final environmental impact assessment...

Phil Coal Beneficiation Private Limited (2.5 Million TPA Wet Type Coal washery) AT Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District, Chhattisgarh Final Environmental Impact Assessment Report [Based on TOR letter vide No.J-11015/418/2015-IA-II (M) dated 29 th February 2016] APRIL 2017 6-3-652 | Flat # 7-3 | Dhruvatara Apartments | Amrutha Estates | Erramanjil | Somajiguda | Hyderabad- 500082 Prepared by: Accredited by NABET - QCI ISO 9001: 2008 Certified

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Page 1: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Phil Coal Beneficiation Private Limited

(2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal washery)


Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil

Bilaspur District, Chhattisgarh


Environmental Impact Assessment

Report [Based on TOR letter vide No.J-11015/418/2015-IA-II (M) dated 29th February 2016]

APRIL 2017

6-3-652 | Flat # 7-3 | Dhruvatara Apartments | Amrutha Estates | Erramanjil | Somajiguda |

Hyderabad- 500082

Prepared by:

Accredited by NABET - QCI ISO 9001: 2008 Certified

Page 2: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA Index



S.No. Contents Page No.



Chapter – 1 : Introduction

1.1 Introduction 1.1

1.2 Identification of Project & Project Proponent 1.1

1.3 Brief Description 1.4

1.3.1 Nature of the Project 1.4

1.3.2 Size of the Project 1.4

1.3.3 Location of the Project 1.4

1.3.4 Importance of Project 1.7

1.4 Scope of the Study 1.7

1.5 Environmental Clearance Process (Category – A Projects) 1.9

Chapter – 2 : Project Description

2.1 Type of Project 2.1

2.2 Location of the Project 2.1

2.2.1 Environmental Setting Within 10 Km. Radius of The Project Site 2.3

2.3 Details of Land 2.4

2.4 Size / Magnitude of Operation 2.7

2.5 Project Cost 2.7

2.6 Proposed Schedule for Approval and Implementation 2.7

2.7 Technology & Process Description 2.7

2.7.1 Raw Materials (Source of Coal) 2.7

2.7.2 Raw Material Storage and Transport 2.7

2.7.3 Process of Coal Washery 2.9

2.7.4 Characteristics of Rom Coal, Washed Coal and Coal Washery Rejects 2.10

2.7.5 Material Balance 2.12

2.8 Environmental Mitigation Measures 2.12

2.8.1 Air Emission Control 2.12

2.8.2 Waste Water Management 2.12

2.8.3 Noise Management 2.13

2.8.4 Solid Waste Management 2.13

2.8.5 Green Belt Development 2.14

2.8.6 Internal Roads 2.14

2.9 Assessment of new & Untested Technology for the Risk of technological Failure


Chapter – 3 : Description of Environment

3.1 Baseline Environmental Status 3.1

3.2 Air Environment 3.1

3.2.1 Meteorology 3.1

Page 3: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA Index


3.2.2 Meteorological Data Recorded at Project Site 3.1

3.2.3 Air Quality 3.4 Selection of Sampling Stations 3.4 Parameters Monitored 3.4 Sampling & Analytical Techniques Instruments Used For Sampling 3.5

3.3 Noise Environnent 3.12

3.3.1 Reconnaissance 3.13 Background Noise 3.13 Sources of Noise 3.13

3.3.2 Community Noise 3.14 Occupational Exposure 3.14

3.3.3 Methodology Adopted for Noise Level Observation 3.15

3.3.4 Noise Level Observations in the Study Area 3.16

3.4 Water Quality Impacts 3.17

3.4.1 Surface Water Quality 3.17

3.4.2 Ground Water Quality 3.19

3.5 Land Environment 3.29

3.5.1 Mineral Reserves 3.29

3.5.2 Seismic Effect 3.29

3.5.3 Land Use Pattern 3.30

3.5.4 Soil Environment 3.31

3.6 Biological Environment 3.34

3.7 Socio Economic Data 3.42

CHAPTER – 4 : Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

4.1 Introduction 4.1

4.2 Air Environment 4.1

4.2.1 Impact on Topography and Climate 4.2 Impact on Topography 4.2 Impact on Climate 4.2

4.2.2 Predictions of Impact on Air Environment 4.2

4.2.3 Sources of Air Emissions 4.4

4.3 Prediction of Impacts on Water Environment 4.5

4.3.1 Water Requirement 4.5

4.3.2 Wastewater Generation 4.6

4.3.3 Impact on Arpa River 4.6

4.4 Prediction of Impacts due to Noise 4.7

4.4.1 Prediction of Impact Due to the Proposed Activity 4.7

4.4.2 Prediction of Impacts on Community 4.8

4.4.3 Prediction of Impact on Occupational Health 4.8

4.4.4 Impact On Habitation, Flora & Fauna Due to Noise Levels Due to The Project


4.5 Prediction of Impacts on Land Environment 4.9

4.5.1 Possible Impact on Groundwater & Mitigation 4.10

4.5.2 Impact on Geology & Mitigation 4.9

Page 4: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA Index


4.5.3 Prediction of Impacts On Soil 4.10

4.6 Prediction of Impacts On Flora & Fauna and Agricultural Land 4.10

4.7 Prediction of Impacts due to Vehicular Movement 4.11

4.8 Prediction of Impacts on Socio Economic Environment 4.12

CHAPTER – 5 : Analysis of Alternatives [Technology & Site]

5.1 Alternative Technologies 5.1

5.2 Alternative sites Examined 5.1

CHAPTER – 6 : Environmental Monitoring Programme

6.1 Technical Aspects 6.1

6.1.1 Methodologies 6.1

6.1.2 Frequency & Locations of Environmental Monitoring 6.1

6.1.3 Data Analysis 6.2

6.1.4 Reporting Schedule 6.2

6.1.5 Emergency Procedures 6.2

6.1.6 Detailed Budget & Procurement Schedules 6.2

CHAPTER – 7 : Additional Studies

7.1 Public Consultation 7.1

7.2 Risk Assessment 7.1

7.2.1 Introduction 7.1

7.2.2 Scope of Study 7.1

7.2.3 Fire Protection System 7.2

7.2.4 Methodology of MCA Analysis 7.3

7.2.5 Fire & Explosion and Toxicity Index 7.3

7.2.6 Assessment of Risk at Proposed Coal Washery of PCBPL 7.4 Coal Handling Plant (Dust Explosion) & Coal Storage (Spont. Combustion) 7.5

7.2.7 Risk & Consequence Analysis of Fire 7.6 Effective Controls 7.6

7.3 Disaster Management Plan 7.6

7.3.1 Disasters 7.6

7.3.2 Objectives of Disaster Management of Plan 7.7

7.3.3 Emergencies 7.8 General, Industrial, Emergencies 7.8 Specific Emergencies Anticipated 7.8 Emergency Organization 7.8 Emergency Communication 7.9 Emergency Responsibilities 7.9 Site Controller 7.9 Incident Controller 7.10 Emergency-Coordinator, Rescue, Fire Fighting 7.11 Emergency-Coordinator, Medical, Mutual Aid, Rehabilitation, Transport and Communication

7.11 Emergency-Coordinator, Essential Services 7.12

Page 5: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA Index

4 General Responsibilities of Employees during an Emergency 7.12 Emergency Facilities 7.13 Emergency Control Centre 7.13 Emergency Power Supply 7.13 Fire Fighting Facilities 7.14 Location of Wind Sock 7.14 Emergency Medical Facilities 7.14 Emergency Actions 7.14 Emergency Warning 7.14 Emergency Shutdown 7.14 Evacuation of Personnel 7.15 All Clear Signal 7.15

7.4 Occupational Health and Surveillance 7.15

7.4.1 Occupational Health 7.16

7.4.2 Construction & Erection 7.16

7.4.3 Operation & Maintenance 7.16

7.4.4 Occupational Health 7.17

7.5 Safety Plan 7.17

7.5.1 Safety Organization 7.18 Construction and Erection Phase 7.18 Operation & Maintenance Phase 7.19 Safety Circle 7.19

7.5.2 Safety Training 7.19

7.5.3 Health and Safety Monitoring Plan 7.19

7.6 Social Impact Assessment 7.20

7.7 R & R Action Plan 7.20

CHAPTER – 8 : Project Benefit

8.1 Physical Infrastructure 8.1

8.2 Socio Infrastructure 8.1

8.3 Employment Potential 8.1

8.3.1 Skilled 8.1

8.3.2 Semi-Skilled 8.1

8.3.3 Unskilled 8.1

8.5 Socio-Economic Developmental Activities Proposed 8.2

CHAPTER – 9 : Environmental Cost Benefits

9.0 Environmental Cost Benefit Analysis 9.1

CHAPTER – 10 : Environmental Management Plan

10.1 Introduction 10.1

10.2 Management during Construction phase 10.1

10.2.1 Site Preparation 10.1

10.2.2 Water Supply & Sanitation 10.2

10.2.3 Noise 10.2

Page 6: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA Index


10.2.4 Maintenance of Vehicles 10.2

10.2.5 Waste 10.2

10.2.6 Storage of Hazardous Material 10.2

10.2.7 Land Environment 10.2

10.3 Post Construction Phase 10.3

10.3.1 Air Emission Management 10.3 Fugitive Emissions 10.3 Dust Suppression System 10.4 Internal Roads 10.4 Compliance on CREP Recommendations 10.4

10.3.2 Wastewater Management Plan to Mitigate the Adverse Impacts Due to Project


10.3.3 Solid Waste Management 10.7

10.3.4 Noise Level Management 10.8

10.3.5 Land Environment 10.8

10.3.6 Measures for Improvement of Ecology 10.9 Green Belt Development 10.9

10.4 Post Project Monitoring Strategy 10.11

10.5 Cost for Environmental Protection 10.13

CHAPTER – 11 : Summary & Conclusion

11.1 Introduction 11.1

11.2 Details About the Project 11.1

11.3 Brief Description of Process 11.2

11.4 Conclusion 11.2

CHAPTER – 12 : Disclosure of Consultant 12.1

Page 7: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

No. J-11015/418/2015-IA-II(M)Government of India

Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate ChangelA-II (Coal Mining) Division

Indira Paryavaran Bhawan,Jorbagh Road, N Delhi-3

Dated: zs" February, 2016


The DirectorMIs Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Limited3rd Floor, Mahima Trade Centre, Hansa Vihar,Srikant Verma Marge,Bilaspur - 495001 (Chhattisgarh)

E-mail: [email protected]. pravvenjha@gmaiLcom

Sub: Coal Washery of 2.5 MTPA in an area of 10.02 ha of Mis Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt.Limited at Village Ghutku Tehsil Takhatpur, District Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh) - TORreg.

Sir,This is with reference to your application dated 12.12.2015, online proposal No.

IA/CG/CMIN/34509/2015 and subsequent letters dated 5.1.2016, 7.1.2016, 2.2.2016, 19.1.20~ 6 &5.2.2016 on the above mentioned subject.

2. The proposal is for grant of TOR for Coal Washery of 2.5 MTPA in an area of 10.02 ha ofMIs Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Limited at Village Ghutku Tehsil Takhatpur, District Bilaspur(Chhattisgarh).

3. The proposal was considered by the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) in the Ministry forThermal & Coal Mining Projects, in its 49th meeting held on 7-8 January, 2016 and 51st EACmeeting held on 5th February, 2016. The details of the project, as per the documents submitted bythe Project Proponent (PP), and also as informed during the above said EAC meeting are reportedto be as under:

I. It is a green field project for TOR.II. The latitude and longitude of the outer most co-ordinates of the project boundary are:

-----Point Latitude LongitudeNo. -_ ..• -_--_-,-- -.-- ..-'-.-.---.---.--~~'--~~'~'-".'--'- .- ..

1. 22° 9'04.75"N 82° 5'35.11 "E--

2. 22° 9'18.21"N 82° 5'37.14"E3. 22° 9'28.74"N 82° 5'25.18"E4. 22° 9'15.92"N 82° 5'28.19"E

iii. Joint Venture: Not applicablePage 1 of 5

Washery 2.5 MTPA of Mis Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd 418_2015_ TOR

Pioneer 2
Text Box
TOR Letter
Page 8: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

xix. Railway siding is envisaged for the proposed project, to be served from Ghutku RailwayStation at a distance of 1.0 km.

Page 2 of 5

iv. Coal Linkage: Coal will be sourced from SECL from Dipka, Gevra, Kusmunda and othermines of South Eastern Coalfield Limited (SECL).

v. Employment generated / to be generated: Direct employment - 35 nos; Indirectemployment - 150 nos.

vi. Benefits of the project: Generation of Employment and supply of washed coal toconsumers.

VII. The land usage of the project will be as follows:

Pre-Mining: Pre-project: Agricultural land (Single crop)

Post- Mining: During washery Operation

Area._.~~ .. .. .____. J~r:'__~c rE!§_t_

Plant area 4.00----_------------------------------- ---------- _. ----~_--

Internal roads 0.50.~~----------------4---------------Storage yard (Coal & Rejects) 6.00

_B~!_'!IJai.~iding 6.03Total 24.78


Greenbelt 8.25

Core area: Agricultural land (Single crop)

viii. Transportation: Raw Coal will be sourced from SECL from Dipka, Gevra, Kusmunda andother mines of South Eastern Coalfield Limited (SECL), located in Korba/Raigarh area andwill be transported by Rail and by road in covered trucks upto the site. Washed coal fromthe site will be sent to customer by Rail/Road depending on the MoU between customerand SECL. Washed Coal and rejects will be supplied to Power plants, Cement plants.

IX. There is no R & R involved. There are no PAFs.x. Cost: Total capital cost of the project is Rs. 25.00 Crores. CSR Cost Capital Cost Rs. 40

Lakh; Annual Recurring Cost Rs. 15 lakhs. R&R Cost Nil. Environmental ManagementCost Capital Cost Rs. 50 Lakhs; Annual Recurring cost Rs. 15 lakhs.

xi. Water body: Arpa river (2.0 Kms.), Ghongha Nadi (7.5 Kms.) & Kurung Right Bank Canal(0.6 Kms) are flowing within 10 Km. radius of the Project site.

xii. Water requirement: Water required for the proposed Coal Washery will be 955 cum/day.xiii. Approvals:Water drawl permission from Central Ground Water Board will be obtained.xiv. Wildlife issues: There are no national Parks, wildlife sanctuary, biosphere reserves found

in the 10 km buffer zone.xv. Forestry issues: No forest area involved.xvi. Total afforestation plan shall be implemented covering an area of 8.25 Acres at the end of

mining. Green Belt over an area of 8.25 Acres.xvii. There are no court cases/violation pending with the project proponent.xviii. The proposed project area does not fall under the critically polluted areas, which are listed

in MoEF office memorandum dated 13th January 2010 and its subsequent amendments.(Nearest Critically Polluted area is Korba at distance 60 Kms. from the proposed site.

Washery 2.5 MTPA of MIs Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd 418_2015_ TOR

Page 9: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

3. The EAC in its 51st meeting held on 5th February) 2016, after detailed deliberation hasrecommended the project for grant of TOR for preparation of the Environmental ImpactAssessment/Environment Management Plan along with the Public Hearing. Based on therecommendations of the EAC, the Ministry hereby accords TOR for Coal Washery of 2.5 MTPAin an area of 10.02 ha of MIs Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Limited at Village Ghutku TehsilTakhatpur, District Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh), with the specific terms of reference, in additional tothe generic TORs applicable for coal washeries, as under:-

• Washery shall be located keeping the required distance from the nearest railway line, asstipulated under the Railway regulations.

• Ground water permission from Central Ground Water Authority be obtained.

A. Generic ToR for coal washery


I. Siting of washery is critical considering to its environmental impacts. Preference should begiven to the site located at pit head; in case such a site is not available, the site should beas close to the pit head as possible and coal should be transported from mine to thewashery preferably through closed conveyer belt to avoid air pollution.

II. The washery shall not be located in eco-sensitive zones areas.iii. The washery should have a closed system and zero discharge. The storm drainage should

be treated in settling ponds before discharging into rivers/streams/water bodies.iv. A thick Green belt of about 50 m width should be developed surrounding the washery.v. A brief description of the plant alongwith a layout, the specific technology used and the

source of coal should be The EIA-EMP Repot should cover the impacts and management plan for the project of the

capacity for which EC is sought and the impacts of specific activities, including thetechnology used and coal used, on the environment of the area (within 10km radius), andthe environmental quality of air, water, land, biotic community, etc. through collection ofdata and information, generation of data on impacts for the rated capacity. Cumulativeimpacts for air and water should be a part of EIA in case coal mine, TPP and etherwasheries are located within 10km radius. The EIA should also include mitigative measuresneeded to minimize adverse environmental impacts.

vii. A Study Area Map of the core zone as well as the 10km area of buffer zone showing rrajorindustries/mines and other polluting sources should be submitted. These maps shall alsoindicate the migratory corridors of fauna, if any and areas of endangered fauna; plants ofmedicinal and economic importance; any ecologically sensitive areas within the 10 kmbuffer zone; the shortest distance from the National ParklWL Sanctuary Tiger Reserve, etc.alongwith the comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden of the State Government.Data of one-season (non-monsoon) primary- base-line data on environmental quality of air(PM1Q,PM2.5, SOx and NOx, noise, water (surface and groundwater), soil be submitted.

ix. The wet washery should generally utilize mine water only. In case mine water is notavailable, the option of storage of rain water and its use should be examined. Use ofsurface water and ground water should be avoided.

x. Detailed water balance should be provided. The break-up of water requirement as perdifferent activities in the mining operations vis-a-vis washery should be given. If the sourceof water is from surface water and/or ground water, the same may be justified bes desobtaining approval of the Competent Authority for its drawl.

xi. The entire sequence of mineral production, transportation, handling, transfer and storage of

i Page 3 of 5Washery 2.5 MTPA of MIs Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd 418_2015_ TOR

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mineral and waste, if any, and their impacts on air quality should be shown in a flow chartwith specific points where fugitive emissions can arise and specific pollutioncontrol/mitigative measures proposed to be put in place. The washed coal and rejectsshould be transport by train as far as possible. Road transport of washed coal and rejectsshould generally be avoided. In case, the TPP is within 10km radius, it should be throughconveyer belt. If transport by rail is not feasible because of the topography of the area, theoption for transport by road be examined in detail and its impacts along with the mitigationmeasures should be clearly brought out in EIA/EMP report.Details of various facilities proposed to be provided in terms of parking, rest areas, the personnel involved in mineral transportation, workshop and effluents/pollutionload from these activities should be provided.Impacts of CHP, if any, on air and water quality should also be spelt out alongwith ActionPlan.O.M. No. J-1I013/25/2014-IA.1 dated 11th August, 2014 to be followed with regard to CSRactivities.Details of Public Hearing, Notice(s) issued in newspapers, proceedings/minutes of PublicHearing, points raised by the general public and response/commitments made by theproponent along with the Action Plan and budgetary provisions be submitted in tabularform. If the Public Hearing is in the regional language, an authenticated English translationof the same should be provided. Status of any litigations/ court cases filed/pending, if any,against the project should be mentioned in EIA.Analysis of samples indicating the following be submitted:

Characteristics of coal prior to washing (this includes grade of coal, othercharacteristics of ash, S and heavy levels of metals such as Hg, As, Pb, Cr etc).Characteristics and quantum of coal after washing.Characteristics and quantum of coal rejects.

Details of management/disposal/use of coal rejects should be provided. The rejects shouldbe used in TPP located close to the washery as far as possible. If TPP is within areasonable distance (10 km), transportation should be by conveyor belt. If it is far away, thetransportation should be by rail as far as possible.Copies of MOU/Agreement with linkages (for stand-alone washery) for the capacity forwhich EC is being sought should be submitted.Corporate Environment Responsibility:

a) The Company must have a well laid down Environment Policy approved by theBoard of Directors.

b) The Environment Policy must prescribe for standard operating process/procedures tobring into focus any infringements/deviation/violation of the environmental or forestnorms/conditions.

c) To have proper checks and balances, the company should have a well laid downsystem of reporting of non-compliances/violations of environmental norms to theBoard of Directors of the company and/or shareholders or stakeholders at large.

A detailed action Plan for Corporate Social Responsibility for the project affected peopleand people living in and around the project area should be provided.Permission of drawl of water shall be pre-requisite for consideration of EC.Wastewater /effluent should confirm to the effluent standards as prescribed underEnvironment (Protection) Act, 1986Details of washed coal, middling and rejects along with the MoU with the end-users shouldbe submitted.




Washery 2.5 MTPA of MIs Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd 418_2015_ TORPage 4 of 5

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B. General Conditions

(i) All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered.(ii) Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.(iii) Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional languages.(iv) After the preparation of the draft EIA-EMP Report as per the aforesaid TOR, the

proponent shall get the Public Hearing conducted as prescribed in the EIA Notification2006 and take necessary action for obtaining environmental clearance under theprovisions of the EIA Notification 2006.

(v) The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach a copy ofthe letter prescribing the TOR.

(vi) The copy of the letter received from the Ministry on the TOR prescribed for the projectshould be attached as an annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.

(vii) The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issues in -ORand that raised in Public Hearing. The index of the final EIA-EMP report, must Indicatethe specific chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report where the specific -:-ORprescribed by Ministry and the issue raised in the P.H. have been incorporated. Mi:1ingQuestionnaire (posted on MOEF website) with all sections duly filled in shall also besubmitted at the time of applying for EC.

(viii) General Instructions for the preparation and presentation before the EAC of TOR/ECprojects of Coal Sector should be incorporated/followed.

(ix) The aforesaid TOR has a validity of two years only.(x) Grant of TOR does not necessarily mean grant of EC.(xi) Grant of TOR/EC to the present project does not necessarily mean grant of TORIES to

the captive/linked project.(xii) Grant of TOR/EC to the present project does not necessarily mean grant of approvals

in other regulations such as the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 or the Wildlife(Protection) Act, 1972.

(xiii) Grant of EC is also subject to circulars issued under the EIA Notification 2006, whichare available on the MOEF website:

4. You are required to submit the final EIA/EMP prepared as per TORs to the Min strywithin 3 years as per this Ministry's a.M. No.J-11013/41/2006-IA. II (I) dated 22nd August, 2014 forconsidering the proposal for environmental clearance

5. The consultants involved in the preparation of EIA/EMP report after accreditation withQuality Council of India I National Accreditation Board of Education and Training (QCIINABET)would need to include a certificate in this regard in the EIA/EMP reports prepared by them anddata provided by other Organization(s)/Laboratories including their status of approvals etc. 'tideNotification of the MoEF dated 19th July, 2013. J


Scientist ECopy to:

The Member Secretary, Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board, Commercial Complex,C.G. Housing Board Colony, Kabir Nagar, Raipur Chhattisgarh - 492 099

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Page 12: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

TOR Compliance 1

Compliance made on TOR issued by MoEF&CC, New Delhi vide letter no. J-11015/418/2015-IA-II (M) dated 29th February 2016 for Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd.

