police and report item stolen

If these steps are taken the likelihood would be a D and impact a 3.5.

Risk Likelihood Impact

Trivia host not showing C 3

What steps can we take in order to reduce the likelihood that this risk will occur?

Call them the day before to remind them about the event Make sure this person is reliable in the first place

If the risk does happen, how would we reduce the impact?

Have a volunteer or event coordinator step in

If these steps are taken the likelihood would be a D and impact a 4.

Risk Likelihood Impact

Fight breaks out C 2

What steps can we take in order to reduce the likelihood that this risk will occur?

Keep everyone happy Keeping customers focused on the games Making sure tables and chairs are not too close together to avoid conflicts Go over all rules of the games before the evening gets going

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Have the staff enforce all of these steps

If the risk does happen, how would we reduce the impact?

Ask the members to leave the premises

If these steps are taken the likelihood would be a C and impact a 3.5.

Risk Reduction Action Plan

In order to reduce the likelihood that this risk will occur, list each of the actions that you have suggested taking in order to reduce this risk, assign a person and timeline for completion of the action.

Action Person Timeline

Finding volunteers Karen One to two months before

Making sure costumers are not over served

Big Tide staff During the event

Silent auction item set up Karen A week before event/night of event

Customer have lots of room Big Tide staff Night of event

Call volunteers Karen 1 day before event

Be able to move volunteers around

Joanna Immediately, if one job is not been covered

To further reduce all risk, we will cover the possible risks with the volunteers a week or two before at our meeting, and also the big tide staff an hour or two before the event so they know what to expect, and how to deal with the crowd.