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  • 8/8/2019 Final Btech Comp


    Department of Computer

    Engineering and InformationTechnology

    Syllabus for

    Final Year B. Tech. (Computer Engineering)

  • 8/8/2019 Final Btech Comp



    Effective from 2010-2011



    Course code Subject Title Contact hoursL T P


    01 CT 401 Compiler Construction 3 - - 3

    02 CT 402 Design and Analysis ofAlgorithms

    3 - - 3

    03 CT 403 Information Security 3 - - 3

    04 CT 404 Advanced ComputerArchitecture

    3 - - 3

    05 CT 405 Elective I 3 - - 3

    06 CT 406 Information Security Lab - - 4 2

    07 CT 407 Elective-I lab - - 2 108 CT 408 Computer lab-II - - 4 2

    09 CT 409 Project - - 2 1

    Total 15 - 12 21




    Subject Title Contact hoursL T P


    01 CT 416 Elective II 3 - - 3

    02 CT 417 Elective Lab II - - 2 103 CT 418 Project - - 28 14

    Total 3 - 30 18

    Elective I:1. Storage and Virtualization2. Advanced Unix Programming3. Subjects In association with Industries

    Elective II1. Multimedia Techniques2. Advanced Computer Graphics3. Service Oriented Architecture4. Subjects In association with Industries

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    Teaching SchemeLectures : 3 hrs/week

    Examination SchemeMid-Sem. Exam30 marks

    Assignment/Quizzes 20 marksEnd Sem Exam - 50 marks

    UNIT I [4 hrs]IntroductionTranslator Issues, why to write a Compiler, what is a Compiler, what is the Challenge ,Compiler

    Architecture, Front end and Back end model of compiler, Cross compiler, Incremental compiler, Bootstrapping.

    UNIT II [4 hrs]Lexical AnalysisConcept of Lexical Analysis, Regular Expressions, Deterministic finite automata (DFA), Non-Deterministic finite automata (NFA), Converting regular expressions to DFA, Converting NFA to DFA,Hand coding of Lexical analyzer, Introduction to LEX Tool and LEX file specification, Error detection andrecovery in LEX.

    UNIT III [7 hrs]Syntax AnalysisContext Free Grammars(CFG),Concept of parsing, Parsing Techniques ,Top-Down Parsers : Introduction,Predictive Parsing - Removal of left recursion, Removal of left factoring, Recursive Descent Parsing,Predictive LL( k ) Parsing Using Tables, Bottom Up parsing: Introduction, Shift-Reduce Parsing Using the ACTION/GOTO Tables, Table Construction, SLR(1), LR(1), and LALR(1) Grammars, Practical

    Considerations for LALR(1) Grammars, Introduction to YACC Tool & YACC file specification, Errordetection and recovery in YACC.

    UNIT IV [7 hrs]Semantic Analysis & Intermediate Representation

    Need of semantic analysis, Abstract Parse trees for Expressions, variables, statements, functions andclass declarations, Syntax directed definitions, Syntax directed translation schemes for declarationprocessing, type analysis, scope analysis , Symbol Tables (ST),Organization of ST for block structure

    and non block structured languages, Symbol Table management, Type Checkers : type checkingfor expressions, declarations ( variable, type, function, recursive), statements, Intermediate codegeneration: Intermediate languages, Design issues, Intermediate representations: three address, postfix& abstract syntax trees, Intermediate code generation for declaration, assignment, iterativestatements, case statements, arrays, structures, conditional statements, Boolean expressions,

    procedure/function definition and call.

    UNIT V [6 hrs]Run-Time Memory Management & Code generationModel of a program in execution, Stack and static allocation, Activation records , Issues in the design of

    code generation, Target machine description, Basic blocks & flow graphs, Expression Trees, Unifiedalgorithms for instruction selection and code generation., Sethi Ullman algorithm for expression trees ,Aho Johnson algorithm, Different models of machines , order of evaluation, register allocation , Codegenerator-generator concept.

