film posters


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Post on 16-May-2015




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Page 2: Film posters


Across the Hall is a short film with a running time of 25 minutes, released as a download in two parts. It was written and directed by Alex Merkin, and was released in 2006. Alex Merkin went on to direct a full length feature film also called ‘Across the Hall’ based on the same story. The short film poster is typical in the way it has the actors name at the top of the page, the feature length film also does this. The short film poster uses a still from the film as their image on the poster, a feature film poster wouldn’t do this. The feature film poster does include a still from the film however, but not in the same way as the short film. Stills are used in a way to tease the audience and to invite them into watching the film. The still in the feature film, is of the man who is finding out the truth about his unfaithful other half, with a gun in his hand. This gives the audience an idea instantly as to what the film is about, and what to expect. The short film poster has not enhanced Adrian Grenier’s face, so we see that he is sweating, making us know he is un-nerved by something. This is different from the feature film poster as they have put an enhancement on the whole poster itself, and the actors’ faces look touched up.

Short film poster

Feature length film poster

Page 3: Film posters

GEORGE LUCAS IN LOVEGeorge Lucas in Love is an independent, live action short film released in June 1999. It was directed by Joe Nussbaum. George Lucas in Love is based on Star Wars, with the characters in the short film being based on the characters in the actual Star Wars films. All the heads of the actors in the film are on the poster, which differs from Across the Hall, as it doesn’t use a still from the film. With a running time of 8 minutes the film gets straight to the point with a plot twist concluded it. The poster has an over powering colour of brown, with light reflections off each of the actors’ faces. Using the tone of brown over everything leaves the story to the imagination, as it also doesn’t involve a still from the film, everything is left to the audience. The poster isn’t very exciting in my opinion, but I did enjoy the film. Which supports what I said about the film poster leaving the story to the imagination with the basis of it being based around Star Wars.

Page 4: Film posters


‘I’m Here’ is a 2010 science fiction romance, writte and directed by Spike Jonze. The film is a love story about two robots living in Los Angeles, where humans and robots coexist. The film was funded by and is a promotion for Absolut Vodka, which links to the line on the poster, ‘a love story in an absolut world,’ referencing to Absolut Vodka. The line at the top of the poster written, ‘ordinary is no place to be,’ gives the audience an idea of the type of film. The image used on the poster is of the two characters in the film, depicting them in the way described above. The actors’ names are written at the bottom, with other information about the film. The image used on the poster makes you think it’s a romance straight away, with the use of the sun shining on the floor and around them, makes it seem rather tranquil. I like the way this poster has been done, and it could actually be used for a feature film, as it’s not a typical short film poster. The image is of the characters outside, depicting them as free.

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This is the film poster for ‘Transporter 3.’ The genre of this film is action. The film poster makes the genre obvious as the main character, Jason Statham, is shown mid-air holding two guns. His facial expression looks angry, showing that he trying to kill or get killed. There is a female character shown in the poster, which is typical of an action film, as there is usually a romantic involvement. The female is also holding a gun, tells us she is involved in the action and isn’t necessarily playing the damsel in distress role. There is also a car on the poster, which could mean the film involves a car chase, referencing to the action of the film.

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This is the film poster for James Cameron’s ‘Titanic.’ The two genres of this film, are mainly disaster and romance, with romance being my focus. The poster shows the two main characters in the film, with the Titanic underneath them. With the characters being at the top, over the Titanic, it depicts their love as being so strong that not even the disaster that happens in the film can stop them being in love. The audience are shown that the characters are romantically involved immediately with the posture of them. The sentence written over them, ‘Nothing on earth could come between them,’ this, again, tells the audience of their love for one another, and how strong it was. The poster is typical in the way it shows the main characters’ names, with the name of the film being the biggest font. Some more actors’ names, and more information about the film is listed at the bottom of the poster.

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This is the film poster for ‘The Blair Witch Project.’ The genre of the film is horror. The poster is typical of a horror poster because of the dark colours used, and not seeing the whole of a person’s face. This is common of horror film posters, as they often don’t show the whole of someone’s face, they usually distort them, or show a part of them, leaving it more mysterious for the audience. This poster is purely luring the audience to watch the film with the writing at the top of the poster. The sentences they used makes the story seem real, by saying ‘three students disappeared in the woods in October of 1994,’ making it more chilling as it creates this sense of it being ‘based on a real story’ which a lot of horror movies now use as their teaser line. With the way the female’s face looks, it tells the audience how it is filmed, presented in the style of ‘found footage.’ Meaning that the footage was found after the disaster or occurrence happened, which is how many horror films create a more heightened sense of horror.

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This is the film poster for ‘Skyline.’ The genre of this film is science fiction. Many science fiction films involve aliens or something based around aliens in their story. With this film poster, it is immediately obvious what the genre is. It is typical with its teaser line, and the title of the film being the biggest font and main piece of writing on the poster. There are two characters shown on the poster, but we don’t see their faces, leaving a mysterious feel about it. The teaser line used, ‘don’t look up,’ tells the audience where the threat in the film is coming from. It shows what we know as a UFO, linking to the idea of aliens again. They show lots of things coming out of the UFO, leaving that the imagination as to what it is. Leaving you to believe aliens, or something linked to them. This film poster is good because it does actually make you want to watch the film as you want to know what happens after seeing the poster. This is exactly what they’re intending to do when making these posters, so if they are effective enough, they will do it well.

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This is the film poster for ‘Unknown,’ starring Liam Neeson. The genre of this film is a thriller. The film poster shows the main character, Liam Neeson, with half his face shaded, leaving a mysterious side to the plot, and as to what’s going to happen. He is depicted as the main character by being the whole size of the poster, meaning he is the most important character as well as the main one. He is shown holding a gun, which accounts for the genre being a thriller, and possibly an action also. The teaser line they use, ‘take back your life,’ tells us that he has perhaps lost something important to him, and he’s prepared to get it back whatever the consequence. There are two female characters shown on the poster across the middle, which are obviously the people important to him in the film. The poster leaves a lot the imagination, as it’s not obvious as to what the film is about. Film posters like this are good, as they lure the audience in, leaving them wanting to watch the film.