A. Generic TOR for Coal Washery

TOR No. TOR point TOR compliance

i. Siting of washery is critical considering to its environmental impacts. Preference should be given to the site located at pit head; in case such a site is not available, the site should be as close to the pit head as possible and coal should be transported from mine to the washery preferably through closed conveyer belt to avoid air pollution.

Kindly refer to page no. 5.1 of Chapter 5 of EIA report for alternate site considered for the proposed coal washery.

Total land envisaged at the Ghutku is 24.54 acres.

ROM Coal from SECL mines, Washed coal & Washery reject will be transported by Road / Rail.

Railway siding is envisaged in the proposed project.

Transportation of Raw Coal from the SECL mines in the region depends on their rail connectivity, availability of rakes for short distance and permission from SECL to do so.

Washed coal from the plant will be transported by Rail / road in covered trucks directly to the customer. The mode of transport of washed coal will depend on the MoU with the customers who may have either road transport or rail transport.

All requisite environment protection measures such as dust suppression system, use of covered trucks for transport of raw & washed coals, development of greenbelt in the plant site as per CPCB norms, adoption of zero liquid effluent discharge, etc. will be implemented and operated duly complying with the norms.

ii. The washery shall not be located in eco-sensitive zones areas. Proposed coal washery is not located in the Eco-sensitive areas, kindly refer to page no. 2.3 of Chapter 2 of EIA report for Environmental setting within 10 Kms. radius of the project site.

iii. The washery should have a closed system and zero discharge. The storm drainage should be treated in settling ponds before discharging into rivers/streams/water bodies

Kindly refer to page no. 10.5 of Chapter 10 of EIA report for Waste water management plan.

Page 13: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

TOR Compliance 2

TOR No. TOR point TOR compliance

iv. A thick Green belt of about 50 m width should be developed surrounding the washery.

Kindly refer to page no. 10.11 of Chapter 10 of EIA report for Greenbelt development plan.

v. A brief description of the plant along with a layout, the specific technology used and the source of coal should be provided.

Kindly refer to page no. 2.9 of Chapter 2 of EIA report for brief description of plant with manufacturing process. Kindly refer to Annexure - 1 for plant layout.

vi. The EIA-EMP Report should cover the impacts and management plan for the project of the capacity for which EC is sought and the impacts of specific activities, including the technology used and coal used, on the environment of the area (within 10km radius), and the environmental quality of air, water, land, biotic community, etc. through collection of data and information, generation of data on impacts for the rated capacity. Cumulative impacts for air and water should be a part of EIA in case coal mine, TPP and other washeries are located within 10km radius. The EIA should also include mitigative measures needed to minimize adverse environmental impacts.

Kindly refer to Chapter 10 of EIA report for Environment Management Plan. Kindly refer to page no. 2.9 of Chapter 2 of EIA report for technology used. Kindly refer to Chapter 3 of EIA report for Baseline data on Air, Water (Ground & Surface), Soil, Noise & Biological Environment.

vii. A Study Area Map of the core zone as well as the 10km area of buffer zone showing major industries / mines and other polluting sources should be submitted. These maps shall also indicate the migratory corridors of fauna, if any and areas of endangered fauna; plants of medicinal and economic importance; any ecologically sensitive areas within the 10 km buffer zone; the shortest distance from the National Park/WL Sanctuary Tiger Reserve, etc. along with the comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden of the State Government

Kindly refer to Annexure – 2 for study area map showing major industries within 10 Km. radius of the project site. There are no mines within 10 Km. radius of the project site. There are no ecologically sensitive areas within 10 Km. radius of the project site.

viii. Data of one-season (non-monsoon) primary- base-line data on environmental quality of air (PM10, PM2.5, SOx and NOx, noise, water (surface and groundwater), soil be submitted

Kindly refer to Chapter 3 of EIA report for Baseline data on Air, Water (Ground & Surface), Soil, Noise & Biological Environment.

ix. The wet washery should generally utilize mine water only. In case mine water is not available, the option of storage of rain water and its use should be examined. Use of surface water and ground water should be avoided.

Proposed coal washery is not located in the Mine area, hence mine pit water cannot be used. Water required for proposed washery will be sourced from Ground water source.

Page 14: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

TOR Compliance 3

TOR No. TOR point TOR compliance

Rain water storage structure will be constructed in the proposed project and stored water will be utilized for the coal washery. Kindly refer to page no. 10.12 of Chapter 10 of EIA report for Rain Water Harvesting calculation.

x. Detailed water balance should be provided. The break-up of water requirement as per different activities in the mining operations vis-a-vis washery should be given. If the source of water is from surface water and/or ground water, the same may be justified besides obtaining approval of the Competent Authority for its drawl.

Kindly refer to page no. 4.5 of Chapter 4 of EIA report for water balance. Application has been submitted to CGWA for abstraction of Ground water. Permission is in advance stage. Recommendation Letter from Collectorate Office, Bilaspur to Regional Director, CGWB is enclosed as Annexure – 3.

xi. The entire sequence of mineral production, transportation, handling, transfer and storage of mineral and waste, if any, and their impacts on air quality should be shown in a flow chart with specific points where fugitive emissions can arise and specific pollution control/mitigative measures proposed to be put in place. The washed coal and rejects should be transport by train as far as possible. Road transport of washed coal and rejects should generally be avoided. In case, the TPP is within 10km radius, it should be through conveyer belt. If transport by rail is not feasible because of the topography of the area, the option for transport by road be examined in detail and its impacts along with the mitigation measures should be clearly brought out in EIA/EMP report.

Kindly refer to page no. 4.11 of Chapter 4 of EIA report for transportation details. Kindly refer to Annexure – 11 for Transportation route. Kindly refer to Annexure – 12 for Schematic diagram showing the emission sources Kindly refer to Annexure – 13 for Traffic Study

xii. Details of various facilities proposed to be provided in terms of parking, rest areas, canteen etc. to the personnel involved in mineral transportation, workshop and effluents/pollution load from these activities should be provided.

Kindly refer to page no. 10.1 of Chapter 10 of EIA report for various facilities provided.

Ample parking facility will be provided for Parking of Heavy vehicles.

Canteen facility will be provided at the plant site. Waste water generated will be sanitary waste water which will be treated in Septic tank followed by subsurface dispersion trench.

Rest rooms will be provided at site for the transport personnel.

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

TOR Compliance 4

TOR No. TOR point TOR compliance

xiii. Impacts of CHP, if any, on air and water quality should also be spelt out along with Action Plan.

Kindly refer to Chapter 10 of EIA report for detailed Environment Management Plan.

xiv. O.M. no. J-11013/25/2014-IA.1 dated 11th August, 2014 to be followed with regard to CSR activities.

Office Memorandum with regard to CSR will be followed.

xv. Details of Public Hearing, Notice(s) issued in newspapers, proceedings / minutes of Public Hearing, points raised by the general public and response/commitments made by the proponent along with the Action Plan and budgetary provisions be submitted in tabular form. If the Public Hearing is in the regional language, an authenticated English translation of the same should be provided. Status of any litigations / court cases filed/pending, if any, against the project should be mentioned in EIA

Kindly refer to Annexure – 15 (a) & 15 (b)

xvi. Analysis of samples indicating the following be submitted: Characteristics of coal prior to washing (this includes grade of coal, other characteristics of ash, S and heavy levels of metals such as Hg, As, Pb, Cr etc). Characteristics and quantum of coal after washing. Characteristics and quantum of coal rejects

Presently we are in project stage; hence analysis report is not possible. Pertaining to quantum we hereby like to state that about 2500000 Tons/ year of ROM coal will be processed to produce 2000000 Tons/ year Washed Coal and 500000 Tons/ year Rejects.

xvii. Details of management/disposal/use of coal rejects should be provided. The rejects should be used in TPP located close to the washery as far as possible. If TPP is within a reasonable distance (10 km), transportation should be by conveyor belt. If it is far away, the transportation should be by rail as far as possible.

Kindly refer to page no. 10.7 of Chapter 10 of EIA report for Solid waste management details. Kindly refer to Annexure – 4 for MoU for utilization of washery reject.

xviii. Copies of MOU/Agreement with linkages (for stand-alone washery) for the capacity for which EC is being sought should be submitted

Kindly refer to Annexure – 4 & 5 for MoU with clients for Raw Coal and Washery Rejects.

xix. Corporate Environment Responsibility

a) The Company must have a well laid down Environment Policy approved by the Board of Directors.

Kindly refer to Annexure – 6 for Corporate Environment Policy of company.

b) The Environment Policy must prescribe for standard operating process / procedures to bring into focus any infringements / deviation / violation of the environmental or forest norms /

Page 16: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

TOR Compliance 5

TOR No. TOR point TOR compliance


c) To have proper checks and balances, the company should have a well laid down system of reporting of non-compliances/violations of environmental norms to the Board of Directors of the company and/or shareholders or stakeholders at large

xx. A detailed action Plan for Corporate Social Responsibility for the project affected people and people living in and around the project area should be provided

Kindly refer to page no.8.2 of Chapter 8 of EIA report for action plan for Corporate Social Responsibility.

xxi. Permission of drawl of water shall be pre-requisite for consideration of EC. Application has been submitted to CGWA for abstraction of Ground water. Permission is in advance stage. Recommendation Letter from Collectorate Office, Bilaspur to Regional Director, CGWB is enclosed as Annexure – 3.

xxii. Wastewater / effluent should confirm to the effluent standards as prescribed under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

Kindly refer to page no. 10.5 of Chapter 6 of EIA report for wastewater management plan.

xxiii. Details of washed coal, middling and rejects along with the MoU with the end users should be submitted.

2500000 Tons/ year of ROM coal will be processed to produce 2000000 Tons/ year Washed Coal and 500000 Tons/ year Rejects. Kindly refer to Annexure – 4 & 5 for MoU with clients for Raw Coal and Washery Rejects.

B. Specific Terms of Reference

TOR No. Additional TOR point TOR compliance

1. Washery shall be located keeping the required distance from the nearest railway line, as stipulated under the Railway regulations

Kindly refer to Annexure – 7 for letter from Railway regarding the distance between railway line and project site.

2. Ground water permission from Central Ground Water Authority be obtained

Application has been submitted to CGWA for abstraction of Ground water. Permission is in advance stage. Recommendation Letter from Collectorate Office, Bilaspur to Regional Director, CGWB is enclosed as Annexure – 3.

Page 17: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 1 1.1




Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd. propose to set up a new Wet type Coal Washery of 2.5 MTPA

capacity at Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District of Chhattisgarh State.

As per the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, New Delhi EIA notification,

dated 14th September and its subsequent amendments, 2006 all coal washeries above 1.0

MTPA are classified under Category ‘A’ of activity type 2(a).

The project was considered by the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) – Coal Mining,

MoEF&CC, New Delhi, based on the Form I and Prefeasibility report on the project in its 49th

& 51st EAC Meeting held on 7th January 2016 & 5th February 2016. Terms of Reference were

issued by MoEF&CC, New Delhi vide letter no. J-11015/418/2015-IA-II(M) dated 29th

February 2016. Draft EIA report was prepared in accordance with the TOR accorded &

submitted for Public Consultation to Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board (CECB).

Accordingly, CECB has conducted Public Consultation on 22nd February 2017. Final EIA report

is prepared by incorporating Public Consultation minutes and its compliance.

Pioneer Enviro Laboratories & Consultants Private Limited, Hyderabad, which is accredited by

NABET, Quality Council of India, vide certificate No. NABET/ EIA/ 1619/ RA 026, for

conducting EIA studies for coal washery projects, have prepared Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA) report for the proposed Coal washery plant.

This report furnishes the details of location of Site, Description of the project, prevailing

baseline status w.r.t Air Environment, Water Environment, Noise Environment, Land

Environment, Flora & Fauna and Socio-economic environment. This report also helps in

identification of environmental impacts and suggesting mitigation measures to be followed

during Construction and Operation of the proposed project as a part of Environmental

Management Plan. This report also acts as guidance manual for the proponent for following

the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and for adopting post project Environmental

Monitoring Program as per statutory norms.


Page 18: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 1 1.2


Identification of Project Proponent

Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd. is a company involved in the business of Coal Washing, Coal

Trading and Coal Transportation both by Road & Rail in the State of Chhattisgarh & Madhya

Pradesh. Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd. undertake transportation of Raw coal from Mines to

the premises of the end-user, or transportation the Washed Coal from Mines to our Coal

Washery and after processing the same, transport the Washed Coal to the premises of the

end-user strictly following the mutually agreed upon terms and conditions. Phil Coal

Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd. also undertake Liaison jobs with SECL and/ or other departments as

may be required by the parties concerned.

Dedicated staff of our company is positioned at crucial areas to supervise effective loading of

Coal and to ensure the quality of Coal being loaded. Our pay-loaders are positioned at the

collieries to ensure timely lifting of Coal from stockyards. Availability of our pay-loaders also

ensures loading of good quality coal. It is our company’s policy that no delivery Order is

lapsed thereby saving the end-user companies from any possible penalties on account of

lapse in allotted quantity. Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd. have our fleet of 50 Nos. wagan

multi-axle trailers, apart from 100 high-capacity trailers permanently attached to us thus

making the operations smooth at all times.

Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd. can handle transportation of your coal from Colliery and/ or

from wherever, and also effectively address your clean coal requirement. Phil Coal

Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd. ensure you of timely delivery of coal, thanks to our dedicated team

and our excellent rapport with SECL officials both at Head office and Area levels.

Identification of Project

Coal based power plants will continue to play a leading role in power generation in our

country. About 70% of country’s power is generated from coal-based power plants. Over 200

million tonnes of coal reach the consumers with ash content averaging 40 percent as per the

CPCB report (Clean Coal Initiatives June 2000). Following are the Grades of coal:

Page 19: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 1 1.3

GCV range

Grade Gross Calorific Value (GCV Bands) (K. Cal/Kg)

G 1 Exceeding 7000

G 2 Exceeding 6700 & not exceeding 7000

G 3 Exceeding 6400 & not exceeding 6700

G 4 Exceeding 6100 & not exceeding 6400

G 5 Exceeding 5800 & not exceeding 6100

G 6 Exceeding 5500 & not exceeding 5800

G 7 Exceeding 5200 & not exceeding 5500

G 8 Exceeding 4900 & not exceeding 5200

G 9 Exceeding 4600 & not exceeding 4900

G 10 Exceeding 4300 & not exceeding 4600

G 11 Exceeding 4000 & not exceeding 4300

G 12 Exceeding 3700 & not exceeding 4000

G 13 Exceeding 3400 & not exceeding 3700

G 14 Exceeding 3100 & not exceeding 3400

G 15 Exceeding 2800 & not exceeding 3100

G 16 Exceeding 2500 & not exceeding 2800

G 17 Exceeding 2200 & not exceeding 2500

High ash content in the coal supplied to the power plants not only poses environmental

problems but also results in poor plant performance and high cost for Operation &

Maintenance and fly ash disposal.

Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change made it mandatory for coal based thermal

power plants located beyond 1000 km from the pit head etc. to use beneficiated coal with an

ash content not exceeding 34 % w.e.f 01.06.2001. MoEF&CC further made certain rules

making it mandatory to use raw to blended to beneficiated coal with as content not

exceeding 34 % on quarterly basis in stand-alone thermal power plant (TPP) & Captive TPP (≥

100 MW) reducing he distance to 500 Km etc.

Most of the non-coking coal reserves are of very low grade. Good quantity coal reserves are

depleting fast. Demand for coal is increasing due to higher demand from steel, power and

cement sectors. As a result, demand for beneficiated coal with ash content not exceeding 34

% would significantly increase.

Benefits of Using Washed Coal Increased generation efficiency, mainly due to the reduction in energy loss as inert

material passes through the combustion process.

Increased plant viability.

Page 20: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 1 1.4

Reduced investment costs.

Reduced operation and maintenance (O&M) costs due to less wear and reduced costs

for fuel and ash handling

Energy conservation in the transportation sector and lower transportation costs

Less impurities and improved coal quality

Reduced load on the air pollution control system; and

Reduction in the amount of ash that has to be disposed off



Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd. is proposing to install 2.5 MTPA using heavy media cyclone

technology coal washery at Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District, Chhattisgarh

State. Total land envisaged for the project is 24.54 acres. The washery will produce washed

coal of average ash around 34 % and rejects. Total cost of the proposed project is Rs. 25.0



Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd. has proposed coal washery with the following capacity:


Capacity (Million Tons/ Year)

Washing of ROM Coal : 2.5

(Heavy Media Cyclone)


The proposed coal washery will be located at Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur

District, Chhattisgarh State.

The General location map and topographical map showing the location of the project site is

shown in Fig. 1.1.

Page 21: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District 2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 1 1.5

Phil Coal Beneficiation

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District 2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 1 1.6

Topo Map

(10 Kms. radius)

Project Site

Page 23: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 1 1.7


At present, there is wide gap between demand and supply of washed coal in our country.

MoEF&CC has made it mandatory w.e.f. 05/06/2016 to use coal with ash content not

exceeding 34% in stand-alone thermal power plants located within 500 km. from the pit


The use of washed coal, reduces the ash generation and thereby contributing for better

environment in industries such as cement. sponge iron, power plants

It is a known fact that the quality of Indian coal is poor in comparison to coal from some

other countries due to higher ash content and low calorific value. It is said to be due to

geological reasons. Improvement in the quality of coal can be brought about through its

beneficiation. It has become essential because of the MoEF&CC notifications whereby the

Power Plant which are more than a 500 kms away from the pit head are require to use coal

having as not exceeding 34 %.

Cleaner production technologies are being used / practiced in coal washeries in India, as pre-

combustion clean coal technology, mainly focuss on cleaning of coal by reducing ash from


The project creates employment to about 75 persons once the plant is commissioned and

for 150 persons during construction stage. Priority will be given to locals for Semi-Skilled and

Unskilled jobs. With the implementation of the proposed project, there will be lot of scope

for more industrial investments which in turn will benefit the nation.


The scope of work includes a detailed characterization of the environment in an area of 10

Km. radius around the periphery of the proposed project boundary for various

environmental parameters like Air environment, Water environment, Noise environment,

Land environment, Biological environment, Socio-economic aspects etc. The EIA Report has

been prepared based on TOR issued by MoEF&CC, New Delhi following the generic structure

given in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report as per the EIA notification of the

MoEF&CC, GoI dated 14th September 2006 and its subsequent amendments is detailed


Page 24: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 1 1.8

Chapter No. EIA Structure

1. Introduction

2. Project Description

3. Description of the Environment

4. Anticipated Environmental Impact & Mitigation Measures

5. Analysis of Alternatives (Technology & Site)

6. Environmental Monitoring Program

7. Additional Studies

8. Project Benefits

9. Environmental Cost – Benefit Analysis

10. Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

11. Summary & Conclusion

12. Disclosure of Consultant engaged

Page 25: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 1 1.9


Page 26: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 2 2.1




Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd.proposes to set up a new Wet type Coal Washery of 2.5

MTPA capacity at Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District of Chhattisgarh State.

Total land envisaged for the proposed project is 24.54 acres. The washery will produce 2.0

MTPA of washed coal and the remaining of 0.5 rejects.


The proposed washery will be located at Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

of Chhattisgarh State. The site photographs area shown in the Figure 1. The following are

the coordinates of the project site (including Railway siding):

Point No. Coordinates

1. 22° 9'24.84"N82° 5'24.52"E

2. 22° 9'26.42"N82° 5'26.07"E

3. 22° 9'24.71"N22° 9'24.71"N

4. 22° 9'21.24"N 82° 5'32.85"E

5. 22° 9'24.54"N 82° 5'33.56"E

6. 22° 9'27.38"N 82° 5'35.45"E

7. 22° 9'24.16"N 82° 5'41.15"E

8. 22° 9'16.20"N 82° 5'36.63"E

9. 22° 9'8.07"N 82° 5'34.33"E

10. 22° 9'12.53"N 82° 5'29.66"E

11. 22° 9'20.32"N 82° 5'27.14"E


'■"II Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Page 27: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 2 2.2

Fig. –2.1

^ Phil Group

Coal Washeries



Page 28: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report - Chapter 2 2.3


[Gen. TOR # ii]

The following General factors have also been considered in the selection of site.

a. Availability of suitable and adequate facilities.

b. Availability of water.

c. Availability of Transmission line.

d. Availability of man power.

e. Availability of infrastructural facilities.

f. Availability of Railway line for Railway siding

The Salient Features / environmental features within the 10 Km. radius around the project


S.No. Description Distance w.r.t. site / Remarks

1. Type of Land (Project Site) Single Crop Land

2. Type of Land (Study Area) As per LULC study, the land use within 10 Km. is as follows: Settlements – 5.9 %; Industrial Area - 2.3 %; Tank / River etc. – 7.5 %; Single crop land – 55.0 %; Double Crop – 10.3%; Plantation – 0.5 %; Land with scrub – 8.3 %; Land without scrub – 6.1 %; Stony waste area – 4.1%

3. National Park/ Wild life sanctuary / Biosphere reserve / Tiger Reserve / Elephant Corridor / migratory routes for Birds


4. Historical places / Places of Tourist importance / Archeological sites


5. Industrial areas / cluster (MoEF&CC office memorandum dated 13thJanuary 2010)


6. Defence Installations None

7. Nearest village Karhipara – 0.7 Km. (SE)

8. No. of Villages in the Study Area 70

9. Nearest Hospital Ghutku – 1.8Kms.(N)

10. Nearest School Ghutku – 2.0Kms.(N)

11. Forests No forest land within 10 Kms. radius of the project site.

12. Water body Arpa river – 2.0Kms. Kurung Right Bank Canal – 6.0Kms. GhonghaNadi – 7.5Kms. GokenaNallah – 2.5Kms. Fewpondsexistsin the buffer zone

PHII Phil Group

Coal Washeries


Page 29: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report - Chapter 2 2.4

S.No. Description Distance w.r.t. site / Remarks

No River / Stream passes through the proposed project site.

13. List of Industries / Mining activity M/s. Phil Minerals Beneficiation& Energy Pvt.Ltd. – Coal Crusher (SSE – 3.0Kms.) M/s. Bhatia Coal – Coal Crusher (S – 1.9Kms.) M/s. Paras Power &Coal Beneficiation Ltd. (Proposed Coal Washery) (W – 0.2 Kms.)