    UNIT VI [4 hrs]Code OptimizationIntroduction, Principal sources of optimization, Machine Independent Optimization, Machine dependent

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    Text Books:1. Alfred V. Aho, A. V. R. Sethi and J.D. Ullman Compiler Principle, Techniques and ToolsAddison Wesley

    Reference Books:

    1. Barrent W. A., J. D. Couch, Compiler Construction Theory and Practice, Computer Science series,Asian student edition.2. Dhamdhere D.M., Compiler Construction Principle and Practice, Mac. Millan India, New Delhi

    3. Manish Kumar Jhas, Compiler Construction An advance course.4. Ravendra Singh, Vivek Sharma, Manish Varshney, Design and Implementation of Compiler , New

    Age Publications.5. Holub, A.J., Compiler design in C Prentice Hall.6. John Levine, Tony Mason & Doug Brown, Lex and Yacc, OReilly.

    Optimization, Various Optimizations: Function preserving transformation, Common Sub-expressions,

    Copy propagation, Dead-code elimination, Loop Optimizations, Code Motion, Induction variables andreduction in strength, Peephole Optimization, Redundantinstruction elimination

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    CT 402: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    Teaching SchemeLectures : 3 hrs/week

    Examination SchemeMid-sem. Exam30 marks

    Assignment/Quizzes 20 marksEnd-Sem Exam - 50 marks

    Unit I [3 Hrs]


    Objectives of time and space analysis of algorithms; Order notations (O, , notations) with referenceto the following algorithms: bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, Recurrences

    Unit II [3 Hrs]

    Data StructuresArrays, Linked lists, Stacks and Queues. Binary search trees, Red-Black trees, Hash tables, Basics ofgraphs and their representations, Heaps and Heapsort

    Unit III [12 Hrs]

    Design Techniques

    Divide and Conquer : Merge-sort, Strassens Matrix Multiplication, Quick-sort with average case analysisGreedy Algorithms: Fractional Knapsack, Huffman Coding Dynamic Programming : 0/1 Knapsack,Longest common subsequence, Matrix chain multiplication or Optimal search trees Backtracking : N-

    Queens Problems, Sum of subsets problem, Branch-and-bound : 0/1 Knapsack problem, AssignmentProblem

    Unit IV [12 Hrs]

    Selected Algorithms from various areasGraph Theory: Elementary Algorithms, DFS, BFS, Topological Sort, Minimum spanning trees (Kruskal

    and Prim's algorithms), Shortest Paths: Single Source shortest paths Bellman-Ford algorithm,Dijkastras algorithm, All pairs shortest paths: Floyd-Warshall, Maximum Flow : Flow networks, TheFord-Fulkerson method, String Matching : The nave string-matching algorithm, The Robin-Karp

    algorithm, The Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, Geometric algorithms : Convex hull, Closest pair,Intersection of line segments, Polygon triangulation

    Unit V [6 Hrs]

    Introduction to Advanced Algorithm Design Techniques Amortized Analysis : Aggregate analysis, The accounting method,The potential method, Probabilistic

    Analysis and Randomized Algorithms, The hiring problem, Indicator random variables, Randomizedalgorithms, Approximation Algorithms: The vertex-cover problem, The traveling salesman problem

    Unit VI [4 Hrs]

    Complexity TheoryLower-bound arguments, NP-completeness, Introduction to NP-Complete, Reducibility (SAT,

    Independent_Set, 3VC, Subset Sum & Partition ,Hamiltonian Circuit)

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    Text Books:1. Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest and Cliford Stein, Introduction to

    Algorithms, PHI

    Reference Books:

    1. E. Horowitz and S. Sahni.Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Galgotia, 19912. V. Aho, J. E. Hopcroft, and J. D. Ullman,The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms,

    Addison Wesley, 1974

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    Teaching SchemeLectures : 3 hrs/week

    Examination SchemeMid-sem. Exam30 marks

    Assignment/Quizzes 20 marksEnd Sem Exam - 50 marks

    Unit I [5 Hrs]IntroductionNeed of security, security services, Active vs. Passive attacks, OSI Security Architecture, one timepasswords, A Model for Network security, Classical Encryption Techniques like substitution ciphers,Transposition ciphers, Steganography and digital Watermarking

    Unit II [6Hrs]Symmetric Key EncryptionModular Arithmetic, Euclids Algorithm, Block ciphers, Stream ciphers, RC4 Stream cipher, Data

