final decision


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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Final decision


Page 2: Final decision

My chosen music genre is Rock. I have chosen this genre because it I think that it will be interesting to produce a music magazine based on that particular genre. I also like the ethos behind the genre. I have also chosen the genre of rock because it was the most popular result I had gathered from my music magazine questionnaire. I have also read a few rock magazines which would be useful whilst making my music magazine as I can use past experience to help formulate a good rock magazine. I have also identified what makes rock magazines different from usual magazines therefore whilst making my magazine I shouldn’t conform to any mainstream ideologies. Rock music is a form of popular music that decided to break away from the pop culture and become more unique and serious. The fact that this genre decided to break away from the pop industry many years and still maintain a wide audience show how successful the genre is not only through their music but also through a rise in rock magazines.Therefore when it comes to making my magazine I should have these ideas in mind and incorporate them into my magazine conforming to the ideologies of the rock industry. It will also be interesting to explore the techniques used for this genre in my music magazine such as the colours used to complement the model and also the layout of the magazine.

Chosen Genre And Why?

Page 3: Final decision

The research that was carried was a Questionnaire and research into different magazines which helped me finalise my chosen genre and explain why. My research helped me reflect on the editorial decisions (What is your favourite magazine genre?), design principles (Are you more inclined to purchase the magazine if you like the front cover), mode of address(Casual language) and a balance of promotion and critique (What do you enjoy seeing in a magazine?). I have decided to listen to the public feedback I received from my music magazine questionnaire and incorporate that into my magazine as I want it to appeal to my desire target audience and possibly bring in new readers. The information from my feedback will help me develop my magazine in a way that not only appeals to my target audience but other readers as well.

What research have you done toProvide evidence for your decision?

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My desired target audience for this magazine is ages 15-21 both male and female. There is not restriction of class however it all depends on if the person reading the magazine like the chosen genre. The reason why I have chosen a wide age group is because from doing my research into other rock magazine they appeal to a wide audience not only through the layout of the magazine but through the artist/s they incorporate into their magazine. Rock magazines are very unique and different from pop magazines and can therefore distinguish itself with the desired target audience whether that is through clothes, style or makeup. My audience physiographic is students, workers and anyone who have an interest in the rock and music industry. The social grade for my magazine is D-C as skilled workers may also enjoy listening and reading rock magazine and I didn’t want to limit my target audience to one social grade as I believe my rock magazine will appeal to many people. Another reason I chose this particular age group is because the majority of people that answered my survey said that they were ages 15-19 and read rock magazines also 30% said they are ages 20-24.

Who Is Your Target Audience?

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Language: The language that I plan to use is very casual as I believe that it will appeal to my chosen target audience making them more enticed to read the content inside the magazine knowing that the language is suited to them.Institution: The institution that I want to publish my magazine is Bauer Media Group as they are responsible for many successful magazines such as Kerrang and Q magazine. They also own 50% of Box Television therefore if the success of my magazine is high then I might be more inclined to developing a music channel. It would help compliment my magazine as I have targeted at teenagers and young adults and they’ll be able to follow my magazine through its music channels and website. It also highlights how contemporary my magazine will be.Ideology: The ideology for my magazine is to make young adults and teenagers more aware about the Rock industry. An industry that doesn’t conform to any dominant ideologies in the music business. To never feel pressure to conform to mainstream view but instead embrace ones unique abilities. It should also encourage young people to be themselves and live life the way they want it to be.Audience: My audience will be young adults and teenagers aged 15-21. I have decided not to restrict my magazine based on to one social group, instead it is a mix of two or three social grades (C,D and E). My magazine is targeted at those from all ethnicities and class backgrounds. As my magazine is published by Bauer Media Group which is an international company I think that my magazine can target 15-21 in many different countries. My magazine is also targeted at young adults and teenagers who are interested in the (rock) music industry and also those who aspire and follow the career of successful rock bands.Representation: I will represent my target audience by using a lot of bold vibrant colours which could symbolise the animated, fun life of young people. My model will in costume of a ‘grunge’ style which represents an independence, a style that is different to mainstream views and it should also represent the self confidence to be unique.