14. Nearest Highway SH # 7 – 5.0 Kms. SH # 8 – 4.3 Kms. NH # 200 – 9.0Kms.

15. Nearest Railway station Ghutku R.S. – 1.0Kms.

16. Nearest Port facility None

17. Nearest Airport None

18. Nearest Interstate Boundary No interstate boundary within 10 Km radius of the project site. (Nearest interstate boundary is Madhya Pradesh at a distance of 64.0kms. from the Project site)

19. Seismic zoneas per IS-1893 Seismic zone – II

20. R & R There is no rehabilitation and resettlement issue, as there are no habitations present in the site area.

21. Litigation / court case is pending against the proposed project / proposed site and or any direction passed by the court of law against the project



Total land envisaged for the proposed project is 24.54 acres and same is in possession of

management.Khasra no. of the 24.54 acres of land are 2755/3, 2941, 2942, 2943, 2944,

2948,2952, 2953, 2954, 2955, 2956, 2957, 2958, 2962, 2963, 2965, 2968, 2972, 2755/3,

2755/5, 2756/1, 2756/2, 2758/3, 2759/1, 2759/2, 2782/1, 2787/2, 2807/2, 2807/3, 2942/1,

2942/2, 2946/2, 2947/1, 2947/2, 2947/3, 2950/3, 2951/2, 2951/2, 2951/4, 2955/6, 2959/1,

2959/2, 2959/3, 2964/1, 2971/1, 2971/2, 2971/3, 2971/4at Ghutku Village, Takhatpur

Tehsil, Bilaspur District of Chhattisgarh State.Land document are given in Annexure –8.

PHII Phil Group

Coal Washeries


Page 30: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report - Chapter 2 2.5

The following is the land use break up of project site:

S.No. Description Area (in Acres)

1. Main Plant Area 4.00

2. Raw Coal Storage Yard 2.00

3. Washed Coal Storage Yard 1.50

4. Rejects storage 1.00

5. Water Storage and Rain Water Harvesting 0.79

6. Internal Roads 1.00

7. Green Belt 8.25

8. Railway siding 6.00

TOTAL 24.54

Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Green Belt 33.6%

Railway siding 24.4%

Main Want Area 16.3%

Raw Coal Storage Yard 8.1%

Internal Roads 4.1%

Water Storage and Rain. Water Harvesting Rejects storage.

3.2% 4.1% .Washed Coal Storage Yard


Page 31: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District 2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 2 2.6

Topo Map (10 Kms. radius)

Project Site

Fig. 2.2

I'MII Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Z2'14D7J —

22" 100'M'



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Page 32: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 2 2.7


Phil Coal BeneficiationPvt. Ltd.has proposed a coal washery with the following capacity:


Capacity (Million Tons/ Year)

Washing of ROM Coal : 2.5 (Heavy Media Cyclone)

The plant will be operated for a maximum of 330 days in a year.


The project cost envisaged for the proposed project is Rs. 25.00Crores.


The proposedproject will be implemented in 12 months from the date of issue of

Environmental Clearance and NOC from CECB.



The following will be the raw material requirement for proposed project

S.No. Raw Material

Quantity (MTPA)


1. Raw Coal 2.5 Coal will be sourced from SECL mines namely Deepka, Gevra, Kusmunda and other minesof

South Eastern Coalfield Limited [on DO basis]



Coal stock yard (Raw coal, Washed coal &Washery rejects) will be kept in Storage

bunkers with pucca platform above ground level provided with wind shields / wind

breaking walls.

Garland drains will be provided all-round the storage yard. The runoff water from the

yard will enter into garland drain and will be collected in settling tank. The

supernatant will be utilised for plantation development.

Phil Group

Coal Washeries


Page 33: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 2 2.8


The ROM coal from SECL mines mainly fromDeepka, Gevra, Kusmunda and other

SECL mines will be transported by Road / Rail.

Washed coal and Washery rejects will be transported to parties through Road / Rail


Railway siding is envisaged in the proposed project and will be served from Ghutku

Railway Station, at distance of 1.0 Km. from the project site.

Rail transportation will be served from Ghutku Railway Siding.

Transportation of Raw Coal from the SECL mines in the region depends on their rail

connectivity, availability of rakes for short distance and permission from SECL to do


Transportation to the nearby client and those not linked to rail network will be by


Washed coal from the plant will be transported by Rail / road in covered trucks

directly to the customer. The mode of transport of washed coal will depend on the

MoU with the customers who may have either road transport or rail transport.

All the trucks used for transportation of raw materials will be covered.

Total nos. of trucks required for the transportation of Raw material and product will

be 280.

Pucca road exist upto the site. The existing road is capable of absorbing this additional

truck movement.

List of customer to whom washed coal will be given are:

S.No. Name of Company Washed Coal Requirement (MTPA)

1. M/s. KSK Energy Ventures Ltd. 1.92

2. M/s. Jaiprakash Power Venture Ltd. 0.82

Total 2.74

Copy of MoU with the above company are enclosed as Annexure –5.

Phil Group

Coal Washeries


Page 34: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 2 2.9


Wet coal beneficiation process has been selected as it is less polluting as compared to the

dry process and suit to the specific customer’s requirement of lower ash content coal. It

has been planned to adopted Heavy Media Cyclone technology with closed circuit water

system to ensure zero effluent discharge.

The process comprises coal crushing, screening, washing and materials handling to

produce clean coal with ash content between 28% to 32%. The washery will generate

rejects, which will be sold to the prospective buyers.

ROM coal received from Coal Mines, mainly from Deepka, Gevra, Kusmunda and

other SECL mines, to the washery plant will be fed to the ground hopper. From there

it will be subjected to closed circuit crushing and screening.

Sized Raw Coal(-) 50 mm will be fed to the Washing Plant building through belt

conveyor. The sized raw coal will be fed into a Banana Screen.

The first part of Banana Screen will dry screen raw coal at 8 mm to separate (–)8 mm

fraction which will be taken to a ground dump and will be mixed with washed coal.

The second part of the banana screen will wet screen the raw coal at (–)1 mm for


The deslimed coal [coarser fraction of (-)50 (+)1mm] goes to the HM process. The

magnetite media of required specific gravity will be added in the heavy media

process to get mixed with the coal.

The Cyclone will have overflow and underflow. The washed coal along with

magnetite media will be received as overflow, from the cyclone and will be fed to a

set of washed coal sieve bend and Washed Coal Drain & Rinsing Screen.

The Magnetite media separated through sieve bend and first part of the screen and

will be collected in the screen’s dense under pans. The same will be circulated back

to the system.

The carried away magnetite with the coal particles are removed by water spraying in

the discharge part of the screens.

The magnetite removed from coal by water spraying will be collected in the dilute

catch pan of screen as dilute media. The magnetite from dilute media will be

recovered through Wet Drum Magnetic Separator.

Phil Group

Coal Washeries


Page 35: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 2 2.10

The washed coal collected at discharge end of screen will then be transported to

storage bunker through belt conveyor.

The reject from the HM Bath / cyclone will be fed to a drain and rinsing screen to

take out the media and then transported to the bunker through belt conveyor.

The underflow from desliming screen collected in the fine coal sump will be pumped

to a back to classifying cyclone. The underflow of classifying cyclone will be

dewatered in High Frequency screen.

The overflow of classifying cyclone will be taken to the Thickener. Effluent from High

Frequency Screen will also be taken to the Thickener.

The clarified water from the thickener overflow will be recycled as process water and

fed to the plant.

Thickener underflow will be sent to cascading type settling pond.

Clarified water from settling pond shall be pumped back to plant as process water.

The settled solid (fine coal) from the settling pond shall be mixed with washed coal.

The production process flow chart is enclosed as Fig 2.3


S.No. Parameters ROM Coal Washed Coal Rejects

1. Ash % 40 – 44 28 – 32 65 - 70

2. Moisture % Total 7.50 12.00 10.00

Inherent 6.00 7.00 4.50

3. GCV (Kcal/Kg) 3600 – 3800 4800 – 5000 1000 - 1200

4. Volatile Matter % 25.00 28.50 18.00

5. Fixed carbon % 28 – 30 38 – 40 8 - 14

6. Yield % 100 75 – 80 20 - 25

7. Sulphur % 0.5 0.5 0.5

8. Mercury (As Hg), Mg/Kg <0.10 <0.10 <0.10

Phil Group

Coal Washeries


Page 36: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 2 2.11

Fig. 2.3

rmi Phil Group

Coal Washeries


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Page 37: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 2 2.12



S.No. Item Quantity (TPA) Item Quantity (TPA)

1 Raw Coal 2500000 Washed Coal 2500000

2 Rejects 500000

Total 2500000 Total 2500000



Water will be sprayed at all strategic coal transfer points such as conveyors, loading

unloading points etc.

Conveyors, transfer points etc. will be provided with enclosures.

Crusher will be provided with Dust extraction systemfollowed by Bag filters and finally

emitted through a stack of 30 m height.

Water sprinkling by using fine atomizer nozzles arrangement on the coal heaps and

on land around the crushers.

Internal roads will be asphalted / concrete.

Green belt will be developed along the road side, coal handling plant and all around

the boundary project site using native plant species.

Storage bunkers, hoppers, rubber decks in chutes and centrifugal chutes will be

provided with proper rubber linings.

Vehicles movement in the coal washery area will be regulated effectively to avoid

traffic congestion. High pressure horn will be prohibited.

Smoke emission from heavy duty vehicle operating in the coal washery will be

according to the standards prescribed under the Motor Vehicle Rules 1989.

All the CREP recommendations will be followed.


Closed loop water system is envisaged, hence there will not be any waste water

generation from process.

Process wastewater will be recycled back in the washing circuit.

Sanitary waste will be treated in septic tank by Sub-surface dispersion trench.

Phil Group

Coal Washeries


Page 38: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 2 2.13

The effluent from the plant will be sent to the thickener. Flocculants (Anionic &

Cationic) will be added to facilitate settling of suspended solids and give a clearer


The solids which are collected in the bottom of the thickener will be pumped to the

Multi Roll Belt Press for reclamation of water. The solid dried cake will be blended

with rejects.

The overflow of the thickener which is clear water will be recycled.

High efficiency centrifuge, belt press fitter, high frequency screening and thickener

will be installed to optimize water recovery from the washing circuit.

The proposed plant is a zero effluent plant.

All the MoEF&CC norms/CREP recommendations for coal washeries will be complied



The major noise levels will be confined to the working zones of the plant.Acoustic

enclosures will be provided, wherever required to reduce noise levels. High noise horn will

be prohibited. Ear plugs will be provided to all employees who will enter into the noise

prone areas. Extensive greenbelt proposed will help in attenuating the noise levels.

Workers will be subjected to general health checkup as required under the Factories Act.


Hazardous waste in the form of used batteries and waste oil from standby DG Set will be

properly stored and sold to authorized vendors.

Washery rejects will be generated from the proposed coal washery unit. Washery rejects

of 0.50 MTPA will be given to Power plants of M/s. Hira Ferro Alloys Ltd & M/s. INDSIL

Energy & Electrochemicals Pvt. Ltd.

MoU copy for supply of washery rejects is enclosed as Annexure - 4.

Hence there will not be any adverse impact on land environment due to the solid waste


Phil Group

Coal Washeries


Page 39: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 2 2.14


10 M wide greenbeltalong with project boundary will be developed as per CPCB



All Internal roads will be asphalted to prevent the fugitive dust emission due to vehicular




Coal washery technologiesare well proven all over the world. Hence there will not be any

risk of technological failure from this plant.

Phil Group

Coal Washeries


Page 40: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.1




This chapter describes he existing environmental status of the study area with reference to

the prominent environmental attributes. The main objective of describing the environment is

to assess present environmental quality & the environmental impacts. The study area 10 Km.

radius of the plant site falls is covered in Survey of India Toposheet No. 64 J/4.

The impact identification always commences with the collection of baseline data such as

ambient air quality, ground water quality, surface water quality, noise levels, land

environment, land use pattern, flora & fauna and socio economic aspects within the study

area, the baseline data was monitored during pre-monsoon season (March 2016 – May 2016).



Meteorology of the study area plays an important role in the air pollution studies. The

prevailing micro meteorological conditions at the site will regulate the dispersion and dilution

of air pollutants in the atmosphere. The predominant wind directions and the wind speed will

decide the direction and distance of the most affected zone from the proposed activity. The

meteorological data collected during the monitoring period is very useful in interpretation of

baseline as input for dispersion models for predicting the Ground Level Concentrations (GLC).


A temporary Weather Monitoring Station was installed at the project site and temperature,

relative humidity, wind direction, wind speed, rainfall, etc. were recorded during March 2016

to May 2016.

Cloud cover

During the study period, no clouds were seen and sky was very clear.


Page 41: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.2


The average annual rainfall of the district is 1171 mm. There is no rainfall recorded during the

study period.


The maximum temperature recorded was 45.3 0C and the minimum temperature was 18.5 0C

at the project site.

Relative Humidity

The relative humidity recorded ranged from 35% to 60%.

Wind Pattern at Project Site during the study period

Wind rose from the nearest IMD Raipur (Mana), Chhattisgarh has been collected.

Weather monitoring station was established at site to collect micro meteorological data.

Wind speed and direction were recorded at site every hour.

The wind rose shows that winds are predominantly blowing from SW to NE direction. The

wind rose diagram of winter season is shown in fig 3.1

Page 42: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.3

Page 43: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.4


The ambient air quality with respect to the study zone of 10 km. radius around the project

site forms the baseline information. The study area represents mostly rural environment. The

various sources of air pollution in the region are vehicular traffic, dust arising from unpaved

village roads & domestic fuel burning. The Prime objective of baseline air quality survey is to

assess the existing air quality of the area. This will also be useful is assessing the conformity to

standards of the ambient air quality during the operation of the proposed project. SELECTION OF SAMPLING STATIONS

The base line status of the ambient air quality can be assessed through scientifically designed

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network.

The selection of sampling locations in the air quality surveillance programme is based on the


(a) Representation of the project site.

(b) Representation of down wind direction.

(c) Representation of upwind direction.

(d) Representation of cross wind direction.

(e) Representation of Industrial area.

(f) Representation of sensitive receptors.

8 nos. of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations were established with in the study zone of

the plant area in accordance with CPCB guidelines.

The sampling locations and their distances are shown in Table 3.1.2 and in Fig 3.2. The Max.,

Min., and 98th percentile values for all the sampling locations for PM2.5, PM10, SO2 and NOX are

shown in Table 3.1.3 to 3.1.10. PARAMETERS MONITORED

Ambient air quality was monitored for 2 days in a week for three months (March 2016 to May

2016) to assess the existing status of air pollution and pollution dispersion pattern over the

whole air basin of plant as per the National Ambient Air Quality Standards vide No. S. No. 826

(E) dated 16th November, 2009.

Page 44: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.5

At each Monitoring location Particulate Matter (PM2.5), Particulate Matter (PM10), SO2 & NOX


APM 550 dust sampler was used for monitoring PM10, PM2.5, SO2 and NOx. PM10 & PM2.5 were

estimated by Gravimetric method, EPA Modified West & Gaeke method (IS –5182, part III

1969) was adopted for estimation of SO2 and Arsenite modified Jacob – Hochheiser method

(IS –5182, part IV, 1975) has been adopted for estimation of NOx.


Calibration charts were prepared for all gaseous pollutants. The Calibration is carried out

when new absorbing solutions are prepared.

TABLE 3.1.1


S.No Parameter Technique Minimum Detectable Limit

(g /m3)

1. Particulate Matter (PM2.5) APM 550 dust sampler (Gravimetric Method)


2. Particulate Matter (PM10) Respirable Dust Sampler (Gravimetric Method)


3. SO2 EPA Modified West & Gaeke method


4. NOx Arsenite modified Jacob & Hochheiser


TABLE 3.1.2



1. Project Site --- --- Represents the Project Site

2. Ghutku NE 1.4 Represents downwind direction

3. Nirtoo NE 1.5 Represents downwind direction

4. Karhipara SE 0.7 Represents Crosswind direction

5. Parsada SW 3.2 Represents Upwind direction

6. Ghana SW 1.4 Represents Upwind direction &

nearest residential receptor

7. Pondi NW 3.0 Represents Crosswind direction

8. Bilaspur SE 8.0 Represents Urban area

(Commercial area)

Page 45: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District 2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 2.6





7 3

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station

(10 Kms. radius)

Monitoring Station















Newara Lamer




1 Project Site


Page 46: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.7

TABLE 3.1.3

Sampling Location: Project Site

Unit : g /m3

Sampling Period: March 2016 to May 2016

Parameter Maximum Minimum 98th percentile Standard as per NAAQS

PM2.5 24.2 21.4 24.2 60

PM10 40.3 35.7 40.3 100

SO2 12.5 10.9 12.5 80

NOX 14.8 13.6 14.8 80

CO 440 365 440 2000

TABLE 3.1.4

Sampling Location: Ghutku

Unit : g /m3

Sampling Period: March 2016 to May 2016

Parameter Maximum Minimum 98th percentile Standard as per NAAQS

PM2.5 24.7 19.5 24.7 60

PM10 41.3 32.6 41.3 100

SO2 11.5 10.8 11.5 80

NOX 14.2 11.9 14.2 80

CO 430 380 430 2000

TABLE 3.1.5

Sampling Location: Nirtoo

Unit : g /m3

Sampling Period: March 2016 to May 2016

Parameter Maximum Minimum 98th percentile Standard as per NAAQS

PM2.5 22.5 18.1 22.5 60

PM10 37.5 30.2 37.5 100

SO2 11.1 9.9 11.1 80

NOX 12.3 10.2 12.3 80

CO 410 390 410 2000

Page 47: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.8

TABLE 3.1.6

Sampling Location: Karhipara

Unit : g /m3

Sampling Period: March 2016 to May 2016

Parameter Maximum Minimum 98th percentile Standard as per NAAQS

PM2.5 26.7 21.9 26.7 60

PM10 44.5 36.5 44.5 100

SO2 15.6 13.4 15.6 80

NOX 17.5 14.9 17.5 80

CO 510 480 510 2000

TABLE 3.1.7

Sampling Location: Parsada

Unit : g /m3

Sampling Period: March 2016 to May 2016

Parameter Maximum Minimum 98th percentile Standard as per NAAQS

PM2.5 19.7 16.8 19.7 60

PM10 34.1 28.1 34.1 100

SO2 9.6 9.2 9.6 80

NOX 11.7 10.2 11.7 80

CO 420 375 420 2000

TABLE 3.1.8

Sampling Location: Ghana

Unit : g /m3

Sampling Period: March 2016 to May 2016

Parameter Maximum Minimum 98th percentile Standard as per NAAQS

PM2.5 21.7 17.7 21.7 60

PM10 36.3 29.5 36.3 100

SO2 8.9 7.8 8.9 80

NOX 9.3 8.6 9.3 80

CO 435 390 435 2000

Page 48: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.9

TABLE 3.1.9

Sampling Location: Pondi

Unit : g /m3

Sampling Period: March 2016 to May 2016

Parameter Maximum Minimum 98th percentile Standard as per NAAQS

PM2.5 22.2 16.7 22.2 60

PM10 37.1 28.1 37.1 100

SO2 10.5 9.5 10.5 80

NOX 12.2 11.1 12.2 80

CO 460 385 460 2000

TABLE 3.1.10

Sampling Location: Bilaspur

Unit : g /m3

Sampling Period: March 2016 to May 2016

Parameter Maximum Minimum 98th percentile Standard as per NAAQS

PM2.5 30.2 23.5 30.2 60

PM10 62.3 44.6 62.3 100

SO2 18.9 16.5 18.9 80

NOX 20.3 17.6 20.3 80

CO 635 565 635 2000

Page 49: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.10

Page 50: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.11

Page 51: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.12

The 98th percentile PM2.5 concentration recorded at the Project site is 24.2 g /m3.

The 98th percentile PM10 concentration recorded at the Project site is 40.3 g /m3.

The 98th percentile SO2 concentration recorded at the Project site is 12.5 g/m3.

The 98th percentile NOx concentration recorded at the Project site is 14.8 g/m3.

The 98th percentile CO concentration recorded at the Project site is 440 g /m3.

The highest 98th percentile PM2.5 concentration was recorded at Bilaspur with a value of

37.4 g/m3.

The highest 98th percentile PM10 concentration was recorded at Bilaspur with a value of

62.3 g/m3.

The highest 98th percentile SO2 concentration was recorded at Bilaspur with a value of 18.9


The highest 98th percentile NOx concentration was recorded at Bilaspur with a value of

20.3 g/m3.

The highest 98th percentile CO concentration was recorded at Bilaspur with a value of 635



The physical description of sound concerns its loudness as a function of frequency. Noise in

general is sound, which is composed of many frequency components of various loudness

distributed over the audible frequency range. Various noise scales have been introduced to

describe, in a single number, the response of an average human being to a complex sound

made up various frequencies at different loudness levels. The most common and heavily

favoured of those scales is the A weighted decibel [dB(A)]. This is more suitable for audible

range of 20 to 20,000 Hertz. The scale has been designed to weigh various components of

noise according to the response of a human ear.

The impact of noise sources on surrounding community depends on

Characteristics of noise sources (instantaneous, intermittent or continuous in

nature). It is well known that steady noise is not as annoying as one that is

continuously varying in loudness.

Page 52: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.13

The time, at which noise occurs, for example loud noise levels at night in residential

areas are not acceptable because of sleep disturbance.

The location of the noise source, with respect to noise sensitive area, which

determines the loudness and period of noise exposure.

The environmental impact of noise can have several effects varying from Noise Induced

Hearing Loss (NIHL) to annoyance depending on loudness of Noise levels.

The environmental impact assessment of noise from the proposed project can be carried

out by taking into consideration of various factors: potential damage to hearing, potential

physiological responses, and annoyance and general community responses.

The main objective of noise level monitoring is to assess the background noise levels in

different zones viz., industrial, commercial, residential and silence zones within the study


The basic studies conducted were

a. Assessment of background noise levels.

b. Identification and monitoring the major noise generating sources in the study area.

c. Impact of noise on general population in the study zone of 10 Km. radius.


Noise levels were measured at 8 locations within 10 Km. radius of the plant covering

Industrial, Commercial, Residential and Silence areas. BACKGROUND NOISE

Baseline noise data has been measured at different locations using A-weighted sound

pressure level meter. The equivalent day-night noise levels in the study zone are ranging

from 44.4 dB(A) to 60.8 dB(A). SOURCES OF NOISE

Typical considerations in environmental noise assessment can be divided into two

categories; one is related to noise sources and the other related to potential receiver.

Two quantities are needed to describe completely the strength of the source. They are

sound Power level and directivity. Sound Power levels measures the total sound Power

radiated by the source in all directions where as directivity is a measure of difference in

Page 53: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.14

radiation with direction. This concept of sound Power level and directivity index makes it

possible to calculate the sound pressure level created by the source.


The ambient noise level is characterized by significant variations above a base or a residual

noise level. The residual noise level is that level below which the ambient noise does not

seem to drop during a given time interval and is generally caused by the unidentified

distant sources. It differs in rural and urban areas. At night, its level is low due to lesser

elements of noise. The annoyance that people experience depends upon the number of

noise elements that produce noise concurrently at a given time that occur during a time


The noise rating developed by EPA for specification of community noise from all sources is

the day night sound level, Ldn. It is similar to a 24 hour equivalent sound level except that

during the night period, which extends from 10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. A 10 dB(A) weighing

penalty is added to the account for the fact that noise at night when people are trying to

sleep is judged more annoying than the same noise during the day time.

The Ldn for a given location in a community is calculated from an hourly equivalent sound

level given by the following equation.