    Encryption Standard, AES, Triple DES, RC5, IDEA

    Unit III [10 Hrs]Public Key CryptographyIntroduction to Number Theory, Fermats and Eulers Theorem, The Chinease Remainder Theorem,RSA, Key Distribution and Management, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, Elliptic Curve Cryptography,Message Authentication Code, hash functions, message digest algorithms: MD4 MD5, Secure Hash

    algorithm, RIPEMD-160, HMAC

    Unit IV [6 Hrs]

    Authentication and Email SecurityDigital Signatures, Digital Signature Standards, Authentication Protocols, Kerberos, X.509 Digital

    Certificate Standard, Authentication service, Pretty Good Privacy, S/MIME

    Unit V [6 Hrs]

    IP and Web SecurityInternetworking and Internet protocols: IPv4, IPv6, IP security Architecture, Authentication Header,Encapsulating Security Payload, Key Management, Web Security Considerations, Secure Socket Layerand Transport Layer Security, Secure Electronic Transaction.

    Unit VI [6 Hrs]System SecurityIntruders, Intrusion Detection, Password Management, Worms, viruses, Trojans, VirusCountermeasures, Firewalls, Firewall Design Principles, Trusted Systems.Cyber SecurityIndia IT act 2000, Penalties & Offences under the Information Technology Act, 2000, cyber forensics

    Text Books:2. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and Practices, Pearson

    Education, Third Edition3. Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman and Mike speciner, Network security, Private communication

    in a Public World4. V. K. Pachghare Cryptography and Information Security, PHI

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    Reference Books:

    3. Christopher M. King, Security architecture, design deployment and operations, Curtis pattonand RSA Press.

    4. Stephen Northcatt, Leny Zeltser, INSIDE NETWORK Perimeter Security, Pearson EducationAsia.

    5. Robert Bragge, Mark Rhodes, Heith straggberg, Network Security the Complete Reference,Tata McGraw Hill Publication.

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    Teaching SchemeLectures : 3 hrs/week

    Examination SchemeMid-sem. Exam30 marks

    Assignment/Quizzes 20 marksEnd Sem Exam - 50 marks

    UNIT I [6 Hrs]Overview of Parallel Processing and Pipelining ProcessingNecessity of high performance, Constraints of conventional architecture, Parallelism in uniprocessorsystem, Evolution of parallel processors, future trends, Architectural Classification, Applications ofparallel processing, Instruction level Parallelism and Thread Level Parallelism, Explicitly ParallelInstruction Computing (EPIC) Architecture, Case study of Intel Itanium Processor, Principles of scalableperformance: Performance Metrics and Measures, Speedup Performance Laws.

    UNIT II [8 Hrs]Pipeline Architecture

    Principles and implementation of Pipelining, Classification of pipelining processors, General pipeliningreservation table, Design aspect of Arithmetic and Instruction pipelining, Pipelining hazards andresolving techniques, Data buffering techniques, Job sequencing and Collision, Advanced pipeliningtechniques, loop unrolling techniques, out of order execution, software scheduling, trace scheduling,Predicated execution, Speculative loading, Register Stack Engine, Software pipelining, VLIW (Very Long

    Instruction Word) processor, Case study: Superscalar Architecture- Pentium, Ultra SPARC, Recentadvances in pipelining

    UNIT III [8 Hrs]Vector and Array ProcessorBasic vector architecture, Issues in Vector Processing, Vector performance modeling, vectorizers and

    optimizers, Case study: Cray Arch. SIMD Computer Organization Masking and Data networkmechanism, Inter PE Communication, Interconnection networks of SIMD, Static Vs Dynamic network,

    cube hyper cube and Mesh Interconnection network.Parallel Algorithms for Array Processors:Matrix Multiplication. Sorting, FFT

    UNIT IV [8 Hrs]Multiprocessor ArchitectureLoosely and Tightly coupled multiprocessors, Processor characteristics of multiprocessors, InterProcessor communication network, Time shared bus, Crossbar switch, Multiport Memory Model,Memory contention and arbitration techniques, Cache coherency and bus snooping, Massively ParallelProcessors (MPP), COWs and NOWs Cluster and Network of Work Stations), Chip Multiprocessing(CMP), Case Study of IBM Power4 Processor, Inter Processor Communication and Synchronization

