film treatment - stranger

Film treatment

Upload: argel99

Post on 21-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Film treatment - Stranger

Film treatment

Page 2: Film treatment - Stranger


Stranger is a horror film about an escaped prisoner slowly hunting down a

woman in her own home.

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Full Storyline Part 1:

A news broadcast on a man’s escape from a prison covered in blood and

sweat. We cut to a woman named Alice picking up a clean shaven and

respectable man. He then turns to her and says that he will murder a group of

people and that only she can stop him. The man runs from her and proceeds

to apparently disappear from her sight. Later that day, Alice sees on the news

that a group of people have died with a note for her left on the dead bodies.

Horrified, she breaks down in tears until she gets a phone call.

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Full storyline Part 2:

The phone call comes from the killer who states that he is coming for her

next, any attempts to escape or contact the police will result in the deaths of

more people and if she can live till sunrise then he will turn himself in. At

that moment the phone and all connections to the outside world go dead. The

man stalks Alice, breaks into her house and plays a game of cat and mouse in

her house. Eventually she whacks him with a rolling pin and proceeds to stab

her several times. She watches the sun rise before the killer grabs her throat

from off-screen and jabs a knife into her abdomen. The film ends in her

bloodcurdling scream.

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Audience breakdown:

The likely audience for this film would be people aged between 16 and

25.This age group is quite wide due to the appeal amongst young adults and

teenagers. This is due to the fact that it involves teenage/young adult

characters and these are the most likely people who would go and see a

horror film. The film should appeal to people of all ethnicities and social


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The escaped prisoner Alice