Ldn =10 log (1/24 [15 (10(Ld/10) + 9 (10(Ln+10)/10 )] )

Where Ld is the equivalent noise level during day time (6 A.M. to 10 P.M.)

Ln is the equivalent noise level during night time (10 P.M. to 6 A.M.) OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE

To assess the magnitude of impact due to noise sources, it is essential to know the


a. The duration of sound.

b. Distribution through the working day.

c. Overall noise levels.

d. It's composition including frequency and intensity at various intervals of time.

Other factors regarding receiver include

a. The age of individual.

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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.15

b. The Sensitivity of individual.

c. The Efficiency of protective devices used.

After characterizing the noise sources at receiver's location, the impact must be assessed.

The environmental impact of noise can lead to the following effects.

a. Damages the hearing capacity.

b. Interference in communication.

c. Interference with work.

d. Interference with sleep.

e. Causes annoyance.


For measurement of Ambient Noise level in the Study area, a Digital Sound Level Meter

(Make & Model: Lutron SL-4001) was used. The instrument was calibrated with a Standard

Acoustic calibrator before using in the field. The measurements were carried out

continuously for the 24-hour period to obtain hourly equivalent sound pressure level, 1

hour Leq. From these values, day and night time as well as 24-hour Leq values were also

calculated. The Leq is the equivalent continuous sound level, which is equivalent to the

same sound energy as the fluctuating sound measured in the same period.

Guidance for assessment of representativeness and reliability of baseline environmental


Attributes Sampling Instrument Remarks

Noise Network Frequency

Hourly equivalent

noise levels

Identified study


Once in each


Noise level meter IS:4954-1968 as

adopted by CPCB

Hourly equivalent

noise levels

In plant

(1.5 m from


Once Noise level meter CPCB/OSHA

Hourly equivalent

noise levels

Highways Once in each


Noise level meter CPCB/IS:4954-1968

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.16


Ambient noise levels were monitored at 8 locations within the study zone of the plant.

Their details are given in Table 3.2.1

TABLE 3.2.1


TABLE 3.2.2




1. Project Site 45 34 44.6 Industrial *

Day time – 75 dB(A)

Night time – 70 dB(A)

Residential **

Day time – 55 dB(A)

Night time – 45 dB(A)

Commercial areas #

Day time – 65 dB(A)

Night time – 55 dB(A)

Silence Zone ##

Day time – 50 dB(A)

Night time – 40 dB(A)

2. Ghutku ** 47 32 45.7

3. Nirtoo ** 48 37 47.6

4. Karhipara ** 50 42 50.9

5. Parsada ** 44 35 44.4

6. Ghana ** 46 33 45.1

7. Pondi ## 47 39 47.8

8. Bilaspur # 60 52 60.8


1. Project Site --- --- Represents the Project site

2. Ghutku NE 1.7 Represents Residential Area

3. Nirtoo NE 1.8 Represents Residential Area

4. Karhipara SE 0.7 Represents Residential Area

5. Parsada SW 3.2 Represents Residential Area

6. Ghana SW 1.0 Represents Nearest Habitation

7. Pondi (near School)

NW 3.0 Represents Silence zone (School)

8. Bilaspur SE 8.0 Represents Densely populated

area & Commercial area

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.17



The Arpa river is flowing at distance of 2.0 Kms. from the project site. Surface water

samples from the Arpa river were collected from Upstream and Downstream locations. The

analysis is given in Table No. 3.3.1. Kurung Right Bank Canal is 6.0 Kms. away from the

project site. The analysis is furnished in Table No. 3.3.2.

TABLE NO. 3.3.1


Station: Arpa River Month: May 2016

S.No. PARAMETER UNIT Up Stream Down Stream Standard as per BIS: 2296 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS

1. Colour ----- ----- -----

2. pH 7.7 7.6 6.5-8.5

3. Turbidity NTU 4.3 4.8 -----

4. Electrical Conductivity ms/cm 382 375 -----

5. Total Dissolved Solids mg/l 255 260 500

6. DO mg/l 7.0 7.2 ---


7. Total Hardness mg/l 130 133 1500

8. Calcium Hardness mg/l 77 78 200

9. Magnesium Hardness mg/l 53 55 100

10. Alkalinity mg/l 92 91 -----

11. Sulphates mg/l 45 41 400

12. Chlorides mg/l 70 72 600

13. Nitrates as NO3 mg/l 3.8 4.1 20

14. Fluoride as F mg/l 0.20 0.22 1.5

15. Sodium as Na mg/l 20 22 -----

16. BOD mg/l 1.5 1.3 3

17. Residual chlorine mg/l <0.01 <0.01 -----

18. Cyanides as CN- mg/l <0.01 <0.01 0.05

19. Phenols as C6H5OH mg/l Absent Absent 0.005

20. Hexavalent chromium as Cr mg/l <0.01 <0.01 0.05

21. Iron as Fe mg/l 1.1 1.3 50

22. Copper as Cu mg/l <0.01 <0.01 1.5

23. Arsenic as As mg/l <0.01 <0.01 0.2

24. Selenium mg/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

25. Cadmium as cd mg/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

26. Boron as B mg/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

27. Mercury as Mg mg/l <0.001 <0.001 <0.01

28. Lead as Pb mg/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

29. Silica as SiO2 mg/l 3.9 3.7 ----

30. Mineral oil mg/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.18

31. Total coliforms (MPN/ 100 ml)

72 70 5000

TABLE NO. 3.3.2


Station: Kurung Right Bank Canal Month: May 2016

S.No. PARAMETER UNIT Concentration Standard as per BIS: 2296


1. Colour ----- -----

2. pH 7.2 6.5-8.5

3. Turbidity NTU 4.2 -----

4. Electrical Conductivity ms/cm 322 -----

5. Total Dissolved Solids mg/l 202 500

6. DO mg/l 7.9 ---


7. Total Hardness mg/l 122 1500

8. Calcium Hardness mg/l 85 200

9. Magnesium Hardness mg/l 37 100

10. Alkalinity mg/l 122 -----

11. Sulphates mg/l 42 400

12. Chlorides mg/l 89 600

13. Nitrates as NO3 mg/l 5.9 20

14. Fluoride as F mg/l 0.3 1.5

15. Sodium as Na mg/l 23 -----

16. BOD mg/l 1.5 3

17. Residual chlorine mg/l <0.01 -----

18. Cyanides as CN- mg/l <0.01 0.05

19. Phenols as C6H5OH mg/l Absent 0.005

20. Hexavalent chromium as Cr mg/l <0.01 0.05

21. Iron as Fe mg/l 0.29 50

22. Copper as Cu mg/l <0.01 1.5

23. Arsenic as As mg/l <0.01 0.2

24. Selenium mg/l <0.01 <0.01

25. Cadmium as cd mg/l <0.01 <0.01

26. Boron as B mg/l <0.01 <0.01

27. Mercury as Mg mg/l <0.001 <0.01

28. Lead as Pb mg/l <0.01 <0.01

29. Silica as SiO2 mg/l 5.9 ----

30. Mineral oil mg/l <0.01 <0.01

31. Total coliforms (MPN/100 ml)

46 5000

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.19


The ground water samples were collected and analyzed for various parameters like pH,

Suspended Solids, Total Dissolved Solids, Temperature, Total Hardness, Calcium Hardness,

Magnesium hardness, Alkalinity, Fluoride, Chloride, Sulphates, Nitrates, Phenolic

compounds, Heavy metals etc. and compared with the standards to know the water

quality. Selection of sampling locations will be generally done based on the following


Representation of project site.


Industrial Areas

Residential areas

Agricultural Activity

Eight numbers of ground water samples from bore wells were collected from the nearby

villages to assess ground water quality. The ground water sampling locations and their

distances from the project site are shown in Table 3.3.3 and Figure 3.3. These water

samples are analyzed for various parameters as per IS: 10500. The ground water

characteristics are shown in Table Nos. 3.3.4 to 3.3.11.




1. Project Site --- --- Borewell sample representing project site

2. Ghutku NE 1.7 Sample from Govt. Borewell selected based on Topography (downstream)

3. Nirtoo NE 1.8 Sample from Govt. borewell selected based on topography (downstream)

4. Karhipara SE 0.8 Sample from Govt. borewell selected based on topography (downstream)

5. Parsada SW 3.2 Sample from Govt. borewell selected based on topography (upstream)

6. Ghana SW 1.0 Borewell sample representing Nearest Habitation

7. Pondi NW 3.0 Borewell sample representing Agricultural Activity & also based on Topography


8. Bilaspur SE 8.0 Sample from Govt. Borewell representing commercial area

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7 3

Ground Water Quality Sampling Station

(10 Kms. radius)

Monitoring Station



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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.21

TABLE 3.3.4


Sampling Location: Project site Month: May 2016

S.No. PARAMETER IS: 10500 Desirable limit

(Permissible limit)



1. Colour --- ---

2. pH 6.5 – 8.5 7.5

3. Turbidity 5 (10) NTU 2.2

4. Electrical Conductivity Limit not specified s/cm 950

5. Total Dissolved Solids 500 (2000) mg/l 575


6. Total Hardness 300 (600) mg/l 233

7. Calcium Hardness 200 (200 as Ca) mg/l 132

8. Magnesium Hardness 30 (100 as Mg) mg/l 101

9. Alkalinity 200 (600) mg/l 165

10. Sulphates 200 (400) mg/l 83

11. Chlorides 250 (1000) mg/l 121

12. Nitrates as NO3 45 (45) mg/l 3.1

13. Fluoride as F 1.0/1.5 mg/l 0.3

14. Sodium as Na Limit not specified mg/l 85

15. Residual chlorine 0.2 mg/l <0.01

16. Cyanides as CN- 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

17. Phenols as C6H5OH 0.001 (0.002) mg/l Absent

18. Total chromium as Cr 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

19. Iron as Fe 0.3 (1.0) mg/l 0.025

20. Copper as Cu 0.05 (1.5) mg/l <0.01

21. Arsenic as As 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

22. Selenium as Se 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

23. Cadmium as cd 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

24. Boron as B 1.0 (5.0) mg/l <0.01

25. Mercury as Hg 0.001 (0.001) mg/l <0.001

26. Lead as Pb 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

27. Silica as SiO2 --- mg/l 2.6

28. Manganese as Mn 0.1 (0.3) Mg/l <0.01

29. Anionic detergents as MBAS 0.2 (1.0) Mg/l <0.01

30. Total coliforms 10 (-) (MPN/100 ml) Absent

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.22

TABLE 3.3.5


Sampling Location: Ghutku Month: May 2016

S.No. PARAMETER IS: 10500 Desirable limit

(Permissible limit)



1. Colour --- ---

2. pH 6.5 – 8.5 7.1

3. Turbidity 5 (10) NTU 2.5

4. Electrical Conductivity Limit not specified s/cm 735

5. Total Dissolved Solids 500 (2000) mg/l 440


6. Total Hardness 300 (600) mg/l 200

7. Calcium Hardness 200 (200 as Ca) mg/l 126

8. Magnesium Hardness 30 (100 as Mg) mg/l 74

9. Alkalinity 200 (600) mg/l 145

10. Sulphates 200 (400) mg/l 122

11. Chlorides 250 (1000) mg/l 173

12. Nitrates as NO3 45 (45) mg/l 2.3

13. Fluoride as F 1.0/1.5 mg/l 0.5

14. Sodium as Na Limit not specified mg/l 78

15. Residual chlorine 0.2 mg/l <0.01

16. Cyanides as CN- 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

17. Phenols as C6H5OH 0.001 (0.002) mg/l Absent

18. Total chromium as Cr 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

19. Iron as Fe 0.3 (1.0) mg/l 0.021

21. Copper as Cu 0.05 (1.5) mg/l <0.01

21. Arsenic as As 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

22. Selenium as Se 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

23. Cadmium as cd 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

24. Boron as B 1.0 (5.0) mg/l <0.01

25. Mercury as Hg 0.001 (0.001) mg/l <0.001

26. Lead as Pb 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

27. Silica as SiO2 --- mg/l 3.3

28. Manganese as Mn 0.1 (0.3) mg/l <0.01

29. Anionic detergents as MBAS 0.2 (1.0) mg/l <0.01

30. Total coliforms 10 (-) (MPN/100 ml) Absent

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.23

TABLE 3.3.6


Sampling Location: Nirtoo Month: May 2016

S.No. PARAMETER IS: 10500 Desirable limit

(Permissible limit)



1. Colour --- ---

2. pH 6.5 – 8.5 7.5

3. Turbidity 5 (10) NTU 2.8

4. Electrical Conductivity Limit not specified s/cm 385

5. Total Dissolved Solids 500 (2000) mg/l 281


6. Total Hardness 300 (600) mg/l 268

7. Calcium Hardness 200 (200 as Ca) mg/l 174

8. Magnesium Hardness 30 (100 as Mg) mg/l 94

9. Alkalinity 200 (600) mg/l 245

10. Sulphates 200 (400) mg/l 96

11. Chlorides 250 (1000) mg/l 139

12. Nitrates as NO3 45 (45) mg/l 3.6

13. Fluoride as F 1.0/1.5 mg/l 0.4

14. Sodium as Na Limit not specified mg/l 99

15. Residual chlorine 0.2 mg/l <0.01

16. Cyanides as CN- 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

17. Phenols as C6H5OH 0.001 (0.002) mg/l Absent

18. Total chromium as Cr 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.001

19. Iron as Fe 0.3 (1.0) mg/l 0.022

20. Copper as Cu 0.05 (1.5) mg/l <0.01

21. Arsenic as As 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

22. Selenium as Se 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

23. Cadmium as cd 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

24. Boron as B 1.0 (5.0) mg/l <0.01

25. Mercury as Hg 0.001 (0.001) mg/l <0.001

26. Lead as Pb 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

27. Silica as SiO2 --- mg/l 2.7

28. Manganese as Mn 0.1 (0.3) mg/l <0.01

29. Anionic detergents as MBAS 0.2 (1.0) mg/l <0.01

30. Total coliforms 10 (-) (MPN/100 ml) Absent

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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.24

TABLE 3.3.7


Sampling Location: Karhipara Month: May 2016

S.No. PARAMETER IS: 10500 Desirable limit

(Permissible limit)



1. Colour --- ---

2. pH 6.5 – 8.5 7.6

3. Turbidity 5 (10) NTU 2.1

4. Electrical Conductivity Limit not specified s/cm 550

5. Total Dissolved Solids 500 (2000) mg/l 421


6. Total Hardness 300 (600) mg/l 243

7. Calcium Hardness 200 (200 as Ca) mg/l 171

8. Magnesium Hardness 30 (100 as Mg) mg/l 72

9. Alkalinity 200 (600) mg/l 210

10. Sulphates 200 (400) mg/l 102

11. Chlorides 250 (1000) mg/l 142

12. Nitrates as NO3 45 (45) mg/l 2.8

13. Fluoride as F 1.0/1.5 mg/l 0.4

14. Sodium as Na Limit not specified mg/l 91

15. Residual chlorine 0.2 mg/l <0.01

16. Cyanides as CN- 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

17. Phenols as C6H5OH 0.001 (0.002) mg/l Absent

18. Total chromium as Cr 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

19. Iron as Fe 0.3 (1.0) mg/l 0.020

20. Copper as Cu 0.05 (1.5) mg/l <0.01

21. Arsenic as As 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

22. Selenium as Se 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

23. Cadmium as cd 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

24. Boron as B 1.0 (5.0) mg/l <0.01

25. Mercury as Hg 0.001 (0.001) mg/l <0.001

26. Lead as Pb 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

27. Silica as SiO2 --- mg/l 3.2

28. Manganese as Mn 0.1 (0.3) mg/l <0.01

29. Anionic detergents as MBAS 0.2 (1.0) mg/l <0.01

30. Total coliforms 10 (-) (MPN/100 ml) Absent

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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.25

TABLE 3.3.8


Sampling Location: Parsada Month: May 2016

S.NO. PARAMETER IS: 10500 Desirable limit

(Permissible limit)



1. Colour --- ---

2. pH 6.5 – 8.5 7.2

3. Turbidity 5 (10) NTU 2.1

4. Electrical Conductivity Limit not specified s/cm 490

5. Total Dissolved Solids 500 (2000) mg/l 335


6. Total Hardness 300 (600) mg/l 212

7. Calcium Hardness 200 (200 as Ca) mg/l 140

8. Magnesium Hardness 30 (100 as Mg) mg/l 72

9. Alkalinity 200 (600) mg/l 160

10. Sulphates 200 (400) mg/l 71

11. Chlorides 250 (1000) mg/l 122

12. Nitrates as NO3 45 (45) mg/l 2.3

13. Fluoride as F 1.0/1.5 mg/l 0.4

14. Sodium as Na Limit not specified mg/l 72

15. Residual chlorine 0.2 mg/l <0.01

16. Cyanides as CN- 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

17. Phenols as C6H5OH 0.001 (0.002) mg/l Absent

18. Total chromium as Cr 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.001

19. Iron as Fe 0.3 (1.0) mg/l 0.022

20. Copper as Cu 0.05 (1.5) mg/l <0.01

21. Arsenic as As 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

22. Selenium as Se 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

23. Cadmium as cd 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

24. Boron as B 1.0 (5.0) mg/l <0.01

25. Mercury as Hg 0.001 (0.001) mg/l <0.001

26. Lead as Pb 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

27. Silica as SiO2 --- mg/l 1.8

28. Manganese as Mn 0.1 (0.3) mg/l <0.01

29. Anionic detergents as MBAS 0.2 (1.0) mg/l <0.01

30. Total coliforms 10 (-) (MPN/100 ml) Absent

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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.26

TABLE 3.3.9


Sampling Location: Ghana Month: May 2016

S.NO. PARAMETER IS: 10500 Desirable limit

(Permissible limit)



1. Colour --- ---

2. pH 6.5 – 8.5 7.5

3. Turbidity 5 (10) NTU 3.2

4. Electrical Conductivity Limit not specified s/cm 624

5. Total Dissolved Solids 500 (2000) mg/l 455


6. Total Hardness 300 (600) mg/l 252

7. Calcium Hardness 200 (200 as Ca) mg/l 161

8. Magnesium Hardness 30 (100 as Mg) mg/l 91

9. Alkalinity 200 (600) mg/l 185

10. Sulphates 200 (400) mg/l 115

11. Chlorides 250 (1000) mg/l 195

12. Nitrates as NO3 45 (45) mg/l 3.6

13. Fluoride as F 1.0/1.5 mg/l 0.2

14. Sodium as Na Limit not specified mg/l 76

15. Residual chlorine 0.2 mg/l <0.01

16. Cyanides as CN- 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

17. Phenols as C6H5OH 0.001 (0.002) mg/l Absent

18. Total chromium as Cr 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.001

19. Iron as Fe 0.3 (1.0) mg/l 0.021

20. Copper as Cu 0.05 (1.5) mg/l <0.01

21. Arsenic as As 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

22. Selenium as Se 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

23. Cadmium as cd 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

24. Boron as B 1.0 (5.0) mg/l <0.01

25. Mercury as Hg 0.001 (0.001) mg/l <0.001

26. Lead as Pb 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

27. Silica as SiO2 --- mg/l 2.6

28. Manganese as Mn 0.1 (0.3) mg/l <0.01

29. Anionic detergents as MBAS 0.2 (1.0) mg/l <0.01

30. Total coliforms 10 (-) (MPN/100 ml) Absent

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EIA report – Chapter 3 3.27

TABLE 3.3.10


Sampling Location: Pondi Month: May 2016

S.NO. PARAMETER IS: 10500 Desirable limit

(Permissible limit)



1. Colour --- ---

2. pH 6.5 – 8.5 7.1

3. Turbidity 5 (10) NTU 1.6

4. Electrical Conductivity Limit not specified s/cm 410

5. Total Dissolved Solids 500 (2000) mg/l 280


6. Total Hardness 300 (600) mg/l 185

7. Calcium Hardness 200 (200 as Ca) mg/l 111

8. Magnesium Hardness 30 (100 as Mg) mg/l 74

9. Alkalinity 200 (600) mg/l 145

10. Sulphates 200 (400) mg/l 65

11. Chlorides 250 (1000) mg/l 96

12. Nitrates as NO3 45 (45) mg/l 2.6

13. Fluoride as F 1.0/1.5 mg/l 0.3

14. Sodium as Na Limit not specified mg/l 82

15. Residual chlorine 0.2 mg/l <0.01

16. Cyanides as CN- 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

17. Phenols as C6H5OH 0.001 (0.002) mg/l Absent

18. Total chromium as Cr 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

19. Iron as Fe 0.3 (1.0) mg/l 0.020

20. Copper as Cu 0.05 (1.5) mg/l <0.01

21. Arsenic as As 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

22. Selenium as Se 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

23. Cadmium as cd 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

24. Boron as B 1.0 (5.0) mg/l <0.01

25. Mercury as Hg 0.001 (0.001) mg/l <0.001

26. Lead as Pb 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

27. Silica as SiO2 --- mg/l 1.8

28. Manganese as Mn 0.1 (0.3) Mg/l <0.01

29. Anionic detergents as MBAS 0.2 (1.0) Mg/l <0.01

30. Total coliforms 10 (-) (MPN/100 ml) Absent

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.28

TABLE 3.3.11


Sampling Location: Bilaspur Month: May 2016

S.No. PARAMETER IS: 10500 Desirable limit

(Permissible limit)



1. Colour --- ---

2. pH 6.5 – 8.5 7.2

3. Turbidity 5 (10) NTU 1.5

4. Electrical Conductivity Limit not specified s/cm 890

5. Total Dissolved Solids 500 (2000) mg/l 550


6. Total Hardness 300 (600) mg/l 259

7. Calcium Hardness 200 (200 as Ca) mg/l 156

8. Magnesium Hardness 30 (100 as Mg) mg/l 103

9. Alkalinity 200 (600) mg/l 189

10. Sulphates 200 (400) mg/l 76

11. Chlorides 250 (1000) mg/l 121

12. Nitrates as NO3 45 (45) mg/l 3.9

13. Fluoride as F 1.0/1.5 mg/l 0.42

14. Sodium as Na Limit not specified mg/l 96

15. Residual chlorine 0.2 mg/l <0.01

16. Cyanides as CN- 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

17. Phenols as C6H5OH 0.001 (0.002) mg/l Absent

18. Total chromium as Cr 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

19. Iron as Fe 0.3 (1.0) mg/l 0.029

20. Copper as Cu 0.05 (1.5) mg/l <0.01

21. Arsenic as As 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

22. Selenium as Se 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

23. Cadmium as cd 0.01 (0.01) mg/l <0.01

24. Boron as B 1.0 (5.0) mg/l <0.01

25. Mercury as Hg 0.001 (0.001) mg/l <0.001

26. Lead as Pb 0.05 (0.05) mg/l <0.01

27. Silica as SiO2 --- mg/l 2.8

28. Manganese as Mn 0.1 (0.3) Mg/l <0.01

29. Anionic detergents as MBAS 0.2 (1.0) Mg/l <0.01

30. Total coliforms 10 (-) (MPN/100 ml) Absent

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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.29


Studies on land use aspects of eco system play an important role in identifying sensitive

issues and to take appropriate action by maintaining ecological homeostatic in the initial

stages of development of the Project. The basic objective of this part of the study is to

define the present environmental status and to evaluate all possible eventualities, to

ensure that all negative impacts are minimized.