    UNIT V [7 Hrs]

    Multithreaded ArchitectureMultithreaded processors, Latency hiding techniques, Principles of multithreading, Issues and solutions,Parallel Programming Techniques: Message passing program development, Synchronous andasynchronous message passing, Message passing parallel programming, Shared Memory Programming,

    Data Parallel Programming

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    UNIT VI [8 Hrs]

    Parallel Software IssuesParallel algorithms for multiprocessors, classification of parallel algorithms, performance of parallel

    algorithms, Operating systems for multiprocessors systems, Message passing libraries for parallelprogramming interface, PVM (in distributed memory system), Message Passing Interfaces (MPI),pThreads (in shared memory system), Parallel Programming Languages : Fortran 90, Occam, C-Linda,

    CCC etc., Issues towards cluster computing. Introduction to Neuro Computing and Grid ComputingStudy: Study of dual core and multi core architecture, comparatively advances.

    Text Books:

    1. Kai Hwang, Faye A. Briggs, Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing McGrawhillinternational Edition

    2. Kai Hwang, Advanced Computer Architecture, Tata McGrawhill EditionReferences:

    1. V. Rajaraman, L Sivaram Murthy, Parallel Computers, PHI. 2. William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, Designing for

    performance Prentice Hall, Sixthedition


    Kai Hwang, Scalable Parallel Computing4. Harrold Stone, High performance computer Architecture5. Richard Y. Kain , Advanced Computer Architecture

  • 8/8/2019 Final Btech Comp


    CT 405: ELECTIVE- I

    I) STORAGE AND VIRTUALISATIONTeaching SchemeLectures : 3 hrs/week

    Examination SchemeMid-sem. Exam30 marks

    Assignment/Quizzes 20 marksEnd Sem Exam - 50 marks

    UNIT I [8 Hrs]Basic Concepts for Systems and Storage

    OS and Device Driver Concepts- Kernel, device drivers, firmware, RDMA, boot sector, devicepartitioning, UNIX flavors File System Concepts- File system, virtual memory, namespace, metadata,buffer cache, defragmentation Storage Challenges and Issues- Data sources, challenges of data

    growth, availability, performance and managability requirements, data virtualization

    UNIT II [6 Hrs]Storage Hardware and SCSI Protocol

    Storage Hardware Building Blocks - Device Types (Magnetic Disks, JBOD, SSD, Optical, WORM), HBA,switches, hubs, routers, GBIC Introduction to various Storage Protocols- Serial, Parallel protocols.Overview of IDE, SAS, SATA, SCSI, FC, FCoE, iSCSI, Infiniband, FCP, FC-IP, iFCP, Various standardsSCSI Protocol- SCSI-2, SCSI-3, SAM, SPC, SBC, Common commands, PGR

    UNIT III [6 Hrs]SAN, NAS, Fibre Channel and iSCSIFibre Channel Protocol Stack & Concepts- FC (Protocol stack, Exchange, Sequence, Frames, Port types,Topologies, Login, FC-ID) Mapping Protocols - iSCSI, FCP- SCSI mapping to underlying transport,Connection Management, PDU, TOE SAN Concepts and Advanced Topics- DAS, SAN architecture,Concepts (zoning, name server, SCN, WWN, routing), FC-SAN, IP-SAN and Applications NAS Conceptsand Appliances- NAS architecture, Protocols (CIFS, NFS), Performance, Scalability and Usability,


    UNIT IV [6 Hrs]Storage Virtualization ConceptsData Center End to End View- Overview of complete stack including Storage, Network, Host, Clustering,

    High Availability, Applications, Virtual Machines, Cloud Storage Storage Virtualization Basics- RAIDlevels, I/O stack, OS abstraction, Storage Pooling, Storage Provisioning, Online Grow/Shrink StorageVirtualization Advanced topics- Metadata management, Transaction consistency, I/O maps, I/O path

    considerations, Data consistency, Crash recovery, Application interfaces

    Unit V [8 Hrs]Applications and Use Cases for Storage VirtualizationData Replication- Off-host processing, RPO/RTO, Replication (sync, async, periodic, continuous),