There are no mineral reserves in the study area.


The project site falls in zone-2 of Seismic Zone classification of India.

Project site

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.30


The following is the land use pattern within 10 Km radius of the project site & kindly refer

to Annexure – 10 for LULC map and Satellite Imagery.

Table 3.4.1

S.No. LANDUSE AREA (Sq. km) %

1. BUILT- UP LAND A. Settlements B. Industrial area

18.526 7.222

5.9 2.3

2. WATERBODIES A. Tank / River etc.



3. CROP LAND A. Single crop B. Double crop C. Plantation


32.342 1.57

55.0 10.3 0.5

4. WASTELANDS A. Land with scrub B. Land without scrub C. Stony waste area

26.062 19.154 12.874

8.3 6.1 4.1

TOTAL 314 100

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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.31


Eight soil samples were collected and for analyzed for various parameters like texture,

infiltration rate, bulk density, pH, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Zn, Mn etc. Soil sampling stations are

shown in the Table 3.4.2. The soil characteristics at various sampling stations are shown in

Table No. 3.4.3.

Selection of sampling locations will be generally done based on the following factors:

Representation of project site.

Industrial Areas

Residential areas

Agricultural Activity

Proximity to the Forest

Proximity to Water body

TABLE 3.4.2





1. Project Site (S1) --- --- Sample representing the project site

2. Ghutku (S2) NE 1.7 Sample representing nearby Residential area

3. Nirtoo (S3) NE 1.8 Sample representing near water body

4. Karhipara (S4) SE 0.7 Sample representing near Residential area

5. Parsada (S5) SW 3.2 Sample representing Agricultural Activity

6. Ghana (S6) SW 1.0 Sample representing near Residential area

7. Pondi (S7) NW 3.0 Sample representing Agricultural Activity

8. Bilaspur (S8) SE 8.0 Sample representing Township area

(Residential area)

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District 2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 2.32





7 3

Soil Quality Sampling Station

(10 Kms. radius)

Monitoring Station



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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.33

TABLE 3.4.2


S.No Parameter Units Sampling Locations

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8

1. Bulk Density g/cc 2.4 1.5 2.2 1.9 2.3 1.9 2.1 1.9

2. Infiltration rate Cm/sec 1.8 1.5 2.2 1.6 1.9 2.2 1.9 1.6

3. pH --- 7.2 7.1 7.6 7.1 7.7 7.1 7.3 7.1

4. Soil type (Soil texture) --- Loamy Clay








Loamy Sandy




5. Calcium mg/100 gm 756 841 952 826 760 890 930 1265

6. Electrical Conductivity µS/cm 135 156 142 140 130 145 176 170

7. Available Nitrogen Kg/Ha 230 210 192 225 280 185 255 310

8. Potassium as K+ Kg/Ha 65.3 52.3 54.5 49.8 56.2 54.7 62.5 68.3

9. Available Phosphorous as


Kg/Ha 19.5 22.5 20.5 28.5 26.2 26.8 27.8 33.5




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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.34



The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Ramsar Convention, and the

Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) recognize Environmental Impact Assessment (IA)

as an important decision making tool to help plan and implement development with

biodiversity “in mind.” The Conventions require Signatories (“Parties”) to apply EIA to

proposals with potential negative impacts on biodiversity to help meet their objectives,

so that development proposals respect mechanisms for the conservation of biodiversity,

result in sustainable use of biodiversity resources, and ensure fair and equitable sharing

of the benefits arising from use of biodiversity. According to the International Association

for Impact Assessment (IAIA), Impact Assessment provides opportunities to ensure that

biodiversity values are recognized and taken into account in decision-making.

Importantly, this involves a participatory approach with people who might be affected by

a proposal.

The main Aim of Conservation of Biodiversity is to ensure “No Net Loss”. The

biodiversity-related Conventions are based on the premise that further loss of

biodiversity is unacceptable. Biodiversity must be conserved to ensure it survives,

continuing to provide services, values and benefits for current and future generations.

The following approach has been chosen by the IAIA to help achieve ‘no net loss’ of


1. Avoidance of irreversible loss of biodiversity.

2. Seeking alternative solutions to minimize biodiversity losses.

3. Use of mitigation to restore biodiversity resources.

4. Compensation for unavoidable loss by providing substitutes of at least similar

biodiversity value.

5. Looking for opportunities for enhancement.

This approach can be called “positive planning for biodiversity.” It helps achieve no net

loss by ensuring the safety and survival of rare or endangered or endemic or threatened

(REET) species.

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.35

Objectives and purpose of the study

The basic objectives of the study are to evaluate the status of the flora and fauna of the

core area and the buffer areas with specific reference to the rare or endangered or

threatened (RET) species.

Core area is defined as the 24.54 Acre site identified for the establishment of the coal

beneficiation plant while the surrounding areas up to a radius of 10 Km is described as

the buffer area. The study is also designed to evaluate the adverse impacts of the

proposed activity, if any and to suggest remedial / mitigation measures in accordance

with the objectives as desired by the IAIA and the Ministry of Environment Forests and

Climate Change (MoEF&CC). With these objectives in mind, the following work was

undertaken by a team of experienced professionals:

i. Documentation and evaluation of the status of the natural and wild terrestrial

flora of the core area and surrounding areas (buffer area).

ii. Inventorization of the terrestrial wild fauna of the core area and buffer area

Environmental setting of the study area

The coal beneficiation plant is proposed to be set up in an area of 24.54 Acres near

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District of Chhattisgarh State. The study area

comprises of the 24.54 Acre core area and its buffer zone extending up to 10 Km radius.

The core area includes abandoned croplands and wastelands. The core area is

surrounded by paddy fields that are irrigated by the Kurung Right Bank Canal. There are

no reserve forests or protected forests either in the core area or the buffer zone. Trees

are mainly confined to field bunds, avenue plantations, and canal bank plantations. There

is dense non–forest scrub towards the western banks and open scrub towards the

Eastern bank of Arpa river towards the northern side of the project site. There are

several small stunted bushes of Palash (Butea monosperma), all along the bunds of fields

and also in the wastelands. There are a few Safed Siris (Albizia procera), Arjun (Termnalia

arjuna), Babul (Acacia nilotica), Neem (Melia azadirachta), Amaltas (Cassia fistula),

Mahuva (Madhuca longifolia) and a few shrubs of Mesquite (Proposis juliflora). But it was

extensively covered by perennial grasses, herbs and a few shrubs. Non palatable shrubs

of Hyptis suaveolens and Xanthium strumarium seem to be quite abundant especially

along the boundary. Many small scattered weeds were found in some areas but they

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.36

were mostly dry owing to hot and dry summer. There are no water bodies or wetlands or

plantations or forests or croplands in the core area. Arpa River is the nearest river to the

project site. There are also several palatable and non-palatable forbs and grasses. A list

of plants found in the core area during the period of survey is given in Table 1. But there

are no ecologically sensitive areas or rare or endangered or threatened (RET) species of

flora or fauna within the core area.

Table 1. List of trees, shrubs and perennial climbers found in the core area.

Botanical name Family Local / common name Habit

Abutilon indicum Malvaceae Kanghi Shrub

Abrus precatorius Fabaceae Kaincha Creeper

Acacia nilotica Mimosaceae Babul / Babool Tree

Albizia procera Mimosaceae Safed Siris Tree

Azadirachta indica Meliaceae Neem Tree

Butea monosperma Fabaceae Palash Tree

Calotropis gigantea Asclepiadaceae Arakha Shrub

Calotropis procera Asclepiadaceae Arakha Shrub

Chromolaena odorata Asteraceae Siam weed Shrub

Decalepis hamiltoni Periplocaceae Nannari Climber

Hemidesmus indicus Apocynaceae Anantamul Climber

Ipomoea carnea Convolvulaceae Morning glory Shrub

Lantana camara Verbenaceae Nagabari Shrub

Leptadenia reticulata Apocynaceae Jiwanti Climber

Malachra capitata Malvaceae Van Bhindi Shrub

Madhuca longifolia Sapotaceae Mahuva Tree

Pergularia daemia Apocynaceae Utaran Climber

Phoenix sylvestris Arecaceae Bankhajuri Palm

Prosopis spicigera Mimosaceae Kejdi Tree

Prosopis juliflora Mimosaceae Mesquite Thorny bush

Wattakaka volubilis Apocynaceae Green Milk weed Climber

Xanthium strumarium Asteraceae Chota dhatura Shrub

Ziziphus mauritiana Rhamnaceae Ber Tree

Ecological sensitivity

The core area as well as the buffer zone of 10 Km from the proposed Coal Washery is not

ecologically sensitive. There are no Wildlife Sanctuaries, National Parks, Biosphere

reserves or Important Bird Areas (IBAs), or Wetlands of any ecological importance or

Migratory corridors of Tiger or Elephant. There are no reserve forests or protected

forests. There is no evidence of presence of any RET fauna in the study area. Hence the

area is not Ecologically Sensitive.

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.37

A survey of the buffer zone indicates the absence of any ecologically sensitive areas such

as the biosphere reserves or National Parks or Wildlife Sanctuaries or important bird

areas (IBAs) or other protected areas or migratory corridors of elephants or tigers. There

are no tiger reserves in the study area. There are only a few small and scattered dense to

open patches of mixed scrub of Palash, Babul, Mesquite, Ber and others. Arpa River

runs towards the eastern side while the Ghongha Nadi runs towards the extreme west.

The western banks of the Arpa River are covered dense scrub jungles while the eastern

part in the northern region of the buffer zone colonized by open scrub. Most part of the

buffer zone is mainly irrigated cropland. There are many small ponds and tanks but no


Table 2. List of trees, shrubs and perennial climbers found in the buffer zone of the plant site

Botanical name Family Local / common name Habit

Abrus precatorius Fabaceae Kaincha Creeper

Acacia auriculiformis Mimosaceae Australian Wattle Tree

Acacia catechu Mimosaceae Khair Tree

Acacia nilotica Mimosaceae Babul / Babool Tree

Aegle marmelos Rutaceae Bel Tree

Aganosoma dichotoma Apocynaceae Malati Creeper

Aibizia lebbeck Mimosaceae Siris / Kala sirus Tree

Ailanthus excelsa Simaroubaceae Mahalimbo Tree

Alangium salvifolium Alangiaceae Ankula Tree

Albizia odoratissima Mimosaceae Kala siris Tree

Albizia procera Mimosaceae Tentela(sirish-Dhala) Tree

Alstonia scholaris Apocynaceae Chhatiana Tree

Annona squamosa Annonaceae Seetaphal Fruit tree

Annona reticculata Annonaceae Raamphal Fruit tree

Artocarpus heterophyllus

Moraceae Panas Tree

Asparagus recemosus Liliaceae Satabari Creeper

Azadirachta indica Meliaceae Neem Tree

Bauhinia purpurea Caesalpiniaceae Kanchan Tree

Bauhinia racemosa Caesalpiniaceae Ambansia Tree

Bombax ceiba Bombacaceae Semul / Simili Tree

Borassus flabellifer Arecaceae Tal Palm

Boswellia serrata Burseraceae Salai Tree

Butea monosperma Fabaceae Palash Tree

Butea superba Fabaceae Hai palash Tree

Calotropis gigantea Asclepiadaceae Arakha Shrub

Calotropis procera Asclepiadaceae Arakha Shrub

Canthimum dicoccum Rubiaceae Dalsingha Shrub

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.38

Carissa spinarum Apocynaceae Karonda Shrub

Caryota urens Arecaceae Sarap(Calap) Palm

Cassia fistula Caesalpiniaceae Simaro Tree

Cassia siamea Caesalpiniaceae Chakhunda Tree

Chromolaena odorata Asteraceae Siam weed Shrub

Cissus quadrangularis Vitaceae Vitaceae Succulent twiner

Cissus vitiginea Vitaceae Vitaceae Climbing Shrub

Cocos nucifera Arecaceae Coconut Palm

Combretum decandrum Combretaceae Atundi Climber

Crataeva religiosa Capparaceae Barun Tree

Dalbergia paniculata Caesalpiniaceae Barabakulia Tree

Dalbergia sisoo Caesalpiniaceae Sisoo Tree

Decalepis hamiltonii Periplocaceae Nannari Climber

Delonix elata Caesalpiniaceae Radhachuda Tree

Delonix regia Caesalpiniaceae Krisnachuda / Gulmohur


Dendrocalamus strictus Poaceae Bamboo Bamboo

Dioscorea alata Dioscoreaceae Kanta alu Creeper

Dioscorea bulbifera Dioscoreaceae Pitalu Creeper

Dioscorea pentaphylla Dioscoreaceae Banaalu Creeper

Dispyros chlorohylon Ebenaceae Mankadkendu Tree

Erythrina indica Fabaceae Paldhua Tree

Eucalyptus sp Myrtaceae Eucalyptus Agro forest tree

Ficus benghalensis Moraceae Banyan / Bata / Bad Tree

Ficus racemosa Moraceae Cluster Fig Tree

Ficus religiosa Moraceae Pipal / Aswatha Tree

Gmelina arborea Verbenaceae Gambhari Tree

Grevillea robusta Proteaceae Silver Oak Tree

Hemidesmus indicus Apocynaceae Anantamul Climber

Holoptelia integrifolia Ulmaceae Dhauranja Tree

Ipomoea carnea Convolvulaceae Morning glory Shrub

Ixora parvifora Rubiaceae Bhuin kuruma Shrub

Jaminum arborescens Oleaceae Bana mali Creeper

Jasminum auriculatum Oleaceae Juhi Creeper

Lagerstroemia parviflora

Lythraceae Sidha / Sudha / Senha Tree

Lantana camara Verbenaceae Nagabari Shrub

Leptadenia reticulata Apocynaceae Jiwanti Climber

Leucaena leucocephala Mimosaceae Subabul Agro forest tree

Madhuca longifolia Sapotaceae Mahuva / Mahul Tree

Malachra capitata Malvaceae Van Bhindi Shrub

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.39

Mangifera indica Anacardiaceae Amba / Mango Fruit Tree

Melia azadirachata Meliaceae Buckain Tree

Michelia champaca Magnoliaceae Champa Tree

Moringa oleifera Moringaceae Sajana (muniga) Tree

Moringa tinctoria Moringaceae Achhu Tree

Neolamarckia cadamba Rubiaceae Kadamb Tree

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Oleaceae Gangasiuli Small tree

Ouginea oujonensis Fabaceae Bandhana Tree

Pergularia daemia Apocynaceae Utaran Climber

Phoenix sylvestris Arecaceae Bankhajuri Palm

Phyllanthus emblica Euphorbiaceae Amla Fruit tree

Pithecellobium dulce Mimosaceae Jungle jalebi Tree

Plumbago indica Plumbaginaceae Raktchita Shrub

Polyalthia longifolia Annonaceae Debadaru / Ashok Tree

Polyalthia pendula Annonaceae Ashok Tree

Pongamia pinnata Fabaceae Karanja Tree

Prosopis spicigera Mimosaceae Kejdi Tree

Prosopis julifloa Mimosaceae Mesquite Thorny bush

Psidium guajava Myrtaceae Guava Fruit Tree

Quisqualis indica Combretaceae Burma Creeper Creeper

Randia dumetorum Rubiaceae Salara(Mahana) Shrub

Randia uliginosa Rubiaceae Telkor(Tilok) Shrub

Sapindus emarginatus Sapindaceae Ritha Soap nut tree

Streblus asper Moraceae Sahada Tree

Syzigium cumini Myrtaceae Jamun Fruit Tree

Tamarindus indica Caesalpiniaceae Imli Tree

Tectona grandis Verbenaceae Saguan Tree

Terminalia arjuna Combretaceae Arjuna Tree

Thespesia pupulnea Malvaceae Bankapas Tree

Tylophora indica Apocynaceae Indian Ipecac Climber

Vitex negundo Verbenaceae Begunia Small tree

Wattakaka volubilis Apocynaceae Green Milk weed Climber

Wrightia tomentosa Apocynaceae Ludukurum Tree

Ziziphus marutiana Rhamnaceae Borkuli Tree

Ziziphus nummularia Rhamnaceae Kontikoli Tree

Ziziphus oenoplia Rhamnaceae Kanceikoli Tree

Ziziphus xylopyrus Rhamnaceae Ghantol Tree

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.40

Medicinal plants

A long list of plants used traditionally by the locals of the tribal dominated Chhattisgarh

State has been compiled by the Chhattisgarh State Medicinal Plants Board

( but only

a few of them were found in the study area. Herbal medicine is not familiar in the area

and none of the local medicinal plants are commercially exploited or cultivated. The list

of medicinal plants found in the study area is given as Table 3. It may be mentioned that

none of them belong to the RET category.

Table 3. List of medicinal plants found in the study area during the summer season.

Scientific name Local name Family Ailment

Achyranthes aspera Onga, Chirchita, Apamarg

Amaranthaceae Anti-venom

Asteracantha longifolia

Kokilaaksha Acanthaceae Aphrodisiac and liver protective

Blumea lacera Kukuronda Asteraceae bronchial asthma

Cassia tora Charota Caesalpiniaceae Eczema and ringworm

Catharanthus roseus

Sadaphooli Apocynaceae Flower for diabetes

Chenopodium album

Bathua Chenopodiaceae Skin disorders like Leukoderma

Leucas aspera Gumma Bhaji Lamiaceae Snake repellent and vegetable

Sphaeranthus indicus

Gorakhmundi Asteraceae Eosinophilia and respiratory troubles

Tridax procubens Khal Muriya Asteraceae Wound healing

Terrestrial fauna of the Core area and the Buffer zone:

As the animals, especially vertebrates and the winged invertebrates move from place to

place in search of food, shelter, mate or other biological needs, separate lists for core

and buffer areas are not feasible. There are no forests or wildlife habitats, wetlands or

IBAs. As such there are no chances of occurrence of any rare or endangered or endemic

or threatened (REET) species within the core or buffer area. There are no Sanctuaries,

National Parks, Tiger Reserve or Biosphere Reserve or Elephant Corridor or other

protected areas within 10 Km of radius from core area. It is evident from the available

records, reports and circumstantial evidence that the entire study area including the core

and buffer areas were free from any endangered animals. Among the Mammals, only

Squirrels, Rats and Bandicoots were seen but rarely during the survey. Monkeys were

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.41

also rare. Among the reptiles, Lizards, Garden lizards were very common. No snakes or

Monitor lizard was seen during the survey. The amphibians were also rare. A list of

Mammals, Reptiles and Amphibians either found or reported from the area is given in

Table 3. A list of birds is given in Table 4. There were no resident birds other than Crows,

Parrots, Doves, Weaver birds, and Mynas. It is apparent from the list that none of the

species either spotted or reported is included in Schedule I of the Wildlife Protection


Table 4: List of vertebrate species other than birds either recorded or reported from the study area.


Latin name Common name WPA Schedule

Bandicota indica Large bandicoot Rat V Funambulus palmarum Three striped squirrel IV

Golunda ellioti myothrix Indian bush rat IV

Herpestes edwardsi Indian grey mongoose IV

Lepus nigricollis Indian hare IV

Mus booduga Common Indian field mouse V

Mus musculus Home Mouse V

Mus musculus Mouse V

Nosokia indica Bandicoot rat V

Rattus rattus Common Indian rat V

Suncus murinus House shrew V


Bufo melanostictus Common toad IV

Lissemys punctata Turtle IV

Pangshura tentoria Turtle IV

Rana breviceps Indian burrowing frog IV

Rana cyanophlyctis Skipper frog IV

Rana limnocharis Indian cricket frog IV

Rana tigrina Indian Bull frog IV


Calotes versicolor Garden lizard IV

Chrysopelea taprobanica Tree Snake II

Dryphis nasutus Whip Snake II

Echis carinatus Saw scaled viper II

Hemidactylus flaviviridis Indian wall lizard IV

Ptyas mucosa Dhaman / Indian Rat snake II

Typhlops diardii Giant Blind Snake II

Typhlops porrectus Slender Blind Snake II

Varanus bengalensis Common Indian Monitor II

Vipera russseli Russell’s viper IV

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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 3 3.42

Table 5: List of birds either spotted or reported from the study area.

Latin name Common name WPA Schedule

Acridotheres tristis Common myna IV

Acridotheris tristis Common myna IV

Aegithinia tiphia Common Iora IV

Alcedo atthis Small blue kingfisher IV

Andeolv grayii Pond heron IV

Bubulcus ibis Cattle Egret IV

Ceryle rudis Lesser pied Kingfisher IV

Columba livia Blue rock pigeon IV

Coracias benghalensis Indian roller IV

Corvus splendens House crow V

Dendrocitta vagabunda Indian tree pie IV

Dendrocopus marhatensis Maratha Woodpecker IV

Dicrurus macrocercus Black drongo IV

Egretta garzetta Little egret IV

Halcyon smyrnensis White-Breasted King fisher IV

Merops orientalis Little Green Bee Eater IV

Milvus migrans Black kite (Common) IV

Motacilla alba White wagtail IV

Oriolus oriolus Golden Oriole IV

Passer domesticus House sparrow IV

Phalacrocorax carbo Large Cormorant IV

Phalacrocorax niger Little cormorant IV

Psittacula cyanocephala Blossom headed Parakeet IV

Psittacula krameri Rose-Ringed Parakeet IV

Pycnonotus cafer Red-vented bulbul IV

Saxicolodies fulicata Indian robin IV

Streptopelia chinensis Spotted dove IV

Sturnus contra Pied myna IV

Sturnus pagodrum Brahminy myna IV

Turdoides caudatus Common babbler IV

Tyto alba Barn owl IV

Upupa epops Common hoopoe IV


Kindly refer to ANNEXURE – 9 for Socio economic details of the study area.

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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 4 4.1






Impact prediction is an important exercise in evaluating environmentally potential adverse

impacts due to a proposed industrial project. The impact prediction is always carried out

under worst possible scenario so as a proper environmental management plan for mitigation

of identified adverse impacts. These predictions thus calculated are superimposed over the

baseline data to arrive at net impact on the environment after the proposed project come to



It is possible that increase in the background concentration of even a minor constituent of

the atmosphere may lead to significant changes in the atmospheric properties. So these

changes are essential in understanding potential climatic changes due to air pollutants. For

example, under strongly stable condition, disturbances are highly damped and mixing of

pollutants is strongly suppressed. It is under such conditions that the worst air pollution

episodes have occurred.

Prediction of impacts is the most important component in the environmental impact

assessment studies. Several scientific techniques and methodologies are available to predict

impacts of developmental activities on physico, ecological and socioeconomic environments.