    Snapshots Data Protection- Backup (full, incremental, differential, continuous), Restore, Archival,Compliance considerations Capacity Management- Storage provisioning, De-duplication, Thinprovisioning, Storage Tiering, ILM, Data classification, Storage grid

    UNIT VI [6 Hrs]High Availability, Clustering and Performance ConsiderationsDevice Multipathing and Path Virtualization- Device discovery, Device types (A/A, A/P), Deviceabstraction, Path failover, Load balancing High Availability- Server/data/application availability,Replication, Data consistency Clustering- Cluster types, Failover models, Distributed systems, Locking

  • 8/8/2019 Final Btech Comp


    and data consistency, High speed interconnects, Application integration Performance- Concepts (IOPS,

    Latency, Throughput, Throttling, Writeback), Bottlenecks, Tools, Techniques and Considerations

    Text Books:

    1. Storage Networks: The complete Reference by Robert Spalding, TMH

    2. Designing Storage Area Networks: A Practical Reference for Implementing Fibre Channel andIP SANs, Second Edition, Tom Clark, Addison-Wesley, ISBN-13: 9780321136503

    3. iSCSI: The Universal Storage Connection, John L. Hufferd4. Fibre Channel: A Comprehensive Introduction, Kembel, Robert W.; Cummings, Roger5. Shared Data Clusters: Scaleable, Manageable, and Highly Available Systems (VERITAS

    Series),Dilip M. Ranade, John Wiley & Sons

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    Teaching SchemeLectures : 3 hrs/week

    Examination SchemeMid-sem. Exam30 marks

    Assignment/Quizzes 20 marksEnd Sem Exam - 50 marks

    UNIT I [8 Hrs]Files & DirectoriesFile system Layout, Inode structure, types of inode,Internal Representation of files, file descriptors,open, create, close, lseek, read & write functions, File Sharing, Atomic operations, File accesspermissions, Buffering

    UNIT II [6 Hrs]Process managementProcess Control,System Boot and INIT process,Process Scheduling

    UNIT III [6 Hrs]The I/O SubsystemTerminal I/O, Record Locking, Streams, Memory Mapped I/O, Driver Interfaces, Disk Drivers, TerminalDrivers

    UNIT IV [6 Hrs]Memory Management

    Data Structures for Process, Swapping algorithms, Belady's anomaly, Swapping, Demand Paging,Daemon Processes

    Unit V [8 Hrs]SignalsUnix kernel supports of signals, process termination and awaiting process termination, invoking otherprograms, signal mask, sigaction, SIGCHLD signals and wait pid, kill, alarm

    UNIT VI [6 Hrs]Inter-Process Communications, Shared Memory, SemaphoresInter-process communications, Stream Pipe, Sockets.

    Text Books:1. The Design of Unix Operating System, by Maurice J. Bach, PHI.2. Advance Programming in the Unix Environment, by W. Richard Stevens, Addison Wessley.

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    Teaching SchemeLectures : 4 hrs/week

    Examination SchemeTerm Work: 50 Marks

    Oral: 50 Marks

    1. Write a program to find an IP address of a remote system.2. Write a program to detect a Remote Firewall.3. Install a Proxy server and configure an application Gateway.4. Install, Configure and study a Intrusion detection system (IDS).5. Implementation of MD5 hashing Technique.6. Implementation of Rijndael algorithm using 64-bit key.7. Implementation of DES.8. Implementation of Diffie-hellman algorithm.9. Implementation of email security using PGP( create yourself a 1024-bit PGP key. Use your

    name and email address for your key label. Use PGP to verify the signature on this

    assignment.)10.Design an experiment to estimate the amount of time to

    Generate key pair (RSA)Encrypt n bit message (RSA)

    Decrypt n bit message (RSA)As function of key size, experiment with different n-bit messages. Summarize your conclusion.

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    Teaching SchemeLectures : 2 hrs/week

    Examination SchemeTerm Work: 50 Marks

    Oral: 50 Marks


    Laboratory Assignments:

    1. Remote Copy:Take two hosts. One both hosts create ram disks of 10MB each. Create synchronous remotereplication functionality from host1 to host2.