Such predictions are superimposed over the baseline (pre project) status of environmental

quality to arrive at the ultimate (post project) scenario of environmental conditions. The

prediction of impacts helps to identify the environmental management plan required to be

executed during and after commissioning the proposed project to minimize the adverse

impacts on environmental quality.

The mathematical models are the best tools to quantitatively describe cause-effect

relationships between sources of pollution and different components of environment. In


"Mil Phil Group

Coal Washeries

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 4 4.2

case, mathematical models are not available or it is not possible to identify / validate through

models for particular situation, prediction could be arrived at through available scientific

knowledge and judgments.

The mathematical model used for predictions in the present study include, steady state

Gaussian Plume dispersion model designed for multiple point sources for air quality, Wave

divergence and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) models for Traffic noise. In case of

water, land, biological and socio-economic environments the predictions have been made

based on available scientific knowledge and judgments.


The proposed project site is almost plain and does not require any significant levelling. No

change in drainage pattern of the area is anticipated. The change will be only due to man

made structures like Industrial complex and Administrative building. It will have positive

benefits in the form of land leveling and green belt development within the plant. There will

not be any topographical change in the study area due to the proposed washery project. IMPACTS ON CLIMATE

As the temperature of the flue gases will be at ambient temperature only. Hence there will

not be any thermal imbalance due to the proposed project.


Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST-3) dispersion model based on steady state

Gaussian plume dispersion, designed for multiple point sources for short term developed by

United States Environment Protection Agency (USEPA) has been used for simulations from

of air quality.

Model Input


The stack details & emission data from the stack is shown in Table 4.1.1

"Mil Phil Group

Coal Washeries

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 4 4.3

TABLE 4.1.1


S.No. Stack attached to Dia. (m)

Height (m)

Temp. of flue gas


Velocity of flue

gas (m/sec)

PM (g/s)

SO2 (g/s)

NOx (g/s)

1. Coal Crusher 0.3 30 35 4.0 0.05 - -

2. DG Set (250 KVA) 0.18 4

(above building)

90 2.5 0.003 0.2 0.03

Receptor Locations

The software is capable of generating a polar receptor grid at every 10 radial angles at

specified distances (in Kms).

Meteorological data

For the prediction of rise in Ground Level concentrations of pollutants, the actual hourly

meteorological data recorded at the site during the study period (March 2016 to May 2016)

is converted to mean meteorological hourly data as specified by CPCB and the same is used

in the model. In the absence of site specific mixing heights, mixing heights published in

‘Spatial distribution of hourly mixing depths over Indian region’ by Dr. R.N.Gupta have been


Presentation of results

In the present case model simulations have been carried out for the pre summer season. For

the short term simulations, the concentrations have been estimated around 1600 receptors

to obtain optimum description of variations in concentrations over the site in 10 Km. radius

covering 16 directions.

Model Output

The output contains the first through sixth highest concentration values at each receptor,

Maximum concentration tables and daily concentration tables for each averaging period.

"Mil Phil Group

Coal Washeries

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 4 4.4


The identified sources of an emissions are the following:

Raw material unloading

Coal yard

Storage bunkers, hoppers

Coal crusher

Conveyers & transfer points

Vehicular movement

The predicted max. Incremental rise in PM concentration (24 hourly) will be 0.22 g/m3 at a

distance of 490 m from the origin stack in the down wind direction over the baseline


The predicted incremental rise in PM concentration due to the Vehicular emission will be 1.3


Hence the total predicted incremental rise due to the emission from coal washery plant and

due the vehicular emission will be 0.22 g/m3 + 1.3 g/m3 = 1.52 g/m3

The predicted incremental rise in NOx concentration due to the Vehicular emission will be

11.1 g/m3.

The predicted incremental rise in CO concentration due to the Vehicular emission will be 6.7


The net resultant concentrations (Maximum baseline conc. + predicted incremental rise in

conc.) of PM10, SO2, NOX and CO are shown in Table No. 4.1.2. The net resultant

concentrations of PM10, SO2, NOX and CO are well within the National Ambient Air Quality

Standards (NAAQS) when the plant commences operation. Hence there will not be any

adverse impact on air environment due to the proposed project.

"Mil Phil Group

Coal Washeries

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 4 4.5

TABLE 4.1.2


Item PM10








Maximum average baseline conc. in the study area 40.3 12.5 14.8 440

Maximum predicted incremental rise in concentration

due to the proposed project


(0.22 + 1.3) --- 11.1 6.7

Maximum predicted incremental rise in concentration

due to the other Industries 0.97 --- 2.7 2.0

Net resultant concentrations during operation of the

plant 42.79 12.5 28.6 448.7

National Ambient Air Quality Standards 100 80 80 2000



Water required for the proposed project will be 955 cum/day. This includes process water for

Coal washery and for domestic purpose. The water requirement for the proposed project will

be sourced from Ground water source. Application submitted to the Central Ground Water

Authority for obtaining permission for Ground Water abstraction and acknowledgement has

enclosed as Annexure – 3. The details of Water consumption is shown in Table 4.2.1.


PHIL Phil Group

Coal Washeries




5ysleni loss




Raw Water



Oust control (5pnnkhng)

Sludge for plantation



To be recycled in

Septic lank followed by sub -

surface dispersion trench



100 ,he process

Note: All values are in cum / day


Page 87: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 4 4.6

Rain water harvesting structures will be constructed in consultation with Central Ground

Water Board. The depth of ground water table will certainly increase. Hence there will not be

any adverse impact on water environment due to the proposed project.


Closed loop water system will be provided in the proposed coal washery. Hence there will

not be any discharge from plant during operation.

Zero effluent discharge will be maintained in proposed project. The only waste water

generation from the plant will be sanitary waste water. The quantity of sanitary waste water

expected will be 4 cum/day. Characteristics of waste are shown in Tables 4.2.3. The sanitary

waste water will be treated in septic tank followed by sub-surface dispersion trench.

TABLE 4.2.2



1 Sanitary wastewater 4

Total 4

TABLE 4.2.3



pH 7.0 – 8.5

BOD 200 – 250 mg/l

COD 300 – 400 mg/l

TDS 800 – 900 mg/l


Water required for the proposed project will be sourced from Ground water.

Necessary prior permission from the concern authority is awaited.

Closed loop water system is envisaged, hence there will not be any waste water

generation from process.

Process wastewater will be recycled back in the washing circuit.

Sanitary waste will be treated in septic tank by Sub-surface dispersion trench.

"Mil Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Page 88: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 4 4.7

The effluent from the plant will be sent to the thickener. Flocculants (Anionic &

Cationic) will be added to facilitate settling of suspended solids and give a clearer


The solids which are collected in the bottom of the thickener will be pumped to the

Multi Roll Belt Press for reclamation of water. The solid dried cake will be blended

with rejects.

The overflow of the thickener which is clear water will be recycled.

High efficiency centrifuge, belt press fitter, high frequency screening and thickener

will be installed to optimize water recovery from the washing circuit.

The proposed plant is a zero-effluent plant.

All the MoEF&CC norms/CREP recommendations for coal washeries will be complied


Hence there will not be any impact on Arpa River and its downstream users due to the

proposed project.



The sound pressure level generated by noise source decreases with increasing distance from

the source due to wave divergence. An additional decrease in sound pressure level with

distance from the source is expected, due to atmospheric effect or its interaction with

objects in the path of transmission. For hemispherical sound wave propagation through

homogeneous loss free medium, one can estimate noise levels at various locations, due to

different sources using model based on first principle, as per the following equation:

Lp2 = Lp1 – 20 Log (r2/r1) - Ael.2

Where Lp1 and Lp2 are sound pressure levels at points located at distance r1 and r2 from the

source and Ae1.2 is the excess attenuation due to environmental conditions. Combined

affect of all the sources then can be determined at various locations by logarithmic addition.

It is first approximation one can assume that for all general population in the villages, every

noise source in the plane is a point source. The average equivalent sound power level of such

a point source can be estimated for different distances and directions from hypothetical

source by applying following equation:

"Mil Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Page 89: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 4 4.8

Lp = Lw - 20 Log r – Ae – 8

Where Lw is the sound power level of the source, Lp is sound pressure level at a distance r

and Ae is environmental attenuation factor. A combined noise level Lp (total) of all the

sources at a particular place is given by:

Lp(total) = 10 Log (10Lp1/10) + 10(Lp2/10) + ---------)

Major noise generating sources were identified from the proposed activity for prediction

purposes. The major noise generating sources are DG set & Crushers. The predictions have

been made to represent the worst case. The noise levels at various distances were calculated

using wave divergence model.

The model was run for ascertaining the areas where we could get the noise levels of 35, 45,

50, 55, 60, 65 and considering the other noise generating sources from the proposed project.

Silencers will be provided to the DG Sets. Crusher will be inside a covered shed. All machinery

will be manufactured keeping in view of the MOEF/OSHA standards on Noise levels. The

Ambient Noise levels will be within the standards prescribed by MoEF, GOI.


A day and Night sound pressure level, Ldn is often used to describe the community noise

exposure which includes 10 dBA night time penalties. As the nearest human settlement is

about 0.7 Kms. from the plant, the impact of noise on general population would be


As per the WHO recommendation, there is no identified risk and damage of hearing due to

the noise levels (Leq = 8 hours) less than 75 dBA. Most of the international damage risk

criteria for hearing loss permit (Leq = 12 hours) upto 87 dBA. Further, WHO recommendation

on community noise annoyance, permits day time out door noise levels of 55 dBA. Leq and

night time outdoor noise level of 45 dBA leq to meet sleep criteria i.e. Leq (24 hours) = 52.2

dBA and Ldn = 5.5 dBA.


The damage risk criteria as enforced by OSHA (Occupation Safety and Health Administration)

to reduce hearing loss, stipulates that noise level upto 85 dBA are acceptable for 8 hour

working shift per day. Ear plugs / ear muffs will be provided working in high noise zone.

"Mil Phil Group

Coal Washeries

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 4 4.9


There are no National Parks / Sanctuaries / Migratory route for birds / Tiger reserves within

10 Km. radius of the proposed project site. The nearest habitation is at 700 m from the plant

boundary. The major noise emanating equipment are Crusher & DG Sets. A thick greenbelt

will be developed which will attenuate noise levels. All transfer points will be line and rubber

so that the noise levels re reduced. Hence there will not be any significant impact on the

environment due noise generated from the proposed project.




Impact on Ground Water Table

The water requirement for the proposed project will be sourced from Ground water. Necessary water drawl Permission from CGWA will be obtained. The water after washing coal should be allowed to flow through a series of settling ponds designed from higher elevation to lower elevation and collected in sump/pond/tank which can be reutilized for the process. The design and construction of drainage system should be in consultation with a civil engineer. The drawl of groundwater should be planned from different extractions viz. tube wells following spacing norms. The project area falls under “Safe Category” Rain water harvesting structures will be constructed in consultation with Central Ground Water Board and this will help in augmenting the ground water table. Hence there will not be any adverse impact on Groundwater table due to the proposed project.

Groundwater contamination due to coal yard during monsoon

During monsoon season, the problem of coal yard drainage becomes critical due to coal particles and dust in the yard. To take care of this problem, the entire coal storage yard will be provided with separate drains, which will lead to a separate sump of adequate capacity. There all the coal particles will settle at bottom & the clear water will be utilized for Dust suppression. Hence there will not be any contamination of ground water due to the washery.

"Mil Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Page 91: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 4 4.10



Impact on Geology due to Top soil excavation for construction activities

Preparation of site will involve excavations and fillings. The earthen material generated during excavations and site grading periods, will be properly stored. The topsoil generated during construction will be reused for plantations. Due to the Top soil preservation, no significant adverse impact on geology of the area due to the construction activities.


To control the fugitive emissions dust extraction system and dust suppression system will

be installed at all the possible dust emanating areas. All required emission control

systems will be installed in the proposed project. Hence it will not have any impact on

nearby or surface.

Zero effluent discharge will be maintained. Hence there will not be any adverse impact

on land environment due to the proposed project.

Washery rejects (0.50 MTPA) is main solid waste generated from the proposed coal

washery unit. Washery rejects will be given to prospective clients.

If the EMP is implemented than, there will not be any significant impact on soil due to the

proposed activities.


The proposed coal washery will be set up in an area of 24.54 acres of land and same is in

under possession of management. As there are no endangered species in the vicinity of the

proposed activity, there should not be any concern for the loss of important germoplasm

that needs conservation.

Water will be sprayed at all strategic coal transfer points such as conveyors, loading

unloading points etc.

Conveyors, transfer points etc. will be provided with enclosures.

Crusher will be provided with Dust extraction system followed by Bag filters and finally

emitted through a stack of 30 m height.

All required emission control systems will be installed in the proposed project.

"Mil Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Page 92: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 4 4.11

Closed loop water system is envisaged, hence there will not be any waste water generation

from process.

Process wastewater will be recycled back in the washing circuit.

Sanitary waste will be treated in septic tank by Sub-surface dispersion trench.

Washery rejects is main solid waste generated from the proposed coal washery unit and

same will be given to prospective clients.

Greenbelt is considered essential for maintaining the stability of the environment of the

area. 8.25 Acres of extensive greenbelt will be developed in the proposed project as per

CPCB guidelines.

Hence there will not any impact on Flora and Fauna & Agricultural land.


The ROM coal from SECL mines mainly from Deepka, Gevra, Kusmunda and other mines

will be transported by Road / Rail.

Washed coal and Washery rejects will be transported to parties through Road / Rail


Railway siding is proposed in the project and will be served from Ghutku Railway

Station, at distance of 1.0 Km. from the project site.

Rail transportation will be served from Ghutku Railway Siding.

Transportation of Raw Coal from the SECL mines in the region depends on their rail

connectivity, availability of rakes for short distance and permission from SECL to do so.

Transportation to the nearby client and those not linked to rail network will be by Road.

Washed coal from the plant will be transported by Rail / road in covered trucks directly

to the customer. The mode of transport of washed coal will depend on the MoU with

the customers who may have either road transport or rail transport.

All the trucks used for transportation of raw materials will be covered.

Total nos. of trucks required for the transportation of Raw material and product will be


Pucca road exist upto the site. The existing road is capable of absorbing this additional truck


"Mil Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Page 93: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 4 4.12

Avenue plantation will be taken up along the road to prevent the fugitive emissions. Hence

there will not be any significant by fugitive dust generation during transportation of raw

materials & product.


The local areas will be benefited by way of generation of employment opportunities,

increased demand for local products and services. There will be an overall improvement in

the income level of the local people and hence their quality of life will improve.

The project will create employment for about 75 persons once the plant is commissioned and

for 150 persons during construction stage. Priority will be given to locals depending upon

their suitability to the job. With the implementation of the proposed project, there will be

scope for more industrial investments in the area which in turn will benefit the nation.

The project authorities intend to take up welfare activities in the nearby villages under the

CSR activities.

There will be an overall upliftment of socio economic status of people in the area.

Social activities and development schemes includes:

Health & Sanitation

Regula health camps

Supply of medicines

Improving health care facilities & create awareness about sanitation


Provide school dress, books and stationary

Promotion of sports

Construction of class rooms(s), providing drinking water, fan etc in the nearby

village school as per requirement.

Community Infrastructure development

Repairing & construction of community building, create facility for drinking


Participate in social regional programmes by providing financial assistance.

"Mil Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Page 94: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 5 5.1



For coal beneficiation, there are two process, wet and dry process. Production of washed

coal from Raw Coal through wet type of coal washery is a well proven technology all over

the world. It was decided to adopt heavy media cyclone technology for the proposed coal

washery. No technological failures are anticipated. Hence no alternative technologies are



Three sites were examined for the proposed project. The following table shows the

comparison of the alternative sites.

S.No. Particulars Site #1 Site # 2 Site # 3

1 Location (Village) Lamer Lokhandi Ghutku

2 Geographical Coordinates 22°12'31.94"N 82° 4'59.78"E

22° 8'8.04"N 82° 6'50.37"E

22° 9'13.69"N 82° 5'46.54"E

3 Areas falling under the critically polluted areas (within 10 Km. radius)

Nil Nil Nil

4 National Parks / Wild life Sanctuaries / Bird Sanctuaries / Tiger reserve / Elephant corridors / Migratory routes for Birds / Reserve Forest (within 10 Kms. of the project site)

Nil Nil Nil

5 Sensitive Areas with 10 Kms. radius of the site

Nil Nil Nil

6 Type of Land Double Crop

95% Single Crop 5 %

Double Crop 80%

Single Crop 20%

Single Crop 100 %

7 Distance of nearest Habitation Lamer Village

(0.4 Kms.) Lokhandi Village

(0.35 Kms.) Kahipara Village

(0.7 Kms.)

8 Nearest Water body Arpa River (0.42 Kms.)

Arpa River (0.30 Kms.)

Arpa River (2.0 Kms.)


Page 95: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 5 5.2

S.No. Particulars Site #1 Site # 2 Site # 3

9 Road Connectivity Exist Exist Exist

10 Rail Connectivity Not available Not Available Available

Based on the above analysis the Site # 3 at Village Ghutku was selected for the proposed


Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd. is proposing to install 2.5 MTPA wet type coal washery. Total

land envisaged for the proposed project is 24.54 acres. Total cost of the proposed project is

Rs.25.00 Crores.

Page 96: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 6 6.1





To assess the effectiveness of environmental mitigation measures, post project

environmental monitoring program will be strictly followed as per statutory requirement.

Dust extraction system with bag filters will be provided near the raw material

unloading, raw material handling, coal crusher, material transfer points, etc. Dust

generated from raw material unloading areas will be controlled by providing dust

suppression system.

Energy meters will be provided to all air emission control systems to ensure effective

operation of the control systems.

All air emission control systems will be taken-up for maintenance as per prescribed

dates and always ensure compliance with norms.

Fugitive emissions will be monitored and CPCB regulation in this regard will be


CECB will also carry out stack monitoring and ambient air quality at regular intervals.

This will also help in cross checking the performance of Pollution control systems

implemented in the plant.


A comprehensive monitoring programme is given under. This environmental monitoring

will be entrusted to a third party.


S.No. Particulars Frequency of Monitoring

Duration of sampling

Parameters required to be monitored

1.Water & Waste water quality

A. Water quality (around storage yards)

Once in a month Grab sampling

As per IS: 10500

2. Air Quality

A. Stack Monitoring Once in a month PM

B. Ambient Air quality

Twice a week 24 hours continuously

PM2.5, PM10, SO2 & NOx


Page 97: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 6 6.2

S.No. Particulars Frequency of Monitoring

Duration of sampling

Parameters required to be monitored

C. Fugitive emission monitoring

Once in a month 8 hours PM

3. Noise Levels

A. Noise Levels Once in a month One day in a month on hourly basis

Ambient Noise levels in dBA


The monitoring locations will be decided in consultation with SPCB. All the parameters will

be analysed as per IS procedures specified for those parameters. All water samples will be

analysed for various parameters as per IS: 10500 with the specified procedures.


Regularly monthly environmental monitoring report will be submitted to the CECB. A copy

of the report will be maintained in the plant and will be made available to the concerned

inspecting authorities.


In case of emergency shutdown all the safety precautions will be taken as per the

procedure given by the supplier.


The budgetary allocation for Environmental monitoring is Rs. 5.0 Lakh / Annum. A third

party will be engaged to monitor all the environmental parameters as per CPCB/CECB


Page 98: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 7 7.1



The public consultation will be conducted as per the EIA Notification dated 14th September

2006 as well as its amendments time to time. The press notification indicating date and venue

of the public hearing will be issued by the Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board

(CECB) in the prominent English and Hindi newspapers giving project details inviting

suggestions, views, comments and objections from the public regarding the proposed coal

washery project. The project falls in category ‘A’ as per the EIA notification 2006.



Risk analysis deals with the identification and quantification of risks, the plant equivalent and

personnel are exposed to, due to accidents resulting from the hazards present in the factory.

Hazard analysis involves the identification and quantification of the various hazards that are

likely to occur in the factory.

The various hazard analysis techniques that may be applied are Hazard and Operability

(HAZOP) studies, Fault - Tree Analysis (FTA), event –tree analysis and, failure and effects

mode analysis.

Risk analysis follows an extensive hazard analysis. It involves the identification and

assessment of risks the neighbouring populations are exposed to as result of hazard present.

This requires a through knowledge of failure probability, credible accident scenario,

vulnerability of populations etc. Much of this information is difficult to get or generate.

Consequently, the risk analysis is often confined to maximum creditable accident studies.


The scope of work is to carry out risk analysis for the proposed coal washery involving storage

of coal and its washing at the plant site.


Page 99: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 7 7.2

The risk assessment study will cover following aspects:

Selection of credible scenarios

Consequences Analysis of selected accidents scenarios both onsite and off-site


Emission/spillage etc. from storage & handling

Exposure to fugitive dust, noise, and other emissions

Housekeeping practices requiring contact with solid and liquid wastes


Exposure to pollutants released from on site/ storage/related activities

Contamination due to accidental releases or normal release in combination with

natural hazard

Deposition of toxic pollutants in vegetation / other sinks and possible sudden

releases due to accidental occurrences

Review of Safety at the plant

Risk Mitigation Measures


The following Fire Protection system will be provided in the plant.

Hydrant system covering the entire plant including all important auxiliaries and buildings.

The system will be complete with piping, valves instrumentation, hoses, nozzles and

hydrants, valves etc.

Portable extinguisher such as pressurized water type, carbon dioxide type and foam type

will be located at strategic locations through out the plant.

Modular type carbon dioxide panel injection fire extinguishing system will be provided at

unmanned electrical and electronic equipment room.

The following pumps will be provided in the fire protection system.

Page 100: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 7 7.3

Fire water pumps.

(Fire water reservoir is part of the main water reservoir)

a) AC motor driven fire water pumps for hydrant.

b) Diesel engine driven pump as stand by for the above.

c) Jackey pump 1 no. (AC motor driven) for maintaining pressure.

Suitable number of electric motor driven and diesel engine operated hydrant and spray

pumps with automatic starting will be provided for the above systems. The fire water pumps

will take suction from the fire water reservoir to be created in the plant area.


The MCA Analysis involved ordering and ranking of various sections in terms of potential

vulnerability. The following steps were involved in MCA Analysis.

Preparation of an inventory of major storages and rank them on the basis of their hazard


Identification of potentially hazardous storage sections and representative failure cases

from the vessels and the pipelines.

Visualisation of chemical release scenarios.

Effect and damage calculation from the release cases through mathematical modeling.

Inventory Analysis and Fire & Explosion and Toxicity Index (FETI) are the two techniques

employed for hazard identification process.


The role of Fire & Explosion Index (FEI) aids quantitative hazard identification. The FEI is

calculated by evaluating the loss potential of all the units in the storage area and the

hazardous areas were classified accordingly.

The role of FEI is

Identification of the equipment/areas that could likely contribute to the creation or

escalation of incident and relatively rank the incidents.

Quantification of the expected damage of potential fire and explosion incidents.

Preparation of guidelines for mitigating fire hazards.

Page 101: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 7 7.4

The loss potential which could actually be experienced under the most adverse operating

conditions is quantitatively evaluated. The FEI is used for any operation in which a flammable,

combustible or reactive material is stored, handled or processed.