    Remote copy for a data is used for disaster recovery. A copy of data is kept on a remote m/cwhich can be used for recovery in case of disaster of local site. Following are key properties of

    remote copy:

    1. Data written on local disk should be synchronously copied to remote disk2. A write from an application should be completed only when data has been written to bothsource and replicated node.

    Implementation:1. Implement ram disk driver and corresponding driver interfaces. Use open source ram diskfor reference2. Source m/c:

    - Create a kernel thread to setup a connection with target m/c3. Target m/c- Write a kernel thread to accept a connection from source m/c- Receive write request from source m/c- Write data to local ram disk and acknowledge4. Source m/c:

    - Handle code to write to local as well as remote disk.

    2. Writing a simple File System which provide functionality of "ls -lR, touch, cat" posix comm

    ands".Apart from that it should support mmap operation . Please also write a applicationprogramme to test mmap functionality.

    Hints: use strace to find out what all the operation should be implemented to support "ls -lR"and other posix commands.

    3. Backup and Recovery:Create a ram disk of 10MB on one host. Create a snapshot for the same and store in a flat file

    on same m/c. Provide a mechanism to restore the data from flat file.


    A snapshot is a point in time image of any device. Once a snapshot is taken, the content of thesnapshot should be what existed before snapshot was taken. No new I/O should go tosnapshot.

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    To support snapshot while I/Os are still running on original disk, a mapping has to be

    preserved which identifies which blocks are copied into snapshot device. Any new I/O onoriginal device should check for the map and if data has not been copied to snapshot, it should

    be first read from original disk, written to snapshot disk and then new I/O should be allowedon source disk.The snapshot should be preserved in a flat file on local disk.

    Recovery:A recovery involves restoring data from a previously taken backup. In our example, aninterface should be provided to read data from backup (flat file) and put into ramdisk.

    Implementation:1. Implement ram disk driver and corresponding driver interfaces. Use open source ram diskfor reference2. Write utility to start a snapshot (using ioctl). As part of this ioctl, a file should be open to beused for backup. Initialize bitmap.3. For every incoming write check in bitmap if source data is already copied to snapshot. If not,read from source and copy to file and then allow i/o to source disk.4. Periodically, copy data source to backup for areas which are yet to be copied.

    4. Write a "Examination data server" which is using PostGreSQL open source database for storingstudents examination report, which is a snapshot of all present students's report of college.The

    report consist of six field :Name Id Branch Grade{ in each semester} Final Grade Papers Uncleared

    A client programme{ please also write client programme to support it } can query on variousparameter and this server should generate a report for same {e.g. The no of students having

    CGPA(final grade) 7.0 and above in all branches/particular branches., The No. of students notcleared in Mathematics yet , Name of topper in every branch etc..}. Please user pthreads tosupport multiuple client queries.Please also implement write functionality {update in case of old

    students / addition (new students)/delition(final semester students who has passed out } anduse reader/writer lock.


    1. Shell Programming and AWK programming.2. Process Control / Relationship / Daemon Process.3. Signals4. I/O Stream and Driver Interfaces.5. Semaphores, client server properties6. Multhreading7. Study of h & c files for studying Unix file system.

    File structure, network related issues, interprocess communication etc.

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    Teaching SchemeLectures : 4 hrs/week

    Examination SchemeTerm Work: 50 Marks

    Oral: 50 Marks

    I) COMPILER CONSTRUCTION:1. Calculator (text or graphics) using LEX and YACC or Document Editor (find, replace, macro)

    using LEX and YACC, or Similar kind of assignment using LEX and YACC.

    2. Lexical Analyzer for extracting noun and verb phrases from the input English textdocument.

    3. Syntax Analyzer along with Intermediate code generation (Triple, Quad) for a subset ofEnglish language.

    4. Interpreter for an expression grammar.5. Design English to Hindi Converter for a subset of English language using LEX and YACC.6. Code generator for a Hypothetical Machine.7. Any two optimization techniques on Intermediate Code Generation

    Constant expression evaluation.

    Local copy propagation.

    Common sub expression elimination.

    Loop invariant code movement.

    8. Pseudo language compiler (for 8085 machine) using LEX and YACC.[Assignment number 2,3,6,7 are compulsory and from the remaining any one]


    1. Recursive and Iterative (Non Recursive ) algorithm for specific problem and theircomplexity measures (Comparison Expected)

    2. Verification of (worst and average) complexity measures of following sorting techniques3. Selection sort, Bubble sort, Heap sort, Merge sort and Quick sort4. Minimum Spanning tree as an example of Greedy approach [Prims VS. kruskal]5. Implementation of Single Source and All Pairs Shortest algorithms6. Finding longest common subsequence of given two sequences using Dynamic Programming7. 8-Queens Problem Iterative and Recursive versions8. Pattern Matching Algorithms: Nave, Robin-Karp and KMP9. Finding closest pair of points

  • 8/8/2019 Final Btech Comp


    CT 409: PROJECT

    Teaching SchemePractical: 2 hrs/Week

    Examination SchemeTerm Work: 100 Marks

    Students in a group of not more than FOUR will work under the guidance of the faculty member on theproject work undertaken by them. Submission of a report of partially completed work and theassessment will be done at the end of Semester

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    CT 416: ELECTIVE- II

    Teaching SchemeLectures : 3 hrs/week

    Examination SchemeMid-sem. Exam30 marks

    Assignment/Quizzes 20 marksEnd Sem Exam - 50 marks

    I) Multimedia Techniques

    UNIT I [6 Hrs]

    Introduction:Multimedia basic concepts, Multimedia building blocks, multimedia applications design considerations,

    goals and objectives, architectural support for multimedia processing.Multimedia Authoring Fundamentals: authoring fundamentals, card/page based, time based, icon

    based, theatrical-frame based and object based authoring, interactive multimedia software authoringbasics

    UNIT II [8 Hrs]Multimedia audio: Basic sound concepts, audio capture, sound processor, VOC, WAV file format for

    sound, MIDI standard, Basic audio compression technique: ADPCM in speech coding. MPEG audiocompression Technique MP3 encoder and decoder

    UNIT III [10 Hrs]Image and Video technology: Representation of image in digital format, BMP, TIFF file formats videotechnology, Video capture, video, processing, AVI file formats, NTSC, PAL, SECAM, television standards,HDTV, Video streaming, Image compression techniques: Huffman coding, LZW, DCT, Run LengthCoding, JPEG, JPEG 2000 Basic Video Compression Technique Video Compensation based on motioncompensation: H.261, H.263, MPEG video coding, MPEG1, MPEG4 and MPEG7

    UNIT IV [4 Hrs]Augmented and virtual realityConcept, VR devices: Hand gloves, head mounted tracking system, VR chair, CCD, VCR, 3D, soundsystem, Head mounted displays and rendering software setup, Virtual objects, VRML

    UNIT V [4 Hrs]Multimedia devicesMass storage system for multimedia- requirements, Magnetic devices, Optical devices, CDROM, DVDScanners: Types and classification

    UNIT VI [10 Hrs]Multimedia operating system and networking OS support for continuous media applications, file

    systems and process management, multi media database Management system, characteristics of

    multimedia database management system, system support, Distributed multimedia databasemanagement, Multimedia networking and multimedia communication systems, networkingrequirements, key technologies used for multimedia communicat6ion, traffic attributes, QoS Windowssupport to multimedia: Function Calls API, Support for WINDOWS,

    Text book

    1 Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt, Multimedia: Computing, communication and applicationsPH-PTR Inovative Technology series

    2 Ze nian Li, Marks S. Drew , Fundamentals of Multimedia, PHI india

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    1 Durano R. Begault, Virtual Reality and Multimedia, AP Professionals

    II) Service Oriented ArchitectureUnit I [7 Hrs]

    SOA FundamentalsDefining SOA, Business Value of SOA, Principles of SOA, Evolution of SOA, SOAcharacteristics, concept of a service in SOA, Stages of the SOA lifecycle. Enterprise Service Bus, SOAruntime pattern family.

    Unit II [6 Hrs]

    SOA Design and implementation

    Design patterns, SOA governance, need for SOA governance, SOA Governance Lifecycle, SOAgovernance compared with IT governance, Security Considerations for SOA.