Where MF : Material factor

GPH : General Process Hazard

SPH : Special Process Hazard


The Toxicity Index is calculated using the Nh, Ts, GPH and SPH. TI is calculated by the

following formula.

(Nh + Ts) * (1 + GPH + SPH)

TI = -------------------------------------------



Based on the storage inventory the following areas are identified as potential safety risk areas

are shown in Table 7.1. No fuel storage tank is envisaged for the proposed coal washery plant.



S.No. Description Process Potential Hazard Provision

1. Coal storage shed

Storage of coal

Fire and spontaneous combustion

Water sprinkling system will be installed on stocks of pile to prevent spontaneous combustion and consequent fire hazards.

2. Coal Stock pile

Storage of coal

Fire and dust explosions

Height of the stock pile will be 10 m only. The stack geometry will be adopted to maintain minimum exposure of stock pile areas towards predominant wind direction temperature will be monitored in the stock piles regularly to detect any abnormal rise in temperature inside the stock pile to be enable to control the same.

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Coal dust when dispersed in air and ignited will explode. Crusher houses and conveyor

systems are most susceptible to this hazard. The minimum of explosive concentration of coal

dust (33% volatiles) is 50 grams/m3. Failure of dust extraction & suppression systems may

lead to abnormal conditions and increasing the concentration of coal dust to the explosive

limits. The sources of ignition are incandescent bulbs, electric equipment & cables, friction &

spontaneous combustion in accumulated dust. Dust explosion may occur without any warning

with maximum explosion pressure upto 6.4 bars. Another dangerous characteristic of dust

explosions is that it sets off secondary explosions after the occurrence of initial dust


Stock pile area will be provided with automatic garden type sprinklers for dust suppression as

well as to reduce spontaneous ignition of coal stock piles, necessary water distribution net

work will be provided for distributing water at all transfer points, crusher house, control

room, etc.

A centralised control room with microprocessor based control system has been envisaged for

operation of the coal handling plant. Except locally controlled equipment like travelling

tripper, dust extraction / dust suppression / ventilation equipment, sump pumps, water

distribution system all other in line equipment will have provision for local control as well. All

necessary inter local control panels will be provided for safe and reliable operation of the coal

handling plant.

Control measures for coal yard

The entire quantity of coal will be stored in separate stack piles, with proper drains around to

collect washouts during the monsoon. Water sprinkling system will be installed on stocks of

pile to prevent spontaneous combustion and consequent fire hazards. The stack geometry

will be adopted to maintain minimum exposure of stock pile areas towards predominant wind

direction temperature will be monitored in the stock piles regularly to detect any at normal

rise in temperature inside the stock pile to be enable to control the same.

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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 7 7.6


The principle objective of this study is to identify the potential hazards estimate the effects of

hazards to people both with in and outside the plant premises.

Identification of possible failure cases of the facilities which might affect the population

and property within the plant boundary.

Assessment of consequential effect on surrounding population, property etc., due to

onset of such failures.

Suggest recommendations based on consequence analysis relevant to the situations. EFFECTIVE CONTROLS

Ignition sources in the vicinity. Pressurisation of buildings not having explosion - proof fittings,

switching off power supply from a central place, on smoking, proper maintenance of flame

proof fittings.

The thick green belt to be developed will help to mitigate the radiation intensity level outside

plant boundary.



A disaster is catastrophic situation in which suddenly, people are plunged into helplessness

and suffering and as a result, need protection, clothing, shelter, medical and social care and

other necessities of life.

Disasters can be divided into two main groups. In the first, are Disasters resulting from natural

phenomena like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, cyclones, tropical storms, floods,

avalanches, landslides etc. The second group includes disastrous events occasioned by man,

or by man's impact upon the environment. Examples are industrial accidents, radiation

accidents, factory fires, explosions and or other structural collapses, rail and road transport


There can be no set criteria for assessing the gravity of a disaster in the abstract it depends to

a large extent on the physical, economic and social environment in which it occurs. What

would be considered a major disaster in developing country, will be equipped to cope with

the problems involved, and may not mean more than temporary emergency elsewhere.

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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 7 7.7

However all disasters bring in their wake similar consequences that call for immediate action

for the rescue and relief of the victims. This includes the search for the dead and injured,

medical and social care, removal of the debris, the provision of temporary shelter for the

homeless food, clothing and medical supplies, and the rapid reestablishment of essential



The disaster Management Plan is aimed to ensure safety of life, protection of environment,

protection of installation, restoration of production and salvage operations in this same order

of priorities. For effective implementation of Disaster Management Plan, it will be widely

circulated and personnel training through rehearsals.

The Disaster Management Plan would reflect the probable consequential severity of

undesired event due to deteriorating conditions or through knock on effects. Further the

management should be able to demonstrate that their assessment of the consequences uses

good supporting evidence and based on currently available and reliable information, incident

data from internal and external sources and if necessary the reports of outside agencies.

To tackle the consequences of a major emergency inside the factory or immediate vicinity of

the factory, a Disaster Management Plan has to be formulated and this planned emergency is

called Disaster Management Plan.

The objective of the Industrial Disaster Management Plan is to make use of the combined

resources of the Plant and the outside services to achieve the following:

Minimize damage to property and the environment.

Effect the rescue and medical treatment of causalities.

Provide for the needs of relatives.

Provide authoritative information to news media.

Secure the safe rehabilitation of affected areas.

Safeguard other people.

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EIA report – Chapter 7 7.8

Initially contain and then ultimately bring the situation under the control.

Preserve subsequent records and equipment for subsequent enquiry the cause and

circumstances leading to emergency.



The emergencies that could be envisaged in the Plant are as follows:

Contamination of water.

Sabotage / social disorder.

Structural failures.


During the study of risk assessment, the probabilities of occurrence of hazards are worked out

along with the nature of damage. This is the reason why one should study risk assessment in


It is recommended to setup an Emergency Organisation. A senior executive who has control

over the affairs of the Plant would be heading the Emergency Organisation. He would be

designated as Site Controller. In the case of stores, utilities, open areas which are the not

under the control of production heads, executive responsible for maintenance of utilities

would be designated as Incident Controller. All the Incident Controllers would be reporting to

the site controller.

Each Incident Controller, for himself, organizes a team responsible for controlling the incident

with the personnel under his control. Shift in-charge would be the reporting Officer, who

would bring the incident to the notice of the Incident Controller and the Site Controller.

Emergency Coordinators would be appointed who would undertake the responsibilities like

fire fighting, rescue, rehabilitation, transport and support services. For this purposes, Security

in-charge, Personal Department, Essential services personnel would be engaged. All these

personnel would be designated as key personnel.

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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 7 7.9

In each shift, electrical supervisor, electrical fitters, pump house incharge and other

maintenance staff would be drafted for emergency operations. In the event of Power

communication system failure, some of staff members in the office/ Plant offices would be

drafted and their services would be utilized as messengers for quick passing of

communications. All these personnel would be declared as essential personnel. EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION

Whoever notices an emergency situation such as fire, growth of fire, leakage etc. would

inform his immediate superior and Emergency Control Center. The person on duty in the

Emergency Control Centre would appraise the site controller. Site controller verifies the

situation from the Incident Controller of that area or the shift incharge and takes a decision

about implementing on Site Emergency. This would be communicated to all the Incident

Controllers, Emergency Coordinators. Simultaneously, the emergency warning system would

be activated on the instructions of the Site Controller. EMERGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES

The responsibilities of the key personnel are appended below: SITE CONTROLLER

On receiving information about emergency he would rush to Emergency Control Centre and

take charge of ECC and the situation and assesses the magnitude of the situation on the

advice of incident controller and decides.

Whether affected area needs to be evacuated.

Whether personnel who are at assembly points need to be evacuated.

Declares Emergency and orders for operation of emergency siren.

Organises announcement by public address system about location of emergency.

Assesses which areas are likely to be affected, or need to be evacuated or to be altered.

Maintains a continuous review of possible development and assesses the situation in

consultation with Incident Controller and other key personnel whether shutting down the

Plant or any section of the Plant required and if evacuation of persons is required.

Directs personnel of rescue, rehabilitation, transport, fire brigade, medical and other

designated mutual support systems locally available for meeting emergencies.

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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 7 7.10

Controls evacuation of affected areas, if the situation is likely to go out of control or

effects are likely to go beyond the premises of the factory, informs to District Emergency

Authority, Police, and Hospital and seeks their intervention and help.

Informs Inspector of factories, Deputy Chief Inspector of factories, CECB and other

statutory authorities.

Gives public statement if necessary.

Keeps record of chronological events and prepares an investigation report and preserves


On completion of onsite Emergency and restoration of normalcy, declares all clear and orders

for all clear signal. INCIDENT CONTROLLER

Assembles the incident control team.

Directs operations within the affected areas with the priorities for safety to personnel

minimize damage to the Plant, property and environment and minimize the loss of


Directs the shutting down and evacuation of Plant and areas likely to be adversely

affected by the emergency.

Ensures that all-key personnel help is sought.

Provides advice and information to the Fire and Security officer and the local Fire

Services as and when they arrive.

Ensures that all non-essential workers / staff of the effected areas evacuated to the

appropriate assembly points and the areas are searched for causalities.

Has regard to the need for preservation of evidence so as to facilitate any enquiry into

the cause and circumstances, which caused or escalated the emergency.

Coordination on with emergency services at the site.

Provides tools and safety equipments to the team members.

Keeps in touch with the team and advise them regarding the method of control to be


Keep the site Controller of Emergency informed of the progress being made.

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On knowing about emergency rushes to Emergency Control Centre.

Helps the incident controller in containment of the emergency.

Ensure fire pumps in operating conditions and instructs pump house operator to be

ready for any emergency.

Guides the fire fighting crew i.e. Firemen trained Plant personnel and security staff.

Organises shifting the fire fighting facilities to the emergency site, if required.

Takes guidance of the Incident Controller for fire fighting as well as assesses the

requirements of outside help.

Arranges to control the traffic at the gate and the incident area / Directs the security

staff to the incident site to take part in the emergency operations under his guidance

and supervision.

Evacuates the people in the Plant or in the near by areas as advised by site controller.

Searches for casualties and arranges proper aid for them.

Assembles search and evacuation team.

Arranges for safety equipments for the members of his team.

Decides which paths the evacuated workers should follow.

Maintains law and order in the area, and if necessary seeks the help of police. EMERGENCY COORDINATOR (EC) - MEDICAL, MUTUAL AID, REHABILITATION, TRANSPORT


The event of failure of electric supply and there by internal telephone, sets up

communication point and establishes contact with the Emergency Control Center


Organises medical treatment to the injured and if necessary will shift the injured to

near by hospitals.

Mobilizes extra medical help from outside, if necessary

Keeps a list of qualified first aiders of the factory and seek their assistance.

Maintains first aid and medical emergency requirements.

Makes sure that all safety equipment are made available to the emergency team.

Assists Site Controller with necessary data and to coordinate the emergency activities.

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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 7 7.12

Assists Site Controller in updating emergency plan.

Maintains liaison with Civil Administration.

Ensure availability of canteen facilities and maintenance of rehabilitation centre.

EC will be in liaison with Site Controller / Incident Controller.

Ensures availability of necessary cash for rescue / rehabilitation and emergency


Controls rehabilitation of affected areas on discontinuation of emergency.

Makes available diesel petrol for transport vehicles engaged in emergency operation. EMERGENCY COORDINATOR (EC) – ESSENTIAL SERVICES

EC would assist Site Controller and Incident Controller

Maintains essential services like Diesel Generator, Water, Fire Water, Compressed Air

/ Instrument Air, Power Supply for lighting.

EC would plan alternate facilities in the event of Power failure, to maintain essential

services such as lighting, etc.

EC would organize separate electrical connections for all utilities and during

emergency be coordinates that the essential services and utilities are not affected.

Gives necessary instructions regarding emergency electrical supply, isolation of certain

sections etc to shift incharge and electricians.

Ensure availability of adequate quantities of protective equipment and other


During an emergency, it becomes more enhanced and pronounced when an emergency

warning is raised, the workers if they are incharge of process equipment should adopt safe

and emergency shut down and attend any prescribed duty as an essential employee. If no

such responsibility is assigned, he should adopt a safe course to assembly point and await

instructions. He should not resort to spread panic. On the other hand, he must assist

emergency personnel towards objectives of DMP.

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For the time being office block is identified as Emergency control centre. It would have

external Telephone & Fax facility. All the Incident controller officers, senior personnel would

be located here.

The following information and equipment are to be provided at the Emergency control centre


Intercom, telephone

P&T telephone

Fire suit / gas tight goggles / gloves / helmets

Factory layout, site plan

Emergency lamp / torchlight

Plan indicating locations of hazard inventories, Plant control room, sources of safety

equipment, work road plan, assembly points, rescue location vulnerable zones, escape


Hazard chart

Safe contained breathing apparatus

Hand tools, wind direction, wind velocity indications

Public Address Megaphone, Hand bell, Telephone directories (Internal, P&T).

Address with telephone numbers and key personnel, Emergency coordinator.

Important addresses, telephone numbers such as experts from outside, government

agencies neighboring industries etc.

Emergency shut down procedures.

Nominal roll of employees. EMERGENCY POWER SUPPLY

Plant facilities would be connected to Diesel Generator and would be placed in auto mode.

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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 7 7.14 FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES

First Aid Fire fighting equipment suitable for emergency should be maintained as per

statutory requirements per TAC Regulations. Fire hydrant line converting major areas would

be laid. It would be maintained as 6 kg / pressure. Rain guns will be provided around

the coal stock yard areas. A sump with reserve water level will be maintained. LOCATION OF WIND SOCK

On the top of production block and on the top of administrative block wind socks would be

installed to indicate direction of wind during emergency period. EMERGENCY MEDICAL FACILITIES

Gas masks and general first aid materials for dealing with fire burns etc. would be maintained

in the medical centre as well as in the emergency control room. Private medical practitioners

help would be sought. Government hospital would be approached for emergency help.

Apart from Plant first aid facilities, external facilities would be augmented. Names of Medical

Personnel, Medical facilities in Bilaspur will be prepared and updated. Necessary specific

medicines for emergency treatment of Burns patients and for those affected by toxicity would

be maintained.

Breathing apparatus and other emergency medical equipment would be provided and

maintained. The help of near by industrial managements in this regard would be taken on


Communication of emergency would be made familiar to the personnel inside the plant and

people outside. An emergency warning system would be established. EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN

There are number of facilities which can be provided to help in dealing with hazard

conditions. The suggested arrangements are

Stop feed

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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 7 7.15

Deluge contents

Remove heat

Transfer contents

Methods of removing additional heat include removal the normal cooling arrangements or

use of an emergency cooling system. Cooling facilities which is vaporising liquid may be

particularly effective, since a large increase in vaporization can be obtained by dropping


The area would have adequate number of exits and staircases. In the event of an emergency,

unconnected personnel have to escape to assembly point. Operators have to take emergency

shutdown procedure and escape. Time office maintains a copy of deployment of employees

in each shift at Emergency Communication Centre. If necessary, persons can be evacuated by

rescue teams. ALL CLEAR SIGNAL

At the end of emergency, after discussing with Incident Controllers and Emergency

Coordinators, the site controller orders an all clear signal.


Large industries where multifarious activities are involved during construction, erection,

testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance, the men, materials and machines are the

basic inputs. Along with the booms, the industrialization generally brings several problems

like occupational health and safety.

EMP for the Occupational Safety & Health hazards

The health of workers can be protected by adopting the following measures:

Proper Designing of building, Work area

Good Housekeeping practices

Well engineered ventilation & exhaust system


Isolation of specific areas

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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 7 7.16

Enforcement of usage of Personal Protective Devices.

Regular Work Environment Monitoring

Working hours


Occupational health needs attention both during construction and operation phases.

However the problem varies both in magnitude and variety in the above phases.


The occupational health problems envisaged at this stage can mainly be due to constructional

and noise.

To overcome these hazards, personnel protective equipments should also be supplied to



The working personnel should be given the following appropriate personnel protective


Industrial Safety helmets

Crash helmets

Face shield with replacement acrylic vision

Zero power plain goggles with cut type filters on both ends

Zero power goggles with cut type filters on both sides and blue colour glasses

Welders equipment for eye and face protection

Cylindrical type earplug

Ear plugs / Ear muffs

Canister gas masks

Self contained breathing apparatus

Leather apron

Safety belt / line man's safety belt

Leather hand gloves

Asbestos hand gloves

Canvas cum leather hand gloves with leather palm

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EIA report – Chapter 7 7.17

Industrial safety shoes with steel toe

Electrical safety shoes without steel toe and gum boots


Pre-employment health checkup will be conducted:

Chest x rays



Vision testing (Far & Near vision, color vision and any other ocular defect)


Haemogram (examination of the blood)

Urine (Routine and Microscopic)

Complete physical examination


All workers shall be medically tested as per the Factories Act.

Medical records of each employee will be maintained.


Safety of both men and materials during construction and operation phases is of concern. The

preparedness of an industry for the occurrence of possible disasters is known as emergency

plan. The disaster in Project is possible due to collapse of structures and fire / explosion etc.

The details of fire fighting equipments to be installed are given below.

Carbon dioxide

Foam type


Soda acid type

Fire buckets

Fire hydrants

Keeping in view the safety requirement during construction, operation and maintenance

phases, Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd. will observe the following regulations.

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EIA report – Chapter 7 7.18

To take steps to ensure that all known safety factors are taken into account in the

design, construction, operation and maintenance of Plants, machinery and equipment.

To allocate sufficient resources to maintain safe and healthy conditions of work.

To ensure that adequate safety instructions are given to all employees.

To provide where ever necessary protective equipment, safety appliances and clothing

and to ensure their proper use.

To inform employees about materials, equipments or processes used in their work

which are known to be potentially hazardous to health and safety?

To keep all operations and methods of work under regular review for making

necessary changes from the safety point of view in the light of experience and up to

date knowledge.

To provide appropriate facilities for first aid and prompt treatment of injuries and

illness at work.

To provide appropriate instructions, training and supervision to employee’s health and

safety, first aid and to ensure that adequate publicity is given to these matters.

To ensure proper implementation of fire preventive methods and an appropriate fire

fighting service along with training facilities for personnel involved in this service.

To publish / notify regulations, instructions and notices in the common language


To prepare separate safety rules for each type of process involved.

To ensure regular safety inspection by a competent person at suitable intervals of all

buildings, equipments, work places and operations.


A highly qualified and experienced safety officer will be appointed. The responsibilities of the

safety officers include identification of the hazardous conditions and unsafe acts of workers

and advise on corrective actions, conduct safety audit, organize training programmes and

provide professional expert advice on various issues related to occupational safety and


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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 7 7.19

In addition to employment of safety officer, every contractor, who employees more than 250

workers, should also employ one safety officer to ensure safety of the workers in accordance

with the conditions of the contract. OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PHASE

When the construction is completed the posting of safety officers should be in accordance

with the requirement of factories act and their duties and responsibilities should be as

defined there of. SAFETY CIRCLE

In order to fully develop the capabilities of the employees in identification of hazardous

processes and improving safety and health, safety circles would be constituted in each area of

work. The circle would consist of 5-6 employees from that area. The circle normally should

meet for about an hour every week.


A fully fledged training centre will be established at Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd. Safety

training will be provided by the safety officers with the assistance of faculty members called

from professional safety institutions and universities. In addition to regular employees,

limited contractor labors will also given safety training.

To create safety awareness safety films will be shown to workers and leaflets etc. will be


Reliable and dependable type of fire detection system with proper zoning and

interlocks for alarms are effective protection methods for conveyor galleries.

Housekeeping of high standard helps in eliminating the causes of fire and regular fire

watching system strengthens fire prevention and fire fighting.


All the potential occupational hazardous work places will be monitored regularly. The health

of employees working in these areas will be monitored once in a year

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EIA report – Chapter 7 7.20


The local areas will be benefited by way of generation of employment opportunities,

increased demand for local products and services. There will be an overall improvement in

the income level of the local people.

The project creates employment for about 75 persons once the proposed project is

commissioned and for 150 persons during construction stage of proposed project. Priority will

be given to locals for Semi-Skilled and Unskilled workers as per their suitability to the job.

The project proponent intends to provide welfare activities recreational facilities in the

surrounding villages once the plant commences production. PCBPL intends to conduct regular

health checkups in the nearby villages under the CSR activities. Therefore there will be a

certain enhancement of educational and medical standards of people in the region. There will

be generally positive and beneficial impacts by way of economic improvements,

transportation, aesthetic environment and business generation. There will be an overall

upliftment of socio-economic status of people in the area and hence the quality of life will



There is no habitation in the proposed site for the proposed activity. Hence no Rehabilitation

& Resettlement is envisaged.

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EIA report – Chapter 8 8.1



Once the proposed project is commissioned the socio-economic status of the local people

will improve and there by infrastructure facilities like communication systems and others

will improve.


With the implementation of the proposed project, the socio-economic status of the local

people will improve substantially. The land rates in the area will improve in the nearby

areas due to the proposed plant. This will help in upliftment of the social status of the

people in the area. Educational institutions will also come-up and will lead to improvement

of educational status of the people in the area. Medical facilities will certainly improve due

to the proposed project.


The proposed project creates employment to 150 people during construction and 75

people during operation of the project.


Total skilled employment in the proposed plant will be 10.


Total Semi-skilled employment in the proposed project will be 15. Priority will be given to

local people for semi-skilled jobs.


Total Unskilled employment in the proposed project will be 50. Top priority will be given to

local people for unskilled jobs.


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2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 8 8.2


Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd. will be actively contributing to improve the Socio-economic

conditions of the area by providing assistance for local persons preferable from the nearby

villages. The continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to

economic development while improve the quality of life of workforce and their families as

well as that of the local community and society at large. CSR capital cost is Rs.40 lakhs and

Annual recurring cost Rs.15 Lakhs.

Social activities and development schemes includes:

Health & Sanitation

Regula health camps

Supply of medicines

Improving health care facilities & create awareness about sanitation


Provide school dress, books and stationary

Promotion of sports

Construction of class rooms(s), providing drinking water, fan etc in the

nearby village school as per requirement.

Community Infrastructure development

Repairing & construction of community building, create facility for drinking


Participate in social regional programmes by providing financial assistance.

Laying of Pucca Roads & repairing of roads if damaged.