    Unit III [6 Hrs]

    SOA programming model, Service Component Architecture (SCA), Service component overview, Service

    component definition, Service module, support for QoS within SCA

    Unit IV [8 Hrs]

    Introduction and evolution of Portals, Portal concepts, Portal Application Development, Overview of JSR

    168 API, Developing sample JSR 168 portlet, Pervasive and Workplace Mobility ,Design & Develop

    Applications (Composite, Portal, Web Services, Rich Client, Synchronization) & Application Management.

    Unit V [7 Hrs]

    Web ApplicationsIntroduction to Web Applications, Various Tiers in Web Apps: Presentation, Business Tier, PersistenceTier, Web Technologies: J2EE : Servlets, JSP, EJBs, HTML, XML, MVC architecture.

    Unit VI [6 Hrs]

    Web Services

    Introduction to Web Services, WSDL, UDDI, SOAP, JAX-RPC , Web 2.0, Creating and Deploying webservices on AXIS, Introduction to Ajax, Ajax Design Basics.

    Text Books:5. Thomas Erl, Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design, Prentice Hall

    Publication, 20056. Eric Newcomer, Greg Lomow, Understanding SOA with Web Services, Addison Wesley

    Publication, 2004

    Reference Books:1. Norbert Bieberstein, Sanjay Bose, Marc Fiammante, Keith Jones, Rawn Shah, Service-Oriented

    Architecture Compass: Business Value, Planning,and Enterprise Roadmap, IBM Press

    Publication, 2005.

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    2. Sandy Carter, The New Language of Business: SOA & Web 2.0, IBM Press, 2007.3. Thomas Erl, Service-Oriented Architecture: A Field Guide to Integrating XML and Web

    Services, Prentice Hall Publication, 2004

    4. Dave Chappell, Enterprise Service Bus,O'Reilly Publications, 20045. Sanjiva Weerawarana, Francisco Curbera, Frank Leymann, Tony Storey, Donald F.Ferguson,

    Web Services Platform Architecture: SOAP, WSDL, WS-Policy, WS- Addressing, WS-BPEL, WS-

    Reliable Messaging, and More, Prentice Hall Publication, 20056. IBM Redbooks on SOA7. IBM Redbooks on Portal8. IBM Redbooks on WED / Expeditor / WCTME

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    Teaching SchemeLectures : 2 hrs/week

    Examination SchemeTerm Work: 50 Marks

    Oral: 50 Marks


    List of Assignments:

    1. Parsing WAV and VOC sound files and reading those by programming in C/VC++2. Write a program to convert WAVE file to VOC and vise versa3. Designing Media player using MCI commands to play sound WAV, VOC, MIDI, AVI files etc.4. Understanding standard Image file formats e.g. BMP, TIFF,

    Displaying Image, in any of the above mentioned format, on screen5. Write a program to convert BMP file to TIFF and vise versa6. Implement the compression algorithm and find out the compression ratio7. Understanding audio visual information stored in AVI file format and displaying the same as a

    sequence of images/frames on the screen8. Developing presentation package which will enable to integrate text, image and sound media

    (trivialized version of Power Point like application development package)9. Create a web interface for displaying images from your image database10.Creation of virtual scene using VRML11.Study of authoring tool Director 8, to create presentation using multimedia fi les.12.Study of 3D Animator 3D Studio, to create 3D world

    II) Service Oriented Architecture Lab

    Assignments should be frame on the following topics:

    Eclipse as an Integrated Development Environment [IDE)

    Developing Plugins for EclipseWebsphere Everyplace Solution Development WorkshopWorkplace Client Technology, Micro Edition application programming

    Develop a Portlet application using IBM Rational Application Developer V6Create, deploy, publish, and consume a simple Web serviceBuild dynamic Java applications with Ajax

    Applications development using SCA and SDO

  • 8/8/2019 Final Btech Comp


    CT 418: PROJECT

    Teaching SchemePractical: 28 Hrs/Week

    Examination SchemeTerm Work: 100 Marks

    Students worked in a group in the first semester will complete the project work under the guidance ofthe faculty member. Deliverables of the project undertaken along with a report of the work done will besubmitted at the end of Semester. The assessment of the project will comprise of demonstration andoral examination.