A need based assessment will be carried and further CSR activities will be taken up as per


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EIA report – Chapter 9 9.1



All the required environmental protection measures will be implemented in the proposed

plant and will be operated to comply with the MOEF&CC/CPCB/CECB norms. Rs. 130.0

Lakhs have been earmarked as capital investment for environmental protection measures

and Rs. 15.0 Lakhs/Annum Recurring cost for Pollution control measures. Breakup of the

EMP budget is given below:


S.No Particulars Capital Cost ( Lakhs)

Recurring Cost / Annum

( Lacs)

1 Air Quality

Dust Extraction systems with Bag filters


Water Sprinklers

Environment Monitoring

60.0 7.8

2 Wastewater Management

Settling ponds

Garland drains


20.0 1.0

3 Solid waste Management

Construction of Pucca Platform for storage

Hazardous & Municipal solid waste storage

30.0 2.3

4 Greenbelt development, Land scaping & Noise levels monitoring

15.0 1.5

5 Occupational Health & Safety 5.0 2.4

TOTAL 130.0 15.0


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EIA report – Chapter 10 10.1



10.1 INTRODUCTION [Gen. TOR # vi & xii]

The Environment Management Plant (EMP) is required to ensure sustainable development

in the study area of the proposed plant site, hence it needs to be an all encompassive plan

for which the proposed industry, Government, regulating agencies like Pollution Control

Board working in the region and more importantly the affected population of the study

area need to extend their cooperation and contribution.

The affected environmental attributes in the region are air quality, water quality, soil, land

use, ecology and public health. The EIA study has revealed that the study area will not be

adversely affected due to the proposed project.

The Management Action Plan aims at controlling pollution at the source itself to the

possible extent with the available and affordable technology followed by treatment

measures before they are discharged.


Environmental pollution is inevitable during the construction phase. The project proponent

should take appropriate steps to control pollution during construction phase. The following

are the factors requiring control.


At the time of construction of the project, there will be generation of some quantity of soil

and debris and produce unstable material. The disturbed slopes will be well stabilized

before the on set of the monsoon. The leveling operation will also involve piling up of

backfill materials. Water spraying to minimize fugitive dust during construction activities is

recommended. Construction debris will be properly disposed off


run Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Page 122: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 10 10.2


The employees at the plant shall be provided with water for their requirement and for the

construction activities. Sufficient and suitable toilet facilities will be provided to allow

proper standards of hygiene.

10.2.3 NOISE

Noise is anticipated during the construction phase due to the usage of various construction

equipment such as mechanical vibrator, mixers etc. The noise effect on the nearest

inhabitations due to construction activity will be negligible.


No maintenance of vehicles will be carried out at the project site. No workshop is proposed.

Waste oil, if any, will be properly stored and will be given to CECB approved vendors.

10.2.5 WASTE

Empty packing material, drums, glass, paper, plastic, wood, thermacol etc. will be sold to

the vendors.


The following hazardous materials need to be stored at the site during construction.

a. Gas for welding purpose

b. LDO

c. Painting materials

All these materials would be stored as per international safety standards.


The proposed project will not create any major impact on land environment. As soon as the

construction activity is over, the surplus earth will be utilised to fill up low lying areas, the

rubbish will be cleared and all in built surfaces will be reinstated. Appropriate vegetation

will be planned and all such areas shall be landscaped. 8.25 acres of extensive greenbelt will

be developed within the premises.

run Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Page 123: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 10 10.3



S.No. Stack attached to Control Equipment Particulate emission

at the outlet

a. Coal crusher Dust Extraction system

with Bag filters < 50 mg/Nm3 FUGITIVE EMISSIONS

Fugitive dust emissions are likely in the unloading areas, crusher area, material transfer

point, screening area etc.

Fugitive emission in the material unloading area will be controlled by providing dust

suppression system.

Dust extraction system with bagfilters will be provided at crusher. Crusher will be

provided in covered shed.

At other dust emanating areas material transfer points will be controlled by providing

dust extraction system with bag filters.

Adequate number of water sprinklers using fine atomizer nozzles will be proved near

the coal stock yard land around the crusher.

Green belt will be developed along the road side, coal handling plant and office building

and all round the boundary line of the coal washery.

Storage bunkers, hoppers, rubber decks in chutes and centrifugal chutes will be

provided with proper rubber linings.

Fugitive emissions will be regularly monitored in the plant area and CPCB stipulations

regarding fugitive emission control and monitoring will be strictly followed.

Control of Emissions at CHP

In the coal handling plant, all required precautions will be taken up to prevent the air

emissions. Unloading areas will be provided with dust suppression system. At the material

transfer points, dust extraction system with bag filters will be provided. All conveyers will

be completely covered with GI sheets to prevent fugitive dust emission. All transfer points

will be provided with enclosures.

run Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Page 124: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 10 10.4 DUST SUPPRESSION SYSTEM

Water sprinklers will be provided at the unloading areas of the raw materials for dust

suppression. Dust suppression system with water sprinklers will be provided. INTERNAL ROADS

Internal roads will be asphalted to prevent the fugitive dust emission due to vehicular


Impacts Control Measures

Sources of dust emissions are:

Raw material unloading Dust suppression system

Coal yard Water sprinkling with fine atomizer nozzles.

Storage bunkers, hoppers Proper rubber linings

Coal crusher Dust extraction system with bag filters

Conveyers & transfer points Provided with sheet enclosures

Due to Vehicular movement Internal roads Asphalted Avenue plantation along the road.

Apart from above Management Plan, Green belt development will further attenuate the impacts. COMPLIANCE ON CREP RECOMMENDATIONS

All the following CREP recommendations will be implemented & followed strictly.

Water will be sprayed at all strategic coal transfer points such as conveyors, loading

unloading point’s etc. Conveyors, transfer points etc. will be provided with enclosures.

Crusher will be provided with enclosures, fitted with bag filters and finally emitted

through a stack of 30 m height, conforming particulate emission standard of 50


Water sprinkling by using fine atomizer nozzles arrangement will be provided on the

coal heaps and on land around the crusher.

Water consumption in the coal washery will be below 1.5 cubic meter per tonne of coal.

The efficiency of the settling ponds of the waste water treatment system of the coal

washery will not be less than 90%.

Green belt will be developed along the road side, coal handling plants, residential

complex, and office building and all round the boundary line of the coal washery.

Storage bunkers, hoppers, rubber decks in chutes and centrifugal chutes will be

provided with proper rubber linings.

run Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Page 125: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 10 10.5

Vehicles movement in the coal washery area will be regulated effectively to avoid traffic

congestion. High pressure horn will be prohibited. Smoke emission from heavy duty

vehicle operating in the coal washery would confirm the standards prescribed under

Motor Vehicle Rules 1989.

Difference in value of SPM measured between 25 to 30 m from the enclosure of coal

crushing plant in the downwind and leeward direction will not exceed 50 mg/Nm3. This

method is based on High volume samples and using average flow rate not exceeding


Effluent Discharge

Close circuit operation with zero effluent discharge will be adopted in the proposed


Noise Levels

Operation / working Zone – not to exceed 85 dBA for 8 hrs exposure.


a. The proposed air emission control equipment will be installed prior to commissioning

the project.

b. All the internal roads will be asphalted to reduce the fugitive dust due to truck



PROJECT [Gen. TOR # iii & xxii]


Untreated waste water Settling ponds with 95 % efficiency will be provided.

Ground water contamination Storage areas will be made pucca. Garland drainage system will be provided.

Effluent discharge

Thickener and Multi Roll Filter Press for reclamation of water will be provided. Recovered water will be reused in the process. Zero effluent discharge will be implemented.

Impact downstream users of Arpa River due to water drawl

No water will be drawn from Arpa River. The water for the proposed project will be met from Ground water sources. Permission from the Central Ground Water Authority for ground water abstraction is awaited.

run Phil Group

Coal Washeries

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 10 10.6


Impact on Arpa River due to discharge of Effluent from proposed project

Closed loop water system will be implemented in the proposed project. Hence there will not be any waste water release from process. Zero effluent discharge will be maintained in proposed project. The only waste water generation from the plant will be sanitary waste water. The sanitary waste water will be treated in septic tank followed by sub-surface dispersion trench.

Ground water contamination due to effluent discharge

Zero effluent discharge will be maintained in proposed project. The sanitary waste water will be treated in septic tank followed by sub-surface dispersion trench.

Closed loop water system is envisaged, hence there will not be any waste water

generation from process.

Process wastewater will be recycled back in the washing circuit.

Sanitary waste will be treated in septic tank by Sub-surface dispersion trench.

The effluent from the plant will be sent to the thickener. Flocculants (Anionic &

Cationic) will be added to facilitate settling of suspended solids and give a clearer


The solids which are collected in the bottom of the thickener will be pumped to the

Multi Roll Belt Press for reclamation of water. The solid dried cake will be blended with


The overflow of the thickener which is clear water will be recycled.

High efficiency centrifuge, belt press fitter, high frequency screening and thickener will

be installed to optimize water recovery from the washing circuit.

The proposed plant is a zero-effluent plant.

All the MoEF&CC norms/CREP recommendations for coal washeries will be complied


run Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Page 127: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 10 10.7

Effluent Treatment Plant


Washery rejects will be generated from the proposed coal washery unit. Washery rejects of

0.50 MTPA will be given to Power plants of M/s. Hira Ferro Alloys Ltd & M/s. INDSIL Energy

& Electrochemicals Pvt. Ltd.

MoU copy for supply of washery rejects is enclosed as Annexure - 4.

Hence there will not be any adverse impact on land environment due to the solid waste





1 Washery rejects & Middling

0.50 Will be given to Power plant of M/s. Hira Ferro Alloys Ltd & M/s. INDSIL Energy & Electrochemicals Pvt. Ltd.

Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Green b^M

Washing Equipments


Raw Watei Res«?ivp»


Dew ater ing Scr een






Removal of solid particles

H igh Frequency Set een



Settling Pond


Collection tank

lb,.PIONEER ENVIRO ffj I »w ft ** vM

Page 128: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 10 10.8

Hazardous waste generation, storage & disposal:

1. Waste oil : 1.0 KL / Annum

This will be stored in covered HDPE drums in a designated area and will be given to SPCB

approved vendors.

2. Used Batteries :

Used batteries will be given back to the supplier under buy cack agreement with supplier.

Municipal Solid Waste Generation & its Disposal:

Type of Municipal solid waste Proposed method of disposal

Construction debris Used for landfill within the plant site to the extent possible

Canteen waste Used in composting / Vermiculture Used as manure for greenbelt development within the premises.

Recyclables Given to CECB authorised dealers


The major noise generating sources in the plant are DG sets & crusher. Acoustic enclosure

will be provided to DG sets. Crusher will be inside the covered shed. The major noise levels

will be confined to the working zones of the plant. The Leq of eight hours will be within the

prescribed standards. The proposed greenbelt will attenuation noise levels. As the nearest

habitation is about 0.7 Kms. from the plant, there will not be any adverse impact on

habitations due to the proposed project. The following mitigation measures are

recommended :

a) Acoustic enclosures for DG Set

b) Adopt shock absorbing techniques.

c) Ear plugs for workers working in the high noise areas.

d) Extensive greenbelt development.


All the required Air emission Control systems will be provided in the proposed project. Zero

effluent discharge will be maintained in the proposed project. The solid waste generated

from the project will be utilized / disposed as per norms. Hence there will not be any

run Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Page 129: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 10 10.9

adverse impact on land environment due to the solid waste generated from the proposed

project activities. 8.25 Acres will be developed periphery of the Plant area will have positive

impact on land environment. Lawn will be developed in open areas & at admin building

and other areas to reduce the soil erosion within the premises.


There are no Wild life sanctuaries, Bird sanctuaries, National Parks within 10 Km. radius of

the plant. No significant vegetation occurs in and around the project site. No significant

fauna exists in the area. Hence there will not be any adverse impact on flora & fauna due to

the proposed project.


Plantation programme should be undertaken at several areas. They should include

plantation, along the internal and external roads and along the administrative buildings

and the stacking yards.

People should be educated and trained in social forestry activities by local

governmental and non-governmental organizations. GREEN BELT DEVELOPMENT

Extensive three tier greenbelt will be developed to mitigate the impacts on Environment.

10 m wide greenbelt will be developed all around the plant. Plantation will be developed in

consultation with local DFO.

Green belt plantation

Greenbelt will be developed in a set of rows of trees planted in such a way that they form

an effective barrier between the plant and the surroundings. The main purpose of

greenbelt development is to contribute to the following factors.

To maintain the ecological homeostatus.

To attenuate the emissions and the fugitive dust emissions.

To prevent the soil erosion.

To attenuate the noise levels.

Plantation of grass, flowers, bushes and trees will be taken up to reduce the generation of

dust from the bare earth and to enhance the aesthetic value.

run Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Page 130: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 10 10.10

Plantation species

Plantation species will be considered based on the following:

Suitable to the Geo-climatic conditions of the area.

Mix of round, spreading, oblong and conical canopies.

Ever green trees.

Different heights ranging from 4m to 20m.

Plantation for Arresting dust

Trees particularly having compact branching closely arranged leaves of simple elliptical and

hairy structure, shiny or waxy leaves and hairy twigs are efficient filters of dust. The

following species are suggested to arrest the dust

Alstonia Scholaris

Bauhinia purpurea

Cassia siamea

Peltoferrum ferrugineum

Butea monosperma

Tamarindus indica

Azadirachta indica

Plantation to absorb SO2 emissions

The following plants are suggested for plantation to absorb SO2 in the air.

Azadirachta indica

Albizia lebbeck

Alstonia scholaris

Lagerstroemia flosregineae

Melia azedarach

Minusops elangi

Poloyalthia longifloia

Plantation to reduce noise pollution

Trees having thick and flushy leaves with petioles are suitable. Heavier branches and trunks

of trees also deflect the sound waves. The following plant species are suggested to reduce

noise pollution.

run Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Page 131: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 10 10.11

Alstonia scholaris

Azadirachta indica

Melia monosperma

Grevillea peridifolia

Tamarindus indica

Greavillea robusta

Plantation along the roads (Avenue plantation)

Alstonia scholaris

Cassia fistula

Bauhinia purpurea

Mimusops elangi

Pongamia pinnata

Polyalthia longifolia

Poluferrum ferrugineum

Lagerstroemia flosreginea

Cassia siamea

Greenbelt development plan [Gen. TOR # iv]

Local DFO will be consulted for developing the green belt.

8.25 acres of extensive green belt will be developed in the plant premises as per

CPCB guidelines.

10 m wide greenbelt will be developed all around the plant.

The tree species to be selected for the plantation are pollutant tolerant, fast

growing, wind firm, deep rooted. A three tier plantation is proposed comprising of

an outer most belt of taller trees which will act as barrier, middle core acting as air

cleaner and the innermost core which may be termed as absorptive layer consisting

of trees which are known to be particularly tolerant to pollutants.

600 nos. of plants will be planted per acre as per CPCB guidelines.

run Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Page 132: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 10 10.12


Rainwater harvesting structures will be constructed to harvest the run-off water from roof

tops by laying a separate storm water drainage system for recharging of ground water.

Rain water harvesting structures will be provided in the plant to recharge the precious

ground water. Rain harvesting pits will be constructed in consultation with Central Ground

Water Board.

The following is the Plan for rain water harvesting measure at plant site.

Average annual rainfall = 1082 mm

Quantum of Rain water that can be harvested from the premises

a) Average annual rainfall = 1.082 m

b) Runoff co-efficient

Runoff co-efficient for Roof area = 90%

Runoff co-efficient for Roads and Paved area = 80%

Runoff co-efficient for Open area = 40%

Runoff co-efficient for Green belt area = 20%

Details of Rain water harvesting potential

S.No. Type of area Total Area (m2)

Runoff Co-efficient

Rainfall in m Rainwater Collection Potential


1 Roof top area 9712 0.90 1.082 9457.5

2 Internal roads 4046 0.80 1.082 3502.2

3 Greenbelt 33387 0.20 1.082 7224.9

4 Water Storage & RWH 3197 1.00 1.082 3459.1

Total 50342 23643.7

The potential rain water that can be collected will be 23643.7 m3/year. This conserved

water will be utilized for plant water requirement. Accordingly, the net water requirement

for the plant will reduce.

run Phil Group

Coal Washeries

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 10 10.13


The monitoring of various environmental parameters is necessary as part of the

environmental protection measures. Monitoring is an important feature because the

efficiency of control measures can only be determined by monitoring. A comprehensive

monitoring programme is given under. PM2.5, PM10, SO2 and NOX are monitored as per

MoEF&CC notification vide G.S.R. No. 826(E) dated 16th November, 2009.

Locations and frequency of monitoring as per the guidelines of CECB and MoEF are

tabulated below:


S.No. Particulars Frequency of Monitoring

Duration of sampling

Parameters required to be monitored

1.Water & Waste water quality

A. Water quality (around storage yards)

Once in a month Grab sampling

As per IS: 10500

2. Air Quality

A. Stack Monitoring Once in a month PM

B. Ambient Air quality

Twice a week 24 hours continuously

PM2.5, PM10, SO2 & NOx

C. Fugitive emission monitoring

Once in a month 8 hours PM

3. Noise Levels

A. Noise Levels Once in a month one day in a month on hourly basis

Ambient Noise levels in dBA

Infrastructure for Environmental Protection

Man Power

The project proponent shall provide a fully equipped laboratory to carry out the analysis.

The following manpower shall be provided on regular basis.

1. Environmental Engineer / Safety Officer / Environmental Officer

He should be a graduate engineer with adequate experience. He will be responsible for

implementing and monitoring the environmental impacts and all the safety aspects. He

should be a liasioning officer between the plant and the regulatory agencies like CECB,

CPCB etc.

run Phil Group

Coal Washeries

Page 134: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 10 10.14

2. Chemist

He should be a qualified chemist to carry out the analysis of various samples.

3. Monitoring equipment and Consumables

Initially, environmental monitoring during the operation phase of the plant will be

entrusted to a third party. Monitoring will be carried out as per CPCB/CECB norms. A

budgetary allocation of Rs 5.0 Lakhs will be earmarked for Environmental monitoring.


Capital Cost for Environment Protection for total project : Rs. 130 Lakhs

Total Recurring Cost for Environmental protection : Rs. 15 lakhs per annum.

run Phil Group

Coal Washeries

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 11 11.1



The proposed project involves installation of 2.5 MTPA wet type of coal washery at Ghutku

Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District of Chhattisgarh State. As per the Ministry of

Environment, Forests & Climate Change, New Delhi EIA notification, dated 14th September

and its subsequent amendments, 2006 all coal washeries above 1.0 MTPA are classified

under Category ‘A’ of activity type 2(a).


1. Location of the Project : Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District of

Chhattisgarh State

2. Proposed Project : 2.5 MTPA wet type coal washery

3. Total land : 24.54 acres

4. Project cost envisaged : Rs.25.00 Crores

5. Source of water : Water requirement for the proposed project will be

sourced from Ground water source.

6. Water requirement : 955 cum/day

7. Wastewater generation : 4 cum/day (Only sanitary waste water)

8. Air Emission Control equipment’s


: Dust Extraction systems with Bag filters

9. Wastewater management : Closed loop water system will be envisaged in Coal

washery. Hence there will not be any wastewater

generation from the process. Sanitary wastewater will be

treated in Septic Tank followed by Sub-surface dispersion

trench. Zero effluent discharge system will be maintained

in the proposed project.

10. Solid waste disposal : Rejects generated from the plant will be given to M/s. Hira

Ferro Alloys Ltd & M/s. INDSIL Energy & Electrochemicals

Pvt. Ltd.

11. Green belt development : Greenbelt of 8.25 acres will be developed in the plant

premises as per CPCB guidelines.


Page 136: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 11 11.2


The process comprises coal crushing, screening, washing and materials handling to produce

clean coal with ash content less than 34%. The washery will generate rejects, which will be

sold to the prospective buyers.

Wet coal beneficiation process has been selected as it is less polluting as compared to the dry

process and suit to the specific customer’s requirement of lower ash content coal. It has

been planned to adopted heavy media cyclone technology with closed circuit water system

to ensure zero effluent discharge.

Closed loop water system is proposed in the process, hence there will not be waste water

generation from process. Sanitary waste will be treated in septic tank by Sub-surface

dispersion trench.


Management of Phil Coal Beneficiation Pvt. Ltd. will support local areas that will be benefited

by way of generation of employment opportunities, increased demand for local products and

services. There will be an overall improvement in the income level of the local people.

The proposed project will create direct employment of 75 and during the construction to

around 150 persons. With the development of this plant there will be lot of scope for more

industrial investments which in turn will benefit the nation.

Page 137: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 12 12.1





EIA Consultant, vide certificate No. NABET/ EIA/ 1619/ RA 026 & ISO 9001-2008 certified

company. It is one of the leading Environmental Consultancy organizations in South India

and Chhattisgarh. Established in 1996 PELCPL has an excellent track record of serving

several well-established Group companies across the Country.

PIONEER ENVIRO is a team of professionals in various disciplines such as Environmental

Engineering & Environmental Management. The team is slated to double in next two


Our goals are to provide all of our clients with quality services at a fair, competitive price.

By offering a turnkey service (excepting some specific areas), we can maximize the

efficiency of data collection so that our clients pay one time for similar services. The

technologies deployed at PIONEER ENVIRO are current and leading edge, duly validated.

PIONEER ENVIRO has an exceptional team of Environment professionals. PELCPL has the

expertise to assess the impact of various industrial activities such Coal Washery, Power

Plants, Steel Plants, Distilleries, Cement Plants etc., on the environment. These

assessments will help the industry to install the best Environmental Management Systems

and to maintain the plant in accordance with the norms stipulated for ISO-14001 & ISO-

18000. PIONEER ENVIRO services range from site assessments, environmental audits,

environmental impact statements and risk assessments to waste management.

Following are some of the services which are PIONEER ENVIRO core competency:

Helping the client to select the suitable site as per the norms of Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of India and State Pollution Control

Boards in India.


Page 138: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Chapter 12 12.2

Environmental Impact assessment studies carried out as per the guidelines issued

by Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of India and State

Pollution Control Boards in India.

Environment Audits.

Risk Assessment and Disaster Management Studies.

Occupational health & industrial hygiene.

Solid waste management.

Environmental baseline studies covering the fields of ambient Air, Surface water,

Ground water, Soil, Noise and Biological Environment (Flora & Fauna).

Stack Emission Monitoring, Effluent Analysis, Ground water analysis.

Design of Effluent Treatment Plant

Design of Sewage Treatment Plant

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Ghutku Village, Takhatpur Tehsil, Bilaspur District

2.5 MTPA Wet Type Coal Washery

EIA report – Annexures Cover Page


Page 140: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,


Land for Railway Siding

Land for Coal Washery

Site Map


Text Box
Plant Layout showing Washery Plant & Railway Siding
Text Box
Annexure - 1
Page 141: Final Environmental Impact Assessment · (2.5 Million TPA – Wet Type Coal ... Takhatpur Tehsil Bilaspur District,

Project Site

M/s. Phil Minerals Beneficiation & Energy Pvt. Ltd. – Coal CrusherM/s. Bhatia Coal – Coal Crusher

M/s. Paras Power & Coal Beneficiation Ltd. (Proposed Coal Washery)

Map showing other Industries (including proposed) within 10 Kms. radius of the project site Annexure - 2

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Typewritten text
Typewritten text
Recommendation Letter from Collectorate Office, Bilaspur
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Text Box
Annexure - 4
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Annexure - 5
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Text Box
Annexure - 6
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